2013 BPP P3 Study Text

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BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner content
for the ACCA qualification. In this, the only Paper P3 Study Text to be reviewed by
the examiner:
We discuss the best strategies for studying for ACCA exams
We highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you will need
We signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and the study guide
We provide lots of exam focus points demonstrating what the examiner will want you to do
We emphasise key points in regular fast forward summaries
We test your knowledge of what you've studied in quick quizzes
We examine your understanding in our exam question bank
We reference all the important topics in our full index

BPP's Practice & Revision Kit, i-Pass and Interactive Passcard products also
support this paper.


First edition 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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eISBN 9781 4453 9215 8
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Contents Page
Helping you to pass the ONLY P3 Study Text reviewed by the examiner! v
Studying P3 vii
The exam paper xiii

Part A Strategic position

1 Business strategy 3
2 Environmental issues 21
3 Competitors and customers 61
4 Strategic capability 87
5 Stakeholders, ethics and culture 121

Part B Strategic choices

6 Strategic choices 153

Part C Organising and enabling success

7 Organising for success 211
8 Managing strategic change 241

Part D Business process change

9 Business process change 261
10 Improving processes 281

Part E Information technology

11 E-business 307
12 E-marketing 343

Part F Project management

13 Project management 387

Part G Finance
14 Finance 451

Part H People
15 Human resource management 499

Part I Strategic development

16 Strategic development 521

Exam question bank 537

Exam answer bank 551
Index 583
Review form

Contents iii
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Helping you to pass the ONLY P3 Study Text reviewed
by the examiner!

BPP Learning Media the sole Platinum

Approved Learning Partner - content
As ACCAs sole Platinum Approved Learning Partner content, BPP Learning Media gives you the
unique opportunity to use examiner-reviewed study materials for the 2013 exams. By incorporating the
examiners comments and suggestions regarding the depth and breadth of syllabus coverage, the BPP
Learning Media Study Text provides excellent, ACCA-approved support for your studies.

The PER alert

Before you can qualify as an ACCA member, you do not only have to pass all your exams but also fulfil a
three year practical experience requirement (PER). To help you to recognise areas of the syllabus that
you might be able to apply in the workplace to achieve different performance objectives, we have
introduced the PER alert feature. You will find this feature throughout the Study Text to remind you that
what you are learning to pass your ACCA exams is equally useful to the fulfilment of the PER
Your achievement of the PER should now be recorded in your on-line My Experience record.

Tackling studying
Studying can be a daunting prospect, particularly when you have lots of other commitments. The different
features of the text, the purposes of which are explained fully on the Chapter features page, will help you
whilst studying and improve your chances of exam success.

Developing exam awareness

Our Texts are completely focused on helping you pass your exam.
Our advice on Studying P3 outlines the content of the paper, the necessary skills the examiner expects
you to demonstrate and any brought forward knowledge you are expected to have.
Exam focus points are included within the chapters to highlight when and how specific topics were
examined, or how they might be examined in the future.

Using the Syllabus and Study Guide

You can find the syllabus and Study Guide on page (xiv) of this Study Text

Testing what you can do

Testing yourself helps you develop the skills you need to pass the exam and also confirms that you can
recall what you have learnt.
We include Questions lots of them - both within chapters and in the Exam Question Bank, as well as
Quick Quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge of the chapter content.

Introduction v
Chapter features
Each chapter contains a number of helpful features to guide you through each topic.

Topic list
Topic list Syllabus reference
What you will be studying in this chapter and the relevant
section numbers, together with the ACCA syllabus

Puts the chapter content in the context of the syllabus as

Introduction a whole.

Study Guide Links the chapter content with ACCA guidance.

Highlights how examinable the chapter content is likely to

Exam Guide be and the ways in which it could be examined.

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies What you are assumed to know from previous
Summarises the content of main chapter headings,
allowing you to preview and review each section easily.
Demonstrate how to apply key knowledge and
Examples techniques.
Definitions of important concepts that can often earn you
Key terms
easy marks in exams.
When and how specific topics were examined, or how
Exam focus points
they may be examined in the future.
Formulae that are not given in the exam but which have to
Formula to learn
be learnt.
Gives you a useful indication of syllabus areas that
closely relate to performance objectives in your Practical
Experience Requirement (PER).

Gives you essential practice of techniques covered in the

Question chapter.

Case Study Real world examples of theories and techniques.

Chapter Roundup A full list of the Fast Forwards included in the chapter,
providing an easy source of review.

A quick test of your knowledge of the main topics in the

Quick Quiz chapter.

Found at the back of the Study Text with more

Exam Question Bank comprehensive chapter questions. Cross referenced for
easy navigation.

vi Introduction
Studying P3
Much of the P3 exam is concerned with business strategy. As a Chartered Certified Accountant you are
likely to find yourself dealing with matters that are of strategic importance to your organisation. It is
important, therefore, that you have an understanding of the way business strategy is conducted so that
your input is appropriate and properly considered.
However, the name of P3 is Business Analysis, not Business Strategy. Business Analysis is wider than
simply strategy and this paper will also draw from your financial and business skills gained during your
studies so far. It brings these concepts together and encourages you to take a wider view of the
organisations you are presented with in order to give your analysis of those organisations as a whole.

The P3 examiner
The examiner for this paper is Steve Skidmore, a very experienced examiner. He expects you to
demonstrate a highly professional approach to all questions not just presenting information in a
professional manner, but also integrating knowledge and understanding of topics from across the
The nature of business analysis means that this exam is not simply about models and procedures which
can be learnt by heart, but about applying those theories to practical problems to generate sensible
suggestions and conclusions. In this respect, P3 is a very practical exam. The examiner is very keen for
students to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge to the scenarios described in the questions.
There are relatively few marks available for simply describing theory.
Note the examiners comments from his review of candidates performance in the June 2008 exam:
Many candidates had a problem applying the theoretical knowledge they had learned to the context of the
scenario. At this level, there are relatively few marks available for describing a model. The vast majority of
the marks are for [recognising and applying the model] in the context of the case study scenario. Many of
the answers seemed to suggest that candidates had very little practice in the application of models.

Syllabus update
The P3 syllabus has been updated for the June 2013 sitting onwards. The full syllabus and study guide
can be found in this Study Text on pages (xiv) to (xxvii). The main changes are the inclusion of a new
learning objective on full costing, and a change to the running order of this Study Text in order to bring it
in line with the syllabus and study guide.
This follows a significant update which has been in effect since June 2011. The changes to the P3 syllabus
made at that time is given below:

Introduction vii
Building the business case

viii Introduction
Introduction ix
1 What P3 is about
The aim of the syllabus is to develop students ability to apply relevant knowledge and skills, and
exercise the professional judgement in assessing strategic position, determining strategic choice, and
implementing strategic action through beneficial business process and structural change that involve
people, finance and information technology.
This is an advanced level paper which builds on a number of the topics covered in Paper F1 Accountant in
Business as well as topics you will have seen in Paper F5 Performance Management. However, as an
advanced paper it tests much more than just your ability to recall models and theories. You must be able
to evaluate data, assess the strategic consequences of decisions and advise on alternative courses of
The syllabus is divided into eight main sections, (although the Examiner is keen that you view them as an
integrated whole, rather than as a series of unrelated sections).
(a) Strategic position
The syllabus begins by considering the impact of the external environment on an organisation,
and looks at the competitive forces organisations face. It then also looks at an organisations
internal capabilities and expectations, to see how an organisation can position itself to get the
most value out of its resources.
However, an organisation also needs to consider its responsibilities to differing stakeholder
groups, and how the expectations of stakeholders, alongside ethics and culture, help shape
organisational purpose.
(b) Strategic choice
Once an organisation has established its current strategic position it can start thinking about the
direction it wants to take in the future. This section looks at the decisions which have to be made
about an organisations future and the way an organisation can respond to the influences and
pressures which it identified while assessing its strategic position.
(c) Strategic action
This section deals with the implementation of strategic choices, and the transformation of these
choices into organisational action. This action takes place in a context of operational processes and
relationships, which need to be managed in line with the intended strategy, and involves the
effective coordination of business processes, information technology, people and finance.
You will be expected to identify problems and issues in an organisation which prevent it from
achieving its strategies, and make recommendations about how these problems can be resolved.
(d) Business process change
This section is the first considering how organisational elements support business strategy, and it
highlights that business process redesign can lead to significant organisational improvements.
Again, you will be expected to identify problems or inefficiencies with existing processes and make
recommendations as to how they can be made more effective.
(e) Information technology
The application of information technology is often one of the ways that business processes can be
redesigned. This reflects the fact that many existing processes are less efficient than they could be,
and that new technology and the application of e-business models make it possible to design
those processes more efficiently.
(f) Project management
In (c) above we noted that effective strategic action requires the coordination of a number of
operational processes. This coordination can be facilitated through effective project management.

x Introduction
(g) Financial analysis
Strategic planning and strategic implementation should be subject to financial benchmarks.
Financial analysis explicitly recognises this, reminding you of the importance of focusing on key
ratios and measures that can be used to assess the viability of a strategy and to monitor or
measure its success.
(h) People
Human resource management plays a vital role in underpinning strategy. Successful strategic
planning and implementation require the effective recruitment, training, and organisation of people,
coupled with strong leadership.
As with so many other areas of the syllabus, it is crucial that an organisations personnel resources
are appropriate for the strategy it is pursuing.

2 What skills are required?

An ability to integrate knowledge and understanding from across the syllabus
Application of your knowledge to the specific circumstances described by the question
An ability to make reasoned judgements and give practical, commercial advice based on the
facts presented in the question scenario
Careful reading and analysis of the question scenarios, and the question requirements
If you read the main capabilities listed by ACCA that students are expected to have on completion
of P3, you will find continued reference to the verbs evaluate, assess, advise and explain
make sure you can do all of these in relation to the different aspects of the syllabus.

3 How to improve your chances of passing

Study the entire syllabus questions may span a number of syllabus areas and you must be
prepared for anything!
Practise as many questions as you can under timed conditions. This is the best way of developing
good exam technique. Make use of the Question Bank at the back of this study text, and, more
importantly, BPPs Practice and Revision Kit. The Kit contains numerous exam standard
questions (many of them taken from past exam papers) as well as three mock exams for you to try.
P3 questions will be scenario-based and all the information given in the scenarios will be relevant
to the questions set. Make sure you relate your answers to the scenario rather than letting them
become generic. Answers that are simply regurgitated from texts are unlikely to score well.
Present your answers in a professional manner there are marks available for coherent, well
structured arguments and for making recommendations when required. You should be aiming to
achieve all of these marks.
Manage your time in the exam hall carefully. Answer plans will help you to focus on the
requirements of the question and enable you to manage your time effectively. Also, do not waffle.
Make your answers complete, but brief.
Answer the question that you are most comfortable with first it will help to settle you down if you
feel you have answered the first question well.
Answer all parts of the question leaving out a five mark discursive element for example may
mean the difference between a pass and a fail.

Introduction xi
Read the financial press and relevant web sites (for example, the BBC business website) for real life
examples. The examiner is specifically looking for evidence of wider reading. He has repeatedly
stressed the importance of reading the finance section of a good quality newspaper so that you
can draw on real-life situations to help inform your answers.
This does not, of course, mean you should simply quote real life examples in your exam just to
show you have read widely. Instead you should use the real life examples to help inform your
answers to the questions set.

Read Student Accountant (the ACCAs student magazine) regularly it often contains technical
articles written either by, or on the recommendation of, the examiner which can be invaluable for
future exams.

4 Brought forward knowledge

As mentioned previously, this paper builds on knowledge brought forward from Paper F1, Accountant in
Business and F5 Performance Management. If you have not studied F1 or F5, or were exempt, you should
spend some time considering the syllabus and study guide to identify any gaps in your knowledge. You
must ensure you cover any areas you are unsure of before your exam, so that you would be comfortable
referring to them as necessary.
The syllabus information is available on the ACCA web site, www.accaglobal.com.

xii Introduction
The exam paper
Format of the paper
Number of
Section A: One compulsory case study 550
Section B: Choice of two from three questions, 25 marks each 50

Time allowed: 3 hours (plus fifteen minutes reading and planning time)

Section A will be a compulsory case study question with several requirements relating to the same
scenario information. The question will usually assess and link several subject areas from across the
syllabus, and will require you to demonstrate high-level capabilities to evaluate, relate and apply the
information in the scenario to the question requirements. There will always be some financial or numerical
data in the scenario and marks will be available for numerical analysis which supports your written
The compulsory Section A question can draw on ALL areas of the syllabus, making it imperative that
you cover all areas of the syllabus in your studies.
Section B questions are more likely to examine discrete subject areas. They will be based on short
scenarios, and you will be expected to apply information from the scenarios to the question requirements.
Again the questions can be drawn from all area of the syllabus, and the limited extent of the choice (two
from three) reinforces the importance of covering all areas of the syllabus.
P3 is designed to be a global paper, meaning that the case studies and the scenarios will focus on an
industry of global significance, and which should be known to candidates wherever they live or work.
Although a lot of the examples in this text are based on the UK, they are designed to illustrate points which
could apply equally in other countries. The exam will not focus specifically on UK industries, nor the UK
business environment.
Questions in this exam will not require specialist knowledge of any particular industries, nor the business
environment of any particular country. However, an awareness of current business issues overall will be
useful in providing real-life examples to support your answers hence the examiners instruction that
candidates should read the financial sections a good quality newspaper or other business material

Syllabus and Study Guide

The P3 syllabus and study guide can be found below.

Introduction xiii
xiv Introduction
Introduction xv
xvi Introduction
Introduction xvii
xviii Introduction
Introduction xix
xx Introduction
Introduction xxi
xxii Introduction
Introduction xxiii
xxiv Introduction
Introduction xxv
xxvi Introduction
Introduction xxvii
Analysis of past papers
The table below provides details of when each element of the syllabus has been examined and the
question number and section in which each element appeared. Further details can be found in the Exam
Focus Points in the relevant chapters.
in Text June Dec June Dec June Dec June Dec June Dec Pilot
chapter 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 Paper
2012 2012 2011 2010
1 Business strategy C C C C
1 Strategy lenses C C
2 PESTEL analysis C C C C C
2 National competitiveness O
2 Competitive forces C C C C
2 Business forecasting O O O
3 Marketing and market segmentation O
3 Industry lifecycle
4 Value chain; supply chain management O O O O
4 SWOT analysis C C C C C
5 Stakeholders C
5 Culture and the cultural web O O C
6 Generic strategies C C
6 Product-market strategy O
6 Methods of growth C O O
6 Corporate parents C O
7 Organisational structures O O
8 Process-strategy matrix O O O O
8 Outsourcing C O O
9 Business process redesign 0 0 C C
10 Models for e-business O
11 E-business and upstream supply chain O O O O
11 E-business and downstream supply chain O O O
11 E-marketing O O C O
11 Customer relationship marketing
12 Project management O O O O O O
13 Finance O O C
14 Leadership O
14 Job design
14 Staff development
15 Managing strategic change C O
15 Styles of change management
16 Developing strategies

xxviii Introduction

Strategic position


Topic list Syllabus reference

1 What is strategy? A1(a), (f) A6(g)
2 Levels of strategy in an organisation A1(b)
3 Elements of strategic management A1(c)
4 The importance of context A1(d)
5 The strategy lenses A1(e)

This Study Text concerns the ACCA examination called Business Analysis.
Analysis, of various kinds, forms an important element of the wider activity of
strategic management. Despite its name, your syllabus deals with the full
scope of strategic management and we will provide you with complete
coverage in this Text.
Section A of your syllabus is largely concerned with the analysis aspect of
strategic management, but before we start to discuss that in detail, we will give
you an overview of how it fits into the bigger strategic picture. This exploration
of strategic management covers the material specified in the first element of
syllabus Section A.
The main reference for Sections A, B and C of your syllabus is the seventh
edition of Exploring Corporate Strategy by Johnson, Scholes and Whittington.
We shall make frequent reference to this book using the abbreviation JS&W.

Study guide
Intellectual level
A1 The need for, and purpose of, strategic and business analysis
(a) Recognise the fundamental nature and vocabulary of strategy and strategic
(b) Discuss how strategy may be formulated at different levels (corporate,
business level, operations) of an organisation
(c) Explore the Johnson, Scholes and Whittington model for defining elements
of strategic management the strategic position, strategic choices and 3
strategy into action
(d) Analyse how strategic management is affected by different organisational
(e) Compare three different strategy lenses (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington)
for viewing and understanding strategy and strategic management
(f) Explore the scope of business analysis and its relationship to strategy and
strategic management in the context of the relational diagram of this 3
A6 The expectations of stakeholders and the influence of ethics and culture
(g) Advise on how organisations can communicate their core values and 3

Exam guide
This chapter covers fundamental concepts that are likely to be relevant to any exam question. They could
be examined directly, or they could be used in the context of a scenario. If a strategy is to be successful, it
must be appropriate to the organisation or situation described in the scenario.

Two models from this chapter are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide:
Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (JS&W's) model for defining elements of strategic management
strategic position, strategic choices and strategy into action.
JS&W's model of the three strategy lenses.
These models could be specifically referred to in an exam question.

1 What is strategy?
Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a
changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling
stakeholder expectations. Strategic decisions are made under conditions of complexity and uncertainty;
they have wide impact on the organisation and often lead to major change.

Strategy is difficult to define; it is a topic with several different aspects and the word is used to mean
several different things. We are concerned with its meaning in relation to the higher management of
organisations. This is a complex process, but examining some of its features will help us to develop an
understanding of what is meant by strategy and strategic management.

4 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

Exam focus Business strategy is as much an art as it is a science. This is because it is concerned with the behaviour
point of people, both individually and in large numbers.
Moreover, there is still vigorous debate, not only about how organisations should make their strategies but
also about how they actually do make them.
As a result of this, there is rarely a single correct answer to business strategy problems.
This means that your exam is not only about things you can learn by heart, such as models and
procedures, but it is also about selecting and applying ideas and theories to scenarios in order to reach
sensible conclusions and make reasonable suggestions.
To be successful in the P3 exam, it is very important that you realise that models and theories are only
useful to you if you apply them appropriately.

It is worth reviewing at this point the view of the relationship between strategy and accountancy taken by
Ralph Bedrock, the Examiner for the old syllabus Paper 3.5. Writing on the new product development
process in Student Accountant in January 2005, he said ' accountants, with their ability to subject
proposals to robust analysis (have) an active and positive role to play in resource allocation. An
accountant's realism can balance the naturally optimistic marketeer.'

1.1 Defining strategy

JS&W explore the significance of strategy by considering the subject matter of strategic decisions. They
discern six general areas for decision-making that will normally be regarded as strategic.
(a) The organisation's long-term direction: no specific timescale is envisaged, but you should think in
terms in excess of one year and more probably of about five years or more.
(b) The scope of an organisation's activities: this will include both the overall roles and purposes the
organisation accepts for itself and the activities it undertakes in pursuit of them. Strategic planning
considers the whole organisation.
(c) For commercial organisations and for many not-for-profit organisations too, strategy will be about
gaining some kind of advantage in competition.
(d) Strategic management in some organisations will take the form of adapting their activities to fit
the business environment. In its simplest form, this will involve adapting products and services to
gradually changing customer requirements.
(e) A contrasting approach will be to exploit unique resources and the organisation's special
competences in particular. This approach sees the business environment as something that can
be changed by the organisations' own actions.
(f) Strategic decisions are affected by the values and expectations of all of the organisation's
stakeholders. Stakeholders are people who have a legitimate interest in what the organisation
These six considerations lead JS&W to suggest the definition of strategy given below.

Key term Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a
changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling
stakeholder expectations.

If you look at this definition alongside the top layer of the relational diagram describing the P3 syllabus
you should get some idea of the context of strategic decisions:

Strategic position Strategic choices Strategic action

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 5

1.2 Characteristics of strategic decisions
Having defined the matters that require decisions of a strategic nature, JS&W go on to describe some
important characteristics of the strategic decisions themselves.
(a) Decisions about strategy are likely to be complex since there are likely to be a number of
significant factors to take into consideration and a variety of possible outcomes to balance against
one another.
(b) There is likely to be a high degree of uncertainty surrounding a strategic decision, both about the
precise nature of current circumstances and about the likely consequences of any course of action.
(c) Strategic decisions have extensive impact on operational decision-making; that is, decisions at
lower levels in the organisation.
(d) Strategic decisions affect the organisation as a whole and require processes that cross operational
and functional boundaries within it. An integrated approach is therefore required.
(e) Strategic decisions are likely to lead to change within the organisation as resource capacity is
adjusted to permit new courses of action. Changes with implications for organisational culture are
particularly complex and difficult to manage.

1.3 Mission, goals and objectives

Strategies are developed in order to achieve desired outcomes. These are inherent in the organisation's
mission or defining purpose. Mission guides strategic decisions and provides values and a sense of

The Ashridge College model of mission links business strategy to culture and ethics by including four
separate elements in an expanded definition of mission.
(a) Purpose. Why does the organisation exist? Who does it exist for?
(i) To create wealth for owners?
(ii) To satisfy the needs of all stakeholders?
(iii) To reach some higher goal such as the advancement of society?
(b) Values are the beliefs and moral principles that underlie the organisation's culture.
(c) Strategy provides the commercial logic for the company, and so addresses the following question:
'What is our business? What should it be?' Strategy in this sense is referred to by JS&W as
'business model'.
(d) Policies and standards of behaviour provide guidance on how the organisation's business should
be conducted. For example, a service industry that wishes to be the best in its market must aim for
standards of service, in all its operations, which are at least as good as those found in its

1.3.1 The importance of mission for corporate strategy

There are several reasons why a business should give serious consideration to establishing a clear
concept of its corporate mission and values.
(a) Values are acknowledged as integral elements of consumers' buying decisions; this is shown by
the attention paid to them in advertising, brand building and market research. Customers ask not
only 'What do you sell?' but 'What do you stand for?'
(b) Studies into organisational behaviour show that people are motivated by many things other than
money: employees are likely to be both more productive and more satisfied with their work when
they feel that what they are doing has significance beyond the mere pursuit of a living.
(c) Some writers believe there is an empirical relationship between strong corporate values and

6 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

1.3.2 Mission statements
Mission statements are formal documents that state the organisation's mission. They are published
within organisations to promote desired behaviour: support for strategy and purpose, adherence to core
values and adoption of policies and standards of behaviour.
Some are suspicious of mission statements for the following reasons.
(a) They can sometimes be public relations exercises rather than an accurate portrayal of the firm's
actual values.
(b) They can often be full of generalisations which are impossible to tie down to specific strategic
(c) They may be ignored by the people responsible for formulating or implementing strategy.

1.3.3 Mission and planning

The mission statement can play an important role in the strategic planning process.
(a) Inspires and informs planning. Plans should further the organisation's goals and be consistent
with its core values.
(b) Screening. Mission acts as a yardstick by which plans are judged.
(c) Mission also affects the implementation of a planned strategy in terms of the ways in which the
firm carries out its business and the culture of the organisation.

1.3.4 Goals, objectives and targets

A structure of goals and objectives derives from mission and supports it. All the parts of this structure
should be mutually supportive.

Understanding the organisation's mission is invaluable for setting and controlling the overall functioning
and progress of the organisation. However an organisation can operate reasonably effectively even if most
of the people within it have only a vague understanding of its purpose. Most people's work is defined in
terms of far more specific and immediate things to be achieved: if these things are related in some way to
the wider purpose, the organisation will function.
Loosely speaking, these 'things to be achieved' are the goals, objectives and targets of the various
departments, offices, and individuals that make up the organisation. In more effective organisations goal
congruence will be achieved: all these disparate goals, objectives and targets will be consistent with one
another and will operate together to support progress with the mission.
Goals can be related in several ways:
Hierarchically, as in the pyramid structure outlined below
Functionally, as when colleagues collaborate on a project
Logistically, as when resources must be shared or used in sequence
In wider organisational senses, as when senior executives make decisions about their operational
priorities. For example balancing the need to contain costs whilst increasing productivity by
investing in improved plant

1.3.5 A hierarchy of objectives

A simple model of the relationship between the various goals, objectives and targets is a pyramid
analogous to the traditional organisational hierarchy. At the top is the overall mission; this is supported
by a small number of wide ranging goals, which may correspond to overall departmental or functional
responsibilities. For a business, a primary, corporate objective will be the return offered to shareholders,
however this is measured. There may be other primary objectives and there will certainly be supporting
objectives for costs, innovation, markets, products and so on.

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 7

Each of the high level goals is supported in turn by more detailed, subordinate goals. These may
correspond, perhaps, to the responsibilities of the senior managers in the function concerned. A more
modern pattern is for the hierarchy (and indeed many other aspects of the organisation) to be based on
major value-creating processes rather than on functional departments. We will return to this topic later in
this Study Text. In any event, the pattern is continued downwards until we reach the work targets of
individual members of the organisation.
We owe the concept of a hierarchy or cascade of objectives to the great management thinker and writer
Peter Drucker, who outlined the system now known as management by objectives (MbO) in the middle of
the twentieth century. MbO is still in use as a management tool, though no longer promoted as a universal
solution. Its importance for this discussion of goals and objectives is that Drucker was the first to suggest
that objectives should be SMART:

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-related

Today, realistic is often replaced with results-focused, for two reasons.

(a) The current pursuit of innovation as a route to competitive advantage makes it very important that
managerial attention is directed towards achieving results rather than just administering
established processes.
(b) Realistic means much the same thing as achievable, anyway.
There are other variants: achievable may be replaced with attainable, which has an almost identical
meaning, and relevant (meaning appropriate to the group or individual concerned) has been proposed as a
third option for R.
Functions of objectives
(a) Planning: objectives define what the plan is about.
(b) Responsibility: objectives define the responsibilities of managers and departments.
(c) Integration: objectives should support one another and be consistent; this integrates the efforts of
different departments.
(d) Motivation: the first step in motivation is knowing what is to be done. Objectives must be created
for all areas of performance.
(e) Evaluation: performance is assessed against objectives and control exercised.
These objectives can be remembered using the acronym 'PRIME'.

1.4 The vocabulary of strategy

Strategy has its own vocabulary, though usage varies. JS&W provide a very useful list.

The field of business strategy has its own vocabulary that you must become familiar with. Unfortunately,
there is no generally accepted list of definitions and you may encounter a variety of usages. The key terms
box below is based on the definitions used by JS&W.

Key terms Mission is the organisation's overriding purpose; it reflects the values or expectations of stakeholders and
answers the question 'what business are we in?'.
Vision or strategic intent is the future state desired by the organisation's strategists: they aim to guide the
organisation's collective aspiration toward it.
A goal is a statement of a general aim or purpose that supports the mission. It may be qualitative in nature.
An objective is a more specific aim or purpose and will probably be quantified.
Strategic capability flows from resources and competences. Unique resources and core competences
create competitive advantage. (We will define these terms more precisely later in this Study Text.)

8 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

Key terms A business model describes the structure of product, service and information flows between the parties
Strategic control has two parts: monitoring the effectiveness of strategies and actions; and taking
corrective action when required.

1.5 The business analysis syllabus


Strategic position (A) Strategic choices (B) Strategic action (C)

Information Project Financial
technology management analysis
(E) (F) (G)

People (H)

Section A1(f) of the Study Guide for your syllabus calls explicitly for understanding of the nature and
scope of business strategy as envisioned by the syllabus and summarised in the relational diagram shown
This vision adopts the systems approach to understanding the way organisations work and therefore
emphasises the importance of both the internal linkages between the various organisational components
and the boundary-spanning links between the organisation and its environment. These two elements are
reflected in the two main strategic issues dealt with by the syllabus: the external forces that influence the
organisation's strategy and the internal forces and activities that sustain it.
The relational diagram shows the syllabus and, by extension, the nature of business strategy, as three
interconnected layers.
The top layer is concerned with the overall strategic perspective, moving from the analysis of strategic
position through strategic choices to strategic action.
The middle layer expands on the basic idea of strategic implementation. The focus is on two linked
aspects of business process management.
Process improvement
IS and e-business
Both of these elements must be financially feasible and requires good project management: project
management itself can be of strategic significance, as is discussed later in Part F of this Study Text.
The middle layer is also a reminder that strategy may emerge from within the day-to-day activities of the
organisation. Notice the double-headed arrow between the middle layer (DG) and the top layer (AC).
This indicates that as well as strategy being translated into action through a top-down approach, the
actions and processes within an organisation can also help shape its strategy (a middle-up approach).
The bottom layer of the model emphasises the importance of the human resource to all the other aspects
and, therefore, of effective human resource management.

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 9

2 Levels of strategy in an organisation
There are three main levels of strategy in an organisation.
Corporate: the general direction of the whole organisation
Business: how the organisation or its SBUs tackle particular markets
Operational/functional: specific strategies for different departments of the business

Any level of the organisation can have objectives and devise strategies to achieve them. The strategic
management process is multi-layered.
Hofer and Schendel refer to three levels of strategy:
(i) corporate
(ii) business
(iii) functional or operational
The distinction between corporate and business strategy arises because of the development of the
divisionalised business organisation, which typically has a corporate centre and a number of strategic
business units (SBUs) dealing with particular markets. Chandler described how four large US
corporations found that the best way to divide strategic responsibility was to have the corporate HQ
allocate resources and exercise overall financial control while the SBUs were each responsible for their
own product-market strategies. Operational strategies are then developed for component parts of SBUs.

2.1 Corporate strategies

Key term Corporate strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the organisation and how value will
be added to the different parts (business units) of the organisation. JS&W

Defining aspects of corporate strategy

Characteristic Comment
Scope of activities Strategy and strategic management impact upon the whole organisation: all
parts of the business operation should support and further the strategic plan.
Expectations of There may be a mission statement, but in any case, stakeholder expectations
stakeholders must be prioritised and managed.
Resources Strategy involves choices about allocating or obtaining corporate resources
now and in future.

2.2 Business-level strategy

Key term Business strategy is about how to compete successfully in particular markets. JS&W

Business-level strategy is about the particular and distinct combination of products and markets dealt with
by one business unit. A business unit might be a small, independent organisation or part of a larger one.
In the first case, business and corporate strategy merge with one another; in the second, SBU level
strategies must be co-ordinated with corporate strategy and with each other.

2.3 Operational strategies

Key term
Operational strategies are concerned with how the component parts of an organisation deliver effectively
the corporate- and business-level strategies in terms of resources, processes and people. JS&W

10 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

Much operational strategy is created by individual business functions and delivered by them.

Functional area Comment

Marketing Devising products and services, pricing, promoting and distributing them, in
order to satisfy customer needs at a profit. Marketing and corporate strategies
are interrelated.
Production Factory location, manufacturing techniques, outsourcing and so on.
Finance Ensuring that the firm has enough financial resources to fund its other strategies
by identifying sources of finance and using them effectively.
Human resources Secure personnel of the right skills in the right quantity at the right time, and to
management ensure that they have the right skills and values to promote the firm's overall goals.
Information systems A firm's information systems are becoming increasingly important, as an item of
expenditure, as administrative support and as a tool for competitive strength. Not
all information technology applications are strategic, and the strategic value of IT
will vary from case to case.
R&D New products and techniques.

Question Levels of strategy

Ganymede Co is a company selling widgets. The finance director says: 'We plan to issue more shares to
raise money for new plant capacity we don't want loan finance which will enable us to compete better
in the vital and growing widget markets of Latin America. After all, we've promised the shareholders 5%
profit growth this year, and trading is tough.'
Identify the corporate, business and functional strategies in the above statement.

The corporate objective is profit growth. The corporate strategy is the decision that this will be achieved by
entering new markets, rather than producing new products. The business strategy suggests that those
markets include Latin America. The operational or functional strategy involves the decision to invest in
new plant (the production function) which is to be financed by shares rather than loans (the finance

3 Elements of strategic management

JS&W suggest a three part structure for thinking about strategy.
Strategic position
Strategic choices
Strategy into action

JS&W analyse strategic management into three main elements.

Strategic position
Strategic choices
Strategy into action (implementation)
If you refer back to the diagram of the syllabus relational model shown at section 1.5 earlier in this
chapter, you will see that these three elements form its top layer.

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 11

3.1 Strategic position
The strategic managers must attempt to understand the organisation's strategic position. There are three
main groups of influences to consider: the environment; strategic capability and the expectations of

3.1.1 The environment

The environment of business includes wider political, economic, social, technological, environmentally
conscious and legal forces as well as the more immediate pressures of business competition. It is both
complex and subject to constant change, to an extent that probably precludes complete understanding.
However, if the more salient aspects of the environment can be identified and described, they may be
diagnosed into opportunities and threats. We will look at the environment in more detail in Chapter 2.

3.1.2 Strategic capability

The organisation's resources and competences make up its strategic capability. This may be analysed
into strengths and weaknesses; these influence, enable or constrain possible future strategic choices.

3.1.3 Stakeholders' expectations

Strategy is made in order to achieve the organisation's purpose. This may have a formal, even legal,
definition and corporate governance may be a relevant issue. Consideration must also be given to the
expectations of stakeholder groups that have a less formal relationship with the organisation.
Stakeholder power and interest influence the direction in which strategy evolves, as do ethical issues.
We will look at stakeholders in more detail in Chapter 5.

3.2 Strategic choices

Strategic choices are made at both the corporate and business unit level. At the level of the business unit,
these choices are about how to achieve competitive advantage and are based on an understanding of
customers and markets. At the corporate level, strategy is primarily about scope: this is concerned with
the overall product/business portfolio, the spread of markets and the relationship between business units
and the corporate centre.
Strategic choices must also be made about the direction and method of development.

3.3 Strategy into action (implementation)

Strategies must be made to work in practice. Major issues here include structuring, enabling and change.
(a) Structuring includes processes, relationships, organisation structure and how these elements work
(b) Enabling is the complex two-way process by which the organisation's resources are managed to
both support and to create strategies.
(c) Change is a very common feature of strategic development and the management of change is an
important feature of strategic implementation.

12 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

3.4 A rational model
JS&W's model for thinking about strategy is a rational model, as illustrated below.

Rational model of the strategic planning process Action

Position Strategic
audit control

Mission & Corporate Strategic Strategic Implementing

objectives appraisal options choice strategy


Position Choice

However, whereas the rational model is usually presented as a linear model, JS&W also recognise the
interdependencies between analysis, choice and implementation.
JS&W represent these interdependencies as a Venn diagram as illustrated below:


Business level Organisation structure

Corporate level Strategy Processes
International into action Resourcing
Evaluation (implementation) Strategy development
Strategic change

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 13

4 The importance of context
The context of strategy is the organisational setting in which it is developed. Small businesses tend to
have limited resources and strong competition; multinationals are more concerned with problems of
structure, resource allocation and logistics. Public sector and not for profit organisations are influenced
by ideology, politics, and the influence of a range of stakeholders. Intangible aspects have become very
important for companies dealing in physical products.

Exam focus
point Context is particularly important to you as a candidate for the P3 exam, since question settings will nearly
always provide detailed contexts for the problems they feature. You must always consider the question
context and make your answer clearly relevant to it. For example, if the scenario describes a small
company, this must be recognised in your answer, and you should not suggest strategies which would
only be appropriate for a large company such as raising money for expansion through a share issue on
the stock exchange.

Strategic management has many aspects and the relative importance of each of these aspects for
individual organisations may vary considerably. For example, an organisation heavily influenced by
national political activity, such as the UK National Health Service, is likely to find the management of
conflicting stakeholder expectations of far greater significance than might a privately owned distributor of
standard electrical components. Even within a single company, differences of industry and market are
likely to require different business units to take different approaches to strategy.

Exam focus Read a newspaper to ensure you keep up-to-date with current developments in the business world. The
point Section A case studies in the P3 exam will be based on well-known industries and so it is important that
you are familiar with current topics of importance in the business world.

4.1 Small businesses

Characteristic Effect on strategic processes
Limited range of products in a limited Few problems of scope
Limited planning resources; ownership Strategy based on values and experience
interest among managers
Significant pressure from competitors Exploitation of competences and resources, choice of
competitive strategy and knowledge of market and
competition all very important
Limited financial resources Constant attention to building relationship with providers of
funds, especially bankers

4.2 Multinationals
Characteristic Effect on strategic processes
Diverse products, processes and markets Problems of relationships, structure and control
Significant resources of all kinds Allocation and co-ordination of resources
Multiple markets, operations and facilities Great importance of logistics of manufacturing and supply

14 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

4.3 The public sector
The public sector has distinct strategic characteristics.
(a) Influence of ideology on strategy
(b) External influence and even control, especially by government
(c) Political constraints on funding and strategic choice even for state-owned organisations with a
commercial role
(d) Requirement to provide a universal service
(e) Competition for resource inputs within a political arena for non-commercial organisations
(f) Need to demonstrate best value in outputs
(g) Increasing need to demonstrate improvement in social outcomes

4.4 Not-for-profit organisations

Not-for-profit organisations also have their particular features.
(a) Importance of underlying values and purposes
(b) Diverse sources of funds that may have to be competed for
(c) Potential for conflict between stakeholders and need for transparency of governance may require
centralised decision-making.

Exam focus The not-for-profit sector is an important part of the economy and charities and other not-for-profit
point organisations have featured several times in recent P3 exams. The compulsory question in June 2010, and
a Section B question in December 2009 both centred around charitable organisations.
The following two articles written by Robert Souster were published in Student Accountant, and are
available on the ACCA website:
Not-for-profit organisations (Sept 2009) and Not-for-profit organisations part 2 (Oct 2009)
It would be worth taking the time to study both of these articles.

4.5 Intangible products

There has been an element of strategic convergence between companies supplying manufactured goods
on the one hand and those supplying services on the other. While the nature of the physical product is
still strategically important for the manufacturer, it has become common for competitive advantage to
depend as much on the customer's perception of the intangibles that are included in the complete market
offering. Factors such as product information, after-sales service and brand values have become as
strategically important to manufacturers as intangibles, such as staff competence and manner, have
always been to providers of services.

5 The strategy lenses

The study of business strategy is fairly new and opinion as to its nature and content is only just beginning
to settle. The breadth of opinion about it can be analysed into three different approaches or 'lenses' for
looking at individual strategies. These lenses are strategy as design, strategy as experience and strategy
as ideas.

5.1 A brief history of the study of business strategy

In the 1960s and extending into the 1970s, the highly rational corporate planning approach was popular.
This incorporated operational research ideas and highly systematised analysis of the influences on the
organisation's operations. At the same time, writers such as Simon and Lindblom were challenging
rational decision models as unrealistic because of the impossibility of carrying out the full analysis of

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 15

relevant factors that such models demanded. However, the planning model was popular and corporate
planning departments were common in large organisations. In JS&W's terms, this approach sees strategy
as design.
Subsequently, there was considerable empirical research aimed at establishing evidence for the likely
outcomes of business decisions about products, markets and structures. At the same time, writers such
as Quinn and Mintzberg argued that the sheer complexity of the world severely limited the usefulness of
the analytic approach. These writers argued that strategic decisions were heavily influenced by
experience, politics, culture and history and, as a result, tended to be sub-optimal. This is strategy as
In the 1980s, economic thinking led to the influential work of Porter on competitive advantage and the
emergence of the resource-based view of the firm.
More recent ideas have focussed on the concept of the organisation as an organism, adapting to
environmental forces through processes of social interaction that promote innovation and change.

5.2 The strategy lenses

Each of the approaches briefly outlined above has something to offer in understanding of what strategy is
and what it is for. JS&W suggest that they can be summarised into three lenses through which strategy
may be examined.
Strategy as design
Strategy as experience
Strategy as ideas




5.2.1 Strategy as design

There is a widely held view of strategy as a rational, top-down process by which senior managers analyse
and evaluate strategic constraints and forces in order to establish a clear and rational course of strategic
action. This is a traditional view and one that appeals to managers: it is orthodox, logical and supportive of
their own view of their role. It also appeals to stakeholders such as shareholders, banks, many employees
and public servants.
However, this view makes a number of important assumptions that might be subject to debate. Some of
these are given below.
(a) Managers are rational decision-makers and the strategic problems facing the organisation are
susceptible to rational analysis.
(b) There are clear and explicit objectives.
(c) The organisation is a hierarchy in which strategy is an exclusively management responsibility.

16 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

(d) The organisation is also a rational, almost engineered, system that is capable of putting
management's plans into effect.
The view of strategy as design is useful since it leads to the use of a number of tools and techniques that
are both logical and practical. However, it does not describe the whole of strategic management.

5.2.2 Strategy as experience

This view sees strategy as an adaptation and extension of what has worked in the past. It is firmly based
in the experience and assumptions of influential figures in the organisation and the ways of doing things
approved by the organisation's cultural norms. We will discuss this idea of cultural norms later in this
Study Text when we consider the paradigm.
Managers tend to simplify the complexity they face in order to be able to deal with it, selecting and using
the elements of their knowledge and understanding that seem most relevant or important. This process is
related to the habit of exemplifying complex forces in the form of their most important elements.
Thus, where there is an identifiable main competitor, this entity may come to represent competition in
general. The problem here is that this may blind managers to emerging competitors that have the potential
to dislocate the existing market structure.
Where there are choices or disputes about strategic options, these are resolved by negotiation and
bargaining. The result is decisions that satisfice rather than optimise and strategies that develop in an
incremental and adaptive way. Another feature of this view is that strategies are as likely to emerge from
intermediate and lower levels of the organisational hierarchy as they are to be decided at its apex.
Mintzberg described an emergent strategy as one 'where patterns developed in the absence of intentions,
or despite them'.

5.2.3 Strategy as ideas

This approach to strategy emphasises innovation and the need for diversity of ideas in the organisation:
strategy can emerge from the way the people within the organisation handle and respond to the changing
forces present both in the organisation and in the environment. Supporters of this view argue partly by
analogy with evolutionary theory, suggesting that where there is diversity of approach, a change in
environmental conditions is likely to be accommodated by one of the various methods, products or
systems already in existence.
The role of senior managers is to create the context and conditions in which new ideas can emerge and
the best ones survive and thrive. An important feature of this role is to avoid relying on either the design
approach or the experience approach. The first tends to lead to over-emphasis on control, while the
second tends to develop a kind of incremental momentum. In either case, innovation is unlikely and the
result is strategic drift. Senior managers must take care to avoid pressure for conformity, particularly in
the matter of cultural assumptions.
Not all of the factors that encourage innovation are under the control of managers, or even easily
influenced by them.
(a) Boundaries between the organisation and the environment should be fluid and permeable.
Network organisations and those that co-operate widely with others are the model here. Staff
should be encouraged to be in contact with, and responsive to, the changing environment.
Attention should be paid to their intuitions.
(b) Informal interaction and co-operation can be more innovative than carefully designed official
(c) Culturally, questioning and challenge are more valuable than consensus.
(d) There should be deliberate support for personal projects and experimentation.
(e) A degree of ambiguity in direction sanctions freedom of thought and effort.

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 17

Despite all this, there is a need for some degree of control. The aim is the achieve an 'adaptive tension'
that will keep the organisation functioning without either resorting to machine-like procedure or
descending into unproductive disarray. This can be achieved by the use of simple rules, which are general
principles rather than detailed procedures. These rules should focus on important basic principles, such
as the criteria to be used when ranking potential opportunities.

Question Holiday

Apply the three strategic lenses to a process you are familiar with, such as choosing a holiday.

You may have come up with other ideas, but we suggest the following are relevant:
Strategy as design
Method of travel, distance, cost
Quality of accommodation
Availability of activities/things to do
Strategy as experience
I've been to that area before, so I know it quite well and I like it there.
Strategy as ideas
Let's try something different. We've never been to xxx before, and it looks a very interesting place.

18 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position

Chapter Roundup
Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a
changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling
stakeholder expectations. Strategic decisions are made under conditions of complexity and uncertainty;
they have wide impact on the organisation and often lead to major change.
Strategies are developed in order to achieve desired outcomes. These are inherent in the organisation's
mission or defining purpose. Mission guides strategic decisions and provides values and a sense of
A structure of goals and objectives derive from mission and support it. All the parts of this structure
should be mutually supportive.
Strategy has its own vocabulary, though usage varies. JS&W provide a very useful list.
There are many levels of strategy in an organisation.
Corporate: the general direction of the whole organisation
Business: how the organisation or its SBUs tackle particular markets
Operational/functional: specific strategies for different departments of the business
JS&W suggest a three part structure for thinking about strategy.
Strategic position
Strategic choices
Strategy into action
The context of strategy is the organisational setting in which it is developed. Small businesses tend to
have limited resources and strong competition; multinationals are more concerned with problems of
structure, resource allocation and logistics. Public sector and not-for-profit organisations are influenced
by ideology, politics, and the influence of a range of stakeholders. Intangible aspects have become very
important for companies dealing in physical products.
The study of business strategy is fairly new and opinion as to its nature and content is only just beginning
to settle. The breadth of opinion about it can be analysed into three different approaches or 'lenses' for
looking at individual strategies. These lenses are strategy as design, strategy as experience and strategy
as ideas.

Quick Quiz
1 What is strategy?
2 What are the four elements of the Ashridge model of mission?
3 What are the qualities of SMART objective?
4 What are the three elements of the JS&W model of strategy?
5 What are the three strategy lenses and what are the relationships between them?

Part A Strategic position 1: Business strategy 19

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 The JS&W definition of strategy is worth committing to memory. Essential elements are long-term
direction and scope; advantage; changing environment; resources and competences; and stakeholder
2 Purpose; values; strategy; and policies and standards of behaviour.
3 Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic (relevant, results-focused), time-related.
4 Strategic position, strategic choices, strategy into action.
5 The design lens shows strategy as a rational, top-down process under careful controls. This contrasts
with the experience lens which presents strategy as an extension of what has worked in the past. The
ideas lens suggests that strategy is formed by diversity of ideas, which leads to innovation. The ideas lens
fills a gap left by the design and experience lenses and emphasises that much strategy is not dependent
on managerial decisions.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q1 Preparation n/a 15 mins

20 1: Business strategy Part A Strategic position


Topic list Syllabus reference

1 The organisation in its environment A2
2 The macro-environment A2(a)
3 Key drivers of environmental change A2(b)
4 The competitive advantage of nations A2(c)
5 The environment in the future A2(d) (e)
6 Industry and sector A3(a)
7 Competitive forces A3(b)

The changing environment is one of the essential elements of JS&W's
definition of strategy and analysis of the environment is a fundamental part of
the process of developing strategy. Traditionally, strategy in business has been
seen as a process of adapting the firm to its environment: the importance of
environmental analysis in this approach is obvious. Other views of strategy
have emerged that place less emphasis on adaptation, but even when a firm
sets out to dominate its environment it must have a full knowledge of the
nature of that environment.

Study guide
Intellectual level
A2 Environmental issues affecting the strategic position of an organisation
(a) Assess the macro-environment of an organisation using PESTEL 3
(b) Highlight the key drivers of change likely to affect the structure of a sector
or market
(c) Explore, using Porter's Diamond, the influence of national competitiveness
on the strategic position of an organisation
(d) Prepare scenarios reflecting different assumptions about the future
environment of an organisation
(e) Evaluate methods of business forecasting used when quantitatively 3
assessing the likely outcome of different business strategies
A3 Competitive forces affecting an organisation
(a) Discuss the significance of industry, sector and convergence 3
(b) Evaluate the sources of competition in an industry or sector using Porter's
five forces framework

Exam guide
This chapter, like the previous one, deals with wide topics that may be relevant to almost any exam
question. However, it also covers some key models, such as PESTEL and the Porter's five forces, that you
must study in detail. Environmental analysis is a well-established aspect of the theory of business strategy
and examiners find it an easy topic to introduce into questions. It will be unusual to come across a
question that deals exclusively with the environment, but it is common in this field for examiners to give a
fair amount of environmental detail. Make sure you read question scenarios carefully and note the
potential implications of the environmental background.

Three models covered in this chapter are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and so could be
specifically required in a question:
Porter's Diamond
Porter's five forces framework

1 The organisation in its environment

All organisations are open systems: they exist within a complex environment and have a variety of
interchanges with that environment, both receiving inputs from it and providing outputs to it.
Organisations try to control the nature of their outputs, but very few of them can control more than a few
of the inputs they receive. Understanding the nature of the business environment and the changes taking
place within it is therefore a vital part of business analysis.

22 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

1.1 Analysing the environment
The environment may be divided for convenience into three concentric layers: the macro-environment; the
industry or sector; and competitors and markets. The layers and the elements within them all interact with
one another.

We will divide the environment into a variety of components in order to explain it. However, you should be
aware that the environmental influences affecting an organisation do not come in neatly labelled packages;
there are complex interactions between the elements we will discuss and you must always try to
understand the broader picture when you are thinking about the environment.
Following JS&W, we will start our analysis of the environment by dividing it into three parts, each of which
has its own particular tools or theories that provide a basis for thinking about it.

Environmental element Basis of analysis

Macro-environment PESTEL
Key drivers of change
Industry or sector Five forces
Cycles of competition
Competitors and markets Strategic groups
Market segments
Critical success factors


Industry or sector

Competitors and markets

The organisation

1.2 Environmental uncertainty

Environmental uncertainty depends on the degree of complexity and the degree of stability present.

A large part of business strategy consists of making the organisation's interaction with its environment as
efficient as possible. In the context of strategic management, therefore, the degree of uncertainty in the
environment is of great importance. The greater the uncertainty, the greater the strategic challenge.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 23

Uncertainty depends on complexity and stability: the more complex or dynamic the environment is, the
more uncertain it is.
(a) An uncomplicated, stable environment can be dealt with as a matter of routine. The security and
efficiency of a mechanistic or bureaucratic approach to management can be exploited. Since the
future is likely to resemble the past, extrapolation from history is a satisfactory way of preparing for
future events.
(b) Where the environment is dynamic, the management approach must emphasise response to rapid
change. Scenario planning, intuition and a learning approach are all valid features of such a
(c) Complexity makes an environment difficult to understand. Diversity of operations and technological
advance contribute to complexity. Complexity is difficult to analyse. It may be that it is best dealt
with by a combination of experience and extensive decentralisation.

2 The macro-environment
The macro-environment may be analysed into six segments using the PESTEL framework.

Analysis of the macro-environment is commonly based on breaking it down into a handful of major
aspects. Your syllabus requires you to be familiar with the PESTEL framework, which is based on six


Legal Economic


Environmental Socio-cultural


Exam focus PESTEL is a useful checklist for general environmental factors, but remember in the real world these
point factors are often interlinked. Any single environmental development can have implications for all six
PESTEL aspects. In particular, political, social and economic affairs tend to be closely related. Do not
spend too much time in the exam trying to categorise whether a factor is political, social, economic or so
on. The important thing is that you recognise the relevant factors, not whether you get them in the right

Note. The acronym PESTEL is sometimes replaced by SLEPT, in which the environmental protection
aspect is folded into the other five, or even by STEEPLE, where the extra E stand for ethics.

24 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Exam focus An exam question may not refer to the PESTEL framework directly. Instead it may ask you for an
point 'environmental analysis' or an 'analysis of the macro environment'. However, you should understand from
these instructions that a PESTEL analysis is required.
Remember, though, that PESTEL is only concerned with the external environment, not the internal
capabilities of an organisation.
Question One of the December 2008 exam asked candidates to analyse the macro-environment of an
organisation, and PESTEL was the model used. However, some of the candidates strayed into 'strengths'
and 'weaknesses' and internal issues such as budget allocations. These are not relevant to a macro-
environmental analysis, and so mentioning these internal issues would have earned no marks.

2.1 The political environment

Government is responsible for providing a stable framework for economic activity and, in particular, for
maintaining and improving the physical, social and market infrastructure. Public policy on competition
and consumer protection is particularly relevant to business strategy.

2.1.1 Government policy

Government policy affects the whole economy, and governments are responsible for enforcing and
creating a stable framework in which business can be done. A report by the World Bank indicated that the
quality of government policy is important in providing three things.
Physical infrastructure (eg transport).
Social infrastructure (education, a welfare safety net, law enforcement, equal opportunities).
Market infrastructure (enforceable contracts, policing corruption).
However, it is political change which complicates the planning activities of many firms. Here is a checklist
for case study use. It shows a sequence of considerations.

Consideration Example
Possibility of political change Effect on economic policies
Likely nature of impact Change in taxes and interest rates
Consequences Cash flow and availability of resources
Coping strategies Cash flow planning
Influence on decision making Lobbying and publicity

2.1.2 Public policy on competition

In a perfect monopoly, there is only one firm that is the sole producer of a good that has no closely
competing substitutes, so that the firm controls the supply of the good to the market. The definition of a
monopoly in practice is wider than this, because governments seeking to control the growth of monopoly
firms will probably choose to regard any firm that acquires a major share of the market as a potential
Monopoly generally exploits customers, but it may have both economic disadvantages and economic
(a) A beneficial monopoly achieves economies of scale in an industry where the minimum efficient
scale is at a level of production that would mean having to achieve a large share of the total market
supply. In these circumstances, monopoly may be tolerated but is likely to be regulated or even
taken into government ownership. Many utilities, such as railways, telecommunications and power
generation fall into this category.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 25

Key term Economies of scale arise when a business grows to the extent that it is able to increase its input of all four
types of productive resource: land, labour, capital and enterprise. The effect is to cause the whole
structure of short-run costs to fall.

(b) A monopoly would be detrimental to the public interest if cost efficiencies are not achieved. Oliver
Williamson suggested that monopolies might be inefficient if 'market power provides the firm with
the opportunity to pursue a variety of other-than-profit objectives'. For example, managers might
instead try to maximise sales, or try to maximise their own prestige.
Consumer protection policies may be required.
(a) Control over markets can arise by firms eliminating the opposition, either by merging with or taking
over rivals or preventing other firms from entering the market. When a single firm controls a big
enough share of the market it can begin to behave as a monopolist even though its market share is
below 100%.
(b) Several firms could behave as monopolists by agreeing with each other not to compete. This could
be done in a variety of ways for example by exchanging information, by setting common prices
or by splitting up the market into geographical areas and operating only within allocated
boundaries. Such a collusive oligopoly is called a cartel and is illegal in most jurisdictions. For
example, in 2007, British Airways was fined heavily by the US Department of Justice and the UK's
Office of Fair Trading for colluding with its rival Virgin Atlantic in fixing how much extra to charge
on passenger and cargo flights, to cover fuel costs.

Case Study
The Competition Commission in the UK
The activity of the Competition Commission in the UK is a good example of the way governments may
approach the problem of monopoly. The Office of Fair Trading may ask the Competition Commission (CC)
to investigate if it appears that competition is being prevented, distorted or restricted in a particular
market. The Secretary of State may do the same if any proposed takeover or merger would create a firm
that controlled 25% or more of the market and where a merger appears to lead to a substantial lessening
of competition in one or more markets. The Commission will then investigate the proposed merger or
takeover and recommend whether or not it should be allowed to proceed.

2.1.3 Anticipating changes in the law

The governing party's election manifesto should be a guide to its political priorities, even if these
are not implemented immediately.
The government often publishes advance information about its plans for consultation purposes.

2.1.4 Political risk

The political risk in a decision is the risk that political factors will invalidate the strategy and perhaps
severely damage the firm. Examples are wars, political chaos, corruption and nationalisation.
A political risk checklist was outlined by Jeannet and Hennessey. Companies should ask the following six
1 How stable is the host country's political system?
2 How strong is the host government's commitment to specific rules of the game, such as ownership
or contractual rights, given its ideology and power position?
3 How long is the government likely to remain in power?
4 If the present government is succeeded, how would the specific rules of the game change?

26 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

5 What would be the effects of any expected changes in the specific rules of the game?
6 In light of those effects, what decisions and actions should be taken now?

2.2 The economic environment

The economic environment affects firms at national and international level, both in the general level of
economic activity and in particular variables, such as exchange rates, interest rates and inflation.

The economic environment is an important influence at local and national level.

Factor Impact
Overall growth or fall in Increased/decreased demand for goods (eg dishwashers) and services
gross domestic product (eg holidays).
Local economic trends Type of industry in the area. Office/factory rents. Labour rates. House
Inflation Low in most countries; distorts business decisions; wage inflation
compensates for price inflation.
Interest rates How much it costs to borrow money affects cash flow. Some businesses
carry a high level of debt. How much customers can afford to spend is
also affected as rises in interest rates affect people's mortgage payments.
Tax levels Corporation tax affects how much firms can invest or return to
shareholders. Income tax and sales tax (eg VAT) affect how much
consumers have to spend, hence demand.
Government spending Suppliers to the government (eg construction firms) are affected
by spending.
The business cycle Economic activity is always punctuated by periods of growth followed by
decline, simply because of the nature of trade. The UK economy has been
characterised by periods of boom and bust. Government policy can cause,
exacerbate or mitigate such trends, but cannot abolish the business cycle.
(Industries which prosper when others are declining are called counter-
cyclical industries.)

The forecast state of the economy will influence the planning process for organisations which operate
within it. In times of boom and increased demand and consumption, the overall planning problem will be
to identify the demand. Conversely, in times of recession, the emphasis will be on cost-effectiveness,
continuing profitability, survival and competition.
Impact of international factors on the economic environment

Factor Impact
Exchange rates Cost of imports, selling prices and value of exports; cost of
hedging against fluctuations
Characteristics of overseas markets Desirable overseas markets (demand) or sources of supply
(cheap imports?)
International capital markets Generally, advanced economies accept that supply and demand
set the value of their currencies, using interest rates only to
control inflation.
Large multinational companies MNCs have huge turnovers and significant political influence
(MNCs) because of governments' desire to attract capital investment.
Government policy on trade/protection Cost of barriers to trade, effect on supplier interests of free
trade, erection of reciprocal barriers, possibility of dumping

Fairly obviously, there is constant and large scale interaction between government and economy through
the various aspects of government economic policy.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 27

2.3 The sociocultural environment
The social and cultural environment features long-term social trends and people's beliefs and attitudes.

Key term Demography is the study of human population and population trends.

Factors of importance to organisational planners

Factor Comment
Growth The rate of growth or decline in a national population and in regional populations.
Age Changes in the age distribution of the population. In some countries, there may be an
increasing proportion of the national population over retirement age. In others there
are very large numbers of young people.
Geography The concentration of population into certain geographical areas.
Ethnicity A population might contain groups with different ethnic origins from the majority.
Household and A household is the basic social unit and its size might be determined by the number of
family structure children, whether elderly parents live at home and so on. In the UK, there has been an
increase in single-person households and lone parent families.
Social structure The population of a society can be broken down into a number of subgroups, with
different attitudes and access to economic resources.
Employment In part, this is related to changes in the workplace. Many people believe that there is a
move to a casual flexible workforce; factories will have a group of core employees,
supplemented by a group of insecure peripheral employees, on part time or
temporary contracts, working as and when required. Some research indicates a 'two-
tier' society split between 'work-rich' (with two wage-earners) and 'work-poor'.
However, despite some claims, most employees are in permanent, full-time
Wealth Rising standards of living lead to increased demand for certain types of consumer
good. This is why developing countries are attractive as markets.

Implications of demographic change

(a) Changes in patterns of demand: an ageing population suggests increased demand for health care
services: a young growing population has a growing demand for schools, housing and work.
(b) Location of demand: people may be moving to the suburbs and small towns.
(c) Recruitment policies: there may be relatively fewer young people so firms will have to recruit from
less familiar sources of labour (and the retirement age may need to be increased).
(d) Wealth and tax. Patterns of poverty and hence need for welfare provisions may change. The tax
base may alter.

2.3.1 Culture
Through contact with a particular culture, individuals learn a language, acquire values and learn habits of
behaviour and thought.
(a) Beliefs and values. Beliefs are what we feel to be the case on the basis of objective and subjective
information (eg people can believe the world is round or flat). Values are beliefs which are
relatively enduring, relatively general and fairly widely accepted as a guide to culturally appropriate
(b) Customs: modes of behaviour which represent culturally accepted ways of behaving in response to
given situations.

28 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

(c) Artefacts: all the physical tools designed by human beings for their physical and psychological
well-being: works of art, technology, products.
(d) Rituals. A ritual is a type of activity which takes on symbolic meaning, consisting of a fixed
sequence of behaviour repeated over time.
The learning and sharing of culture is made possible by language (both written and spoken, verbal and
Knowledge of the culture of a society is clearly of value to businesses in a number of ways.
(a) Culture influences tastes and lifestyles and therefore influences the sorts of products and
services a business should offer.
(b) Marketers can adapt their products accordingly, and be fairly sure of a sizeable market. This is
particularly important in export markets.
(c) Human resource managers may need to tackle cultural differences in recruitment. For example,
some ethnic minorities have different body language which may be hard for some interviewers to
Culture in a society can be divided into subcultures reflecting social differences. Most people participate in
several of them.

Subculture Comment
Class People from different social classes might have different values reflecting their
position of society.
Ethnic background Some ethnic groups can still be considered a distinct cultural group.
Religion Religion and ethnicity are related.
Geography or region Distinct regional differences might be brought about by the past effects of
physical geography (socio-economic differences etc). Speech accents most
noticeably differ.
Age Age subcultures vary according to the period in which individuals were socialised
to an extent, because of the great shifts in social values and customs in this
century. ('Youth culture'; the 'generation gap').
Sex Some products are targeted directly to women or to men.
Work Different organisations have different corporate cultures, in that the shared
values of one workplace may be different from another.

Cultural change might have to be planned for. There has been a revolution in attitudes to female
employment, despite the well-publicised problems of discrimination that still remain.

Question Club Fun

CluFun is a UK company that sells packaged holidays. Founded in the 1960s, it offers a standard 'cheap
and cheerful' package to resorts in Spain and, more recently, to some of the Greek islands. It was
particularly successful at providing holidays for the 18-30 age group.
What do you think the implications are for CluFun of the following developments?
A fall in the number of school leavers
The fact that young people are more likely now than in the 1960s to go into higher education
Holiday programmes on TV which feature a much greater variety of locations
Greater disposable income among the 18-30 age group

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 29

The firm's market is shrinking. There is an absolute fall in the number of school leavers. Moreover, it is
possible that the increasing proportion of school leavers going to higher education will mean there will be
fewer who can afford CluFun's packages. That said, a higher disposable income in the population at large
might compensate for this trend. People might be encouraged to try destinations other than CluFun's
traditional resorts if these other destinations are publicised on television.

2.4 The technological environment

Technological developments can affect all aspects of business, not just product and services.

The word 'technology' is used to mean three rather different things.

(a) Apparatus or equipment such as a video camera
(b) Technique: for instance how to use the video camera to best effect, perhaps in conjunction with
other equipment such as lights.
(c) Organisation: for example the grouping of camera operators into teams, to work on a particular
project, for example making a film.
Technology contributes to overall economic growth. The production possibility curve describes the total
production in an economy. There are three ways in which technology can increase total output.
(a) Gains in productivity (more output per units of input)
(b) Reduced costs (eg transportation technology)
(c) New types of product
Effects of technological change on organisations
(a) The type of products or services that are made and sold.
(b) The way in which products are made (eg process automation, new raw materials).
(c) The way in which goods and services are sold. The growth of direct selling via the internet has
had a significant impact on the implementation of business strategy
(d) The way in which markets are identified. Database systems make it much easier to analyse the
market place.
(e) The way in which firms are managed. IT encourages delayering of organisational hierarchies,
homeworking, and better communication. Technology has also enabled greater integration between
buyers and suppliers via the use of Extranets.
(f) The means and extent of communications with external clients. The financial sector is rapidly
becoming electronic call centres are now essential to stay in business, online banking is
becoming increasingly common, and the internet and interactive TV are featuring in business plans.
We will look at e-business and e-marketing in more detail later in this Study Text.

30 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

The impact of recent technological change also has potentially important social consequences, which in
turn have an impact on business.
(a) Homeworking. Whereas people were once collected together to work in factories, home working
will become more important.
(b) Knowledge work. Certain sorts of skill, related to interpretation of data and information processes,
are likely to become more valued than manual or physical skills.
(c) Services. Technology increases manufacturing productivity, releasing human resources for service
jobs. These jobs require greater interpersonal skills (eg in dealing with customers).

PESTEL analysis is normally something an organisation carries out to help it understand its environment.
However, note that one of the aspects of the ACCA Professional Entry Requirements is that you "Recognise
the political, economic, social and technological context within which the accounting function operates".
You can use your understanding of PESTEL analysis to help with this.

2.5 Environmental protection

The physical environment is important for logistical reasons, as a source of resources, and because of
increasing regulation.

The importance of physical environmental conditions

(a) Resource inputs. Managing physical resources successfully (eg oil companies, mining companies)
is a good source of profits.
(b) Logistics. The physical environment presents logistical problems or opportunities to organisations.
Proximity to road and rail links can be a reason for siting a warehouse in a particular area.
(c) Government. The physical environment is under government influence.
(i) Local authority town planning departments can influence where a building and necessary
infrastructure can be sited.
(ii) Governments can set regulations about some of the organisation's environmental
(d) Disasters. In some countries, the physical environment can pose a major threat to organisations.
For example, a major earthquake struck the Sichuan province in China in May 2008, three months
before the Beijing Olympics.
The impact of business activity on the physical environment is now a major concern. Companies are under
pressure to incorporate measures to protect the environment into their plans. This presents both
challenges and opportunities, since some measures will impose costs, but others will allow significant
savings. There is also a new range of markets for goods and services designed to protect or have
minimum impact on the environment.

2.5.1 Environmental protection policy

Environmental protection is now a key aspect of corporate social responsibility. Pressure on businesses
for better environmental performance is coming from many quarters.
(a) Green pressure groups have increased their membership and influence dramatically.
(b) Employees are increasing pressure on the businesses in which they work for a number of reasons
partly for their own safety, partly in order to improve the public image of the company.
(c) Legislation is increasing almost by the day. Growing pressure from the green or green-influenced
vote has led to mainstream political parties taking these issues into their programmes, and most

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 31

countries now have laws to cover land use planning, smoke emission, water pollution and the
destruction of animals and natural habitats.
(d) Environmental risk screening has become increasingly important. Companies in the future will
become responsible for the environmental impact of their activities.

Exam focus Here we are looking at 'environmental' awareness and policy as an important aspect of overall strategy so
point be careful with terminology. The 'natural' environment has become an important part of the overall
business 'environment'. But note: where your syllabus (A2) refers to 'environmental issues affecting the
strategic position of an organisation' it is referring to the overall business environment not specifically
'green' issues. 'Green' issues should be considered as one part of the wider business environment.

2.5.2 How green issues impinge on business

Possible issues to consider are these.
Consumer demand for products that appear to be environmentally friendly (eg, wood from
sustainable forests)
Demand for less pollution from industry
Greater regulation by government, such as recycling targets
Demand that businesses be charged with the external cost of their activities
Scarcity of non-renewable resources (eg, the need to find alternative fuels to replace oil when
current reserves run out.)
Opportunities to develop products and technologies that are environmentally friendly
Taxes (eg landfill tax)
Martin Bennett and Peter James looked at the ways in which a company's concern for the environment
can impact on its performance.
(a) Short-term savings through waste minimisation and energy efficiency schemes can be substantial.
(b) Pressures on businesses for environmental action are increasing.
(c) Companies with poor environmental performance may face increased cost of capital because
investors and lenders demand a higher risk premium.
(d) There are a growing number of energy and environmental taxes, such as landfill tax.
(e) Accidents and long-term environmental effects can result in large financial liabilities.
(f) Pressure group campaigns can cause damage to reputation and/or additional costs.
(g) Environmental legislation may cause some products to be phased out, but in doing so can provide
opportunities for new products to replace them.
(h) The cost of processing input which becomes waste is equivalent to 5-10% of some organisation's
They go on to suggest six main ways in which business and environmental benefits can be achieved.
(a) Integrating the environment into capital expenditure decisions (by considering environmental
opposition to projects which could affect cash flows, for example).
(b) Understanding and managing environmental costs. Environmental costs are often 'hidden' in
overheads and environmental and energy costs are often not allocated to the relevant budgets.
(c) Introducing waste minimisation schemes
(d) Understanding and managing life cycle costs. For many products, the greatest environmental
impact occurs upstream (such as mining raw materials) or downstream from production (such as
energy to operate equipment). This has led to producers being made responsible for dealing with
the disposal of products such as cars, and government and third party measures to influence raw
material choices. Organisations therefore need to identify, control and make provision for

32 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

environmental life cycle costs and work with suppliers and customers to identify environmental
cost reduction opportunities.
(e) Measuring environmental performance. Business is under increasing pressure to measure all
aspects of environmental performance, both for statutory disclosure reasons and due to demands
for more environmental data from customers.
(f) Involving management accountants in a strategic approach to environment-related management
accounting and performance evaluation.
Such analysis and action should help organisations to better understand present and future environmental
costs and benefits.

2.5.3 Renewable and non-renewable resources

Key term Sustainability involves developing strategies so that the company only uses resources at a rate that
allows them to be replenished. At the same time, emissions of waste are confined to levels that do not
exceed the capacity of the environment to absorthem.

Sustainability means that resources consumed are replaced in some way: for every tree cut down
another is planted. Some resources, however, are inherently non-renewable. For example, oil will
eventually run out, even though governments and oil firms have consistently underestimated reserves.
(a) Metals can be recycled. Some car manufacturers are building cars with recyclable components.
(b) An argument is that as the price of resources rise, market forces will operate to make more
efficient use of them or to develop alternatives. When oil becomes too expensive, solar power will
become economic.
John Elkington, chairman of the think-tank SustainAbility Ltd, has said that sustainability now embraces
not only environmental and economic questions, but also social and ethical dimensions. He writes about
the triple bottom line, which means that business people must increasingly recognise that the challenge
now is to help deliver simultaneously:
Economic prosperity
Environmental quality
Social equity

Case Study
Elkington quotes the example of Kvaerner, the Norwegian construction company, to show how important
it is to control material and energy usage. An environmental report compiled by the company listed the
A 20% cut in insurance premiums would be worth $15 million
A 1% reduction in absence due to sick leave is worth $30 million
A 1% reduction in material and energy consumption is worth $60 million

2.6 The legal environment

Laws come from common law, parliamentary legislation and government regulations derived from it, and
obligations, for example under EU membership and other treaties.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 33

Legal factors affecting all companies

Factor Example
General legal framework: Basic ways of doing business; negligence proceedings; ownership; rights
contract, tort, agency and responsibilities, property
Criminal law Theft; insider dealing; bribery; deception; industrial espionage
Company law Directors and their duties; reporting requirements; takeover proceedings;
shareholders' rights; insolvency
Employment law Trade Union recognition; Social Chapter provisions; possible minimum
wage; unfair dismissal; redundancy; maternity; Equal Opportunities
Health and Safety Fire precautions; safety procedures
Data protection Use of information about employees and customers
Marketing and sales Laws to protect consumers (eg refunds and replacement, 'cooling off'
period after credit agreements); what is or isn't allowed in advertising
Environment Pollution control; waste disposal
Tax law Corporation tax payment; Collection of income tax (PAYE) and National
Insurance contributions; sales tax (VAT)
Competition law General illegality of cartels

Some legal and regulatory factors affect particular industries, if the public interest is served. For example,
in the UK, electricity, gas, telecommunications, water and rail transport may be subject to regulators who
have influence over market access, competition and pricing policy (can restrict price increase).
This is for either of two reasons.
The industries are, effectively, monopolies.
Large sums of public money are involved (eg in subsidies to rail companies following the
privatisation of the rail network in the UK).

Case Study
Gas deregulation in the UK
Government policy. Gas used to be a state monopoly in the UK. The industry was privatised as one
company, British Gas. Slowly, the UK gas market was opened to competition: eventually, about 20
suppliers competed with British Gas.
Regulators. Ofgas regulates the gas industry. Ofgas has introduced a Code of Conduct requiring gas
suppliers to train sales agents, allow for a cooling off period in new sales contracts and so on.
Contracts. When British Gas was privatised, it inherited 'take or pay contracts' requiring it to buy gas at a
specific price from gas producers. Since that time, gas prices have fallen, and competitors have been able
to benefit from this.
New markets. Government policy has also deregulated the electricity market, so that companies such as
British Gas can now sell electricity.

34 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

3 Key drivers of environmental change
Four aspects of globalisation are key drivers of change.
Market globalisation grows as tastes converge and communications improve.
Cost globalisation spreads as trade barriers fall and economies of scale and experience grow.
Governments promote free trade and international standards.
International competition promotes further trade and interaction.

In the previous section, we looked at environmental factors which can have an impact on an organisation's
strategy. However, it is important to realise that these environmental factors are not static, but rather that
they change over time. In this section we will look at some of the key drivers of environmental change.
JS&W, following Yip, identify four aspects of globalisation as key drivers of change in the macro-
Market globalisation
Cost globalisation
Government activity and policy
Global competition

3.1 Market globalisation

Gradual globalisation of markets is taking place because of the interplay of a number of forces. It is
impossible to isolate a simple chain of causation here.
(a) Consumer tastes are becoming more homogeneous in such matters as clothes and entertainment.
(b) As markets globalise, firms supplying them become global customers for their own inputs and
seek global suppliers.
(c) Improvements in global communications and logistics reduce costs, make globalisation easier
and allow the creation of global brands. The latter feeds back to the homogenisation of taste.

3.2 Cost globalisation

(a) Economies of scale are a major source of cost advantage: companies in some industries, such as
some electronics manufacture, can continue to gain such economies even as they (the companies)
expand up to global size.
(b) Experience effects can continue to drive down costs in the same way. An organisation undertaking
any activity learns to do it more efficiently over time, as it gains more experience of carrying out
that activity. This increased efficiency reduces unit costs.
(c) Sourcing efficiencies may be achieved by central procurement from global lowest-cost suppliers.
(d) Country-specific cost advantages, such as low labour costs or a favourable exchange rate,
encourage purchasers to search globally for suppliers.
(e) High costs of product development can be spread over longer production runs if products are
standardised and sold globally.

3.3 Government policy

The climate of government opinion has been increasingly sympathetic to free trade, though producer
special interests and popular discontent continue to hamper it. Technical standardisation in both
manufacturing and services has also encouraged increased trade, while some governments have been
active in seeking foreign direct investment.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 35

3.4 Global competition
Competitive forces seem to have had global effects
(a) Existing high levels of international trade encourage further interaction between competitors as a
matter of routine.
(b) The existence of global competitors and global customers in an industry prompts purely national
firms to start trading globally so as to be able to compete on an even footing.

4 The competitive advantage of nations

Porter identifies four principal determinants of national competitive advantage.
Factor conditions
Firm strategy structure and rivalry
Demand conditions
Related and supporting industries

Exam focus Porter's diamond is a very important model. It is explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and was
point specifically asked for in a part question worth 10 marks in Section B of the June 2010 exam. You should
understand it in detail and be able to apply it in practice.

Michael Porter's The Competitive Advantage Of Nations, suggests that some nations' industries are more
internationally competitive than others. For example, UK leadership in many heavy industries, such as
ship-building, has been overtaken by Japan and Korea.
Porter does not believe that countries or nations as such are competitive, but rather that the conditions
within a country may help firms to compete.
The original explanation for national success was the theory of comparative advantage. This held that
relative opportunity costs determined the appropriateness of particular economic activities in relation to
other countries. (Opportunity cost is defined as the value of that which must be given up in order to
acquire or achieve something.)
Porter argues that comparative advantage is too general a concept to explain the success of individual
companies and industries. He suggests that industries that require high technology and highly skilled
employees are less affected than low technology industries by the relative costs of their inputs of raw
materials and basic labour as determined by the national endowment of factors of production.
We must therefore look elsewhere for the determinants of national competitive advantage.
Porter identifies four principal factors, which are outlined in the diagram below. Porter refers to this as the

Firm strategy,
structure, rivalry

Factor Demand
conditions conditions

Related and
supporting industries

36 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

4.1 Analysing the diamond
4.1.1 Factor conditions
Factor conditions are a country's endowment of inputs to production.
Human resources (skills, price, motivation, industrial relations)
Physical resources (land, minerals, climate, location relative to other nations)
Knowledge (scientific and technical know-how, educational institutions)
Capital (amounts available for investment, how it is deployed)
Infrastructure (transport, communications, housing)
Porter distinguishes between basic and advanced factors.
(a) Basic factors are natural resources, climate, semiskilled and unskilled labour. They are inherent, or
at best their creation involves little investment. They are unsustainable as a source of national
competitive advantage, since they are widely available. For example, the wages of unskilled workers
in industrial countries are undermined by even lower wages elsewhere.
(b) Advanced factors are associated with a well-developed scientific and technological infrastructure
and include modern digital communications infrastructure, highly educated people (eg computer
scientists), university research laboratories and so on. They are necessary to achieve high order
competitive advantages such as differentiated products and proprietary production technology.
An abundance of factors is not enough. It is the efficiency with which they are deployed that matters. The
former USSR had an abundance of natural resources and a fairly well educated workforce, but was an
economic catastrophe.
Porter also notes that generalised factors, such as transport infrastructure do not provide as decisive and
sustainable bases for competitive advantage as do specialised factors. These are factors that are relevant
to a limited range of industries, such as knowledge bases in particular fields and logistic systems
developed for particular goods or raw materials. Such factors are integral to innovation and very difficult
to move to other countries.

4.1.2 Demand conditions: the home market

The home market determines how firms perceive, interpret and respond to buyer needs. This
information puts pressure on firms to innovate and provides a launch pad for global ambitions.
(a) There are no cultural impediments to communication.
(b) The segmentation of the home market shapes a firm's priorities: companies will be successful
globally in segments which are similar to the home market.
(c) Sophisticated and demanding buyers set standards. If the home market sets high standards,
achieving these high standards will put a firm in a strong position to be competitive on the
international market.
(d) Anticipation of buyer needs: if consumer needs are expressed in the home market earlier than in
the world market, the firm benefits from experience.
(e) The rate of growth. Slow growing home markets do not encourage the adoption of state of the art
(f) Early saturation of the home market will encourage a firm to export.

4.1.3 Related and supporting industries

Competitive success in one industry is linked to success in related industries. Domestic suppliers are
preferable to foreign suppliers, as they offer continuing close co-operation and co-ordination. The process
of innovation is also enhanced when suppliers are of high quality, since information is transmitted rapidly
and problems are solved by joint effort.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 37

4.1.4 Firm strategy, structure and rivalry
Management style and industrial structure. Nations are likely to display competitive advantage in
industries that are culturally suited to their normal management practices and industrial structures. For
example, German managers tend to have a strong bias towards engineering and are best at products
demanding careful development and complex manufacturing processes. They are less successful in
industries based on intangibles such as fashion and entertainment.
Strategy. Industries in different countries have different time horizons, funding needs and so forth.
(a) National capital markets set different goals for performance. In Germany and Switzerland, banks
are the main source of capital, not equity shareholders. Short-term fluctuations in share prices are
not regarded as of great importance as funds are invested for the long term. In the USA, most
shares are held by financial institutions whose own performance indicators emphasise short-term
earnings growth.
(b) National attitudes to wealth are important. The egalitarian Swedes are rarely successful in
industries that have the potential to create individual fortunes but depend on new start-ups.
(c) National culture affects industrial priorities through the relative prestige it allots to various
industries and their leaders. Italy values fashion and furnishings, for instance, while in Israel the
most prestigious industries are agriculture and those related to defence.
Domestic rivalry is important for several reasons.
There can be no special pleading about unfair foreign competition.
With little domestic rivalry, firms are happy to rely on the home market.
Tough domestic rivals teach a firm about competitive success.
Domestic rivalry forces firms to compete on grounds other than basic factors.
Each rival can try a different strategic approach.
The promotion by government of one or two 'national champions' who can reap major economies of
scale in the domestic market is undermined by the vigorous domestic competition among high-performing
global companies. Examples are the Swiss pharmaceutical industry and the US IT industry.

4.2 Influencing the diamond

A nation's competitive industries tend to be clustered. Porter believes clustering to be a key to national
competitive advantage. A cluster is a linking of industries through relationships that are either vertical
(buyer-supplier) or horizontal (common customers, technology, skills). For example, the UK financial
services industry is clustered in London, the US hi-tech electronics industry is clustered in Silicon Valley.

Case Study
Motor industry: Cluster effect drives sectors competitiveness
No part of the Basque countrys rich industrial heritage can rival its 10bn annual turnover car industry as
the driving force of the regions economy.
Generating 18 per cent of the regions gross domestic product, the sector and its associated companies
employ more than 76,000 people globally, and account for almost 40 per cent of all car parts exported
from Spain.
The Basque car sector has grown over several decades to such an extent that a region of less than 7,800
square kilometres is home to every part of the car production process, from steel factories to engineering
companies and technical universities.
More than 30 multinational companies connected to the automotive industry have factories and offices in
the region. They include Michelin, the tyre manufacturer, Valeo, the components manufacturer, and
Daimler, which has a production plant in Victoria.

38 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Other companies involved in different stages of the car production chain include ArcelorMittal, the
steelmaker, which has six production sites and a research centre in the Basque country, and Saint-Gobain,
the French construction materials company.
Exemplifying this integrated approach is the Automotive Intelligence Centre, a business and development
hufor the sector located outside Bilbao. The wavy-roofed steel and glass building opened just over three
years ago and contains numerous companies, both Basque and foreign, that have operations in the region.
Serving as a research and development centre, industry infrastructure huand training site, among other
functions, the AIC is aimed at forging collaboration between the numerous companies related to the
Basque automotive sector to increase their international competitiveness.
We felt the industry was very vertically oriented, from the final clients downwards, says Ins Anitua,
managing director of the AIC and of ACICAE, the Basque countrys automotive industry cluster.
We wanted to start working more horizontally, to think differently. In Europe we have a strong knowledge
[base] and the car industry was born here, so it is important we can sustain that knowledge.
Originally thought up in 2006, the AIC was funded at first by the local administration and the European
Union, but is now sustained by contributions from its industry members.
The industry in the region is very close-knit, with an interesting mix of companies, says Ms Anitua. More
than 30 foreign groups have invested in the region, which has its own global players, she adds.
Mondragon Automocin, part of the Mondragon co-operative group, supplies parts to Honda, Ford and
Renault-Nissan, among others, and is one example of a local company with a wide international footprint,
with production plants in Brazil, Mexico and China.
Another is CIE Automotive, which is one of the companies with a base in the AIC and is quoted on the
Madrid and So Paulo stock exchanges.
We have many [opportunities] to work with other companies in our sector on different projects, says
Iigo Loizaga, a technical operator with CIE Automotive at the AIC. We can also work together on certain
commercial needs, demonstrate what we do together to clients and look at international expansion more
efficiently. There are many synergies, he says.
Oriel Saperas, director of the AICs competitive intelligence department, produces sweeping opinion peices
on important developments in the sector, as well as confidential intelligence reports commissioned by
members and companies outside the cluster.
People receive a lot of information. We can organise this into something to suit the strategic objectives
of companies, using a global view, he says.
This collection of companies, a mix of foreign multinationals and indigenous manufacturers, allows the
different parts of the production process to be in proximity to each other, and reduces the risk of one part
suffering if a large component maker were to close down.
The mix we have here is quite unique. Other regions may have a vehicle manufacturer, then foreign parts
manufacturers. But if the big brand decides to close, the others will then move. We are not as dependent,
as we export 80 per cent of production, says Mr Saperas.
The steps taken by the Basque car industry to internationalise in recent years have produced impressive
Now, 80 per cent of total sales are to outside Spain,with a rising proportion derived from countries beyond
Europe, and this is expected to result in record total sales for this year.
Sales outside the EU more than doubled between 2006 and 2009 from 14.6 per cent of the total to 32.5
per cent, while sales within the EU, excluding Spain, fell over the same period from 56.6 per cent to 46.2
per cent.
In the past, we used to talk about exporting by selling to France or Germany. Now, you have to prove you
can sell parts to many parts of the world to be able to survive. We have done that, and that is why some
of our members have not only survived but have grown, says Mr Saperas.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 39

During the economic crisis, sales fell in 2010 to 10bn, compared with the 11bn generated in 2009, but
the AIC expects an increase in international sales to help total revenues for 2011 come in above, or at least
match, the 2009 figure once final numbers are calculated.
This structure has enabled us to grow together at all levels, says Ms Anitua. We have achieved
something unique here that will keep the sector strong.
(Financial Times, 27 March 2012)

How does a country create a diamond of competitive advantage? Governments cannot compete: only
firms can do that. Governments can influence the context in which an industry operates and can create
opportunities and pressures for innovation.
(a) Factors of production provide the seed corn. A large endowment of easily mined iron ore would
suggest metal-working industries.
(b) Related and supporting industries can also be a foundation, if the competences within them can be
configured in a new way.
(c) Government policy should support cluster development and promote high standards of education,
research and commercially relevant technologies. Although, government is not one of the four
primary factors on the diamond, governments can play a crucial role in developing national
competitive advantage. For example, governments can help shape levels of infrastructure and
education in a country, and can directly affect a country's attractiveness as an investment location
through their tax policies.
(d) Extraordinary demand in the home market based on national peculiarities and conditions can set
the demand conditions determinant in the diamond.
It must be remembered that the creation of competitive advantage can take many years.
However, while Porter's theory suggests that clustering will help international competitiveness, the cluster
approach is not guaranteed to be successful.
If a firm wishes to compete in an industry in which there is no national competitive advantage, it can take a
number of steps to succeed.
(a) Compete in the most challenging market, to emulate domestic rivalry and to obtain information. If
a firm can compete successfully in such a market, even if this only means carving out a small
niche, it should do well elsewhere.
(b) Spread research and development activities to countries where there is an established research
base or industry cluster already.
(c) Be prepared to invest heavily in innovation.
(d) Invest in human resources, both in the firm and the industry as a whole. This might mean
investing in training programmes.
(e) Look out for new technologies which will change the rules of the industry. The UK with its large
efficient research base should have some creative ideas.
(f) Collaborate with foreign companies. American motor companies, successfully learned Japanese
production techniques.
(g) Supply overseas companies. Japanese car plants in the UK have encouraged greater quality in UK
components suppliers. Inward investment provides important learning opportunities for domestic
(h) Source components from overseas. In the UK crystal glass industry, many firms buy crystal glass
from the Czech Republic, and do the cutting and design work themselves. Conversely, firms can
sell more abroad.

40 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

(i) Exert pressure on politicians and opinion formers to create better conditions for the diamond to
develop (eg in education).

5 The environment in the future

The past is not necessarily a good guide to the future. It may be so in simple static conditions, but more
complex or dynamic environments require sophisticated techniques such as the use of leading indicators
and scenarios.

Exam focus
An article titled Business forecasting and strategy (January 2011) written by Ken Garrett was published
in Student Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the time to study
this article.

5.1 Scenario building

Macro scenarios are used to consider possible future environmental conditions overall. Industry
scenarios deal with an individual industry in more detail.
Because the environment is so complex, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the many factors. Firms
therefore try to model the future and this technique is called scenario building.

Key term A scenario is a detailed and consistent view of how the business environment of an organisation might
develop in the future. JS&W

Scenarios are built with reference to key influences and change drivers in the environment. They inevitably
deal with conditions of high uncertainty, so they are not forecasts: they are, rather, internally consistent
views of potential future conditions.

5.1.1 Macro scenarios

Macro scenarios use macro-economic or political factors, creating alternative views of the future
environment (eg global economic growth, political changes, interest rates).

5.1.2 Building scenarios

Keeping the scenario process simple is the way to get most out of scenario building.
(a) Normally a team is selected to develop scenarios, preferably of people from diverse backgrounds.
The team should include 'dissidents' who challenge the consensus and some reference outsiders
to offer different perspectives.
(b) Most participants in the team draw on both general reading and specialist knowledge.

Steps in scenario planning (Mercer).

Step 1 Decide on the drivers for change
Environmental analysis helps determine key factors.
At least a ten year time horizon is needed, to avoid simply extrapolating from the
Identify and select the important issues and degree of certainty required.
Step 2 Bring drivers together into a viable framework
This relies almost on an intuitive ability to make patterns out of 'soft' data, so is the
hardest part of the process.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 41

Items identified can be brought together as mini-scenarios.
There might be many trends, but these can be grouped together.
It is inappropriate to attempt to allocate probabilities
Step 3 Produce seven to nine mini-scenarios. The underlying logic of the connections between
the items can be explored.
Step 4 Group mini-scenarios into two or three larger scenarios containing all topics.
This generates most debate and is likely to highlight fundamental issues.
More than three scenarios will confuse people.
The scenarios should be complementary not opposite. They should be equally likely.
There is no 'good' or 'bad' scenario.
The scenarios should be tested to ensure they hang together. If not, go back to Step
Step 5 Write the scenarios
The scenarios should be written up in the form most suitable for managers taking
decisions based on them.
Most scenarios are qualitative rather than quantitative in nature.
Step 6 Identify issues arising
Determine the most critical outcomes, or branching points which are critical to the
long term survival of the organisation.
Role play can be used to test what the scenarios mean to key actors in the future of
the business.

5.1.3 Industry scenarios

Porter believes that the most appropriate use for scenario analysis is if it is restricted to an industry. An
industry scenario is an internally consistent view of an industry's future structure. It is not a forecast, but
a possibility. A set of scenarios would reflect the possible future implications of current uncertainties.
Different competitive strategies may be appropriate to different scenarios.
Using scenarios to formulate competitive strategy
(a) A strategy built in response to only one scenario is risky, whereas one supposed to cope with them
all might be expensive.
(b) Choosing scenarios as a basis for decisions about competitive strategy.

Approach Comment
Assume the most This choice puts too much faith in the scenario process and guesswork. A less
probable probable scenario may be one whose failure to occur would have the worst
consequences for the firm.
Hope for the best A firm designs a strategy based on the scenario most attractive to the firm: this is
wishful thinking.
Hedge The firm chooses the strategy that produces satisfactory results under all scenarios.
Hedging, however, is not optimal. The low risk is paid for by a low reward.
Flexibility A firm taking this approach plays a 'wait and see' game. It is safer, but sacrifices
first-mover advantages.
Influence A firm will try and influence the future, for example by influencing demand for related
products in order that its favoured scenario will be realised in events as they unfold.

42 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Case Study
Leading through uncertainty
In December 2008, The McKinsey Quarterly published an online article called Leading through
This article argued that the economic downturn in 2008 required executives to find new ways of operating
that were suited to the uncertain business environment. They need greater flexibility to create strategic
and tactical options they can use defensively or offensively as conditions change. They need a sharper
awareness of their own and their competitors positions.
The article argues that instead of focusing on quarterly performance, companies should take a more
flexible approach to planning, and should develop several coherent, multipronged strategic action plans.
These plans shouldnt be just academic exercises. Executives must be ready to pursue them as the future
unfolds. Which acquisitions could be attractive, and on what terms? How much capital or management
capabilities would be required? What new products would best fit different scenarios? If one or more
major competitors falter, how will the company react? In which markets can it gain market share? If one
or more major suppliers falter, how will the company react?
As the problems in the global credit markets create volatility and destroy current business models,
organisations need to understand how their revenues, costs, profits, and cash flows will fare under
different scenarios, and what the risks that they face are. This information will help executives plan for the
future. Is the firm prepared for the bankruptcy of major customers? Could it halve capital spending quickly
if necessary?
The value of asking these questions is that is should help organisations be better prepared and to
recognise as early as possible which scenario is developing. Such knowledge is critical in a crisis, when
lead times disappear quickly, and organisations can only seize the initiative if they act before everyone else
understands the probable outcome.
Business intelligence is also vital, because it promotes faster, more effective decision making.
Organisations can often gain insights into the potential moves of competitors by analysing news reports
about their activities, reviewing stock market analysts reports. They can also gather information by talking
to customers and suppliers. All of this information is important. In difficult economic conditions it can
make the difference between missing opportunities to buy distressed assets and leaping in to catch them.
And it can also make the difference between rushing in to buy what appeared a bargain but was actually a
business which should have been avoided at all costs.
Adapted from Leading through uncertainty by Lowell Bryan and Diana Farrell, December 2008

5.2 Forecasts
Forecasting attempts to reduce the uncertainty managers face, by predicting what is likely to happen.
Virtually every form of decision making and planning activity faced by organisations will involve some
form of forecasting. In simple and static conditions, the past is a relatively good guide to the future, but
the past is not such a good guide when conditions are dynamic, volatile and going through substantial
Forecasting can be carried out using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Quantitative techniques
use historical data as a basis for predicting the future. Qualitative techniques make much more use of
judgement about changing conditions and are more appropriate when the past should not be used as a
guide for the future.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 43

5.2.1 Qualitative forecasting methods
Qualitative techniques include the Delphi technique, sales force opinions, executive opinions and market
(a) The Delphi technique involves selecting a panel of experts, each of which are asked to produce an
independent forecast. These forecasts are shared, and each then goes to produce a revised
forecast. The process continues until they are in agreement and a definitive forecast is produced.
(b) Sales force opinions involve a sales manager gathering input from the sales team and collating
their opinions into an aggregate forecast.
(c) Executive opinions arise from meetings of high level managers during which they develop
forecasts based on their knowledge of their own individual areas of responsibility.
(d) Market research involves the use of customer surveys to evaluate potential demand.
Qualitative techniques, such as those described above, are generally much more subjective than
quantitative techniques.

5.2.2 Quantitative forecasting techniques: linear regression analysis

Quantitative techniques are based on the use of historical data to predict the future. They involve the
identification of patterns and variations between variables.
A commonly-used forecasting method is the linear regression method, also known as the least squares
technique. This method uses historical data to predict a linear relationship between an independent
variable x and a dependent variable y. Changes in the value of y are predicted from changes in the value of
x, based on the linear relationship that is calculated.
Linear regression analysis therefore uses historical data to establish a formula:
y = a + bx where
y is the dependent variable, depending for its value of the value on the value of x
x is the independent variable, whose value helps to determine the value of y
a is the intercept of the line on the y axis: this is the value of y when x = 0
is the gradient of the line: this is the amount of the predicted change in the value of y for each
change in the value of x by 1.
When linear regression analysis is used to predict the value of y in a future time period, the independent
variable x is time, and successive time periods are converted into numerical values 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.
For example, if we are trying to forecast future sales from historical sales figures and we assume that
sales are rising or falling in a straight-line trend, x (the independent variable) would be time and y (the
dependent variable, whose value depends on changes in the value of x) would be sales in each time
Linear regression analysis is called the least squares method because the line of best fit that is calculated
from the historical data is a straight line that minimises the total of the differences squared between the
actual values of y in the historical data and the predicted values of y that would be calculated using the line
of best fit.

Exam focus In the exam, you may be required to analyse and comment on forecasts that are made using linear
point regression analysis.

44 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

5.2.3 Example: linear regression analysis
Units of sales of a product Z for the eight-year period 2004 2011 were as follows:
Year x= Sales (y)
2004 1 500
2005 2 525
2006 3 541
2007 4 562
2008 5 589
2009 6 600
2010 7 624
2011 8 620
A line of best fit (with values rounded) calculated using linear regression analysis is:
y = 488 + 18 x
Calculate the forecast sales for 2012 and 2013.

We can forecast 2012 and 2013 sales as follows:
2012: x = 9 forecast sales = 488 + (18 * 9) = 650
2013: x = 10 forecast sales = 488 + (18 * 10) = 668.

5.2.4 Correlation
It is important to assess the extent to which forecasts based on a line of best fit can be relied on.
Correlation refers to the extent to which the values of x and y are related to each other. In other words, to
what extent are changes in the value of y correlated to changes in the value of x?
Correlation does not necessarily means a cause-and-effect relationship. Changes in the value of y may be
caused by changes in the value of y. On the other hand, changes in the value of y may be related to
changes in the value of x without changes in x being the cause of changes in y. Sales of ice cream and of
sunglasses are well correlated, not because of a direct causal link but because the weather influences both
Having said this, it is of course possible that where two variables are correlated, there is a direct causal
link to be found.
The correlation between changes on the value of y and x can be measured statistically, by a coefficient of
correlation r and a coefficient of determination r2.
(a) The coefficient of correlation r has a value between - 1 and + 1. A value of - 1 indicates that
the is perfect negative correlation between y and x. This means that as the value of x
increases, the value of y falls (the line of best fit is downward-sloping) and there are no
variations at all between actual values of y and predicted values of y using the line of best fit. A
value of + 1 indicates that there is perfect positive correlation between y and x. This means
that as the value of x increases, the value of y also increases (the line of best fit is upward-
sloping) and there are no variations at all between actual values of y and predicted values of y
using the line of best fit. When r is 0 there is no observable correlation at all. The closer the
value of r to - 1 or + 1, the closer the correlation between values of y and x.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 45

(b) The coefficient of determination r2 is the square of the coefficient of correlation. It measures
the proportion of the total variation in the value of y that can be explained by variations in the
value of x. For example, if r is -0.992, then r2 is 0.984. This means that over 98% of variations
in y can be explained by variations in x, and less than 2% of the variations would be explained
by other variables.
In the previous example, it could be calculated that the coefficient of correlation between sales of Product
Z and time is + 0.986, and r2 is 0.972, indicating that over 97% of variations in annual sales of Product Z
can be explained by the passage of time.

5.2.5 Problems with least squares regression analysis

There are several major problems with using linear regression analysis for forecasting:
(a) It assumes that historical data can be used to forecast what will happen in the future, which may
not be appropriate. In the previous example, there was a fall in sales between Year 7 and Year 8,
which might indicate that sales of Product Z may be going into decline and the historical growth
pattern of the past may not continue into the future.
(b) It assumes a linear relationship between changes in the value of y and changes in the value of x,
which may also be an incorrect assumption.
(c) When the value of r is low, the reliability of a line of best fit must be questionable. For example, if r
= + 0.60, only 36% of variations in y could be explained by changes in the value of x, leaving 64%
of variations in y to be attributable to other factors.
(d) It assumes that the value of one variable, y, can be predicted or estimated from the value of one
other variable, x. In reality the value of y might depend on several other variables, or a common
external factor, not just x.
(e) As with any forecasting process, the amount of data available is very important. Even if correlation
is high, if the analysis is based on no more than about ten pairs of values, we must regard any
forecast as being somewhat unreliable.
Exam focus
point The December 2011 exam included a Section B question which asked candidates to evaluate linear
regression and correlation data for use in the pricing decision for an e-learning product, particularly
highlighting any limitations in using such data. This question was an unpopular choice and a general lack
of knowledge in this area was evident in many of those who did attempt it.

5.2.6 Least squares regression analysis for other dependent relationships

The example of least squares regression analysis for forecasting is an example of time series analysis, and
forecasting future values of y from a trend line over time. The same technique may be used to predict a
relationship between other independent and dependent variables.
For example it may be possible to predict the amount of a households monthly spending (dependent
variable) from the amount of monthly income that members of the household earn. Historical data could
be used to calculate a linear relationship between the two variables, and the coefficients of correlation and
determination could be used to measure the strength of the connection between them.
The only requirements for estimating dependent relationships and values are that:
(a) an independent and an dependent variable should be identified
(b) each of them should be measurable quantitatively, in pairs of data (values for x and corresponding
values for y).

5.2.7 Time series analysis with seasonal or cyclical variations

Forecasting future values over time (time series analysis) from historical data can be complicated by the
existence of seasonal variations of cyclical variations in the value of in the dependent variable y. For
example, forecasting future sales in each month from historical sales data may be complicated by the fact

46 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

that there are regular seasonal variations in monthly sales, with higher sales in some months and lower
sales in others.
Moving averages can be used to:
(a) calculate a historical trend line, from which it is possible to establish a trend line of best fit, using
linear regression analysis (or another forecasting method), and measure the correlation between
time and the dependent variable (using r or r2)
(b) estimate the amount of seasonal variation for each season (day of the week, or month or quarter
of the year)
(c) combine forecasts using the line of best fit and the estimated seasonal variation to forecast future
seasonal sales in the future.

5.2.8 Example: trend line and seasonal variations

Sales of Product x (in units) in each quarter for the years 2008 2011 were as follows.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

2008 94 111 124 106

2009 102 117 135 118

2010 109 127 142 122

2011 110 135 152 128

Management are assuming that sales are on a linear rising trend, but with seasonal variations in sales in
each quarter.

(a) What is a suitable estimate of seasonal variations in sales each quarter?

(b) If the trend line estimate for sales in the four quarters of 2012 is 136, 138, 140 and 142 in quarters
1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, what will be the forecast of sales in each quarter of 2012?

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 47


The first step is to calculate a trend line and seasonal variations from the trend in each quarter. The trend
line is calculated as a moving average. Since there are four quarters in each year, a moving average would
be calculated as the average of sales over a cycle of four quarters. However the average of quarters 1, 2, 3
and 4 is quarter 2.5, and the average of quarters 2, 3, 4 and 5 is quarter 3.5. To obtain a moving average
for quarter 3, we must therefore calculate the moving average of quarters 1 4 and quarters 2 5, and
then calculate the average of these.
In the table below, the column for moving total for 2008 Quarter 3 is the sum of sales in time periods (1
4) + (2 5). Similarly the moving total for 2008 Quarter 4 is the sum of sales in time periods (2 5) + (3
6) , and so on. The trend line is calculated by dividing the moving total by 8 (8 quarters in the total) and
the total variation for the quarter is the difference between actual sales and trend line sales in the quarter.

Year Qtr Time Sales Moving Trend Variation Seasonal Residual

period total variation

2008 1 1 94

2 2 111

3 3 124 878 109.75 + 14.25 + 15.9 - 1.65

4 4 106 892 111.50 -5.50 - 4.0 - 1.50

2009 1 5 102 909 113.63 - 11.63 - 14.6 + 2.97

2 6 117 932 116.50 + 0.50 + 2.7 -2.2

3 7 135 951 118.88 + 16.12 + 15.9 + 0.22

4 8 118 968 121.00 - 3.00 - 4.0 + 1.0

2010 1 9 109 985 123.13 - 14.13 - 14.6 + 0.47

2 10 127 996 124.50 + 2.50 + 2.7 - 0.20

3 11 142 1,001 125.13 + 16.87 + 15.9 + 0.97

4 12 122 1,010 126.25 - 4.25 - 4.0 - 0.25

2011 1 13 110 1,028 128.50 - 18.50 - 14.6 - 3.90

2 14 135 1,044 130.50 + 4.50 + 2.7 + 1.80

3 15 152

4 16 128

48 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

The seasonal variation for each quarter is calculated as the average of the variations for the quarter, as
shown below. Adjustments are made so that the total of seasonal variations from the trend line each year
add up to 0, and there is some rounding of the figures to limit the seasonal variations to one decimal

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

2008 + 14.25 - 5.50

2009 - 11.63 + 0.50 +16.12 -3.00

2010 - 14.13 + 2.50 + 16.87 -4.25

2010 - 18.50 + 4.50

Total - 44.26 + 7.50 + 47.24 - 12.75

Average - 14.75 + 2.50 + 15.75 - 4.25 - 0.75

Reduce to 0 + 0.19 + 0.19 +0.19 + 0.19 + 0.75

Adjusted - 14.56 + 2.69 + 15.94 - 4.06

Round - 14.6 + 2.7 + 15.9 - 4.0 0

The seasonal variations are shown in the large table, and the residual is the difference between the actual
variation in each quarter (difference between actual sales and the trend line) and the estimated seasonal

When the residual is large, the accuracy of either the trend line or the seasonal variation estimates would
be called into question.

Given the estimates for the trend line of sales in 2012, the forecast of sales in each quarter can now be

2012 Trend line Seasonal variation Sales forecast

Q1 136 - 14.6 121.4

Q2 138 + 2.7 140.7

Q3 140 + 15.9 155.9

Q4 142 - 4.0 138.0

The figures can be rounded to the nearest whole number if required.

5.2.9 Limitations of moving averages and seasonal variations

Forecasting with moving averages and seasonal variations has several limitations.

(a) The use of a trend line assumes that future sales growth (or decline) will follow the same trend as
in the past, and that there have been no changes in the trend. This assumption may be inaccurate.
(b) It assumes that the seasonal variation for each season is the same amount in each year, which may
not be correct.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 49

5.2.10 Exponential smoothing
Linear regression analysis assumes that the trend line is rising or falling in a straight line. An alternative
forecasting assumption is that the trend is getting steeper than in the past, or the trend is becoming
Exponential smoothing is a technique that can be applied to time series data in order to develop a
forecast. It is commonly applied to financial market and economic data, but can be used for any
With exponential smoothing, the forecast for the next time period st+1 is:
xt + (1 )st
Where is any value between 0 and 1
xt is the actual result (say, actual sales) in time period t
st is the forecast that was made for time period t.
So the forecast for the next time period is based on actual results in the most recent period and the
forecast that was made for the most recent period. The closer that is to 1, the less the reliance that is
placed on previous forecasts and so on actual results in previous periods.

5.2.11 Econometric models for medium term forecasting

Econometrics is the study of economic variables and their interrelationships.
(a) Leading indicators are indicators which change before market demand changes. For example, a
sudden increase in the birth rate would be an indicator of future demand for children's clothes.
(b) The ability to predict the span of time between a change in the indicator and a change in market
demand is important. Change in an indicator is especially useful for demand forecasting when they
reach their highest or lowest points (when an increase turns into a decline or vice versa).

Exam focus The Pilot Paper included a 25 mark question which required candidates to explain and evaluate a forecast
point spreadsheet, and to then go on to analyse the performance of the organisation. The level of this Pilot
Paper question provides a good pointer as to the level of knowledge required in this area of the syllabus.

6 Industry and sector

The immediate business environment of firms producing similar goods is called the industry. Sector may
be used in a similar way in public and not-for-profit services.

The macro environment provides a general background of influences on the organisation. Closer in, we
find the day-to-day environment of immediate business concerns: the industry or sector, competitors and
markets. Taken together, these factors are sometimes called the task environment.

Key term An industry is a group of firms producing the same product or products that are close substitutes for one

The industry concept may be extended into the arena of public and not for profit services, though the term
sector is normally used rather than industry. The terminology is a little vague in that, for example, 'the
public sector' is also used to mean all public services of whatever kind.
For convenience, we will use the word 'industry' as shorthand to mean 'industry or sector', unless there
are considerations that require us to be more specific.
Industries tend not to be stable: such features as location, products, customers and rate of growth all tend
to be more or less variable. One important feature of this instability is the way in which the boundaries of
an industry can change. Previously distinct industries can converge: their technologies, activities and

50 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

products start to mingle or become complementary and their member firms start to compete or
collaborate. This process can be supply-led or demand-led.
Supply-led convergence occurs where suppliers discover links with suppliers in other industries and
move together to cooperate in building new markets. Such convergence is common in the public sector,
where government departments are regularly merged and reorganised. Government can also promote
supply-led convergence in the private sector, especially by deregulation, as has happened in the UK
financial services industry. The development of e-commerce has provided manufacturers with a
completely new route to consumers, eroding the boundaries of traditional retailing and distribution
industries in the process.
Demand-led convergence occurs when customers treat the products of different industries as
substitutable, as in the case of mobile and fixed line telephones, or complementary, as in the case of air
travel and car hire.

7 Competitive forces
The competitive environment is structured by five forces: threat of new entrants; substitute products;
the bargaining power of customers; the bargaining power of suppliers; competitive rivalry.

Exam focus The five forces is one of the three or four most important models in the field of strategy and is explicitly
point referenced in the Study Guide for P3 so could be specifically required to answer an exam question .
Therefore you must study it carefully and be able to apply it. In particular, you need to be able to decide
which of the five categories properly describes a given strategic problem which may be discussed in a
scenario. Pay particular attention to the nature of the substitutes.

In discussing competition, Porter (Competitive Strategy) distinguishes between factors that characterise
the nature of competition.
(a) In one industry compared with another (eg in the chemicals industry compared with the clothing
retail industry), some factors make one industry as a whole potentially more profitable than another
(ie yielding a bigger return on investment).
(b) Factors within a particular industry lead to the competitive strategies that individual firms might
Five competitive forces influence the state of competition in an industry, and collectively determine the
profit potential of the industry as a whole. (You must learn these five factors).
The threat of new entrants to the industry
The threat of substitute products or services
The bargaining power of customers
The bargaining power of suppliers
The rivalry amongst current competitors in the industry

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 51

Exam focus The June 2008 exam asked candidates to use an appropriate model to analyse the competitive
point environment of a mobile telephone company. The case study scenario highlighted barriers to entry very
clearly, and described industry competitors. This should have indicated to candidates that the Five Forces
model was an appropriate model to use.

7.1 The threat of new entrants (and barriers to entry to keep them out)
A new entrant into an industry will bring extra capacity and more competition (and so could, in turn, drive
down profits). The strength of this threat is likely to vary from industry to industry and depends on two
The strength of the barriers to entry. Barriers to entry discourage new entrants.
The likely response of existing competitors to the new entrant.
Barriers to entry
(a) Scale economies. High fixed costs often imply a high breakeven point, and a high breakeven point
depends on a large volume of sales. If the market as a whole is not growing, the new entrant has to
capture a large slice of the market from existing competitors. This is expensive (although Japanese
companies have done this in some cases).
(b) Product differentiation. Existing firms in an industry may have built up a good brand image and
strong customer loyalty over a long period of time. A few firms may promote a large number of
brands to crowd out the competition.
(c) Capital requirements. When capital investment requirements are high, the barrier against new
entrants will be strong, particularly when the investment would possibly be high-risk.
(d) Knowledge requirements. As well as high capital requirements, knowledge and know-how are also
a barrier to entry. It is much more difficult to enter an industry which requires significant specialist
knowledge, and skills, than an industry where no specialist skills are required.
(e) Switching costs. Switching costs refer to the costs (time, money, convenience) that a customer
would have to incur by switching from one supplier's products to another's. Although it might cost
a consumer nothing to switch from one brand of frozen peas to another, the potential costs for the
retailer or distributor might be high.
(f) Access to distribution channels. Distribution channels carry a manufacturer's products to the end-
buyer. New distribution channels are difficult to establish, and existing distribution channels hard
to gain access to.
(g) Cost advantages of existing producers, independent of economies of scale include:
(i) Patent rights
(ii) Experience and know-how
(iii) Government subsidies and regulations
(iv) Favoured access to raw materials

Case Study
Japanese firms
A little while ago, it was assumed that, following the success of Japanese firms worldwide in motor
vehicles (Nissan, Honda, Toyota) and consumer electronics (eg Sony, JVC, Matsushita), no Western
companies were safe from Japanese competition. Kao (household goods), Suntory (drinks), Nomura
(banking and securities) were seen as successors to firms such as Procter and Gamble and Heineken.
This has not happened, however. For example, Japanese pharmaceutical firms, such as Green Cross, have
not achieved the world domination they were expected to in the 1980's. US and European firms are still
dominant in this industry.

52 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Perhaps cars and consumer electronics are the exception rather than the rule. The reason for this might be
distribution. Normally, outsiders do not find it easy to break into established distribution patterns.
However, distribution channels in cars and consumer electronics offered outsiders an easy way in.
(a) The car industry is vertically integrated, with a network of exclusive dealerships. Given time and
money, the Japanese firms could simply build their own dealerships and run them as they liked,
with the help of local partners. This barrier to entry was not inherently complex.
(b) Consumer electronics
(i) In the early years, the consumer electronics market was driven by technology, so innovative
firms such as Sony and Matsushita could overcome distribution weaknesses with innovative
products, as they had plenty to invest. This lowered entry barriers.
(ii) Falling prices changed the distribution of hi-fi goods from small specialist shops to large
cut-price outlets. Newcomers to a market are the natural allies of such new outlets: existing
suppliers prefer to shun 'discount' retailers to protect margins in their current distribution
Japanese firms have not established dominant positions in:
(a) Healthcare, where national pharmaceuticals wholesalers are active as 'gatekeepers'
(b) Household products, where there are strong supermarket chains and global brands
(c) Cosmetics, where department stores and specialist shops offer a wide choice.

Entry barriers might be lowered by the impact of change.

Changes in the environment
Technological changes (including the internet)
New distribution channels for products or services (again, including the internet)
When considering the impact of change nowadays it is impossible not to mention the impact of e-
commerce and the internet, because they have enabled new business models to be established. We will
look at e-business in more detail later in this Study Text.

7.2 The threat from substitute products

A substitute product is a good or service produced by another industry which satisfies the same
customer needs. Substitutes are always present, but they can be easy to overlook because they may be
very different from the industry's product. For example, video conferencing could be a substitute for
business travel.
Exam focus
point It is very easy to misunderstand the nature of substitute products in Porter's model: while they provide
competition, they are not goods or services produced by competitors in the same industry.

Case Study
The Channel Tunnel
Passengers have several ways of getting from London to Paris, and the pricing policies of the various
industries transporting them there reflects this.
(a) 'Le Shuttle' carries cars in the Channel Tunnel. Its main competitors come from the ferry
companies, offering a substitute service. Therefore, you will find that Le Shuttle sets its prices with
reference to ferry company prices, and vice versa.
(b) Eurostar is the rail service from London to Paris/Brussels. Its main competitors are not the ferry
companies but the airlines. Prices on the London-Paris air routes fell with the commencement of
Eurostar services, and some airlines have curtailed the number of flights they offer.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 53

When the threat of substitutes is high, industry profitability suffers. Substitute products or services limit
an industry's profit potential by placing a ceiling on prices (because buyers will switch to the substitute if
it offers a better value alternative).
The threat of a substitute is high if:
It offers an attractive alternative to the industry's product in terms of price and performance.
The buyer's cost of switching to the substitute is low.

7.3 The bargaining power of customers

Customers want better quality products and services at a lower price. Satisfying this want might force
down the profitability of suppliers in the industry. Just how strong the position of customers will be
depends on a number of factors.
How much the customer buys
How many buyers there are: if there are relatively few buyers but each is large relative to the
supplier, then the buyers will be powerful
How critical the product is to the customer's own business (if the customer is completely reliant on
a product this will reduce the customer's bargaining power)
Switching costs (ie the cost of switching supplier)
Whether the products are standard items (hence easily copied) or specialised
The customer's own profitability: a customer who makes low profits will be forced to insist on low
prices from suppliers
Customer's ability to bypass the supplier (or take over the supplier)
The skills of the customer purchasing staff, or the price-awareness of consumers
When product quality is important to the customer, the customer is less likely to be price-sensitive,
and so the industry might be more profitable as a consequence

7.4 The bargaining power of suppliers

Suppliers can exert pressure for higher prices. The ability of suppliers to get higher prices depends on
several factors.
Whether there are just one or two dominant suppliers to the industry, able to charge monopoly or
oligopoly prices
The threat of new entrants or substitute products to the supplier's industry
Whether the suppliers have other customers outside the industry, and do not rely on the industry
for the majority of their sales
The importance of the supplier's product to the customer's business
Whether the supplier has a differentiated product which buyers need to obtain
Whether switching costs for customers would be high

54 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

7.5 The rivalry amongst current competitors in the industry
The intensity of competitive rivalry within an industry will affect the profitability of the industry as a
whole. Competitive actions might take the form of price competition, advertising battles, sales promotion
campaigns, introducing new products for the market, improving after sales service or providing
guarantees or warranties. Competition can stimulate demand, expanding the market, or it can leave
demand unchanged, in which case individual competitors will make less money, unless they are able to
cut costs.
Factors determining the intensity of competition
(a) Market growth. Rivalry is intensified when firms are competing for a greater market share in a total
market where growth is slow or stagnant. For example, the major supermarkets (eg Tesco,
Sainsburys, Asda) in the UK are becoming increasingly competitive in their attempt to increase
market share, in the context of the economic downturn which has seen shoppers become more
cautious in their spending.
(b) Cost structure. High fixed costs are a temptation to compete on price, as in the short run any
contribution from sales is better than none at all. A perishable product produces the same effect.
(c) Switching. Suppliers will compete if buyers can, and do, switch easily (eg Coke vs Pepsi).
(d) Capacity. A supplier might need to achieve a substantial increase in output capacity, in order to
obtain reductions in unit costs.
(e) Uncertainty. When one firm is not sure what another is up to, there is a tendency to respond to the
uncertainty by formulating a more competitive strategy.
(f) Strategic importance. If success is a prime strategic objective, firms will be likely to act very
competitively to meet their targets.
(g) Exit barriers make it difficult for an existing supplier to leave the industry. These can take many
(i) Non-current assets with a low break-up value (eg there may be no other use for them, or
they may be old)
(ii) The cost of redundancy payments to employees
(iii) If the firm is a division or subsidiary of a larger enterprise, the effect of withdrawal on the
other operations within the group
(iv) The reluctance of managers to admit defeat, their loyalty to employees and their fear for
their own jobs
(v) Government pressures on major employers not to shut down operations, especially when
competition comes from foreign producers rather than other domestic producers

Question The Tea Industry

The Tea Industry is characterised by oversupply, with a surplus of about 80,000 tonnes a year. Tea estates
'swallow capital, and the return is not as attractive as in industries such as technology or services'. Tea is
auctioned in London and prices are the same in absolute terms as they were nearly 20 years ago. Tea is
produced in Africa and India, Sri Lanka and China. Because of the huge capital investment involved, the
most recent investments have been quasi-governmental, such as those by the Commonwealth
Development Corporation in ailing estates in East Africa. There is no simple demarcation between buyers
and sellers. Tea-bag manufacturers own their own estates, as well as buying in tea from outside sources.
In 1997 tea prices were described in India at least as being 'exceptionally firm ... The shortage and high
prices of coffee have also raised demand for tea which remains the cheapest of all beverages in spite of
the recent rise in prices. Demand from Russia, Poland, Iran and Iraq are expected to rise.'

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 55

(a) Carry out a five forces analysis.
(b) Thinking ahead, suggest a possible strategy for a tea-grower with a number of estates which has
traditionally sold its tea at auction.

(a) Here are some ideas. Barriers to entry are high. There are plenty of substitute products (most
notably coffee), and competitive rivalry is high because of the difficulty of stockpiling products.
Customer bargaining power is high, but supplier power is low: all it needs is capital, and the right
sort of land and labour to grow tea.
(b) One tea-grower (Williamson and Magor) has begun to switch from selling tea at auction to
consumer marketing. The firm is aiming to build up its own brand image in the UK and Germany,
by offering by mail order unblended, specialist teas from its Indian estates. It advertised via
Barclays Premier Card magazine and replies were used to set up a customer database. When the
company's Earl Grey tea was recommended by the Food and Drink programme in the UK, these
existing customers were targeted with a letter and a sample.

7.6 The impact of information technology on the competitive forces

IT has characteristics that can affect all five competitive forces. These characteristics generally amount to
communication improvements but IT can also be a substantial product in its own right.

Barriers to entry and IT

(a) IT can raise entry barriers by increasing economies of scale, raising the capital cost of entry (by
requiring a similar investment in IT) or effectively colonising distribution channels by tying
customers and suppliers into the supply chain or distribution chain.
(b) IT can surmount entry barriers. The use of IT can reduce the costs of selling and distribution and
even substitute for traditional methods entirely. An example is the use of internet banking, which
sometimes eliminates the need to establish a branch network.
Bargaining power of suppliers and IT
(a) Increasing the number of accessible suppliers. Supplier power can derive from various factors
such as geographical proximity and the fact that the organisation requires goods of a certain
standard in a certain time. IT enhances supplier information available
to customers.
(b) Closer supplier relationships. Suppliers' power can be shared. CAD can be used to design
components in tandem with suppliers. Such relationships might be developed with a few key
suppliers. The supplier and the organisation both benefit from performance improvement, but the
relations are closer.
(c) Switching costs. Suppliers can be integrated with the firm's administrative operations, by a system
of electronic data interchange.
Bargaining power of customers. IT can lock customers in.
(a) IT can raise switching costs by locking customers into networks.
(b) Customer information systems can enable a thorough analysis of marketing information so that
products and services can be tailored to the needs of certain segments.
(c) Customers also have access to improved information; this can increase their bargaining power.
(d) Suppliers can gain access to larger number of customers, reducing their dependence on a few
large buyers.

56 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Substitutes. In many respects, IT itself is the substitute product. Here are some examples.
(a) Video-conferencing systems might substitute for air transport in providing a means by which
managers from all over the world can get together in a meeting.
(b) IT is the basis for new leisure activities (eg computer games) which substitute for TV or other
(c) E-mail substitutes for some postal deliveries.
IT and the state of competitive rivalry. In many industries, IT will enable newcomers to imitate existing
products and services, though set up costs may limit this effect. The effect of the internet may be to
expand the size of the market.
(a) IT can be used in support of a firm's competitive strategy of cost leadership, differentiation or
focus. These are discussed later in this Text.
(b) IT can be used in a collaborative venture, perhaps to set up new communications networks. Some
competitors in the financial services industry share the same ATM network.

7.7 Using the five forces model: a caution

The five forces model provides a comprehensive framework for analysing the competitive environment.
However, it must be used with caution. Because its comprehensive, it can encourage a feeling of that all
factors have been duly considered and dealt with. Any analysis must pursue as high a degree of
objectivity as possible. If there is too much subjectivity, unfounded complacency will result.
The effect of subjectivity appears at an early stage in any analysis using the five forces approach. It is
necessary to define with great care just what market or market segment you are dealing with. For a large
organisation, or one operating in a complex environment, this may be extremely difficult.
BPP's UK provision of classroom training in accountancy is a good example. BPP provides training for
three main accountancy qualifications: The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), The
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales (ICAEW).
The market for training for potential ICAEW accountants is subject to considerable customer bargaining
power, since there are a few large firms that predominate. ACCA and CIMA courses, on the other hand, are
more subject to the rivalry of existing competitors, since, as well as other commercial training providers,
universities and local technical colleges are also sources of competition.
The need for careful analysis is, perhaps, most demanding in the area of substitute products or services. It
takes a particular alertness to discern potential substitutes in the early stages of their development.

7.8 Government
It is possible to view the influence of government as so great as to justify viewing it as a sixth force. The
activities of government would normally be analysed using the PESTEL model but, as we have pointed out,
the division of the general environment into these categories is arbitrary and it may be useful to reconsider
government in the task environment context. There is also the consideration that competition itself is often
the target of specific government policies, either to encourage it or, quite often, to restrict it.
Porter argues that the best approach is to assess the impact of government on one or more of the five
forces, rather than viewing it as a separate six force.

Exam focus The Examiner has commented that candidates often do not appear to understand how the five forces
point interrelate, or how the importance of a particular force varies over time. It is crucial that you consider the
forces as being dynamic rather than static.

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 57

Chapter Roundup
The environment may be divided for convenience into three concentric layers: the macro-environment; the
industry or sector; and competitors and markets. The layers and the elements within them all interact with
one another.
Environmental uncertainty depends on the degree of complexity and the degree of stability present.
The macro-environment may be analysed into six segments using the PESTEL framework.
Government is responsible for providing a stable framework for economic activity and, in particular, for
maintaining and improving the physical, social and market infrastructure. Public policy on competition
and consumer protection is particularly relevant to business strategy.
The economic environment affects firms at national and international level, both in the general level of
economic activity and in particular variables, such as exchange rates, interest rates and inflation.
The social and cultural environment features long-term social trends and people's beliefs and attitudes
Technological developments can affect all aspects of business, not just product and services.
The physical environment is important for logistical reasons, as a source of resources, and because of
increasing regulation.
The impact of business activity on the physical environment is now a major concern. Companies are under
pressure to incorporate measure to protect the environment into their plans. This presents both challenges
and opportunities, since some measures will impose costs, but others will allow significant savings. There
is also a new range of markets for goods and services designed to protect or have minimum impact on the
Four aspects of globalisation are key drivers of change.
Market globalisation grows as tastes converge and communications improve.
Cost globalisation spreads as trade barriers fall and economies of scale and experience grow.
Governments promote free trade and international standards.
International competition promotes further trade and interaction.
Porter identifies four principal determinants of national competitive advantage.
Factor conditions
Firm strategy structure and rivalry
Demand conditions
Related and supporting industries
The past is not necessarily a good guide to the future. It may be so in simple static conditions, but more
complex or dynamic environments require sophisticated techniques such as the use of leading indicators
and scenarios.
The immediate business environment of firms producing similar goods is called the industry. Sector may
be used in a similar way in public and not-for-profit services.
The competitive environment is structured by five forces: barriers to entry; substitute products; the
bargaining power of customers; the bargaining power of suppliers; competitive rivalry.
IT has characteristics that can affect all five competitive forces. These characteristics generally amount to
communication improvements but IT can also be a substantial product in its own right.

58 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Quick Quiz
1 What are the three concentric layers that make up the business environment?
2 What does PESTEL stand for?
3 Which four aspects of globalisation may be regarded as key drivers of change?
4 What are the four elements of Porter's diamond?
5 What are the steps in scenario planning?
6 What are the five forces?
7 Fill in the gaps. Five competitive forces influence the state of competition in ........................., and
collectively determine the ......................... of the ......................... as a whole.
8 In Porter's five forces model, what is a substitute product?

Part A Strategic position 2: Environmental issues 59

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Macro-environment; industry or sector; and competitors and markets
2 Political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental protection, legal
3 Market globalisation; cost globalisation; government activity and policy; global competition
4 Firm strategy, structure and rivalry; factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting
5 The steps which Mercer suggests for scenario planning are:
Decide on the drivers for change
Bring drivers together into a viable framework
Produce seven to nine mini-scenarios
Group the mini-scenarios into two or three larger scenarios
Write the scenarios
Identify issues arising
6 Threat of new entrants; substitute products; bargaining power of customers; bargaining power of
suppliers; competitive rivalry among existing firms
7 An industry; profit potential; industry
8 A substitute product is a good or service produced by another industry which satisfies the same customer
needs. (Note: substitutes are not goods or services produced by competitors in the same industry; they
are produced by another industry.)

Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q2 Exam 8 15 mins

60 2: Environmental issues Part A Strategic position

Competitors and

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Competition dynamics A3(c), (d)
2 The marketing mix A4(a)
3 Customers and segmentation A4(a), A3(d)
4 Understanding the customer A4(b)
5 Opportunities and threats A3(e)

Competitors and markets make up the inner layer of the environmental shell. A
detailed knowledge of both is essential for the development of effective
strategy. In particular, customer reaction is what determines an organisation's
critical success factors.
In this chapter we start to deal with specific topics that may form the basis of

Study guide
Intellectual level
A3 Competitive forces affecting an organisation
(c) Assess the contribution of the lifecycle model, the cycle of competition and
associated costing implications to understanding competitive behaviour
(d) Analyse the influence of strategic groups and market segmentation 3
(e) Determine the opportunities and threats posed by the environment of an
A4 Marketing and the value of goods and services
(a) Analyse customers and markets 2
(b) Establish appropriate critical success factors for products and services 2

Exam guide
In this chapter we start to look at some very specific aspects of strategy. Much of the material, such as the
discussion of the nature of marketing, is still background, but the more specific topics, such as market
segmentation, critical success factors and customer analysis may have direct relevance to future
examination questions.

Two frameworks covered in this chapter are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and so could be
specifically required in a question:
Cycle of competition
Lifecycle model
The other models referred to in the chapter, for example the marketing mix, could still be important in
helping you answer a question, so you should not overlook them. The marketing mix is defined later in this
Study Text.

1 Competition dynamics
The dynamic nature of competition may be considered using a variety of concepts.
The cycle of competition describes the typical development of the relationship between an
established firm and a new challenger.
Hyper-competition is an unstable state of constantly shifting short-term advantage.
The industry life cycle has four phases: inception, growth, maturity/shakeout and decline. Each
phase has typical implications for customers, competitors, products and profits.
Strategic group analysis examines the strategic space occupied by groups of close competitors in
order to identify potential competitive advantage.

The five forces model is a very useful tool for analysing the nature of competition within an industry, but it
is essentially static: it does not focus on the dynamic nature of the business environment. The nature of
competition is that future developments are not controllable by a single firm; each competitor will exercise
its own influence on what happens. The business environment is therefore subject to constant change.
Strategic managers must attempt to forecast what form this change is likely to take since it is their
responsibility to make plans that will be appropriate under future conditions. JS&W, quoting D'aveni with
Gunter describe a typical cycle of competition.

62 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

1.1 Cycle of competition
1.1.1 The challenge
An incumbent firm already operating successfully in an industry improves existing barriers to entry and
erects new ones. Any challenger firm wishing to enter the industry must attempt to overcome these
barriers. This does not necessarily mean attacking the market leader head-on. This is a risky strategy in
any case, because of the incumbent firm's resources in cash, promotion and innovation. Instead, the
challenger may attack smaller regional firms or companies of similar size to itself that are vulnerable
through lack of resources or poor management.
Military analogies have been used to describe the challenger's attacking options.
(a) The head-on attack matches the target's marketing mix in detail, product for product and so on. A
limited frontal attack may concentrate on selected desirable customers.
(b) The flank attack is mounted upon a market segment, geographic region or area of technology that
the target has neglected.
(c) The encirclement attack consists of as large a number of simultaneous flank attacks as possible in
order to overwhelm the target.
(d) The bypass attack is indirect and unaggressive. It focuses on unrelated products, new geographic
areas and technical leap-frogging to advance in the market.
(e) Guerrilla attack consists of a series of aggressive, short-term moves to demoralise, unbalance and
destabilise the opponent. Tactics include drastic price cuts, poaching staff, political lobbying and
short bursts of promotional activity.

1.1.2 The response

If the incumbent makes no response to the initial campaign, the challenger will widen its attack to other,
related or vulnerable market segments, using similar methods to those outlined above. On the other hand,
the incumbent may respond; this will often be by means that amount to reinforcing the barriers to entry,
such as increasing promotional spending.
Military analogies have also been used to describe defensive strategies for market leaders.
(a) Position defence relies upon not changing anything. This does not work very well.
(b) Mobile defence uses market broadening and diversification.
(c) Flanking defence is needed to respond to attacks on secondary markets with growth potential.
(d) Contraction defence involves withdrawal from vulnerable markets and those with low potential. It
may amount to surrender.
(e) Pre-emptive defence gathers information on potential attacks and then uses competitive
advantage to strike first. Product innovation and aggressive promotion are important features.
A challenger faced with such moves may decide to start a price war. The disadvantage of this is that it will
erode its own margins as well as those of the incumbent, but it does have the potential to reshape the
market and redistribute longer-term market share.

1.1.3 Fighting back

An incumbent faced with a vigorous and resourceful challenger may decide in turn to attack the entrant's
own base, perhaps by cutting price in its strongest market. This may have the result of causing the
challenger to move on towards entry into another attractive market as it seeks to expand.

1.1.4 Resource implications

Both attacking and defending require the deployment of cash and strategic skill. In particular, extending
competition to new geographical and national markets can raise the risks and costs involved to an extent
that inhibits rivalry.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 63

1.1.5 Hypercompetition
It is possible for competition in an industry to cycle fairly slowly, with extended periods of stability. This
allows the careful building of competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate. Hypercompetition, by
contrast, is a condition of constant competitive change. It is created by frequent, boldly aggressive
competitive moves. This state makes it impossible for a firm to create lasting competitive advantage; firms
that accept this will deliberately disrupt any stability that develops in order to deny long-term advantage to
their competitors. Under these conditions, continuing success depends on effective exploitation of a series
of short-term moves.

1.2 The industry life cycle

FAST FORWARD Industries may display a lifecycle: this will affect and interact with the five forces.

Later in this Study Text we will discuss the concept of the product life cycle: this is a well established
strategic and marketing tool. It may be possible to discern an industry life cycle, which will have wider
implications for the nature of competition and competitive advantage. This cycle reflects changes in
demand and the spread of technical knowledge among producers. Innovation creates the new industry,
and this is normally product innovation. Later, innovation shifts to processes in order to maintain
margins. The overall progress of the industry lifecycle is illustrated below.

