Pledge Annotation and Cases

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PLEDGE goods were stored (Banco Espanol Filipino vs

(ARTS. 2093- 2123) Peterson)

Qualification: whether or not constructive
Art. 2093. In addition to the requisites prescribed in Article delivery is sufficient to validate the pledge
2085, it is necessary, in order to constitute the contract of would depend on the peculiar nature of the
pledge, that the thing pledged be placed in the possession thing pledged (Yuliongui vs Philippine
of the creditor, or of a third person by common agreement. National Bank)

a pledge is a real contract which requires delivery for its


To constitute a pledge:
an agreement to constitute a pledge gives rise only to a
personal action between the partiesthat isparties have a Yuliongsiu vs Philippine National Bank
right to compel each other to fulfill the promise but there is
no pledge yet Facts:
1. The Loan secured: plaintiff Yuliongsui was the
(Art. 2092. A promise to constitute a pledge or owner of 2 vessels and obtained a loan from the
mortgage gives rise only to a personal action Philippine National Bank Cebu Branch in the amount
between the contracting parties, without of P50,000.
prejudice to the criminal responsibility incurred 2. The pledge: to guarantee payment, plaintiff pledged
by him who defrauds another, by offering in his two vessels M/S Surigao and M/S Don Dino as
pledge or mortgage as unencumbered, things expressly provided for in their pledge contract. The
which he knew were subject to some burden, or same was duly registered in the Collector of Customs
by misrepresenting himself to be the owner of of Port of Cebu.
the same) 3. The plaintiff defaulted on his loan payments, hence,
without delivery, there is no pledge the Bank took possession of the vessels.
possession of the creditor is also necessary to give a. The bank also filed criminal charges for estafa
effect to pledge as to third persons aside from being thru falsification of commercial documents
executed in a public instrument (Art. 2096) against the plaintiff for which they were
b. The two boats were also sold to third persons
Types of Delivery
on March 1951.
1. Actual Delivery- is what is referred in this article as
4. The Case: plaintiff Yuliongsui then filed a complaint
essential to the validity of a pledge and mere
before the CFI of Ceby to recover the vessels or their
symbolic delivery is not sufficient. However
value, and damages against the Bank.
2. Constructive Delivery- it has been held that
a. CFI decision: dismissed the complaint
symbolical transfer may also be done by means of
because the PNB was justified in taking
delivery of the keys to the warehouse where the

physical possession of the vessels under the pledger without invalidating the pledge. In
pledge contract such a case, the pledger is regarded as holding
b. CA affirmed the decision of the lower the property merely as trustee for the pledgee.
court. Hence, the present recourse with the
Supreme Court.
5. In the Supreme Court, the plaintiff assigns the Art. 2094. All movables which are within commerce
FF as error: may be pledged, provided they are susceptible of
a. That the lower court erred in considering the
possession. (1864)
contract one of pledge and not of chattel
Art. 2095. Incorporeal rights, evidenced by negotiable
b. That constructive delivery is not sufficient to
instruments, bills of lading, shares of stock, bonds,
make the pledge effective.
warehouse receipts and similar documents may also
be pledged. The instrument proving the right pledged
Issue 1: What was the nature of the contract?
shall be delivered to the creditor, and if negotiable,
Ruling: Pledge.
must be indorsed. (n)
1. Their contract expressly states that the contract is
one pledge in order to guarantee the P50,000.00 loan
Subject of Pledge: Personal Property and incorporeal
granted by the bank to the plaintiff. Hence, this
Rights evidenced by instruments
admission is binding to the parties.
1. a pledge is confined and limited to personal property
and cannot be made to extend to real property
Issue 2: Was there proper or sufficient delivery made?
because of the very nature of the contract
Ruling: Yes.
a. it must be within the commerce of man and
1. General Rule: there has to be actual delivery of the
susceptible of possession
chattels pledged. 2. Incorporeal rights evidenced by documents whether
2. However, there is a qualification: symbolic
negotiable or not
delivery may suffice depending on the nature or a. Must be delivered to the creditor if not
character of the thing pledged. negotiable
a. the type of delivery will depend upon the b. If negotiable, duly indorsed
nature and the peculiar circumstances of each
case. Philippine National Bank vs Laureano Atendido
b. In this case, The parties here agreed that the
vessels be delivered by the "pledgor to the
1. The Loan: Laureano Atendidno obtained from the
pledger who shall hold said property subject
PNB a loan of P3,000.00 with interest.
to the order of the pledgee." Considering the a. the Pledge: the loan was secured by Atendido
circumstances of this case and the nature of by pledging to the Bank the P2,000 cavanes of
the objects pledged, i.e., vessels used in palay which were then deposited in the
maritime business, such delivery is sufficient. warehouse of a certain Cheng Siong in
c. Pledgee can also entrust the physical
possession of the chattels pledged to the

