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“This is an eye opening book. I know almost nothing about

finances and I don‟t listen to Evangelists so this book was new
territory for me on two levels. I think you‟ll find a wide
audience of people, like me, who will enjoy learning more
about today‟s finances and how that relates to the Bible. I‟m
adding this to my shelf.”

—Burgio (Grain of Salt,

“Wonderful reading - this is unique and intelligent and

current! BACKED with pleasure.”

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—Robert Sherwood,

“I have to be honest. I do not think I could successfully place

your book with a Christian publisher. I don't see any
[publishers] ready for a Glen Beck style pejorative. I tried
placing a book—that from the author's perspective proved an
emphasis on tithing was wrong for today's Christians—and no
one would touch it.”

—rejection email sent to this author (from a well-known agent

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The Joy
Prosperity Politics in American Life
and Why Evangelicals Have Not a

Volume One

P J Ellerbrock

Ira, Michelle‟s English
student, in her home in
Minsk, Belarus (former

Pictures taken by Michelle

and Philip Ellerbrock
during overseas trips, living
in residence in Minsk and
Gomel, Belarus (former
USSR), and aboard Mercy
Ships (Anastasis and
Caribbean Mercy) in Cadiz,
Spain, and Puerto Plata,
Dominican Republic unless
otherwise noted. Additional extended trips included Tegucigalpa, Mosquito Coast,
and Lemone, Honduras, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, YWAM—Harpedon, England,
and Bremen, Germany. Photos of Hurricane Katrina‟s devastation taken in Biloxi,
MS, April-May 2006.

Copyright 2010 by Philip J. Ellerbrock, All rights reserved.

Permission granted for reproduction of any material herein for
individuals and small groups of no more than forty.

Cover design by Philip J. Ellerbrock

Printed in the United States of America by LULU

ISBN 978-0-557-52286-6

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL

VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible
Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
All rights reserved.

The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are

registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by
International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the
permission of International Bible Society.

Table of Contents

Chapter One
A Time of Warning a Time of Fire ......................... 12

Chapter Two
Churn Baby Burn ................................................... 35

Chapter Three
The Collapse of Faith in Ourselves and America

Chapter Four
Another Pattern is Another Gospel

Chapter Five
All a Matter of Timing

Chapter Six
Banish God’s Negativity
Our Approach

Chapter Seven
Free Will vs. Predestination

Chapter Eight
The Sound of Lies

Chapter Nine
Speak Worthy Words, Jeremiah
“Turn Them to God’s, Not Man’s, Word”

Chapter Ten
The Mechanics of America’s Faith Explained

Chapter Eleven
God’s Attitude Toward the Team

Chapter Twelve
Alienating Ourselves from Christ
in the Modern World

Chapter Thirteen
Alienation Works all the Same Way

Chapter Fourteen
You Cannot Serve Both

Chapter Fifteen
Let Us Judge Ourselves

Chapter Sixteen
Recap—Our Conclusions


Juarez, Mexico
During the Great Recession I came across a wonderful book by
former Moral Majority insiders Cal Thomas and Rev. Ed Dobson
(Blinded by Might, Harper Collins/Zondervan 1999). Ignored for the
most part, but nonetheless quite prophetic, they warned us against the
dangers of politicizing American evangelicalism.
Take this a step further. Does America‟s financial fiasco, or
BP‟s oil spill, link back to a lack of spiritual restraint? You bet!
Let us examine what positivity pundits, besides the politicians,
added to Christ‟s good name and once sterling reputation since.
Deceived, willingly, we came to practice excess risk-taking—
otherwise known as Prosperity Gospel (hard-works, success
principles righteousness).
Now what about the more subtle, false ideas out there of what
the Church is or should be? Let us look into other comfort rituals as
well involving Ariminism, Calvinism, and “What works for me” faith.

For example, have you read Bruce Wilkinson‟s The Prayer of
Jabez (2000)? Let us recall Warren‟s timely efforts at correcting the
Me-ism, which clarified the focus of “felt needs” preaching be on
God‟s purposes, instead of dreaming our dreams in 40 Days of
Purpose (2003). These are good guys trying hard, but emphasis on
human efforts principles still leads us away from the Spirit and Truth
in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is how we wander.
We alienate ourselves—our trust and confidence—from those
things Christ trusted in. The proof?—Where‟s the JOY in our giving?
(And I don‟t mean money.)
Secondly, what is happening to America‟s favor with God
Almighty? America‟s fiscal fiasco is partly our fault. Tough words, I
know. But this we did to ourselves.
Knowing facts from personal experience, recent events, and
eliciting God‟s word in depth, we explore in honest and humble
hindsight, a pretty typical experience of evangelicalism today.
We are an all-American couple looking now at recent economic
“hope” history. Let us also ask do the false—or, are these merely
mistaken “experts” in our midst—still peddle their wares among us?
Oh, yes! What about Dave Ramsey? Did Rev. Joel Osteen get it right?
Joyce Myers, was she truthful?
Here is how we can judge these things. The Bible says, “The
man without the Spirit [of Truth] does not accept the things that come
from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot
understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”1
Millions look at America‟s mortgage meltdown from purely a
mechanical viewpoint. Economics, they say, is scientific and
mathematical. Sure. Politically, America understands Wall Street left
lightly regulated, screwed up. What about the Department of the
Interior‟s Minerals Management Service, and BP‟s negligence,
leading to the Gulf oil spill?
Here is really what happens underneath the hood, from a
spiritual perspective reading the Bible.
America‟s behavior, especially by its Evangelicals, influenced
by a culture of money and religious legitimizations, falls into
deception. Affluent tithers exert tremendous pressure politically on
the W. Bush administration. He liberalizes and de-regulates, what was
once sound fiscal policy that yielded two budget surpluses before he

(I Cor 2:14) Italics added.

enters office in „00. We cut taxes and then end up allowing subprime
and liar loans to proliferate. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
Where does devotion to Money, rather than restraint, loving one
but despising the other, get us? Certainly we do not obtain God‟s
More than this, we discover what “despising” anything results
in. Jesus says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and
all these things will be given to you.” That is how financial “blessing”
America‟s priorities are backwards. Character defines as a
resume‟ now. Integrity is now making investors quarterly earnings
Join me in preparing for an uncertain future.
However, we have a better approach than the one that depends
upon budgets or “a plan for your life.”

JOY in Giving depends upon having access to a better Spirit.

10 | P a g e
Nobody led.
Not the president of the United States. Not the chief
executive of BP. Not Congress, federal agencies or
local elected officials. From its fiery beginning, the
Gulf oil spill has stood as a concentrated reminder of
why, over four decades, Americans have lost faith in
nearly every national institution.

"This spill, it's another blow to the body politic," says

John Baick, professor of history at Western New
England College in Springfield, Mass. It is, he says,
another excuse to be cynical and uninvolved "exactly
the opposite of what has always been the American
zeitgeist, a sense that we, collectively and through our
institutions, can be something greater than ourselves."