Inception Growth Maturity/shakeout Decline

Product Basic, no Improved design Standardised Varied quality but
characteristics standards and quality, product with little fairly
established differentiated differentiation undifferentiated
Competitors None to few Many entrants Competition Few remain.
increases, weaker Competition may
players leave be on price
Buyers Early adopters, More customers Mass market, Enthusiasts,
prosperous, attracted and aware brand switching traditionalists,
curious must be common sophisticates
Profits Negative high Good, possibly Eroding under Variable
first mover starting to decline pressure of
advantage competition
Technology No standards Technologies Technology is Technology is
established become more understood across understood across
standardised the industry the industry
Production Small scale batch Mass production. Long production Overcapacity.
processes production. Distribution runs. Cost efficiency Production is
Specialised networks expanded critical reduced

Each phase has different implications for competitive behaviour and corporate strategy eg if an industry is
growing, the organisations in that industry can grow as the market develops. In a mature industry, growth
can only be achieved by stealing market share from other competitors and typically the market becomes
more fragmented.
Costs faced by organisations will also vary at different stages in the industry lifecycle. For example,
research and development costs will be very high in the inception phase. Production costs may be low
during the maturity stage as processes have been refined and contracts negotiated, but marketing
expenditure may be high in order to protect market share.
Financial returns to an industry also vary according to the lifecycle stage.

64 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Sales Introduction Growth Shakeout Maturity Decline


The characteristics of the industry at the different phases of the lifecycle are shown in the table below.

Inception Growth Shakeout Maturity Decline

Customers Experimenters, Early adopters Growing Mass market, Price

innovators selectivity of Products well competition
purchase known Commodity
R&D High Extend product Seek lower cost Low
before methods of
competition supply to access
new markets
Company Early mover React to more Potential Battles over Cost control or
Production competitors consolidation market share. exit
focused with increased through taking- Seek cost
marketing over rivals. reduction.
mass Long production
production runs Long
production runs
Competitors A few More entrants Many Depending on Price-based
No major to the market competitors, industry, a few competition,
barriers to price cutting but large fewer
entry weeding out of competitors competitors
weaker players Difficult for
newcomers to
Profitability Low or Growing Levelling off Stable, high or Falling, unless
negative, as an under pressure cost control

The industry life cycle has strategic implications for organisations operating in that industry. Management
must pursue different strategies at each stage.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 65

Inception stage
Attract trend-setting buyer groups by promotion of technical novelty or fashion
Price high (skim) to cash in on novelty, or price low (penetration) to gain adoption and high initial
Support product despite poor current financial results
Review investment program periodically in light of success of launch (eg delay or bring forward
capacity increases)
Build channels of distribution
Monitor success of rival technologies and competitor products
Growth stage
Ensure capacity expands sufficiently to meet firm's target market share objectives
Penetrate market, possibly by reducing price
Maintain barriers to entry (eg fight patent infringements, keep price competitive)
High promotion of benefits to attract early majority of potential buyers
Build brand awareness to resist impact from new entrants
Ensure investors are aware of potential of new products to ensure support for financial strategy
Search for additional markets and product refinements ( ie market penetration)
Consider methods of expanding and reducing costs of production (eg contract manufacturing
overseas, building own factory in a low cost location)
Product development
Shakeout phase
Monitor industry for potential mergers and rationalisation behaviour
Periodic review of production and financial forecasts in light of sales growth rates
Shift business model from customer acquisition to extracting revenue from existing customers
Seek to extend growth by finding new markets or technologies
Maturity phase
Maximise current financial returns from product
Defend market position by matching pricing and promotion of rivals
Modify markets by positioning product to gain acceptance from non-buyers (eg new outlets or
suggested new uses)
Modify the product to make it cheaper or of greater benefit
Intensify distribution
Leverage the existing customer database to gain additional incomes
Engage in integration activities with rivals (eg mergers, mutual agreements on competition)
Ensure successor industries are ready for launch to pick up market
Decline phase
Harvest cash flows by minimising spending on promotion or product refinement
Simplify range by weeding out variations
Narrow distribution to target loyal customers and reduce stocking costs
Evaluate exit barriers and identify the optimum time to leave the industry (eg leases ending, need
for renewal investment)
Seek potential exit strategy (eg buyer for business, firms willing to buy licences etc)
The response of competitors is particularly important there may be threats as they attempt to
defend their position, or opportunities, eg when a competitor leaves the market.

66 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Inception Growth Maturity Decline
Product Correct any Ensure product Product Assess if it is
problems in quality is efficiency possible to
product design maintained Cost control modify product
Improve despite volume Quality control so that life
features to growth (minimise cycle is started
develop Look at ways to defective again
competitive improve quality products)
advantage and design to Only the most
sustain productive/
competitive efficient firms
advantage will survive
Marketing Establish Market Marketing Advertising
product penetration aimed at and promotion
position and Establish market maintaining is minimised
target markets niche for customer
Develop product loyalty
product Establish brand
awareness loyalty: heavy
(advertising; media use,
promotion) product samples
and other
capabilities to
HR Establish staff Training and Personnel Staff
requirements development of incentives to transferred to
Recruiting staff staff to deal with improve products in
competitive productivity earlier stages
pressures as and efficiency of life cycle
competition gets
Finance Arrange Liquidation
funding for (worst case
product scenario)
and marketing
Assess capital
for production
facilities which
may be needed
for increased
capacity in
growth phase

The industry life cycle model is an important concept that may illuminate some aspects of strategic
thought. Like other models, it has some value for analysis, for forecasting trends and for suggesting

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 67

possible courses of action, but it would be a mistake to attempt to apply it to all industries at all times.
Proper attention must always be paid to current circumstances and options.

Case Study
Plastics at GE
The following extract [from The Economist, January 2007] illustrates the importance of the industry
lifecycle on investment and divestment decisions.
When General Electrics legendary boss Jack Welch first joined the firm, he worked in an office on
Plastics Avenue. Mr Welchs talent for management was noticed when, as head of the Plastics Division, he
doubled its size in three years. But today plastics is a low growth commodity business. As if to prove that
Jack Welchs successor, Jeffrey Immelt, has put the plastics division up for sale.
The sale is Mr Immelts latest attempt to please shareholders who have been strikingly unenthusiastic
since he took charge in 2001. Mr Immelt has promised to return more money to the shareholders. He has
been shuffling GEs portfolio to boost growth. In a string of deals worth over $100 billion so far, GE has
bought fast-growing firms in health care, biosciences and Hispanic entertainment and sold its under-
performing industrial materials, insurance and motor businesses.

Exam focus When considering an organisation's strategy it is important to consider where its industry (or its
point products) are in their lifecycles. Again, context is crucial. If there is a mismatch between strategy and the
position in a lifecycle, the strategy will not be successful. For example, if a company in a mature industry
decides to start charging premium prices for its product, it is unlikely to be successful. By the mature
phase, products will be fairly standardised and there is likely to be intense price competition in the
industry. If the company increases prices, customers will simply switch and buy a competitor's product.
Instead the company should be looking to make production as efficient and cost-effective as possible to
preserve its margins by reducing its costs.
The lifecycle model is explicitly referenced in the Study Guide so it may be specifically required in a
question. Make sure you would be comfortable applying it to a scenario.

1.3 Strategic group analysis

Five forces analysis deals with the competitive environment in broad industry-wide terms. It is possible to
refine this by considering strategic groups. These are made up of organisations with similar strategic
characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on similar bases. Such groups arise for a variety
of reasons, such as barriers to entry or the attractiveness of particular market segments.
The strategic space pertaining to a strategic group is defined by two or three common strategic
characteristics. Here are some examples of such characteristics.
Product diversity
Geographical coverage
Extent of branding
Pricing policy
Product quality
Distribution method
Target market segment
A series of 2-axis maps may be drawn using selected pairs of these characteristics to define both the
extent of the strategic space and any unfilled gaps that exist within it. (A similar technique is used for
specific products and is illustrated later in this chapter: this is product positioning.)
The identification of potential competitive advantage is the reason for analysing strategic groups. It
improves knowledge of competitors and shows gaps in the organisation's current segments of operations.

68 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

It may also reveal opportunities for migration to more favourable segments. Strategic problems may also
be revealed.

2 The marketing mix

The marketing function aims to satisfy customer needs profitably through an appropriate marketing mix.
The marketing mix comprises product, price, place and promotion. For services, this is extended to
include people, processes and physical evidence.

Key term Marketing mix: 'the set of controllable variables and their levels that the firm uses to influence the target
market'. These are product, price, place and promotion and are sometimes known as the four Ps.

Elements in the marketing mix act partly as substitutes for each other and they must be integrated. This
is so the product can be positioned in the market to appeal to the customer. For example, a firm can raise
the selling price of its products if it also raises product quality or advertising expenditure.
Exam focus
point The marketing mix can be useful when answering questions that require you to advise on courses of
action. While it is unlikely that you will be required to discuss all of the variables, thinking about the
relationship between two or three of them may give some useful insights.

2.1 Product
Key term A product (goods or services) is anything that satisfies a need or want. It is not a 'thing' with 'features' but
a package of benefits.

From the firm's point of view the product element of the marketing mix is what is being sold. From the
customer's point of view, a product is a solution to a problem or a package of benefits. Many products
might satisfy the same customer need.
Product issues in the marketing mix will include such factors as:
Design (size, shape) After-sales service (if necessary)
Features Packaging
Quality and reliability

2.2 Place
Place deals with how the product is distributed, and how it reaches its customers.
(a) Channel. Where are products sold?
(b) Logistics. The location of warehouses and efficiency of the distribution system.
A firm can distribute the product itself (direct distribution) or through intermediary organisations such as

2.3 Promotion
Many of the practical activities of the marketing department are related to promotion. Promotion is the
element of the mix over which the marketing department generally has most control.
Promotion in the marketing mix includes all marketing communications which let the public know of the
product or service.
Advertising (newspapers, billboards, TV, radio, direct mail, internet)
Sales promotion (discounts, coupons, special displays in particular stores)
Direct selling by sales personnel
Public relations

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 69

2.4 Price
The price element of the marketing mix is the only one which brings in revenue. Price is influenced by
many factors including economic factors (supply and demand), competitors prices and payment terms.
Pricing will be looked at in detail in Chapter 12 of this text.

2.5 The extended marketing mix

This is also known as the service marketing mix because it is specifically relevant to the marketing of
services rather than physical products. The intangible nature of services makes these extra three Ps
particularly important.

2.5.1 People
Employees are particularly important in service marketing. Front-line staff must be selected, trained and
motivated with particular attention to customer care and public relations.
In some services, the physical presence of people performing the service is a vital aspect of customer
satisfaction. The staff involved are performing or producing a service, selling the service and also liaising
with the customer to promote the service, gather information and respond to customer needs.

2.5.2 Processes
Efficient processes can become a marketing advantage in their own right. If an airline, for example,
develops a sophisticated ticketing system, it can offer shorter waits at check-in or wider choice of flights
through allied airlines. This both increases customer satisfaction and cuts down on the time it taken to
complete a sale.

2.5.3 Physical evidence

Services are intangible: they have no physical substance. The customer has no evidence of ownership
and so may find it harder to perceive, evaluate and compare the qualities of service provision, and may
therefore dampen the incentive to consume.
This could be addressed through physical representation such as tickets and programs relating to
entertainment, or by incorporating evidence into the design and specification of the service environment
such as decor, colour scheme, noise levels, background music, fragrance and general ambience.

3 Customers and segmentation

3.1 Buyer behaviour
The decision to make a purchase can be very simple, very complex or somewhere between the two.
Buyers do not always proceed rationally, though the motivation of industrial buyers may be more logical
than that of consumers.

In marketing, a market is defined in terms of its buyers or potential buyers.

Consumer markets (eg for soap powder, washing machines, TV sets, clothes)
Industrial markets (eg for machine tools, construction equipment)
Government markets (eg for armaments, and, in the UK, medical equipment)
Reseller markets
Export markets

70 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

3.1.1 Consumer goods
Consumer goods are in such a form that they can be used by the consumer without the need for any
further commercial processing. Consumer goods are further classified according to the method by which
they are purchased.
Convenience goods
Shopping goods
Speciality goods
If an article has close substitutes, is purchased regularly in small amounts of low unit value, and the
customer insists on buying it with the minimum of inconvenience, the article is called a convenience
good. These are everyday purchases such as toothpaste, bread or coffee, and are likely to be produced by
several manufacturers. Promoting a unique image for the product, for example by branding, is therefore
Shopping goods are goods for which customers are more discriminating. They usually have a higher unit
value than convenience goods and are bought less frequently, usually from a specialist outlet with a wider
range on offer. Examples are cars, furniture, hi-fi equipment, many clothes, household appliances such as
washing machines and cookers.
When a manufacturer, either by product design or advertising, has become associated in the public mind
with a particular product (eg Rolls Royce cars, Wedgwood pottery) the article produced is no longer a
shopping good, but a speciality good, possessing a unique character which will make a customer go out
of their way to ask for it by name and find a dealer who sells it.

3.1.2 Industrial or business-to-business (B2B) markets

In industrial markets, the customer is another firm, such as for the sale of machine tools or consultancy
advice. The industrial market, more than the consumer market, is influenced by the general state of the
economy and the government's economic policy.
The demand for industrial goods and services is derived from the demand for the product or service to
which they contribute. For example, the demand for aluminium is in part derived from the demand for
cans, which might itself be derived from demand for the beer with which the cans will be filled.
Industrial buyers are more rationally motivated than consumers in deciding which goods to buy. Sales
policy decisions by a supplier are therefore more important than sales promotion activities in an industrial
market. Special attention should be given in selling to quality, price, credit, delivery dates, after-sales
service, etc, and it is the importance of these rational motivations which make it difficult for an untried
newcomer to break into an industrial goods market.

3.1.3 Organisational buying behaviour

The organisational buying behaviour process has some similarities with consumer buyer behaviour, but is
supposedly more rational.
How are needs recognised in a company?
What is the type of buying situation?
How is a supplier selected?
How will performance be reviewed after purchase?
Supply selection and supplier performance are important aspects of supply chain management which we
will return to later in this Study Text, particularly in the context of how technology can shape relationships
with suppliers.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 71

3.1.4 The decision-making unit
The decision-making unit (DMU) is a term used to describe the person or people who actually take the
decision to buy a good or service. The marketing manager needs to know who in each organisation makes
the effective buying decisions and how decisions are made: the DMU might act with formal authority, or as
an informal group reaching a joint decision. Many large organisations employ specialist purchasing
departments or 'buyers' but the independence of the buyers will vary from situation to situation.

3.1.5 Factors in the motivation mix of business or government buyers

Business or government buyers are motivated as follows.
(a) Quality.
(b) Price. Where profit margins in the final market are under pressure, the buyer of industrial goods
will probably make price the main purchasing motivation.
(c) Budgetary control may encourage the buying department to look further afield for potential
suppliers to obtain a better price or quality of goods.
(d) Fear of breakdown. Where a customer has a highly organised and costly production system, they
will clearly want to avoid a breakdown in the system, due to a faulty machine or running out of
stocks of materials.
(e) Credit. The importance of credit could vary with the financial size of the buyer.

3.2 Market segmentation

Segments are groups of customers with similar needs that can be targeted with a distinctively
positioned marketing mix. Both consumer and industrial markets can usefully be segmented and several
bases exist for the process. The aim is to identify a coherent segment that is both valid and attractive.

Much marketing planning is based on the concepts of segmentation and product positioning. The
purpose of segmentation is to identify target markets in which the firm can take a position. A market is not
a mass, homogeneous group of customers, each wanting an identical product. Every market consists of
potential buyers with different needs and different buying behaviour. These different customers may be
grouped into segments. A different marketing approach will be taken by an organisation for each market
Note: As with so many other aspects of business, access to customers and markets has increased with the
growth of the internet and e-business. Therefore, the ideas we are discussing here will also link into the
chapters of e-business and e-marketing later in this Study Text.

Key term Market segmentation is 'the subdividing of a market into distinct and increasingly homogeneous
subgroups of customers, where any subgroup can conceivably be selected as a target market to be met
with a distinct marketing mix'. Kotler

There are two important elements in this definition of market segmentation.

(a) Although the total market consists of widely different groups of consumers, each group consists of
people (or organisations) with common needs and preferences, who perhaps react to 'market
stimuli' in much the same way.
(b) Each market segment can become a target market for a firm, and would require a unique
marketing mix if the firm is to exploit it successfully.

72 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Reasons for segmenting markets

Reason Comment
Better satisfaction of customer needs One solution will not satisfy all customers
Growth in profits Some customers will pay more for certain benefits
Revenue growth Segmentation means that more customers may be attracted by
what is on offer, in preference to competing products
Customer retention By targeting customers, a number of different products can be
offered to them
Targeted communications Segmentation enables clear communications as people in the
target audience share common needs
Innovation By identifying unmet needs, companies can innovate to satisfy

3.3 Identifying segments

An important initial marketing task is the identification of segments within the market. Segmentation
applies more obviously to the consumer market, but it can also be applied to an industrial market.
(a) One basis will not be appropriate in every market, and sometimes two or more bases might be
valid at the same time.
(b) One basis or segmentation variable might be superior to another in a hierarchy of variables. There
are thus primary and secondary segmentation variables.

3.4 The bases for segmentation

Segmentation variables fall into a small number of categories.

3.4.1 Geographical segmentation

Geographical segmentation is very simple, but useful, especially in business-to-business marketing, which
relies heavily on personal selling. It can be combined with socio-demographic segmentation (see below) .

3.4.2 Psychographic or lifestyle segmentation

Psychographic segmentation is not based on objective data so much as how people see themselves and
their subjective feelings and attitudes towards a particular product or service, or towards life in general. It
makes use of variables such as interests, activities, personality and opinions. This is very useful for many
consumer goods, since they can be designed and promoted to appeal on the basis of such variables.

3.4.3 Behavioural segmentation

The behavioural approach segments buyers into groups based on their attitudes to and use of the product,
and the benefits they expect to receive. It uses such variables as usage rate, impulse purchase, brand
loyalty and sensitivity to marketing mix variables such as price, quality and promotion.
The table below illustrates an example of market segmentation where marketers have noticed people can
be categorised by which toothpaste they use.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 73

Benefit segmentation of the toothpaste market
Principal Special Brands dis- Personality
Segment benefit Demographic behavioural proportionately character Lifestyle
name sought strengths characteristics favoured istics characteristics
The sensory Flavour, Children Users of Colgate, Stripe High self Hedonistic
segment product spearmint involvement
appearance flavoured
The Brightness Teens, young Smokers Macleans, High Active
Sociables of teeth people Ultra-Brite sociability
The Decay Large families Heavy users Crest High Conservative
Worriers prevention hypochon-
The Price Men Heavy users Brands on sale High Value oriented
Independent autonomy

3.4.4 Socio-demographic segmentation

Socio-demographic segmentation is based on social, economic and demographic variables such as those
Age Religion
Sex Ethnicity/national origin
Income Social class
Occupation Family size

3.5 Segmentation of the industrial market

Industrial markets can be segmented with many of the bases used in consumer markets such as
geography, usage rate and benefits sought. Additional, more traditional bases include customer type,
product/technology, customer size and purchasing procedures.
(a) Geographic location. Some industries and related industries are clustered in particular areas.
Firms selling services to the banking sector might be interested in the City of London.
(b) Type of business (eg service, manufacturing).
(i) Type of organisation. Organisations in an industry as a whole may have certain needs in
common. Employment agencies offering business services to publishers, say, must offer
their clients personnel with experience in particular desk top publishing packages. Suitable
temporary staff offered to legal firms can be more effective if used to legal jargon. Each
different type of firm can be offered a tailored product or service.
(ii) Components manufacturers specialise in the industries of the firms to which they supply
(c) Use of the product. In the UK, many new cars are sold to businesses, as benefit cars. Although this
practice is changing with the viability of a 'cash alternative' to a company car, the varying levels of
specification are developed with the business buyer in mind (eg junior salesperson gets a Ford
Fiesta, Regional Manager gets a Ford Mondeo).
(d) Size of organisation. Large organisations may have elaborate purchasing procedures, and may do
many things in-house. Small organisations may be more likely to subcontract certain specialist

74 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

3.6 Segment validity
A market segment will only be valid if it is worth designing and developing a unique marketing mix for
that specific segment. The following questions are commonly asked to decide whether or not the segment
can be used for developing marketing plans.

Criteria Comment
Can the segment be It might be possible to conceive of a market segment, but it is not
measured? necessarily easy to measure it. For example, for a segment based on
people with a conservative outlook to life, can conservatism of outlook
be measured by market research?
Is the segment big enough? There has to be a large enough potential market to be profitable.
Can the segment be reached? There has to be a way of getting to the potential customers via the
organisation's promotion and distribution channels.
Do segments respond If two or more segments are identified by marketing planners but each
differently? segment responds in the same way to a marketing mix, the segments
are effectively one and the same and there is no point in distinguishing
them from each other.
Can the segment be reached Do the identified customer needs cost less to satisfy than the revenue
profitably? they earn?
Is the segment suitably The stability of the segment is important, if the organisation is to
stable? commit huge production and marketing resources to serve it. The firm
does not want the segment to 'disappear' next year. Of course, this may
not matter in some industries.

3.7 Segment attractiveness

A segment might be valid and potentially profitable, but is it potentially attractive? For example a segment
that has high barriers to entry might cost more to enter but will be less vulnerable to competitors. The
most attractive segments will be those whose needs can be met by building on the company's strengths
and where forecasts for demand, sales profitability and growth are favourable.

3.8 Target markets

FAST FORWARD Companies select particularly attractive segments and approach them with a carefully designed marketing
mix. This concentrated marketing approach is more effective than the undifferentiated, mass marketing
method when customers are likely to exercise careful choice.

Because of limited resources, competition and large markets, organisations are not usually able to sell
with equal efficiency and success to every market segment. It is necessary to select target markets. A
target market is a particularly attractive segment that will be served with a distinct marketing mix. The
marketing management of a company may choose one of the following policy options.

Key terms Undifferentiated marketing: this policy is to produce a single product and hope to get as many customers
as possible to buy it; that is, ignore segmentation entirely.
Concentrated marketing: the company attempts to produce the ideal product for a single segment of the
market (eg Rolls Royce cars for the wealthy).
Differentiated marketing: the company attempts to introduce several product versions, each aimed at a
different market segment. For example, manufacturers of soap powder make a number of different brands,
marketed to different segments.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 75

It is important to assess company strengths when evaluating attractiveness and targeting a market. This
can help determine the appropriate strategy, because once the attractiveness of each identified segment
has been assessed it can be considered along with relative strengths to determine the potential advantages
the organisation would have. In this way preferred segments can be targeted.
The major disadvantage of differentiated marketing is the additional costs of marketing and production
(more product design and development costs, the loss of economies of scale in production and storage,
additional promotion costs and administrative costs etc). When the costs of further differentiation of the
market exceed the benefits from further segmentation and target marketing, a firm is said to have
The major disadvantage of concentrated marketing is the business risk of relying on a single segment of
a single market. On the other hand, specialisation in a particular market segment can give a firm a
profitable, although perhaps temporary, competitive edge over rival firms.
The choice between undifferentiated, differentiated or concentrated marketing as a marketing strategy will
depend on the following factors.
(a) The extent to which the product and/or the market may be considered homogeneous. Mass
marketing may be 'sufficient' if the market is largely homogeneous (for example, for safety
(b) The company's resources must not be over extended by differentiated marketing. Small firms may
succeed better by concentrating on one segment only.
(c) The product must be sufficiently advanced in its life cycle to have attracted a substantial total
market; otherwise segmentation and target marketing is unlikely to be profitable, because each
segment would be too small in size.

3.9 Product positioning

FAST FORWARD A product's positioning defines how it is intended to be perceived by customers and how it differs from
current and potential competing products.

It is not always possible to identify a market segment where there is no direct competitor, and a marketing
problem for the firm will be the creation of some form of product differentiation (real or imagined) in the
marketing mix of the product. The aim is to make the customer perceive the product as different from its
A perceptual map of product positioning can be used to identify gaps in the market. This example might
suggest that there could be potential in the market for a low-price high-quality bargain brand. A company that
carries out such an analysis might decide to conduct further research to find out whether there is scope in
the market for a new product which would be targeted at a market position where there are few or no rivals.
(A firm successfully pursuing cost leadership might be in a good position to offer a bargain brand.)
High price
Cowboy brands Premium brands

Low quality High quality

Economy brands Bargain brands

Low price

76 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Similar matrices to explore possible product positions in terms of, for instance, attributes, applications,
users, occasions for use and specific aspects of quality may be drawn to refine knowledge of product

4 Understanding the customer

4.1 The strategic customer
The strategic customer is the entity that decides to make the purchase, not the end user.

Many goods and services are purchased not by their end users but by intermediaries such as retailers,
sales agents and procurement department staff. Where this pattern applies, the supplier has to take
account of the influence of the intermediary; indeed, the intermediary is the strategic customer, not the
end user, and it is the intermediary's requirements that are of primary strategic importance. The
requirements of the end user are important, but subordinate in many cases to those of the intermediary.

4.2 What customers value critical success factors

Critical success factors are product features that are particularly valued by customers.

Customers purchase products and services because they value the things the products and services
provide them with. This may be a relatively simple satisfaction, as when motorists buy petrol, or it may
include a wide range of both tangible and intangible benefits. Many products are, in fact, complex
packages of features that their producers have worked hard to assemble. The intangibles among these
features are often collectively referred to as brand values.
Consider a wristwatch, for example. It would be a mistake to imagine that most wristwatches are bought
because they tell the time. They also reflect the taste, self-image and status of the purchaser.
There is likely to be a wide range of opinion among customers as to the features of a product that provide
them with the greatest satisfaction, but, equally, it is also likely that some features will be widely
regarded as particularly important. These features, the satisfactions they provide and the demands they
make on the organisation's way of doing business constitute critical success factors: the organisation
must get these things right if it is to be successful in what it does.
Thus, for a producer of luxury goods, manufacturing quality would undoubtedly be a critical success
factor, but ensuring that an air of luxury pervaded its retail outlets would be just as important.

Key term Critical success factors (CSFs) are those product features that are particularly valued by a group of
customers and, therefore, where the organisation must excel to outperform competitors. JS&W

There are important messages connected with this concept. First, value must be assessed through the
eyes of the customer, not those of the designer or professional specialist. Second, resources should be
deployed so as to achieve high performance in critical success factors.
This also illustrates the importance of aligning external forces (customer desires) with internal factors
An organisation can measure how well it is achieving the critical success factors through the use of key
performance indicators (KPIs). CSFs represent what an organisation needs to do in order to be
successful. KPIs are the measures are then used to assess whether or not the CSFs are being achieved.

Key term Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements that management can use to monitor
and control progress towards achieving its critical success factors.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 77

In practice, the term KPI tends to be overused and is used to describe any kind of measurement. However,
in order to be useful they should clearly identify the information needs required to demonstrate how well
the organisation is doing in achieving its overall strategy. They should:
Reflect the performance and progress of the organisation
Be measurable
Be comparable ie can be compared to a standard such as budgeted figures, or prior year data
Be usable ie provide data that can be acted upon
For example, an organisation may have a critical success factor of providing the highest level of customer
service. Appropriate KPIs may relate to the speed of the delivery time, the number of repeat business
transactions from existing customers, or the scores achieved in customer satisfaction surveys.
Exam focus
point The compulsory question in the December 2011 exam included a 10 mark requirement in which students
were required to explain and discuss the concepts of CSFs and KPIs within the context of the scenario.
This was the first time that CSFs and KPIs had been specifically examined and this was problematic for
some students. If faced with such a question the balanced scorecard can be a useful basis for generating
ideas but dont lose sight of the organisation in question and remember to relate your answer specifically
back to the given scenario.

4.3 Reviewing the customer portfolio

The customer base is an asset to be invested in, as future benefits will come from existing customers, but
not all customers are as important as others. It will help you in evaluating the customer portfolio if you
consider the customer base as an asset worth investing in.

Case Study
(a) Coca-Cola paid $200m to Pernod of France, which, under contract, had effectively built a customer
base for Coca-Cola, as well as building up a distribution network. Coca-Cola wanted to take charge
of the marketing of Coke in France.
(b) Supermarket loyalty cards reward customers with bonus points, saving them money, or allowing
them to redeem points for products according to how much they spend.
(c) Many banks lose money on student accounts, in the hope that they will earn it back later in the
customer's life cycle.

As already mentioned, a marketing audit involves a review of an organisation's products and markets, the
marketing environment, and its marketing system and operations. The profitability of each product and
each market should be assessed, and the costs of different marketing activities established.
Information obtained about markets
(a) Size of the customer base. Does the organisation sell to a large number of small customers or a
small number of big customers?
(b) Size of individual orders. The organisation might sell its products in many small orders, or it
might have large individual orders. Delivery costs can be compared with order sizes.
(c) Sales revenue and profitability. The performance of individual products can be compared. An
imbalance between sales and profits over various product ranges can be potentially dangerous.
(d) Segments. An analysis of sales and profitability into export markets and domestic markets.

78 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

(e) Market share. Estimated share of the market obtained by each product group.
(f) Growth. Sales growth and contribution growth over the previous four years or so, for each product
(g) Whether the demand for certain products is growing, stable or likely to decline.
(h) Whether demand is price sensitive or not.
(i) Whether there is a growing tendency for the market to become fragmented, with more specialist
and 'custom-made' products.
Information about current marketing activities
Comparative pricing
Advertising effectiveness
Effectiveness of distribution network
Attitudes to the product, in comparison with competitors

4.4 Customer analysis

Key customer analysis calls for six main areas of investigation into customers. A firm might wish to
identify which customers offer most profit.

Area Detail
Key customer identity Name of each key customer
Status in market
Products they make and sell
Size of firm (capital employed, turnover, number of employees)
Customer history First purchase date.
Who makes the buying decision in the customer's organisation?
What is the average order size, by product?
What is the regularity/ periodicity of the order, by product?
What is the trend in size of orders?
What is the motive in purchasing?
What does the customer know about the firm's and competitors' products?
On what basis does the customer reorder?
How is the useful life of the product judged?
Were there any lost or cancelled orders? For what reason?
Relationship of What does the customer use the product for?
customer to product Do the products form part of the customer's own service/product?
Relationship of What is the size of the customer in relation to the total end-market?
customer to potential Is the customer likely to expand, or not? Diversify? Integrate?
Customer attitudes What interpersonal factors exist which could affect sales by the firm and by
and behaviour competitors?
Does the customer also buy competitors' products?
To what extent may purchases be postponed?
The financial How successful is the customer?
performance of the

Notice that customer analysis allows a firm to find out information about its customers. Some of this
information can then be used to help build up a relationship with the customer. This forms the basis of
customer relationship management which we will look at in the e-marketing chapter later in this Study

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 79

4.5 Customer profitability analysis (customer account profitability)
Customer profitability analysis is an analysis of the total sales revenue generated from a customer or
customer group, less all the costs that are incurred in servicing that customer group.

Key term Customer profitability analysis (CPA) is an analysis of the revenue streams and service costs associated
with specific customers or customer groups to identify the profitability of servicing those customers.

'An immediate impact of introducing any level of strategic management accounting into virtually every
organisation is to destroy totally any illusion that the same level of profit is derived from all customers'.
(Ward, Strategic Management Accounting)
Different customer costs can arise out of the following.
Order size
Sales mix
Order processing
Transport costs (eg if a just in time (JIT) production system requires frequent deliveries)
Management time
Cash flow problems (eg increased overdraft interest) caused by slow payers
Order complexity (eg if the order has to be sent out in several stages)
Inventory holding costs can relate to specify customers
The customer's negotiating strength
The total costs of servicing customers can vary depending on how customers are serviced.
(a) Volume discounts. A customer who places one large order is given a discount, presumably
because it benefits the supplier to do so (eg savings on administrative overhead in processing the
orders as identified by an activity based costing system).
(b) Different rates charged by power companies to domestic as opposed to business users. This in
part reflects the administrative overhead of dealing with individual customers. In practice, many
domestic consumers benefit from cross-subsidy.

Remember Customer profitability is the 'total sales revenue generated from a customer or customer group, less all
the costs that are incurred in servicing that customer or customer group.'

It is possible to analyse customer profitability over a single period but more useful to look at a longer time
scale. Such a multi period approach fits in with the idea of relationship marketing, with its emphasis on
customer retention for the longer term.
Customer profitability analysis focuses on profits generated by customers and suggests that profit does
not automatically increase with sales revenue. CPA can benefit a company in the following ways.
It enables a company to focus resources on the most profitable areas
It identifies unexpected differences in profitability between customers
It helps quantify the financial impact of proposed changes
It helps highlight the cost of obtaining new customers and the benefit of retaining existing
It helps to highlight whether product development or market development is to be preferred
An appreciation of the costs of servicing clients assists in negotiations with customers

4.6 The customer lifecycle

The customer lifecycle concept is less developed than the equivalent product and industry lifecycle
models, but it can be useful to consider the following matters.

80 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

(a) Promotional expense relating to a single customer is likely to be heavily front-loaded: it is much
cheaper to retain a customer than to attract one.
(b) It is likely that sales to a customer will start at a low level and increase to a higher level as the
customer gains confidence, though this is not certain and will vary from industry to industry.
(c) A customer who purchases a basic or commodity product initially may move on to more
differentiated products later.
(d) In consumer markets, career progression is likely to provide the individual with steadily increasing
amounts of disposable income, while the family lifecycle will indicate the ranging nature of likely
purchases as time passes.
Any attempt to estimate lifecycle costs and revenues should also consider existing and potential
environmental impacts, including, in particular, the likely actions of competitors and the potential for
product and process innovation.

5 Opportunities and threats

The strategic influence of the environment may be summarised into lists of opportunities and threats.

It is important to remember the purpose of all environmental analysis ideas is to provide input into the
process of designing a practical business strategy.
One very useful way of thinking about the implications of environmental information is to consider it in
terms of opportunities and threats.

5.1 Threats
For a commercial organisation, the most urgent threats are likely to emerge from within the immediate
industry arena. The five forces model provides a good summary of the threats inherent here,
supplemented by strategic group analysis. Recognising threats in the wider PESTEL environment is,
perhaps, more difficult, since it covers such an enormous range of factors.

5.2 Opportunities
Opportunities may take the form of strategic gaps: these are potentially profitable aspects of the
competitive environment that are not being exploited by rivals. JS&W give several examples of how these
might arise.
(a) Potential substitutes for existing products might be created. This is largely a technology-based
opportunity, but an important route to the development of substitutes is the imaginative
development of new uses for existing products and methods.
(b) Other strategic groups may present opportunities, especially if there are changes in the macro-
environment, such as deregulation or opening of new markets in developing countries.
(c) It may be possible to target different strategic customers. In the case of consumer goods, the
development of internet selling means that the ultimate user is displacing the distributor as the
strategic customer.
(d) There may be potential to market complementary products. For example, capital goods
manufacturers routinely offer credit services to assist the customer to buy.
(e) New market segments may have potential, though there may be a need to adapt the product.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 81

All of the environmental factors affecting an organisation can be summarised as either opportunities or
threats. The diagram below illustrates this.

External forces

The environment The industry Lifecycles

- Political Porters five forces - Inception

- Economic - New entrants - Growth
- Social - Substitute products - Maturity
- Technological - Bargaining power of - Decline
- Environmental customers
- Legal - Bargaining power of
- Rivalry amongst
current competition


National competitiveness Customers

Demand conditions Understanding the customer

- Strategic groups
Related (Porters diamond) Factor - Critical success factors
industries conditions - Market segmentation
Firm strategy, - Marketing mix

However, having identified all the external factors influencing their organisation, the strategist then needs
to work out how best to align them to the internal strengths and weaknesses of an organisation.
We will now move on to look at the internal resources of organisations in the next chapter of this Study

82 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Chapter Roundup
The dynamic nature of competition may be considered using a variety of concepts.
The cycle of competition describes the typical development of the relationship between an
established firm and a new challenger.
Hyper-competition is an unstable state of constantly shifting short-term advantage
The industry life cycle has four phases: inception, growth, maturity/shakeout and decline. Each
phase has typical implications for customers, competitors, products and profits
Strategic group analysis examines the strategic space occupied by groups of close competitors in
order to identify potential competitive advantage
Industries may display a lifecycle: this will affect, and interact with, the five forces.
Marketing as a concept of the way business should be done must be distinguished from marketing as a
business function. Operational marketing is the best developed form of the latter.
The marketing function aims to satisfy customer needs profitably through an appropriate marketing mix.
The marketing mix comprises product, price, place and promotion. For services, this is extended to
include people, processes and physical evidence.
The decision to make a purchase can be very simple, very complex or somewhere between the two.
Buyers do not always proceed rationally, though the motivation of industrial buyers may be more logical
than that of consumers.
Segments are groups of customers with similar needs that can be targeted with a distinctively
positioned marketing mix. Both consumer and industrial markets can usefully be segmented and several
bases exist for the process. The aim is to identify a coherent segment that is both valid and attractive.
Companies select particularly attractive segments and approach them with a carefully designed marketing
mix. This concentrated marketing approach is more effective than the undifferentiated, mass marketing
method when customers are likely to exercise careful choice.
A product's positioning defines how it is intended to be perceived by customers and how it differs from
current and potential competing products.
The strategic customer is the entity that decides to make the purchase, not the end user.
Critical success factors are product features that are particularly valued by customers.
The customer base is an asset to be invested in, as future benefits will come from existing customers, but
not all customers are as important as others. It will help you in evaluating the customer portfolio if you
consider the customer base as an asset worth investing in.
Customer profitability analysis is an analysis of the total sales revenue generated from a customer or
customer group, less all the costs that are incurred in servicing that customer group.
The strategic influence of the environment may be summarised into lists of opportunities and threats.

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 83

Quick Quiz
1 What is hypercompetition?
2 What are the four stages of the industry life cycle?
3 What is a strategic group?
4 What are the seven elements of the extended marketing mix for services?
5 What is the main behavioural difference between consumers and industrial buyers?
6 What bases might be used to segment an industrial market?
7 What is meant by 'the strategic customer'?
8 What are critical success factors?

84 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 A condition of constant competitive change typified by frequent aggressive moves to establish temporary
competitive advantage.
2 Inception; growth; maturity/shakeout; and decline.
3 A group of businesses with similar strategic characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on
similar bases.
4 Product, place, price, promotion, people, processes and physical evidence.
5 Generally, industrial buyers will approach purchase decisions in an entirely rational manner; this is
frequently not the case with consumers, whose behaviour is influenced by emotional responses.
6 Geography, business type, product usage, organisation size.
7 The actual purchaser of output, not the eventual end user further down the supply chain.
8 Product features that are particularly valued by a group of customers and where the organisation must
excel to outperform competitors.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q3 Exam 25 45 mins

Part A Strategic position 3: Competitors and customers 85

86 3: Competitors and customers Part A Strategic position

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 The organisation's resources A5, A5(a)
2 Cost efficiency A5(b)
3 Strategic capability and sustainable competitive
4 Knowledge A5(e)
5 Converting resources: the value chain A4(c), (d)
6 Outputs: the product portfolio A5(d)
7 New products and innovation A5(d)
8 Benchmarking A4(e)
9 Managing strategic capability A5(f)
10 SWOT analysis A5(g), B3(a)

In this chapter we move deeper into highly examinable territory. It is a long
chapter and contains a number of very important ideas and models. You should
work through it with care. When you reach the last section, do not be tempted
to dismiss the content as a simple mnemonic: both SWOT and TOWS have
important things to say about potential strategic choices.

Study guide
Intellectual level
A4 Marketing and the value of goods and services
(c) Explore the role of the value chain in creating and sustaining competitive
(d) Advise on the role and influence of value networks 3
(e) Assess different approaches to benchmarking an organisation's
A5 The internal resources, capabilities and competences of an organisation
(a) Discriminate between strategic capability, threshold resources, threshold
competences, unique resources and core competences
(b) Discuss from a strategic perspective, the continuing need for effective cost 3
management and control systems within organisations
(c) Discuss the capabilities required to sustain competitive advantage 2
(d) Explain the impact of new product, process and service developments and
innovation in supporting business strategy
(e) Discuss the contribution of organisational knowledge to the strategic
capability of an organisation
(f) Identify opportunities for managing the strategic capability of an 2
(g) Determine the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation and formulate
an appropriate SWOT analysis
B3 Alternative directions and methods of development
(a) Determine generic development directions (employing an adapted Ansoff 2
matrix and a TOWS matrix) available to an organisation.

Exam guide
In this chapter we introduce some specific models that you must become very familiar with.
They are useful both for analysing data and structuring answers. The most important, by far, is the value
chain: you must have this model at your fingertips.

Models and frameworks

Three frameworks covered in this chapter are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and so could be
specifically required in a question:
Porter's Value chain
SWOT analysis
TOWS Matrix
The Ansoff Matrix referred to at B3(a) in the Study Guide is covered in detail in Chapter 6.

88 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

1 The organisation's resources
A position audit is undertaken in order to give strategic managers a clear understanding of the
organisation's strategic capability; that is, its resources, competences and the constraints that limit their

1.1 Strategic capability

Managers responsible for an organisation's strategy need a clear and detailed knowledge of its strategic

Key term An organisation's ability to survive and prosper depends on its strategic capability; this is defined by the
adequacy and suitability of its resources and competences.

The process of analysing and assessing the organisation's resources and competences is called position

Key term Position audit is the part of the planning process that examines the current state of the business entity's
strategic capability.

Much of the rest of this chapter is concerned with the tools and methods that can be used to carry out the
task of position audit. However, we must first discuss resource-based strategy and look more closely at
resources and competences.
Exam focus
An article titled Position based and resource based strategies (October 2010) written by Ken Garrett was
published in Student Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the time
to study this article.

1.2 Resources and limiting factors

Resource audits identify human, financial and material resources and how they are deployed.

A resource audit is a review of all aspects of the resources the organisation uses. The Ms model
categorises the factors as follows.
Resource Example
Machinery Age. Condition. Utilisation rate. Value. Replacement cost.
Make-up Culture and structure. Patents. Goodwill. Brands.
Management Size. Skills. Loyalty. Career progression. Structure.
Management Ability to generate and disseminate ideas. Innovation. Information systems.
Markets Products and customers. Specialised or general. Regional, national, international.
Materials Source. Suppliers and partnering. Waste. New materials. Cost. Availability. Future
Men and Number. Skills. Efficiency. Industrial relations. Adaptability. Innovatory capacity. Wage
women costs. Labour turnover.
Methods How are activities carried out? Outsourcing, quality.
Money Credit and turnover periods. Cash surpluses/deficits. Short term and long term finance.
Gearing levels. Debts.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 89

Unique resources are particularly valuable and an important source of competitive advantage.

Key term A unique resource is one which is both better than its equivalent employed by competitors and difficult to

Resources are of no value unless they are organised into systems, and so a resource audit should go on
to consider how well or how badly resources have been utilised, and whether the organisation's systems
are effective and efficient.

1.3 Limiting factors

Every organisation operates under resource constraints.

Key term A limiting factor or key factor is 'a factor which at any time or over a period may limit the activity of an
entity, often one where there is shortage or difficulty of supply.'

1.3.1 Examples
A shortage of production capacity
A limited number of key personnel, such as salespeople with technical knowledge
A restricted distribution network
Too few managers with knowledge about finance, or overseas markets
Inadequate research design resources to develop new products or services
A poor system of strategic intelligence
Lack of money
A lack of adequately trained staff
Once the limiting factor has been identified, the planners should do two things.
In the short term, make best use of the resources available.
Try to reduce the limitation in the long term.

1.4 Resource-based strategy

The resource-based approach to strategy starts from a consideration of capabilities and, in particular, of
distinctive competences and resources.

There are two fundamentally different approaches to strategy: position-based strategy, and resource-
based strategy.
Position-based strategy seeks to develop competitive advantage in a way that responds to the nature of
the competitive environment: the firm positions its offering in response to the external opportunities or
threats it discerns, and develops the appropriate competences and resources it needs to compete.
The contrasting resource-based strategy was developed in response to two problems with the position-
based strategy.
(a) Many environments are too complex and dynamic to permit continuing effective analysis and
(b) Once an opportunity is discerned and an offering made, it is very easy for competitors to make
similar offerings, thus rapidly eroding competitive advantage.

90 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

The resource-based view is that sustainable competitive advantage is only attained as a result of the
possession of distinctive resources. These may be physical resources, such as the effective
monopolisation of diamonds by De Beers, or, more typically in today's service economies, they may be
competences. So resource-based strategy focuses internally rather than externally.
JS&W argue that a resource-based strategy is the more appropriate approach for most organisations to
take because it is the better way of achieving a sustainable advantage, because it enables organisations to
have control over the means of obtaining advantages (ie their resources).

1.5 Terminology
As is so often the case, the terminology used in the literature of resource-based strategy is not yet
formalised. JS&W use their own very clear and specific set of terms when discussing resources and
competences and your syllabus requires that you should understand and use these terms also.

Key terms Strategic capability is the adequacy and suitability of the resources and competences of an organisation
for it to survive and prosper.
Tangible resources are the physical assets of an organisation, such as plant, labour and finance.
Intangible resources are non-physical assets such as information, reputation and knowledge.
Competences are the activities and processes through which an organisation deploys its resources
Threshold capabilities are essential for the organisation to be able to compete in a given market.
Threshold resources and threshold competences are needed to meet customers' minimum requirements
and therefore for the organisation to continue to exist.
Unique resources and core competences underpin competitive advantage and are difficult for
competitors to imitate or obtain.

This analysis requires some discussion.

(a) Note the way that JS&W use the word capabilities to denote a useful overall category that contains
both resources and competences.
(b) Look carefully at the definitions of tangible and intangible resources. These are not the tangible
and intangible assets you are familiar with as an accountant: the inclusion of labour and finance
under tangible resources, for example, demonstrates this.
(c) A connected point is the definition of competences; make sure you appreciate the difference
between a competence and an intangible resource. We might say that the relationship between
the two is that a competence might well create, use or exploit an intangible resource (or a tangible
one, for that matter). Thus, information is an intangible resource; the ability to make good use of it
is a competence.
(d) We have said that capabilities consist of resources and competences. As you can see, this means
that JS&W effectively give a choice of definition for threshold resources and threshold
competences. Each has its own specific definition, but since each qualifies as a threshold
capability, we could, presumably, also use that definition.
(e) JS&W do not provide a term to mean unique resources and core competences taken together as a
class: we might speculate that unique capabilities or core capabilities could be used in this way,
but it would probably be unwise to do this in the exam.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 91

Exam focus To some extent, the resource-based approach is the opposite to the marketing concept since, instead of
point approaching strategy on the basis of giving customers what they want, it concentrates on exploiting what
the business already has to offer.
In fact, this distinction is largely theoretical, but it leads to some important ideas that you could use in the
(a) Where the marketing concept is adopted, it will still be necessary to deploy threshold capabilities in
all critical areas and the possession of unique resources and core competences will enhance the
market offering.
(b) Conversely, where strategy is built on unique resources and core competences, marketing activities
must be carried out with at least threshold competence if the customer is to be satisfied.

2 Cost efficiency
Cost efficiency is fundamental to strategic capability: the public sector demands value for money, while in
the private sector, price competition makes cost efficiency fundamental to survival. Cost efficiency is
achieved in four main ways.
Exploitation of scale economies
Control of the cost of incoming supplies
Careful design of products and processes
Exploitation of experience effects

2.1 The importance of cost efficiency

Cost efficiency is a fundamental aspect of strategic capability. It requires both the possession and efficient
use of appropriate resources and the ability to manage costs so that they are under constant downward
pressure. The requirement for cost efficiency applies equally in the public and private sectors.
(a) In the public sector, cost efficiency is demanded by the political imperative to provide improved
and extended levels of service while containing or reducing the cost to the public finances.
(b) For a commercial organisation, cost efficiency permits the firm to offer extended benefits at the
same price, the same benefits at a lower price, or a combination of the two.
In the private sector, a sufficient degree of cost efficiency might constitute a core competence in that it
might enable a firm to achieve competitive advantage. Nevertheless, for many firms, cost efficiency is
merely a threshold competence: it is required for mere survival and does not form the basis of advantage.
There are two reasons for this.
(a) Customers are sensitive to price: when making their buying decision, they will seek a balance
between the desirability of the product's features and the sacrifice involved in paying for it. This
means that whatever the features of their particular product offerings, all suppliers must strive to
provide proper value for money. Failure to do this is an invitation to the customer to go elsewhere.
(b) All firms operating in a given market will seek to drive down their costs in order to offer better
value to the customer; the search for cost efficiency is a fundamental aspect of competitive rivalry.

2.2 Sources of cost efficiency

JS&W identify four main sources of cost efficiency.

2.2.1 Economies of scale

The effect of economies of scale is to reduce costs per unit as the scale of operations increases. They
arise for a range of reasons, including the efficiencies generated by increased specialisation and the
spreading of fixed elements of cost over a greater number of units of output. Some industries possess

92 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

more of the features that lead to their occurrence than do others. The high costs of plant in the motor
vehicle and chemicals industries have made scale of output important, while other industries, such as
tobacco and drinks have benefited from economies of scale in marketing and distribution. In other
industries, such as textiles, economies of scale have been less important.

2.2.2 Supply costs

The prices paid for inputs from suppliers have an obvious effect on cost structures. Two important
influences are transport costs and, therefore, proximity to sources of supply; and relationships with
suppliers, including the ability to negotiate good prices. The second factor is greatly influenced by quantity
purchased over time and is thus a further example of scale economy.
Supply costs are particularly important for firms that have little opportunity to add value. These include
trading intermediaries and processors of commodities, such as some chemicals manufacturers. For many
intermediaries, market intelligence is a key resource; knowledge of who needs to buy what, when and at
which price, enables profitable trading. In obtaining this resource, personal contact and networking are
being superseded by IT systems, whose effective use therefore becomes a threshold competence.

2.2.3 Design of products and processes

Well-designed and operated business processes can be a source of cost efficiency, minimising both direct
and indirect costs. Examples include obvious matters such as labour productivity, materials yield and the
careful control of working capital. JS&W also mention the management of capacity-fill. This problem is
typical of service sectors such as transport or live entertainment, where there is no possibility of storing
unfilled seats. This is, in fact, yet another kind of scale economy and is known in economic theory as the
utilisation of indivisibilities.
We will look at business processes and aspects of improving processes in more detail later in this Study
Product design also affects the cost base and can have impact on costs beyond those of supplies and the
production process. Aircraft, for example, are now commonly designed so as to minimise lifetime costs,
with ease of servicing and repair built in.

2.2.4 Experience
You are probably familiar with the way the learning curve effect has been used for many years as a means
of estimating the future manufacturing costs of existing products. (The learning curve illustrates that as
workers become more familiar with their jobs they learn to do them more efficiently. As a process is
repeated, it is expected that costs will be reduced due to this increased efficiency.)
The principle can be extended to activities other than manufacturing, to the extent that the passage of time
should allow any organisation to improve the cost efficiency of any of its activities and thus experience a
continuing decline in real unit costs. This can be seen in the experience curve: as output increases, the
cost per unit of output falls. This wider experience curve effect holds out the possibility of developing core
competences through the acquisition of experience, though the probability that this will happen is low.
There are other important considerations.
(a) There should be an advantage in being the first mover in a new market, in that it should give an
opportunity to create an experience-based cost advantage lead over later-entering rivals.
(b) Outsourcing may allow an organisation to benefit from the experience of suppliers. Outsourcing is
discussed in more detail later in this Study Text.
(c) Since competitive rivalry prompts all the firms in an industry to seek cost advantage, as
mentioned earlier, so it follows that they will all seek the experience advantages that come with
growth. This will be particularly apparent during the growth phase of the industry lifecycle.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 93

3 Strategic capability and sustainable competitive
If strategy is to be based on strategic capabilities, those capabilities must have four qualities.
Value to buyers
Robustness (difficult for competitors to imitate)
Under conditions of hyper-competition, organisations must possess dynamic capabilities: the ability to
develop and adjust competences to cope with rapidly changing environmental pressures.

Even if we do not entirely accept the resource-based view of strategy, it is clear that unique resources and
core competences are of great importance in creating and sustaining competitive advantage. JS&W
suggest that if competitive advantage is to be based on strategic capabilities they must have four qualities:
They must produce effects that are valuable to buyers.
They must be rare.
They must be robust.
They must be non-substitutable.
The first of these points is almost self-evident, but it must not be overlooked. The remaining three relate to
the definition of unique resources and core competences as being difficult for competitors to imitate or
We must now consider these aspects of strategic capability more closely.

3.1 The importance of customer needs

Strategic capability only exists to the extent that it contributes to the organisation's ability to satisfy its
customers' needs. No matter how rare a resource or how well developed a competence is, it cannot create
competitive advantage if customers do not value it or the things it enables the organisation to do.

3.2 Rarity
A single unique resource may have the potential to create competitive advantage by itself. Here are some
(a) A unique tangible resource in the form of ownership of extraction rights to an easily worked
deposit of a scarce and valuable mineral
(b) A unique intangible resource in the form of ownership of the copyright of a best-selling novel
(c) A core competence in a dangerous and demanding process such as extinguishing oil well fires
The importance of rarity is that if a resource or competence is generally available (ie not rare) then an
organisation's competitions will have access to it in the same way as the organisation does. In which case,
the resource or competence does not confer any advantage to the organisation compared to its rivals.

3.3 Robustness
Robustness is the term JS&W use to mean that a resource is difficult for competitors to imitate. They
point out that, generally, it is difficult to base competitive advantage simply on possession of tangible
resources, since they can often be imitated or simply bought in. Robustness most frequently resides in the
competences involved in linking activities and processes in ways that both satisfy the critical success
factors defined by customer priorities and are difficult for competitors to imitate.

94 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

There are three main aspects of a competence that tend to make it robust.
(a) Complexity arises from the linkages between the activities the organisation undertakes and the way
it organises them. It also appears when organisations develop complex links with their customers.
(b) The culture and history of the organisation provided tacit knowledge (see below) and capability in
the form of an accepted, if ill-defined, way of doing things.
(c) Causal ambiguity occurs when the processes and linkages that produce the organisation's
competences are difficult to discern and so competitors are uncertain about how to imitate them.

3.4 Non-substitutability
Substitutability of strategic capability has two forms and managers must be alert to the emergence of
either, since both are a threat to even a competence that possesses the other three vital qualities.
(a) The substitute product you are familiar with from our earlier discussion of the five forces
(b) The substitute competence: an example is the deployment of expert systems as substitutes for
expensive professional advisers.

3.5 Hypercompetition and dynamic capabilities

The nature of the strategic capabilities as we have discussed them so far is that they are long-term
phenomena: tangible and intangible resources will be more valuable if they can be counted on to last a
long time, while the development of core competences might well be expected to be a fairly protracted
Under conditions of hypercompetition, described earlier in this Study Text, strategic capability takes a
different form. In order to deal with the rapid market changes seen under conditions of hypercompetition,
firms must possess dynamic capabilities.

Key term Dynamic capabilities are an organisation's abilities to develop and change competences to meet the
needs of rapidly changing environments. JS&W

Such capabilities demand the ability to change, to innovate and to learn. They can take many forms and
may include such things as systems for new product development or the acquisition of market intelligence
and the absorption of new skills and products acquired by merger or acquisition. Indeed, we might regard
the ability to 'develop and change competences' as a competence in its own right a higher-order
competence, perhaps.

4 Knowledge
The aim of knowledge management is to capture, organise and make widely available all the knowledge
the organisation possesses, whether explicit (in recorded form) or tacit (in people's heads).

Knowledge management is a relatively new concept in business theory. It is connected with the theory of
the learning organisation and founded on the idea that knowledge is a major source of competitive
advantage in business.
Studies have indicated that 20 to 30 percent of company resources are wasted because organisations are
not aware of what knowledge they already possess. Lew Platt, Ex-Chief Executive of Hewlett Packard, has
articulated this, saying 'If only HP knew what HP knows, we would be three times as profitable'.
Knowledge is thus seen as an important resource and may in itself constitute a competence: it can
certainly underpin many competences.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 95

Key term Organisational knowledge is the collective and shared experience accumulated through systems, routines
and activities of sharing across the organisation. JS&W

4.1 Organisational learning

Organisational learning is particularly important in the increasing number of task environments that are
both complex and dynamic. It becomes necessary for strategic managers to promote and foster a culture
that values intuition, argument from conflicting views and experimentation. A willingness to back ideas
that are not guaranteed to succeed is another aspect of this culture: there must be freedom to make
The aim of knowledge management is to exploit existing knowledge and to create new knowledge so that
it may be exploited in turn. This is not easy. All organisations possess a great deal of data, but it tends to
be unorganised and inaccessible. It is often locked up inside the memories of people who do not realise
the value of what they know. This is what Nonaka calls tacit knowledge. Even when it is made explicit, by
being recorded in some way, it may be difficult and time consuming to get at, as is the case with most
paper archives. This is where knowledge management technology (discussed below) can be useful.
Another important consideration is that tacit knowledge is inherently more robust (in the sense explained
in Section 3.3 above) than explicit knowledge.

4.2 Managing explicit knowledge

4.2.1 Data, information and knowledge
Data are simple facts that can be organised in a way that creates information. Knowledge is patterns of
information that are strategically useful and context independent.

There is an important conceptual hierarchy underpinning knowledge management. This distinguishes

between data, information and knowledge. The distinctions are not clear-cut and, to some extent, are
differences of degree rather than kind. An understanding of the terms is best approached by considering
the relationships between them.
Data typically consists of individual facts, but in a business context may include more complex items such
as opinions, reactions and beliefs. A quantity of data, no matter how large, does not constitute
Information is data that is organised in some useful way. For instance, an individual credit sale will
produce a single invoice identifying the goods, the price, the customer, the date of the sale and so on.
These things are data: their usefulness does not extend beyond the purpose of the invoice, which is to
collect the sum due. Even if we possess a copy of every invoice raised during a financial year, we still only
have data.
However, if we process that data we start to create information. For instance, a simple combination of
analysis and arithmetic enables us to state total sales for the year, to break that down into sales for each
product and to each customer, to identify major customers and so on. These are pieces of information:
they are useful for the management of the business, rather than just inputs into its administrative
Nevertheless, we still have not really produced any knowledge. Information may be said to consist of the
relationships between items of data, as when we combine turnover with customer details to discover
which accounts are currently important and which are not. We need to go beyond this in order to create

96 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

Difference between information and knowledge
The conceptual difference between data and information is fairly easy to grasp: it lies chiefly in the
processes that produce the one from the other. The difference between information and knowledge is
more complex and varies from setting to setting. This is not surprising, since knowledge itself is more
complex than the information it derives from.
A good starting point for understanding the difference is an appreciation of the importance of pattern:
knowledge tends to originate in the discovery of trends or patterns in information. To return to our
invoicing example, suppose we found that certain combinations of goods purchased were typical of
certain customers. We could then build up some interesting customer profiles that would enhance our
market segmentation and this in turn might influence our overall strategy, since we could identify likely
prospects for cross-selling effort.
Another important aspect of the differences between data, information and knowledge is the relevance of
context. Our sales invoice is meaningless outside its context; if you, as a marketing person, found an
invoice in the office corridor, it would be little more than waste paper to you, though no doubt, the
accounts people would like it back. However, if you found a list of customers in order of annual turnover,
that would be rather more interesting from a marketing point of view. The information is useful outside of
its original context of the accounts office.
This idea also applies to the difference between information and knowledge. If you were a visitor to a
company and found a copy of the turnover listing, it would really only be useful to you if you were trying
to sell the same sort of thing to the same customers. Its value outside its context would be small.
However, if you found a marketing report that suggested, based on evidence, that customers were
becoming more interested in quality and less interested in price, that would be applicable to a wide range
of businesses, and possibly of strategic importance.
Here are a table and a diagram that summarise the progression from data to knowledge.

Data Information Knowledge

Nature Facts Relationships between Patterns discerned in information
processed facts
Importance of context Total Some Context independent
Importance to business Mundane Probably useful for May be strategically useful

There is one final important point to note here and that is that the progression from data to knowledge is
not the same in all circumstances. The scale is moveable and depends on the general complexity of the
setting. Something may be information within its own context. Something similar may be knowledge in a
different context. The difference will often be associated with the scale of operations.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 97

Take the example of a customer going into insolvent liquidation with $200,000 outstanding on its account.
For a small supplier with an annual turnover of, say, $10 million, a bad debt of this size would be of
strategic importance and might constitute a threat to its continued existence. Advance notice of the
possibility would be valuable knowledge. However, for a company operating on a global scale, the bad
debt write-off would be annoying but still only one item in a list of bad debts data, in other words.

4.2.2 Other ideas about knowledge

Individuals acquire knowledge in a variety of ways including those listed below:
Education and training
Experience of work
Observation of others
Informal exchanges such as coaching and brain storming
Davenport and Pansak echo our earlier description of the relationship between data, information and
knowledge and suggest that people create knowledge from information by four processes:
Comparison with earlier experience
Consequences: the implication of information
Connections: relationships between items
Conversation: discussion with others

4.2.3 Knowledge management

Knowledge management is the process by which organisations generate value from their intellectual and
knowledge-based assets. This involves:
Discovering or identifying knowledge Distributing knowledge
Capturing knowledge Using knowledge
Sharing knowledge Maintaining knowledge
In effect, knowledge management has three phases: capture, record and disseminate.
Knowledge management is becoming increasingly important in helping organisations sustain competitive
As organisations become more complex, there is more knowledge to manage. Moreover the importance of
capturing and sharing it is increased as job mobility increases. If staff leave, there is a danger knowledge
could leave with them, if it has not been properly managed within the organisation.
Also organisations' external environments technology, competitors, markets are changing rapidly so
organisations need to ensure they have up-to-date knowledge about these external factors to take account
of the opportunities and threats they represent.

4.2.4 Knowledge management (KM) systems

Knowledge must be managed in a way that makes it easily available. Systems include office automation,
groupware, intranets, extranets, expert systems and data mining.

Recognition of the value of knowledge and understanding of the need to organise data and make it
accessible have provoked the development of sophisticated IT systems. Such systems deal, by definition
with explicit knowledge: that is, knowledge that is widely distributed. Tacit knowledge exists within
individuals' brains and is not readily available, especially when its possession enhances power and status.
Tacit knowledge only becomes available to the KM System when conscious decisions are taken to share it.
(a) Office automation systems are IT applications that improve productivity in an office. These include
word processing and voice messaging systems.
(b) Groupware, such as Lotus Notes provides functions for collaborative work groups. In a sales
context, for instance, it would provide a facility for recording and retrieving all the information
relevant to individual customers, including notes of visits, notes of telephone calls and basic data

98 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

like address, credit terms and contact name. These items could be updated by anyone who had
contact with a customer and would then be available to all sales people.
Groupware also provides such facilities as messaging, appointment scheduling, to-do lists, and
(c) An intranet is an internal network used to share information using internet technology and
protocols. The firewall surrounding an intranet fends off unauthorised access from outside the
organisation. Each employee has a browser, used to access a server computer that holds corporate
information on a wide variety of topics, and in some cases also offers access to the internet.
Applications include company newspapers, induction material, procedure and policy manuals and
internal databases.
(i) Savings accrue from the elimination of storage, printing and distribution of documents
that can be made available to employees online.
(ii) Documents online are often more widely used than those that are kept filed away,
especially if the document is bulky (eg manuals) and needs to be searched. This means that
there are improvements in productivity and efficiency.
(iii) It is much easier to update information in electronic form.
When access to an intranet is extended to trusted external agencies, such as suppliers and
customers, it becomes an extranet. Security is a major issue for extranets and may require
firewalls, server management, encryption and the issue of digital certificates.
(d) An expert system is a computer program that captures human expertise in a limited domain of
knowledge. Such software uses a knowledge base that consists of facts, concepts and the
relationships between them and uses pattern-matching techniques to solve problems. For example,
many financial institutions now use expert systems to process straightforward loan applications.
The user enters certain key facts into the system such as the loan applicant's name and most
recent addresses, their income and monthly outgoings, and details of other loans. The system will
(i) Check the facts given against its database to see whether the applicant has a good previous
credit record.
(ii) Perform calculations to see whether the applicant can afford to repay the loan.
(iii) Make a judgement as to what extent the loan applicant fits the lender's profile of a good risk
(based on the lender's previous experience).
(iv) A decision is then suggested, based on the results of this processing.
(e) IT systems can be used to store vast amounts of data in accessible form. A data warehouse
receives data from operational systems, such as a sales order processing system, and stores them
in its most fundamental form, without any summarisation of transactions. Analytical and query
software is provided so that reports can be produced at any level of summarisation and
incorporating any comparisons or relationships desired.
(f) The value of a data warehouse is enhanced when data mining software is used. True data mining
software discovers previously unknown relationships and provides insights that cannot be
obtained through ordinary summary reports. These hidden patterns and relationships constitute
knowledge, as defined above, and can be used to guide decision making and to predict future
behaviour. Data mining is thus a contribution to organisational learning.
Note these systems are all primarily designed with an internal focus allowing organisations to share and
distribute knowledge more easily. However, do not forget organisations also use IT applications to
enhance the service they provide their customers. We will look in more detail at the range of IT
applications an organisation can draw on in the e-business chapter later in this Study Text.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 99

Case Study
The American retailer Wal-Mart discovered an unexpected relationship between the sale of nappies and
beer! Wal-Mart found that both tended to sell at the same time, just after working hours, and concluded
that men with small children stopped off to buy nappies on their way home, and bought beer at the same
time. Logically, therefore, if the two items were put in the same shopping aisle, sales of both should
increase. Wal-Mart tried this and it worked.

Here is an amended version of our earlier table. This one includes the relevant IT systems.
Data Information Knowledge
Nature Facts Relationships between processed Patterns discerned in
facts information
Importance of Total Some Context independent
Importance to Mundane Probably useful for management May be strategically useful
Relevant IT Office automation Groupware Data mining
systems Data warehouse Expert systems Intranet
Report writing software Expert systems

Note that knowledge management is also important to you as an accountant. One of the Professional Entry
Requirements you need to be able to demonstrate for your ACCA qualification is that you can Apply
information systems and knowledge management to implement and support business functions and
strategic objectives.

5 Converting resources: the value chain

The value chain describes those activities of the organisation that add value to purchased inputs. Primary
activities are involved in the production of goods and services. Support activities provide necessary
assistance. Linkages are the relationships between activities.

The value chain model of corporate activities offers a bird's eye view of the firm and what it does.
Competitive advantage arises out of the way in which firms organise and perform activities to add value.

5.1 Value activities

Key term Value activities are the means by which a firm creates value in its products.

Activities incur costs, and, in combination with other activities, provide a product or service which earns

5.2 Example
Let us explain this point by using the example of a restaurant. A restaurant's activities can be divided into
buying food, cooking it, and serving it (to customers). There is no reason, in theory, why the customers
should not do all these things themselves, at home. The customer however, is not only prepared to pay for

100 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

someone else to do all this but also pays more than the cost of the resources (food, wages and so on).
The ultimate value a firm creates is measured by the amount customers are willing to pay for its products
or services above the cost of carrying out value activities. A firm is profitable if the realised value to
customers exceeds the collective cost of performing the activities.
(a) Customers purchase value, which they measure by comparing a firm's products and services with
similar offerings by competitors.
(b) The business creates value by carrying out its activities either more efficiently than other
businesses, or by combining them in such a way as to provide a unique product or service.

Question Value activities

Outline different ways in which the restaurant can create value.

Here are some ideas. Each of these options is a way of organising the activities of buying, cooking and
serving food in a way that customers will value.
(a) It can become more efficient, by automating the production of food, as in a fast food chain.
(b) The chef can develop commercial relationships with growers, so he or she can obtain the best
quality fresh produce.
(c) The chef can specialise in a particular type of cuisine (eg Nepalese, Korean).
(d) The restaurant can be sumptuously decorated for those customers who value atmosphere and a
sense of occasion, in addition to a restaurant's purely gastronomic pleasures.
(e) The restaurant can serve a particular type of customer (eg students).

5.3 The value chain

Porter (in Competitive Advantage) grouped the various activities of an organisation into a value chain.
Here is a diagram.

The margin is the excess the customer is prepared to pay over the cost to the firm of obtaining resource
inputs and providing value activities. It represents the value created by the value activities themselves
and by the management of the linkages between them.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 101

Exam focus The Value Chain is explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and so could be specifically examined in your
point exam. Make sure you know all the activities in the chain.
The value chain diagram is also worth committing to memory since it is an excellent basic description of
how an organisation works. It is not only suitable for answering questions that require analysis of how an
organisation works, but is also very useful as a kind of checklist for brainstorming a wide range of
questions that require you to make suggestions for dealing with business problems. Work your way
through the various activities asking yourself what could the organisation do about each one, if anything.
The Value Chain was specifically examined in December 2009. Section B contain a 25 mark question
which related entirely to the Value Chain. In part (a), worth 10 marks, candidates were required to analyse
the primary activities of the value chain of the products in question. Part (b), worth 15 marks, asked
candidates to suggest changes that could be made to the primary activities in order to improve the
competitiveness of the organisation (a charity).

Primary activities are directly related to production, sales, marketing, delivery and service.

Inbound logistics Receiving, handling and storing inputs to the production system: warehousing,
transport, inventory control and so on.
Operations Converting resource inputs into a final product: resource inputs are not only
materials. People are a resource, especially in service industries.
Outbound logistics Storing the product and its distribution to customers: packaging, testing,
delivery and so on; for service industries, this activity may be more concerned
with bringing customers to the place where the service is available; an example
would be front of house management in a theatre.
Marketing and sales Informing customers about the product, persuading them to buy it, and
enabling them to do so: advertising, promotion and so on.
After sales service Installing products, repairing them, upgrading them, providing spare parts and
so forth.

Support activities provide purchased inputs, human resources, technology and infrastructural functions
to support the primary activities. It may seem an obvious point that support activities need to support the
primary activities, but do not overlook it. For example, staff recruitment and training need to be
appropriate for the product being produced in the operations.

Activity Comment
Procurement All of the processes involved in acquiring the resource inputs to the
primary activities (eg purchase of materials, subcomponents
Technology development Product design, improving processes and resource utilisation.
Human resource management Recruiting, training, managing, developing and rewarding people; this
activity takes place in all parts of the organisation, not just in the HRM
Firm infrastructure Planning, finance, quality control, the structures and routines that
make up the organisation's culture.

Linkages connect the activities of the value chain:

(a) Activities in the value chain affect one another. For example, more costly product design or
better quality production might reduce the need for after-sales service.
(b) Linkages require co-ordination. For example, Just In Time requires smooth functioning of
operations, outbound logistics and service activities such as installation.

102 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

The value chain concept is an important tool in analysing the organisation's strategic capability, since it
focuses on the overall means by which value is created rather than on structural functions or departments.
There are two important, connected aspects to this analysis:
(a) It enables managers to establish the activities that are particularly important in providing
customers with the value they want: this leads on to a consideration of where management
attention and other resources are best applied, either to improve weakness or to further exploit
strength. A further possible consequence would be decisions about outsourcing.
(b) This analysis can be extended to include an assessment of the costs and benefits associated with
the various value activities.

5.4 The value chain, core competences and outsourcing

Core competences are the basis for the creation of value; activities from which the organisation does not
derive significant value may be outsourced.

The purpose of value chain analysis is to understand how the company creates value. It is unlikely that any
business has more than a handful of activities in which it outperforms its competitors. There is a clear link
here with the idea of core competences: a core competence will enable the company to create value in a
way that its competitors cannot imitate. These value activities are the basis of the company's unique
There is a strong case for examining the possibilities of outsourcing non-core activities so that
management can concentrate on what the company does best.

5.5 The value network

The value network joins the organisation's value chain to those of its suppliers and customers.

Activities and linkages that add value do not stop at the organisation's boundaries. For example, when a
restaurant serves a meal, the quality of the ingredients although they are chosen by the cook is
determined by the grower. The grower has added value, and the grower's success in growing produce of
good quality is as important to the customer's ultimate satisfaction as the skills of the chef.

Similarly, the value received by a person buying a new car has been created by a complex system that
includes several organisations' value chains. These would include the nominal manufacturer, their
suppliers of parts and subsystems, their suppliers in turn, the retailer, the transport companies that
delivered the car to the showroom and possibly others as well. A firm's value chain is connected to other
value chains in what JS&W call a value network. (Porter used the term value system; value network is a
better term since it emphasises the interconnectedness of separate organisations.)

Key term The value network is the set of inter-organisational links and relationships that are necessary to create a
product or service. JS&W

Value network

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 103

The diagram illustrates the similarities between the value network and a supply chain. However, whereas a
supply chain shows the system of organisations, people, technology or activities involved in transforming
a product or service from its raw materials to a finished product to be delivered to the end user customer,
the value network places an emphasis on the value-creating capability within the supply chain processes.
In this respect, understanding value networks can be helpful when looking at supply chain management.
It may be possible to capture the benefit of some of the value generated both upstream and downstream
in the value network. An obvious way to do this is by vertical integration through the acquisition of
suppliers and customers. This aspect of strategy is dealt with in more detail later in this Study Text.
It is possible for large and powerful companies to exercise less formal power over suppliers and
customers by using their bargaining power to achieve purchase and selling prices that are biased in their
A more subtle advantage is gained by fostering good relationships that can promote innovation and the
creation of knowledge.

Case Study
Toyota is well-known for close involvement with its suppliers. The company works with suppliers to
improve their methods and the quality of their output; and to develop new, improved materials and
components for input into its own operations. The relationship has benefits for all parties, but tends to be
unequal, with Toyota dominating the operations of a large number of semi-captive suppliers.
Li & Fung aim for more equal relationships with the large number of clothing manufacturers they deal
with. It guarantees to take at least 30% of a supplier's output in order to build a close relationship that can
be built on to improve innovation and learning. But it also tries to limit its purchases to no more than 70%
of a supplier's output in order to avoid creating a dependent organisation whose managers are influenced
more by fear than by trust.

Using the value chain. A firm can secure competitive advantage in several ways:
Invent new or better ways to do activities
Combine activities in new or better ways
Manage the linkages in its own value chain
Manage the linkages in the value network

Question Value chain

Sana Sounds is a small record company. Representatives from Sana Sounds scour music clubs for new
bands to promote. Once a band has signed a contract (with Sana Sounds) it makes a recording. The
recording process is subcontracted to one of a number of recording studio firms which Sana Sounds uses
regularly. (At the moment, Sana Sounds is not large enough to invest in its own equipment and studios.)
Sana Sounds also subcontracts the production of CDs to a number of manufacturing companies. Sana
Sounds then distributes the disks to selected stores, and engages in any promotional activities required.
What would you say were the activities in Sana Sounds' value chain?

Sana Sounds is involved in the record industry from start to finish. Although recording and CD
manufacture are contracted out to external suppliers, this makes no difference to the fact that these
activities are part of Sana Sounds' own value chain. Sana Sounds earns its money by managing the whole
set of activities. If the company grows, then perhaps it will acquire its own recording studios.

104 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

5.6 Section summary
The value chain models how activities can be deployed to add value for the customer.
Value chains are part of a value network.
Firms can benefit by performing activities in a unique way and/or exploiting linkages.

Exam focus The Pilot paper and the December 2007 exam both contained questions about the value chain and supply
point chain management how a company can restructure its supply chain to address problems it is facing. In
effect, the question asked candidates to identify which areas of the supply chain were not delivering value,
and how they could be reworked to improve the value delivered to customers.

6 Outputs: the product portfolio

Many firms make a number of different products or services. Each product or service has its own
financial, marketing and risk characteristics. The combination of products or services influences the
attractiveness and profitability of the firm.

6.1 The product life cycle

The product life cycle concept holds that products have a life cycle, and that a product demonstrates
different characteristics of profit and investment at each stage in its life cycle. The life cycle concept is a
model, not a prediction. (Not all products pass through each stage of the life cycle.) It enables a firm to
examine its portfolio of goods and services as a whole.

Case Study
Glaxo has for many years produced and profited from Zantac an anti-ulcer drug. Patents expire after a
defined period: this means that other manufacturers will be able to produce and sell drugs identical to
Zantac. Glaxo has been anticipating this development for a while and has invested in new drugs to provide
income when returns from Zantac fall.

The profitability and sales of a product can be expected to change over time. The product life cycle is an
attempt to recognise distinct stages in a product's sales history. Marketing managers distinguish between
different aspects of the product.
(a) Product class: this is a broad category of product, such as cars, washing machines, newspapers
also referred to as the generic product.
(b) Product form: within a product class there are different forms that the product can take, for
example five-door hatchback cars or two-seater sports cars; twin tub or front loading automatic
washing machines; national daily newspapers or weekly local papers and so on.
(c) Brand: the particular type of the product form (for example for cars Volkswagen Golf, Vauxhall
Astra; or for newspapers - Financial Times, Daily Mail, Sun).
The product life cycle applies in differing degrees to each of the three cases. A product-class (eg cars) may
have a long maturity stage, and a particular make or brand might have an erratic life cycle (eg Rolls
Royce) or not. Product forms however tend to conform to the classic life cycle pattern.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 105


6.1.1 Introduction
A new product takes time to find acceptance by would-be purchasers and there is a slow growth in
sales. Unit costs are high because of low output and expensive sales promotion.
There will be high marketing costs in order to get the product recognised by customers.
There may be early teething troubles with production technology.
The product for the time being is a loss-maker.
The product has few competitors (because they are not willing to take similar risks).

6.1.2 Growth
If the new product gains market acceptance, sales will eventually rise more sharply and the product
will start to make profits.
Capital investments are needed to fulfil the level of demand meaning cash flow remains lower than
profit. Cash flow likely to remain negative.
Competitors are attracted. As sales and production rise, unit costs fall.
Need to add additional features to differentiate from competitors, so product complexity likely to
rise. Costs involved in developing this could be high. Alternatively, could chose to lower price and
compete on price grounds.
Continued marketing expenditure required to differentiate the firms product from competitors
Growth is sustained by attracting new types of customers.

6.1.3 Maturity
The market is no longer growing. Purchases are now based on repeat or replacement purchases
rather than new customers.
The rate of sales growth slows down and the product reaches a period of maturity which is
probably the longest period of a successful product's life. Most products on the market will be at
the mature stage of their life.
Profits remain good, and levels of investment are low meaning cash flow is also positive.
Prices start to decline, as firms compete with one another to try to increase their share of a fixed-
size market.
Firms try to capitalise on a brand name by launching spin off products under the same name.
The number of firms in industry reduces, due to consolidation in the industry in an attempt to
restore profitability.

106 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

6.1.4 Decline
Eventually, sales will begin to decline so that there is over-capacity of production in the industry. Severe
competition occurs, profits fall and some producers leave the market. The remaining producers seek
means of prolonging the product life by modifying it and searching for new market segments. Many
producers are reluctant to leave the market, although some inevitably do because of falling profits.

6.1.5 The relevance of the product life cycle to strategic planning

In reviewing outputs, planners should assess products in three ways:
(a) The stage of its life cycle that any product has reached.
(b) The product's remaining life, ie how much longer the product will contribute to profits.
(c) How urgent is the need to innovate, to develop new and improved products?

Case Study
Over time, the design and specification of television sets has changed. Black and white screens have been
superceded by colour; cathode ray tubes have been superseded by flat screen and plasma screens, and
manufacturers have developed home cinema systems.
However, the switch to online distribution methods of video content is also now having significant
implications for the television set industry, and there are already indications that viewer habits are
Online TV, mobile phone TV and free TV catch up services offered by the major channels give viewers
much greater choice and flexibility, allowing them to watch programmes at their own convenience. Figures
now indicate that TV audience figures are dropping, whilst internet access is on the rise. Suggestions have
even been made that television sets will become a thing of the past in the UK when the analogue signal is
turned off and viewers watch a digital service only.
To prevent decline, the TV industry has to adapt to cope with the changes, perhaps through internet
enabled televisions, or sets that connect directly with PCs as part of a complete home media system.

6.1.6 Difficulties of the product life cycle concept

(a) Recognition. How can managers recognise where a product stands in its life cycle?
(b) Not always true. The theoretical curve of a product life cycle does not always occur in practice.
Some products have no maturity phase, and go straight from growth to decline. Some never
decline if they are marketed competitively.
(c) Changeable. Strategic decisions can change or extend a product's life cycle.
(d) Competition varies in different industries. The financial markets are an example of markets where
there is a tendency for competitors to copy the leader very quickly, so that competition has built up
well ahead of demand.

6.2 Product portfolio models

Exam focus
point It has been common to analyse product portfolios using models such as the Boston Consulting Group
(BCG) matrix. You will learn about such models in a later chapter. JS&W do not recommend their use in
relation to portfolios of individual products, restricting them to the analysis of strategic business unit
This means that where a question calls for some kind of product portfolio analysis, you should initially
think in terms of the product life cycle. Nevertheless, there may be advantages in then considering the use

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 107

of techniques such as the BCG matrix, but if you do so, you must also indicate that you know of JS&W's

7 New products and innovation

7.1 Innovation
Innovation can be a major source of competitive advantage but brings a burden of cost and uncertainty.
To avoid waste, there should be a programme of assessment for major product development. The firm
must decide whether to be a leader or a follower.

7.1.1 Innovation and competitive advantage

For many organisations, product innovation and being the first mover may be a major source of
competitive advantage.
(a) A reputation for innovation will attract early adopters, though it depends in part on promotional
(b) Customers may find they are locked in to innovative suppliers by unacceptable costs of switching
to competitors.
(c) The learning (or experience) curve effect may bring cost advantages.
(d) The first mover may be able to define the industry standard.
(e) A price skimming strategy can bring early profits that will be denied to later entrants.
(f) Legal protection, such as patents, for intellectual property may bring important revenue
advantages. This is particularly important in the pharmaceutical industry.
However, the first mover also has particular problems:
Gaining regulatory approval where required
Uncertain demand
High levels of R&D costs
Lower cost imitators
Costs of introduction such as training sales staff and educating customers
Key term
PIMS stands for Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy. The concept originated in a 1960s General Electric
project to compare the profitability of GE SBUs. An extensive PIMS database of strategic actions and
results is now administered by the American Strategic Planning Institute.

PIMS data indicate that there is a negative correlation between profitability and a high level of
expenditure on R&D, perhaps because of the costs associated with these problems.

7.1.2 Technology and the value chain

Porter points out in Competitive Advantage that 'every value activity uses some technology to combine
purchased inputs and human resources to produce some output.' He goes on to discuss the varied role of
information technology and emphasises the often-overlooked importance of administrative or office
technology. The significance of this for strategy lies in the area of core competences. Just as R&D is as
much concerned with processes as with products, so improvement in the linkages of the value chain will
enhance competitive advantage.

7.2 New product strategies

The development of new products might be considered an important aspect of a firm's competitive and
marketing strategies.

108 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

(a) New and innovative products can lower entry barriers to existing industries and markets, if new
technology is involved.
(b) The interests of the company are best met with a balanced product portfolio. Managers therefore
must plan when to introduce new products, how best to extend the life of mature ones and when to
abandon those in decline.
A strategic issue managers must consider is their approach to new product development.
(a) Leader strategy. Do they intend to gain competitive advantage by operating at the leading edge of
new developments? There are significant implications for the R&D activity and the likely length of
product life cycles within the portfolio if this strategy is adopted. Also, R&D costs are likely to be
heavy, with a significant reduction in potential profitability as a result.
(b) Follower strategy. Alternatively they can be more pro-active, adopt a follower strategy, which
involves lower costs and less emphasis on the R & D activity. It sacrifices early rewards of
innovation, but avoids its risks. A follower might have to license certain technologies from a leader
(as is the case with many consumer electronics companies). However, research indicates that this
can be a more profitable strategy than being an innovator, especially when the follower is able to
learn from the leader's mistakes.
A matrix of new product strategies and new market strategies can be set out as follows.
No technological change Improved technology New technology
Reformulation Replacement
Market A new balance between The new technology
unchanged price/quality has to be replaces the old
Remerchandising Improved product Product line extension
Market The product is sold in a Sales growth to existing The new product is
strengthened (ie new way eg by re- customers sought on the added to the existing
new demand from packaging strength of product product line to increase
same customers) improvements total demand
New use Market extension Diversification
New market By finding a new use for New customers sought on
the existing product, new the strength of product
customers are found improvements

7.3 Types of 'new' products

Booz, Allen and Hamilton identified the following categories of 'new' products based on a survey of 700
New to the world 10
New product lines 20
Additions to product line 26
Repositionings 7
Improvements/revisions 26
Cost reductions 11

7.4 Research and development

Research may be pure, applied or development. It may be intended to improve products or processes. New
product development should be controlled by requiring strategic approval at key points of development.
R&D should support the organisation's strategy and be closely co-ordinated with marketing. There are
distinct problems to managing R&D.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 109

Here are some definitions to start with:

Key terms Pure research is original research to obtain new scientific or technical knowledge or understanding. There
is no obvious commercial or practical end in view.
Applied research is also original research work like (a) above, but it has a specific practical aim or
application (eg research on improvements in the effectiveness of medicines etc).
Development is the use of existing scientific and technical knowledge to produce new (or substantially
improved) products or systems, prior to starting commercial production operations.

Many organisations employ specialist staff to conduct research and development (R&D). They may be
organised in a separate functional department of their own. In an organisation run on a product division
basis, R&D staff may be employed by each division.

7.5 Product and process research

There are two categories of R&D.

Key terms Product research is based on creating new products and developing existing ones, in other words the
organisation's 'offer' to the market.
Process research is based on improving the way in which those products or services are made or
delivered, or the efficiency with which they are made or delivered.

Product research new product development

The new product development process must be carefully controlled; new products are a major source of
competitive advantage but can cost a great deal of money to bring to market. A screening process is
necessary to ensure that resources are concentrated on projects with a high probability of success and not
wasted on those that have poor prospects.
Cooper describes a typical modern product innovation screening process that he calls Stage-Gate. This
emphasises a cross-functional, prioritised, quality managed, project management approach consisting,
typically, of five stages. We look at project management as a whole in more detail later in this Study Text,
but this early reference is an indication of the importance of managing projects effectively.
In Cooper's model, each stage begins with a gate; that is, a review meeting of managers who have the
power either to kill the project or to allocate the resources necessary for it to progress to the next gate.

7.6 Process research

Process research involves attention to how the goods/services are produced. Process research has these
(a) Processes are crucial in service industries (eg fast food), where processes are part of the services
(b) Productivity. Efficient processes save money and time.
(c) Planning. If you know how long certain stages in a project are likely to take, you can plan the most
efficient sequence.
(d) Quality management for enhanced quality.
We will have a lot more to say about process development later in this Study Text, but these early
references should alert you to the fact that they are important considerations in business strategy.
An important aspect of process research is that advances are much more difficult to imitate than product
developments. Competitors can purchase and reverse engineer new products. With good physical
security in place, they will find it much more difficult to imitate new processes.
The strategic role of R&D. R&D should support the organisation's chosen strategy. To take a simple
example, if a strategy based on high quality and luxury has been adopted, it would be inappropriate to
expend much effort on researching ways of minimising costs. If the company has a competence in R&D,

110 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

this may form the basis for a strategy of product innovation. Conversely, where product lifecycles are
short, as in consumer electronics, product development is fundamental to strategy.

7.7 Problems with R&D

(a) Organisational. Problems of authority relationships and integration arise with the management of
R&D. The function will have to liaise closely with marketing and with production, as well as with
senior management responsible for corporate planning: its role is both strategic and technical.
(b) Financial. R&D is by nature not easily planned in advance, and financial performance targets are
not easily set. Budgeting for long-term, complex development projects with uncertain returns can
be a nightmare for management accountants.
(c) Evaluation and control. Pure research or even applied research may not have an obvious pay off in
the short term. Evaluation could be based on successful application of new ideas, such as patents
obtained and the commercial viability of new products.
(d) Staff problems. Research staff are usually highly qualified and profession-orientated, with
consequences for the style of supervision and level of remuneration offered to them.
(e) Cultural problems. Encouraging innovation means trial and error, flexibility, tolerance of mistakes
in the interests of experimentation, high incentives etc. If this is merely a subculture in an
essentially bureaucratic organisation, it will not only be difficult to sustain, but will become a
source of immense 'political' conflict. The R&D department may have an 'academic' or university
atmosphere, as opposed to a commercial one.

7.8 R&D and marketing

(a) Customer needs, as identified by marketers, should be a vital input to new product developments.
(b) The R&D department might identify possible changes to product specifications so that a variety of
marketing mixes can be tried out and screened.

7.8.1 Intrapreneurship
Intrapreneurship is entrepreneurship carried on at intermediate levels within the organisation.

The encouragement of intrapreneurship is an important way of promoting innovation. Such

encouragement has many aspects:
(a) Encouragement for individuals to achieve results in their own way without the need for constant
(b) A culture of risk-taking and tolerance of mistakes.
(c) A flexible approach to organisation that facilitates the formation of project teams.
(d) Willingness and ability to devote resources to trying out new ideas.
(e) Incentives and rewards policy that support intrapreneurial activity.

7.8.2 Market pull and technology push

Marketers would have us believe that the best way to competitive advantage is to find out what the market
wants and give it to them. We might call this approach, when applied to innovation, market pull.
Unfortunately, it tends merely to produce better versions of products that already exist. A more fruitful
approach may be the 'product orientation', disdained by the marketing fraternity: the world is full of
products that no-one asked for, including post-it notes and mobile phones that are also cameras. This
approach we might call technology push.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 111

Perhaps the most fruitful approach would be a combination of the two, where technologists try to solve
customers' problems and marketers try to find applications for new and emerging technologies. Many
new developments are, in fact, the result of collaboration between suppliers and customers.

Case Study
Microsoft and Sony
A company's policy on innovation will be linked to its assessment of how the product lifecycle concept
applies to its portfolio.
Microsoft has generally followed a policy of fairly limited incremental upgrades. Writing in the Financial
Times, John Gapper pointed out that it had used this approach to gradually outflank Apple's OS,
developing a credible alternative by steadily updating its Windows operating system. It followed a similar
policy in upgrading its Xbox games console, releasing the Xbox 360 only four years after the first Xbox.
Sony, on the other hand, has taken a longer view, working on a 10 year life cycle for video games
consoles. This has led it to give its new PlayStation 3 far greater imaging power than the Xbox 360
possesses. PlayStation 3's potential can only be realised by coupling it to a high-definition TV: the planned
life of the product will give time for such TVs to become affordable and widely purchased.

8 Benchmarking
Benchmarking enables a firm to meet industry standards by copying others, but it is perhaps less valuable
as a source of innovation. It is a good way to challenge existing ways of doing things.

Key term Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about targets and comparators, that permit current levels
of performance to be identified and evaluated against best practice. Adoption of identified best practices
should improve performance.

There are a number of different types of benchmarking. JS&W propose the following categories:
Historical benchmarking is an internal comparison of current against past performance. This is
unsatisfactory, since it can induce complacency; comparison with competitors is the real test of
Industry/sector benchmarking compares like with like across the industry or similar providers in the
public service. In the UK public sector, league tables are an obvious example of this approach. The
limitation of this method is that the whole industry may be under-performing and in danger from
substitute products provided by other industries.
Best-in-class benchmarking looks for best practice wherever it can be found. This involves making
comparisons with similar features or processes in other industries. JS&W suggest that this approach can
have a shock effect on complacent managers and lead to dramatic performance improvements.

8.1 The benchmarking process

Benchmarking can be divided into stages.
Stage 1 The first stage is to ensure senior management commitment to the benchmarking
process. This will only be genuinely available when the senior managers have a full
appreciation of what is involved: senior people are quite capable of changing their minds
when it becomes apparent that they did not anticipate the actual levels of cost or
inconvenience, for example.
Stage 2 The areas to be benchmarked should be determined and objectives should be set. Note
that here, the objectives will not be in the form of targets for improvement to specific

112 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

processes and practices, but more in the nature of stating the extent and depth of the
enquiry. For example, if a charity is undertaking a benchmarking exercise in respect of
fundraising, it might be decided to look specifically at the security of cash collections.
Stage 3 Key performance measures must be established. This will require an understanding of the
systems involved. This, in turn, will require discussion with key stakeholders and
observation of the way work is carried out. For example, in a university, where research
funding is important, this stage could be carried out by examining the processes for
assessing applications for research grants.
Stage 4 Select organisations to benchmark against. Internal benchmarking may be possible where
divisions in the same organisation operate similar processes. Where internal departments
have little in common, comparisons must be made against other organisations or equivalent
parts of other organisations. The aim will be to find an organisation that does similar things
(industrial benchmarking) or one which is recognised as having the most efficient practices
(best-in-class benchmarking).
Stage 5 Measure own and others' performance. Negotiation should take place to establish just who
does the measurement: ideally, a joint team should do it, but there may be issues of
confidentiality or convenience that mean each organisation does its own measuring.
Stage 6 Compare performance. Raw data must be carefully analysed if appropriate conclusions are
to be drawn. It will be appropriate to discuss initial findings with the stakeholders
concerned: they are likely both to have useful comment to offer and to be anxious about the
possibility of adverse reflection upon them. It is important that managers and staff do not
view benchmarking as something designed to criticise their performance, but rather view it
positively as a way of improving performance.
Stage 7 Design and implement improvement programmes. It may be possible to import complete
systems; alternatively, it may be appropriate to move towards a synthesis that combines
various elements of best practice. Sometimes, improvements require extensive
reorganisation and restructuring. In any event, there is likely to be a requirement for
training. Improvements in administrative systems often call for investment in new
equipment, particularly in IT systems.
Stage 8 Monitor improvements. The continuing effectiveness of improvements must be monitored.
At the same time, it must be understood that improvements are not once and for all and
that further adjustments may be beneficial.

8.2 Using benchmarking

JS&W set out questions that should be asked when carrying out a benchmarking exercise as part of a
wider strategic review:
Why are these products or services provided at all?
Why are they provided in that particular way?
What are the examples of best practice elsewhere?
How should activities be reshaped in the light of these comparisons?
They see three levels of benchmarking.

Level of benchmarking Through Examples of measures

Resources Resource audit Quantity of resources
capital intensity
Quality of resources
Qualifications of employees
Age of machinery
Uniqueness (eg patents)

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 113

Level of benchmarking Through Examples of measures
Competences in separate Analysing activities Sales calls per salesperson
activities Output per employee
Materials wastage
Competences in linked Analysing overall performances Market share
activities Profitability
When selecting an appropriate benchmark basis, companies should ask themselves the following
(a) Is it possible and easy to obtain reliable competitor information?
(b) Is there any wide discrepancy between different internal divisions?
(c) Can similar processes be identified in non-competing environments and are these non-competing
companies willing to co-operate?
(d) Is best practice operating in a similar environmental setting?
(e) What is our timescale?
(f) Do the chosen companies have similar objectives and strategies?

8.3 Reasons for undertaking benchmarking

Benchmarking has the following advantages:
(a) Position audit. Benchmarking can assess a firm's existing position, and provide a basis for
establishing standards of performance.
(b) The comparisons are carried out by the managers who have to live with any changes implemented
as a result of the exercise.
(c) Benchmarking focuses on improvement in key areas and sets targets which are challenging but
evidently achievable.
(d) The sharing of information can be a spur to innovation.
(e) The result should be improved performance, particularly in cost control and delivering value.

8.4 Drawbacks of benchmarking

Many companies have gained significant benefits from benchmarking but it is worth pointing out a
number of possible dangers:
(a) It can cloud perception of strategic purpose by attracting too much attention to the detail of what is
measured, since it concentres on doing things right rather than doing the right thing: the
difference between efficiency and effectiveness. A process can be efficient but its output may not
be useful.
A linked point is that the benchmark may be yesterday's solution to tomorrow's problem. For
example, a cross-channel ferry company might benchmark its activities (eg speed of turnround at
Dover and Calais, cleanliness on ship) against another ferry company, whereas the real competitor
is the Channel Tunnel.
(b) Benchmarking does not identify the reasons why performance is at a particular level, whether good
or bad.
(c) It is a catching-up exercise rather than the development of anything distinctive. After the
benchmarking exercise, the competitor might improve performance in a different way.
(d) It depends on accurate information about comparator companies.

114 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

(e) It is not cost-free and can divert management attention.
(f) It can become a hindrance and even a threat: sharing information with other companies can be a
burden and a security risk.

9 Managing strategic capability

Managers must take great care not to disrupt strategic capability that arises from flexible, informal
practices by trying to systematise and improve them. However, a policy of gradual extension and
improvement of desirable activities may be useful and may be combined with culling of superfluous ones.
Also, since much strategic capability is traceable to individual skill and ability, good HRM practice can help
to create and improve it.

So far in this chapter we have concentrated on the analysis of strategic capability. We must now turn our
attention to the problems of managing and improving it.

9.1 Limitation on the management of strategic capability

There is an important problem in the management of strategic capability, in that it can be very difficult to
understand it properly. Quite often, core competences derive from informal and flexible activities and
processes that are not subject to management from above: they simply exist. Sometimes, managers do
not appreciate that these competences exist; where they do, they may or may not understand them or
value them. Where managers recognise such competences, it is very important that they take great care
with attempts to improve or even to formalise them. The former can be highly disruptive, while the latter
can eliminate the inherent flexibility such competences tend to display.

9.2 Improving strategic capability

Despite the limitation discussed above, there may be opportunities to stretch existing capabilities and to
add new ones.
(a) Competences can be extended. Competences that support existing business may be equally
relevant to new activities.
(b) Non-essential activities can cease. It may be possible to make significant cost savings by
abolishing, minimising or outsourcing current activities that do not support critical success factors.
(c) Best practice can be extended. Strategic capability identified in one part of the organisation might
be introduced in other parts; though the difficulties associated with the management of change can
make this very difficult.
(d) Activities can be added and existing ones improved in order to better support critical success
(e) Activities can be re-structured. System overlaps and inconsistencies may require attention,
particularly when there are marked differences between the requirements of the various market
segments served.
(f) Weaknesses can be remedied. Known weaknesses in resources or activities might have the
potential to create competitive advantage if suitable market opportunities exist. Such weaknesses
must then be remedied by suitable investment and management activity.
(g) External capability can be introduced by acquisition and through alliances and joint ventures.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 115

9.3 Developing competences through the human resource
Since much strategic capability resides in the organisation's staff in the form of their abilities and skills,
human resource development can be particularly important in building that capability.
(a) Recruitment and selection practice can be designed to emphasise the need for particular
aptitudes, such as leadership or innovation.
(b) Training and development can be targeted at specific requirements rather than generic skills.
(c) Individual strategic awareness can be developed so that staff understand how their activities
enhance strategic capability.

10 SWOT analysis
The SWOT analysis combines the results of the environmental analysis and the internal appraisal into one
framework for assessing the firm's current and future strategic fit, or lack of it, with the environment. It is
an analysis of the organisation's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats offered by
the environment. Weirich's TOWS matrix emphasises the importance of threats and opportunities.

We examined the way in which opportunities and threats in the environment are detected and analysed in
the previous chapter. In this chapter, we have discussed the analysis of the organisation's strategic
capability; that is to say, its strengths and weaknesses. A complete awareness of the organisation's
environment and its internal capacities is necessary for a rational consideration of future strategy, but it is
not sufficient. The threads must be drawn together so that potential strategies may be developed and
assessed. This is done by combining the internal and external analyses into a SWOT analysis or corporate

Key term SWOT analysis summarises the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of
an organisation that are most likely to impact on strategy development. JS&W

Exam focus It is crucial that you understand that opportunities and threats are external factors while strengths and
point weaknesses are internal factors.
An exam question may ask you for a full SWOT analysis, or may focus on either internal or external
factors. It is important that you understand what the question is asking for, and answer accordingly. The
December 2007 exam asked candidates to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an airline company,
but the Examiner noted some candidates still described SWOT analysis overall. This was not required.
More importantly, points made about opportunities and threats would have gained no marks, because the
questions specifically asked for strengths and weaknesses rather than for a full strategic appraisal

10.1 The SWOT analysis

Effective SWOT analysis does not simply require a categorisation of information, it also requires some
evaluation of the relative importance of the various factors under consideration.
(a) These features are only of relevance if they are perceived to exist by the consumers. Listing
corporate features that internal personnel regard as strengths/weaknesses is of little relevance if
they are not perceived as such by the organisation's consumers.
(b) In the same vein, threats and opportunities are conditions presented by the external environment
and they should be independent of the firm.

116 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

The SWOT can now be used guiding strategy formulation.

(a) Match strengths with market opportunities

Strengths that do not match any available opportunity are of limited use while opportunities which
do not have any matching strengths are of little immediate value.
(b) Conversion
This requires the development of strategies that will convert weaknesses into strengths in order to
take advantage of some particular opportunity, or converting threats into opportunities which can
then be matched by existing strengths.
The SWOT technique can also be used for specific areas of strategy such as IT and marketing.

10.2 Weirich's TOWS matrix

Weirich, one of the earliest writers on corporate appraisal, originally spoke in terms of a TOWS matrix in
order to emphasise the importance of threats and opportunities. This is therefore an inherently
positioning approach to strategy. A further important element of Weirich's discussion was his
categorisation of strategic options:
SO strategies employ strengths to seize opportunities.
ST strategies employ strengths to counter or avoid threats.
WO strategies address weaknesses so as to be able to exploit opportunities.
WT strategies are defensive, aiming to avoid threats and the impact of weaknesses.
One useful impact of this analysis is that the four groups of strategies tend to relate well to different
time horizons. SO strategies may be expected to produce good short-term results, while WO strategies
are likely to take much longer to show results. ST and WT strategies are more probably relevant to the
medium term.
This consideration of time horizon may be linked to the overall resource picture: SO strategies can be
profitable in the short term, generating the cash needed for investment in WO strategies, improving
current areas of weakness so that further opportunities may be seized. ST and WT strategies are likely to
be more or less resource-neutral, but care must be taken to achieve an overall balance.
It is important to remember the TOWS matrix when considering the strategic options available to an
organisation. We will look at these strategic options later in this Study Text.
Exam focus
point Both SWOT analysis and the TOWS matrix are explicitly stated in the Study Guide, and so may be
specifically required in an exam question.

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 117

Chapter Roundup
A position audit is undertaken in order to give strategic managers a clear understanding of the
organisation's strategic capability; that is, its resources, competences and the constraints that limit their
Resource audits identify human, financial and material resources and how they are deployed.
The resource-based approach to strategy starts from a consideration of capabilities and, in particular, of
distinctive competences and resources.
Cost efficiency is fundamental to strategic capability: the public sector demands value for money, while in
the private sector, price competition makes cost efficiency fundamental to survival. Cost efficiency is
achieved in four main ways.
Exploitation of scale economies
Control of the cost of incoming supplies
Careful design of products and processes
Exploitation of experience effects
If strategy is to be based on strategic capabilities, those capabilities must have four qualities.
Value to buyers
Robustness (difficult for competitors to imitate)
Under conditions of hyper-competition, organisations must possess dynamic capabilities: the ability to
develop and adjust competences to cope with rapidly changing environmental pressures.
The aim of knowledge management is to capture, organise and make widely available all the knowledge
the organisation possesses, whether explicit (in recorded form) or tacit (in people's heads).
Data are simple facts that can be organised in a way that creates information. Knowledge is patterns of
information that are strategically useful and context independent.
Knowledge must be managed in a way that makes it easily available. Systems include office automation,
groupware, intranets, extranets, expert systems and data mining.
The value chain describes those activities of the organisation that add value to purchased inputs. Primary
activities are involved in the production of goods and services. Support activities provide necessary
assistance. Linkages are the relationships between activities.
Core competences are the basis for the creation of value; activities from which the organisation does not
derive significant value may be outsourced.
The value network joins the organisation's value chain to those of its suppliers and customers.
The product life cycle concept holds that products have a life cycle, and that a product demonstrates
different characteristics of profit and investment at each stage in its life cycle. The life cycle concept is a
model, not a prediction. (Not all products pass through each stage of the life cycle.) It enables a firm to
examine its portfolio of goods and services as a whole.
Innovation can be a major source of competitive advantage but brings a burden of cost and uncertainty.
To avoid waste, there should be a programme of assessment for major product development. The firm
must decide whether to be a leader or a follower.
Research may be pure, applied or development. It may be intended to improve products or processes.
New product development should be controlled by requiring strategic approval at key points of

118 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
R&D should support the organisation's strategy and be closely co-ordinated with marketing. There are
distinct problems to managing R&D.
Intrapreneurship is entrepreneurship carried on at intermediate levels within the organisation.
Benchmarking enables a firm to meet industry standards by copying others, but it is perhaps less valuable
as a source of innovation. It is a good way to challenge existing ways of doing things.
Managers must take great care not to disrupt strategic capability that arises from flexible, informal
practices by trying to systematise and improve them. However, a policy of gradual extension and
improvement of desirable activities may be useful and may be combined with culling of superfluous ones.
Also, since much strategic capability is traceable to individual skill and ability, good HRM practice can help
to create and improve it.
The SWOT analysis combines the results of the environmental analysis and the internal appraisal into one
framework for assessing the firm's current and future strategic fit, or lack of it, with the environment. It is
an analysis of the organisation's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats offered by
the environment. Weirich's TOWS matrix emphasises the importance of treats and opportunities.

Quick Quiz
1 What are the nine categories of resources described by the Ms Model?
2 What are core competences?
3 What four qualities enable a capability to form the basis of competitive advantage?
4 What is the difference between tacit and explicit knowledge?
5 What is a data warehouse?
6 Draw a value chain diagram.
7 What does the value chain illustrate?
8 List the stages of the product life cycle.
9 What are the three types of benchmarking described by Johnson, Scholes and Whittington?
10 What are the four types of strategy described by Weirich and based on the TOWS matrix?

Part A Strategic position 4: Strategic capability 119

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Machinery
Management information
Men and women
2 Competences that underpin competitive advantage and that are difficult to imitate.
3 Value to buyers; rarity; robustness (difficulty of imitation); non-substitutability
4 Tacit knowledge exists only inside people's heads; explicit knowledge is recorded in some way.
5 A data warehouse receives data from operational systems and stores them in their most fundamental
form, without any summarisation of transactions

7 The value chain illustrates how value is created by value activities and the linkages between them, and that
the customer is prepared to pay for that value. (Ultimately the value is created for the customer.)
8 Introduction, growth, maturity, decline, senility
9 Historical; Industry/Sector; Best-in-class.
10 SO Strategies employ strengths to seize opportunities.
ST Strategies employ strengths to counter or avoid threats.
WO Strategies address weaknesses so as to be able to exploit opportunities.
WT Strategies are defensive, aiming to avoid threats and the impact of weaknesses.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q4 Exam 20 36 mins

120 4: Strategic capability Part A Strategic position

ethics and culture

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Ethics and the organisation A6(c)
2 Social responsibility A6(b), (d)
3 Corporate governance A6(a)
4 The role of culture A6(e), (f)

Organisations are part of society and, like individual people, are subject to rules
that govern their conduct towards others. Some of these rules are law and
enforced by legal sanction. Other rules fall into the realm of ethics or morality
and are enforced only by the strength of society's approval or disapproval. The
first section of this chapter is concerned with the strategic impact of ethical
ideas on organisations.
The behaviour of organisations may also be considered in the light of notions
of corporate social responsibility. This is a rather poorly defined concept.
However, there does now seem to be widespread acceptance that commercial
organisations should devote some of their resources to the promotion of wider
social aims that are not necessarily mandated by either law or the rules of
The third section of this chapter is concerned with corporate governance and
the mechanisms that may be installed to promote fair and honest behaviour at
the strategic apex.
Finally, we conclude the chapter with a discussion of the influence of culture on
the organisation and its people.

Study guide
Intellectual level
A6 The expectations of stakeholders and the influence of ethics and culture
(a) Advise on the implications of corporate governance on organisational
purpose and strategy
(b) Evaluate, through stakeholder mapping, the relative influence of
stakeholders on organisational purpose and strategy
(c) Assess ethical influences on organisational purpose and strategy 3
(d) Explore the scope of corporate social responsibility 3
(e) Assess the impact of culture on organisational purpose and strategy 3
(f) Prepare and evaluate a cultural web of an organisation 2

Exam guide
The importance of the topics covered in this chapter is indicated by the emphasis laid on them by all
professional bodies. Ethics and social responsibility are things that are relevant to all behaviour, so could
be included in a question on any topic.
In particular, there are likely to be stakeholder, ethical or cultural issues in most case studies.

Models and frameworks

This chapter refers to a number of models and frameworks. However, in your P3 exam, you will not be
examined specifically on a single theory or model unless it is explicitly referenced in the Study Guide. You
can see from the Study Guide (above) that you need to have a general understanding of these issues
rather than learning the ideas of specific theorists in detail. However, because the Study Guide refers
explicitly to the cultural web you may get a question which specifically requires you to use this model
(which is covered in Section 4.3 of this Chapter).

1 Ethics and the organisation

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

The syllabus for Paper F1 Accountant in Business includes sections on ethics, governance and social
responsibility. You should already be familiar with many of the basic ideas underpinning this chapter.
Also, if you have already studied Paper P1 Professional Accountant you will have a detailed knowledge of
these matters. Our coverage here is intended to provide a minimum of essential revision and new material
relevant to the Business Analysis syllabus. However, if you do not feel comfortable with the underlying
material here, you would be well advised to look back at your F1 Text.

Ethics is about right and wrong but it is not the same thing as law or the rules of religion. Cognitive
approaches to ethics assume that objective moral truths can be established.

122 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

1.1 Ethics and business
Ethics is concerned with right and wrong and how conduct should be judged to be good or bad. It is about
how we should live our lives and, in particular, how we should behave towards other people. Business life
is a fruitful source of ethical dilemmas because its whole purpose is material gain, the making of profit.
Success in business requires a constant, avid search for potential advantage over others and business
people are under pressure to do whatever yields such advantage.

1.2 Non-cognitivism, ethical relativism and intuitionism

The approach called non-cognitivism suggests that all moral statements are essentially subjective and
arise from the culture, belief or emotion of the speaker.
Non-cognitivism recognises the differences that exist between the rules of behaviour prevailing in different
cultures. The view that right and wrong are culturally determined is called ethical relativism or moral
relativism. This is clearly a matter of significance in the context of international business. Managers
encountering cultural norms of behaviour that differ significantly from their own may be puzzled to know
what rules to follow.

1.3 Cognitivism
Cognitivist approaches to ethics are built on the principle that objective, universally applicable moral
truths exist and can be known. There are four important cognitivist theories to consider after we have
looked at law and religion in relation to ethics.
(a) Religions are based on the concept of universally applicable principles but they cannot be regarded
as reliable guides to ethical conduct since they differ so much between themselves, forming, in fact
the basis of the moral relativist approach. This problem may be approached by asking how does
God decide what is right and what is wrong? Presumably, it is not mere whim and moral
principles are involved. The implication is that it is proper to seek to understand these reasons for
ourselves and to use them as the basis of our moral code.
(b) Cognitivist ethics and law can be seen as parallel and connected systems of rules for regulating
conduct. Both are concerned with right conduct and the principles that define it. However, ethics
and law are not the same thing. Law must be free from ambiguity. However, unlike law, ethics can
quite reasonably be an arena for debate, about both the principles involved and their application in
specific rules. The law must be certain and therefore finds it difficult to deal with problems of
conduct that are subject to opinion and debate. Another difference is that many legal rules are only
very remotely connected with ethics, if at all, and some laws in some countries have been of
debateable moral stature, to say the least.

1.4 Consequentialist ethics: utilitarianism

Consequentialist ethics judges actions by their outcomes; deontology assumes the existence of absolute
moral principles and ignores outcomes. Natural law is about rights and duties, while virtue ethics is based
on moderation in behaviour and the idea of leading a harmonious life.
Ethical theory is not integrated: consequentialist, deontological and natural law based rules are capable of
pointing to different conclusions. Partly as a result of this, ethical dilemmas can exist at all levels in the

The consequentialist approach to ethics is to make moral judgements about courses of action by
reference to their outcomes or consequences. Right or wrong becomes a question of benefit or harm.
Utilitarianism is the best-known formulation of this approach and can be summed up in the 'greatest
good' principle. This says that when deciding on a course of action we should choose the one that is likely
to result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
There is an immediate problem here, which is how we are to define what is good for people.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 123

The utilitarian approach may also be questioned for its potential effect upon minorities. A situation in
which a large majority achieved great happiness at the expense of creating misery among a small minority
would satisfy the 'greatest good' principle. It could not, however, be regarded as ethically desirable.
However, utilitarianism can be a useful guide to conduct. It has been used to derive wide ranging rules and
can be applied to help us make judgements about individual, unique problems.

1.5 Deontological ethics

Deontology is concerned with the application of universal ethical principles in order to arrive at rules of
conduct, the word deontology being derived from the Greek for 'duty'. Whereas the consequentialist
approach judges actions by their outcomes, deontology lays down a priori criteria by which they may be
judged in advance. The definitive treatment of deontological ethics is found in the work of Immanuel Kant.
Kant suggested that if we make moral judgements about facts, the criteria by which we judge are separate
from the facts themselves: the criteria come from within ourselves and are based on an intuitive
awareness of the nature of good.
For Kant, moral conduct is defined by categorical imperatives. A categorical imperative, however, defines
a course of action without reference to outcomes. We must act in certain ways because it is right to do so
right conduct is an end in itself.
Kant arrived at two formulations of the categorical imperative with which we should be familiar:
(a) Never act in a way that you would condemn in others.
(b) Do not treat people simply as means to an end. (Note that this does not preclude us from using
people as means to an end as long as we, at the same time, recognise their right to be treated as
autonomous beings. Clearly, organisations and even society itself could not function if we could
not make use of other people's services.)

1.6 Natural law

Natural law approaches to ethics are based on the idea that a set of objective or 'natural' moral rules exists
and we can come to know what the rules are. In terms of business ethics, the natural law approach deals
mostly with rights and duties. Where there is a right, there is also a duty to respect that right.
Unfortunately, the implications about duties can only be as clear as the rights themselves and there are
wide areas in which disagreement about rights persists.

1.7 Duty and consequences

In their pure form, neither the duties of natural law nor Kant's categorical imperative will admit
consideration of the consequences of our actions: we act in a certain way because we are obeying
inflexible moral rules.
Unfortunately, such an approach can have undesirable results. If people have absolute rights that we must
respect whatever the circumstances, we may find that our actions in doing so harm the common good. An
example is the accused person who commits an offence while on bail. The potential threat to public safety
has to be balanced against the right of the individual to liberty. There is thus a great potential for conflict
between courses of action based on the consequentialist approach and those based on deontology or
natural law.
While individual cases are bound to provoke debate, it would be reasonable to suggest that an inflexible
approach to rules of conduct is likely to produce ethical dilemmas. Deciding what to do when the
arguments point in opposite directions is always going to be difficult. However, generally we do not have
the option of doing nothing, and this is particularly true of business.

124 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

1.8 Virtue ethics
The virtue ethics approach consists of pursuing a harmonious or virtuous life and a rational judgement
about what constitutes good. To some extent, this consists of avoiding extremes of any kind. For example,
courage lies between cowardice at one end of the scale and foolhardiness at the other. The cultivation of
appropriate virtues has been proposed as a route to ethical behaviour in business. For example, managers
might cultivate a range of virtues such as honesty, courage, fairness and firmness.

1.9 Ethics and strategy

In this Study Text we have emphasised that what the organisation wishes to achieve its mission is
fundamental to any focussed control of its activities. When we discussed the concept of mission we made
passing reference to policies and standards of behaviour.
It is important to understand that if ethics is applicable to corporate behaviour at all, it must therefore be a
fundamental aspect of mission, since everything the organisation does flows from that. Managers
responsible for strategic decision making cannot avoid responsibility for their organisation's ethical
standing. They should consciously apply ethical rules to all of their decisions in order to filter out
potentially undesirable developments.

1.10 Ethical dilemmas

There are a number of areas in which the various approaches to ethics and conflicting views of a
business's responsibilities can create ethical dilemmas for managers. These can impact at the highest
level, affecting the development of policy, or lower down the hierarchy, especially if policy is unclear and
guidance from more senior people is unavailable.
Dealing with unpleasantly authoritarian governments can be supported on the grounds that it contributes
to economic growth and prosperity and all the benefits they bring to society in both countries concerned.
This is a consequentialist argument. It can also be opposed on consequentialist grounds as contributing to
the continuation of the regime, and on deontological grounds as fundamentally repugnant.
Honesty in advertising is an important problem. Many products are promoted exclusively on image.
Deliberately creating the impression that purchasing a particular product will enhance the happiness,
success and sex-appeal of the buyer can be attacked as dishonest. It can be defended on the grounds that
the supplier is actually selling a fantasy or dream rather than a physical article.
Dealings with employees are coloured by the opposing views of corporate responsibility and individual
rights. The idea of a job as property to be defended has now disappeared from UK labour relations, but
there is no doubt that corporate decisions that lead to redundancies are still deplored. This is because of
the obvious impact of sudden unemployment on aspirations and living standards, even when the
employment market is buoyant. Nevertheless, it is only proper for businesses to consider the cost of
employing labour as well as its productive capacity. Even employers who accept that their employees'
skills are their most important source of competitive advantage can be reduced to cost cutting in order to
survive in lean times.
Another ethical problem concerns payments by companies to officials who have power to help or hinder
the payers' operations. In The Ethics of Corporate Conduct, Clarence Walton discusses the fine
distinctions which exist in this area.
(a) Extortion. Foreign officials have been known to threaten companies with the complete closure of
their local operations unless suitable payments are made.
(b) Bribery. This is payments for services to which a company is not legally entitled. There are some
fine distinctions to be drawn; for example, some managers regard political contributions as bribery.
(c) Grease money. Multinational companies are sometimes unable to obtain services to which they are
legally entitled because of deliberate stalling by local officials. Cash payments to the right people
may then be enough to oil the machinery of bureaucracy.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 125

(d) Gifts. In some cultures (such as Japan) gifts are regarded as an essential part of civilised
negotiation, even in circumstances where to Western eyes they might appear ethically dubious.
Managers operating in such a culture may feel at liberty to adopt the local customs.
Business ethics are also relevant to competitive behaviour. This is because a market can only be free if
competition is, in some basic respects, fair. There is a distinction between competing aggressively and
competing unethically.

1.11 The scope of corporate ethics

Corporate ethics has three contexts.
Interaction with national and international society
Effects of routine operations
Behaviour of individuals
If constructed with care, a corporate ethical code can be valuable.

Corporate ethics may be considered in three contexts.

The organisation's interaction with national and international society
The effects of the organisation's routine operations
The behaviour of individual members of staff
Influencing society. The organisation operates within and interacts with the political, economic and social
framework of wider society. It is both inevitable and proper that it will both influence and be influenced by
that wider framework. Governments, individual politicians and pressure groups will all make demands on
such matters as employment prospects and executive pay. Conversely, organisations themselves will find
that they need to make their own representations on such matters as monetary policy and the burden of
regulation. International variation in such matters and in the framework of corporate governance will
affect organisations that operate in more than one country. It is appropriate that the organisation develops
and promotes its own policy on such matters.
Corporate behaviour. The organisation should establish corporate policies for those issues over which it
has direct control. Examples of matters that should be covered by policy include health, safety, labelling,
equal opportunities, environmental effects, political activity, bribery and support for cultural activities.
Individual behaviour. Policies to guide the behaviour of individuals are likely to flow from the corporate
stance on the matters discussed above. The organisation must decide on the extent to which it considers
it appropriate to attempt to influence individual behaviour. Some aspects of such behaviour may be of
strategic importance, especially when managers can be seen as representing or embodying the
organisation's standards. Matters of financial rectitude and equal treatment of minorities are good
examples here.
Corporate ethical codes. Organisations often publish corporate codes of ethical standards.
Fundamentally, this is a good idea and can be a useful way of disseminating the specific policies we have
discussed above. However, care must be taken over such a document.
(a) It should not be over-prescriptive or over-detailed, since this encourages a legalistic approach to
interpretation and a desire to seek loopholes in order to justify previously chosen courses of action.
(b) It will only have influence if senior management adhere to it consistently in their own decisions and
Ethical codes and policies on behaviour can, of course, be linked to and summarised in the mission
It is important to note, however, that managers need not be corrupt in order to fail in their responsibilities
or duties to their organisations. The CEO who sets in motion a takeover bid that will enhance his prestige,
the head of department who 'empire builds', and the IT manager who buys an unnecessarily sophisticated
system are all failing in their responsibilities to the owners of the company (usually, the shareholders)
even though they have not acted illegally or received any material benefit themselves.

126 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

Case Study
(This case study is adapted from an article on the BBC news website (February 2009)).
The former bosses of the two biggest casualties of the current banking crisis in the UK have apologised
profoundly and unreservedly' for their banks' failure.
Former Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) chief executive Sir Fred Goodwin told MPs on the Treasury
Committee that he could not be more sorry' for what happened. He also admitted that the bonus culture
in banks had contributed to the crisis and needed to be reviewed.
But he added if bankers felt they were not paid enough, they would leave.
Andy Hornby, former CEO of HBOS, also conceded that the culture of cash bonuses needed looking at.
The bonus system has proved to be wrong. Substantial cash bonuses do not reward the right kind of
behaviour' he said.
However, when he was asked whether the bonus culture encouraged excessive risk taking and had
exacerbated the banking crisis, Sir Fred Goodwin argued that traders were trading within set limits, and
were simply doing what they were authorised to do.'
However, a rather different picture is emerging from HBOS. It has emerged that a senior HBOS employee
was sacked for warning four years ago that the bank's risky sales culture could lead to disaster.' Paul
Moore who was head of group regulatory risk was dismissed for pointing out that the bank was
ignoring checks and balances. He argued that anyone whose eyes were not blinded by money, power and
pride' would have realised that problems were building up for HBOS and other banks.
Mr Moore also insisted that the current banking crisis could have been avoided if there were adequate
systems to hold bank chiefs to account. The real problem, and the cause of this crisis, was that people
were too afraid to speak up, and the balance of power was weighted far too much in favour of the
Nonetheless, bonuses and poor internal controls were not the only cause of the business's problems.
Sir Fred Goodwin oversaw a number of acquisitions that made RBS one of the world's biggest banks. But
his takeover of Dutch rival ABN Amro late in 2007 is now seen as ill-timed and a deal too far, in the light of
RBS's inability to survive the credit crunch without a massive injection of Government funds.
Sir Fred admitted that the deal to buy ABN was a big mistake'. 'We bought it at the top of the market, and
anything we paid was an error. We are sorry we bought ABN Amro' he added.

2 Social responsibility
There is a fundamental split of views about the organisation's relationship with its stakeholders and the
nature of corporate responsibility.
The strong view that a range of goals should be pursued
The weak view that the business organisation is a purely economic force, subject to law

2.1 Stakeholders

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

The syllabus for Paper F1 Accountant in Business includes material on stakeholders. You should,
therefore, be familiar with many of the ideas in this section. The coverage here is intended to provide a
minimum of essential revision coupled with new material relevant to the P3 syllabus. If you do not feel
comfortable with the underlying material here, you should look back at your F1 Text.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 127

Stakeholders have an interest in what the organisation does.

Key term Stakeholders: groups or individuals whose interests are directly affected by the activities of a firm or

Here are some stakeholder groups:

Stakeholder group Members

Internal stakeholders Employees, management
Connected Shareholders, customers, suppliers, lenders
External The government, local government, the public

Stakeholder groups can exert influence on strategy. The greater the power of a stakeholder group, the
greater its influence will be. Each stakeholder group has different expectations about what it wants, and
the expectations of the various groups will conflict. To some extent, the expectations of stakeholders will
influence the organisation's mission. We will return to the subject of stakeholder expectations in Chapter 9
when we discuss the evaluation of strategic options.

2.1.1 Stakeholders' objectives

Here is a checklist of stakeholders' objectives. It is not comprehensive.
(a) Employees and managers
(i) Job security (over and above legal protection)
(ii) Good conditions of work (above minimum safety standards)
(iii) Job satisfaction
(iv) Career development and relevant training
(b) Customers
(i) Products of a certain quality at a reasonable price
(ii) Products that should last a certain number of years
(iii) A product or service that meets customer needs.
(c) Suppliers: regular orders in return for reliable delivery and good service
(d) Shareholders: long-term wealth
(e) Providers of loan capital (stock holders): reliable payment of interest due and maintenance of the
value of any security.
(f) Society as a whole
(i) Control pollution
(ii) Financial assistance to charities, sports and community activities
(iii) Co-operate with government in identifying and preventing health hazards

2.1.2 Competitors
Competitors can be stakeholders. You may find this easier to understand if you think of all the competitors
in a given industry as stakeholders in that industry's overall status and the public's perception.

128 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

2.1.3 Stakeholder risks
Stakeholder Interests to defend Response to risk
Managers Jobs/careers Pursuit of systems goals rather
and employees Money than shareholder interests
(eg restructuring, Promotion Industrial action
relocation) Benefits Negative power to impede
Satisfaction implementation
Refusal to relocate
Shareholders Increase in shareholder wealth, Sell shares (eg to predator) or
(corporate strategy) measured by profitability, P/E replace management
ratios, market capitalisation,
dividends and yield

Bankers (cash flows) Security of loan Denial of credit

Adherence to loan agreements Higher interest charges

Suppliers (purchase Profitable sales Refusal of credit

strategy) Payment for goods Court action
Long-term relationship Wind down relationships

Customers (product Goods as promised Buy elsewhere

market strategy) Future benefits Sue
Government Jobs, training, tax Tax increases
Legal action
Interest/pressure Pollution Publicity
groups Rights Direct action
Other Sabotage
Pressure on government

How stakeholders relate to the management of the company depends very much on what type of
stakeholder they are internal, connected or external and on the level in the management hierarchy at
which they are able to apply pressure. Clearly a company's management will respond differently to the
demands of, say, its shareholders and the community at large.

2.2 Balancing priorities

Cyert and March suggest that a business is actually run in the interests of an organisational coalition of
stakeholders. Political processes managed by the strategic apex lead to a compromise on what the
company's goals actually are. This usually results in a satisficing approach to balance the various

2.3 Stakeholder theory

We may discern two extreme approaches to stakeholder theory for profit-orientated business

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 129

Strong view Weak view
Each stakeholder in the business has a legitimate Satisfying stakeholders such as customers is a
claim on management attention. Management's job good thing but only because it enables the
is to balance stakeholder demands. business to satisfy its primary purpose, the long
term growth in owner wealth.

2.3.1 Problems with the strong stakeholder view

(a) Managers who are accountable to everyone are, in fact, accountable to none.
(b) If managers are required to balance different stakeholders' interests there is a danger that they will
favour their own interests.
(c) It confuses a stakeholder's interest in a firm with a person's citizenship of a state.
(d) People have interests, but this does not give them rights.

2.4 Managing stakeholders

An organisation's stakeholder relationships must be managed in accordance with their bargaining
strength, influence, power and degree of interest. Mendelow summarises the possibilities in his
stakeholder map. Stakeholders have three options: loyalty, exit and voice.

The way in which the relationship between company and stakeholders is conducted is a function of the
parties' relative bargaining strength and the philosophy underlying each party's objectives. This can be
shown by means of a spectrum.

2.4.1 Stakeholder mapping

Mendelow classifies stakeholders on a matrix whose axes are power held and likelihood of showing an
interest in the organisation's activities. These factors will help define the type of relationship the
organisation should seek with its stakeholders.
Level of interest
Low High





130 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

(a) Key players are found in segment D: strategy must be acceptable to them, at least. An example
would be a major customer.

(b) Stakeholders in segment C must be treated with care. While often passive, they are capable of
moving to segment D. They should, therefore be kept satisfied. Large institutional shareholders
might fall into segment C.

(c) Stakeholders in segment B do not have great ability to influence strategy, but their views
can be important in influencing more powerful stakeholders, perhaps by lobbying. They
should therefore be kept informed. Community representatives and charities might fall into
segment B.

(d) Minimal effort is expended on segment A.

Stakeholder mapping is used to assess the significance of stakeholder groups. This in turn has
implications for the organisation.
(a) The framework of corporate governance should recognise stakeholders' levels of interest and

(b) It may be appropriate to seek to reposition certain stakeholders and discourage others from
repositioning themselves, depending on their attitudes.

(c) Key blockers and facilitators of change must be identified.

Stakeholder mapping can also be used to establish political priorities. A map of the current position
can be compared with a map of a desired future state. This will indicate critical shifts that must be

Exam focus Stakeholders and their influence are regular features of business strategy exam questions. An old syllabus
point question asked about stakeholder power and mentioned the Mendelow Matrix by name.
Mendelow's Matrix is not mentioned explicitly in the P3 Study Guide so you will not have a question
specifically about it.
However, the Study Guide does state that you need to be able to 'Evaluate, through stakeholder mapping,
the relative influence of stakeholders on organisational purpose and strategy'. Mendelow's Matrix would
be a very useful framework for any such stakeholder mapping.

2.4.2 The internal and external coalitions

In Power In and Around Organisations, Mintzberg identifies groups that not only have an interest in an
organisation but power over it:

The external coalition The internal coalition

Owners (who hold legal title) The chief executive and board at the strategic apex
Associates (suppliers, customers, trading Line managers
partners) Operators
Employee associations (unions, professional The technostructure
Support staff
Public (government, media)
Ideology (ie culture)

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 131

Each of these groups has three basic choices:
(a) Loyalty. They can do as they are told.
(b) Exit. For example by selling their shares, or getting a new job.
(c) Voice. They can stay and try to change the system. Those who choose voice are those who can, to
varying degrees, influence the organisation. Influence implies a degree of power and willingness to
exercise it.
Existing structures and systems can channel stakeholder influence.
(a) They are the location of power, giving groups of people varying degrees of influence over strategic
(b) They are conduits of information, which shape strategic decisions.
(c) They limit choices or give some options priority over others. These may be physical or ethical
constraints over what is possible.
(d) They embody culture.
(e) They determine the successful implementation of strategy.
(f) The firm has different degrees of dependency on various stakeholder groups. A company with a
cash flow crisis will be more beholden to its bankers than one with regular cash surpluses.
Different stakeholders will have their own views as to strategy. As some stakeholders have negative power,
in other words power to impede or disrupt the decision, their likely response might be considered.

2.5 Corporate social responsibility

The extent to which an organisation recognises obligations to society in general is as much subject to
debate as its relationships with stakeholder groups.

Businesses, particularly large ones, are subject to increasing expectations that they will exercise social
responsibility. This is an ill-defined concept, but appears to focus on the provision of specific benefits to
society in general, such as charitable donations, the creation or preservation of employment, and
spending on environmental improvement or maintenance. A great deal of the pressure is created by the
activity of minority action groups and is aimed at businesses because they are perceived to possess
extensive resources.
The momentum of such arguments is now so great that the notion of social responsibility has become
almost inextricably confused with the matter of ethics. It is important to remember the distinction. Social
responsibility and ethical behaviour are not the same thing.
In this context, you should remember that a business managed with the sole objective of maximising
shareholder wealth can be run in just as ethical a fashion as one in which far wider stakeholder
responsibility is assumed. On the other hand, there is no doubt that many large businesses have behaved
irresponsibly in the past and some continue to do so.