b. Hence, the quedans/warehouse receipt was owner of, nor appropriate to himself, the thing given in
endorsed in favour of the bank. pledge (Article 1859, Old Civil Code).
2. However, before the maturity of the loan, the palay 2. If by the contract of pledge the pledgor continues to
disappeared from the warehouse for unknown be the owner of the thing pledged during the
reasons. pendency of the obligation, it stands to reason that in
3. When the loan matured, the borrower failed to pay the case of loss of the property, the loss should be borne
same. Hence, the action of the Bank against Atendido. by the pledgor.
4. The case: PNB filed a complaint against Atendido to 3. Where a warehouse receipt or quedan is transferred or
collect the sum of money. endorsed to a creditor only to secure the payment of a
a. As a defense of Atendido: he claimed that loan or debt, the transferee or endorsee does not
his obligation is already extinguished because automatically become the owner of the goods covered
when he endorsed the warehouse receipt to by the warehouse receipt or quedan but he merely
the bank, it already became the owner. hence retains the right to keep and with the consent of the
when the palay was lost, it would be the bank owner to sell them so as to satisfy the obligation from
who should bear the loss and his liability is the proceeds of the sale, this for the simple reason
already extinguished. that the transaction involved is not a sale but only a
5. The CFI: ruled in favour of the bank and ordered
mortgage or pledge.
Atendido to pay for the reason that the surrendering
of the warehouse receipt was not that of a final
transfer of ownership but merely as a guarantee to
the fulfillment of the original obligation.
a. The bank had no right yet to dispose of the
Manila Banking Corporation vs Anastacio Teodoro
property until maturity of the promissory note
b. And furthermore, the palays were not even in
the physical possession of PNB. Facts:
6. The CA affirmed the decision of the CFI. 1. The Principal Obligation: The Teodoros jointly and
severally executed in favour of the plaintiff Manila
Issue: what is the effect of surrendering the warehouse Banking Corporation 3 promissory noted. However,
receipt representing the palay as guaranty? Did it pass title or the Teodoros failed to comply with their obligations of
ownership? paying the amounts in their promissory note.
2. The Deed of Assignment: it would appear that the
Ruling: the delivery of palay by mere pledge or security, son Teodoro executed in favour of the plaintiff Bank a
ownership remains with the pledger subject only to Deed of Assignment of Receivables from the
foreclosure in case of non-fulfillment of the obligation. Emergency Employment Administration in
1. The obligation is not paid upon maturity the most that consideration of certain credits, loans,
the pledgee can do is to sell the property and apply overdrafts, and other credit accommodations
the proceeds to the payment of the obligation and to extended to the defendants as security for the
return the balance, if any, to the pledgor (Article 1872, payment of the said sums and the interest
Old Civil Code). This is the essence of this contract, thereon.
a. It further stated the phrase that the
for, according to law, a pledgee cannot become the
defendants do hereby remise, release, and
quitclaim all its rights and titles, and interest in release appellants from their loans with the
and to the accounts receivables. bank incurred under promissory notes.
a. The contract has stated that: it was for and in
Issue: Did the Deed of Assignment had the effect of payment consideration of certain credits, loans,
of all of the loans of Teodoro to the bank? overdrafts, and their credit accommodations in
Ruling: No. the sum of P10,000.00 extended to appellants
by appellee bank, and as security for the
1. nature of an assignment of credit: payment of said sum and the interest thereon;
a. Assignment of credit is an agreement by virtue 3. Neither sale nor dacion en pago. Because at the time
of which the owner of a credit, known as the the assignment was executed, not all of the loans
assignor, by a legal cause, such as sale, dation already existed. The Deed of Assignment was
in payment, exchange or donation, and without intended as collateral security for the bank loans of
the need of the consent of the debtor, transfers the Teodoros as a continuing guaranty for whatever
his credit and its accessory rights to another, sums they would be owing to the Bnk.
known as the assignee, who acquires the 4. Moreoever, In case of doubt as to whether a
power to enforce it to the same extent as the transaction is a pledge or a dation in payment, the
assignor could have enforced it against the presumption is in favor of pledge, the latter being the
debtor. lesser transmission of rights and interests (Lopez v.
b. It may be in the form of a sale, Court of Appeals, supra).
i. but at times it may constitute a dation This being so,
in payment, such as when a debtor, in The Teodors remain to to be the principal
order to obtain a release from his debt, creditor of the Emergency Employment
assigns to his creditor a credit he has Administration. Hence, the Bank need not
against a third person, or go after the said agency first. In anyway,
ii. it may constitute a donation as when it Exhaustion of guaranty refers to the
is by gratuitous title; principal debtor first, then to the
iii. or it may even be merely by way of guaranties.
guaranty, as when the creditor
gives as a collateral, to secure his
own debt in favor of the assignee, Victoria Chu vs CA and Family Savings Bank and CAMS
without transmitting ownership. Trading
c. The character that it may assume determines
its requisites and effects. its regulation, and the
capacity of the parties to execute it; and in
1. Victoria Chu had been purchasing cement from CAMS
every case, the obligations between assignor
Trading on credit.
and assignee will depend upon the judicial a. The security: to guarantee the payment of
relation which is the basis of the assignment her cement purchases she executed in favour
2. in this case, assignment of receivables executed
of CAMS trading deeds of Assignment of her
by the Teodors did not transfer the ownership of
time deposits in the Family Saving Bank.
the receivables to Manila Banking and did not
the deeds of assignment stated that the
assignment serves as a collateral or guarantee Art. 2096. A pledge shall not take effect against third
for the payment of Chuas obligation with persons if a description of the thing pledged and the
CAMS trading. date of the pledge do not appear in a public
2. CAMS trading notified the Bank that Mrs Chu had instrument.
unpaid account with it and asked that CAMS be
allowes to encash the time deposit certificates which o Even if all of the requisites under Art. 2085 and Art.
