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Equipment: Equipment tag no.:

PTD - 500 AC

Document title:


Rev: Reason for issue: Date: Author: Chck: Appr:

0 Issued for Use 12.11.05 AS RS ARS

This document and all information and data herein or
herewith is the confidential and proprietary property of
MARITIME HYDRAULICS A/S and is not to be used,
reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part by or to anyone
without the written confirmation from MARITIME

Proj.no. Disc. Prod.code Doc. code Seq. no

100416 Z BJ36 MB03 0100

Customer doc. no.: -
Customer p.o. no.: -
Customer revision: -
Total no. of pages: 99

G:\Shared\Document\100416\Z\BJ361\User manual\MB03-0100.doc
Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
Equipment: PTD 500 AC Date: 26-Sep-2005
Doc. no.: 100416-Z-BJ361-MB03-0100 Rev.: 0
Title: Maintenance Page: 2 of 99


1. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 4

1.1 General ........................................................................................................................4

1.2 Hydraulic Oil Cleanliness ..........................................................................................5

1.3 Cleaning.......................................................................................................................5

1.4 Special Tool List..........................................................................................................6

2. GUIDE LINES, ROUTINES & PROCEDURES ............................................. 6

2.1 General information ...................................................................................................6

2.2 Guide lines, routines & procedures...........................................................................8

2.2.1 Guide lines for centring the Top Drive to Well Center.............................................8
2.2.2 Guide lines for adjustment of the compensator system.............................................9
2.2.3 Guide lines for adjustment of IBOP Cylinders .......................................................10
2.2.4 Guide lines for Removal of the Thrust Nut.............................................................12
2.2.5 Guide lines for replacing the dies in the torque wrench..........................................13
2.2.6 Guide lines replacing the saver sub & IBOP...........................................................18
2.2.7 Guide lines for removal of IBOP cam sleeve & cylinders......................................19
2.2.8 Guide lines for replacing the Wash pipe .................................................................19
2.2.9 Guide lines for replacing the Seals in the Wash Pipe .............................................22
2.2.10 Guide lines for trust nut clearance check and adjustment....................................27
2.2.11 Guide lines for General Start-Up and Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems .........28
2.2.12 Guide lines for Repair Welding, Offshore/ on-site..............................................30
2.2.13 Guide lines for Repair of Coatings ......................................................................32
2.2.14 Guide lines for calibrating pressure switches. .....................................................33
2.2.15 Guide lines for check or re-calibration of pressure transmitter ...........................33
2.2.16 Guide lines for critical load inspection ................................................................34
2.2.17 Guide lines for Lubrication and Consumables Schedule.....................................50
2.2.18 Guide lines for replacing PLC backup battery.....................................................55
2.2.19 Guide lines for replacing CPU`s ..........................................................................56
2.2.20 Guide lines for replacing Digital or Analog Modules .........................................57
2.2.21 Guide lines for adjusting Proximity Sensors .......................................................58

3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................. 59

3.1 General information .................................................................................................59

3.2 Category , inspection................................................................................................61

3.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................61
3.2.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................62
3.2.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category , .....................................................63

3.3 Category ,, inspection ..............................................................................................64

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Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
Equipment: PTD 500 AC Date: 26-Sep-2005
Doc. no.: 100416-Z-BJ361-MB03-0100 Rev.: 0
Title: Maintenance Page: 3 of 99

3.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................64

3.3.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................65
3.3.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,....................................................67

3.4 Category ,,A inspection............................................................................................69

3.4.1 General ....................................................................................................................69
3.4.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................70
3.4.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,A.................................................74

3.5 Category IIB inspection ...........................................................................................77

3.5.1 General ....................................................................................................................77
3.5.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................78
3.5.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,B .................................................79

3.6 Category ,,, inspection .............................................................................................80

3.6.1 General ....................................................................................................................81
3.6.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................81
3.6.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,, ..................................................85

3.7 Category ,V inspection.............................................................................................87

3.7.1 General ....................................................................................................................87
3.7.2 Top Drive System....................................................................................................88
3.7.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,V ..................................................90

3.8 Non-Periodic Inspection...........................................................................................91


5. ELECTRICAL TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDELINES................................. 95

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Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
Equipment: PTD 500 AC Date: 26-Sep-2005
Doc. no.: 100416-Z-BJ361-MB03-0100 Rev.: 0
Title: Maintenance Page: 4 of 99


1.1 General
The Portable Top Drive (PTD) designed to withstand the corrosive and hostile environment
in which it is located. It is however very important to follow the maintenance schedules to
ensure trouble free operation and lengthen operating time. The recommended practice for
Maritime Hydraulics maintenance chapter is based on API RP 8B Seventh Edition.

User/owner of hoisting equipment shall establish written procedures for inspection,

maintenance, repair and remanufacture of each item of equipment. Therefore these
inspections and maintenance procedures are meant as guidelines.

It is of great importance that the owner/user knows the top drive equipment and is familiar
with all its functions, guidelines and routines. This to ensure safe operation and maintenance
of the equipment.

Maintenance/inspection of the top drive system is divided into various categories, which is
described in maintenance instruction these are based on API RP 8B Seventh Edition.

CAUTION Only qualified personnel should perform maintenance.

Possible Loss,
Use Care

WARNING Secure the area and the equipment prior to any maintenance
Possible Loss, of the equipment to avoid possible damage to personnel and
Injury or Death! equipment.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 5 of 99

1.2 Hydraulic Oil Cleanliness

We expect the Oil cleanliness to be NAS 7 or better from the ring line system.
Checking oil filter and changing element is a vital part of maintenance.

Maintenance personnel should be completely familiar with

WARNING the system operation, hydraulic schematics and maintenance
Possible Loss, procedure.
Injury or Death!
Leaks to be repaired at zero pressure. Pumps must not be in

The hydraulic circuits employed in this system are designed

WARNING for high working pressure. There is a great potential for high
Possible Loss, pressure inherent at any of the hydraulic components.
Injury or Death!
Maintenance personnel should therefore ensure that pressure
is bled off at any circuit scheduled for maintenance and
repair, prior to loosening any components.

1.3 Cleaning
The PTD is designed to withstand the corrosive and hostile environment in which it is
located. However, it should be cleaned on a regular basis.

Before washing, cover up areas on the equipment that for

NOTE safety/functional reasons water/steam/detergent must not
Important penetrate.
Take Notice

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Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
Equipment: PTD 500 AC Date: 26-Sep-2005
Doc. no.: 100416-Z-BJ361-MB03-0100 Rev.: 0
Title: Maintenance Page: 6 of 99

1.4 Special Tool List

The following tools are normally supplied for special routines and maintenance of the top

Quantity Description Weight

1 pc Key for wash pipe 1,0 kg
2 pcs Bolt extractors (torque wrench opening) 3 kg (both)
1 pc Lift frame for thrust nut 54 kg
1 pc Key for IBOP 3 kg
4 pc Lifting hooks for container 8 kg
1 pc 4 par lifting sling 25 kg

Recommended test equipment:

1 ea. Calibrated multi meter

1 ea. Calibrated megger (Insulation check instrument)
1 ea. Calibrated RPM-measurement instrument
1 ea. Calibrated manometer (0-400 bar)
1 ea. Calibrated manometer (0-10 bar)
1 ea. Calibrated hand pump w/gauge for millibar measurements
3 ea. Test manometers (0-250 bar)
2 ea. Test manometers (0-25 bar)


2.1 General information

User/owner of top drive equipment shall establish written procedures for inspection,
maintenance, repair and remanufacture of each item of equipment. Therefore these
inspections and maintenance procedures are meant as guidelines. This because the large
variation of environment and operation this equipment is used under.

WARNING Secure the area and the equipment prior to any of the guide
Possible Loss, lines and procedures are performed to avoid possible damage
Injury or Death! to personnel and equipment.

Care must be taken whenever working with PLC modules to prevent unexpected stop of the
CPU. Do not work with the PLC modules while the system is in operation. In general it is
recommended to only change components when the IC-10-0400 feed breaker S1 is switched

All configuration switches and programming set points are shown on the respective loop
drawings. Refer to these drawings and specific component data sheet whenever components
are to be replaced

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Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
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Title: Maintenance Page: 7 of 99

Several components require special handling during replacement. This may include special
precautions in handling, setting of switches or transfer of software.

CAUTION Only qualified personnel should perform maintenance.

Possible Loss,
Use Care

The hydraulic circuits employed in this system are designed

WARNING for high working pressure. There is a great potential for high
Possible Loss, pressure inherent at any of the hydraulic components.
Injury or Death!
Maintenance personnel should therefore ensure that pressure
is bled off at any circuit scheduled for maintenance and
repair, prior to loosening any components.