2.6 Against corporate social responsibility

Milton Friedman argued against corporate social responsibility along the following lines.
(a) Businesses do not have responsibilities, only people have responsibilities. Managers in charge of
corporations are responsible to the owners of the business, by whom they are employed.
(b) These employers may have charity as their aim, but 'generally [their aim] will be to make as much
money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law
and those embodied in ethical custom.'
(c) If the statement that a manager has social responsibilities is to have any meaning, 'it must mean
that he is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers.'

132 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

(d) If managers do this they are, generally speaking, spending the owners' money for purposes other
than those they have authorised; sometimes it is the money of customers or suppliers that is spent
and, on occasion, the money of employees. By doing this, the manager is, in effect, both raising
taxes and deciding how they should be spent, which are functions of government, not of business.
There are two objections to this:
(i) Managers have not been democratically elected (or selected in any other way) to exercise
government power.
(ii) Managers are not experts in government policy and cannot foresee the detailed effect of
such social responsibility spending.
Friedman argues that the social responsibility model is politically collectivist in nature and deplores the
possibility that collectivism should be extended any further than absolutely necessary in a free society.
A second argument against the assumption of corporate social responsibility is that the maximisation of
wealth is the best way that society can benefit from a business's activities.
(a) Maximising wealth has the effect of increasing the tax revenues available to the state to disburse on
socially desirable objectives.
(b) Maximising shareholder value has a 'trickle down' effect on other disadvantaged members of
(c) Many company shares are owned by pension funds, whose ultimate beneficiaries may not be the
wealthy anyway.

2.7 The stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility

The stakeholder approach is based on the premise that many groups have a stake in what the
organisation does. This is particularly important in the business context, where shareholders own the
business but employees, customers and government also have particularly strong claims to having their
interests considered. This is fundamentally an argument derived from natural law theory and is based on
the notion of individual and collective rights.
It is suggested that modern corporations are so powerful, socially, economically and politically, that
unrestrained use of their power will inevitably damage other people's rights. For example, they may
blight an entire community by closing a major facility, thus enforcing long term unemployment on a large
proportion of the local workforce. Similarly, they may damage people's quality of life by polluting the
environment. They may use their purchasing power or market share to impose unequal contracts on
suppliers and customers alike. And they may exercise undesirable influence over government through
their investment decisions. Under this approach, the exercise of corporate social responsibility constrains
the corporation to act at all times as a good citizen.
Another argument points out that corporations exist within society and are dependent upon it for the
resources they use. Some of these resources are obtained by direct contracts with suppliers but others
are not, being provided by government expenditure. Examples are such things as transport infrastructure,
technical research and education for the workforce. Clearly, corporations contribute to the taxes that pay
for these things, but the relationship is rather tenuous and the tax burden can be minimised by careful
management. The implication is that corporations should recognise and pay for the facilities that society
provides by means of socially responsible policies and actions.
Henry Mintzberg (in Power In and Around Organisations) suggests that simply viewing organisations as
vehicles for shareholder investment is inadequate.
(a) In practice, he says, organisations are rarely controlled effectively by shareholders. Most
shareholders are passive investors.
(b) Large corporations can manipulate markets. Social responsibility, forced or voluntary, is a way of
recognising this.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 133

(c) Moreover, as mentioned above, businesses do receive a lot of government support. The public
pays for roads, infrastructure, education and health, all of which benefits businesses. Although
businesses pay tax, the public ultimately pays, perhaps through higher prices.
(d) Strategic decisions by businesses always have wider social consequences. In other words, says
Mintzberg, the firm produces two kinds of outputs: goods and services and the social
consequences of its activities (eg pollution).

2.8 Externalities
There is particular concern over externalities, or the social and environmental costs of corporate

If it is accepted that businesses do not bear the total social cost of their activities, then the exercise of
social responsibility is a way of compensating for this. An example is given by the environment. Industrial
pollution is injurious to health: if someone is made ill by industrial pollution, then arguably the polluter
should pay the sick person, as damages or in compensation, in the same way as if the business's builders
had accidentally bulldozed somebody's house.
In practice, of course, while it is relatively easy to identify statistical relationships between pollution levels
and certain illnesses, mapping out the chain of cause and effect from an individual's wheezing cough to
the dust particles emitted by Factory X, as opposed to Factory Y, is quite a different matter.
Of course, it could be argued that these external costs are met out of general taxation: but this has the
effect of spreading the cost amongst other individuals and businesses. Moreover, the tax revenue may be
spent on curing the disease, rather than stopping it at its source. Pollution control equipment may be the
fairest way of dealing with this problem. Thus advocates of social responsibility in business would argue
that business's responsibilities then do not rest with paying taxes.
Is there any justification for social responsibility outside remedying the effects of a business's direct
activities. For example, should businesses give to charity or sponsor the arts? Several arguments have
been advanced suggesting that they should.
(a) If the stakeholder concept of a business is held, then the public is a stakeholder in the business. A
business only succeeds because it is part of a wider society. Giving to charity is one way of
encouraging a relationship.
(b) Charitable donations and artistic sponsorship are a useful medium of public relations and can
reflect well on the business. It can be regarded, then, as another form of promotion, which like
advertising, serves to enhance consumer awareness of the business, while not encouraging the
sale of a particular brand.
The arguments for and against social responsibility of business are complex ones. However, ultimately
they can be traced to different assumptions about society and the relationships between the individuals
and organisations within it.

Case Study
A global survey on business and society carried out in September 2007 by The McKinsey Quarterly found
that environmental issues, including climate change, have soared to the top of the socio-political agenda in
management suites around the world. Executives expect that the environment will attract more public and
political attention, and affect shareholder value, more than any other societal issue.
By contrast, a similar survey in December 2005 had found that the most important socio-political issue
then was job losses from companies moving offshore, with the environment and climate change in third

134 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

2.9 The ethical stance
An organisation's ethical stance is the extent to which it will exceed its minimum obligations to
stakeholders. There are four typical stances.
Short-term shareholder interest
Long-term shareholder interest
Multiple stakeholder obligations
Shaper of society

Key term An organisation's ethical stance is defined by JS&W as the extent to which it will exceed its minimum
obligation to stakeholders and society at large.

JS&W illustrate the range of possible ethical stances by giving four illustrations.
Short-term shareholder interest
Long-term shareholder interest
Multiple stakeholder obligations
Shaper of society

2.10 Short-term shareholder interest

An organisation might limit its ethical stance to taking responsibility for short-term shareholder interest
on the grounds that it is for government alone to impose wider constraints on corporate governance. This
minimalist approach would accept a duty of obedience to the demands of the law, but would not undertake
to comply with any less substantial rules of conduct. This stance can be justified on the grounds that
going beyond it can challenge government authority; this is an important consideration for organisations
operating in developing countries.

2.10.1 Long-term shareholder interest

There are two reasons why an organisation might take a wider view of ethical responsibilities when
considering the longer-term interest of shareholders.
(a) The organisation's corporate image may be enhanced by an assumption of wider responsibilities.
The cost of undertaking such responsibilities may be justified as essentially promotional
(b) The responsible exercise of corporate power may prevent a build-up of social and political
pressure for legal regulation. Freedom of action may be preserved and the burden of regulation
lightened by acceptance of ethical responsibilities.

2.10.2 Multiple stakeholder obligations

An organisation might accept the legitimacy of the expectations of stakeholders other than
shareholders and build those expectations into its stated purposes. This would be because without
appropriate relationships with groups such as suppliers, employers and customers, the organisation
would not be able to function.
A distinction can be drawn between rights and expectations. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a
right as 'a legal or moral entitlement'. One is on fairly safe interpretative ground with legal rights, since
their basis is usually clearly established, though subject to development and adjustment. The concept of
moral entitlement is much less well defined and subject to partisan argument, as discussed above in the
context of natural law. There is, for instance, an understandable tendency for those who feel themselves
aggrieved to declare that their rights have been infringed. Whether or not this is the case is often a matter
of opinion. For example, in the UK, there is often talk of a 'right to work' when redundancies occur. No
such right exists in UK law, nor is it widely accepted that there is a moral basis for such a right. However,

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 135

there is a widespread acceptance that governments should make the prevention of large-scale
unemployment a high priority.
Clearly, organisations have a duty to respect the legal rights of stakeholders other than shareholders.
These are extensive in the UK, including wide-ranging employment law and consumer protection law, as
well as the more basic legislation relating to such matters as contract and property. Where moral
entitlements are concerned, organisations need to be practical: they should take care to establish just
what expectations they are prepared to treat as obligations, bearing in mind their general ethical stance
and degree of concern about bad publicity.
Acceptance of obligations to stakeholders implies that measurement of the organisation's performance
must give due weight to these extra imperatives. For instance, as is widely known, the late Anita Roddick
did not care to have the performance of Body Shop assessed in purely financial terms. Instead, she
wanted performance to be measured in terms of addressing climate change through reducing energy
usage, defending human rights by improving the working conditions in their suppliers' organisations, and
upholding animal rights by ensuring that no animals were used in the testing of toiletries or cosmetics.

2.10.3 Shaper of society

It is difficult enough for a commercial organisation to accept wide responsibility to stakeholders. The role
of shaper of society is even more demanding and largely the province of public sector organisations and
charities, though some well-funded private organisations might act in this way. The legitimacy of this
approach depends on the framework of corporate governance and accountability. Where organisations are
clearly set up for such a role, either by government or by private sponsors, they may pursue it. However,
they must also satisfy whatever requirements for financial viability are established for them.

3 Corporate governance
Corporate governance is the conduct of the organisation's senior officers. Abuses have led to a range of
measures to improve corporate governance. Non-executive directors have a particular role to play.

Key term The conduct of an organisation's senior officers constitutes its corporate governance.

3.1 The governance framework

JS&W say that the most fundamental expectations of organisations concern who they should serve and
how their direction and purposes should be determined. This is the province of corporate governance,
which is also concerned with the supervision and accountability of executives.

Key term The governance framework describes whom the organisation is there to serve and how the purposes and
priorities of the organisation should be decided.

3.1.1 The governance chain

Where the management of a business is separated from its ownership by the employment of professional
managers, the managers may be considered to be the agents of the owners. Agency theory is concerned
with adverse selection and moral hazard, the problems that arise as a result of the separation of ownership
and control. In many organisations, corporate governance takes the form of a chain of responsibility and

Few large businesses are directly managed by their owners. In the case of larger companies, the
shareholders may be numerous and unlikely to wish to take part in the management of the company,
viewing it simply as a vehicle for investment. Even where ownership is concentrated, large companies tend
to be managed mostly by professional managers who have little ownership interest, if any.

136 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

In most large commercial organisations, the situation is even more complex in that governance is
exercised through many links in a chain. Managers are accountable to more senior managers and so on
up to the board of directors. The directors enjoy an element of autonomy, but in many cases they will
effectively be accountable to the representatives of a few large institutional shareholders or perhaps those
of a single venture capital company. The chain of accountability may then continue, with those
representatives themselves are accountable ultimately to the individual savers and investors that provide
their funds.
This separation of ownership from control has been a feature of business for over a century and brings
with it a recurring problem: the business should be managed so as to promote the economic interest of
the shareholders as a body, but the power to manage lies in the hands of people who may use it to
promote their own interests. How may such conflicts of interest be resolved and managers be made to
favour the interest of the owners rather than their own?
This problem is not confined to the management of companies: it is the general problem of the agency
relationship and occurs whenever one person (the principal) gives another (the agent) power to deal with
his or her affairs. The relationship between principal and agent has been subjected to some quite abstruse
economic and mathematical analysis; this area of study is called agency theory. It proceeds on the basis
that principals and agents are rational utility maximisers.
Two important concepts are used to explain the things that can go wrong in the agency relationship:
adverse selection and moral hazard.

Key term Adverse selection is the making of poor choices. It occurs perhaps most often because the chooser lacks
the information necessary to make a good choice.

Adverse selection can be exacerbated in the agency relationship when the agent has an incentive to
withhold information from the principal, thus creating information asymmetry. We see this in two
important instances:
(a) Appointment of the agent: the principal attempts to appoint a competent and trustworthy agent,
but potential agents thus have an incentive to conceal any evidence there may be that they are
incompetent or untrustworthy.
(b) Assessing the agent's performance: the principal desires to reward the agent according to the
standard of their performance, but the agent controls or is able to influence the information the
principal uses to assess that performance.
Disclosure is thus a major theme in corporate governance.

Key term Moral hazard arises whenever people are protected from the adverse consequences of their actions; they
have no incentive to exercise correct judgement and are free to act in an irresponsible manner.

To protect a person from the adverse consequences of their behaviour is to encourage irresponsibility,
hence the moral dimension of the concept.
Moral hazard is not confined to principal-agent relationships. It occurs in banking, for example, when
government guarantee schemes allow bankers to make injudicious loans.
In the agency relationship, we are concerned with the use the agent makes of the authority with which they
have been entrusted. Moral hazard will exist unless at least part of the agent's remuneration is contingent
upon them making responsible use of their authority.
Agency theory is clearly relevant to the modern business organisation. The directors are the agents of the
shareholders, employed to manage the business in the shareholders' interest. To do this they are given
considerable power over the resources of the business. How can the shareholders be sure that they will
not abuse this trust?
To a lesser extent, agency theory also applies within the organisation. The directors cannot do everything:
as we have said, they must employ subordinate managers to put their plans into action. How can the
directors be sure that those subordinates are not abusing their trust?

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 137

They rely to an increasing extent on the initiative, skills, creativity and enthusiasm of quite junior members
of the organisation, since this is what creates competitive advantage. They also depend on both motivating
and empowering these employees. Therefore, the issue of trust comes to prominence.
Agency theory is thus very relevant to the fields of both performance measurement and executive
compensation. Moral hazard can be reduced by making the rewards paid to the directors and managers
contingent upon their satisfactory performance: the information asymmetry that leads to adverse
selection can be reduced by making proper information about that performance available to the
shareholders (in the case of the directors) and to the directors (in the case of the subordinate managers).

3.1.2 The board of directors

There are four models of governance:
1 The Anglo-Saxon model is fast in action but may be short-termist and unresponsive to external
2 The Rhine model has more robust governance and takes a long view of investment.
3 The Japanese model values consensus, takes a very long view and makes decisions slowly.
Accountability and governance may be poor.
4 The Latin model emphasises the role of the state: investment is likely to be for the very long-term
but governance may suffer from political activity.

Most organisations will have some kind of governing body. In the private sector we are used to the
concept of the board of directors; not for profit organisations are likely to have a board of trustees and,
possibly, an executive committee of professional managers as well; while public sector organisations will
usually have a similar body in overall charge.
The characteristics, role and functioning of boards of directors vary across the world: Michel Albert
distinguishes three typical forms of corporate governance: the Anglo-Saxon, the Rhine and the Japanese.
The first differs from the other two in that shares in such companies tend to be widely held in small
quantities, which tends to permit significant autonomy to a small number of senior managers. In the other
two models, top management is more collective in nature involving a larger team, and is responsible to a
more stable body representing outside interests, such as founding family shareholders and trade unions in
the Rhine model and large institutions in the Japanese models.
JS&W discuss a fourth model: this is the Latin, typical of France, Spain and Italy.
The Anglo-Saxon model
The Anglo-Saxon model is found in the UK, the USA and Australasia. There is a single level of board
membership, which includes both executive and non-executive directors. The effectiveness of the non-
executive directors in curbing the power of the executives varies. The wide spread of shareholding found
in many large companies tends to limit the power of individual shareholders, though major institutional
shareholders such as pension funds are becoming more assertive.
Corporate finance emphasises the dominant position of equity and relationships with banks tend to be
contractually-based. This can lead to difficulties, since banks' own commercial considerations may lead
them to withdraw funds. Shareholders thus assume most of the burden of financial risk and limit the
extent of gearing as a result.
This kind of company tends to be very market-oriented, internationalised and able to raise and use large
amounts of capital. However, it has been criticised for being unstable, for taking a short-term view of
strategy and for poor standards of corporate governance.
The Rhine model
The Rhine model is found in such countries as Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland; and, to some
extent, in France. The two-tier board is common (and may be mandatory), with strong employee
representation on the supervisory board and an emphasis on co-determination, or joint decision-making.

138 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

There are robust procedures for corporate governance. The supervisory board restrains the autonomy of
the managerial professionals on the lower tier board.
Such companies have a long-term strategy with stable capital investment policies. However, they tend to
be inflexible and slow to invest in new industries and international projects.
The Japanese model
Japanese business culture is respectful of consensus and rather patriarchal. Promotion to the board is
decided by the Chairman after consultation, often with interested external parties such as bankers.
Directors are expected to promote the interests of employees as a matter of course. Governance
procedures tend to be secretive and can be corrupt, with weak accountability. A very long view is taken of
industrial strategy and capital investment is stable, though there can be an element of financial
speculation. Decision-making can be very slow.
Banks have extensive shareholdings as well as making loans and take a close interest in the management
of the companies they finance. In times of difficulty they are more likely to promote change rather than
simply withdrawing funds.
The Latin model
The Latin model features heavy state involvement in business and industrial strategy, with consistency
between political, economic and administrative goals. Investment is very stable. However, government
involvement can lead to over-emphasis on political priorities and over-intimate relations between
directors, politicians and civil servants.

3.1.3 Governance and strategy

The board must decide the extent of its involvement in the strategic process. If it decides on a stewardship
role it must ensure that the organisation's activity is not directed to management's own ends rather than
those of legitimate stakeholders. If it engages in the strategic process it must act independently of
management and in a competent fashion.

Directors' involvement in the making of strategy may be limited to a stewardship role in which the board
delegates the process to full-time executives, retaining only a final approval role. When this is done, the
board must take steps to prevent the executives from pursuing their own interest rather than those of
legitimate stakeholders.
There are a number of ways in which the board can engage in the strategic process: some of these are
discussed elsewhere in this Study Text. Directors who take part in the making of strategy must be
competent and have sufficient time to do so. They must ensure that they act independently in the interests
of stakeholders and pay proper attention to personal and collective accountability and performance

3.2 The driving forces of governance development

Corporate governance issues came to prominence in the USA during the 1970s and in the UK and Europe
from the late 1980s. There were several reasons why this happened.
(a) Increasing internationalisation and globalisation meant that investors, and institutional investors
in particular, began to invest outside their home countries. This lead to calls for companies to
operate in an acceptable fashion and to report corporate performance fairly.
(b) Issues concerning financial reporting were raised by many investors and were the focus of much
debate and litigation. Shareholder confidence in many instances was eroded and, while focus solely
on accounting and reporting issues is inadequate, the regulation of practices such as off-balance
sheet financing has led to greater transparency and a reduction in risks faced by investors.
(c) An increasing number of high profile corporate scandals and collapses including Polly Peck
International, BCCI, and Maxwell Communications Corporation prompted the development of

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 139

governance codes in the early 1990s. However the scandals since then such as Enron, Parmalat
and WorldCom have raised questions about further measures that may be necessary.
The speed and severity of the downturn in the global financial system in 2008-09 also suggest that
more stringent controls and regulation over the global banking system are required.

3.3 Features of poor corporate governance

The scandals over the last 25 years have highlighted the need for guidance to tackle the various risks and
problems that can arise in organisations' systems of governance.

3.3.1 Domination by a single individual

A feature of many corporate governance scandals has been boards dominated by a single senior executive
with other board members merely acting as a rubber stamp. Sometimes the single individual may bypass
the board to action their own interests. The report on the UK Guinness case suggested that the Chief
Executive, Ernest Saunders paid himself a 3 million reward without consulting the other directors.

3.3.2 Lack of involvement of board

Boards that meet irregularly or fail to consider systematically the organisation's activities and risks are
clearly weak. Sometimes the failure to carry out proper oversight is due to a lack of information being

3.3.3 Lack of adequate control function

An obvious weakness is a lack of internal audit.
Another important control is lack of adequate technical knowledge in key roles, for example in the audit
committee or in senior compliance positions. A rapid turnover of staff involved in accounting or control
may suggest inadequate resourcing, and will make control more difficult because of lack of continuity.

3.3.4 Lack of supervision

Employees who are not properly supervised can create large losses for the organisation through their own
incompetence, negligence or fraudulent activity. The behaviour of Nick Leeson, the employee who caused
the collapse of Barings bank was not challenged because he appeared to be successful, whereas he was
using unauthorised accounts to cover up his large trading losses. Leeson was able to do this because he
was in charge of both dealing and settlement, a systems weakness or lack of segregation of key roles
that featured in other financial frauds.

3.3.5 Lack of independent scrutiny

External auditors may not carry out the necessary questioning of senior management because of fears of
losing the audit, and internal audit do not ask awkward questions because the chief financial officer
determines their employment prospects. Often corporate collapses are followed by criticisms of external
auditors, such as the Barlow Clowes affair, where poorly planned and focused audit work failed to identify
illegal use of client monies.

3.3.6 Lack of contact with shareholders

Often board members may have grown up with the company but lose touch with the interests and views of
shareholders. One possible symptom of this is the payment of remuneration packages that do not appear
to be warranted by results.

3.3.7 Emphasis on short-term profitability

Emphasis on short-term results can lead to the concealment of problems or errors, or manipulation of
accounts to achieve desired results.

140 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

3.3.8 Misleading accounts and information
Often misleading figures are symptomatic of other problems (or are designed to conceal other problems)
but in many cases, poor quality accounting information is a major problem if markets are trying to make a
fair assessment of the company's value. Giving out misleading information was a major issue in the UK's
Equitable Life scandal where the company gave contradictory information to savers, independent advisers,
media and regulators.

3.4 Risks of poor corporate governance

Clearly, the ultimate risk is of the organisation making such large losses that bankruptcy becomes
inevitable. The organisation may also be closed down as a result of serious regulatory breaches, for
example misapplying investors' monies.

4 The role of culture

Culture is important both in organisations and in the wider world. It is the knowledge, beliefs, customs
and attitudes which people adhere to. In wider society it is affected by factors such as age, class, race and
religion, while in organisations it is defined by assumptions, beliefs and artefacts. These, in turn, are
influenced by history, management, structure and systems. The organisational iceberg concept shows
how culture relates to other aspects of the organisation. The paradigm is the common, basic assumptions
and beliefs held by an organisation's decision-makers. Combined with the physical manifestations of
culture, it makes up the cultural web.

4.1 Organisational culture

Key term The word, culture is used by sociologists and anthropologists to encompass 'the sum total of the beliefs,
knowledge, attitudes of mind and customs to which people are exposed in their social conditioning.'

Through contact with a particular culture, individuals learn a language, acquire values and learn habits of
behaviour and thought.
(a) Beliefs and values. Beliefs are what we feel to be the case on the basis of objective and subjective
information (eg people can believe the world is round or flat). Values are beliefs which are relatively
enduring, relatively general and fairly widely accepted as a guide to culturally appropriate
(b) Customs. Customs are modes of behaviour which represent culturally accepted ways of behaving
in response to given situations.
(c) Artefacts. Artefacts are all the physical tools designed by human beings for their physical and
psychological well-being, including works of art, technology, products.
(d) Rituals. A ritual is a type of activity which takes on symbolic meaning; it consists of a fixed
sequence of behaviour repeated over time.
The learning and sharing of culture is made possible by language (both written and spoken, verbal and
Knowledge of the culture of a society is clearly of value to businesses in a number of ways.
(a) Marketers can adapt their products accordingly, and be fairly sure of a sizeable market. This is
particularly important in export markets.
(b) Human resource managers may need to tackle cultural differences in recruitment. For example,
some ethnic minorities have a different body language from the majority, which may be hard for
some interviewers to interpret.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 141

Culture in a society can be divided into subcultures reflecting social differences. Most people participate in
several of them.

Key term Organisational culture consists of the beliefs, attitudes, practices and customs to which people are
exposed during their interaction with the organisation.

Culture is both internal to an organisation and external to it. The culture of an organisation is embedded in
the culture of the wider society. Its importance to strategy is that it can predispose the organisation
towards or away from a particular course of action.
All organisations will generate their own cultures, whether spontaneously or under the guidance of
positive managerial strategy. Schein suggests that three aspects of culture can be distinguished in
(a) Basic, underlying assumptions which guide the behaviour of the individuals and groups in the
organisation. These may include customer orientation, or belief in quality, trust in the organisation
to provide rewards, freedom to make decisions, freedom to make mistakes and the value of
innovation and initiative at all levels.
(b) Overt beliefs expressed by the organisation and its members, which can be used to condition the
assumptions mentioned above. These beliefs and values may emerge as sayings, slogans and
mottoes, such as IBM's motto, 'think'. They may emerge in a rich mythology of jokes and stories
about past successes and heroic failures.
(c) Visible artefacts the style of the offices or other premises, dress rules, visible structures or
processes, the degree of informality between superiors and subordinates and so on.
Management can encourage this by selling a sense of the corporate mission, or by promoting the
corporate image. It can reward the right attitudes and punish (or simply not employ) those who are not
prepared to commit themselves to the culture.
An organisation's culture is influenced by many factors.
(a) The organisation's founder. A strong set of values and assumptions is set up by the organisation's
founder, and even after he or she has retired, these values have their own momentum. Or, to put it
another way, an organisation might find it hard to shake off its original culture. Peters and
Waterman believed that 'excellent' companies began with strong leaders.
(b) The organisation's history. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington state that the way an organisation
works reflects the era when it was founded. Farming, for example, sometimes has a craft element
to it. The effect of history can be determined by stories, rituals and symbolic behaviour. They
legitimise behaviour and promote priorities. (In some organisations certain positions are regarded
as intrinsically more 'heroic' than others.)
(c) Leadership and management style. An organisation with a strong culture recruits managers who
naturally conform to it.
(d) Structure and systems affect culture as well as strategy.

4.2 The organisational iceberg

French and Bell described the organisational iceberg in which formal aspects are overt and informal
aspects are covert or hidden, rather as the bulk of an iceberg is underwater.
Formal aspects
Policies and procedures
Financial resources

142 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

Informal aspects
Beliefs and assumptions
Perceptions, attitudes and feelings about the formal systems
Informal interactions
Group norms

4.3 The paradigm and the cultural web

Exam focus
point The Study Guide A6(f) requires you to be able to prepare and evaluate a cultural web of an
organisation. Section C2(b) also requires you to be able to determine and diagnose the organisational
context of change using the cultural web.
The December 2008 exam featured a scenario in which a change programme was threatening the
manifestations of culture in an organisation, and the question asked why the changes were opposed by the
staff in the organisation.
This question called for candidates to apply their knowledge of the web, to identify that the proposed
changes were challenging all the elements of the web, and this prompted the staff to resist the changes.

4.3.1 The paradigm

The word paradigm was first used outside its original context by Kuhn and defined by him as 'an entire
constellation of beliefs, values and techniques, and so on, shared by the members of a given community'.
In a business context, it may be used to signify the basic assumptions and beliefs that an organisation's
decision-makers hold in common and take for granted. Note that this is a slightly different concept from
culture. The paradigm represents collective experience and is used to make sense of a given situation; it
is thus essentially conservative and inhibiting to innovation, while an innovative culture is entirely feasible.

4.3.2 The cultural web

Johnson, Scholes and Whittington use the term cultural web to mean a combination of the assumptions
that make up the paradigm, together with the physical manifestations of culture.

Stories Symbols

Rituals and The Power

routines Paradigm structures

Control Organisa-
systems tional

The cultural web

The cultural web model may be used to gain an understanding of an organisation's culture and thence the
way its members behave and how its strategy develops. JS&W suggest that careful examination of each
aspect of the web may lead to a brief summary of an organisation in cultural terms. Culture tends to be

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 143

fairly simple, though manifested in complex ways: different but consistent elements may be discerned by
investigating each constituent of the cultural web.
Let us look at the six physical manifestations of culture which make up the web in more detail.
1 Stories The stories concern past events and people talked about inside and outside the company.
Who' and what' is talked about most in these stories can illustrate the behaviour the organisation
encourages, and the sorts of things it values.
2 Symbols The visual representations of an organisation including logos, premises, and dress can
illustrate the nature of that organisation. Also, verbal representations like language and titles can
symbolise the nature of an organisation.
3 Power Structures Who has the real power in the organisation? This may be one or two key
senior executives, a whole group of executives, or even a department. The key is that these people
have the greatest amount of influence on decisions, operations, and the strategic direction of an
4 Organisational Structures This includes both the formal structure defined by the organisation
chart, and the unwritten lines of power and influence that indicate whose contributions are most
valued. Structure is likely to reflect power.
5 Control Systems These concern the ways the organisation is controlled. They include financial
systems, quality systems, and rewards (including the way they are measured and distributed within
the organisation.) Looking at the areas which are controlled most closely can indicate what is seen
as most important to an organisation, and where most attention is focused.
6 Rituals and Routines The daily behaviour and actions of people signal what is considered
acceptable in an organisation. This determines what is expected to happen in given situations, and
what is valued by management.

144 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

4.3.3 Example of the cultural web
The table below illustrates some of the questions which the cultural web prompts us to ask about an
organisation. It also gives some examples of the expressions of culture that could be generated by the
web. The example below is based on the cultural web for a car repair workshop.
Cultural web Examples (based on car repair workshop)
What stories do people tell about the organisation? They're always the cheapest on the market; they do
things the cheapest way they can.

What do these stories say about the values of the

What reputation is communicated among They are known for having high numbers of
customers and other stakeholders? customer complaints, and for low quality
What do employees talk about when they think of The founder started the company himself with a loan
the history of the organisation? from a friend.
Rituals and routines
What do employees expect when they come to Employees have to sign in, and are then given a job
work? sheet by the boss showing their jobs for the day.
What do customers expect when they walk in? Customers expect to hear the radio playing and to
be given a mug of coffee while they wait to collect
What would be immediately obvious if it changed? Workshop repainted and new machinery installed
What behaviour do the routines encourage? Lots of talk about money-saving, and especially how
to cut costs
What language and jargon is used? Is it well Mechanics use jargon which customers don't
known and usable by all? understand to describe parts and problems
What aspects of strategy are highlighted in Adverts and leaflets say they won't be beaten on
publicity? price
Are there any status symbols? No, the boss wears an overall, like the staff
Organisational structure
Is the structure formal or informal? Flat or Flat structure: Owner, Mechanics, Receptionist.
What are the formal lines of authority? The mechanics report to the owner (who is also a
mechanic by trade)
Are there any informal lines of authority? The receptionist is the owner's wife so she
discusses customer complains directly with him
Do structures encourage cooperation and Each mechanic looks after himself. There is no
collaboration? sharing of tools or jobs.

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 145

Cultural web Examples (based on car repair workshop)
Control systems
What process has the strongest controls? Costs are very tightly controlled. Customers are
billed for all parts used.
What process has the weakest controls? Quality is not seen as important. Getting work done
as cheaply as possible is emphasised ahead of
Is emphasis on rewarding good work or penalising In their pay review, employees are judged on the
poor work? actual costs of their jobs compared to their job
quotes. Staff whose actual costs exceed quotes tend
to get smaller pay rises than those whose job costs
are lower than their quotes.
Power structures
Who has the real power in the organisation? The owner
How strongly held are the beliefs of the people The owner believes strongly in a low cost model,
with power? and is prepared to lose repeat customers in order to
keep costs down

How is power used or abused? Knowing that their pay reviews are dependent on
cost control keeps mechanics working to this low
cost model
What are the main blockages to change?
The owner insists that his low cost model is the best
way to run the business and won't invest in any new
equipment if it will cost lots of money to do so.

4.3.4 The cultural web and business strategy

The importance of the cultural web for business strategy is that it provides a means of looking at cultural
assumptions and practices, to make sure that organisational elements are aligned with one another, and
with an organisation's strategy.
If an organisation is not delivering the results its management wants, management can use the web to
help diagnose whether the organisation's culture is contributing to the underperformance.
There are three phases to such analysis. First, management can look at organisational culture as it is now.
Second they can to look at how they want the culture to be, and third they can identify the differences
between the two. These differences indicate the changes which will need to be made to achieve the high-
performance culture that they are seeking.
In this way, the cultural web can play a significant role in change management, and changing
organisational culture.

146 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

4.4 Section summary
This chapter brings us to the end of Section A of the P3 syllabus, 'Strategic position'. In the next chapter,
we will start looking at the 'Strategic choices' available to an organisation. These choices obviously
depend on its current position and the various internal and external factors affecting it, which we have
looked at in Section A. The diagram below summarises these factors which shape strategic position:

Environmental Competitive
factors forces

Stakeholders, Strategic
ethics and position

Internal resources
and capabilities

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 147

Chapter Roundup
Ethics is about right and wrong but it not the same thing as law or the rules of religion. Cognitive
approaches to ethics assume that objective moral truths can be established.
Consequentialist ethics judges actions by their outcomes; deontology assumes the existence of absolute
moral principles and ignores outcomes. Natural law is about rights and duties, while virtue ethics is based
on the moderation in behaviour and the idea of leading a harmonious life.
Ethical theory is not integrated: consequentialist, deontological and natural law based rules are capable of
pointing to different conclusions. Partly as a result of this, ethical dilemmas can exist at all levels in the
Corporate ethics has three contexts.
Interaction with national and international society
Effects of routine operations
Behaviour of individuals
If constructed with care, a corporate ethical code can be valuable.
There is a fundamental split of views about the organisation's relationship with its stakeholders and the
nature of corporate responsibility.
The strong view that a range of goals should be pursued
The weak view that the business organisation is a purely economic force, subject to law
Stakeholders have an interest in what the organisation does.
An organisation's stakeholder relationships must not be managed in accordance with their bargaining
strength, influence, power and degree of interest. Mendelow summarises the possibilities in his
stakeholder map. Stakeholders have three options: loyalty, exit and voice.
The extent to which an organisation recognises obligations to society in general is as much subject to
debate as its relationships with stakeholder groups.
There is particular concern over externalities, or the social and environmental costs of corporate
An organisation's ethical stance is the extent to which it will exceed its minimum obligations to
stakeholders. There are four typical stances.
Short-term shareholder interest Multiple stakeholder obligations
Long-term shareholder interest Shaper of society
Corporate governance is the conduct of the organisation's senior officers. Abuses have led to a range of
measures to improve corporate governance. Non-executive directors have a particular role to play.
Where the management of a business is separated from its ownership by the employment of professional
managers, the managers may be considered to be the agents of the owners. Agency theory is concerned
with adverse selection and moral hazard, the problems that arise as a result of the separation of ownership
and control. In many organisations, corporate governance takes the form of a chain of responsibility and
There are four models of governance.
1 The Anglo-Saxon model is fast in action but may be short-termist and unresponsive to external
2 The Rhine model has more robust governance and takes a long view of investment.
3 The Japanese model values consensus, takes a very long view and makes decisions slowly.
Accountability and governance may be poor.
4 The Latin model emphasises the role of the state: investment is likely to be for the very long-term
but governance may suffer from political activity.

148 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
The board must decide the extent of its involvement in the strategic process. If it decides on a stewardship
role it must ensure that the organisation's activity is not directed to management's own ends rather than
those of legitimate stakeholders. If it engages in the strategic process it must act independently of
management and in a competent fashion.
Culture is important both in organisations and in the wider world. It is the knowledge, beliefs, customs
and attitudes which people adhere to. In wider society it is affected by factors such as age, class, race and
religion, while in organisations it is defined by assumptions, beliefs and artefacts. These, in turn, are
influenced by history, management, structure and systems. The organisational iceberg concept shows
how culture relates to other aspects of the organisation. The paradigm is the common, basic assumptions
and beliefs held by an organisation's decision-makers. Combined with the physical manifestations of
culture, it makes up the cultural web.

Quick Quiz
1 What is an organisation's ethical stance?
2 Stakeholders can be classified into three broad groups. What are they?
3 A stakeholder group has high interest in but low powers over an organisations activities. How should the
organisation deal with that stakeholder group:
(a) Make sure it's strategies are acceptable to it
(b) Make sure it is kept satisfied
(c) Make sure it is kept informed
(d) Do nothing
4 When should ethical considerations be included in performance measures?
5 What is corporate governance?
6 What is an externality?
7 What are the six physical manifestations of culture that make up the cultural web?
8 What is the paradigm, in JS&W's terms?

Part A Strategic position 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture 149

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 The extent to which it will exceed its minimum obligation to shareholders
2 Internal; connected; external stakeholders.
3 (c) A stakeholder group with high interest but low power does not have much ability to influence
strategy on its own, but it may be able to influence other more powerful stakeholders. It should
therefore be kept informed.
4 When moral expectations are accepted as obligations
5 The conduct of the organisation's senior officers
6 A social or environmental cost of the organisation's activities not borne by the organisation
7 Stories; symbols; power structures; organisational structures; control systems; rituals and routines.
8 The common, basic assumptions and beliefs held by an organisation's decision-makers

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q5 Examination 20 36 mins

150 5: Stakeholders, ethics and culture Part A Strategic position


Strategic choices

Strategic choices

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Corporate strategy B1(a)
2 Diversity of products and markets B1(b), (c)
3 International diversification B1(b), (c)
4 The corporate parent and value creation B1(d), (e)
5 The corporate portfolio B1(f)
6 Business unit strategy: generic strategies B2(a)
7 Sustaining competitive advantage B2(b), (c), (d)
8 Using the value chain in competitive strategy B2
9 Product-market strategy: direction of growth B3(a)
10 Method of growth B3(b)
11 Strategy and market position B2
12 Success criteria B3(c), (d), (e), (f)

In this chapter we will examine the various strategic choices that present
themselves to the organisation. The process of selecting from these choices
should, of course, be illuminated by the analyses of environmental and internal
factors that we have already discussed.
There are two main areas to cover in our examination of strategic choices;
these are, first, the role of the corporate headquarters of an organisation. that is
made up of a number of business units; and, second, the strategies available to
the business units themselves in their own separate industries and sectors. The
second area is equally applicable to smaller organisations that are, effectively,
independent businesses operating on their own account and not subject to any
form of hierarchical supervision.

Study guide
Intellectual level
B1 The influence of corporate strategy on an organisation
(a) Explore the relationship between a corporate parent and its business units 2
(b) Assess the opportunities and potential problems of pursuing different
corporate strategies of product/market diversification from a national, 3
international and global perspective
(c) Assess the opportunities and potential problems of pursuing a corporate
strategy of international diversity, international scale operations and 3
(d) Discuss a range of ways that the corporate parent can create and destroy
organisational value
(e) Explain three corporate rationales for adding value portfolio managers, 3
synergy managers and parental developers
(f) Explain and assess a range of portfolio models (the growth/share (BCG)
matrix, the public sector portfolio matrix, market attractiveness/SBU
strength matrix, directional policy matrix, Ashridge Portfolio Display) that
may assist corporate parents manager their business portfolios
B2 Alternative approaches to achieving competitive advantage
(a) Evaluate, through the strategy clock, generic strategy options available to an
(b) Advise on how price-based strategies, differentiation and lock-in can help an
organisation sustain its competitive advantage
(c) Explore how organisations can respond to hypercompetitive conditions 2
(d) Assess opportunities for improving competitiveness through collaboration 3
B3 Alternative directions and methods of development
(a) Determine generic development directions (employing an adapted Ansoff 2
matrix and a TOWS matrix) available to an organisation
(b) Assess how internal development, mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances,
and franchising can be used as different methods of pursuing a chosen 3
strategic direction
(c) Establish success criteria to assist in the choice of a strategic direction and
method (strategic options)
(d) Assess the suitability of different strategic options to an organisation 3
(e) Assess the feasibility of different strategic options to an organisation 3
(f) Establish the acceptability of strategic options to an organisation through
analysing risk and return on investment

Exam guide
This is another chapter that is packed with highly examinable material. In particular, it is very common in
business strategy exams to be confronted with a complex scenario and be required to suggest sensible
courses of action, with reasonable justification. It is very important, therefore to understand the general
circumstances in which a particular strategic option is appropriate. It is not sufficient to be able to
describe the options without understanding when they are to be recommended. A strategy must be
appropriate to its context, and therefore any strategy you recommend in an exam answer must be
appropriate to the scenario described in the question.

154 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

The chapter concludes with a discussion of success criteria: these are the criteria against which possible
courses of action are judged and they draw together the threads of choice we emphasise above. Pay
careful attention to the nature of these criteria: they are not as simple as they might seem to be.

Models and theories

This chapter covers a number of models which are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide, and so could
be specifically required in a question.
The models referenced in the Study Guide are as follows:
JS&W's three strategic rationales for corporate parents
BCG Matrix
Public sector portfolio matrix
Marketing attractiveness/SBU strength matrix (General Electric Business Screen)
Directional policy matrix
Ashridge portfolio display
The strategy clock
TOWS Matrix
Ansoff's Matrix (product market mix)
Do not overlook the other models and ideas in this chapter because they could be useful in supporting
your answer. However, they will not be specifically required by a question.

1 Corporate strategy
Many large businesses consist of a corporate parent and a number of SBUs. The defining characteristic of
the corporate parent is that it has no direct contact with the buyers or competitors, its role being to
manage the overall scope of the organisation in terms of diversity of products, markets and international

Many organisations consist, essentially, of a number of strategic business units (SBUs) and a corporate
parent. Each SBU has its own products, with which it serves its own market sector, and its managers are,
to a greater or lesser extent, responsible for its overall success (or failure). In very large organisations,
SBUs may be grouped into divisions, with divisional managers providing an intermediate level of
management between the SBU and the corporate parent.
The defining feature of the corporate parent is that it has no direct contact with buyers and competitors.
Its role is generally to manage the scope of the organisation. There are two main, linked subjects for
decisions about scope.
Diversity of products and markets
International and geographic diversity
The processes involved in making and implementing these decisions are complex and the role of the
corporate parent is of very great importance to the success or failure of the organisation. In our
consideration of the corporate centre we will also, therefore, examine the ways in which it can create or
destroy value.
Exam focus
point Your syllabus is very clear in its separate treatment of the corporate parent and its SBUs, and this is also
apparent in Exploring Corporate Strategy, upon which much of the syllabus is explicitly based. You must
therefore understand the differences between these two aspects of strategy and be able to recognise
which is required by question scenarios. The picture will, of course, be complicated by the Examiner,
possibly by presenting questions about companies that consist of a single business unit. In this case, the
strategic managers will have to develop both corporate and business-level strategies.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 155

2 Diversity of products and markets
Diversity of products and markets may be advantageous for three reasons.
Economies of scope may arise in several forms of synergy.
Corporate management skills may be extendible.
Cross-subsidy may enhance market power.
Related diversification, whether horizontal or vertical, usually works better than conglomerate, or
unrelated, diversification.

The corporate parent controls the extent of product and market diversification undertaken by the
organisation as a whole. JS&W suggest three reasons why diversification may be advantageous.
(a) Economies of scope (as opposed to economies of scale) may result from the greater use of
under-utilised resources. These benefits are often referred to as synergy and can take several
(i) Marketing synergy is achieved by extending the use of marketing facilities such as
distribution channels; sales staff and administration; and warehousing. For example, the UK
Automobile Association, which is primarily a provider of breakdown services for motorists,
now offers loans to customers as well as breakdown services.
(ii) Operating synergy arises from the better use of operational facilities and personnel, bulk
purchasing, and a greater spread of fixed costs whereby the firm's competence can be
transferred to making new products. For example, although there is very little in common
between sausages and ice cream, both depend on a competence of refrigeration.
(iii) Investment synergy comes from the wider use of a common investment in non-current
assets, working capital or research, such as the joint use of plant, common raw material
inventory and transfer of research and development from one product to another
(iv) Management synergy is the advantage to be gained where management skills concerning
current operations are easily transferred to new operations because of the similarity of
problems in the two industries.
(b) Corporate management skills may be extendible across a range of unrelated businesses. In a way
this is also a kind of synergy, in which the corporate parent represents the resource that can be
more intensively utilised. This kind of approach is commonly seen in consumer goods groups that
deploy brand management skills across a diverse range of products and markets. Virgin is a good
(c) Diversification can increase market power via cross-subsidisation. A high margin business can
subsidise a low margin one, enabling it to create a price advantage over its rivals and building
market share. Eventually, it may achieve a dominant position that enables it to increase its prices
and recoup earlier group losses.
JS&W also discuss three questionable reasons that may be advanced to justify a policy of diversification.
(a) Response to environmental change can be justified as a reason to diversify if it is undertaken in
order to protect existing shareholder value by, for example, responding to the emergence of new
and threatening technology developments. However, the environmental change reasoning is
sometimes used as a cover for what is actually a move to protect the interests of top management;
typically, this will lead to ill-considered acquisitions that destroy value.
(b) Risk spreading can be a valid reason for an owner-managed business to diversify, but modern
financial theory suggests that shareholders in large corporations can manage their risk exposure
better themselves by diversifying their own portfolios.
(c) The expectations of powerful stakeholders can lead to inappropriate strategies generally. JS&W
give the example of Enron, whose strategic managers were under pressure from the stock market
to deliver continuing growth in revenues and responded with ill-considered diversification.

156 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

2.1 Related diversification
Key term Related diversification is development beyond current products and markets but within the capabilities
or value network of the organisation. JS&W

The argument of synergy is often used to justify related diversification. However, achieving synergy can
be difficult and requires considerable strategic skill, both to recognise synergistic potential and to achieve
it in practice. Simply undertaking more and more value activities is not necessarily a route to improved
performance: each activity undertaken must be managed in a skilful and appropriate manner. A number
of very large corporations have actually de-merged with success. Also, the management of external
relationships with suppliers, customers and collaborators is emerging as an effective alternative to
Horizontal integration makes use of current capabilities by development into activities that are
competitive with or directly complementary to a company's present activities. An example would be a TV
company that moved into film production.
Vertical integration occurs when a company expands backwards or forwards within its existing value
network and thus becomes its own supplier or distributor. For example, backward integration would
occur if a milk processing business acquired its own dairy farms rather than buying raw milk from
independent farmers. If a cloth manufacturer began to produce shirts instead of selling all of its cloth to
other shirt manufacturers, that would be forward integration.
Vertical integration has its greatest potential for success when the final customer's needs are not being
properly satisfied. If there is potential for improving the satisfaction of the end user by improving the
links in the value network, then an integration strategy may succeed. Examples would be where there is a
premium on speed, as in the marketing of fresh foodstuffs, or when complex technical features require
great attention to quality procedures.

2.1.1 Advantages of vertical integration

A secure supply of components or materials, hence lower supplier bargaining power
Stronger relationships with the final consumer of the product
A share of the profits at all stages of the value network
More effective pursuit of a differentiation strategy
Creation of barriers to entry
Note vertical integration could have significant benefits for supply chain management. We will look at
supply chain management in more detail later in this Study Text.

Case Study
Kumio Nakamura, president of Matsushita has said that, 'the vertical integration of Japanese
manufacturers is a huge advantage because it enables us to move from development to production in a
short time.'

2.1.2 Disadvantages of vertical integration

(a) Overconcentration. A company places 'more eggs in the same end-market basket' (Ansoff). Such
a policy is fairly inflexible, more sensitive to instabilities and increases the firm's dependence on a
particular aspect of economic demand.
(b) The firm fails to benefit from any economies of scale or technical advances in the industry into
which it has diversified. This is why, in the publishing industry, most printing is subcontracted to
specialist printing firms, who can work machinery to capacity by doing work for many firms.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 157

Case Study
(a) Horizontal integration. Since water and electricity distribution were privatised in the UK, there
have been a number of changes. Regional water companies have purchased regional electricity
distribution firms. For example, Norweb has been bought by North West Water. Although the
businesses are very different, they have a very similar customer base, and cost savings can be
achieved by shared billing, accounts management and so on.
(b) Vertical integration. Before privatisation, the UK electricity industry was a state-owned monopoly,
vertically integrated from power generation to distribution. Privatisation effectively split up these
two businesses, to introduce competition in power generation, so that the regional distribution
companies could buy from a number of suppliers. However, the power distribution companies
sought to buy a regional distribution company, giving them a captive market: National Power was
set to buy Southern Electric, but the bid was blocked by the government on the grounds that it
would inhibit competition.

2.2 Unrelated diversification

Key term Unrelated diversification is the development of products or services beyond the current capabilities or
value network. JS&W

Unrelated diversification produces the type of company known as a conglomerate. Conglomerate

diversification has been a key strategy for companies in Asia, particularly South Korea, where the chaebol,
as they are known, have provided better markets for capital and managerial skills than were available in
the economy generally. Conglomerate diversification can also succeed when managed by particularly
talented strategic leaders who deploy an effective dominant logic; dominant logic is the term used by
Prahalad and Bettis to signify a cognitive orientation or world-view based on sound judgement and
Potential advantages of conglomerate diversification
Bear in mind our discussion of questionable reasons for diversification when considering these points.
(a) Risk-spreading. Entering new products into new markets can compensate for the failure of
current products and markets.
(b) Improved profit opportunities. An improvement of the overall profitability and flexibility of the
firm may arise through acquisition in industries with better prospects than those of the acquiring
(c) Escape from a declining market
(d) Use a company's image and reputation in one market to develop into another where corporate
image and reputation could be vital ingredients for success
Potential disadvantages of conglomerate diversification
(a) The dilution of shareholders' earnings if diversification is into growth industries with high P/E
(b) Lack of a common identity and purpose in a conglomerate organisation. A conglomerate will only
be successful if it has a high quality of management and financial ability at central headquarters,
where the diverse operations are brought together.
(c) Failure in one of the businesses will drag down the rest, as it will eat up resources.
(d) Lack of management experience. Japanese steel companies have diversified into areas
completely unrelated to steel such as personal computers, with limited success.

158 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Exam focus The previous Examiner's suggested solution to a question in the old Paper 3.5 syllabus December 2004
point exam includes this interesting passage:
Michael Porter is one of the fiercest critics of groups who diversify through acquisition into
many different businesses and industries and who, as a consequence, add little, if any value, to the
companies in the group acting independently. He suggests such groups ask themselves what value
does an individual company get through being part of the group and, in particular, what value does
the corporate HQ add to their activities. Executives in such groups often claim that their
diversification strategies lessen risk for their shareholders by creating a portfolio of companies.
Porter dismisses this, arguing that any risk spreading should be left to the shareholder having
companies in a group, with little synergy with one another, or even worse, negative synergy,
actually destroys shareholder value. Acquisition of a company may achieve significant one-off re-
organisation benefits, through cost savings, but these benefits are not sustained over a period of
time. Importantly, he argues that cost reduction is not a strategy in itself but must be part of a
strategy designed to achieve competitive advantage in his terms by either cost leadership or
differentiation. Real value through acquisition will only be achieved if the enlarged group is then
able to share resources or transfer learning from one part of the organisation to another.

2.3 Diversity and strategic success

JS&W's summary of the results of research into the impact of diversification on strategic performance
tells us that organisations undertaking a limited degree of related diversification are likely to perform
better than those that remain undiversified. However, as the degree of diversification increases, the rate
of performance improvement is likely to reduce and may then become negative as the organisation
becomes extensively diversified into unrelated fields.

3 International diversification
Despite wide-ranging measures to liberalise trade and the resulting major growth in world trade, there has
been little globalisation of services. Language differences and restrictions on population movement
hamper the growth of international markets for labour, even when it is highly skilled.

3.1 Globalisation
Since 1945, the volume of world trade has increased. There have been several factors at work.
(a) Import substitution. A country aims to produce manufactured goods which it previously imported,
by protecting local producers. This has had limited success.
(b) Export-led growth. The success of this particular strategy has depended on the existence of open
markets elsewhere. Japan, South Korea and the other Asian 'tiger' economies (eg Taiwan) have
chosen this route.
(c) Market convergence. Transnational market segments have developed whose characteristics are
more homogeneous than the different segments within a given geographic market. Youth culture
is an important influence here.
This has meant a proliferation of suppliers exporting to, or trading in, a wider variety of places. In many
domestic markets it is now likely that the same international companies will be competing with one
another. However, the existence of global markets should not be taken for granted in terms of all
products and services, or indeed in all territories.
(a) Some services are still subject to managed trade (for example, some countries prohibit firms from
other countries from selling insurance). Trade in services has been liberalised under the auspices
of the World Trade Organisation.
(b) Immigration. There is unlikely ever to be a global market for labour, given the disparity in skills
between different countries and restrictions on immigration.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 159

(c) The market for some goods is much more globalised than for others.
(i) Upmarket luxury goods may not be required or afforded by people in developing nations.
(ii) Some goods can be sold almost anywhere, but to limited degrees. Television sets are
consumer durables in some countries, but still luxury or relatively expensive items in other
(iii) Other goods are needed almost everywhere. In oil a truly global industry exists in both
production (eg North Sea, Venezuela, Russia, Azerbaijan, Gulf states) and consumption
(any country using cars and buses, not to mention those with chemical industries based on

3.2 Management orientation

Perlmutter identifies four orientations in the management of international business.
Ethnocentrism is a home country orientation
Polycentrism adapts totally to local environments
Geocentrism adapts only to add value. It 'thinks globally, acts locally'
Regiocentrism recognises regional differences

3.2.1 Ethnocentrism
Key term Ethnocentrism is a home country orientation. The company focuses on its domestic market and sees
exports as secondary to domestic marketing.

This approach simply ignores any inter-country differences which exist. Ethnocentric companies will tend
to market the same products with the same marketing programmes in overseas countries as at home.
Marketing management is centralised in the home country and the marketing mix is standardised. There
is no local market research or adaptation of promotion. As a result, market opportunities may not be fully
exploited and foreign customers may be alienated by the approach.

Case Study
Pepsi experienced customer alienation when it attempted to mechanically import its global younger
challenger to Coke's image into Russia. It lost ground to an obscure Swiss rival, Herschi, which used
Russian sports stars and celebrities in its campaign.

3.2.2 Polycentrism
Key term With polycentrism, objectives are formulated on the assumption that it is necessary to adapt almost
totally the product and the marketing programme to each local environment. Thus the various country
subsidiaries of a multinational corporation are free to formulate their own objectives and plans.

The polycentric company believes that each country is unique. It therefore establishes largely independent
local subsidiaries and decentralises its marketing management. This can produce major increases in
turnover but the loss of economies of scale can seriously damage profitability. Such companies tend to
think of themselves as multinationals. (Later in this chapter we introduce a slightly different polycentric
company: the transnational.)

160 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

3.2.3 Geocentrism and regiocentrism
Key term Geocentrism and regiocentrism are syntheses of the two previous orientations. They are based on the
assumption that there are both similarities and differences between countries that can be incorporated
into regional or world objectives and strategies.

Geocentrism and regiocentrism differ only in geographical terms: the first deals with the world as a unity
while the second considers that there are differences between regions. Bearing this in mind, we will speak
in terms of geocentrism only, for simplicity.
Geocentrism treats the issues of standardisation and adaptation on their merits so as to formulate
objectives and strategies that exploit markets fully while minimising company costs. The aim is to create a
global strategy that is fully responsive to local market differences. This has been summed up as: 'think
globally, act locally'.
Geocentric companies use an integrated approach to marketing management. Each country's
conditions are given due consideration, but no one country dominates. A great deal of experience and
commitment are required to make this approach work. A strong, globally recognised brand is a major
aspect of the marketing approach. Geocentrically oriented companies both promote and benefit from
market convergence.

3.3 Developing the global business

Ohmae describes five stages in the evolution of a global business.
Exporting is an extension of home sales, using foreign intermediaries. It is low risk and
Overseas branches arise when turnover is large enough. It requires greater investment and is still
Overseas production exploits cheap labour and reduces exporting costs. The orientation is still
ethnocentric and the business is still largely run from its HQ.
Insiderisation is a shift to polycentrism, with full functional organisations being set up overseas.
This reduces exchange rate and political risk but economies of scale may be lost and there may be
problems of co-ordination. The company is a multinational.
The global company takes a world view while recognising total differences: it has a geocentric
orientation. It integrates learning, skills and competences to achieve global efficiencies while
retaining local responsiveness.
Ohmae offers five reasons for globalisation.
Customer: market convergence
Company: economies of scale
Competition: keeping up
Currency: exchange rate risk
Country: absolute and comparative advantage; local orientation

Following Ohmae, we may describe five stages in the evolution of global business operations. These may
be related to Perlmutter's classification of orientations:
(a) Exporting. The product is saleable in overseas markets and they are exploited by means of foreign
intermediaries such as agents and distributors. Foreign sales are a profitable extension of
domestic operations. Little or no adjustment is made to the product in order to reap economies of
scale. This is a low risk strategy, since there is little financial commitment, but the company is very
much dependent on the effort and motivation of its foreign intermediaries. The management
orientation is ethnocentric.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 161

(b) Overseas branches. Existing and potential export sales are high enough to justify largely replacing
the foreign intermediaries with the company's own foreign sales and service branches. Financial
commitment increases with increasing business, as does exchange rate and political risk. If the
company is aiming to achieve globalisation, it is at this stage that it begins to acquire the local
knowledge and experience that it will need. However, the management orientation is still
(c) Overseas production. Export sales are now so high that shipping and other exporting-related costs
represent an opportunity for savings by establishing overseas production. At the same time,
overseas production can exploit cheap labour and other resources. The company's management
orientation is still largely ethnocentric. Some functions, such as R&D and marketing are
centralised and there is centralised control of manufacturing operations with regular reports to
headquarters. World-wide synergies and economies of scale are sought and decisions on adapting
to local conditions are made at headquarters. Products are still largely standardised.
(d) Insiderisation. The company clones itself in its overseas markets, completing the corporate
functionality in each location rather than restricting itself to marketing. The aim is to develop a full
marketing capability and offer products suited to local requirements. The management is shifting
to a polycentric orientation and thinks of itself as a multinational. This approach reduces
exchange rate and political risk but requires financial commitment. Economies of scale will be lost
and there may be inefficiencies of co-ordination.
(e) The global company. The global company differs from the multinational in that it has a geocentric
management orientation. It takes a world view while recognising local differences and similarities.
It minimises its local adaptation of products and the rest of the marketing mix to those things that
actually add customer value and it makes use of the best of its global facilities and people to
promote overall excellence. It is likely to centralise functions such as R&D, finance and HR, though
not necessarily all in the same place. At the same time its operations will be controlled locally. The
primary skill of the global company is to integrate learning, skills, competences and technologies
in order to achieve global efficiencies combined with local responsiveness. It manages the value
chain so that each part is centred in an optimal location. It is subject to a number of problems.
Differing cultural values may undermine the global corporate identity.
Senior executives with the right mix of attitudes and skills are likely to be scarce.
It is subject to a wide range of environmental risks, particularly political ones.
Ohmae suggests there are five reasons why companies are moving towards the global stage. He calls
these the five Cs:
(a) Customer. Market convergence is driven by widespread customer demand for products with
similar characteristics.
(b) Company. The search for economies of scale drives expansion towards the global scale.
(c) Competition. The very existence of global competitors motivates companies to expand for reasons
of prestige and competitiveness. They may also be amenable to cost-reducing strategic alliances.
(d) Currency. Exchange rate risk can be managed most easily when a company has major cash flows
in the countries in which it operates.
(e) Country. Multiple locations enable a company to exploit both absolute and comparative advantage.
They also enable it to promote itself as locally oriented in each country, thus enhancing its image
with the local government and markets.
There are other factors encouraging the globalisation of world trade.
(a) Financial factors such as Third World debt; often lenders require the initiation of economic
reforms as a condition of the loan. This can lead to a reduction in local protectionism and a
consequent increase in trade.
(b) Country/continent connections, such as that between the UK and the Commonwealth which foster
trade and tourism.

162 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

(c) Legal and regulatory factors such as industrial standards and protection of intellectual property,
which encourage the development and spread of standardised technology and design.
(d) Markets trading in international commodities; commodities are not physically exchanged, only the
rights to ownership. A buyer can, thanks to efficient systems of trading and modern
communications, buy a commodity in its country of origin for delivery to a specific destination at
some future time.
(e) The internet; major companies are developing on-line systems of internal co-ordination and
(f) Government policy in many countries seeks to control the balance of payments by discouraging
imports. Government policy towards importers will also reflect their quite proper desire to expand
their economies and hence employment and improve the local standard of living. Local
manufacture may thus be the only way to access some markets.

3.4 Designs for global businesses

Bartlett and Ghoshal discern four types of organisations, depending on the strength or weakness of
pressure to globalise and need for local adaptation:
Global environment; geocentric; global product divisions
International environment; ethnocentric; international division
Transnational environment; polycentric; integrated systems and structures
Multinational environment; polycentric; national or regional divisions

Bartlett and Ghoshal find that the pressures driving globalisation exist independently of the need for local
responsiveness; and that both vary from industry to industry. The relationship between these pressures
influences both the management orientation and the structure of the company that operates
(a) The global company, if active in more than one industry, is likely to be organised in product
divisions with global scope. Efficiency is likely to be a key strategic competency.
(b) Companies operating in industries that require little local differentiation and at the same time are
not subject to pressure for globalisation will tend to be structured with an international or export
(c) The multinational environment drives a polycentric orientation, with largely autonomous local
operating companies. Responsiveness to local demand is likely to be a key strategic competency.
(d) The transnational environment is particularly difficult to respond to. Global scale is desirable but
local conditions require differentiated approaches. The structural response may be the global
heterarchy. Each regional or national unit achieves global scale and influence within the overall
organisation by exploiting its specialised competences on behalf of the whole company. Some
headquarters functions, such as R&D may be diffused across the organisation. The role of the
global strategic apex is to promote a corporate culture and shared values that will promote co-
operation and co-ordination. JS&W call this type of company a transnational: we will discuss it in
more detail later in this Study Text.

Low requirement for local adaptation High requirement for local

and responsiveness adaptation and responsiveness
High pressure to Global environment Transnational environment
globalise Geocentric orientation Polycentric orientation
Global product divisions Integrated systems and structures
(Chemicals, construction) (Pharmaceuticals, motor vehicles)
Low pressure to International environment Multinational environment
globalise Ethnocentric orientation Polycentric orientation
International division National or regional divisions
(Paper, textiles) (Fast food, tobacco)

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 163

3.5 Market selection
In making a decision as to which market(s) to enter the firm must start by establishing its objectives. Here
are some examples.
(a) What proportion of total sales will be overseas?
(b) What are the longer term objectives?
(c) Will it enter one, a few, or many markets? In most cases it is better to start by selling in countries
with which there is some familiarity and then expand into other countries gradually as experience
is gained. Reasons to enter fewer countries at first include the following.
(i) Market entry and market control costs are high
(ii) Product and market communications modification costs are high
(iii) There is a large market and potential growth in the initial countries chosen
(iv) Dominant competitors can establish high barriers to entry
(d) What types of country should it enter (in terms of environmental factors, economic development,
language used, cultural similarities and so on)? Three major criteria should be as follows.
(i) Market attractiveness
(ii) Competitive advantage
(iii) Risk
The matrix below can be used to bring together these three major criteria and assist managers in their

Source: Kotler
(a) Market attractiveness. This concerns such indicators as GNP/head and forecast demand, and
market accessibility.
(b) Competitive advantage. This is principally dependent on prior experience in similar markets,
language and cultural understanding.
(c) Risk. This involves an analysis of political stability, the possibility of government intervention and
similar external influences.
The best markets to enter are those located at the top left of the diagram. The worst are those in the
bottom right corner. Obtaining the information needed to reach this decision requires detailed and often
costly international marketing research and analysis. Making these decisions is not easy, and a fairly
elaborate screening process will be instituted.
In international business there are several categories of risk.
(a) Political risk relates to factors as diverse as wars, nationalisation, arguments between
governments etc.

164 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

(b) Business risk. This arises from the possibility that the business idea itself might be flawed. As
with political risk, it is not unique to international marketing, but firms might be exposed to more
sources of risk arising from failures to understand the market.
(c) Currency risk. This arises out of the volatility of foreign exchange rates. Given that there is a
possibility for speculation and that capital flows are free, such risks are increasing.
(d) Profit repatriation risk. Government actions may make it hard to repatriate profits.

3.6 Modes of entry to foreign markets

Modes of entry to foreign markets vary widely and include:
Direct and indirect exporting Contract manufacture
Wholly owned overseas production Joint ventures
The most suitable mode of entry depends on
Marketing objectives Firm size
Mode availability Mode quality
HR requirements Market research feedback
Risks Control needs

If an organisation has decided to enter an overseas market, the way it does so is of crucial strategic
importance. Broadly, three ways of entering foreign markets can be identified: indirect exports, direct
exports and overseas manufacture.

3.7 Choice of mode

The most suitable mode of entry varies:
(a) Among firms in the same industry (eg a new exporter as opposed to a long-established exporter)
(b) According to the market (eg some countries limit imports to protect domestic manufacturers
whereas others promote free trade)
(c) Over time (eg as some countries become more, or less, hostile to direct inward investment by
foreign companies)
A large number of considerations apply.

Consideration Comment
The firm's These relate to volume, time scale and coverage of market segments. Thus setting
marketing up an overseas production facility would be inappropriate if sales are expected to
objectives be low in volume.
The firm's size A small firm is less likely than a large one to possess sufficient resources to set up
and run a production facility overseas.
Mode availability Some countries only allow a restricted level of imports, but will welcome a firm if it
builds manufacturing facilities which provide jobs and limit the outflow of foreign
Mode quality All modes may be possible in theory, but some are of questionable quality or
practicality. The lack of suitably qualified distributors or agents would preclude the
export, direct or indirect, of high technology goods needing installation,
maintenance and servicing by personnel with specialist technical skills.
Human resources When a firm is unable to recruit suitable staff either at home or overseas, indirect
requirements exporting or the use of agents based overseas may be the only realistic option.
Market feedback In some cases a firm can receive feedback information about the market and its
information marketing effort from its sales staff or distribution channels. In these
circumstances direct export or joint ventures may be preferred to indirect export.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 165

Consideration Comment
Learning curve Firms which intend a heavy future involvement in an overseas market might need
requirements to gain the experience that close involvement in an overseas market can bring. This
argues against the use of indirect exporting as the mode of entry.
Risks Firms might prefer the indirect export mode as assets are safer from expropriation.
Control needs Production overseas by a wholly owned subsidiary gives a firm absolute control
while indirect exporting offers only limited control over the marketing mix to the

3.8 Exporting
Goods are made at home but sold abroad. It is the easiest, cheapest and most commonly used route into
a new foreign market.

3.8.1 Advantages of exporting

(a) Exporters can concentrate production in a single location, giving economies of scale and
consistency of product quality.
(b) Firms lacking experience can try international marketing on a small scale.
(c) Firms can test their international marketing plans and strategies before risking investment in
overseas operations.
(d) Exporting minimises operating costs, administrative overheads and personnel requirements.

3.8.2 Indirect exports

Indirect exporting is where a firm's goods are sold abroad by other organisations who can offer greater
market knowledge.
(a) Export houses are firms which facilitate exporting on behalf of the producer. Usually the producer
has little control over the market and the marketing effort.
(b) Specialist export management firms perform the same functions as an in-house export
department but are normally remunerated by way of commission.
(c) UK buying offices of foreign stores and governments.
(d) Complementary exporting ('piggy back exporting') occurs when one producing organisation (the
carrier) uses its own established international marketing channels to market (either as distributor,
or agent or merchant) the products of another producer (the rider) as well as its own.

3.8.3 Direct exports

Direct exporting occurs where the producing organisation itself performs the export tasks rather than
using an intermediary. Sales are made directly to customers overseas who may be the wholesalers,
retailers or final users.
(a) Sales to final user. Typical customers include industrial users, governments or mail order
(b) Strictly speaking an overseas export agent or distributor is an overseas firm hired to effect a sales
contract between the principal (ie the exporter) and a customer. Agents do not take title to goods;
they earn a commission (or profit).
(c) Company branch offices abroad. A firm can establish its own office in a foreign market for the
purpose of marketing and distribution as this gives greater control.
A firm can manufacture its products overseas, either by itself or by using an overseas manufacturer.

166 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

3.9 Overseas production
Benefits of overseas manufacture
A better understanding of customers in the overseas market.
Economies of scale in large markets.
Production costs are lower in some countries than at home.
Lower storage and transportation costs.
Overcomes the effects of tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Manufacture in the overseas market may help win orders from the public sector.

3.9.1 Contract manufacture

Licensing is a quite common arrangement as it avoids the cost and problems of setting up overseas.
In the case of contract manufacture a firm (the contractor) makes a contract with another firm (the
contractee) abroad whereby the contractee manufactures or assembles a product on behalf of the
contractor. Contract manufacture is suited to countries where the small size of the market discourages
investment in plant and to firms whose main strengths are in marketing rather than production.
Advantages of contract manufacture
No need to invest in plant overseas
Lower risks associated with currency fluctuations
Risk of asset expropriation is minimised
Control of marketing is retained by the contractor
Lower transport costs and, sometimes, lower production costs
Disadvantages of contract manufacture
Suitable overseas producers cannot always be easily identified
The need to train the contractee producer's personnel
The contractee producer may eventually become a competitor
Quality control problems in manufacturing may arise

3.9.2 Joint ventures

Some governments discourage or even prohibit foreign firms setting up independent operations, so joint
ventures are the only option. That said, a joint venture with an indigenous firm provides local knowledge,

3.9.3 Wholly owned overseas production

Production capacity can be built from scratch, or, alternatively, an existing firm can be acquired.
(a) Acquisition has all the benefits and drawbacks of acquiring a domestic company.
(b) Creating new capacity can be beneficial if there are no likely candidates for takeover, or if
acquisition is prohibited by the government.
(a) The firm does not have to share its profits with partners of any kind.
(b) The firm does not have to share or delegate decision-making.
(c) There are none of the communication problems that arise in joint ventures.
(d) The firm is able to operate completely integrated international systems.
(e) The firm gains a more varied experience from overseas production.
(a) The investment needed prevents some firms from setting up operations overseas.
(b) Suitable managers may be difficult to recruit at home or abroad.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 167

(c) Some overseas governments discourage, and sometimes prohibit, 100% ownership of an
enterprise by a foreign company.
(d) This mode of entry forgoes the benefits of an overseas partner's market knowledge, distribution
system and other local expertise.

Exporting Overseas production

Advantages Concentrates production; small start Lower distribution costs; overcomes trade
possible; minimises overheads barriers; possibly lower production costs
Key issues Exchange rates, protectionism Political risk; partnership; managing overseas
facilities; more risky
Involvement Usually less involved, but an exporter Usually more involved, but overseas
might depend on the overseas market subsidiaries might act independently: varying
levels of control and risk

4 The corporate parent and value creation

There are three value-creating roles for the corporate parent:
Envisioning corporate intent, communicating the vision to stakeholders and SBU managers, and
acting in accordance with it.
Intervention to improve performance.
Provision of services, resources and expertise.
Portfolio managers create value by applying financial discipline. They keep their own costs low.
Synergy managers pursue economies of scope through the shared use of competences and resources.
Parental developers add value by deploying their own competences to improve their SBUs' performance.

Earlier in this chapter we mentioned Porter's views on conglomerate diversification and its potential to
destroy value.
We have said that the defining feature of the corporate parent is that it has no direct contact with buyers
and competitors. How then, does it create value?

4.1 Value creation

JS&W propose three main value-creating roles for the corporate parent:
(a) Envisioning is the process of creating a clear vision of corporate intent. This is important for three
(i) The corporate parent itself needs a clear view of its own role if it is to avoid wasteful

168 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

(ii) External stakeholders in general and existing and potential investors in particular need a
clear understanding of corporate intent if they are to understand what the organisation does
and to make appropriate decisions about their relationships with it.
(iii) The managers responsible for the performance of individual SBUs need to know how their
work fits in to the corporate scheme so that they know what is expected of them. Their
motivation also depends to some extent on having a reasonable belief that the corporate
parent knows what it is doing.
(b) Intervention to improve performance or develop business strategy takes a number of forms:
(i) Monitoring and control of performance against plans, targets and intentions
(ii) Action to develop SBUs' strategic capability
(iii) Coaching and training
(iv) Promoting collaboration between SBUs and the creation of synergies
(c) The corporate parent may provide services, resources and expertise to its SBUs.
(i) Financial assistance
(ii) Resource sharing
(iii) Managerial assistance
(iv) Central services, such as HRM, purchasing and treasury
(v) Knowledge creation and management
(vi) Access to external networks
It might be argued that external market forces and mechanisms such as takeover-enforced
management change are capable of dealing with these issues without incurring the overhead cost
associated with the existence of a corporate parent. JS&W suggest that the corporate parent is
likely to produce better results since it has both access to inside information and the co-operation
of the SBU managers.

4.2 Value destruction

The existence of the corporate parent imposes costs related to its size, therefore it must create value at
least equal to these costs if it is to be worth having. This may be challenging. In addition, the activities of
the corporate parent may be economically disadvantageous.
(a) The corporate hierarchy provides an arena for managers' political ambition. There is power to be
achieved, but at a distance from the commercial realities of life in the SBUs. This is attractive to
(b) The size and complexity of a very large corporation can hinder or obscure the development of a
clear and useful corporate vision.
(c) Corporate processes and hierarchy can slow decision-making, stunt enterprise and absorb the
energies of SBU managers. This has the effect of blunting market responsiveness and harming
overall efficiency.

4.3 Strategic rationale

JS&W identify three approaches to value creation that the corporate parent might adopt. They call these
approaches strategic rationales.

4.3.1 Portfolio managers

The portfolio manager provides a service to investors by applying financial disciplines. It seeks out
undervalued companies as purchase targets, acquires them, and improves their value and performance.
Improvement may be achieved by asset stripping (the sale of attractive but inessential non-current
assets), by disposing of under-performing elements or by installing new management. Portfolio managers
keep their own costs low and provide few central services. Their SBUs are largely autonomous and their
managers are judged by financial results. Typically, this type of corporate parent presides over a widely
diversified conglomerate; our earlier remarks about diversification and strategic success apply here.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 169

4.3.2 Synergy managers
The synergy manager, reasonably enough, pursues economies of scope; that is, the benefits of synergy.
We have already discussed potential sources of synergy: here we may simply remark that the synergy
manager aims to achieve high efficiency in the shared use of resources and competences. To do this, it
must overcome some difficulties
(a) The costs involved in sharing
(b) The impact of self-interest among SBU managers
(c) Incompatibility of systems and culture among SBUs
(d) Variation in local conditions
Synergy managers must be determined if they are to achieve their goals. The central staff must integrate
and control the efforts of the SBUs, which means they must be familiar with all of their operations and
may reduce managerial motivation within the SBUs. The corporate parent must also be realistic about its
ability to leverage the resources and competences it believes to offer synergistic benefits: it is easy to
become subject to the illusion of synergy.

4.3.3 Parental developers

The parental developer adds value to its SBUs by deploying its own specific competences to aid them in
their operations and development. To do this requires certain qualities in the corporate parent.
(a) It must have actual, demonstrable competences to deploy, otherwise its efforts will be mere
interference and a distraction to the SBUs.
(b) Since it is unlikely that it can be equally good at everything, it must be prepared to divest itself of
capabilities that can be provided externally at lower cost.
(c) It must have sufficient understanding of its SBUs to discern genuine opportunities for
The parental developer may encounter a problem in the form of a high-performing SBU that offers no
opportunities for the deployment of its competences. Logically, it would dispose of this business, since its
relationship with it can only be one of adding cost, but the likelihood of any corporate parent actually
doing this seems low. Alternatively, it could attempt to change its role in respect of such a SBU and
become a portfolio manager or synergy manager. The danger of doing this is the potential for loss of
focus and confusion as to just what it should be doing.

Exam focus In the December 2010 exam, ten marks were available for explaining these three rationales and assess
point their relevance to the company in the scenario. Despite these being relatively theoretical marks, the
examiner commented on the poor standard of answers given by candidates, with many scoring three or
less of the ten possible marks. This appeared to be due to a lack of knowledge in this area of the syllabus.

Case Study
Corporate headquarters
'The corporate head office should be fit for purpose, and justify itself in terms of added value,' says
Michael Goold, founding director of the Ashridge strategic management centre in London. A dictatorial
and over-mighty headquarters is unlikely to provide the support that the rest of the organisation needs.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s there was a joke about the so-called 'inverse atrium rule' of head
offices: the grander the corporate setting, the more trouble that organisation was likely to be in. Empire
builders have long aimed to intimidate both competitors and colleagues with imposing HQs. It is an
ancient human instinct , embodied by Shelley's Ozymandias, 'king of kings', whose resonant challenge to
all-comers was: 'Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'

170 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

In a recent article in the Strategic Management Journal, Mr Goold, with Harvard's David Collis and
Ashridge's David Young, describes four main roles that an effective head office has to perform.
First, there is unavoidable governance and compliance activity. While more people are needed for this
than in the past, owing to today's more onerous regulational environment, Mr Goold warns against over-
engineering. 'There is a danger that you end up double-checking everything, that there is too much
monitoring going on, slowing down the work,' he says. 'This aspect of head office should be as lean and
mean as possible.'
A second function of HQ is the 'value-added parenting' of other corporate activity, offering support to the
executives from the centre. The acid test here is that the cost of this parenting should be less than the
value it is generating in the rest of the business.
A third element of head office's work are shared services HR, call centres, facilities management many
of which have been outsourced in recent years, or handed back to business units. And the fourth role is
that of the 'core resource unit' an example would be the research and development team in a
pharmaceutical business.
While cutting out waste and duplication is obviously a good idea, it does not follow that headquarters
should always be shrinking. As Mr Goold et al argue: 'Simply reducing the size of the headquarters is no
guarantee of improved performance. Indeed, companies with larger headquarters typically outperform
those with smaller headquarters.' On the other hand, globalisation may require leadership to be
'distributed' around the world. 'Core resource units' do not have to sit in the same building as compliance
Stephan Stern, Financial Times, 10 April 2007

5 The corporate portfolio

A parent may deploy four policies towards its SBUs
The SBU portfolio must be managed against three criteria
Strategic fit
Matrix-based models are used to manage portfolios: the Ashridge model is the only one to address
strategic fit and assumes the parental developer approach is used.

A corporate parent of any type will have to make decisions about acquiring, nurturing and disposing of
Four major strategies can be pursued with respect to products, market segments and, indeed, SBUs:
(a) Build. A build strategy forgoes short term earnings and profits in order to increase market share.
(b) Hold. A hold strategy seeks to maintain the current position.
(c) Harvest. A harvesting strategy seeks short-term earning and profits at the expense of
long-term development.
(d) Divest. Divestment reduces negative cash flow and releases resources for use elsewhere.
A number of strategic tools have been developed to assist the decision process. These tools help the
corporate parent to manage its portfolio of SBUs against three criteria:
(a) Balance in relation to markets and corporate needs
(b) Attractiveness in terms of profitability and growth

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 171

(c) Strategic fit, in terms of potential synergy and parenting capability
The balance and attractiveness criteria are addressed by a range of matrix-based tools; strategic fit is the
subject of a single model, the Ashridge portfolio display.

5.1 The Boston classification

The Boston classification classifies business units in terms of their capacity for growth within the market
and the market's capacity for growth as a whole.

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) developed a matrix based on empirical research that assesses
businesses in terms of potential cash generation and cash expenditure requirements. SBUs are
categorised in terms of market growth rate and relative market share.

Key term Market share: 'One entity's sale of a product or service in a specified market expressed as a percentage of
total sales by all entities offering that product or service.'

(a) Assessing rate of market growth as high or low depends on the conditions in the market. No
single percentage rate can be set, since new markets may grow explosively while mature ones
grow hardly at all. High market growth rate can indicate good opportunities for profitable
operations. However, intense competition in a high growth market can erode profit, while a slowly
growing market with high barriers to entry can be very profitable.
(b) Relative market share is assessed as a ratio: it is market share compared with the market share of
the largest competitor. Thus a relative market share greater than unity indicates that the SBU is
the market leader. BGG settled on market share as a way of estimating costs and thus profit
potential, because both costs and market share are connected with production experience: as
experience in satisfying a particular market demand for value increases, market share can be
expected to increase also, and costs to fall. The connection between lower costs and higher market
share was independently confirmed by PIMS studies.

Relative market share

High Low

High Stars Question marks

Market growth
Low Cash cows Dogs

The portfolio should be balanced, with cash cows providing finance for stars and question marks; and a
minimum of dogs.
(a) In the short term, stars require capital expenditure in excess of the cash they generate, in order to
maintain their position in their competitive growth market, but promise high returns in the future.
Strategy: build.
(b) In due course, stars will become cash cows. Cash cows need very little capital expenditure, since
mature markets are likely to be quite stable, and they generate high levels of cash income. Cash
cows can be used to finance the stars. Strategy: hold or harvest if weak.
(c) Question marks must be assessed as to whether they justify considerable capital expenditure in
the hope of increasing their market share, or should they be allowed to die quietly as they are
squeezed out of the expanding market by rival products? Strategy: build or harvest.
(d) Dogs may be ex-cash cows that have now fallen on hard times. Although they will show only a
modest net cash outflow, or even a modest net cash inflow, they are cash traps which tie up funds
and provide a poor return on investment. However, they may have a useful role, either to complete
a product range or to keep competitors out. There are also many smaller niche businesses in
markets that are difficult to consolidate that would count as dogs but which are quite successful.
Strategy: divest or hold.

172 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

The BCG matrix must be used with care.
(a) It may be difficult to define 'high' and 'low' on both axes of the matrix.
(b) The matrix has been used to assess products rather than SBUs, but JS&W say this should not be
done; nor should it be applied to broad markets that include many market segments. They do,
however, recommend it for assessing a portfolio of international operations, though with three
(i) The permitted forms of activity and ownership vary from country to country.
(ii) Political risk is not considered.
(iii) Shared resources are not considered
(c) The matrix is built around cash flows but innovative capacity may be the critical resource.
Exam focus
point You should now think back to our discussion of the product life cycle in this Study Text. We noted there
that JS&W do not recommend the use of the BCG matrix for product portfolio purposes and
recommended that you should initially think in terms of the product life cycle when answering questions
that call for the analysis of product portfolios.
However, we also said that the BCG matrix has traditionally been used for this purpose and that you might
consider using it in such a question. A note about JS&W's view might be worth an extra mark.

5.2 The public sector portfolio matrix

The public sector portfolio matrix classifies activities in terms of their popularity and the resources
available for them.

Montanari and Bracker proposed a matrix for the analysis of services provided by public sector bodies.
This might be applied at the level of local or national government, or an executive agency with a portfolio
of services. The axes are an assessment of service efficiency and public attractiveness: naturally, political
support for a service or organisation depends to a great extent on the extent to which the public need and
appreciate it.
Ability to serve effectively
High Low


Public sector star Political hot box

Public or
political need
(and therefore
support for

Golden fleece Back drawer issue


(a) A public sector star is something that the system is doing well and should not change. They are
essential to the viability of the system.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 173

(b) Political hot boxes are services that the public want, or which are mandated, but for which there
are not adequate resources or competences.
(c) Golden fleeces are services that are done well but for which there is low demand. They may
therefore be perceived to be undesirable uses for limited resources. They are potential targets for
cost cutting.
(d) Back drawer issues are unappreciated and have low priority for funding. They are obvious
candidates for cuts, but if managers perceive them as essential, they should attempt to increase
support for them and move them into the political hot box category.

5.3 The General Electric Business Screen

The GE and Shell matrices are based on the enterprise's competitive capacity and the market's

The approach of the GE Business Screen (GEBS) is similar to that of the BCG matrix. The GEBS includes a
broader range of company and market factors. A typical example of the GE matrix is provided below.

This matrix classifies businesses according to industry attractiveness and company strengths. The
approach aims to consider a variety of factors that contribute to both these variables. The lists below are
not complete: they are merely examples of relevant factors.
Business strength indicators
Good market share Good distribution
Effective sales force Brand strength
Strong marketing activity Financial strength
Effective innovation
Market attractiveness indicators
The five forces Overall profitability
Overall size Inflation rate
Growth rate General environmental issues
The broader approach of the GE matrix emphasises the attempt to match competences within the
company to conditions within the market place. Difficulties associated with measurement and
classification mean that again the results of such an exercise must be interpreted with care.
JS&W suggest that this analysis could be used to assess competitive position in the same product market
across national market boundaries. To do this it would be necessary to include such considerations as
barriers to trade, political risk, economic stability and business regulation when considering market
attractiveness. The horizontal axis would become country attractiveness and the vertical axis would show
a combination of competitive strength and the compatibility of the company with the country. The high-
high segment would represent primary investment opportunities, the two high/medium segments would

174 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

be secondary opportunities and the two high/low segments together with the medium/medium segment
would represent tertiary opportunities.

5.4 The Shell directional policy matrix

There have been several other matrices designed as guides to strategy. The Shell directional policy
matrix is similar to the GEBS in that its classifications depend upon managerial judgement rather than
simple numerical scores, as in the BCG matrix. Its axes are competitive capability and prospects for
sector profitability. Clearly, these measures are very similar to those used in the GEBS.

Prospects for sector profitability

Unattractive Average Attractive

Weak Disinvest withdrawal Double or quit

competitive Phased
capabilities withdrawal Try harder

Strong Leader

The Shell directional policy matrix

5.5 The Ashridge portfolio display

The Ashridge model assesses the benefit SBUs can derive from a corporate parent playing the parental
developer role. Heartland businesses both have CSFs that fit the parent's resources and competences and
provide opportunities for good use of them. Alien businesses have neither quality. Ballast businesses are
well-understood by the parent but need little assistance. Value trap businesses need help but of a kind
that the parent cannot provide.

As mentioned earlier, the Ashridge portfolio display is concerned with strategic fit, that is, the role of the
corporate parent and the suitability of the range of SBUs it manages. The concept is based on the
parental developer approach to the role of the corporate parent discussed earlier in this chapter. The
principles embodied in the model can be approached from two directions.
(a) Corporate parents should build portfolios of businesses that they can develop effectively.
(b) Corporate parents should seek to build parenting skills that are relevant to their portfolios.
The coherence of the corporation overall may be assessed by reference to two variables.
(a) 'Feel': The degree of fit between the parent's skills, resources and other characteristics and the
(b) 'Benefit': the degree of fit between the opportunities the SBUs present for parenting and the
parent's skills resources and other characteristics

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 175

Benefit (fit between SBU opportunities
and parental skills etc)
Low High
Ballast Heartland
High businesses businesses

(fit between SBU
CSFs and parental skills etc)

Value trap businesses

(a) Heartland businesses can benefit from the attention of the parent without risk of harm from
unsuitable developments.
(b) Ballast businesses are well-understood by the parent, but need little assistance. They would do
just as well if they were independent businesses. They should bear as little central cost as
(c) Value trap businesses provide good opportunities for parenting, but these opportunities do not
relate to the SBU's CSFs. They should only be retained if they can be moved into the heartland; this
will require the parent to acquire new skills and resources.
(d) Alien businesses have no place in the portfolio. They need the attention of a skilled parent, but the
actual parent does not have the skills and resources required to help them.
This analysis reverses the usual approach to portfolio management: it does not ask what the value of the
SBUs is to the centre, but what value the centre can add to the SBUs. This raises two questions.
(a) Is the cost burden of the parent commensurate with the value it adds? For example, if the
corporate parent's role is limited to, say, relations with the financial markets, it should be small
and economically run.
(b) If a corporate parent has a justifiably interventionist role, how many SBUs can it parent
The trend in business recent years has been decentralisation of decision-making and a move towards
facilitiation by the parent rather than active intervention. A similar trend towards privatisation and
deregulation has been apparent in the public sector.
Exam focus
point A Section B question in the December 2008 exam asked candidates to consider a potential acquisition by
a corporate parent. The Ashridge Portfolio would have provided a useful framework for comparing the
parent's skills with the 'parenting' required by the potential acquisition.

5.6 Better off tests

Michael Porter suggests that one of the key issues behind acquisitions should be in realising synergies
between the existing company and the new acquisition.
To this end, he suggests that potential acquisitions should be assessed against three tests:

176 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Better off test Will the company being acquired be better off after the acquisition? Will it gain
competitive advantage from being in the group? Will the group be better off as a result of
acquiring the company?
Attractiveness test Is the target industry structurally attractive? (Porter originally developed his
tests in relation to diversification, and so was looking at companies making acquisitions in
unrelated industries. However, the point about attractiveness' could be applied more generally to
look at target companies, or countries.)
Cost of entry The cost of the acquisition (or the cost of entering a new market) must not
capitalise all future profits from that acquisition (or market). In other words, will the future cash
flows from the acquisition be greater than the amounts paid to acquire it?
Porter also identified another key point in relation to successful acquisitions, which could be called the
parenting test. Has the company making the acquisition got the necessary skills as a corporate parent to
get the best value out of the company being acquired? For example, have they got any experience of
previous acquisitions?

6 Business unit strategy: generic strategies

Business unit strategy involves a choice between being the lowest cost producer (cost leadership)
making the product different from competitors' products in some way (differentiation) or specialising on
a segment of the market (focus, by addressing that segment by a strategy of cost leadership or
differentiation). Porter believes that a firm must choose one of these or be stuck-in-the-middle.

Competitive advantage is anything which gives one organisation an edge over its rivals. Porter argues that
a firm should adopt a competitive strategy intended to achieve competitive advantage for the firm.
Competitive strategy means 'taking offensive or defensive actions to create a dependable position in an
industry, to cope successfully with ... competitive forces and thereby yield a superior return on investment
for the firm. Firms have discovered many different approaches to this end, and the best strategy for a
given firm is ultimately a unique construction reflecting its particular circumstances'. (Porter)

6.1 The choice of competitive strategy

Porter believes there are three generic strategies for competitive advantage.

Key terms Cost leadership means being the lowest cost producer in the industry as a whole.
Differentiation is the exploitation of a product or service which the industry as a whole believes to be
Focus involves a restriction of activities to only part of the market (a segment).
Providing goods and/or services at lower cost (cost-focus)
Providing a differentiated product or service (differentiation-focus)

Cost leadership and differentiation are industry-wide strategies. Focus involves segmentation but also
the pursuit, within the chosen segment only, of a strategy of cost leadership or differentiation.

Exam focus Porter's generic strategy model is one of a handful of truly vital theories that you absolutely must master
point for your exam. Study this section with great care and understand the implications of each strategy for the
companies that might adopt them. Understanding this area of theory will not only equip you to make
sensible suggestions in your answers to many questions, it will also enable you to appreciate important
background detail in a wide range of question scenarios.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 177

6.1.1 Cost leadership
A cost leadership strategy seeks to achieve the position of lowest-cost producer in the industry as a
whole. By producing at the lowest cost, the manufacturer can compete on price with every other producer
in the industry, and earn the higher unit profits, if the manufacturer so chooses.
How to achieve overall cost leadership
(a) Set up production facilities to obtain economies of scale.
(b) Use the latest technology to reduce costs and/or enhance productivity (or use cheap labour if
(c) In high technology industries, and in industries depending on labour skills for product design and
production methods, exploit the learning curve effect. By producing more items than any other
competitor, a firm can benefit more from the learning curve, and achieve lower average costs.
(d) Concentrate on improving productivity.
(e) Minimise overhead costs.
(f) Get favourable access to sources of supply.
Classic examples of companies pursuing cost leadership are Black and Decker and South West Airlines.
Large out-of-town stores specialising in one particular category of product are able to secure cost
leadership by economies of scale over other retailers. Such shops have been called category killers; an
example is PC World.

6.1.2 Differentiation
A differentiation strategy assumes that competitive advantage can be gained through particular
characteristics of a firm's products. Products may be divided into three categories.
(a) Breakthrough products offer a radical performance advantage over competition, perhaps at a
drastically lower price (eg float glass, developed by Pilkington).
(b) Improved products are not radically different from their competition but are obviously superior in
terms of better performance at a competitive price (eg microchips).
(c) Competitive products derive their appeal from a particular compromise of cost and performance.
For example, cars are not all sold at rock-bottom prices, nor do they all provide immaculate
comfort and performance. They compete with each other by trying to offer a more attractive
compromise than rival models.
How to differentiate
(a) Build up a brand image (eg Pepsi's blue cans are supposed to offer different 'psychic benefits' to
Coke's red ones).
(b) Give the product special features to make it stand out (eg Russell Hobbs' Millennium kettle
incorporated a new kind of element, which boils water faster).
(c) Exploit other activities of the value chain (for example, quality of after-sales service or speed of
Note: We looked at the value chain earlier in this Study Text. If you cannot remember the activities
described in the value chain, you should refer back to it to refresh your memory.

178 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Generic strategies and the five forces

Competitive Advantages Disadvantages

force Cost leadership Differentiation Cost leadership Differentiation
New Economies of scale Brand loyalty and
entrants raise entry barriers perceived
uniqueness are
entry barriers
Substitutes Firm is not so Customer loyalty is
vulnerable as its a weapon against
less cost-effective substitutes
competitors to the
threat of substitutes
Customers Customers cannot Customers have no Customers may no
drive down prices comparable longer need the
further than the next alternative differentiating factor
most efficient Brand loyalty should Sooner or later
competitor lower price customers become
sensitivity price sensitive
Suppliers Flexibility to deal Higher margins can Increase in input
with cost increases offset vulnerability costs can reduce
to supplier price price advantages
Industry Firm remains Unique features Technological Imitation narrows
rivalry profitable when reduce direct change will require differentiation
rivals go under competition capital investment,
through excessive or make production
price competition cheaper for
Competitors learn
via imitation
Cost concerns
ignore product
design or marketing

6.1.3 Focus (or niche) strategy

In a focus strategy, a firm concentrates its attention on one or more particular segments or niches of the
market, and does not try to serve the entire market with a single product.

Case Study
Internet dating has grown hugely in popularity over the past decade and more recently very specialised
online dating services have begun to appear.
Uniformdating.com is one such specialised dating service which was launched to provide a dating
platform specifically for individuals working in the uniformed services, including the police officers,
firemen and women, soldiers, RAF personnel, pilots, doctors and nurses.
Uniformed personnel typically face a number of restrictions as part of their working lives, including
working difficult shift patterns, working away or being on tour. These unique circumstances can place a
significant strain on these people and the relationships they attempt to maintain. Uniformdating.com

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 179

claims to understand these difficult circumstances and provide the solution via its matching services to
help its members find their ideal match and form lasting relationships.
The site is not, however, restricted to those working in uniform and they welcome and encourage new
members who are not necessarily from these professions, but who are looking to meet someone from the
uniformed or emergency services. This allows the company not only to serve the main niche of uniformed
personnel, but also to tap into the niche market of dating a man/woman in a uniform.
Since its launch the site has grown hugely and, as of April 2012, claims to have hundreds of thousands
of uniformed members. It has successfully carved out this niche in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia.
Other, perhaps less well known, examples of online dating services targeting niche markets include
Farmers Only and Geek2Geek. Farmers Only is a US and Canada dating site aimed at down to earth folks
only serving single farmers, ranchers, cowboys, cowgirls and animal lovers. Geek2Geek, also US based,
describes itself as the safe, friendly, and easy to use site where geeks and their admirers can find each
other. Its advertising explains that traditional dating sites just dont work well for them .

(a) A cost focus strategy: aim to be a cost leader for a particular segment. This type of strategy is
often found in the printing, clothes manufacture and car repair industries.
(b) A differentiation focus strategy: pursue differentiation for a chosen segment. Luxury goods
suppliers are the prime exponents of such a strategy.
Ben and Jerry's ice cream is a good example of a product offering based on differentiation focus.
Porter suggests that a focus strategy can achieve competitive advantage when 'broad-scope' businesses
fall into one of two errors.
(a) Underperformance occurs when a product does not fully meet the needs of a segment and offers
the opportunity for a differentiation focus player.
(b) Overperformance gives a segment more than it really wants and provides an opportunity for a
cost focus player.
(a) A niche is more secure and a firm can insulate itself from competition.
(b) The firm does not spread itself too thinly.
(c) Both cost leadership and differentiation require superior performance life is easier in a niche,
where there may be little or no competition.
Drawbacks of a focus strategy
(a) The firm sacrifices economies of scale which would be gained by serving a wider market.
(b) Competitors can move into the segment, with increased resources (eg the Japanese moved into
the US luxury car market, to compete with Mercedes and BMW).
(c) The segment's needs may eventually become less distinct from the main market.

6.2 Which strategy?

Although there is a risk with any of the generic strategies, Porter argues that a firm must pursue one of
them. A stuck-in-the-middle strategy is almost certain to make only low profits. 'This firm lacks the
market share, capital investment and resolve to play the low-cost game, the industry-wide differentiation
necessary to obviate the need for a low-cost position, or the focus to create differentiation or a low-cost
position in a more limited sphere.'
It is also important that both cost leadership and differentiation require superior performance. Therefore,
most businesses should pursue some form of focus strategy as it is easier to dominate a niche than a
complete market.

180 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Question Hermes Telecommunications plc

The managing director of Hermes Telecommunications plc is interested in corporate strategy. Hermes has
invested a great deal of money in establishing a network which competes with that of Telecom UK, a
recently privatised utility. Initially Hermes concentrated its efforts on business customers in the South
East of England, especially the City of London, where it offered a lower cost service to that supplied by
Telecom UK. Recently, Hermes has approached the residential market (ie domestic telephone users)
offering a lower cost service on long-distance calls. Technological developments have resulted in the
possibility of a cheap mobile telecommunication network, using microwave radio links. The franchise for
this service has been awarded to Gerbil phone, which is installing transmitters in town centres and at rail
What issues of competitive strategy have been raised in the above scenario, particularly in relation to
Hermes Telecommunications plc?

(a) Arguably, Hermes initially pursued a cost-focus strategy, by targeting the business segment.
(b) It seems to be moving into a cost leadership strategy over the whole market although its
competitive offer, in terms of lower costs for local calls, is incomplete.
(c) The barriers to entry to the market have been lowered by the new technology. Gerbil phone might
pick up a significant amount of business.

6.3 Conceptual difficulties with generic strategy

In practice, it is rarely simple to draw hard and fast distinctions between the generic strategies as there
are conceptual problems underlying them.
(a) Cost leadership
(i) Internal focus. Cost refers to internal measures, rather than the market demand. It can be
used to gain market share: but it is the market share which is important, not cost
leadership as such.
(ii) Only one firm. If cost leadership applies cross the whole industry, only one firm will pursue
this strategy successfully. However, the position is not clear-cut.
More than one firm might aspire to cost leadership, especially in dynamic markets
where new technologies are frequently introduced.
The boundary between cost leadership and cost focus might be blurred.
Firms competing market-wide might have different competences or advantages that
confer cost leadership in different segments.
(iii) Higher margins can be used for differentiation. Having low costs does not mean you have
to charge lower prices or compete on price. A cost leader can choose to 'invest higher
margins in R&D or marketing'. Being a cost leader arguably gives producers more freedom
to choose other competitive strategies.
(b) Differentiation. Porter assumes that a differentiated product will always be sold at a
higher price.
(i) However, a differentiated product may be sold at the same price as competing products in
order to increase market share.
(ii) Choice of competitor. Differentiation from whom? Who are the competitors? Do they serve
other market segments? Do they compete on the same basis?

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 181

(iii) Source of differentiation. This can include all aspects of the firm's offer, not only the
product. Restaurants aim to create an atmosphere or 'ambience', as well as serving food of
good quality.
Focus probably has fewer conceptual difficulties, as it ties in very neatly with ideas of market
segmentation. In practice most companies pursue this strategy to some extent, by designing
products/services to meet the needs of particular target markets.
'Stuck-in-the-middle' is therefore what many companies actually pursue quite successfully. Any number
of strategies can be pursued, with different approaches to price and the perceived added value (ie the
differentiation factor) in the eyes of the customer.

6.4 The strategy clock

The strategy clock develops Porter's theory, analysing strategies in terms of price and perceived value

Porter's basic concept of generic strategies has been the subject of further discussion. JS&W, quoting
Bowman, describe the strategic options using the strategy clock.
The eight strategies shown on the clock represent different approaches to creating value for the customer
and each customer will buy from the provider whose offering most closely matches their own view of the
proper relationship between price and perceived benefits.
Each position on the clock has its own critical success factor, since each strategy is defined in market
terms. Positions 1 and 2 will attract customers who are price conscious above all, with position 2 giving a
little more emphasis to serviceability. These are typical approaches in commodity markets. By contrast,
strategies 4 and 5 are relevant to consumers who require a customised product.
The Strategy Clock

6.4.1 Price-based strategies

Strategies 1 and 2 are price-based strategies.
(a) A no frills strategy is appropriate under several conditions. It can be used for commodity-like
products and the most price-conscious customers. It is also suitable where customers' switching
costs are low and where there is little opportunity for competition on product features. This
strategy may be used for market entry, to gain experience and build volume. This was done by
Japanese car manufacturers in the 1960s, and is now being seen in the airline industry, with
companies such as EasyJet and Ryanair successfully adopting a no-frills approach.

182 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

The no-frills airlines sell tickets at low prices but with limited customer services, and with a focus
on keeping costs low at all times. They fly to less-congested, secondary airports, outside peak
times, to reduce landing fees; they have fast turnaround times to maximise aircraft usage, and they
make ticket sales over the internet to avoid travel agents' commissions. They have no reserved
seats to encourage customers to turn up early to prevent delays, and do not offer complimentary
food and drink like premium carriers, but instead generate ancillary revenue through in-flight sales.
(b) A low price strategy offers better value than competitors. This can lead to price war and thence to
reduced margins and lack of reinvestment for all players and Porter's generic strategy of cost
leadership is appropriate to a firm adopting this strategy.

6.4.2 Differentiation strategies

Strategies 3, 4 and 5 are all differentiation strategies. Each one represents a different trade-off between
market share (with its cost advantages) and margin (with its direct impact on profit). Differentiation can
be created in three ways:
Product features
Marketing, including powerful brand promotion
Core competences
The hybrid strategy seeks both differentiation and a lower price than competitors. The cost base must be
low enough to permit reduced prices and reinvestment to maintain differentiation. This strategy may be
more advantageous than differentiation alone under certain circumstances:
If it leads to growth in market share
If differentiation rests on core competences and costs can be reduced elsewhere
If a low price approach is suited to a particular market segment
Where it is used as a market entry strategy
The basic differentiation strategy comes in two variants, depending on whether a price premium is
charged or a competitive price is accepted in order to build market share. The pursuit of a differentiation
strategy requires detailed and accurate market intelligence. The strategic customers and their
preferences must be clearly identified, as must the competitors and their likely responses. The chosen
basis for differentiation should be inherently difficult to imitate, and will probably need to be developed
over time.
A strategy of focussed differentiation seeks a high price premium in return for a high degree of
differentiation. This implies concentration on a well-defined and probably quite restricted market segment.
Centres of excellence in the public sector pursue a similar strategy.
(a) Focus is a common start-up strategy: expansion may prompt or require a gradual move to a less
focussed differentiation.
(b) It is difficult to pursue focus with only part of an organisation: the less focussed part, even if it is
to some extent differentiated, can damage the brand values of the focussed part.
(c) In the public sector, stakeholders expecting universal provision will object to focus on particular
(d) Focus is aimed at a specific segment: if the non-focussed product is improved enough to become
acceptable to this segment, the advantage of focus will be eroded. Alternatively, competitors may
make even more focussed offerings to sub-segments, again eroding the focuser's original

Exam focus The December 2007 exam included a question which asked why it would be inappropriate for a company
point pursuing a differentiation strategy to move to a no-frills position. Make sure you are aware of the unique
characteristics of each type of strategy so that you can identify where they might be suitable (or

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 183

6.4.3 Failure strategies
Combinations 6, 7 and 8 are likely to result in failure.

6.5 The TOWS matrix

We have already introduced the TOWS matrix and Weihrich's classification of strategies based upon it, in
the chapter on strategic capability in Section A of this Study Text.
However, it will be useful to review it here, because each of the general classes of strategy it suggests
could be useful to consider alongside the strategy clock, particularly when considering cash flows and the
availability of resources. The TOWS matrix is also a relevant tool when developing product-market
strategies, which we look at later in this chapter.

External factors (opportunities: threats)

Use strengths to maximise opportunities Use strengths to minimise threats
Internal factors (maxi-maxi strategy) (maxi-mini strategy)
weaknesses) WO WT
Minimise weaknesses by taking advantage Minimise weaknesses and avoid threats
of opportunities (mini-maxi strategy) (mini-mini strategy)

SO This is a strong position. A company might look to use this strength to expand globally or develop
new products, building on its existing reputation.
ST This is a less strong position than 'SO' but an 'ST' company still has strengths it can draw on.
Consider this example: A clothing manufacturing company with an established reputation for good
quality products is now facing competition from cheap overseas competitors. The clothing
company should adopt a differentiation strategy to use its reputation and brand to try to reduce the
competitive threat. However, this strategy may not be successful if the cheap, imported clothes are
also good quality, in which case the established company will need to consider moving its
manufacturing plant abroad to a low cost location, and compete using a low price strategy.
WO A company has identified opportunities in the external environment, but internal organisational
weaknesses (for example, inadequate manufacturing capacity, or poor distribution or marketing
networks) prevent it taking advantage of them. In this case, the company either needs to re-
engineer its processes, or collaborate with a company which has the resources it needs. If the
'WO' company has sufficient funds, it may consider acquiring a company with the resources it
needs (although it is unlikely that a 'WO' company will have sufficient funds to be able to do this).
WT A company faced with internal weaknesses and external threats may be in a precarious position
and be forced into defensive strategies, for example, restructuring, or downsizing. Alternatively it
may look for a merger with another company, or, in the worst case scenario, it will have to go into
An organisation in such a defensive position can only ever use strategy to protect itself. It cannot
create success because it has neither the internal strengths nor the external opportunities needed
to do so.
Successful companies, even if they temporarily use SO, WO and WT strategies, will attempt to get into a
situation where they can work from strengths to take advantage of opportunities (SO strategy). They will
strive to overcome weakness and make them strengths; and if they face threats, they will cope with them
so that they can focus on opportunities.

7 Sustaining competitive advantage

Different policies are required to sustain differentiation or price-based strategies. Lock-in is achieved
when a product becomes the industry standard.

184 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

When we discussed competition in Chapter 3, we said that the business environment might be sufficiently
stable to permit a build-up of sustainable competitive advantage. Alternatively, there might be
hypercompetition and a need for rapid innovation and response to competitive moves. In Chapter 4, we
went on to consider the strategic capabilities needed under these varying conditions. We will now
consider the ways in which businesses can form strategies to respond to these two different conditions.

7.1 Sustaining price-based strategies

(a) Low margins can be sustained either by increased volumes or by cross-subsidisation from
another business unit.
(b) A cost leader can operate at a price advantage, but to be sustainable, cost leaders must constantly
and aggressively drive down all of their costs.
(c) A cost leader or a company with extensive financial resources can win a price war.
(d) A no-frills strategy can succeed in the long term if it is aimed at a segment that particularly
appreciates low price.

7.2 Sustaining differentiation

Sustaining differentiation is difficult. To begin with, it is more than just being different: the difference must
be valued by customers. Secondly, a difference that a competitor can easily imitate gives no sustainable
(a) Attempts at imitation can be obstructed by, for example, securing preferred access to customers
or suppliers through bidding or licensing procedures.
(b) Some resources are inherently immobile. This can be the result of intangibility, as in the case of
brands; high customer switching costs, as with proprietary technology; or co-specialisation,
which occurs when organisations' value chains are intimately linked.
(c) Cost advantage can be used to sustain differentiation rather than price advantage by investing in
innovation, brand management or quality improvement.

7.3 Lock-in
Lock-in is achieved in a market when a company's product becomes the industry standard. Direct
competitors are reduced to minor niches and compatibility with the industry standard becomes a
prerequisite for complementary products. Microsoft has achieved this position in the market for PC
operating systems and is only challenged by Linux because the latter product is free to use. Sony
regularly attempts to establish industry standards in order to achieve market dominance, with varying
degrees of success. The original Walkman became the industry standard, but the Betamax video
recording standard lost to VHS. The concept of lock-in is equally applicable to companies following
strategies of cost leadership or differentiation.
Factors affecting lock-in
(a) Perception of dominance: potential competitors and suppliers of complementary products will
only conform to an attempt to set standards if they perceive the standard-setter as dominant in the
market, usually in terms of market share.
(b) First mover advantage: a standard is more likely to be set early in the lifecycle of a new product
than when it is mature.
(c) Self-reinforcement: once dominance is achieved, conforming with the standard becomes
necessary for survival.
(d) Fierce defence: a firm that achieves lock-in will defend its position vigorously. Visa threatened to
impose coercive settlement fees on its top 100 card issuers if they attempted to move their
operations to MasterCard.
Lock-in is also known as the delta model, which is the term used by Hax and Wilde, who described it in
their book of the same name.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 185

7.4 Strategy and hypercompetition
Hypercompetition makes it impossible to create lasting advantage with a steady policy: a series of short
term moves is required. These include repositioning on the strategy clock, counter attack, imitation and
attacks on barriers to entry.

We discussed hypercompetition in Chapter 3. There we said that it was a condition of constant

competitive change created by frequent, boldly aggressive competitive moves. This makes it impossible
to create lasting competitive advantage. Under these conditions, continuing success depends on the
dynamic capabilities discussed in Chapter 4 and on the effective exploitation of a series of short-term
moves. Here are some examples.

7.4.1 Repositioning on the strategy clock

Repositioning may be possible. For example, a firm using a no frills strategy may move towards higher
quality combined with a low price; that is from position 1 on the clock to position 2. Similarly, a
differentiator may attempt to create a new market segment or niche and move towards a more focussed
kind of differentiation

7.4.2 Counterattacking against market-based moves

Market-based strategies that work under less competitive conditions are often successfully
(a) First mover advantage can be undermined by leapfrogging into the lead with an improved
product or making a flank attack on a new segment.
(b) Product/market moves can be imitated, thus preventing the competitor from achieving

7.4.3 Attacking barriers to entry

(a) Rapid technological advance shortens lifecycles and can allow competitors to outflank an initially
robust strategic capability.
(b) Attempts to dominate particular market segments or geographic markets may be overcome in
several ways.
(i) Economies of scale in a market can be countered by utilising the effects of similar
economies achieved from a dominant position in another one. An example would be
entering a foreign market with an undifferentiated product already established in the home
market. Cross subsidy can also be used, perhaps to enable initial price competition.
(ii) Dominance of the market's current pattern of distribution can be overcome by developing a
different approach, such as selling by mail order rather than through retail outlets.
(c) Small competitors can avoid direct confrontation with resource-heavy dominant players by
concentrating on niches, building trading alliances and by merging with other small companies.

7.4.4 Principles of hypercompetitive strategy

(a) Pre-empt imitation and remain unpredictable by competing in new ways. This may involve
destroying current advantages in order to develop new ones.
(b) To attack competitors' weaknesses is to provoke them to overcome them.
(c) A series of small moves disguises the strategy and provides a succession of temporary
(d) Misleading signals of strategic intent can be used to confuse.

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7.5 Collaboration as a strategy
Collaboration may be a valid strategic option, reducing costs and building or overcoming barriers to

Organisations do not only compete. Collaboration between buyers and sellers and between potential
competitors can reduce costs below those of operating independently.
(a) Buyers and sellers may collaborate to ensure high quality, share the cost of research or reduce
inventory levels, for example. Where high quality is of great important, becoming an accredited
supplier can be difficult, but will enhance selling power.
(b) Collaboration between members of a fragmented market increases buying power, as when small
retailers co-operate to buy in large quantities.
(c) Collaboration between suppliers in an industry over such matters as marketing and research and
development can help to build barriers to entry and against substitutes.
(d) On the other hand, collaboration may be the best way to obtain entry to some foreign markets;
aspiring entrants can obtain local knowledge and access to the local infrastructure. Indeed, some
governments require entrants to take a local partner.
(e) Suppliers may collaborate with consumers for a variety of reasons: examples include self-
assembly of furniture and self-assessment of tax liability. Such co-production can help to hold
down costs and increase a sense of ownership.
(f) Knowledge sharing may be required in the public sector, as a form of best practice. Also,
collaboration may be required to improve standards, secure best value from spending or solve
problems that cut across agency boundaries.

8 Using the value chain in competitive strategy

The value chain can be used to design a competitive strategy, by deploying the various activities

The value chain model can be used to analyse a business's operations in order to establish where it
achieves competitive advantage through the creation of value. It can also show where there is potential
for improved value addition (especially in relationship to competitors) and where activities are being
performed that do not add value; the aim here should be to eliminate such activities, or at least to
reconfigure them so that they do contribute some value. However, using the value chain in this way, as
with using any strategic management tool, requires careful thought and sound judgement. This may well
involve the use of other strategic concepts, such as differentiation, competences and critical success
factors, focussing the strategist's attention on areas where they might be applied.

8.1 Other uses of the value chain

As well as using the value chain to establish where it creates value for the customer, an organisation can
also use the model in other strategically valuable ways:
Identification of critical success factors
Identification of activities suitable for out sourcing
Identification of areas where value activities are not mutually supporting
Identification of opportunities to use information strategically

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 187

9 Product-market strategy: direction of growth
Product-market strategies involve determining which products should be sold in which markets, by
market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. Diversification is
assumed to be risky, especially diversification that is entirely unrelated to current products and markets.
Alliances of various kinds are a possible approach to diversification. Withdrawal may be a valid option.

Key term Product-market mix is a short hand term for the products and services a firm sells (or a service which a
public sector organisation provides) and the markets it sells them to.

9.1 The importance of market share

Like some of the portfolio matrix tools we looked at in the last chapter, the PIMS framework regards
competitive strength and market attractiveness as important determinants of profitability. However,
perhaps the single most significant factor to emerge from the PIMS data is the link between profitability
and relative market share. You will recall that relative market share was one of the axes of the BCG
There is a definite, observable correlation between market share and return on investment. This is
probably the result of lower costs resulting from economies of scale. Economies of scale due to
increasing market share are particularly evident in purchasing and the utilisation of non-current assets.

9.2 Product-market mix

Ansoff drew up a growth vector matrix, describing how a combination of a firm's activities in current and
new markets, with existing and new products can lead to growth. Ansoff's original model was a 4 cell
matrix based on product and market, shown as the heart of the diagram below. Lynch has produced an
enhanced model that he calls the market options matrix. This adds the external options shown in the
diagram. Withdrawal, demerger and privatisation are discussed at the end of this section.

Note the resemblance between the basic Ansoff Matrix and the new product strategy matrix presented in
the 'Strategic capability' chapter earlier in this Study Text.

188 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

9.2.1 Current products and current markets: market penetration
Market penetration. The firm seeks to do four things.
(a) Maintain or to increase its share of current markets with current products, eg through
competitive pricing, advertising, sales promotion
(b) Secure dominance of growth markets
(c) Restructure a mature market by driving out competitors
(d) Increase usage by existing customers (eg airmiles, loyalty cards)
This is a relatively low risk strategy since it requires no capital investment. As such it is attractive to the
unadventurous type of company.

9.2.2 Consolidation
To consolidate is to seek to maintain current market share. This may be an appropriate strategy when the
firm is already the market leader; if availability of funds is limited; or when an owner-manager is
approaching retirement or wishes to avoid the loss of personal control that is a likely consequence of
growth. Also, if it seems that profitability does not correlate with market share, consolidation may be a
sensible option.
(a) Consolidation does not mean neglect. It is unlikely that competitors will halt their efforts, so the
firm must continue to enhance its market offer in order to maintain its relative position.
(b) PIMS data indicates that high product quality is important if a consolidation strategy is to
succeed. It can compensate to some extent for both a low market share and a low level of
marketing expenditure.

9.2.3 Present products and new markets: market development

Market development is the process by which the firm seeks new markets for its current products. There are
many possible approaches. Here are some examples:
(a) New geographical areas and export markets (eg a radio station building a new transmitter to
reach a new audience).
(b) Different package sizes for food and other domestic items so that both those who buy in bulk and
those who buy in small quantities are catered for.
(c) New distribution channels to attract new customers (eg organic food sold in supermarkets not
just specialist shops).
(d) Differential pricing policies to attract different types of customer and create new market
segments. For example, travel companies have developed a market for cheap long-stay winter
breaks in warmer countries for retired couples.
This approach to strategy is also low in risk since it also requires little capital investment.

9.2.4 New products and present markets: product development

Product development is the launch of new products to existing markets. This has several advantages:
(a) The company can exploit its existing marketing arrangements such as promotional methods and
distribution channels at low cost.
(b) The company should already have good knowledge of its customers and their wants and habits.
(c) Competitors will be forced to respond.
(d) The cost of entry to the market will go up.
This strategy is riskier than both market penetration and market development since it is likely to require
major investment in the new product development process and, for physical products, in suitable
production facilities.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 189

9.2.5 New products: new markets (diversification)
Diversification occurs when a company decides to make new products for new markets. It should have a
clear idea about what it expects to gain from diversification.
(a) Growth. New products and new markets should be selected which offer prospects for growth
which the existing product-market mix does not.
(b) Investing surplus funds not required for other expansion needs, bearing in mind that the funds
could be returned to shareholders. Diversification is a high risk strategy, having many of the
characteristics of a new business start-up. It is likely to require the deployment of new
We discuss divisionalisation and the role of the corporate headquarters further later in this Study Text.

9.3 Diversification and synergy

Synergy combined results produce a better rate of return than would be achieved by the same resources
used independently. Synergy is used to justify diversification.

9.3.1 Obtaining synergy

Synergy is probably difficult to achieve in practice when one company takes over another. All too often,
the expectations of synergy that help to justify a business combination fail to materialise. Synergy is
probably more discussed in takeover bids than actually implemented.

Question Diversification

A large organisation in road transport operates nationwide in general haulage. This field has become very
competitive and with the recent down-turn in trade, has become only marginally profitable. It has been
suggested that the strategic structure of the company should be widened to include other aspects of
physical distribution so that the maximum synergy would be obtained from that type of diversification.
Suggest two activities which might fit into the suggested new strategic structure, explaining each one
briefly. Explain how each of these activities could be incorporated into the existing structure. State the
advantages and disadvantages of such diversification.

The first step in a suggested solution is to think of how a company operating nationwide in general road
haulage might diversify, with some synergistic benefits. Perhaps you thought of the following.
(a) To move from nationwide to international haulage, the company might be able to use its existing
contacts with customers to develop an international trade. Existing administration and depot facilities in
the UK could be used. Drivers should be available who are willing to work abroad, and the scope for
making reasonable profits should exist. However, international road haulage might involve the company
in the purchase of new vehicles (eg road haulage in Europe often involves the carriage of containerised
products on large purpose-built vehicles). Since international haulage takes longer, vehicles will be tied
up in jobs for several days, and a substantial investment might be required to develop the business. In
addition, in the event of breakdowns, a network of overseas garage service arrangements will have to be
created. It might take some time before business builds up sufficiently to become profitable.
(b) Moving from general haulage to speciality types of haulage, perhaps haulage of large items of
plant and machinery, or computer equipment. The same broad considerations apply to speciality
types of haulage. Existing depot facilities could be used and existing customer contacts might be
developed. However, expertise in specialist work will have to be 'brought in' as well as developed
within the company and special vehicles might need to be bought. Business might take some time
to build up and if the initial investment is high, there could be substantial early losses.

190 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

9.4 Other strategies
Withdrawal may be an appropriate strategy under certain circumstances.
(a) Products may simply disappear when they reach the end of their life cycles.
(b) Underperforming products may be weeded out.
(c) Sale of subsidiary businesses for reasons of corporate strategy, such as finance, change of
objectives, lack of strategic fit.
(d) Sale of assets to raise funds and release other resources.
Exit barriers make this difficult.
(a) Cost barriers include redundancy costs and the difficulty of selling assets.
(b) Managers might fail to grasp the idea of decision-relevant costs ('we've spent all this money, so
we must go on').
(c) Political barriers include government attitudes. Defence is an example.
(d) Marketing considerations may delay withdrawal. A product might be a loss-leader for others, or
might contribute to the company's reputation for its breadth of coverage.
(e) Psychology. Managers hate to admit failure, and there might be a desire to avoid embarrassment.
(f) People might wrongly assume that carrying on is a low risk strategy.
Divestment and demerger have become more common as companies seek to reverse the diversification
strategies they once pursued. There are several reasons for this:
(a) To rationalise a business as a result of a strategic appraisal, perhaps as a result of portfolio
analysis. Another reason might be to concentrate on core competences and synergies.
(b) To sell off subsidiary companies at a profit, perhaps as an exit route after managing a
(c) To allow market valuation to reflect growth and income prospects. Where a low growth, steady
income operation exists alongside a potentially high growth new venture, the joint P/E is likely to
be too high for the cash cow and too low for the star. The danger is that a predator will take over
the whole operation and split the business in two, allowing each part to settle at its own level.
(d) Satisfy investors: diversified conglomerates are unfashionable. Modern investment thinking is that
investors prefer to provide their own portfolio diversification.
(e) To raise funds to invest elsewhere or to reduce debt.

Case Study
Philips, the Dutch manufacturer of consumer electronics, divested some non-core businesses in order to
concentrate on core businesses as a strategy for improving profitability. It sold its production of white
goods (large kitchen appliances) to an American firm, Whirlpool. There was overcapacity in the market.
Philips was suffering from declining profitability and did not have the resources to invest in all its product

Demerger can realise underlying asset values in terms of share valuation. ICI's demerger of its attractive
pharmaceuticals business led to the shares in the two demerged companies trading at a higher combined
valuation than those of the original single form.
Privatisation has been pursued by governments all over the world to raise funds and transform culture
and performance.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 191

10 Method of growth
The method of growth can vary.
Companies can grow organically, building up their own products and developing their own market.
They may choose to acquire these ready-made by buying other companies. Acquisitions are risky
because of the incompatibility of different companies.
Many firms grown by other means, such as joint ventures, franchising and alliances.

10.1 Organic growth

Organic growth (sometimes referred to as internal development) is the primary method of growth for
many organisations, for a number of reasons. Organic growth is achieved through the development of
internal resources.

10.1.1 Reasons for pursuing organic growth

(a) Learning. The process of developing a new product gives the firm the best understanding of the
market and the product.
(b) Innovation. It might be the only sensible way to pursue genuine technological innovations, and
exploit them. (Compact disk technology was developed by Philips and Sony, who earn royalties
from other manufacturers licensed to use it.)
(c) There is no suitable target for acquisition.
(d) Organic growth can be planned more meticulously and offers little disruption.
(e) It is often more convenient for managers, as organic growth can be financed easily from the
company's current cash flows, without having to raise extra money.
(f) The same style of management and corporate culture can be maintained.
(g) Hidden or unforeseen losses are less likely with organic growth than with acquisitions.
(h) Economies of scale can be achieved from more efficient use of central head office functions
such as finance, purchasing, personnel and management services.

10.1.2 Problems with organic growth

(a) Time sometimes it takes a long time to descend a learning curve.
(b) Barriers to entry (eg distribution networks) are harder to overcome: for example a brand image
may be built up from scratch.
(c) The firm will have to acquire the resources independently.
(d) Organic growth may be too slow for the dynamics of the market.
Organic growth is probably ideal for market penetration, and suitable for product or market development,
but it might be a problem with extensive diversification projects.

10.2 Acquisitions and mergers

10.2.1 The purpose of acquisitions
(a) Marketing advantages
(i) Buy in a new product range
(ii) Buy a market presence (especially true if acquiring a company overseas)
(iii) Unify sales departments or to rationalise distribution and advertising
(iv) Eliminate competition or to protect an existing market

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(b) Production advantages
(i) Gain a higher utilisation of production facilities
(ii) Buy in technology and skills
(iii) Obtain greater production capacity
(iv) Safeguard future supplies of raw materials
(v) Improve purchasing by buying in bulk
(c) Finance and management
(i) Buy a high quality management team, which exists in the acquired company
(ii) Obtain cash resources where the acquired company is very liquid
(iii) Gain undervalued assets or surplus assets that can be sold off
(iv) Obtain tax advantages (eg purchase of a tax loss company)
(d) Risk-spreading
(e) Independence. A company threatened by a take-over might take over another company, just to
make itself bigger and so a more expensive target for the predator company.
(f) Overcome barriers to entry
Many acquisitions do have a logic, and the acquired company can be improved with the extra resources
and better management. Furthermore, much of the criticisms of takeovers has been directed more
against the notion of conglomerate diversification as a strategy rather than takeover as a method of

10.2.2 Problems with acquisitions and mergers

(a) Cost. They might be too expensive, especially if resisted by the directors of the target company.
Proposed acquisitions might be referred to the government under the terms of anti-monopoly
(b) Customers of the target company might resent a sudden takeover and consider going to other
suppliers for their goods.
(c) Incompatibility. In general, the problems of assimilating new products, customers, suppliers,
markets, employees and different systems of operating might create 'indigestion' and management
overload in the acquiring company. A proposed merger between two UK financial institutions was
called off because of incompatible information systems.
(d) Asymmetric information. John Kay suggests that the acquisitions market for companies is rarely
(i) The existing management 'always knows more about what is for sale than the potential
purchaser. ... Successful bidders are often only the people who were willing to pay too
much that is the reason why their bid succeeds'.
(ii) 'At the same time, good buys may be ignored, because there is no potential purchaser
confident that he really is making a good buy.'
(e) Driven by the personal goals of the acquiring company's managers, as a form of sport, perhaps.
(f) Corporate financiers and banks have a stake in the acquisitions process as they can charge fees
for advice.
(g) Poor success record of acquisitions. Takeovers benefit the shareholders of the acquired company
often more than the acquirer. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, there is a consensus
that fewer than half all acquisitions are successful.
(h) Firms rarely take into account non-financial factors. A survey by London Business School
examining 40 acquisitions (in the UK and USA) revealed some major flaws.
(i) All acquirers conducted financial audits, but only 37% conducted anything approaching a
management audit: despite detailed audits of equipment, property, finances etc, few
bothered with people.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 193

(ii) Some major problems of implementation relate to human resources and personnel issues
such as morale, performance assessment and culture. Especially in service industries and
'knowledge-based' or creative businesses, many of the firm's assets are effectively the
staff. If key managers or personnel leave, the business will suffer.

10.3 Joint ventures

Short of mergers and takeovers, there are other ways by which companies can co-operate.
(a) Consortia: organisations co-operate on specific business areas such as purchasing or research.
(b) Joint ventures: Two firms (or more) join forces for manufacturing, financial and marketing
purposes and each has a share in both the equity and the management of the business.
(i) Share costs. As the capital outlay is shared, joint ventures are especially attractive to
smaller or risk-averse firms, or where very expensive new technologies are being
researched and developed (such as in the civil aerospace or petrochemical industries).
(ii) Cut risk. A joint venture can reduce the risk of government intervention if a local firm is
involved (eg Club Mediterrane pays much attention to this factor).
(iii) Participating enterprises benefit from all sources of profit.
(iv) Close control over marketing and other operations.
(v) Overseas joint ventures provide local knowledge, quickly.
(vi) Synergies. One firm's production expertise can be supplemented by the other's marketing
and distribution facility.
(c) A licensing agreement is a commercial contract whereby the licenser gives something of value to
the licensee in exchange for certain performances and payments.
(i) The licenser may provide rights to produce a patented product or to use a patented process
or trademark as well as advice and assistance on marketing and technical issues.
(ii) The licenser receives a royalty.
(d) Subcontracting is also a type of alliance. Co-operative arrangements also feature in supply chain
management, JIT and quality programmes.

10.3.1 Disadvantages of joint ventures

(a) Conflicts of interest between the different parties.
(b) Disagreements may arise over profit shares, amounts invested, the management of the joint
venture, and the marketing strategy.
(c) One partner may wish to withdraw from the arrangement.
(d) There may be a temptation to neglect core competences. Acquisition of competences from
partners may be possible, but alliances are unlikely to create new ones.

Case Study
In May 2010, the US glass packaging manufacturer Owens-Illinois Inc. announced that it is teaming up
with a Thai company to buy four plants in China and Southeast Asia that make beverage and food
The joint venture of Owens-Illinois and Thailands Berli Jucker Public Co. signed a deal to buy Faser &
Neave Holdings Malaya Glass plants in Sichuan Province, China; Saraburi Province, Thailand; Johor
Bahru, Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The plants make containers for the beer, non-alcoholic beverage and food markets, and employ about
1,900 people.
The joint venture is buying the plants for $221.7 million, according to a news release. Owens-Illinois will
pay $132.4 million of the total.

194 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

The plants in Malaysia and Vietnam will be operated by a joint venture owned 50percent by Owens-Illinois
and 50percent by Berli Jucker. The acquired interest in the Chinese plant will be managed as part of
Owens-Illinois existing China operations. Berli Jucker will assume majority ownership of the Thai
Owens-Illinois Chairman and CEO Al Strucken said the deal fits his companys objective of seeking a
leadership position in China and Southeast Asia.
He said the plant in Schuan expands its presence in China, while the joint venture gives it a competitive
position in the growing markets in Vietnam and Malaysia.

10.4 Franchising
Exam focus A Section B question in the June 2009 Paper offered 7 marks for explaining the key factors from the
point scenario that would have made franchising feasible at one point in time, but not at another.

Franchising is a method of expanding the business on less capital than would otherwise be possible,
because franchisees not only pay a capital lump sum to the franchiser to enter the franchise but they also
bear some of the running costs of the new outlets. For suitable businesses, it is an alternative business
strategy to raising extra capital for growth. Probably the most well-known franchisers are McDonalds,
but other franchisers include Budget Rent-a-car, Dyno-rod, Express Dairy, Holiday Inn, Kall-Kwik Printing,
Kentucky Fried Chicken, Sketchley Cleaners and Body Shop.
The franchiser and franchisee each provide different inputs to the business.
(a) The franchiser
(i) Name, and any goodwill associated with it
(ii) Systems and business methods, business strategy and managerial know-how
(iii) Support services, such as advertising, training, research and development, and help with
site decoration
(b) The franchisee
(i) Capital, personal involvement and local market knowledge
(ii) Payment to the franchiser for rights and for support services
(iii) Responsibility for the day-to-day running, and the ultimate profitability of the franchise

10.4.1 Advantages of franchising

(a) Reduces capital requirements. Firms often franchise because they cannot readily raise the capital
required to set up company-owned stores. John Y. Brown, the former president of Kentucky Fried
Chicken, maintained that it would have cost KFC $450 million to establish its first 2,700 stores if it
had run them as company-owned stores, and this was a sum that was not available to the
corporation in the early stages of its life.
(b) Reduces managerial resources required. A firm may be able to raise the capital required for
growth, but it may lack the managerial resources required to set up a network of company-owned
stores. Recruiting and training managers and staff accounts for a significant percentage of the cost
of growth of a firm.
Under a franchise agreement, the franchisees supply the staff required for the day-to-day running
of the operation.
(c) Improves return on promotional expenditure through speed of growth. A retail firm's brand and
brand image are crucial to the success of its stores. Companies often develop their brand through
extensive advertising and promotion, but this only translates into sales if they have a number of
stores that customers can visit after seeing their advertisements.
To reap the benefits of its national or regional advertising efforts, the company needs to attain the
minimum efficient scale, in terms of number of stores, as quickly as possible.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 195

Because franchising provides quicker access to capital and managerial resources, a firm can
expand more quickly through franchising than through opening new company-owned stores.
Faster expansion through franchising, in turn, should allow companies to achieve a favourable
return on their promotional campaigns.
(d) Benefits of specialisation. Because the franchisee and the franchiser both contribute different
resources to the franchise, franchising provides an effective way of reducing costs: each party
concentrates on their core areas, and increases their efficiency in those areas.
In general, franchisers are more cost-efficient than franchisees in performing functions that
decrease in cost with a substantial level of output. By contrast, franchisees are more efficient in
performing functions which are more efficient at a smaller scale. For example, in the fast-food
business, product development and national promotion are more efficiently handled on a large
scale (by the franchiser), whereas the production of food itself is handled better on a relatively
smaller scale (by the franchisee).
(e) Low head office costs. The franchiser only needs a small number of head office staff because
there is a considerable delegation of operational responsibility to the franchisees. For example, in
the fast-food business, the franchisees provide the staff who work in the restaurants, and so the
franchisees incur the HR and payroll costs associated with that.
(f) Reduced supervision costs. Company-owned retail stores are run by employee managers who
may often perform poorly if they are not supervised. A company, therefore, has to supervise its
store managers, and this will result in central overhead costs. However, under a franchise
arrangement, because franchisees have invested capital in their own stores, and because their
earnings come from the profits of those stores, they are motivated to work hard to maximise the
success of the stores. Consequently the franchiser will have much lower supervision costs.
(g) Risk Management. When opening new stores, a corporation does not know with certainty the
business potential and the chances of success of different locations. Under a franchising
arrangement, the franchiser can judge the profitability potential of different sites without incurring
a significant business risk. If a particular store fails, the franchisee bears the brunt of the failure.
However, franchising also helps franchisees reduce their risks. Franchised stores typically open
more quickly, and become profitable more quickly, than independent company-owned stores. The
franchisee benefits from the franchiser's managerial experience and from the established brand
name. In effect, when a franchisee enters a lease agreement with the franchiser, it is leasing
managerial know-how and brand recognition, as well as the physical store it is operating.

