January 2010 MS - Unit 4 Edexcel Physics A-Level

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Mark Scheme
Jan 2010


GCE Physics (6PH04/01)

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Edexcel Phyics Unit 4 Jan 10

Question Answer Mark

1 B 1
2 A 1
3 D 1
4 C 1
5 C 1
6(i) B 1
6(ii) C 1
7(i) C 1
7(ii) A 1
7(iii) D 1

Question Answer Mark

8 QWC i and iii Spelling of technical terms must be QWC
correct and the answer must be organised in a logical

Most alpha went straight through (1)
Some deflected (1)
(Very) few came straight back/large angle (1)
Atom mainly (empty) space (1)
Nucleus contains most of the mass (1)
(Nucleus) very small/tiny (1) 5 max
(Nucleus) charged /positive (1)

Total for question 5

Question Answer Mark

9 Current in coil generates magnetic field (1)
Current drops/decreases (1)
Change of flux [accept flux cut] (1)
Rapid/quick/short time (1)

Large emf/200 V induced(1)

Field/flux linkage large due to many turns (1) 4 max.

Total for question 4


Question Answer Mark

10(a) Use of E = V/d (1)
Answer = 1.5 x 105 V m-1 or N C-1 (1) 2

Eg E = 1.5 / 10 x 10-6
10(b) Opposite forces (act on either end of molecule) (1)
Molecule rotates / aligns with field (1)
- at top / + at bottom (1) 3
Total for question 5

Question Answer Mark

11(a) Straight lines (at least 4) touching proton (1)
Equi spread (by eye) (1)
Arrow on at least one pointing away from proton (1)
11(b) Use of F = k QQ/r [requires 2 subs to qualify as use]
Know Qp = 1.6 x 10-19 (C) eg QQ=(1.6 x 10-19 )2 (1) 3
Answer = 7.9 x 10-8 N (1)

Eg F = 8.99 x 109 (1.6 x 10-19 )2 / (5.4 x 10-11 )2

Total for question 6

Question Answer Mark

12(a) Use of F=mv/t or F = ma (1)
Answer = 2.0 x 105 N (1)
Eg F = 12000 x 57 / 3.5

12(b) Arrow down labelled mg / W (1)

Arrow up labelled eg R /reaction / force from seat
Equal length vertical arrows from a clear single point 3
/ centre of mass and bottom (1)

12(c) 4mg mg OR 3mg (1)

(m)v2 /r seen (1)
Answer = 110 (m) (1) 3

Eg 3mg = mv2 /r
r = (57)2 /3g
12(d) Use of KE / PE conservation (1)
Answer = 23 (m s-1) (1) 2

Eg m(57)2 = mv2 + mg139

v2 = (57)2 9.81x139
12(e) Using (m)g only (1)
Answer r = 54 m [allow ecf] (1) 2

Eg mg = mv2 /r
r = (23)2 / 9.81
Total for question 12

Question Answer Mark

13(a) Charges (1)
Movement of electrons from one plate to the other 2
OR one plate becomes + the other OR until pd
across C equals Vsupply (1)
13(b)(i) Use of Q = It (both 0.74 and 0.1/0.2) (1)
Recognition of milli and t =0.1 (1) 2

Eg Q = 0.74 x 10-3 x 0.1 = 74 x 10-6 C

13(b) Use of V = Q/C (1)
(ii) Explains unit conversion (1) 2

Eg V = 278 x 10-6 / 100 x 10-6 = 2.78 [accept /]

13(c)(i) Recall of RC (1)
Answer = 0.3 (s) (1)
Eg T = 3000 x 0.0001

plus either
1/e or 37% of initial (1)
=0.23 - 0.27 (s) (1)

sub in formula I=Ioe-t/RC (1)
= 0.23 - 0.27 (s) (1)

Initial Tangent drawn (1)

Time constant = 0.2-0.3 (s) (1)

13(c)(ii) Plot Ln I / Log I (1)
Against t (1) (dependent on first mark)
or 3
Gradients of graph (1)
Against I (1) (dependent on first mark)

should be straight line (1) (dependent on previous 2)

Total for question 13

Question Answer Mark

14(a) ud identified (1) 1

14(b) Conversion of G (1)

Conversion of either eV or divided by c2 (1)
2.5 x 10-28 (kg) (1)

m = 0.14 x 109 x 1.6 x 10-19 / 9 x 1016 3

14(c) QWC i and iii Spelling of technical terms must be QWC

correct and the answer must be organised in a logical

Electric fields:
Electric field provides force on the charge/proton (1)
gives energy to /work done / E = qV/ accelerate
protons (1)

Magnetic fields:
Force on moving charge/proton (1)
Produces circular path/centripetal force (1) 4

labelled diagram showing Dees

with E field indicated across gap OR B field through Dees
(1) 1 max
E field is reversed/alternates (1)

14(d) QWC i and iii Spelling of technical terms must be

correct and the answer must be organised in a logical QWC

momentum (1)
Zero / negligible momentum before (1)
To conserve momentum (fragments go in all
directions) (1)
Total for question 12

Question Answer Mark

15(a)(i) measured thickness of lead 4-5 mm (1)
measured radius 32 - 38 mm (1)
Value between 38 57 mm (1)
Eg actual radius = 35 mm x 6 mm/4.5 mm

15(a)(ii) Use of p = Bqr [ any two values sub] (1)

Answer range 9.1 x 10-21 - 1.4 x 10-20 N s or kg m s-1 2
[allow ecf](1)
15(b) Track gets more curved above lead / r smaller above
lead (1)
Must be slowing down / less momentum / loses 3
energy (1)
Up [dependent on either answer above] (1)
15(c) Into page (1) 1
[ ecf out of page if down in b]
15(d)(i) Division by 9.11 x 10-31 kg (1)
Answer range 1.0 1.6 x 1010 m s-1 (1) 2
15(d)(ii) greater than speed of light (1)
(impossible) so mass must have increased (1) 2

Total for question 13

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