had been assigned by Mrs. Chu. 2093 are present, if without the execution in a public
a. The Bank heeded to the request after informing instrument, the contract of pledge cannot bind third
Chu of the said request. But not the full persons.
payment of the credit. Example: an innocent purchaser of the things
3. Chu demanded the Bank and Cams trading to restore pledged cannot be deprived of ownership of
to her account the time deposit. They did not agree. the thing if the pledge executed by seller and
Hence, the present action. the pledgee was not in a public instrument
4. The RTC dismissed the complaint for lack of merit o Purpose of the law is to forestall fraud because the
and the CA affirmed such decision.
debtor may attempt to conceal his property from his
creditors when he sees it in danger of execution by
Issue: May Cams trading encash the said time deposits
simulating a pledge thereof with an accomplice
without a public auction?
Ruling: Yes.
1. The deeds of assignment were contracts of pledge,
Art. 2097. With the consent of the pledgee, the thing
but, as the collateral was also money or an exchange
pledged may be alienated by the pledgor or owner,
of "peso for peso," the provision in Article 2112 of the
subject to the pledge. The ownership of the thing
Civil Code for the sale of the thing pledged at public
pledged is transmitted to the vendee or transferee as
auction to convert it into money to satisfy the
soon as the pledgee consents to the alienation, but
pledgor's obligation, did not have to be followed.
the latter shall continue in possession.
2. All that had to be done to convert the pledgor's time
deposit certificates into cash was to present them to
Right of Pledgor to alienate the thing pledged
the bank for encashment after due notice to the
Since the pledger remains to be the owner of the
3. It is not a pacto commisorio because what is involved property, he may therefore sell the same
in this pledge is also money deposited in the bank, provided that the pledgee consents to the
and the amount of which is even less than the debt, it sale.
was not illegal for the creditor to encash the time Once it is alienated with consent, the ownership of
deposit to pay the debtors overdue obligation. the thing pledged transfers to the vendor however,
a. The purpose of prohibiting pacto commissorio the same is subject to the rights of the
is to prevent the overreach of the creditor to pledgeethat is, the satisfaction of the
the property with more value than the debt. obligation
Hence, it is not applicable in this case. o Art. 2112. The creditor to whom the credit
has not been satisfied in due time, may
proceed before a Notary Public to the sale
of the thing pledged. This sale shall be
made at a public auction, and with 4. Mendoza appealed to the Court of Appeals.
notification to the debtor and the owner of a. Compromise Agreement: while the case in
the thing pledged in a proper case, stating the CA was pending, Tan and Mendoza entered
the amount for which the public sale is to into a compromise agreement wherein Tan
be held. If at the first auction the thing is acknowledged that Mendoza had already been
not sold, a second one with the same settled and hence, they mutually waive,
formalities shall be held; and if at the release and quit whatever claim, right or cause
second auction there is no sale either, the of action they may have against each other
creditor may appropriate the thing pledged. 5. The CA then affirmed the decision of the lower court.
a. Hence, Mendoza filed his motion for
In this case he shall be obliged to give an
reconsideration praying that the decision of the
acquittance for his entire claim.
Note that the vendee is a third person same to trial court be set aside in view of the
what is referred to in Art. 2096. Hence, 2097 will compromise agreement entered into between
only apply if the pledge is binding to third persons. Tan and Mendoza.
b. Tan opposed arguing that the compromise
agreement was null and void because, among
Estate of George Litton vs Mendoza and Court of
all others, Tan claimed no longer had the right
to alienate his claim or interest in the credit
because he already assigned it to Litton.
6. CA decision: the Ca upheld the validity of the
compromise agreement ratiocinating that when Tan
1. Tan brought an action against Mendoza with the CFI
executed the Deed of Assignment in favour of Litton, it
for the collection of sum of money representing the
was only by way of guaranteeing or securing his
value of the 2 checks issued by Mendoza by way of
obligation to Litton. Hence, Tan retained the
guaranty and commission for the Bernals.
possession and dominion over the credit and can
a. the said check were issued by Mendoza in
therefore, enter into the compromise agreement
favour of Tan to guarantee the payment of the
disposing the credit.
Bernals for the latters purchase of textile from
7. Hence, the present action by the estate of
Litton seeking to set aside the compromise
b. the Bernals on the other hand filed an action
agreement in light of the executed Deed of
for interpleader because they were not certain
Assignment in favour of Litton.
with whom they should pay, Tan or Mendoza.
2. The Deed of Assignment: then, Tan executed a
Deed of Assignment in favour of Litton of its interest Issue: Did Tan validly enter into the Compromise Agreement?
and claims against Mendoza, the subject of the said
case. Ruling: No.
a. the Deed of Assignment was executed as a
guaranty for a loan that Tan obtained from 1. Although Tan may validly alienate the litigated credit
Litton. as he remains the owner or the possessor of the said
3. The Trial Court rendered a decision holding Mendoza right under the Civil Code, the said right to alienate
liable for the said checks. the credit already pledged shall not mean as a grant
of an absolute right on the part of the assignor to
dispose of the things or the right given as a security. it Having possession, he has the obligation to take care
should be read in consonance with Art. 2097. of the thing with the diligence of a good father of a
2. Although the pledgee Litton did not ipso facto become family
the creditor of Mendoza, the pledge between Litton However he is entitled to reimbursement of the
and Tan being valid, the incorporeal right assigned by expenses incurred for its preservation
Tan in favour of Litton can only be alienated by the
pledger only with the consent of Litton. Art. 2100. The pledgee cannot deposit the thing
3. To allow the assignor to alienate the security without pledged with a third person, unless there is a
the notice and the consent of the assignee would stipulation authorizing him to do so.
rendered nugatory the purpose of pledge or an
assignment of credit. The pledgee is responsible for the acts of his agents
or employees with respect to the thing pledged. (n)