Maintenance personnel should be completely familiar with

WARNING the system operation, hydraulic schematics and maintenance
Possible Loss, procedure.
Injury or Death!
Leaks to be repaired at zero pressure. Pumps must not be in

WARNING Top Drive system contain high voltages system. Care must be
Possible Loss, taken during handling, maintenance or other type of work on
Injury or Death! the equipment

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Client: Maersk Project: Maersk Rig 44
Equipment: PTD 500 AC Date: 26-Sep-2005
Doc. no.: 100416-Z-BJ361-MB03-0100 Rev.: 0
Title: Maintenance Page: 8 of 99

2.2 Guide lines, routines & procedures

2.2.1 Guide lines for centring the Top Drive to Well Center

1. Check the guide rails for alignment. If guide rail is OK then continuo with alignment
checks of the top drive.

2. Set a drill pipe stand in the rotary, the box to be approx. 4 feet above the drill floor.
Check the vertical alignment of the stick-up in two directions (90q off each).

3. Lower the Top Drive down onto the stick-up. if the saver sub is off center of the
box more than 10 mm in any direction, the Top Drive has to be aligned.

4. The top drive can be adjusted side ways by adding or removing shim on the side
rollers. For adjustment in /out shim can be added or removed between the main frame
and the connection brackets. Adjust to correct alignment in both directions.

5. If the top drive needs vertically alignment, seen from the front/back the side rollers
must be shimmed with uneven amount diagonal from each other.

6. If the top drive needs vertically alignment, seen from the side. Uneven amount of
shimmed can be placed between the main frame and the connection bracket.

7. Re-Check the alignment with a single pipe screwed into the main shaft. If any
deviation, the guide rail or top drive has to be vertically aligned. The Top Drive has to
be aligned properly to avoid abnormal forces in the system and to ensure proper
functionality of the system.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 9 of 99

2.2.2 Guide lines for adjustment of the compensator system.

Ref.: Valve Unit Flow diagram and Pipe handler hydraulic flow diagram.

After the Top Drive has been installed and the service loops and mud hose
connected the following adjustments have to be made in the following order.

1) Connect the cylinder and chain between the traveling block and the top drive

2) The pressure adjustment for the rod side of the compensator cylinder is made
on the pressure reducing/relief valve

3) Increase the pressure until the Top Drive just starts to be lifted clear of the bail

4) The compensator is now ready for use.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 10 of 99

2.2.3 Guide lines for adjustment of IBOP Cylinders


- It is important to have the IBOP-cylinders adjusted correctly to operate the

kelly valve (IBOP) in a proper way.

- The system must be inspected frequently and always after maintenance or

replacement of valve or sleeve and crank.

- The supply pressure to the IBOP-cylinders is adjusted to 40 bars. Can be

checked by operating manual handle on control valve block, and read off on
the pressure gauge (LS) on valve unit.

- The pressure can be adjusted on the IBOP valve element.

Adjusting procedure

Ref: Hydraulic flow diagram for pipe handler, and hydraulic flow diagram
for valve unit.

IBOP mechanism assembly.

Preparation for adjusting:

1) Pull out the IBOP cylinders from the suspension plate.

2) Remove the sleeve/crank assembly from the kelly valve.

3) Open the kelly valve manually with a hex head spanner and make sure that the
valve is open. The valve has an internal stopper, which allows you to move the
spanner 90 degrees.

4) With open valve, remove the cam sleeve/crank assembly. With the crank hex.head
in upper end of slot in the cam sleeve. Ref to cam. assembly drawing.

5) Without remounting the cylinders, apply hydraulic pressure so until the

cylinder is fully extended.

6) With the cylinders fully extended, push the cylinders into the slot in the
suspension plate.

7) If the plastic pad on the cylinder yoke hits the top of the cam sleeve or is 3-
5mm further down, then the yoke/cylinder is correctly adjusted in open
position. If it is more than 5 mm, the yoke must be adjusted up by turning the
cylinder rod clockwise.
NOTE Release the set screw in the yoke before adjusting
Take Notice

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Title: Maintenance Page: 11 of 99

8) Remove the cylinders and sleeve/crank assembly. Shut the kelly valve with the
spanner and make sure the valves stop on the internal stopper.
Remount the sleeve/crank assembly with the crank hex.head in the lower end
of the slot in the sleeve.

9) Without remounting the cylinders, operate the cylinders to innermost position.

10) Reinstall the cylinders.

11) If the roller hit the sleeve flange O.D. the yoke/cylinders are correctly

12) Release pressure on the cylinders and push them completely into the slot in the
suspension plate. Lock with locking pins.

13) Operate the IBOP cylinders from drillers panel. to open. Check that the
plastic pads/cylinders retract approx. 5mm from top of sleeve flange after 2 - 4
If the distance is too small, excessive wear on pads is likely to occur when
drilling. If the retraction is too large the rollers may hit the underside of sleeve
flange and start closing the valve. This will wear out the valve. There must be
clearance both to plastic pad and roller when the valve is open.

When the valve is shut, the rollers shall always press on underside of the
sleeve flange.

The jump up function of the cylinders is adjusted by altering the activating

time in the PLC.


Calibration Procedures

The calibration procedure refers to the equipment set points, located in section 2.1.

Test instruments to have valid calibration prior to calibration of any components.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 12 of 99

2.2.4 Guide lines for Removal of the Thrust Nut.

1. Remove the torque wrench.

2. Remove the IBOP sleeve.

3. Remove the IBOP cylinders.

4. Remove the suspension plate for the IBOP cylinders.

5. Loosen the security pins for the 4-lock screws.

6. Unscrew the lock screws.

7. Use a round bar, -diameter not more than 50 mm, unscrew the thrust nut
approximately 100 mm.

8. Move the lift tool for the nut into place and support the weight of the nut on
the lift tool when unscrewing the threads completely. Do not rest the weight of
the nut on the last few threads.

9. When the nut is completely unscrewed, lower down on floor. The intermediate
sub (if applicable) , IBOP and the saver sub will guide the nut.

CAUTION Move gently to avoid damaging the threads.

Possible Loss,
Use Care

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Title: Maintenance Page: 13 of 99

2.2.5 Guide lines for replacing the dies in the torque wrench

Note! If the Torque Wrench can be removed from the PTD, all dies are available for removal
without opening the Torque Wrench as described below.

Lower the Top Drive

until the guide funnel
has landed on the drill
floor. Disconnect the
quick connections.

Disconnect the safety chains or loosen the

torque wrench elevation clamps.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 14 of 99

Remove the safety pins and pull out/knock out the pivot pins.

Hoist the Top Drive clear of the torque

wrench and remove the torque wrench
for service.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 15 of 99

Unscrew the bolt for the safety wire and

locking plate for the pivot pins.

Knock out the pivot pin by means of bolt

extractor (delivered with the PTD). Swing
out the upper clamp cylinder and repeat for
the lower clamp cylinder.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 16 of 99

Use a wrench and loosen the bolts holding the

jaws to the respective clamp parts.

Clamp cylinder shown with the jaw removed.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 17 of 99

Unscrew bolts and change worn dies with


Use grease and anti-corruption adhesives when mounting the jaws and pivot pins in order to
maintain an easy service.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 18 of 99

2.2.6 Guide lines replacing the saver sub & IBOP.

Removal of Saver Sub & IBOP.

A1. Using the T.W.

1. Note! When using the torque wrench for making / breaking out saver
sub, lower jaws for 6 5/8" DP & tool joint OD 7 " have to be

2. Raise the T.W. to the required height (approx. 220 mm)

3. Switch the T.W. to manual mode on panel, and perform a brake out

4. Break out the connection twice.

5. The saver sub can now be unscrewed by hand.

6. Put in the new sub & make up the connection.

A2. Using rig tongs

1. Disconnect the four hydraulic quick connections on the T.W. manifold.

2. Lower the T.W. to the floor.

3. Disconnect T.W. from guide rods.

4. Retract guide rods if needed.

5. Connect rig tongs and unscrew.

To remove the lower IBOP, Upper IBOP or the Intermediate Sub (if
applicable), the IBOP cam sleeve and the IBOP cylinders have to be taken out.

CAUTION Never use rig tongs without supporting the free end in the
Possible Loss, rotary table.
Use Care

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Title: Maintenance Page: 19 of 99

2.2.7 Guide lines for removal of IBOP cam sleeve & cylinders.

1 Remove the pins on the IBOP-cylinders and take out the cylinders.
2. Remove the cam sleeve by pulling out the two cylinder locking pins,
and open. (Ref. cam sleeve arr. drawing), pull up pin, swing out lever,
pull up pin, swing out lever / hinge, lift sleeve half no. 1 relative to half
no. 2 and open).
3. Remove the sleeve and the crank.

2.2.8 Guide lines for replacing the Wash pipe

Prior to installation of the completely assembled Wash Pipe, the thread connections as
well as the front-side contact surfaces are to be cleaned properly and to be greased

Dismount possibly existing cover (in the case of a stored stuffing box).