10.4.2 Disadvantages of franchising

(a) Profits are shared. The franchisee receives the revenue from the customer at the point of sale and
then pays the franchiser a share of the profits.
(b) The search for competent candidates is both costly and time consuming where the franchiser
requires many outlets (eg McDonald's in the UK).
(c) Control over franchisees. (McDonald's franchisees in New York recently refused to co-operate in a
marketing campaign).
(d) Risk to reputation. A franchisee can damage the public perception of a brand by providing inferior
goods or services.
(e) Potential for conflict. There may be disagreement over the respective rights and obligations of the
franchiser and franchisee, for example over the level of support to be provided or the fees payable.
These terms need to be clearly set out in a contact when the franchise is granted to reduce the
chances of conflict arising. Conflict may also occur if either side is acting in bad faith, for example
if the franchisee is providing inferior goods or services which risk damaging the franchiser's

196 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

10.5 Alliances
Exam focus A Section B question in the Pilot Paper offered 25 marks for explaining the principles of internal
point development, acquisitions and strategic alliances, and how they might be applied to the scenario.

Some firms enter long-term strategic alliances with others for a variety of reasons.
(a) They share development costs of a particular technology.
(b) The regulatory environment prohibits take-overs (eg most major airlines are in strategic alliances
because in most countries including the US there are limits to the level of control an 'outsider'
can have over an airline).
(c) Complementary markets or technology.
(d) Learning. Alliances can also be a 'learning' exercise in which each partner tries to learn as much
as possible from the other.
(e) Technology. New technology offers many uncertainties and many opportunities. Such alliances
provide funds for expensive research projects, spreading risk.
(f) The alliance itself can generate innovations.
(g) The alliance can involve 'testing' the firm's core competence in different conditions, which can
suggest ways to improve it.
(h) Regulation may prevent take over.
Strategic alliances only go so far, as there may be disputes over control of strategic assets.

10.5.1 Choosing alliance partners

Hooley et al suggest the following factors should be considered in choosing alliance partners.

Drivers What benefits are offered by collaboration?

Partners Which partners should be chosen?
Facilitators Does the external environment favour a partnership?
Components Activities and processes in the network
Effectiveness Does the previous history of alliances generate good results? Is the alliance just a
temporary blip? For example, in the airline industry, there are many strategic alliances,
but these arise in part because there are legal barriers to cross-border ownership.
Market- Alliance partners are harder to control and may not have the same commitment to the
orientation end-user.

Case Study
In February 2012 General Motors and PSA Peugeot Citroen announced a global alliance that the two
companies said would save them $2bn annually within about five years and begin launching vehicles from
The US and French carmakers said they would share vehicle platforms, components and modules, and
create a global purchasing joint venture to buy commodities and parts that would have combined
purchasing power of $125bn a year.
GMs chief executive described the deal as a broad-scale global strategic alliance that will improve each
companys competitiveness and will contribute to the long-term profitability in Europe particularly, but
around the world as well.
The tie-up will give GM and PSA, which have joint sales of about 12m, global industry leadership in
production of B compact and D upper-middle segment cars.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 197

The two companies said the alliance was not a merger, and said that it would not change an existing plans
to rationalise their operations in Europe, where both PSA and GMs Opel unit are losing money and have
more plants than they need.
GM and PSA said the cost synergies would be split evenly between the two carmakers, which will
continue to compete and sell cars under their own brands.
PSAs chief executive said that the alliance grew out of a growing realisation of very concrete synergies
that exist between our companies
GM and PSAs alliance will initially focus on small and midsize cards, multipurpose vehicles and small
sport utility vehicles, or crossovers. The two companies said they would also consider developing a new
common platform for low-carbon vehicles.
Alliances between rival carmakers have a patchy track record. Daimler demerged Chrysler in 2007 after
an acrimonious partnership that lasted nine years, and Volkswagen and Suzuki are kin arbitration after an
alliance they concluded in 2009 hit the rocks last year.
Financial Times, 29th February 2012

Alliances have some limitations

(a) Core competence. Each organisation should be able to focus on its core competence. Alliances do
not enable it to create new competences.
(b) Strategic priorities. If a key aspect of strategic delivery is handed over to a partner, the firm loses
flexibility. A core competence may not be enough to provide a comprehensive customer benefit.

10.5.2 IS based alliances

The cost of major IS based methods of working, combined with their inherent communications capability
have made alliances based on IS a natural development. There are four common types.
(a) Single industry partnerships: for example, UK insurance brokers can use a common system
called IVANS to research the products offered by all of the major insurance companies.
(b) Multi-industry joint marketing partnerships: some industries are so closely linked with others
that it makes sense to establish IS linking their offerings. A well-known example is holiday
bookings, where a flight reservation over the internet is likely to lead to a seamless offer of hotel
reservations and car hire.
(c) Supply chain partnerships: greater and closer co-operation along the supply chain has led to the
need for better and faster information flows. Electronic data interchange between customers and
suppliers is one aspect of this improvement, perhaps seen most clearly in the car industry, where
the big-name manufacturers effectively control the flow of inputs from their suppliers.
(d) IT supplier partnerships: a slightly different kind of partnership is not uncommon in the IT industry
itself, where physical products have their own major software content. The development of these
products requires close co-operation between the hardware and software companies concerned.

11 Strategy and market position

Strategies may be based upon market position, as leader, challenger, follower or nicher.

So far in this chapter we have considered the broader aspects of strategy as they affect the overall stance
of the organisation. In this section we will examine some of the options that apply most appropriately to
the strategic management of individual products or brands. An appreciation of scale is important when
considering strategy. The strategies we discuss below may be regarded as detailed strategy for a major
global organisation. On the other hand, they may constitute the essence of corporate strategy for a
smaller company.

198 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Most of the material in this section is based on Strategic Marketing Management by Wilson, Gilligan and

11.1 Strategies for market leaders

PIMS research has revealed the advantages of being the market leader. A company in this position may
try to do three things.
(a) Expand the total market by seeking increased usage levels; and new uses and users. These aims
correspond to market penetration and market development.
(b) Protect the current market share. The most common way of doing this is by means of continuous
product innovation.
(c) Expand market share. This may be pursued by enhancing the attractiveness of the product
offering in almost any way, including increased promotion, aggressive pricing and improved
Military analogies have been used to describe defensive strategies for market leaders. These were
described earlier in this Study Text.

11.2 Strategies for market challengers

The market challenger seeks to build market share in the hope of eventually overtaking the existing
leader. However, this does not necessarily mean attacking the market leader head-on. This is a risky
strategy in any case, because of the leader's resources in cash, promotion and innovation. Instead, the
challenger may attack smaller regional firms or companies of similar size to itself that are vulnerable
through lack of resources or poor management.
Military analogies have also been used to describe the challenger's attacking options. These were
described earlier in this Study Text.

11.3 Strategies for market followers

The market follower accepts the status quo and thus avoids the cost and risk associated with innovation
in product, price or distribution strategy. Such a me-too strategy is based on the leader's approach. This
can be both profitable and stable. However, to be consistently successful, such a strategy must not simply
imitate. The follower should compete in the most appropriate segments, maintain its customer base and
ensure that its turnover grows in line with the general expansion of the market. It should be aware that it
may constitute an attractive target for market challengers. The follower must therefore control its costs
and exploit appropriate opportunities.

11.4 Strategies for market nichers

Avoiding competition by niching is a profitable strategy for small firms generally and for larger
organisations where competition is intense. The key to niching is specialisation, but there are other
(a) The chosen market must have some growth potential while being uninteresting to major
(b) The firm must be able to serve its customers sufficiently well to build up sufficient goodwill to fend
off any attacks.
(c) It must be possible to build up sufficient size to be profitable and purchase efficiently.
Serving a single niche can be risky: a sudden change in the market can lead to rapid decline. Multiple
niching can overcome this problem.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 199

12 Success criteria
Strategies are evaluated according to their suitability to the firm's strategic situation, their feasibility in
terms of resources and competences and their acceptability to key stakeholders groups
(eg shareholders).

Organisations must select strategies to pursue in a rational way. JS&W suggest three success criteria to
guide strategy choice:

12.1 Suitability
Suitability relates to the strategic logic of the strategy. The strategy should fit the organisation's current
strategic position and should satisfy a range of requirements:
Exploit strengths: that is, unique resources and core competences
Rectify an organisation's weaknesses, or deal with problems identified in it
Neutralise or deflect environmental threats
Help the firm to seize opportunities
Satisfy the goals of organisation
Fill the gap identified by gap analysis
Generate/maintain competitive advantage
Involve an acceptable level of risk
Suit the politics and corporate culture
A number of techniques can be used to assess suitability. These are discussed below.

12.1.1 Life cycle analysis

The A D Little lifecycle/portfolio matrix assesses suitability in terms of industry maturity and
competitive position.

The product life cycle concept may be used to assess potential strategies.
The industry life cycle may be combined with an appraisal of the company's strength in its markets using
a life cycle/portfolio matrix. This was originally designed by consultants Arthur D Little.

200 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices


Embryonic Growth Mature Ageing

Dominant Fast grow Fast grow Defend position Defend position
Start up Attain cost Attain cost Focus
leadership leadership Renew
Renew Renew Grow with industry
Defend position Fast grow
Strong Start up Fast grow Attain cost Find niche
Differentiate Catch up leadership Hold niche
Fast grow Attain cost Renew, focus Hang in
leadership Differentiate Grow with industry

Differentiate Grow with industry Harvest

Favourable Start up Differentiate, focus Harvest, hang in Retrench
Differentiate Catch up Find niche, hold Turnaround
Focus Grow with industry niche
Fast grow Renew, turnaround
Differentiate, focus
Grow with industry
Tenable Start up Harvest, catch up Harvest Divest
Grow with industry Hold niche, hang in Turnaround Retrench
Focus Find niche Find niche
Turnaround Retrench
Grow with industry
Weak Find niche Turnaround Withdraw Withdraw
Catch up Retrench Divest
Grow with industry
The position of the company on the industry maturity axis of this matrix depends on the assessment of
eight factors including market growth rate, growth potential and number of competitors. Each stage has
its own strategic implications. For instance, an ageing market will be subject to falling demand, so heavy
marketing expenditure is unlikely to be justified.
Competitive position
(a) A dominant position allows the company to exert influence over the behaviour of competitors. It is
rare in the private sector.
(b) A strong position gives considerable freedom of choice over strategy.
(c) A favourable position arises in a fragmented market, often when the company has strengths to
(d) A tenable position is vulnerable to competition and profitability may depend on specialisation.
(e) A weak position arises from inability to compete effectively. Firms of any size can find themselves
in this condition.

12.1.2 Business profile analysis

In business profile analysis the expected effects of a strategy on the corporation are forecast. A business
profile is then created by scoring the forecast state against the favourable parameters established by the
empirical findings of PIMS research. There are eleven of these parameters; they relate to market position,
financial strength, quality and operational efficiency. The forecast profile may be compared with the
current profile in order to assess the proposed strategy for suitability.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 201

12.1.3 Strategy screening
It is not enough merely to assess strategies for suitability. Eventually choices must be made. Such
choices may be assisted by strategy screening methods, which include ranking, decision trees and
scenario planning. Ranking and decision trees are dealt with later in this Study Text. Scenarios have
already been described. Potential strategies may be screened by assessing their suitability against each
potential scenario. This leads not so much to a choice as to the establishment of a series of contingency

12.1.4 Consistency
Strategies must be internally consistent: generic strategy, market options choice and method of
development must all work together satisfactorily. For example a strategy of cost leadership would not be
supported by a decision to acquire a chain of luxury distributors.

12.1.5 The TOWS matrix

The TOWS matrix was discussed earlier in this Study Text. We noted that Weirich categorised strategies
into four groups that linked strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a logical fashion. There is
an inherent suitability about strategies that fall into these groups, since they are founded on the
fundamentals of the organisation's strategic position.
JS&W (and your syllabus) discern a logical link between the Ansoff Matrix and the TOWS matrix, since
detailed strategic options based on the former may be validated and even generated by considering the
latter. Thus, for example, a specific market development opportunity might exploit an under-used
strength: this is an SO strategy.

12.2 Feasibility
Feasibility asks whether the strategy can be implemented and, in particular, if the organisation has
adequate strategic capability. The Ms model we looked at earlier in this Study Text can provide a
framework to use here.
Machinery Has the organisation got the machinery required to deliver this strategy? Can any
new machinery be obtained?
Make-up Is the organisational structure appropriate to the strategy?
Management Does the management team have the skills required to deliver the strategy?
Markets Does the organisation have strong enough products or a strong enough brand for
the strategy to work?
Materials Does the organisation have access to the materials required to deliver the strategy?
Men and women Will the strategy require extra staff? Will the strategy require staff to acquire new
skills? If so, how long will this take?
Methods Can the strategy be implemented, given the organisation's current production
methods (either in-house or outsourced)?
Money Can the organisation raise any finances that may be required? Will it be able to keep
up with repayments if loan funding is required?
In addition, the organisation also needs to assess whether it has the ability to deal with the likely
responses that competitors will make, and enough time to implement the strategy.
Strategies which do not make use of the existing competences and which therefore call for new
competences to be acquired, might not be feasible, since gaining competences takes time and can be
Two important financial approaches to assessing the feasibility of particular strategies are funds flow
analysis and breakeven analysis. The principles of both should be familiar to you from your earlier
studies in financial and management accounting.

202 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Resource deployment analysis makes a wider assessment of feasibility in terms of resources and
competences. The resources and competences required for each potential strategy are assessed and
compared with those of the firm. A two stage approach may be followed.
(a) Does the firm have the necessary resources and competences to achieve the threshold
requirements for each strategy?
(b) Does the firm have the core competences and unique resources to maintain competitive
When assessing feasibility in this way, it is important to remember that it may be possible to acquire new
competences and resources or to stretch existing ones. Such innovation is likely to be difficult to imitate.

12.3 Acceptability
The acceptability of a strategy depends on expected performance outcomes and the extent to which
these are acceptable to stakeholders.
(a) Financial considerations. Strategies will be evaluated by considering how far they contribute to
meeting the dominant objective of increasing shareholder wealth.
We will look at financial management decisions in more detail later in this Study Text, but there are
a number of the financial indicators which should be considered to assess the acceptability of a
(i) Return on investment (v) Cash flow
(ii) Profits (vi) Price/Earnings
(iii) Growth (vii) Market capitalisation
(iv) EPS (viii) Cost-benefit analysis
Profitability analysis techniques include forecast ROCE, payback period and NPV, all of which
you should be familiar with. These methods should not be overemphasised.
(i) They are developed for assessing projects where cash flows are predictable. This is unlikely
to be easy with wider strategies.
(ii) There may be intangible costs and benefits associated with a strategy, such as an
enhanced product range or image or a loss of market share. Cost-benefit analysis is
probably more appropriate for dealing with such development. See below.
Shareholder value analysis has the potential to provide a more realistic assessment of overall
strategy than traditional financial measures such as NPV and forecast ROCE. This is because its
emphasis on value management and understanding the organisation's system of value drivers
requires managers to take an integrated view of current and potential future strategies and their
overall effects.
(b) Customers may object to a strategy if it means reducing service, but on the other hand they may
have no choice.
(c) Banks are interested in the implications for cash resources, debt levels and so on.
(d) Government. A strategy involving a takeover may be prohibited under competition legislation.
(e) The public. The environmental impact may cause key stakeholders to protest. For example, out of
town superstores are now frowned upon by national and local government in the UK.
(f) Risk. Different shareholders have different attitudes to risk. A strategy which changed the
risk/return profile, for whatever reason, may not be acceptable. Financial ratio projections and
sensitivity analysis may be useful in the assessment of risk.

Exam focus Risk and return are particularly important to investors. The old Paper 3.5 syllabus Section A case study in
point June 2004 included a requirement to evaluate three possible exit strategies for an owner-manager. The
Examiner's suggested solution emphasised the balance of risk and return in each option.

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 203

Cost-benefit analysis may be an appropriate approach to acceptability where intangible effects are
important, which is particularly the case in the public sector. This type of analysis attempts to put a
monetary value on intangibles such as safety and amenity so that the impact of a strategy on all parties
may be assessed.

12.4 Strategy selection

12.4.1 Planning and enforced choice
The techniques dealt with in this chapter are appropriate to the use of the rational model and may be
useful when less formal approaches are taken. They also have a role when strategic developments are
imposed from outside the organisation. This may come about, for instance, as a result of a major change
in the environment, as when the oil shocks of the 1970s stimulated off-shore production, or because of
the influence of a dominant stakeholder. A good example of the second possibility was the effect of Marks
and Spencer's decision to cease buying from William Baird, a UK clothing manufacturer. This led to plant
closures, reorganisation and a management buyout offer.
Formal evaluation of imposed strategy
(a) The first role of formal evaluation is to assess the degree of risk inherent in the imposed strategy.
This may indicate that a medium-term programme to reduce risk is required; this could be
incorporated into the overall plan.
(b) Secondly, techniques such as scenario planning can be used to establish contingency plans in
case the imposed strategy leads to unacceptably low performance.

12.5 Real options

The analysis and use of financial options as business tools is not examinable in paper P3. However, the
option concept is very useful in the context of selecting strategies. The selection of a particular course of
strategic action may offer options for future strategy. The availability of such an option should be
considered when evaluating strategies.
A possible course of action may open up further possibilities: one important case is the possibility of
making further, follow-on investments. This is equivalent to a call option in financial strategy. For
example, if a manufacturing business decides to open a retail outlet, it acquires the option to stock
complementary products from other manufacturers. If the NPV of the basic outlet strategy is assessed as
negative, this negative sum represents the price of the option to expand the range at a future date.
Using this type of conceptual approach allows more subtle evaluation of possible strategies to be
undertaken and permits more sophisticated choices to be made between alternatives. In particular, the
option to abandon a chosen strategy at low cost will make that strategy more attractive than one with a
high cost of abandonment. This choice might rise where there are two possible approaches to
manufacturing a new product.
(a) Purchase of high efficiency, highly specialised machinery
(b) Purchase of lower efficiency, general purpose machinery
Option (a) may offer lower costs if the venture succeeds, but the ability to use option (b)'s machinery for
another purpose reduces its cost of abandonment should the venture fail.

204 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Chapter Roundup
Many large businesses consist of a corporate parent and a number of SBUs. The defining characteristic of
the corporate parent is that it has no direct contact with the buyers or competitors, its role being to
manage the overall scope of the organisation in terms of diversity of products, markets and international
Diversity of products and markets may be advantageous for three reasons.
Economics of scope may arise in several forms of synergy.
Corporate management skills may be extendible.
Cross-subsidy may enhance market power.
Related diversification, whether horizontal or vertical usually works better than conglomerate, or
unrelated, diversification.
Despite wide-ranging measures to liberalise trade and the resulting major growth in world trade, there has
been little globalisation of services. Language differences and also, restrictions on population movement
hamper the growth of international markets for labour, even when it is highly skilled.
Perlmutter identifies four orientations in the management of international business.
Ethnocentrism is a home country orientation
Polycentrism adapts totally to local environments
Geocentrism adapts only to add value. It 'thinks globally, acts locally'.
Regiocentrism recognises regional differences
Ohmae describes five stages in the evolution of a global business.
Exporting is an extension of home sales, using foreign intermediaries. It is low risk and
Overseas branches arise when turnover is large enough. It requires greater investment and is still
Overseas production exploits cheap labour and reduces exporting costs. The orientation is still
ethnocentric and the business is still largely run from its HQ.
Insiderisation is a shift to polycentrism, with full functional organisations being set up overseas.
This reduces exchange rate and political risk but economies of scale may be lost and there may be
problems of co-ordination. The company is a multinational.
The global company takes a world view while recognising total differences: it has a geocentric
orientation. It integrates learning, skills and competences to achieve global efficiencies while
retaining local responsiveness.
Ohmae offers five reasons for globalisation.
Customer: market convergence
Company: economies of scale
Competition: keeping up
Currency: exchange rate risk
Country: absolute and comparative advantage; local orientation
Bartlett and Ghoshal discern four types of organisations, depending on the strength or weakness of
pressure to globalise and need for local adaptation.
Global environment; geocentric; global product divisions
International environment; ethnocentric; international division
Transnational environment; polycentric; integrated systems and structures
Multinational environment; polycentric; national or regional divisions

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 205

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
Modes of entry to foreign markets vary widely and include
Direct and indirect exporting Contract manufacture
Wholly owned overseas production Joint ventures
The most suitable mode of entry depends on
Marketing objectives Firm size
Mode availability Mode quality
HR requirements Market research feedback
Risks Control needs
There are three value-creating roles for the corporate parent.
Envisioning corporate intent, communicating the vision to stakeholders and SBU managers, and
acting in accordance with it.
Intervention to improve performance.
Provision of services, resources and expertise.
Portfolio managers create value by applying financial discipline. They keep their own costs low.
Synergy managers peruse economics of scope through the shared use of competences and resources.
Parental developers add value by deploying their own competences to improve their SBUs' performance.
A parent may deploy four policies towards its SBUs
Build Harvest
Hold Divest
The SBU portfolio must be managed against three criteria
Balance Strategic fit
Matrix-based models are used to manage portfolios: the Ashridge model is the only one to address
strategic fit and assumes the parental developer approach is used.
The Boston classification classifies business units in terms of their capacity for growth within the market
and the market's capacity for growth as a whole.
The public sector portfolio matrix classifies activities in terms of their popularity and the resources
available for them.
The GE and Shell matrices are based on the enterprise's competitive capacity and the market's
The Ashridge model assesses the benefit SBUs can derive from the corporate parent playing the parental
developer role. Heartland businesses both have CSFs that fit the present's resources and competences
and provide opportunities for good use of them. Alien businesses have neither quality. Ballast businesses
are well-understood by the parent but need little assistance. Value trap businesses need help but of kinds
the parent cannot provide.
Business unit strategy involves a choice between being the lowest cost producer (cost leadership)
making the product different from competitors' products in some way (differentiation) or specialising on
a segment of the market (focus, by addressing that segment by a strategy of cost leadership or
differentiation). Porter believes that a firm must choose one of these or be stuck-in-the-middle.
The strategy clock develops Porter's theory, analysing strategies in terms of price and perceived value
Different policies are required to sustain differentiation or price-based strategies. Lock-in is achieved
when a product becomes the industry standard.

206 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
Hypercompetition makes it impossible to create lasting advantage with a steady policy: a series of short
term moves is required. These include repositioning on the strategy clock, counter attack, imitation and
attacks on barriers to entry.
Collaborations may be a valid strategic option, reducing costs and building or overcoming barriers to
The value chain can be used to design a competitive strategy, by deploying the various activities
Product-market strategies involve determining which products should be sold in which markets, by
market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. Diversification is
assumed to be risky, especially diversification that is entirely unrelated to current products and markets.
Alliances of various kinds are a possible approach to diversification. Withdrawal may be a valid option.
The method of growth can vary.
Companies can grow organically, building up their own products and developing their own market.
They may choose to acquire these ready-made by buying other companies. Acquisitions are risky
because of the incompatibility of different companies.
Many firms grown by other means, such as joint ventures, franchising and alliances.
Strategies may be based upon market position, as leader, challenger, follower or nicher.
Strategies are evaluated according to their suitability to the firm's strategic situation, their feasibility in
terms of resources and competences and their acceptability to key stakeholders groups
(eg shareholders).
The A D Little lifecycle/portfolio matrix assesses suitability in terms of industry maturity and
competitive position.

Quick Quiz
1 What is related diversification?
2 What are JS&W's three strategic rationales for corporate parents?
3 What are the axes of the BCG matrix?
4 What are the axes of the Ashridge portfolio display?
5 What are Porter's three generic strategies?
6 What are the axes against which the strategy clock is constructed?
7 What is lock-in?
8 What are the four product-market options which are illustrated in Ansoff's matrix?
9 List three advantages of franchising.
10 What criteria are used to assess strategies?

Part B Strategic choices 6: Strategic choices 207

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Development beyond current products and markets but within the capabilities or value network of the
2 Portfolio manager, synergy manager, parental developer.
3 Market growth rate and relative market share.
4 Fit between SBU opportunities and parental skills and resources (benefit) and fit between CSFs and
parental skills and resources (feel).
5 Cost leadership, differentiation, focus.
6 Price and perceived value added.
7 The product becomes the industry standard.
8 Market penetration (present product, present market)
Market development (present product, new market)
Product development (new product, present market)
Diversification (new product, new market)
9 Possible answers:
Reduces capital requirements
Reduces managerial resources required
Speed of growth is faster than organic growth
Benefits of specialisation between franchiser and franchisee
Low head office costs
Reduces supervision costs
Reduces risk associated with opening new outlets
10 Suitability in terms of strategic logic; feasibility in terms of resources required; and acceptability to

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q6 Preparation n/a 36 mins

208 6: Strategic choices Part B Strategic choices


Organising and enabling


Organising for

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Challenges and concepts C1
2 Types of structure C1 (a)
3 Processes C1 (b)
4 Relationships C1 (c), (d)
5 Stereotypical configurations C1 (e)
6 Configuration and strategy C1

The static pyramidal hierarchy has formed the basis of ideas about organisation
structure for many years. This structural form has the advantage of being easily
understood and of providing clear lines of responsibility and communication.
However, the challenges of the modern business environment have led not only
to new structural designs, but also to a complete re-evaluation of basic
assumptions about organisation structure.

Study guide
Intellectual level
C1 Organising and enabling success
(a) Advise on how the organisation can be structured to deliver a selected
(b) Explore generic processes that take place within the structure, with
particular emphasis on the planning process
(c) Discuss how internal relationships can be organised to deliver a selected
(d) Discuss how external relationships (outsourcing, strategic alliances,
networks and the virtual organisation) can be structured to deliver a 2
selected strategy
(e) Explore (through Mintzberg's organisational configurations) the design of
structure, processes and relationships

Exam guide
Questions on structure were fairly uncommon under the old syllabus. However, JS&W's fresh approach,
emphasising processes and relationships casts a new light on this rather specialised topic and brings it
into the mainstream of strategic thinking. You cannot afford to neglect this chapter. We can expect
questions that demand input on structure ranging from passing comment all the way up to detailed
proposals for change and development.
The structure of the organisation will be important in the context of scenario-based questions, and
ensuring harmony between structure, process and relationships will be important throughout.

Mintzberg's organisational configurations (Section 5 of this chapter) are explicitly referenced in the Study
Guide and so could be specifically required in a question.

1 Challenges and concepts

Globalisation, other aspects of rapid environmental change and, above all, the need to exploit knowledge
make the structures, processes and relationships that make up configurations vital for strategic success.

JS&W identify three major groups of challenges for twenty first century organisation structures.
(a) Flexibility of organisational design. The rapid pace of environmental change and increased levels
of environmental uncertainty demand flexibility of organisational design.
(b) Effective systems. The creation and exploitation of knowledge requires effective systems to link
the people who have knowledge with the applications that need it.
(c) Globalisation. Globalisation creates new types and a new scale of technological complexity in
communication and information systems; at the same time, diversity of culture, practices and
approaches to personal relationships bring their own new problems of organisational form.
Of these three sets of issues, the need to capture, organise and exploit knowledge is probably the most
pressing for most organisations. An important element of response to this need is therefore an emphasis
on the importance of facilitating effective processes and relationships when designing structures. JS&W
use the term configuration to encompass these three elements.

212 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

1.1 Organisational configuration
Key term An organisation's configuration consists of the structures, processes, and relationships through which it
operates. JS&W

(a) Structure has its conventional meaning of organisation structure.

(b) Processes drive and support people: they define how strategies are made and controlled; and how
the organisation's people interact and implement strategy.
(c) Relationships are the connections between people within the organisation and between those
inside it and those on the outside.
Effective processes and relationships can have varying degrees of formality and informality and it is
important that formal relationships and processes are aligned with the relevant informal ones.
It is very important to be aware that structures, processes and relationships are highly interdependent:
they have to work together intimately and consistently if the organisation is to be successful.

2 Types of structure
An organisation's formal structure reveals much about it.
(a) It shows who is responsible for what.
(b) It shows who communicates with whom, both in procedural practice and, to great extent, in less
formal ways.
(c) The upper levels of the structure reveal the skills the organisation values and, by extension, the
role of knowledge and skill within it..
JS&W review seven basic structural types:
Holding company

2.1 The functional structure

In a functional structure, people are organised according to the type of work that they do.

In a functional organisation structure, departments are defined by their functions, that is, the work that
they do. It is a traditional, common sense approach and many organisations are structured like this.
Primary functions in a manufacturing company might be production, sales, finance, and general
administration. Sub departments of marketing might be selling, advertising, distribution and warehousing.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 213

2.1.1 Advantages of functional departmentation
It is based on work specialism and is therefore logical.
The firm can benefit from economies of scale.
It offers a career structure.

2.1.2 Disadvantages
It does not reflect the actual business processes by which value is created.
It is hard to identify where profits and losses are made on individual products.
People do not have an understanding of how the whole business works.
There are problems of co-ordinating the work of different specialisms.

2.2 The multi-divisional and holding company structures

The multi-divisional structure divides the organisation into semi-autonomous divisions that may be
differentiated by territory, product, or market. The holding company structure is an extreme form in which
the divisions are separate legal entities.

(a) Divisionalisation is the division of a business into autonomous regions or product businesses,
each with its own revenues, expenditures and profits.
(b) Communication between divisions and head office is restricted, formal and related to performance
standards. Influence is maintained by headquarters' power to hire and fire the managers who are
supposed to run each division.
(c) Divisionalisation is a function of organisation size, in numbers and in product-market activities.
Mintzberg believes there are inherent problems in divisionalisation.
(a) A division is partly insulated by the holding company from shareholders and capital markets,
which ultimately reward performance.
(b) The economic advantages it offers over independent organisations 'reflect fundamental
inefficiencies in capital markets'. (In other words, different product-market divisions might function
better as independent companies.)
(c) The divisions are more bureaucratic than they would be as independent corporations, owing to the
performance measures imposed by the strategic apex.

214 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

(d) Headquarters management have a tendency to usurp divisional profits by management charges,
cross-subsidies, head office bureaucracies and unfair transfer pricing systems.
(e) In some businesses, it is impossible to identify completely independent products or markets for
which divisions would be appropriate.
(f) Divisionalisation is only possible at a fairly senior management level, because there is a limit to
how much independence in the division of work can be arranged.
(g) It is a halfway house, relying on personal control over performance by senior managers and
enforcing cross-subsidisation.
(h) Many of the problems of divisionalisation are those of conglomerate diversification. Each
business might be better run independently than with the others. The different businesses might
offer different returns for different risks which shareholders might prefer to judge independently.
The multi-divisional structure might be implemented in one of two forms.
(a) Simple divisionalisation

This enables concentration on particular product-market areas, overcoming problems of functional

specialisation at a large scale. Problems arise with the power of the head office, and control of the
resources. Responsibility is devolved, and some central functions might be duplicated.
(b) The holding company (group) structure is a radical form of divisionalisation. Subsidiaries are
separate legal entities. The holding company can be a firm with a permanent investment or one
that buys and sells businesses or interests in businesses: the subsidiaries may have other

Divisionalisation has some advantages, despite the problems identified above.

(a) It focuses the attention of subordinate management on business performance and results.
(b) Management by objectives is the natural control default.
(c) It gives more authority to junior managers, and therefore provides them with work that grooms
them for more senior positions in the future.
(d) It provides an organisation structure which reduces the number of levels of management. The top
executives in each division should be able to report direct to the chief executive of the holding

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 215

2.3 The matrix structure
Matrix structures attempt to ensure co-ordination across functional lines by the embodiment of dual
authority in the organisation structure

Matrix structure provides for the formalisation of management control between different functions, whilst
at the same time maintaining functional departmentation. It can be a mixture of a functional, product and
territorial organisation.
A golden rule of classical management theory is unity of command: an individual should have one boss.
(Thus, staff management can only act in an advisory capacity, leaving authority in the province of line
management alone.) Matrix and project organisation may possibly be thought of as a reaction against the
classical form of bureaucracy by establishing a structure of dual command either temporary (in the form
of projects) or permanent (in the case of matrix structure).

2.4 Matrix organisation

Case Study
Matrix management first developed in the 1950s in the USA in the aerospace industry. Lockheed, the
aircraft manufacturers, were organised in a functional hierarchy. Customers were unable to find a manager
in Lockheed to whom they could take their problems and queries about their particular orders, and
Lockheed found it necessary to employ 'project expediters' as customer liaison officials. From this
developed 'project co-ordinators', responsible for co-ordinating line managers into solving a customer's
problems. Up to this point, these new officials had no functional responsibilities.
Owing to increasingly heavy customer demands, Lockheed eventually created 'programme managers',
with authority for project budgets and programme design and scheduling. These managers therefore had
functional authority and responsibilities, thus a matrix management organisation was created.

The matrix organisation imposes the multi-disciplinary approach on a permanent basis. For example, it is
possible to have a product management structure superimposed on top of a functional departmental
structure in a matrix; product or brand managers may be responsible for the sales budget, production
budget, pricing, marketing, distribution, quality and costs of their product or product line, but may have to
co-ordinate with the R&D, production, finance, distribution, and sales departments in order to bring the
product on to the market and achieve sales targets.

* The product managers may each have their own marketing team; in which case the marketing
department itself would be small or non-existent.
The authority of product managers may vary from organisation to organisation.

216 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

Once again, the division of authority between product managers and functional managers must be
carefully defined.
Matrix management thus challenges classical ideas about organisation by rejecting the idea of one
person, one boss.
A subordinate cannot easily take orders from two or more bosses, and so an arrangement has to be
established, perhaps on the following lines.
(a) A subordinate takes orders from one boss (the functional manager) and the second boss (the
project manager) has to ask the first boss to give certain instructions to the subordinate.
(b) A subordinate takes orders from one boss about some specified matters and orders from the other
boss about different specified matters. The authority of each boss would have to be carefully
defined. Even so, good co-operation between the bosses would still be necessary.

2.4.1 Advantages of a matrix structure

(a) It offers greater flexibility. This applies both to people, as employees adapt more quickly to a new
challenge or new task, and develop an attitude which is geared to accepting change; and to task
and structure, as the matrix may be short-term (as with project teams) or readily amended (eg a
new product manager can be introduced by superimposing his tasks on those of the existing
functional managers). Flexibility should facilitate efficient operations in the face of change.
(b) It should improve communication within the organisation.
(c) Dual authority gives the organisation multiple orientation so that functional specialists do not get
wrapped up in their own concerns.
(d) It provides a structure for allocating responsibility to managers for end-results. A product
manager is responsible for product profitability, and a project leader is responsible for ensuring
that the task is completed.
(e) It provides for inter-disciplinary co-operation and a mixing of skills and expertise.
A matrix organisation is most suitable in the following situations.
(a) There is a fairly large number of different functions, each of great importance.
(b) There could be communications problems between functional management in different functions
(eg marketing, production, R&D, personnel, finance).

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 217

(c) Work is supposed to flow smoothly between these functions, but the communications problems
might stop or hinder the work flow.
(d) There is a need to carry out uncertain, interdependent tasks. Work can be structured so as to be
task centred, with task managers appointed to look after each task, and provide the
communications (and co-operation) between different functions.
(e) There is a need to achieve common functional tasks so as to achieve savings in the use of
resources ie product divisions would be too wasteful, because they would duplicate costly
functional tasks.
(f) There are many geographic areas with distinct needs, but the firm wishes to exploit economies of

2.4.2 Disadvantages of matrix organisation

(a) Dual authority threatens a conflict between managers. Where matrix structure exists it is important
that the authority of superiors should not overlap and areas of authority must be clearly defined. A
Subordinates must know to which superior they are responsible for each aspect of their duties.
(b) One individual with two or more bosses is more likely to suffer role stress at work.
(c) It is sometimes more costly eg product managers are additional jobs which would not be
required in a simple structure of functional departmentation.
(d) It may be difficult for the management to accept a matrix structure. It is possible that a manager
may feel threatened that another manager will usurp his or her authority.
(e) It requires consensus and agreement which may slow down decision-making.

In the June 2011 P3 exam, 10 marks were available for discussing the principles, benefits and problems of
Exam focus introducing a matrix management structure at a given organisation. Many students struggled to score
point well, displaying a lack of detailed knowledge in this area. This highlights the importance of ensuring you
are familiar with the entire P3 syllabus as part of your preparation for this exam.

2.5 The transnational structure

The transitional structure attempts to reconcile global scope and scale with local responsiveness.

Earlier in this Study Text, we discussed designs for global business. We now return to that topic.
In international strategy it has been difficult to combine responsiveness to local conditions with the
degree of co-ordination necessary to achieve major economies of scale. The essence of the extreme case
of the problem is an enforced choice between a low-cost product originally specified for a single market
(typically the USA), which is potentially uninteresting or even actively shunned in other markets, and a
range of low volume, and therefore high-cost, products, each specified for and produced in a single
national market. These two cases are known as the global and the multidomestic approaches to
organisation and they have their own characteristic organisational structures. The global approach leads to
global divisions, each responsible for the worldwide production and marketing of a related group of
standardised products. The multidomestic approach leads to the setting up or acquisition of local
subsidiaries, each with a great deal of autonomy in design, production and marketing.
The transnational structure attempts to combine the best features of these contrasting approaches in
order to create competences of global relevance, responsiveness to local conditions and innovation
and learning on an organisation-wide scale. Bartlett and Ghoshal describe it as a matrix with two
important general features.
(a) It responds specifically to the challenges of globalisation.
(b) It tends to have a high proportion of fixed responsibilities in the horizontal lines of management.
The transnational has three specific operational characteristics:

218 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

(a) National units are independent operating entities, but also provide capabilities, such as R&D, that
are utilised by the rest of the organisation.
(b) Such shared capabilities allow national units to achieve global, or at least regional, economies of
(c) The global corporate parent adds value by establishing the basic role of each national unit and
then supporting the systems, relationships and culture that enable them to work together as an
effective network.
If it is to work, the transnational structure must have very clearly defined managerial roles, relationships
and boundaries.
(a) Managers of global products or businesses have responsibilities for strategies, innovation,
resources and transactions that transcend both national and functional boundaries.
(b) Country managers must feed back local requirements and build unique local competences.
(c) Functional managers nurture innovation and spread best practice.
(d) Managers at the corporate parent lead, facilitate and integrate all other managerial activity. They
must also be talent spotters within the organisation.

2.5.1 Disadvantages of the transnational structure

The transnational structure makes great demands on its managers both in their immediate responsibilities
and in the complexity of their relationships within the organisation. The complexity of the organisation can
lead to the difficulties of control and the complications introduced by internal political activity.

2.6 The team-based structure

Both team and project based structures extend the matrix approach by using cross-functional teams. The
difference is that projects naturally come to an end and so project teams disperse.

A team-based structure extends the matrix structure's use of both vertical functional links and horizontal,
activity-based ones by utilising cross-functional teams. Business processes are often used as the basis of
organisation, with each team being responsible for the processes relating to an aspect of the business.
Thus, a purchasing team might contain procurement specialists, design and production engineers and
marketing specialists in order to ensure that outsourced sub-assemblies were properly specified and
contributed to brand values as well as being promptly delivered at the right price.

2.7 The project-based structure

The project-based structure is similar to the team-based structure except in that projects, by definition,
have a finite life and so, therefore, do the project teams dealing with them. This approach is very flexible
and is easy to use as an adjunct to more traditional organisational forms. Management of projects is a
well-established discipline with its own techniques. It requires clear project definition if control is to be
effective and comprehensive project review if longer-term learning is to take place. We deal with project
management in more detail later in this Study Text.

2.8 Choosing a structure

An organisation structure must provide means of exercising appropriate control; it must also respond to
the three challenges identified earlier: rapid change, knowledge management and globalisation.
JS&W summarise the seven basic types in a table. They emphasis that no single model of organisation is
suitable for all purposes: managers must make choices as to which challenges they regard as most

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 219

Control Change Knowledge Globalisation
Functional *** * ** *
Multidivisional ** ** * **
Holding * *** * **
Matrix * *** *** ***
Transnational ** *** *** ***
Team * ** *** *
Project ** *** ** **
Goold and Campbell propose nine tests that may be used to assess proposed structures. The first four
relate to the organisation's objectives and the restraints under which it operates.
(a) Market advantage: where processes must be closely co-ordinated in order to achieve market
advantage, they should be in the same structural element.
(b) Parenting advantage: the structure should support the parenting role played by the corporate
centre. For example, a 'portfolio manager' would need only a small, low cost corporate centre.
(c) People test: the structure must be suited to the skills and experience of the people that have to
function within it. For example, skilled professionals used to a team-working approach might be
frustrated by a move to a functional hierarchy.
(d) Feasibility test: this test sweeps up all other constraints, such as those imposed by law,
stakeholder opinion and resource availability.
The tests forming the second group are matters of design principle.
(a) Specialised cultures: specialists should be able to collaborate closely.
(b) Difficult links: it is highly likely that some inter-departmental links will be subject to friction and
strain. A good example would be the link between sales and production when there are frequent
problems over quality and delivery. A sound structure will embody measures to strengthen
communication and co-operation in such cases.
(c) Redundant hierarchy: the structure should be as flat as is reasonably attainable.
(d) Accountability: effective control requires clear lines of accountability.
(e) Flexibility: the structure must allow for requirements to change in the future, so that unexpected
opportunities can be seized, for example.

3 Processes
Control processes determine how organisations function. They may be analysed according to whether
they deal with inputs or outputs and whether they involve direct management action or more indirect
effects. Balanced scorecards are direct output-based processes.

Processes are an important part of how organisations work. JS&W analyse them into four categories
according to whether they deal with inputs or outputs and whether they operate by direct contact or
through more indirect means. You should note that all of the processes discussed here are control

3.1 Types of control process

Input Output
Direct Supervision Performance targets
Planning processes Balanced scorecard
Indirect Cultural processes Internal markets

220 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

3.2 Input controls
3.2.1 Supervision
Direct supervision can be used for strategic control in addition to its traditional lower-level role. It is often
used for overall control in small organisations and in larger ones displaying little complexity. This
technique requires that the managers thoroughly understand all aspects of the business. Direct personal
control is also used in a crisis when firm and rapid action is vital.

3.2.2 Planning processes

'Planning processes' is the phrase JS&W use to mean budgetary control. They also regard schemes for
the standardisation of work processes, such as ISO 9000:2000 certification, and IT-based enterprise
resource planning systems as falling into this category. Simple and stable environments are best for this
kind of approach. If different business units are faced by markedly different strategic imperatives,
standardised planning systems are less applicable.

3.2.3 Self-control
Control can be exercised indirectly by promoting a high degree of employee motivation. When combined
with autonomy, this can lead to both the exploitation of knowledge and effective co-ordination of activities
by individuals interacting with one another. The role of management is then not to supervise but to
provide appropriate channels for interaction and for knowledge creation and information use.
Leadership is of fundamental importance to this technique, and depends particularly on providing role
models, supporting autonomous processes and providing resources.

3.2.4 Cultural processes

Cultural control processes are indirect and internalised by employees as they absorb the prevailing
culture and its norms of behaviour and performance. Culturally conditioned behaviour can provide
effective response to environments that are both dynamic and complex; it can be just as effective in a
bureaucracy as in an informal, innovative, project-based organisation, for example. Training and
development systems are an important aspect of the cultural control system.
Cultural processes also form important links between organisations, especially those that are highly
dependent on the talent and knowledge of the people working in them; such people need an element of
discussion, debate and cross-fertilisation in order for them to work effectively.
There is also a negative aspect to cultural processes, in that they can create rigidities of thought and
behaviour, fossilising what was successful once, but may come to form an obstacle to progress.

3.3 Output controls

3.3.1 Performance targets
Performance can be judged against pre-set targets or key performance indicators (KPIs). This system is
objective and permits the establishment of a hierarchy of supporting objectives that cascades down
through the managerial structure. Managers are then free to organise their work and staff as they think
best, so long as they achieve the targets set for them.
The extensive autonomy of method permitted by this system makes it useful in large organisations where
the centre cannot possibly control everything in detail. It is also useful in regulated markets, such as
privatised utilities. These tend to retain strong monopolistic tendencies that are kept in check by external
regulators' setting of targets for key indicators such as service levels.
In the public sector, control of inputs has been traditional, but there has been a move towards targets for
outputs in order to improve services.
A problem with performance targets is that it can be difficult to identify appropriate KPIs. High-level
financial KPIs, such as ROI, are well-established and present no difficulty. However, even where data is

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 221

easily expressed in quantitative form, non-financial targets that are actually useful can be difficult to
define. The problem is even greater with aspects of performance that are largely qualitative, such as
customer satisfaction. As a result, attention tends to be directed towards the easily measured financial
aspects of performance.

3.3.2 The balanced scorecard

The balanced scorecard approach emphasises the need for a broad range of KPIs and builds a rational
structure that reflects longer term prospects as well as immediate performance.
The balanced scorecard seeks to translate mission and strategy into objectives and measures, and focuses
on four different perspectives, as follows.

Financial perspective
How should we create value
for our shareholders to
succeed financially?
(includes traditional measures
such as growth, profitability
and shareholder value, with
measures set through talking
directly to the shareholders)

perspective Internal business process
To achieve our vision, What business processes
how should we appear to must we excel at to achieve
Vision and strategy financial and customer
our customers? What do
new and existing customers objectives? Aim to improve
value from us? (cost, quality, internal processes
reliability, delivery etc) and decision making

Innovation and learning

How will we sustain our
ability to change and
improve to achieve our visions?
How can we continue to
create value and maintain
the company's competitive

Performance targets are set once the key areas for improvement have been identified, and the balanced
scorecard is the main monthly report.
The scorecard is balanced in the sense that managers are required to think in terms of all four
perspectives, to prevent improvements being made in one area at the expense of another.
Kaplan and Norton, who first described the balanced scorecard, recognise that the four perspectives they
suggest may not be perfect for all organisations: it may be necessary, for example, to add further
perspectives related to the environment or to employment.

222 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

3.3.3 Problems
As with all techniques, problems can arise during application.

Problem Explanation
Conflicting measures Some measures in the scorecard such as research funding and cost reduction
may naturally conflict. It is often difficult to determine the balance which will
achieve the best results.
Selecting measures Not only do appropriate measures have to be devised but the number of
measures used must be agreed. Care must be taken that the impact of the
results is not lost in a sea of information. The innovation and learning
perspective is, perhaps, the most difficult to measure directly, since much
development of human capital will not feed directly into such crude measures
as rate of new product launches or even training hours undertaken. It will,
rather, improve economy and effectiveness and support the achievement of
customer perspective measures.
Expertise Measurement is only useful if it initiates appropriate action. Non-financial
managers may have difficulty with the usual profit measures. With more
measures to consider this problem will be compounded.
Interpretation Even a financially-trained manager may have difficulty in putting the figures
into an overall perspective.

The scorecard should be used flexibly. The process of deciding what to measure forces a business to
clarify its strategy. For example, a manufacturing company may find that 50% 60% of costs are
represented by bought-in components, so measurements relating to suppliers could usefully be added to
the scorecard. These could include payment terms, lead times, or quality considerations.

3.3.4 Linkages
Disappointing results might result from a failure to view all the measures as a whole. For example,
increasing productivity means that fewer employees are needed for a given level of output. Excess
capacity can be created by quality improvements. However these improvements have to be exploited (eg
by increasing sales). The financial element of the balanced scorecard 'reminds executives that improved
quality, response time, productivity or new products, benefit the company only when they are translated
into improved financial results', or if they enable the firm to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage.
The vertical vector
Kaplan and Norton's original perspectives may be viewed as hierarchical in nature, with a vertical vector
running through the measures adopted.
Perspective Measures
Financial ROCE

Customer Relationships and loyalty

Internal business Quality, efficiency and timeliness

Innovation and learning Skills and processes

3.3.5 Market processes

Organisations are used to market relationships with entities, such as suppliers, outside the boundaries of
their own systems. Attempts have been made to bring the responsiveness, self-regulating discipline and
efficiency of the market inside those boundaries. Examples include autonomous central service units

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 223

such as IT consultancy and the use of transfer pricing between divisions. Market solutions are particularly
useful in complex or dynamic environments. They have also been used to promote innovation and
responsiveness to local needs in the UK National Health Service as a replacement for centralised control.

3.3.6 Problems with market control processes

Excessive management time spent bargaining
Tendency for the creation of new bureaucracy to monitor effects
Dysfunctional competition and legalistic contracting
Destruction of cultures of collaboration

4 Relationships
Organisational relationships may be analysed into two categories: internal and external. Internal
relationships concerning responsibility and authority for decision-making are particularly important.

4.1 Internal relationships

There are two important issues in internal relationships.
The degree of centralisation
The way the centre relates to the business units

4.1.1 Centralisation
Centralisation offers control and standardisation; decentralisation utilises talent and local knowledge

Key terms Centralisation means a greater degree of central control.

Decentralisation means a greater degree of delegated authority to regions or sub-units.

4.1.2 Advantages of centralisation

Advantage Comment
Control Senior management can exercise greater control over the activities of the
organisation and co-ordinate their subordinates or sub-units more easily.
Standardisation Procedures can be standardised throughout the organisation.
Corporate view Senior managers can make decisions from the point of view of the organisation
as a whole, whereas subordinates would tend to make decisions from the point
of view of their own department or section.
Balance of power Centralised control enables an organisation to maintain a balance between
different functions or departments.
Experience counts Senior managers ought to be more experienced and skilful in making decisions.
Lower overheads When authority is delegated, there is often a duplication of management effort
(and a corresponding increase in staff numbers) at lower levels of hierarchy.
Leadership In times of crisis, the organisation may need strong leadership by a central group
of senior managers.

224 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

4.1.3 Advantages of decentralisation
Advantage Comment
Workload It reduces the stress and burdens of senior management.
Job It provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction by giving them more say in
making decisions which affect their work.
Local knowledge Subordinates may have a better knowledge than senior management of 'local'
conditions affecting their area of work.
Flexibility and speed Delegation should allow greater flexibility and a quicker response to changing
conditions. If problems do not have to be referred up a scalar chain of command
to senior managers for a decision, decision-making will be quicker.
Training Management at middle and junior levels are groomed for eventual senior
management positions.
Control By establishing appropriate sub-units or profit centres to which authority is
delegated, the system of control within the organisation might be improved.

4.2 Contingency approach

Centralisation suits some functions more than others.
The research and development function might be centralised into a single unit, as a resource for
each division.
Sales departments might be decentralised on a territorial basis.

4.2.1 Strategic management relationships

Goold and Campbell identified three major approaches to running divisionalised conglomerates: strategic
planning, strategic control and financial control.

A vital feature of the relationship between the corporate centre and its business units is how responsibility
for strategic decisions is divided between them.
There are three generally accepted possible roles for the centre:
Determination of overall strategy and the allocation of resources
Controlling divisional performance
Provision of central services
All three of these roles have been subject to debate.
Centralised determination of strategy has been challenged as inappropriate in a diversified conglomerate.
Similarly, resource allocation, it has been suggested, is the proper role of capital markets; and the rigour
of the vetting carried out by central staffs has been questioned.
Controlling divisional performance is subject to all the arguments for and against decentralisation already
discussed. The ability of the centre to prevent strategic drift has been questioned, though the radical
market alternative can only work in drastic ways, such as takeover.
Centralised provision of certain services, such as legal and HR departments, is promoted as enhancing
efficiency through the attainment of economies of scope. However, it is also suggested that many of these
services can be contracted for locally at no greater cost and with the advantage of precluding any tendency
to empire-building at the centre.

4.2.2 Research
Goold and Campbell researched the role of the centre in 16 British-based conglomerates. They concentrated on
the first two roles summarised above, which they referred to as planning influence and control influence. The
variation in these roles allowed the identification of eight distinct strategic management styles.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 225

Planning influence was exercised in a variety of ways, but a fairly smooth spectrum of styles was
observable, ranging from minimal, where the centre is little more than a holding company, to highly
centralised, where the managers in the business units have responsibility only for operational decisions.
Control influence was exercised by the agreement of objectives, the monitoring of results and the
deployment of pressures and incentives. This gave rise to three distinct categories of control influence:
flexible strategic, tight strategic and tight financial.
Of the eight strategic management styles they defined, Goold and Campbell found that three of them were
particularly common; each was associated with one of the three control influence categories mentioned
above and with a different degree of planning influence.

Exam focus You should note that this analysis of strategic management styles is completely separate from JS&W's
point description of the three corporate rationales, discussed earlier in this Study Text.

4.3 Strategic management styles

4.3.1 Strategic planning
The strategic planning style is associated with the flexible strategic type of control influence and a fairly
high degree of central planning influence. The centre establishes extensive planning processes through
which it works with business unit managers to make substantial contributions to strategic thinking, often
with a unifying overall corporate strategy. Performance targets are set in broad terms, with an emphasis
on longer-term strategic objectives. Such organisations build linked international businesses in core
areas. Business units tend to follow bold strategies and often achieve above industry average growth and

4.3.2 Strategic control

The strategic control style involves a fairly low degree of planning influence but uses tight strategic
control. The centre prefers to leave the planning initiative to the business unit managers, though it will
review their plans for acceptability. Firm targets are set for a range of performance indicators and
performance is judged against them. The centre concentrates on rationalising the portfolio. Such
companies achieve good profits but are less successful at achieving growth.

4.3.3 Financial control

The centre exercises influence almost entirely through the budget process. It takes little interest in
business unit strategy and controls through profit targets. Careers are at stake if budgets are missed.
Strategies are cautious and rarely global. Business unit managers tend to sacrifice market share to
achieve high profits. As a result, these companies produce excellent profits, but growth comes mainly
from acquisitions.

Question Head office

XYZ has over 500 profit centres (ranging from baggage handling equipment to stockings) and revenues of
7bn. Head office staff amount to 47. Each profit centre must provide the following.
(a) The annual profit plan. This is agreed in detail every year, after close negotiation. It is regarded as a
commitment to a preordained level of performance.
(b) A monthly management report, which is extremely detailed (17 pages). Working capital is outlined
in detail. Provisions (the easiest way to manipulate accounts) are highlighted.
Is XYZ a strategic planner, a strategic controller or a financial controller?

226 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

XYC is a financial controller.

4.4 External relationships

External relationships are increasingly co-operative rather than adversarial. Various forms of partnership,
alliance, consortium may lead to the development of a network organisation.

Traditionally, external commercial relationships have been to a greater or lesser extent adversarial, in that
each organisation has attempted to obtain for itself as much as possible of the value created overall in the
value network. While this is still characteristic of most external relationships, many new ones have been
created that focus more on co-operation than rivalry.

4.4.1 Alliances
The very great cost advantages available from economies of scale are a major driver of expansion. Indeed,
the minimum efficient scale for capital intensive industries such as motor vehicle manufacture is so high
that operations on at least a continental scale are necessary to achieve it. Such a degree of expansion
requires huge amounts of capital; various forms of complex organisation result from the pressure to pool
resources. These include partnerships, alliances, consortia and the unintegrated structures resulting
from takeovers and mergers.
The various forms of partnership structure were discussed in Chapter 6 in the context of strategic options.
Structures such as franchises and joint ventures inevitably depend on the management of relationships,
though the legal form can vary from loose co-operation on more or less market terms to joint ownership.
The legal form of these complex organisations is of less importance than the degree of co-operation
actually achieved, and will anyway vary between the jurisdictions involved. Co-operation may be possible
in any of the activities in the value chain. If co-operation is to convey mutual benefit, it must place both
parties in a stronger position to achieve one or more of their strategic objectives, without at the same time
undermining their ability to achieve others. A good example is airline code sharing.
Code sharing is a commercial agreement that allows an airline to put its two-letter identification code on
the flights of another airline as they appear in computerised reservations systems. The airlines can then
sell tickets for journeys that involve two or more flights without operating all the flights themselves. For
example, US Airways and the German airline Deutsche BA operate code share flights from the USA to
destinations in Germany. Customers fly on a US Airways aircraft between the US and Munich, and on
Deutsche BA aircraft from Munich to Berlin, Cologne/Bonn, Dusseldorf and Hamburg, still using the US
Airways ticket designator. Airlines that share codes typically co-ordinate schedules to minimise connection
times and provide additional customer services, such as one-stop check-in and baggage checked through
to the final destination.
The main problem of such structural relationships is the integration of knowledge to create a successful
product. This becomes more difficult as the number of partners increases.

4.4.2 Network organisations

The idea of a network structure is applied both within and between organisations. Within the organisation,
the term is used to mean something that resembles both the organic organisation discussed later in this
chapter and the structure of informal relationships that exists in most organisations alongside the formal
structure. Such a loose, fluid approach is often used to achieve innovative response to changing
The network approach is also visible in the growing field of outsourcing as a strategic method. Complex
relationships can be developed between firms, who may both buy from and sell to each other, as well as

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 227

the simpler, more traditional practice of buying in services such as cleaning. We will look at outsourcing in
more detail in a later chapter of this Study Text.
Writers such as Ghoshal and Bartlett point to the likelihood of network organisations becoming the
corporations of the future, replacing formal organisation structures with innovations such as virtual
teams. Virtual teams are interconnected groups of people who may not be in the same office (or even the
same organisation) but who:
Share information and tasks
Make joint decisions
Fulfil the collaborative function of a team
Organisations are now able to structure their activities very differently:
(a) Staffing. Certain areas of organisational activity can be undertaken by freelance or contract
workers. Charles Handy's shamrock organisation (see below) is gaining ground as a workable
model for a leaner and more flexible workforce, within a controlled framework. The question is:
how can this control be achieved?
(b) Leasing of facilities such as machinery, IT and accommodation (not just capital assets) is
becoming more common
(c) Production itself might be outsourced, even to offshore countries where labour is cheaper. (This,
and the preceding point, of course beg the question: which assets and activities do companies
retain, and which ones do they 'buy-in'?)
Interdependence of organisations is emphasised by the sharing of functions and services. Databases and
communication create genuine interactive sharing of, and access to, common data.
JS&W give four examples of network organisation structures:
(a) Teleworking, which combines independent work with connection to corporate resources.
(b) Federations of experts who combine voluntarily. This is common in the entertainment industry.
(c) One stop shops for professional services in which a package of services is made available by a co-
ordinating entity. The point of access to such a conglomerate might be a website.
(d) Service networks such as the various chains of franchised hotel that co-operate to provide
centralised booking facilities.
Network structures are also discerned between competitors, where co-operation on non-core
competence matters can lead to several benefits:
Cost reduction
Increased market penetration
Experience curve effects
Typical areas for co-operation between competitors include R&D and distribution chains. The spread of
the Toyota system of manufacturing, with its emphasis on JIT, quality and the elimination of waste has led
to a high degree of integration between the operations of industrial customers and their suppliers.

4.5 The shamrock organisation

The shamrock organisation, or flexible firm, has a core of permanent managers and specialist staff
supplied by a contingent workforce of contractors and part-time and temporary workers. This form is
popular during recessions.

Largely driven by pressure to reduce personnel costs and to adapt to new market imperatives, there has
been an increase in the use of part-time and temporary contracts of employment. These allow rapid down-
sizing in times of recession or slow growth and can save on the costs of benefits such as pensions,
holiday pay and health insurance. The growth in the proportion of the workforce employed on such less-
favourable contracts has attracted political attention but continues. It has produced the phenomenon of
the flexible firm or, as Handy calls it, the shamrock organisation.

228 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

Key term Handy defines the shamrock organisation as a 'core of essential executives and workers supported by
outside contractors and part-time help'. This structure permits the buying-in of services as needed, with
consequent reductions in overhead costs. It is also known as the flexible firm.

The first leaf of the shamrock is the professional core. It consists of professionals, technicians and
managers whose skills define the organisation's core competence. This core group defines what the
company does and what business it is in. They are essential to the continuity and growth of the
organisation. Their pay is tied to organisational performance and their relations will be more like those
among the partners in a professional firm than those among superiors and subordinates in today's large
The next leaf is made up of self-employed professionals or technicians or smaller specialised
organisations who are hired on contract, on a project-by-project basis. They are paid in fees for results
rather than in salary for time. They frequently telecommute. No benefits are paid by the core organisation,
and the worker carries the risk of insecurity.
The third leaf comprises the contingent work force, whose employment derives from the external demand
for the organisation's products. There is no career track for these people and they perform routine jobs.
They are usually temporary and part-time workers who will experience short periods of employment and
long periods of unemployment. They are paid by the hour or day or week for the time they work.
A fourth leaf of the shamrock may exist, consisting of consumers who do the work of the organisation.
Examples are shoppers who bag their own groceries and purchasers of assemble-it-yourself furniture.
This type of organisation provides three kinds of flexibility.
(a) Personnel costs can respond to market conditions of supply and demand for different types of
labour and to the employer's financial position.
(b) Overall personnel numbers can be changed as required.
(c) The skills available can be modified fairly rapidly and multi-skilling can be encouraged.
There are other implications for employment patterns.
(a) All staff will have to be prepared to widen their availability, possibly moving from site to site as
(b) Staff must accept varying patterns of working hours, perhaps working on annual hours contracts
which require extended shifts in busy times balanced with shorter ones in slack times.
(c) Contracts of employment will be far less prescriptive of duties and responsibilities.

4.6 The virtual organisation

A virtual organisation is a geographically distributed network with little formal structure, probably held
together by IT applications, partnerships and collaboration.

The idea of a virtual organisation or cybernetic corporation has attracted considerable attention as the
usefulness of IT for communication and control has been exploited. The essence of the virtual
organisation is the electronic linking of spatially dispersed components.
While there is some disagreement among academics as to a precise definition of the virtual organisation, a
consensus exists with regard to geographical dispersion and the centrality of information technology to
the production process. Many also agree that the virtual organisation has a temporary character. Other
characteristics are a flexible structure and a collaborative culture.
However, an organisation is not a virtual organisation merely because it uses IT extensively and has
multiple locations. Many academics would exclude organisations that use communications extensively,
but not in a way critical to completing the production process.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 229

Key term A virtual organisation is a temporary or permanent collection of geographically dispersed individuals,
groups, organisational units (which may or may not belong to the same organisation), or entire
organisations that depend on electronic linking in order to complete the production process.

JS&W use the term rather less rigorously, to mean any network organisation that is 'held together not
through formal structure and physical proximity of people, but by partnership, collaboration and

5 Stereotypical configurations
In Section 1 we pointed out that it is very important to be aware that structures, processes and
relationships are highly interdependent: they have to work together intimately and consistently if the
organisation is to be successful. This means, among other things, that the basic assumptions and
characteristics of the three components must be more or less compatible, since they have to integrate so
closely. Thus, it might be difficult to combine a strict financial control style of leadership at the corporate
parent with a transnational structural approach, or to use cultural control throughout the shamrock
organisation, simply because of the use of temporary workers.
As a result of this need for compatibility, the number of successful overall configurations is small.
Mintzberg identifies only six ideal types. Of these, five fit neatly into a taxonomy based on their five main
structural components; the sixth, less so.
Henry Mintzberg's theory of organisational configuration is a way of expressing the main features by
which both formal structure and power relationships are expressed in organisations. He suggests that
there are five ideal types of organisation, each of which configures five standard components in a
significantly different way. Each component of the organisation has its own dynamic, which leads to a
distinct type of organisation. The sixth type is the missionary organisation.

The five components

(a) The strategic apex wishes to retain control over decision-making. It achieves this when the co-
ordinating mechanism is direct supervision. The force this most relates to is the force for
direction (in other words for the need for people to be told what to do).
(b) The technostructure's reason for existence is the design of procedures and standards. For
example, the preparation of accounts is highly regulated. This acts as a force for efficiency.
(c) The members of the operating core seek to minimise the control of administrators over what they
do. They prefer to work autonomously, achieving what other co-ordination is necessary by mutual
adjustment. As professionals, they rely on outside training (such as medical training) to
standardise skills. This corresponds to the force for proficiency.
(d) The managers of the middle line seek to increase their autonomy from the strategic apex, and to
increase their control over the operating core, so that they can concentrate on their own segment
of the market or with their own products. This corresponds to the force for concentration (on
individual product areas).
(e) Support staff only gain influence when their expertise is vital. Mutual adjustment is the co-
ordinating mechanism. This corresponds to the force for learning.
The forces for co-operation and competition largely describe how these elements relate to each other.

5.1 The simple structure (or entrepreneurial) structure

The strategic apex wishes to retain control over decision-making, and so exercises what Mintzberg
describes as a pull to centralise. Mintzberg believes that this leads to a simple structure.
(a) The simple structure is characteristic of small, young organisations.

230 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

(b) In small firms, a single entrepreneur or management team will dominate (as in the power culture).
If it grows, the organisation might need more managerial skills than the apex can provide.
Strategies might be made on the basis of the manager's hunches.
(c) Centralisation is advantageous as it reflects management's full knowledge of the operating core
and its processes. However, senior managers might intervene too much.
(d) It is risky as it depends on the expertise of one person. Such an organisation might be prone to
succession crises. Who takes over if the boss dies? This problem is often encountered in family
(e) This structure can handle an environment that is relatively simple but fast moving, where
standardisation cannot be used to co-ordinate activities.
(f) Co-ordination is achieved by direct supervision, with few formal devices. It is thus flexible.
(g) This structure has its own particular characteristics : wide span of control; no middle line and
hence minimal hierarchy; and no technostructure, implying little formalisation or standardisation of

5.2 The machine bureaucracy

The technostructure exerts a pull for standardisation of work processes. It creates a machine
(a) This is the classic bureaucracy, working on a sophisticated and well-tuned set of rules and
procedures. Machine bureaucracies are associated with routine technical systems and repetitive
tasks. The bureaucracy can function if people leave, as jobs are designed precisely.
(b) The technostructure is the key part. Power rests with analysts who standardise other people's
work. The key management philosophy is scientific management.
(c) The work of the operating core is highly standardised. Direct supervision by the strategic apex is
limited as standardisation of work processes ensures co-ordination.
(d) There is a strong emphasis on the division of labour, and in particular on control. Uncertainty has
to be eliminated. The elaborate middle line monitors and directs the operating core. Outsourcing
would be embraced reluctantly so the firm employs its own legal and PR specialists. (For example,
many big firms have a central legal department.)
(e) Formal communication is most important. Authority is hierarchical.
(f) Conflict is rife between different departments, between line and staff, and between operating core
and management.
(g) The environment must be simple and stable.
(h) The machine bureaucracy is the most efficient structure for integrating sets of simple and repetitive
(i) Machine bureaucracies cannot adapt rapidly. They are designed for specialised purposes. They are
driven by performance, not problem solving.

5.3 The professional bureaucracy

The operating core has a pull for standardisation, not of work processes but of individual skills. A
machine bureaucracy would lay down exactly how financial transactions should be posted, whether people
understood them or not. A professional bureaucracy would employ accountants who should know what
is involved. The operating core seeks to minimise the influence of administrators (mainly the middle line
and technostructure) over work. Examples are hospitals and accountancy firms.
(a) It hires trained specialists who are all imbued with the skills and values of the profession. A school is
an example. Teachers' work in the classroom is not directly supervised but all teachers are trained.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 231

(b) Co-ordination is achieved by standardisation of skills, which originate outside its structure.
(Teacher training occurs at independent colleges.)
(c) Power is often based on expertise, not formal position in the organisation hierarchy.
(d) Work processes are too complex to be standardised by a technostructure.
(e) The operating core is the key part. There is an elaborate support staff to service it. A
technostructure might exist for budgeting, but not for designing work processes.
(f) Work is decentralised. Professionals control their own work, and seek collective control over the
administrative decisions which affect them.
(g) There might be two organisation hierarchies: one, relatively informal, for the operating core doing
the work; another, more formal for the support staff. An example is a barristers' chambers.
Barristers are co-ordinated by their head clerk, but they retain collective authority over the clerk.
The clerk, on the other hand, will exercise direct control over secretarial services.
(h) Professional administrators also manage much of the organisation's boundary.
(i) It can be democratic.
(j) The professional bureaucracy cannot always cope with any variations of standards, as control is
exercised through training.

Question Bureaucracy

How would a machine bureaucracy and a professional bureaucracy ensure that accounting transactions
are correctly posted?

The machine bureaucracy would devise very precise procedures and rule-books telling untrained clerks
exactly what to do in any situation.
The professional bureaucracy would employ trained and perhaps qualified accounts staff, whose
professional training would give them the expertise to make the right decision.

5.4 The divisional (or diversified) form

The middle line seeks as much autonomy for itself as possible. It exerts a pull to balkanise (ie to split into
small self-managed units). The result is the divisional form, by which autonomy is given to managers
lower down the line. The prime co-ordinating mechanism is standardisation of outputs: these are usually
performance measures such as profit, which are set by the strategic apex.
(a) Divisionalisation is the division of a business into autonomous regions or product businesses,
each with its own revenues, expenditures and profits.
(b) Because each division is monitored by its objective performance towards a single integrated set of
goals determined by the strategic apex, each division is configured as a machine bureaucracy.
(c) Communication between divisions and head office is restricted, formal and related to performance
standards. Influence is maintained by headquarters' power to hire and fire the managers who are
supposed to run each division.
(d) Divisionalisation is a function of organisation size, in numbers and in product-market activities.

232 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

5.5 The adhocracy
The support staff exert a pull of their own, towards collaboration. The adhocracy does not rely on
standardisation to co-ordinate its activities, yet it is much more complex than the simple structure which
also does not use standardisation.
(a) The adhocracy is complex and disorderly. There is little formalisation of behaviour. Specialists are
deployed in market-based project teams which group together and disperse as and when a project
arises and ends. Co-ordination is informal, by mutual adjustment.
(b) The adhocracy relies on the expertise of its members, but not through standardised skills. Instead,
the mix of skills is important. For example, a film is made by a director, actors, camera people, set
designers and so on.
(c) A matrix structure might exist, but there are a large number of management roles such as project
managers. Managers do not plan or supervise, but co-ordinate.
(d) Decision-making power depends on the type of decision and the situation in which it is made,
rather than level in hierarchy. 'No-one ... monopolises the power to innovate'.
(e) Strategy is hard to determine in the adhocracy. It depends partly on the projects that come along
(like a film studio). The strategic apex does not formulate strategies, but is engaged in battles over
strategic choices (eg which films shall we make?) and liaisons with the outside parties.
(f) The adhocracy is positioned in a dynamic and complex environment.
(g) The adhocracy is driven to bureaucratise itself as it ages. The organisation will eventually
specialise in what it does best, driving it to more stable environmental conditions and predictable
work processes, leading perhaps to a professional bureaucracy.
The adhocracy is concerned with innovation.
(a) The operating adhocracy seeks to innovate to serve its clients, whereas the professional
bureaucracy seeks perfection. (Mintzberg uses an analogy of a theatre company. An adhocratic
theatre company produces new plays. A professional bureaucratic one would seek to produce ever
more perfect renditions of Shakespeare.) The operating core is retained.
(b) The administrative adhocracy innovates to serve its own convenience. Note that the operating
core is split off, frequently subcontracted or automated, or even forms a separate organisation. The
support staff are important, a central pool of expert talent from which project teams are drawn.
Adhocracies sometimes exist because the complexity of their technical systems require a trained support
staff to operate them.
(a) The adhocracy is an ambiguous environment for work. This elicits complex human responses, as
many people dislike ambiguity.
(b) The adhocracy is not suitable for standardised work; it is better at dealing with unique projects.
(c) It has a high cost of communication, and workloads are unbalanced.

Exam focus A question in the December 2010 exam asked candidates to explain how an understanding of organisation
point configuration could have helped predict the failure of the implementation of a proposed structure in the
organisation discussed in the scenario. This question specifically referenced Henry Minzbergs configuration
stereotypes to help students identify what they were being asked to do. The examiner noted in his comments
that very few candidates answered this question well, with perhaps less than one in ten being familiar with the
work of Minzberg. He also mentioned that students without this knowledge failed to use a logical approach of
focusing on the key words structure control and processes to see that the proposed structure would clash
with the existing culture. Had they done this, they could have converted a marginal fail into a marginal pass.

This demonstrates the importance of ensuring you are familiar with all areas of the syllabus before
attempting the P3 exam. However, this also shows the importance of stopping, thinking and applying your
own logic and wider knowledge to the scenario to produce a sensible answer when faced with an inability
to recall theoretical knowledge in the exam.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 233

5.6 Concluding thoughts
The usefulness of Mintzberg's theory of structural configuration is that it covers many issues, over and
above formal organisation structure.
The type of work the organisation does (customised or standardised)
The complexity it has to deal with (simple or complex)
The environment (stable or dynamic)
We can summarise some of these in the table below.

Co-ordination Key part Environment Possible characteristics

Simple Direct Strategic apex Simple/dynamic Small, young, centralised,
supervision (even hostile) personality-driven.
Crisis of leadership
Machine Standardised Techno- Simple/stable Old, large, rule-bound,
bureaucracy work processes structure specialised
Professional Standardised Operating core Complex/stable Decentralised, emphasis
bureaucracy skills on training
Divisional Standardised Middle line Varies; each division Old, large, divisions are
form outputs is shielded to a quasi-autonomous,
degree decentralised,
Adhocracy Mutual Support staff Complex/ High automated, 'organic'
adjustment dynamic

5.6.1 The missionary organisation

Mintzberg mentions one other co-ordinating factor: mission. A missionary organisation is one welded
together by ideology or culture. There is job rotation, standardisation of values (norms) and little external
control (eg like a religious sect). This relates to ideology, the force for co-operation. This kind of
configuration features simple systems and network relationships in team structures. It works well in a
simple and static environment

Question Organisation configurations

Which organisation configurations are suggested in the following cases?

(a) Creation Co provides public relations services to clients. It is run by five partners, with a staff of
copy editors, designers, party-throwers and people with contacts in the press. Clients contact one
of the partners who assembles a team to solve the client's problem, though the partner does not
direct the solution.
(b) The St Imelda Hospital is involved in providing physiotherapy to accident victims. It recruits trained
physiotherapists, each of whom is allocated a patient. The hospital does not determine exactly what
sort of treatments should be used.

(a) Adhocracy
(b) Professional bureaucracy

234 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

6 Configuration and strategy
Chandler concluded that structure is determined by strategy. JS&W suggest that practical combinations of
structures, processes and relationships are few and those that succeed tend to be robust and difficult to
change because their dynamic interactions tend to produce reinforcing cycles of behaviour. Strategy and
structure thus tend to support and preserve one another.

There has been debate as to which of strategy and structure is the independent variable and which the
dependent. Chandler concluded that structure was determined by strategy, but it has been suggested that
once a large organisation has settled into a particular structural form, the hierarchical, communication and
cultural practices associated with that form will predispose it towards a particular strategic stance. JS&W
expand on this suggestion with their description of reinforcing cycles and configuration dilemmas.

6.1 Reinforcing cycles

The very fact that there are only six ideal types of organisational configuration indicates that the three
strands, structure, processes and relationships, are constrained in the ways in which they can combine
effectively in practice. They do not offer a menu of independent choices; only certain combinations work.
JS&W say 'configurations found in practice tend to be very cohesive, robust and difficult to change'
(original emphasis).
This tendency is explained by the dynamic interaction between the various elements of configuration,
environment and strategy. This interaction leads to reinforcing cycles of behaviour that tend to preserve
the status quo. Thus, for example, a machine bureaucracy will seek out stable environmental conditions
in which to compete with a standardised, cost effective product; this will make good use of its
standardised processes and tight management and reinforce its defensive culture which will predispose
it to seek out stable environmental conditions.
This interdependence can strengthen the organisation, but the danger is that it can lead to strategic drift if
one of the elements involved is changed. The circle of reinforcement is broken and the organisation may
decline until a new reinforcing cycle is developed.
This tendency for things to get worse before they get better is illustrated by the change and performance
J curve. Change tends to lead to a fall in performance that continues until a set of reinforcing factors is
assembled; only then can performance improve past its original level.

The change and performance J curve

There is an important lesson here for the management of change, which is that attention must be paid
simultaneously to all three of structure, process and relationships if the change is to be carried through

6.2 Configuration dilemmas

Even within the six stereotypical configurations there will be problems of optimisation, since many of the
features that might be adopted have both advantages and disadvantages. Some of these problems can be
resolved into simple choices, but most require a balance to be struck between opposed extreme positions.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 235

A hierarchical structure may be necessary for direction and control, but is less good than a network
approach for fostering learning and innovation. Similarly, vertical lines of accountability may push
subordinates to greater efforts, but this may at the expense of horizontal relationships.
Empowerment can promote the use of initiative, but is difficult to combine with overall control and may
lead to chaotic activity. Similar considerations apply to centralisation, as discussed earlier in this chapter.
Dilemmas such as these may be managed in three ways:
(a) The organisation may be divided and different approaches used in each part. For example, the
accounting and HRM departments may function best if organised in a standardised, bureaucratic
way, while the adhocracy may provide a more effective model for such activities as marketing and
R&D. This has been called the dual core approach.
(b) A combination of features may be possible, if difficult to achieve. JS&W give the examples of ABB
and Unilever, which are said to be 'networked multidivisionals'.
(c) Frequent reorganisation may be used to prevent any particular approach from becoming dominant
in the longer term.

236 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

Chapter Roundup
Globalisation, other aspects of rapid environmental change and, above all, the need to exploit knowledge
make the structures, processes and relationships that make up configurations vital for strategic success.
In a functional structure, people are organised according to the type of work that they do.
The multi-divisional structure divides the organisation into semi-autonomous divisions that may be
differentiated by territory, product, or market. The holding company structure is an extreme form in which
the divisions are separate legal entities.
Matrix structures attempt to ensure co-ordination across functional lines by the embodiment of dual
authority in the organisation structure
The transitional structure attempts to reconcile global scope and scale with local responsiveness.
Both team and project based structures extend the matrix approach by moving cross-functional teams.
The difference is that projects naturally come to an end and project teams disperse.
Control processes determine how organisations function. They may be analysed according to whether
they deal with inputs or outputs and whether they involve direct management action or more indirect
effects. Balanced scorecards are direct output-based processes.
Centralisation offers control and standardisation; decentralisation utilises talent and local knowledge
Goold and Campbell identified three major approaches to running divisionalised conglomerates: strategic
planning, strategic control and financial control.
External relationships are increasingly co-operative rather than adversarial. Various forms of partnership,
alliance, consortium may lead to the development of a network organisation.
The shamrock organisation, or flexible firm, has a core of permanent mangers and specialist staff supplied
by a contingent workforce of contractors and part-time and temporary workers. This form is popular
during recessions.
A virtual organisation is a geographically distributed network with little formal structure, probably held
together by IT applications, partnerships and collaboration.
Henry Mintzberg's theory of organisational configuration is a way of expressing the main features by
which both formal structure and power relationships are expressed in organisations. He suggests that
there are five ideal types of organisation, each of which configures five standard components in a
significantly different way. Each component of the organisation has its own dynamic, which leads to a
distinct type of organisation. The sixth type is the missionary organisation.
Chandler concluded that structure is determined by strategy. JS&W suggest that practical combinations of
structures, processes and relationships are few and those that succeed tend to be robust and difficult to
change because their dynamic interactions tend to produce reinforcing cycles of behaviour. Strategy and
structure thus tend to support and preserve one another.

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 237

Quick Quiz
1 What are the three components of an organisation's configuration?
2 What specific features does a transnational have?
3 What are the perspectives of the standard balanced scorecard and how do they fit together?
4 What are the three strategic management styles identified by Goold and Campbell?
5 What are the five organisational components described by Mintzberg?

238 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Structures, processes and relationships
2 Independent national operating companies that also provide expertise used globally; as a result global, or
at least regional, scale economies; a global parent that establishes the basic roles of the national units and
supports the systems, relationships and culture that enable them to work together.
3 The innovation perspective's measures of skills and processes should support the internal business
perspective's measures of quality, efficiency and timeliness, which support the customer perspective's
measures of relationships and loyalty, which support the overall financial perspective measure, ROCE.
4 Strategic planning, strategic control, financial control.
5 Strategic apex, middle line, operating core, technostructure, support services.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q7 Preparation n/a 36 mins

Part C Organising and enabling success 7: Organising for success 239

240 7: Organising for success Part C Organising and enabling success
Managing strategic

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Diagnosis: situation analysis for change C2(a),(b),(c)
2 Styles of change management C2 (d)
3 Change management roles C2 (e)
4 Change management levers C2 (f)
5 Pitfalls of change management

It will be unusual for an organisation's strategy to remain unchanged for any
appreciable period of time and the same is true of the methods and processes
used for implementing it. The influence of environmental developments is such
that strategies will inevitably change and evolve; the only question is how rapid
the change will be.
The management of change is thus an integral and important part of strategic
management and is the subject of this chapter. Following JS&W, we will start
by considering the diagnosis of change requirements. The work to be done
here consists of establishing the type of change required; exploring the
organisational context and the cultural influences involved; and analysing the
forces that support or hinder the change required.
We will then examine the impact of management style and the roles played by
managers and other agents of change. There are a number of levers of change
that managers can use and we consider these next. Finally, we consider the
common pitfalls that have hampered change programmes in the past.

Study guide
Intellectual level
C2 Managing strategic change
(a) Explore different types of strategic change and their implications 2
(b) Determine and diagnose the organisational context of change using Balogun 3
and Hope Hailey's contextual features model and the cultural web
(c) Establish potential blockages and levers of change 2
(d) Advise on the style of leadership appropriate to manage strategic change 2
(e) Specify organisational roles required to manage strategic change 2
(f) Discuss levers than can be employed to manage strategic change 2

Exam guide
It is very important to be aware that strategic change may be implicit in a scenario rather than being the
explicit subject of a question requirement. You must be able to recognise the factors that drive change and
constrain the ways in which it may be effected.

Models and theories

The Study Guide for this chapter refers explicitly to two models:
Balogun and Hope Hailey's contextual features model
The cultural web
These models could be specifically required in a question.
We have already looked at the cultural web in Chapter 5 so it is not repeated here. However, it is important
that you appreciate the way culture influences the context of change.

1 Diagnosis: situation analysis for change

FAST FORWARD There are three main change management considerations.
The type of change required, whether adaptation, evolution, reconstruction or revolution
The wider context of change, including the time available; capability to implement change; capacity
and readiness; and power
Forces facilitating and blocking change

A wide range of stimuli may lead an organisation's managers to recognise the need for strategic change.
Consideration of the broader contexts of the environment and the organisation's strategic capability may
show that large scale developments are necessary; the need to put strategy into action may call for more
detailed but no less far-reaching adjustment of processes, relationships, technologies and so on. In any
event, the management of change starts with an understanding of three main considerations:
(a) The type of change required
(b) The wider context of the change
(c) Forces facilitating and blocking change

1.1 Types of change

JS&W, quoting Balogun and Hope Hailey analyse change on two axes: these are its scope and its nature.

242 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

The scope of change is its extent: the measure of scope is whether or not the methods and assumptions
of the existing paradigm must be replaced.
The nature of change may be incremental and built on existing methods and approaches, or it may require
a 'big bang' approach if rapid response is required, as in times of crisis.
Scope of change

Realignment Transformation
Nature of Incremental Adaptation Evolution
'Big bang' Reconstruction Revolution

(a) Adaptation is the most common type of change. It does not require the development of a new
paradigm and proceeds step by step.
(b) Reconstruction can also be undertaken within an existing paradigm but requires rapid and
extensive action. It is a common response to a long-term decline in performance.
(c) Evolution is an incremental process that leads to a new paradigm. It may arise from careful
analysis and planning or may be the result of learning processes. Its transformational nature may
not be obvious while it is taking place
(d) Revolution is rapid and wide ranging response to extreme pressures for change. A long period of
strategic drift may lead to a crisis that can only be dealt with in this way. Revolution will be very
obvious and is likely to affect most aspects of both what the organisation does and how it does

1.2 The context of change (Contextual features model)

The context of change is provided by the organisational setting; this has many aspects and can therefore
be very complex. However, this complexity can be approached in a manageable way by considering it
under eight general headings proposed by Balogun and Hope Hailey. One of the eight headings is scope:
this has already been discussed. The rest are discussed below.
The headings represent a wide range of influences and the specific considerations affecting the impact of
each may vary from organisation to organisation. For example, the first on the list, time available, may be
largely determined by stakeholder sentiment in one organisation and by anticipated political change in a
another, with different aspects of the market situation influencing both.

1.2.1 Aspects of context

(a) The time available may vary dramatically, but can often be quite limited when responding to
competitive or regulatory pressure.
(b) The preservation of some organisational characteristics and resources may be required.
(c) Diversity of general experience, opinion and practice is likely to ease the change process:
homogeneity in these factors is unlikely to do so.
(d) The capability to manage and implement change is obviously important. To a great extent, this
depends on past experience of change projects, both among managers and among lower-level
(e) Capacity to undertake change depends on the availability of resources, particularly finance, and
IS/IT, and management time and skill. We have looked at IS/IT earlier in this Study Text, but it is
important to note that unrealisable or out-dated systems could become a blockage in the change
(f) The degree of workforce readiness for change will affect its success. Readiness may be contrasted
with resistance to change, which can exist at varying levels of intensity and may be widespread or
confined to pockets.
(g) The power to effect change may not be sufficient to overcome determined resistance among
important stakeholder groups. This can apply even at the strategic apex, where, for example, major
shareholders, trustees or government ministers may constrain managers' freedom of action.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 243

Exam focus The June 2008 exam featured a Section B question on strategic change, and the examiner noted it was the
point least popular of the optional questions. The examiner also noted that, despite the question being clearly
built around Balogun and Hope Hailey's matrix of the nature and scope of change and the contextual
features model, many candidates' answers suggested they were unfamiliar with this area of the syllabus.
The models in question are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide so make sure you learn them well
enough to be able to answer a question based on them.

1.2.2 Questions
An examination of context leads to four questions.
(a) Is the organisation able to achieve the change required?
(b) Does the context affect the means by which change should be achieved?
(c) Should the context itself be restructured as a preliminary to strategic change?
(d) Will constraints present in the context make it necessary to proceed in stages?

1.3 Culture and change

If you think about the elements of context outlined above, you will quickly realise that they are all affected
to some extent by cultural considerations. For example, even the adequacy or otherwise of the time
available may be affected by culturally-influenced attitudes to speed of action, caution and risk.
The cultural web (which we have looked at earlier in this Study Text) may be used as a tool to establish
specific implications of the desired overall strategic change by facilitating comparison between the current
position and the desired future outcome. For example, consideration of power structures may make it
clear that there should be a move away from some aspects of uncontrolled devolution of power and
towards a clearer definition of responsibility. Similarly, it might be decided that dress is a powerful
symbol and that a corporate livery should be provided for customer-facing staff.

1.4 Forcefield analysis

Forcefield analysis consists of the identification of the factors that promote and hinder change.
Promoting forces should be exploited and the effect of hindering forces reduced.
It is traditional to represent these forces by arrows whose individual dimensions correspond to their
perceived strengths. Promoting and hindering forces are then shown pointing from opposite sides to a
vertical linear datum line. This representation is useful for purposes such as brainstorming and staff
briefings, but two lists in order of magnitude are just as useful for purposes of analysis. The example
below concerns a public sector organisation that is introducing performance review.

Exam focus We have already encountered the idea of force fields when we were considering project management. Be
point aware that change management and project management are intimately linked: any project is quite likely to
result in change, while change is often implemented through projects.

244 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

Senior (drawing on the advice of Carnall and Huczyuski and Buchanan) suggests a practical route to
applying the force field analysis idea.
(a) Define the problem in terms of the current situation and the desired future state.
(b) List the forces supporting and opposing the desired change and assess both the strength and the
importance of each one.
(c) Draw the force field diagram.
(d) Decide how to strengthen or weaken the more important forces as appropriate and agree with
those concerned. Weakening might be achieved by persuasion, participation, coercion or
bargaining, while strengthening might be achieved by a marketing or education campaign,
including the use of personal advocacy.
(e) Identify the resources needed.
(f) Make an action plan including event timing, milestones and responsibilities.
JS&W state that, typically, elements of the cultural web emerge as important forces promoting or
hindering change. The web can thus be used alongside forcefield analysis as a diagnostic tool.

2 Styles of change management

There are five change management styles.
Education and communication Direction
Collaboration/participation Coercion/edict
Progression down the list of styles corresponds to progression through the four types of change noted above.

2.1 Five management styles

We have looked at leadership earlier in this Study Text and one of the aspects of a leader's role will be to
implement strategic change. However, it is important that the style in which the change is managed is
appropriate to the context.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 245

JS&W identify five styles of change management:
Education and communication Direction
Collaboration/participation Coercion/edict

2.1.1 Education and communication

Education and communication is an approach based on persuasion: the reasons for change and the
means by which it will be achieved are explained in detail to those affected by it. It is appropriate when
change is incremental. This style is time-consuming, but can be useful if there has been misinformation
in the past. However, it is a top-down approach and depends on a willingness to accept management's
plans as appropriate. This may not, in fact, be present.

2.1.2 Collaboration/participation
Collaboration, or participation, brings those affected by strategic change into the change management
process, drawing them into issue identification, prioritisation and the creation of new routines to
implement newly established strategy, for example. It may improve decision quality by bringing wider
experience and knowledge to bear. However, it may be time-consuming and it will be subject to the
influence of the existing culture and paradigm, which may limit its potential effectiveness. This approach
is both ethical, in basic deontological terms, and advantageous in practice, since it can nurture a positive
attitude, thus building both readiness and capability for change. It is suited to incremental change.

2.1.3 Intervention
Intervention is undertaken by a change agent (see below) who delegates some aspects of the change
process to teams or individuals, while providing guidance and retaining overall control. Delegated aspects
can include both design and implementation activities. Final responsibility for achieving the necessary
change remains with the change agent, but this kind of participation can build commitment and a sense of
ownership. This style is appropriate for incremental change.

2.1.4 Direction
Direction is a top-down style in which managerial authority is used to establish and implement a change
programme based on a clear future strategy. It is thus suited to transformational change. It has the
potential advantages of speed and clarity, but may lead to resistance. Its success depends in part on the
adequacy of the proposed strategy: if this is inappropriate, the best managed of change programmes will
not result in wider strategic success.

2.1.5 Coercion
Coercion is an extreme form of direction, being based on the use of power to impose change. It is likely
to provoke opposition but may be the best approach in times of confusion or crisis.

2.2 Using styles

There may be advantages to making use of more than one of the change management styles outlined

2.2.1 Context
Specific aspects of the organisational context already discussed will influence the use that can be made of
the five styles. Clear and appropriate direction can be a strong motivating force and may enhance
readiness to change, while collaboration/participation and intervention may help to build capability to

246 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

2.2.2 Scope and nature
Using Balogun and Hope Hailey's matrix of the scope and nature of change (shown in Section 1.1), we
might suggest that progression down the list of styles may correspond reasonably well with progression
from top left to bottom right of the matrix. In adaptation, where time is not critical and the extent of the
change required is small, styles from the collaborative-communicative end of the spectrum may be
appropriate. Revolution, on the other hand will require a great element of direction and even of coercion.
The intermediate cases are likely to require a combination of participation and direction, with the
emphasis on the former in evolution and on the latter in reconstruction.

2.2.3 Power structures

In many cases it will be appropriate to echo an organisation's normal power structure when managing
change. Direction or intervention are likely to be more suitable in a firmly hierarchical organisation than
they would be in a network or learning organisation, except in time of crisis, for example.

2.2.4 Personality type

Management style is a tool. Good managers will be capable of using a style appropriate to the conditions
they have to work in. However, many managers' personality types will incline them to the style with which
they are most comfortable. This effect is likely to interact with the effect of power structure mentioned

2.2.5 Combining styles

It will often be appropriate to use a combination of styles in a change programme, taking different
approaches with different stakeholders. Providers of capital are likely to respond better to education and
communication than to direction, for example, while something approaching coercion may be necessary
in some internal areas simply because of the pressure of time.

3 Change management roles

A change agent is an individual or group that helps to bring about strategic change in an organisation.
Strategic leaders act as change agents in one of five styles
Strategy Control
Human assets Change
Middle managers implement and control top down change; translate overall change strategy for local
contexts; and advise strategic managers.
Outsiders may be brought in at the strategic apex in order to re-make the paradigm. New middle
managers can enhance change capability; consultants can fill planning and facilitating roles.

Key term A change agent is an individual or group that helps to bring about strategic change in an organisation.
JS&W (amended)

Change agency is an activity that might be concentrated in one person, but which is just as likely to be
spread among the members of a group, such as a project team or management staff generally. Outsiders,
such as consultants, may share in change agency.
JS&W examine change agency by considering the roles played by three distinct groups.
Strategic leaders Outsiders
Middle management

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 247

3.1 Strategic leadership
Key term Leadership is the process of influencing an organisation (or group within an organisation) in its efforts
towards achieving an aim or goal. JS&W

JS&W, quoting Farkas and Wetlaufer, identify five approaches to strategic leadership.
Strategy Control
Human assets Change

3.1.1 The strategy approach

The leader taking the strategy approach focuses on strategic analysis and the formulation of strategy.
Other managers take responsibility for routine operations and for the management of change.

3.1.2 The human assets approach

The development of the organisation's people is the main activity of leaders who take the human assets
approach: other managers take responsibility for strategic management. Such leaders are concerned to
recruit the right people and to develop an appropriate culture. Their approach to change management is to
recruit people to whom the responsibility can be devolved.

3.1.3 The expertise approach

The expertise approach focuses on some form of technical expertise as a source of competitive
advantage and concentrates on building expertise through systems and procedures. This focus also
forms the basis of change management. Other managers also concentrate on their areas of expertise.

3.1.4 The control approach

The control approach is also known as the 'box' approach. The strategic leader following this approach
concentrates on setting procedures and control measures and monitoring performance so as to achieve
uniform, predictable performance. Other managers are expected to use this approach and change
management is based on careful control.

3.1.5 The change approach

The leader using the change approach focuses on continual change and expends much effort on
communication and motivation. Other managers are expected to act largely as change agents.

3.1.6 Charismatic and transactional leadership

We discussed leadership in general terms earlier in this Study Text. The five approaches outlined above
may be fitted into a general model of leadership that recognises two general types: charismatic and
(a) Transactional leaders focus on systems and controls and generally seek improvement rather than
change. This approach is also called instrumental leadership.
(b) Charismatic leaders energise people and build a vision of the future. Change management is a
natural part of what they do. This approach is also known as transformational leadership and we
referred to it in this way in our earlier discussion.
Using this analysis, we may say that the control approach is a form of transactional leadership, while the
other four approaches fall into the charismatic category.

248 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

3.2 Middle management
Strategic leaders pursuing change may see their middle managers as implementers at best and possibly
as potential blockers. Their commitment to change is important and they have significant roles to play in
change management.
(a) Implementation and control where change is introduced in a top-down way
(b) Translation of the overall change strategy into forms suited to specific local contexts: this may
require reinterpretation and adjustment of strategic factors such as relationships with suppliers
and customers.
(c) Provision of advice to higher management on requirements for change and potential obstacles

3.3 Outsiders
Outsiders may contribute to the change process in a range of roles.
(a) A new chief executive may be appointed to bring a fresh point of view and break down the
constraints of the existing paradigm. A hybrid chief executive is one who has appropriate
experience of the industry, or even of the organisation, but is not part of the existing culture.
(b) New managers in other positions can enhance the capability to change and increase diversity of
opinion and practice. However, their success is likely to depend on the visible backing of the chief
(c) Consultants may be employed to fill a number of planning and facilitating roles. Like newly
appointed managers, they bring a fresh approach and are not constrained by the existing paradigm.
This enables them to challenge things that are taken for granted. Also, their appointment signals
the importance of the change process.
(d) Other external stakeholders are capable of influencing change and may have a part to play.

4 Change management levers

A turnaround strategy is required when a business is in terminal decline. Such a strategy uses its own
change management techniques. More widely applicable change management levers are often related to
aspects of the cultural web.
Challenging the paradigm
Changing routines
Use of symbolic processes
Political activity and use of power structures
Communication and monitoring
Tactics, including careful timing, care over job losses and exploration of quick successes

Many of the levers that can be used to implement change are related to aspects of the cultural web. We
will consider these in this section, but first we will consider the special case of turnaround.

4.1 Turnaround
When a business is in terminal decline and faces closure or takeover, there is a need for rapid and
extensive change in order to achieve cost reduction and revenue generation. This is a turnaround strategy.
JS&W identify seven elements of such a strategy.

4.1.1 Crisis stabilisation

The emphasis is on reducing costs and increasing revenues. An emphasis on reducing direct costs and
improving productivity is more likely to be effective than efforts to reduce overheads.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 249

(a) Measures to increase revenue
(i) Tailor marketing mix to key market segments
(ii) Review pricing policies to maximise revenue
(iii) Focus activities on target market segments
(iv) Exploit revenue opportunities if related to target segments
(v) Invest in growth areas
(b) Measures to reduce costs
(i) Cut costs of labour and senior management
(ii) Improve productivity
(iii) Ensure clear marketing focus on target market segments
(iv) Financial controls
(v) Strict cash management controls
(vi) Reduce inventory
(vii) Cut unprofitable products and services
Severe cost cutting is a common response to crisis but it is unlikely to be enough by itself. The wider
causes of decline must be addressed.

4.1.2 Management changes

It is likely that new managers will be required, especially at the strategic apex. There are four reasons for
(a) The old management allowed the situation to deteriorate and may be held responsible by key
(b) Experience of turnaround management may be required.
(c) Managers brought in from outside will not be prisoners of the old paradigm.
(d) A directive approach to change management will probably be required.

4.1.3 Communication with stakeholders

The support of key stakeholder groups groups with both a high level of power and a high degree of
interest in an organisation such as the workforce and providers of finance, is likely to be very important
in a turnaround; it is equally likely that stakeholders did not receive full information during the period of
deterioration. A stakeholder analysis (discussed earlier in this Study Text) should be carried out so that
the various stakeholder groups can be informed and managed appropriately.

4.1.4 Attention to target markets

A clear focus on appropriate target market segments is essential; indeed a lack of such focus is a
common cause of decline. The organisation must become customer-oriented and ensure that it has good
flows of marketing information.

4.1.5 Concentration of effort

Resources should be concentrated on the best opportunities to create value. It will almost certainly be
appropriate to review products and the market segments currently served and eliminate any distractions
and poor performers. A similar review of internal activities would also be likely to show up several
candidates for outsourcing.

4.1.6 Financial restructuring

Some form of financial restructuring is likely to be required. In the worst case, this may involve trading
out of insolvency. Even where the business is more or less solvent, capital restructuring may be required,
both to provide cash for investment and to reduce cash outflows in the shorter term.

250 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

4.1.7 Prioritisation
The eventual success of a turnaround strategy depends in part on management's ability to prioritise
necessary activities, such as those noted above.

4.2 Challenging the paradigm

The entrenched assumptions and habits of mind that JS&W refer to as the paradigm constitute an
important obstacle to strategic change. The paradigm must, therefore, be challenged if change is to be
achieved. There are several approaches to this process of challenge; JS&W give four examples.
(a) Newcomers to the organisation are likely to trust objective evidence that new conditions require
new approaches. Unfortunately, evidence is rarely overwhelming, or even complete, and there is a
natural tendency to reinterpret, discount or even deny it. Persistence is required when objective
evidence is relied on.
(b) A careful analysis of just what is taken for granted, possibly through workshop sessions, may
enhance an objective assessment of new ideas. The aim is to lead those involved to challenge their
own assumptions.
(c) Scenario construction can be used to bring managers to a better understanding of changing
conditions by presenting a range of possible futures and their implications for the organisation.
(d) It may be appropriate to take firm action to bring senior managers close to the daily reality of
what the organisation does, perhaps by extended visits to places and processes with direct
customer contact.

4.3 Changing routines

Routines are the habitual behaviours that members of the organisation display both internally and
externally. They are not procedures or processes but the wider ways of doing things that are typical of the
organisation. They are closely linked to the paradigm. The problem of routines is that they can subvert
change efforts. For example, it is unlikely that simply explaining required new processes and procedures
will lead to their effective adoption: existing routines will mould the way they are put into operation.
When a top-down change programme requires the introduction of new methods, the detail of
implementation can be driven by the careful identification of critical success factors and the competences
they demand.
When change is to be introduced in a less directed way, change agents may focus on routines, extending
existing ways of doing things toward what is required and then 'bending the rules of the game' when
sufficient stakeholder support has been created.

4.4 Symbolic processes

Symbols were mentioned earlier in this Study Text during our discussion of culture and the cultural web.
Their importance in the context of change is that they can often be used as levers of change. However, it is
important to understand that the significance of a given symbol may vary from person to person; this
makes their use as a tool of management difficult.
(a) New rituals can be introduced and old ones abolished in order to communicate and implement
change. For example, the replacement of a strictly hierarchical approach to management with a
culture of coaching and empowerment can be signalled and reinforced by the introduction of social
occasions such as office parties that will allow staff to meet relatively informally.
(b) Formal systems and processes can have symbolic aspects, typically when they signal status and
power relationships, but also when they direct attention to new concerns, such as customer
(c) Changes to physical aspects of the workplace can have strong symbolic effect, as, for instance,
when open-plan offices or hot desking are introduced.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 251

(d) The behaviour of leaders and change agents has very powerful symbolic effect and must reflect
intended change if the intention is not to be undermined: staff will respond far better to example
than to edict.
(e) Language can have symbolic significance beyond the bald meaning of the words used. Well
chosen words can inspire and motivate change; similarly, the use of badly chosen words can
undermine their inherent meaning.
(f) Stories have an important symbolic role, but are not easy to exploit since much corporate
communication is automatically dismissed as mere marketing puff.

4.5 Power and politics

Politics is about the exercise of power and the use of influence. Managers and other important individual
stakeholders establish and exploit power structures and networks of influence that are intertwined with
both formal hierarchies and the informal aspects of the organisation's life. The implementation of strategy
is inevitably influenced by the operation of these structures and networks. Change management is also,
therefore, subject to political influence and change managers should take due account of political
JS&W suggest three objectives of political activity that may be sought by change managers.
Building the power base Achieving compliance
Overcoming resistance
Four political mechanisms may be used to exert influence in these areas.
Manipulation of resources
Relationships with powerful groups and individuals (elites)
Exploitation of subsystems
Symbolic activity

4.5.1 Resources
The ability to control the allocation of resources (or even merely to influence their allocation) is recognised
as a distinct and important form of power within the organisation. It can be used both to enable specific
developments in the change programme and, more subtly, to build support and influence that will assist
with the processes of overcoming resistance and ensuring compliance.

4.5.2 Elites
Association with respected and influential stakeholders can enhance the personal status and thus the
power base of the change agent. Similarly, association with a high status change agent can assist more
junior managers to overcome resistance to change.
Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate centres of resistance by removing people from the organisation in
order to ensure compliance with change requirements.

4.5.3 Subsystems
A power base can be established by building up networks and alliances among those sympathetic to
change. It may then be possible to outmanoeuvre and marginalise the resistance. Equally, however, it may
not; also, such manoeuvring by change agents may provoke stronger resistance. It will be useful to
analyse power and influence using the stakeholder mapping model explained earlier in this Study Text.

4.5.4 Symbols
Change managers may utilise existing symbols and symbolic activities or challenge them as seems

252 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

4.6 Communication and monitoring
It is obvious that change management must include effective communication and explanation of the need
for change, what the plan is intended to achieve and what it involves. Good communication is a very
important factor in overcoming resistance to change, particularly in the matter of building trust. Strategic
complexity may make this difficult, but a clear vision must be provided.
A wide range of communication media is available and it is important that appropriate selections are
made. Media that provide richness, immediacy and interactivity are appropriate when complex and
important material is to be communicated, while more routine matters can be dealt with in less complex
ways. It is important for change agents to be aware that what seems simple and routine to them may have
significantly greater importance for ordinary members of the organisation.
The intervention style of change management inherently provides extensive means of communication in
the form of the individuals and teams involved. These people form an important route through which
information can flow into the organisation.
Communication efforts should include clear and plentiful opportunities and routes for feedback, so that
omissions, poorly constructed messages, misunderstandings and anxiety can be dealt with.
Care must be taken with emotional aspects of communication so that appropriate media, language and
symbols are used.
Monitoring of behaviour to ensure that required changes are not subverted is essential.

4.7 Tactics
The change process can be forwarded by the use of specific tactics of change management.

4.7.1 Timing
The time at which actions are taken can be selected for tactical effectiveness.
(a) A crisis can be used to justify extensive change, so monitoring a mounting crisis and delaying
action until it is ripe may enhance acceptance.
(b) Windows of opportunity may occur, as, for example, when a takeover occurs.
(c) Messages about timing must be coherent so that, for example, rapid action is not undermined by
the retention of procedures that enforce long time frames.
(d) Fear and anxiety about change as such may be reduced if unpleasant consequences can be
decoupled in time from the main change programme: an example would be a programme of
redundancy that does not commence until other change objectives such as the outcomes of
product and market reviews have been implemented.

4.7.2 Job losses

The threat of job losses associated with change is likely to be bad for morale and to provoke resistance.
Redundancy programmes must be managed with care.
(a) A single, rapid and extensive round of cuts is preferable to a long drawn out programme of smaller
reductions: the former can be stressful but the latter creates long-term uncertainty and anxiety.
(b) Where delayering is required, it may be possible to concentrate the job losses among managers
identified as being opposed to change: these are likely to be more senior figures.
(c) Those who lose their jobs should be dealt with as sympathetically and compassionately as
possible; the provision of services such as outplacement, counselling and retraining may help.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 253

4.7.3 Quick success
Momentum for change can be created by putting simple but highly visible improvements into successful
operation. Even where the overall position is difficult and requires a complex solution, such quick wins are
often available: it is common for them to emerge in the form of suggestions from the lower echelons of
the organisation.
Even where there are no obvious easy options, it may be possible to create some by concentrating the
available resources on specific problems rather than spreading them thinly.

5 Pitfalls of change management

Change programmes may be subverted and lead to unintended consequences. This has four implications
for change management.
Monitoring and control are vital.
The existing culture must be understood.
The organisation's people should be involved in the change process.
The extent of the challenge must be recognised.

JS&W quote Harris and Ogbonna, who identify eight unintended outcomes of change programmes.
(a) Ritualisation of change. When change programmes extend into the longer-term, there is a danger
that organisation members will come to view the initiatives as mere ritual with little real
(b) Hijacked process of change. Change initiatives can be hijacked for unintended purposes: for
example, improved technology provided to improve performance may be used simply to cut
staffing levels, defeating the overall objective.
(c) Erosion. The successful introduction of new initiatives may suffer erosion from the effects of other
events and processes, as, for example, when high staff turnover hampers staff development.
(d) Reinvention. Recalcitrant staff may reinvent the nature and implications of the change programme
in a way that accommodates previous undesirable practices. This is a failure of monitoring and
(e) Ivory tower change. When change is imposed from the top down, its proponents may be seen as
inhabiting an ivory tower, out of touch with operational reality and lacking in credibility as a result.
(f) Lack of attention to symbols. Change managers who pay insufficient attention to symbols can
both fail to make the change relevant to day to day reality and succeed in sending the wrong
(g) Uncontrolled efforts. If practical adjustments, to systems, for example, do not fit well with the
overall intent of the change programme, staff are likely to become confused and demotivated.
(h) Behavioural compliance. Apparent behavioural compliance may disguise lack of commitment.
People may appear to comply with the changes, without actually 'buying into' them.
These problems underline the complexity of the change management task. JS&W identify four specific
implications for change management.
(a) Monitoring and control are vital aspects of change management, as is the flexibility to adjust
programmes as they unfold.
(b) It is essential to understand the existing culture and its effects, since they are highly likely to
hinder planned change.
(c) It will generally be advantageous to involve the organisation's people in the change process.
(d) Change represents a major challenge and may be more difficult to implement than it seems at

254 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

Chapter Roundup
There are three main change management considerations.
The type of change required, whether adaptation, evolution, reconstruction or revolution.
The wider context of change, including the time available; capability to implement change; capacity
and readiness; and power
Forces facilitating and blocking change
There are five change management styles.
Education and communication
Progression down the list of styles corresponds to progression through the four types of change noted above.
A change agent is an individual or group that helps to bring about strategic change in an organisation.
Strategic leaders act as change agents in one of five styles
Human assets
Middle managers implement and control top down change; translate overall change strategy for local
contexts; and advise strategic managers.
Outsiders may be brought in at the strategic apex in order to re-make the paradigm. New middle
managers can enhance change capability; consultants can fill planning and facilitating roles.
A turnaround strategy is required when a business is in terminal decline. Such a strategy uses its own
change management techniques. More widely applicable change management levers are often related to
aspects of the cultural web.
Challenging the paradigm
Changing routines
Use of symbolic processes
Political activity and use of power structures
Communication and monitoring
Tactics, including careful timing, care over job losses and exploration of quick successes
Change programmes may be subverted and lead to unintended consequences. This has four implications
for change management.
Monitoring and control are vital.
The existing culture must be understood.
The organisation's people should be involved in the change process.
The extent of the challenge must be recognised.

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 255

Quick Quiz
1 What is meant by the scope of change?
2 Which styles of management are required to effect revolution?
3 What is a change agent?
4 What is the difference between charismatic leadership and transactional leadership?
5 What are the objectives of political activity that may be sought by change managers?
6 How can change managers create opportunities for early success?

256 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

Answers to Quick quiz
1 The scope of change is the degree of change required whether it can be transformational or whether a
more fundamental realignment is required.
2 Direction and, probably, coercion
3 A change agent is an individual or group that helps to bring about strategic change in an organisation
4 Transactional leaders focus on systems and controls, while charismatic leaders seek to energise people
and build a vision of the future.
5 Building a powerbase; overcoming resistance; achieving compliance
6 By concentrating resources on potentially solvable problems rather than spreading them thinly.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q8 Examination 12 22 mins

Part C Organising and enabling success 8: Managing strategic change 257

258 8: Managing strategic change Part C Organising and enabling success

Business process change

process change

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 The background to process change D1(b), D2(a)
2 Harmon's process-strategy matrix D1(c)
3 A process redesign methodology D1(a), (f)
4 Process commoditisation and outsourcing D1(d), (e)

This chapter is the first in which we consider the 'middle layer' of the relational
diagram of the syllabus.
Strategies are, to some extent at least, delivered by means of processes. We
have already seen how processes fit with structures and relationships in
configurations and we have examined control processes in some detail. In this
chapter and the next we go on to examine processes in the wider sense, the
contribution they make to organisations and strategy and, overall, how
processes may be improved and made more effective.
Furthermore, it is worth noting here that improvements to processes may also
be an important source of potential emergent strategies an area we look at in
the final chapter of this Study Text.

Study guide
Intellectual level
D1 The role of process and process change initiatives
(a) Advise on how an organisation can reconsider the design of its processes to
deliver a selected strategy
(b) Appraise business process change initiatives previously adopted by
(c) Establish an appropriate scope and focus for business process change
using Harmon's process-strategy matrix
(d) Explore the commoditisation of business processes 3
(e) Advise on the implications of business process outsourcing 3
(f) Recommend a business process redesign methodology for an organisation 2
D2 Improving the processes of the organisation
(a) Evaluate the effectiveness of current organisational processes 3

Exam guide
The syllabus places considerable emphasis on processes. This is a very practical topic and it is easy to see
that the Examiners will have plenty of scope for practical questions based on it. An obvious route would be
to ask you to use the process-strategy matrix to select processes for improvement and the process
redesign methodology discussed in section 3 to show how to proceed.
It is also important to think how business processes and business process re-engineering link to other
areas of the P3 syllabus. The diagram below illustrates some of the key linkages.

Value chains Change management

Project management
Supply chain Business Process
management Re-engineering

Information technology
(e-business opportunities)

Information technology
(Software packages, eg ERP)

Harmon's process strategy matrix is explicitly referenced in the Study Guide and so could be specifically
required in a question.
However, do not overlook the other sections of this chapter. This chapter contains a lot of very examinable
material around business process change and redesign, and outsourcing.

262 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

1 The background to process change
Business processes of all kinds have been subject to efforts towards their improvement for many years.
The industrial revolution brought new techniques for manufacturing and also for administration. Josiah
Wedgewood is best known for innovation in pottery and ceramic goods but he also made rapid strides in
the development of cost accountancy, including the establishment of standard costs, for example. Other
important figures in the history of management innovation include the experts known to us as the
Scientific Management school and figures such as Henry Ford, Alfred Sloan and Peter Drucker. The search
for better ways of doing things has been going on for a long time. In this section (which is largely based
on Chapter 1 of Business Process Change by Paul Harmon) we will revise some of the important steps
along the way.

1.1 Organisations as systems

General system theory would see the organisation as an open system, interacting with its environment.

1.2 Systems theory

Key term Curtis defines a system as a collection of interrelated parts which taken together forms a whole such that:
(a) The collection has some purpose
(b) A change in any of the parts leads to or results from a change in some other part or parts.

An organisation is a type of system.

1.3 Open and closed systems

General systems theory makes a distinction between open, closed and semi-closed systems.
(a) A closed system is isolated from its environment and independent of it, so that no environmental
influences affect the behaviour of the system, nor does the system exert any influence on its
(b) An open system is connected to and interacts with its environment. It takes in influences from its
environment and also influences this environment by its behaviour. An open system is a stable
system which is nevertheless continually changing or evolving.

Controllable inputs Open: Both predicatable

Uncontrollable inputs Relating to its environment in and unpredicatable
Unexpected inputs both prescribed and outputs
uncontrolled ways

(c) Few systems are entirely closed. Many are semi-closed, in that their relationship with the
environment is in some degree restricted. An example of a semi-closed system might be a pocket
calculator. Its inputs are restricted to energy from its batteries and numerical information entered
to it in a particular way (by the operator depressing a sequence of keys). The calculator is restricted
in what it will do.

Semi-closed Predictable/
Relating to its controllable
inputs from the
environment in a controlled
environment outputs
prescribed manner

Social organisations, such as businesses and government departments, are by definition open

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 263

Organisations have a variety of interchanges with the environment, obtaining inputs from it, and
generating outputs to it.

This general background is clearly linked to Porter's value chain model, which shows how the functioning
of the internal sub-systems of the organisation contribute to its overall capability to add value. The ways
in which the system and its sub-systems function constitute the organisation's processes and
The value chain was discussed in detail earlier in this Study Text, but if you cannot remember it you would
be well advised to review it now. The groundwork for the current emphasis on understanding business
processes was laid by Michael Porter in his value chain model.

1.4 Business process re-engineering

Business process re-engineering is a useful approach based on challenging basic assumptions about
business methods and even the objectives they are designed to achieve. IT can be very useful here, but
simply to automate a process is not the same as re-engineering it.

Business process re-engineering involves fundamental changes in the way an organisation functions. For
example, processes which were developed in a paper-intensive processing environment may not be
suitable for an environment which is underpinned by IT.
Why focus on processes?
Many businesses recognise that value is delivered through processes, but still define themselves in terms
of their functional roles. To properly harness the resources within a business a clear agreement of the
management and implementation of processes is needed. Without this focus on processes:
(a) It is unclear how value is achieved or can continue to be achieved.
(b) The effects of change on the operation of the business are hard to predict.
(c) There is no basis to achieve consistent business improvement.
(d) Knowledge is lost as people move around or out of the business.
(e) Cross-functional interaction is not encouraged.
It is difficult to align the strategy of an organisation with the people, systems resources through which
that strategy will be accomplished.
The main writing on the subject is Hammer and Champy's Reengineering the Corporation (1993), from
which the following is taken.

Key term Business Process Re-engineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business
processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as
cost, quality, service and speed.

The key words here are 'fundamental', 'radical', 'dramatic' and 'process'.

264 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

(a) Fundamental and radical indicate that BPR assumes nothing: it starts by asking basic questions
such as 'why do we do what we do', without making any assumptions or looking back to what has
always been done in the past.
(b) 'Dramatic' means that BPR should achieve 'quantum leaps in performance', not just marginal,
incremental improvements.
(c) 'Process' is explained in the following paragraphs.
BPR is not automation or rationalisation. Automation is the use of computerised working methods to
speed up the performance of existing tasks. Rationalisation is the streamlining of operating procedures to
eliminate obvious inefficiencies. Rationalisation usually involves automation.

1.4.1 Principles of BPR

Hammer presents seven principles for BPR:
(a) Processes should be designed to achieve a desired customer-focused outcome rather than
focusing on existing tasks. The whole process should be market driven.
(b) Personnel who use the output from a process should perform the process. For example, a
company could set up a database of approved suppliers; this would allow personnel who actually
require supplies to order them themselves, perhaps using on-line technology, thereby eliminating
the need for a separate purchasing function.
(c) Information processing should be included in the work that produces the information. This
eliminates the differentiation between information gathering and information processing.
(d) Geographically-dispersed resources should be treated as if they are centralised. This allows the
benefits of centralisation to be obtained, for example, economies of scale through central
negotiation of supply contracts, without losing the benefits of decentralisation, such as flexibility
and responsiveness.
(e) Parallel activities should be linked rather than integrated. This would involve, for example, co-
ordination between teams working on different aspects of a single process.
(f) Workpeople should be self-managing, exercising greater autonomy over their work. The traditional
distinction between workers and managers can be abolished: decision aids such as expert systems
can be provided where they are required.
(g) Information should be captured once at source. Electronic distribution of information makes this

1.4.2 Is there a BPR methodology?

Davenport and Short prescribe a five-step approach to BPR:
Step 1 Develop the business vision and process objectives. BPR is driven by a business vision
which implies specific business objectives such as cost reduction, time reduction, output
quality improvement, Total Quality Management and empowerment.
Step 2 Identify the processes to be redesigned. Most firms use the 'high impact' approach, which
focuses on the most important processes or those that conflict most with the business
vision. Lesser number of firms use the exhaustive approach that attempts to identify all the
processes within an organisation and then prioritise them in order of redesign urgency.
Step 3 Understand and measure the existing processes to ensure previous mistakes are not
repeated and to provide a baseline for future improvements.
Step 4 Identify change levers. Awareness of IT capabilities could prove useful when designing

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 265

Step 5 Design and build a prototype of the new process. The actual design should not be viewed
as the end of the BPR process it should be viewed as a prototype, with successive
alterations. The use of a prototype enables the involvement of customers.

1.5 IT and BPR

IT is not the solution in itself, it is an enabler. BPR uses IT to allow an organisation to do things that it is
not doing already. For example, teleconferencing reduces the cost of travelling to meetings a re-
engineering approach takes the view that teleconferencing allows more frequent meetings.
As Hammer and Champy put it, 'It is this disruptive power of technology, its ability to break the rules that
limit how we conduct our work, that makes it critical to companies looking for competitive advantage.'

1.5.1 Problems with BPR

There are concerns that BPR has become misunderstood. According to an independent study of 100
European companies, BPR has become allied in managers' minds with narrow targets such as reductions
in staff numbers and other cost-cutting measures.
In addition to this perception about headcount, several other criticism have been levelled at the way the
idea has been implemented:
(a) Any successful BPR programme is likely to result in significant changes that will affect staff widely.
(b) BPR as practised is a kind of scientific management: a rational approach to improving efficiency.
It neglects the direct link to effectiveness originally envisaged and may, by reducing the number of
managers in an organisation, reduce innovation and creativity at the same time. Hamel and
Prahalad call this process hollowing out.
(c) While BPR practice generally seeks to empower workers, it assumes they will work within
structures and systems imposed by others. This places strict limits on the scope for releasing their
potential with such modern ideas as teamworking and coaching.
(d) Established systems often have valuable but unrecognised features, particularly in the area of
control. When a process is re-engineered from scratch, particularly when done with a view to
cutting costs, such desirable features as segregation of duties and management supervision may
be lost.

1.6 Workflow systems

Workflow systems and enterprise resource planning automate existing manual processes. The software
engineering approach improves on this and can substitute software for some human interventions.

The first software-based workflow systems appeared in the early 1990s. They were essentially systems for
the automation of document flows and were based on electronic copies of scanned original documents.
The early systems had no potential for improvements to major organisation processes.
Subsequently, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems were developed to provide a menu of
communication and control links between software application packages. ERP worked best in well-
understood applications such as accounting and inventory management. We discuss the adoption of
software packages later in this Study Text, but it is important to recognise the linkage between software
and business processes.
Like the original workflow systems, ERP systems are essentially a form of automation of existing
processes and therefore qualitatively different from BPR, as discussed above.

266 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

1.7 Software engineering
The application of software to business processes has continued, with efforts being made to extend its
potential scope to include aspects that would normally require human intervention, such as decision-
making. The software engineering approach emphasises system efficiency and consistency; there is also
a focus on refining business analysts' inputs into software development.

1.8 The Rummler-Brache methodology

The Rummler-Brache methodology sees processes as cross-functional wholes and considers them from
three structural levels and three design perspectives.

In 1990, Rummler and Brache published Improving Performance: how to Manage the White Space on the
Organisation Chart. As its title suggests, this book was about designing and managing business processes
as cross-functional wholes. The authors suggested that organisational process change must be
considered at three different structural levels and at the same time from three separate perspectives: there
are thus nine areas of concern, all of which must be addressed satisfactorily if a programme of process
change is to be successful.
Structural levels
(a) The organisation as a whole
(b) The process
(c) The job or performance level
(a) Goals and measures of achievement
(b) Design and implementation of processes
(c) Management
Effective organisations will have strong links both up and down the structural levels and across the
perspectives. For example, process goals and measures must not only relate accurately to both overall
organisational and detailed job goals and measures; they must also form part of a well-designed and
implemented process that is managed to operate efficiently.

1.9 Quality improvement methods

There has been a series of quality improvement initiatives including Total Quality, Six Sigma and ISO 9000

There were a number of attempts to introduce a systematic approach to improving quality of output in the
1990s. Statistical process control, total quality management and all the implications of the Toyota
system of manufacturing fall under this general heading, as do Six Sigma, which used a statistical
approach to measurement, and ISO 9000:2000. The implementation of ISO 9000:2000 has developed
from the simple documentation and management of procedures to a more change-oriented system. At the
same time, there has been significant cross-fertilisation between these various initiatives.

1.10 The internet

The influence of the internet has moved beyond unwieldy and expensive EDI, enabling extensive and cheap

Electronic data interchange was the main networking technique for integrating large-scale corporate IT
systems in the early 1990s. It was rather unwieldy and expensive to operate and so was only used by
larger companies and their more important suppliers. The growth of the internet and of its World Wide
Web aspect in particular means that similar capabilities are now available at much reduced cost. Despite
the setback caused by the bursting of the dotcom bubble, the internet has had a major effect on business

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 267

processes. Larger organisations use it to manage and circulate information, as well as making extensive
use of it for retailing, while many small businesses trade exclusively over the Web.
We will return to look at the internet and e-business more comprehensively later in this Study Text.

1.11 The effect of business consolidations

Business considerations and the dispersal of manufacturing bring new demands for software integration
and operations control and co-ordination.

Extensive redesign of processes often takes place as a result of mergers and acquisitions. There has been
significant growth in this kind of process development as a result of accelerating globalisation. The
acquisition of foreign subsidiaries, in particular, usually leads to extensive work to integrate systems or to
redesign and replace them where they are incompatible.
At the same time, large scale manufacturing operations have become much more dispersed as work is
transferred to low-wage economies in order to control costs. Controlling and co-ordinating such dispersed
and complex operations have required the development of new, standardised systems.

1.12 The current position

Improvement projects should be tied to specific performance goals. Change management must be to a
high standard. IT specialists must take a strategic view if they are to make appropriate input.

Harmon makes several comments about the current state of the art business process change.
First, he emphasises the need to tie improvement projects to specific corporate goals: if this is not done,
the project will lose focus, develop a life of its own and solve unimportant problems as a result.
Second, he remarks on the difficulty of installing new processes when the operational staff and managers
do not support the changes involved. Considerable effort must be expended on change management,
including obtaining 'buy-in' and aligning incentives with the new processes.
The role of IT specialists is a third concern. Harmon feels that they have a special contribution to make
because of the ubiquity of IT systems within the organisation: IT specialists are increasingly required to
take a strategic view of the corporation as a whole so that they can support the line managers who have
responsibility for operating and improving business processes. At the same time it is necessary for those
line managers to understand the difficulties and concerns of the IT specialists.

1.12.1 Terminology
Harmon suggests three terms:
Process improvement is a tactical, incremental technique.
Process re-engineering is a strategic level rethinking of core processes.
Process redesign is for intermediate scale processes that need significant change.

Harmon suggests a specific terminology for process change efforts that emphasises the scale of what is
(a) Process improvement is a tactical level, incremental technique that is appropriate for developing
smaller, stable existing processes.
(b) Process reengineering is used at the strategic level when major environmental threats or
opportunities mandate fundamental re-thinking of large scale, core processes that are critical to the
operation of the value chain.
(c) Process redesign is an intermediate scale of operation appropriate for middle sized processes
that require extensive improvement or change.

268 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

2 Harmon's process-strategy matrix
The process strategy matrix analyses processes in terms of their complexity on one axis and their
strategic importance (the value they add) on the other.

It is clear from the overall account given above, that there are a number of options available when the need
for process change is established. Harmon describes a tool intended to aid consideration of these options
by categorising the organisation's identified processes into four groups. This is the process-strategy
matrix, which is yet another two axis matrix.
The degree of process complexity and dynamics is plotted on the vertical axis; the horizontal axis shows
the degree of strategic importance of the process. Process 'dynamics' means the extent to which the
process is subject to adjustment in response to external stimuli. The effect of this analysis is to create four
classes of processes, each of which is amenable to a particular improvement strategy.

The process-strategy matrix

Exam focus
The June 2008 exam included a Section B question in which candidates were asked to recommend
whether an organisation should continue to perform a series of processes in house or whether it should
outsource them. Harmon's Matrix provided an excellent framework for this question; encouraging
candidates to look at the complexity of the different processes and their strategic importance as being
critical factors in the sourcing discussion (retain in-house or outsource).

Exam focus Harmon's matrix could also be useful if the scenario describes an organisation which has a number of
point processes but which is not performing as well as it should. In this case you could use the matrix to
suggest which processes the organisation should concentrate on as being most important to improving its

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 269

Case Study
Analysing a process scenario
Make-It is a manufacturing company that has the following main processes:
Inventory management . Make-It holds a standardised set of materials for 85% of the items it
makes. The remaining 15% of items are specific to bespoke customer orders, and are made
specifically for those jobs.
Manufacturing. The manufacturing process is computer controlled, with few manual interventions.
The only major exception to this rule is that Make-It has a hand-made' range of products where
the finishing is done by hand.
Logistics. All finished goods are shipped to customers based on their individual order dates,
leading to a range of complicated route plans. Make-It's managers feel that they are spending too
much time and effort on this area.
Support functions. These include payroll, invoicing, HR, and marketing. These are all areas that are
quite straightforward for Make-It's business, but are currently labour intensive (eg the payroll
inputs each month are very time-consuming).
New product design. Product design is becoming increasingly important due to the increasing
demand for innovative bespoke products.
The management at Make-It have carried out a process review, to decide whether any of the processes
should be redesigned. They have applied Harmon's process-strategy matrix to decide how important and
complex each process is.
Inventory management. This is generally quite a simple process, but it is a very important one for
a manufacturing business. Therefore it should be automated as far as possible to maximize
efficiency. However, the 15% of inventory relating to the bespoke products may require more
manual intervention, and co-ordination with the product design, logistics and manufacturing
Manufacturing. This process has very high strategic importance. The computer controlled
production is likely to be relatively simple, and so little change is likely to be required for this
automated process. However, the preparation of the hand made range is likely to be both
strategically important and potentially complex. Therefore, Make-It's management should focus
considerable effort on analysing and redesigning this process.
Logistics. Logistics and product delivery is of lower strategic importance than manufacturing
because it is not part of the product itself. However, it still plays an important part of the marketing
mix in relation to place. All the same, logistics is not a core competence of Make-It's business,
and so they should consider outsourcing this process, buying in the expertise they need. However,
there may be concerns over losing control over this element of their supply chain.
Support functions. These processes are relatively simple, and have low strategic importance.
Therefore, Make-It should consider either outsourcing them or automating them. For example, the
payroll function could be outsourced to a payroll bureau, while invoicing could be automated using
off-the-shelf accounting software.
New product design. This is likely to be both an important and complex process. It will be
important that Make-It not only makes innovative use of technology, but also recruits the best
designers possible given the increasing demand for bespoke products. New product design
(particularly with respect to the bespoke products) is a key source of competitive advantage and so
needs to be continuously reviewed and improved.

270 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

3 A process redesign methodology
Harmon proposes a methodology for process redesign. This methodology has much in common with the
project management techniques dealt with later in this Study Text. It has five phases: planning, analysis,
redesign, development and transition.

Exam focus It is very easy to envisage that the Examiner might set a question that requires you to describe how a
point specific process redesign project might proceed. If you cannot recall exactly how Harmon's methodology
proceeds, you could base a good answer on general principles of project management.

Harmon proposes a business process redesign methodology. It is clear from its nature that it is best
fitted to the category of work described in Section 1.12.1 (c) above. That is to say, it seems appropriate for
'middle sized processes that require extensive improvement or change'.
The methodology is over-complex for process improvement (an 'incremental technique for developing
smaller, stable existing processes'): indeed, Harmon covers process improvement in an earlier part of his
book. Nevertheless, passing reference to major strategic change suggests that he does envisage its use at
the other end of the scale, for process reengineering ('fundamental re-thinking of large scale, core

3.1 Advantages of having a methodology

(a) A plan provides discipline for the overall process and helps to prevent it from losing focus.
(b) Successful implementation depends on acceptance by staff and managers who will have to
operate the new process: the methodology emphasise the need for obtaining support at all
appropriate stages.

3.2 The methodology in outline

The methodology has five phases.
Phase 1 Planning
Goals are set, project scope is defined, project team members and other roles are identified
and the overall schedule is developed.
Phase 2 Analysis
Current workflow is documented, problems identified and a general approach to a redesign
plan is established.
Phase 3 Redesign
Possible solutions are considered and the best chosen; objectives for the next phase are
Phase 4 Development
All functional implications are followed through, aspects are improved, including
management and information systems.
Phase 5 Transition
The redesigned process is implemented; modifications are undertaken as required.