Art. 2098. The contract of pledge gives a right to the Par 1: Obligation of pledgee not to deposit the thing
creditor to retain the thing in his possession or in that to another.
of a third person to whom it has been delivered, until
GR: While entitled to retain possession of the thing
the debt is paid. (1866a)
pledged until debt is paid, he is not authorized to
transfer possession to a third person
Pledgees Right of Retention o Reason: to protect the pledger or owner of the
It is the possession of the pledgee that constitutes the thing pledged
security Exception is when there is a stipulation
o Hence, the debtor cannot demand for its return authorizing him to do so.
until the debt secured had already been paid
Par 2: Responsibility of the pledgee for acts of his
Obligations of creditor: employees or agents
1. To take care of the thing Pledgee is responsible for the acts of his agents or
2. Return of the thing pledged after the fulfillment of the
employees with respect to the thing pledged
3. Not to deposit thing pledged to another persons
unless with authority Art. 2101. The pledgor has the same responsibility as
4. Responsible for the flaws of the thing pledged a bailor in commodatum in the case under Article
5. Not to use the thing pledged 1951. (n)
See 1951
Art. 2099. The creditor shall take care of the thing
pledged with the diligence of a good father of a Art. 2103. Unless the thing pledged is expropriated,
family; he has a right to the reimbursement of the the debtor continues to be the owner thereof.
expenses made for its preservation, and is liable for
its loss or deterioration, in conformity with the Nevertheless, the creditor may bring the actions which
provisions of this Code. (1867) pertain to the owner of the thing pledged in order to
recover it from, or defend it against a third person. (2) the use is necessary for preservation of thing but the
(1869) use must be solely for such purpose