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2010

Is the U.S. Facing Crisis of Faith after Spill?
Analysis: With Oil Leaking into the Gulf, the Public is Losing Trust in the
Government and Private Institutions
The Associated Press 2010
Accessed June 7, 2010

11 | P a g e
Chapter One
A Time of Warning a Time of Fire

Has your confidence in Christianity survived the Great Recession

Sadly, for millions of Evangelicals ending up alarmed and
frightened, bashing liberals and hating their ideological enemies, the
answer is decidedly “No.” Our story here should greatly inspire some
of us to recover confidence in the teachings of Jesus Christ, or spit
and call it quits. Maybe atheist Prof. Richard Dawkins is right in
saying, “God is a Delusion.”
America may be too far gone. But the good news is God is not.
Michelle and I still believe. The Bible says, “Now faith is being sure
of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”2 Truth
statements like these are anchors for measuring what we say next.
Many mistaken teachers misrepresented God‟s Spirit lately
calling Jesus‟ teachings “stewardship principles.” Others add budget
gadgets for their practical steps.
We disagree with the whole approach.
However, our story has more to do with why my wife, a
kindergarten assistant in a Christian school, and yours truly, doing jail
ministry, missions trips overseas, and tithing big bucks felt so
miserable and pressured back in the days of plenty. Why is life so
unblessed for a tither sometimes?
Another disturbing thought intrudes. Does God still bless America? Probably not,
but we‟ll get to that issue. Does God bless giving? Here is a qualified “Yes” and a

(Heb 11:1)

12 | P a g e
carefully thought-out “No.” You‟ll decide. But by what standard do we judge—
success—or character?
Michelle and I right-size years before the housing bubble bursts in mid-„06.
We save ourselves an awful lot of emotional and financial pain. More than
this, our faith grows stronger, more sure and certain. Here is a couple earning a six-
figure income. Rental properties and FT employment as a computer professional
prosper us.
Why do we come to reject false teaching? It was not because we are so smart
or so spiritual either. No, the reason in these pages explains a process. There is a
path of thinking by which following desires for Truth saves us from pied-pipers
pitching to us desires for riches. The difference is this: What blows up or remains,
leaving confidence in everything and everyone, or shreds in tatters, remains steady,
if the Spirit pumping hope gives JOY!
Thirty years pass now, since Jimmy Carter‟s “Born Again” public policy
initiatives yield to Ronald Reagan‟s Optimism.
Now whom are these voices enticing us go along with the American spirit?
Here is a spirit encouraging believing in ones‟ potentialities. Add tithes and the
Church loves it. Competition subtly takes over our relationship among believers.
Ah, another sign.
Most Evangelicals are clueless from the sound of all the rage out there.
Many do not realize regulatory government grows, because lawlessness
Charities, schools, and hospitals in the old days
came, when the Church did more. Now the
Government does it. The Bible predicts this occurs.
Michelle and I avoid Lack of restraint comes, because many Churches in
America drift into politics and financial immorality,
the housing bubble
using targeted felt needs preaching as the vehicle
implosion. How?—we
justifying change. Before this, it was Prohibition and
down-sized Jabezed
the Scopes trial.
Apostle Paul admonishes us. Jesus tells us we
We give up dreaming should get back to a proper focus: away from politics,
our dreams. trying to please two masters, and concentrate instead
on listening to a better Spirit. In these pages, we‟ll see
Adventures in faith, God gives us better motivational hope. We do not earn
stuck in London a day it or deserve it.
after 9/11 exchanges But as a reward for our faith practicing HIS
letting go, trusting in better Ways, we find great confidence return.
money and cash
flow—to letting God Getting the Feeling
do his thing in us. Michelle and I discover where prosperity/hard-
work, “success principles” desire leads. So we came
Is this sane? Post-
through a process of learning to put Christ‟s
9/’08 says to us,
commands first. It is doing that “Seek first…”
“Sowing to please the
practical prioritization. We get “working in us” a
Spirit” reaps Life and
different desire. The Bible clues us in.
JOY. (Gal 6:8)
Michelle and I get away from “hope” talk. The
first steps were stumbling, bumbling steps. But God

13 | P a g e
picks up the pace as we “get this.” The first step was chucking that dreaming
dreams business. We had to give up indulging in the sensual pleasures borrowed
money buys to be given a better Way to finance JOY. (I once had a Honda Valkrie
six-cylinder, six-carb dream machine. Been there, done that.)
Thousands of Floridians flip housing. We got over it.
More practice Jabezing their faith in the summer of ‟01 at our local mega-
church. However, Michelle and I liquidate almost everything (keeping some
furniture). We end up selling our five duplexes and two rental houses. We quit our
jobs to serve aboard Mercy Ships in Cadiz, Spain, and the Dominican Republic
(‟01-‟03). The world outside America‟s vaunted dream economy teaches us another
reality: LIFE comes at us as things really are, not as we would wish them to be.
So helping others helps you.
Why pass on prospering? Aren‟t we getting this backwards? No. We are
getting back to what is God‟s normal. What is the result? We get the meaning in his
words right-side up again.
We are not crazy.
We love friends. We enjoy food, fun, and fellowship. However, something
“lacks” in a Pentecostal Church without the Spirit. When relational “intentionality”
becomes welcoming the Crowd‟s spirit, what happens to love of Truth? What‟s
real? JOY gets a “poverty mentality” starving for authenticity.
Some of you may think this is forty-something mid-life crisis, burnout… or,
something more fundamentally a psychology-theology problem. It is not.
Something gnaws at Michelle and I, from the insides, when we read what is
supposed to be God‟s Scriptures. Clear voices, barely audible, cry out. We hear
warnings. We sense mortgage mania crashes. Is this a premonition? Truth says from
the pages:

How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will
mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?

 If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to

you and made my thoughts known to you.

 But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I
stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice and would not accept
my rebuke,

 I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will mock when calamity overtakes

 Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but
will not find me.

 Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD,

 since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke,

 they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their

14 | P a g e
 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of
fools will destroy them;

 but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of

Ah, another standard by which to measure things: “whoever listens to

ME….” Whom is that? And, lives in “safety, ease, and without fear.” Hummm….
“Dreams” for wealth trust in America‟s promise. How‟s the 401k lately?
Two measures, which one works?—“Got it.”
Charismatically Jabezing the pursuit of happiness causes Michelle and I to
think, “This is nuts!” Sure, we have all the boy toys and Michelle has her three
precious (grandkids, by ‟10 we have six). But why is debt and cash flow back then
such a miserable business, given we‟re tithing $150/wk? For that kind of investment
shouldn‟t we be getting a lot more JOY?
We are finding out where tithing for prosperity is leading, and it is no fun.
But we‟re learning!

Next Steps
What God is really up to deals with the heart issues.
Why are we giving by Law, not gracefully? What does the Father really
want—our tithes—or, compassion? Why not BOTH as the new teachers teach?
Something is goofy here.
After two years, we gained an independence from America‟s spirit, when we
got out and served. Then think about what Jesus does. He remains in and keeps
following his Father‟s Spirit to a Cross, or was it a resurrection? BOTH or neither,
they are the same Spirit!
Is Jesus a tither? Nope. Peter has to catch a fish to pay Temple taxes, and
only when they are bothered—by someone asking.4 If Christ does not give by Law
willingly then what a poor example he is to us! “Go catch a fish Peter, so that we do
not offend.”5 Some attitude. Rather, see how he resists capitulating to the spirit of
contemporary Judaism. It is the same today. What we discover is live by grace,
compassion—and give it all!
We come to choose something better to live for in the exchange of
motivational spirits.
In those promises of God‟s Son is a key. Many skip repentance, but this
opens the door. Repenting of loving money is something like that. Millions of
affluent, selfish evangelicals have not given up their greed. So how can they enter
the true understanding of the Bible, when most just read it lately, for prosperity
principles? We have to say Truth has a point there!
Now to STOP buying more stuff, or over-yielding to the retirement anxiety
so common today, is a great calling, looking back, letting God do this in us.

(Pr 1:22-33) Italics added and bullet points.
(Mt 17:24)
(Mt 17:27) He also says, “… the sons are exempt.” (vs. 26)

15 | P a g e
Will Michelle and I think so in fifteen more years? We‟ll see. But confidence
is building. Being sure and certain is that faith-thing doing hope, and counting on it
to work come 9/‟08!
But I‟m following Christ‟s advice and not Dave‟s or Joel‟s or Dr. Finance.
Here is why. Jesus teaches,

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
destroy, and where thieves [like Bernie Madoff] break in and steal. But store
up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.”6

Is this cool advice—or insanity? Stick around.