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Title: Maintenance Page: 20 of 99

Check, whether the o-rings are still properly in the o-ring

groove. If necessary, the o-rings are to be removed and to be
inserted again with grease in the o-ring groove in order to
avoid falling-out when putting on the main shaft.

Place the mud pipe with the lower stuffing box

(long stuffing box) carefully on the main shaft center.


The threads of the upper stuffing box and lower stuffing

box are left-hand threaded.

Lift upper stuffing box (short), and screw manually on

swivel gooseneck thread as far as possible (by l.h.
turning - i.e. anti-clockwise turning).

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Title: Maintenance Page: 21 of 99

Screw on manually lower stuffing box as far as possible

on the thread of the main shaft (by l.h. turning).

Put hook wrench around the upper stuffing box, and tighten
the stuffing box by turning the hook wrench.

The stuffing box is tightened when it is no longer any play

between the parts.

The lower stuffing box is tightened in the same way.

After the grease nipple (1 piece) has been lubricated and all tools and auxiliary means have
been removed, the Top Drive is ready for operation.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 22 of 99

2.2.9 Guide lines for replacing the Seals in the Wash Pipe
The seals on the wash pipe have to be lubricated (ref. lubrication schedule) when drilling.
The seals and the wash pipe are replaced as on every other conventional swivel. The wash
pipe is kept in place by two nuts. Both are left-hand threaded. Loosening and tightening of
the nuts to be by use of a hammer and a puncher.

The following pages show how to assemble a complete wash pipe, including packing, subs,
nuts, etc.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 23 of 99


The assembly of the wash pipe is done in three sections.

Please pay attention to absolute cleanness of all parts, as the later lifetime essentially depends
of this.

As a rule, all parts to be installed will have to be greased slightly prior to installation.

1. Prior to assembly, the seal retainer 2. Use a rubber mallet to install the seal in
and seal must be clean and free of the seal retainer.

3. Use a brush and fill the seal with EP 2 4. Also grease the outward groove for the
grease. O-ring.

5. Install O-ring in the groove.

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6. Install the seal retainer with seal into the lower stuffing box. Use a wooden plate or
other soft material.

7. Install O-ring into the upper groove on the seal retainer. Use some EP2 in the groove.

Repeat actions 1 7 until all four seal retainers are installed into the
lower stuffing box.

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8. Use a clamping device to press down the four seal retainers to such an extent, that the
hex. locking bolt can be turned into the groove of the seal retainer. (See picture 9b.)
Make sure that it is engaged into the groove.

9. Insert O-ring in upper stuffing box. 10. Place the upper stuffing box on top of
the lower stuffing box.

11. Install the mud pipe through both stuffing boxes. Before installation, check mud pipe
surface. Replace if noticeable corrosion or grooves.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 26 of 99

12. Install the seal retainer onto the mud 13. Install the circlip on the mud pipe.

13. Install O-ring on the seal retainer. 14. Assembly complete.

Before storage and transportation, mount the covers 16, 17, and secure with hex. nut 18.

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2.2.10 Guide lines for trust nut clearance check and adjustment

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Title: Maintenance Page: 28 of 99

2.2.11 Guide lines for General Start-Up and Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems
A long lifetime and functional security of a hydraulic system and its components,
is dependent on correct service and maintenance.

For a Safe and faultless function it is necessary to be especially aware of the following basic
but important fact:

CAUTION Only qualified personnel should perform maintenance and

Possible Loss, service on the hydraulic system
Use Care

WARNING The Hydraulic system is a high-pressure system. Use care

Possible Loss, and proper safety precaution to avoid
Injury or Death! dangerous/hazardous situation.

WARNING Secure area during start up or testing of hydraulic system

Possible Loss,
Injury or Death!

NOTE Cleanliness in all aspect when working with hydraulic

Important system
Take Notice

Below is listed some basic but important knowledge regarding hydraulic system

x Check/ensure that correct oil is used and that there is oil on the tank. It is recommended
that filling of oil is performed through the filter.

x Never start up a hydraulic pump before filling the pump house. Use the filling plug on top
the tank and fill the pump with clean oil.

x Always check the direction of rotation by giving the electrical motor a short start pulse in
manual mode and check the direction upon the HPU unit.

x After rig move, startup after long storage or major repair always start the system with a
short start pulse in manual mode and check for abnormal noise.

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x Closing shut of ball valve during operation must be done in correct order
1. Pressure
2. Load sensing
3. Drain/return

x Opening shut of ball valve during operation must be done in correct order
1. Drain/return
2. Load sensing
3. Pressure

x Do not use sealing compound or hemp as a seal medium. This could give considerable
pollution disturbance in the system.

x If new components or old that has been repaired is to be installed, make sure that its
installed correctly and that correct setting (if applicable) is set. Also make sure that all
hoses or connections are correct installed and tightened up properly afterwards.

x Always use correct hoses and fittings.

x Personnel, who are not involved in the function test, have to keep away from the testing

x Check all function manually from the Danfoss control valve. Check the pressures on the

x Check for abnormal noise when system is working under pressure.

x Check oil level, temperature and for leakages constantly during start-up.

x If leakages in the system must always be rectified with no pressure.

x Old or polluted oil will not be improved by refilling new oil.

x Collect oil sample on regular basis.

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2.2.12 Guide lines for Repair Welding, Offshore/ on-site

Instructions for Welding Repairs, Regular structural steel.

This procedure to be followed during welding repairs on welded rotary power


1. - General prescriptions and directives

- API 8 C, 2nd edition, section 5

- API 8 C, 2nd edition, section 6
- ANSI/AWS D 1.1-92, chapter 3, point 3.7
- ANSI/AWS D 1.1-92, chapter C 3, point C 3.7

2. - General requirements

- Qualification of welders for welding steel acc. to DIN 8560 or equivalent

standard. Valid qualification test certificates are required.

- Welding acc. to DnV approved welding procedure qualification tests.

Valid test reports are required.

3. - Authorized welding process and additive

3.1 Manual arc welding with covered electrode.

3.2 Electrode: type E 7016 acc. to AWS: ASME II/C e.g.: FOX EV 50-A,
Messrs. Bhler, or equivalent DnV-certification approval is required.

4. - Regulations of execution

4.1 The extent of defect has to be ascertained by use of visual control acc. to
QA-10/70, dye penetrant inspection acc. to QA-10/74, magnetic particle
inspection acc. to QA-10/75 or ultrasonic inspection acc. to QA-10/76.

Ref. data dossier for further information.

4.2 Prior to any repair the following criteria for repairs have to be

- Location of defect
- Defect type
- Defect size limits
- Definition of major/minor repairs

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4.3 The removal of weld metal or portions of the base metal has to be done
by machining, grinding, chipping, or gouging. It has to be done in such a
manner that the adjacent weld metal or base metal is not nicked or
gouged. Unacceptable portions of the weld have to be removed without
substantial removal of the base metal.

4.4 All excavations for weld repairs have to be examined by the magnetic
particle inspection acc. to QA-10/75 and the same quality assurance
criteria have to be applied.

4.5 Before welding all surfaces, weld and adjacent base metal, have to be
cleaned thoroughly by brushing.

4.6 Before welding a limited amount of localised heat has to be applicated

carefully. The temperature of heated areas as measured by use of
thermocouple thermometer has to be 120-150qC.

4.7 Deposition of weld metal

Intermediate temperature may not increase more than 220qC.

4.8 The repaired or replaced weld has to be retested by the same methods as
described under point 4.1, and the same technique and quality
acceptance criteria have to be applied.

5. - Correction methods for different defect types

5.1 Overlap, excessive convexity or excessive reinforcement.

- Excessive weld metal has to be removed.

5.2 Excessive concavity of weld or crater, undersize welds, undercutting.

- The surface have to be prepared acc. to point 4.4, heated up

acc. to point 4.5 and additional weld metal deposited.

5.3 Incomplete fusion, excessive weld porosity or slag inclusions.

- Unacceptable portions have to be removed and rewelded

following the instructions as described under points 4.3 - 4.6.

5.4 Cracks in weld or base metal.

- The crack and sound metal 2 inch (50 mm) beyond each end of
the crack have to be removed and rewelded following the
instructions as described under points 4.3. - 4.6.

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2.2.13 Guide lines for Repair of Coatings

Repair damaged surface of paint in accordance with MH STANDARD PAINT
SPECIFICATION I 73 rev. A. System no. 1. Color Code RAL 3002.
Dry film thickness Re coating intervals
Coat (DFT)in micr.* guiding data d/h min.
Surface preparation Product
no Recom-
Min Max 5qC 10qC 20qC No. %
ISO8501-1 1998: 1 AMERCOAT 132 50 75 100 6 3 1 9HF 10
Salt test ISO8502-6 2 PSX 700 125 150 175 18 9 4 911 10
Max 20mg NaCl Total DFT microns 225 225 275

Repair system, minor areas, part of MH STANDARD PAINT SPECIFICATION I 73

rev. A, System no.1

Total DFT can not be achieved with application of min DFT of each coat. Surface
temperature must be at least 3q above dew point.