3.3 Initiating a redesign

Major process redesign can be very expensive in terms of managers' and specialists' time and it is,
therefore, likely that redesign projects will only be undertaken when called for by managers at the
strategic apex. Harmon calls these managers the executive committee. He also suggests that there may
be a process architecture committee responsible for the organisation's responses to perceived threats
and opportunities; this committee takes specific responsibility for the effectiveness of business processes

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 271

overall. Under this structure, the executive committee would set overall goals and strategies, delegating
decisions about process development to the process architecture committee.
Harmon recommends that the organisation be structured around its systems and processes rather than
functionally. Where this is done, a process that is selected for redesign will have a process manager in
charge of it; this manager becomes the project sponsor for the redesign project. More traditionally
structured organisations will have to appoint a project sponsor. The project sponsor does not undertake
detailed redesign work: this role is concerned with overall decision-making and championing the redesign
at the highest levels.
A process redesign steering committee is required. This body has high level representation of all the
departments involved in the process. It has two main functions. The first is to be responsible for
approving the work of the redesign team. The second is to ensure that managers and staff affected by the
redesign support the changes to be made and will implement them.
A project facilitator must be appointed to act as project manager. This important role may be allocated to
a consultant since skill at facilitating project redesign is required, rather than familiarity with the specific
business processes under consideration. In any case, it is important that the facilitator remains neutral
and is not committed to any functional or departmental group.

3.4 Planning
The facilitator and the redesign team need a project charter or overall plan to define the scope of their
work; this should include an account of how the process they design supports the organisation's overall
strategy and goals and how it relates to other processes and stakeholders.
Ideally, this plan will have been defined at a higher echelon of management, such as the executive
committee or the process architecture committee. If this has not been done, it will be for the project
sponsor, facilitator and the steering committee, once appointed to develop this plan themselves. The
facilitator will then take charge of the outline plan and refine it after appropriate consultation.
The planning phase ends with the agreement of a detailed project plan, including time and cost budgets,
at the executive committee level. To reach this stage, the project sponsor, facilitator and steering group
must produce extensive documentation. This will state the project's assumptions, goals, constraints,
scope and success measures. It will outline the changes that are required and how they fit in with the rest
of the organisation. It is particularly important that resource and systems constraints are considered in
At the same time, the members of the process redesign team must be identified.

3.5 Analysing the existing process

This phase may not be present in all projects.
(a) Some organisations may already have full analysis documentation.
(b) There may not be an existing process.
(c) It may be decided to omit this phase if radical change is envisaged.
Where this phase is undertaken, it results in the full documentation of the processes and sub-processes
concerned. This involves the use of process flow diagrams and organisation charts. Goals, activities,
inputs and outputs are identified, named and described in detail. Known problems with the system are
noted, as are descriptions of past attempts to improve them. It is also necessary to consider how the
process is managed, what personal managerial responsibilities are involved and whether improvements
to the management system are required. In particular, performance measures and incentives should be
When the analysis is complete, the project goals and assumptions should be re-examined and revised as
necessary. A coherent and robust redesign plan may then be created and presented to higher
management. Approval by those who must later implement and manage the new design is essential and
support from these senior managers is an indispensable output from this stage.

272 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

3.6 Designing the new process
Design of the new process itself is only part of this phase: there are other important aspects.
(a) Design of supporting management roles and responsibilities is required, as are the supporting
performance measures.
(b) Rationalisation of reporting responsibilities may be possible and desirable. A new organisation
structure may result.
(c) Where very complex processes are concerned, it may be appropriate to run simulations and
prepare cost estimates on two or more possible new designs. This is likely to require the use of
software tools.
(d) The new design must be fully documented.
The final essential output from this phase is, once again, approval from senior management. To achieve
this it will be necessary to explain the new process in detail.

3.7 Development
This phase of the process follows the design through into all of its functional and resource implications.
New IS resources of hardware and software are specified and designed; job descriptions are created and
staff training provided; other necessary resources are acquired. The project sponsor has the role of co-
ordinating the provision of the resources needed.
At this stage, the implications of organising by processes rather than by functions become apparent. The
new process is more likely to be effective if it and the staff and resources committed to it are managed by
a process manager rather than by a group of separate functional managers. This is, therefore the time at
which a change to a process structure is best made; this would be a major project in its own right.
The development phase ends when all the new arrangements have been tested and found satisfactory and
the new process is ready for installation.

3.8 Transition
The success of the transition phase depends on successful change management: it can be harmed or
even prevented by opposition or passive resistance. There must be support from the top and close liaison
with the managers who have to make the new process work. This may lead to revisions to the process.
Eventually this phase merges into routine monitoring of the process for efficiency and potential further

4 Process commoditisation and outsourcing

Outsourcing enables organisations to benefit from their suppliers' scale economies.
The establishment of standards for processes will make them easier to outsource. Some processes may
thus be commoditised.

Outsourcing should have the major advantage of reducing the workload of the organisation's managers
thus freeing more time to concentrate on core competences.
Generally speaking, outsourcing is appropriate for peripheral activities: to attempt to outsource core
competences could lead to the collapse of the whole organisation. However, it can be difficult to identify
with clarity just what an organisation's core competences are and it is not too difficult to imagine an
organisation whose core competence was, in fact, outsourcing. Certainly the motor manufacturing
industry seems to be moving in this direction.
A further advantage of outsourcing is that external suppliers may capture economies of scale and
experience effects that mean that costs may be reduced by using their services rather than in-house

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 273

Case Study
The London Fire Brigade
In March 2012 the London Fire Brigade (LFB) the largest fire service in the UK made the controversial
decision to outsource its 999 control centre to outsourcing giant Capita.
The deal will see Capita run the call centre on behalf of the brigade and also supply the new 999 control
system. Existing staff including 999 control officers and back office employees will be transferred to
Capita and it is expected that the new systems will go live later in 2012.
According to the LFB this will save 5m over the 10 year life of the contract and will allow the service to
focus on its core business of putting out fires and saving lives.
Other fire brigades in the UK, also under pressure to make savings, are said to be monitoring the LFB
initiative to consider whether a similar approach could be taken in their areas.
However, critics have argued that the moves to privatise the handling of the fire services 999 calls will
put lives at risk based on a concern that private companies winning such contracts would not be held
accountable for mistakes.

Getting the best out of outsourcing depends on successful relationship management rather than through
the use of formal control systems.
Successful outsourcing depends on three things.
(a) The ability to specify with precision what is to be supplied: this involves both educating suppliers
about the strategic significance of their role and motivating them to high standards of performance.
(b) The ability to measure what is actually supplied and thus establish the degree of conformance with
(c) The ability to make adjustments elsewhere if specification is not achieved.
There are also practical considerations relating to outsourcing.
It can save on costs by making use of a suppliers' economies of scale.
It can increase effectiveness where the supplier deploys higher levels of expertise.
It can lead to loss of control, particularly over quality.
It means giving up an area of threshold competence that may be difficult to reacquire.

Case Study
Outsourcing requires the right in-house skills
UK public sector cuts in response to the ongoing tough financial climate has led to inevitable job cuts and
a commitment to increasing the proportion of outsourced services the government buys from small and
medium-sized businesses.
However, research carried out by totaljobs.com has indicated that a lack of vital exepertise is already
damaging the sectors ability to manage contracts. More than 100 senior managers from local and central
government were involved in the research and over one third of those consulted admitted a lack of skills
was the key reason for cancelling outsourcing contracts in 2011.
The research highlights the importance for commissioners of outsourced to understand the value as well
as the cost. It suggests this is a addressed via the establishment of a centralised panel to help spread best

274 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

practice in looking beyond top-line costs and higlighting the benefits that migh accrue from delivering
services in different ways.
As the report highlights, blurring the distinction between the public and private sectors requires a new
approach to exchanging knowledge and developing skills. The shifting careers landscape provides a once-
in-a-generation opportinity to demolish the barriers between public and private sector working cultures to
achieve better outcomes for all. The public sector is crying out for new ideas with two-fifths of public
sector decision-makers keen to improve their own in-house consultancy skills.
Much can be learned from the working practices of both the public and private secotr, but real value can
only be achieved by uniting the best elements of each. A one-size-fits-all approach is no longer the
answer. More focus is needed on locality, and working to meet regional needs. Establishing an advisory
group to bring such ideas together is the best path to securing a strongly performing public service
outsourcing for the future.
The Guardian, March 2012

Outsourcing of non-core activities is widely acknowledged as having the potential to achieve important
cost savings. However, process outsourcing is still uncommon, for a number of reasons, one of which is
the difficulty of assessing the cost-effectiveness of what is purchased. Cost should be fairly clear, but the
quality of what is purchased is extremely difficult to assess in advance.
Companies perceive their processes are not comparable with the competences of outside
Companies perceive that processes are not standard (like products are), and so they think it is
difficult to assess whether a process will be improved by outsourcing it.
In short, companies have no idea how an outside business might perform their processes, so they keep
the processes in-house.
A key problem has been a lack of process standards. However, Davenport suggests that this situation is
changing following the introduction of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) as a process standard for
software development.
The success of the CMM in improving software development processes appears to have prompted other
business domains to adopt a similar model (the CMMI model). Consequently there is a move towards
process standardisation which will allow companies to determine whether a business capability can be
improved by outsourcing it. These standards will also make it easier to compare service providers and
evaluate the costs versus benefits of outsourcing.
The establishment of standards for a wide range of processes will have important consequences, since
processes themselves will become commodities.
The level of outsourcing will increase.
Prices of outsourced processes will fall, as the market matures and the number of providers
The quality of process performance will improve, because companies will only focus on processes
that are truly core to their organisation.
The flow of jobs offshore will accelerate.
The basis of competition will change, because as processes become standardised they will no
longer act as a basis of competitive advantage.
Process standardisation may also mean it is possible for companies to combine certain processes with
competition. If the processes no longer offer competitive advantages, the companies can set up shared-
service centres, thereby benefitting from economies of scale. So process standards could actually lead to
more collaboration among competitors.

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 275

4.1 Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing
Although we have suggested (above) that process standardisation will increase the level of business
process outsourcing, ultimately organisations will only choose to outsource if they are convinced of the
advantages of doing so.
Can save on costs by making use of a specialist providers' economies of scale
Can increase effectiveness where the supplier deploys higher levels of expertise (eg in software
Allows the organisation to focus on its own core activities / competencies
Can deliver benefits and change more quickly than business process reorganisation in-house
Service level agreements mean that the company knows the level of service they can expect
Cost control. The creation of a customer/contractor' relationship introduces a focus on cost
control which is sometimes lost when functions are performed internally.
There may be problems finding a single supplier who can manage complex processes in full. If
more than one supplier has to be used for a single process then the economies of scale are likely to
be reduced.
Firms may be unwilling to outsource whole processes due to the significance of those processes
or the confidentiality of certain aspects of them. (This could be a particular problem if the
contractor company is also working for competitors.) Again, if processes are fragmented in this
way, the economies of scale may be reduced.
Outsourcing can lead to loss of control particularly in relation to quality issues. This occurs when
agreed service levels are not met. The firm which is outsourcing activities now has to develop
competences in relationship management (with the outsourced suppliers) in place of its
competences in the processes it has outsourced.
Firms may be tied to inflexible, long term contracts.
If there are specialist skills involved in the work, it may be difficult to switch to a new supplier if
there are problems, or at the end of a contract period. This gives the external contractor significant
bargaining power.
Firms may be unwilling to give up an area of threshold competence that may be difficult to
reacquire. If they lose the competence, they will become dependent on suppliers; again, giving the
supplier significant bargaining power.
The outsourcing decision needs to be treated with care. The advantages it delivers will largely be seen in
the short-term, but the disadvantages could affect an organisation in the longer-term. Therefore both the
short-term and longer-term implications need to be considered before an organisation chooses to

Exam focus When evaluating whether or not a process should be outsourced, take care to apply your answer directly
point to the scenario rather than simply churning out the list of pros and cons above. The June 2010 exam
included a 12 mark requirement in a Sectin B question asking for the benefits to the organisation in
question of outsourcing IT. Many candidates failed to use the information in the scenario, falling back on
lists such as the above and therefore missed many of the marks available.

276 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

Chapter Roundup
General systems theory would see the organisation as an open system, interacting with its environment.
Business process re-engineering is a useful approach based on challenging basic assumptions about
business methods and even the objectives they are designed to achieve. IT can be very useful here, but
simply to automate a process is not the same as re-engineering it.
Workflow systems and enterprise resource planning automate existing manual processes. The software
engineering approach improves on this and can substitute software for some human interventions.
The Rummler-Brache methodology sees processes as cross-functional wholes and considers them from
three structural levels and three design perspectives.
There has been a series of quality improvement initiatives including Total Quality, Six Sigma and ISO 9000
The influence of the internet has moved beyond unwieldy and expensive EDI, enabling extensive and cheap
Business considerations and the dispersal of manufacturing bring new demands for the software
integration and operations control and co-ordination.
Improvement projects should be tied to specific performance goals. Change management must be to a
high standard. IT specialists must take a strategic view if they are to make appropriate input.
Harmon suggests three terms:
Process improvement is a tactical, incremental technique.
Process re-engineering is a strategic level rethinking of core processes.
Process redesign is for intermediate scale processes that need significant change.
The process strategy matrix analyses processes in terms of their complexity on one axis and their
strategic importance (or the value they add) on the other.
Harmon proposes a methodology for process redesign. This methodology has much in common with the
project management techniques dealt with later in this Study Text. It has five phases: planning, analysis,
redesign, development and transition.
Outsourcing enables organisations to benefit from their suppliers' scale economies.
The establishment of standards for processes will make them easier to outsource. Some processes may
thus be commoditised.
There are also practical considerations relating to outsourcing.
It can save on costs by making use of a suppliers' economies of scale.
It can increase effectiveness where the supplier deploys higher levels of expertise.
It can lead to loss of control, particularly over quality.
It means giving up an area of threshold competence that may be difficult to reacquire.

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 277

Quick Quiz
1 Define BPR in one sentence.
2 What are the structural levels specified in the Rummler-Brache methodology?
3 What are the perspectives specified in the Rummler-Brache methodology?
4 Arrange Harmon's three specified approaches to process change in ascending order of scale.
5 What are the axes of the process-strategy matrix?
6 What is the process-strategy matrix's prescription for dealing with processes that are complex and
dynamic but add little value
7 What are the phases of Harmon's process redesign methodology?
8 List three benefits of outsourcing.

278 9: Business process change Part D Business process change

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 BPR is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic
improvements in performance.
2 The organisation as a whole; the process; the job or performance level
3 Goals and measures; design and implementation; management
4 Process improvement, process redesign, process reengineering
5 Process complexity and dynamics; and strategic significance
6 Such processes are difficult to automate: they should be outsourced.
7 Planning, analysis, redesign, development, transition
8 Possible answers:
Reduce costs by making use of specialist providers' economies of scale
Increase effectiveness where outsourced supplier has specialist expertise
Focus on core competencies
Can deliver benefits and changes more quickly
Certainty over service levels
Improved control over costs

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q9 Preparation n/a 15 mins

Part D Business process change 9: Business process 279

280 9: Business process change Part D Business process change
Improving processes

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Managing and measuring processes D2(a)
2 Process redesign patterns D2(b)-(e)
3 Standard software packages D3(b), (d)
4 Establishing software requirements D3(a)
5 Choosing research techniques D3(a)
6 Assessing software packages D3(c)
7 Selecting software packages D3(c)

Having established a framework for the consideration of process change, we
may now proceed further into the practical detail of how to go about it. We start
with some further, simple ideas and then proceed to the main subject of this
chapter, the selection of software packages.

Study guide
Intellectual level
D2 Improving the processes of the organisation
(a) Evaluate the effectiveness of current organisational processes 3
(b) Describe a range of process redesign patterns 2
(c) Establish possible redesign options for improving current processes of an
(d) Assess the feasibility of possible redesign options 3
(e) Assess the relationship between process redesign and strategy 3
D3 Software solutions
(a) Establish information system requirements required by business users 2
(b) Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using a generic software
solution to fulfil those requirements
(c) Establish a process for evaluating, selecting and implementing a generic
software solution
(d) Explore the relationship between generic software solutions and business
process redesign

Exam guide
Your examiner is known to be interested in software approaches to process change, so we confidently
await regular demonstrations of this interest in the form of questions that address the material in this

Models and frameworks

The Study Guide for this chapter does not explicitly reference any models, although Harmon's work on
process redesign patterns links very closely to D2(b). Nonetheless no specific models will be explicitly
required in a question on process improvement.

1 Managing and measuring processes

Organisations should be structured around processes rather than functions. This means that the hierarchy
of management objectives and performance measures will be similarly structured. Process improvement
becomes part of every manager's task.

As we noted earlier, Harmon recommends a management structure based on processes rather than
functions, since it is the efficiency of the organisation's processes that determine its success. In practical
terms, this can lead to a matrix structure.
This approach implies that the hierarchy of objectives should also be structured on process lines, as
should the organisation's measures of performance (we mentioned this approach early in Chapter 1).
Objectives and performance measures flow down in a co-ordinated way from mission to major processes,
to sub-processes, to activities and to individual tasks. The roles of managers at all levels are thus built
around process performance: they plan, set targets, provide training, measure performance and take
control action in terms of the processes for which they are responsible. This approach fits well with the
balanced scorecard approach.

282 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

Harmon says:
If an organisation establishes process measures that extend from the process to the activity, and
if managers continuously check these measures and take actions when there are deviations, then
process improvement becomes part of every manager's job. In effect, measures determine how
the activity should be performed. (Emphasis added by BPP).
This has a vital implication for process improvement: any changes made at a lower level must be followed
through into the detail of management responsibility at higher levels. The immediate supervisor has to
deal with a different way of doing things and achieve different outcomes. The supervisor's manager needs
to know about these changes in the supervisor's role and so on up the hierarchy.

2 Process redesign patterns

In the previous chapter we considered a proposed general approach to the project management of the
activities involved with the redesign of a process. In this section, we will look more closely at the
techniques that are available for use in the redesign activity itself. Harmon calls these techniques redesign

Key term A process redesign pattern is a general approach to redesigning processes for their improvement.

Harmon describes four basic redesign patterns.
(a) Re-engineering starts with a clean sheet of paper.
(b) Simplification eliminates redundant process elements.
(c) Value-added analysis eliminates activities that do not add value.
(d) Gaps and disconnects target problems at departmental boundaries.
The feasibility of any proposed redesign must be considered.

2.1 Re-engineering
We introduced BPR in the previous chapter, using these words: 'business process re-engineering is the
fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in
critical contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.'
The BPR approach is used when large-scale change is to be introduced. The aim is to achieve major
efficiency improvements. This pattern is hardly redesign at all, since its philosophy is to question all
assumptions and start from scratch. Re-engineering can achieve very large-scale improvements, but it is
inevitably highly disruptive and has a high risk of dramatic failure.

2.2 Simplification
Simplification is a far less radical pattern of redesign. It proceeds on the assumption that most established
business processes are likely to have developed elements of duplication or redundancy. This assumption
is probably most valid in relation to large-scale processes that cut across departmental or functional
boundaries and it is, therefore, in such instances that simplification is most likely to be fruitful approach.
The effort involved is usually moderate.
The simplification approach commences with identification and modelling of all the systems, activities
and sub-processes involved in the business process under investigation. Each element is then subject to
challenge: it may not actually be necessary; it may provide information that is available elsewhere; it may
be a bottleneck; it may repeat something done in another place. Whenever possible, activities are removed
from the process so that duplication and unnecessary complexity are gradually eliminated. This pattern is
likely to produce improvements, though their scale can vary widely, from the relatively minor to the

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 283

Judgement and flexibility are needed to use this approach, since apparently similar activities may
incorporate subtle differences that are important in one departmental context but not in another. An
element of redesign may be required in addition to simple cuts: for example, it may be possible to achieve
a net saving by designing a single process to replace two existing ones.

2.3 Value-added analysis

The aim of value-added analysis is to eliminate processes that do not add value. Value-added analysis
approaches processes from the point of view of the customer. Here, 'customer' means whoever receives
the output of the process, so internal customers are included.
Value adding activities satisfy three conditions.
The customer is willing to pay for the output.
The process changes the output in some way.
The process is performed correctly at the first attempt.
Four categories of activity are defined as non-value-adding.
Preparation and set-up activities
Control and inspection activities
Movement of a product
Activities that result from delay or failure of any kind
There is a third category: value-enabling activities. These are essential preliminaries to value-adding
activities. If you think about this for a moment, you will see that, just as with the simplification approach,
judgement is required here: an obvious instance lies in the area of preparation and set-up. We have
defined such activities as non-value-adding, but, surely, they are essential preliminaries? An example
might help here.

Case Study
When Toyota restarted production cars in the late 1940s, the prevailing western technology for producing
body panels was based on extremely careful set-up of presses and very long production runs. Set-up had
to be painstaking in order to avoid sub-standard output, some of which might not be discovered until it
had been incorporated into a part-finished car. The problem was the alignment of the press dies. These
weighed many tonnes and so took a team of specialists up to a day to reposition. In these circumstances,
very long production runs were required to make the whole process economic. This implied the use of a
large number of presses in order to provide the hundreds of different panels required and often led to
excessive inventory holdings.
Toyota was not able to use this system: it had only a few presses and could only sell a few thousand cars
each year. Taiichi Ohno, the chief production engineer, therefore developed a system using simple
adjustment mechanisms and roller mountings for the dies. This made it possible for ordinary production
workers to change dies in a tiny fraction of the time previously thought necessary. An unexpected bonus
of this approach was that, since the output panels were needed for immediate assembly, any misalignment
or other fault was discovered immediately and wastage was thus reduced.

How does this example help us? It is clear that Ohno's system of changing dies is an essential, minimal,
value-enabling preliminary to the value activity of pressing body panels; the traditional way is extremely
expensive and, with its natural consequences of over-stocking and high wastage, adds little if any value.
Bearing in mind that the overall intention is to eliminate non-value-adding activities, we may thus suggest
that where preparation and set up are concerned, we should aim to ensure that they qualify as value-
enabling activities by making them as simple and cost effective as possible.
The Toyota example illustrates another aspect of the importance of processes and process redesign. This
is the link between processes and strategy. The standard process was created in the context of the

284 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

strategy of the US motor industry of the time: this involved vast volumes and was to some extent a seller's
market, so healthy margins would easily absorb the waste inherent in the method. Toyota could not
pursue this strategy: it was forced to minimise costs and maximise its utilisation of its resources. The
redesign of the pressing process helped it to do so.
Like the simplification approach, value-added analysis commences with identification and modelling of
all the systems, activities and sub-processes involved in the business process under investigation. Each
element is then categorised according to the criteria discussed above. Harmon suggests that, typically,
only 20% of the activities making up a process are identifiable as value-adding, with most of the
remainder falling into the value-enabling category. When all of the clearly value-adding and value-enabling
activities have been identified, the remainder may be examined in detail. The Toyota body press example
above indicates how careful consideration can lead to the development of new methods that eliminate
much non-value-adding work in preliminary activities.
(a) It may be possible to minimise control and inspection activities by processes of empowerment.
(b) Physical movement of products can be minimised by careful workplace layout, which is an aspect
of production engineering. Workflow systems eliminate transit time for documents by scanning all
documents to produce electronic copies which are transferred at the click of a mouse.
(c) Activities that result from delay or failure require careful investigation to establish patterns or
modes of failure that may be subject to correction. Again, empowerment may offer some potential
for making improvements. This is especially true in the whole area of customer complaints, where
a rapid satisfactory resolution is a powerful tool for improving customer loyalty.
This improvement pattern is capable of producing results on a scale similar to that achieved by the
simplification approach; that is to say, varying between extensive and fairly small.

2.4 Gaps and disconnects

In the previous chapter we discussed Rummler and Brache and their book Improving Performance: how to
Manage the White Space on the Organisation Chart. In this book, the authors suggest that a major
problem with many processes is likely to be failures of communication between business departments and
functions. These failures can produce continuing gaps and disconnects both in the processes themselves
and in the management of those processes.
This approach commences in the usual way, with identification and modelling of the selected process,
but its focus is on occasions when information or materials pass from one department or function to
another, since this is where gaps and disconnects are to be found.
Rummler identifies over thirty potential areas in which gaps and disconnects are likely to occur. These are
fairly evenly divided between the three levels we mentioned when discussing the book in the previous
(a) The organisation as a whole
(b) The process
(c) The job or performance level
It is only at the second and third of these levels that problems relating to actual workflow and activities
appear. At the organisational level, they are entirely concerned with the design of processes and the
monitoring and control of process outcomes. These are clearly management activities.

2.5 Feasibility
The purpose of considering feasibility is not so much to find out if a proposed project can achieve its
objective as to establish whether or not it can do so in a cost-effective manner. Given sufficient resources,
most proposals that lie outside the realms of fantasy can be implemented but not all are worth
undertaking. The feasibility study is the mechanism by which the organisation filters out proposals that
would cost too much, cause too much disruption, make excessive demands on human and other
resources or have side effects whose undesirability outweighs their advantages. The assessment of
feasibility can be broken down into a number of areas.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 285

2.5.1 Technical feasibility
The assessment of technical feasibility will depend on the nature of the technology involved.
(a) Does all the necessary technology exist or is significant innovation required?
(b) Is the technology mature enough to use or is further development likely to be required?
(c) How specialised is the required technology and is the expertise to make use of it available?
Technical feasibility also includes technical matters that do not relate to technology; that is to say,
matters of technical expertise, such as marketing, financial strategy and human resource management.
We might wish to know, for example, whether it were feasible to communicate effectively with a particular
identified market segment.

2.5.2 Social feasibility

Any change is likely to have effects upon people, both those in the organisation concerned and those
outside it. The social feasibility of a project depends on the nature and extent of those effects. There are
obvious human resource management implications to most projects, in the area of forming, leading and
motivating the project team. The progress and outcome of a process improvement project may also have
important consequences for employees outside the team, such as increased demand for certain categories
of staff, redundancies, training requirements and changed work patterns.

2.5.3 Environmental concerns

Consideration of a project in environmental terms is usually not so much about feasibility as about
acceptability. Several different stakeholder groups are likely to have environmental concerns and their
opinions and reactions may affect both the progress of a project itself and the desired characteristics of its

2.5.4 Financial feasibility

It is appropriate to submit proposed changes to cost-benefit analysis, though this can be very difficult
when the benefits are largely in intangible form. Part of the difficulty lies in identifying the benefits and part
in assigning monetary values to them. Dealing with intangible or qualitative benefits is likely to be
particularly important in the public and voluntary sectors, where objectives such as improved road safety
or education are common. We will return to this later in the Study Text.

2.6 Illustration of process redesign patterns

Exam focus In the P3 exam it is unlikely that you will be asked simply to describe Harmon's four basic process
point redesign patterns. It is much more likely to be a scenario describing the current processes and asking you
to suggest potential improvements, as was the case in the June 2011 paper in which candidates were
required to identify a range of re-design options that an examining body could consider for improving its
question handling process. Candidates were also required to evaluate the benefits of each of their
suggested options.
Note that process redesign is also linked to issues of project management, and possibly IT, which also
feature in the middle layer of the relational model of syllabus capabilities for P3.
As in so much of this paper, it is being able to apply your knowledge which is crucial. The Case Study that
follows illustrates the application of the process redesign patterns.

Case Study
Process diagram
In the previous chapter, we looked at a fictitious manufacturing company (Make-It) to illustrate the
application of Harmon's process-strategy matrix. Imagine that one of the items Make-It makes is a
wooden chair, with a cushioned seat.

286 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

The production of the chair involves a number of processes. It starts with requisitioning materials from
inventory, and then preparing them. After that the chair is assembled, and then finished (which includes
being polished).
We can show the construction process as a process diagram:

Wood to carpenter Reject

Store manager Get raw materials
Fabric to upholsterer

Carpenter Receive raw materials Inspect Make chair frame Send to upholsterer

Upholsterer Receive raw materials Inspect Make seat Receive chair frame Assemble chair Polish and finish

Quality inspector Reject Inspect item


Once the diagram is complete, we can see who is responsible for what areas of the process, and whether
there are any aspects of it which can be improved. For example:
Are there any elements of duplication or redundancy?
Are there any gaps or disconnects?
Are there any activities which do not add value?
In this case, we have assumed that the carpentry work involved in carving the wood is a specialised job,
so the carpenter should not also be assembling the chair. Therefore, there is no duplication as a result of
having both a carpenter and an upholsterer involved in the process.
However, there is potential redundancy in the raw material inspection. If the storeroom manager inspected
the materials before giving them to the carpenter and the upholsterer, then they could concentrate on their
core activities of using the materials to make a chair.
There are also some potential issues in the order of the construction process. If the upholsterer makes the
seat cushion before receiving the chair frame from the carpenter, there is a risk that the size may not be
right. (There is no indication that all the chairs are made to the same size, or that the carpenter tells the
upholsterer the exact dimensions of the chair being made). Therefore there is potentially a disconnection
between the two processes, and we suggest this could be resolved by the upholsterer waiting until the
carpenter has finished the chair frame before making the seat cushion.
You might also question whether the final quality inspection adds value, but we have assumed it does. The
customer will only want to pay for the chair if it is well-built, and the quality inspection ensures this.
The diagram can now be redrawn to show the proposed changes:

Accept Wood to carpenter

Store manager Get raw materials Inspect
Fabric to upholsterer

Carpenter Receive raw materials Make chair frame Send to upholsterer

Upholsterer Receive raw materials Receive chair frame Make seat Assemble chair Polish and finish

Quality inspector Inspect item


However, note that before implementing these changes, management should discuss them with all the
people involved to make sure there are not any reasons which would mean the changes are not suitable or

Exam focus
point Business process diagrams provide a useful way of summarising the activities in a business process, and
in this way can also identify potential areas of improvement in the process.
You will not be asked to draw a business process diagram in your exam, but you may be asked to interpret one.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 287

3 Standard software packages
ERP systems are based on limited, standardised modules. This means that the organisation must adapt to
the standard system rather than designing its own most appropriate and efficient process. However, the
alternative, adapting a standard package to local requirements, destroys the advantages of purchasing the
standard package and introduces further complications. Nevertheless, packages have their own

The use of computers to automate business processes began over half a century ago in the UK. J Lyons &
Co had made many improvements in its administrative techniques and set about developing its own
computer in association with Cambridge University. The result was the LEO 1 computer: LEO stands for
Lyons Electronic Office. LEO 1 ran its first payroll in December 1953. The LEO system was the archetypal
tailored, or bespoke, IS; not only was the software created specifically for the company's purposes, the
hardware was too.
In the forty years that followed, computers were widely utilised for a wide range of business procedures,
including the well-known manufacturing and resource control systems, MRP and MRPII. The result of this
process was the widespread acquisition of standardised software packages by large companies from the
1990s onward. These packages were originally standalone applications for such business functions as
accounting and HRM but their vendors developed their products into packages that could deal with major
parts of a business's system infrastructure in an integrated way. By extension from the MRP acronym,
these integrated systems became known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

3.1 ERP general characteristics

In general, standard ERP packages are robust systems that incorporate wide experience of business
procedures and their automation. They are, however, based on standardised modules and are not
necessarily optimised for any given commercial application. Claims by vendors that their products can
give a competitive edge are questionable: competitors can easily buy the same product. The best that can
be said is that an ERP system should provide an effective way of doing things.
The standardised, one size fits all nature of ERP software also means that attempting to improve business
processes by installing it reverses the normal method. As Harmon says, with ERP 'you begin with a
solution'. Rather than analysing what happens currently and then developing an improved system, ERP
forces the organisation to adjust itself to the requirements of the software.
Exam focus
point Be prepared to contrast Harmon's reservations about standard packages with Davenport's view that
process standards will have a positive effect on how business is conducted. There is a debate between
those who think that packages represent best practice (eg Davenport) and those (like Harmon) who see
them as merely average practice. There is merit in both views but specific problems and context may lead
to one conclusion or the other.

Because of this generic nature, many clients insist on having their ERP software tailored to fit their own
existing systems. This is generally a mistake.
The cost advantage of buying off the shelf is destroyed.
Introduction is delayed.
Reliability is reduced.
New versions of the same software will be useless until they too have been modified.
A middle course between utilising a standard package and developing a bespoke application is to
purchase the source code for a package and modify it in-house as required. This destroys the advantages
of purchasing a standard package and adds its own disadvantages.
Internal developers are initially unfamiliar with the programs and data structures.
Pre-existing errors in the source code will not be fixed by the vendor.
Upgrades issued by the vendor cannot be relied on to work properly.
The underlying design may not in fact have the necessary development potential.

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Generally it is cheaper and more effective to redesign the organisation's processes to fit a standard
package than to do the opposite.

3.2 Advantages of software packages over in-house development

(a) Cost savings should be available because the vendor can spread the cost of systems development
over a large number of installations.
(b) Time savings should be very significant, since developing a new application can be extremely time
(c) Quality should be guaranteed both by the vendor and, except for launch customers, by earlier
installation by other customers.
(d) Documentation and training should be immediately available and of high quality since these are
important selling points.
(e) Maintenance support should be good and would normally include help desk service and routine
software amendments to correct faults as they become apparent.
(f) Comprehensive package evaluation should be possible. This might include use for a trial period
and visits to existing installations.

3.3 Disadvantages of software packages

(a) Property rights over the software usually reside with the supplier. This has three important
potential consequences for the user.
(i) The supplier controls future development of the software.
(ii) The supplier controls the support available and may discontinue it, forcing the customer to
purchase an upgrade.
(iii) The supplier may sell the product rights to another supplier, perhaps to the prejudice of the
(b) The financial stability and survival of the supplier is not guaranteed.
(c) Competitive advantage cannot be obtained from standard software packages available to all.
(d) Inadequate performance is quite likely: the customer may have to accept restricted functionality or
pay for tailored amendments, with the accompanying disadvantages already discussed. Further
problems may be caused by unwanted standard features: these may cause difficulties in training
and implementation.
(e) Legal redress for lack of functionality will almost certainly not be available.
(f) Changing requirements can erode a package's functionality. Potential purchasers evaluate a
package against their current requirements. These may change as time passes or may not have been
properly specified in the first place. In either case, the package fails to provide full satisfaction.

Exam focus A question in the June 2011 exam asked candidates to explain the advantages of using a software package
point and the implications for the organisation in which it would be used.

4 Establishing software requirements

The first phase of any IS project is likely to be the collection of information. There are seven techniques:
Interviews Protocol analysis
Questionnaires Workshops
Written questions Prototyping
Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, so it will be normal to use a combination of them.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 289

When an organisation contemplates the acquisition or development of a new IS, whether a component or
a complete system, the first stage of the project is the collection of information so that system
requirements may be firmly established. This must be done carefully and with an insistence on the
verification of data: personal impressions and opinions are of little value. Also, it may be necessary to
revisit work that has already been done in order to extend or confirm the data.
It is important that analysts have adequate face-to-face communication skills, since much of their work
will involve close contact with the staff whose work they investigate. Staff may be suspicious, taciturn or
otherwise uncooperative and analysts may have to work hard to gain their confidence. An important
aspect of this process is initial research undertaken in order to become familiar with the basics of the
business systems in use.
Skidmore and Eva describe seven techniques for fact gathering.

4.1 Interviews
Interviews allow analysts and stakeholders to meet and are thus particularly appropriate during the early
stages of investigation. Interviews are used to collect information and promote understanding of a range
of topics.
The business background and technical context and constraints
Current procedures and data flows
Known problems with the existing system
Requirements for the new system
Interviews must be carefully planned and conducted if they are to produce satisfactory results.
(a) It is important not to rush to conclusions at this early stage. Solutions based on incomplete
information are unlikely to be appropriate.
(b) Projects to introduce new systems can be unsettling for staff since they often lead to job losses
and other unwelcome changes. Interviewers must be careful to avoid any element of interrogation
or criticism and should be appreciative of interviewees' assistance.
(c) Interviewers should make comprehensive notes during interviews and write them up promptly.
(d) It is usual to start at the top with the project sponsor and work down the hierarchy through
managers to the staff that actually operate the existing system. This allows for the establishment of
an overview that is gradually supplemented with more detailed information.
(e) Interviews should take place in the interviewee's workplace. This enhances interviewee
confidence, ensures that current documents are available and allows for the initial observation of
working conditions and practices.
(f) Interview preparation should include the establishment of clear objectives and the preparation of
an agenda and questions. The agenda should be sent to the interviewee in sufficient time to allow
for suitable preparation.
(g) Interviews must be controlled if they are to be effective. A rambling conversation is unlikely to
produce the required information. A possible sequence is context-detail-problems-requirements.
(h) During the context phase, interviewees describe their current roles and tasks.
(i) Further detail of procedures, documents and records is then elicited.
(ii) Problems and how they arise may then be discussed.
(iii) Finally, a wish list of requirements for the new system can be considered.
(i) Question technique is an important aspect of control and there is a range of question types that
may be used.
(i) Closed questions use words such as 'when', 'who' and 'how many' and require short,
simple, positive answers. They are used to obtain basic facts and as a means of controlling
the interviewee who likes to answer at length.

290 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

(ii) Open questions invite discursive answers and use words such as 'tell me about'. These
questions allow the interviewer to obtain detailed information about procedures and
problems. They are also useful for encouraging interviewees who are reluctant to speak.
(iii) Anecdotal questions are a kind of open question: the interviewer invites the respondent to
provide illustrations or examples of the way in which events have occurred in the past.
(iv) Probing questions are used to obtain more details about an earlier answer. These questions
promote a fuller consideration of a topic.
(v) Verification questions are a kind of probing question: they ask for specific confirmation of
the interviewer's impression on a topic and use such phrases as 'would it be correct to say
that '.
(vi) Sequencing questions are used to establish the correct order of events in a procedure.

4.2 Questionnaires
Questionnaires do not permit the use of question types other than closed, nor do they permit the
interpretation of body language. However, they can be useful for gathering data from a large number of
geographically scattered respondents and, with careful design, may be used to assess attitudes and
aspirations. Also, they are not affected by distortions and errors introduced by the interviewer. Question
design is obviously of great importance.
(a) The questionnaire should be as short as possible and the questions should be both concise and
(b) Each question should ask for a single, separate response and not combine two queries.
(c) Leading questions, which are those that suggest a particular response, must not be used.
(d) Questions must use words and expressions that the respondents will understand immediately,
including local jargon and technical terms where applicable.
(e) The method of response, such as box ticking or number circling, must be made clear.
Once drafted, questionnaires should be tried out on sample of respondents to ensure that it works. This
trial should include an analysis of responses.

4.3 Written questions

Written questions may be used when a person is not available for interview, or as a supplement to an
earlier interview. They differ from questionnaires in that they can be tailored to specific purposes and
allow for open questions.

4.4 Observation
Observation of working processes is an important tool for collecting information and works well as a
complement to interviewing. It can be carried out informally, such as when visiting the workplace for
other purposes, or formally, in which case the prior agreement of managers and staff is required.
Observation may be used to establish the detail of document flows, by following an example through all
the processes it is subject to, and for understanding how processes and people interact by observing a
workplace as a whole.

4.5 Protocol analysis

Protocol analysis starts with a person performing a task and describing what is happening. It combines
the interaction of the interview techniques with the generation of data that cannot be explained in words
alone. It also ensures that nothing is taken for granted by the person providing the information, since the
demonstration includes all aspects of what has to be done.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 291

4.6 Document analysis
Document analysis is very important since all formal transactions are likely to be recorded on a document
of some kind. The analyst should obtain copies of all types of documents in use. The documents
themselves must be assessed for usability and relevance to current procedure and analysed to establish
the size and format of the data fields they contain. The use of the documents must also be established.
This will include such matters as volumes and frequencies of use, the purpose of each, where the data
comes from, who is responsible for completing it, where, how and for how long it is filed and so on.

4.7 Workshops
Workshops are particularly useful when there are too many stakeholders to interview individually; when
project scope is unclear, as may be the case with new systems; and when there is disagreement about
system requirements. A workshop run by a skilled facilitator can resolve this kind of problem and lead to
acceptable consensus. Workshops also allow for creative interaction and can achieve more than other
A series of workshops may be required, probably starting with senior stakeholders in order to decide high-
level objectives and requirements. This stage may be followed by workshops for users to deal with more
detailed matters.
Ideally, workshops will take place off-site in order to avoid disruption.

4.8 Prototyping
Prototyping is carried out using software to present a mock-up of how the eventual system will look and
work. Users can then comment. This is very useful when the proposed system specification is very
complex or when it lacks detail or precision. Another approach is to demonstrate an existing package that
offers some of the required functionality, though it must be made clear that this is not being proposed as a

4.9 Investigations when computers are already in use

The techniques discussed above may need some modification or change of emphasis when computers are
already in use.
(a) Interviews and questionnaires will largely concern the functionality of the existing system.
(b) Observation is likely to be screen and keyboard based and will require attention to seating for
observer and operator.
(c) Document analysis will relate to screen layouts in use. Storage will probably be in database form
and investigation will require interviews with technical staff.

5 Choosing research techniques

The research techniques discussed above have distinct characteristics that make each of them more or
less suitable as circumstances vary. Skidmore and Eva provide an assessment based on six specific
problems that may occur.
(a) Staff may be averse to change and find it difficult to contribute ideas about future requirements
and possible developments. Skidmore and Eva call this present orientation.
(b) Staff may be vague in their responses.
(c) There may be an element of 'taken for granted' in staff's approach to existing systems: this results
in failure to specify all aspects of the current situation.
(d) Much knowledge is tacit and is difficult to elicit in words.
(e) When a largely or completely new system is proposed, staff may have little concept of what it
might achieve, except in the broadest terms.

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(f) The analyst may be inexperienced in the work context under investigation and misunderstand or
misinterpret raw information.
Using these criteria we may analyse the techniques discussed as good (G), very good (VG), or not good
(NG) as shown in the table below.

Change Vagueness Taken for Tacit New Inexperience

aversion granted knowledge system
Interview G G G NG G G
Observation NG G VG G NG VG
Protocol NG NG VG VG G VG
Document G NG G G NG VG
Workshop VG NG VG NG VG G
Prototype VG NG VG G VG G

6 Assessing software packages

Software packages maybe assessed against ten high-level requirement categories, each of which is made
up of more detailed specific requirements. Not all high-level categories will receive the same weighting.
Imperatives are non-negotiable, absolute requirements and must be established very early on in the

Skidmore and Eva suggest that software packages may be assessed against ten high-level categories of
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
Technical requirements
Design requirements
Supplier stability requirements
Supplier citizenship requirements
Initial implementation requirements
Operability requirements
Cost constraints
Time constraints
These high-level categories will not all be equally significant and it is an important early task to allocate
relative weights to them, according to their individual importance to the customer. These weightings will
be used later in a quantitative assessment of candidate packages. A convenient way to represent this is
with a score out of a total of 100. A general indication of likely weighting for each high level requirement is
given in the discussion below.
Each high-level requirement is essentially a category of more detailed requirements, each of which must
be specified very carefully and given its own weighting: these weightings will also be used in the detailed
evaluation of packages.
A further early consideration is the establishment of imperatives. Imperatives are non-negotiable,
absolute requirements that candidate packages must satisfy. The role of imperatives is to reject
unsuitable packages from further consideration, so they must be carefully considered and not established
unless definitely applicable. Imperatives are likely to arise in technical, supplier and cost requirements.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 293

6.1 Functional requirements
Functional requirements are the things the new software must do to support business or operational
functions. These requirements are established using the investigative techniques already discussed. They
will normally be given a very high relative weight. Both current and anticipated future requirements must
be considered. Typical weighting overall: 30

6.2 Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are so called simply to distinguish them from functional requirements; they
are not non-essential and must be supported by the package. Their point of distinction is that they do not
relate directly to business functionality. Examples are legal compliance, archiving and audit requirements.
Non-functional requirements are also established using the investigative techniques already discussed.
Typical weighting overall: 10

6.3 Technical requirements

Technical requirements relate to the details of IT and might include preferences such as the hardware
platform to be used, the operating system to be supported and the software development language to be
used. Some technical requirements might well be imperatives. Typical weighting overall: 10

6.4 Design requirements

Flexibility is an important feature for a package, since current requirements may develop into rather
different ones in the future. There are three main factors that determine flexibility:
(a) Architecture is the internal structure of the system and how its parts interact. Problems of
compatibility can limit future development, but the Open Applications Group of suppliers work to
open architecture standards that allow their products to be linked to one another without difficulty.
(b) The internal design of such elements of package software as files and databases has a significant
affect on flexibility: modular design is desirable, as is simplicity of code.
(c) A high degree of configurability will allow a package to be tailored to user requirements without
expensive code modifications. Ideally, a package should be configurable without programmer
Typical weighting for design requirements overall: 5

6.5 Supplier stability requirements

Purchasers will need support throughout the future, so they will be concerned that their chosen supplier is
financially stable and unlikely to go out of business. They will also wish to purchase from a well-
established supplier with a good reputation in the industry. A wide range of factors and considerations will
influence a decision here:
(a) Size and location may be important: a small local supplier, or at least one with a local office, may
provide a more personal service; a much larger one may have more experience and be more stable.
(b) Aspects of financial stability, such as profitability, turnover and length of successful trading
history, may be imperatives. Similar considerations may apply to the supplier's legal status,
ownership and structure.
(c) A good reputation in the industry for expertise, service and fair dealing will be desirable.
(d) Accreditation as a provider of certain hardware and software products may be required, as may
wider industry accreditations.
(e) Quality assurance will be an important consideration and possibly an imperative: it may be
appropriate to inspect the provider's procedures and certification.
(f) The use of automated software tools may be an indicator of the supplier's technical maturity.
(g) Vendors must have proper insurance cover.
(h) Dispute resolution should be the subject of a robust and equitable procedure.

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(i) There may be outstanding issues such as pre-existing litigation, takeover possibilities and
directors' involvement in insolvency proceedings to take into account.
Typical weighting for supplier stability requirements overall: 15

6.6 Supplier citizenship requirements

The topics dealt with under the heading of citizenship might also be called matters of social
responsibility. Purchasers might wish to take account of policy and practice on a range of issues.
Health and safety
Trade unions
Charities and donations
Sustainability and the environment
Typical weighting for supplier citizenship requirements overall: 2

6.7 Initial implementation requirements

It is vital that the installation stage of a new package is carried out successfully. This requires skill and
involves several important processes.
Typical weighting for initial implementation requirements overall: 10

6.7.1 Data migration and file creation

The creation of new files and possibly the conversion of old ones will be required. Many commercial
applications are based on extensive files of, for example, customer data. Before a new application can start
processing, the basic file structures must therefore be created. Where it is intended that pre-existing data
should be available for processing, the existing files must be loaded, possibly after being converted to a
new, compatible format.
Data migration involves the conversion of existing data, whether manual or computerised, into data for
use by the new system.
If data is to be moved from one system into the file structures and field headings of another, an evaluation
of the structures in the new system will be needed to ensure that the allocation for field headings is
consistent with those in the existing system.
When converting existing data there is a risk of error so conversion programs will have to be written and
Manual input. It may not be possible to migrate all the existing data to the new system so some may have
to be manually entered into the new system. Where data is entered manually, extensive checking is needed
because there is a high risk of error. For example, where figures are manually keyed in, there is an
increased risk of transposition errors which would reduce the quality of the input data.
File conversion is a complex and time consuming process and assistance from the contractor may be an

6.7.2 Software installation

Installation might be required of the supplier; this might include initial loading, testing and
troubleshooting. Both the software package and any hardware required should be installed by the package
supplier in order to avoid disputes over responsibility for problems.

6.7.3 System implementation

Implementation is the introduction of the new system into service. It may be achieved by simply changing
from the old to the new at a given point in time, such as the start of work on a particular day (direct
changeover), or there may be a period of parallel running. The first method is a high risk strategy and

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 295

likely to require technical support, possibly from vendor staff on site. Parallel running requires extra staff,
which the vendor may be able to supply. However, parallel running permits cross-checking of the
respective outputs as both the new and old systems process current data. An upper time limit for parallel
running should be set though, because although parallel running is a low risk approach compared to a
direct changeover, it is costly to operate because it uses double resources.
Nonetheless, parallel running highlights the importance of testing the solution. Once the new system has
been introduced there needs to be a period of testing to ensure that the data in the new system is accurate
and the system is running as intended.
As an alternative to either direct changeover or parallel running, an organisation may opt for a phased
Pilot operation. The new system is installed on a branch by branch, or location by location, basis. This
approach is particularly well-suited to large or geographically dispersed projects, and allows the system to
be tested in a single location before being rolled out to all the others.
Restricted data running. Under this approach, a single part of the system file is run on the new system
initially, and then once it has been tested and found to be working as intended other parts of the system
are converted. Again, the benefit of this approach is that it limits the impact any errors could have on the
overall data quality.
Note that a phrased approach can still either be direct or parallel run at each stage of its roll-out.

6.7.4 User Training

Training in the new system will be required: its nature, content, cost and location must all be considered.
Four key considerations are:
who needs to be trained?
will training be provided on the job or through structured courses?
will training be provided internally or by external experts?
will all staff be trained at the same time or will training be phased over time?

6.8 Operability requirements

Implementation requirements continue beyond the initial phase and into the productive life of the system.
(a) Documentation should be clear, complete, easy to use, helpful and kept up to date.
(b) Continuing support will be required and considerations will include such matters as helpline
availability, response times and policy on support for superseded versions of software.
(c) Upgrade policy includes such matters as cost, frequency, documentation and method of
(d) Legal protection is required to cover the possibility of the supplier's business being wound up. The
source code should be lodged in escrow.
Typical weighting for operability requirements overall: 2

6.9 Time and cost constraints

Overall requirements relating to time and, particularly, cost will almost certainly be imperatives. However,
it may also be appropriate to consider time and cost trade-offs against other issues in the overall
Typical weighting for cost constraints: 20; for time constraints: 2

296 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

7 Selecting software packages
Skidmore and Eva suggest that once the evaluation requirements have been set, the process of selecting a
package may be thought of as falling into five phases:
Obtaining tenders
First pass selection
Second pass selection
The long-term relationship

7.1 Identifying potential suppliers

The selection procedure is built around a detailed invitation to tender (ITT), but before this can be issued,
potential suppliers must be identified. One way to do this is to advertise the general system requirement
in the trade press and ask for responses from suppliers. This very open approach may be legally required,
particularly in the public sector, but it may attract an unmanageably large number of responses, many of
which may be of little value. Some less appropriate suppliers may be weeded out by making a small
charge for the issue of the ITT.
A more structured approach is to research the market using trade directories, internet searches and
personal business awareness.
In either case, the aim should be to identify a reasonable number of potential suppliers for further
consideration. Some allowance must be made for wastage in the early stages, so, if, say, eight to twelve
formal tenders are required, it may be necessary to identify fifteen to twenty candidates.

7.2 The invitation to tender

When a suitable number of potential suppliers has been identified, ITTs may be issued to them. The ITT is
a fairly complex document and will include a number of sections. These are described below.
(a) Administrative information
(i) Where, how, to whom and by when the tender should be submitted
(ii) Procedure for dealing with queries
(iii) Rules about tendering
(iv) Confidentiality arrangements
(b) Information about the client organisation
(c) The project
(i) Objectives
(ii) Scope
(iii) Project imperatives as described earlier
(iv) Project owner
(v) Access to client resources, such as staff and existing systems
(d) The response format may be specified, especially if it is intended to make comparisons using
standardised numerical scores.
(e) Package requirements will be stated in terms of the ten requirement categories discussed in
Section 6 above
(f) Client project management procedures
(g) An exposition of the evaluation procedures that will be used to assess the tenders
The ITT is likely to be accompanied by a request for detailed information about the tendering organisation,
including such items as legal, financial, employment and trading status and policies.

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 297

7.3 First pass selection
The object of the first pass selection is to produce a short list of, say, three candidate tenders that can be
subjected to further evaluation. The first pass is based largely on information provided in the tenders that
is relevant to the ten requirement categories. This must be assessed against each component of those ten
categories. The quantitative analysis is extensive and a spreadsheet is commonly used to carry out the
weighting arithmetic and to record the various scores.

7.3.1 Functional and non-functional requirements

Functional and non-functional requirements are considered separately but using the same quantitative
method. The ITT asks suppliers to rate their products against the various functional and non-functional
requirements. The rating is carried out by estimating the effort required to modify the package to fit the
various components of each high-level requirement. Skidmore and Eva suggest a five point scale.

4 No modification required
3 Up to one day's work required
2 Two to five days' work required
1 Six to ten days' work required
0 More than ten days' work required

The suppliers' scores are multiplied by the requirement ratings and the results summed to provide a total
assessment for each of the two high-level requirements.

7.3.2 Technical and design requirements

It will be possible to assess conformity with many technical and design requirements as a simple
positive or negative, scoring 4 or 0 respectively; other aspects may require a degree of judgement.
Assessment will be based on the tenders or on supplementary information obtained from suppliers.
Scores are evaluated as above.

7.3.3 Supplier and implementation requirements

There are four high-level requirements in this group: supplier stability and citizenship; and initial
implementation and operability. It will be possible to assess many items from the tenders; others will
require subjective assessment in a facilitated workshop attended by suitable members of staff. Scores are
evaluated in the usual way.

7.3.4 Cost
If all the tenders satisfy the cost imperative, they may be graded relative to the cheapest. Cost (and time)
trade-offs may also be assessed.

7.4 Second pass selection

There are two elements to the second pass selection.
First, the quantitative assessment outlined above is used to create a shortlist of candidate packages that
may be then examined further.
This further examination is based on an objective reassessment of those elements of the first pass that
were based on the suppliers' claims. It is carried out by running each package through a series of specific
test scenarios; a user panel then awards scores for each function. The demonstration can be provided by
the suppliers performing against a script or by client staff using demonstration packages. The second
method tends to be more convenient.
The second element of the second pass selection concerns reference sites and financial investigation.

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(a) Reference sites are places where the packages are already installed and in operation. Suppliers
should provide information about these sites in their tenders. Reference sites should be visited and
assessed in detail.
(b) Financial investigation should be undertaken in order to check the information provided by the
Either of these aspects of assessment may lead to significant adjustment to earlier scores and even reveal
that one or more imperatives have not been satisfied.

7.5 Implementation
Because packages, by their very nature, may be expected to be fully functional and because of the work
done during the assessment, it should not be necessary to include much testing in the initial
implementation. Testing is likely to be restricted to volume running, checking interfaces with other
systems and final usability checking.
Similarly, standard package documentation is unlikely to require much adjustment, though there may be
some work required to integrate it with existing process documentation.
Training in the use of the package should be provided by the vendor, though the user will be responsible
for training in the organisation's wider processes that relate to the package.
File creation and conversion are likely to be more involved, as already discussed. These are specialised
jobs and vendor assistance is likely to be necessary. Vendors may quote a low price for this service as an
inducement to buy.

7.6 Managing the long-term relationship

Buying a package tends to make the user organisation dependent on the supplier, bringing an inevitable
element of risk. Risk can be managed via risk avoidance and risk mitigation.

Key terms Risk avoidance involves choosing not to do something that may bring about risk. For example, deciding
not to embark on a new way of working, or buying a particular software package, due to the level of
inherent risk that it would introduce.
Risk mitigation involves taking steps to either reduce the level of risk, or reduce the impact should the
risk occur.
Risk mitigation risk reduction. Reducing the risk by changing the way that a particular activity is carried
out. For example, IT risk can be minimised by adopting a best practice apporach when aquiring or
operating IT systems.
Risk mitigation impact reduction. Some risks cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. In
these cases, they should be mitigated by assessing the likely impact of the risk and taking steps to reduce
this impact. For example, an organisation may issue procedures for quarentining and diabling a systems
virus before it spreads throughout the system.

When buying a software package, the user can mitigate the risk in several ways.
(a) Maintain a good relationship, avoiding conflict
(b) Make supplier evaluation a continuing process to obtain early warning of potential problems
(c) Have a contingency plan to migrate to another supplier
(d) Maintain an escrow agreement

7.6.1 Escrow agreements

An escrow agreement involves placing the source code of a computer programme into secure storage with
a third party agent. The source code is released to the organisation that has purchased the software
licence (the licensee) if the developer is no longer able to continue to operate and maintain the software,

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 299

for example due to bankruptcy. In effect, an escrow agreement can form an important part of the risk
mitigation strategies in relation to information technology contracts and software licenses.
Escrow agreements are best suited to bespoke or business critical software which cannot be easily
replicated or replaced, and the source code and associated intellectual property rights cannot be
purchased as part of the overall software purchase.
An escrow agreement provides the licensee with a contingency plan and gives the licensee that they can
continue to operate the software should anything happen to the developers. An escrow agreement is also
beneficial to the developers as it allows them to avoid passing on trade secrets to the users of the
software, therefore preventing it being replicated.
However, before entering into an escrow agreement, the licensee must ensure that the escrow provider is
capable of transferring the software and all customer data to its backup system. Access to the source code
may not translate to access to a fully operational system. For example, the materials placed in escrow
should include not only the source code itself, but also any supporting documentation and any associated
software development tools. In other words, the escrow package needs to contain sufficient material to
enable the licensee to have everything it needs to maintain and operate the software upon release of the
software package.

300 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

Chapter Roundup
Organisations should be structured around processes rather than functions. This means that the hierarchy
of management objectives and performance measures will be similarly structured. Process improvement
becomes part of every manager's task.
Harmon describes four basic redesign patterns.
(a) Re-engineering starts with a clean sheet of paper.
(b) Simplification eliminates redundant process elements.
(c) Value-added analysis eliminates activities that do not add value.
(d) Gaps and disconnects target problems at departmental boundaries.
The feasibility of any proposed redesign must be considered.
ERP systems are based on limited, standardised modules. This means that the organisation must adapt to
the standard system rather than designing its own most appropriate and efficient process. However, the
alternative, adapting a standard package to local requirements, destroys the advantages of purchasing the
standard package and introduces further complications. Nevertheless, packages have their own
The first phase of any IS project is likely to be the collection of information. There are seven techniques.
Written questions
Protocol analysis
Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, so it will be normal to use a combination of them.
Software packages maybe assessed against ten high-level requirement categories, each of which is made
up of more detailed specific requirements. Not all high-level categories will receive the same weighting.
Imperatives are non-negotiable, absolute requirements and must be established very early on in the
The process of selecting a package may be thought of as falling into five phases.
Obtaining tenders
First pass selection
Second pass selection
The long-term relationship

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 301

Quick Quiz
1 What are the three conditions that value adding activities satisfy?
2 What are the four basic redesign patterns Harmon describes?
3 List three disadvantages of using bought software packages rather than developing in-house software.
4 What are the seven techniques for information gathering to establish software requirements?
5 In the context of assessing software packages, what are imperatives?

302 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 The customer is willing to pay for the output; the process changes the output in some way; the process is
performed correctly at the first attempt.
2 Re-engineering; simplification; value-added analysis; gaps and disconnects.
3 Possible answers:
Property rights over the software reside with the supplier so the supplier controls any future
developments and the support available to maintain the software.
The financial stability and survival of the supplier is not guaranteed.
Competitive advantage cannot be obtained by an organisation if standard software packages are
also available to, and used by, its competitors.
Inadequate performance due to restricted functionality or a lack of tutoring.
Changing user requirements can erode a package's functionality.
4 Interviews; questionnaires; written questions; observations; protocol analysis; workshops; prototyping.
5 Imperatives are non-negotiable, absolute requirements that software packages must satisfy. Any packages
which do not satisfy these requirements will be rejected from further consideration.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q10 Examination 25 45 mins

Part D Business process change 10: Improving processes 303

304 10: Improving processes Part D Business process change

Information technology


Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Principles of e-business E1(a), (b)
2 Organisations and their customers E1(c), (d)
3 Hardware and software infrastructure E1(e)
4 IT and strategy E1(f)
5 Supply chain management E2(a)(d)
6 E-procurement E2(e), (f)

Your syllabus includes an extensive section on information technology and
e-business. This is a relatively new, rapidly expanding and fundamentally
important aspect of strategic implementation. Indeed, in many organisations, it
may be regarded as a fundamental aspect of strategy and certainly of the
business model. In this chapter and the next we will consider this vital new area
of business.

Study guide
Intellectual level
E1 Principles of e-business
(a) Discuss the meaning and scope of e-business. 2
(b) Advise on the reasons for the adoption of e-business and recognise barriers 3
to its adoption.
(c) Evaluate how e-business changes the relationships between organisations 3
and their customers.
(d) Discuss and evaluate the main business and marketplace models for 3
delivering e-business.
(e) Advise on the hardware and software infrastructure required to support e- 3
(f) Advise on how the organisation can utilise information technology to help it 3
deliver a selected strategy.
E2 E-business application: upstream supply chain management
(a) Analyse the main elements of both the push and pull models of the supply 2
(b) Discuss the relationship of the supply chain to the value chain and the value 2
(c) Assess the potential application of information technology to support and 3
restructure the supply chain.
(d) Advise on how external relationships with suppliers and distributors can be 3
structured to deliver a restructured supply chain.
(e) Discuss the methods, benefits and risks of e-procurement. 2
(f) Assess different options and models for implementing e-procurement. 2

Exam guide
We would expect aspects of e-business to be relevant to many questions both in Section A of your exam
and in Section B. Think back to the relational diagram of the main syllabus capabilities: information
technology is in the middle tier, and so you should be asking yourself how it affects business strategy (the
top tier). At one level, you need to consider how the proper co-ordination and alignment of IT systems is
essential to support strategic implementation; but at another level you also need to consider how IT can
shape that strategy itself through e-business and e-commerce.
We would expect that from time to time there might be complete questions linked directly to e-business
and e-marketing.

Models and frameworks

The Study Guide refers, in general terms, to business and marketplace models for delivering e-business,
and to push and pull models of the supply chain. Therefore a good general understanding of these models
could be required in a question.

308 11: E-business Part E Information technology

1 Principles of e-business
1.1 E-business meaning and scope
Electronic business, or e-business, is the automation of business processes of all types through electronic
means. This may be restricted to email or may extend to a fully-featured website or an e-marketplace. E-
business that includes a financial transaction is known as e-commerce. E-business is radically different
from ordinary business and brings six categories of benefit.
Costs are reduced.
Capability is increased.
Communications are improved.
Control is enhanced.
Customer service is improved.
Competitive advantage may be achieved, depending on competitors' reactions.
Adoption of e-business methods may be hindered by a range of obstacles including lack of skills; lack of
internet use and awareness among businesses and the wider population; and feats about privacy,
effectiveness, cost, security and so on.

Key term E-business has been defined by IBM as 'the transformation of key business processes through the use of
internet technologies'.

E-business processes include not only on-line marketing and sales, but supply-chain and channel
management; manufacturing and inventory control; financial operations; and employee workflow
procedures across an entire organisation. Essentially, e-business technologies empower customers,
employees, suppliers, distributors, vendors and partners by giving them powerful tools for information
management and communications.
There are different levels of e-business; some businesses do not need a website but deal all day with
other businesses and customers online via email and an e-marketplace. Other businesses have a website
that helps them sell their products all around the world. It is up to each business to determine what level
of e-business is right for it.
E-business is often confused with e-commerce.
(a) Any transaction with an electronic process using internet technologies is e-business.
(b) If there is a financial transaction involved with the electronic process using internet technologies it
is e-commerce. For example, buying a book on Amazon.com is both e-commerce and e-business.
Creating a map with directions from your office to the post office on Yahoo.com is e-business (no
e-commerce is involved).
E-commerce has many aspects.
(a) Electronic ordering of goods and services that are delivered using traditional channels such as post
or couriers (indirect electronic commerce)
(b) On-line ordering, payment and delivery of intangible goods and services such as software,
electronic magazines, entertainment services and information services (direct electronic
(c) Electronic fund transfers (EFT)
(d) Electronic share trading
(e) Commercial auctions
(f) Direct consumer marketing and after-sales service
There are several features of e-business and the internet that make it radically different from what has
gone before.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 309

(a) It challenges traditional business models because, for example, it enables suppliers to interact
directly with their customers, instead of using intermediaries such as retail shops, travel agents,
insurance brokers, and conventional banks.
(b) Although the internet is global in its operation, its benefits are not confined to large (or global)
organisations. Small companies can move instantly into a global market place, either on their own
initiative or as part of a consumer portal.
(c) It offers a new economics of information because, with the internet, much information is free of
charge to the user. Those with internet access can view many of the world's major newspapers and
periodicals without charge.
(d) It supplies an almost incredible level of speed of communication, giving virtually instant access to
organisations, plus the capacity to complete purchasing transactions within seconds.
(e) It has created new and cheaper networks of communication between organisations and their
customers (either individually or collectively), between customers themselves (through mutual
support groups), and between organisations and their suppliers.
(f) It stimulates the appearance of new intermediaries and the disappearance of some existing ones.
Businesses are finding that they can cut out the middle man, with electronic banking, insurance,
publishing and printing as primary examples.
(g) It has led to new business partnerships through which small enterprises can gain access to
customers on a scale which would have been viewed as impossible a few years ago.
(h) Work is becoming independent of location. Clerical, administrative and knowledge work can be
done at any location. This can reduce establishment and travelling costs, especially if people work
at home, but the loss of personal interaction can affect motivation and job satisfaction.
(i) The nature of work is changing since increased quantities of available data and more powerful
methods of accessing and analysing it mean that greater attention can be paid to customising
product offerings to more precisely defined target segments.

1.2 Adopting e-business

Driven by competitive pressures, companies are employing e-business for a variety of purposes.
(a) Increase revenues through optimal customer and partner management.
(b) Reduce costs through automated sales, administration and service activities.
(c) Enable greater channel efficiency and effectiveness: efficiency benefits arise from improved
communication using email and other internet technologies and effectiveness benefits obtain from
the ability to gather information.
(d) Gain visibility.
(e) Control and automate customer and partner facing operations.
The e-business adoption pyramid illustrates the order in which e-business facilities tend to be adopted.

Mature capability

Document management
Web portals
Company intranet
Email, internet, company website, remote working

Initial capability

310 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Most businesses start with the key e-business facilities of email, internet and company websites and in
addition, many also have remote working facilities. These facilities seem to constitute the key
communication tools essential for businesses in the present technological environment.
Benefits of e-business
(a) Cost reduction in procurement and reduced headcount needed to handle consumer and business
enquiries. Cost of sales and promotion may be reduced and lower prices passed on to customers.
(b) Capability may be able to increase penetration in new countries and may help reduce the amount
of goods stored.
(c) Communication to customers can be improved with updates of product or service information.
(d) Control the web site can be used to monitor interest in product or service from customers.
(e) Customer service many basic enquiries about products can be dealt with on the web site.
Opening times (for stores or offices) and special offers can be promoted. This may reduce the
number of phone enquiries. Business customers can use the e-commerce system to track delivery
and manage inventory better through reducing time for ordering.
(f) Competitive advantage will be dependent on the use of e-commerce by competitors.

1.3 Barriers to e-business and e-commerce adoption

Barriers (also referred to as obstacles, impediments or hindrances) to e-business adoption work
differently according to perception, country, economic issues, technology, culture, law and ethics and
organisational type.
The barriers to e-business appear greater to organisations with just a few employees. They use three
E-business is not relevant to them.
Staff do not have the required skills and knowledge.
Their customers do not use e-business.

1.3.1 Other barriers

(a) Country successful e-business depends on a critical mass of internet users, which has not been
reached in many countries. Also, the combination of connection and usage charges tends to inhibit
the uptake of the internet in many countries and, by extension, reduces e-commerce activity.
Obviously, as more people go online and charges become competitive, the value of the whole
network and the opportunities for e-business will increase tremendously and this initial barrier will
be overcome.
(b) Economic issues much of the consumer world still pays cash, rather than taking credit. The lack
of ability or interest in credit transactions is an enormous barrier to e-commerce. Also, the issue of
transaction security over the internet is of concern to many consumers.
(c) Culture different languages and cultural platforms compound the complexity of doing e-business
overseas. Cultural features such as risk aversion, attitudes to privacy and lifestyle differences may
affect internet usage. The use of Hofstede's cultural dimensions can help e-businesses to
understand their customers better. For example, cultures rating high on uncertainty avoidance and
low on individualism are likely to be difficult markets for introducing consumer e-business.
(d) Organisational type surveys of sectors such as retail, tourism and manufacturing have identified
a number of major concerns including: privacy, trust, uncertainty of financial returns and lack of
reliable measurement, fraud, lack of support and system maintenance. For small and medium-sized
enterprises there is a wide range of barriers:
(i) Cost of implementation
(ii) Need for immediate return on investment
(iii) Complexity of technologies like electronic data interchange (EDI) which could require new

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 311

(iv) Lack of organisational readiness with many small and medium-sized enterprises having
limited existing IT resources
(v) Lack of perceived benefits
(vi) Lack of assertiveness by the owner/manager
(vii) Security, including confidentiality and fraud

2 Organisations and their customers

Both businesses and customers can originate e-commerce activity; thus there are four main categories:
B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C. Channel structures are the means by which products and services are delivered
to customers. Disintermediation removes intermediaries from supply channels while reintermediation
establishes new ones. Countermediation is the creation of a new intermediary by an established company
to compete via a business with established intermediaries.

2.1 Varieties of e-commerce

E-commerce can be divided into four main categories.
B2B (Business-to-Business) involves companies doing business with each other, as when
manufacturers sell to distributors and wholesalers sell to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order
and is often negotiable.
B2C (Business-to-Consumer) involves businesses selling to the general public, typically through
catalogues with shopping cart software.
C2B (Consumer-to-Business) a consumer posts their project with a set budget online and within hours
companies review the consumer's requirements and bid on the project. The consumer reviews the bids
and selects the company that will complete the project.
C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) an excellent example of this is found at eBay, where consumers sell their
goods and services to other consumers. Another technology that has emerged to support C2C activities is
that of the payment intermediary PayPal. Instead of purchasing items directly from an unknown, un-
trusted seller, the buyer can instead send the money to Pay Pal, who forward it to the vendor's account.
The transaction alternatives between businesses and consumers are shown in the matrix below:

Delivery by
Business Consumer

B2B Business models B2C Business models

Exchange initiated by

eg VerticalNet.com eg Amazon.com

C2B Business models C2C Business Models

eg Priceline.com eg eBay.com

Companies using internal networks to offer their employees products and services online (but not
necessarily via the internet) are engaging in B2E (Business-to-Employee) e-commerce.
Other forms of e-commerce that involve transactions with the government include:
G2G (Government-to-Government)
G2E (Government-to-Employee)
G2B (Government-to-Business)
B2G (Business-to-Government)
G2C (Government-to-Citizen)
C2G (Citizen-to-Government)

312 11: E-business Part E Information technology

B2M (Business to Machine) is another emerging area within e-commerce. The general idea is that
companies can link to remote machines via the internet. For example, with this technology, owners of
vending machines know exactly how much inventory is in each machine and their accounting system
produces a restocking report advising the delivery driver accordingly. In this manner, companies can
monitor their machines remotely to determine if they need repairing or restocking. This information is then
used to schedule efficient delivery before the inventory runs out.

2.2 Market place channel structures

Channel structures are the means by which a manufacturer or selling organisation delivers products and
services to its customers. The simplest channel structure is direct: the business deals directly with the
customer without the assistance of any intermediaries. The more complex the channel structure, the
more intermediaries (wholesalers and/or retailers) are used in the supply chain. Intermediaries offer a
wide range of services and facilities: they include agents, traders, brokers, dealers, wholesalers/
distributors and providers of specialised information.
The main changes to channel structures facilitated through the internet include disintermediation (direct
selling), reintermediation (new intermediaries) and countermediation (the creation of a new intermediary
by an established company).

2.2.1 Disintermediation
Disintermediation is the removal of intermediaries in a supply chain that formerly linked a company to its
customers. Instead of going through traditional distribution channels, with intermediaries such as a
distributor, wholesaler, broker or agent, companies may now deal with every customer directly via the
internet. Dell computers have taken this option and have removed any intermediaries from their
downstream supply chain (between them and their customers).

2.2.2 Examples
You can already bypass publishers to get a book printed at tiny cost through self-publishing sites such as
Lulu.com. Gambling is being changed by online sites arranging bets directly between individuals, not
through bookmakers with Betfair being a market leader in this respect. In the UK voice communication is
being revolutionised by enabling people to use free internet telephony systems such as Skype rather than
BT. Even benevolent intermediaries such as libraries may be under threat if all reference books are
scanned by Google and made available to everyone.
Disintermediation may be initiated by consumers because they are aware of supply prices direct from the
manufacturer or wholesaler. Alternatively, it may be instigated by the author or creator of a work, such as
Steven King selling his books directly to the public. There are also third party aggregators or buyer's clubs
that link consumers with producers to obtain lower prices.
Reverse auction sites that allow consumers to specify an item they wish to purchase, allowing producers
and others to bid on the item.
Traditional value chain in publishing

Author Publisher Wholesaler Retailer Customer

E-market value chain Amazon


Author Publisher Wholesaler Retailer Customer

E-market value chain the print on-demand paradigm

Author Publisher Wholesaler Retailer Customer

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 313

2.2.3 Reintermediation
Reintermediation is the establishment of new intermediary roles for traditional intermediaries that were
disintermediated. In some cases, a new element of a supply chain simply replaces a single displaced
element, such as Amazon.com replacing retailers. In other cases, a reintermediating entity replaces
multiple supply chain elements. These new intermediaries do one of two things.
(a) Provide customers with new, important value-added services not provided in the new direct
customer-supplier relationship. An example is Kelkoo which is a shopping/price comparison search
(b) Provide customers with more efficient means of transacting business.
The ever-increasing number of 'hubs', 'portals', 'aggregators', 'clearing houses' and 'exchanges' shows
that entirely new ways of doing business are being created. Those organisations (or individuals) clever
enough to recognise the opportunities provided by the Web are reinventing themselves as
'cybermediaries' or 'infomediaries' intermediaries offering value-added services to consumers and
vendors over the internet.

2.2.4 New types of intermediary

Search engines and directories search engines, such as Google and Alta Vista provide search facilities
based on data generated by software engines, that search the web. Directories such as Yahoo provide a
general index of a large variety of different sites.
Search agents (Search bots) gather material from other sites. For example Shopbot searches across
online shops.
Portals provide a gateway to the Web and may also offer signposting, selected links and other services to
attract users. Internet Service Provider's (ISP) home pages such as www.AOL.com are an example of
portals, and the large ISPs offer a wide range of added value services. Variations on the portal as a
gateway are: a horizontal portal or user customised gateway (eg my Yahoo); a vertical portal or special
interest portal eg, CNET a portal for users interested in developments in IT; and an enterprise
information portal, which is an organisation's home page for employees, including corporate info and
selected links.
'E-tailers' or consumer shopping sites such as Amazon. While starting as simply a bookshop on the web
it has added a variety of products and types of services. By contrast, Tesco is an offline retailer which is
offering web-based order and delivery services.
Malls are sites that group together different online stores as tenants. An example is the Scottish Shopping
Mall (www.scottish-retailer.com). Malls provide cyber-infrastructure, but do not own inventory or sell
products directly.
Auction sites such as eBay support online auctions.
Publisher web sites are traffic generators that offer content of interest to consumers.
Virtual resellers are intermediaries that exist to sell to consumers. They are able to obtain products
directly from manufacturers, who may hesitate to go directly to consumers for fear of alienating retailers
upon which they still largely depend.
Web site evaluators direct consumers to a producer's site via a new type of site that offers some form of
evaluation, which may help to reduce some of the risk.
Forums, fan clubs, and user groups can play a large role in facilitating customer-producer feedback and
supporting market research.
Financial intermediaries. Any form of e-commerce will require some means of making or authorising
payments from buyer to seller.

314 11: E-business Part E Information technology

2.2.5 Countermediation
Countermediation is the creation of a new intermediary by an established company in order to compete
via e-business with established intermediaries. Examples include B&Q setting up diy.com to help people
who want to do their own DIY, and Opodo.com which has been set up by a collaboration of nine European
airlines. Tescodiets.com which the established food retailer Tesco bought from eDiets is another example
of a countermediation strategy. Countermediation also refers to possible partnerships with another
independent intermediary eg, mortgage broker Charcol and Orange, which was Freeserve.

2.2.6 Examples
Airlines. The impact of the internet is seen clearly in the transportation industry. Airlines now have a more
effective way of bypassing intermediaries (ie travel agents) because they can give their customers
immediate access to flight reservation systems. EasyJet, was the first airline to have over half of its
bookings made online.
Travel agents. The internet has also produced a new set of online travel agents who have lower costs
because of their ability to operate without a High Street branch network. Their low-cost structure makes
them a particularly good choice for selling low margin, cheap tickets for flights, package holidays, cruises
and so forth.
In 2004, British Airways stopped paying commission to travel agents for flight bookings, intending to
move to an entirely internet-based system for bookings. In 2005 the European industry saw significant
consolidation when Sabre Holdings, the US owner of Travelocity, bought Lastminute.com.
Tesco has operated on the internet since 1994 and is the UK's largest internet grocery business. In 2000 it
formally launched its Tesco.com site. In addition to its online grocery business, Tesco has also
established Tesco Direct as its online marketplace for electrical appliances, home furnishings and other
non-grocery products.
Financial services. The impact of the internet is especially profound in the field of financial services. New
intermediaries enable prospective customers to compare the interest rates and prices charged by different
organisations for pensions, mortgages and other financial products. This means that the delivering
companies are losing control of the marketing of their services, and there is a downward pressure on
prices, especially for services which can legitimately be seen as mere commodities (eg house and
contents insurance).

2.3 Business models for e-commerce

Rappa describes nine business models. E-commerce business models may also be categorised by
characteristics such as value proposition, revenue model and market opportunity.

Rappa classified nine generic business models:

1 Brokerage model Those that bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions (often
fee based)
2 Advertising model Supported by advertising revenue, a Web site will provide content and
services together with advertising (eg banner ads)
3 Infomediary model Collecting data about consumers and their purchasing habits and selling this
information to other businesses
4 Merchant model Selling of goods and services on the traditional retail model
5 Manufacturer model Direct selling by the creator of a product or service to consumers, cutting out
6 Affiliate model Offering financial incentives to affiliated partner sites
7 Community model Where users themselves invest in a site, eg by the contribution of content,
money or time. This can be combined with other models, eg advertising or

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 315

8 Subscription model Where consumers (users) pay for access to the site, usually for high added-
value content, eg financial information, newspapers, journals
9 Utility model A model based on metered usage or pay-as-you-go

Other ways of categorising an e-commerce business model

(a) Value proposition defines how a company's product or service fulfils the need of customers
(b) Revenue model describes how the firm will earn revenue, produce profits, and produce a superior
return on invested capital. The five primary revenue models are advertising, subscription,
transaction fee, sales and the affiliate revenue model.
(c) Market opportunity refers to the company's intended market space and the overall potential
financial opportunities available to the firm in that market space.
(d) Competitive environment refers to the other companies operating in the same market space
selling similar products.
(e) Competitive advantage is achieved by the firm when it can produce a superior product and/or
bring the product to market at a lower price than most, or all, of its competitors.
(f) Market strategy is the plan that details exactly how the organisation intends to enter a new market
and attract new customers.
(g) Organisational development describes how the company will organise the work to be
(h) Management team: employees of the company responsible for making the business model work.

3 Hardware and software infrastructure

FAST FORWARD System architecture is the arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system
needed to achieve a specific functionality.
The internet enables computers across the world to communicate via telecommunications links.
The World Wide Web is a navigation system within the internet. It is based on a technology called
hypertext which allows documents stored on host computers on the internet to be linked to one another.
An intranet is used to disseminate and exchange information 'in-house' within an organisation.
An extranet is used to communicate with selected people outside the organisation.
In general, all of the machines on the internet can be categorised into two types: servers and clients. The
machines that provide services to other machines are servers. And the machines that are used to connect
to those services are clients.
Each machine on the internet is assigned a unique address called an IP address.
There are several levels to the interaction between a client and a server, from the physical pieces of wire
making the connection, through the transfer and checking of data, security problems of access and
logging on, to the final presentation to and interaction with the user. The International Standards
Organisation (ISO) has defined seven levels in a standard called Open Systems Interconnection (ISO).
A protocol stack is a group of protocols that all work together to allow software or hardware to perform a
function. The TCP/IP protocol stack is a good example. It uses four layers that map to the OSI model.
Alternatives to PC-based internet access include interactive digital television and wireless or mobile

Tutorial note Section 3 of this chapter covers some fairly technical material about hardware and software. You will not
be examined specifically on this, so you do not need a detailed knowledge of it. However, you need to be
aware of the underlying ideas to appreciate that an organisation must have a suitable IT infrastructure to
support its strategy.

316 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Also, remember that information systems and information technology can play an important role in
allowing organisations to achieve their strategic objectives overall.
The ACCA Performance Objectives recognise this, and indicate that candidates should be able to
demonstrate they can "Apply information systems and knowledge management to implement and support
business functions and strategic objectives."

Technology plays a central role in virtually every finance team, and professional accountants need to
recognise the importance of technology for handling information and supporting business.

3.1 E-commerce infrastructure

Many technologies must be integrated for supporting e-business:
PC Email Database management software
Modem Internet and Web protocols Shopping cart software
Routers Web connectivity software Shipment tracking software
System architecture is the arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system
needed to achieve a specific functionality.

The table below shows how the different components of the e-business infrastructure relate to each other.
They can be shown as different layers with defined interfaces between each layer.

E-business Infrastructure Players

E-business services E-commerce software systems Microsoft, IBM, Ariba,
Application layer Customer Relationship Management system BroadVision
Peoplesoft, Siebel
Performance enhancement Cash Flow, Akamai
Supply chain management, data mining and
content management systems
Systems software Web browser, operating systems, server Microsoft, Sun, Linux
layer software and standards, networking software Oracle, Sybase, IBM, Microsoft.
and database management systems Verisign, Checkpoint
Encryption software
Transport or Web servers. Physical network routers and IBM, Dell, Sun.
network layer transport standards (TCP/IP) Cisco, Lucent
Storage/physical Permanent magnetic storage on web servers.
layer Optical backup. Temporary storage in RAM
Content and data Web content for internet, intranet and extranet PayPal, CyberCash
layer sites. Customers' data. Transactions data. Microsoft, Real Networks, Apple
Payment systems IBM, Interland, WebIntellects
Streaming media solutions
Hosting services

The application layer uses business rules to determine pricing based on various discount strategies for
different types of customers.
The data layer retrieves basic price and product description information from a company-wide database.

3.2 The internet

The internet enables computers across the world to communicate via telecommunications links.
Information can be exchanged through e-mail or through accessing and entering data via a website: a

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 317

collection of screens providing information in text and graphic form, any of which can be viewed by
clicking the appropriate link (shown as a button, word or icon) on the screen.
The World Wide Web is a navigation system within the internet. It is based on a technology called
hypertext which allows documents stored on host computers on the internet to be linked to one another.
When you view a document that contains hypertext links, you can view any of the connected documents
or pages simply by clicking on a link. The web is the most powerful, flexible and fastest growing
information and navigation service on the internet. In order to 'surf' or navigate the web, users need a web
browser that interprets and displays hypertext documents and locates documents pointed to by links.
Internet Explorer is the browser from Microsoft: alternatives include Mozilla Firefox and Enigma.
Access to the internet will become easier and easier. Most new PCs now come pre-loaded with the
necessary software, and cheaper internet devices are beginning to reach the market: Microsoft and
America Online (AOL), among others, have been exploring inexpensive 'set-top' TV/internet connections.
Developments in telecom networks are already rendering modems unnecessary. Personal digital
assistants (PDAs) such as the Palm Pilot, wireless internet-compatible cellular phones and wireless laptop
connections (such as Apple's 'air port') allow users to surf the Web and send and receive e-mail from
almost any location, without cords or cables.
While we tend to use the terms internet and World Wide Web interchangeably, the internet describes the
entire system of networked computers and the World Wide Web describes the method used to access
information contained on computers connected to the internet. The availability of a common internet
infrastructure of computers, networks and protocols and the development of an easy to use graphical
user interface (GUI) have been the catalysts for the growth of e-commerce. It has created an open
community that is easy to join and easy to use.
Most large communications companies have their own dedicated communication backbones connecting
various regions. In each region, the company has a Point of Presence (POP). The POP is a place for local
users to access the company's network, often through a local phone number or dedicated line. There is no
overall controlling network. Instead, there are several high-level networks connecting to each other
through Network Access Points or NAPs.
T3 (high speed) line Internet


Conventional phone, POP

Leased line or phone line
Digital subscriber or
Cable modem line

Home PC (client) Business (clients)

Physical and network infrastructure components of the internet.

3.3 Intranets and extranets

'Inter' means 'between': 'intra' means 'within'; ''extra' means 'outside'. This may be a useful reminder of
some of the inter-related terminology in this area.
(a) The internet is used to disseminate and exchange information among the public at large.
(b) An intranet is used to disseminate and exchange information 'in-house' within an organisation.
Only employees are able to access this information.
(c) An extranet is used to communicate with selected people outside the organisation.

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3.3.1 Intranets
An intranet is an internal network used to share information. Intranets utilise internet technology and
protocols. The firewall surrounding an intranet fends off unauthorised access.
The idea behind an intranet is that companies set up their own mini version of the internet. Each employee
has a browser, used to access a server computer that holds corporate information on a wide variety of
topics, and in some cases also offers access to the internet.
Potential applications include company newspapers, induction material, online procedure and policy
manuals, employee web pages where individuals post details of their activities and progress, and internal
databases of the corporate information store.
Intranets are used for many purposes:
(a) Performance data: linked to sales, inventory, job progress and other database and reporting
systems, enabling employees to process and analyse data to fulfil their work objectives.
(b) Employment information: online policy and procedures manuals (health and safety, disciplinary
and grievance), training and induction material, internal contacts for help and information.
(c) Employee support/information: advice on first aid, healthy working at computer terminals, training
courses offered and resources held in the corporate library and so on.
(d) Notice boards for the posting of messages to and from employees: notice of meetings, events,
trade union activities.
(e) Departmental home pages: information and news about each department's personnel and
activities to aid identification and cross-functional understanding.
(f) Bulletins or newsletters: details of product launches and marketing campaigns, staff moves,
changes in company policy links to relevant databases or departmental home pages.
(g) E-mail facilities for the exchange of messages between employees in different locations.
(h) Upward communication: suggestion schemes, feedback, questionnaires.
A firewall is a security device that effectively isolates the sensitive parts of an organisation's system from
those areas available to external users. It examines all requests and messages entering and exiting the
intranet and blocks any not conforming to specified criteria.

3.3.2 Extranets
Extranets are web based but serve a combination of users. Whereas an intranet resides behind a firewall
and is accessible only to people who are members of the same company or organisation, an extranet
provides various levels of accessibility to outsiders.
Only those outsiders with a valid username and password can access an extranet: varying levels of access
rights enable control over what people can view. Extranets are becoming a very popular means for
business partners to exchange information. They can share data or systems to provide smoother
transaction processing and more efficient services for customers. An extranet may be used for a variety of
(a) To provide a pooled service which a number of business partners can access and exchange news
which is of use to partner companies and clients
(b) To share training or development resources
(c) To publicise loyalty schemes, sponsorships, exhibition attendance information and other
promotional tools
(d) To exchange potentially large volumes of transaction data efficiently
(e) To provide online presentations to business partners and prospects
The basic components of an extranet are an internet connection which goes via a router, an HTTP server,
a firewall and the essential data and files. All the infrastructure and applications can sit inside the firewall
or outside in a secure area called a demilitarised zone (DMZ). An organisation could connect its browser
based purchase order system to the product catalogue database on a supplier's intranet (see diagram

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 319

Vendor Intranet


database Wiring hub


Firewall Mainframe

Customer Intranet

purchase order

3.4 Electronic mail

The term electronic mail is used to describe various systems for sending data or messages electronically
via a telephone or data network and a central server computer. E-mail has replaced letters, memos, faxes,
documents and even telephone calls, combining many of the possibilities of each medium with new
advantages of speed, cost and convenience. Messages are written and read in a special program such as
Microsoft Outlook Express (for an individual) or part of a groupware package such as Microsoft Exchange
or Novell if used in a large company. This software has convenient features such as: message copying (to
multiple recipients); integration with an address book (database of contacts); automatic alert messages
sent when the target recipient is unable to access his or her e-mail immediately, with alternative contact
details; stationery and template features, allowing corporate identity to be applied; facilities for mail
organisation and filing.
Some web sites eg, Hotmail and Yahoo provide free e-mail facilities and only require a Web browser.

3.5 Client/server architecture

In general, all of the machines on the internet can be categorised into two types: servers and clients. The
machines that provide services to other machines are servers. And the machines that are used to connect
to those services are clients. It is possible and common for a machine to be both a server and a client, but
for our purposes here you can think of most machines as one or the other.
A server machine may provide one or more services on the internet. For example, a server machine might
have software running on it that allows it to act as a Web server, an e-mail server and a file transfer
protocol (FTP) server. Clients that come to a server machine do so with a specific intent, so clients direct
their requests to a specific software application running on the overall server machine. For example, if you
are running a Web browser on your machine, it will most likely want to talk to the Web server application
on the server machine; your Telnet application will want to talk to the Telnet server and your e-mail
application will talk to the e-mail server.

Internet protocol (IP)

To keep all of these machines straight, each machine on the internet is assigned a unique address called
an IP address. A server has a static IP address that does not change very often. A home machine that is

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dialling up through a modem often has an IP address that is assigned by the ISP when the machine dials
in. That IP address is unique for that session it may be different the next time the machine dials in. This
way, an ISP only needs one IP address for each modem it supports, rather than one for each customer.
As far as the internet's machines are concerned, an IP address is all you need to talk to a server but
because most people have trouble remembering the strings of numbers that make up IP addresses, and
because IP addresses sometimes need to change, all servers on the internet also have human-readable
names, called domain names. For example, www.amazon.com is a permanent, human-readable name. It is
easier for most of us to remember than it is to remember; you can type the URL and arrive at the machine that contains the Web server for Amazon's home page.
When you type a URL into a browser, the following steps occur.
The browser breaks the URL into three parts:
The protocol ('http')
The server name ('www.amazon.com')
The file name (where applicable eg, gp/homepage.html)
The browser communicates with a name server to translate the server name, 'www.amazon.com', into an
IP address, which it uses to connect to that server machine.
The browser then forms a connection to the Web server at that IP address on port 80.
Following the HTTP protocol, the browser sends a GET request to the server, asking for the file
The server sends the HTML text for the Web page to the browser.
The browser reads the HTML tags and formats the page onto your screen.

3.5.1 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard

There are several levels to the interaction between a client and a server, from the physical pieces of wire
making the connection, through the transfer and checking of data, security problems of access and
logging on, to the final presentation to and interaction with the user. Each level has its own standards, and
many standards encompass several levels. In an attempt to bring some order to this, the International
Standards Organisation (ISO) has defined seven levels in a standard called Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI). At each layer, certain things happen to the data that prepare it for the next layer. The seven layers

Application Layer 7 actually interacts with the operating system or application whenever the user
chooses to transfer files, read messages or perform other network-related activities
Presentation Layer 6 takes the data provided by the Application layer and converts it into a standard
format that the other layers can understand
Session Layer 5 establishes, maintains and ends communication with the receiving device
Transport This layer maintains flow control of data and provides for error checking and recovery of
data between the devices. Flow control means that the Transport layer looks to see if
data is coming from more than one application and integrates each application's data
into a single stream for the physical network.
Network Layer 3 deals with the routing from one point in a network to another. It determines the
way that the data will be sent to the recipient device. Logical protocols, routing and
addressing are handled here
Data-link Layer 2 defines the rules for sending and receiving information between two specific
nodes on a network
Physical This is the level of the actual hardware. It defines the physical characteristics of the
network such as connections, voltage levels and timing.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 321

3.5.2 Protocol stacks
A protocol stack is a group of protocols that all work together to allow software or hardware to perform a
function. The TCP/IP protocol stack is a good example. It uses four layers that map to the OSI model as

Network Combines the Physical and Data layers and routes the data between devices on the same
Interface network. It also manages the exchange of data between the network and other devices.
Internet Corresponds to the Network layer. The internet Protocol (IP) uses the IP address,
consisting of a Network Identifier and a Host Identifier, to determine the address of the
device it is communicating with.
Transport Corresponding to the OSI Transport layer, this is the part of the protocol stack where the
Transport Control Protocol (TCP) can be found. TCP ensures that connection is
maintained and that data is transferred correctly
Application Combines the Session, Presentation and Application layers of the OSI model. Protocols
for specific functions such as e-mail (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP) and file
transfer (File Transfer Protocol, FTP) reside at this level.

As you can see, it is not necessary to develop a separate layer for each and every function outlined in the
OSI Reference Model. But developers are able to ensure that a certain level of compatibility is maintained
by following the general guidelines provided by the model.

3.6 Alternative internet access technologies

Alternatives to PC-based internet access include interactive digital television and wireless or mobile

3.6.1 Interactive digital television (iDTV)

iDTV is displayed using a digital signal delivered by a range of media including cable, satellite and
terrestrial (by aerial). Consumer interactions are provided by a remote control which enables users to
select different viewing options through signals sent to a set top box. From a marketing perspective, a key
aspect is how the return path to the provider operates. This is required to provide interactions which
involve exchange of information such as a consumer completing an online offer form in response to an
interactive TV ad or a purchase transaction. For satellite or terrestrial viewers, the return path is provided
by the phone line and requires a dial-up and local-call charge in the same manner as the internet. This
currently acts as a barrier in comparison with cable which is an always-on, two-way connection.

3.6.2 Mobile or wireless commerce (m-commerce)

When wireless devices are used for e-commerce applications, this is referred to as mobile commerce or
As well as offering voice calls, mobile phones are used for e-mail and short message service (SMS)
(otherwise known as 'texting') that lets users receive and send short text messages to other mobile
Mobile phone characteristics
They can be accessed from anywhere.
Their users can be reached when they are not in their normal location.
It is not necessary to have access to a power supply or a fixed line connection.
They provide security, since each user can be identified by their unique identification code.
In 1999, the first of a new generation of mobile phones, known as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
phones was introduced that offered the opportunity to access information on web sites specially tailored
for display on the small screens of mobile phones. WAP pages are accessed using wireless techniques
from a WAP gateway that is connected to a traditional web server where the WAP pages are hosted.

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In 2001, new services became available on General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). This is approximately
five times faster than GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and is an always-on service
charged according to usage. Display is still largely text-based and based on the WAP protocol.
In 2003, the third generation (3G) of mobile phone technology became available based on Universal
Mobile Telephone System (UMTS). UMTS is a realisation of a new generation of broadband multi-media
mobile telecommunications technology with high speed data transfer enabling video calling. 3G
technologies enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while
achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. Many facilities available from a
desktop PC are offered on a handheld unit.
This later led to the development of smartphones, which are basically handheld computers integrated with
mobile technology. These allow yet more advanced applications to be installed and run and they operate in
much the same way as a regular computer allowing the user instant access to facilities such as the
internet, email, and mobile banking. Unlike their predecessors, the user views information on a smart
phone in the same way as they would using a PC, rather than viewing cut down mobile versions.

3.6.3 WiFi internet access

Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) is a technology that facilitates the mobile use of laptop computers and personal
handheld devices away from the home or office. WiFi networks are created through an array of local
hotspots throughout metropolitan areas.
Hotspots can now be found in most major airports, hotels, bookstores, coffee houses, shopping centres,
and even car dealerships.
Municipal WiFi is a newer application that is gaining popularity quickly. Numerous cities across the
country are partnering with ISPs such as EarthLink to build wireless networks that blanket every inch of
their city.
This new technology removes the need to be near a localised hotspot and provides wireless access to all
residents and businesses within the city limits including open spaces such as parks and highways.

4 IT and strategy
FAST FORWARD The internet has the capacity to transform many businesses via the introduction of new technology and
skills and, eventually, the re-positioning of the offering to fit the new market conditions.
A strategy for e-commerce should be considered at the highest level of management and it is particularly
necessary that it should conform to the standard criteria for strategic choice: suitability, acceptability and
Suitability. For most companies, e-commerce will be a supplement to more traditional operations, with
the website forming a supplementary medium for communication and sales.
Acceptability. The e-commerce strategy must be acceptable to important stakeholders. Distributors are
particularly important here.
Feasibility. Feasibility is a matter of resources. The fundamental resource is cash, but the availability of
the skilled labour needed to establish and administer a website will be crucial to the e-commerce strategy.

4.1 Strategy for e-commerce

The internet has the capacity to transform many businesses via the introduction of new technology and
skills and, eventually, the re-positioning of the offering to fit the new market conditions. Commentators
highlight so-called megatrends which, coupled with the internet, are changing the face of organisations.
(a) New distribution channels, revolutionising sales and brand management
(b) The continued shift of power towards the consumer
(c) Growing competition locally, nationally, internationally and globally

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 323

(d) An acceleration in the pace of business
(e) The transformation of companies into 'extended enterprises' involving 'virtual teams of business,
customer and supplier' working in collaborative partnerships
(f) A re-evaluation of how companies, their partners and competitors add value not only to
themselves but in the wider environmental and social setting
(g) Recognition of knowledge as a strategic asset
Most experts agree that a successful strategy for e-commerce cannot simply be bolted on to existing
processes, systems, delivery routes and business models. Instead, management groups have, in effect, to
start again, by asking themselves fundamental questions.
What do customers want to buy from us?
What business should we be in?
What kind of partners might we need?
What categories of customer do we want to attract and retain?
In turn, organisations can visualise the necessary changes at three interconnected levels.
Level 1 The simple introduction of new technology to connect electronically with employees, customers
and suppliers (eg through an intranet, extranet or website).
Level 2 Re-organisation of the workforce, processes, systems and strategy in order to make best use of
the new technology.
Level 3 Re-positioning of the organisation to fit it into the emerging e-economy.
So far, very few companies have gone beyond levels 1 and 2. Instead, pure internet businesses such as
Amazon and AOL have emerged from these new rules: unburdened by physical assets, their competitive
advantage lies in knowledge management and customer relationships.

4.2 Building an e-commerce strategy

A strategy for e-commerce, while not necessarily constituting the organisation's overall strategy, is likely
to have wide implications and to involve and affect more than one function or department within the
organisation. It should, therefore, be considered at the highest level of management and it is particularly
necessary that it should conform to the standard criteria for strategic choice: suitability, acceptability and
feasibility. It should work well with any existing operations; be acceptable (to distributors in particular) and
not make impractical demands for cash and skilled labour.

4.2.1 Suitability
There are a few large organisations, such as Amazon, whose overall strategy is based on e-commerce.
However, for most companies, e-commerce will be a supplement to more traditional operations, with the
website forming a supplementary medium for communication and sales. It is important that the e-
commerce strategy supports the overall strategy generally. One way of approaching this would be to
consider the extended marketing mix and the need for balance, consistency and mutual support between
the elements. A very simple example would consider the question of whether to confine the website to an
essentially communications role, or to incorporate a fully featured on-line shopping facility. A specialist
chain store dealing in, say, camping and outdoor equipment would expect to expand its market if it
developed on-line shopping. On the other hand, a manufacturer of specialist luxury goods, such as the
most expensive fountain pens, would probably have a policy of distributing through carefully selected
retailers. It is unlikely that on-line shopping would appeal to the target market segment: they would
probably enjoy the shopping experience and would want to try the products before they bought them.

4.2.2 Acceptability
The e-commerce strategy must be acceptable to important stakeholders. Distributors are particularly
important here. Pursuing our luxury goods example, we would expect that retailers chosen for their
attractive premises, skilled and attentive staff and air of luxury would be unhappy to find their position
usurped by a website.

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4.2.3 Feasibility
Feasibility is a matter of resources. The fundamental resource is cash, but the availability of the skilled
labour needed to establish and administer a website will be crucial to the e-commerce strategy. It may be
appropriate to employ specialist consultants for these purposes.
Under this heading, we might identify the following points for consideration:
(a) The first thing to do is to try to establish precise objectives for the new strategy element. It may
not be possible to do this conclusively and consideration of objectives may have to proceed
alongside the processes outlined below, all passing through several iterations.
(b) An estimate and analysis of costs and benefits should be undertaken. This should cover all the
possible options, such as what services are to be offered, whether a full catalogue is to be put
online, whether internet selling is envisaged, whether a search function is required, and so on.
(c) A detailed budget should be prepared, probably using estimates from the cost and benefit analysis.
Where internet selling is to be offered, pricing policy must be established: there is a theory that
customers expect goods and services to be discounted when sold online, since they are aware that
administrative costs are likely to be lower than in more traditional forms of distribution.

4.3 Strategy process models for e-business

IT has the capacity to transform businesses. Corporate and e-business strategies thus become
complementary, each supporting and influencing the other.

The traditional landscape of the business environment has changed from being a marketplace to one that
is more of a marketspace an information and communication-based electronic exchange environment.
The impact of this is evident in the following changes:
(a) The content of transaction is different: information about a product often replaces the product
(b) The context of transaction is different: an electronic screen replaces the face-to-face transaction.
(c) The enabling infrastructure of transactions is different: computers and communications
infrastructure may replace typical physical resources especially if the offering lends itself to a
digital format.
The significant issue faced by managers today is one of transformation: 'How do I transform the brick and
mortar company of yesterday to the click and mortar company of today in order to be competitive in the
inevitable digital economy of tomorrow?'
Until the emergence of e-business, IS have largely played a facilitative (and relatively peripheral) role in
business, focusing on improving operational efficiencies, cost structures, and effectiveness. Now,
however, it would be fair to claim that e-business would not be possible if it were not for the information
systems that facilitate it. The role of IS has become central to e-business.
E-business strategy is defined as the approach by which the application of internal and external electronic
communications can support and influence corporate strategy. There is a two-way relationship between
corporate and e-business strategies, with e-business strategy not only supporting corporate strategy but
influencing or impacting it.
Differences between traditional business strategy and e-business strategy

Traditional business strategy E-business strategy

Planning horizons Predictability and long-term execution Adaptability and responsiveness within a
plans short time period
Process models Prescriptive strategy: the three elements Emergent strategy: the distinction
(analysis, development and between the three elements may be less
implementation) are linked together clear and they are interrelated

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 325

Traditional business strategy E-business strategy
Planning cycles One time development effort Iterative strategic development because
the pace of change is rapid
Power base Positional power and strength in the Success based on manipulation of
market place critical information
Core focus Production and factory goods orientation Customer orientation

According to Kalakota and Robinson continuous planning with feedback has evolved as the strategy of
choice for the fluid and volatile e-environment. This method of continuous planning with feedback is
structured around four steps.
Step 1 Knowledge building and capability evaluation: identify and acquire a comprehensive
understanding/vision of customer needs. Develop a clear understanding of what capabilities
are needed in order to address the identified customer needs. Communicate this
understanding of customer needs to all employees of the organisation.
Step 2 Develop a comprehensive e-business design: this entails developing the competence to
address customer needs. If the customer wants self-service, then the business design must
provide and facilitate it.
Step 3 E-business blueprint: the vital link between the e-business design, the business goals, and
the technology foundation. If a self-service business model is to be implemented, then the
e-business blueprint helps determine the required application framework. It maps the
projects and performance milestones that must be achieved.
Step 4 Application development and deployment: translate the key milestones and projects into
integrated applications. There should be two feedback loops:
(a) At the micro level, employees know how their individual job performance impacts
corporate objectives.
(b) At the macro level, feedback on the overall corporate objectives is provided. This
facilitates an understanding about what is working and what is not so that
refinements/remedial actions may be undertaken.

4.4 Stage models

FAST FORWARD Several stage models have been proposed for assessing maturity of capability. Such models can also be
used as guides to future development.

Rayport and Jaworski suggest a four-stage model of the evolution of internet-based B2B e-commerce,
believing that, in general, an organisation goes through these stages in utilising the internet for its
business-to-business activities:

1 Emission Broadcast The company begins by creating an informational website for its clients
2 Interaction Using the internet for interaction with customers such as emails, customer
survey and feedbacks
3 Transaction
The use of the internet to take, manage and support transactions with
customers such as online ordering systems

4 Collaboration The use of the internet to provide inter-organisational activities, that can be
accessed and utilised by the company and its trading partners

The model of Rao et al suggests the following stages of e-commerce development and their

326 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Presence Portals Transaction integration Company integration
Content Profiles B2B/B2C B2B
Window to the Web 2-way communications Communities Full integration
No integration E-mail E-marketplaces E-business
E-mail Order placing Auctions Uses e-commerce
Cookies 3rd party emarketplaces systems to manage
CRM and supply chain
No on-line financial Low-level collaboration
transactions Value chain integration
On-line financial
transactions High-level collaboration

Stages of growth models give a better understanding of the factors influencing the strategy an
organisation is considering and so management are able to do a more successful job of planning. The
management principles will differ from one stage to another and different technologies and perhaps
different areas of the organisation are in differing stages at any one time. Therefore these models also
make explicit the need for a portfolio of strategies to cater for these differences.
The stages approach is useful for several purposes:
(a) A small or medium sized enterprise may use it for comparison with its major competitors; it may
indicate gaps and lead to strategic actions.
(b) It can provide a roadmap to assist companies to determine whether or not it is sensible to progress
to a subsequent stage.
(c) It can explain past, current and future involvement in e-business.
(d) It can be used for guidance and direction as to where to proceed further, as well as where an
organisation might focus its goals and resources.
(e) It can help an organisation reduce the complexity of its e-business initiatives by breaking them into
smaller, more flexible and manageable portions. By doing so, an organisation is able to focus more
on the task at hand, constantly evaluating and assessing the progression of its e-business
(f) It can assist in identifying phases of development required and provide milestones that can be
understood by management.
(g) It may help control costs and allow for alteration during the development process.

Exam focus Make sure you understand how e-business affects an organisation's relationships with its customers, and
point therefore the implications it can have for restructuring the organisation's downstream supply chain. We
are going to look at supply chain management in the next part of this chapter.

5 Supply chain management

A supply chain encompasses all activities and information flows necessary for the transformation of
goods from the origin of the raw material to when the product is finally consumed or discarded.
A supply chain always includes push and pull elements. The pull based element is particularly relevant on
IS for feedback and control, since it aims to eliminate buffer inventory by increasing responsiveness.

Exam focus
An article titled The strategic use of IT (October 2010) written by Ken Garrett was published in Student
Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the time to study this article.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 327

5.1 Supply chain basics
Key supply chain activities include production planning, purchasing, materials management, distribution,
customer service, and sales forecasting. These processes are critical to the success of any operation
whether they are manufacturers, wholesalers, or service providers.
Electronic commerce and the internet are fundamentally changing the nature of supply chains, and
redefining how consumers learn about, select, purchase, and use products and services. The result has
been the emergence of new business-to-business supply chains that are consumer-focused rather than
product-focused. They also provide customised products and services.

5.2 Push and pull models of the supply chain

5.2.1 Traditional supply chain push model
In a supply chain based on the push model, an organisation produces goods according to schedules
based on historical sales patterns.
A push-based supply chain is slow to respond to changes in demand, which can result in overstocking,
bottlenecks and delays, unacceptable service levels and product obsolescence. Where there are several
links in the distribution chain, the system's inability to respond to variations in consumption leads to the
establishment of buffer inventory at each stage of distribution. Poor co-ordination can lead to large
fluctuations in the levels buffer inventory, even where actual consumption patterns vary only marginally.
This kind of unco-ordinated amplification of minor feedback signals is called the 'bull whip effect'.
Features of a push system
Forecasts of sales drive production and replenishment
Long term forecasts
Inventory pushed to next channel level, often with the aid of trade promotions
Inability to meet changing demand patterns
Potential product obsolescence
Excessive inventory and low service levels
Bull whip effect

5.2.2 The pull model

Driven by e-commerce's capabilities to empower clients, many companies are moving to a customer-
driven pull model, where production and distribution are demand driven. The consumer requests the
product and 'pulls' it through the delivery channel. There is an emphasis on the supply chain's delivering
value to customers who are actively involved in product and service specifications.
This new business model is less product-centric and more directly focused on the individual consumer. To
succeed in the business environment, companies have recognised that there is an ongoing shift in the
balance of power in the commerce model, from suppliers to customers.
Features of a pull system
Demand drives production and replenishment
Centralisation of demand information and of replenishment decision-making
Reduced product obsolescence
Expanded ability to meet changing demand patterns
Lower inventories and higher service levels
Reduced bull whip effect
In the pull model, customers use electronic connections to pull whatever they need out of the system. The
push model involves a linear flow that keeps many members of the supply chain relatively isolated from
end users. With the new customer-driven pull model, it is no longer a linear process. The new supply
chain has each participant scrambling to establish direct electronic connections to the end customer. The
result is that electronic supply-chain connectivity gives end customers the opportunity to become better

328 11: E-business Part E Information technology

informed through the ability to research and give direction to suppliers. Ultimately, customers have a
direct voice in the functioning of the supply chain.
E-commerce creates a much more efficient supply chain that benefits both customers and manufacturers.
Companies can better serve customer needs, carry less inventory and send products to market more

5.2.3 IS implications
Push-based systems rely less on sophisticated IS support, since high inventory levels are used to cope
with variations in customer demand. Pull-based systems, like Just-in-Time (JIT), need accurate and quick
information on actual demand to move inventory and schedule production in the chain: therefore, they
require integrated internal systems and linkages throughout the supply chain.
A supply chain is almost always a combination of both push and pull, where the interface between the
push-based stages and the pull-based stages is known as the push-pull boundary. An example of this
would be Dell's build-to-order supply chain. Inventory levels of individual components are determined by
forecasting general demand, but final assembly is in response to a specific customer request. The push-
pull boundary would then be at the beginning of the assembly line. At this point on the supply chain
timeline, it is typically coordinated through a buffer inventory.

5.3 Relationship with the value chain and the value network
IS may be used to improve the working of the links between activities in the value chain and between value
chains in the value network. One important consequence of this is that improved communication with
customers results, making it easier for them to purchase.

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

The value chain concept has already been described in detail earlier in this Study Text. Here is the
diagram to refresh your memory.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 329

5.3.1 Using the value chain with IS
Management can use this model to assess the degree of effectiveness and efficiency of resource use.
(a) Efficiency is the measure of how well the resources are being used and measures could include
profitability, capacity use and yield gained from that capacity.
(b) Effectiveness is the assessment of how well the resources are allocated to the most competitively
significant activities within the value chain.
An analysis of resource utilisation
(a) Identify the value activities. This stage should include an assignment of costs and added value
and an identification of the critical activities. These are the various value activities, which underpin
the production and delivery of products or services, including the supply and distribution chains.
(b) Identify the cost or value drivers. The factors that sustain the competitive position are called cost
drivers or value drivers. For example, e-commerce allows transportation companies of all sizes to
exchange cargo documents electronically over the internet. It enables shippers, freight forwarders
and trucking firms to streamline document handling without the monetary and time investment
required by the traditional document delivery systems. By using e-commerce, companies can
reduce costs, improve data accuracy, streamline business processes, accelerate business cycles,
and enhance customer service.
(c) Identify the linkages. An organisation's value activities and the linkages between them are sources
of competitive advantage. There may be important links between the primary activities. For
example, good communications between sales, operations and purchasing can help cut inventory;
the purchase of more expensive or more reliable machinery and equipment may lead to cost
savings and quality improvements in the manufacturing process. Competitors can often imitate the
separate activities of an organisation but it is more difficult to copy the linkages within and between
value chains.

5.3.2 Value network

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

Key term A value network can be defined as the links between an organisation and its strategic and non-strategic
partners that form its external value chain. Activities that add value do not stop at the organisation's

The impact of e-business on the value network

E-business is a vital element in the value network. It will help companies deliver better services to their
customers, accelerate the growth of the e-commerce initiatives that are critical to their business, and
lower their operating costs.
Using the internet for e-business will allow customers to access price information, place delivery orders
and track shipments. The internet makes it easier for customers to do business with companies. For

330 11: E-business Part E Information technology

example, anything that simplifies the process of arranging transportation services will help build
companies' business and enhance shareholder value. The only tools needed to take advantage of this
solution are a personal computer and an internet browser. By making more information available about the
commercial side of companies, businesses will make their web site a place where customers will not only
get detailed information about the services the company offers, but also where they can actually conduct
business with the company. Ultimately, web sites can provide a universal, self-service system for
customers. E-commerce functions are taking companies a substantial step forward by providing
customers with a faster and easier way to do business with them.

5.4 Impact of IT on the value chain

Value chain analysis can be used to assess the impact of IS/IT and identify processes within the value
chain where it can be used to add value.
(a) Inbound logistics covers receiving, storing and handling raw material inputs. The use of IT
includes inventory control and systems such as Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) and JIT.
(b) Operations are concerned with the transformation of the raw material inputs into finished goods or
services. IT can be used to automate and improve tasks; examples include robots, process control,
and machine tool control, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Integrated
Manufacturing (CIM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
(c) Outbound logistics is concerned with the storing, distributing and delivering the finished goods to
the customers. IT makes it possible to follow the progress of goods from pickup to delivery.
(d) Marketing and sales are responsible for communication with the customers. Supermarkets use
EPOS system information on inventory to aid speedy ordering and replenishment.
(e) Service covers all of the activities that occur after the point of sale eg, installation, repair and
maintenance. Customer databases allow organisations to sell after-sales services.
Alongside all of these primary activities are the secondary, or support, activities of procurement,
technology, human resource management and corporate infrastructure.
(a) At the inbound logistics stage of procurement, IT can automate purchasing decisions and can be
used as a link to a supplier with EDI.
(b) Technology development includes Computer Aided Design (CAD) aiding operations to produce
engineer's drawings and component design.
(c) Human resource applications include the maintenance of a skills database and staff planning.
Having identified areas that could be more efficient or effective from the value chain analysis, the IS/IT
strategy can be used to try and determine how those activities, and in particular the competitively
significant activities, can be improved.
(a) Can linkages between the different activities be improved by the use of IT? For example,
information from support activities may be made available to primary activities on a more timely
(b) Can IS/IT improve the information flow through the primary activities? For example, linking sales
and marketing with operations or outbound logistics using a central database to provide sales and
marketing with on-line details of products being produced.
(c) Can more effective links be formed with external entities? For example, can inbound logistics be
improved by using EDI?
(d) Can IS/IT be used to decrease the cost of any activity? For example, is there room for more
automation or transformation of activities, or even re-engineering using currently available IT tools
and techniques?

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 331

5.5 Taking advantage of IT
FAST FORWARD Porter and Millar advocate five steps that senior executives may follow to take advantage of opportunities
that the information revolution has created.

Porter and Millar advocate five steps that senior executives may follow to take advantage of opportunities
that the information revolution has created.
Step 1 Assess information intensity. A high level of information content in either products or
processes indicates that IT can play a strategic role.
Step 2 Determine the role of IT in industry structure. IT may have the potential to radically change
the way in which the industry operates, including changing the basis of competition and
moving its boundaries.
Step 3 Identify and rank the ways in which IT might create competitive advantage. Possible
value chain-based applications include opportunities for reducing cost or enhancing
differentiation and establishing new links between activities. There may also be
opportunities to enter new market segments and to introduce new products.
Step 4 Investigate how IT might spawn new businesses. These might be based on the exploitation
of new categories of information and the sale of information-processing capacity.
Step 5 Develop a plan to exploit IT. Effectively, this is the creation of a comprehensive strategy
and has implications for most parts of the organisation.
For any organisation it is possible to assess the information content (the information intensity), of the
value chain activities and linkages. Porter and Millar's information intensity matrix considers the role of
IT and suggests how it can be exploited for competitive advantage. The matrix evaluates the information
intensity of the value chain (how product value is transformed through activities and linkages in the value
chain) against that of the product (what the buyer needs to know to obtain the product and to use it to
obtain the desired result). When assessing the degree of information in the product, oil, for example, has a
low information content while banking has a high information content.
The degree of information in the value chain also varies. It is low in the case of a cement manufacturer
who makes a simple product in bulk, but high in the case of a complex, sophisticated process such as oil
Information content of the product
Low High
Information intensity of

High Oil refining Banking, Airlines

the value chain

Low Cement Fashion

If the information content of the product is high, IT can be used to enhance product delivery as, for
example, with internet sites for newspapers. When the information in the value chain is high, it implies
that sophisticated information systems are required to manage the linkages optimally.
The segment where the information content of both the product and the value chain are high includes
banking and financial services. For example, ATMs, credit cards, debit cards and customer databases have
all been integrated to give a much more personalised service as well as lowering service costs. There are
banks in the UK such as First Direct that have no branches and retail on line, through ATMs and 24 hour
telephone phone links.

332 11: E-business Part E Information technology

The segment where the information content of both the product and the value chain are low contains
traditional process-manufactured, widely available commodity products with several potential producers,
such as bricks and cement. The fact that information content is low does not mean that there is no scope
for exploiting IT to achieve a business advantage. Firms in this segment might be low-cost producers who
are looking for linkages in the value chain to contribute to overall cost leadership. For example, there could
be a niche market for specialist bricks for example in garden design, where expertise is in short supply.
Information about their use could provide added value. The production process offers little scope for IT
but, since the process is presumably well known and closely controlled, information could be used to
provide a more efficient operation. For example, airline pilots are encouraged to use autopilot to fly planes
because consumption of fuel increases by as much as 30% during a manually controlled flight.

5.6 Restructuring the supply chain

FAST FORWARD Supply chain management options can be portrayed as a continuum from vertical integration to virtual
Vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of scale or scope have broken a production
process into separate companies, each performing a limited subset of activities required to create a
finished product.
A virtually integrated company is one in which core business functions, as well as non-core functions,
take place in external organisations. Virtually integrated companies are so tightly organised that it is often
difficult to determine where one legal entity ends and another starts.

Supply chain management options can be portrayed as a continuum from vertical integration to virtual

Vertical Vertical Virtual

integration disintegration integration

5.6.1 Vertical integration

Vertical integration is a style of ownership and control with companies united through a hierarchy and
sharing a common owner. It has been extensively discussed elsewhere in this Study Text.

5.6.2 Vertical disintegration

Vertical disintegration is a specific organisational form of production. As opposed to integration, in which
production occurs within a single organisation, vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of
scale or scope have broken a production process into separate companies, each performing a limited
subset of activities required to create a finished product.
One major reason for vertical disintegration is to share risk. Also, in some cases, smaller firms can be
more responsive to changes in market conditions. Vertical disintegration is thus more likely when
operating in volatile markets. Stability and standardised products more typically engender integration, as it
provides the benefits of scale economies.

5.6.3 Example
Filmed entertainment was once highly vertically integrated into a handful of large studios that handled
everything from production to theatrical presentation. After the Second World War, the industry was
broken into small fragments, becoming highly vertically disintegrated, with specialised firms that only
performed certain tasks such as editing, special effects, trailers and so on.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 333

5.6.4 Virtual integration
A virtually integrated company is one in which core business functions, as well as non-core functions,
take place in external organisations. Virtually integrated companies are so tightly organised that it is often
difficult to determine where one legal entity ends and another starts. As a result, they operate as a single
organisation with shared goals, processes and (sometimes) corporate cultures.

5.6.5 Example
An example of this restructuring is what has happened in the car industry. Henry Ford's original vision
included controlling as many aspects of the end vehicle production as possible; from the production of
raw materials in steel mills and rubber plantations, through all of the design, manufacturing, assembly and
distribution activities. He managed a truly vertically integrated supply chain. Today the vision for most
automotive vehicle manufacturers is to become virtual companies, owning only the brand and the
customer. The design, system development, product sourcing, logistics, and even final assembly can all
be outsourced to supply chain partners. Increasingly the goal is to replace physical assets with
information in such a way that every member of this extended supply chain benefits. This forces the move
from an environment of 'hard wired integration', where relationships are arms-length and adversarial, even
across functional boundaries within the organisation, to an environment based on 'negotiated sourcing',
where non-core activities are outsourced and collaborative partnerships are the norm.

5.6.6 Two kinds of integration

In most industries today it is not enough simply to optimise internal structures and infrastructures based
on business strategy. The most successful manufacturers seem to be those that have carefully linked their
internal processes to external suppliers and customers in unique supply chains. Upstream and
downstream integration with suppliers and customers has emerged as an important element of
manufacturing strategy. Typically, the goal is to create and coordinate manufacturing processes
seamlessly across the supply chain in a manner that most competitors cannot very easily match.
At the tactical level, the literature suggests that there are two interrelated forms of integration that
manufacturers regularly employ.
Delivery integration

Suppliers Manufacturers Customers

Information integration

1 Co-ordinating and integrating the forward physical flow of deliveries between suppliers,
manufacturers and customers, using just-in-time, mass customisation in the supply chain or by
exploiting third party logistics
2 Backward co-ordination of information technologies and the flow of data for customers to suppliers
Information technologies allow multiple organisations to co-ordinate their activities in an effort to truly
manage a supply chain. Integration using IT includes electronic data interchange (EDI) as well as sharing
data for traditional planning and control systems.
According to Hayes and Wheelwright if this need to develop shared operational activities is accepted, then
the strategic issues become direction, degree and balance.
(a) In which direction should integration progress, towards customers and/or towards suppliers?
(b) To what degree of integration should such activity be developed? How far should the company
take downstream or upstream integration?
(c) To what extent does each stage of the supply chain focus on supporting the total supply chain?
The fundamental concerns of direction and degree are the boundaries of the firm and whether the
organisation should broaden or narrow the span of its operations, whereas balance deals with the

334 11: E-business Part E Information technology

resulting vertically linked activities, in terms of how dependent the suppliers and customers are on the
firm, relative to how dependent the firm is on its suppliers and customers.
The challenges for manufacturing firms are shifting from internal efficiency to supply chain efficiency.
The outward-shifting focus to the supply chain calls for information technology support systems that can
handle information exchange between supply chain partners. The information can be integrated through
ordinary means of communications such as telephone, fax and e-mail; it can also be integrated through
dedicated supply chain planning software.
E-business is revolutionising the way supply chains are configured and managed and, in response, many
supply chains are becoming more virtual. They are developing into looser affiliations of companies,
organised as a supply network, where direct ownership is changing dramatically.
In all sectors, e-business is increasing the pressure for supply chain responsiveness in three ways.
(a) Increased competition. Easier market entry enables new entrants to steal significant market share
at the expense of unresponsive existing suppliers.
(b) Increased volumes and speed of data. There is a requirement to gather, process and act on
massively increasing volumes of data in a rapid and intelligent manner.
(c) More demanding customer requirements. These include reduced cost, shorter lead times and
reliability of supply.
Additionally, what is not well recognised is the increased capability of customers to bypass their traditional
supplier and cut out the middle man. This threat is equally applicable right along the supply chain, with
the consumer bypassing the retailer, and businesses bypassing tiers of their suppliers. To remain in the
chain, companies do not just have to demonstrate the value they add, but also demonstrate their ability to
manage their own suppliers.

6 E-procurement
6.1 The methods, benefits and risks of e-procurement
FAST FORWARD E-procurement is the purchase of supplies and services through the internet and other information and
networking systems, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
It is typically operated through a secure website, possibly using a paperless system based on a purchasing
card. It brings time and efficiency improvements but it also brings threats to control and security.
Implementation may proceed according to a variety of models, but initially it is easiest to introduce IS to
only part of the improvement cycle.

An important part of many B2B sites, e-procurement is also referred to by other terms, such as supplier
Traditionally, e-procurement has been seen as a simple process from creation of need to placing an
electronic purchase order with a supplier and the possible payment by an electronic bank payment system
such as BACS. Today the transactional process is considered to be only part of the e-procurement
function. It includes purchasing, transportation, goods receipt and warehousing before the goods are
used. A properly implemented system can connect companies and their business processes directly with
suppliers while managing all interactions between them. This includes management of correspondence,
bids, questions and answers, previous pricing, and multiple emails sent to multiple participants.
It focuses on the complete purchasing mix, or the 'five rights of purchasing', which are that goods and
services must be delivered:
At the right time At the right price
In the right quantity From the right vendor
In the right quality

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 335

6.1.1 Methods
Typically, e-procurement websites allow authorised and registered users to log in using a password. The
supplying organisation will set up its website so that it recognises the purchaser once logged in and
presents a list of items that the purchaser regularly buys. This saves searching for the items required and
also avoids the need to key in name, address and delivery details. Depending on the approach, buyers or
sellers may specify prices or invite bids. Transactions can be initiated and completed. Once the purchases
are made the organisation will periodically be billed by the supplier. Ongoing purchases may qualify
customers for volume discounts or special offers.
A very limited form of electronic procurement is the purchasing card, which is a paperless purchase and
payment system aimed at the end-user who can now order and pay for goods directly with a small number
of suppliers. Buyers identify themselves with their card number when placing an order; the supplier
checks the purchase card number and, if correct, authorises it with the bank. The bank pays the supplier in
2 to 5 days, and the supplier ships the goods.

6.1.2 Benefits of e-procurement

Cost reduction Might include process efficiencies, reduction in the actual cost of goods and
services and reduced purchasing agent overheads.
Reduced Knowing product numbers, bid prices and contact points can help businesses close
inventory levels a deal while other suppliers are struggling to gather their relevant data.
Control The ability to control parts inventories more effectively.
Wider choice of In theory, resources can be sourced from suppliers anywhere in the world, perhaps
supplier at much lower prices than could be obtained if the organisation only considered
local suppliers.
Improved Moving to e-sourcing speeds up the sourcing process dramatically but the increased
manufacturing efficiency and speed can also put the rest of a supply chain in chaos if it is not
cycles prepared to step up its performance to meet the increased speed in the purchasing
link of the chain.

Intangible Staff are able to concentrate on their prime function and there is financial
benefits transparency and accountability.

Benefits to Reduction in ordering and processing costs, reduced paperwork, improved cash
suppliers flow and reduced cost of credit control.

6.1.3 Risks of e-procurement

(a) Control. If anyone can order goods from anywhere there is a major risk that unauthorised
purchases will be made. There is also an increased likelihood that purchases will be made from
suppliers who cannot deliver the required quality (or cannot deliver at all!).
(b) Organisational risk. In moving to an e-procurement tool, an adopting company will make a
substantial investment in the software, but for any number of reasons the implementation may
never take flight. Users may not adapt to it well. Suppliers may reject the technology or new
process. Technical issues may stall the implementation. Also, managing the internal processes
around the changeover is challenging.
(c) Data security. Putting a company's spending online means dealing with the security issues that
come with any internet-related deployment. This brings up questions like: Who has access to our
data? Where is it stored? How is it protected? What happens if we change providers? Do we get
our data back? Do they sell spending data to our competitors?
(d) Management loses spending control. There is a perceived risk that moving to e-procurement will
put spending decisions in the wrong hands internally and management will lose decision-making
control over who spends how much on what.

336 11: E-business Part E Information technology

(e) Supply chain problems. Moving to e-sourcing speeds up the sourcing process dramatically but
the increased efficiency and speed can also destabilise the rest of a supply chain if it is not able to
step up its performance to meet the increased speed in the purchasing link of the chain.

Exam focus 9 marks were available as part of an optional question in the June 2011 P3 exam, The question required
point students to explain the principles of e-procurement and evaluate its potential application at the company in
question. This was, on the whole, answered very well by candidates with many scoring full marks.

6.2 Options and models for implementing e-procurement

Model How it works Examples
Public Web Individual buyers find individual suppliers on the web and Webshops like
make a purchase. There is no structural relation between www.amazon.com
buyer and supplier.
Exchange Suppliers and buyers trade through a third party open www.autobuytel.com
marketplace. They have no structural relationship even
though they may regularly deal with each other.
Supplier An individual supplier gives access to buying organisations www.dell.com
centric for a pre-negotiated product range. Buyer and supplier have a www.cisco.com
contractual relationship.
Buyer centric Individual companies have contracts with a number of Many software
different suppliers. The catalogue and ordering system are suppliers
maintained within the buying organisation. The system is fully
integrated into corporate financial control and reporting
B2B An independent third party has agreements with a number of www.productview.com
Marketplace buying and supplying organisations.
Buyers and suppliers deal with each other through a
marketplace. Both are bound by agreements with the

In terms of the options available to organisations, historically, it has been easier to implement systems
that only cover part of the procurement cycle.
For example, buyers may choose a minimal involvement such as an inventory control system or a Web
based catalogue or they may integrate the entry of the order through a database workflow system. Some
networked accounting systems allow staff in the buying department to enter an order, which can then be
used by accounting staff to make payment when the invoice arrives.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate all the facilities. Such integrated business
software systems power a corporate information structure, thus helping companies to control their
inventory, purchasing, manufacturing, finance and personnel operations. They allow an organisation to
automate and integrate most of its business processes, share common data and practices across the
whole enterprise and produce and access information in a real-time environment. ERP may also
incorporate transactions with an organisation's suppliers. They help large national and multinational
companies in particular to manage geographically dispersed and complex operations. For example, an
organisation's UK sales office may be responsible for marketing, selling and servicing a product
assembled in the US using parts manufactured in France and Hong Kong. ERP enables the organisation to
understand and manage the demand placed on the plant in France.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 337

Chapter Roundup
Electronic business, or e-business, is the automation of business processes of all types through electronic
means. This may be restricted to email or may extend to a fully-featured website or an e-marketplace. E-
business that includes a financial transaction is known as e-commerce. E-business is radically different
from ordinary business and brings six categories of benefit.
Costs are reduced.
Capability is increased.
Communications are improved.
Control is enhanced.
Customer service is improved.
Competitive advantage may be achieved, depending on competitors' reactions.
Adoption of e-business methods may be hindered by a range of obstacles including lack of skills; lack of
internet use and awareness among businesses and the wider population; and feats about privacy,
effectiveness, cost, security and so on.
Both businesses and customers can originate e-commerce activity; thus there are four main categories:
B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C. Channel structures are the means by which products and services are delivered
to customers. Disintermediation removes intermediaries from supply channels while reintermediation
establishes new ones. Countermediation is the creation of a new intermediary by an established company
to compete via a business with established intermediaries.
Rappa describes nine business models. E-commerce business models may also be categorised by
characteristics such as value proposition, revenue model and market opportunity.
System architecture is the arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system
needed to achieve a specific functionality.
The internet enables computers across the world to communicate via telecommunications links.
The World Wide Web is a navigation system within the internet. It is based on a technology called
hypertext which allows documents stored on host computers on the internet to be linked to one another.
An intranet is used to disseminate and exchange information 'in-house' within an organisation.
An extranet is used to communicate with selected people outside the organisation.
In general, all of the machines on the internet can be categorised into two types: servers and clients. The
machines that provide services to other machines are servers. And the machines that are used to connect
to those services are clients.
Each machine on the internet is assigned a unique address called an IP address.
There are several levels to the interaction between a client and a server, from the physical pieces of wire
making the connection, through the transfer and checking of data, security problems of access and
logging on, to the final presentation to and interaction with the user. The International Standards
Organisation (ISO) has defined seven levels in a standard called Open Systems Interconnection.
A protocol stack is a group of protocols that all work together to allow software or hardware to perform a
function. The TCP/IP protocol stack is a good example. It uses four layers that map to the OSI model.
Alternatives to PC-based internet access include interactive digital television and wireless or mobile
The internet has the capacity to transform many businesses via the introduction of new technology and
skills and, eventually, the re-positioning of the offering to fit the new market conditions.
A strategy for e-commerce should be considered at the highest level of management and it is particularly
necessary that it should conform to the standard criteria for strategic choice: suitability, acceptability and

338 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
Suitability. For most companies, e-commerce will be a supplement to more traditional operations, with
the website forming a supplementary medium for communication and sales.
Acceptability. The e-commerce strategy must be acceptable to important stakeholders. Distributors are
particularly important here.
Feasibility. Feasibility is a matter of resources. The fundamental resource is cash, but the availability of
the skilled labour needed to establish and administer a website will be crucial to the e-commerce strategy.
IT has the capacity to transform businesses. Corporate and e-business strategies thus become
complementary, each supporting and influencing the other.
Several stage models have been proposed for assessing maturity of capability. Such models can also be
used as guides to future development.
A supply chain encompasses all activities and information flows necessary for the transformation of
goods from the origin of the raw material to when the product is finally consumed or discarded.
A supply chain always includes push and pull elements. The pull based element is particularly relevant on
IS for feedback and control, since it aims to eliminate buffer inventory by increasing responsiveness.
IS may be used to improve the working of the links between activities in the value chain and between value
chains in the value network. One important consequence of this is that improved communication with
customers results, making it easier for them to purchase.
Porter and Millar advocate five steps that senior executives may follow to take advantage of opportunities
that the information revolution has created.
Supply chain management options can be portrayed as a continuum from vertical integration to virtual
Vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of scale or scope have broken a production
process into separate companies, each performing a limited subset of activities required to create a
finished product.
A virtually integrated company is one in which core business functions, as well as non-core functions,
take place in external organisations. Virtually integrated companies are so tightly organised that it is often
difficult to determine where one legal entity ends and another starts.
E-procurement is the purchase of supplies and services through the internet and other information and
networking systems, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
It is typically operated through a secure website, possibly using a paperless system based on a purchasing
card. It brings time and efficiency improvements but it also brings threats to control and security.
Implementation may proceed according to a variety of models, but initially it is easiest to introduce IS to
only part of the improvement cycle.