Following lock-step in myths the Crowd applauds—sure, we think WE grow
the money and God blesses our efforts. Wrong! The truth is God does both the work
and blesses what HE does.
How can we tell what‟s what, of what spirit/seed? Check the fruit. Note
America‟s “blessings” lately.
Investing in multi-level marketing schemes, the Bernie Madoff‟s snare the
naïve and trusting out there. We passed. But what does getting burned do to trust
and all that? (If Christianity scams, what gains will we make in winning a world to
Christ‟s point of view?—none. People, even those in our ranks, go the other way.
Call this apostasy.)
For Michelle and I, we fill the void of PURPOSE with what Christ promises.
It‟s a focus off the hard-work, perspirational principles of this world to putting God
on his word to come back. He promises those who buy from him that we find “gold
[experiences/wisdom] refined in the fire.” 7 (We get to details in coming chapters.)
Many central Floridian Christians effused to us “their ministry is making
money.” Has that ever happened to you? Several I know, find themselves without a
following now.
Others think Christianity is “helping others” find financial freedom. That
works as long as money flows from Alt-A and liar loans. What kind of doctrine
produces this mentality?—certainly not Christ‟s. But they said Jesus endorses their
thinking. That the principles are his! (Oh, I read somewhere Jesus says, “Many will
come in my name….”8)
We could feel people misusing God‟s Law. Exactly how, we are not so sure.
Perhaps another Spirit is in us.
So we learn the truth about their ways. Here is how. We get on the receiving
side of their love, from pastoral negligence while we are in missions, to how our
friends lacked interest in what we were doing! (Here is a church raising over $1.2
million annually for missions, back in ‟03. The focus seems to be on
denominational bragging rights. At least the people we knew were proud of their
Churches‟ accomplishments in fund raising and building programs.)

(Mt 6:19-21)
(Rev 3:18)
(Mt 24:5)

16 | P a g e
Now we see clearly how targeting “intentionality” motivates duty and powers
convictions to give MONEY. So we get it. We see how giving sacrifice, as money,
really gets in gear, and why. Whew! What an education. (But we still love them.)
Gradually, confidence in workaholism reveals itself, once we die to it. People
are emotional creatures. People find it easier to give money, not love; people desire
prosperity more, instead of JOY earned the old fashioned way—caring about
people, not giving them things.
And these are Christians in the 21st Century! Do we ever wish we were back
in the „50s? (Go to Belarus as we have. That is what it is like there.)
By ‟03 Michelle and I find ourselves teaching English Evangelism in Minsk.
It lasts until the summer of „04. Then in April ‟05 we go back one last time on our
own dime for a Youth Music Festival, which we partially finance, and we speak.
Seeing all our friends again is super! Back in America, money mania is taking off
exponentially now. The housing bubble inflates egos and dreams rapidly.
Evangelicalism shows what it can contribute to growing America‟s economy.
Michelle and I suppose we are not really good citizens. It is because when we
return, we rent a really nice, two bedroom single-wide trailer. Cows moo on the
other side of a rusty chain-link fence. Whoosh! goes the racket down Gibb-
Galloway Rd. No problem. We‟re used to wearing ear-plugs from living on a Mercy
Ship in the Dominican Republic in ‟02. Sorry America, we let you down, but we
couldn‟t afford the housing.
Joking aside, we learn how Evangelical faith in God‟s love subtly comes
under attack, losing its confidence in Christ‟s restraints. Pitch “God‟s plan for your
life…” but we get a trailer. We got a very poor return on our tithe investment. So
what, that‟s our CHOICE. It‟s laid up. God keeps books.
Now tell people life is work, efforts, perspiration; and governed by Laws and
Plans; and that they have secrets from the Bible to fix everything! Look at their
Look at them now.
Look at us. We‟re still married, happy, thriving, and investing; in an
inheritance, in a God we know keeps his word to us.
Agreed, “Life is getting ahead.” Say, “Accomplishments are rewarded.” Of
course, IF some, no exactly 10% goes to “God‟s work” you are in line for blessing!
Naw. Do the math. Ten percent sounds about right. No, the LAW says…. There
goes good will.
So what spirit is in that calculator of theirs? Raise funds for good causes. Put
missions on the skin. Feed the poor, or put “help people” on the cover.
Do you know what? America turns away. There go morals! Have Christians
any left?—some. But not enough, so get ready. (Jesus said that too. “Get

(Lk 12:47)

17 | P a g e
America‟s recent economic crash disappoints millions buying this bunk.
Many more are predisposed now to react in alarm and fear, come the Presidential
election cycle of „08. Confusion reigns. Indeed, Evangelicals apostatize further,
calling their enemy a Moslem. “He‟s liberal,” sneers others thinking themselves
more informed. Still others go as far as to say he is not even born on American soil,
but they will vote for someone from Alaska. That‟s really cool for those living in
Sun City, FL! How can the Gospel survive such an onslaught to its reputation for
even-handedness and fairness, given these voices that defend it with such
Let us find out.
Does confidence in Christ‟s teachings really survive the mortgage mess?
What about judgments on our casino coasts?

(Above: a destroyed gambling barge from hurricane Katrina, Biloxi, MS.)

Following That Other Drummer

Prosperity preachers have had their say. Now it is time to come off the
theoretical blather to the real. Allow us to testify God wants our love, not our
Prosperity teaching and activist politics obviously does not deliver financial
stability, or fiscal responsibility, during the W. Bush years. Pride lays a trap. Does
God spring it?
Millions chase God‟s financial favor. Does it work? Nope. Nor does it restore
America‟s moral financial fabric. In fact, the opposite happens. Tithe teaching from
a spirit of greed removes what little restraints remain.
Motivational speakers excitedly pitch hard-work principles.

18 | P a g e
Success steps promise realizing our dream/hope. My friends, what is true?
Now is the time to listen. There is a more truthful voice than that voice of
greed, imbedded in America‟s spirit. It sits right there, smothered in God‟s Big
Book, lying somewhere under the mess of bills on the coffee table.
Millions exercised “poor judgment” apparently. Millions mistakenly listened
to package-deals of “God‟s Plan” for our lives, but they fail to read in the fine print
“… „not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,‟ says the Lord Almighty.” 10
Workaholic roots lay deep in Calvinistic legalisms, producing prosperity
promises and dreaming nightmares.
Now is the time to reject self-help doctrines. Psychology theology is self-
centric. Mindsets of giving money by legalistic principles are throwbacks to
historical errors of centuries past. (Such themes explained in following pages.)
Perhaps the most difficult message we face is this reality: We need to deal
with our itching ears.11 We hear only what we want to hear. Sound doctrine?—
forget it. It‟s old. It‟s boring. No. That was legalism as restraint, and it worked for a
Now what do we have taking its place? God wants reality, not money.

Whose Word Does the Almighty Back?

Something Jesus says faintly sticks in this middle-aged, father and husband‟s
mind, during the alarmist days prior to Y2K.12 He says, “For many will come in my
name, claiming… and will deceive many. You will hear of wars [Iraq] and rumors
of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end
is still to come.”13
Two points: How did Evangelicals react back then—claiming? Secondly, if
Y2K is a fizzle, was the reaction a deception?—sure, it sold millions on alarm and
fear. Third point: The same occurs today. Whip people into a frenzy Rush
Limbaugh. Sweep Conservative Christians into alarm! That is how to get the
Crowd! Alarmed, we mess up our financial britches.
Christ says, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man‟s
life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 14 Who among us paid any
attention? We grew anxious. We bought alarmist rhetoric up to the midnight hour in
False teachings ultimately exploit our willing duplicity. Case in point:
Millions lend support to President G.W. Bush and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan‟s belief in human nature regulating itself. Is this like Y2K reactions?
Sure, because the nature we are yielding to is the same.
Michelle and I enthusiastically voted for W. and “family values” twice. We
trusted the word of experts. Dr. Dobson influences millions the home is the heart.
Rev. Falwell looked to the secular power to move his agenda forward. We believed
them both.