Art. 2104. The creditor cannot use the thing pledged, Remedies available to the pledger should the pledgee
without the authority of the owner, and if he should do use it without consent, misuses it, or the thing is in
so, or should misuse the thing in any other way, the danger of being impaired or lost because of the
owner may ask that it be judicially or extrajudicially negligence or unlawful acts of the pledgee:
deposited. When the preservation of the thing o May ask judicially or extrajudicially to deposit
pledged requires its use, it must be used by the the thing pledged
creditor but only for that purpose. (1870a)

Art. 2105. The debtor cannot ask for the return of the Art. 2105. The debtor cannot ask for the return of the
thing pledged against the will of the creditor, unless thing pledged against the will of the creditor, unless
and until he has paid the debt and its interest, with and until he has paid the debt and its interest, with
expenses in a proper case. (1871) expenses in a proper case.

Right of Pledgee against third persons Pledger cannot ask for the return of the thing without
To take care of the thing pledged with the diligence of fulfillment of the obligation
a good father, the pledgee is authorized to bring such Prescription will not begin to run on the action to
action as pertaining to the owner in order to recover it demand the return of the thing pledged while
or defend it, against third persons. obligation subsists
o This is also protect the interest and the rights Possession of the pledgee will not ripen to ownership
of the pledgee within such period
It is real right that may be enforced against third
persons, however, it is still necessary that the pledge Art. 2106. If through the negligence or wilful act of the
is executed to third persons pledgee, the thing pledged is in danger of being lost
or impaired, the pledgor may require that it be
Art. 2104. The creditor cannot use the thing pledged, deposited with a third person.
without the authority of the owner, and if he should do
so, or should misuse the thing in any other way, the Art. 2107. If there are reasonable grounds to fear the
owner may ask that it be judicially or extrajudicially destruction or impairment of the thing pledged,
deposited. When the preservation of the thing without the fault of the pledgee, the pledgor may
pledged requires its use, it must be used by the demand the return of the thing, upon offering another
creditor but only for that purpose. (1870a) thing in pledge, provided the latter is of the same kind
as the former and not of inferior quality, and without
Right to use the thing pledged: prejudice to the right of the pledgee under the
General rule: Pledgee has no right to use the thing pledged provisions of the following article.
(1) with permission of the owner and

The pledgee is bound to advise the pledgor, without
delay, of any danger to the thing pledged. (n) Presumption of Extinguishment
if the thing pledged had already been returned, the
Art. 2108. If, without the fault of the pledgee, there is pledge is already extinguished.
danger of destruction, impairment, or diminution in o Note that the principal obligation subsists
value of the thing pledged, he may cause the same to After the perfection of the contract of pledge, if the
be sold at a public sale. The proceeds of the auction debtor or owner has possession of the things pledged,
shall be a security for the principal obligation in the it gives rise to a prima facie presumption that the
same manner as the thing originally pledged. (n) thing pledged has been returned, and therefore,
already extinguished.
Remedies available to the pledger should the thing be in The presumption is only a rebuttable presumption and
danger of being lost or impaired without fault of the pledgee: may be rebutted by evidence to the contrary
(1) offer a substitute of the same kind and not of inferior
quality Art. 2111. A statement in writing by the pledgee that
(2) cause for the thing be sold in a public auction he renounces or abandons the pledge is sufficient to
extinguish the pledge. For this purpose, neither the
acceptance by the pledgor or owner, nor the return of
Art. 2109. If the creditor is deceived on the substance the thing pledged is necessary, the pledgee becoming
or quality of the thing pledged, he may either claim a depositary. (n)
another thing in its stead, or demand immediate
payment of the principal obligation. (n) Extinguishment by Renunciation or abandonment
It must be made in writing because the thing pledged
Remedies of the creditor deceived as to the substance is still with the pledgee.
of the thing It is not conditioned upon the acceptance of the
(1) to claim another thing pledged pledger
(2) to demand immediate payment of the principal The pledgee then becomes a depositary for the
obligation pledger
The principal obligation is not affected by the waiver
Art. 2110. If the thing pledged is returned by the
pledgee to the pledgor or owner, the pledge is
extinguished. Any stipulation to the contrary shall be Art. 2112. The creditor to whom the credit has not
void. been satisfied in due time, may proceed before a
Notary Public to the sale of the thing pledged. This
If subsequent to the perfection of the pledge, the sale shall be made at a public auction, and with
thing is in the possession of the pledgor or owner, notification to the debtor and the owner of the thing
there is a prima facie presumption that the same has pledged in a proper case, stating the amount for
been returned by the pledgee. This same presumption which the public sale is to be held. If at the first
exists if the thing pledged is in the possession of a auction the thing is not sold, a second one with the
third person who has received it from the pledgor or same formalities shall be held; and if at the second
owner after the constitution of the pledge. (n)
auction there is no sale either, the creditor may a. However, before the scheduled auction,
appropriate the thing pledged. In this case he shall be the respondents caused the consignation of
obliged to give an acquittance for his entire claim. various amounts to the RTC Clerk of Court.
(1872a) 5. Neverthelesss, the public auction took place as
scheduled and the shares were successfully sold.
Requisites: 6. The case: the respondents filed a complaint with the
(1) The debt is due and unpaid RTC of Cebu to nullify the public auction done arguing
(2) The sale must be at a public auction that the consignation extinguished the obligation and
(3) There must be a notice to the pledger and owner, discharged the pledges made.
stating the amount due a. The RTC dismissed the complaint.
(4) The sale must be made with the intervention of the 7. The CA however, reversed the RTC decision rulinf
notary public that the consignation extinguished the loan
It is extrajudicial in character because intervention obligations. It also stated that liberal interpretation of
of the court is not necessary the redemption laws so as to give effect to the policy
of the law of allowing redemption.
Exception to pactum commisorio a. It also stated that the sale is void because
Pledgee may appropriate the thing pledged if after they should be sold separately as different
the first and second auctions, the thing is not sold shareholders owned them.