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 339

Quick Quiz
1 What distinguishes e-commerce from e-business?
2 What is disintermediation?
3 How does the infomediary model of e-business work?
4 What is system architecture?
5 Is the bull whip effect associated with the push model or the pull model of the supply chain?
6 What are the axes of Porter and Millar's information intensity matrix?
7 What are the models available for implementing e-procurement?

340 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 E-business involves transactions over the internet. If an e-business transaction is of a financial nature, it is
2 The removal of intermediaries from a supply chain
3 The infomediary collects data about consumers and their purchasing habits and sells it to other
4 The arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific
5 The push model
6 Information content of the product and information intensity of the value chain
7 Public web, exchange, supplier centric, buyer centric, B2B market place

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q11 Examination 25 45 mins

Part E Information technology 11: E-business 341

342 11: E-business Part E Information technology

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 E-marketing E3
2 Customer relationship management E4(a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
3 Software and CRM E4(f)

This second chapter on e-business is largely concerned with marketing aspects
and the way that various aspects of internet technology can be used to build
and maintain marketing relationships.

Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 E-business application: downstream supply chain management
(a) Define the scope and media of e-marketing 2
(b) Highlight how the media of e-marketing can be used when developing an
effective e-marketing plan 2
(c) Explore the characteristics of the media of e-marketing using the '6I's of
Interactivity, Intelligence, Individualisation, Integration, Industry structure 2
and Independence of location
(d) Evaluate the effect of the media of e-marketing on the traditional marketing
mix of product, promotion, price, place, people, processes and physical 3
(e) Describe a process for establishing a pricing strategy for products and
services that recognises both economic and non-economic factors. 2
(f) Assess the importance of on-line branding in e-marketing and compare it
with traditional branding 3
E4 E-business application: customer relationship management
(a) Define the meaning and scope of customer relationship management 2
(b) Explore different methods of acquiring customers through exploiting
electronic media 2
(c) Evaluate different buyer behaviour amongst online customers 3
(d) Recommend techniques for retaining customers using electronic media 3
(e) Recommend how electronic media may be used to increase the activity and
value of established, retained customers 3
(f) Discuss the scope of a representative software package solution designed to
support customer relationship management 3

Exam guide
This is very practical material relating to strategic implementations or, as JS&W put it, strategy into
action. As such, it could well be examined in a dedicated question requiring in-depth knowledge, probably
in Section B. However, e-business application is also likely to be relevant to many questions in Section A
of your exam.

Models and frameworks

The '6 I' characteristics of e-marketing are explicitly referenced in the Study Guide, along with the '7P's' of
the extended marketing mix, so these could be specifically referred to in an exam question.

344 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

1 E-marketing
E-marketing is the application of IS and internet techniques to the achievement of marketing objectives.
Most marketing activities can be enhanced by the use of such techniques, including branding, customer
service and sales.

1.1 E-marketing scope and media

Key term E-marketing is described by Chaffey in E-business and E-commerce Management as 'the application of
the internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives'.

Marketing objectives include identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.
Identifying using the internet to find out customers' needs and wants
Anticipating the demand for digital services
Satisfying achieving customer satisfaction raises issues over whether the site is easy to use,
whether it performs adequately and how are the physical products dispatched.
Essentially, e-marketing means using digital technologies to help sell goods or services. The basics of
marketing remain the same creating a strategy to deliver the right messages to the right people. What
has changed is the number of options available. These include pay per click advertising, banner ads, e-
mail marketing and affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, search engine marketing (including search
engine optimisation) and blog marketing.
Though businesses will continue to make use of traditional marketing methods, such as advertising, direct
mail and PR, e-marketing adds a whole new element to the marketing mix and is a valuable complement.
It gives businesses of any size access to the mass market at an affordable price and, unlike TV or print
advertising, it allows truly personalised marketing.

1.1.1 Key marketing functions the internet can perform

(a) Creating company and product awareness communicating essential information about the
company and its brands. Such information may have a financial orientation to help attract potential
investors, or it may focus on the unique features and benefits of its product lines.
(b) Branding is a marketing communications activity. The intent is to have the public perceive a
brand in a positive manner. With the amount of advertising being devoted to the internet increasing
each year, the frequency of visits to a site will also increase. Consequently, a wesite will play a
more prominent role in building brand image. Online communications should therefore be similar
in appearance and style to communications in the traditional media so as to present a consistent
brand image.
(c) Offering incentives many sites offer discounts for purchasing online. Electronic coupons, bonus
offers, and contests are now quite common. Such offers are intended to stimulate immediate
purchase before a visitor leaves a wesite and encourage repeat visits.
(d) Lead generation the internet is an interactive medium. Visitors to a site leave useful information
behind when they fill in boxes requesting more information (eg, name, address, telephone number,
and e-mail address). A site may also ask for demographic information that can be added to the
company's database. This information is retained for future mailings about similar offers, or they
can be turned over to a sales force for follow-up if it is a business-to-business marketing situation.
(e) Customer service in any form of marketing, customer service is important. Satisfied customers
hold positive attitudes about a company and are apt to return to buy more goods. Right now,
customer service is perceived as a weak link in internet marketing. Customers are concerned about
who they should call for technical assistance or what process to follow should goods need to be

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 345

returned. Some customer service tactics commonly used include frequently asked questions
(FAQs) and return e-mail systems. It is apparent that organisations will have to spend more time
and money developing effective customer service systems.
(f) E-mail databases organisations retain visitor information in a database. E-mailing useful and
relevant information to prospects and customers helps build stronger relationships. An
organisation must be careful that it does not distribute spam on the internet. Spam refers to the
delivery of unsolicited or unwanted e-mail.
(g) Online transaction organisations are capable of selling online if the wesite is user friendly. Sites
that are difficult to navigate create frustration in visitors. Presently, the business-to-business
market is booming with business transactions. Organisations in the supply chain are linking
together to achieve efficiencies in the buying-selling process.

1.1.2 Specific benefits of e-marketing

(a) Global reach a website can reach anyone in the world who has internet access. This allows
organisations to find new markets and compete globally for only a small investment.
(b) Lower cost a properly planned and effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach the right
customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.
(c) The ability to track and measure results marketing by email or banner advertising makes it
easier to establish how effective your campaign has been. You can obtain detailed information
about customers' responses to your advertising.
(d) 24-hour marketing with a website your customers can find out about your products even if your
office is closed.
(e) Personalisation if the customer database is linked to the website, then whenever someone visits
the site, they can be greeted with targeted offers. The more they buy from the organisation, the
more the organisation can refine the customer profile and market effectively to them.
(f) One-to-one marketing e-marketing helps to reach people who want to know about the products
and services instantly. For example, many people take their mobile phone or Blackberry hand-held
devices with them wherever they go. Combine this with the personalised aspect of e-marketing,
and you can create very powerful, targeted campaigns.
(g) More interesting campaigns e-marketing helps to create interactive campaigns using music,
graphics and videos. For example sending customers a game or a quiz whatever will interest
(h) Better conversion rate Customers are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase.
Unlike other media which require people to get up and make a phone call, post a letter or go to a
shop, e-marketing is seamless.
Together, all of these aspects of e-marketing have the potential to add up to more sales.
As a component of e-commerce it can include information management; public relations; customer
service and sales.

1.2 Developing an effective e-marketing plan

It is important to recognise that planning for e-marketing does not mean starting from scratch. Any online
e-communication must be consistent with the overall marketing goals and current marketing efforts of
the organisation.
The key strategic decisions for e-marketing are common with strategic decisions for traditional marketing.
They involve selecting target customer groups and specifying how to deliver value to these groups.
Segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning all contribute to effective digital marketing.

346 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

The SOSTAC planning framework developed by Paul Smith provides a structured and effective
approach to marketing strategy. It can be used by managers in the private, public and non-profit sectors.

S = Situation Analysis Where are we now?

What is the external environment in which we are operating?
What are our own strengths and weaknesses?
O = Objectives Where do we want to get to?
What is our goal?
S = Strategies How do we get there?
What do we need to do to be successful?
T = Tactics What are the individual steps we need to take to achieve our objective?
A = Actions What are the things we need to do?
What is our 'to-do' list? Who will do what?
C = Control What will we measure to know we are succeeding?
How will we know when we have arrived?

The planning framework is expanded in the diagram below to show the techniques/actions that make up
each stage:

E-BUSINESS STRATEGY Opportunities and threats

PESTEL factors Analysis of
demand, competitors,
Marketing Situational resources and intermediaries
research analysis
Analysis of web- Use SMART mnemonic
server log files Control Objectives Assessment of online
revenue contribution
Tasks Actions Strategy
Resources Target market strategy
Partnering & segmentation, positioning
7Ps product, price, place,
promotion people, process
and physical evidence

Framework for e-marketing planning

In developing an effective e-marketing plan, the media of e-marketing used at certain stages will include
the following.

Competitor Scanning competitor internet sites.

analysis Competitor benchmarking to compare e-commerce services within a market.
Competitive intelligence systems give a structured approach to monitoring and
disseminating information on competitor activities
Intermediary Identify and compare intermediaries for a marketplace
analysis Search portals and look for new approaches for traffic building
Research whether competitors are using disintermediation or reintermediation

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 347

Internal Focus on e-market measurement:
Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel
promotion behaviour satisfaction outcomes profitability

Acquisition costs Who? Opinions? Leads? ROI?

Referrers How? Attitudes? Sales? Profitability?
Brand impact?
Applying weanalytics tools to measure the contribution of leads, sales and brand
involvement currently delivered by online communications such as search engine
marketing, online advertising and e-mail marketing in conjunction with the wesite
Create online CRM capabilities to understand customers' characteristics, needs and
behaviours and to deliver targeted, personalised value
Objective Online revenue contribution
Strategy Identify target market by assessing size, segments, needs and competitive action
Online value proposition (OVP)
Tactics Use internet to vary the extended product
Look at new channel structures
Research people replacements: autoresponders, e-mail notification, call-back facility,
FAQs, on-site search engines and virtual assistants
Managing the continuous online marketing communications such as search engine
marketing, partnerships, sponsorships and affiliate arrangements and campaign-based e-
marketing communications such as online advertising, e-mail marketing and microsites
to encourage usage of the online service and to support customer acquisition and
retention campaigns

1.3 Characteristics of the media of e-marketing

The employment of e-marketing may be analysed and planned using the six Is.
Independence of location
Industry structure

The six Is of marketing developed at Cranfield by McDonald and Wilson in 1999, summarise the ways in
which the internet can add customer value and hence improve the organisation's marketing effectiveness.

6 I's of marketing

Independence of location Interactivity Integration

Industry structure Individualisation Intelligence

By considering and questioning each of these aspects of the new media marketing managers can develop
plans to accommodate the characteristics of the new media.

348 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Independence of Do you exploit any opportunities to deliver information-based products and services
location electronically?
Electronic media gives the possibility of communicating globally giving opportunities
of selling into markets that may not have been previously accessible.
Industry Industry restructuring includes the following:
structure Redesigning business processes
Redrawing the market map in form of new market segments or increasing the
marketing boundaries
Adopting IT enabled services (ITeS).
Integration Do you have detailed knowledge of individual customers, influencers or consumers?
Do you share this knowledge across all customer-facing parts of the business?
Advertising products/services on the Weis easy. It is more difficult, but absolutely
crucial to gather vital customer information, obtain customer feedback, use existing
knowledge about the customer and exploit the Web's interactive nature to add value
through product configuration, online pricing and so on.
Interactivity Do you use interactive media to allow your customers to communicate with you?
Do you listen to what they say and respond appropriately in a continuing dialogue?
Traditional media are mainly 'push' media the marketing message is broadcast from
company to customer with limited interaction. On the internet it is usually a
customer who seeks information on a we it is a 'pull' mechanism.
The growing use of carefully targeted direct mail as a means of communicating with
individual customers has led some to call this 'the age of addressability'
Individualisation Do you use your customer knowledge to tailor products and services to the needs of
particular individuals or segments?
Do you tailor all your communications to the characteristics of the recipients?
Communications can be tailored to the individual unlike traditional media where the
same message is broadcast to everyone
Intelligence Do you inform your marketing strategy with intelligence gleaned from your
operational systems at the customer interface eg, through analysis of customer
needs, segmentation, prioritising segments according to customer lifetime value etc?
The internet can be used as a low cost method of collecting marketing information
about customer perceptions of products and services. The wesite also records
information every time a user clicks on a link. Log file analysers will identify the type
of promotions or products customers are responding to and how patterns vary over

The best-known example of electronic commerce book-selling, exemplifies how the internet can be used
for an interactive dialogue with a known customer.
Wesites such as Amazon.com exploit the web's interactive nature to allow the customer to search for
books on particular topics, track the status of an order placed earlier, and ask for recommendations of
books similar to their favourites, read reviews placed by other customers, and so on. The wesite builds
knowledge of the customer which allows it, for example, to notify them by e-mail if a new book appears on
a topic of particular interest.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 349

Exam focus The June 2008 exam included a Section B question which asked candidates to identify how electronic
point media could provide a training college with different marketing opportunities to traditional media (such as
advertising and direct mail). The '6 I' framework was a particularly effective tool to use when answering
this question, because the marketing implications of each 'I' for the college could be compared and
contrasted between traditional and electronic media.
The June 2011 exam offered 16 marks for evaluating how the principles of interactivity, intelligence,
individualisation and independence of location might be applied in marketing the products and services
of a used car dealership. Remember when answering questions such as this to apply your answer
specifically to the scenario given and not simply churn out generic lists. For example the majority of
students who sat this particular paper failed to recognise that expanding globally due to independence of
location might not be appropriate for a used car dealership!

1.4 E-marketing and the 7Ps

More specific concepts for the development of e-marketing may be based on the seven Ps.
The augmented product can be extended through weinformation and interactivity.
Pricing can be made transparent; dynamic pricing may be used.
The global reach of the internet has great implications for place, with the creation of new
marketplaces and channel structures.
Promotion can be previously targeted via customer databases.
People can be replaced by software to a varying extent.
Processes may be automated.
Physical evidence consists of the customer's experience of using the organisation's e-marketing
tools in general and of its website in particular

Marketing on the internet brings many new opportunities not readily available or affordable using
conventional marketing methods.
The marketing mix is the combination of marketing activities that an organisation engages in so as to best
meet the needs of its targeted market. Because of changes in the market and the behaviour of the
customers, future marketing should focus more on delivering value to the customer and become better at
placing the customer and not the product in the centre. In some texts, the 4 Ps have been renamed the
4 Cs.
Product becomes customer value
Place becomes customer convenience
Promotion becomes customer communication
Price becomes customer cost
Another change because marketing has expanded into service delivery, means the original 4Ps of the
marketing mix have been joined by three more Ps (Diband Simkin, 1994) (see diagram below):

350 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

In this section we can show how e-commerce provides the opportunities for the marketer to vary the
seven elements of the marketing mix.

1.4.1 Product (or customer value)

This is the element of the marketing mix that involves researching customers' needs and developing
appropriate products. Philip Kotler, in Principles of Marketing, devised a very interesting concept of benefit
building with a product. He suggested that a product should be viewed in three levels.

Core product

Actual product

Packaging Augmented or extended product

After sales Guarantee

Core product what is the core benefit the product offers? Customers who purchase a camera are buying
more than just a camera, they are purchasing memories.
Actual product all cameras capture memories. The strategy at this level involves organisations branding,
adding features and benefits to ensure that their product offers a differential advantage from their
Augmented or extended product: What additional non-tangible benefits can you offer? Competition at this
level is based around after sales service, warranties, delivery and so on.
What does buying products online offer over one to one sales?
(a) The ability to deliver interactivity and more detailed information through the internet is the key to
enhancing the augmented or extended product offering online.
(b) The buyer knows immediately about product features, the facts, not a sales person's
(c) The buying process is customised for returning visitors, making repeat purchases easier.
Organisations can also offer immediately ancillary products along with the main purchase. EasyJet
for example can readily bundle its flights, hotels and car hire through suitable design of its wesite.
(d) The product can also be customised to consumers needs eg www.nike.com offer customised
trainers to users online. Users can design and see their trainers online before they order.

1.4.2 Price (or customer cost)

The internet has made pricing very competitive. Many costs such as store cost and staff cost have
disappeared for completely online stores, placing price pressures on traditional retailers.
(a) The internet increases customer knowledge through increased price transparency since it
becomes much quicker to shop around and compare quoted prices by visiting supplier wesites.
Even more significant is the use of price comparison sites by consumers. Sites such as
Kelkoo.com give a single location that empowers the consumer to quickly find out the best price
from a range of suppliers for a range of products from books and CDs to white goods. Such easy
access to information helps to maintain prices within the online world.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 351

(b) Dynamic pricing gives the ability to test prices or to offer differential pricing for different segments
or in response to variations in demand. For some product areas such as ticketing it may be
possible to dynamically alter prices in line with demand. Tickets.com adjusts concert ticket prices
according to demand and has been able to achieve 45% more revenue per event as a result.
(c) Different types of pricing may be possible on the internet, particularly for digital, downloadable
products. Software and music has traditionally been sold for a continuous right to use. The internet
offers new options such as payment per use; rental at a fixed cost per month or a lease
arrangement. Bundling options may also be more possible.
(d) The growth of online auctions also helps consumers to dictate price. The online auction company
eBay has grown in popularity with thousands of buyers and seller bidding daily.
(e) E-pricing can also easily reward loyal customers. Technology allows repeat visitors to be tracked,
easily allowing loyalty incentives to be targeted towards them.
(f) Payment is also easy; PayPal or online credit cards allow for easy payments. However the
downside to this is internet fraud, which is growing rapidly around the world.
Price is a crucial part of the marketing mix. The concept of price and the process of establishing a pricing
strategy are considered in depth in Section 1.5 of this chapter.

1.4.3 Place (or customer convenience)

Allen and Fjermestad argue that the internet has the greatest implications for place in the marketing mix
since it has a global reach.
E-Business Models

Types of marketplaces Set up by Main aim

Controlled by sellers Single vendor seeking many buyers To retain value and power in any
Controlled by buyers One or more buyers To shift value and power in
marketplace onto the buyer's side
Buyer intermediaries can also be
there to act as agents
Neutral marketplaces Third party intermediaries to match To match buyers to sellers at an
many buyers to many sellers auction
Commission based

Choosing a marketplace depends on four factors:

Are there transactions or benefits to be realised?
Is the electronic market for the product developing quickly?
Does the company have substantial market share or buying power?
Would a neutral intermediary be beneficial?
Types of e-commerce marketplace
B2C and B2B (can be combined or separate eg, Dell)
C2C (eBay)
Auctions, (eBay, QXL)
Consumer reviews (Bizrate),
Games etc (There.com)
Customer bids (priceline)

352 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

New channel structures strategies need to be developed for the following forms.
(a) Disintermediation is there an option for selling direct? When assessing this option there will be
a number of barriers and facilitators to this change. A significant threat arising from the
introduction of an internet channel is that while disintermediation gives a company the opportunity
to sell direct and increase profitability on products, it can also threaten distribution arrangements
with existing partners.
(b) Reintermediation new intermediaries created through re-intermediation, for example
Lastminute.com or Travelocity, should be evaluated for suitability for partnering with affiliate
arrangements. These intermediaries receive a commission on each sale resulting from a referral
from their site. Reintermediation is particularly common in the travel industry, where on-line
reintermediaries are replacing traditional travel agents.
(c) Countermediation should the organisation partner with another independent intermediary, or set
up its own independent intermediary? For example, a group of European airlines have joined forces
to form Opodo which is intended to counter independent companies such as Lastminute.com or
eBookers offering discount fares.
Navigation there are three aspects of navigation that are key to achieving competitive advantage online.
(a) Reach this is the potential audience of the e-commerce site. Reach can be increased by moving
from a single site to representation with a large number of different intermediaries.
(b) Richness this is the depth or detail of information which is both collected about the customer
and provided to the customer. This is related to the product element of the mix.
(c) Affiliation this refers to whose interest the selling organisation represents consumers or
suppliers. This particularly applies to retailers. It suggests that customers will favour retailers who
provide them with the richest information on comparing competitive products.
Localisation providing a local site, usually a language specific version, is referred to as localisation. A
site may need to support customers from a range of countries; they may have different product needs,
language differences and cultural differences.

1.4.4 Promotion (or customer communication)

Marketing communications are used to inform customers and other stakeholders about an organisation
and its products.
(a) There are new ways of applying each of the elements of the communications mix (advertising,
sales promotions, PR and direct marketing), using new media such as the weand e-mail. Most
organisations today have some form of webpage used in most if not all advertisements. Placing
banner advertisements on other wepages is a common form of e-promotion. Wepublic relations
(WPR) is another approach to promoting online. Newsworthy stories based on product or service
launches can be placed on the company's webpage, or WPR articles sent to review sites for
consumers to read.
(b) The internet can be used at different stages of the buying process. For instance, the main role of
the weis often in providing further information rather completing the sale. Think of car purchase.
Many consumers will now review models online, but most still buy in the real world.
(c) Promotional tools may be used to assist in different stages of customer relationship management
from customer acquisition to retention. In a wecontext this includes gaining initial visitors to the
site and gaining repeat visits using eg, direct e-mail reminders of site proposition and new offers.
(d) The internet can be integrated into campaigns. For example, we are currently seeing many direct
response print and TV ad campaigns where the weis used to manage entry into a prize draw and to
profile the entrant for future communications.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 353

These general technological trends impact across the promotional mix.

Promotion activity Impact/opportunity Examples of supporting technology

Advertising Reach more customers worldwide Websites and ads
Target audiences more specifically Specialist TV channels
Increase response via interactivity Direct Response TV, SMS text
Sales promotion Target segment/individual interests and Customer databases, EPOS data
preferences Online entry/coupons
Facilitate/motivate response Online transaction
Online discounts (lower admin costs)
Direct marketing Personalised, one-to-one messages Database
Permission-based database/contacts to E-mail, website, SMS requests for info
enhance response rate E-mail + website links
Speed and interactivity of response E-commerce sites
Direct response/transaction
PR and publicity Speed of information dissemination E-mail media releases and online
and response to crisis/issues information
Marketing/sales Publicising sponsorships Website
support Publicising exhibition attendance Website/e-mail clients
Up-to-date information for sales force Access to product/inventory and
& call centre staff customer database
Internal marketing Staff access to information relevant to Intranet newsletters, bulletins, policy
their jobs info
Co-ordination/identification of E-mail, tele and video-conferencing
dispersed offices and off-site staff

Network marketing Supplier/client access to information Extranet: access to selected

relevant to business relationship information

1.4.5 People
The people element of the marketing mix is the way an organisation's staff interact with customers and
other stakeholders during sales and pre and post sales. Smith and Chaffey (2001) suggest that online, part
of the consideration for the people element of the mix is the consideration of the tactics by which people
can be replaced or automated.
(a) Autoresponders automatically generate a response when a company e-mails an organisation, or
submits an online form.
(b) E-mail notification may be automatically generated by a company's systems to update customers
on the progress of their orders. Such notifications might show, for example, three stages: order
received; item now in stock; order dispatched.
(c) Call-back facility requires that customers fill in their phone number on a form and specify a
convenient time to be contacted. Dialling from a representative in the call centre occurs
automatically at the appointed time and the company pays.
(d) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can pre-empt enquires. The art lies in compiling and
categorising the questions so customers can easily find both the question and a helpful answer.
(e) On site search engines help customers find what they are looking for quickly. Site maps are a
related feature.
(f) Virtual assistants come in varying degrees of sophistication and usually help to guide the
customer through a maze of choices.

354 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

1.4.6 Process
The process element of the marketing mix is the internal methods and procedures companies use to
achieve all marketing functions such as new product development, promotion, sales and customer
service. The restructuring of the organisation and channel structures described for product, price, place
and promotion all require new processes.

Exam focus
point Note the link here to process redesign: changes in the business structures usually need to be supported
by changes in business process.

1.4.7 Physical evidence

The physical evidence element of the marketing mix is the tangible expression of a product and how it is
purchased and used. In an online context, physical evidence is customers' experience of the company
through the wesite and associated support. It includes issues such as ease of use, navigation, availability
and performance. Responsiveness to e-mail enquiries is a key aspect of performance. The process must
be right to enable an acceptable response within the notified service standards such as 24 hours.

1.4.8 Example
A university can put its reading list on a website and students wishing to purchase any given book can
click directly through to an online bookseller such as Amazon.com. The university gets a commission; the
online bookseller gets increased business; the student gets a discount. Everyone benefits except the
traditional bookshop.

Benefits of e-marketing
It promotes transparent pricing because potential customers can readily compare prices not only from
suppliers within any given country, but also from suppliers across the world.
It facilitates personalised attention even if such attention is actually administered through impersonal,
yet highly sophisticated IT systems and customer database manipulation.
It provides sophisticated market segmentation opportunities. Approaching such segments may be one of
the few ways in which e-commerce entrepreneurs can create competitive advantage.
The wecan either be a separate or a complementary channel.
A new phenomenon is emerging called dynamic pricing. Companies can rapidly change their prices to
reflect the current state of demand and supply.

These new trends are creating pressure for companies. The main threat facing companies is that prices
will be driven down by consumers' ability to shop around.

1.5 Price and pricing strategies

FAST FORWARD One of the most complex decisions involved in the marketing mix is deciding on the price of the product
or service. There are eight steps in the process of establishing prices:
Select a pricing objective,
Assess target market's evaluation of price and its ability to buy
Determine the nature and price elasticity of demand
Analyse demand, cost and profit relationships
Evaluate competitor's prices
Determine the basis for pricing
Select a primary strategy,
Determine the final price.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 355

Key term Price is the value placed on what is exchanged.

Exam focus An article titled Business strategy and pricing (February 2011) written by Ken Garrett was published in
point Student Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the time to study this

One of the most complex decisions involved in the marketing mix is deciding on the price of the product
or service. Buyers have only limited resources and have to make decisions about what they will and will
not buy. In order to do this, they consider the usefulness of the product, or the benefits they expect to
derive from it, and compare this to the cost to determine if the exchange will be worthwhile. This is what
makes price so important.
Price directly affects how well an organisation performs competitively, and is also closely linked to the
perceptions of value for money held by the customers.
If the price is too high, the exchange may not be perceived as worthwhile, and customers may not buy the
If the price is too low, then one of two things could happen:
(1) The product sells well, however, the revenue per item is lower than it could be if the price were
higher, less revenue is earned which in turn means less profit than may be possible with a higher
(2) The consumer perceives the price to be too low and interprets this as meaning quality has been
compromised. The customer does not buy the product at all.
Getting this balance right (and not setting a price either too high or too low) can be difficult and the
organisation will have to take many factors into account when setting the price for their products and
services. An eight stage process can be used:
(1) Select a pricing objective
(2) Assess target market's evaluation of price and its ability to buy
(3) Determine the nature and price elasticity of demand
(4) Analyse demand, cost and profit relationships
(5) Evaluate competitors' prices
(6) Determine the basis for pricing
(7) Select a pricing strategy
(8) Determine the final price
We will consider each of these eight steps to illustrate the price setting process.
Exam focus
point The December 2011 exam included a Section B question which offered 15 marks for identifying and
discussing the factors that need to be taken into consideration when pricing an e-learning product. This
question was an unpopular choice and a general lack of knowledge in this area was evident in many of
those who did attempt it.

1.5.1 Pricing objectives

The first stage of setting a price is to select a pricing objective. This pricing objective must be consistent
The overall objectives of the organisation, and
The marketing objectives
Inconsistency can impact on the ability of the organisation to achieve its overall goals, can lead to internal
conflicts and confusion, and can cause poor decisions to be made further down the line.

356 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Pricing objectives form the basis of decisions made at later stages of the price setting process. Therefore,
these objectives should be explicitly stated and should include the time within which the objectives should
be achieved.
Organisations should have one or more pricing objectives for each product. Different pricing objectives
can be chosen for the same product aimed at different market segments.
Pricing objectives typically change over time.

1.5.2 Assessing the target market's evaluation of price and its ability to buy
The second stage involves understanding the amount that an individual will pay for something. This
depends on a number of factors.
(a) Type of product people will be more sensitive to changes in the price of food than they are to
changes in the price of new cars. This may be for two reasons. Firstly food is a necessity whereas a
car is a luxury. Secondly this may be due to the percentage of income spent on such goods.
(b) Target market business travellers are less concerned about train prices than those travelling for
leisure purposes.
(c) Purchase situation people are willing to pay more for soft drinks and popcorn at a cinema than
they would in a supermarket.
The key to this stage is to understand the buying power of the customers, and also how important one
product is to them over another. Value for money perceptions of the customer are important here.

1.5.3 Determining demand

The next stage is to determine the demand for the product by considering its relationship with price. For
most products, the quantity demanded falls as the price increases, as illustrated by the classic demand
curve shown as D1 below.



This relationship will hold true so long as all other factors remain constant. However, the other factors in
the marketing mix also affect demand. If one of those other factors changes, this may cause the demand
curve to shift, as illustrated by D2 and D3 in the diagram above. The direction of the shift will depend on
what the other factor is and its impact on demand.
The steepness of the demand curve will be determined by the price elasticity of demand. The more
sensitive demand is to changes in price, the more elastic demand is said to be. For example, demand for
basic food items and utilities might be relatively inelastic. This means that changes in the price only have
a slight effect on the demand for these products and the demand curve will be steep. They are essential
items that will still be demanded, even when prices rise. The change in demand is less than proportional to
the change in price. Demand for more luxury products, such as exotic holidays on the other hand, is more
elastic. This means that if the price increases, the fall in demand will be greater than proportional to the
increase in demand and therefore total revenue for the product will fall. This demand curve will be much

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 357

Inelastic demand Elastic demand

Price Price


Quantity Quantity
However, not all products conform to this model. Some products, such as designer clothing, sell better
the higher the price. This is because the price is associated by the customer with high quality and
exclusivity. A fall in price would cause the item to be within the price range of more people, and as such
no longer exclusive', and so demand would fall. The demand curve for products such as this is shown

1.5.4 Analysis of demand, cost and profit relationships

The next step involves developing an understanding of demand, cost and profit relationships. There are
two approaches for doing this
marginal analysis
break-even analysis
Marginal analysis
Marginal analysis is concerned with how a change in production (or sales volume) by one unit affects an
organisation's costs and revenues. Marginal cost is the extra cost incurred when one more unit is

The marginal cost curve is typically U-shaped. This is because marginal costs decrease as output
increases due to economies of scale. However, at some point diseconomies of scale (eg more supervision
and larger workforce) appear and marginal costs begin to rise.

358 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Marginal revenue is the change in total revenue that occurs when one more unit is sold.
Due to the downward sloping demand curve faced by most organisations, the only way additional units
can be sold is through the lowering of prices. Therefore, each additional product sold provides less
revenue than the previous one. When marginal revenue falls to zero, the sale of more units actually harms
the profits.

Profit is maximised where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. Up to this point the additional
revenue generated per unit is more than the additional cost. After this point, the additional cost exceeds
the additional revenue.
Unfortunately, in reality the cost (supply) and revenue (demand) change regularly and rapidly. However, it
is still beneficial to organisations to have an understanding of the relationship between the marginal cost
and marginal revenues when setting prices of existing products.
Marginal analysis offers little help in the pricing of new products as costs and revenues will not yet be
Break-even analysis
The break-even point is the point at which the costs of producing a product equal the revenue made from
selling it. It is important to know how many units are required to break-even when determining the price.
fixed costs
Break-even point =
price variable costs
To use break-even analysis effectively, the break-even point for a range of different prices should be
established. This allows the effects on total revenue, total cost and the break-even point for each price
under consideration to be assessed. Although it may not indicate the correct price to charge, it will identify
any price alternatives that should definitely be avoided.
The diagram below illustrates the relationship between the costs, revenues, profits and losses involved in
determining the break-even point.

The problem with break-even analysis is that it focuses on recovering costs and breaking even, rather than
on how to achieve a pricing objective, eg a return on investment or percentage of market share.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 359

1.5.5 Evaluation of competitors prices
The price set will be influenced by the prices of competitors. Evaluating these is step five of the price
setting process.
Setting a price is much easier when the amount charged by the competition is known. However, this is not
always an easy task, particularly in producer and reseller markets. Even if the organisation has access to
the price lists, these may not reflect the true prices where these are established through negotiation.
Competitor prices are important to organisations as they can help them to ensure that their own prices are
in line. Some organisations may choose to make their own price slightly higher to indicate quality' to the
customer. Others may choose to use price as a competitive tool by selecting prices that undercut the

1.5.6 Determine a basis for pricing

Stage six involves selecting a basis for pricing. Prices can be determined on the basis of cost, demand,
competition, or marketing.

Price basis Features Limitations Suitable uses

Cost-based A monetary amount or percentage is Does not relate to Appropriate when
pricing added to the product cost. It involves a specific pricing production costs are hard
calculating desired profit margins and approach, nor to predict, or production
is a simple method to implement. does it ensure the takes a long time, eg
There are two main types of cost-based attainment of custom-made equipment
pricing: cost plus, and mark-up. pricing objectives or commercial
Some costs are construction projects.
Cost-plus pricing: Seller's costs are
determined and then an amount or difficult to Popular in periods of
percentage is added to these costs to determine. rapid inflation as raw
determine price. In industries where Seller may materials used may
this approach is common and sellers increase costs to fluctuate in price.
have similar costs, price competition gain larger profits.
may be relatively low.
Mark-up pricing: Price is determined
by adding a pre-determined percentage
of the cost (the mark-up) to the cost of
the product. The same percentage is
often used for the prices of items
within a single product category and
similar mark-ups may be used across
an industry at the retail level.
Demand- The price is high when demand is high, The effectiveness Leisure amenities, eg
based pricing and low when demand is weak. of the pricing peak time and off peak
Compared to cost-based pricing, this depends on the gym memberships.
method allows higher profits to be ability of the price
achieved. setter to estimate

360 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Price basis Features Limitations Suitable uses
Competition- Prices are set in relation to True amounts Useful where products
based pricing competitors. The price may be above, charged by are almost homogeneous
in line with, or below those of competitors can and price is the key
competitors depending on the strategy be difficult to variable of the marketing
of the organisation. determine. strategy eg domestic
This method should help attain a supply of gas or
pricing objective to increase sales or electricity.
market share. It can also be combined
with cost approaches to arrive at price
levels necessary to attain a profit.
Marketing- This kind of pricing takes account of a This is the most This approach takes
oriented wide range of factors: complex approach account of many different
pricing marketing strategy to pricing. It is a factors that influence
competition detailed and time price. It is appropriate
costs consuming where sufficient time and
product line pricing process. resources are available to
value to the customer carry out the necessary
negotiating margins analysis.
price-quality relationships
political factors
effect of distributors/retailers
The price set must reflect the product's
marketing strategy, ie target market
profile, brand positioning and sales
targets. The price must also be in line
with the rest of the marketing mix (the
other 6 of the 7Ps).

1.5.7 Selection of pricing strategy

A pricing strategy is an approach designed to influence and determine pricing decisions. It helps to solve
the practical problems of establishing prices.
There are five main types of pricing strategies
Differential pricing
New product pricing
Product-line pricing
Psychological pricing
Professional pricing
Promotional pricing
Differential pricing
This involves charging different prices to different customers for the same quality and quantity of product.
There are four ways this can be done.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 361

Negotiated The final price is established through bargaining between the seller and buyer. This
pricing is common for products such as houses and cars as well as for second-hand items.

Secondary One price is set for the primary market and another (usually lower) price is set for
market pricing another market. This might be used by a restaurant that offers cheap deals for eating
earlier in the evening.
Periodic Temporarily reducing prices on a systematic basis, for example many retailers hold
discounting January and summer sales. The disadvantage of these is that, due to their
predictable pattern, customers learn to expect the reductions and wait to make their
purchases then.
Random Temporary reductions are made as above but on an unsystematic basis. This means
discounting the customer cannot predict when the sales are likely to be and so will purchase in
line with their own requirements rather than waiting for the reductions to be made.

New product pricing

When a new product is launched a base price will have to be set for it. This can be done in two key ways.

Price skimming The price is set at the highest possible price that customers who most desire the
product will pay. This provides the most flexible base price as demand is not very
price sensitive at the introductory stage of a new product. For example, when flat
screen TVs were first introduced they were extremely expensive compared to regular
TVs. Now that they have become the norm their price has fallen dramatically. By
setting the price at the highest level possible, a lot of profit can be made from sales
of only a few units to customers who desperately want to be the first to own a new
product. This high profit helps organisations recover the high research and
development costs they will have faced in the run up to its launch and will probably
have limited production capacity, so will need to earn a higher revenue per unit.
Penetration A price is set below the prices of competing brands in order to penetrate a market
pricing and produce a larger unit sales volume. This approach is less flexible than price
skimming as it is harder to raise than to lower a price. Often a penetration price may
be used for a product after first skimming the market with a higher price.
Penetration pricing is most useful where it is believed that competitors could easily
enter the market.

Product-line pricing
Product-line pricing means establishing and adjusting prices of multiple products within a product line.
There are four main ways of doing this.

Captive pricing The basic product is priced low, but related products are priced high. For example a
printer may be sold at a low price, but the ink cartridges may be very expensive.
Premium pricing The highest quality, or most versatile, products are given the highest price and the
rest of the products in the range are priced to appeal to price-sensitive customers or
those that desire specific features.
Bait pricing One item in the product line is priced very low with the aim of selling a higher-priced
item in the line. It may advertise its cheaply priced most basic model in the hope the
customer will actually purchase a more expensive version.
Price lining A limited number of prices are set for lines of merchandise, eg various styles and
brands of clothing that all sell for $40, and another higher quality line that all sell for
$65. If price lining is used, the demand curve looks like a series of steps.

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Psychological pricing
Psychological pricing encourages customers to base their decisions on emotional, rather than rational,
responses. There are seven key techniques for doing this.

Reference pricing This involves pricing a product at a moderate level and then positioning it next to a
more expensive model or brand.

Bundle pricing Packaging two or more complementary products and selling them for a single price,
which is usually lower than they would cost if both items were purchased separately.
Examples could be shampoo and conditioner, or hand wash and hand cream. This
kind of pricing is also common in travel services, banking and car sales.
Multiple-unit Two or more identical products are packaged together and sold for a single price,
pricing usually at a lower price than it would cost to purchase a single unit. Examples are
tins of baked beans and bars of soap.
Everyday low A consistent low price (rather than regular discounting) is set for a product that is
prices (EDLP) sufficiently below the prices of competitors for customers to feel that they are
receiving a good deal. The benefits of using EDLP are that the organisation incurs
less promotional expenditure and has greater stability in sales. Procter and Gamble
and Wal-Mart both use EDLP.
Odd/even pricing Some customers prefer odd number pricing, ie would be more likely to buy a
product costing $99.99 than a product of $100. Some customers are not fooled by
the saving' and prefer to pay an even price $20, rather than $19.99. Fewer
organisations adopt the even pricing approach.
Customary Prices are set based mostly on tradition, eg telephone calls from call boxes in the UK
pricing cost the same for years. This was dealt with by BT by altering the number of units
but keeping the price the same, so although your money ran out quicker, you still
perceived it to cost the same as it always had.
Prestige pricing Prices are set artificially high to give the product a quality' image. Holidays, cars,
electrical and beauty products are often priced in this way.

Professional pricing
Professional pricing is used by people who are very skilled or experienced in their particular field to price
their services. Rather than setting their fees based on their time and involvement they may set a standard
fee regardless of the problems involved in carrying out the work. Recruitment agency fees provide an
example of how this could be used if the price was a set percentage of the salary negotiated for the
selected candidate. Professionals have an ethical responsibility not to overcharge unknowing customers.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 363

Promotional pricing
The pricing is related to a short-term promotion of a particular product. There are four ways that this can
be done.

Price leaders Products are sold below the usual mark up, usually for a price just below, or near,
cost. Price leaders get people in the shop, and they then make other purchases on
which greater profits are made. Supermarkets regularly use this tactic.
Misleading These are pricing policies which intentionally mislead customers. Many countries
pricing have legislation controlling the use of this.

Special event Advertised sales' or price cutting that is linked to a holiday, season or event to
pricing increase sales volume.

Comparison Setting a price at a specific level and comparing it to a higher price. This higher price
discounting could be the previous price of the product, the recommended retail price. This
technique is regularly used. If overused, customers stop believing that the higher
price is the normal price.

1.5.8 Determining the final price

The basis for pricing and pricing strategies should inform and structure the selection of a final price. In
practice, rather than follow this systematic approach, many prices are set by trial and error or after only
limited planning. This is not recommended as it often leads to unsuitable prices being set.
In the absence of government price controls, pricing is a flexible and convenient way of adjusting the
marketing mix. Prices can usually be adjusted very quickly; the other components of the marketing mix do
not have this flexibility or freedom.
Prices may have to be revised on an ad hoc basis in response to market developments, however the
organisation must not lose sight of the longer-term implications for the brand, or the fundamental
relationship between demand, costs and profits.

1.6 Comparison of traditional and on-line branding

IT and the internet have particular implications for branding.
The domain name is a vital element of the brand
Brand values are communicated within seconds via the experience of using the brand website
Online brands may be created in four ways:
Migrate the traditional brand
Extend the traditional brand
Partner with an existing digital brand
Create a new digital brand

Key term A brand is a name, symbol, term, mark or design that enables customers to identify and distinguish the
products of one supplier from those offered by competitors.

A brand is a tool which is used by an organisation to differentiate itself from competitors. For example,
what is the value of a pair of Nike trainers without the brand or the logo?
The value of brands in today's environment is phenomenal. Brands have the power of instant sales; they
convey a message of confidence, quality and reliability to their target market, which is particularly
important in e-commerce where there are often concerns over privacy and security.

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Aspects of a well-formed brand in traditional delivery channels
Brand name awareness achieved through marketing communications to promote the brand identity and
the other qualities of the brand
Perceived quality awareness counts for nothing if the consumer has had a bad experience of a product
or associated customer service
Positive brand associations include imagery, the situation in which a product is used, its personality
and symbols
Brand loyalty the commitment of a segment to a brand
These customer touch-points combine to build a good brand presence. However, screen-based delivery
adds a new level of complexity to the problem. For the first time customers are interacting in machine-
mediated experiences as opposed to human-mediated. How can a machine be made to express a
company's positive brand attributes, like respect and reliability, the same way a person does?
There are essential elements common to both traditional media and new screen-based systems. A
successful brand, online or off, represents an entire customer experience. In a brick-and-mortar
environment this includes such matters as: how the customer is welcomed into the store; how products
are packaged and presented and how staff and customers interact.
These elements can be translated to the online shopping experience to include the e-tailer's home or
welcome page wesite design and page navigation and online support.

1.6.1 Visual identity

An effective visual identity is important online, as is a memorable domain name. The one big difference in
branding on the internet from branding in conventional marketing is introduced by domain names. For
example, the domain name www.coca-cola.com is fast becoming the brand first seen by the consumer
rather than the distinctive red and white label on the can. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of
names available, and each name has been given to the first applicant. The World Intellectual Property
Organisation has now taken up this issue, at least in terms of the worst exploitative excesses. Even so
there may be many legitimate claimants for a .com name who operate in very different sectors, and the
new extensions (such as .biz and .TV) do not totally resolve the problem. Every supplier still wants .com
since this is where the customers look first.
Despite these similarities, online branding differs in important ways from traditional branding and must be
approached differently. A company's entire character, identity, products, and services, can be
communicated in seconds on the weand customers make judgments just as fast.

1.6.2 Online brand options

Migrate traditional brand online this can make sense if the brand is well known and has a strong
reputation eg, Marks & Spencer, Orange and Disney. However, there is a risk of jeopardising the brand's
good name if the new venture is not successful.
Extend traditional brand a variant. For example, Aspirin's land based brand positioning statement is
'Aspirin provides instant pain relief'. Management felt it did not hold true for a meaningful wepresence,
because you can't get instant pain relief on the web. So it was changed to 'Aspirin your self help brand'
which offered visitors to their wesite what they described as 'meaningful health oriented intelligence and
self help'.
Partner with existing digital brand co-branding occurs when two businesses put their brand name on
the same product as a joint initiative. This practice is quite common on the internet and has proved to be a
good way to build brand recognition and make the product or service more resistant to copying by private
label manufacturers. A successful example of co-branding is the Senseo coffeemaker, which carries both
the Philips and the Douwe Egberts brands. Another is the Braun and Oral B plaque remover.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 365

Create a new digital brand because a good name is extremely important, some factors to consider
when selecting a new brand name are that it should suggest something about the product, be short and
memorable, be easy to spell, translate well into other languages and have an available domain name.

2 Customer relationship management

FAST FORWARD Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the establishment, development, maintenance and
optimisation of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organisations.
It has three phases: acquisition, retention and extension. An accurate and detailed on-line database
fundamental to customer relationship management.

2.1 Meaning and scope of customer relationship management

Key term Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the establishment, development, maintenance and
optimisation of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organisations.

What CRM involves Company benefits realised as a result

Organisations must become 'customer centric' Improved customer retention
Organisations must be prepared to adapt so that Improved cross selling
they take customer needs into account and then Improved profitability (per customer and in
deliver them general)
Market research must be used to assess
customer needs and satisfaction

Dave Chaffey outlines three phases of CRM in E-Business and E-Commerce Management

Acquisition Retention Extension

Add value Add value Add value

Promotion Extranets Direct e-mail

Customer selection

Customer selection

Customer selection

Incentives Personalization
Services Community promotions
Profiles Promotions
Customer service Loyalty schemes
Direct e-mail

Chaffey's three phases of customer relationship management

Customer acquisition is the process of attracting customers for their first purchases.
Customer retention ensures that customers return and buy for a second time. The organisation keeps
them as customers. This is most likely to be the purchase of a similar product or service, or the next level
of product or service.
Customer extension introduces products and services to loyal customers that may not wholly relate to
their original purchases. These are additional, supplementary purchases.
In recent times emphasis has increased on building and maintaining good long-term relationships with
customers. This is because such relationships are more profitable than constantly searching for new
customers, owing to repeat purchasing and ease of service.

366 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

2.1.1 The nature of the customer
Not all customers are the same. Some appear for a single cash transaction and are never seen again.
Others make frequent, regular purchases in large volumes, using credit facilities and building up a major
relationship. Yet another type of customer purchases infrequently but in transactions of high value, as, for
instance, in property markets. This variation will exist to a greater or lesser extent in all industries, though
each will have a smaller typical range of behaviour. However, even within a single business, customers will
vary significantly in the frequency and volume of their purchases, their reasons for buying, their sensitivity
to price changes, their reaction to promotion and their overall attitude to the supplier and the product.
Segmentation of the customer base can have a major impact on profitability, perhaps by simply tailoring
promotion to suit the most attractive group of customers.
The stakeholder concept suggests a wider concern than the traditional marketing approach of supplying
goods and services which satisfy immediate needs. The supplier-customer relationship extends beyond
the basic transaction. Today's highly competitive business environment means that customers are only
retained if they are very satisfied with their purchasing experience. Any lesser degree of satisfaction is
likely to result in the loss of the customer. Companies must be active in monitoring customer satisfaction
because very few will actually complain. They will simply depart. Businesses which use intermediaries
must be particularly active, since research shows that even when complaints are made, the principals hear
about only a very small proportion of them.
Research indicates that the single largest reason why customers abandon a supplier is poor
performance by front-line staff. Any scheme for customer retention must address the need for careful
selection and training of these staff. It is also a vital factor in relationship marketing.

2.1.2 Intermediaries
Many businesses sell to intermediaries rather than to the end consumer. Some deal with both categories;
they have to recognise that the intermediary is just as much a customer as the eventual consumer. We
have discussed the impact of the strategic customer elsewhere in this Study Text. Intermediaries who do
not take title to goods are equally worthy of consideration. Examples are manufacturers who maintain their
own sales organisation but appoint agents in geographically remote areas and companies who combine
autonomous operations with franchising. While it is reasonable to give the highest priority to the needs of
the ultimate consumer and insist on some control over the activities of the intermediary, it must be
recognised that intermediaries will only perform well if their own needs are addressed. For instance, a
selling agent who has invested heavily in inventory after being given exclusive rights in an area should be
consulted before further investment demands are made by the launch of a new product.

2.2 Relationship marketing

Relationship marketing is defined very simply by Grnroos as the management of a firm's market
Kotler says 'marketing can make promises but only the whole organisation can deliver satisfaction'.
Adcock expands on this by remarking that relationship marketing can only exist when the marketing
function fosters a customer-oriented service culture which supports the network of activities that deliver
value to the customer.
Relationship marketing is thus as much about attitudes and assumptions as it is about techniques. The
marketing function's task is to encourage habits of behaviour at all levels and in all departments that will
enhance and strengthen the alliance. It must be remembered, however, that the effort involved in long-
term relationship building is more appropriate in some markets than in others. Where customers are
purchasing intermittently and switching costs are low, there is always a chance of business. This tends to
be the pattern in commodity markets. Here, it is reasonable to take a transactions approach to marketing
and treat each sale as unique. A relationship marketing approach is more appropriate where switching
costs are high and a lost customer is thus probably lost for a long time. Switching costs are raised by
such factors as the need for training on systems; the need for a large common installed base and high
capital cost and the incorporation of purchased items into the customer's own designs.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 367

2.2.1 Differences between transactional and relationship marketing
Transactional Relationship
Importance of single sale Importance of customer relation
Importance of product features Importance of customer benefits
Short time scale Longer time scale
Less emphasis on service High customer service
Quality is concern of production Quality is concern of all
Competitive commitment High customer commitment
Persuasive communication Regular communication

2.2.2 Implementing relationship marketing

The conceptual or philosophic nature of relationship marketing leads to a simple principle, that of
enhancing satisfaction by precision in meeting the needs of individual customers. This depends on
extensive two-way communication to establish and record the customer's characteristics and preferences
and build a long-term relationship. Adcock mentions three important practical methods which contribute
to this end.
Building a customer database
Developing customer-oriented service systems
Extra direct contacts with customers
Modern computer database systems enable the rapid acquisition and retrieval of the individual
customer's details, needs and preferences. Using this technology, relationship marketing enables the sales
person to greet the customer by name, know what they purchased last time, avoid taking their full delivery
address, know what their credit status is and what they are likely to want. It enables new products to be
developed that are precisely tailored to the customer's needs and new procedures to be established that
enhance satisfaction. It is the successor to mass marketing, which attempted to be customer-led but
which could only supply a one-size-fits-all product. The end result of a relationship marketing approach is
a mutually satisfactory relationship that continues indefinitely.

2.2.3 Lifetime value

In determining which customers are worth the cost of long-term relationships, it is useful to consider their
lifetime value. This depends on three things:
Current profitability computed at the customer level
The propensity of those customers to stay loyal
Expected revenues and costs of servicing such customers over the lifetime of the relationship
Building relationships makes most sense for customers whose lifetime value to the company is the
highest. Thus, building relationships should focus on customers who are currently the most profitable,
likely to be the most profitable in the future, or likely to remain with the company for the foreseeable future
and have acceptable levels of profitability.
Relationship marketing is grounded in the idea of establishing a learning relationship with customers. At
the lower end, building a relationship can create cross-selling opportunities that may make the overall
relationship profitable. For example, some retail banks have tried selling credit cards to less profitable
customers. With valuable customers, customer relationship management may make them more loyal and
willing to invest additional funds. In banking, these high-end relationships are often managed through
private bankers, whose goals are not only to increase customer satisfaction and retention, but also to
cross-sell and bring in investment.

368 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

2.2.4 Software
The goal of relationship management is to increase customer satisfaction and to minimise any problems.
By engaging in 'smarter' relationships, a company can learn customers' preferences and develop trust.
Every contact point with the customer can be seen as a chance to record information and learn
preferences. Complaints and errors must be recorded, not just fixed and forgotten. Contact with
customers in every medium, whether over the internet, through a call centre, or through personal contact,
is recorded and centralised.
Many companies are beginning to achieve this goal by using customer relationship management (CRM)
software. Data, once collected and centralised, can be used to customise service. In addition, the database
can be analysed to detect patterns that can suggest better ways to serve customers in general. A key
aspect of this dialogue is to learn and record preferences.

2.2.5 Example
The Ritz Carlton Hotel makes a point of observing the choices that guests make and recording them. If a
guest requests extra pillows, then extra pillows will be provided every time that person visits. At upmarket
retailers, personal shoppers will record customers' preferences in sizes, styles, brands, colours and price
ranges and notify them when new merchandise appears or help them choose accessories.

2.3 Different methods of acquiring customers through exploiting

electronic media
Electronic media may be used to acquire customers by using a wide range of techniques. These vary from
analogues of traditional mass-communications methods such as advertising and newsletters, through
specialised on-line forms such as search engine registration, to previously targeted means such as
personalised emails and website messages to logged in return customers.

Techniques to achieve acquisition include traditional on-line mass media techniques and specialised on-
line techniques.
(a) Search engine registration and directories provide an index of content on registered sites that can
be searched by keyword. Skilled website design can put a supplier high up among search results.
(b) Newsgroups and forums providing expert opinion and useful help are a way for businesses to
communicate with their peers and customers in an informal environment.
(c) Newsletters allow an organisation to send news about the company, new products or services and
any new information that has been posted on the wesite.
(d) Link building and partnership campaigns can greatly benefit a business, significantly boosting its
online presence. Reciprocal links are an exchange of links between two site owners. Types of link
building include article and press release syndication, e-mail campaigns and directory submission.
Affiliate networks are based on paying commission on sales referred from other sites.
(e) Viral marketing is about creating a buzz about products or services. Viral marketing relies on word
of mouth or, in the online sense, getting people to share the online application with others. This
can be achieved by providing wepages that can easily be sent to other people, for example. For
businesses, viral marketing can emphasise the value of their goods or services, promote special
offers and generate interest in the business or their products and services through word of mouth.
(f) Banner advertising is similar to advertisements seen in newspapers and magazines. They are the
graphical strips commonly seen across the top of website pages. Many companies use banner
advertising in affiliate programs, e-mails and related wesites. Depending on what medium is
chosen to place the banner, the organisation could pay by impression, mile, click or action.
(g) E-mail marketing represents the single largest shift in the way humans communicate since the
invention of the telephone.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 369

2.4 Differences in buyer behaviour
The processes involved in making a purchase may be complex or relatively simple depending on the
nature of the need.
The greatest contrast lies between business and consumer purchases. On-line purchaser behaviour is
complicated by the special conditions of the on-line environment.
Segmentation of on-line consumer purchasers may be based on general on-line activity and the degree of
confidence and competence displayed.

An important part of the marketing process is to understand why a customer or buyer makes a purchase.
Without such an understanding, businesses find it hard to respond to the customer's needs and wants.
Research suggests that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process in any purchase. This
is shown in the diagram below:


Purchase Information
evaluation search

Purchase Evaluation of
decision alternatives

The model implies that customers pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine
purchases, customers often skip or reverse some of the stages.

Step 1 The buying process starts with need recognition: for example, I am hungry, we need a new
sofa, I have a headache, or responds to a marketing stimulus, as, for example, when
passing a restaurant and being attracted by the smell.
Step 2 The customer then needs to decide how much information (if any) is required. If the need is
strong and there is a product or service that meets the need close to hand, then a purchase
decision is likely to be made there and then. If not, then the process of information search
begins. A customer can obtain information from personal, commercial, public and
experiential sources.
Step 3 In the evaluation stage, the customer must choose between the alternative brands,
products and services. Where a purchase is 'highly involving' the customer is likely to carry
out extensive evaluation.
Step 4 The purchase decision is made.
Step 5 The final stage is the post-purchase evaluation of the decision. It is common for
customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from the
phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance. This occurs when the customer receives
different information from two trusted sources and experiences confusion and a lack of
certainty. The customer, having bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have
been preferable. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but
is likely to switch brands next time.

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2.4.1 Types of buying behaviour
Types of buying behaviour there are four typical types of buying behaviour based on the type of product
that is to be purchased.
(a) Complex buying behaviour occurs when the individual purchases a high value brand and seeks a
lot of information before the purchase is made.
(b) Habitual buying behaviour occurs when the individual buys a product out of habit, such as a
(c) Variety seeking buying behaviour occurs when the individual likes to shop around and experiment
with different products.
(d) Dissonance reducing buying behaviour occurs when buyers are highly involved with the purchase
of the product, because the purchase is expensive or infrequent. There is little difference between
existing brands. An example would be buying a diamond ring since there is perceived to be little
difference between existing diamond brand manufacturers.

2.4.2 Business and consumer markets

The major differences in buyer behaviour are between the B2B and B2C markets

Differences B2B B2C

Market structure Fewer buyers but larger purchases Many buyers with smaller purchases
Demand largely derived from consumer
demand eg, car industry buys steel
because consumers buy cars

Nature of the Buying unit differs more rational Individuals or families

buying unit approach, more people involved

Type of purchase Purchase products to meet specific Purchase products to meet individual or
business needs want a customised family needs
product package
Purchase from intermediaries
Emphasise economic benefits

Type of buying Business purchases involve a more Buy on impulse or with minimal
decision complex decision-making process with processes
formal, lengthy purchasing policies.

Communication Existing customers can be contacted Promoting the wesite uses methods
differences directly. Information is placed on the such as banner ads and search engines
weto support customers and encourage
Wesite content should be tailored to the
needs of users, influencers and deciders

2.4.3 Internet consumers

Segmentation using buyer behaviour there have been many studies to identify the behaviour of
different groups of internet user.
One study identified six different groups of active internet users and their motivations
Simplifiers easier than the real world
Surfers new experiences
Bargainers good deals
Connectors chatroom users

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 371

Routiners news, stock prices, finance
Sportsters sports news
Netpoll has established a different user typology:
(a) Gameboy Still at school and living at home. Accesses the internet mainly at home. Into playing
online games. Thinks he is pretty Net-savvy.
(b) CyberLad Accesses the internet at work and at home. Thinks he knows it all as far as the Net is
(c) Net Sophisticate Straddles the border between cool and nerd. Could be a gee-whiz creative at
agency or unemployed and living at home with mum.
(d) CyberSec Works as a PA to the boss of a small organisation. Super-competent, well turned out
and also very much 'one of the girls'. Accesses the internet only at the office.
(e) Hit 'n' Runner Can be either be male or female. Successful professional or high-flying marketing
exec. Accesses the internet at work and only for information. Very impatient if finding information
is difficult or if the site is slow to download.
(f) InfoJunky Either male or female. Possibly a middle-rank civil servant or a partner at a small firm
of solicitors. Is under the impression that the time spent online is a big benefit to the job. Given
that he/she gets side-tracked, this is very debatable.
(g) CyberMum Married with kids and works in a 'caring' profession. Her husband thought it would
be a good idea if they got online when he started spending one week in four at company HQ in
Holland, so that they could exchange email messages. She would like to be able to shop online, if
only she knew how it worked.

2.5 Retaining customers using electronic media

Retention of on-line customers may be based on careful use of customer databases and by offering wider
benefits. Databases allow for personalised communications, promotions and offers. Wider benefits may be
offered by access to extranets and on-line communities.

Much has been written about how to attract customers using search engines, indexes, portals and other
advertising media, but far less has been written about how to persuade them to remember any site and
return to it when they need another item or, in particular, to return to that site when they do not need
anything but may be susceptible to impulse purchases. This factor has been called stickiness. Trying to
attract 'sticky customers' (customers who will bring repeat business) is a crucial goal for many online
Customer retention marketing is a tactically-driven approach based on customer behaviour. It is the core
activity going on behind the scenes in:
Relationship marketing
Loyalty marketing
Database marketing
Permission marketing consumers giving their consent to receive marketing information
improves the targeting and relevance of promotional messages, thus improving response and
conversion rates.
The basic philosophy is that active customers are happy (retained) customers; and they like to feel like
winners. They like to feel they are in control and smart about choices they make, and they like to feel good
about their behaviour.

372 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Marketers take advantage of this by offering promotions of various kinds. These promotions range from
discounts and sweepstakes to loyalty programs and higher concept approaches such as thank-you notes
and birthday cards. Retaining customers means keeping them active, otherwise they will slip away and
eventually no longer be customers.
Other techniques for retaining customers include personalisation, the use of extranets, on-line
communities, on-line sales promotions and opt-in e-mail marketing.

2.5.1 Personalisation
Database, document generation and wetechnologies have improved the ease and sophistication of
targeting and personalisation of contact between organisations and customers. Here are some examples.
(a) Allowing users to customise wepages for their personal interests and tastes
(b) Making individually-targeted product offers and recommendations based on browsing/buying
(c) Sending personally addressed and targeted-content messages to customers
(d) Encouraging users/customers to form virtual communities (for example, using chat rooms,
discussion boards and newsgroups)

2.5.2 Extranets
For many companies, extranets are still only web-based systems that provide password-protected areas
allowing users (customers, resellers) to fill out forms or perform simple online transactions. HTTP-based
extranets allow companies to deliver information through a browser interface but offer very limited ability
to interact with core business systems and applications.
On the customer side, extranets offer secure tunnels to remote databases, which let users access
inventory data, examine special discounts, view delivery status, research products, place and fulfills
orders, and collaborate via a secure internet connection. By opening customer access in this way,
extranets offer businesses a significant customer retention opportunity the customer is almost literally
attached to the business.

2.5.3 On-line communities

A community is a multi-way online environment where members encourage each other to contribute
content and interact.
According to a top e-business technology consultant, the most important objective for a small business
when establishing a business presence online is to create a community where people interested in the
product or service can feel at home 'hanging out'.
Interactivity benefits
(a) Within commercial sites, community members account for one-third of all users, but two thirds of
all transactions
(b) Active posters make nine times as many visits to a website as passive users
(c) Active members are twice as loyal to a site as all other users.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 373

Types of community are shown below:

Communities of purpose Communities of circumstance

where members share a where members share
vocation or profession a personal situation

Communities of purpose
where members share
a common objective

Communities of interest Communities of geography

where members share where members live in
a hobby or interest the same area

Some sites are inherently sticky because they serve a particular natural community, for example, a fan
cluor football team. These will generate their own news regularly and will be visited frequently by both
dedicated and lukewarm adherents without special stimulus. Other sites are also going to attract regular
visitors because of their nature, such as Amazon, ebay and Loot, whose primary purpose is well known
and is of frequent use for certain people. Revenue there comes from direct sales or commission on
transactions or even from advertisers based on the number of visitors.

2.5.4 Opt-in email

Opt-in-email promotional emails that have been requested by the individual receiving them. Unlike
promotional e-mails that get sent out to large lists of recipients without regard to whether or not they want
the information, opt-in emails are only sent to people who specifically request them.
Opt-in emails are targeted and often personalised and carry information about specific topics or
promotions that users are interested in learning about. Typical opt-in emails contain newsletters, product
information or special promotional offers. For example, if a user frequented a Wesite that sold books and
music online, that user could opt in to receive announcements when his or her favourite author or
musician released new material. The promotional email may even present the recipient with a special
promotional offer to purchase the product at a discount available only to those on the opt-in list.

2.6 Increasing the activity and value of established, retained customers

Customer activity may be enhanced by the use of data mining and cookies.

CRM is concerned with the creation, development and enhancement of individualised customer
relationships with carefully targeted customers and customer groups.
Paul Postma, in The New Marketing Era highlights two major shifts in the way customer information is
used in the new marketing era:
(a) 'In a traditional market approach, people have all sorts of ideas about the target group, or they
think up some obvious target group for a certain product. Without a marketing database, people
are able to approach this target group only as a generic whole, by choosing the correct advertising
medium and tailoring the creative ideas to the prescribed target group. In the new approachwe
no longer calculate the market from within the company, but instead communicate, listen and
record. The database will teach us what the market has to say'
(b) 'In the new marketing era, we are shifting from derivative and self-reported information to
behavioural analysis Information technology makes it possible to determine behaviour, even at
an individual level, and even in mass markets. This information is by far the most trustworthy when
forecasting future behaviour.'

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2.6.1 Database marketing
Database marketing has been defined by Shaw and Stone as 'an interactive approach to marketing, which
uses individually addressable marketing media and channels to extend help to a company's target
audience, stimulate their demand and stay close to them by recording and keeping an electronic database
memory of customer, prospect and all communication and commercial contacts, to help them improve all
future contacts and ensure more realistic planning of all marketing'.
A database, in marketing terms, is a collection of data that can be organised to give marketing information.
The customer database is one example.
Allen et al suggest the following projects which can be conducted using database marketing techniques.

Project Method
Identify the best customers Use RFM analysis (Recency of the latest purchase, Frequency of
purchases, and Monetary value of all purchases) to determine which
customers are most profitable to market to.
Develop new customers Collect lists of potential customers to incorporate into the database.
Tailor messages based on Target mail and e-mail based on the types and frequency of purchases
customer usage indicated by the customer's purchase profile.
Recognise customers after Reinforce the purchase decision by appropriate follow-up.
Cross-sell related and Use the customer purchase database to identify opportunities to suggest
complementary products additional products during the buying session.
Personalise customer service Online purchase data can prompt customer service representatives to
show that the customer is recognised, their needs are known and their
time (for example, in giving details) is valued.
Eliminating conflicting or Present a coherent image over time to individual customers however
confusing communications different the message to different customer groups. (For example, don't
keep sending 'dear first-time customer' messages to long-standing
customers!) Remember the Integrated Marketing Communications

New data management techniques have been developed to provide marketers with better and quicker
access to data analysis.

2.6.2 Data mining

Data mining is a set of statistical techniques that are used to identify trends, patterns and relationships in
Data mining techniques have been available for many years, but they have only recently grown popular, as
more data is being created, data processing power (in the form of computers) is becoming more
accessible and data mining software tools are becoming available. Most data mining models are one of
two types:
(a) Predictive: using known observations to predict future events (for example, predicting the
probability that a recipient will opt out of an e-mail list)
(b) Descriptive: interrogating the database to identify patterns and relationships (for example, profiling
the audience of a particular advertising campaign).
The logical extension of database marketing is referred to by Kotler as customer specific marketing and
by Peppers and Rogers as one-to-one marketing. The company collects data on individual customers,
their past web-browsing and purchase habits, demographic and even psychographic characteristics. It is
then possible to customise or personalise the organisation-customer interface to suit individual customer
profiles: whether on the telephone (using Computer Telephony Integration), by mail (using data merged

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 375

from database files into word-processing programmes), by email (ditto) or by website (personalising and
customising pages for known surfers).

2.6.3 Cookies
Cookies are a technology that allows a website to remember individual visitors' surfing and/or purchase
history and preferences. This information is placed on the visitor's hard disk and when they revisit the site,
it references the cookie and is able to show the visitor product selections and recommendations, and offer
personalised welcomes and streamlined ordering (through remembering names, addresses, and credit
card details).

2.7 We2.0 technologies

Technologies known collectively as We2.0 have spread rapidly among consumers in recent years. As the
popularity of We2.0 has grown, companies have noted the way consumers have engaged with the
technologies, and have realised this could have important business implications particularly in relation to
marketing and new product development strategies.
The phrase We2.0' has become synonymous with a new generation of wetechnologies and softwares,
and, possibly more importantly, their impact on how weusers interact with content, applications and each

2.7.1 User experience and participation

We2.0 allows internet users (and potential customers for businesses) to no longer simply be recipients of
information, but to participate in the creation, sharing and evaluation of content. In other words, users can
actively take part in many-to-many' communications. A crucial aspect of We2.0 is that it focuses on user
experience and participation.
This is also important for businesses, because We2.0 allows firms of all sizes to engage with customers,
staff and suppliers in new ways. In particular, it allows firms to have a more customer-focused approach
to new product development because customers can actually be involved in the design of the new
We2.0 has highlighted the significance of dynamic social interactions in the environment, rather than
considering business and business transactions as a set of static business processes.
When looking at internal strategic capabilities (Chapter 4) we identified the importance of knowledge to
businesses. We2.0 plays an important role in this knowledge economy' through supporting creativity,
collaboration, knowledge sharing, and ultimately, innovation.

2.7.2 Features of We2.0

We will now look at some of the key aspects of We2.0.
Web-based communities
Probably the most popular aspect of We2.0 has been social networking sites, such as Facebook and
MySpace, which now attract more than 100 million visitors a month.
Web-based communities are enhanced by:
Social networking Social Networks (such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter) allow users to
make contact with other users
Blogs Blogs provide an easy way for users to publish their own content. Blogs are usually text
based. Users can publish audio and visual content as podcasts, and the growth of sites such as
YouTube illustrates how popular podcasts have become
Wikis Wikis allow user groups to collaborate in editing content. Wikipedia, the collaborative
online encyclopaedia is the best known example of this
Instant messaging This allows real time conversations between two or more participants using
pop-up dialogue boxes (eg instant messaging is now available in Skype)

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These web-based communities mean that weusers are now participants in the weexperience rather than
simply being observers.

2.7.3 Socialisation of knowledge sharing

We2.0 technologies encourage the socialisation of knowledge sharing through:
Tagging of information: A tag is a keyword assigned by a user to describe a piece of information
(such as a file, an image, or an internet bookmark). Tagging is a key feature of many We2.0
applications and is commonly used on file storing and file sharing sites. Once a file has been
tagged, the tag allows it to be found again when a relevant search enquiry is made.
Tagging also highlights an important point which businesses need to consider. The new
technologies mean that the amount of information on the internet is rising constantly. However,
information is no use if it can't be found. Search Engine Optimisation is therefore increasingly
important for businesses making sure the information on the business's website is findable and
Mashups: A mashup is a wepublication that combines data from more than one source into a
single wepage. For example, a restaurant review website, could take the location details of all the
local restaurants in an area and map them onto a single Google map page.
Feedback on sources of information
Promoting collective intelligence: Collective intelligence refers to both structured and
unstructured group collaboration. It describes the way people's opinions or behaviours can be
aggregated so that others can learn from their collective decision making.
The online auction site eBay uses collective intelligence to let potential buyers see how efficient and
trustworthy vendors are. Equally, Amazon and a number of online sites include product reviews
allowing people who have purchased an item to comment on the item and rate its performance.
Amazon also uses collective intelligence to make product recommendations based on purchasing
patterns. When a user selects an item to buy, he or she is presented with a list of other items
purchased by people who have already bought the current selection, which may encourage a user
to make follow up purchases.
User generated content (UGC): websites can now have sections of content created by their
readers. One of the main ideas behind We2.0 technologies is that users can generate the content
of sites themselves, and the technologies allow users to create, capture and share information
across the web. The video streaming website, YouTube, is a popular example of this.
Consumer generated content (CGC): websites can now contain shared feedback from consumers;
for example, product reviews. This has important implications for businesses, because it means
customers can communicate with other (potential) customers very easily. If a customer receives
poor customer service, they can now tell everyone else about it, which could damage the business'
reputation, and lead to a decline in sales.
The most widely known example of CGC is the user reviews developed by Amazon noted above.
Many customers look at other users' product reviews when assessing prospective purchases.

2.7.4 Applications of We2.0 for business

In recent years, we have seen the emergence of a number of new online companies. Many are probably
also run by young entrepreneurs for whom technology will play a key role in their business strategy:
The business can find partners, collaborators, customers and suppliers through social networks
and blogs
The business can use blogs, and social networks for publicity and to market itself, and it can
encourage customers to leave feedback on its site (customer generated content)

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 377

The business can manage the development, creation and delivery of its products through virtual
workspaces and wikis that support collaboration, innovation and the management of workflow. The
collaborative nature of We2.0 enables external third parties to participate in product development
The business can get market intelligence through blogs and online reference sites. It can also get
feedback on how customers perceive its own products or services.
Staff - Importantly also, if the businesses want to attract and retain young, dynamic employees they will
need to provide them with tools they are familiar with, and offer a work environment that fits with their
Marketing - We2.0 can have significant implications for marketing approaches. Teenagers and young
adults can be an important demographic for many businesses, and sites such as Facebook and Twitter
play an important part in their lives. In this way, running campaigns through popular social networking
sites can offer businesses a way of engaging with these users, allowing them to reach a demographic
which has traditionally been difficult to reach.
However, if companies do engage in social networking or publish blogs they need to monitor how these
are perceived by the online communities. Brand management remains very important perhaps even
more so because of the way users can publish negative feedback on poorly designed or presented content.
Developing ideas Also, by allowing weusers to provide feedback and share ideas, We2.0 is encouraging
a model in which people outside an organisation can have an impact on that organisation's strategy.
In this way, the internet becomes, in effect, a research tool, where companies can find out about
customers' opinions about products and services. We2.0 allows businesses to aggregate opinions from
many different individuals to guide idea generation and strategic decision making.
Consequently, customer networks and social interaction have become much more important in marketing.
Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of this can be seen through the virtual world of Second Life'.

Case Study
Second Life is the world's largest 3D virtual environment, and offers an example of how technologies are
allowing companies to engage with their potential customers.
Companies can introduce new products and design ideas on the Second Life Grid and benefit from fast,
cost-effective feedback, as well as planting the seeds of brand loyalty in consumers' minds.
The Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) which provides, amongst other things, aerospace and
electronic systems, uses the Second Life Grid to gain insights and co-design products with consumers. By
presenting prototypes early on, the company can use consumer feedback to improve their design process.
As a result, they are able to perfect new products before launching them in the real' world.
The worldwide hotel chain, Starwood, built a virtual replica of a new hotel concept. This virtual hotel
functioned as a laboratory. The company observed how people moved through the space, where they
gathered, and even how they used the furniture. Virtual hotel customers posted feedback on a blog, and
the company used this information to modify its building plans.

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3 Software and CRM
There are four main areas of CRM automation:
Sales lead management, order tracking, sales support
Service help desk, FAQs problem resolution
Marketing prospect database, campaign management
Reporting presentation of performance data
E-commerce systems must be integrated with back office systems such as inventory management and
sales ledger.
Systems choice is subject to considerations previously dealt with, concerning design, integration, modality
and customisation.

There are three aspects of CRM that can each be implemented in isolation from one another:
(a) Operational CRM provides support to 'front office' business processes, including sales, marketing
and service. Each interaction with a customer is generally added to a customer's contact history,
and staff can retrieve information on customers from the database as necessary. Many call centres
use some kind of CRM software to support their call centre agents.
(b) Collaborative CRM covers the direct interaction with customers. This can include a variety of
channels, such as internet, email, automated phone/ Interactive Voice Response (IVR).
(c) Analytical CRM analyses customer data for a variety of purposes eg, risk assessment and fraud
detection, in particular for credit card transactions.
Many businesses invest in a CRM system to improve their customer services. The CRM system brings
information like customer data, sales patterns, marketing data and future trends together with the aim of
identifying new sales opportunities, delivering improved customer service, or offering personalised
services and deals.
In addition to improving sales and profitability, the CRM system is very effective in handling customer
complaints and can have a tremendous effect on a company's reputation.
Whilst IT and software are not the entire story for CRM, they are vital to its success. CRM software
collects data on consumers and their transactions. Huge databases store data on individuals and groups
of individuals. Organisations will track individuals, and try to market products and services to them based
upon similar buyer behaviour seen in other individuals.
The customer interacts with the company via e-mail, telephone, weor face-to-face, through the company's
back office, sales team, marketing division and so on. As the interaction progresses to a sale, service
query or quote the information from that interaction is stored and fed through middleware into a
database. This data can then be drawn upon by sales, service, marketing or business to add a greater
functionality to those departments.
Major areas of CRM focus on service automated processes, personal information gathering and
processing, and self-service. It attempts to integrate and automate the various customer serving
processes within a company. It typically involves four general areas:
(a) Sales automation including lead management, order tracking and sales support, plus integration
with desktop applications to share contacts, send email and manage calendars.
(b) Service management including basic helpdesk functionality, case management, escalation with
basic workflow, problem ticket tracking and FAQs.
(c) Marketing automation to manage a database of prospects. Further down the line more
sophisticated campaign management can be brought into play to track the origin and status of
prospects and monitor marketing effectiveness.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 379

(d) Management reporting, including easy to understand graphical views of different slices of the data
such as by territories or order status.
These areas should all be focused around building a single view of the customer. Integration should
initially be sought between key modules.
Typical CRM objectives include reducing customer complaints, increasing communication with
customers, increasing customer loyalty, and of course, increasing the variety or volume of products sold.
Good sales people will know what their customers' requirements are, and when they are needed, but in a
channel sales environment it is necessary to apply this level of knowledge company-wide to maximise
opportunities for sale. Managers selecting CRM systems will be concerned with the following key technical
CRM applications
Integration with back-office systems
The choice of single-vendor solutions or a more fragmented choice

3.1 CRM applications

(a) Electronic marketing: a high volume of all communication takes place via email. A basic
application for any CRM system would be to send an email to any customer who had previously
purchased certain items which would lead the organisation to believe that they may be interested in
related items. CRM systems allow this list to be created in minutes and campaigns put into action
instantly. A logical extension of this strategy is to send them a way of ordering as well as a
promotional message, as research has shown that this can treble the effectiveness of the
(b) Target mailing will reduce costs and increase response rate. A simple example of this is to send
this season's catalogue to customers who purchased from the last catalogue. To achieve this, the
mailing lists need to be linked to sales history.
(c) Sales analysis is widely used by large sophisticated channel marketing businesses, but this
strategy is basically simple and easy to implement using an integrated CRM system. For example, it
should be easy to generate a list of customers who have not purchased for over a year. These
could then be targeted by email, direct mail or telephone by asking them if they want to receive the
next catalogue, and offering them some sort of discount to become a customer again. It is also
possible to understand simple relationships; for example anybody purchasing a computer printer
must need to buy toner cartridges. A simple gap analysis allows a list to be formed of the details of
anyone who has purchased a printer without toner cartridges, and thus provides a targeted list for
a sales campaign. Again a fully integrated CRM system will enable this.
(d) Order building: another role for the CRM system should be to provide the organisation's order
taker or website with key data about each customer. Customers placing orders can then be
reminded of their usual order requirements, any related products on offer and further product
information. As well as increasing sales, this also helps to build the customer relationship.
Integrated CRM software is also known as front office solutions. This is because they deal directly with
the customer eg, applications for sales, marketing and customer service.
Many call centres use CRM software to store all of their customers' details. When a customer calls, the
system can be used to retrieve and display information relevant to the customer. By serving the customer
quickly and efficiently, and also keeping all information on a customer in one place, a company aims to
make cost savings, and also encourage new customers.
CRM solutions can also be used to allow customers to perform their own service via a variety of
communication channels. For example, you might be able to check your bank balance via your WAP phone
without ever having to talk to a person, saving money for the company, and saving you time.
A CRM solution is characterised by its functionality.
(a) Scalability is the ability to be used on a large scale and to be reliably expanded to whatever scale is

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(b) Multiple communication channels provide the ability to interface with users via different devices
such as phone, WAP, internet and so on.
(c) Workflow is enhanced by the ability to route work automatically through the system to different
people based on a set of rules.
(d) Databases provide centralised storage (in a data warehouse) of all information relevant to
customer interaction.
(e) Customer privacy is enhanced by, for example, data encryption and the destruction of records to
ensure that they are not stolen or abused.
Integration with back-office systems
For CRM to be truly effective, the e-commerce platform must be seamlessly incorporated into the back
office system (finance, payroll and HR applications). A simple example is that when product information in
the back office system is altered (such as inventory levels), this should also update the website. When
customers place orders on the web, they should be able review their order history whether placed on the
website or over the telephone.
When contemplating a CRM system, management will have previously invested in systems for other
business functions. These legacy systems will be at the application and database levels within the
organisation and it will not be financially viable to abandon these applications so their integration is a vital
part of the decision to implement a CRM system.

3.2 The choice of single-vendor solutions or a more fragmented choice

CRM software is available either as a complete purchase from a software vendor or outsourced from an
application service provider, or ASP. ASPs host the CRM applications and sell subscription-based
services. ASPs are more affordable than standalone software and require little maintenance on the
organisation's part. However, ASPs are often static in what they offer and will not provide the level of
customisation offered by purchased software.
CRM software is often sold in modules, so checking on modular availability can help trim costs. Before
shopping, think about the organisation's goals. Is retaining existing customers important? Reducing time
in the sales cycle? Or is it more valuable to expand into an online market? The data that is collected,
analysed, and reported on should directly support these objectives. CRM systems typically offer so many
tracking options that it is easy to get caught up in data overload, collecting every possible piece of
information about each and every customer, potential customer, and transaction. But it is far wiser to save
time, effort, and money by deciding in advance what information is most worthwhile to collect, how it will
be measured and what will be done with it.
In an ideal world, the organisation would choose to have a single integrated database such that any
employee would have total visibility about a customer and could access all visit, sales and support
histories; the system would be bought from a single vendor for ease of implementation and support.
In reality, most organisations will have different applications for different communications channels,
separate databases in different functional areas and multiple vendors. E-commerce systems are often
separate from traditional systems. Such fragmentation makes implementation and maintenance of such
systems a headache for managers and will often result in poor levels of customer service for the
customer. The solution that many companies are looking to move to is close to the situation above.
However, the best option might be to adopt a CRM system phase by phase. The company needs to identify
the areas where the return on investment would be highest and adopt CRM technology there.
Another good approach is to automate one of the key departments with an inexpensive CRM solution and
if the project becomes successful adopt a cross-company CRM solution.
For either of these options the present customer related information that is going to be integrated with the
CRM system should be carefully analysed, consolidated, structured and cleaned up prior to adoption.

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 381

Chapter roundup
E-marketing is the application of IS and internet techniques to the achievement of marketing objectives.
Most marketing activities can be enhanced by the use of such techniques, including branding, customer
service and sales.
The employment of e-marketing may be analysed and planned using the six Is.
Independence of location
Industry structure
More specific concepts for the development of e-marketing may be based on the seven Ps.
The augmented product can be extended through weinformation and interactivity.
Pricing can be made transparent; dynamic pricing may be used.
The global reach of the internet has great implications for place, with the creation of new
marketplaces and channel structures.
Promotion can be previously targeted via customer databases.
People can be replaced by software to a varying extent.
Processes may be automated.
Physical evidence consists of the customer's experience of using the organisation's e-marketing
tools in general and of its website in particular
One of the most complex decisions involved in the marketing mix is deciding on the price of the product
or service. There are eight steps in the process of establishing prices:
Select a pricing objective,
Assess target market's evaluation of price and its ability to buy
Determine the nature and price elasticity of demand
Analyse demand, cost and profit relationships
Evaluate competitor's prices
Determine the basis for pricing
Select a primary strategy,
Determine the final price.
IT and the internet have particular implications for branding.
The domain name is a vital element of the brand
Brand values are communicated within seconds via the experience of using the brand website
Online brands may be created in four ways
Migrate the traditional brand
Extend the traditional brand
Partner with an existing digital brand
Create a new digital brand
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the establishment, development, maintenance and
optimisation of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organisations.
It has three phases: acquisition, retention and extension. An accurate and detailed on-line database is
fundamental to customer relationship management

382 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology

Chapter roundup (cont'd)
Electronic media may be used to acquire customers by using a wide range of techniques. These vary from
analogues of traditional mass-communications methods such as advertising and newsletters, through
specialised on-line forms such as search engine registration, to previously targeted means such as
personalised emails and website messages to logged in return customers.
The processes involved in making a purchase may be complex or relatively simple depending on the
nature of the need.
The greatest contrast lies between business and consumer purchases. On-line purchaser behaviour is
complicated by the special conditions of the on-line environment.
Segmentation of on-line consumer purchasers may be based on general on-line activity and the degree of
confidence and competence displayed.
Retention of on-line customers may be based on careful use of customer databases and by offering wider
benefits. Databases allow for personalised communications, promotions and offers. Wider benefits may be
offered by access to extranets and on-line communities.
Customer activity may be enhanced by the use of data mining and cookies.
There are four main areas of CRM automation.
Sales lead management, order tracking, sales support
Service help desk, FAQs problem resolution
Marketing prospect database, campaign management
Reporting presentation of performance data
E-commerce systems must be integrated with back office systems such as inventory management and
sales ledger.
Systems choice is subject to considerations previously dealt with, concerning design, integration, modality
and customisation.

Quick Quiz
1 The SOSTAC planning framework can be used to develop a marketing strategy. What does SOSTAC stand
2 What are the six Is of marketing?
3 What are the four ways an online brand be created?
4 What are the three phases of CRM identified by Chaffey?
5 What are the five phases of making a purchase?
6 What is scalability?

Part E Information technology 12: E-marketing 383

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Situation analysis; Objectives; Strategies; Tactics; Actions; Control.
2 Independence of location, industry structure, interactivity, individualisation, integration and intelligence
3 Migrate the traditional brand
Extend the traditional brand
Partner with an existing digital brand
Create a new digital brand
4 Acquisition, retention, extension
5 Need recognition , information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, post purchase
6 An attribute of software that enables that software to be used reliably on a range of scales as necessary.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q12 Examination 25 45 mins

384 12: E-marketing Part E Information technology


Project management

Project management

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 The nature of project management F1(a), (b), (c)
2 The project lifecycle F1 (e), (f), F4 (b)
3 Building the business case F2 (a) (f)
4 Strategic aspects of the project plan F4(b), F3(c)
5 Practical aspects of project planning F4(b)
6 Project management F3(a), (b), F4(a)
7 Controlling projects F1(d), F3(c), (d)
F4(c)(d), (e), F5(a),
(b), (c), (e)
8 Project management software F5(d)

Project management is an important aspect of strategy into action. In the first
place, many organisations' business consists largely of projects: civil
engineering contractors and film studios are two obvious examples. Secondly,
even where operations are more or less continuous, the need for continuing
strategic innovation and improvement in the way things are done brings project
management to the forefront of attention. Finally, even relatively low-level, one-
off projects must be managed with a view to their potential strategic
Project management is also very closely linked to business process change and
information technology issues. For example, major changes in technology are
usually implemented through projects and project management.

Study guide
Intellectual level
F1 The nature of projects
(a) Determine the distinguishing features of projects and the constraints they
operate in
(b) Discuss the implications of the triple constraint of scope, cost and time
(c) Discuss the relationship between organisational strategy and project
(d) Identify and plan to manage risks 2
(e) Advise on the structures and information that have to be in place to
successfully initiate a project
(f) Explain the relevance of projects to process re-design, e-business systems
development and quality initiatives
F2 Building the business case
(a) Describe the structure and contents of a business case document 2
(b) Analyse, describe, assess and classify benefits of a project investment 3
(c) Analyse, describe, assess and classify costs of a project investment 3
(d) Evaluate the costs and benefits of a business case using standard
(e) Establish responsibility for the delivery of benefits 2
(f) Explain the role of a benefits realisation plan 2
F3 Managing and leading projects
(a) Discuss the organisation and implications of project-based team structures 2
(b) Establish the role and responsibilities of the project manager and the project
(c) Identify and describe typical problems encountered by a project manager
when leading a project
(d) Advise on how these typical problems might be addressed and overcome 3
F4 Monitoring, controlling and concluding projects
(a) Discuss the principles of a product breakdown structure
(b) Assess the importance of developing a project plan and discuss the work
required to produce this plan
(c) Monitor the status of a project and identify project risks, issues, slippage
(d) Formulate response for dealing with project risks, issues, slippage and
(e) Discuss the role of project management and project gateways in project
F5 Concluding a project
(a) Establish mechanisms for successfully concluding a project 2
(b) Discuss the relative meaning and benefits of a post-implementation and a
post-project review
(c) Discuss the meaning and value of benefits realisation 2

388 13: Project management Part F Project management

(d) Evaluate how project management software may support the planning and
monitoring of a project
(e) Apply lessons learned to future business case validation and to capital
allocation decisions

Exam guide
The examiner has indicated that the importance of project management will be recognised both by Section
B questions which deal with it explicitly and also through issues in the Section A scenario. It is possible
that topics that have been examined in the old syllabus Paper 2.1 Information systems, such as project
initiation, project slippage, project completion and risk management, will re-emerge in your exam in a
more complex and substantial form.
You should also remember that project management is also linked very closely to the business process
change and IT issues dealt with by your syllabus. Its treatment here builds on the syllabus for Paper F1
Accountant in Business, Section E, which deals with leading and managing individuals and teams.

The Study Guide for this chapter does not refer to any specific models of project management, and so no
specific models will be explicitly required by a question.
However, note the way the Study Guide emphasises the practical aspects of project management,
suggesting that these practical applications will be important in answering exam questions on project

1 The nature of project management

A project is an undertaking that has a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals
within cost, schedule and quality objectives. It often has the following characteristics:
A defined beginning and end
Resources allocated specifically to it
Intended to be done only once (although similar separate projects could be undertaken)
Follows a plan towards a clear intended end-result
Often cuts across organisational and functional lines

1.1 What is a project?

To understand project management it is necessary to first define what a project is.

Key terms A project is 'an undertaking that has a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals
within cost, schedule and quality objectives'. (Haynes, Project Management)
Resources are the money, facilities, supplies, services and people allocated to the project.

In general, the work which organisations undertake involves either operations or projects. Operations and
projects are planned, controlled and executed. So how are projects distinguished from 'ordinary work'?

Projects Operations
Have a defined beginning and end On-going
Have resources allocated specifically to them, although Resources used 'full-time'
often on a shared basis
Are intended to be done only once A mixture of many recurring tasks

Part F Project management 13: Project management 389

Projects Operations
Follow a plan towards a clear intended end-result Goals and deadlines are more general
Often cut across organisational and functional lines Usually follows the organisation or
functional structure

An activity that meets the first four criteria above can be classified as a project, and therefore falls within
the scope of project management. Whether an activity is classified as a project is important, as projects
should be managed using project management techniques.
Common examples of projects include:
Producing a new product, service or object
Changing the structure of an organisation
Developing or modifying a new information system
Implementing a new business procedure or process

Exam focus Note the links back to previous sections of your syllabus here: business process change (Section D) and
point information technology (Section E).
The December 2007 exam included a question looking at changes to a downstream supply chain. Such
changes need to be investigated and implemented through projects.

1.2 What is project management?

Project management is the combination of systems, techniques, and people used to control and monitor
activities undertaken within the project. It will be deemed successful if it is completed at the specified level
of quality, on time and within budget. Achieving this can be very difficult: most projects present a range
of significant challenges.

Key term Project management: Integration of all aspects of a project, ensuring that the proper knowledge and
resources are available when and where needed, and above all to ensure that the expected outcome is
produced in a timely, cost-effective manner. The primary function of a project manager is to manage the
trade-offs between performance, timeliness and cost.

The objective of project management is a successful project. A project will be deemed successful if it is
completed at the specified level of quality, on time and within budget.

Constraint Comment
Quality The end result should conform to the project specification. In other words, the
result should achieve what the project was supposed to do.
Budget The project should be completed without exceeding authorised expenditure.
Timescale The progress of the project must follow the planned process, so that the 'result' is
ready for use at the agreed date. As time is money, proper time management can
help contain costs.

Quality, cost and time are regarded as the yardsticks against which project success is measured. It is
common to add a fourth constraint, scope, and even to use it to replace quality as a fundamental
constraint and target. The scope of a project defines all the work that is to be done and all the deliverables
that constitute project success. Under this analysis, the quality constraint is restricted to a narrower
meaning and the difference between scope and quality becomes the difference between doing a job and
doing it well or badly.
The process involved in project management can be summarised in the figure below. (We will look at
these processes in more detail throughout this chapter.)

390 13: Project management Part F Project management


corrective action

Compare actual
progress to
project plan Measure

1.2.1 Projects present some management challenges

Challenge Comment
Teambuilding The work is carried out by a team of people often from varied work and social
backgrounds. The team must 'gel' quickly and be able to communicate effectively with
each other.
Expected Expected problems should be avoided by careful design and planning prior to
problems commencement of work.
Unexpected There should be mechanisms within the project to enable these problems to be
problems resolved quickly and efficiently.
Delayed benefit There is normally no benefit until the work is finished. The 'lead in' time to this can
cause a strain on the eventual recipient who is also faced with increasing expenditure
for no immediate benefit.
Specialists Contributions made by specialists are of differing importance at each stage.
Potential for Projects often involve several parties with different interests. This may lead to conflict.

1.2.2 A note on terminology

Unfortunately, the terminology used in project management is not standardised, as we have already seen
in the case of scope and quality. This is partly because large organisations develop their own
methodologies and partly because there are at least two major, widely used methodologies that are taught
as professional disciplines. These are PRINCE2, developed in the UK and used globally, and the project
management body of knowledge (PMBOK) approach and terminology developed by the US Project
Management Institute (PMI). Your syllabus does not mandate the use of any specific scheme of
terminology, so we will use a selection of technical terms as they become appropriate in the discussion
that follows. Where there are equivalents or near-equivalents, we will give them in brackets, together with
their provenance, where appropriate, thus: ' project charter (PRINCE2: project initiation document)'.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 391

1.3 Projects and strategy
Adaptation to environmental change makes project management an important feature of strategic
implementation. Also, strategic management thinking can be a useful input into project management.
Strategic project management envisages strategy as a stream of projects intended to achieve
organisational breakthroughs.

1.3.1 Linking projects with strategy

Grundy and Brown see three links between strategic thinking and project management.
(a) Many projects are undertaken as consequences of the overall strategic planning process. These
projects may change the relationship between the organisation and its environment or they may be
aimed at major organisational change.
(b) Some important projects arise on a bottom-up basis. The need for action may become apparent for
operational rather than strategic reasons: such projects must be given careful consideration to
ensure that their overall effect is congruent with the current strategy.
(c) Strategic thinking is also required at the level of the individual project, in order to avoid the
limitations that may be imposed by a narrow view of what is to be done.

1.3.2 Project managing strategy

Project management in its widest sense is fundamental to much strategy. This is because very few
organisations are able to do the same things in the same ways year after year. Continuing environmental
change forces many organisations to include extensive processes of adaptation into their strategies.
Business circumstances change and new conditions must be met with new responses or initiatives. Each
possible new development effectively constitutes a project in the terms we have already discussed.
Grundy and Brown suggest three reasons for taking a project management view of strategic management.
(a) Strategic planning. Much strategy appears to develop in an incremental or fragmented way;
detailed strategic thinking may be best pursued through the medium of a strategic project or
group of projects. Project management is a way of making ad hoc strategy more deliberate and
therefore better-considered.
(b) Strategic implementation is more complex than strategic analysis and choice; a project
management approach, as outlined above, has an important role to play here, but must become
capable of handling more complex, ambiguous and political issues if it is to play it effectively.
When an apparent need for a project emerges, it should be screened to ensure that it supports the
overall strategy.
(c) Even at the smaller, more traditional scale of project management, wider strategic awareness is
vital if project managers are to deliver what the organisation actually needs
Of course, not all new developments are recognised as worthy of project management. For example, the
installation of a new, shared printer in an office would probably be regarded as a matter of routine, though
it would no doubt have been authorised by a responsible budget holder and installed and networked by a
suitable technician. There would probably have been a small amount of training associated with its use
and maintenance and it might have been the subject of a health and safety risk assessment. All these
processes taken together look like a project, if a very small one.
In contrast to the multitude of such small events, modern organisations are likely to undergo significant
change far less often, but sufficiently frequently and with developments that have sufficiently long lives for
project management to be an important aspect of strategic implementation. Project management and
change management are thus intimately linked.
An atmosphere of change and continuing development will be particularly evident in relation to
information systems and technology, organisation structure and organisation culture.

392 13: Project management Part F Project management

1.3.3 Project management as a core competence
Kerzner suggests that where project management is a core competence, a continuous improvement
approach should be taken to developing and consolidating the methodology.

Project management can be a core strategic competence for companies working in such industries as
consulting and construction. Such companies must ensure that they maintain and improve their project
management abilities if they are to continue to be commercially successful.
Kerzner describes a five level project management maturity model of continuous organisational
improvement in the methodology of project management. Organisations should aspire to progress to the
highest level, which is a state of continuous improvement. The five levels need not necessarily follow one
another in a linear fashion: they may overlap, but the degree of overlap allowed is reflected in the risk
associated with the overall process.
Level 1 Common knowledge
The importance of project management to the organisation is understood and training in the
basic techniques and terminology is provided.
Level 2 Common processes
The processes employed successfully are standardised and developed so that they can be
used more widely, both for future projects and in concert with other methodologies such as
total quality management.
Level 3 Singular methodology
Project management is placed at the centre of a single corporate methodology, achieving
wide synergy and improving process control in particular. A separate methodology may be
retained for IS matters.
Level 4 Benchmarking
Competitive advantage is recognised as being based on process improvement and a
continuing programme of benchmarking is undertaken.
Level 5 Continuous improvement
Benchmarking information is critically appraised for its potential contribution to the
improvement of the singular methodology. Organisations such as this strive for project
management excellence. Common characteristics at this level of project management
maturity are the creation of lessons learned after each project and the application of lessons
learned from previous projects into subsequent projects.
Models such as Kerzner's are a guide to progress; in particular they indicate corporate training needs and
career development routes for project managers.
The need for continuous improvement is necessary because, despite best efforts, many projects fail. By
analysing the reasons for the failures and identifying the lessons learned the chances of future success
can be improved. Taking the lessons learned forward into future projects helps avoid similar mistakes and
to strengthen and improve both the project management and management processes.

1.3.4 Strategic project management

Grundy and Brown suggest that it is often appropriate for organisations to combine project management
and strategic management into a process that they call strategic project management. This envisages
strategy as a stream of projects.

Key term Strategic project management is the process of managing complex projects by combining business
strategy and project management techniques in order to implement the business strategy and deliver
organisational breakthroughs. Grundy and Brown

The link between strategy and project is most clearly seen in the concept of the breakthrough project.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 393

Key term A breakthrough project is a project that will have a material impact on either the business's external
competitive edge, its internal capabilities or its financial performance. Grundy and Brown

Breakthrough projects are a feature of the Japanese technique of hoshin or 'breakthrough management'.
Hoshin requires that there should be not more than three concurrent breakthrough projects. This has
distinct advantages.
Resources are concentrated where they will do the most good.
Projects of marginal value are avoided.
Managerial attention remains focussed.
The link from strategy to project management is a process influenced by both internal and external
change. Vision gives rise to ideas for strategic breakthroughs. These lead to the establishment of
strategic programmes and these, in turn generate strategic projects.

2 The project lifecycle

The project life cycle concept describes the progression of many projects through four stages: definition,
design, delivery and development.

Projects may be thought of as having a lifecycle. This concept is useful for understanding the processes
involved in project management and control, since the resources required and the focus of management
attention vary as projects move from one stage to the next.

2.1 A typical four stage project lifecycle

Maylor describes a typical four stage project lifecycle.

2.1.1 Project definition

Project definition is the first stage. Its essential element is the definition of the purpose and objectives of
the project. This stage may include abstract processes of conceptualisation, more rigorous analysis of
requirements and methods, feasibility studies and, perhaps most important, a definition of scope. The
scope of a project in this sense is what is included and what is not, both in terms of what it is intended to
achieve and the extent of its impact on other parts of the organisation, both during its execution and
The project definition stage may also include the procedures required for project selection. We will
discuss this further below, but for now we may simply point out that an organisation may be aware of a
larger number of worthwhile projects than it has resources to undertake. Some rational process for
deciding just which projects will proceed is therefore required.

2.1.2 Project design

The project design phase will include detailed planning for activity, cost, quality and risk. Final project
authorisation may be delayed until this stage to ensure that the decision is taken in the light of more
detailed information about planned costs and benefits.

2.1.3 Project delivery

The project delivery phase includes all the work required to deliver the planned project outcomes. Planning
will continue, but the emphasis is on getting the work done. Sub-phases can be identified.
(a) The people and other resources needed initially are assembled at start up.
(b) Planned project activities are carried out during execution.
(c) Completion consists of success or, sometimes, abandonment.

394 13: Project management Part F Project management

(d) The delivery phase comes to an end with handover. This is likely to include project closure
procedures that ensure that all documentation, quality and accounting activities are complete and
that the customer has accepted the delivery as satisfactory.

2.1.4 Project development

Handover brings the delivery phase to an end but the project continues through a further stage of
management largely aimed at improving the organisation's overall ability to manage projects.
(a) There should be an immediate review to provide rapid staff feedback and to identify short-term
needs such as staff training or remedial action for procedure failures.
(b) Longer-term review will examine the project outcomes after the passage of time to establish its
overall degree of success. Lifetime costs are an important measure of success. There should also
be longer-term review of all aspects of the project and its management, perhaps on a functional
It is tempting to ignore the need for project review, especially since, done properly, it imposes significant
costs in terms of management time and effort. It is, however, essential if the organisation is to improve
the effectiveness of its project management in the future.

2.2 Project definition

Grundy and Brown summarise the process of project definition as the preparation of answers to a series
of questions.
What opportunities and threats does the project present?
What are its objectives?
What are its potential benefits, costs and risks?
What is its overall implementation difficulty?
Who are the key stakeholders?
A number of techniques that aid analytical thinking may be used when addressing these questions.

2.2.1 Defining the key issues fishbone analysis

Fishbone analysis (root-cause, cause and effect or Ishikawa diagram analysis) is useful for establishing
and analysing key issues. It can be used both on existing problems, opportunities and behavioural issues,
and on those that may be anticipated, perhaps as a result of the construction of a scenario.
The essence of fishbone analysis is to break a perceived issue down into its smallest underlying causes
and components, so that each may be tackled in a proper fashion. It is called fishbone analysis because
the overall issue and its components are traditionally analysed and presented on a diagram such as the
one that follows.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 395

Fishbone analysis
The major issue or problem is shown at the right hand side of the page and the perceived causes and
influences are shown, in no particular order, on the 'bones' radiating from the central spine. Each 'bone'
can be further analysed if appropriate. It is common to use familiar models such as the Ms list of
resources (men, money, machines and so on) to give structure to the investigation, though not
necessarily to the diagram. The fish bone diagram itself is not, of course, essential to the process of
analysis, but it forms a good medium for brainstorming a problem and for presenting the eventual results.

2.2.2 Determining performance drivers

Many strategic projects are aimed at or include improving some aspect of the performance of a
department, activity or function: performance driver analysis is useful in such cases; essentially it is
another brainstorming and presentation technique. It has a lot in common with the force field analysis we
will encounter later in this Study Text, during our consideration of the management of change. The
essential difference between the two is that force field analysis is concerned with factors affecting future
change activity, while performance driver analysis is used to identify the factors that account for past (and
current) performance.
The essence of the technique is to identify two groups of performance related influences: those that
enable good performance and those that hinder or prevent it. The factors in these two groups are drawn
as arrows against a baseline, the length of each arrow representing the perceived strength of the influence
it represents.

Performance driver analysis

396 13: Project management Part F Project management

2.2.3 Gap analysis
Gap analysis is widely used in business strategy to focus attention on the anticipated gap between
desired future strategic performance and likely future performance if there is no intervention. It can be
used in a similar way in project selection and definition as a route to establishing both what projects
should be undertaken and what their scope should be.

Strategic objectives

Existing plans

Current activities

Gap analysis

2.2.4 From to analysis

From to analysis is appropriate for establishing the scope of strategic projects concerned with
organisational change or operational improvement. The essence of the technique is to both define the
current state ('from this') and the desired state ('to this') of relevant issues such as management style,
control methods, power structures, communications practices, working methods, cost base and customer
service. Deciding which issues are relevant is as important as deciding what should be done about them,
so fishbone analysis might lead in to this technique. From-to analysis would supplement gap analysis by
looking at the gap from a different perspective.

2.2.5 Stakeholder analysis

We have covered stakeholder analysis in general earlier in this Study Text, but we will look at project
stakeholder analysis in more detail later in this chapter.

2.3 Initiating a project

Limits to resource availability mean that not all potential projects will be undertaken; rational methods are
used to select projects.
Project initiation tasks include the appointment of project manager and sponsor; stakeholder analysis and
the definition of project scope. The business case explains why the project is needed, while the project
charter gives authorisation for it to be undertaken.

2.3.1 Project selection

As already mentioned, it is likely that an organisation will be aware of a greater number of potentially
advantageous projects than it has resources to undertake. It is therefore necessary to select projects
carefully in order to make the best use of those limited resources. Project assessment and selection is
analogous to strategic choice, not least because many projects are of strategic significance. The
techniques used for making strategic choices are, therefore also applicable. The criteria of suitability,
acceptability and feasibility are applicable to many project choice problems, perhaps reinforced by the
use of more detailed assessment techniques such as those below.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 397

(a) Risk/return analysis using DCF, expected values and estimates of attractiveness and difficulty of
(b) Weighted scoring of project characteristics
(c) Assessment of organisational priority
(d) Feasibility studies addressing technical, environmental, social and financial feasibility; such
studies are costly and time-consuming and are likely to be restricted to front-running project
(e) SWOT analysis, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of individual projects against the
opportunities and threats facing the organisation.

2.3.2 Project initiation tasks

When a project has been approved in general terms, it should be the subject of a number of management
processes and tasks in order to start it up and move it into the execution phase. The exact nature of these
processes may well vary from project to project and according to the particular project management
methodology adopted. Schwalbe lists pre-initiating tasks and initiating tasks. The pre-initiating tasks
follow on directly from the formal project selection process.

2.3.3 Pre-initiating tasks

Pre-initiating tasks are the responsibility of the senior managers who decide that the project should be
(a) Determination of project goals and constraints. This involves setting the project scope, but also
identifying time or cost constraints
(b) Identification of the project sponsor
(c) Selection of the project manager

2.3.4 Project constraints

We noted at the start of this chapter that a project will be deemed successful if it is completed on time,
within budget, and to the specified scope.
However, it is important to note that in any project, there is a trade-off between project scope, time and
There are several aspects to consider for each of these elements.
Project scope
Project scope varies according to either quantity or quality.
How many tasks or activities are to be included in the project?
What level of quality is required for each task?
There is likely to be an overall deadline for when the project has to be completed
Within this overall deadline, there is likely to be an operational 'time budget' containing the number
of staff hours which can be devoted to the project
A project should have a cost budget, and the project manager should aim to ensure costs remain
within this budget
Costs should be commensurate to the benefits the project will deliver, and the business case (see
below) should demonstrate that the project's benefits exceed its costs
Budget constraints will mean the project has limited resources for example, contractors,
materials or equipment

398 13: Project management Part F Project management

The trade-off between scope, time and cost can best be viewed as a triangle. Each of the three elements is
constrained in itself, but also acts as a constraint on the others. If there is a change to one aspect of the
triangle, there is likely to be a knock-on effect on the remaining aspects. For example, if the project scope
is extended to include an extra activity, this is likely to increase costs and mean the project takes longer to
complete (unless the quality of the remaining activities is sacrificed to adjust for the additional activity).


Time Cost

Note. The roles and responsibilities of the project manager and project sponsor are discussed later in this
Senior management meeting with project manager to review the process and expectations for
managing the project
Decision whether the project actually needs to be divided into two or more smaller projects

2.3.5 Initiating tasks

Initiating tasks are carried out by the project manager.
(a) Identification of project stakeholders and their characteristics
(b) Preparation of a business case for the project
(c) Drafting of a project charter (PRINCE2: project initiation document)
(d) Drafting an initial statement of project scope
(e) Holding a project initiation meeting (PMBOK: 'kick-off' meeting)

2.3.6 Risk management

Risk management is concerned with identifying potential problems and taking action to eliminate or
reduce the damage that will result if the risks materialise. Failure to manage risks adequately could
threaten the success of a whole project. For example, it could lead to missed deadlines, poor quality, or
business disruption.
Risk management is the responsibility of the project manager, who should assess the likelihood and
potential impact of each risk. Risk management resources should be concentrated in those areas where
risk is high (risk prioritisation). There are two aspects of risk management:
(a) risk prevention
(b) minimising the effect of a risk event if it does occur.
Risk assessment and management should be conducted at the start of the project, but should be revisited
throughout the project to ensure that risks are understood and controlled. It is usually impossible to
eliminate risk altogether so the project manager should recognise the existence of risks and prepare, in
advance, plans for dealing with them if they occur.
As a project proceeds, the nature of risk changes. Old risks disappear and new ones appear.
Consequently, risk management is a continuous process, so there needs to be an on-going risk
assessment procedure which regularly reviews and reassesses risks throughout a project.
In this respect, risk management is also part of controlling a project, and we will look at risk management
in more detail as part of project control later in this chapter.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 399

2.4 Stakeholder analysis
Key term Project stakeholders are the individuals and organisations that are involved in or may be affected by
project activities and outcomes.

We discussed the strategic importance of stakeholders earlier in this Study Text. Fairly obviously, where a
project is of strategic significance, stakeholders will be considered at several points during the
development of the strategy. The stakeholder concept can also be applied to the management of projects
of less overall significance. This would form part of that strategic approach to project management
advocated by Grundy and Brown.
It is important to understand who has an interest in a project, because part of the responsibility of the
project manager is communication and the management of expectations. An initial assessment of
stakeholders should be made early in the project's life, taking care not to ignore those who might not
approve of the project, either as a whole, or because of some aspect such as its cost, its use of scarce
talent or its side-effects. Each stakeholder's degree of interest in and support for (or opposition to) the
project should be estimated

2.5 Preparation of a business case

When the project selection process is complete and a project selected for action, there is likely to be a
great deal of information available to justify the decision to proceed. However, it is unlikely that a full
account of the project has been prepared. A business case is a reasoned account of why the project is
needed, what it will achieve and how it will proceed.
The business case is a fundamental component of the PRINCE2 methodology, which is built on the
assumption that a project is, in fact, driven by its business case. An important use of the business case in
any project is to maintain focus and prevent mission creep by regular reference back to it. It is possible
that final approval for a large project will depend upon the preparation of a satisfactory business case.
A business case is not, of course, something that is confined to commercial organisations: the principles
are equally applicable to any organisation undertaking a project.
Building the business case is covered in detail later in this chapter.

2.6 The project charter

The project charter (or project initiation document) complements the business case: while the business
case explains the need for work on the project to start, the charter gives authorisation for work to be done
and resources used. The charter also has an important role in internal communication within the
organisation, since it can be given wide distribution in order to keep staff informed of what is happening.
The exact content of a charter will vary from organisation to organisation and from project to project, but
some elements are likely to be present in all charters.
Project title Details of the project sponsor and project
Project purpose and objectives Authorisation by the main stakeholders
Project start date and expected finish date
Other elements of information may be included.
Outline schedule of work Outline of project scope and work sequence
Budget information Further details of roles and responsibilities

2.7 Statement of project scope

As we have already indicated, the word 'scope' is used in project management to mean both the outcomes
that are required and the work that is to be done to achieve them. It is obviously of great importance that
everyone involved in a project should have a common understanding of these matters. If this common
understanding is not reached, sooner or later there will be acrimonious disputes. A careful specification of

400 13: Project management Part F Project management

project scope is therefore of great importance and the project management methodology in use may
require that this be a separate document. Equally, it may be that the business case and the project charter
between them provide a clear statement of agreed scope. Under the PRINCE2 methodology, the business
case performs the role of a statement of project scope.
It is likely that in larger projects it will become necessary to adjust the project scope. This might occur,
for example, if resources are unavoidably reduced or it becomes clear that a feasibility study was too
optimistic or too pessimistic. When a change to project scope becomes apparent, it is important that it is
clearly stated and that the revision is approved by the interested stakeholders.

2.8 Terminology again

If you have been paying attention you will have noticed that there has been a certain amount of overlap in
our account so far of the processes involved in getting a project off the ground. For example, there have
been a couple of mentions of stakeholders and the whole problem of scope has been approached from
several different directions. We make no apology for this it is the result of the variety of project
methodologies in use in the real world.

Exam focus Prepare your own summary of the activities and processes involved in project selection, definition, and
point initiation, mentioning each one just once. This will provide you with essential information for dealing with
any question that involves the early stages of a project.

3 Building the business case

The business case is a key document which is initially used to secure funding for a project, then revisited
and revised during the life of the project to ensure the project remains on track and the identified benefits
are realised.

Key term
A business case is a key document for a project. It is used to propose a course of action to senior
management for their consideration.

The purpose of a business case is

To secure funding for significant financial investment.
To provide information to decide whether or not to make the financial investment.
To enable the organisation to plan, manage and successfully complete the project so that the
benefits which underpin the rationale for both the investment and the business changes are
To provide, where appropriate, arguments that define how the project will contribute to enhancing
existing capabilities or create new ones.
To help ensure the effective coordination and management of the activities and resources involved.
To ensure the investment is understood from the viewpoints of both what benefits can be expected
and how feasible it is to achieve those benefits, in comparison with alternative uses of funds and
The business case is not a one-off process; it will be continually developed and revised throughout the life
of the project.

3.1 Structure of a business case

Business cases vary greatly in size depending on the preferences of the organisation in question. Whilst
some prefer large documents backed up with supporting evidence, documentation, calculations and
analysis, others prefer short, summarised business cases.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 401

Regardless of their size and format they generally contain the same key elements.
Management summary
Description of the current situation
Options considered
Analysis of costs and benefits
Investment appraisal
Impact assessment
Risk assessment
Appendices and supporting information

3.1.1 Introduction
The introduction defines the scope and objectives of the change and provides the necessary background
information to illustrate why the business case is being put forward. It may also describe the methods
used in developing the business case and thank key contributors to the study.

3.1.2 Management summary

This is the last piece of the business case to be prepared. It summarises the main points in only a few
paragraphs. It should be carefully worded as it may be the only part of the business case which is actually
read in detail by senior decision makers. It should cover

What the study was about

What was discovered about the issues under consideration
Details of the options considered and the main merits and drawbacks of each
A clear statement of the recommendation being made and the decision required

3.1.3 Description of the current situation

This section details what is happening at the moment, and where the problems and opportunities lie. This
section should be as short as possible as senior managers can become frustrated at reading large
amounts of text only to discover what they already knew! The exception is where the real problems are not
in line with the current understanding of management, in which case more detailed explanation can be

3.1.4 Options considered

This briefly details what options were considered and why they were rejected, followed by a full
description of the recommended solution.

402 13: Project management Part F Project management

3.1.5 Analysis of costs and benefits
This section should provide the benefits first, followed by the costs. This is to help the reader appreciate
the benefits before they are faced with the costs in achieving them. Preparation of the section involves a
number of challenges.
Working out where the costs will be incurred and what benefits may arise
Remaining realistic about whether the benefits will actually be realised in practice
Intangible elements, such as improved moral, can be difficult to value. In some organisations
managers will not consider intangible benefits at all. This can make it difficult, or even impossible
to make an effective business case. The best policy with intangible benefits is to state them but not
value them, leaving the reader to come to their own conclusion about their worth
Values are often based on assumptions which may or may not turn out to be accurate. Only
assumptions that are common within the organisation should be made, and the values calculated
based on these should always be under, rather than overstated.

3.1.6 Investment appraisal

Once the costs and benefits have been assessed, they must be presented in a way that allows the reader to
see whether, and when, the project will pay for itself.

3.1.7 Impact assessment

Any impacts the project may have on the organisation, in addition to the cost, should be described here.
For example, changes may need to be made to the organisational structure, or specialist staff may need to
be recruited.
All changes such as these should be clearly described along with details of any costs these changes will

3.1.8 Risk assessment

Strong business cases clearly identify the risks involved and illustrate the suitable countermeasures
available. For every risk, the following should be stated.
Description of the cause of the risk and its impact
Impact assessment of the scale of the damage that would be suffered should the risk event occur
Probability of how likely that risk is to occur
Countermeasures describing how the likelihood of the risk occurring can be reduced, how to
lessen its impact if it occurs, and how the risk can be transferred (eg insurance)
Ownership of the risk (the individual responsible for managing that risk should be defined)

3.1.9 Recommendations
This section should summarise the business case and clearly state the decisions that senior management
are being asked to take.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 403

3.1.10 Appendices and supporting information
Detailed information should be put into appendices to separate out the supporting detail from the main
points included in the body of the case. Statistics, charts and the detailed cost/benefit calculations may
also be put into the appendices.

Exam focus The December 2007 exam contained a Section B question asking how a business case and a project
point initiation document could have helped prevent some of the mistakes made in a website redesign project.
Make sure you understand not only the contents of a business case and a project initiation document, but
also their role in communicating project scope and other crucial project details.

3.2 Identifying the benefits

A business case should be based on the ability to measure each benefit and estimate expected
improvements. Benefits can be classified as observable, measureable, quantifiable or financial.

Some projects are more successful than others at delivering benefits. To understand why this is,
observation of methodologies used in projects was carried out and the benefits management approach
was developed. This approach aims to avoid the loss of achievable benefits as well as to realise more
extensive benefits than from previous investments. It is possible that this approach may also reduce costs,
as those costs which deliver nothing of value can be eliminated.
Benefits management has much in common with change management as it recognises that the way in
which a major change is managed must be appropriate to the content of the change and the context of the
organisation involved.
Benefits management is not a one off process; it will be revised constantly throughout the life of the
project. It is made up of five key stages as shown by the following diagram.

1 Identify and

5 Establish 2 Plan benefits

potential for realisation
further benefits

4 Review and 3 Execute

evaluate benefits plan

Ward and Daniel

The first stage of the diagram, identifying and structuring benefits, is important for inclusion in the
business case. The point of the business case is to secure funding by demonstrating the benefits for the
organisation that the project will bring.
The purpose of identifying and structuring benefits is to
Establish agreed objectives for the investment
Identify all the potential benefits that may arise if the objectives of the investment are met
(including where in the organisation it will occur)
Understand how those benefits could be realised
Determine ownership of the benefits

404 13: Project management Part F Project management

Determine how the benefits can be measured to prove they have occurred
Identify any issues that could delay the project or cause it to fail
Produce an outline business case to decide whether to proceed with the project or stop investment
at this stage
Notice that as part of this process it is important to determine who owns the benefit and how it will be
measured. If a perceived benefit cannot be measured, or no one owns it, then that benefit does not really

3.2.1 Classifying and measuring benefits

A business case should be based on the ability to measure each benefit and on specific evidence that
enables the level or size of each expected improvement to be estimated. It should aim to express benefits
in financial terms so that the overall expected return of the investment can be calculated. However, not all
benefits can be quantified in this way.
However, all benefits can be measured in some way. Benefits can be classified as observable,
measurable, quantifiable and financial.

Key terms Observable benefits are those which are measured by experience or judgement. Soft benefits such as
staff morale fall into this category.
Measurable benefits relate to an area of performance that could be (or already is being) measured, but it
is not possible to quantify how much performance will increase as a result of the change.
Quantifiable benefits are those where the level of benefit that will result from the change can be reliably
forecast based on the evidence in place.
Financial benefits are quantified benefits that have had a financial formula (such as cost or price) applied
to them to produce a financial value for the benefits.

Exam focus
The examiner has stressed the importance of understanding the different ways that benefits can be
An article titled Project management business cases and gateways (April 2011) written by Ken Garrett
was published in Student Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the
time to study this article.

3.2.2 Observable benefits

The realisation of observable benefits can only be determined by judgement or experience. The benefit
gained from the process is observed. However if such benefits have been tracked over time then it may
become possible to measure, rather than just observe, their impact.
Observable benefits are unlikely to be sufficient to argue the business case, however their impact should
not be devalued or underestimated. They should be included in the business plan even if there are plenty
of other financial and quantifiable benefits to secure funding.

3.2.3 Measurable benefits

As their name suggests, measurable benefits relate to areas of the business where performance could be
measured. The impact of the improvement, however, cannot yet be quantified. This will only be possible
after the improvement has been put in place and the appropriate measurements taken. Performance is
measured both before and after the implementation and the improvement can then be attributed to the
investment. Process improvement benefits are often measurable benefits.
It is often necessary with such benefits to have more than one measure in order to determine if the benefit
has been fully realised. These measures should be relevant to both the measure itself and the changes

Part F Project management 13: Project management 405

needed to realise it. This helps to ensure that the improvement can be directly attributable to the

3.2.4 Quantifying benefits

A big challenge when defining benefits for inclusion in the business plan is to find a way of quantifying the
Quantifiable benefits differ from measurable benefits because it is possible to quantify the degree of
improvement before the change is actually made.

Many investment cases are criticised for being unable to provide sufficient evidence to back up the
assumptions made to quantify the benefits listed in their business case. If the quantification cannot be
verified, then any financial figure placed on this benefit will be meaningless. This is therefore the most
crucial stage in building a sound economic case for investment. There are five approaches to quantifying

1 Evidence. Relevant detailed evidence may be obtained from existing systems over an appropriate
period of time. This method is particularly useful when the change requires stopping carrying out a
certain process.
2 Modelling and simulating can be carried out using computer software to identify the level of
performance that could be achieved if particular new processes are adopted, providing a basis for
estimates for what could be achieved in the specific situation under review.
3 Benchmarking. Benefits can be quantified by evaluating the changes in relation to best practices in
the industry, or in similar processes in different industries. This is a helpful technique for
quantifying the effects of process improvement initiatives but less helpful when attempting to
quantify the benefits of innovations.
4 Reference sites are examples of the change being made or of the technology being used in other
organisations or industries. Unless it is a first-of-its-kind innovation there should be a reference
site available, often from the suppliers of the technology who will be keen to demonstrate its prior
success. Once a relevant implementation has been identified, it will be necessary to determine
How the technology has been deployed
What changes had to be made in order to obtain the required improvement in performance
The starting point (in performance terms) of the reference organisation in order to
determine how much of their achievement is relevant and feasible for the current
5 Pilot implementations can be used both to test technology and to evaluate potential benefits from
new systems and ways of working. This method is necessary where proof of the benefit is
required. The process is tested on a small scale and the benefits are recorded then extrapolated to
provide the total expected benefit. Ideally a comparable control group, working in the old way, will
be monitored simultaneously to provide a baseline.

3.2.5 Financial benefits

A business case should aim to express as many of the benefits as possible in financial terms in order for
the expected return of the investment to be calculated. However, over-reliance on financial benefits will
limit the benefits included because, as we have seen, not all benefits can be reliably quantified and hence
no reliable financial value can be attached to it.
Quantifiable benefits can be converted to financial benefits by applying a financial formula (such as cost or
price) to that benefit. However some quantified benefits, such as increased productivity, can be difficult to
convert to a financial benefit, especially if the improved productivity arises from a saving in staff time. This
is because the value placed on such benefits can be very subjective and varies greatly across

406 13: Project management Part F Project management

Financial benefits are only realisable through reductions in cost, avoidance of known future costs or costs
associated with unacceptable risks, increases in revenue, or avoidance of revenue loss. Generally,
reductions in costs are easier to identify, quantify and prove than increases in revenue. However
converting the benefit to a financial benefit will be relatively straight forward presuming the benefits were
appropriately quantified based on sound assumptions and evidence.

3.3 Identifying the costs

Many costs will be incurred as part of a project, these will be both capital and operational. Care should be
taken to ensure all costs are fully identified within the business case.

As we have seen with project benefits, predicting costs can also be difficult particularly as some (such as
those associated with making business changes) may not be recorded. Types of costs that should be
included as part of the project cost assessment include
Purchase costs such as hardware, software, consultancy and materials
Internal systems development costs such as developing/purchasing software
Infrastructure costs. These are costs that are incurred exclusively for the new system
Costs of carrying out the business changes should be included to provide a complete financial
view of the investment. This includes costs such as training, recruitment, redundancy, refitting
buildings and so on
Ongoing costs. These are the permanent costs involved in the new ways of working. They should
be either explicitly stated as additional costs or netted off against the benefits.
We can see from this that a project will include both capital and operational costs.

Key term Capital expenditure acquires or produces an asset whose value continues to be used (or consumed) over
several financial years.
Operating costs refer to any expenditure on things whose value is used up within the same financial year.

The majority of capital expenditure is likely to occur at the start of the project and prior to implementation.
This could involve expenditure on items such as building new facilities, refits and refurbishment, new
technology and systems and so on.
Operating expenditure can be non-recurrent, such as consultancy fees, or can be recurrent, such as staff
salaries. Recurrent operating expenditure could continue long after the project has been completed and
the finished solution implemented.
Recurrent operating costs are as relevant to the business case as the capital and non-recurrent operating
costs incurred during the project itself, however it is easy to overlook such costs as part of business as
normal. If such costs would not be incurred if the project did not go ahead, then those costs must be built
into the business case if it is to be a true representation of the worth of the project.

3.4 Evaluation of the costs and benefits

Exam focus A requirement in the compulsory Section A of the Pilot Paper requires candidates to evaluate a cost-
point benefit technique that has been used in the scenario to justify investing in a project. Make sure you can
identify which of the techniques have been used, as well as have a firm understanding of the limitations of
the methods. You should also be familiar with the way benefits should be classified (i.e. observable,
measurable etc as descibed above) to ensure the benefits included in such analyses are justified.

When investment decisions are made, an outlay of economic value (usually cash) is made in anticipation
of future benefits. The outlay is usually large and is incurred at the start of the process. The benefits do
not occur until later and then generally arrive in a number of smaller amounts over a period of time.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 407

Investment decisions are important to businesses because they involve large amounts of resource, and
once the investment has been undertaken, it can be difficult and expensive to pull out of it.
Given this, it is important that investment proposals are properly appraised before they are taken on. There
are four key methods that are used for investment appraisal, they are
Accounting rate of return (ARR)
Payback period (PP)
Net present value (NPV)
Internal rate of return (IRR)
All of these are valid methods which are used by many organisations.

3.4.1 Accounting rate of return

The accounting rate of return takes the average accounting operating profit that the investment will
generate and expresses it as a percentage of the average investment made over the life of the project.
Average annual operating profit
ARR = 100
Average investment to earn that profit

For a project to be acceptable, it must achieve a target ARR as a minimum. It is likely that this target would
be based on the Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) perhaps of similar prior projects, or of the industry
If there are a number of competing projects that achieve the minimum ARR, the one that would be
selected is the one with the highest ARR.
ARR has two main advantages:
Consistent with the overall approach to measuring business performance (ROCE)
Gives the result expressed as a percentage, managers generally feel comfortable with this
There are also several problems in using ARR
Ignores the time factor. For example, if two projects that require the same outlay give the same
total return over 5 years then ARR would rank them equally. However, it may be that in one the
returns are concentrated in year 1 and in the other the returns are concentrated in year 5. A rational
investor would prefer the one that gave the most returns quickly, however, ARR overlooks this.
Is based on profits not cash. When measuring performance over the whole life of a project, cash is
more important because it is used to acquire resources and for distribution to owners. Accounting
profit is more appropriate for reporting achievement on a periodic basis, eg a year or half-year.
Cash is more appropriate over the long term.
ARR can create problems when considering competing investments of different size. This is
because it deals with percentages. It would suggest that the best project to invest in would be the
one with the biggest percentage return; however, it may be far better to select the project with the
biggest absolute return.

408 13: Project management Part F Project management

Question ARR

Arrow wants to buy a new item of equipment. Two models of equipment are available, one with a slightly
higher capacity and greater reliability than the other. The expected costs and profits of each item are as
Equipment item Equipment item
Capital cost $80,000 $150,000
Life 5 years 5 years
Profits before depreciation $ $
Year 1 50,000 50,000
Year 2 50,000 50,000
Year 3 30,000 60,000
Year 4 20,000 60,000
Year 5 10,000 60,000
Disposal value 0 0
ARR is measured as the average annual profit after depreciation, divided by the average net book value of
the asset.
Which item of equipment should be selected if the company's target ARR is 30%?

Item X Item Y
$ $
Total profit over life of equipment
Before depreciation 160,000 280,000
After depreciation 80,000 130,000
Average annual profit after depreciation 16,000 26,000
Average investment = (capital cost + disposal value)/2 40,000 75,000
ARR 40% 34.7%

Both projects would earn a return in excess of 30%, but since item X would earn a bigger ARR, it would
be preferred to item Y, even though the profits from Y would be higher by an average of $10,000 a year.

3.4.2 Payback period

The payback period is the length of time it takes for an initial investment to be repaid out of the net cash
inflows from the project.
This method overcomes the problem of time that is associated with the ARR method of project appraisal.
For a project to be acceptable it would need to have a payback period shorter than a maximum payback
period set by the organisation.
If there are several competing projects that meet the requirement above, then the one with the shortest
payback period should be selected.
Payback period has the following advantages.
Quick and easy to calculate
Easily understood by managers
The speed of cost recovery concept emphasises the importance of liquidity

Part F Project management 13: Project management 409

Payback period also has the following problems.
Ignores cash flows after the payback date, for example, two projects may take 5 years to repay the
initial outflow, however in years six and seven one may generate significantly more than the other,
yet they would be rated identically using this method
Ignores many risks, eg the risk that demand will be lower than expected is not considered
It is not linked to promoting increases in the wealth of the organisation and its owners; instead it
recommends projects that quickly pay for themselves

Question Payback Period

An asset costing $120,000 is to be depreciated over ten years to a nil residual value. Profits after
depreciation for the first five years are as follows.
Year $
1 12,000
2 17,000
3 28,000
4 37,000
5 8,000
How long is the payback period to the nearest month?

Profits before depreciation should be used.

Year Profit after Depreciation Profit Cumulative

depreciation before profit
$000 $000 $000 $000
1 12 12 24 24
2 17 12 29 53
3 28 12 40 93
4 37 12 49 142
5 8 12 20

(120 - 93)
Payback period = 3 years + 12months
(142 - 93)

= 3 years 7 months

410 13: Project management Part F Project management

3.4.3 Net present value
Net present value (NPV) is the sum of the discounted value of the net cash flows from the investment.
NPV is a good basis for investment decisions because it

considers all the costs and benefits of each investment opportunity; and
makes a logical allowance for the timing of those costs and benefits.