(Zec 4:6)
(II Tim 4:3) “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
Computers crash at the end of 1999.
(Mt 24:5-6)
(Lk 12:15)

19 | P a g e
Foyer voter guides and Christian radio personalities make it much easier to
ignore our Bible‟s Spirit for a culture in love with itself and alarmed by losing King
of the Mountain status.
Now I think about that “liberal” and Nobel Laureate, former Vice President,
Al Gore. In hindsight regarding TARP rescue of W.‟s incompetence running the
economy, I should have voted for Gore in „00. Secondly he appears right about
climate change.15 Here is what I learn. Labeling viewpoints “liberal” or
“conservative” blinds us to the Truth. (Truth is beholding to NO particular political
Ok, rather than getting what prophets of Y2K predict just before the tick of
midnight 1999, reality says credit markets seize up in ‟08! One turns out to be a
total non-event, while we fail to heed warnings mortgage meltdown is imminent.
Only a minority implores, “Please, restrain yourselves!” Is God among them?
Here is a classic example of false prophecy, albeit economic, but who among
us takes note? Error is not judged as false teaching. Here is how people redefine and
say, “Gee whiz, people were only trying to help other people get rich!”
No one recognizes God judges Evangelical America‟s word!
If God does not judge us, then go on listening to the prophets of Mercy and
Love (M&L), “hope” motivators, and require of good tithers Rev. Osteen‟s positive
attitude. They are spirits all of the same stripe. They tell us what we want to hear,
speaking to our desire.
Alternately, let us comfort ourselves with
postures of brokenness. Let us seek attitudes of
puppy-eyed optimism based upon a feeling sorry for
Labeling Truth ourselves. Surely God sees our humility. Since
“Liberal” or trusting in our financial expert‟s word, and our
“Conservative” causes spiritual encouragers blind faith in tithing, here then
grievous error. is what the varying flavors of what today‟s
repentance looks like. But does either prosperity
Evangelicalism rights, or false humility, involve turning away from
becomes impotent materialism? It should.
from “What works for Let us claim God heals finances using a
me” faith. budget.
Whose faith remains in repentance as Christ
once preached?
consumerism leads to
Jesus comes very soon. Movies say so.
rebellion against
Rapture a corrupt and selfish church away from
reaping what it sows. This works hope in many.
Many are “sorry,” but Here is the Edge.
few repent of greed We will not whitewash the downside of our
and apathy; therefore, appetite for spiritual chicken nuggets any longer.
does God give America Herein is a different Spirit. Every Christian needs the
over? Truth‟s perspective repentance brings. Only then can
we consider real hope, coming from a re-examination
of the words of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Now we wonder if climatologists playing politics with the science have
manipulated the data. Whom can we trust anymore?

20 | P a g e
If we are to survive the days of apostasy assaulting the Church right now, we
had better listen up. Affluence has been our test. How did we fair?
Did we hoard money or build a bigger house? I did, and then I changed my
Our Lord commands us to love. I felt my neighbor a competitor and acted
Then I changed my mind and joined Mercy Ships. Michelle and I end up in
Harpedon, England, stuck for a week the day after 9/11. Four weeks later, we were
in Juarez, Mexico “helping people.”
Why become maximized and optimized? This is what the American spirit
demands. Michelle and I were on this path, but Christ‟s words renewed our thinking
and set us free.
There is a way back. JOY can survive the rigors of Y2King our faith, if we
come back to Christ. He said don‟t get alarmed. But bad spirits come in his name
trying to deceive us.
Did we choose to listen?

Game Changer
Millions, in their prejudice, fear the emergence of Hispanic and African-
Americans sharing in America‟s supposedly, unlimited wealth. “24/7 values
groupies” refuse a role to others on that coveted mountaintop of moral superiority.
Then the Gays take the momentum from us. Oooohhh, how we hate that!
(No, I‟m not for Gay rights, and neither is Obama a Moslem.)
Can all attain the same promise “Made in America” stands for? President
Obama‟s example is a game changer. People all over the world hope again—or
continue to violence and hate, robbed of their opportunity to prosper.
Can all claim accomplishment? What about rights to historical place? Yes,
life is competition to a Conservative. Family values activism clamors today for rules
benefiting our dominance of the culture. Conservatives love government
intervention, too, as in outlawing abortion. (I‟d like to see abortion outlawed too.)
But we don‟t mind too much when poor African Americans have three times the
foreclosures as whites. Were the banks up to something here?
Minority people find they must knock and knock and knock on Opportunity‟s
door. Now with an African-American‟s election to the Presidency, things may be
different. We‟ll see.
Few affluent persons allow their religious beliefs to persuade them sharing
America‟s cornucopia is in the Bible. Instead, selective beliefs turn to maintaining a
status quo—those “defend freedom” dogmas.
Having experienced violent and overate discrimination since the Civil War,
even beyond the 60s, America‟s minorities still suffer from the affluent whites
discriminatory attitudes. Just as the economy is impacted from Prosperity teaching,
what do hard-work dogmas say about poor working folk? Open another Pandora‟s
Box. Look inside how Israel wins America over. Have the Palestinian‟s any rights?
Not here. Blame, blame, blame justifies hate. Poor are poor.
I want out of the middle of both. I want to get right-sized up. But does God
force me to choose?
There‟s subtleness to lawlessness is all.
What is God going to work out shortly? There‟s our question. When we
consider exploiting illegal immigrant labor to build bigger houses, is God asleep?

21 | P a g e
America rebels against Christ‟s teaching. Remember those commands love
even your enemies (that is, be even-handed)? We look out only for our own
interests and call these “America‟s interests.”
Now we defend whose rights?—spilling young blood on furnace-hot, desert
sands. (Halliburton‟s, BP, Carbon+/complacency ….)
We identify with those (the Jews) we once felt were the oppressed under
Nazism. Now the Israelis are widely viewed by the world as becoming the heartless
oppressor of indigent millions stuck in Gaza‟s Strip behind their checkpoints.
Should the Palestinians rocket southern Israel? No. But what are we to do with our
attitudes hardening against those less materialistic and worldly? Is this where the
Jihadists come from?
They look to their God for hope too.
Poor people are a burden wealthy people carp. “They just don‟t work hard
enough.” That is an exploiters‟ excuse. Which side does the God of the Bible
take?—certainly not that of the oppressors. Some enjoying their healthcare security
deny the same to everyone else, fearing they will have to do with less organ
transplants in their 90s. Watch PBS.
Of course, in matters affecting the rich, our government under W. and the
Republicans (1994-2006) pulls bailouts, affirmative reaction, and then goes silent
upon embarrassing outcomes, or flips this as Obama‟s fault. Y2Ker‟s in spirit prove
many of our ideologies foolish as in the bubble. Mounting deficits ever
since President Ronald Reagan, all the way to 9/‟08‟s credit crisis, demonstrates
what vapor intoxicates our desire for more money, pleasure, and dominance of
My point, it‟s all of the same spirit.
The Democrats are no better. All government of Man corrupts itself
eventually no matter its size.
Therefore, we need the restraint belief in God gives. Will we turn? Nope. To
those loving lawfulness, government‟s role, is to see justice maintained. As the
economy grows so should government diligence grow, toward defending the
oppressed such a system as Capitalism produces. And we cry, “Less!”
We must share America‟s promise with all. Therefore to protect this,
government‟s role increases, because by its very nature, people that don‟t play fair
usually end up corrupting things. Interventions justify regulators to do more
policing. Things calm down and lawlessness shrinks again or we stagnate.
Usually the morally superior get bought out.
Things were not that much different at Corinth. An exasperated Paul says to
the Corinthians,

I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that
you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. … One of you says, “I
follow Paul;” another, “I follow Apollos;” another, “I follow Cephas;” still
another, “I follow Christ.”

Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the
name of Paul?16

(I Cor 1:10-13)

22 | P a g e
Paul also appeals elsewhere in the Bible, writing to the Galatians saying:

Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit [the Truth saying we are
sinners, corrupt, off the mark, unable to save ourselves from us] are you now
trying to attain your goal by human effort? 17

What does confidence in human effort say, “America can do anything people
set their minds to accomplish. Try. Loose innovation. Lower taxes. Free up
Americans to be all they can be!”
Ah hugh. Look at what we are. Look at where we are going!
Being a Democrat or Republican—or even an Independent ideologue—
divides America and the credibility of Evangelicalism. Can two “What works for
me” Christians in the same room agree, “You cannot serve both God and Money?”
Disciples of Christ agree, act, and in fellowship with one another find Jesus
conquers. Whose disciple are we really, split so, along ideological lines? During the
housing debacle one wonders.
Perhaps we are our own little god practicing “What works for me” faith?
Love surviving, depends upon us repenting of competing. Then the God of
justice relents.
Compassion renews a right, willing spirit within us. Sure, walking away from
an upside down faith in prosperity is painful. To walk away from the god of tithes is
much harder.
Hope must not feed on the spirit of greed and fear in America, or forget “God
bless America!”