Bonifacio, Paray & Espeleta vs Rodriguez et al., Issue: was there a valid auction made?
Ruling: Yes.
1. the petitioners of this case obtained several loans 1. Nature of the Foreclosure in cases of pledge:
a. Preliminarily, it must be clarified that the
from the years 1979 and 1980.
a. The Security: the contracts of loan were subject sale of pledged shares was an
secured by way of pledge of some of their extrajudicial sale, specifically a notarial sale, as
shares of stock distinguished from a judicial sale as typified by
2. Due to the failure of the respondent stockholders to an execution sale.
pay for their loans, Paray attempted to foreclose the b. Under the Civil Code, the foreclosure of a
pledges extrajudicially. pledge occurs extrajudicially, without
3. However, the respondents filed complaints intervention by the courts. All the creditor
seeking nullity of the pledge contracts and to needs to do, if the credit has not been satisfied
enjoin the petitioners from continuing with the in due time, is to proceed before a Notary
foreclosure. Public to the sale of the thing pledged
a. The RTC, the CA, and the Supreme Court c. In this case, petitioners attempted as early as
upheld the validity of the pledge constituted 1980 to proceed extrajudicially with the sale of
and the said decisions attained finality. the pledged shares by public auction.
4. Respondents then received Notices of Sale which d. However, extrajudicial sale was stayed with the
indicated that the pledged shares were to be sold at a filing of Civil Cases No. R-20120 and 20131,
public auction. which sought to annul the pledge contracts.
The final and executory judgment in those
cases affirmed the pledge contracts and gave
due course to the foreclosure and sale at public Art. 2113. At the public auction, the pledgor or owner
auction of the various pledges subject of these may bid. He shall, moreover, have a better right if he
two cases may give rise to the impression that should offer the same terms as the highest bidder.
such sale is judicial in character.
e. While the decision did authorize the sale by The pledgee may also bid, but his offer shall not be
public auction, such declaration could not valid if he is the only bidder. (n)
detract from the fact that the sale so
authorized is actually extrajudicial in character. Art. 2114. All bids at the public auction shall offer to
Note that the final judgment in said cases pay the purchase price at once. If any other bid is
expressly did not direct the sale by public accepted, the pledgee is deemed to have been
auction of the pledged shares, but instead received the purchase price, as far as the pledgor or
upheld the right of the Parays to conduct such owner is concerned. (n)
sale at their own volition.
2. The Sale is still valid although made in bulk sales Art. 2115. The sale of the thing pledged shall
notwithstanding the fact that they were owned by extinguish the principal obligation, whether or not the
several people. proceeds of the sale are equal to the amount of the
a. it is the pledgee, and not the pledgor, who is
principal obligation, interest and expenses in a proper
given the right to choose which of the items
case. If the price of the sale is more than said amount,
should be sold if two or more things are
the debtor shall not be entitled to the excess, unless it
is otherwise agreed. If the price of the sale is less,
b. No similar option is given to pledgors under
neither shall the creditor be entitled to recover the
the Civil Code.
c. Moreover, there is nothing in the Civil Code deficiency, notwithstanding any stipulation to the
provisions governing the extrajudicial sale of contrary. (n)
pledged properties that prohibits the pledgee
of several different pledge contracts from Effect of the sale of thing pledged
auctioning all of the pledged properties on a
single occasion, or from the buyer at the The sale of thing pledged extinguished the principal
auction sale in purchasing all the pledged obligation whether the price of the sale is more or less than
properties with a single purchase price. the amount due.
d. The relative insignificance of ascertaining the Price of sale > amount due OR price < amount due
definite apportionments of the sale price to the GR: Debtor is not entitled to the excess
individual shares lies in the fact that once a Exception: contrary is stipulated or that instead of
pledged item is sold at auction, neither the foreclosing, enforce payment so as the get full
pledgee nor the pledgor can recover whatever amount.
deficiency or excess there may be between the
purchase price and the amount of the principal However:

(1) Under the Chattel Mortgage Law, the mortgagor is is more than said amount, the debtor shall not be entitled to
entitled to recover the excess of the proceeds of the the excess, unless it is otherwise agreed. If the price of the
sale in foreclosure proceedings sale is less, neither shall the creditor be entitled to recover
(2) The creditor may sue on the principal obligation the deficiency, notwithstanding any stipulation to the
instead of electing to sell the thing pledged, and in contrary.
such a case, he may recover the deficiency from the
debtor (Manila Surety and Fidelity vs Velayo) Argument of the appellee Manila Surety: there is no
stipulation that the surety cannot recover.
Manila Surety and Fidelity Company vs Velayo
Facts: Issue: May the Surety Company claim the unpaid balance?
1. The Loan: Manila Suretyu executed a bond for Ruling: No.
P2800.00 for the dissolution of the writ of attachment 1. because Article 2115, in its last portion, clearly
obtained by a certain Granados upon the request of establishes that the extinction of the principal
Velayo. obligation supervenes by operation of imperative law
a. The security: as a collateral security and by that the parties cannot override:
way of pledge, Velayo also delivered 4 pieces
of jewelry to the Surety Company for latters If the price of the sale is less, neither shall the creditor be
further protection and with power to sell the entitled to recover the deficiency notwithstanding any
same in case the surety paid or become stipulation to the contrary.
obligated to pay any amount of money.
2. Judgment had been rendered against Velayo in a case
2. The provision is clear and unmistakable, and its effect
and hence, the surety company was compelled to
can not be evaded. By electing to sell the articles
forfeit the bond.
pledged, instead of suing on the principal obligation,
3. The Surety company sold the jewelry but was not able
the creditor has waived any other remedy, and must
to cover the whole obligation.
a. Hence, the Surety company compelled abide by the results of the sale. No deficiency is
Velayo to pay the balance through an recoverable.
action with the MTC.
b. The MTC rendered a decision in favour of the
Surety Company and ordered Velayo to pay the
4. Hence, the present action by Velayo arguing that the Art. 2116. After the public auction, the pledgee shall
sale of the pledged jewelry extinguished any further promptly advise the pledgor or owner of the result
liability on his part under Article 2115 of the 1950 Civil thereof.
Code, which recites: The purpose is to enable the pledger or owner to
take steps for the protection of his rights where he
Art. 2115. The sale of the thing pledged shall extinguish has reasonable grounds to believe that the sale
the principal obligation, whether or not the proceeds of the was not an honest one.
sale are equal to the amount of the principal obligation,
interest and expenses in a proper case. If the price of the sale

Art. 2117. Any third person who has any right in or to ii. Deeds of Assignment of Her money
the thing pledged may satisfy the principal obligation market placements which has expressly
as soon as the latter becomes due and demandable.(n) stated that:

The general rule in obligations is that the creditor is not 2. In the event the OBLIGATIONS are not paid at maturity or upon
obliged to acceptance or performance by a third person who demand, as the case may be, the ASSIGNEE is fully authorized
and empowered to collect and receive the PLACEMENT (or
has no interest in the fulfillment of the third person.
so much thereof as may be necessary) and apply the same
Exception is provided by this Article: in payment of the OBLIGATIONS. Furthermore, the ASSIGNOR
a person who has any right or interest in the thing agrees that at any time, and from time to time, upon request by the
pledged may pay the debt as soon as it becomes ASSIGNEE, the ASSIGNOR will promptly execute and deliver any
due and demandable and the creditor cannot and all such further instruments and documents as may be
refuse to accept payment necessary to effectuate this Assignment.
5. This Assignment shall be considered as sufficient authority
Art. 2118. If a credit which has been pledged becomes
to FNCB Finance to pay and deliver the PLACEMENT or so
due before it is redeemed, the pledgee may collect
much thereof as may be necessary to liquidate the
and receive the amount due. He shall apply the same
OBLIGATIONS, to the ASSIGNEE in accordance with terms and
to the payment of his claim, and deliver the surplus,
provisions hereof.
should there be any, to the pledgor. (n)
Obligation/Right of the pledgee to collect and
b. That Sabeniano, having failed to pay for the
redeem the amount due when the credit pledged
said loans, exercised its right to set off or
is already due
compensate the loan of Sabeniano with her
deposits and money market placements
CITIBANK N.A. and Investors Finance Corporation vs
pursuant to the Deeds of Assignment and
Modesta Sabeniano
Declaration of Pledge
2. The CA and the RTC rendered a decision declaring
Facts: such compensation as null and void for having failed
1. Sabeniano filed a complaint against the petitioners to establish the indebtedness of Sabeniano
before the RTC of Makati claiming to have substantial Issue: Was the bank justified in applying the deposits
deposits and money market placements with the and the proceeds of the money market placements to
Bank. as payment for loan of Sabeniano?
a. In the answer of the Bank and the FNCB, they
admitted that Sabeniano did have deposits and
Ruling: Yes in relation to Sabenianos savings account and
money market placements with them.
her money market placements but not insofar as the dollar
However, they alleged that Sabeniano also
accounts of Sabeniano in Citibank Switzerland.
incurred several loans for which she executed
Promissory Notes and were secured by:
1. as to the deposits, there was valid compensation
i. Declaration of Pledge of her Dollar
because in relation to the loan, the bank is the
Accounts in Citibank Geneva
creditor of Sabeniano and Sabeniano is the creditor of
the Bank in relation to the money deposits.
2. However, as to the money market placements, WHAT demand the sale of only as many of the things as are
WAS EXERCISED was its Right in the by virtue of necessary for the payment of the debt. (n)
the Deeds of Assignment executed by the
respondent. Art. 2120. If a third party secures an obligation by
3. Petitioner Citibank was only acting upon the authority pledging his own movable property under the
granted to it under the foregoing Deeds when it finally provisions of Article 2085 he shall have the same
used the proceeds of PNs No. 20138 and 20139, paid rights as a guarantor under Articles 2066 to 2070, and
by petitioner FNCB Finance, to partly pay for Articles 2077 to 2081. He is not prejudiced by any
respondent's outstanding loans. waiver of defense by the principal obligor. (n)
4. Strictly speaking, it did not effect a legal
compensation or off-set under Article 1278 of the Civil Art. 2121. Pledges created by operation of law, such
Code, but rather, it partly extinguished respondent's as those referred to in Articles 546, 1731, and 1994,
obligations through the application of the security are governed by the foregoing articles on the
given by the respondent for her loans. possession, care and sale of the thing as well as on
5. Although the pertinent documents were entitled
the termination of the pledge. However, after payment
Deeds of Assignment, they were, in reality, more of a
of the debt and expenses, the remainder of the price
pledge by respondent to petitioner Citibank of her
of the sale shall be delivered to the obligor. (n)
credit due from petitioner FNCB Finance by virtue of
her money market placements with the latter.
Art. 546. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to
6. According to Article 2118 of the Civil Code. ART. 2118.
every possessor; but only the possessor in good
If a credit has been pledged becomes due before it is
faith may retain the thing until he has been
redeemed, the pledgee may collect and receive the
reimbursed therefor.
amount due. He shall apply the same to the payment
of his claim, and deliver the surplus, should there be
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the
any, to the pledgor.
7. PNs No. 20138 and 20139 matured on 3 September possessor in good faith with the same right of
1979, without them being redeemed by respondent, retention, the person who has defeated him in the
so that petitioner Citibank collected from petitioner possession having the option of refunding the
FNCB Finance the proceeds thereof, which included amount of the expenses or of paying the increase in
the principal amounts and interests earned by the value which the thing may have acquired by reason
money market placements, amounting to thereof. (453a)
P1,022,916.66, and applied the same against
respondent's outstanding loans, leaving no surplus to Art. 1731. He who has executed work upon a
be delivered to respondent. movable has a right to retain it by way of pledge
until he is paid. (1600)

Art. 2119. If two or more things are pledged, the Art. 1914. The agent may retain in pledge the
pledgee may choose which he will cause to be sold, things which are the object of the agency until the
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. He may principal effects the reimbursement and pays the

indemnity set forth in the two preceding articles. Since there is no particular period for the payment
(1730) of the principal obligation, the pledgee must make
a demand for the payment of the amount due him
Art. 1707. The laborer's wages shall be a lien on the The pledgee must proceed with the sale within 1
goods manufactured or the work done. month after demand, otherwise, the debtor may
require him to return the thing retained

Art. 2122. A thing under a pledge by operation of law Art. 2123. With regard to pawnshops and other
may be sold only after demand of the amount for establishments, which are engaged in making loans
which the thing is retained. The public auction shall secured by pledges, the special laws and regulations
take place within one month after such demand. If, concerning them shall be observed, and subsidiarily,
without just grounds, the creditor does not cause the the provisions of this Title. (1873a)
public sale to be held within such period, the debtor
may require the return of the thing. (n)


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