There are three key reasons why timing is an important consideration.

1 Interest lost. If the organisation has the funds in its control, then it could invest them and earn
interest. The longer the funds are tied up in an investment, the longer the organisation does not
have access to them and hence the longer they will be unavailable to earn interest.
2 Risk. Investing in something that will bring about future benefits is risky the benefits actually
received may not be in line with what was expected. A degree of risk is accepted in all project
investments. The greater the risk, the higher the rate of return is expected.
3 Inflation. Money loses purchasing power over time as a result of inflation; a dollar now is worth
more than a dollar in a years time.
NPV recognises the time value of money by working out the present value of future returns (ie if the cash
flows from the investment were received today, how much would they be worth?).
The present value is worked out using the equation
actual cashflow
PV of a cashflow =

n = year of cashflow
r = the opportunity investing cost of capital expressed as a decimal (rather than a percentage).
The NPV is the sum of all the cashflows associated with a project less the cost of the original investment.
Investments that return a positive NPV should be accepted. If several competing investments all have
positive NPVs then the one with the highest NPV should be selected.
NPV is a better method for investment appraisals than either the IRR (see below) or the PP. This is for a
number of reasons.
Timing. NPV takes account of the time value of money by discounting future cashflows to arrive at
a present value of those cashflows. The net benefit after finance costs have been met is identified.
Completeness. This method considers all future cashflows, regardless of when they will occur.
Although it treats them differently depending on when they are expected to occur, every cashflow is
taken into account.
Alignment with business objectives. NPV is the only method of investment appraisal that produces
an output that relates directly to the amount of wealth generated for shareholders.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 411

Question NPV

Slogger has a cost of capital of 15% and is considering a capital investment project, where the estimated
cash flows are as follows.
Year Cash flow
0 (ie now) (100,000)
1 60,000
2 80,000
3 40,000
4 30,000

Calculate the NPV of the project, and assess whether it should be undertaken.

Year Cash flow Discount factor Present value
$ 15% $
0 (100,000) 1.000 (100,000)
1 60,000 1/(1.15)= 0.870 52,200
2 80,000 1/1.152 = 0.756 60,480
3 40,000 1/1.153 = 0.658 26,320
4 30,000 1/1.154 = 0.572 17,160
NPV = 56,160

(Note. The discount factor for any cash flow 'now' (time 0) is always 1, whatever the cost of capital.)
The PV of cash inflows exceeds the PV of cash outflows by $56,160, which means that the project will
earn a DCF yield in excess of 15%. It should therefore be undertaken.

3.4.4 Internal rate of return

The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that, when applied to its future cash flows, will
produce an NPV of zero.
It is generally calculated using either trial and error, or a spreadsheet. A range of discount rates are
calculated until the one that yields zero NPV is found.



Rate of return (%)

412 13: Project management Part F Project management

If the discount rate itself is zero, the NPV would be the sum of the net cash flows, ie no account would be
taken of the time value of money. When the discount rate increases, there is a corresponding decrease in
the NPV. The NPV is zero where it crosses the horizontal axis.
If we determine a cost of capital where the NPV is slightly positive, and another cost of capital where it
is slightly negative, we can estimate the IRR by using the interpolation method. The interpolation
method assumes that the NPV rises in linear fashion between the two NPVs close to 0. The real rate of
return is therefore assumed to be on a straight line between the two points at which the NPV is calculated.
The IRR interpolation formula to apply is:

where A is the (lower) rate of return
B is the (higher) rate of return
P is the NPV at A
N is the NPV at B
Note that N doesn't have to be negative but if it is then we effectively end up adding, in the denominator.
Investments that have an IRR greater than the cost of capital should be accepted. If several competing
investments all have IRRs greater than the cost of capital, then the one with the highest IRR should be

Question Definite variables

A company is trying to decide whether to buy a machine for $80,000 which will save costs of $20,000 per
annum for 5 years and which will have a resale value of $10,000 at the end of year 5.
If it is the company's policy to undertake projects only if they are expected to yield a DCF return of 10% or
more, ascertain using the IRR method whether this project should be undertaken.

The first step is to calculate two net present values, both as close as possible to zero, using rates for the
cost of capital which are whole numbers. One NPV should be positive and the other negative.
Choosing rates for the cost of capital which will give an NPV close to zero (that is, rates which are close
to the actual rate of return) is a hit-and-miss exercise, and several attempts may be needed to find
satisfactory rates. As a rough guide, try starting at a return figure which is about two thirds or three
quarters of the ARR.
Annual depreciation would be $(80,000 10,000)/5 = $14,000.
The ARR would be (20,000 depreciation of 14,000)/( of (80,000 + 10,000)) = 6,000/45,000 = 13.3%
Two thirds of this is 8.9% and so we can start by trying 9%.
Try 9%. Year Cash flow PV factor PV of cash flow
$ 9% $
0 (80,000) 1.000 (80,000)
15 20,000 3.890 77,800
5 10,000 0.650 6,500
NPV = 4,300

Part F Project management 13: Project management 413

This is fairly close to zero. It is also positive, which means that the real rate of return is more than 9%.
We can use 9% as one of our two NPVs close to zero, although for greater accuracy, we should try 10%
or even 11% to find an NPV even closer to zero if we can. As a guess, it might be worth trying 12% next,
to see what the NPV is.
Try 12%. Year Cash flow PV factor PV of cash flow
$ 12% $
0 (80,000) 1.000 (80,000)
15 20,000 3.605 72,100
5 10,000 0.567 5,670
NPV = (2,230)

This is fairly close to zero and negative. The real rate of return is therefore greater than 9% (positive
NPV of $4,300) but less than 12% (negative NPV of $2,230).
Note. If the first NPV is positive, choose a higher rate for the next calculation to get a negative NPV. If
the first NPV is negative, choose a lower rate for the next calculation.

4 ,300
So, IRR = 9 + ( 12 9 )% = 10.98%, say 11%
4 ,300 2 ,230
If it is company policy to undertake investments which are expected to yield 10% or more, this project
would be undertaken.

IRR has some features in common with NPV: all cash flows are taken into account, and the timing of the
cashflows is handled logically. However, there are a number of problems associated with IRR:
IRR does not relate directly to shareholder wealth
IRR ignores the scale of investment so is not appropriate for comparing investments of different
IRR can also be unreliable where there are projects with unconventional cash flows, such as
positive and negative cashflows in different years of the project's life. This can cause there to be
several IRRs, or none at all, for a particular investment.
IRR generally gives similar results to the NPV, but is viewed as an inferior approach due to the inherent
problems listed here.

3.4.5 Investment appraisal in practice

In practice, most organisations use more than one method to appraise investment decisions.
NPV and IRR have become increasingly popular and are now the most widely used methods, particularly
by larger organisations. Although NPV is superior to IRR, it is thought that the reason IRR is equally
popular is the fact that it presents the results in terms of a percentage, rather than an absolute figure,
which may be more acceptable to managers and easier to understand.
Despite the inherent problems with ARR and payback period, they are still widely used by many
organisations. This is likely due to those methods being quick and easy to calculate and the easy to
understand nature of their outputs.

Exam focus Investment appraisal was specifically examined in an optional question of the June 2011 P3 exam, The
point question asked the candidates to critically evaluate a number of statements made in the scenario about
investment appraisal. This was an unpopular question choice suggesting that candidates are not confident
in this area. Make sure you are familiar with the characteristics and limitations of each of the methods, and
have a strong understanding of benefit classifications and their potential use in investment appraisal.

414 13: Project management Part F Project management

3.5 Responsibilities for delivering the benefits
FAST FORWARD A benefit owner should be assigned to each individual benefit. Change owners may also be required to
ensure benefits are fully realised.

Once the costs and benefits of a project have been identified, an owner should be assigned to each
individual benefit before it can be stated in the business case. The owner should be an individual who
gains the advantage inherent in the stated benefit and therefore is willing to work with the project team to
ensure the benefit is realised.

Key term A benefit owner is an individual or group who will gain advantage from a business benefit and who will
work with the project team to ensure that benefit is realised.

The benefit owner will work with the project team, either personally or through the resources he or she
has to ensure the benefit is realised. However, the benefit owners cannot be considered to be solely
responsible for realising the benefit, since the changes necessary to deliver the benefit may need to be
undertaken by others outside their sphere of control or influence. People who do this are known as
change owners.
Sometimes it is appropriate to have more than one benefit owner due to the structure of the organisation.
For example if an organisation is based in two separate geographical locations, it may be appropriate to
have one benefit manager in each of the sites.
However, there should not be a large group of benefit owners due to difficulties they may face in obtaining
agreement within the group, and the risk that if they have to make decisions to influence the benefits
delivery, they are unlikely to have much influence on others in the organisation. Whilst these people
should not be named as benefit owners, the views of these people affected by the project, especially in
relation to what is in it for them and how they will be affected by the required changes, are vital to realising
the benefits and should be expressly addressed.
The benefit owners will be responsible for establishing measures for benefits, and identifying how they will
know when the benefit has been achieved (what evidence of achievement is required? How can the
achievement of each change be assessed?)
In addition to identifying benefit owners, it is also necessary to identify change owners. These are named
individuals of groups who will be responsible for making each of the identified changes happen

Key term A change owner is an individual or group who will ensure that an identified business or enabling change is
successfully achieved.

The change owner should be the individual who is responsible for the area in which the identified change
resides. The change owners may not be personally responsible for making the changes, but they are
accountable for the changes being effected successfully. They must be committed to the project, dedicate
sufficient personal time and knowledge to planning and managing the changes and be influential enough
to ensure the necessary resources are made available to carry out the changes.
A single change owner is best, if there are multiple change owners change can be difficult to achieve as
the responsibilities for resolving any problems that may arise may become unclear.

3.5.1 The nature of benefit and change ownership

Change owners should be senior or influential enough to ensure the change identified will be achieved
successfully and when needed in the project plan. However, if a very senior person is the change owner,
then they will not have day to day involvement in making the change happen and this will be delegated to
If difficulties are encountered in successfully achieving the change, then the change owner will use their
resources or influence to ensure they are addressed and, if possible, overcome.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 415

Benefit owners, although not necessarily responsible for changes, should have active (rather than passive)
involvement in the project and should work closely with those who are managing the changes. They will
have to address any issues that might cause uncertainty about achieving the benefits and they should use
their knowledge and, where necessary, resources, to help resolve the problems. The benefit owner should
also therefore be senior or influential enough to ensure that others understand and carry out their
responsibilities in the project.
It is important to note that senior enough does not mean that ownership of benefits or change has to be
escalated to very senior levels. In smaller and mid-size projects, middle management levels are usual ideal
for these roles. In large projects, however, where changes have to be coordinated across a number of
business functions or processes, the involvement of more senior managers is often required.
In all cases, the important criteria for benefit and change owners is their interest and perceived
commitment to the project. It should be a role that the appropriate individuals nominate themselves for. A
lack of willingness to take on the responsibilities probably suggests a lack of interest or commitment to
the project. Lack of interest by a number of the identified change or benefit owners, especially of the more
critical changes or most significant benefits, should make an organisation question whether the
investment is actually still worth pursuing.

3.6 The benefits realisation plan

FAST FORWARD A benefits realisation plan should be included as part of the business plan to demonstrate how the
identified benefits will be measured, taken forward and achieved.

After the benefits have been quantified (or otherwise measured) and allocated to owners, the business
case will need to identify how those benefits will be realised. This can be done by including a benefits
realisation plan as part of the business case for the investment. The aim of this plan is to demonstrate
how the identified benefits will be measured, taken forward and achieved. It will identify factors that will
indicate when the change has been successful and the benefits are being realised, and will illustrate
everything that has to happen in order for this to occur.
The benefits realisation plan will involve
Full descriptions of each benefit and change with responsibilities for delivery defined and agreed
Measures, and where possible expected values, for each benefit
Measurements to establish the current baseline
Agreed ownership of all the changes and actions in place to address issues that may affect the
achievement of changes
Evidence or criteria to be used to assess whether each change has been successfully carried out
Complete and documented benefits dependency network identifying all the benefit and change
The plans should also clearly define the drivers for change.

Key term Drivers are forces acting on an organisation which require it to make changes either to what it does or
how it conducts its business activities.

Drivers for change can be either internal or external, but are specific to the context in which the
organisation operates. They should be described in sufficient detail to ensure there is an understanding for
the need for change and the implications of not taking action to respond to the drivers.
Drivers must be strategic to the future of the whole organisation, not just specific functions or
departments. Localised priorities are often found to be in conflict with the overall best interests of the
organisation. A business case will be greatly strengthened if it can demonstrate that it is linked to the
priorities of the senior management of the organisation.

416 13: Project management Part F Project management

3.6.1 Investment objectives and business drivers
Organisational drivers will exist whether or not the decision is taken to invest in the project. When the
senior decision makers review the business case and benefits realisation plan, they will need to assess
how the investment will achieve the necessary changes to address these drivers.
The benefits realisation plan should therefore establish an agreed set of investment objectives.
Rather than a long list of small and overlapping objectives, the plan should include only a few compelling
and clearly stated investment objectives. The importance of the objectives is far more important than the
number of them.
Each investment objective should explicitly address one or more of the drivers to ensure that the project
will contribute to achieving the changes that are important to the future of the organisation.
Projects that do not address at least one of the business drivers should be rejected as it will be impossible
to develop a credible business case for the project.
Organisations are affected by many drivers, and one single project will not be able to address them all.
Each driver, by definition, is important to the future of the organisation so if a project addresses only one,
it is not necessarily a low-priority project. This project could be the only way that a particular driver can be
addressed making it of high importance to the organisation.

3.6.2 A benefits dependency network

The benefits management process links the investment objectives and the resulting benefits to the
business, organisational and IS/IT changes required for the benefits to be realised in a benefits
dependency network.


IS/IT Enabling Business Business Investment

enablers changes changes benefits objectives
Ward and Daniel

Once the drivers, investment objectives and business benefits have been identified, it is necessary to
identify the changes to the ways individuals and groups work that will be needed for the potential benefits
to be realised. Each benefit should be considered in turn and the necessary changes should be identified
and described on the benefits dependency network.
The changes that need to be made can be categorised as business changes or enabling changes.
Business changes are the new ways of working that will be permanently required, such as new roles and
responsibilities, new or refined processes or new governance arrangements.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 417

Enabling changes are one-off changes that may be required in order for the business changes to be
brought about, or may be related to bringing in the new system. Examples might include training, process
mapping and process design, decommissioning of legacy systems and definition of new roles and
Following on from the identification of the business changes and enabling changes, the information
systems and technology required need to be considered. These are known as IS/IT enablers. The
identification of the IS/IT enablers may lead to further changes, particularly enabling changes, to be
required. If so, they need to be added to the relevant part of the network.
This process may also highlight that the organisation does not actually need to invest in any new IS or IT.
It is often found that the changes could be undertaken, and many of the benefits realised with current

National Health Service
The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK carried out a project called Choose and Book
(www.chooseandbook.nhs.uk) which would allow patients to select a time and date for their appointment
which is convenient for them. The previous system involved the patients GP requesting an appointment
(for instance for an X-ray) from the local hospital who would then inform the patient of their appointment,
resulting in wasted appointment slots when patients fail to attend. The new system allows the patient to
choose their own time and date, reducing the number of wasted appointments,
The below shows a simplified benefits dependency network for this project.

Initial training GPs have

of GPs access to
IT available in internet/VPN
Reduced costs due to
GP practices lack of referral
IT trainers Patients to letters/calls
provided to telephone for
Patients can arrange
primary care appointment
mutually convenient
Improved GPs ability to appointment
Security and
Identify track patients pre and
encryption National standards
patients not post test
for encryption

Develop patient Establish patient Improved

Interface to
education information service patient
programme experience
Existing appointment clinical care
X-rays to be
systems to be read in 24/48 Reduced reflection rate
decommissioned hours for inappropriate
E-scheduling referrals
Codify X-ray Electronic
exposure posting of
guidelines results to GPs Reduced
Adopt clinical All patients to be X-rays
Develop X-ray
dosage record governance included in e- Improved
best practice system/records utilization of x-
ray department
Reduced DNAs
Referral and reduced unit
close protocols costs of X-rays

IS/IT Enabling Business Benefits Objectives

enablers changes changes

418 13: Project management Part F Project management

This network identifies several benefits, such as improved patient experience and reduced unit cost per X-
ray. However, it also shows that if the system can be used to transmit test results back to GPs and update
patient records, then additional benefits could also be expected. An example might be that patient
treatment could be started sooner as the doctor will be quicker informed of the patients condition.
Working back towards the left, we can see the required changes to IT/IS in order to achieve these benefits.
The diagram also highlights the dependency of some of the benefits on resources or capabilities outside
the project, such as having an expert available to interpret the results of the X-ray,
Source: Ward and Daniel: Benefits Management

3.6.3 Executing the benefits plan

The next stage is to actually carry out the benefits plan. It will need to be revised as issues and events that
affect its viability arise. Interim targets and measures may need to be set to evaluate progress towards key
milestones or the final implementation.
A business project manager is usually appointed to ensure that the project is delivered and the needs are
met without unnecessary disruption or risk. The project manager should be the custodian of the benefits
plan and ensure that each of the stakeholders carry out their respective responsibilities as defined in the
The project manager will also have to decide what action to take in terms of reviewing the scope and
specification of the project in light of any changes that have arisen. Any decision made should be based on
the overall project objectives, not just the immediate problem, and all stakeholders should be involved in
any decisions to change the plan. The plan may also be revised in light of any further benefits that have
been identified during the implementation of the plan.
Of course it is also possible that implementation will reveal that some benefits are no longer feasible or
relevant. Again the benefits plan will have to be modified accordingly along with any associated business

4 Strategic aspects of the project plan

Many large-scale projects, particularly those involving major change, are strategically significant and
project management can merge into strategic management. Force field analysis identifies enablers,
constraints and showstoppers.

The unique nature of each project means that careful planning is an essential component of project
management. Many project costs and time overruns and outright failures can be traced to failures of
Project management as a discipline is commonly associated with fairly clearly defined issues such as
preparing for a conference, organising an office move or installing a new IT system. Projects such as
these can be of strategic importance, but even when they are, there is often an unspoken assumption that
once the go-ahead is given, the job of project management is essentially one of detailed planning,
organisation and control, with, perhaps, a little trouble-shooting thrown in. It is important to understand
that this is unlikely to be the case with truly strategic projects: with projects such as the turn-round of an
underperforming division or an initial move into a foreign market, project management and strategic
management are likely to merge into one another. As a corollary, we can say that at the level of the
strategic project, project planning is likely to make use of a strategic planning approach. A failure to think
strategically is likely to lead to project failure.

4.1 Why do projects go wrong?

Project planning is fundamental to project success. Realistic timescales must be established, use of
shared resources must be planned and, most fundamental of all, jobs must be done in a sensible
sequence. However, even if all these aspects are satisfactory there are other potential pitfalls that the
project planner must avoid or work around. Here are some examples.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 419

(a) Unproven technology
The use of new technological developments may be a feature of any project. The range of such
developments extends from fairly routine and non-critical improvements, through major
innovations capable of transforming working practices, costs and time scales, to revolutionary
techniques that make feasible projects that were previously quite impracticable. As the practical
potential of a technical change moves from minor to major, so too moves its potential to cause
disruption if something goes wrong with it. A classic example is Rolls Royce's attempt to use
carbon fibre in the design of the RB211 engine in the early 1970s. Not only did the project fail to
meet its objectives, its failure led to the company's financial failure and subsequent takeover by
(b) Changing client specifications
It is not unusual for clients' notions of what they want to evolve during the lifetime of the project.
However, if the work is to come in on time and on budget, they must be aware of what is
technically feasible, reasonable in their aspirations, prompt with their decisions and, ultimately,
prepared to freeze the specification so that it can be delivered.
Note that the term 'client' includes internal specifiers.
(c) Politics
This problem area includes politics of all kinds, from those internal to an organisation managing its
own projects, to the effect of national (and even international) politics on major undertakings.
Identification of a senior figure with a project; public interest and press hysteria; hidden agendas;
national prestige; and political dogma can all have deleterious effects on project management. Lack
of senior management support is an important political problem.

4.2 Force field analysis

Grundy and Brown suggest that force field analysis can be useful in project planning. This is an important
example of the close relationship between project management and strategic management that appears
in their analysis.
The emphasis of force field analysis is an assessment of the degree of difficulty that implementing a
project is likely to encounter: the problems discussed above, and any of a wide range of other attitudes
and conditions will affect the degree of difficulty encountered and this will be particularly the case with
projects of a strategic nature. It is important that such matters are carefully considered as part of the
planning process and force field analysis is one way of doing this.
The essence of force field analysis is the identification and assessment of the underlying forces tending to
promote successful implementation or to hold it back. These forces may be referred to as enablers and
constraints. The overall potential of each force must be estimated. As in the performance driver analysis
already discussed, it is usual to show enablers and constraints as arrows against a baseline in a visual
A degree of objectivity can be brought into this analysis by seeking to expose implicit assumptions about
these factors and the overall situation. This process can be moved forward by asking three questions.
What is it about each force that allows it to be identified as an enabler or a constraint?
How great is its potential influence on the change process?
What other, less obvious factors does it depend on?
A further important part of the overall analysis is the identification of potential showstoppers. These are
constraints that can make implementation so difficult as to cause overall project failure. These factors
must be continuously monitored.
Management of constraints includes two important possibilities.
(a) It may be possible to turn one of the constraints around and turn it into a driver. Changing the
mind of an unsympathetic stakeholder would be a good example.

420 13: Project management Part F Project management

(b) Careful examination of the context of the project may reveal latent enablers that could be called
into play. For example, there may be sympathetic stakeholder groups whose driver potential has
been ignored.

4.3 More on stakeholders

We suggested that a preliminary stakeholder analysis should form part of the project definition phase. It is
appropriate to take this further at the planning stage. The project manager should be prepare to deal with
varying degrees of support for the project. A stakeholder grid of the type discussed earlier in this Study
Text should be prepared and an assessment made of overall stakeholder attitudes. This process should be
repeated as required to reflect the changes that are likely to occur as the project progresses and
stakeholders' attitudes develop.

5 Practical aspects of project planning

Work breakdown structure is an analysis of the work involved in a project into a structure of phases,
activities and tasks. Dependencies determine the order in which tasks must be carried out, while
interactions between tasks affect them without imposing order.

5.1 Work breakdown structure

Work breakdown structure (WBS) is fundamental to traditional project planning and control. Its essence is
the analysis of the work required to complete the project into manageable components.
A good way to approach WBS is to consider the outputs (or 'deliverables') the project is required to
produce. This can then be analysed into physical and intangible components, which can in turn be further
analysed down to whatever level of simplicity is required. Working backwards in this way helps to avoid
preconceived ideas of the work the project will involve and the processes that must be undertaken. This
approach, called product breakdown, is the basis of project planning under the PRINCE2 system.
The WBS can allow for several levels of analysis, starting with major project phases and gradually
breaking them down into major activities, more detailed sub-activities and individual tasks that will last
only a very short time. There is no standardised terminology for the various levels of disaggregation,
though an activity is sometimes regarded as being composed of tasks.
The delivery phase of many projects will break down into significant stages or sub-phases. These are very
useful for control purposes, as the completion of each stage is an obvious point for reviewing the whole
plan before starting the next one.

5.1.1 Dependencies and interactions

A very important aspect of project planning is the determination of dependencies and interactions. At any
level of WBS analysis, some tasks will be dependent on others; that is to say, a dependent task cannot
commence until the task upon which it depends is completed. Careful analysis of dependencies is a major
step towards a workable project plan, since it provides an order in which things must be tackled.
Sometimes, of course, the dependencies are limited and it is possible to proceed with tasks in almost any
order, but this is unusual. The more complex a project, the greater the need for analysis of dependencies.
Interactions are slightly different; they occur when tasks are linked but not dependent. This can arise for a
variety of reasons: a good example is a requirement to share the use of a scarce resource.
The output from the WBS process is a list of tasks, probably arranged hierarchically to reflect the
disaggregation of activities. This then becomes the input into the planning and control processes
described below.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 421

5.2 The project budget
The project budget plans the allocation of resources to the project and forms a basis for their control.
Budgeting may be top-down or bottom-up.

Key term Project budget. The amount and distribution of resources allocated to a project.

Building a project budget should be an orderly process that attempts to establish a realistic estimate of the
cost of the project. There are two main methods for establishing the project budget; top-down and
Top-down budgeting describes the situation where the budget is imposed 'from above'. Project managers
are allocated a budget for the project based on an estimate made by senior management. The figure may
prove realistic, especially if similar projects have been undertaken recently. However the technique is often
used simply because it is quick, or because only a certain level of funding is available.
In bottom-up budgeting the project manager consults the project team, and others, to calculate a budget
based on the tasks that make up the project. WBS is a useful tool in this process.

5.3 Gantt charts

A Gantt chart shows the deployment of resources over time.

A Gantt chart, named after the engineer Henry Gantt who pioneered the procedure in the early 1900s, is a
horizontal bar chart used to plan the time scale for a project and to estimate the resources required.
The Gantt chart displays the time relationships between tasks in a project. Two lines are usually used to
show the time allocated for each task, and the actual time taken.
A simple Gantt chart, illustrating some of the activities involved in a network server installation project,

The chart shows that at the end of the tenth week Activity 9 is running behind schedule. More resources
may have to be allocated to this activity if the staff accommodation is to be ready in time for the
changeover to the new system.

422 13: Project management Part F Project management

Activity 4 had not been completed on time, and this has resulted in some disruption to the computer
installation (Activity 6), which may mean further delays in the commencement of Activities 7 and 8.
A Gantt chart does not show the interrelationship between the various activities in the project as clearly as
a network diagram (covered later in this chapter). A combination of Gantt charts and network analysis will
often be used for project planning and resource allocation.

5.4 Network analysis

Network analysis illustrates interactions and dependencies. It is used to plan the sequence of tasks
making up project scope and to determine the critical path. PERT uses probabilities to make estimates of
likely completion and milestone dates.

Network analysis, also known as Critical Path Analysis (CPA), is a useful technique to help with planning
and controlling large projects, such as construction projects, research and development projects and the
computerisation of systems.
CPA aims to ensure the progress of a project, so the project is completed in the minimum amount of
time. It pinpoints the tasks on the critical path, which is the longest duration sequence of tasks in the
project; a delay to any of these tasks would delay the completion of the project as a whole. The technique
can also be used to assist in allocating resources such as labour and equipment.

Exam focus Critical path analysis is employed in most complex projects but it is a specialised process and you will not
point be required to use it in the exam.

5.4.1 Project evaluation and review technique (PERT)

Project evaluation and review technique (PERT) is a modified form of network analysis designed to
account for uncertainty. For each activity in the project, optimistic, most likely and pessimistic estimates of
times are made, on the basis of past experience, or even guess-work. These estimates are converted into a
mean time and also a standard deviation.
Once the mean time and standard deviation of the time have been calculated for each activity, it should be
possible to do the following.
(a) Establish the duration of the critical path using expected times.
(b) Calculate a contingency time allowance.

5.5 Resource histogram

A resource histogram is a useful planning tool that shows the amount and timing of the requirement for a
resource (or a range of resources).

Key term A resource histogram shows a view of project data in which resource requirements, usage, and
availability are shown against a time scale.

A simple resource histogram showing programmer time required on a software development program

Part F Project management 13: Project management 423

Some organisations add another bar (or a separate line) to the chart showing resource availability. The
chart then shows any instances when the required resource hours exceed the available hours. Plans
should then be made to either obtain further resource for these peak times, or to re-schedule the work
plan. Alternately the chart may show times when the available resource is excessive, and should be re-
deployed elsewhere. An example follows:

The number of workers required on the seventh day is 13. Can we re-schedule the non-critical activities to
reduce the requirement to the available level of 10? We might be able to re-arrange activities so that we
can make use of the workers available from day 9 onwards.

424 13: Project management Part F Project management

6 Project management
Key terms The project sponsor provides and is accountable for the resources invested into the project and is
responsible for the achievement of the project's business objectives.
The project manager takes responsibility for ensuring the desired result is achieved on time and within
The Project Board (PMBOK: project steering committee) is the body to which the project manager is
accountable for achieving the project objectives. It represents the interests of the project sponsor.
Project champion. Sometimes a project champion is appointed. This is a senior manager whose role is to
represent the project to the rest of the organisation, communicating its vision and objectives and securing
commitment to them.
Project owner. The project owner is the person for whom the project is being carried out and as such they
are interested in the end result being achieved and their needs being met.

6.1 Higher management

In all but the smallest organisations, it is likely that the project manager will be appointed by and be
responsible to a higher level of management. Resources must be allocated to the project by a person or
group with the power to do so and the project manager must be subject to supervision.
It is common to refer to the person or group providing the resources as the project sponsor, though the
term investment decision-maker has also been used. The project sponsor may, in fact, be the strategic
apex body of the organisation, or may be a person or committee at a lower level; the essential feature is
that the project sponsor has the budgetary capability to authorise the project.
The project sponsor will not be involved in the management of the project and may not have the capacity
to provide effective supervision for the project manager. Under these circumstances, the project sponsor
may appoint a project owner, whose role will be to review project plans and progress at regular intervals
and to arbitrate on any conflicts that may arise between project and line management. Of course, in
smaller organisations, the roles of project sponsor and project owner may be combined.
Exam focus
Some organisations use the terms project owner and project sponsor in a way exactly opposite to the
usage we have outlined here! An example is the Scottish Executive construction works procurement
guidance, which makes the project owner subordinate to the investment decision-maker and superior to
the project sponsor. Be careful in your use of these terms and explain what you mean when you use them.

6.1.1 The project manager

The person who takes ultimate responsibility for ensuring the desired result is achieved on time and within
budget is the project manager. Duties of the project manager include: Planning, teambuilding,
communication, co-ordinating project activities, monitoring and control, problem-resolution and quality

Some project managers have only one major responsibility: a specific project. However, anyone
responsible for a project, large or small, is a project manager. As result, many project managers, will have
routine work responsibilities outside their project goals, which may lead to conflicting demands on their
The role a project manager performs is in many ways similar to those performed by other managers.
There are however some important differences, as shown in the table below.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 425

Project managers Operations managers
Are often generalists with wide-ranging Usually specialists in the areas managed
backgrounds and experience levels
Oversee work in many functional areas Relate closely to technical tasks in their area
Facilitate, rather than supervise team members Have direct technical supervision responsibilities

6.2 The responsibilities of a project manager

The overall issue for all project managers is understanding how to balance the factors of scope, resources,
time and risk.
However, a project manager also has responsibilities both to management and also to the project team.

6.2.1 Responsibilities to management

Ensure resources are used efficiently strike a balance between cost, time and results
Keep management informed with timely and accurate communications
Manage the project to the best of his or her ability
Behave ethically, and adhere to the organisation's policies
Maintain a customer orientation (whether the project is geared towards an internal or external
customer) customer satisfaction is a key indicator of project success

6.2.2 Responsibilities to the project and the project team

Take action to keep the project on target for successful completion
Ensure the project team has the resources required to perform tasks assigned
Help new team members integrate into the team
Provide any support required when members leave the team either during the project or on

6.3 Duties of a project manager

The project manager's responsibilities give rise to a number of fairly standard duties and managerial

Duty Comment
Outline planning See above for project definition and initiation

Detailed planning Work breakdown structure, budgeting, resource requirements, network

analysis for scheduling.
Obtain necessary Resources may already exist within the organisation or may have to be
resources bought in. Resource requirements unforeseen at the planning stage will have
to be authorised separately by the project board or project sponsor.
Teambuilding Build cohesion and team spirit in the project team.
Communication Keep all stakeholders suitably informed and ensure that members of the
project team are properly briefed. Manage expectations.
Co-ordinating project Co-ordination will be required between the project team, external suppliers,
activities the project owner and end-users.
Monitoring and control Monitor progress against the plan, and take corrective measures where needed.
Problem-resolution Even with the best planning, unforeseen problems may arise.
Quality control Understand and manage quality procedures; agree and manage any
appropriate trade-off of functionality against achieving deadlines.

426 13: Project management Part F Project management

It is also possible to view the process of project management as having five stages:
Initiation Controlling
Planning Completing
The first, second, fourth and fifth of these phases correspond closely to the phases of the project life
cycle, which was discussed earlier in this chapter. The third phase, leadership, forms a major part of the
subject matter of this section.

6.4 The skills required of a project manager

Project managers require the following skills: Leadership and team building, organisational ability,
communication skills (written, spoken, presentations, meetings), some technical knowledge of the project
area and inter-personal skills.

To perform these duties and meet these responsibilities, a project manager requires a wide range of skills.

Skill Application to project management

Leadership and A participative style of leadership is appropriate for much of most projects, but a
team building more autocratic, decisive style may be required on occasion.
Be positive (but realistic) about all aspects of the project
Understand where the project fits into the big picture
Delegate tasks appropriately and not take on too much personally
Build team spirit through co-operation and recognition of achievement
Do not be restrained by organisational structures a high tolerance for ambiguity
(lack of clear-cut authority) will help the project manager
Organisational Ensure all project documentation is clear and distributed to all who require it
Use project management tools to analyse and monitor project progress
Communication Listen to project team members
and negotiation Use persuasion to coerce reluctant team members or stakeholders to support the
Negotiate on funding, timescales, staffing and other resources, quality and disputes
Ensure management is kept informed and is never surprised
Technical By providing (or at least providing access to) the technical expertise and experience
needed to manage the project
Personal qualities Be flexible. Circumstances may develop that require a change in plan
Show persistence. Even successful projects will encounter difficulties that require
repeated efforts to overcome
Be creative. If one method of completing a task proves impractical a new approach
may be required
Patience is required even in the face of tight deadlines. The 'quick-fix' may
eventually cost more time than a more thorough but initially more time-consuming
Problem solving Only the very simplest projects will be without problems. The project manager must
bring a sensible approach to their solution and delegate as much responsibility as
possible to team members so that they become used to solving their own
problems. By the nature of a project there is always uncertainty and risk in a project.
The project manager needs to be able to react to these situations fast, and adopt an
efficient problem solving attitude so as not to hold up the project at key moments.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 427

Skill Application to project management
Change control Major projects may be accompanied by the kind of far-reaching change that has
and management wide-ranging effects on the organisation and its people. Here, however, we are
concerned with changes to the project itself. Changes can arise from a variety of
sources (not least the intended end-users) and have the potential to disrupt the
progress of the project. They must be properly authorised, planned and resourced
and records kept of their source, impact and authorisation if the project is not to
become unmanageable. Change control is one of the components of the PRINCE2
project management system

6.5 Leadership style

As in other forms of management, different project managers have different styles of leadership. There is
no single best leadership style, as individuals react differently to different styles on different occasions.
The key is adopting a style that suits both the leader and the team and that is appropriate to the current
The leadership style adopted will affect the way decisions relating to the project are made. Although an
autocratic style may prove successful in some situations, such as very simple or repetitive projects, a
more consultative style has the advantage of making team members feel more a part of the project. This
should result in greater commitment.
Not all decisions will be made in the same way. For example, decisions that do not have direct
consequences for other project personnel may be made with no (or limited) consultation. A balance needs
to be found between ensuring decisions can be made efficiently, and ensuring adequate consultation.
The type of people that comprise the project team will influence the style adopted. For example,
professionals generally dislike being closely supervised and dictated to. Some people however, prefer to
follow clear, specific instructions and not have to think for themselves.
Project management techniques encourage management by exception by identifying, from the outset,
those activities which might threaten successful completion of a project.

6.6 Organising for projects the matrix structure

Many projects are organised as stand-alone enterprises, with their own dedicated staff. However, much
project management is undertaken within a framework of routine operations, with staff being seconded to
the project from their own departments or functions. This gives rise to a matrix structure. In general
terms, a matrix structure provides for the formalisation of management control between different
functions, whilst at the same time maintaining functional departmentation. This approach is widely used
as a general approach to management in complex organisations. It is particularly suitable for structuring
the management of projects. Many projects are interdisciplinary, and might require, for instance the
contributions of an engineer, a scientist, a statistician and a production expert, who would be appointed to
the team while retaining membership and status within their own functional department. A matrix
approach enables such specialists to receive management and leadership inputs from both the project
manager and their own functional manager.

428 13: Project management Part F Project management

6.7 The project team
Project managers should have some understanding of the way that groups of people interact at work.
Teams enable people's talents and efforts to be combined and teamwork can have a motivating effect.
Tuckman identified four stages in team development.
Forming Norming
Storming Performing
However, teams bring their own problems, including disharmony, risky shift, groupthink and political
conflict. Handy suggests a contingency approach to team leadership. Belbin identified nine roles played by
team members.
Co-ordinator Shaper
Plant Monitor-evaluator
Resource investigator Implementer
Team worker Finisher

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

A lot of the material covered in this section was introduced in the F1 syllabus. At P3 you may be required
to apply your knowledge of teams and appropriate leadership styles in a scenario context. If you are not
comfortable with this material you should look back to the F1 material to refresh yourself with it.

Key term A group is 'any collection of people who perceive themselves to be a group'.

Unlike a random collection of individuals, a group shares a common sense of identity and belonging. They
have certain attributes that a random crowd does not possess.
(a) A sense of identity. There is awareness of membership and acknowledged boundaries to the group
which define it.
(b) Loyalty to the group, and acceptance within the group. This generally expresses itself as
conformity or the acceptance of the norms of behaviour and attitudes that bind the group together
and exclude others from it.
(c) Purpose and leadership. Most groups have an express purpose, whatever field they are in: most
will, spontaneously or formally, choose individuals or sub-groups to lead them towards the
fulfilment of those goals.
A primary working group is the immediate social environment of the individual worker. A formal group
used for particular objectives in the work place is called a team. Project teams fall into this category by
definition. Although many people enjoy working in teams, their popularity in the work place arises because
of their effectiveness in fulfilling the organisation's work.

6.7.1 Aspects of teams

Key term A team is a 'small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose,
performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable'. (Katzenbach and
Smith, 1994)

(a) Work organisation. Teams combine the skills of different individuals and avoid complex
communication between different business functions.
(b) Control. Fear of letting down the team can be a powerful motivator, hence teams can be used to
control the performance and behaviour of individuals. Teams can also be used to resolve conflict.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 429

(c) Knowledge generation. Teams can generate ideas.
(d) Decision-making. Teams can be set up to investigate new developments and decisions can be
evaluated from more than one viewpoint.
(e) Communication. Team work can enhance the flow of information.
(f) Social needs. People generally have a need for company and social interaction.

6.7.2 Multi-disciplinary teams

Many project teams will be deliberately structured as multi-disciplinary teams. Multi-disciplinary teams
bring together individuals with different skills and specialisms, so that their skills, experience and
knowledge can be pooled or exchanged. Team working of this kind encourages freer and faster
communication between disciplines in the organisation.
(a) Team working increases workers' awareness of their overall objectives and targets.
(b) Team working aids co-ordination.
(c) Team working helps to generate solutions to problems, and suggestions for improvements, since
a multi-disciplinary team has access to more 'pieces of the jigsaw'.

6.7.3 Development of the team

The performance and effectiveness of teams is influenced by a range of factors.
(a) Size is important: larger groups can do more work, but individual productivity tends to fall. This is
called the Ringelmann effect. This effect is held to be the product of social loafing, which arises
when group members believe they will not receive a fair share of reward if they make a great effort,
nor appropriate blame if they make an inadequate one.
(b) Cohesion enhances output. Cohesion is reduced by membership turnover and if members have
divided loyalties. Similarity of status enhances cohesion.
(c) Group roles. Groups often develop roles that are played by individuals spontaneously. More formal
roles are acknowledged by mechanisms such as election. Personal predisposition and talent are
important in the emergence of such figures as leaders and nurturers in groups. We return to this
concept later when we discuss the work of Belbin on team roles.
Four stages in team development were identified by Tuckman. Project managers should be aware of these
stages and be prepared to manage and exploit them
Step 1 Forming
The team is just coming together, and may still be seen as a collection of individuals. Each
member wishes to impress his or her personality on the group. The individuals will be
trying to find out about each other, and about the aims and norms of the team. There will at
this stage probably be a wariness about introducing new ideas. The objectives being
pursued may as yet be unclear and a leader may not yet have emerged. This period is
essential, but may be time wasting: the team as a unit will not be used to being
autonomous, and will probably not be an efficient agent in the planning of its activities or
the activities of others.
Step 2 Storming
This frequently involves more or less open conflict between team members. There may be
changes agreed in the original objectives, procedures and norms established for the group.
If the team is developing successfully this may be a fruitful phase as more realistic targets
are set and trust between the group members increases.
Step 3 Norming
A period of settling down: there will be agreements about work sharing, individual
requirements and expectations of output. Norms and procedures may evolve which enable
methodical working to be introduced and maintained.

430 13: Project management Part F Project management

Step 4 Performing
The team sets to work to execute its task. The difficulties of growth and development no
longer hinder the group's objectives.

6.7.4 Characteristics of the ideal functioning team

(a) Each individual gets the support of the team and a sense of identity and belonging that encourages
loyalty and hard work on the group's behalf.
(b) Skills, information and ideas are shared, so that the team's capabilities are greater than those of the
individuals. Synergy is achieved through the pooling of skills.
(c) New ideas can be tested, reactions taken into account and persuasive skills brought into play in
group discussion for decision making and problem solving. The team provides a focus for
creativity and innovation, especially in multi-disciplinary teams.
(d) Each individual is encouraged to participate and contribute and thus becomes personally involved
in and committed to the team's activities. Equally, control and discipline are enhanced by
commitment to the team's expectations.
(e) Goodwill, trust and respect can be built up between individuals, so that communication is
encouraged and potential problems more easily overcome. This can contribute to empowerment
when responsibility and authority are delegated to self-managing teams.

6.7.5 Problems with teams

Unfortunately, team working is rarely such an undiluted success. There are certain constraints involved in
working with others.
(a) Awareness of group norms and the desire to be acceptable to the group may restrict individual
(b) Too much discord. Where an individual is a member of more than one group, conflicting roles and
relationships can cause difficulties in communicating effectively.
(c) Personality problems will arise if one member dislikes or distrusts another; is too dominant or so
timid that the value of their ideas is lost; or is so negative in attitude that constructive
communication is rendered impossible.
(d) Rigid leadership and procedures may stifle initiative and creativity in individuals. Team working
requires that managers share power with the team. Some managers find this difficult to do. Also, a
coaching style of management is most appropriate for teams and this must be learned.
(e) Differences of opinion and political conflicts of interest are always likely.
(f) Too much harmony. Teams work best when there is room for disagreement. They can become
dangerously blinkered to what is going on around them, and may confidently forge ahead in a
completely wrong direction. I L Janis describes this as groupthink. The cosy consensus of the
group prevents consideration of alternatives, constructive criticism or conflict. Alternatively, efforts
to paper over differences may lead to bland recommendations without meaning.
(g) Corporate culture and reward systems. Teams will fail if the company promotes and rewards the
individual at the expense of the group. Similarly, when team rather than individual output is
measured, it is easier for un-motivated individuals to get by with minimal effort.
(h) Too many meetings. Teams should not try to do everything together. Not only does this waste
time in meetings, but team members are exposed to less diversity of thought. Decision-making by
teams can be excessively time-consuming and may not offer any advantage over the normal
process of decision-making by individual managers after consultation.
(i) Powerlessness. People will not bother to work in a team or on a task force if its recommendations
are ignored.
(j) Risky shift. Group processes are such that individual characteristics can be reinforced and become
exaggerated. A good example is the way that a group of risk-averse individuals may adopt a far less
risk-averse approach to collective decision-making.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 431

6.7.6 Creating an effective work team
The management problem is how to create effective, efficient work teams. Handy takes a contingency
approach to the problem of team effectiveness.

Management can operate on both 'givens' and 'intervening factors' to affect the 'outcomes'.

6.8 The givens

6.8.1 The team
Belbin, in a study of business-game teams at Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1981, drew up a list of
the most effective character-mix in a team. This involves eight necessary roles that should be played by
team members.

Member Role
Co-ordinator Presides and co-ordinates: balanced, disciplined, good at working through others
Shaper Highly strung, dominant, extrovert, passionate about the task itself, a spur to
Plant Introverted, but intellectually dominant and imaginative; source of ideas and
proposals but with disadvantage of introversion
Monitor-evaluator Analytically (rather than creatively) intelligent; dissects ideas, spots flaws; possibly
aloof, tactless but necessary
Resource- Popular, sociable, extrovert, relaxed; source of new contacts, but not an originator;
investigator needs to be made use of
Implementer Practical organiser, turning ideas into tasks; scheduling, planning and so on;
trustworthy and efficient, but not excited; not a leader, but an administrator
Team worker Most concerned with team maintenance supportive, understanding, diplomatic;
popular but uncompetitive contribution noticed only in absence
Finisher Pushes the team to meet deadlines, attends to details; promotes urgency and
follow-through; not always popular

The specialist joins the group to offer expert advice when needed. Notice that one team member may play
two or more roles.

6.8.2 The task

The nature of the task must have some bearing on how a group should be managed.
(a) If a job must be done urgently, it is often necessary to dictate how things should be done, rather
than to encourage a participatory style of working.
(b) Jobs which are routine, unimportant and undemanding will be insufficient to motivate either
individuals or the group as a whole.

432 13: Project management Part F Project management

6.8.3 The environment
The team's environment relates to factors such as the physical surroundings at work and to inter-group

6.8.4 Intervening factors and outcomes

Processes and procedures. Research indicates that a team that tackles its work systematically will be
more effective than one that lives from hand to mouth, and muddles through.
Motivation and leadership style. High productivity outcomes may be achieved if work is so arranged that
satisfaction of individuals' needs coincides with high output. Where teams are, for example, allowed to set
their own improvement goals and methods and to measure their own progress towards those goals, it has
been observed (by Peters and Waterman among others) that they regularly exceed their targets. The style
of leadership adopted by the team leader can also affect its outcome. This depends on the circumstances.
Individuals may bring their own hidden agendas to groups for satisfaction. These are personal goals that
may have nothing to do with the declared aims of the team, such as protection of a sub-group, impressing
superiors and pursuit of inter-personal rivalry.
Exam focus
point Project management has been examined fairly regularly and is a core part of the P3 syllabus. The
December 2009 exam contained a Section B question which included a 12 mark requirment to identify the
elements of good project management which has contributed to the success of the project described in
the scenario. Make sure you are able to identify the application of elements of good project management
in practice.

7 Controlling projects
Progress reports should report progress towards key milestones. Slippage may be managed with a
number of options, including incentives, working smarter, extra resources and rescheduling. Project
changes must be carefully considered, communicated, documented and controlled. Risk management
involves risk assessment and recording, and action to reduce, avoid, transfer or absorb risks.

7.1 Gateways
A key feature of many project management systems is the use of predefined gateways. These are
important points to stop, report progress, review key issues and verify that the project should proceed.

Key term A gateway is a project review point at which certain criteria must be met before for the project can pass
through the gateway and proceed to the next stage.

Gateways and benefits management should be incorporated into formal monitoring of projects in order to
ensure that the project has remained on track, and any problems can be identified and rectified before they
get out of hand. In order to ensure the benefits defined at the outset are realised, progress towards these
should be reviewed and any further benefits identified. Any benefits that are no longer feasible or realistic
should be recorded and the relevant steps taken to revise the benefits management plan.
The business case will also have to be revisited at these points. As we noted earlier, the business case is
not a one off event, it is a living document that develops along with the project. Projects must pass certain
tests, particularly in relation to their business viability, in order to pass through these gateways and be
allowed to proceed to the next stage.
Gateways are particularly helpful for identifying scope creep.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 433

Key term Scope creep relates to uncontrolled changes in the scope of a project.

If the project has been poorly defined, or is not controlled sufficiently, the scope of the project can steadily
grow until it is dramatically different from that planned at the outset. This can cause significant delays in
the project as well as causing it to exceed its intended budget.
Gateways have a number of other benefits. They are a useful expectations management tool, and they
allow project sponsors and senior management to review their project investments as they proceed. If
necessary this allows them to deflect resources to more successful projects.

7.2 Progress reports

Key term A progress report shows the current status of the project, usually in relation to the planned status.

The frequency and contents of progress reports will vary depending on the length of, and the progress
being made on, a project. The report is a control tool intended to show the discrepancies between where
the project is, and where the plan says it should be. A common form of progress reports uses two
columns one for planned time and expenditure and one for actual. Any additional content will depend on
the format adopted. Some organisations include only the 'raw facts' in the report, and use these as a basis
for discussion regarding reasons for variances and action to be taken, at a project review meeting. Other
organisations (particularly those involved in long, complex projects) produce more comprehensive
progress reports, with more explanation and comment.
The report should monitor progress towards key milestones.

Key term A milestone is a significant event in the life of the project, usually completion of a major deliverable.

A progress report may include a milestone slip chart which compares planned and actual progress
towards project milestones. Planned progress is shown on the X-axis and actual progress on the Y-axis.
Where actual progress is slower than planned progress slippage has occurred.

On the chart above milestones are indicated by a triangle on the diagonal planned progress line. The
vertical lines that meet milestones 1 and 2 are straight showing that these milestones were achieved on
time. At milestone 3 some slippage has occurred. The chart shows that no further slippage is expected as
the progress line for milestone 4 is the same distance to the right as occurred at milestone 3. The

434 13: Project management Part F Project management

progress report should also include an updated budget status such a report could adopt the format
shown in the following example.

7.3 Dealing with slippage

Exam focus
point One of the question scenarios in the December 2008 exam described a software implementation project
which was slipping behind schedule, and appeared unlikely to meet its target delivery data. The question
asked candidates to evaluate a range of options available to the project manager to deal with the slippage.

When a project has slipped behind schedule there are a range of options open to the project manager.
Some of these options are summarised in the following table.

Action Comment
Do nothing After considering all options it may be decided that things should be
allowed to continue as they are.
Add resources If capable staff are available and it is practicable to add more people to
certain tasks it may be possible to recover some lost ground. Are extra
funds available to hire more staff? Could some work be subcontracted?
Work smarter Consider whether the methods currently being used are the most suitable
for example would prototyping be more effective at eliciting requirements?
Replan If the assumptions that the original plan was based on have been proved
invalid, a more realistic plan should be devised.
Reschedule A complete replan may not be necessary it may be possible to recover
some time by changing the phasing of certain deliverables.
Introduce incentives If the main problem is team performance, incentives such as bonus
payments could be linked to work deadlines and quality. This is a positive
incentive. In some cases, poor team performance may need to be
addressed through more negative responses, for example, disciplinary
action if staff are not working to the level required of them. Note:
performance issues need not be limited to in-house staff. They could
equally relate to contractors or suppliers, in which case the project manager
will need to introduce incentives (positive or negative as appropriate) to
improve their performance.
Briefings and motivation If the project is long, it may be beneficial for the manager to hold update
briefings with the team to renew their energy and enthusiasm and thereby
increase productivity.
Change the specification If the original objectives of the project are unrealistic given the time and
money available it may be necessary to negotiate a change in the
This change could either be to reduce the number of activities included in
the scope, or to reduce the level of quality required in each activity.

There are also two specific courses of action a project manager should consider if a project starts to slip
dramatically, but has a fixed deadline and so cannot be delayed. These are 'fast-tracking' and 'crashing'.

7.3.1 Fast-tracking
Fast-tracking involves taking activities that are normally done in sequence, and doing them in parallel
instead (for example, starting construction alongside the design phase, instead of waiting for the design
phase to be completed before beginning construction).
Note, however, that while fast-tracking can accelerate a project, it also involves the risk of increased costs
and reworking later. For example, if the design is changed before it is finalised, yet some construction

Part F Project management 13: Project management 435

work has already been done, the change of design may result in having to re-do some of that construction

7.3.2 Crashing
Crashing involves assigning additional resources to the critical path. For example, if one person was
working on a twelve day activity on the critical path, and it was essential to reduce the path length to eight
days, a second person could be added to work on the activity.
Note that the second person may not be as efficient as the first or have all the right skills and so he or she
might need to work eight days just to reduce the path length by four (from twelve to eight).
Crashing usually leads to an increase in the cost of the project, but this may be considered an acceptable
trade-off for getting the project back on schedule. However, an organisation should still aim to minimise
the incremental cost incurred as a result of crashing.

7.4 Project change procedure

Some of the reactions to slippage discussed above would involve changes that would significantly affect
the overall project. Other possible causes of changes to the original project plan include:
The availability of new technology
Changes in personnel
A realisation that user requirements were misunderstood
Changes in the business environment
New legislation eg data protection
The earlier a change is made the less expensive it should prove. However, changes will cost time and
money and should not be undertaken lightly. When considering a change an investigation should be
conducted to discover:
(a) The consequences of not implementing the proposed change.
(b) The impact of the change on time, cost and quality.
(c) The expected costs and benefits of the change.
(d) The risks associated with the change, and with the status-quo.
The process of ensuring that proper consideration is given to the impact of proposed changes is known as
change control. Changes will need to be implemented into the project plan and communicated to all

7.5 Risk management

Projects and other undertakings carry an element of risk, for example the risk of an inappropriate system
being developed and implemented. Risk management is concerned with identifying such risks and putting
in place policies to eliminate or reduce these risks. The identification of risks involves an overview of the
project to establish what could go wrong, and the consequences. Risk management may be viewed as a
six-stage process:
Stage 1 Plan the risk management approach
It is appropriate to determine the degree of risk aversion that will apply. The general rule is
that as risk increases so do potential returns. Minimising risk is expensive, so the degree of
risk acceptable to the project sponsor and project board should be considered at an early
Stage 2 Identify and record risks
Existing plans for time, costs and quality should be examined for risk potential. The critical
path, cost estimates and quality assumptions should be examined with particular care. It
will be useful for project staff to brainstorm and external advice may be sought: this could
come from non-project staff within the organisation or from external sources.

436 13: Project management Part F Project management

Identified risks are recorded in a risk register. Schwalbe suggests the detail shown below
should be recorded for each risk event in the risk register.
(a) An identification number
(b) A probability
(c) A name
(d) A description
(e) The root cause
(f) Possible indicators and symptoms: these are factors that tend to increase the chance
that the risk event will occur.
(g) Potential impact
(h) Potential responses
(i) An owner: this person monitors the risk event
(j) Current status: this will change as the project progresses; eventually the risk may
become irrelevant.
Stage 3 Assess the risks
There are two aspects to the assessment of risk.
(a) The probability that the risk event will actually take place
(b) The consequences of the risk event if it does occur
Several quantitative techniques may be useful in assessing risk, including expected values,
sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation and programme evaluation and review
technique (PERT). PERT requires the application of probabilities to the time planned for the
activities identified in the critical path analysis.
The likelihood and consequences of risks may be plotted on a matrix. This approach allows
unquantifiable risks to be considered alongside those to which a numerical value can be

Part F Project management 13: Project management 437

Stage 4 Plan and record risk responses
Developing a risk contingency plan that contains strategies for risks that fall into the VH
segment should have priority, followed by risks falling into the two H segments. Following
the principle of management by exception, the most efficient way of dealing with risks
outside these quadrants may be to do nothing unless the risk presents itself. Extra time and
finance should be held in reserve for dealing with likely contingencies.
Dealing with risk involves four strategies.
(a) Avoidance: activities that could carry risk are not performed or are removed from a
project. For example, an acquisition is rejected because of the potential legal
liabilities attached to the potential acquisition target.
(b) Reduction or mitigation: the potential for the risk cannot be removed, but mitigation
can reduce the severity of any loss or the likelihood of the loss occurring (for
example, by entering into an escrow agreement alongside the purchase of a bespoke
software solution.) (Refer back to Chapter 10 for further information on risk
avoidance, reduction and mitigation).
(c) Transference: the risk is passed on to someone else, perhaps by means of
insurance, or possibly by building it into a supplier contract.
(d) Absorption: the potential risk is accepted in the hope or expectation that the
incidence and consequences can be coped with if necessary.
Stage 5 Implement risk management strategies
Stage 6 Review the risk management approach and actions for adequacy
Risk management is a continuous process. Procedures are necessary to regularly review and reassess the
risks documented in the risk register.

Practical Experience Requirements

As well as being an important part of your syllabus for this exam, project management is also likely to be
an important part of your ongoing role as an accountant.
The ACCA Professional Entry Requirements require new members to demonstrate they can manage on-
going activities in their area of responsibility, and two components of this are:
Monitor progress against agreed timetables and amend these timetables where necessary
Identify potential risks associated with achieving stated objectives and how these will be managed.

7.6 Project completion

The project completion report shows the project outcomes, and any continuing issues. Post-project and
post-implementation reviews should be carried out to examine the degree of success achieved, review
methods and organisation and note lessons for future reference.

Key term The completion report summarises the results of the project, and includes client sign-off.

On project completion the project manager will produce a completion report. The main purpose of the
completion report is to document (and gain client sign-off for) the end of the project.
The report should include a summary of the project outcome.
(a) Project objectives and the outcomes achieved
(b) The final project budget report showing expected and actual expenditure. If an external client is
involved this information may be sensitive the report may exclude or amend the budget report
(c) A brief outline of time taken compared with the original schedule

438 13: Project management Part F Project management

The completion report will also include provision for any continuing issues that will need to be addressed
after completion. Such issues would be related to the project, but not part of the project. An example of
such an issue would be a procedure for dealing with any 'bugs' that become apparent after a new software
program has been tested and approved.
Responsibilities and procedures relating to any such issues should be laid down in the report.
The manager may find it useful to distribute a provisional report and request feedback. This should
ensure the version presented for client sign-off at the completion meeting is acceptable to all parties.
A more detailed review of the project follows a few months after completion, the post-completion audit.

7.6.1 Post-project and post-implementation reviews

The post-project review is a formal review of the project that examines the lessons that may be learned
and used for the benefit of future projects.

The review considers the success of the project by asking the following.
(a) Was the project achieved on time and within budget?
(b) Was the management of the project as successful as it might have been, or were there bottlenecks
or problems? This review covers:
(i) Problems that might occur on future projects with similar characteristics.
(ii) The performance of the team individually and as a group.
In other words, any project is an opportunity to learn how to manage future projects more effectively.
The post-project review should involve input from the project team. A simple questionnaire could be
developed for all team members to complete, and a reasonably informal meeting held to obtain feedback,
on what went well (and why), and what didn't (and why).
This information should be formalised in a report. The post-project review report should contain:
(a) A summary should be provided, emphasising any areas where the structures and tools used to
manage the project have been found to be unsatisfactory.
(b) A cost-benefit review should be included, comparing the forecast costs and benefits identified at
the time of the feasibility study with actual costs and benefits.
(c) Recommendations should be made as to any steps which should be taken to improve the project
management procedures used.
Lessons learned from this review should be fed back into project management standards to ensure future
projects do not repeat the same mistakes.
At the end of the project the finished solution will be implemented into the organisation. Sometime after
this solution has been deployed a post-implementation review should be carried out. The timing of this
will depend on the specific situation, however typical periods range from six weeks to six months.

Key term Post-implementation reviews are assessments of the completed working solution.

The post-implementation review focuses more specifically on the product that was produced by the
project. It is carried out for three main reasons.
To determine how well the project met its objectives, delivered the expected benefits and addressed
the requirements that were originally defined.
To consider the working business solution to see if further improvements could be made to
optimise the benefit delivered.
To identify lessons that can be learned and fed back into the product production process. This
could involve improving processes such as research and development and operational processes

Part F Project management 13: Project management 439

as well as making changes to who is involved in certain processes and the timings at which
individual processes are carried out.
In order to do this, work will centre around determining the current situation, identifying the benefits
actually being delivered in comparison to those originally defined by the project, and identifying any
further improvements that could be made and the learning points for the future.

Exam focus Make sure you understand the difference between a post-project review and a post-implementation
point review. The post-project review focuses on the project itself and the way it was carried out. The post-
implementation review focuses on the actual product that is produced as a result of that project.
This was examined in December 2011 where six marks were available for explaining the purpose of each
of a post-project review, a post-implementation review, and a benefits realisation review. This straight-
forward test of theoretical knowledge was, in a number of cases, not well answered.
A further twelve marks were then on offer for applying this knowledge to the scenario in order to identify
the problems and lessons that should be learnt from a post-project review and a post-implementation
review of the system implemented in the scenario.

Case Study
Heathrow Terminal 5 opened on 27th March 2008 after six years of construction at a cost of 4.3bn. It was
delivered on time and within budget. The project itself was a success.
Customers using Heathrow were promised a calmer, smoother, simpler airport experience. However, the
opening of Terminal 5 was fraught with problems and on the first day alone 36,584 passengers suffered
from the hassle that Terminal 5 had been designed to eliminate. Problems were experienced with the
baggage system, car parking, security searches and aspects of the building itself. The luggage piled up so
high that over 23,000 bags had to be transported by road and sorted manually offsite before they could be
returned to their owners.
The post-implementation review identified that all the problems could be attributed to two key underlying
issues: insufficient staff training and system testing, and poor communication between the owner and
operator of the terminal.
The problems resulting from these issues persisted well into April whilst steps to tackle the causes were
put into place and the huge backlog cleared. Had these steps been put in place prior to opening the
Terminal many of these problems may have been avoided or significantly reduced.

Lessons learnt that relate to the way the project was managed should contribute to the smooth running of
future projects.
A starting point for any new project should be a review of the documentation of any similar projects
undertaken in the past.

7.6.2 Benefits realisation

It is obviously important that the benefits expected from the completion of a project are actually enjoyed.
Has a project delivered what it was meant to? Has it been worthwhile?
Benefits realisation is concerned with the planning and management required to realise expected benefits.
It also covers any required organisational transition processes.
The UK Office of Government Commerce has identified a six stage procedure for benefits realisation. This is
most relevant to projects aimed at process improvement and changing the organisation's way of doing things.
Stage 1 Establishing benefits measurement
Measure the start state and record it in the benefits profile. The benefits profile defines each

440 13: Project management Part F Project management

anticipated benefit and is used to track progress towards its realisation. Determine how
benefit realisation will be measured. Benefits may be complex and spread across
departments: designing usable and realistic measures may be difficult.
Stage 2 Refining the benefits profile
The benefits profile should be refined and controlled throughout the life of the project.
Project managers should conduct regular benefits profile reviews in collaboration with key
Stage 3 Monitoring benefits
There should be regular monitoring of benefits realisation against the original business case
and project programme. Adjustments may be required if it becomes clear the original plan is
no longer realistic. It must be accepted that some projects will only be beneficial in enabling
other projects to be successful.
Stage 4 Transition management
Projects are likely to bring change and this must be implemented in a proper way. Effective
communications will be required as will the deployment of good people skills.
Stage 5 Support for benefit realisation
Benefits realisation will mainly accrue after the end of the project. Where a project brings
changes in methods and processes, there is likely to be a period for settling-down before
benefits are fully realised. During this period, costs may rise and problems may occur.
Careful management is required to overcome these short-term effects and to secure longer-
term benefits. A philosophy of continuous improvement is required if further benefits are to
be achieved.
Stage 6 Measuring the benefits
Benefits achieved should be established by comparison with the pre-improvement state
recorded in the benefits profile.

8 Project management software

Project management software can be used to produce detailed project planning documentation, to update
plans and to produce reports.

8.1 Project management software

We have now considered a number of aspects of project management, but we will end by looking at the
ways project management software can support project planning and control.
Project management techniques are ideal candidates for computerisation. Project management software
packages have been available for a number of years. Microsoft Project is a popular package, while
SmartDraw software also contains Gantt charts, PERT charts and project schedules.
Software might be used for a number of purposes.
(a) Planning
Network diagrams (showing the critical path) and Gantt charts (showing resource use) can be
produced automatically once the relevant data is entered. Packages also allow a sort of 'what if?'
analysis for initial planning, trying out different levels of resources, changing deadlines and so on
to find the best combination. In this way, software can be very useful for scheduling resource
(b) Estimating
As a project progresses, actual data will become known and can be entered into the package and
collected for future reference. Since many projects involve basically similar tasks (interviewing
users and so on), actual data from one project can be used to provide more accurate estimates for
the next project. The software also facilitates and encourages the use of more sophisticated
estimation techniques than managers might be prepared to use if working manually.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 441

(c) Monitoring
Actual data can also be entered and used to facilitate monitoring of progress and automatically
updating the plan for the critical path and the use of resources as circumstances dictate.
Monitoring project progress should help provide an early warning of any risks to the project.
(d) Reporting
Software packages allow standard and tailored progress reports to be produced, printed out and
circulated to participants and senior managers at any time, usually at the touch of a button. This
helps with co-ordination of activities and project review.

8.2 What input data is required?

Most project management packages feature a process of identifying the main steps in a project, and
breaking these down further into specific tasks.
A typical project management package requires four inputs.
(a) The length of time required for each activity of the project.
(b) The logical relationships between each activity.
(c) The resources available.
(d) When the resources are available.

8.3 Advantages of project management software packages

The advantages of using project management software are summarised below.

Advantage Comment
Enables quick re-planning Estimates can be changed many times and a new schedule produced
almost instantly. Changes to the plan can be reflected immediately.
Document quality Well-presented plans give a professional impression and are easier to
Encourages constant The project manager is able to compare actual progress against planned
progress tracking progress and investigate problem areas promptly.
What if? analysis Software enables the effect of various scenarios to be calculated quickly
and easily. Many project managers conduct this type of analysis using
copies of the plan in separate computer files leaving the actual plan

Another advantage is that the software is able to analyse and present the project information in a number
of ways. The views available within Microsoft Project are shown in the following illustration on the drop
down menu.

442 13: Project management Part F Project management

8.4 Disadvantages of project management software packages
Some disadvantages of project management software are:
(a) Some packages are difficult to use. Some people may achieve better results using simpler
techniques (pen and paper!) but feel pressured into using project management software by
company policy.
Often, project management software is unnecessary for small, stand-alone projects, where the
scope of the project does not justify the time or costs involved in the software. However, project
management software can be very useful for multiple, larger projects.
(b) Some project managers become so interested in producing perfect plans that they spend too much
time producing documents and not enough time managing the project. In particular, there is a
danger they do not adjust the initial project plan to reflect actual progress through the project (for
example, to reflect tasks that are completed late or are re-sequenced).
(c) The project managers level of interpersonal contact may suffer as he or she spends too much time
looking at the software. (This problem is similar to the one some accountants suffer from when
they spend too much time looking at spreadsheets, rather than talking to operational managers to
understand what is really happening in the business.)

Part F Project management 13: Project management 443

Chapter Roundup
A project is an undertaking that has a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals
within cost, schedule and quality objectives. It often has the following characteristics:
A defined beginning and end
Resources allocated specifically to it
Intended to be done only once (although similar separate projects could be undertaken)
Follows a plan towards a clear intended end-result
Often cuts across organisational and functional lines
Project management is the combination of systems, techniques, and people used to control and monitor
activities undertaken within the project. It will be deemed successful if it is completed at the specified level
of quality, on time and within budget. Achieving this can be very difficult: most projects present a range
of significant challenges.
Adaptation to environmental change makes project management an important feature of strategic
implementation. Also, strategic management thinking can be a useful input into project management.
Strategic project management envisages strategy as a stream of projects intended to achieve
organisational breakthroughs.
Kerzner suggests that where project management is a core competence, a continuous improvement
approach should be taken to developing and consolidating the methodology.
The project life cycle concept describes the progression of many projects through four stages: definition,
design, delivery and development.
Limits to resource availability mean that not all potential projects will be undertaken; rational methods are
used to select projects.
Project initiation tasks include the appointment of project manager and sponsor; stakeholder analysis and
the definition of project scope. The business case explains why the project is needed, while the project
charter gives authorisation for it to be undertaken.
The business case is a key document which is initially used to secure funding for a project, then revisited
and revised during the life of the project to ensure the project remains on track and the identified benefits
are realised.
A business case should be based on the ability to measure each benefit and estimate expected
improvements. Benefits can be classified as observable, measurable, quantifiable or financial.
Many costs will be incurred as part of a project, these will be both capital and operational. Care should be
taken to ensure all costs are identified within the business case.
A benefit owner should be assigned to each individual benefit. Change owners may also be required to
ensure benefits are fully realised.
A benefits realisation plan should be included as part of the business plan to demonstrate how the
identified benefits will be measured, taken forward and achieved.
Many large-scale projects, particularly those involving major change, are strategically significant and
project management can merge into strategic management. Force field analysis identifies enablers,
constraints and showstoppers.
Work breakdown structure is an analysis of the work involved in a project into a structure of phases,
activities and tasks. Dependencies determine the order in which tasks must be carried out, while
interactions between tasks affect them without imposing order.
The project budget plans the allocation of resources to the project and forms a basis for their control.
Budgeting may be top-down or bottom-up.

444 13: Project management Part F Project management

Chapter Roundup (cont'd)
A Gantt chart shows the deployment of resources over time.
Network analysis illustrates interactions and dependencies. It is used to plan the sequence of tasks
making up project scope and to determine the critical path. PERT uses probabilities to make estimates of
likely completion and milestone dates.
A resource histogram is a useful planning tool that shows the amount and timing of the requirement for a
resource (or a range of resources).
The person who takes ultimate responsibility for ensuring the desired result is achieved on time and within
budget is the project manager. Duties of the project manager include: Planning, teambuilding,
communication, co-ordinating project activities, monitoring and control, problem-resolution and quality
Project managers require the following skills: Leadership and team building, organisational ability,
communication skills (written, spoken, presentations, meetings), some technical knowledge of the project
area and inter-personal skills.
Project managers should have some understanding of the way that groups of people interact at work.
Teams enable people's talents and efforts to be combined and teamwork can have a motivating effect,
Tuckman identified four stages in team development.
Forming Norming
Storming Performing
However, teams bring their own problems, including disharmony, riskshift, groupthink and political
conflict. Handy suggests a contingency approach to team leadership. Belbin identified nine roles played by
team members.
Co-ordinator Shaper
Plant Monitor-evaluator
Resource investigator Implementer
Team worker Finisher
Progress reports should report progress towards key milestones. Slippage may be managed with a
number of options, including incentives, working smarter, extra resources and rescheduling. Project
changes must be carefully considered, communicated, documented and controlled. Risk management
involves risk assessment and recording; and action to reduce, avoid, transfer or absorb risks.
The project completion report shows the project outcomes, and any continuing issues. There should be a
post-completion audit process to examine the degree of success achieved, review methods and
organisation and note lessons for future reference.
Project management software can be used to produce detailed project planning documentation, to update
plans and to produce reports.

Part F Project management 13: Project management 445

Quick Quiz
1 What are the three main measures of project success?
2 What are the two main project management methodologies in the UK and the US?
3 What is a breakthrough project?
4 What are four phases of a typical project lifecycle?
5 What does a Gantt chart do?
6 Who provides the resources needed for a project?
7 What is a milestone?
8 Name two specific courses of action available to a project manager if a project starts to slip dramatically,
but has a fixed deadline and so cannot be delayed.
9 What are the four risk management strategies?
10 What is the main benefit of carrying out a post-completion audit?

446 13: Project management Part F Project management

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Quality, cost and time
3 One that will have a material effect on either the business's external competitive edge, its internal
capabilities or its financial performance
4 Definition, design, delivery, development
5 It shows the deployment of resources over time
6 The project sponsor
7 A significant event in the life of the project, usually completion of a major deliverable
8 Fast-tracking; crashing
9 Avoidance, mitigation, transference, absorption
10 The opportunity make the management of future projects more effective

Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q13 Examination 20 36 mins

Part F Project management 13: Project management 447

448 13: Project management Part F Project management



Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Finance and strategy G1(a)(i)(iii), G2(c)
2 Financial management decisions G2(a)
3 Cash forecasts G2(a)
4 Financing requirements G2(a)
5 Obtaining equity funds G2(b)
6 Bank loans G2(b)
7 Loan capital G2(b)
8 The budgetary process G3(a)
9 Standard costing and variance analysis G3(b)
10 Probability, expected values and decision trees G3(c)
11 Evaluating strategic options using marginal and G3(d)
relevant costing techniques
12 Full costing G3(e)
13 Ratio analysis G4(a)(e)
14 Comparison of accounting figures G4(a)(e)

Finance may be regarded as the fundamental business resource, since
it provides access to all other more specific resources, to the extent
that they are available. The organisation's financial position will be a
major part of the strategic position and will also constitute a strong
influence on the process of strategic choice, for example in assessing
the acceptability and feasibility of different options. The consequences
of strategic actions will also be financially evaluated. Finance is
therefore relevant to all three of strategic position, strategic choice and
strategic action and so has inherent strategic significance.
All of the material in this section of this Study Text should be familiar to
you from your previous studies so dealing with it should be a matter of
revision and consolidation on knowledge.

Study guide
Intellectual level
G1 The link between strategy and finance
(a) Explain the relationship between strategy and finance. 3
(i) Managing for value
(ii) Financial expectations of stakeholders
(iii) Funding strategies
G2 Finance decisions to formulate and support business strategy
(a) Determine the overall investment requirements of the business. 2
(b) Evaluate alternative sources of finance for these investments and their 3
associated risks.
(c) Efficiently and effectively manage the current and non-current assets of the 2
business from a finance and risk perspective.
G3 The role of cost and management accounting in strategic planning and
decision making
(a) Explain the role, advantages and possible limitations of a budgetary process.
(b) Explain the principles of standard costing, its role in variance analysis and
suggest possible reasons for identified variances.
(c) Evaluate strategic and operational decisions taking into account risk and
uncertainty using decision trees.
(d) Evaluate the following strategic options using marginal and relevant costing
(i) Make or buy decisions
(ii) Accepting or declining special contracts
(iii) Closure or continuation decisions
(iv) Effective use of scarce resources
(e) Evaluate the role and limitations of cost accounting in strategy development
and implementation, specifically relating to
(i) Direct and indirect costs in multi-product contexts
(ii) Overhead apportionment in full costing
(iii) Activity based costing in planning and control

G4 Financial implications of making strategic choices and of implementing

strategic actions
(a) Apply efficiency ratios to assess how efficiently an organisation uses its 2
current resources.
(b) Apply appropriate gearing ratios to assess the risks associated with 2
financing and investment in the organisation.
(c) Apply appropriate liquidity ratios to assess the organisation's short-term 2
commitments to creditors and employees.
(d) Apply appropriate profitability ratios to assess the viability of chosen 2
(e) Apply appropriate investment ratios to assist investors and shareholders in 2
evaluating organisational performance and strategy.

452 14: Finance Part G Finance

Exam guide
P3 is not a strategic financial management paper and we do not expect the examiner to present technically
difficult questions on finance. Nonetheless, the evidence of the papers to date suggests you are likely to
encounter numerical analysis of some kind in Question 1 and the examiner has indicated that there will
continue to be opportunities for calculation. However, in P3 it is important that you link your financial
skills and computations to business strategy, rather than simply performing calculations in their own
There is no certainty that the numerical analysis will be of a financial kind. It is possible that financial
matters will appear in optional Section B questions (rather than the Section A case study), and in this case
the context could be the mutual impact of finance and strategy on one another (for example, benefits
realisation from projects, or supplier evaluation in software selection), rather than simply doing

1 Finance and strategy

In commercial organisations, managing for value is about creating shareholder value, while in the public
sector, it is about obtaining value for money. Managers must understand the key cost and value drivers
affecting their operations. Financial risk is determined exclusively by gearing, but there are several sources
of business risk. Financial risk may be balanced against business risk, so that overall risk is managed.

JS&W suggest that organisations of all types must deal with three broad issues of finance.
Managing for value
Financial expectations of stakeholders

1.1 Managing for value

For commercial organisations, managing for value is about creating value for shareholders, while in the
public sector, it is about obtaining best value for the money spent.

1.1.1 Shareholder value

Shareholder value depends on long-term capacity to generate cash. This will enable the payment of
dividends, which, in turn, will drive up the market value of the business, offering capital gain as an
alternative form of value. Ability to generate cash is influenced by three main factors.
(a) Funds from operations, which are determined by sales revenues and costs
(b) The net cost of financing the capital base of non-current and current assets required to support
operations: an important aspect of this factor is the efficiency with which these assets are used.
(c) Capital structure (gearing), which will determine the company's cost of capital (and its financial

1.1.2 Best value in the public sector

Most public sector managers are concerned only with managing their budgeted cash spending. However,
they should understand the significance of the factors outlined above as they apply to their
responsibilities. A good example is the need for efficient exploitation of non-current assets.

1.1.3 Drivers of cost and value

Value creation does not occur and costs do not arise evenly across the organisation, so managers should
have a firm grasp of the key cost and value drivers affecting their operations. Some of these may be
outside the organisation, elsewhere in the value network, so the ability to influence suppliers and
distributors may be crucial to success. This will depend on relative bargaining power, as discussed
elsewhere in this Study Text.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 453

Choice of generic strategy interacts with cost and value: strict control of cost is obviously fundamental to
cost leadership, while differentiation will inevitably have cost implications associated with such matters as
brand communications, product quality and customer service.
The structure of costs and value creation is likely to change over time, as, for example, illustrated by the
cost and profit aspects of the product life cycle. The cash flow aspect of the Boston matrix analysis also
illustrates this.

1.2 Funding strategies

There are likely to be several considerations relevant to funding decisions for commercial organisations.
Among these are: the ownership structure; whether a company is quoted or privately held; and, perhaps
most significantly, the attitude of the owners and senior managers to risk. One of the most important
commercial funding decisions is capital structure, or gearing. Gearing up, with a high proportion of loan
capital, enables holders of equity to benefit significantly when overall returns are in excess of the cost of
debt, since the surplus accrues to them. The natural corollary to this is, however, that when times are hard
and returns are depressed below the rate payable to lenders, it is the holders of equity that have to find the
shortfall. This is financial risk.
The level of gearing and thus the degree of financial risk accepted will be influenced by management's
beliefs about the prospects for the company and the future movement of interest rates; these, in turn,
depend to some extent on the future state of the economy generally.
Financial risk cannot be considered in isolation. There are several other important sources of risk,
including political change and the dangers inherent in the physical environment. However, it is likely to be
business risk that will require the most careful consideration. Business risk is the total of all the
uncertainties that exist in any business venture and thus includes such aspects of uncertainty as sales
success, public image, changes in the bargaining power of suppliers and so on.

1.2.1 Managing risk

JS&W point out that financial risk can, to some extent, be balanced against business risk in order to
produce an acceptable level of risk overall. If business risk is perceived as being low, a higher level of
financial risk may be acceptable and gearing increased. Similarly, if business risk increases, a
proportionate response might be to aim to pay off an element of debt. The ability to adjust the level of
dividend paid may be a useful adjunct to this concept.
JS&W illustrate the relationships involved here using the four cases of the Boston matrix, which parallel
the life cycle model to some extent. We summarise their illustration in the table below.

Launch Growth Maturity Decline

(Question mark) (Star) (Cash Cow) (Dog)
Business risk Very high High Medium to low Low
Financial risk, Keep very low Keep low May be increased Can be high
Funding Venture capital Equity Debt and equity Secured Debt
Dividends Nil Nominal, if any High Total

1.2.2 Conglomerates
A large company is likely to seek a balanced portfolio of businesses at different stages of their lives. It is
important that such conglomerates consider the overall risk profile of their operations. They should then
adjust their funding strategy using the ideas illustrated above.

454 14: Finance Part G Finance

1.2.3 Funding and strategy
Funding arrangements can be a major influence on strategy.
(a) A highly geared company is likely to avoid high levels of business risk.
(b) The form of ownership may be changed in order to gain access to new sources of funds.
(c) A strategy based on acquisitions may be driven by the need to reinvest surplus funds or to
demonstrate a high level of growth to the market; wider strategic considerations may be neglected
as a result.

1.3 Stakeholders' financial expectations

We discussed the general expectations of stakeholders earlier in this Study text. These will inevitably make
demands on available funds, some directly, as in employees' expectations for proper wages and salaries,
and some more indirectly, as in various expectations of socially responsible action.
There will also be expectations of solvency and liquidity on the part of trading partners and providers of
loan finance. Customers will expect good value in their purchases. This also applies to public sector

2 Financial management decisions

In seeking to attain the financial objectives of the organisation or enterprise, a financial manager has to
make decisions on three topics.
These three policy areas interact and decision makers must also manage the interactions.

2.1 Investment, financing and dividend decisions

Maximising the wealth of shareholders generally implies maximising profits consistent with long-term
stability. Often short-term gains must be sacrificed in the interests of the company's long-term prospects.
In the context of this overall objective of financial management, there are three main types of decisions
facing financial managers: investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend decisions.

2.2 Investment decisions

The financial manager will need to identify investment opportunities, evaluate them and decide on the
optimum allocation of scarce funds available between investments.
Investment decisions may be on the undertaking of new projects within the existing business, the
takeover of, or merger with, another company or the selling off of a part of the business. Managers have
to take decisions in the light of strategic considerations such as whether the business intends to expand
internally (through investment in existing operations) or externally (through expansion).

2.3 Financing decisions

Financing decisions include those for both the long term (capital structure) and the short term (working
capital management).
The financial manager will need to determine the source, cost and effect on risk of the possible sources of
long-term finance. A balance between profitability and liquidity (ready availability of funds if required)
must be taken into account when deciding on the optimal level of short-term finance.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 455

2.4 Interaction of financing with investment and dividend decisions
When taking financial decisions, managers will have to fulfil the requirements of the providers of finance,
otherwise finance may not be made available. This may be particularly difficult in the case of equity
shareholders, since dividends are paid at the company's discretion; however if equity shareholders do not
receive the dividends they want, they will sell their shares, the share price will fall and the company will
have more difficulty raising funds from share issues in future.
Although there may be risks in obtaining extra finance, the long-term risks to the business of failing to
invest may be even greater and managers will have to balance these risks. Investment may have direct
consequences for decisions involving the management of finance; extra working capital may be required
if investments are made and sales expand as a consequence. Managers must be sensitive to this and
ensure that a balance is maintained between receivables and inventory, and cash.
A further issue managers will need to consider is the matching of the characteristics of investment and
finance. Time is a critical aspect; an investment which earns returns in the long-term should be matched
with finance which requires repayment in the long-term.
Another aspect is the financing of international investments. A company which expects to receive a
substantial amount of income in a foreign currency will be concerned that this currency may weaken. It
can hedge against this possibility by borrowing in the foreign currency and using the foreign receipts to
repay the loan. It may though be better to obtain finance on the international markets.

2.5 Dividend decisions

Dividend decisions may affect the view that shareholders have of the long-term prospects of the
company, and thus the market value of the shares.

2.6 Interaction of dividend with investment and financing decisions

The amount of surplus cash paid out as dividends will have a direct impact on finance available for
investment. Managers have a difficult decision here; how much do they pay out to shareholders each year
to keep them happy, and what level of funds do they retain in the business to invest in projects that will
yield long-term income. In addition funds available from retained profits may be needed if debt finance is
likely to be unavailable, or if taking on more debt would expose the company to undesirable risks.

3 Cash forecasts
Cash forecasting should ensure that sufficient funds will be available when needed, to sustain the
activities of an enterprise at an acceptable cost.

3.1 Cash budgets

Key term A cash budget (or forecast) is a detailed budget of estimated cash inflows and outflows incorporating
both revenue and capital items.

Cash forecasts (or budgets) are used to plan the structure of an organisation's finances.
How much cash is required How long it is required for
When it is required Whether it will be available from anticipated sources
A company must know when it might need to borrow and for how long, not just what amount of funding
could be required.

456 14: Finance Part G Finance

3.2 Cash forecasts based on the statement of financial position
(balance sheet)
A forecast based on the statement of financial position (balance sheet) is produced for management
accounting purposes and so not for external publication or statutory financial reporting. It is not an
estimate of cash inflows and outflows. A number of sequential forecasts can be produced, for example, a
forecast of the statement of financial position at the end of each year for the next five years.
As an estimate of the company's statement of financial position at a future date, a statement of financial
position based forecast is used to identify either the cash surplus or the funding shortfall in the
company's statement of financial position at the forecast date.
As part of a business's risk analysis, different forecasts should be prepared with changing financial or
business variables. The links between these variables and the figures in the forecasts may not be

3.3 Sensitivity analysis

In a well-designed forecast a great number of 'what-if' questions can be asked and answered quickly by
carrying out sensitivity analysis and changing the relevant data or variables. In a cash flow forecast
model, managers may wish to know the cash flow impact if sales growth per month is nil, 1/2%, 1%,
1%, 2% or minus 1% and so on.
However, businesses will also want to estimate the magnitude of changes in sales and ultimately profits if
economic or business variables change. This will be more problematic.

3.4 Changes in economic variables

Businesses need to be aware of likely changes in inflation, interest rates and so on. Governments and
central banks issue regular updates and forecasts, and the financial press is also helpful.
However businesses will also need to forecast:
(a) How the predicted changes will affect demand. The links may not be easy to forecast. Businesses
should consider separately the effect of major increases on each type of product.
(b) How the business will respond to changes in variables. For example will the business
automatically adjust prices upwards by the rate of inflation, or will it try to hold prices? What will
its competitors do? If raw material prices increase, will the business try to change suppliers? What
effect will this have on payment patterns?

3.5 Changes in business variables

Economic variables will clearly impact upon business variables such as sales volumes or profit margins.
Businesses need to be aware of the other factors, such as changes in the competitive environment that
could affect these variables and how this effect might work. The original forecast should itself have been
based on demand forecasts, determined by market surveys and statistical models based on past changes
in demand. However if factors such as taste change, businesses need to recognise this might not just
require marginal changes in forecasts, but a re-visiting of the base data, since the changes will ultimately
render the previous surveys or models redundant.

4 Financing requirements
Cash deficits will be funded in different ways, depending on whether they are short or long-term.
Businesses should have procedures for investing surpluses with appropriate levels of risk and return.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 457

4.1 Deficiencies
Any forecast deficiency of cash will have to be funded.
(a) Borrowing. If borrowing arrangements are not already secured, a source of funds will have to be
found. If a company cannot fund its cash deficits it could be wound up.
(b) The firm can make arrangements to sell any short-term marketable financial investments to raise
(c) The firm can delay payments to suppliers, or pull in payments from customers. This is sometimes
known as leading and lagging.
Because cash forecasts cannot be entirely accurate, companies should have contingency funding,
available from a surplus cash balance and liquid investments, or from a bank facility. The approximate size
of the contingency margin will vary from company to company, according to the cyclical nature of the
business and the approach of its cash planners.
Forecasting gives management time to arrange its funding. If planned in advance, instead of a panic
measure to avert a cash crisis, a company can more easily choose when to borrow, and will probably
obtain a lower interest rate.

4.2 Cash surpluses

Many cash-generative businesses are less reliant on high quality cash forecasts. If a cash surplus is
forecast, having an idea of both its size and how long it will exist could help decide how best to invest it.
In some cases, the amount of interest earned from surplus cash could be significant for the company's
earnings. The company might then need a forecast of its interest earnings in order to indicate its
prospective earnings per share to stock market analysts and institutional investors.

5 Obtaining equity funds

Companies seeking extra equity finance can obtain it by retaining cash in the business for investment or
by issuing shares.

5.1 Retained profits

For many businesses, the cash needed to finance investments will be available because the earnings the
business has made have been retained within the business rather than paid out as dividends. We
emphasised earlier that this interaction of investment, financing and dividend policy is the most important
issue facing many businesses.

5.1.1 Advantages of using retentions

(a) Retentions are a flexible source of finance; companies are not tied to specific amounts or specific
repayment patterns.
(b) Using retentions does not involve a change in the pattern of shareholdings.

5.1.2 Disadvantages of using retentions

(a) As mentioned above, shareholders may be sensitive to the loss of dividends that will result from
retention for re-investment, rather than paying dividends.
(b) Not so much a disadvantage as a misconception, that retaining profits is a cost-free method of
obtaining funds. There is an opportunity cost in that if dividends were paid, the cash received could
be invested by shareholders to earn a return.

458 14: Finance Part G Finance

5.2 Ordinary (equity) shares
Key terms Equity is the issued ordinary share capital plus reserves, statutory and otherwise, which represent the
investment in a company by the ordinary shareholders.
Equity share capital is a company's issued share capital less capital which carries preferential rights.
Ordinary share capital normally comprises ordinary shares.

Ordinary (equity) shares are those of the owners of a company.

The ordinary shares of UK companies have a nominal or 'face' value, typically 1 or 50p. Outside the UK it
is not uncommon for a company's shares to have no nominal value.
The market value of a quoted company's shares bears no relationship to their nominal value, except that
when ordinary shares are issued for cash, the issue price must be equal to or (more usually) more than
the nominal value of the shares.

5.3 Reasons for share issues

A new issue of shares might be made in a variety of different circumstances.
(a) The company might want to raise more cash, for example for expansion of its operations.
(b) The company might want to issue new shares partly to raise cash but more importantly to obtain a
stock market listing. When a UK company is floated, for example on the main stock market, it is a
requirement of the Stock Exchange that at least a minimum proportion of its shares should be
made available to the general investing public if the shares are not already widely held.
(c) The company might issue new shares to the shareholders of another company, in order to take it

6 Bank loans
Bank loans tend to be a source of medium-term finance, linked with the purchase of specific assets.
Interest and repayments will be set in advance.

6.1 Loans and overdrafts

Banks often provide term loans as medium or long-term financing for customers. The customer borrows a
fixed amount and pays it back with interest over a period or at the end of it. This contrasts with an
overdraft facility, when a customer, through its current account, can borrow money on a short-term basis
up to a certain amount. Overdrafts are repayable on demand.

6.2 Loan or overdraft

A customer might ask the bank for an overdraft facility when the bank would wish to suggest a loan
instead; alternatively, a customer might ask for a loan when an overdraft would be more appropriate.
(a) In most cases, when a customer wants finance to help with day to day trading and cash flow
needs, an overdraft would be the appropriate method of financing. The customer should not be
short of cash all the time, and should expect to be in credit in some days, but in need of an
overdraft on others.
(b) When a customer wants to borrow from a bank for only a short period of time, even for the
purchase of a major asset such as an item of plant or machinery, an overdraft facility might be
more suitable than a loan, because the customer will stop paying interest as soon as the account
goes into credit.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 459

(c) When a customer wants to borrow from a bank, but cannot see its way to repaying the bank except
over the course of a few years, the medium or long-term nature of the financing is best catered
for by the provision of a loan rather than an overdraft facility.

6.2.1 Advantages of an overdraft over a loan

(a) The customer only pays interest when it is overdrawn.
(b) The bank has the flexibility to review the customer's overdraft facility periodically, and perhaps
agree to additional facilities, or insist on a reduction in the facility.
(c) An overdraft can do the same job as a loan: a facility can simply be renewed every time it comes up
for review.
(d) Being short-term debt, an overdraft will not affect the calculation of a company's gearing.

6.2.2 Advantages of a loan over overdraft

(a) Both the customer and the bank know exactly what the repayments of the loan will be and how
much interest is payable, and when. This makes planning (budgeting) simpler.
(b) The customer does not have to worry about the bank deciding to reduce or withdraw an overdraft
facility before being in a position to repay what is owed. Overdrafts are normally repayable on
demand. There is an element of 'security' or 'peace of mind' in being able to arrange a loan for an
agreed term.
(c) Loans normally carry a facility letter setting out the precise terms of the agreement.

6.3 Bank loan or other loan capital

A choice businesses often have is whether to seek funding through a bank loan or through other types of
loan capital.

6.3.1 Advantages of bank loan over other forms of loan capital

(a) Flexibility. It may be possible to alter the terms of the bank loan as the finance requirements of the
company change.
(b) Confidentiality. Although the bank will require information, the customer will not have to fulfil the
publicity requirements that an issue of loan stock on the financial markets would need.
(c) Speed. It will be rather quicker to arrange a bank loan than fulfilling all the requirements of a public
(d) Costs. A bank loan will mean that the issue costs of loan stock are avoided.

6.3.2 Disadvantages of bank loan over other forms of loan capital

(a) Restrictions. Restrictions such as collateral and possible restrictive covenants are required, as
opposed to none for certain types of loan capital.
(b) Financial information. Detailed financial information such as budgets and management accounts
may have to be submitted periodically to the bank, whereas other lenders will not require
information in this detail.

6.4 Time scale of loan

For purchases of a non-current asset the term of the bank loan should not exceed the economic or
useful life of the asset purchased with the money from the loan. A business manager will often expect to
use the revenues earned by the asset to repay the loan, and obviously, an asset can only do this as long as
it is in operational use.

460 14: Finance Part G Finance

7 Loan capital
7.1 Loan stock
The term bonds is used to mean the various forms of long-term debt a company may issue, such as loan
stock, which may be redeemable or irredeemable.

Key term Loan capital (or loan stock) is made up of debentures and other long-term loans to a business.

Loan capital or stock has a nominal value, which is the debt owed by the company, and interest is paid at
a stated 'coupon' on this amount. For example, if a company issues 10% loan stock, the coupon will be
10% of the nominal value of the stock, so that $100 of stock will receive $10 interest each year. The rate
quoted is the gross rate, before tax.

Key term Stock is an amount of fully paid up capital, any part of which can be transferred.

Unlike shares, debt is often issued at par, ie with $100 payable per $100 nominal value. Where the coupon
rate is fixed at the time of issue, it will be set according to prevailing market conditions given the credit
rating of the company issuing the debt. Subsequent changes in market (and company) conditions will
cause the market value of the bond to fluctuate, although the coupon will stay at the fixed percentage of
the nominal value.

8 The budgetary process

A budget is a short term plan expressed in financial terms. It converts strategic plans into specific targets.
Budgets help organisations as they promote forward thinking, assist in the coordination of different
aspects of the organisation, motivate managers and provide a basis for systems of control and

8.1 Budgets, long term plans and corporate objectives

Budgets are an important planning tool for the organisation and are directly related to the mission and
objectives of an organisation.
A budget is a business plan for the short term, usually one year. It is likely to be expressed in financial
terms and its role is to convert the strategic plans into specific targets. It therefore fits into the strategic
planning process as follows.
The mission sets the overall direction
The strategic objectives illustrate how the mission will be achieved
The strategic plans show how the objectives will be pursued
The budgets represent the short term plans and targets necessary to fulfil the strategic objectives.
These budgets will then have to be controlled to ensure the planned events actually occur. This is as much
a part of the budgeting process as actually setting the budget.
A budget is a plan not a forecast. You plan to meet the targets in the budget, a forecast is a prediction of
future position. Forecasts are helpful to budget setters and planners.
A periodic budget is a budget covering a period, eg a year.
A continual, or rolling budget, is continually updated.
Different budgets are prepared for each specific aspect of the business, and the contents of the individual
budgets are summarised in master budgets. The contents of each of the individual budgets affect, and are
influenced by, the contents of the others; they are linked together.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 461

The sales budget is usually the first budget prepared as the level of sales determines the overall level of
activity for the period.
Planning (including budgeting) is the responsibility of managers, not accountants. Although management
accountants help by providing relevant information to managers and contributing to decision making.

8.2 Benefits of budgets

There are five main benefits of budgets.
(1) Promotes forward thinking. Potential problems are identified early, therefore giving mangers time
enough to consider the best way to overcome that problem.
(2) Helps to co-ordinate the various aspects of the organisation. The activities of the various
departments and sections of an organisation must be linked so that the activities complement each
(3) Motivates performance. Having a defined target can motivate managers and staff in their
performance. Managers should be able to relate their own role back to the organisational
objectives, seeing as the budgets are based on these objectives.
(4) Provides a basis for a system of control. Budgets provide a yardstick for measuring performance
by comparing with actual against planned performance.
(5) Provides a system of authorisation. Allows managers to spend up to a certain limit. Activities are
allocated a fixed amount of funds at the discretion of senior management, thereby providing the
authority to spend.
These five uses may however conflict with each other. For example, a budget used as a system of
authorisation may motivate a manager to spend to the limit even though this is wasteful. This is
particularly likely where the budget cannot be rolled over into the next period. In addition to this, budgets
have some other limitations that could potentially arise.
(1) Employees may be demotivated if they believe the budget to be unattainable
(2) Slack may be built in by managers to make the budget more achievable
(3) Focuses on the short-term results rather than the underlying causes
(4) Unrealistic budgets may cause managers to make decisions that are detrimental to the company

8.3 Using budgets for control

Budgets are useful for exercising control over an organisation as they provide a yardstick against which
performance can be assessed. This means finding out where and why things did not go to plan, then
seeking ways to put them right for the future.
If the budget is found to be unachievable, it may need to be revised. Only realistic budgets can form the
basis for control, and therefore they should be adaptable.
Budgets enable managers to manage by exception, that is focus on areas where things are not going to
plan (ie the exceptions). This is done by comparing the actual performance to the budgets to identify the
variances. We will look at variances later in this chapter.

8.4 Making budgetary control effective

Successful budgetary control systems tend to share the same common features.
Senior management take the system seriously. They pay attention to and base decisions on, the
monthly variance report. This attitude cascades down through the organisation.
Accountability. There are clear responsibilities stating which manager is responsible for each
business area.
Targets are challenging but achievable. Targets set too high, or too low, would have a de-
motivating effect.

462 14: Finance Part G Finance

Established data collection, analysis and reporting routines which involve looking at actual
versus budgeted results to calculate and report variances. This should be done automatically on a
monthly basis.
Targeted reporting. Managers receive specific rather than general purpose reports so that they do
not have to wade through information to find the relevant sections.
Short reporting periods, usually a month, so that things can't go too wrong before they are picked
Timely reporting. Variance reports should be provided to managers as soon as possible after the
end of the reporting period. This is so they can take action to prevent the same problems occurring
in the next reporting period.
Provokes action. Simply reporting variances does not cause change. Managers have to act on the
report to create change.

8.5 Behavioural aspects of budgets

Budgets can be very effective in motivating managers. In particular budgets have been found to
Improve performance
Be most effective when they are demanding, yet achievable. Though if they are unrealistically
demanding performance may deteriorate.
Are most effective when the managers have participated in the setting of their own targets

9 Standard costing and variance analysis

Standards represent targets against which actual performance is measured and provide the basis for
variance analysis. Variance analysis involves comparing actual and planned performance, identifying the
differences and investigating the reasons for the variances.

We have just seen that budgets are short term business plans that are expressed mainly in financial terms.
They are often constructed of standards. A standard is a carefully predetermined quantity target which
can be achieved in certain conditions. Budgets and standards are similar in the following ways.
(a) They both involve looking to the future and forecasting what is likely to happen given a certain set
of circumstances.
(b) They are both used for control purposes. A budget aids control by setting financial targets or limits
for a forthcoming period. Actual achievements or expenditures are then compared with the budgets
and action is taken to correct any variances where necessary. A standard also achieves control by
comparison of actual results against a predetermined target.
As well as being similar, budgets and standards are interrelated. For example, a standard unit production
cost can act as the basis for a production cost budget. The unit cost is multiplied by the budgeted activity
level to arrive at the budgeted expenditure on production costs.
There are, however, important differences between budgets and standards.

Budgets Standards
Gives planned total aggregate costs Shows the unit resource usage for a single task, for example
for a function or cost centre the standard labour hours for a single unit of production
Can be prepared for all functions, Limited to situations where repetitive actions are performed
even where output cannot be and output can be measured
Expressed in money terms Need not be expressed in money terms. For example a
standard rate of output does not need a financial value put on it

Part G Finance 14: Finance 463

9.1 Standard quantities and costs
Key terms A standard cost is an estimated unit cost.
Standard costing involves the establishment of predetermined estimates of the costs of products or
services, the collection of actual costs and the comparison of the actual costs with the predetermined
estimates. The predetermined costs are known as standard costs and the difference between the standard
and the actual cost is known as a variance. The process by which the total difference between standard
and actual results is analysed is known as variance analysis.

Although standard costing can be used in a variety of costing situations such as batch and mass
production, process manufacture, jobbing manufacture (where there is standardisation of parts) and
service industries (if a realistic cost per unit can be established), the greatest benefit from its use can be
gained if there is a degree of repetition in the production process so that average or expected usage of
resources can be determined. It is therefore most suited to mass production and repetitive assembly work
and less suited to organisations which produce to customer demand and requirements.
Standard costing has two principal uses.
(a) To value inventories and cost production for cost accounting purposes. It is an alternative method
of valuation to methods like FIFO and LIFO which you will have covered in your earlier studies.
(b) To act as a control device by establishing standards (expected costs) and comparing actual costs
with the expected costs, thus highlighting areas of the organisation which may be out of control.
Standards are budgeted physical quantities and financial values for one unit of input or output. They
represent targets against which actual performance is measured and provide the basis for variance
analysis. Standards can be set as ideal standards or practical standards.
(a) Ideal standards assume no inefficiency due to defects, downtime and so on in order to encourage
employees to strive for excellence. Ideal standards can be seen as long-term targets but they are
not very useful for day-to-day control purposes. Ideal standards cannot be achieved so if such
standards are used for budgeting, an allowance will have to be included to make the budget
realistic and attainable.
(b) Practical standards demand a high level of efficiency but do not assume perfect conditions. They
are intended to be challenging but achievable. The realistic nature of these standards may improve
motivation. These standards can be used for product costing, cost control, inventory valuation,
estimating and as a basis for budgeting.
Information necessary for developing standards can be gathered by analysing the tasks and processes
involved to develop suitable estimates. Another approach is to use past data such as costs, times and
usage for the same or similar products and use this as a basis for the estimates.
One problem that may arise when standards are developed is that the manager responsible for meeting
the standard is often involved in its development. This may mean that an element of slack is built into the
standard in order to make it easier to achieve.
Standards are often used to measure routine processes. When the same process is carried out time and
time again, a learning-curve effect tends to occur. This is because routine tasks are performed more
quickly with experience. Although the speed of performing the task improves, standards often remain
unchanged for many years. This effect must be taken into account both when setting standards and when
interpreting labour efficiency variances, for example, large adverse variances in the labour efficiency may
be more likely if the process, or member of staff concerned, is new.
Standards are useful in providing data for income measurement and pricing decisions and there are a
number of benefits for the control function of an organisation that can be achieved through the use of

Carefully planned standards are an aid to more accurate budgeting.

Standard costs provide a yardstick against which actual costs can be measured.

464 14: Finance Part G Finance

The setting of standards involves determining the best materials and methods which may lead to
A target of efficiency is set for employees to reach and cost-consciousness is stimulated.
Variances can be calculated which enable the principle of 'management by exception' to be
operated. Only the variances which exceed acceptable tolerance limits need to be investigated by
management with a view to control action.
Standard costs and variance analysis can provide a way of motivation to managers to achieve
better performance. However, care must be taken to distinguish between controllable and non-
controllable costs in variance reporting.
However, standards also have their limitations, particularly in modern manufacturing environments. The
two main problems are that they do not provide a useful basis for exercising control (for instance where
inappropriate action is taken to obtain favourable variances), and they may not achieve their aim of
motivating managers, indeed standards set too highly can have a demotivating effect if they are not
perceived to be achievable. Despite these problems, standards are still used widely.

9.2 Variance analysis

When actual performance is compared to standards and budgeted amounts, there will inevitably be
variances. They may be favourable or adverse depending on whether they result in an increase to, or a
decrease from, the budgeted profit figure.

9.2.1 Sales variances

Sales volume variance is the difference between the original and flexed budget profit figures. This is an
important variance because losing sales generally means losing profit as well. If it has the effect of making
profit lower than budgeted it is adverse, if it makes profit higher than budgeted it is favourable.
Sales price variance is the difference between actual sales revenue and actual volume at the standard
sales price. Higher sales prices (if all else remains constant) means an increase in profit.

9.2.2 Materials variances

Total direct materials variance is the difference between the actual and direct materials cost and the
direct materials cost according to the flexed budget. If the actual material cost is higher than budget, it has
an adverse effect on profit.
Direct materials usage variance is the difference between actual usage and budgeted usage for the actual
volume of output, multiplied by the standard materials cost. If actual usage is higher than budgeted usage
then there will be an adverse effect on profit.
Direct materials price variance is the difference between actual materials cost and the actual usage
multiplied by the standard materials cost. Again, if actual costs are higher than those budgeted, there will
be an adverse effect on profit.

9.2.3 Labour variances

Total direct labour variance is the difference between the actual direct labour cost and the direct labour
cost according to the flexed budget. If more is spent on labour than was budgeted, there will be an
adverse effect on profit.
Direct labour efficiency variance is the difference between the actual labour time and budgeted time, for
the actual volume of output, multiplied by the standard labour rate. It looks at the actual versus the
budgeted number of hours used to produce the output. If actual time is greater than budgeted time the
effect on the profit will be adverse. The faster people work, the more profit can be made.
Direct labour rate variance is the difference between the actual labour cost and the actual labour time
multiplied by the standard labour rate. This means it compares the actual cost of the hours worked against

Part G Finance 14: Finance 465

the anticipated cost based on a standard hour. Where actual costs exceed the standard, profit will be
adversely affected.

9.2.4 Fixed overhead variances

Fixed overhead spending variance is the difference between the actual and budgeted spending on fixed
overheads. Higher than budgeted overheads lead to less profit so have an adverse effect.

9.2.5 Example: Flexible budgets and budgetary control

Penny manufactures a single product, the Darcy. Budgeted results and actual results for May are as
Budget Actual Variance
Production and sales of 7,500 8,200
the Darcy (units)
$ $ $
Sales revenue 75,000 81,000 6,000 (F)
Direct materials 22,500 23,500 1,000 (A)
Direct labour 15,000 15,500 500 (A)
Production overhead 22,500 22,800 300 (A)
Administration overhead 10,000 11,000 1,000 (A)
70,000 72,800 2,800 (A)
Profit 5,000 8,200 3,200 (F)

Note. (F) denotes a favourable variance and (A) an unfavourable or adverse variance.
In this example, the variances are meaningless for the purposes of control. All costs were higher than
budgeted but the volume of output was also higher; it is to be expected that actual variable costs would be
greater those included in the fixed budget. However, it is not possible to tell how much of the increase is
due to poor cost control and how much is due to the increase in activity.
Similarly it is not possible to tell how much of the increase in sales revenue is due to the increase in
activity. Some of the difference may be due to a difference between budgeted and actual selling price but
we are unable to tell from the analysis above.
For control purposes we need to know the answers to questions such as the following:
Were actual costs higher than they should have been to produce and sell 8,200 Darcys?
Was actual revenue satisfactory from the sale of 8,200 Darcys?
Instead of comparing actual results with a fixed budget which is based on a different level of activity to
that actually achieved, the correct approach to budgetary control is to compare actual results with a
budget which has been flexed to the actual activity level achieved.
Suppose that we have the following estimates of the behaviour of Penny's costs:
(a) Direct materials and direct labour are variable costs.
(b) Production overhead is a semi-variable cost, the budgeted cost for an activity level of 10,000 units
being $25,000.
(c) Administration overhead is a fixed cost.
(d) Selling prices are constant at all levels of sales.

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The budgetary control analysis should therefore be as follows.
Fixed budget Flexible budget Actual results Variance
Production and sales (units) 7,500 8,200 8,200
$ $ $ $
Sales revenue 75,000 82,000 (W1) 81,000 1,000 (A)
Direct materials 22,500 24,600 (W2) 23,500 1,100 (F)
Direct labour 15,000 16,400 (W3) 15,500 900 (F)
Production overhead 22,500 23,200 (W4) 22,800 400 (F)
Administration overhead 10,000 10,000 (W5) 11,000 1,000 (A)
70,000 74,200 72,800 1,400 (F)
Profit 5,000 7,800 8,200 400 (F)

1 Selling price per unit = $75,000 / 7,500 = $10 per unit
Flexible budget sales revenue = $10 x 8,200 = 482,000
2 Direct materials cost per unit = $22,500/7,500 = $3
Budget cost allowance = $3 x 8,200 = $24,600
3 Direct labour cost per unit = $15,000 / 7,500 = $2
Budget cost allowance = $2 x 8,200 = $16,400
4 Variable production overhead cost per unit = $(25,000 22,500)/(10,000 7,500)
= $2,500/2,500 = $1 per unit
Fixed production overhead cost = $22,500 (7,500 x $1) = $15,000
Budget cost allowance = $15,000 + (8,200 x $1) = $23,200
5 Administration overhead is a fixed cost and hence budget cost allowance = $10,000
(a) In selling 8,200 units, the expected profit should have been, not the fixed budget profit of $5,000,
but the flexible budget profit of $7,800. Instead actual profit was $8,200 ie $400 more than we
should have expected.
One of the reasons for this improvement is that, given output and sales of 8,200 units, the cost of
resources (material, labour etc) was $1,400 lower than expected.
These total cost variances can be analysed to reveal how much of the variance is due to lower
resource prices and how much is due to efficient resource usage.
(b) The sales revenue was, however, $1,000 less than expected because a lower price was charged
than budgeted.
We know this because flexing the budget has eliminated the effect of changes in the volume sold,
which is the only other factor that can affect sales revenue. You have probably already realised that
this variance of $1,000 (A) is a selling price variance.
The lower selling price could have been caused by the increase in the volume sold (to sell the
additional 700 units the selling price had to fall below $10 per unit). We do not know if this is the
case but without flexing the budget we could not know that a different selling price to that
budgeted had been charged. Our initial analysis above had appeared to indicate that sales revenue
was ahead of budget.
The difference of $400 between the flexible budget profit of $7,800 at a production level of 8,200 units and
the actual profit of $8,200 is due to the net effect of cost savings of $1,400 and lower than expected sales
revenue (by $1,000).

Part G Finance 14: Finance 467

The difference between the original budgeted profit of $5,000 and the actual profit of $8,200 is the total of
the following.

(a) The savings in resource costs/lower than expected sales revenue (a net total of $400 as indicated
by the difference between the flexible budget and the actual results).

(b) The effect of producing and selling 8,200 units instead of 7,500 units (a gain of $2,800 as indicated
by the difference between the fixed budget and the flexible budget). This is the sales volume
contribution variance.

A full variance analysis statement would be as follows.

$ $
Fixed budget profit 5,000
Sales volume 2,800 (F)
Selling price 1,000 (A)
Direct materials cost 1,100 (F)
Direct labour cost 900 (F)
Production overhead cost 400 (F)
Administration overhead cost 1,000 (A)
3,200 (F)
Actual profit 8,200
If management believes that any of the variances are large enough to justify it, they will investigate the
reasons for their occurrence to see whether any corrective action is necessary.

9.3 Reasons for variances

Variances may occur for a number of reasons. One possible reason is that the budget itself was not
realistic. Unless they are achievable, budgets are not a useful method of control. However, there are many
other reasons why variances may arise, as shown by the table below.

Variance Possible reason for variance

Sales volume Poor performance by sales staff
Deterioration in market conditions between the time that the budget was set and
the actual event
Lack of goods or services to sell as a result of a production problem
Sales price Poor performance by sales staff
Deterioration in market conditions between the time that the budget was set and
the actual event
Direct materials Poor performance by production department staff, leading to high rates of scrap
usage Substandard materials, leading to high rates of scrap
Faulty machinery, causing high rates of scrap
Direct materials Poor performance by the buying department staff
price Using higher quality material than was planned
Change in market conditions between the time the budget was set and the actual

468 14: Finance Part G Finance

Direct labour Poor supervision
efficiency A worker with a low skill grade taking longer to do the work than was envisaged
for the correct skill grade
Low-grade materials, leading to high levels of scrap and wasted labour time
Problems with a customer for whom a service is being rendered
Problems with machinery, leading to labour time wasted
Dislocation of materials supply, leading to workers being unable to proceed with
Direct labour rate Poor performance by the human resources department
Using a higher grade of worker than was planned
Change in labour market conditions between the time of setting the budget and
the actual event.
Fixed overhead Poor supervision of overheads
spending General increase in costs of overheads not taken into account in the budget

Exam focus It is important that you are able to use flexed budgets and variance analysis in order to help you identify
point where problems lie in an organisation.
Also notice that adverse variances may not necessarily indicate problems. For example, consider a
publishing company who has a adverse variance against their print budget (actual costs higher than
budgeted costs). While this could indicate a problem in the printing processes, it could equally just be due
to their being a greater demand for books, causing more books to be sold and therefore higher print costs
to be incurred.

9.4 Investigating variances

Finding out why variances have occurred can be expensive. Reports and other information have to be
scrutinised and discussions with individuals and groups may have to be carried out. Sometimes
production may even have to be stopped.
Given the cost of investigating, and the number of small variances that will inevitably occur (hitting a
target precisely is unlikely), organisations need a policy relating to which variances will be investigated
and which will be accepted.
Knowing the reason for a variance is useful to help management bring things back under control and
enables future targets to be met. In general the following rules are useful.
Significant adverse variances should be investigated as if it continues to occur it could become
very costly.
Significant favourable variances should be investigated but with lower priority than for adverse
variances. It may turn out that the target set was too low.
Insignificant variances should be kept under review. Although the individual variance may be
insignificant, the cumulative effect (over time, or when considered along with related insignificant
variances) may not be. In such cases and investigation may be worthwhile.

9.5 Limitations of control through variances and standards

Standards and variances are useful for decision making but they have limited application. For example
where spending is discretionary, such as for advertising or human resource development, there is no
direct link between inputs and outputs. There are also potential problems when applying standard costing

Part G Finance 14: Finance 469

Standards can quickly become out of date. Regularly monitoring and updating standards can be
costly and time consuming.
Variances for which a manager is held accountable can be influenced by factors that are out of the
control of that manager.
Lines of responsibility between managers can be difficult to define.
Once a standard has been met there is no incentive to improve.
May encourage undesirable behaviour, such as encouraging managers to build up excess
inventories, leading to significant storage and financing costs. This could happen if managers
exploit opportunities for bulk purchase discounts to attain a favourable direct materials price

10 Probability, expected values and decision trees

Probability is a measure of likelihood, and expected values are weighted average values based on
probabilities. These calculations and values are incorporated into decision trees to illustrate the possible
choices and outcomes of decisions.

Decision trees can be very helpful tools for making strategic and operational decisions. Each branch of the
tree represents the different outcomes that may occur. In order for the decision tree to be useful, each
outcome should be assigned a probability and expected value. This is so that we can evaluate how likely
each outcome is to occur, and what will be achieved should that outcome actually occur. Let us first recap
the basic concepts of probability and expected values before we go on to look at how these can assist
decision making by incorporating them into decision trees.

10.1 Probability
Probability is a measure of likelihood and can be stated as a percentage, a ratio, or more usually as a
number from 0 to 1. It is a measure of the likelihood of an event happening in the long run, or over a large
number of times.
Number of ways of achieving desired result
Probability of achieving the desired result =
Total number of possible outcomes

Mutually exclusive outcomes are outcomes where the occurrence of one of the outcomes excludes the
possibility of any of the others happening, for example, you cant roll one dice and score both 5 and 6
The probability of mutually exclusive events occurring can be calculated by adding the probabilities
together. For example, the probability of rolling a dice and scoring either a five or a six can be determined
by adding together the probability of rolling 5 and the probability of rolling 6.
1/6 + 1/6 = 2/6
Independent events are events where the outcome of one event in no way affects the outcome of the
other events. For example, simultaneously rolling a dice and tossing a coin. The probability of throwing a 5
and getting heads on the coin can be found by multiplying the probabilities of the two individual events.
1/6 1/2 = 1/12
The general rule of addition for two events, A and B, which are not mutually exclusive, is as follows.
Probability of (A or B) = P (AUB) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)
For example, in a standard pack of 52 playing cards, what is the probability of selecting an ace or a spade?
Ace = 4/52
Spade = 13/52
Ace of spades = 1/52

470 14: Finance Part G Finance

Therefore the probability of selecting an ace or a spade is:
4/52 + 13/52 1/52 = 16/52 = 4/13
Dependent or conditional events are events where the outcome of one event depends on the outcome of
the others. The probability of two dependent events occurring is calculated by multiplying the individual
probabilities together. Contingency tables can be useful for dealing with conditional probability.
For example, the probability of rolling a six, followed by another six is
1/6 1/6 = 1/36
Probability is used to help to calculate risk in decision making. The higher the probability of an event
occurring, the lower the associated risk will be.
Risk involves situations or events which may or may not occur, but whose probability of occurrence can
be calculated statistically and the frequency predicted.
Uncertainty involves situations or events whose outcome cannot be predicted with statistical confidence.

10.2 Expected values

An expected value (or EV) is a weighted average value, based on probabilities. The expected value for a
single event can offer a helpful guide for management decisions.
Although the outcome of a decision may not be certain, there is some likelihood that probabilities could be
assigned to the various possible outcomes from an analysis of previous experience.
If the probability of an outcome of an event is p, then the expected number of times that this outcome will
occur in n events (the expected value) is equal to n p.
The concepts of probability and expected value are vital in business decision-making. The expected
values for single events can offer a helpful guide for management decisions.

A project with a positive EV should be accepted.

A project with a negative EV should be rejected.
When choosing between options the alternative which has the highest EV of profit (or the lowest
EV of cost) should be selected.
Where probabilities are assigned to different outcomes we can evaluate the worth of a decision as the
expected value, or weighted average, of these outcomes. The principle is that when there are a number of
alternative decisions, each with a range of possible outcomes, the optimum decision will be the one which
gives the highest expected value.
Expected values can be built into decision trees in order to aid decision making. The amount of expected
profit is likely to be conditional on the result of various decisions. We will look at this in more detail below.
First, let us briefly consider some limitations of using expected values as a basis for decisions.

10.2.1 Limitations of expected values

Evaluating decisions by using expected values has a number of limitations.
(a) The probabilities used when calculating expected values are likely to be estimates. They may
therefore be unreliable or inaccurate.
(b) Expected values are long-term averages and may not be suitable for use in situations involving
one-off decisions. They may therefore be useful as a guide to decision making.
(c) Expected values do not consider the attitudes to risk of the people involved in the decision-making
process. They do not, therefore, take into account all of the factors involved in the decision.
(d) The time value of money may not be taken into account: $100 now is worth more than $100 in ten
years' time.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 471

Probabilities and expected values can be represented diagrammatically using decisions trees in order to
aid decision making.

10.3 Structure of decision trees

Decision trees are diagrams which illustrate the choices and possible outcomes of a decision.
A decision tree is a pictorial method of showing a sequence of interrelated decisions and their expected
outcomes. Decision trees can incorporate both the probabilities of, and values of, expected outcomes.
Decision trees provide a clear and logical approach to problem solving by:
Showing all possible choices as branches on the tree
Showing all possible outcomes as subsidiary branches on the tree
Decision trees begin with a decision point, usually represented by a square, and the various choices
branch off from this, flowing from left to right.
If the outcome for any of those choices is certain, then the branch of the decision tree for that alternative
is complete.
If the outcome of a particular choice is uncertain, then the various possible outcomes must be shown.
This is done by inserting an outcome point on the branch. This is symbolised by a circle. Each possible
outcome will then branch out from that outcome point. These are known as subsidiary branches.
The probability of each outcome occurring should be written on the branch of the tree that represents that

Sometimes a decision taken now will lead to other decisions being taken in the future. When this
situation arises, the decision tree can be drawn as a two-stage tree, as shown below.

In this tree, either a choice between A and B or else a choice between C and D will be made, depending on
the outcome which occurs after choosing X.
The decision tree should be in chronological order from left to right.

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10.3.1 Evaluating decisions with a decision tree
The EV of each decision option can be evaluated, using the decision tree to help with keeping the logic
properly organised. The basic rules are as follows.
(a) We start on the right hand side of the tree and work back towards the left hand side and the
current decision under consideration. This is sometimes known as the 'rollback' technique or
'rollback analysis'.
(b) Working from right to left, we calculate the EV of revenue, cost, contribution or profit at each
outcome point on the tree.
Consider the below decision tree which has been prepared for a new product that has been developed. The
decision is whether the new product should be test marketed or abandoned. The outcomes are high,
medium or low demand and are dependent on whether the result of the test marketing is positive or

The right-hand-most outcome point is point E, and the EV is as follows.

Profit Probability
X p px
$'000 $'000
High 1,000 0.3 300
Medium 200 0.5 100
Low (200) 0.2 (40)
EV 360

This is the EV of the decision to market the product if the test shows a positive response. It may help you
to write the EV on the decision tree itself, at the appropriate outcome point (point E).
(a) At decision point C, the choice is as follows.
(i) Market, EV = + 360 (the EV at point E)
(ii) Abandon, value = + 50
The choice would be to market the product, and so the EV at decision point C is +360.
(b) At decision point D, the choice is as follows.
(i) Market, value = 600
(ii) Abandon, value = +50
The choice would be to abandon, and so the EV at decision point D is +50.
The second stage decisions have therefore been made. If the original decision is to test market, the
company will market the product if the test shows positive customer response, and will abandon the
product if the test results are negative.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 473

The evaluation of the decision tree is completed as follows.
(a) Calculate the EV at outcome point B.
0.6 360 (EV at C)
+ 0.4 50 (EV at D)
= 216 + 20 = 236.
(b) Compare the options at point A, which are as follows.
(i) Test: EV = EV at B minus test marketing cost = 236 100 = 136
(ii) Abandon: Value = 50
The choice would be to test market the product, because it has a higher EV of profit.
Evaluating decisions by using a decision tree has a number of limitations:
The time value of money may not be taken into account
Decision trees are not suitable for use in complex situations
The outcome with the highest EV may have the greatest risks attached to it. Managers may be
reluctant to take risks which may lead to losses.
The probabilities associated with different branches of the tree are likely to be estimates, and
possibly unreliable or inaccurate.

11 Evaluating strategic options using marginal and

relevant costing techniques
Relevant costs and marginal costing are useful when evaluating strategic options including
accepting/rejecting special contracts, efficient use of scarce resources, make or buy decisions, and closing
or continuation decisions.

11.1 Costs, output and breakeven

11.1.1 Fixed costs
Fixed costs are costs that do not change no matter how many units of a product are produced. Staff costs
are generally fixed costs. They will only change if there is a significant change in demand and the
organisation decides to expand or scale back based on this and change its staffing requirement
accordingly. Fixed' therefore usually relates to the short and medium term.
Fixed costs are affected by inflation and are almost always time-based, ie they vary with the length of time

11.1.2 Variable costs

Variable costs are costs that vary with the volume of activity; as production increases, so does the amount
of variable cost incurred.
Some costs have an element of both fixed and variable costs. These are called semi-fixed or semi-
variable costs. Telephones are a good example where a fixed line rental and a charge per minute are

11.1.3 Breakeven analysis

The breakeven point occurs where total sales revenue equals total costs. The below chart shows the
relationship between the different kinds of costs, revenue, profits and losses.

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Fixed costs
Break-even point:
Sales revenue per unit variable costs per unit

The bottom part of this formula, sales revenue-variable costs, is known as the contribution per unit.
The margin of safety is the extent to which the planned volume of output or sales lies about the breakeven
The relationship between contribution and fixed costs is known as operational gearing. An activity with
high fixed costs compared with its variable costs is said to have high operational gearing. Increasing the
level of gearing makes profits more sensitive to changes in the volume of activity.

11.1.4 Popularity and weaknesses of breakeven analysis

Breakeven analysis provides useful insights into the relationship between an organisations fixed costs,
variable costs and level of activity. It is a widely-used and popular planning tool.
There are, however, three main problems associated with breakeven analysis.
Non-linear relationships. Breakeven assumes linear (straight line) relationships. This is unlikely in
real life.
Stepped fixed costs. Most fixed costs are not fixed over all volumes of activity and are more likely
to be stepped.
Multi-product businesses. Most businesses offer more than one product or service. It may be hard
to identify which fixed costs belongs to which product, and the effect that the sale of one product
may have on the sales of another.

11.2 Marginal analysis

When an organisation is trying to decide between two or more possible courses of action, only costs that
vary with the decision should be included in the decision analysis ie it should only consider relevant

Key term Relevant costs are any cost that is relevant to a particular decision. All fixed costs are irrelevant to the
decision because they will be the same whatever decision is made.

When making these decisions, the key strategic objective should be the enhancement of shareholder
wealth. As these decisions are short-term, the wealth will normally be increased by trying to generate as
much net cash inflow as possible.
As fixed costs are ignored, marginal cost (the cost of producing one additional unit) usually equals the
variable cost per unit. This will be true unless there is a step in the fixed costs, in which case that step, or
increment, will be included as well as the variable costs.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 475

Marginal analysis is useful in four key areas of decision making:
Accepting / rejecting special contracts
Determining the most efficient use of scarce resources
Make-or-buy decisions
Closing or continuation decisions

11.2.1 Accepting/rejecting special contracts

Marginal analysis can be used to decide whether or not a special contract should be accepted by
determining the contribution (revenue less cost) that the price offered would yield. Positive contributions
suggest the organisation would be better off accepting rather than rejecting the special contract.
However, there will also be other factors that are difficult, or impossible, to quantify which will also have to
be considered before a final decision is made. For example, the contract itself may have a negative
contribution, but it may lead to further more lucrative contracts, or help the organisation enter a new

11.2.2 Example: Picture This

Picture This Ltd makes photo frames. The fixed costs of operating the workshop for a month is $600.
Each frame requires materials that cost $2.40. Each frame takes one hour to make, and the frame-makers
are paid $12 per hour. They are employed on a contract basis, so they are only paid if they work. The
frames are sold wholesale for $16.80.
The frame-makers currently have some spare time available and an overseas retail chain has offered the
business an order of 400 frames at a price of $15.60 each.
Without considering the wider issues, should the business accept the order?

The fixed costs are not relevant to this decision as they will be incurred regardless of whether or not the
contract is accepted.
To determine whether the contract should be rejected or accepted, we must establish whether it would
make a contribution
Additional revenue per unit 15.60
Additional cost per unit 14.40 (12 + $2.40)
Additional contribution per unit 1.20

For 400 extra units, the additional contribution will be (400 x $1.20) $480.
Since no additional fixed costs are incurred, the business will be $480 better off by accepting, rather than
refusing, this contract.

11.2.3 Efficient use of scarce resources

Usually output is restricted by level of demand, rather than by the organisation's ability to produce.
However, sometimes there is a limit to the amount that can be produced due to a scarce (limiting) factor,
such as labour, space or machinery.
The most profitable combination of products will occur where the contribution per unit of the scarce
factor is maximised.

476 14: Finance Part G Finance

11.2.4 Example: Scarce resources
A business makes three different products, as follows
Product A B C
Selling price per unit ($) 20 25 23
Variable cost per unit ($) 10 8 12
Weekly demand (units) 25 20 30
Machine time per unit (hours) 4 3 4
Fixed costs are not affected by the choice of product because all three products use the same machine.
Machine time is limited to 148 hours a week.
Which combination of products should be manufactured if the business is to produce the highest profit?


Selling price per unit ($) 25 20 23
Variable cost per unit ($) (10) (8) (12)

Contribution per unit ($) 15 12 11

Machine time per unit 4 hours 3 hours 4 hours

Contribution per machine hour $3.75 $4.00 $2.75
Order of priority 2nd 1st 3rd
Therefore produce:
20 units of product B using 60 hours
22 units of product A using 88 hours
148 hours

This leaves unsatisfied the market demand for a further three units of product A and 30 units of product C.

11.2.5 Make or buy decisions

A common decision faced by businesses is whether to produce the product or service they sell themselves
or whether to buy it from another business. Marginal costing can help with this by identifying the
contribution of both options. As with accepting or rejecting contract decisions, however, there will be
other factors that the organisation will have to take into account when making this decision. These other
factors include loss of control of quality, potential unreliability of supply, and access to expertise and

11.2.6 Example: Shark Ltd

Shark Ltd needs a component for one of its products. It can purchase the components from Ray Ltd a
subcontractor) for $20 each, or it can produce them internally for total variable costs of $15 per
component. Shark Ltd has the spare capacity available.
Should the component be produced internally or subcontracted to Ray Ltd?

Shark Ltd should produce the component internally as this is $5 per unit cheaper than contracting out to
Ray Ltd.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 477

Question Shark and Ray

How would the answer to the above differ if Shark Ltd had no spare capacity and could only produce the
component internally by educing its output of another of its products. Shark Ltd will lose contributions of
$12 from the other product.

The relevant cost of internal production in this case would be
Variable cost of production of the component 15
Opportunity cost of lost production of the other product 12

In this case, Shark Ltd would subcontract the component to Ray Ltd as this would be $7 per unit cheaper
than it would cost to produce the components internally.

11.2.7 Closing or continuation decisions

Many organisations produce separate financial statements for each department or section in order to
attempt to assess the relative effectiveness of each one. By using these to look at the variable costs, the
contribution for each can be determined. This means the organisation can determine the contribution to
the overall organisation that the individual departments make. Departments that make a positive
contribution should not be closed even if individually it makes a loss. This is because the fixed costs
would still be incurred and the organisation would be worse off without it.

11.2.8 Example: MogTown

MogTown Ltd is a retail shop with three departments all located in the same premises. The three
departments occupy similar sized areas of the premises. The results for the year that has just ended are as
Total Cat Food Cat Toys Cat Furniture
$000 $000 $000 $000
Sales revenue 534 254 183 97
Costs (482) (213) (163) (106)
Profit/(loss) 52 41 20 (9)

This suggests that if the cat furniture department was closed, the company as a whole would be more
$9,000 more profitable per year.
However, when the fixed and variable costs are analysed, the contribution of each department can be
determined. This gives the following results:
Total Cat Food Cat Toys Cat Furniture
$000 $000 $000 $000
534 254 183 97
Variable costs (344) (167) (117) (60)
Contribution 190 87 66 37
Fixed costs (e.g. rent) (138) (46) (46) (46)
Profit/(loss) 52 41 20 (9)

This shows the cat furniture department actually makes a positive contribution of $37,000 and should not
be closed. (Closing this department would make the company as a whole $37,000 worse off per year). The
fixed costs would continue to be incurred whether or not the department is closed.

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12 Full costing
Full cost is the total amount sacrificed to achieve a particular objective. All running costs of a particular
facility are part of the cost of output of that facility. Where there is more than one product, costs are split
into direct and indirect costs. The direct costs are easily assigned to products. To determine the full cost
a fair proportion of the indirect costs, or overheads, must also be allocated to each product .

Full cost is the total amount sacrificed to achieve a particular objective. It includes all amounts sacrificed,
so all costs related to the production of the product or provision of the service would be included as part
of the full cost.
Full costing works on the basis that all the costs of running a particular facility, eg a factory, are part of the
cost of the output of that facility. For example, the rent is unlikely to change if we produce one more unit
of the product. The cost per unit will therefore decrease as output increases and therefore is an important
element of the cost of each unit of output.
Full costing is widely used in practice and can be a useful tool for assisting managers in decision making.
It can be helpful in a number of ways, including:
Pricing and output decisions: full cost information allows managers to make decisions based on
the price charged to the customer and the number of units required.
Exercising control: budgets are typically prepared on a full-cost basis and so actual performance
based on full costs can be easily compared to the plans to identify, and take measures to address,
any discrepancies between actual and planned performance.
Assessing relative efficiency: full costs can allow managers to compare their current processes
with the cost of alternative methods of working, or the cost of operating in a different location. This
can give managers an insight into the most efficient way of operating and so provide a basis for
decisions related to the processes to be followed, or the location of a plant.
Assessing performance: Profit and income are important performance measures for an
organisation and provide a basis for many decisions for managers. To measure profit, or income,
the sales revenue needs to be compared to the associated expenses. One major expense will be the
cost of making the product or service itself, ie the full cost.

