Good Citizenshp Bsnsprincpls

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Good Citizenship:

Our Business
Anglo American plc and its subsidiaries have an established tradition
of community involvement and social investment. We have always
seen the objectives of seeking to provide superior returns to our
shareholders and shouldering our share of social and environmental
responsibilities as complementary.

Our business success brings with it obligations of good stewardship

and ethical behaviour. Our operations will perform better when the
communities surrounding them are stable and prosperous. Conducting
business now with an eye to the needs of the future is the essence
of sustainable development.

As we enter the era of globalisation we must recognise that many

people have fears about the pace of change and the perceived
motivations and power of international corporations. In response,
companies need to be transparent and accountable. We need to show
that we use our resources and influence in society to the good.

‘Good Citizenship’ sets out the values and standards which guide us
in the conduct of our businesses. Whilst we operate in many countries
and in widely differing conditions, our values and principles have
universal application. This document supersedes the Codes of Ethics,
observed over many years, by our predecessor companies.

Our Business Principles apply to every business we manage, everything

we do and to every part of the world in which we operate. We will
ensure that these principles are properly understood and observed.
We will modify and refine the Statement from time to time in the light
of experience.

Sir Mark Moody-Stuart Cynthia Carroll

Chairman Chief Executive

March 2007

1 Anglo American Good Citizenship: Our Business Principles

Our responsibilities to
our stakeholders

Our primary responsibility is The following considerations guide our dealings with
to our investors. We will seek
to maximise shareholder value Investors
We will ensure full compliance with relevant laws and
over time. We believe that this rules. We are committed to good corporate governance,
transparency and fair dealing.
is best achieved through an
intelligent regard for the interests Employees
We aim to attract and retain the services of the most
of other stakeholders including appropriately skilled individuals. We are committed
to treating employees at all levels with respect and
our employees, the communities consideration, to investing in their development and
associated with our operations, to ensuring that their careers are not constrained by
discrimination or other arbitrary barriers to advancement.
our customers and business We will seek to maintain a regular two-way flow of
partners. A reputation for integrity information with employees to maximise their identification
with, and ability to contribute to, our business.
and responsible behaviour
will underpin our commercial We aim to promote strong relationships with, and enhance
performance through motivating the capacities of, the communities of which we are a
part. We will seek regular engagement about issues which
employees and building trust and may affect them. Our support for community projects
will reflect the priorities of local people, sustainability
goodwill in the wider world. and cost effectiveness. We will increasingly seek to
assess the contribution our operations make to local
social and economic development and to report upon it.

Customers and business partners

We seek mutually beneficial long term relationships
with our customers, business partners, contractors and
suppliers based on fair and ethical practices.

Governmental bodies
We respect the laws of host countries whilst seeking to
observe, within our operations, the universal standards
promulgated by leading intergovernmental organisations.
We aim to be seen as socially responsible and an
investor of choice.

Non-governmental organisations
We aim for constructive relations with relevant
non-governmental organisations. Their input may lead
to better practices and increase our understanding of
our host communities.

2 Our responsibilities to our stakeholders Good Citizenship: Our Business Principles

Principles of conduct

Business integrity and ethics Corporate citizenship

We support free enterprise as the system best able to We respect human dignity and the rights of individuals
contribute to the economic welfare of society as well and of the communities associated with our operations.
as to promote individual liberty. Without profits and a We seek to make a contribution to the economic, social
strong financial foundation it would not be possible to and educational well-being of these communities,
fulfil including through local business development and
our responsibilities to shareholders, employees, society providing opportunities for workers from disadvantaged
and to those with whom we do business. However, our backgrounds.
investment criteria are not solely economic. They also
take into account social, environmental and political We recognise the sensitivities involved in addressing
considerations. issues which relate to the cultural heritage of indigenous
communities. We will seek to ensure that such matters
We will comply with all laws and regulations applicable are handled in a spirit of respect, trust and dialogue.
to our businesses and to our relationships with our
stakeholders. We believe we have the right and the responsibility
to make our positions known to governments on any
We are implacably opposed to corruption. We will not matters which affect our employees, shareholders,
offer, pay or accept bribes or condone anti-competitive customers or the communities associated with our
practices in our dealings in the marketplace and will not operations.
tolerate any such activity by our employees.
Whilst the primary responsibility for the protection of
We prohibit employees from trading securities illegally human rights lies with governments and international
when in possession of unpublished price sensitive organisations, where it is within our power to do so,
information. we will seek to promote the observance of human
rights in the countries where we operate. We support
We require our employees to perform their duties the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration
conscientiously, honestly and with due regard for the of Human Rights.
avoidance of conflicts between any personal financial
or commercial interests and their responsibilities to
their employer.

We will maintain high standards of planning and control

to: identify and monitor material risks; safeguard our
assets; and to detect and prevent fraud.

We will promote the application of our principles by

those with whom we do business. Their willingness to
accept these principles will be an important factor in our
decisions to enter into, and remain in, such relationships.

We encourage employees to take personal responsibility

for ensuring that our conduct complies with our
principles. No one will suffer for raising with management,
violations of this policy or any legal or ethical concern.

3 Principles of conduct Good Citizenship: Our Business Principles

Principles of conduct (continued)

Employment and labour rights Safety, health and environmental stewardship

We are committed to the adoption of fair labour practices We have adopted a comprehensive Safety, Health and
at our workplaces and our conditions of service will Environment Policy and will report regularly on our SHE
comply with applicable laws and industry standards. performance. We will continue to review and develop
this policy.
We will promote workplace equality and will seek to
eliminate all forms of unfair discrimination. We strive to prevent fatalities, work-related injuries and
health impairment of employees and contractors.
We will not tolerate inhumane treatment of employees
including any form of forced labour, physical punishment, We recognise the need for environmental stewardship
or other abuse. to minimise consumption of natural resources and waste
generation and to minimise the impact of our operations
We prohibit the use of child labour. on the environment.

We recognise the right of our employees to freedom Senior executives and line management are accountable
of association. for safety, health and environmental issues and for the
allocation of adequate financial and human resources
We will operate fair and appropriate means for the within their operations to address these matters. We will
determination of terms of conditions of employment. work to keep health, safety and environmental matters
We will provide appropriate procedures for the protection at the forefront of workplace concerns and will report on
of workplace rights and our employees’ interests. progress against our policies and objectives.

We will provide employees with opportunities to enhance We recognise the human tragedy caused by the HIV/AIDS
their skills and capabilities, enabling them to develop epidemic, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. We have
fulfilling careers and to maximise their contribution to a clear policy for addressing HIV/AIDS in the workplace
our business. and are committed to a comprehensive prevention
strategy, linked to programmes of care for those with
HIV/AIDS. We will strive to eliminate any stigma or
unfair discrimination on the basis of real or perceived HIV

We are committed to the principles of sustainable

development, by which we mean striking an optimal
balance between economic, environmental and social
development. We will strive to innovate and adopt best
practice, wherever we operate, working in consultation
with stakeholders.

This Statement should be read in conjunction with

fuller policy statements such as our Safety, Health
and Environment Policy and such other codes and
guidance notes which may be issued from time to time.

4 Principles of conduct Good Citizenship: Our Business Principles

We welcome comments on this Statement.
For further information please contact:
Edward Bickham
Anglo American plc
20 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AN
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 20 7968 8547
Fax: 44 20 7968 8637
email: [email protected]

Anglo American
44 Main Street
Johannesburg 2001
South Africa
Tel: 27 11 638 3870
Fax: 27 11 638 2440

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