Recommended over coating intervals at spec. DFT. High humidity and poor ventilation will
increase the drying time

Before application of any coat of material, all damage to previous coat shall be repaired. All
loose paint shall be removed to a firm edge. All surface irregularities and contaminants shall
be removed. Hard, glossy surfaces may require abrading to obtain a suitable surface for

Inadequate Coating Thickness

The surface of areas with inadequate coating thickness shall be made good by application of
additional coat(s) of the deficient material. These shall be demonstrated to be fully bonded to
the original coating. These additional coats shall blend in with the final coating on adjoining

Contaminated Surfaces
All contaminated surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned with an alkaline detergent (DEVPREP
88 or equal) and high-pressure fresh water, prior to any blast cleaning or mechanical surface

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2.2.14 Guide lines for calibrating pressure switches.

In accordance with the equipment set point schedule, se flow diagram, apply a known
calibrated pressure to the pressure switch to be calibrated.
When the pressure has stabilized, adjust to the switching set point by the set point screw on
the pressure switch.

Rising set point to be done at rising pressure applied.

Falling set point to be done at falling pressure applied.

Set point, which is designated in the top drive control program, can be adjusted via the use of
a personal computer equipped with suitable programming software.

2.2.15 Guide lines for check or re-calibration of pressure transmitter

Prior to installation, check calibration range to be in accordance to values found on
appropriate hydraulic flowsheet. MH will normally set up the sensor, and a sticker stating
certificate reference will be found on the device.
For check of the calibration range, use a hydraulic press, hydraulic calibration unit or similar.
Always verify the test by use of a certified test gauge, where the gauge readout range is as
close to the sensor range as possible. Check the sensor 0-25-50-75 and 100% at both rising
and falling pressure to verify linearity.
Always log test result for later use.

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2.2.16 Guide lines for critical load inspection

The objective of this procedure is to ensure that the integrity of the equipment is maintained
during its operational life.

This procedure should be treated as manufacturers guidelines intended to meet the

inspection requirements of API RP 8B formulated as follows:

The owner and user together with the manufacturer should jointly develop and
update inspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacture procedures consistent
with equipment application, loading, work environment, usage and other
operational loads.

The owner or user of the equipment should develop his own schedule of
inspections based on experience, manufacturers recommendations and
consideration of one or more of the following factors:
- environment
- load cycles
- regulatory requirements
- operating time
- testing
- repairs
- remanufacture

Jarring is a very specific application of the considered equipment resulting in exposing it to

critical loads, therefore special actions should be taken by the owner or user to prevent the
damage of the equipment or danger to people.

Prior to and/or after a critical loading the drill floor supervisor should conduct a critical load
inspection. The extent of this inspection must be required by the supervisor on the
basis of his judgement of actual impact loading severity.

The following procedure can be considered as a guideline checklist, which should be used
to form part of a detailed Risk Assessment by the top drive owner/operator and thereafter
used as a recommended practice.

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The main objective of the procedure is to determine cracks, loose fits/connections, and
elongation of parts, overloading or other signs of wear. Any equipment found to show
cracks, excessive wear etc, should be removed from service. The inspection procedure is
based on the assumption that the critical load operation was performed with the string
connected to the top drive shaft. The Link hanger and Thrust Nut, with associated parts are
therefore not considered to have been exposed to any severe loads, however require
inspection for damage due to vibration.

NOTE All visual inspections to be carried out by competent

Important personnel. Cracks to be determined by use of NDE specified
Take Notice on drawing or other relevant procedures.

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PTD Swivel and Main shaft, ref. fig 3A

1 Check swivel lugs for cracks and deformation.
2 Check pin retainer for bail pin.
3 Check bolts and securing device for swivel cover fixing bolts.
4 Check bolts and securing device for gooseneck fixing bolts.
Inspect pin and box thread in accordance with API RP 7G for tool
6 Check bail (or direct link if installed) for cracks and deformation.
7 Check pin retainers and securing bolts for bail pins.
8 Check compensator link lugs (if installed) for cracks and deformation.
9 Check connection links (if installed) for cracks and deformation.
Check pin retainers and securing bolts for cylinder connection to
compensator link.
Check top bearing and end-float (if applicable) in accordance with
Product Bulletin PB-002.
Additional checks!
Check the bearing hub and connecting screws for damage and wear.
Comments :

Important Note!
Since the bearings (top bearing and main thrust bearing) are exposed to unknown and most
probably very high impact loads, Maritime Hydraulics can not take the responsibility for the
expected lifetime of the bearings after jarring.

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PTD Pipe Handler, ref. fig 4A

1 Check fixing bolts between pipe handler and gearbox.
2 Check fixing bolts between pipe handler and slew bearing.
3 Check fixing bolts for pipe handler rotation motor and pinion.
4 Check holding nut for TW guide rods to torque wrench.
5 Check fixing pins for torque wrench to guide rods.
6 Check hydraulic hoses from hydraulic swivel.
7 Check the outer part of the hydraulic swivel is correctly located.
Check the link hanger suspension springs and clearance between thrust
nut and link hanger.
Check suspension chains between pipe handler and torque wrench (if
10 Check pins and retainer plates for link tilt cylinders.
Check fixing bolts for torque wrench hoist motors and brakes (if
13 Check fixing bolts for elevator link plates (if installed).
14 Check Pins and Retainer Plates for Link Tilt Mechanism
Check fixing bolts for valves, brackets etc. are tight and secure. Check
for hydraulic leakage on hose connections

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IBOP Mechanism, ref. fig. 5

1 Check fixing pins and retainers.
2 Check locking device for cam roller.
3 Check cylinder connection to roller assembly.
4 Check the assembly operates correctly.
5 Check for hydraulic leaks on hose connections.
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Gearbox, ref. fig 6C

1 Check fixing bolts for motors.
Check lever for gear lock
2 Check pins and retainer plates for connection plate (Fig 6A).
3 Check gear lock mechanism.
4 Check fixing bolts for gearbox bottom cover.
5 Check clamp for mud pipe.
6 Check fixing screws for protection grid (Fig 6A)
7 Check hose connections on motors and manifolds.
8 Check flexible coupling (Fig 6A).
9 Check pins and retainer plates for compensator cylinders (Fig 6B).
Check fixing bolts for valves, brackets etc. are tight and still secured.
Check for hydraulic leakage on hose connections.
11 Drain gearbox oil and check main bull gear is in correct position.


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Torque Wrench, ref. fig. 7A

1 Check fixing bolts between suspension plate and torque wrench.
2 Check guide funnel, fixing bolts and safety wire.
3 Check jaws and fixing bolts for jaws.
Check fixing bolts for brackets etc. are tight and secure. Check for
hydraulic leaks on hose connections.
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Dolly, ref. fig. 8

1 Check pins, fixing bolts and retainer plates for connection to top drive.
Check bolts and retainer plates for connection between main frame and
dolly connection frame.
3 Check boogie fixing arrangement
4 Check side roller arrangement.
NA Check fixing bolts for brackets etc. are tight and still secure.
Check alignment of PTD with well centre in accordance with guide
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Figure 8

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Block Dolly, ref. fig. 9

1 Check fixing bolts and retainer plates for connection to traveling block.
Check bolts and retainer plates for connection between main frame and
traveling block connection frame.
3 Check boogie fixing arrangement
4 Check side roller arrangement.
NA Check fixing bolts for brackets etc. are tight and still secure.
Check alignment of PTD with well centre in accordance with guide
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Figure 9

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2.2.17 Guide lines for Lubrication and Consumables Schedule

** For lubrication of AC motor it is important to follow lubrication procedure in
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual from supplier of AC-motor.