Prosperity Mindsets vs. Truth’s Spirit

Michelle and my reinvigorated eyes see beyond The Great American Dream
theme. This comes in handy now when shattered confidence in living for a big
house as a way of life collapses.
Thankfully, Michelle and I forsake those appetites consuming most. Way
before the Great American Panic hits—after the bankruptcy of Lehman Bros—God
led us out of temptation. We got out before deception won hearts and Jabezed
prayers of America‟s Evangelicals. In the Bible are warnings where organized greed
as unfettered capitalism leads. Challenges are still to come.
Have we a mind to listen to a better Spirit now? My hope is to call back those
thinking of quitting this charade. Let us think on eternity issues again. The Truth is
out there, not inside our cravings. Our hope grounds beyond the immediate,
instantaneous gratification current religious American marketplaces surround us by
Who waits on God doing the work anymore? Who believes his word
saves?—few indeed.
History testifies today‟s missteps have roots deep in ages-old confidence
schemes, which cunningly stimulate human longings and desires. Unethical
preachers use mis-placed fears. It‟s God‟s displeasure, or we entice wealthy
geniuses by our carrots of “blessing.” Others preach love, help, relationship, hope,
and everything else but not from the Truth. They pitch to another spirit in us. They

(Gal 3:3)

23 | P a g e
transform what Jesus taught, concerning our nature being corrupt, into using the
same feelings and reason to practice stewardship principles and giving rituals.
We have to see further than lies, to what God has in mind.

Our Goal
Fresh eyes see ourselves, and what we Evangelicals contributed to loosing
restraint upon America‟s morals and economic choice. There is no flattery here, no
effusive “encouragement.”
Here are just facts about what makes for preacher scandals and positivity
Here is a rational and passionate call to return to Christ without all the money
management principles clouding our vision. Forget annual revival rituals and fancy
posturing feigning a righteousness attempting a limp affirmation, “We tried” effort.
Excuse me if I come across a little pugnacious, but “people of faith” are
hurting. Many of us are a bit off balance today. We wonder whose word we can
trust anymore.
We must look at our motives and really repent of who we are trusting in—us.
The real culprit is the greed in the spirit of Capitalism. Secondly, it is our
own stubbornness of heart to keep it up. Why continue to yield? We got pride.
How can the JOY of giving be ours again, and remain with us in the difficult
days immediately ahead, if we cut ourselves off from the Truth?
So let us examine ourselves. Stop leaning upon “fun” as worship and
motivational methodologies as our favorite faith practices. For the legalistic, do we
cling to comfort and reassurance rituals?
See what is happening in a true light. Sure, easy enough said.
Now what about legalism?
This still permeates older Protestant traditions as comfort and assurance
rituals. Millions were driven away back in the 1960s, having found not love.
Shall we return to these absolutes? Our incessant culture wars do not reunite
anyone IN Christ‟s Spirit. Oh, but we do get absorbed in causes that unite common
economic concerns.
We cannot come together it seems; therefore, the Father sends a challenge.
Our Apostle Paul calls this a “delusion.” 18

The Spirits Among Us

Admittedly, it is hard to turn away from affluence.
It is hard sacrificing dedicated time otherwise wasted on workaholism
wanting a house. For many of us, we think we have no choice.
“Suck it up. Be responsible. Avoid loser talk.” Yada-yada.
What has Jesus to do with this spirit? Nothing. Jesus did not even own a lap-
What we will do now is look again at two fundamentals of the faith. Let us
examine the details in Christ‟s teaching. Secondly, let us see our need to refocus on
the Spirit in them. We have to ask ourselves what we are missing, following what
our self-desire neglects.

(II Thess 2:11)

24 | P a g e
What does the Father God really mean when he speaks to us through his
Too many of our teachers today twist his word‟s meaning. They conform
Truth to the tastes of a decadent generation. They are only intent upon sensual
pleasures. Their spirit compels them by instilling economic fear. Yes, a loving God
judges this (from 9/11, to hurricane Katrina, to 9/‟08s mortgage meltdown, to BP‟s
oil spill.)
People today want reassurances.
Millions crave social respectability. All alike seek reasonable sounding
legitimizations for consciences weighed down by retirement anxiety. Millions try to
find the motivational means to keep pace with a culture of money workaholism
demands, yet fails to deliver.
Bottom line—Michelle and I have no regrets for letting God right-size
everything back there just before 9/11. Was it easy?—of course not.
Is it now? Yes. We have JOY and aim to keep it.
In exchange, we experience great adventures in faith. Our confidence in this
way of life grows stronger. We find a Father God teaches us a better Way to keep
family, finances, and faith intact now. It was greed, not the computers of Y2K that
crashed America‟s economy.
More than this hindsight, let us turn our realizations to the future.
What is coming soon that God wishes to warn the Church to know? We have
his word, but we have not eyes to see or ears to hear. God has been saying all along
that false motivational teaching in our midst needs exposing. We are to be light and
salt. Do we testify to the Truth, or do we hold to our own opinions more readily?
Yours truly feels a need to try God‟s flashlight for a change—that right Spirit.
When we run after our dream, we fall away from God‟s dream.
Our affections turn. Confidence in Christ‟s command to love as he loved us
can turn to an apostasy, consisting of competition. See how millions hate those we
disagree with. In the days ahead, such a weakened confidence will not hold up.
Jesus says the branch separated from the Vine withers and dies.
Such a faith burns up in the coming trials.
Loss of affluence tests many.
Working really, really hard returns less and less on our effort expended.
These realizations assault how we love. If we have not his Spirit, we stand to lose
Is having all that granite countertop, horsepower on shiny rims, or political
access worth it? Never is it worth it when we forfeit our soul, seeking to save our
way of life.

Is the American Dream Machine Broke?

Typical of America‟s reaction, Federal Treasury Secretary, Timothy
Geithner, in an interview with Wall Street Journal‟s, Alan Murray, blames our
recent recession on “excess risk-taking without meaningful adult supervision.” This
voice says,

People across the country are angry and frustrated, as they should be, that this
economy, the United States of America, got itself in the position where
enormous damage has been done as a consequence of a long period of excess
risk-taking without meaningful adult supervision. And the consequences of

25 | P a g e
that are tragic because they‟re basically fundamentally unfair; because people
who were careful and responsible, conservative in their decisions, are
suffering a lot from the consequences of mistakes they were not part of. 19

However, what has God‟s Son been saying all along?

No one can serve two masters. Either he hates one and loves the other, or
he‟s devoted to the one and despises the other. You cannot serve both God
and Money.20

What is this “devotion” business? What does “despise” look like

Some quarters of Evangelicalism are devoted now more to politics and
power. We lose focus on being Christ‟s “salt and light.”
So what does God say he does, if we cannot be responsible? We find he “cuts

Can America Be Fixed

Government has tried before to cure America.
Back in the 1930s, a federal investigation called the Pecora hearings, were
held. They investigated causes, and recommended legislative measures, to prevent
another Great Depression from ever happening again.
On Wednesday, January 13th, 2010, the Congressional Financial Crisis
Inquiry Commission began taking testimony into what brought on the housing
bubble, the financial systems near collapse, and the recent consequential Great
Recession. With a sense of dejavue Nobel laureate in Economics, Paul Krugman,
writes for the NY Times,

But the truth is that the United States managed to avoid major financial crises
for half a century after the Pecora hearings were held and Congress enacted
major banking reforms. It was only after we forgot those lessons, and
dismantled effective regulation [under Presidents Reagan, and later, W.‟s lax
enforcement], that our financial system went back to being dangerously

Has America‟s lack of faith in Christ‟s warnings something to do with the

mortgage meltdown and financial collapse? Sure it does. Restraint is a function of

Murray, Alan. Here’s the Plan: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on what the
administration is trying to do—and why it thinks it will work. The Wall Street
Journal. (WSJ). Business. March 29, 2009. Italics added.…/SB1238180171382593… Accessed July 8, 2009. Italics added.
(Mt 6:24 present tense.) Italics added.
(Jn 15:6)
Krugman, Paul. Op-Ed Columnist. Bankers Without a Clue. Opinion. The New
York Times. January 14, 2010. Accessed January
14, 2010.

26 | P a g e
moral and spiritual realities. Were we, the Church, that voice failing to sound the
alarm? Yep.
President Reagan de-regulated trucking and airlines (that was good). Next
America was encouraged to stimulate the economy further. We followed up by
supporting Reagan‟s deregulating savings and loan institutions. Risk increased as
poor loans resulted. The savings and loan debacle followed. Seven hundred forty-
seven institutions went bankrupt leaving the Federal government to bail-out
depositors. Like Y2K, we forget easily.
Over the years, tax-cut ideology becomes dogma to millions of
conservatives. Lax business regulation follows a spirit seeking to please an
electorate believing in silver bullets and marketplace innovation. The eventual
reintegration of banking—feeding people‟s deposits and savings—mates to risky
investment vehicles using mortgage-backed securities and AIG insurance schemes.
The laws are rescinded. The lessons are unlearned by a new generation without
“lack” and “poverty mentality” hang-ups.
Yes, millions of Evangelicals and “people of faith” refuse to see the
connection. Organized greed does indeed yield prosperity of sorts. However cutting
corners to do so, toward the end of the housing bubble, brings disaster, and near
total financial ruin. Then in 2010 we have had the Gulf Coast oil disaster.
Sure, listen to Mr. Geithner‟s explanation, “… the consequences of that are
tragic because they‟re basically fundamentally unfair…” 23 Unfair to whom?—
certainly not the perpetrators of this repackaged, Y2K-like fad. (Deception
predicated upon false assumptions, promises, and wonderful “expert” opinion.)
We became devoted to our money as Jesus said not to do. Therefore, we
became sussessable to deception, the deceitfulness of sin 24—because we do not
listen to the Truth.
Now we blame Wall Street and others for our indulging our sensual up-
sizings? Thank you, you “encouragers.”
People fall into unbelief once again, toward the economic evil which results.
Does Big Government have to step in?

Hazards of False Hopes

Whose word anchors confidence in times like these? Is it those of the
prosperity preacher/politicians pitching “hope?” Watch out.
Shall we look to Federal Reserve Chairmen giving us reassurances?—naw.
Mockingly, do Treasury Secretaries winding down their stimulus packages
build confidence in us “God is still on the throne?” God is certainly not in control
for those unawares, their will and emotions yielding to greed and apathy,
repackaged as passion and self-esteem.
Let us return to basics folks.
Faith in what Jesus died for, to graciously give us access to the Spirit of
Truth, is really, really simple. Jesus does a whole lot more than simply save us from
the penalty of sin and the wrath to come. That‟s cheap grace, not a limited
A follower goes the distance. We come to understand what Jesus really
accomplishes and continues to do IN our lives. Trusting his word in practical

Murray, Alan. Here’s the Plan.WSJ.
(Heb 3:13)

27 | P a g e
application to economics teaches us, how to walk in the same Spirit that he yielded
to, and demonstrates how outcomes work out for us. (Think of the wedding at
Canaan, sparring with his detractors, or finally, his obedience, in spite of Death
resulting in the Resurrection.)
If we keep to Christ‟s word, in time, we come to “despise”[ing] the word of
those wrongly speaking in his name, lying to us.
What is the point? Whose word have we followed, if we have not his JOY
For many, a dread, paralyzing fear depresses and sucks hope dry. Right there,
we should question what it is we follow and trust in.
What can be done about unpleasant disappointing consequences—medicate
it? No. Folks, we need only return to the faith of our fathers. Think of this as John
the Baptist broadcasting from his HDTV channel. He calls on people: trust a better
Spirit again, rather than, greed or pharmaceuticals. If Israel were to look in faith to
God as their father Abraham did, in the same manner America would listen to
George Washington‟s farewell address. In it he appeals to retaining morals and
religion as what supports democracy and undergirds our republic.
In this book, we examine the American spirit, the voices of motivational
speak, and what we can do to keep ourselves from succumbing to an onslaught of
deception—even of our own exciting, enthusiastic making.
Mr. Geithner blames our recent recession on “excess risk-taking” and adds
the caveat “without meaningful adult supervision.” What does he mean exactly?
Does this mean a cynical trust in Government comes to manage our lives?
Perhaps the world is becoming de-sensitized. Personal responsibility yields to
constituencies voting paternalistic solutions. Perhaps we are prepping for World
Government by collalition?25 Perhaps international coordinations require a
charismatic, media figure at the helm?

(Rev 13:2-10) „And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and
seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth
like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great
authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the
fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the
“Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and
they also worshiped the beast and asked, „Who is like the beast? Who can make war
against him?‟
“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to
exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme
God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he
was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All inhabitants
of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the
book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
“He who has an ear, let him hear.
“If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be
killed with the sword, with the word he will be killed. This calls for patient
endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.”

28 | P a g e
Perhaps an Anti Christ arises. Here is a word millions may begrudgingly find
expedient to follow, if times get really, really hard.

Let Us Step On Some Toes

We will be talking in a variety of tones, theologically and common sense.
Look at the manipulation of our hopes. Legions of confidence men and women prey
upon you and I. Mixing among us good guys and gals are reverends, therapists,
priests, politicians, and trusted financial advisers of not so noble pursuit. What level
of corruption rules here? (And in us?)
What does inadequately regulated capitalism produce—prosperity? Rather
we end up with new restrictions, more regulations, and greater restraints upon our
“freedom to choose.” We cut taxes during President W. Bushes‟ tenure. Come‟on
folks. We ended up with out of control deficits! Then we Conservatives blame the
“Liberals” for acting in the same manner as we!
Back in the 1980s, President Reagan‟s administration repeals many
Depression era restraints. These were in place on depositary banking since the last
time this happened causing the Great Depression. Then banks used our deposits to
bet on exchange rates fluctuations, derivatives, and buy AIG insurance on other
people‟s debts (Credit Default Swaps).
If financial morals had not loosened so, this mess could have been prevented.
Who casts off restraint?
We did America.
Of course, a majority of Evangelicals back then had no idea the spirit in
deregulation—and President W. Bush‟s enthusiastic, and in hindsight, economically
irresponsible, irrational tax-cuts—would result in such huge federal budget deficits
ever since.
As we know now, cutting the tax burden on the rich did not create more jobs.
Those jobs came of the rich borrowing ever more money, to build bigger houses for
themselves using cheap illegal labor. Additionally, they speculated with our
pensions and bank deposits on securitized mortgage schemes. AIG insured this
nonsense. And in the dark, big money speculated in hedge funds, making even more
money under the radar of governmental oversight. A Republican Congress
discouraged accountability and transparency. Boom! The housing bubble collapses
setting off a chain reaction that most of us still live with today.
We conveniently put behind our backs the Savings and Loan debacle (late
„80s). We choose to forget it takes a moderate Democrat, President William
Jefferson Clinton, to twice balance the Federal budget, giving America a record
surplus in 2000.26

(Dan 7:7-8) “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a
fourth beast—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it
crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was
different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
“While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a
little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted
before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke
In an article from the archives of CNN: "Eight years ago, our future was at risk,"
Clinton said Wednesday morning. "Economic growth was low, unemployment was