The viscosity of gearbox oil is to be chosen corresponding to the ambient

temperatures, Se table
Gear oil depending on temperature
Viscosity in cSt at 40q C Operating temperature in qC
DIN 51519 Min. Max. Min. Max.
ISO-VG 22 19.8 24.2 -20 50
ISO-VG 32 28.8 35.2 -15 60
ISO-VG 46 41.4 50.6 -5 70
ISO-VG 68 61.2 74.6 0 75
ISO-VG 100 90.0 110.0 5 80

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REQ. NO.: SUPPLIER: Maritime Hydraulics A/S
G=Gramme L=Litre Y=Yearly M=Monthly W=Weekly D=Daily HRS=Hours
TAG NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: Power Swivel/Integrated Dolly
1 NA Swivel Housing NA Omala 220 Approx. 35 L 1000 hrs
2 NA Gear Housing NA Omala 68 Approx. 90 L 1000 hrs
3 1 Top & bottom shaft sealing " BSP Alvania EP2 10 g M or 300 hour
incl. Top conical bearing drilling
4 1 Wash pipe " BSP Alvania EP2 10 g 12 hrs
5 4 Bail pin " BSP Alvania EP2 5g M
6 NA Plug on gooseneck NA Alvania EP2 N/A When opened
7 NA Pipe handler rotation open NA Malleus GL95 NA M
gear wheels
8 6 Link tilt system " BSP Alvania EP2 5g M
9 NA IBOP cam sleeve, apply NA Alvania EP2 NA When opened
grease when assembly
10 2 IBOP mechanism (roller) " BSP Alvania EP2 5g M
11 4 Torque wrench /8" BSP Alvania EP2 10 g M

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REQ. NO.: SUPPLIER: Maritime Hydraulics A/S
G=Gramme L=Litre Y=Yearly M=Monthly W=Weekly D=Daily HRS=Hours
TAG NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: Power Swivel/Integrated Dolly
12 8 Dolly bogie /8" BSP Alvania EP2 10 g M
13 4 Side rollers /8" BSP Alvania EP2 10 g M
NA NA HPU hydraulic oil NA Tellus 32, ISO VG32 Approx. 60 L NA
NA 2 Guide dolly connecting bolt NA Alvania EP2 NA When assembly
NA 2 Torque wrench guide rod & NA Alvania EP2 NA When assembly
spring package
NA 2 ** Main AC drive motor /4" BSP Chevron SRI-2 14 g Every 3 month
NA 1 Drive coupling NA Alvania GL 00 Approx. Y or 3000 hour
0,15 L

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2.2.18 Guide lines for replacing PLC backup battery

Observe the following when handling backup batteries:

x You should replace the backup battery after a year.
x Observe the usual regulations/guidelines for disposing of lithium batteries in
your country.
x Backup batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place.
x Backup batteries can be stored for ten years. If they are stored for a longer
period, however, a passivation layer may form.
To replace the backup battery, follow the steps outlined below:
x Discharge any static charge by touching a grounded metal part of the S7-300.
x Open the cover of the CPU module.
x Using the loop(s), pull the backup battery/batteries out of the battery
compartment. If the module has two batteries replace one at a time. If the
module has one battery then it must only be replaced with power on and
applied in order to prevent loss of program and/or data. Ensure correct polarity
of the battery/batteries.
x Close the cover of the CPU module.

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2.2.19 Guide lines for replacing CPU`s

CPU modules may only be replaced by modules with the exact same part number.
The part number is printed on the top left corner of the module front. If another CPU
module is to be used this must be done by qualified MH personnel, as hardwire
configuration changes have to be performed.
If the CPU program is not stored in FLASH memory it is not recommended that CPU
modules are replaced by other than qualified MH personnel. If the program is stored
in FLASH memory the procedure below may be used. Note that all accumulated data
stored in the CPU module will be lost. This may include data such as motor run time,
wire usage and similar integrated information.

To remove the module, follow the steps outlined below:

1. Set the CPU mode switch to STOP.
2. Set the Standby switch of the power supply module down (0 V output
3. Remove the cover of the CPU.
4. Disconnect the MPI connector, if applicable.
5. Disconnect the connector at the EXT. BATT. socket, if applicable.
6. Remove the memory card.
7. Loosen the mounting screws of the module.
8. Swivel the module out.
To fit the new module, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Hook the new module of the same type on and swivel it downward.
2. Screw the module on.
3. If applicable, plug the connector for the external battery supply into the socket.
4. Set the CPU mode switch to STOP.
5. Insert the memory card.
6. Set the Standby switch of the power supply module up (output voltages at
rated values).
7. Set the CPU mode switch to MRES.
8. Set the CPU mode switch to RUN.
9. Close the cover.

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2.2.20 Guide lines for replacing Digital or Analog Modules

To remove a module, follow the steps outlined below:

1. You can not replace analogue and digital modules in RUN mode. Therefore
always turn the IC-10-0400 located PLC supply breaker F6 off.
2. Loosen the mounting screw of the front connector and pull it off.
3. Loosen the mounting screws of the module.
4. Swivel the module out.

Caution: The module can be damaged.

If, for example, you insert a front connector of a digital module in an analogue
module, the module may be damaged.
Only operate modules with their complete front connector-coding key.

To fit the new module, follow the steps outlined below:

1. For analogue modules make sure that the measurement type-coding key on the
side of the new module matches that of the old module. If in doubt refer to the
loop diagrams for further information.
2. Hook the new module of the same type on at the appropriate slot and swivel it
3. Screw the module on with both mounting screws.
4. Fit the front connector.
5. Switch the Standby switch on the power supply up.
6. After fitting, each programmable module will be reinitialised by the CPU with
To replace a front connector, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Set the power supply Standby switch down and switch off all load power
supplies for the module.
2. Loosen the screw of the front connector and pull it off.
3. Remove the labels from the front connector and insert them into the new front
4. Wire the new front connector.
5. Insert the front connector in the module.
6. Screw the front connector on.
7. Switch on the load voltage and set the power supply Standby switch up.

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2.2.21 Guide lines for adjusting Proximity Sensors

Proximity sensors depend on the sensing distance from its initiating flag to give an accurate
output. This is in particular important when the sensor is used to check frequency on rotating
parts (PTD speed). Check sensor to flag distance to be 4 to 6mm at minimum.
PTD speed sensor, check all flags on flag wheel to ensure stable speed readout.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 59 of 99


3.1 General information

The Portable Top Drive (PTD) is designed to withstand the corrosive and hostile environment
in which it is located. It is however very important to follow the maintenance schedules to
ensure trouble free operation and lengthen operating time. The recommended practice for
Maritime Hydraulics maintenance chapter is based on API RP 8B Seventh Edition, March

Maintenance/inspection of the top drive system is divided into the following category:

Category I
Category II
Category IIA
Category IIB
Category III
Category IV
Non-periodic inspection

Maintenance/inspection frequency is based on API RP 8B Seventh Edition. In general that

Category I is daily
Category II is weekly
Category IIA is every month
Category IIB is every 3-month
Category III is every 6-month
Category IV every 5 years

Non-periodic inspection is a inspection that should be made before (if anticipated) and after
critical jobs. (e.g., running heavy casing string, jarring, pulling on stuck pipes and/or
operating at extreme low temperatures).

NOTE The frequency might change depending on what type of

Important equipment.
Take Notice Check API RP 8B
i.e. Elevator links have a category IV inspection every year.

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Inspection and maintenance is closely linked. Inspection and maintenance may be initiated
based on but not limited to one or more of the following criteria.

x Specific time intervals

x Measurable wear limits
x Load cycle accumulation
x Non-performance of the equipment
x Environment
x Experience (history)
x Regulatory requirements

CAUTION Only qualified personnel should perform maintenance.

Possible Loss,
Use Care

WARNING Secure the area and the equipment prior to any maintenance
Possible Loss, of the equipment to avoid possible damage to personnel and
Injury or Death! equipment.

NOTE In addition to this maintenance document, it is also

Important important to keep track of relevant safety- and product-
Take Notice bulletins.

Operators shall review safety consideration applicable to the site where the maintenance is

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Title: Maintenance Page: 61 of 99

3.2 Category , inspection

This service is to ensure good daily standard on the equipment, and that operation of the
equipment can be done in a safe manner.

Category , inspection involves observing the equipment during operation for indications of
inadequate performance.

When in use, the equipment shall be visually inspected on a daily basis for cracks, loose fits
or connections, elongation of parts, and other signs for wear, corrosion or overloading.

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

In general a Category I inspection is:

3.2.1 General
Visual checks for any obviously damaged components on top drive system.

Grease all lubrication nipples according to lubrication and consumable schedule.

For details regarding lubrication, Ref. Lubrication and Consumables Schedule.

For other details and identifications, ref. Arrangement and assembly drawings in chapter 8.

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3.2.2 Top Drive System

Check of oil level for swivel & gearbox and HPU. Change according to lubrication and
consumable schedule.

Check of temperature for swivel & gearbox, HPU and AC-Motor on the OP 7 panel in the
VFD housing (during drilling operation).

Check filter indicators on gearbox

The viscosity of the lubrication oil is to be chosen corresponding to the ambient temperatures.
Ref. Lubrication and consumables schedule.

Check gearbox lubrication oil pressure gauge during rotation.

If the differential pressure over the lub. Oil filters are more that 1,5 bar the filter element
must be changed.

NOTE When starting up the Top Drive at cold temperatures, the

Important viscosity of the oil will be very high. This may lead to high
Take Notice differential pressure. Run until the temperature is above
40qC. the differential pressure over the inline filter should
then be approx. 0,5 - 1,0 bar.