29 | P a g e
Don‟t we hate it when we are wrong? Yes.
President W. Bushes‟ administration squanders this fiscal progress. How
does he do this?
He sells us on an overtly rosy ideology. He adds to the word of Ronald
Reagan saying the economy continues to grow, grow, grow, if we spend, spend,
spend. Here is our twist on orthodoxy! Both consumer and a fiscally conservative
government go on a borrowing binge.
Just cut taxes and free American financial innovation rings out across a
regulatory free land escaping reality! Does it work? Not at all.
But for Wall Street a different standard applies. Their bonuses are still paid.
Private equity and foreign banks are paid in full by AIG backed by the U.S.
taxpayer. But what are average Americans to do wanting to retire with fat 401ks,
underfunded Medicare, and prescription drug coverage for the elderly—who is
going to pay for these benefits?
Why don‟t we admit it? Was this really a case of people “suffering a lot from
the consequences of mistakes they were not a part of” as Mr. Geithner claims?
We love denial. Blame someone else. Shift responsibility.
Practicing deceit is our collective confidence and problem. We cannot even
be honest with ourselves. Christ informed us. We did not listen, because we became
devoted to our money and dreaming dreams. These issues of what we do in secret
and do openly, do matter. Those over-emphasized words of Mercy and Love make
all his sayings out to be merely trite, religious word rituals. We do as we please. We
invoke God‟s blessings upon our efforts to call ourselves righteous. We‟re not.
If we walk away from the Truth, how can God help us?
Doing his word keeps us out of the traps desire makes. Taking God‟s advice
saves us from the snare of the Madoff‟s out there. Yet, millions refuse to reflect.
What about our own contributions Christian prosperity pundits made to America‟s
current belt-tightening? We still listen to new narratives respun by our old friends,
those spirits.
It is the same thing we did over-reacting to the Y2K hysteria. Remember
when “computers are going to crash?” We found the bubble imploding
instead. How many more times will we get it wrong before we accept where the real
issues lay?—America‟s lack of financial morals follows evil desires, motivated
from pitching prosperity to human nature.
We were manipulated and loved it.

high, interest rates were high, the federal debt had quadrupled in the previous 12
years [during the Republican Reagan/H. Bush administrations]. When Vice
President Gore and I took office [1994], the budget deficit was $290 billion, and it
was projected this year [2000] the budget deficit would be $455 billion." Instead,
the president explained, the $5.7 trillion national debt has been reduced by $360
billion in the last three years—$223 billion this year alone. This represents, Clinton
said, "the largest one-year debt reduction in the history of the United States."
Wallace, Kelly. CNN White House Correspondent. President Clinton announces
another record budget surplus. CNN September 27, 2000.
Accessed August 25, 2009.

30 | P a g e
Who Says So
Here is a wised-up, Evangelical voter‟s point of view.
This is the pew talking.
This is muted frustration, simmering anger, and making a calm appeal.
We Evangelicals must return to the original emphases. Does Jesus Christ get
a word in edge-wise on seeker-friendly Sunday mornings? Our faith is in debt-free
living, and that budgets will get us there, right Dave?
Christ tells us there are more important topics. For example, decadence and
corruption spreads throughout America. These could focus on what to do about the
sins of greed, selfishness, and blame-gaming. (Stop it.)
America wanders further from the Truth. A spirit of what CNBC‟s, Larry
Kudlow calls, “Bail-out Nation”27 envelopes the cultural landscape. What to do?
Let‟s ignore calls to alarm and fear.
Turn off the TV. Spit out those delectable, gossipy chicken nuggets,
innuendo, and false accusations demonizing our fellow Americans.
Re-explore a better hope. Keep to Christ‟s commands. Then the politics his
Spirit practices—change from within has a fighting chance. Then God the Father
fights our battles and wins for us.
Otherwise, the alternative is Christianity‟s further capitulation to America‟s
The tone is changing, has changed.
The manipulation of our hopes makes us mad. This should not be. We
shouldn‟t listen in the first place.
Our time of warning is almost over. A time of fire is here.

Does confidence and faith in Christ‟s teachings survive the mortgage mess?
The answer is “Yes” for those realizing God wants reality, not money. Some of us
journeyed back. We found JOY can survive the rigors of Y2King our faith. Jesus
said don‟t get alarmed by all those who come in his name trying to deceive us.
Some of us walk away. We trust God‟s justice wins.
Change is occurring in America. We must share America‟s promise with all
its citizens. We also realize government‟s role increases, because many don‟t play
fair economically on Wall Street. Litmus tests exist for finding out whom are our
favorite friends. Who is against abortion or Gay Marriage defines our unity now.
Politics is a messy business, even in Churches. Who are the “winners” now?
People feeding on the spirit of greed and fear in America learn, further, here
is what God has in mind for those ignoring his word.
We should stop our incessant culture wars. We should reunite around the
Truth IN Christ‟s wisdom. But we cannot, passionate as Christendom is, about its
petty differences in doctrine and expression. Therefore the Father sends a challenge
for those who love not the truth and allow it to save them.
Granite countertops and horsepower on shiny rims—was it worth it? Political
access is never worth forfeiting our souls, seeking to save our affluent way of life.
What does God say concerning responsible truth telling? We find he “cuts
off” the fruitless. He sends his judgments America, as he works all things out.

A term frequently used by CNBC‟s, The Kudlow Report by host, Larry Kudlow.

31 | P a g e
As people fall into unbelief once again, economic evil results. Then Big
Government has to step in. However, government programs cannot fix a problem
that is fundamentally a flaw in America‟s Soul. Then what happens, if Anti Christ-
like policy makers arise? If times get really, really hard, here is a word millions may
begrudgingly, or more likely, enthusiastically support. America‟s lack of financial
morals, following evil desires, motivated from pitching prosperity to human nature,
could be what does it. I‟d say count on it.
Manipulated, disappointment now makes us mad, and in the end, our fears
take over.
Our time of warning is almost over, a time of fire dawns.

Coming up
What has happened to financial restraints? We tie these now to facts, which
explain from the narrative of America‟s recent economic trials, why false beliefs
come of erroneous assumptions. We explore now America‟s headlines. Deeper still,
are the spiritual causations that underlie our dreaming.
Here is the spirit that gives us such love. Giving for JOY is warped.
But there is always hope, if we stick with Christ!

32 | P a g e
Our sanity and survival depended
upon developing a workable
process to turn seekers into
saints, turn consumers into
contributors, turn members into
ministers, and turn an audience
into an army.

Believe me it is an incredibly
difficult task to lead people from
self-centered consumerism to
being servant-hearted Christians.
—Rev. Rick Warren
The Purpose Driven Church (Zondervan, 1995)

33 | P a g e
A note from a Belarusian citizen from our English classes—Minsk,
Belarus (formerly the USSR).

“ Thank you for everything! You are all very kind. I come here (to
English classes) tired after work but always leave with a sense of
happiness, that there are so many kind people, good people.
I always thought bad about America and Americans. But you,

your teachers changed my opinion and my attitude. Thank you. ”

34 | P a g e
Chapter Two
Churn Baby Burn

Evangelicalism without restraint falls again into unbelief. We cannot

help ourselves.
Eoncomics professors taught me at USF, Tampa, in 1992,
“Comsumers make rational choices.” That‟s dogma, Adam Smith‟s
hand. This assumes consumer choice is based on the logic of game
theory. Self-interest rationalized, makes for good decision making,
they posit. This is because from always doing what is in the self-
interest of the person making a purchase, times millions, an economy
self-adjusts and self-regulates.
Is self-interest “rational?” Let us find out.

As reported by MSNBC, the economic

maestro for seventeen years as Fed
Alan Greenspan and Henry Chairman, Alan Greenspan (‟89 to ‟06),
Paulson describe “flaws” in admits a “flaw” in his thinking. Before a
their thinking. Congressional committee probing the Credit
Crisis in ‟08…
Where are our priorities? We
trusted in W. and Dr. D’s Badgered by lawmakers, former Federal
politics. Ouch! Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan denied
the nation‟s economic crisis was his fault on
Jesus says, “Seek first… and all
Thursday but conceded the meltdown had
these things will be GIVEN you
revealed a flaw in a lifetime of economic
as well.” (Mt 6:33) thinking and left him in a “state of shocked

Associated Press. Greenspan admits ‘mistake’ that helped crisis. Thurs., Oct . 23,
2008. Accessed February 27, 2010. Italics

35 | P a g e
Further our financial experts only recently admit to fundamental “flaws” in their
assumptions concerning human behavior. Experts ignore what orthodox Christianity
has been saying for centuries—men are born predisposed to corrupt themselves.
The role of government is to restrain man‟s evil tendancies by Law. 29 Such
thinking to the contrary is dangerous, and ultimately idiotic, we find out recently.
We act on evil impulses, which are irrational in nature concerning public good.