The swivel housing has oil splash lubrication.

Check filter indicators on HPU

NOTE If the hydr. Oil temp is low, the viscosity is very high and
Important the indicator will probably indicate clogged filter. Check
Take Notice the indicator when proper operation temperature is

Electro system incl. Service Loops:

Inspect IC-10-0400 for tripped circuit breakers, blown fuses and loose components. Check
operating environment according to specification in the MAIN DATA section of this manual.

Check daily the power connectors for abnormal heat. (Indication of bad connection)

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3.2.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,

Rig: Service Category: ,

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1. Lubricate according to lubrication schedule
Visual checks for any obviously damaged
2. components on top drive system.
3. Check oil level in gearbox
4. Check oil level in swivel
5. Check oil level in HPU tank
6. Check filter indicators on HPU
7. Check filter indicators and lube. oil pressure on
gearbox during rotation
8. Check gearbox temperature (OP 7 panel in VFD
9. General Check swivel temperature (OP 7 panel in VFD
10. Check HPU temperature (OP 7 panel in VFD
11. Check AC-motor temperature (OP 7 panel in VFD
12 Check power connectors for abnormal heat.
(Indication of bad connection)
13 Inspect IC-10-0400 for tripped circuit breakers,
blown fuses and loose components. Check
operating environment according to specification
in the MAIN DATA section of this manual.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 64 of 99

3.3 Category ,, inspection

This service is to ensure good standard on the equipment, and that operation of the equipment
can be done in a safe manner.

Category ,, inspection involves category , inspection plus further inspection for corrosion,
deformation, loose or missing components, deterioration, proper lubrication, visible external
cracks, and adjustment

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination.
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

In general a Category II inspection is:

3.3.1 General
Category , inspection

Grease all lubrication nipples according to lubrication and consumable schedule.

Visually check that all the hydraulic hoses, pipes and fittings are free from damage. If the
steel-cord can be seen on a hydraulic hose, the actual hose should be exchanged immediately.

Visually checks that all bolt heads are secured properly. Also check that all brackets and
ancillary items are fastened and secured.
Check that all chains are free from damages and that all shackles have double locking device
(nut + split pin).

For details regarding lubrication, Ref. Lubrication and Consumables Schedule

For other details and identifications ref. Arrangement and assembly drawings in chapter 8.

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3.3.2 Top Drive System

Check clearance between thrust nut and pipe handler.
It is recommended to check this clearance once a week. It is also recommended to log this
clearance on a log-sheet. If any deviation should occur, the lock screw should be loosened
and the position of the fixing bolt should be checked. Ref. Guide lines for trust nut clearance
check and adjustment.

WARNING It is strictly important that the fixing bolts are engaged in the
Possible Loss, matching groove in the main shaft. Serious damage may occur
Injury or Death! if the thrust nut is allowed to rotate respectively to the main

When tightening up the fixing bolts, make sure that required

torque is applied step-wise for the 4 bolts around the main
shaft. Ref. Guide lines for trust nut clearance check and

(If the fixing bolts are tightened up without matching the

intended grooves, the clearance between the bolt head and
thrust nut outside diameter will be reduced approx. 6 mm.

Pipe Handler:
Visually check the dies in the torque wrench for wear, change if necessary.

Visually check the spring packages for the guide rods on the Pipe Handler.

Inspect guide funnel rubber on torque wrench for wear

Inspect guide funnel safety wires.

Check breather filter on the HPU

NOTE For more detail regarding hydraulic system ref. also

Important Guide lines for General Start-Up and Maintenance of
Take Notice Hydr. Systems.

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Guide Dolly:
Check for abnormal noises from guide dolly rollers

Electro system incl. Service loops:

Visually check that all hoses and quick connectors are free from damage.

Visually check that all cables are free from damage.

Open operator panels and visually inspect for water ingress and loose equipment.

WARNING Never connect or disconnect any electrical quick

Possible Loss, connectors while energized, make sure a proper shut down
Injury or Death! procedure is performed before connect or disconnect.

NOTE Never pull or lift in the loop cables, safety shroud or quick
Important connectors, only in the protection hose.
Take Notice
When handling open quick connectors use caution to
avoid pollution that may cause fault on the signals

When cleaning the quick connectors only use carbon free

electro clean.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 67 of 99

3.3.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,

Rig: Service Category: II

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1. Category , inspection

2. Grease all lubrication nipples according to

lubrication and consumable schedule.
3. Visually check that all the hydraulic hoses, pipes
and fittings are free from damage. If the steel-cord
can be seen on a hydraulic hose, the actual hose
should be exchanged immediately.
4. Visually checks that all bolt heads are secured
properly. Also check that all brackets and
ancillary items are fastened and secured.
5. Check that all chains are free from damages and
that all shackles have double locking device (nut +
split pin).
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 68 of 99

SERVICE SHEET, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,

Rig: Service Category: II

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Check clearance between thrust nut and pipe
Top Drive
2 Visually check the dies in the torque wrench for
wear, change if necessary.
3 Inspect guide funnel safety wires
4 Pipe Handler Inspect guide funnel rubber on torque wrench
for wear
5 Visually check the spring packages for the guide
rods on the Pipe Handler.
6 Check breather filter on the HPU
7 Check for abnormal noises from guide dolly
Guide dolly
8 Visually check that all hoses and quick connectors
are free from damage.
9 Electro system incl. Visually check that all cables are free from
Service loops damage
10 Open operator panels and visually inspect for
water ingress and loose equipment.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 69 of 99

3.4 Category ,,A inspection

This service is to ensure good standard on the equipment, and that operation of the equipment
can be done in a safe manner.

Category ,,A inspection involves category ,, inspection plus further and more supplementary
inspection for corrosion, deformation, loose or missing components, deterioration, proper
lubrication, visible external cracks, and adjustment

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination.
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

In general a Category IIA inspection is:

3.4.1 General
Category ,, inspection

Grease all lubrication nipples according to lubrication and consumable schedule.

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3.4.2 Top Drive System

Check that the pressure gauge on the gearbox lubrication Oil filter indicates zero when the
pump has stopped.

Under normal conditions it is not necessary to open the gearbox before Category ,V
In the case of deviations, such as sudden temperature increase of the lubrication oil, leakage,
i.e. defective oil-seal rings, so that oil levels are no longer o.k, the gearbox must be checked

Check for leakage from seal rings. After failure of sealing or bearings, new ones have to be

The routine field inspection is a visual inspection of the equipment. The equipment should be
inspected on a regular basis, min. every 30 days, for cracks, loose fits or connections,
elongation of parts, other signs of wear, corrosion or over loading.

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear etc.

Important should immediately be removed from service.
Take Notice

Inspection procedure Ref. fig. 1

Check saver sub pin & box thread according to API RP 7 G for tool joints. Check for
excessive wear or signs of over loading.

Check IBOP valve pin & box thread according to API RP 7 G for tool joints. Check for
cracks or other signs of over loading.

Check main shaft lower end box thread according to API RP 7G for tool joints. Check for
cracks or other signs of over loading.

Check thrust nut securing bolts and clearance between thrust nut and link hanger. Check for
cracks or other signs of over loading.

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Pipe Handler:

Check the plastic plates on end of IBOP cylinders. Replace if height of this is 25 mm or less.
(New 29 mm).

Check the rollers in the IBOP mechanism.

Tilt out the IBOP cylinders by removing inner pin.

Inspect the pins.

Remove cam sleeve and crank assembly.

Inspect the crank in cam sleeve assembly for wear.

Inspect if you can operate the crank in the cam sleeve assembly by hand

Inspect hexagonal hole on IBOP valve and if you can open close the valve by hand with the
allen key

NOTE After assembling all, run the IBOP.

Important Inspect clearance between sleeve flange and the plastic plate.
Take Notice (See assembly drawing).
After opening the valve, the cylinder shall jump up to clear
the flange. Adjust if necessary

Inspect the saver sub original OD 197 mm. Min. OD 190 mm.

Open torque wrench. lower and upper half. Inspect locking pins and jaws, dies. Grease the
bolts that swing the upper & lower half of the T.W.

Inspect the torque wrench spring suspension bracket and connection pins.

Inspect the torque wrench suspensions and safety chains.

The sleeve bearing and the rotation gear should be inspected once a month, and greased
according to lubrication diagram.

Blower system

Inspect, if necessary clean, filter element on blower assembly. Element can be cleaned in
mild soap water. Make sure to properly dry the element before installing

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Title: Maintenance Page: 73 of 99

Electro system incl. Service loops

Inspect all cables for mechanical damage.

WARNING Never connect or disconnect any electrical quick

Possible Loss, connectors while energized, make sure a proper shut down
Injury or Death! procedure is performed before connect or disconnect.

NOTE Never pull or lift in the loop cables, safety shroud or quick
Important connectors, only in the protection hose.
Take Notice
When handling open quick connectors use caution to
avoid pollution that may cause fault on the signals

When cleaning the quick connectors only use carbon free

electro clean.

Inspect loop cables and protection hose for wear.

Inspect all junction boxes for damage.

Open all junction boxes and inspect for humidity, loose parts or loose cable termination.

WARNING Never open the power junction box while energized, make
Possible Loss, sure a proper shut down procedure is performed before
Injury or Death! open

Replace condensation inhibitors as required.

Inspect all field instruments for damage. Repair or replace as required.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 74 of 99

3.4.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,A

Rig: Service Category: IIA

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Category II Inspection
2 Lubricate according to lubrication schedule
1 Check that the pressure gauge on the gearbox
lubrication Oil filter indicates zero when the pump
has stopped.
2 Check for leakage from seal rings
3 Check saver sub pin & box thread according to
API RP 7 G for tool joints. Check for excessive
wear or signs of over loading.
4 Check IBOP valve pin & box thread according to
API RP 7 G for tool joints. Check for cracks or
Top Drive
other signs of over loading.
5 Check main shaft lower end box thread according
to API RP 7G for tool joints. Check for cracks or
other signs of over loading.
6 Check thrust nut securing bolts and clearance
between thrust nut and link hanger. Check for
cracks or other signs of over loading.
7 Check filter element on blower assembly

Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 75 of 99

Rig: Service Category: IIA

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Check the plastic plates on end of IBOP cylinders.
Replace if height of this is 25 mm or less. (New
29 mm).
2 Check the rollers in the IBOP mechanism.
3 Remove cam sleeve and crank assembly and
inspect crank for wear.
Check if you can operate the crank in the cam
sleeve by hand
4 Check hexagonal hole on IBOP valve.
Pipe Handler Check that the valve can be open/closed by hand
using the allen key
5 Inspect the saver sub original OD 197 mm.
Min.OD 190 mm.
6 Inspect the torque wrench spring suspension
bracket and connection pins.
7 Inspect the torque wrench suspensions and safety
8 Inspect the sleeve bearing and the rotation gear
and greased according to lubrication diagram.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 76 of 99

Rig: Service Category: IIA

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Inspect all cables for mechanical damage.

2 Inspect loop cables and protection hose for wear.

3 Inspect all junction boxes for damage.

Electro system incl.
4 Service loops Open all junction boxes and inspect for humidity,
loose parts or loose cable termination.
5 Replace condensation inhibitors as required.

6 Inspect all field instruments for damage. Repair or

replace as required.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 77 of 99

3.5 Category IIB inspection

This service is to ensure good standard on the equipment, and that operation of the equipment
can be done in a safe manner.

Category ,,B inspection involves category ,,A inspection plus further and more supplementary
inspection for corrosion, deformation, loose or missing components, deterioration, proper
lubrication, visible external cracks, and adjustment

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination.
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

In general a Category IIB inspection is:

3.5.1 General
Category ,,A inspection

Grease all lubrication nipples according to lubrication and consumable schedule.

Check that all bolted connections are fastened and correct secured.

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3.5.2 Top Drive System

Top drive:
Inspect Top Drive system for wash out:
For the mud pipe and gooseneck is normal: ID=80 mm
For take off diameter is ID = 86 mm.

For the main shaft: ID = 76 mm

For the take off diameter: ID = 82 mm.

Inspect (replace if req.) the top conical bearing with sealing. If mud has entered the upper
simmering both the bearing and the simmering to be replaced. Check that the axial slack is
less then 0,1mm. Make sure that the sealing is filled with grease and that grease is forced out
of the upper simmering prior to start rotation of the Top Drive.

Inspect the air inlet filter for blower.

NOTE The frequencies for this inspection may wary allot. This
Important because the large variation of environment and operation
Take Notice this equipment is used under

Guide dolly:
Inspect the dolly wheels and side rollers for sign of wear on the outside diameter.


Inspect and clean magnetic rod in the return filter.

NOTE Filling of hydraulic oil is recommended through the filter.

Important If not proper clean oil need to be used (pre flushed).
Take Notice

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Title: Maintenance Page: 79 of 99

3.5.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,B

Rig: Service Category: IIB

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Category IIA inspection
2 Lubricate according to lubrication schedule
1 Check for wash out of the main shaft and the
goose neck w/mud pipe
2 Check the top conical bearing with sealing.
Top Drive
3 Inspect the air inlet filter for blower.

1 Inspect and clean magnetic rod in the return filter.

1 Inspect the dolly wheels for sign of wear on the
Guide dolly
outside diameter.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Title: Maintenance Page: 80 of 99

3.6 Category ,,, inspection

This service is to ensure good standard on the equipment, and that operation of the equipment
can be done in a safe manner.

Category ,,, inspection involves category ,,B inspection plus further inspection, which should
include NDT of critical Areas and may involve some disassembly to access specific
components to identify wear that exceeds allowable tolerances.

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination.
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

NOTE The NDT inspector shall be certified according to ISO 9712

Important or by other recognised NDT certification programmes or
Take Notice standards.

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Title: Maintenance Page: 81 of 99

In general a Category III inspection is:

3.6.1 General
Category ,,B inspection

Grease all lubrication nipples according to lubrication and consumable schedule.

For details regarding lubrication, Ref. Lubrication and Consumables Schedule

For other details and identifications ref. Arrangement and assembly drawings in chapter 8.

3.6.2 Top Drive System

The Category III inspection aims to cover inspection of all loaded items on the Top Drive and
should be based on API RP 8 B.

NOTE The frequency my change depending on what type of

Important equipment.
Take Notice Check API RP 8B
i.e. Elevator links have a category IV inspection every year.

The Category III inspection is a combined visual and non-destructive examination (NDE)
inspection of the equipment. The equipment should be inspected on a regular basis, for
cracks, loose fits or connections, elongation of parts, other signs of wear, corrosion or over

Inspection procedure, ref. enclosed Periodic Field Inspection and loading capacity diagram.
The drawing shows check positions and test method. It also shows wear diagram for various

Saver Sub:
x Unscrew and check threads and sealing surface according to API RP 7G
x NDE of threads and body
x Check wear and tear & traces of overload

x Unscrew IBOP valves and check pin & box thread and sealing surface according to API
RP 7G.
x NDE of threads and body.
x Check for excessive wear or other traces of overloading.

Main Shaft:
x Check main shaft lower end box thread and sealing surface according to API RP 7 G.
x NDE of threads and body.
x Check for excessive wear or traces of overloading

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x Check filler bushing assembly inside main shaft for wear.

Thrust nut:
x Unscrew thrust nut and visually check internal threads and other signs of wear or over
x NDE of threads and body.

Main Shaft:
x Visually check threads for thrust nut on main shaft threads for damage.
x Check for other signs of excessive wear or over loading.

Other load carrying items for inspections are

x The bail or connection link between Top Drive and Traveling. Block
x The bail pins
x The swivel housing
x The link hanger
x The elevator links (se Important note for special frequency)
x The elevator

CAUTION Use the lifting tool for the thrust nut when it is unscrewed
Possible Loss, and lowered down. Do not unscrew the nut and rest it's full
Use Care weight on the two-three last threads. Proceed carefully
when entering the threads for assembly. Lift gently with the

NOTE Lubricate threads on main shaft and thrust nut with, "dope",
Important thread protection for drill collar threads during assembly
Take Notice
Bail pins to be lubricated similarly when inserting.

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Under normal conditions the gearbox should be opened on yearly basis for inspection.
In the case of deviations from the normal, such as sudden temperature increase in the
lubrication oil, leakage, i.e. defective oil-seal rings, wrong oil level, the gearbox must be
checked immediately.

Pipe handler

Check all disk springs on the pipe handler for sign of wear or cracks. Replace if necessary

Electro system incl. Service loops

Inspect all ceramic fuses for sign of wear (burning marks). Replace if necessary.

Replace PLC back up batteries.

Check calibration on all pressure transmitters and pressure switches. Recalibrate if required,
according to the manufacturer instructions.

Dolly and block dolly

Check dolly connection to top drive and traveling block.

Check all boogie rollers and side rollers for sign of wear and bearing failure. Replace if
necessary. (MH recommend to change the boogie wheel when diameter is worn down to


Check contamination level of hydraulic oil. MH recommends an operational cleanliness level

of NAS 1638 class 7.

It is recommended to take samples of the hydraulic oil and have it analyzed for contamination
level every 6 month. The analysis will indicate if the fluid needs to be replaced.

The analysis shall include the following:

x Density
x Viscosity at 40C
x Water content, %by volume
x TAN (total acid number)
x Flash point

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3.6.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,,,

Rig: Service Category: III

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Category ,,B inspection

2 Grease all lubrication nipples according to

General lubrication and consumable schedule.