Greenspan, 82, acknowledged under questioning that he had made a

“mistake” in believing that banks, operating in their own self-interest, would
do what was necessary to protect their shareholders and institutions.
Greenspan called that “a flaw in the model ... that defines how the world
works.” 30

“A flaw in the model.” Cute. How many Evangelicals entertain a mixture of

flawed assumptions pleasurable, and expedient for the moment, but long-term
disasterous to trust, faith, and confidence? Too many.
Some among us, like the infamous Mr. Madoff, squirm now. But who notices
except where raiding pensions or illicit sex is involved?
Others with “a flaw” in their thinking bring down Enron, Worldcom, Authur
We trusted in a Christian President to do his job. Evangelicalism endorses
Bush. We trusted our voices. Now what is their excuse? God is mysterious? God is
working his plan? Whatever.
Where were the gate-keepers?
Where were the regulators of spirit and truth during the W. Bush years?
Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, asked by Femi Awlousi of
Denver, in the editorial pages of Time magazine responds to the question:

“Do you think there is such a thing as a rational market?”

Mr. Paulson dodges,

I believe in markets, but I don‟t believe that you can have unregulated,
unfettered markets. Since the beginning of time, they have been prone to
excesses. The key thing is to make sure we have a regulatory system that can
evolve with the markets.31

(I Tim 1:9-11) “We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for
lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those
who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for
slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound
doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted
to me.”
No author. 10 Questions. In On the Brink, the former Treasury chief looks back
on the financial crisis. Time. February 22, 2010. Pg. 4

36 | P a g e
What are we to make of such non-answers as “can evolve?” (But note what
he says he believes! What did his actions show, come trial and testing of those
beliefs? Bail-out folks.)
These are the guys at the levers of power. They testify, “I don‟t believe you
can have unregulated, unfettered markets.” However, what do Greenspan and
Paulson practice as to policy?—unbelief. Is their behavior “rational?” If not, have
we “a rational market?” No.
Now should we simply blame-game?
Who wanted “unregulated, unfettered markets” in the first place?
Conservatives. Reaganites. Affluent Evangelicals. Prosperity tithers.
“Never admit to nothing” is a Conservative‟s moto today.
“Move on,” people invoke as new hope.
Work harder still. Lawlessness towards loving as Christ loved us grows.
Millions turn in their unbelief back to an old confidence called lying. Sorry. It is
called the “mis-spoken word.”

Another Way to Economic Vitality

Jesus says, without any seeker-friendly sensitivity to watering down his
message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”32 Could in principle God‟s
Son be referring to payback (Jerusalem falling in 70 AD)? Is repentance the
answer? Yes.
What does “repentance” have to do with anything, Lord Christ? Should
Evangelicals change their minds concerning “unregulated, unfettered markets?”
Well now, with so few listening—Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior—why
should your Father restrain his judgments? If so few Evangelicals turn from trusting
in themselves (hard work principles and tithing as giving love), what is the point of
God waiting for people to turn, if so few respond?
What is God waiting for? Why is he withholding consequences to our
prosperity excesses? The Bible says,

He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to
repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. 33

Here we have a patient God, and then POW! 9/‟08 stikes, because many corrupt
their finances. Who turns away from the madness in time? Few. The Casino Coast is
judged again by BP‟s neglegence.
Now is God unfair to allow consequences? No.
Does he judge as he works “all things” to outcomes? Yes.
When is the best time then to repent?—BEFORE.
What about all the wacked, expectant tithers getting un-prospered now? Will
they continue in the faith? No. Apostasy and rebellion come.
Another contributor to the mess we find ourselves in are the purveyors
saying, “Take what yours. You deserve it. You worked hard for what you have”
prophets. Excusing themselves, the motivational industry‟s majority claim, “We
were only doing good. We helped others get a home.”

(Mt 4:17)
(II Pet 3:10)

37 | P a g e
Really—and not making yourselves rich in the process?
Thanks. You were only inspiring us to realize our “dreams” (and keeping the
politicians, telling us what we wanted to hear, employed). Ah, the refuge of an
Are these really not lies?
Fact: we wake up to a financial nightmare (and two years later an
environmental catastrophy for much the same reasons). Fact: we pass our enormous
debts on to the next generation. Will they reject our beliefs and assumptions? Of
course. And then we carp about our kids being lazy, taking short-cuts, partying too
much… and we don‟t get why?
Of course, if our god-ideologies really worked by human efforts, our kids
would embrace them! However, our recent financial behavior works, instead,
economic lawlessness. This discourages faith in what we say to a new generation,
right Dr. Dobson?
What do you say Dr. Phil?
America chooses Ophrah‟s philosophy….

To purchase your copy in paperback go to

Search on author “Philip Ellerbrock.”


With the U.S.

Ambassador to
Belarus and
his chief of
staff in ‟04.

38 | P a g e

39 | P a g e
40 | P a g e
From : Oleg Rachkovski <[email protected]>
Sent : Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:23 PM
"Philip Ellerbrock"
To :
<[email protected]>
Subject : How are you?

Dear Phil and Michelle!

Greetings from Gomel, Belarus. It has been a while since we have talked last time.
The time went by so quickly trying to survive the winter. It seems that it was like
yesterday, but in reality it is the middle of summer already. It is three (!) years since
we know each other, but it seems like we met yesterday. The time flies by fast, and I
cannot believe that I have not talked with you since last fall. Please, forgive me for
not writing.

We are doing fine, the kids are growing. The boys are having fun at the camp. I
have a lot of work at the camp. Still messing with the paperwork. Last fall and
winter we have arranges somewhat a place to live. We went through the winter ok,
even though we have burned a lot of wood, the winter was unusually cold - for
about one month straight it stayed at around -10F, but we stayed pretty warm inside.

As you might know, Natasha had a baby girl on October 19. Her name is Inna. The
baby is doing very well - a lot better than David and Sergey did when they were of
her age. I am sending you some recent pictures of our family (see attachments).

How are you doing? How is your work, family, and ministry? Are you planning to
come to Belarus any time soon? We invite you to visit us, please, come.

I hope you are not too upset about my long silence, and will respond to this email. I
was very busy, and even I remembered you often, but never could make myself sit
down and write you. Now I am on the road to Minsk, and my brother is driving, so I
booted up the computer and started to write ... Oops! We are already in Minsk. I
have to go...

Please write, Blessings,

Oleg, Natasha, and family (David, Sergey, Inna)

41 | P a g e
A couple of our students email and write….

From : Anna Sergeeva <[email protected]>

Sent : Friday, September 24, 2004 7:21 AM
To : "Philip Ellerbrock" <[email protected]>
Subject : Re: Phil and Michelle

Hi Phil and Michelle! I‟ve just heard that there have been some terrible hurricanes
near to where you live. Are you all right? I have started university already and I am
enjoying it. Will you be coming to Belarus some time this year? Reply soon!

Love, Ann.

From : Giro Marina <[email protected]>

Sent : Saturday, December 25, 2004 1:08 PM
To : [email protected]
Subject : from Marina

Hello Dear Michelle. It is write to You Marina (Your

English Language Student from Belarus). Sorry, that I
have not writed to You since May. I had a lot of
problems with my e-mail adress and I was must to change
I congratulate You with Christmas and New Year, wish You
and Your Family, Your Children and Grandchildren to be
healthy, to have always goodluck, to be happy, merry, to
have a good mood and all the best, to have a wonderfull
Christmas Time. I believe that Jesus Christ will help
us. Merry christmas and Happy New Year. Be happy.

I’m not sure who sent this email:

Hello, Phil! First of all I would like to appologise for

I couldnt speak to you normaly the day you came back to
"Blagovestye" -- I was just to shocked and to happy to
see you so I was just incapable to say anything.

Well, how do you do? Did you find a good job? How is
Michelle? Hope you are fine.

42 | P a g e

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