3 Check contamination level of hydraulic oil.

1 Inspect all load caring parts according to API RP

8B and enclosed Periodic Field Inspection and
Top Drive
loading capacity diagram.

1 Check all disk springs on the pipe handler for sign

Pipe Handler of wear or cracks.

Remarks / further actions required Parts

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Rig: Service Category: III

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1 Inspect main dolly connection bolts for wear and
sign for excessive load.
2 Inspect dolly connection bearing both on dolly and
on gearbox. Change if necessary.
3 Check boogie wheel outer diameter. Change if
4 Check boogie and side roller for bearing failure

1 Inspect all ceramic fuses for sign of wear (burning

marks). Replace if necessary.
2 Replace PLC back up batteries.
Electro system incl.
Service loops
3 Check calibration on all pressure transmitters and
pressure switches. Recalibrate if required,
according to the manufacturer instructions.
Remarks / further actions required Parts

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3.7 Category ,V inspection

3.7.1 General

The Category ,V inspection is a combined visual and non-destructive inspection performed

with the equipment totally disassembled.
This is Category III inspection plus further inspection for which the equipment is
disassembled to the extent necessary to conduct NDT of all primary load-carrying
components and other components that are critical to the equipment

This inspection should be performed on a regular basis, minimum every 5 years. The
equipment should be inspected for cracks, loose fits or connections, elongation of parts,
wobbling, other signs of wear, corrosion or over loading.

NOTE Any equipment found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc.,

Important shall be removed from service for further examination.
Take Notice

NOTE The equipment shall be inspected by a person

Important knowledgeable in that equipment and its function.
Take Notice

NOTE The inspection points specified on the Service Sheet must

Important be treated as guide lines. It is the owner/user responsibility
Take Notice to develop inspection routines based on experience. This
because the large variation of environment and operation
this equipment is used under.

NOTE The NDT inspector shall be certified according to ISO 9712

Important or by other recognised NDT certification programmes or
Take Notice standards.

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3.7.2 Top Drive System

Top Drive

Inspection procedure in addition to Category III inspection ref. figure 2

Visually check main shaft threads for damage.

Magnetic particle examination must be performed on threads and relief neck.
Check for other traces of excessive wear or overloading.

Magnetic particle examination of the main shaft shoulder in the area of the axial bearing to be
Visually check for other signs of wear, mechanical damage or over loading.

Check the main shaft concerning wobbling in the areas indicated on the ref. drawing.
Visually check for other signs of wear or mechanical damage.

Visually inspect the bore through the main shaft (with relevant tools).
Check for wear and other signs of mechanical damage.

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3.7.3 Service Sheet, PTD-500-AC system Category ,V

Rig: Service Category: ,V

Customer: Carried out by:
Customer o.no.: Date:
Conditions: V = OK, O = further action required

Service Point Job Description Condition

1. Complete stripping of top drive with NDT-testing
Top Drive of all load-bearing parts, including spindle on
Power Swivel.
1 Complete stripping of dolly and MPI of all
Dolly system exposed parts.
2 Check (change) all bearings
1 Check hydraulic pump, change if necessary.

Remarks / further actions required Parts

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3.8 Non-Periodic Inspection

Non-periodic inspection
A non-periodic inspection is a complete, on-job, shutdown inspection equivalent to the
periodical Category III

This inspection should be made before (if anticipated) and after critical jobs. (e.g., running
heavy casing string, jarring, pulling on stuck pipes and/or operating at extreme low

In addition, Maritime hydraulics recommends performing a Guide lines for critical load

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Faults observed when a machine first goes into service or during subsequent operation
should be identified and cleared without delay, since this will almost invariably prevent
development of serious damage later on.

It is hoped that the trouble-shooting hints on the next few pages will provide a useful
guide for locating and clearing running faults. They cover most common forms of


None of the hydraulic Control system power Switch on
functions works. supply is off.

Fuse is blown in control Replace fuse


Hydraulic power unit does Start power unit.

not run.

Shut-off valves are closed in Open valves.

valve unit or other places in
supply circuit.
Any of the functions Stuck solenoid valve. Activate solenoid valve by
does not work. hand (in valve unit).

Cable failure. Reconnect cable.

Relay failure. Replace relay in electr. unit.

Control system fuse is Replace fuse.

Top drive will not Gear lock/air flex brake Disengage.
rotate. engaged.


Comp. cylinders do Too low pressure setting on Increase pressure.
not stroke sufficiently. pressure control valve in
valve unit.
Elevator returns down Too low setting on counter Adjust valve, turn
when hoisted back up. balance valve. clockwise.
Pipe handler rotates, No signal from sensor. Check sensor.
but does not stop in
aut. pos. Control system fuse is Replace fuse.

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IBOP does not close Cylinders do not retract Check pressure & activate
sufficient. fully. function once more.

Adjust roller yoke on piston

Cylinders are located too rod.
Replace the ball and the
IBOP is stuck or worn out. seals and valve seats in
IBOP does not open Cylinders do not stroke out Check hydr. press. (40 bar).
fully. fully. Activate again.

Cylinders are located too Shim the suspension plate

high up. down or adjust roller yoke
down on piston rod.

IBOP is stuck or worn out. Replace the ball and the

seals and valve seats in
T.W. moves very little Mixed quick connections on Reconnect.
when activating hoses.
"break-out" or "make-
T.W. jerks and does Wrong setting on pressure Adjust to approx. 80 bar.
not return when switch in valve unit.
stroked fully to "make-
T.W. is slipping when Worn out dies. Replace dies.
breaking or making Too low clamp pressure Adjust overcenter valve
Setting of torque Stuck proportional solenoid Check dither amplitude of
wrench does not work. valve. proportional current
Check current of amp.

Pressure transmitter is out of Replace pressure

order. transmitter.

Current amplifier does not Check fuse. Check output.


Torque gauge is not Replace torque gauge


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The torque wrench Wrong setting. Change in Perform a new setting.
does not stop at "set hydraulic supply pressure.
Too low press. Supply. Adjust.

Clamp cylinder piston seals Replace.

are leaking.

O.D. on pipe is too small. Check on the sizes of the

jaws in T.W.

T.W. does not clamp on. Reconnect.

Mixed quick connections on
Abnormal noise from Top bearing(s) in swivel Replace.
power swivel. housing is damaged.

Bearing(s) in gearbox is Replace.

Low level of oil in swivel. Refill and check level.
Low level of oil in gearbox. Refill and check level.
Oil is running down The sealing on main shaft in Replace the lip seals.
on the main shaft and bottom of gearbox are
on the thrust nut. leaking.
Oil is leaking from The O-ring on rod is Replace the O-ring.
gear lock below leaking.

The PTD saver sub is Top drive not adjusted. Adjust top drive according
out of centre, tilted to procedure.
forwards or
Tilted sideways. The side rollers are worn. Adjust on the side rollers.

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5. Electrical Trouble Shooting Guidelines

PLC System LEDs

The various PLC modules are equipped with LEDs that indicate normal operation as
well as fault information. This section describes the LEDs and their function for the
various modules.

Power Supply

The table below gives information on the reaction of the power supply module to the
atypical operating conditions.
If Then 24 VDC
the output circuit is Voltage dip, automatic voltage Flashes.
overloaded: recovery.
x I > 6.5A (dynamic) Voltage drop, shortening of
service life
x 5A <<I 6.5A (steady
the output is short- Output voltage 0V; automatic Dark.
circuited voltage recovery after short
circuit has been eliminated.
an over voltage occurs Possible destruction -
on the primary side.
there is an under voltage Automatic disconnection; Dark.
on the primary side automatic voltage recovery.

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LED Meaning Description

SF (red) System error/fault Lights up in event of:
Hardware faults
Firmware errors
Programming errors
Parameter assignment errors
Arithmetic errors
Defective memory card
Battery failure or no backup on Power On.
I/O fault/error (external I/O only)
You must use a programming device and read
out the contents of the diagnostics buffer to
determine the exact nature of the error/fault.
BATF (red) Battery fault Lights up if battery: is Note: The CPU does
defective. not check these
Not inserted states in the case of a
Discharged rechargeable battery!
5 VDC 5 VDC supply for Lights up if the internal 5VDC supply is O.K
(green) CPU and S7-300 bus
FRCE Reserved
RUN RUN mode Flashes at Hz during a CPU restart
(green) x For at least 3 s: however, CPU restart can be
x During the CPU restart, the STOP LED also
lights up; when the STOP LED goes dark,
the outputs are enabled.
STOP STOP mode Lights up when the CPU is not scanning the
(yellow) user program.
Flashes at one-second intervals when the CPU
requests a memory reset.

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Digital Input / Output Modules

Analogue Input / Output Modules

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