12.1 Multi-product businesses

If a business has only one product or service, calculating the full cost is very straightforward. It involves
simply adding together all the costs of production incurred during a period and dividing the total by the
total number of units of output for the period.
However, most businesses produce more than one type of product or service and the units of output will
therefore not be identical. Simply summing the costs and dividing by the number of units of output to get
a cost per unit would not be reasonable in this situation.
Where the units of output are not identical, the first step is to separate the costs into direct costs and
indirect costs.
Direct costs are costs that can be measured in respect of each particular unit of output, such as
materials or labour. Collecting the direct costs can be easily done via a cost-recording system that
is capable of capturing the cost of direct materials used on the job and the cost, based on the
hourly rate and hours worked, of direct workers.
Indirect costs or overheads are all the other costs. They cant be directly measured in respect of
each particular unit of output, eg rent, or utility bills
Identifying the full cost per unit of output where the units of output differ is known as job costing.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 479

To calculate the cost of a particular unit of output (job) we first identify the direct costs, and then charge
each unit with a share of indirect costs, ie the overhead costs are absorbed. For this reason, full costing is
also referred to as absorption costing.
Indirect costs, by definition, cannot be directly related to specific cost units. This raises the question of
how such costs should be allocated to individual cost units or products.

12.2 Overhead apportionment

There is no correct way to allocate overheads to particular jobs; by their very nature overheads to do not
directly relate to individual jobs. As long as the method used is acceptable to those who use the full-cost
derived from it, then that method is suitable; the aim is simply to provide useful information to decision
The best method for apportioning overheads, therefore, is the one which results in the provision of the
most useful information. However, this can be difficult to assess.
The choice of an absorption basis is a matter of judgement and common sense. There are no strict rules
or formulae involved. But the basis should realistically reflect the characteristics of a given cost centre,
avoid undue abnormalities, and be fair. The choice will be significant in determining the cost of individual
products, but the total cost of production overheads is the budgeted overhead expenditure, no matter what
basis of absorption is selected. It is the relative share of overhead costs borne by individual products and
jobs which is affected by the basis of absorption.
The basis on which overheads are charged to jobs should remain consistent. If a different basis is used for
different jobs then either total overheads will not be fully charged to the jobs, or the jobs will be
overcharged with overheads. Therefore the objective of full costing to charge all overheads to jobs done-
will not be achieved. If selling prices are based on full costs, this also may mean that the organisation
does not charge high enough prices to cover all of its costs.

12.2.1 Dealing with overheads on a departmental basis

Although it is not possible to charge overheads to different jobs on different bases, it is possible to charge
one segment of the total overheads on one basis and another segment on another basis. In practice this
is usually done by dividing a business into separate areas for costing purposes and charging overheads
differently from one area to the next, according to the nature of work done there.
All but the smallest organisations are generally divided into departments for a number of reasons:
It is more practical. Most businesses are too complex and large to be managed as a single unit
Each department has its own area of expertise and is managed by a specialist
Each department can have its own accounting records enabling the performance of that department
to be assessed
Where costs are dealt with departmentally, each department is known as a cost centre. This is a function,
activity, or physical area for which costs are separately identified.
The total overheads of the business must be divided between the departments such that the sum of the
departmental overheads is equal to the total overheads for the entire business.
The departments then charge all of their overheads to their specific jobs and so, between them, the
departments will charge all of the overheads of the business to individual jobs.

12.2.3 Batch costing

An approach known as batch costing is used when the production of the good or service involves
producing a batch of identical, or nearly identical, units of output, but where each batch is significantly
different from the other batches. The cost for the batch is derived using a job-costing basis and this is
divided by the number of units in the batch to determine the cost for each cost unit.

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12.2.4 Predicting full costs in advance
Although full costs can only be calculated after the work has been done, they are often predicted in
advance. This is often for the sake of pricing (eg car repair quote) where it is necessary to set the price
before the customer will accept the job. This is often done even where no particular customer has been
identified. Where the outcome is different to that originally predicted, corrections will have to be made to
the full costs calculated.

12.3 Activity Based Costing

FAST FORWARD Activity based costing (ABC) is an alternative to the traditional method of full costing. It involves the
identification of the factors which cause the costs of an organisation's major activities. Support overheads
are charged to products on the basis of their usage of the factor causing the overheads.

The traditional cost accumulation system of absorption costing was developed in a time when most
organisations produced only a narrow range of products (so products underwent similar operations and
consumed similar proportions of overheads). Also overheads were only a very small fraction of total costs,
because direct labour and direct material costs accounted for the largest proportion of the costs.
In addition labour was at the heart of production with machinery only really used to support direct labour,
the market was relatively uncompetitive (due to limited transport links and technology), and the costs of
information processing were high. The benefits of amore accurate system of overhead allocation would
probably have been relatively small.
The world of industrial production has now fundamentally changed. Machines are at the heart of much
production, a high proportion of costs are now made up of overheads (direct labour may now only
account for as little as 5% of a products cost), and organisations operate within a highly competitive
international market. It therefore now appears difficult to justify the use of direct labour or direct material
as the basis for absorbing overheads or to believe that errors made in attributing overheads will not be
Traditional costing systems, which assume that all products consume all resources in proportion to their
production volumes, tend to allocated too great a proportion of overheads to high volume products (which
cause relatively little diversity and hence use fewer support services) and too small a proportion of
overheads to low volume products (which cause greater diversity and use more support services).
Activity based costing (ABC) attempts to overcome this problem.

Key term Activity based costing (ABC) involves the identification of the factors which cause the costs of an
organisation's major activities. Support overheads are charged to products on the basis of their usage of
the factor causing the overheads.

The major ideas behind activity based costing are as follows.

(a) Activities cause costs. Activities include ordering, materials handling, machining, assembly,
production scheduling and despatching.
(b) Producing products creates demand for the activities.
(c) Costs are assigned to a product on the basis of the product's consumption of the activities.
The principal idea of ABC is to focus attention on what causes costs to increase, ie the cost drivers.
The costs that vary with production volume, such as power costs, should be traced to products using
production volume-related cost drivers, such as direct labour hours or direct machine hours.
Overheads which do not vary with output but with some other activity should be traced to products using
transaction-based cost drivers, such as number of production runs and number of orders received.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 481

12.3.1 Cost Pools
ABC establishes separate cost pools for support activities such as despatching. As the costs of these
activities are assigned directly to products through cost driver rates, reapportionment of service
department costs is avoided.
Cost pools are similar to cost centres, except each cost pool is likely to a particular activity, rather than
being more general, as is the case with cost centres in traditional product costing.

12.3.2 ABC and service industries

ABC is perhaps even more relevant to the service industry than it is to manufacturing. This is because the
lack of direct materials may mean an even greater proportion of costs are made up of overheads.
Evidence suggests that ABC has been more widely adopted by service organisations rather than

12.3.3 ABC and decision making

Many of ABC's supporters claim that it can assist with decision making in a number of ways.
Provides accurate and reliable cost information
Establishes a long-run product cost
Provides data which can be used to evaluate different ways of delivering business. It is therefore
particularly suited to the following types of decision.
Promoting or discontinuing products or parts of the business
Redesigning products and developing new products or new ways to do business
Note, however, that an ABC cost is not a true cost, it is simply an average cost because some costs such
as depreciation are still arbitrarily allocated to products. An ABC cost is therefore not a relevant cost for
all decisions.
The traditional cost behaviour patterns of fixed cost and variable cost are felt by advocates of ABC to be
unsuitable for longer-term decisions, when resources are not fixed and changes in the volume or mix of
business can be expected to have an impact on the cost of all resources used, not just short-term variable

12.3.4 Criticisms of ABC

It has been suggested by critics that activity based costing has some serious flaws.
(a) Some measure of (arbitrary) cost apportionment may still be required at the cost pooling stage for
items like rent, rates and building depreciation.
(b) Can a single cost driver explain the cost behaviour of all items in its associated pool?
(c) Unless costs are caused by an activity that is measurable in quantitative terms and which can be
related to production output, cost drivers will not be usable. What drives the cost of the annual
external audit, for example?
(d) ABC is sometimes introduced because it is fashionable, not because it will be used by management
to provide meaningful product costs or extra information. If management is not going to use ABC
information, an absorption costing system may be simpler to operate.
(e) The cost of implementing and maintaining an ABC system can exceed the benefits of improved
(f) Implementing ABC is often problematic.

482 14: Finance Part G Finance

12.4 Criticisms of full (absorption) costing methods
Both the traditional and ABC methods of full costing have been criticised as they tend to use past (historic)
costs, which could be considered to be irrelevant. This is because it is only possible to make decisions
about the future, not about the past.

13 Ratio analysis
Ratios provide a means of systematically analysing financial statements. They can be grouped under the
headings profitability, liquidity, gearing and shareholders' investment. It is important to calculate
relevant ratios and to take into account the limitations of ratio analysis.

13.1 Uses of ratio analysis

Businesses carry out ratio analysis in order to measure the progress of the enterprise and of individual
subsidiaries, so that managers know how well the company concerned is doing. The financial situation of
a company will also obviously affect its share price. Is the company profitable? Is it growing? Does it have
satisfactory liquidity? Is its gearing level acceptable? What is its dividend policy?
The key to obtaining meaningful information from ratio analysis is comparison: comparing ratios over
time within the same business to establish whether the business is improving or declining, and comparing
ratios between similar businesses to see whether the company you are analysing is better or worse than
average within its own business sector.
A vital element in effective ratio analysis is understanding the needs of the person for whom the ratio
analysis is being undertaken. Investors for example will be interested in the risk and return relating to
their investment, so will be concerned with dividends, market prices, level of debt versus equity and so on.
Suppliers and banks who have given loans are interested in receiving the payments due to them, so will
want to know how liquid the business is. Managers are interested in ratios that indicate how well the
business is being run, and also how the business is doing in relation to its competitors.

Exam focus Try not to be too mechanical when working out ratios, and think constantly about what you are trying to
point achieve. You will only obtain credit in the exam for calculating ratios that are relevant.

13.2 Limitations of ratio analysis

Although ratio analysis can be a very useful technique, it is important to realise its limitations.
(a) Availability of comparable information
When making comparisons with other companies in the industry, industry averages may hide wide
variations in figures. Figures for 'similar' companies may provide a better guide, but then there are
problems identifying which companies are similar, and obtaining enough detailed information
about them.
(b) Use of historical/out-of-date information
Comparisons with the previous history of a business may be of limited use, if the business has
recently undergone, or is about to undergo, substantial changes. In addition, ratios based on
published accounts suffer from the disadvantage that these accounts are filed some months after
the end of the accounting period. Comparisons over time may also be distorted by inflation,
leading to assets being stated at values that do not reflect replacement costs, and revenue
increasing for reasons other than more sales being made.
(c) Ratios are not definitive
'Ideal levels' vary industry by industry, and even they are not definitive. Companies may be able to
exist without any difficulty with ratios that are rather worse than the industry average.
(d) Need for careful interpretation
For example, if comparing two businesses' liquidity ratios, one business may have higher levels.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 483

This might appear to be 'good', but further investigation might reveal that the higher ratios are a
result of higher inventory and receivable levels which are a result of poor working capital
management by the business with the 'better' ratios.
(e) Manipulation
Any ratio including profit may be distorted by choice of accounting policies. For smaller
companies, working capital ratios may be distorted depending on whether a big customer pays, or
a large supplier is paid, before or after the year-end.
(f) Ratios lack standard form
For example, when calculating gearing some companies will include bank overdrafts, others
exclude them.

Exam focus Bear these limitations in mind when calculating and interpreting ratios, as examiners' reports give many
point examples of misapplication of ratio analysis, and over-simplistic and misleading interpretations.
Financial data will frequently be provided in the exam, particularly in Question 1, but Examiner's reports
indicate not enough use is made of it. Relatively easy marks are often available for calculating and
interpreting ratios. However, make sure that you do interpret the data. You will not get many marks for
simply extracting data that is immediately obvious from the scenario, for example, starting that net profit
before tax has increased.

13.3 Broad categories of ratios

Ratios can be grouped into the following four categories:
Profitability and return
Debt and gearing
Liquidity: control of cash and other working capital items
Shareholders' investment ratios (or 'stock market ratios')
The Du Pont system of ratio analysis involves constructing a pyramid of interrelated ratios like that below.
Return on capital employed

Return on sales Asset turnover

Net income Sales Sales Total assets

Sales Total Non-current Current

costs assets assets

Such ratio pyramids help in providing for an overall management plan to achieve profitability, and allow
the interrelationships between ratios to be checked.

Exam focus Although you will have encountered most or all of the ratios that we are about to define before, make sure
point you know how to calculate them in the exam. One suggestion is to list all the ratios you need to know on a
single sheet of paper and go through that sheet repeatedly, until you are confident you can calculate all the

484 14: Finance Part G Finance

13.4 Profitability and return: the return on capital employed (ROCE)
A company ought of course to be profitable, and obvious checks on profitability are:

Whether the company has made a profit or a loss on its ordinary activities
By how much this year's profit or loss is bigger or smaller than last year's profit or loss
It is impossible to assess profits or profit growth properly without relating them to the amount of funds
(the capital) employed in making the profits. An important profitability ratio is therefore return on capital
employed (ROCE), which states the profit as a percentage of the amount of capital employed. Profit is
usually taken as profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation (PBIT), and capital employed is
shareholders' capital plus long-term liabilities and debt capital. This is the same as total assets less
current liabilities.
The underlying principle is that we must compare like with like, and so if capital means share capital and
reserves plus long-term liabilities and debt capital, profit must mean the profit earned by all this capital
together. This is PBIT, since interest is the return for loan capital.
Thus ROCE =
Capital employed

Shareholders' funds plus current liabilities plus

Capital employed =
any long-term provisions for liabilities and charges.

13.4.1 Evaluating the ROCE

What does a company's ROCE tell us? What should we be looking for? There are three comparisons that
can be made.
(a) The change in ROCE from one year to the next
(b) The ROCE being earned by other companies, if this information is available
(c) A comparison of the ROCE with current market borrowing rates
(i) What would be the cost of extra borrowing to the company if it needed more loans, and is it
earning an ROCE that suggests it could make high enough profits to make such borrowing
(ii) Is the company making an ROCE which suggests that it is making profitable use of its
current borrowing?

13.5 Analysing profitability and return in more detail: the secondary

We may analyse the ROCE, to find out why it is high or low, or better or worse than last year. There are
two factors that contribute towards a return on capital employed, both related to turnover.

13.5.1 Profit margin

A company might make a high or a low profit margin on its sales. For example, a company that makes a
profit of 25c per $1 of sales is making a bigger return on its turnover than another company making a
profit of only 10c per $1 of sales.
The profit margin can be calculated both in terms of gross profit margin and net profit margin. They do
not necessary indicate the same thing.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 485

13.5.2 Example: Profit margin
A company has the following summarised income statements for two consecutive years.
Year 1 Year 2
$ $
Turnover 70,000 100,000
Less cost of sales 42,000 55,000
Gross profit 28,000 45,000
Less expenses 21,000 35,000
Net profit 7,000 10,000

Although the net profit margin is the same for both years at 10%, the gross profit margin is not.
28,000 45,000
Year 1 = 40% Year 2 = 45%
70,000 100,000
Is this good or bad for the business?


An increased profit margin must be good because this indicates a wider gap between selling price and
cost of sales. Given that the net profit ratio has stayed the same in the second year, however, expenses
must be rising. In year 1 expenses were 30% of turnover, whereas in year 2 they were 35% of turnover.
This indicates that administration, selling and distribution expenses or interest costs require tight control.
Percentage analysis of profit between year 1 and year 2
Year 1 Year 2
% %
Cost of sales as a % of sales 60 55
Gross profit as a % of sales 40 45
100 100
Expenses as a % of sales 30 35
Net profit as a % of sales 10 10
Gross profit as a % of sales 40 45

13.5.3 Asset turnover

Asset turnover is a measure of how well the assets of a business are being used to generate sales. For
example, if two companies each have capital employed of $100,000, and company A makes sales of
$400,000 a year whereas company B makes sales of only $200,000 a year, company A is making a higher
turnover from the same amount of assets. This will help company A to make a higher return on capital
employed than company B.
Profit margin and asset turnover together explain the ROCE, and if the ROCE is the primary profitability
ratio, these other two are the secondary ratios. The relationship between the three ratios is as follows.
Profit margin Asset turnover = ROCE

Sales Capital employed Capital employed

It is also worth commenting on the change in turnover from one year to the next. Strong sales growth will
usually indicate volume growth as well as turnover increases due to price rises, and volume growth is one
sign of a prosperous company.

486 14: Finance Part G Finance

13.6 Debt and gearing ratios
Debt ratios are concerned with how much the company owes in relation to its size and whether it is
getting into heavier debt or improving its situation.
(a) When a company is heavily in debt, and seems to be getting even more heavily into debt, banks
and other would-be lenders are very soon likely to refuse further borrowing and the company might
well find itself in trouble.
(b) When a company is earning only a modest profit before interest and tax, and has a heavy debt
burden, there will be very little profit left over for shareholders after the interest charges have been

13.6.1 The debt ratio

The debt ratio is the ratio of a company's total debts to its total assets.
(a) Assets consist of non-current assets at their balance sheet value, plus current assets.
(b) Debts consist of all payables, whether current or non-current.
You can ignore long-term provisions and liabilities, such as deferred taxation.
There is no absolute rule on the maximum safe debt ratio, but as a very general guide, you might regard
50% as a safe limit to debt. In addition, if the debt ratio is over 50% and getting worse, the company's
debt position will be worth looking at more carefully.
The following example shows the effect that gearing has on a business.

Suppose that two companies are identical in every respect except for their gearing. Both have assets of
$20,000 and both make the same operating profits (profit before interest and tax: PBIT). The only
difference between the two companies is that Nonlever Co is all-equity financed and Lever Co is partly
financed by debt capital, as follows:
Nonlever Co Lever Co
$ $
Assets 20,000 20,000
10% Bonds 0 (10,000)
20,000 10,000
Ordinary shares of $1 20,000 10,000

Because Lever has $10,000 of 10% bonds it must make a profit before interest of at least $1,000 in order
to pay the interest charges. Nonlever, on the other hand, does not have any minimum PBIT requirement
because it has no debt capital. A company, which is lower geared, is considered less risky than a higher
geared company because of the greater likelihood that its PBIT will be high enough to cover interest
charges and make a profit for equity shareholders.

13.6.2 Capital gearing

Capital gearing is concerned with the amount of debt in a company's long-term capital structure. Gearing
ratios provide a long-term measure of liquidity.
Prior charge capital (long-term debt)
Gearing ratio =
Prior charge capital equity (shareholders funds)

Prior charge capital is long-term loans and preferred shares (if any). It does not include loans repayable
within one year and bank overdraft, unless overdraft finance is a permanent part of the business's capital.

13.6.3 Operating gearing

Operating gearing measures the proportion of fixed costs to total costs. High operating gearing means
that a high proportion of cost is fixed. This has implications for business risk in that if turnover falls, there

Part G Finance 14: Finance 487

is little automatic relief in the reduction of variable costs. Operating gearing can be calculated as

13.6.4 Interest cover

The interest cover ratio shows whether a company is earning enough profits before interest and tax to pay
its interest costs comfortably, or whether its interest costs are high in relation to the size of its profits, so
that a fall in profit before interest and tax (PBIT) would then have a significant effect on profits available for
ordinary shareholders.
Interest cover =
Interest charges

An interest cover of 2 times or less would be low, and it should really exceed 3 times before the
company's interest costs can be considered to be within acceptable limits. Note it is usual to exclude
preference dividends from 'interest' charges.

13.6.5 Cash flow ratio

The cash flow ratio is the ratio of a company's net annual cash inflow to its total debts:
Net annual cash inflow
Total debts

(a) Net annual cash inflow is the amount of cash which the company has coming into the business
each year from its operations. This will be shown in a company's statement of cash flows for the
(b) Total debts are short-term and long-term payables, together with provisions for liabilities and
Obviously, a company needs to earn enough cash from operations to be able to meet its foreseeable debts
and future commitments, and the cash flow ratio, and changes in the cash flow ratio from one year to the
next, provides a useful indicator of a company's cash position.

13.7 Liquidity ratios: cash and working capital

Profitability is of course an important aspect of a company's performance, and debt or gearing is another.
Neither, however, addresses directly the key issue of liquidity. A company needs liquid assets so that it
can meet its debts when they fall due.
Liquidity is the amount of cash a company can obtain quickly to settle its debts (and possibly to meet
other unforeseen demands for cash payments too). Liquid funds consist of:
(a) Cash.
(b) Short-term investments for which there is a ready market, such as investments in shares of other
companies. (Short-term investments are distinct from investments in shares in subsidiaries or
associated companies.)
(c) Fixed term deposits with a bank or building society, for example six month deposits with a bank.
(d) Trade receivables. (These are not cash, but ought to be expected to pay what they owe within a
reasonably short time.)
(e) Bills of exchange receivable. (Like ordinary trade receivables, these represent amounts of cash
due to be received soon.)
If an analysis of a company's published accounts is to give us some idea of the company's liquidity,
profitability ratios are not going to be appropriate for doing this. Instead, we look at liquidity ratios and
working capital turnover ratios.

488 14: Finance Part G Finance

Liquidity ratios
The current ratio is defined as:
Current assets
Current liabilities

In practice, a current ratio comfortably in excess of 1 should be expected, but what is 'comfortable' varies
between different types of businesses.
The quick ratio, or acid test ratio, is:
Current assets less inventory
Current liabilities

This ratio should ideally be at least 1 for companies with a slow inventory turnover. For companies with a
fast inventory turnover, a quick ratio can be less than 1 without suggesting that the company is in cash
flow difficulties.
An excessively large current/quick ratio may indicate a company that is over-investing in working capital,
suggesting poor management of receivables or inventories by the company.
We can calculate turnover periods for inventory, receivables and payables (receivables and payables
days). If we add together the inventory days and the receivables days, this should give us an indication of
how soon inventory is convertible into cash. Both receivables days and inventory days therefore give us a
further indication of the company's liquidity.

13.7.1 Example: Ratios

Calculate liquidity and working capital ratios from the accounts of a manufacturer of products for the
construction industry, and comment on the ratios.
20X8 20X7
$m $m
Revenue 2,065.0 1,788.7
Cost of sales 1,478.6 1,304.0
Gross profit 586.4 484.7
Current assets
Inventory 119.0 109.0
Receivables (note 1) 400.9 347.4
Short-term investments 4.2 18.8
Cash at bank and in hand 48.2 48.0
572.3 523.2
Current liabilities
Loans and overdrafts 49.1 35.3
Corporation taxes 62.0 46.7
Dividend 19.2 14.3
Payables (note 2) 370.7 324.0
501.0 420.3
Net current assets 71.3 102.9
20X8 20X7
$m $m
1 Trade receivables 329.8 285.4
2 Trade payables 236.2 210.8

Part G Finance 14: Finance 489

20X8 20X7
572.3 523.2
Current ratio = 1.14 = 1.24
501.0 420.3
453.3 414.2
Quick ratio = 0.90 = 0.99
501.0 420.3
329.8 285.4
Receivables' payment period 365 = 58 days 365 = 58 days
2,065.0 1,788.7
119.0 109.0
Inventory turnover period 365 = 29 days 365 = 31 days
1,478.6 1,304.0
236.2 210.8
Payables' turnover period 365 = 58 days 365 = 59 days
1,478.6 1,304.0

As a manufacturing group serving the construction industry, the company would be expected to have a
comparatively lengthy receivables' turnover period, because of the relatively poor cash flow in the
construction industry. It is likely that the company compensates for this by ensuring that they do not pay
for raw materials and other costs before they have sold their inventories of finished goods (hence the
similarity of receivables' and payables' turnover periods).
The company's current ratio is quite low, but we do not know what the industry average is. It is possible
that this position is comfortable for the construction industry.
The quick ratio is only a little lower than the current ratio. This suggests that inventory levels are strictly
controlled, which is reinforced by the low inventory turnover period.

13.8 Stock market ratios

The final set of ratios to consider are those which help equity shareholders and other investors to assess
the value and quality of an investment in the ordinary shares of a company.
We shall then consider their significance in the analysis of performance.
Dividend per share
Dividend yield =
Market price per share

Interest payable
Interest yield =
Market value of loan stock

Pr ofit after tax, extraordinary items and preference dividends

Earnings per shares =
Number of equity shares in issue and ranking for dividend

Market value per share

Price/Earnings ratio =
Earnings per share

Earnings available for distribution to ordinary shareholders

Dividend cover =
Actual dividend for ordinary shareholders

Investors are interested in:

The value (market price) of the securities that they hold
The return that the security has obtained in the past
Expected future returns
Whether their investment is reasonably secure

490 14: Finance Part G Finance

13.8.1 Dividend and interest yields
In practice, we usually find with quoted companies that the dividend yield on shares is less than the
interest yield on debentures and loan stock (and also less than the yield paid on gilt-edged securities). The
share price generally rises in most years, giving shareholders capital gains. In the long run, shareholders
will want the return on their shares, in terms of dividends received plus capital gains, to exceed the
return that investors get from fixed interest securities.

13.8.2 Earnings per share (EPS)

EPS is widely used as a measure of a company's performance and is of particular importance in
comparing results over a period of several years. A company must be able to sustain its earnings in order
to pay dividends and re-invest in the business so as to achieve future growth. Investors also look for
growth in the EPS from one year to the next.
Example: Earnings per share
Walter Wall Carpets Co made profits before tax in 20X8 of $9,320,000. Tax amounted to $2,800,000.
The company's share capital is as follows.
Ordinary share (10,000,000 shares of $1) 10,000,000
8% preference shares 2,000,000
Calculate the EPS for 20X8.

Profits before tax 9,320,000
Less tax (2,800,000)
Profits after tax 6,520,000
Less preference dividend (8% of $2,000,000) (160,000)
Earnings 6,360,000
Number of ordinary shares 10,000,000

EPS 63.6c

EPS must be seen in the context of several other matters.

(a) EPS is used for comparing the results of a company over time. Is its EPS growing? What is the
rate of growth? Is the rate of growth increasing or decreasing?
(b) Is there likely to be a significant dilution of EPS in the future, perhaps due to the exercise of share
options or warrants, or the conversion of convertible loan stock into equity?
(c) EPS should not be used blindly to compare the earnings of one company with another. For
example, if A plc has an EPS of 12c for its 10,000,000 10c shares and B plc has an EPS of 24c for
its 50,000,000 25c shares, we must take account of the numbers of shares. When earnings are
used to compare one company's shares with another, this is done using the P/E ratio or perhaps
the earnings yield.
(d) If EPS is to be a reliable basis for comparing results, it must be calculated consistently. The EPS
of one company must be directly comparable with the EPS of others, and the EPS of a company in
one year must be directly comparable with its published EPS figures for previous years. Changes in
the share capital of a company during the course of a year cause problems of comparability.
Note that EPS is a figure based on past data, and it is easily manipulated by changes in accounting
policies and by mergers or acquisitions.

Part G Finance 14: Finance 491

13.8.3 Price/earnings ratio
The P/E ratio is, simply, a measure of the relationship between the market value of a company's shares
and the earnings from those shares.
The value of the P/E ratio reflects the market's appraisal of the shares' future prospects. In other words, if
one company has a higher P/E ratio than another it is because investors either expect its earnings to
increase faster than the other's or consider that it is a less risky company or in a more 'secure' industry.
One approach to assessing what share prices ought to be, which is often used in practice, is a P/E ratio
(a) The relationship between the EPS and the share price is measured by the P/E ratio.
(b) There is no reason to suppose, in normal circumstances, that the P/E ratio will vary much over
(c) So if the EPS goes up or down, the share price should be expected to move up or down too, and
the new share price will be the new EPS multiplied by the constant P/E ratio.
For example, if a company had an EPS last year of 30c and a share price of $3.60, its P/E ratio would have
been 12. If the current year's EPS is 33c, we might expect that the P/E ratio would remain the same, 12,
and so the share price ought to go up to 12 33c = $3.96.
Changes in the P/E ratios of companies over time will depend on several factors.
(a) If interest rates go up, investors will be attracted away from shares and into debt capital. Share
prices will fall, and so P/E ratios will fall.
(b) If prospects for company profits improve, share prices will go up, and P/E ratios will rise. Share
prices depend on expectations of future earnings, not historical earnings, and so a change in
prospects, perhaps caused by a substantial rise in international trade, or an economic recession,
will affect prices and P/E ratios.
(c) Investors' confidence might be changed by a variety of circumstances, such as:
(i) The prospect of a change in government
(ii) The prospects for greater exchange rate stability between currencies

13.8.4 The dividend cover

The dividend cover is the number of times the actual dividend could be paid out of current profits and
(a) The proportion of distributable profits for the year that is being retained by the company
(b) The level of risk that the company will not be able to maintain the same dividend payments in
future years, should earnings fall
A high dividend cover means that a high proportion of profits are being retained, which might indicate that
the company is investing to achieve earnings growth in the future.

14 Comparison of accounting figures

Ratio analysis often forms the basis of comparisons of performance over time or with other

14.1 Results of the same company over successive accounting periods

Useful comparisons over time include:
Percentage growth in profit (before and after tax) and percentage growth in turnover
Increases or decreases in the debt ratio and the gearing ratio
Changes in the current ratio, the inventory turnover period and the receivables' payment period
Increases in the EPS, the dividend per share, and the market price

492 14: Finance Part G Finance

The principal advantage of making comparisons over time is that they give some indication of progress:
are things getting better or worse? However, there are some weaknesses in such comparisons.
(a) The effect of inflation should not be forgotten.
(b) The progress a company has made needs to be set in the context of what other companies have
done, and whether there have been any special environmental or economic influences on the
company's performance.

14.1.1 Allowing for inflation

Ratio analysis is not usually affected by price inflation, except as follows.
(a) Return on capital employed (ROCE) can be misleading if non-current assets, especially property,
are valued at historical cost net of depreciation rather than at current value. As time goes by and if
property prices go up, the non-current assets would be seriously undervalued if they were still
recorded at their historical cost.
(b) Some growth trends can be misleading, in particular the growth in sales turnover, and the growth
in profits or earnings.

14.2 Comparisons between different companies in the same industry

Making comparisons between the results of different companies in the same industry is a way of
assessing which companies are outperforming others.
(a) Even if two companies are in the same broad industry (for example, retailing) they might not be
direct competitors. Even so, they might still be expected to show broadly similar performance, in
terms of growth.
(b) If two companies are direct competitors, a comparison between them would be particularly
Comparisons between companies in the same industry can help investors to rank them in order of
desirability as investments, and to judge relative share prices or future prospects. It is important, however,
to make comparisons with caution: a large company and a small company in the same industry might
be expected to show different results, not just in terms of size, but in terms of:
(a) Percentage rates of growth in sales and profits
(b) Percentages of profits re-invested (Dividend cover will be higher in a company that needs to retain
profits to finance investment and growth.)
(c) Non-current assets (Large companies are more likely to have freehold property in their statement
of financial position than small companies.)

14.3 Comparisons between companies in different industries

Useful information can also be obtained by comparing the financial and accounting ratios of companies in
different industries. An investor ought to be aware of how companies in one industrial sector are
performing in comparisons with companies in other sectors. For example, it is important to know:
(a) Whether sales growth and profit growth is higher in some industries than in others (For example,
how does growth in the financial services industry compare with growth in heavy engineering,
electronics or leisure?)
(b) How the return on capital employed and return on shareholder capital compare between
different industries
(c) How the P/E ratios and dividend yields vary between industries

Part G Finance 14: Finance 493

Chapter Roundup
In commercial organisations, managing for value is about creating shareholder value, while in the public
sector, it is about obtaining value for money. Managers must understand the key cost and value drivers
affecting their operations. Financial risk is determined exclusively by gearing, but there are several sources
of business risk. Financial risk may be balanced against business risk, so that overall risk is managed.
In seeking to attain the financial objectives of the organisation or enterprise, a financial manager has to
make decisions on the following subjects.
These three policy areas interact and decision makers must also manage the interactions.
Cash forecasting should ensure that sufficient funds will be available when needed, to sustain the
activities of an enterprise at an acceptable cost.
As part of a business's risk analysis, different forecasts should be prepared with changing financial or
business variables. The links between these variables and the figures in the forecasts may not be
Cash deficits will be funded in different ways, depending on whether they are short or long-term.
Businesses should have procedures for investing surpluses with appropriate levels of risk and return.
Companies seeking extra equity finance can obtain it by retaining cash in the business for investment or
issuing shares.
Bank loans tend to be a source of medium-term finance, linked with the purchase of specific assets.
Interest and repayments will be set in advance.
The term bonds describes various forms of long-term debt a company may issue, such as loan stock,
which may be redeemable or irredeemable.
A budget is a short term plan expressed in financial terms. It converts strategic plans into specific targets.
Budgets help organisations as they promote forward thinking, assist in the coordination of different
aspects of the organisation, motivate managers and provide a basis for systems of control and
Standards represent targets against which actual performance is measured and provide the basis for
variance analysis. Variance analysis involves comparing actual and planned performance, identifying the
differences and investigating the reasons for the variances.
Probability is a measure of likelihood, and expected values are weighted average values based on
probabilities. These calculations and values are incorporated into decision trees to illustrate the possible
choices and outcomes of decisions
Relevant costs and marginal costing are useful when evaluating strategic options including accepting /
rejecting special contracts, efficient use of scarce resources, make or buy decisions, and closing or
continuation decisions.
Full cost is the total amount sacrificed to achieve a particular objective. All running costs of a particular
facility are part of the cost of output of that facility. Where there is more than one product, costs are split
into direct and indirect costs. The direct costs are easily assigned to products. To determine the full cost
a fair proportion of the indirect costs, or overheads, must also be allocated to each product .
Activity based costing (ABC) is an alternative to the traditional method of full costing. It involves the
identification of the factors which cause the costs of an organisation's major activities. Support overheads
are charged to products on the basis of their usage of the factor causing the overhead.

494 14: Finance Part G Finance

Chapter Roundup (Cont'd)
Ratios provide a means of systematically analysing financial statements. They can be grouped under the
headings profitability, liquidity, gearing and shareholders' investment. It is important to calculate relevant
ratios and to take into account the limitations of ratio analysis.
Ratio analysis often forms the basis of comparisons with performance over time or with other companies.

Quick Quiz
1 What do JS&W consider to be the three main issues in strategic finance?
2 What is the name of the type of risk associated with gearing?
3 How might a company fund a forecast cash deficiency?
4 What are the advantages of using retained profits as a source of equity funds?
5 What is loan capital?
6 What is the formula for capital employed used in the ROCE calculation?
7 What is operating gearing?
8 Is inflation relevant to the calculation of ROCE?

Part G Finance 14: Finance 495

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Managing for value; funding; financial expectations of stakeholders
2 Financial risk
3 By borrowing; by selling marketable investments; and by managing cash flows to payables and from
4 Retained profits are flexible in that there is no specific schedule of repayments. Also, there is no change in
the pattern of shareholdings
5 Debentures and other long-term loans to a business
6 Shareholders' funds plus current liabilities plus any long-term provisions for liabilities and charges
7 The proportion of total costs that is made up of fixed costs
8 Yes: the use of historic cost net of depreciation would be misleading.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q14 Examination 25 45 mins

496 14: Finance Part G Finance



Human resource

Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Strategic leadership H1 (a), (b)
2 Job design H2(a), (c), (d)
3 HRM and knowledge work H2(b)
4 Staff development H3(a)(d)

This chapter looks at a number of human resource management topics. In
Section 1 we look at the various aspects of leadership. We will then move on to
look at how the people within the organisation contribute to its success. We
will do this by exploring the range of approaches used to manage the
workforce's efforts. These approaches are job design (Section 2), HRM and
knowledge work (Section 3) and staff development (Section 4)

Study guide
Intellectual level
H1 Strategy and people: leadership
(a) Explain the role of visionary leadership and identify the key leadership traits 3
effective in the successful formulation and implementation of strategy and
change management.
(b) Apply and compare alternative classical and modern theories of leadership 3
in the effective implementation of strategic objectives.
H2 Strategy and people: job design
(a) Assess the contribution of four different approaches to job design (scientific
management, job enrichment, Japanese management and re-engineering)
(b) Explain the human resource implications of knowledge work and post-
industrial job design
(c) Discuss the tensions and potential ethical issues related to job design 2
(d) Advise on the relationship of job design to process re-design, project
management and the harnessing of e-business opportunities
H3 Strategy and people: staff development
(a) Discuss the emergence and scope of human resource development,
succession planning and their relationship to the strategy of the 2
(b) Advise and suggest different methods of establishing human resource
(c) Advise on the contribution of competency frameworks to human resource
(d) Discuss the meaning and contribution of workplace learning, the learning
organisation, organisation learning and knowledge management

Exam guide
There is considerable practical detail in this chapter and it is easy to envisage a complete question
covering these principles and how to embody them in a work situation.
You may also face a scenario where process redesign or information technology have an impact on job
design. Be aware of the implications of different organisational structures for job design.

Models and theories

The Study Guide for this chapter indicates you need to be able to apply and compare alternative classical
and modern theories of leadership in the effective implementation of strategic objectives. However, the
guide does not explicitly reference any individual theories, so you will not be specifically required to use
any single leadership theory to answer a question.
The Study Guide also refers explicitly to four approaches to job design scientific management, job
enrichment, Japanese management and re-engineering so an assessment of any of these approaches
could be specifically required in a question. However, remember that job design and staff development are
also very practical (and examinable) topics, so make sure you cover the material in this chapter as a whole
rather than just focussing on the specific theories described in Section 1.

500 15: Human resource management Part H People

1 Strategic leadership
Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

Paper F1, Accountant in Business, includes a section called 'Leading and managing individuals and
teams'. This forms an important background to the material below.

Exam focus
point Note that whereas questions on leadership in F1 tested factual recall, questions in P3 will be context-
based. For example, the scenario might indicate a leader behaving in a certain way and you will have to
diagnose whether that behaviour is appropriate, using your knowledge of leadership styles but also
analysing other areas of the business: the teams being led, organisational culture, the products and
services being provided, organisational competences and so on.

The study of leadership has produced a wide range of theories; these may be analysed into four main
Trait theories Contingency theories
Behavioural theories Transformational theories

1.1 Trait theories

Trait theories are based on the idea that some people are inherently suited to positions of leadership
because they possess appropriate personal qualities. This approach can be seen as rooted in a class-
based social structure, but extensive attempts were made to define specific leadership qualities. However,
there was little agreement as to what those qualities actually were. This approach was overtaken in the
mid-twentieth century by the belief that leaders were to be identified by what they did rather than by who
they were. Leadership came to be seen as a matter of behaviour and could therefore be taught.
Nevertheless, personal qualities and their development form a continuing strand in the progress of
thought on leadership. Research has identified a number of traits that have been linked to leadership
effectiveness with reasonable consistency, including emotional maturity and tolerance of stress. There is
also evidence of a genetic basis for leadership ability differences.

1.2 Behavioural theories

Behavioural theories are often talking (broadly) about the same thing: a continuum of behaviours from:
(a) Wholly task-focused, directive leadership behaviours (representing high leader control) at one
extreme, and
(b) Wholly people-focused, supportive/relational leadership behaviours (representing high subordinate
discretion) at the other.

1.2.1 A continuum of leadership styles

Tannenbaum and Schmidt proposed a continuum of behaviours (and associated styles) based on the
degree of authority used by a manager and the degree of freedom for the team.

Part H People 15: Human resource management 501

Authoritar ian Democratic
Task orientation R elations hip orientation

Use of authority by manager

Area of subordinate freed om

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

makes 'sells' presents ideas presents presents a defines limits allows
decision and decision and invites intended problem, gets and goals and subordinates
announces it questions decision, subject suggestions, asks the group to act as they
to amendment and makes a to make the wish, within
decision decision specified

1.2.2 Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid

Blake and Mouton carried out research (The Ohio State Leadership Studies) into managerial behaviour,
and observed two basic dimensions of leadership: concern for production (or task performance) and
concern for people.
Along each of these two dimensions, managers could be located at any point on a continuum from very
low to very high concern. Blake and Mouton observed that the two concerns did not seem to correlate,
positively or negatively: a high concern in one dimension, for example, did not seem to imply a high or low
concern in the other dimension. Individual managers could therefore reflect various permutations of
task/people concern.
A questionnaire was designed to enable users to analyse and plot the positions of individual respondents
on the grid. This was to be used as a means of analysing individuals' managerial styles and areas of
weakness or 'unbalance', for the purposes of management development.
The managerial grid

The extreme cases shown on the grid are:

(a) 1.1 impoverished: the manager is lazy, showing little interest in either staff or work.
(b) 1.9 country club: the manager is attentive to staff needs and has developed satisfying
relationships. However, there is little attention paid to achieving results.
(c) 9.1 task oriented: almost total concentration on achieving results. People's needs are virtually

502 15: Human resource management Part H People

(d) 5.5 middle of the road or the dampened pendulum: adequate performance through balancing (or
switching between) the necessity to get out work with team morale.
(e) 9.9 team: high work accomplishment through 'leading' committed people who identify themselves
with the organisational aims.
The grid thus offers a number of useful insights for the identification of management training and
development needs. It shows in an easily assimilated form where the behaviour and assumptions of a
manager may exhibit a lack of balance between the dimensions and/or a low degree of concern in either
dimension or both. It may also be used in team member selection, so that a 1.9 team leader is balance by
a 9.1 co-leader, for example.
However, the grid is a simplified model, and as such has practical limitations.
(a) It assumes that 9.9 is the desirable model for effective leadership. In some managerial contexts,
this may not be so. Concern for people, for example, would not be necessary in a context of
comprehensive automation: compliance is all that would be required.
(b) It is open to oversimplification. Scores can appear polarised, with judgements attached about
individual managers' suitability or performance. The Grid is intended as a simplified 'snapshot' of a
manager's preferred style, not a comprehensive description of his or her performance.
(c) Organisational context and culture, technology and other 'givens' influence the manager's style of
leadership, not just the two dimensions described by the Grid.
(d) Any managerial theory is only useful in so far as it is useable in practice by managers: if the grid is
used only to inform managers that they 'must acquire greater concern for people', it may result in
stress, uncertainty and inconsistent behaviour.

1.2.3 Theory X and Theory Y

Douglas McGregor (The Human Side of Enterprise) suggested that managers (in the USA) tended to
behave as though they subscribed to one of two sets of assumptions about people at work: Theory X and
Theory Y.
(a) Theory X suggests that most people dislike work and responsibility, and will avoid both if possible.
Because of this, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed and/or threatened with
punishment to get them to make an adequate effort. Managers who operate according to these
assumptions will tend to supervise closely, apply detailed rules and controls, and use 'carrot and
stick' motivators.
(b) Theory Y suggests that physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. The ordinary
person does not inherently dislike work: according to the conditions it may be a source of
satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The potentialities of the average person are rarely fully used at work.
People can be motivated to seek challenge and responsibility in their job, if their goals can be
integrated with those of the organisation. A manager with this sort of attitude to his staff is likely to
be a consultative, facilitating leader, using positive feedback, challenge and responsibility as
Both are intended to be extreme sets of assumptions not actual types of people. However, they also tend
to be self-fulfilling prophecies. Employees treated as if 'Theory X' were true will begin to behave
accordingly. Employees treated as if 'Theory Y' were true being challenged to take on more
responsibility will rise to the challenge and behave accordingly.
Theory X and Theory Y can be used to heighten managers' awareness of the assumptions underlying their
motivational style.

1.3 Contingency theories

Contingency theory as applied to leadership suggests that no one style is likely to be entirely appropriate
for all circumstances. For example, in an emergency, an autocratic approach is likely to be far more
effective than an approach based on consultation and participative decision-making. The setting for the

Part H People 15: Human resource management 503

exercise of leadership will vary from case to case. In particular, the nature of the group and its needs and
desires are critical.
Contingency theories are based on the belief that there is no 'one best way' of leading, but that effective
leaders adapt their behaviour to the specific and changing variables in the leadership context: the nature of
the task, the personalities of team members, the organisation culture and so on.

1.3.1 Adair
Adair's action-centred, or situational model sees the leadership process in a context made up of three
main variables, all of which are interrelated and must be examined in the light of the whole situation.
These are task needs, the individual needs of group members, and the needs of the group as a whole.
The total situation dictates the relative priority that must be given to each of the three sets of needs.
Effective leadership is identifying and acting on that priority to create a balance between the needs. Adair's
model is unusual in that it integrates both the needs of the individual and the dynamics of the group.

1.3.2 Fiedler
Fiedler found that people become leaders partly because of their own attributes and partly because of the
nature of the situation they find themselves in. Leadership style depends on the personality of the leader,
which is fixed. The extent to which the situation favours the leader depends on three things.
(a) Position power. This is the same thing as organisational authority.
(b) Task structure. Work is easier to organise and accountability easier to determine when the task is
clear, well defined and unambiguous. The quality of performance is difficult to control when the
task is vague and unstructured.
(c) Leader-subordinate relations. The leader's task is eased when subordinates have trust and
confidence in him or her.
Fiedler found that a task-oriented approach was most productive when the situation was either very
favourable to the leader or very unfavourable. In less extreme cases, a more people-centred approach
was more effective.

1.3.3 Hersey and Blanchard

Hersey and Blanchard developed a model of leadership which appears to map style theories on to the
grid suggested by Blake and Mouton. The leader should determine the maturity of followers. Maturity has
three components.
(a) Achievement motivation (can the followers set high but realistic goals?).
(b) Responsibility (willingness and ability to assume it).
(c) Education/experience. Maturity in practice is divided into psychological maturity (eg attitude to
work) and job maturity (eg problem solving ability).
Where maturity is high, the manager need exert little effort in support of either task or relationships and
may delegate to a great extent.
Where maturity is low, on the other hand, an autocratic approach may be required, with great attention to
the task but little need for attention to relationships.
Followers of moderate maturity will probably respond well to a high degree of concern for relationships
combined with a moderate degree of attention to the task. Participative approaches are useful here.

1.4 Transformational theories

All of the models so far considered may be referred to collectively as transactional theories of leadership.
This term is used to distinguish them from more recent approaches that have come to be known as
transformational theories of leadership. Transformational theories generally accept that the world is a
much less stable place than it was and that changes of all kinds are frequent and far-reaching. It is
necessary for leaders of all kinds to accept this and to provide leadership that will help their organisations
to respond in creative and effective ways.

504 15: Human resource management Part H People

There are a number of expectations of modern leaders:
To change organisations and systems from within.
To drive forward adventurous, visionary strategies. Leaders need to have a clear vision for the
future, and what needs to be done to get there, so that they can inspire others to aim for that future
as well.
To motivate others. Visionary leaders motivate others to work harder by making work seem as
natural as play, and by making their teams see the value and purpose in what they do.
To provide clarity of purpose and direction.
To be good communicators, both to communicate their vision and purpose, but also to listen to
others' points of view and to gain their trust.
There are therefore three main themes within the transformational theories of leadership:

Case Study
Bill Gates and Microsoft
Bill Gates founded the Microsoft Corporation in 1975, with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Gates correctly
identified that as computer hardware became increasingly powerful there would be a gap in the market for
computer software.
Microsoft is now the global leader in software, services and solutions that enables people and businesses
to maximise the value of computers in their lives.
However, one of the major factors behind the growth and success of the company has been Gates
readiness to restructure to keep it innovative and ready for each new phase in the fast changing world of
computer technology.
In April 2002, Microsoft announced its fourth major reorganisation in five years, before, in 2005, Gates
announced a further realignment of the company into three distinct newly formed divisions, each headed
up by its own president.
One of these divisions will be responsible for entertainment and devises. The other two are the Platforms
Products and Services Division; and the Business Division.
The Microsoft Platforms and Services Division includes the three operating segments of Client; Server and
Tools; and the Online Services Group.
From the fiscal year 2007, Microsoft changed to operate its business in five operating segments: (i) Online
Client, (Subsequently re-named Windows and Windows Live Division) (ii) Server and Tools, (iii) Online
Services Group, (iv) Business Division and (v) Entertainment and Devices Division.
The creation of the entertainment and devises division illustrates how Microsoft has diversified away from
its original core competencies in developing computer language programmes and software into new areas
such as console games via the Xbox system.
The divisional structure is designed to support Microsofts drive for innovation and growth for the future,
increasing the number of new products and services it delivers.
Over the years since it was founded, Gates foresight, vision and leadership have been drivers for change,
development and success in the Microsoft Corporation. On the one hand, Gates has continually strived to
advance software technology with a view to making computing more accessible and fun for people; on the
other , he has strived to make Microsoft an attractive and exciting place to work.

Part H People 15: Human resource management 505

1.5 Leadership and strategy
Ultimately, the importance of leadership in strategy is that it cultivates innovation and organisational
change. This is what distinguishes leadership from management.
Management provides the order and procedures to deal with the organisational requirements of business.
Leadership, by contrast, champions change and shows how to cope with change. In this way, leaders
inspire and motivate their followers in a way which managers do not.

Question Leadership

Think of a business leader who you are familiar with, and identify the reasons which you think have
contributed to their success. What leadership qualities and behaviours do they show?

2 Job design
Job design is essentially about organising work and that has always been a major role of management.
Four approaches are identified.
Scientific Management is an engineering approach that seeks to apply a single, ideal solution to
any given piece of work. It leads to work study, deskilling, efficiency and alienation.
Job enrichment attempts to overcome the undesirable effects of the Scientific Management
approach by making work more meaningful for the worker.
The Japanese model emphasises enhanced worker responsibility in pursuit of higher quality and
reduced waste.
Re-engineering pursues major improvements in organisational systems while, at the same time,
empowering workers to make the best use of their skills and abilities.
Managers should be as humane as possible when undertaking job design.

Exam focus An article titled Strategy and People (March 2011) written by Ken Garrett was published in Student
point Accountant, and is available on the ACCA website. It would be worth taking the time to study this article.

Key term Job design is the process of combining tasks and responsibilities to form complete jobs and the
relationship of jobs in the organisation. Bratton

The importance of job design as a managerial responsibility has been apparent ever since there have been
organised societies. Adam Smith described the economic advantages of job specialisation in The Wealth
of Nations; in the later nineteenth century organising a structure of tasks and jobs was identified by Fayol
as one of the functions of management. A little later, Frederick Taylor founded his business and the
approach still known as Scientific Management on the careful consideration and control of individual job
content and technique.
Your syllabus requires us to consider four different approaches to job design:
Scientific Management The Japanese model
Job enrichment Re-engineering

2.1 Scientific Management

Frederick W Taylor argued that management should be based on 'well-recognised, clearly defined and
fixed principles, instead of depending on more or less hazy ideas.' He was an engineer by training and
mostly concerned with an engineering efficiency approach to production in order to increase
productivity. His methods were later applied to many other types of work.

506 15: Human resource management Part H People

Taylor's early experience convinced him that workers had a natural tendency to do the minimum they
could get away with: he described workers as 'marking time' or 'soldiering', rather than working
productively. Since managers had very poor knowledge of how much output could reasonably be expected
from a worker, the result was large scale under-achievement. It was always his principle that there was
'one best way' of doing a given job and the main thrust of much of his early work was therefore careful
experimentation and measurement to find the most effective methods. This approach was the basis of
what later became the widely used discipline of work study.

2.1.1 Principles of Scientific Management

Taylor described four ideas as the principles of his method.
(a) The development of a true science of work. 'All knowledge which had hitherto been kept in the
heads of workmen should be gathered and recorded by management. Every single subject, large
and small, becomes the question for scientific investigation, for reduction to law.'
(b) The scientific selection and progressive development of workers: workers should be carefully
trained and given jobs to which they are best suited.
(c) The bringing together of the science and the scientifically selected and trained men. The
application of techniques to decide what should be done and how, using workers who are both
properly trained and willing to maximise output, should result in maximum productivity.
(d) The constant and intimate co-operation between management and workers: 'the relations
between employers and men form without question the most important part of this art.'

2.1.2 Scientific Management in practice

Trade unionists, politicians of the left and those sympathetic to their ideas see Scientific Management as
an extremely undesirable development, since it minimised worker autonomy and maximised
management control. (This point of view can often be identified by the use of the term 'Taylorism' rather
than Scientific Management.)
(a) Work study techniques established the 'one best way' to do any job. No discretion was allowed to
the worker. Preparation and servicing tasks were allocated to unskilled workers. Subsequently,
Henry Ford's approach to mass production broke each job down into its smallest and simplest
component parts: these single elements became the newly-designed job. This process of
deskilling makes such work unfulfilling and boring but very productive.
(b) Planning the work and doing the work were separated. First line management of work groups
might involve several 'functional foremen,' each responsible for a different aspect of planning and
controlling the work. Workers lost any control over what they did.
(c) Workers received large pay increases as the new methods greatly increased productivity and
(d) All aspects of the work environment were tightly controlled in order to attain maximum
Despite the views of the detractors of Scientific Management, there is much that is relevant today in this
approach and the pursuit of productivity through efficiency of method is still a major preoccupation for
management at all levels. The whole field of process redesign, for example is essentially an application of
the basic idea of improving performance in a designed way, as is much of the detail of modern quality
management. However, we may identify two important and linked differences.
(a) The Scientific Management approach was for an external expert to prescribe the improvement: the
modern approach is to involve the people concerned with the process.
(b) Taylor promoted the idea of 'one best way': modern approaches accept that more than one solution
may be valid.
Also, there are genuine problems with Scientific Management in a modern setting.
(a) The alienation and boredom associated with the production-line approach lead to high levels of
labour turnover and absenteeism.

Part H People 15: Human resource management 507

(b) While basic labour costs may fall, there is a penalty to pay in increased costs of planning and
(c) Lack of job satisfaction can lead to lack of commitment and hence to quality problems.

2.2 Job enrichment

2.2.1 The human relations background
The development of the human relations school of thought can be traced back to experiments carried out
in the early 1920s at Western Electric's Hawthorne plant in Chicago. The original experiments seemed to
show that there was no clear relationship between improvements made to working conditions and
productivity. Subsequent research extending over many years indicated the complex interplay of social,
material and personal factors in determining much workplace behaviour and its influence on productivity.
Awareness of social and individual psychology became a fundamental aspect of management technique,
with an emphasis on measures such as employee counselling and the satisfaction of social needs. There
was also an understanding that financial reward alone would be unlikely to motivate workers to high
levels of output. However, the theory did not produce reliable results when applied in practical terms.

2.2.2 Motivation and job design

'Neo-human relations' was used by Rose as a label for the later work of psychologists such as Maslow,
McGregor and Herzberg. These authors are best known in the wider field of management studies for their
ideas about motivation and the potential of work and the work situation to provide higher psychological
satisfactions. One important aspect of this consideration of work and motivation has been an emphasis on
the importance of job content and a move towards job enrichment.

2.2.3 Job enrichment

Job rotation and job enlargement are simple approaches to the redesign of jobs.
(a) Job rotation, or periodic movement around a group of different de-skilled tasks, can go some way
towards reducing monotony and boredom, but offers little extra satisfaction.
(b) Job enlargement reverses the process of de-skilling by combining a number of linked processes
together in one job. This is in direct opposition to Ford's production line approach.
A more sophisticated approach is known as job enrichment: this may be distinguished from job
enlargement in that the latter brings tasks together on a horizontal axis, while job enrichment involves an
element of vertical amalgamation: an enriched job includes some elements of responsibility for planning
and control.
Hackman and Oldham suggest that five core characteristics are required in enriched jobs if they are to
produce positive outcomes:
(a) The job requires the use of a range of skills and talents.
(b) Task identity (sometimes called closure): the job includes all the tasks needed to complete an
identifiable product or process.
(c) Task significance: the job has an impact on other people's lives or work.
(d) Autonomy: workers have a degree of discretion in scheduling and organising their work.
(e) Feedback: workers are provided with information on the results of their performance.
These elements should lead to three desirable psychological states:
Experience of meaningful work
Experience of responsibility for outcomes
Knowledge of actual results
These, in turn, should produce desirable outcomes:
High productivity and quality
High job satisfaction and low absenteeism and labour turnover

508 15: Human resource management Part H People

However, this desirable progression, from job enrichment to desirable outcomes is subject to the effect of
The level of knowledge and skill possessed by the employee
The strength of the employee's need for growth in the job
The influence of the work context over satisfaction
Thus, an ignorant, clumsy and unambitious person working in unsatisfactory conditions is unlikely to
demonstrate the desired outcomes when his or her job is enriched.
Exam focus
point If you consider the processes involved in job enrichment, you should discern potential links to process
redesign and the changes inherent in adopting an e-business method. Each of these aspects of strategic
implementation can provide extensive opportunities for job enrichment.

2.3 The Japanese model

Japanese industry has had enormous influence on western manufacturing practice. Lean production or
'the Toyota system' have been widely adopted and developed in an attempt to achieve Japanese levels of
productivity and quality. Bratton suggests that three notable elements of the Japanese production model
contribute to its influence on job design.
Flexible manufacturing
Minimisation of waste
Quality methods

2.3.1 Flexible manufacturing

Flexibility of manufacturing means the ability to produce relatively small batches of a range of products
without incurring excessive set-up costs. The principal features of the Japanese method of achieving this
are multi-skilled workers and careful shop floor layout that makes a range of machinery and equipment
available to each of them. Machine cells are a common feature of this approach. This approach stands in
strong contrast to both the principles of Scientific Management and the assembly line layout; it inevitably
brings a high degree of job enrichment through the variety of work and the skills needed to perform it.

2.3.2 Quality methods

Japanese manufacturers paid close attention to statistical quality control and Deming's other principles
and methods very early in that country's post-1945 recovery. One of the results of this focus was the
development of the total quality approach. This puts quality at the heart of the manufacturing process by
abolishing inspection as an independent function and separate process within the organisation and making
production workers responsible for the quality of their own output. This feature, together with participation
in activities aimed at achieving continuous improvement, also produces job enrichment.

2.3.3 Minimisation of waste

Incorporating quality responsibility into production work is also an example of the Japanese approach to
waste. Separate inspection processes (and the rework they lead to) add no value therefore they are
abolished. The just-in-time philosophy is a further example. Inventories of materials, components and
work-in-progress must be financed with capital that could be better employed earning a return elsewhere.
Inventories are therefore cut to an absolute minimum and capital released. To achieve this, the kanban
system is used. A kanban is a signal calling for productive effort: a series of kanbans flows back from the
final customer through all the various manufacturing and logistic stages of production. As a result,
production is pulled through the factory by demand, not pushed by production schedule. This again
places enhanced responsibility on individuals and work groups to respond appropriately. It is also a good
illustration of one application of e-business methods - the use of electronic data interchange to link stages
in the value network.

Part H People 15: Human resource management 509

2.3.4 The problem of control
Bratton points out that the job enriching effects described above combine to make the company heavily
dependent on its workers. In order to counterbalance this, Japanese companies have made use of a set of
social mechanisms that enhance the commitment of their workers. The basic aim is the promotion of a
sense of community that provides a socialisation into the norms of loyalty and motivation. Work groups
tend to develop their means of disciplining members felt not to be conforming.

2.4 Re-engineering

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

We looked at business process change in more detail earlier in this Study Text, including a discussion of
business process re-engineering (BPR) as it affects job design. You should refer to our earlier discussion
and consider how BPR may be said to fit into the job design spectrum.

2.5 Ethics and job design

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

When we discussed ethics, we dealt with two important matters that are directly related to job design.
(a) One formulation of the categorical imperative is that people should not be treated simply as
means to an end but as an end in themselves.
(b) Natural law theory imposes a duty to respect the rights of others.

The managerial priorities of control and cost reduction can drive the process of job design towards
infringement of these ethical principles.
(a) Jobs may be deskilled and organised in ways that prevent workers from deriving any satisfaction
or fulfilment from them.
(b) Jobs may be automated or outsourced out of existence, thus bringing significant disruption and
stress to workers' lives.
(c) Work groups may be broken up, limiting the potential of work to fulfil this is a difficult and complex
problem. Managers should seek to balance their organisational responsibilities and the effect of
their actions on their workers, seeking a humane course of action where possible.

2.6 An overview of job design

Productivity through work specialisation leads to mechanisms of close managerial control. Together,
these forces produce job dissatisfaction and poor motivation. All job design must attempt to reconcile
these forces.

All job design must attempt to reconcile two forces that tend to work in opposition to one another.
(a) The need to break work up in order to exploit specialisation and the division of labour so as to
maximise productivity
(b) The need to integrate and control the highly differentiated activities that result from (a)
From the point of view of the worker, specialisation can produce fragmented, unsatisfying work and poor
social interaction, which, combined with its resultant control-based style of management, leads to low
levels of motivation and commitment.
Scientific Management was based on extremes of specialisation and management control and ignored the
potential psychological effects on the work force. Later developments have produced a different balance.

510 15: Human resource management Part H People

2.7 Summarising four approaches to job design
Features Assumptions about Job design
Scientific Prescribed standard Pay piecework Extreme specialisation
Management methods Split of planning and doing
Human relations/ Work groups Social needs Less extreme, with some
job enrichment Combination of tasks Achievement, growth, control tasks shifted
responsibility downwards
Some control over
Japanese model JIT, TQM, consensus, Social processes of clan Multi-skilling to achieve
lifetime employment, control flexibility
Re-design Strong leadership from Emphasis on market Process teams
the top discipline and serving the Empowerment
Exploitation of IT needs of the customer
Multidimensional jobs
Abandonment of
traditional structures
and methods

Exam focus Your syllabus specifically mentions the relationship of job design to process design, project management
point and e-business. You should be aware that these elements of strategic implementation are likely to involve
a need for some degree of job redesign. You should bear this in mind when answering questions that deal
with those elements.

3 HRM and knowledge work

Knowledge work has become a major part of the economies of developed countries. This has had
important effects on the way organisations work and are managed, with a shift away from procedure and
control towards a looser, more flexible system based on problem solving and empowerment.

Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies

We discussed organisational learning and knowledge management earlier in this Study Text, when we
were considering strategic capability. You should refer back in order to refresh your memory.

Recent years have seen a shift of manufacturing to low-cost sites in developing countries and a
consequent decline in the West. As a result, service industries have become far more important to the
economies of developed countries. This trend has been accompanied by the recognition of the knowledge
worker as a vital feature of modern business. This has two important implications:
(a) Knowledge is recognised as a vital asset and crucial to business success. Organisations must
therefore acquire, organise, manage and exploit knowledge if they are to survive.
(b) This vital asset, knowledge, fundamentally exists in the brains of knowledge workers and is
controlled by them. If the organisation is to benefit, its workers must be organised and managed in
a way that will stimulate both learning and creativity.
These factors have led to a shift away from the classic bureaucratic structure of management and
organisation, which was built around the careful planning and control of procedures and operations, to a

Part H People 15: Human resource management 511

looser, 'post-modern', 'post-bureaucratic' or 'post-industrial' approach that emphasises information
sharing, flexibility and empowerment.

3.1 The move to knowledge work

From To
Type of work Individual Project teams
Focus Task performance Customers, problems, opportunities
Skills and knowledge Narrow Specialist but with wide interest
Feedback and results Rapid Slow
Employee loyalty Organisation and career within it Peers, profession
Contribution to success Individual support to the wider A few major successes

3.2 Impact on the organisation

Bratton, quoting Hecksher, suggests that as organisations evolve to take account of these changes they
will display five features:
(a) Organisational dialogue and trust reduces the scope for managerial control and direction and
enables a wide range of bottom up and lateral inputs. This feature depends on the other four.
(b) Sharing of information about the organisation's operations, problems and opportunities.
(c) Principle-based management replaces management based on formal rules and procedure and
leads to greater flexibility and adaptation.
(d) Communication flows and decision-making are built around projects and problem-solving rather
than hierarchical routine.
(e) Peer evaluation of performance replaces formal credentials and supervisor opinion.

4 Staff development
Human resource development should be seen as an investment in strategic capability since it improves
both skills and commitment. It may be approached top-down, in the form of human capital theory, or
bottom-up through empowerment. In the UK, governments encourage rather than enforce HRD efforts,
despite concerns about low levels of skills. This voluntarist approach has led to an emphasis on useful,
workplace competence-based qualifications.

The traditional personnel management function of training is now supplemented and may be replaced by
the wider concept of human resource development (HRD).
(a) The view of training as a cost is being replaced with a view of HRD as an investment in strategic
capability. This view also highlights that people are a resource, so HRD plays a crucial role in how
those resources are used, managed, controlled and motivated to create competences in key
business processes.
(b) Investment in employee learning and recognition of the competitive advantage conferred by
upgraded skills triggers the creation of an internal market in such qualities with consequent
implications for other HR activities such as recruitment, retention and reward.
(c) Organisations seeking to benefit from employee loyalty and commitment find that HRD can enable
employees to contribute to the development and success of strategy and operations.

512 15: Human resource management Part H People

This wider vision of HRD can link to the organisation's strategy in two ways: these correspond to the
traditional 'top-down' model of strategy as a controlled response to environmental change and the
emergent or 'bottom-up' model.
(a) Under the top-down model, the organisation's senior managers are responsible for recognising
new, more general and wide-ranging environmental factors that mandate HRD effort. For example,
technological developments may lead to the recognition of a skills gap and the need for staff
(b) Under the bottom-up model, empowered employees recognise individual gaps in skills, knowledge
or capability and take steps to resolve them through discussion, co-operation and the development
of new methods. An example would be the improvement of a product as a result of customer
contact and internal consultation and action.
It is appropriate for organisations to utilise both approaches, though this requires senior management
effort to reconcile them and enable them to work in a synergistic fashion rather than interfering with each
A traditional view of the place of HRD in strategic management is that it responds to imperatives
generated by the strategic management process, whatever form that takes. Some HRD professionals
would argue that HRD should be a major component of that process in order to create a learning culture
as a basis for more effective strategy. This is not yet a popular approach in the UK.

4.1 Establishing HRD

The prevailing view of HRD in UK commercial organisations is human capital theory. This sees
investment in HRD as analogous to investment in other assets and judges its value in terms of return on
investment. This approach requires clear evidence of probable benefit before investment is made in HRD
and restricts developmental activities that have uncertain though possibly important benefits. The extreme
case of this view is the drive to reduce training costs and ensure control of work practices through
deskilling and careful job design.
The alternative view is a developmental humanistic approach, as discerned by Gold and Smith. This
approach features empowerment; lifelong learning and the learning organisation; productivity through a
sense of meaningful work; and learning as a way of both coping with change and fulfilling ambitions.
Advocates of this approach accept that it is necessary to present its advantages in terms that relate to
human capital theory if it is to be adopted.
The benefit of an active commitment to HRD may be considered at three levels:
(a) The individual's job prospects and potential income are enhanced by vocational and academic
(b) The organisation may find that recruitment, adaptation to change, staff turnover and productivity
are enhanced by good HRD, but Machin and Vignoles have suggested that any causal relationship
that exists may in fact work in the reverse sense; that is, it may just be that profitable and
productive firms do more HRD.
(c) At the national economic and social level, there is a link between general education and economic
growth, but it is difficult to establish one between training and growth.
In general, the UK displays a voluntarist approach to HRD, in that the role of government is to encourage
rather than to enforce HRD. This contrasts with the interventionist approach current in France, under
which the government imposes a training levy based on payroll value and uses the funds to reimburse
employers that undertake training. This system was tried in the UK by the Labour government of the late
1960s and later abolished because the system inevitably imposed a deadweight cost of administration in
addition to the cost of any HRD actually undertaken. A company undertaking all of the HRD deemed
appropriate would only be reimbursed with 97.5% of the levy it had paid, the balance being consumed by
government in administering the scheme.

Part H People 15: Human resource management 513

4.2 Competence frameworks
The dominance of the voluntarist view in the UK has led government to promote HRD within a market-led
framework. Research commissioned by the National Skills Task Force indicates that there is a major
shortage of technical skills but that employers either fail to recognise this or work around it by
concentrating on low skill-content products. Government has responded to this problem with a range of
supply-side measures and exhortation. Measures have included infrastructure improvements, including a
network of institutions to co-ordinate national initiatives, and the development of a comprehensive
national scheme of competence based qualifications.

Key term Competences, in the sense used here, are 'the required outcomes expected from the performance of a
task in a work role, expressed as performance standards with criteria'. Gold

Competency frameworks are concerned with the behaviour that is relevant to the job, and the effective (or
competent) performance of that job.
The emphasis on workplace performance reflects the human capital approach to HRD.
The qualifications themselves are called national vocational qualifications (NVQs) in England and Wales
and Scottish vocational qualifications (SVQs) in Scotland. There has been criticism of the N/SVQ approach
because of their emphasis on outcomes measured against standards rather than on knowledge and
understanding. It has also been suggested that they have simply added to the number of qualifications
available rather than rationalising them overall.

4.2.1 Institutions
The UK national structure of institutions concerned with HRD includes the Qualifications and Curriculum
Authority, which oversees all standards in both education and training, and a number of Regional
Development Agencies and Learning and Skills Councils, which promote and oversee all education and
training after the age of 16 years.

4.2.2 Application of competences

Competency frameworks can be used to provide a more structured approach to recruitment; for managing
performance; for providing a benchmark for rewards and promotion; and for training and development.
Recruitment. Competencies can be used as a basis for person specifications, and as a basis for
comparing candidates during the selection process. The competencies required to do the job are
identified, and then the suitability of various candidates is compared against them.
Managing performance. Competencies can be used to demonstrate the levels of performance and
behaviour needed to achieve the business strategy. An organisation will have competencies for its
business overall, but these can then be filtered down to individual departments, and ultimately
individual employees. In this way if each individual achieves their objectives (competences) the
organisation will achieve its.
Benchmark for rewards and promotion (appraisal). The comparison of a person's actual
performance against their target competences can be used as the basis of an appraisal system.
Training and development. Competencies can be used to identify the training needs of staff, so
that a development plan can be drawn up to meet those needs.

Practical Experience Requirements

In order to qualify as an ACCA member, you not only have to pass your exams but also have to
demonstrate your practical experience. ACCA's Practical Experience Requirements are a framework
for recording achievement, allowing you to demonstrate your competence against a number of
performance objectives. In this way, the practical experience requirements could be considered as a
competence framework.

514 15: Human resource management Part H People

4.3 Workplace learning
Advocates of HRD suggest that learning is fundamental if the organisation is to cope with environmental
change, uncertainty and complexity. HRD practitioners place the following concepts under the umbrella of
workplace learning.
Organisational learning
Knowledge management
The learning organisation
Organisational learning, the learning organisation and knowledge management are dealt with elsewhere in
this Study Text. E-learning is an effective way to acquire knowledge and non-manipulation skills using
interactive software.

4.4 Succession planning

Succession planning not only provides for continuity of leadership, it also facilitates management
development at all levels.

Key term Succession planning is undertaken in order to ensure continuity in the organisation's leadership. It
involves the systematic identification, assessment and development of managerial talent at all levels.

Succession planning should be an integral part of the HR plan and should support the organisation's
chosen strategy. The developed plan should also be compatible with any changes that are foreseen in the
way the organisation operates. It is likely that strategic objectives will only be obtained if management
development proceeds in step with the evolution of the organisation.

4.4.1 Benefits of succession planning

(a) The development of managers at all levels is likely to be improved if it takes place within the
context of a succession plan. Such a plan gives focus to management development by suggesting
objectives that are directly relevant to the organisation's needs.
(b) Continuity of leadership is more likely, with fewer dislocating changes of approach and policy.
(c) Assessment of managerial talent is improved by the establishment of relevant criteria.

4.4.2 Features of successful succession planning

(a) The plan should focus on future requirements, particularly in terms of strategy and culture.
(b) The plan should be driven by top management. Line management also have important
contributions to make. It is important that it is not seen as a HR responsibility.
(c) Management development is as important as assessment and selection.
(d) Assessment should be objective and preferably involve more than one assessor for each manager
(e) Succession planning will work best if it aims to identify and develop a leadership cadre rather than
merely to establish a queue for top positions. A pool of talent and ability is a flexible asset for the

Part H People 15: Human resource management 515

Chapter Roundup
The study of leadership has produced a wide range of theories; these may be analysed into four main
Trait theories Contingency theories
Behavioural theories Transformational theories
Job design is essentially about organising work and that has always been a major role of management.
Four approaches are identified.
Scientific Management is an engineering approach that seeks to apply a single, ideal solution to
any given piece of work. It leads to work study, deskilling, efficiency and alienation.
Job enrichment attempts to overcome the undesirable effects of the Scientific Management
approach by making work more meaningful for the worker.
The Japanese model emphasises enhanced worker responsibility in pursuit of higher quality and
reduced waste.
Re-engineering pursues major improvements in organisational systems while, at the same time,
empowering workers to make the best use of their skills and abilities.
Managers should be as humane as possible when undertaking job design.
Productivity through work specialisation leads to mechanisms of close managerial control pull. Together,
these forces produce job dissatisfaction and poor motivation. All job design must attempt to reconcile
these forces.
Knowledge work has become a major part of the economies of developed countries. This has had
important effects on the way organisations work and are managed, with a shift away from procedure and
control towards a looser, more flexible system based on problem solving and empowerment.
Human resource development should be seen as an investment in strategic capability since it improves
both skills and commitment. It may be approached top-down, in the form of human capital theory, or
bottom-up through empowerment. In the UK, governments encourage rather than enforce HRD efforts,
despite concerns about low levels of skills. This voluntarist approach has led to an emphasis on useful,
workplace competence-based qualifications.
Succession planning not only provides for continuity of leadership, it also facilitates management
development at all levels.

Quick Quiz
1 What are the three desirable psychological states that job enrichment is intended to produce?
2 What elements of the Japanese production model does Bratton identify as influencing the Japanese
approach to job design?
3 What effects will the move to knowledge work have on the organisation?
4 How does human capital theory view the cost of HRD?
5 What are competences?

516 15: Human resource management Part H People

Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Experience of meaningful work; experience of responsibility for outcomes; knowledge of actual results
2 Flexible manufacturing; quality methods; minimisation of waste
3 Organisational dialogue and trust, which depends on sharing of information; principle-based management
rather than procedure-based management; problem-solving and project-based communication-flows; peer
evaluation of performance
4 As investment in assets
5 Competences, in the sense used here, are 'the required outcomes expected from the performance of a task
in a work role, expressed as performance standards with criteria'.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q15 Examination 10 18 mins

Part H People 15: Human resource management 517

518 15: Human resource management Part H People

Strategic development


Topic list Syllabus reference

1 Intention, emergence and realisation C3 (a)
2 Developing intended strategies C3 (b)
3 Developing emergent strategies C3 (c), (d)
4 Diversity of strategic processes C3 (e)
5 Challenges and implications C3 (e)

We have covered a great deal of ground in this Study Text, but nearly all of our
discussion has related to specific ideas that may be used when developing
strategy; that is to say, we have concentrated on tools, models and techniques
that may be used to create answers to specific strategic problems. We have
said very little about the wider processes by which an overall strategy is
designed. This final chapter attempts to round off our consideration of
business strategy by looking at the ways in which strategies come into
There are two principal classes of strategies: the intended and the emergent.
We will start by contrasting these classes and discussing their relationship.
Then we will look at each in more detail. The final sections of this chapter will
examine some challenges and more general concepts relating to strategy

Study guide
Intellectual level
C3 Understanding strategy development
(a) Discriminate between the concepts of intended and emergent strategies. 3
(b) Explain how organisations attempt to put an intended strategy into place. 2
(c) Highlight how emergent strategies appear from within an organisation. 3
(d) Discuss how process redesign, and e-business can contribute to emergent 2
(e) Assess the implications of strategic drift and the demand for multiple 3
processes of strategy development.

Exam guide
This may seem a rather theoretical chapter at first, but it is important that you realise that in the real world
strategies often 'emerge' rather than develop via some neatly ordered process. Therefore the material
covered here may well appear in many examination case studies. Also, Section 5 has some detail on
specific strategic challenges that could be useful in dealing with the kind of complex scenario typical of
Section A questions.
However, this final chapter also draws together all the theories and issues we have looked at in this Study
Text to describe how business strategies develop.
Remember that the areas shown in the middle row of the rational diagram of the syllabus business
process change, e-business can help shape an organisation's business strategy, and by discussing
emergent strategies this chapter reminds us of that.
It is important that you have an integrated view of the syllabus when you sit the P3 examination.

1 Intention, emergence and realisation

Realised strategy may emerge from everyday actions and routine decisions, or it may be the result of
considered intention. Intended strategies may also fail to be realised.

You will recall that in Chapter 1 of this Study Text, we explained the way that JS&W analyse strategy into
three main elements: strategic position, strategic choices and strategy into action.
(a) The strategic managers must attempt to understand the organisation's strategic position.
(b) Strategic choices are about scope, the direction and method of development and how to achieve
competitive advantage.
(c) Strategies must be made to work in practice. Major issues here include structuring, enabling and
This analysis is written in terms of management: that is to say, as though strategy is a project that
managers work on and bring to completion in a deliberate and logical fashion. Understanding of strategic
position informs strategic choice: together they create an intention. The next stage, strategy into action is
about how we realise that intention.

Intended strategy Realised strategy

522 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

Strategy by intention
In our discussion of the strategy lenses we explained that this represents just one view of strategy and
that there are other, equally valuable, views of its nature. These views describe what we may call
emergent strategy. The essence of this kind of strategy is that it is not the result of any kind of top-down,
intended managerial process. This kind of strategy comes about as a largely unintended result of the
everyday activities, decisions and processes that take place at all levels of the organisation. Thus, realised
strategy can emerge as well as arise from intention.
We also have to be aware that what managers intend may not actually be realised: plans may be
unworkable for a variety of reasons, resources may be inadequate, important stakeholders may be
obstructive and so on.
You have probably encountered examples in everyday life where an intended strategy is not realised.
Think, for example, of the times where organisations have promised 'excellent customer service' or 'first
rate service'. Has the service you have actually received matched those promises? 'Excellent customer
service' may be the intended plan, but the realised plan often falls short of what is intended.
Our diagrammatic overview thus has to be amended to include these extra possibilities.

Emergent strategy

Realised strategy

Intended strategy

Unrealised strategy

Strategy: a fuller picture

2 Developing intended strategies

Intended strategies are developed in a systematic way, making use of rational procedures and, probably,
specialist staff. This approach has advantages associated with system and method and disadvantages
associated with ponderousness and inflexibility. More recently, workshops and project teams have been
used to develop intended strategies and strategy consultants have been employed.

The development of intended strategies is associated with strategic planning systems. JS&W use the
phrase 'systematised, step-by-step, chronological procedures' in their discussion of this idea. Typically,
such a system will proceed in a linear fashion, starting from mission and objectives and working through
to implementation and the feedback of performance review. Such a system is illustrated on the next page.

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 523

Policies Values
Competences Culture Where the organisation wants to be

Stakeholder expectations
Strategic Quantified measures


Opportunities and threats

CORPORATE Strengths and weaknesses
APPRAISAL Resources, competences
5 Forces SWOT analysis Value chain
Scenarios Gap analysis Systems structure
Portfolio analysis


Generating options: Value chain

Strategic Generic strategies FEEDBACK
choice Product-market vector TO STRATEGIC
Acquisition/growth ANALYSIS
Evaluating options: Acceptability - stakeholders STAGE
Suitability - mission, strategic intent
Feasibility - resources

Resource planning CONTROL
Operations plans
Strategic Structure
implementation Change
Functional strategies ACTUAL PERFORMANCE

When you look at the detail of this model, you will recognise much that we have discussed in this Study
Text. However, for the purposes of our current discussion, the important thing about this diagram is not
the way it draws together a number of related ideas, but that it represents the traditional view of how
strategy is actually made: it is a representation of a corporate subsystem that would have staff,
managers, offices and interactions with other corporate systems.
The idea that strategy should be made in this way is no longer popular for reasons that will be reviewed
later in this Section, but it does have its advantages, both for determining what the strategy should be and
in implementing it.

2.1 Advantages of a formal system of strategic planning

Advantages Comment
Provides a structure Developing strategy is a complex task, with many variables to take into
account. A formal system provides a structure for analysis and planning.
Risk management A full scheme of strategic planning should both identify and help in managing
these risks.
Stimulation of thought, The system of strategic planning provides a structure for discussion and can
challenge and encourage creativity and challenges to the paradigm.
Decision-making Companies cannot remain static they have to cope with changes in the
environment. The planning process draws attention to the need to change and
adapt, not just to 'stand still' and survive.

524 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

Advantages Comment
Control Management control can be better exercised if targets are explicit.
Consistency Plans for a range of business unit activities can be integrated and long-term
and short-term objectives can be made consistent with one another.
Otherwise, strategies can be rendered ineffective by budgeting systems and
performance measures that have no strategic content.
Communication Discussion at the various stages helps to make the reasoning behind strategy
clear, while the creation of specific plans prompts appropriate dissemination.
Time horizon Longer-term views can be built in to the system by setting a suitable time
horizon for the planning period.
Co-ordination Business unit plans, the use of resources and the activities of different
business functions can be co-ordinated and directed towards a common goal.
Objectives Managers are forced to define what they want to achieve.
Responsibility and A plan shows people where they fit in and what they have to do.

2.2 Criticisms of formal strategic planning

(a) Making strategic plans is not the same thing as managing strategy, which is the long-term scope
and direction of the organisation. The complexity of the model shown above is capable of
distracting managers' attention from controlling actual progress.
(b) It is also easy to confuse strategic planning and control with budgetary processes. There is an
obvious relationship between the two, but they are not the same. The latter is a complex but routine
activity; the former requires careful consideration of the kind of material dealt with in this Study
(c) The best is the enemy of the good: there is no guarantee that a complex planning system will
produce the perfect strategy and too much time and effort can be spent searching for it.
(d) A further problem with a complex and formal system of planning is that the various aspects of
analysis that it involves can lead to a simple acceptance of the current realised strategy.
(e) A split may develop between the people responsible for planning and those responsible for
implementation. Line managers may be too busy to take part in the planning process, while
planners are unlikely to have the authority required to implement the plans they produce. The result
is that planning becomes divorced from operational reality. This division can be reinforced if
commercial confidentiality receives too much emphasis and planning is carried on in an
atmosphere of secrecy.
(f) Particularly in very large organisations, the planning system may be too extensive and complex for
even quite senior managers to understand the way it works. This hinders proper input and
(g) Very detailed analysis can lead to information overload; this, in turn, can prevent the planners from
recognising major strategic issues when they arise.
(h) Over-formal planning systems and over-rigid control can hamper innovative thinking.
Possibly as a result of these problems, the use of formal strategic planning systems has declined
markedly and it has been common for more responsibility for strategic decision-making to be devolved to
line managers. Planning has become more informal and has tended to concentrate on discussion of key
strategic issues and establishing overall strategic scope and direction.

2.3 Workshops and project teams

As formal planning systems have declined in importance, there has been a growth in the use of project
teams and workshops to develop aspects of overall strategy. Such groups can be set up at almost any
level in the organisation and can be particularly useful for keeping managers at the strategic apex in touch

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 525

with current routine operational experience and problems. A wide range of specific purposes may be
served using these methods.
(a) A top management group might set overall strategy after considering reports from specialists,
functions and business units.
(b) Strategic analysis could be undertaken by more junior managers who then report upwards.
(c) A cross-hierarchical group might be set up to challenge current assumptions.
(d) Similar groups might be formed to generate new ideas and approaches to problems.
(e) The planning of strategic implementation cannot be done by top management alone. Similarly,
monitoring progress could be done in workshops.
(f) Consideration of factors blocking strategic change could be carried out by a project team.

2.4 Strategy consultants

Strategy consultants have a range of roles to play in strategic management. Some of these are political,
such as lending their authority to a new CEO who wishes to bring about change, or symbolic, as when
their presence and activity emphasise the importance of a new approach. They can also assist with key
aspects of the strategic management process.
(a) Strategic analysis and options generation may be an appropriate task for consultants where the
situation is confused or there is disagreement among top managers. Consultants may bring a fresh
and impartial approach.
(b) Consultants should bring knowledge and experience and can be transmitters of best practice
between organisations.
(c) Consultants may assist in the process of strategic decision-making. However, they should not
exercise undue influence: responsibility for strategy should remain with the managers at the
strategic apex of the client organisation.
(d) Strategic change is a fruitful field for the employment of consultants, especially in such activities
as coaching and training.

2.5 Imposed strategy

Powerful external stakeholders may be able to impose a strategy. This is most common in the public
sector, where government may make generally applicable regulations that constrain strategic choice, or
may take more specific action to force a particular strategy on to an organisation. Privatisation is an
example of the way in which governments have imposed strategic change on organisations.

3 Developing emergent strategies

Logical incrementalism develops strategy in small experimental steps. Resource allocation procedures
may lead to the emergence of strategy, as may the cultural processes that make up the paradigm.
However, an obsolete paradigm will lead to strategic drift and the emergence of inappropriate strategic
moves. Strategies may emerge from the bargaining and negotiation associated with political activity.
The practices developed during detailed strategic implementation may also be a source of emergent

Realised strategy can emerge as well as arise from intention. However, this is not a random process:
emergent strategies require extensive management if they are to be successful.

526 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

3.1 Logical incrementalism
Key term Logical incrementalism is the deliberate development of strategy by experimentation and learning from
partial commitments. JS&W

Quinn observed processes typical of logical incrementalism.

(a) A generalised view of a desired future state and rather wide objectives
(b) Constant environmental scanning rather than firm forecasts
(c) A combination of building a strong core business on experience and experimenting with possible
strategic options
(d) 'Subsystems' consisting of groups of people that experiment with products and markets
(e) Employment of formal and informal processes to draw out patterns of development
Such an approach combines an element of intention with a significant amount of emergence. It allows for
constant adjustment and testing of strategy, good quality of environmental information, readiness to
change and continuing internal consultation.

3.2 Resource allocation routines

Bower and Burgelman concluded independently that strategy arises as a consequence of competitive
resource allocation within organisations. Managers at lower and intermediate levels bid for resources for
the projects they favour. The basic decision rules and the strategic context are set at the strategic apex,
but strategy is determined by resource allocation decisions made at lower levels. JS&W quote the example
of Intel, which in the 1980s switched from making memory chips to concentration on microprocessors in
this fashion.

3.3 Cultural processes

The structures, assumptions, practices and processes that make up the paradigm and the wider cultural
web may be sufficiently influential as to determine strategy, particularly in the shape of strategic
responses to environmental changes. Experience of methods that have worked in the past can offer a
comforting approach to dealing with new ambiguities and uncertainties. However, making strategy in this
way can slow response to environmental change and lead to strategic drift.

Key term Strategic drift occurs when strategies progressively fail to address the strategic position of the
organisation and performance deteriorates. JS&W

JS&W suggest that strategic drift arises because of the tendency to prefer small adjustments to large
ones. If performance deteriorates, the first reaction will be to impose tighter control over implementation.
If this is ineffective, a new strategy may be developed. However, this will take place within the constraints
of the cultural web. By the time the organisation's leaders understand and accept that cultural change is
required, it may be too late.

3.4 The Icarus paradox

Miller describes the way in which a once successful paradigm becomes obsolete, referring to the effect as
the Icarus paradox.
Miller suggests that when companies succeed, their success can lead to a kind of dislocated feedback of
the qualities that made them succeed; this distortion then leads to failure.
Miller diagnoses four important aspects of this distortion.
(a) Leadership failures occur when success reinforces top management's preconceptions, makes
them over confident, less concerned for the customer's views, conceited and obstinate.

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 527

(b) Cultural domination by star departments and their ideologies leads to intolerance of other ideas
and reduces the capacity for innovative and flexible response.
(c) Power games and politics are used by dominant managers and departments to resist change and
amplify current strategic thinking.
(d) Corporate memory, consisting of processes, habits and reflexes, is substituted for careful thought
about new problems.
The interplay of these factors leads to decline, usually along one of four trajectories.
(a) Craftsmen become tinkerers. Quality driven engineering firms become obsessed with irrelevant
technical detail.
(b) Builders become imperialists. Acquisitive, growth driven companies over-expand into areas they
cannot manage properly.
(c) Pioneers become escapists. Companies whose core competence is technically superb innovation
and state-of-the-art products lose focus and waste their resources on grandiose and impractical
(d) Salesmen become drifters. Marketing oriented companies with stables of valuable brands become
bureaucratic pursuers of sales figures whose market offerings become stale and uninspired.

3.5 Political processes

It is common to view organisations as arenas of political activity: we discussed the political aspects of
change management earlier in this Study Text.

Key term The political view of strategy development is that strategies develop as the outcome of processes of
bargaining and negotiation among powerful internal or external interest groups (or stakeholders).

The political view is reasonable, in that powerful executives are likely to defend and seek to extend their
power and influence. It is probable that both information flows and strategic analysis will therefore be
influenced by political manoeuvres. Existing strategies and potential challengers will become identified
with particular factions and the outcome of strategic choice may amount to victory and defeat if
compromise is not reached. It is reasonable to view the political processes of negotiation as a kind of
emergent or incremental approach to making strategy.
Nevertheless, the political process is equally capable of leading to significant innovation, as powerful
managers seek new ideas to enhance their own power.

Exam focus We have said that emergent strategies are to be contrasted with intended strategies in that they come
point about as a result of the every day activities decisions and processes that take place at all levels of the
organisation. In this context, it is important to remember the relational diagram of your syllabus: process
change, quality initiatives and e-business are both the important elements of strategic implementation and
sources from which unintended strategies are likely to emerge.

4 Diversity of strategic processes

There is no single correct way to develop strategy and effective strategies may well result from the
simultaneous working of more than one process.

We have examined a wide range of means of arriving at strategy and considered the advantages and
disadvantages of each. The picture is complex and somewhat obscure, but we may offer some comments
on the idea of strategic method, based, as usual, on JS&W.
(a) There is no single correct way to develop a strategy. This is important because it highlights the
importance of context. For example, we would expect the way strategies develop in a rapidly
changing environment to be different to the way strategies develop in an environment with little

528 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

(b) Strategy development is likely to vary at different times and in different contexts.
(c) Different managers will perceive strategy development differently. For example, top managers
tend to see their strategic work as rational and intended; middle managers may be more aware of
the impact of politics.
(d) It is unlikely that any organisation's strategy is the result of a single process; several are likely to be
at work, and this may well produce a more successful outcome than a single approach.

5 Challenges and implications

Organisational learning can form a strong base for the development of strategy, especially when
environmental conditions are both complex and dynamic. Simple and static conditions permit a planning
approach. Stable but complex environments promote decentralisation of strategic development.

Our discussion above raises some challenges and implications for the management of strategy

5.1 Strategic drift

We have discussed the nature of strategic drift already. The tendency to prefer small adjustments can lead
to a growing mismatch between strategic posture and strategic reality. Cultural rigidity can also reduce the
organisation's ability to innovate and confine it to simply reacting to its environment rather than seeking
to influence it.
The challenge for strategic managers here is to promote the ability and inclination to challenge received
wisdom in a creative and objective way. A strategy-making system that incorporates more than one of the
approaches discussed in this chapter is more likely to be successful at this than concentrating on any one
in particular.

5.2 The learning organisation

Continuing challenge to assumptions and search for improvement are typical of a learning organisation.
We have already considered some aspects of organisational learning in our coverage of knowledge
management earlier in this Study Text.

Key term A learning organisation is capable of continual regeneration from the variety of knowledge, experience
and skills of individuals within a culture that encourages mutual questioning and challenge around a
shared purpose or vision. JS&W

A learning organisation emphasises the sharing of information and knowledge both up and down the
normal communication channels and horizontally through social networks and interest groups. It
challenges notions of hierarchy and managers are facilitators rather than controllers. Such an organisation
is inherently capable of change. The concept has much in common with that of logical incrementalism.
The challenge is to combine the advantages of rational planning with the resilience and adaptability
provided by the learning approach.

5.3 Uncertainty and complexity

Not only must strategy take account of environmental conditions, the system and methods used in its
development must also be appropriate to those conditions. It is usual in this context to analyse an
organisation's environment along axes of complexity and change.
Simple and static environments are amenable to analysis and forecasting based on history and leading
indicators and the rational model of strategy is more or less appropriate. However, this approach becomes
less useful as environmental conditions become more complex or more dynamic, or both simultaneously.

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 529

Organisational design becomes important in environments that are reasonably stable but display
significant complexity. Decentralisation into specialised organisational parts will allow the various aspects
of the environment to be dealt with separately as they evolve.
Relatively simple environments that are subject to rapid change will display significant uncertainty.
Scenario planning may be a useful technique under these conditions. Extensive and continuous
environmental scanning will be required and the creativity and cooperation typical of logical
incrementalism and the learning organisation will be required.
Complex and dynamic environments present the greatest challenge. Decentralisation is also appropriate
here, combined with an acceptance at the strategic centre that operation experience and learning present
at the periphery represent the organisation's greatest strategic strength.

Simple Complex

Historical analysis and Decentralisation and
forecasting specialisation

Scenario planning Decentralisation

Logical incrementalism Specialisation
Learning organisation Experience
Dynamic Learning

Environment and strategy development

5.4 Managing strategy development

As we have already indicated, the use of more than one approach is likely to be useful when an
organisation develops its strategy. Also, the processes it uses are likely to vary with its circumstances.
JS&W complete their consideration of the management of strategy development by considering some
further, connected points.
(a) It will be necessary to select different development processes for different purposes in the same
organisation. Co-ordination across SBUs will require a rational approach, but within each business
unit a different approach, perhaps based on learning may be appropriate, for example.
(b) Managers responsible for strategy development must therefore take care to ensure that
appropriate processes are used in each separate context.
(c) Managers at the strategic apex must consider their role, since there are several approaches they
can use.
(d) In divisionalised organisations, it is likely that different levels will use different strategic
processes, with an emphasis on rational planning at the centre and on experience and learning in
the divisions.
(e) Therefore, managers at different levels must understand the importance of the roles played at
other levels.

530 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

5.5 Reviewing strategy
At the end of this book, it is appropriate to review the subject of strategy as a whole, and we will do so by
looking again at the relational diagram of syllabus capabilities.

Strategic position(A) Strategic choices(B) Strategic action(C)

Information Project Financial
technology management analysis
(E) (F) (G)

People (H)

The diagram illustrates the importance of having an overall strategic perspective (position, choice, action)
but also highlights the need for all the components of an organisation to fit with, and support, that
strategy. The middle and bottom layers of the relational diagram show this.
However, remember the double headed arrow between the top and the middle layers indicates that as well
as being planned (top down), strategy can also emerge (middle up) from the operational activities of an
Effective strategy is both planned and emergent. Good plans are the foundations of any strategy, but the
real story lies in how the strategy unfolds, and how the various parts of an organisation react and adapt to
what is happening around them.

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 531

Chapter Roundup
Realised strategy may emerge from everyday actions and routine decisions, or it may be the result of
considered intention. Intended strategies may also fail to be realised.
Intended strategies are developed in a systematic way, making use of rational procedures and, probably,
specialist staff. This approach has advantages associated with system and method and disadvantages
associated with ponderousness and inflexibility. More recently, workshops and project teams have been
used to develop intended strategies and strategy consultants have been employed.
Logical incrementalism develops strategy in small experimental steps. Resource allocation procedures
may lead to the emergence of strategy, as may the cultural processes that make up the paradigm.
However, an obsolete paradigm will lead to strategic drift and the emergence of inappropriate strategic
moves. Strategies may emerge from the bargaining and negotiation associated with political activity.
The practices developed during detailed strategic implementation may also be a source of emergent strategies.
There is no single correct way to develop strategy and effective strategies may well be the result from the
simultaneous working of more than one process.
Organisational learning can form a strong base for the development of strategy, especially when
environmental conditions are both complex and dynamic. Simple and static conditions permit a planning
approach. Stable but complex environments promote decentralisation of strategic development.

Quick Quiz
1 The sources of realised strategy may be divided into two categories. What are they?
2 How might intended strategies be developed?
3 Theorists have described several sources of emergent strategies. What are they?
4 What is strategic drift?
5 Can you recommend a single mode of strategy development that will be satisfactory under all conditions?

532 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development

Answers to Quick quiz
1 Intended strategies and emergent strategies
2 Typically, within planning departments, but more recently, through workshops and project teams and by
employing consultants
3 Logical incrementalism, resource allocation routines, cultural processes and political processes
4 Strategic drift occurs when strategies progressively fail to address the strategic position of an
organisation, and its performance deteriorates. Strategic drift reflects a preference for minor adjustments
rather than clear changes to address performance issues.
5 You might try, but would be ill-advised to do so. There is no single way to develop strategy. A strategy
must always be appropriate to its context.

Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank

Number Level Marks Time

Q16 Examination 50 90 mins

This question is actually a case study question with an extensive scenario. This brings together many of the
themes that you have studied throughout this text book and is included to give you an idea as to the length of
question you will be likely to face in the compulsory Section A of your P3 exam.

Part I Strategic development 16: Strategic development 533

534 16: Strategic development Part I Strategic development
Exam question and answer

1 Bartok Fuel 20 mins
Bartok Fuel is a private company run by two brothers, David and Sean Bartok. The company was founded
in the 1960s by their father, Gerald, who started life with a petrol station and car repair workshop. After
some years, Gerald expanded by buying a tanker and starting to distribute household fuel to customers.
This part of the business has grown successfully and now has some 15 tankers and an annual turnover of
$30 million.
In the 1960s, the car repair business included the manufacture of car windscreens. From this grew an
element of the business, called Bartok Glass, which now makes sealed glass window units for the
construction industry and has a turnover of about $8 million.
During the 1970s and 1980s Gerald had purchased a number of sites from which petrol was sold. These
sites are still owned by the company but are now leased to other companies and used for a variety of
purposes. The original garage no longer exists, but the company still operates a car dealership and repair
workshop in the centre of Erewhon, a large town in the country Oceania. This part of the business started
in the 1990s and for some time was fairly profitable, particularly when it was a luxury car dealership run
by Gerald's younger son, Sean. However, due to changes in the market place, the luxury car franchise had
to be sold and the business now sells budget cars.
The fuel distribution and glass businesses continue to be fairly profitable under the management of the
older brother David, but the car business is facing hard times. The car retail business is notoriously cut-
throat, with margins as low as 2 3% and very high targets set by the manufacturers. The car dealership
also deals in second hand cars and this area is slightly more profitable. This division now employs about
50 people.
David is the managing director of the company and at a recent board meeting he put forward a number of
proposals for improving the profitability of the car dealership and garage. One suggestion is that the site
should be sold for its development potential and the car dealership brought to an end.
A further option brought up by David is the potential for entering the emerging market for fuel distribution
in the distant country of Arcadia. He has recently met an Arcadian entrepreneur who was visiting Oceania,
who is making considerable profits in this area and is looking for investment from a new partner. David is
very keen on this option and is trying to push it through.
(a) Describe the approach to strategy that Bartok Fuel has adopted in the past.
(b) What factors should the Board consider before making any decisions on the proposals to dispose
of the Erewhon site for development and to enter the Arcadian fuel distribution market?

2 EMS 15 mins
The Environment Management Society (EMS) was established in 1999 by environment practitioners who
felt that environmental management and audit should have its own qualification. EMS has its own Board
who report to a Council of eight members. Policy is made by the Board and ratified by Council. EMS is
registered as a private limited entity.
EMS employs staff to administer its qualification and to provide services to its members. The qualification
began as one certificate, developed by the original founding members of the Society. It has since been
developed, by members and officers of the EMS, into a four certificate scheme leading to a Diploma. EMS
employs a full-time chief examiner who is responsible for setting the certificate examinations which take
place monthly in training centres throughout the country. No examinations are currently held in other
If candidates pass all four papers they can undertake an oral Diploma examination. If they pass this oral
they are eligible to become members. All examinations are open-book one hour examinations, preceded
by 15 minutes reading time. At a recent meeting, EMS Council rejected the concept of computer-based
assessment. They felt that competence in this area was best assessed by written examination answers.

Exam Exam question bank 537

Candidate numbers for the qualification have fallen dramatically in the last two years. The Board of EMS
has concluded that this drop reflects the maturing marketplace in the country. Many people who were
practitioners in environmental management and audit when the qualification was introduced have now
gained their Diploma. The stream of new candidates and hence members is relatively small.
Consequently, the EMS Board has suggested that they should now look to attract international candidates
and it has targeted countries where environmental management and audit is becoming more important. It
is now formulating a strategy to launch the qualification in India, China and Russia.
However, any strategy has to recognise that both the EMS Board and the Council are very cautious and
notably risk averse. EMS is only confident about its technical capability within a restricted definition of
environmental management and audit. Attempts to look at complementary qualification areas (such as soil
and water conservation) have been swiftly rejected by Council as being non-core areas and therefore
outside the scope of their expertise.
Internal development, acquisitions and strategic alliances are three development methods by which an
organisation's strategic direction can be pursued. Explain the principles of internal development and
discuss how appropriate this development method is to EMS. (8 marks)

3 Natalia Norman 45 mins

Natalia Norman is a designer and manufacturer of knitwear clothing. She has based her designs on ethnic
patterns, inspired by clothing she has seen in Central Asia. She has sourced her products both from these
Asian regions Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan as well as from small factories in parts of the United
Kingdom. Her products, though stylish, are relatively cheap, but her marketing strategy is totally passive.
She has a web-site and most of her sales are reactive, responding to orders over the internet. The
resultant sales and, in particular, profits have been disappointing and so she has hired a marketing
consultant to give her some advice. The following are extracts from the consultant's report.
'Your product, although distinctive, is insufficiently unique. The designs have no patents nor copyright and
because the production technology is so simple and inexpensive there are few barriers to entry.
Competition is all too prevalent. Your promotion is too general. It focuses on no specific market. By
relying on the internet your advertising is rather indiscriminate and you have failed to create a loyal
following and your image is diffused with little opportunity for building brand awareness. There is a failure
within distribution. Most consumers wish to see, handle or try on products before making a purchase,
particularly if the products do not already have a well-established reputation and/or a brand name. In your
case the only exposure your products have is via the world-wide web. Your pricing structure is too cost-
based. You are able to source your products cheaply but your margins are too low to provide you with the
necessary capital to reinvest if the business is to develop profitably in the future.
You have failed to establish yourself in the market place as a dominant player. Too many of your business
decisions are reactive and often too late to have adequate impact. You are following market trends and not
attempting to lead them.'
Natalia is naturally disturbed by the criticisms which this report has levelled at her company's operations
and has decided that she must be more positive in her actions. In particular she has decided that her
marketing efforts must be more focused and she must pursue more proactively her competitive activities.
In order to focus her company's marketing efforts more precisely Natalia has decided to segment the
market for knitwear products.
(a) Suggest potential bases for segmenting this knitwear market and discuss the benefits which a
more focused segmentation could bring to the company. (15 marks)
(b) Evaluate strategies which Natalia might pursue as a market follower to make her knitwear company
more competitive. (10 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)

538 Exam question bank

4 Firebridge Tyres Ltd 36 mins
Firebridge Tyres Ltd (FTL) is a wholly owned UK subsidiary of Gonzales Tyre Corporation (GTC) of the
USA. FTL manufactures and sells tyres under a number of different brand names.
(a) Firespeed, offering high product quality, at a price which offers good value for money
(b) Freeway, a cheap brand, effectively a standard tyre
(c) Tufload, for lorries and commercial vehicles
FTL has good relationships with car firms and distributors.
GTC is rather less focused; not only does it make tyres and some other components, but it also owns a
chain of car service centres specialising in minor maintenance matters such as tyre replacement, exhaust
fitting, and wheel balancing.
FTL has experienced a fall in sales revenue, partly as a result of competition from overseas producers, in
what is effectively a mature market. Moreover, sales of new cars have not been as high as had been
hoped, and consumers are more reluctant than before to part with their money.
FTL's managers have had meetings with GTC's managers as to how to revive the fortunes of the company.
FTL would like to export to the US and to Asia. GTC has vetoed this suggestion, as FTL's tyres would
compete with GTC's. Instead, GTC suggests that FTL imitate GTC's strategy by running a chain of service
stations similar to GTC's service stations in the US. GTC feels that vertical integration would offer profits in
its own right and provide a distribution network which would reduce the impact of competition from other
tyre manufacturers. GTC has no shortage of cash.
You are a strategic consultant to FTL.
(a) Discuss the principal factors in the external environment that would influence FTL's strategic
choice. (6 marks)
(b) Describe the barriers to entry that FTL might face if it decided to enter the service centre business.
(6 marks)
(c) Assess whether FTL's existing strategic capability gives it a good chance of success in the service
(8 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)

5 Nadir Products: ethics 36 mins

John Staples is the Finance Director of Nadir Products plc, a company which manufactures and sells
bathroom products such as baths, sinks and toilets. These products are sold through a selection of
specialist shops and through larger stores. Customers include professional plumbers and also ordinary
householders who are renovating their houses themselves. The company operates at the lower end of the
market and does not have a strong reputation for service. Sales have been slowly declining whereas those
of competitors have been improving. In order to encourage increased sales the Board of Directors have
decided to pay senior staff a bonus if certain targets are achieved. The two main targets are based on
profit levels and annual sales. Two months before the end of the financial year the Finance Director asks
one of his staff to check through the orders and accounts to assess the current situation. He is informed
that without a sudden improvement in sales before the year end the important sales targets will not be met
and so bonuses will be adversely affected.
The Finance Director has proposed to other senior staff that this shortfall in sales can be corrected by
taking one of the following decisions.
1. A significant discount can be offered to any retail outlet which takes delivery of additional products
prior to the end of the financial year.
2. Scheduled orders due to be delivered at the beginning of the next financial year can be brought
forward and billed before the end of this year.

EExam question bank 539

3. Distributors can be told that there is a risk of price increases in the future and that it will be
advisable to order early so as to circumvent this possibility.
The Board is not sure of the implications associated with such decisions.
(a) As a consultant, prepare a report for the Board of Nadir Products assessing the commercial and
ethical implications associated with each of the proposed options mentioned above. (8 marks)
(b) Assess the significance of the corporate social responsibility model for Nadir Products. (12 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)

6 Arragon Antennas
Arragon Antennas Ltd is a company based in the country of Dragovia. It designs and manufactures
antennas for airborne navigation and communication systems. The industry is characterised by dedication
to high technical standards because of the demands of aircraft safety. There are three main parts to the
business: design and integration of antennas for new aircraft; aftermarket spares for existing systems; and
sub-contract manufacture of other firms' designs.
Design of new installations is highly technical and very time consuming since it depends on extensive
tests, including test flying. Globally, there are only three other manufacturers capable of this work.
The aftermarket operation includes spares for Arragon's own products and for antennas the company has
designed to replace the other three manufacturers' own proprietary designs. Sales of the latter are
somewhat price sensitive, but the aircraft spares market generally is characterised by the high prices
charged to captive customers for approved spares.
Demand for subcontracting work tends to be intermittent but forms a profitable supplement to the
manufacture of the company's own designs. Nobody in the industry thinks it odd that Arragon should both
manufacture for and compete with other firms.
Arragon's market is now being threatened by Wizzomatic Inc, which is a subsidiary of a major armaments
group based in the larger country of Erewhon. Wizzomatic is offering a family of standardised antennas
derived from its work for the Erewhon government. The antennas offer a substantial price advantage over
most proprietary designs and are being promoted as suitable for most applications.
(a) Assess the strategic options available to Arragon Antennas.
(b) Suggest an appropriate marketing mix for Arragon Antennas'.

7 United Products
United Products (UP) was formed 46 years ago by the merger of two large commercial organisations: Bulk
Foods and Rowbotham Enterprises. Over the years it has acquired and disposed of several businesses and
now has operations in Europe and North America. It has wholly owned subsidiaries operating in flour
milling; vineyards; grocery retailing; agricultural machinery manufacturing and distribution; chemicals
(particularly fertilisers); publishing; film production; and forestry. It is also involved via joint ventures and
partnerships in quarrying, electronics design and clothes retailing.
The company is regarded by investors as fairly safe but dull. Its growth has not kept pace with its
competitors and some of its divisions' performance is distinctly poor.
UP is organised into divisions, some of which are product based and some geographically based. Control
is devolved to the CEOs of each division, subject to the compilation and submission of detailed monthly
performance reports to the corporate HQ in Fazackerley, near Liverpool in the UK. Corporate HQ requires
that each division has identifiable managers responsible for production, sales and finance. These
managers are frequently visited by senior members of the relevant head office staff. It is corporate policy
to promote from within, and all divisional CEOs must have experience of working both at corporate HQ
and in at least three divisions.

540 Exam question bank

There has been a history of disputes between HQ and the divisions. Many have complained about the
complexity of the monthly reports and the cost of compiling them. Some have said that they find HQ
requirements and visits to be disruptive and counter-productive. However, the Corporate CEO, is very
concerned about the tendency of the divisions to go their own way.
(a) Evaluate the way that UP is currently organised.
(b) What is a virtual organisation? Assess whether such an approach would be suitable for any of UP's

8 Auto Direct 22 mins

Mark Howe, Managing Director of Auto Direct, is a victim of his own success. Mark has created an
innovative way of selling cars to the public which takes advantage of the greater freedom given to
independent car distributors to market cars more aggressively within the European Union. This reduces
the traditional control and interference of the automobile manufacturers, some of whom own their
distributors. He has opened a number of showrooms in the London region and by 2004 Auto Direct had
20 outlets in and around London. The concept is deceptively simple; Mark buys cars from wherever he can
source them most cheaply and has access to all of the leading volume car models. He then concentrates
on selling the cars to the public, leaving servicing and repair work to other specialist garages. He offers a
classic high volume/low margin business model.
Mark now wants to develop this business model onto a national and eventually an international basis. His
immediate plans are to grow the number of outlets by 50% each year for the next three years. Such
growth will place considerable strain on the existing organisation and staff. Each showroom has its own
management team, sales personnel and administration. Currently the 20 showrooms are grouped into a
Northern and Southern Sales Division with a small head office team for each division. Auto Direct now
employs 250 people.
Using appropriate strategies for managing change provide Mark with a brief report on how he should
pursue his proposed growth plans. (12 marks)

9 BPR and supply chain 15 mins

ABC has a chain of twenty supermarkets. When inventory items reach their re-order level in a supermarket
the in-store computerised inventory system informs the stock clerk. The clerk then raises a request daily
to the ABC central warehouse for replenishment of inventory via fax or e-mail. If the local warehouse has
available stock, it is forwarded to the supermarket within twenty-four hours of receiving the request. If the
local warehouse cannot replenish the stock from its inventory holding, it raises a purchase order to one of
its suppliers. The supplier delivers the inventory to the warehouse and the warehouse then delivers the
required inventory to the supermarkets within the area. The ABC area warehouse staff conduct all business
communication with suppliers.
ABC recently contracted an IT consultant to analyse and make recommendations concerning their current
supply chain briefly described above. Following the initial investigation the consultant reported.
'To enable an established traditional company like ABC to develop a Virtual Supply Chain system it may be
necessary to employ a Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) approach.'
With reference to the above scenario, describe what is meant by a Business Process Re-engineering

EExam question bank 541

10 Fashion retailer 45 mins
Paul Singh operates in the fashion clothing industry, owning 20 retail stores selling mainly to the teenage
and youth market. This industry segment, comprising many small firms, each with a few retail stores, has
very few large scale competitors. Paul's business has grown at a rapid rate with him acquiring his first
store only five years ago. Despite this growth in business there has never been any associated integration
of activities. Paul has been too busy growing his company to pay attention to consolidation and efficiency.
However, he has now realised that despite this fast expansion his profits have not grown at the same rate
as turnover. This part of the fashion business operates with very slim margins. The products are cheap but
with the ever changing demand for fashion garments there are few opportunities for individual stores to
hold inventory for long periods of time. This has prevented Paul from taking advantage of economies of
Each of his stores has tended to be run in isolation. Paul has left his local managers to decide on buying
inventory and on merchandising. His view has been that these managers are nearer to the customers and
therefore they will know the fashion trends better. This appears to have worked with regard to turnover but
he now needs to operate in a more cost-conscious manner. His computing system is being used in a old-
fashioned way. It focuses on providing store accounts and is really only used by the small financial team
(largely unqualified or still studying) located at the Head Office. Paul has been talking to friends who are
operating in similar but non-competitive environments, and they have told him how useful they have found
the up-to-date computer-based information systems. Several standard software packages have
recommended. However, one person has said that it would be more cost-effective to have a standard
package modified to fit Paul's particular business operations.
(a) Using a suitable model to support your arguments explain how the strategic use of information
systems could provide Paul with a competitive edge in this currently fragmented industry.
(12 marks)
(b) Acting in the role of a consultant, write a report to Paul discussing packages generally and
assessing the two software package options that have been suggested. (13 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)

11 Good Sports Ltd 45 mins

Good Sports Limited is an independent sports goods retailer owned and operated by two partners, Alan
and Bob, based in the country of Oceania. The sports retailing business in Oceania has undergone a major
change over the past ten years. First of all the supply side has been transformed by the emergence of a
few global manufacturers of the core sports products, such as training shoes and football shirts. This
consolidation has made them increasingly unwilling to provide good service to the independent
sportswear retailers too small to buy in sufficiently large quantities. These independent retailers can stock
popular global brands, but have to order using the Internet and have no opportunity to meet the
manufacturer's sales representatives. Secondly, Oceania's sportswear retailing has undergone significant
structural change with the rapid growth of a small number of national retail chains with the buying power
to offset the power of the global manufacturers. These retail chains stock a limited range of high volume
branded products and charge low prices the independent retailer cannot hope to match.
Good Sports has survived by becoming a specialist niche retailer catering for less popular sports such as
cricket, hockey and rugby. They are able to offer the specialist advice and stock the goods that their
customers want. In recent years Good Sports has become aware of the growing impact of e-business in
general and e-retailing in particular. They employed a specialist website designer and created an online
purchasing facility for their customers. The results were less than impressive, with the Internet search
engines not picking up the company website. The seasonal nature of Good Sports' business, together with
the variations in sizes and colours needed to meet an individual customer's needs, meant that the sales
volumes were insufficient to justify the costs of running the site.

542 Exam question bank

Bob, however, is convinced that developing an e-business strategy suited to the needs of the independent
sports retailer such as Good Sports will be key to business survival. He has been encouraged by the
growing interest of customers in other countries to the service and product range they offer. He is also
aware of the need to integrate an e-business strategy with their current marketing, which to date has been
limited to the sponsorship of local sports teams and advertisements taken in specialist sports magazines.
Above all, he wants to avoid head-on competition with the national retailers and their emphasis on popular
branded sportswear sold at retail prices that are below the cost price at which Good Sports can buy the
(a) Provide the partners with a short report on the advantages and disadvantages to Good Sports of
developing an e-business strategy and the processes most likely to be affected by such a strategy.
(15 marks)
(b) Good Sports Limited has successfully followed a niche strategy to date.
Assess the extent to which an appropriate e-business strategy could help support such a niche
(10 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)

12 DRB 45 mins
DRB Electronic Services operates in a high labour cost environment in Western Europe and imports
electronic products from the Republic of Korea. It re-brands and re-packages them as DRB products and
then sells them to business and domestic customers in the local geographical region. Its only current
source of supply is ISAS electronics based in a factory on the outskirts of Seoul, the capital of the
Republic of Korea. DRB regularly places orders for ISAS products through the ISAS web-site and pays for
them by credit card. As soon as the payment is confirmed ISAS automatically e-mails DRB a confirmation
of order, an order reference number and likely shipping date. When the order is actually despatched, ISAS
send DRB a notice of despatch e-mail and a container reference number. ISAS currently organises all the
shipping of the products. The products are sent in containers and then trans-shipped to EIF, the logistics
company used by ISAS to distribute its products. EIF then delivers the products to the DRB factory. Once
they arrive, they are quality inspected and products that pass the inspection are re-branded as DRB
products (by adding appropriate logos) and packaged in specially fabricated DRB boxes. These products
are then stored ready for sale. All customer sales are from stock. Products that fail the inspection are
returned to ISAS.
Currently 60% of sales are made to domestic customers and 40% to business customers. Most domestic
customers pick up their products from DRB and set them up themselves. In contrast, most business
customers ask DRB to set up the electronic equipment at their offices, for which DRB makes a small
charge. DRB currently advertises its products in local and regional newspapers. DRB also has a web site
which provides product details. Potential customers can enquire about the specification and availability of
products through an e-mail facility in the web site. DRB then e-mails an appropriate response directly to
the person making the enquiry. Payment for products cannot currently be made through the web site.
Feedback from existing customers suggests that they particularly value the installation and support offered
by the company. The company employs specialist technicians who (for a fee) will install equipment in both
homes and offices. They will also come out and troubleshoot problems with equipment that is still under
warranty. DRB also offer a helpline and a back to base facility for customers whose products are out of
warranty. Feedback from current customers suggests that this support is highly valued. One commented
that 'it contrasts favourably with your large customers who offer support through impersonal off-shore
call centres and a time-consuming returns policy'. Customers can also pay for technicians to come on-site
to sort out problems with out-of-warranty equipment.
DRB now plans to increase their product range and market share. It plans to grow from its current
turnover of $5m per annum to $12m per annum in two years time. Dilip Masood, the owner of DRB,

EExam question bank 543

believes that DRB must change its business model if it is to achieve this growth. He believes that these
changes will also have to tackle problems associated with:
Missing, or potentially missing shipments. Shipments can only be tracked through contacting the
shipment account holder, ISAS, and on occasions they have been reluctant or unable to help. The
trans-shipment to EIF has also caused problems and this has usually been identified as the point
where goods have been lost. ISAS does not appear to be able to reliably track the relationship
between the container shipment and the Waybills used in the EIF system.
The likely delivery dates of orders, the progress of orders and the progress of shipments is poorly
specified and monitored. Hence deliveries are relatively unpredictable and this can cause
congestion problems in the delivery bay.
Dilip also recognises that growth will mean that the company has to sell more products outside its region
and the technical installation and support so valued by local customers will be difficult to maintain. He is
also adamant that DRB will continue to import only fully configured products. It is not interested in
importing components and assembling them. DRB also does not wish to build or invest in assembly
plants overseas or to commit to a long-term contract with one supplier.
(a) Draw the primary activities of DRB on a value chain. Comment on the significance of each of these
activities and the value that they offer to customers. (9 marks)
(b) Explain how DRB might re-structure its upstream supply chain to achieve the growth required by
DRB and to tackle the problems that Dilip Masood has identified. (10 marks)
(c) Explain how DRB might re-structure its downstream supply chain to achieve the growth required.
(6 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)

13 Project initiation 36 mins

Project management in the ABC company
Dave is the project manager in-charge of a project team installing new software in the ABC Company. The
installation is currently three weeks behind schedule, with only seven weeks left before the installation
should be complete. Due to the time constraints, Dave has cancelled all project meetings to try and focus
his team on meeting the project deadlines. While this action has had some slight improvement in the
amount of work being carried out, members of the team have been complaining that they cannot discuss
problems easily. Most of the team are professional staff with appropriate project management
Over the last week, both of the systems analysts have left to move onto other assignments due to double
bookings by the project management company. This did not help the morale of the remaining team
members. To try and compensate for the lack of staff, the project manager has asked two other team
members with a small amount of systems analysis experience to continue their jobs. To try and impress
upon them the seriousness of the situation, Dave also made these members responsible for any mistakes
in the analysis documentation.
In the last few days, the working situation in the team has become significantly worse, with many minor
quarrels and disagreements breaking out. Dave has chosen to ignore these problems, and simply asked
the team to focus on completing the project.
(a) Identify and explain where the ABC Company project is being poorly managed. (10 marks)
(b) Explain how the project manager can help resolve these difficulties. (10 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)

544 Exam question bank

Guidance note
You may find it easier to structure your answer with headings for each problem you identify, and then in
two separate paragraphs, answer the two parts of the question. This should ensure that actions to resolve
the problem are included in your answer.

14 Educational Institution 45 mins

You are a newly-appointed Finance Manager of an Educational Institution that is mainly government-
funded, having moved from a similar post in a service company in the private sector. The objective, or
mission statement, of this Institution is shown in its publicity material as:
'To achieve recognised standards of excellence in the provision of teaching and research.'
The only financial performance measure evaluated by the government is that the Institution has to remain
within cash limits. The cash allocation each year is determined by a range of non-financial measures such
as the number of research publications the Institution's staff have achieved and official ratings for
teaching quality.
However, almost 20% of total cash generated by the Institution is now from the provision of courses and
seminars to private sector companies, using either its own or its customers' facilities. These customers
are largely unconcerned about research ratings and teaching quality as they relate more to academic
awards such as degrees.
The Head of the Institution aims to increase the percentage of income coming from the private sector to
50% over the next five years. She has asked you to advise on how the management team can evaluate
progress towards achieving this aim as well as meeting the objective set by government for the activities it
(a) Discuss the main issues that an Institution such as this has to consider when setting objectives.
Advise on:
(i) Whether a financial objective, or objectives, could or should be determined
(ii) Whether such objective(s) should be made public (9 marks)
(b) The following is a list of financial and non-financial performance measures that were in use in your
previous company:
Value added Competitive position
Profitability Customer satisfaction
Return on investment Market share
Choose two of each type of measure, explain their purpose and advise on how they could be used
by the Educational Institution over the next five years to assess how it is meeting the Head of the
Institution's aims. (16 marks)
Note. A report format is NOT required in answering this question. (Total = 25 marks)

15 Coxford Doors 18 mins

Coxford Doors is a family owned wood products company, specialising in producing doors and windows
to be sold directly to house builders. There are currently no sales directly to homeowners who may wish
to purchase doors and windows to replace their existing ones. In recent years the industry has become
much more competitive. Most of the customers are now large nationwide builders, the industry having
gone through a period of consolidation. These customers generally require standardised products in large
volume, and they buy on the basis of low prices and guarantees of regular delivery. This has put great
pressure on companies such as Coxford Doors. This company is still operating as if it were dealing with

EExam question bank 545

the fragmented market of twenty years ago. The family, in seeking uninterrupted growth, has permitted the
workforce to have a substantial degree of self-management. This has avoided industrial unrest but there
have been disadvantages to this approach. This delegated decision-making has led to delays in
manufacturing and problems with quality. There has appeared to be a lack of focus. Consequently the
company has lost important contracts and is gradually seeing its sales volume and profits decline.
The family has employed Andrew Smith as the new Managing Director, giving him the responsibility for
turning the company around. He has decided that power and control must now return to the centre. The
passive style of management pursued in the earlier years is now giving way to a more centralised and
autocratic approach. However it is obvious that such a change in management style could create even
further problems for the company.
Discuss the benefits and problems which this more centralised style of management might bring to
Coxford Doors. (10 marks)

16 Shirtmaster Group 90 mins

Tony Masters, chairman and chief executive of the Shirtmaster Group, is worried. He has recently
responded to his senior management team's concerns over the future of the Group by reluctantly agreeing
to appoint an external management consultant. The consultant's brief is to fully analyse the performance
of the privately owned company, identify key strategic and operational problems and recommend a future
strategy for the company. Tony is concerned that the consultant's report will seriously question his role in
the company and the growth strategy he is proposing.
Group origins and structure
Tony's father, Howard Masters, set up Shirtmaster in the 1950s in Elmrich, the capital city of the country
of Gondour . Howard was a skilled tailor and saw the potential for designing and manufacturing a
distinctive range of men's shirts and ties marketed under the 'Shirtmaster' brand. Howard set up a shirt
manufacturing company with good access to the employee skills needed to design and make shirts.
Howard had recognised the opportunity to make distinctive shirts incorporating innovative design features
including the latest man-made fibres. In the 1960s Elmrich was a global fashion centre exploiting the UK's
leading position in popular music. Men became much more fashion conscious, and were willing to pay
premium prices for clothes with style and flair. Shirtmaster by the 1960s had built up a Gondour-wide
network of more than 2,000 small independent clothing retailers. These retailers sold the full range of
men's wear including made-to-measure suits, shirts and matching ties, shoes and other clothing
accessories. Extensive and expensive TV and cinema advertising supported the Shirtmaster brand.
The Shirtmaster Group is made up of two divisions the Shirtmaster division which concentrates on the
retail shirt business and the Corporate Clothing division which supplies workwear to large industrial and
commercial customers. Corporate Clothing has similar origins to Shirtmaster, also being a family owned
and managed business and is located in the same town as Shirtmaster. It was set up to supply
hardwearing jeans and workwear to the many factory workers in the region. The decline of Gondour
manufacturing and allied industries led to profitability problems and in 1990 the Shirtmaster Group
acquired it. Tony took over executive responsibility for the Group in 1996 and continues to act as
managing director for the Shirtmaster Division.
Shirtmaster division operations and market environment
By 2008 the Godour market for men's shirts was very different to that of the 1960s and 1970s when
Shirtmaster had become one of the best known premium brands. In a mature market most of
Shirtmaster's competitors have outsourced the making of their shirts to low cost manufacturers based
overseas in Catopia and Europolis. Shirtmaster is virtually alone in maintaining a Gondour manufacturing
base. Once a year Tony and the buyer for the division go Eurpolis, visiting cloth manufacturers and buying
for stock. This stock, stored in the division's warehouse, gives the ability to create a wide range of shirt
designs but creates real problems with excessive stock holdings and outdated stock. Shirtmaster prides
itself on its ability to respond to the demands of its small retail customers and the long-term relationships

546 Exam question bank

built up with these retailers. Typically, these retailers order in small quantities and want quick delivery.
Shirtmaster has to introduce new shirt designs throughout the year, contrasting with the spring and
autumn ranges launched by its competitors. This creates real pressure on the small design team available.
The retail side of the shirt business has undergone even more fundamental change. Though the market for
branded shirts continues to exist, such shirts are increasingly sold through large departmental stores.
There is increasing competition between the shirt makers for the limited shelf space available in the
departmental stores. Shopping centres and malls are increasingly dominated by nationwide chains of
specialist clothing retailers. They sell to the premium segment of the market and are regarded as the
trendsetters for the industry. These chains can develop quickly, often using franchising to achieve rapid
growth, and are increasingly international in scope. All of them require their suppliers to make their
clothes under the chain's own label brand. Some have moved successfully into selling via catalogues and
the Internet. Finally, the Gondour supermarket chains have discovered the profitability of selling nonfood
goods. The shirts they sell are aimed at value for money rather than style, sourced wherever they can be
made most cheaply and sold under the supermarket's own label. Small independent clothing retailers are
declining both in number and market share.
The Shirtmaster division, with its continued over-reliance for its sales on these small independent
retailers, is threatened by each of the retail driven changes, having neither the sales volume to compete on
price nor the style to compete on fashion.
The Shirtmaster division's international strategy
Tony's answer to these changes is to make the Shirtmaster brand an international one. His initial strategy
is to sell to clothing retailers based in the nearby country of Catopolis and, once established, move the
brand into the fast growing consumer markets in Europolis. He recognises that the division's current
Godour focus means that working with a Catopian partner is a necessity. He has given the sales and
marketing manager the job of finding major retailers, distributors or manufacturers with whom they can
make a strategic alliance and so help get the Shirtmaster range onto the shelves of Catopian clothing
Corporate Clothing division operations and market environment
Corporate Clothing has in recent years implemented a major turnaround in its business as the market for
corporate clothing began to grow significantly. Corporate Clothing designs, manufactures and distributes
a comprehensive range of workwear for its corporate customers, sourcing much of its range from low
cost foreign suppliers. It supplies the corporate clothing requirements of large customers in the private
and public sectors. Major contracts have been gained with banks, airlines, airports and the police, fire and
ambulance services.
The Corporate Clothing division supplies the whole range of workwear required and in the sizes needed for
each individual employee. Its designers work closely with the buyers in its large customers and the
division's sales benefit from the regular introduction of new styles of uniforms and workwear. Corporate
employers are increasingly aware of the external image they need to project and the clothes their
employees wear are the key to this image. Corporate Clothing has invested heavily in manufacturing and IT
systems to ensure that it meets the needs of its demanding customers. It is particularly proud of its
computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems, which can be linked to its customers and
allows designs to be updated and manufacturing alterations to be introduced with its customers' approval.
Much of its success can be attributed to the ability to offer a customer service package in which garments
are stored by Corporate Clothing and distributed directly to the individual employee in personalized
workwear sets as and when required. The Gondour market for corporate workwear was worth 500
million in 2005. Evidence suggests that the demand for corporate workwear is likely to continue to grow.
The Corporate Clothing division also has ambitions to enter the markets for corporate clothing in Catopia
and recognises that might be most easily done through using a suitable strategic partner. There is friendly
rivalry between the two divisions but each operates largely independently of the other. Over the past 10
years the fortunes of the two divisions have been completely reversed. Corporate Clothing now is a
modest profit maker for the group Shirtmaster is consistently losing money.

EExam question bank 547

Shirtmaster Group future strategy
Tony is determined to re-establish Shirtmaster as a leading shirt brand in Gondour and successfully
launch the brand in Catopia. He sees a strategic alliance with a Catopian partner as the key to achieving
this ambition. Though he welcomes the success of the Corporate Clothing division and recognises its
potential in Catopia, he remains emotionally and strategically committed to restoring the fortunes of the
Shirtmaster division. Unfortunately, his autocratic style of leadership tends to undermine the position of
the senior management team at Shirtmaster. He continues to play an active role in both the operational
and strategic sides of the business and is both well known and regarded by workers in the Shirtmaster
division's factory.
The initial feedback meeting with the management consultant has confirmed the concern that he is not
delegating sufficiently. The consultant commented that Tony's influence could be felt throughout the
Shirtmaster division. Managers either try to anticipate the decisions they think he would make or,
alternatively, not take the decisions until he has given his approval. The end result is a division not able to
meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive retail marketplace, and losing both money and market
Table 1 Financial Information on the Shirtmaster Group ($ million)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Budget Forecast Forecast
Total sales 25.0 23.8 21.4 23.5 24.4 26.7
Gondour sales 24.5 23.2 21.0 22.7 23.4 24.7
Overseas sales 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 2.0
Cost of sales 17.7 16.8 15.2 16.3 16.8 17.8

Gross profit 7.3 7.0 6.2 7.2 7.6 8.9

Marketing 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.2
Distribution 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.9
Administration 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.1
Net profit 2.2 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.7

Shirtmaster division
Total sales 14.8 12.6 10.3 11.7 12.0 13.5
Gondour sales 14.3 12.0 9.9 10.9 11.0 11.5
Overseas sales 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 2.0
Cost of sales 11.1 9.8 8.2 9.1 9.4 10.1
Gross profit 3.7 2.8 2.1 2.6 2.6 3.4
Marketing 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.7 2.0
Distribution 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3
Administration 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3
Net profit (0.3) (0.7) (0.8) (1.0) (1.3) (1.2)
Inventory 2.0 2.2 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.0
Employees 100 100 98 98 99 100

Corporate Clothing
Total sales 10.2 11.2 11.1 11.8 12.4 13.2
Cost of sales 6.6 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.7
Gross profit 3.6 4.2 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.5
Marketing 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Distribution 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6
Administration 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8
Net profit 2.5 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.9
Inventory 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0
Employees 84 84 80 79 77 75

548 Exam question bank

(a) Assess the strategic position and performance of the Shirtmaster Group and its divisions over the
2008-2010 period. Your analysis should make use of models where appropriate. (20 marks)
(b) Both divisions have recognised the need for a strategic alliance to help them achieve a successful
entry into Catopian markets.
Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the divisions using strategic alliances to
develop their respective businesses in Catopia. (15 marks)
(c) The Shirtmaster division and Corporate Clothing division, though being part of the same group,
operate largely independently of one another.
Assess the costs and benefits of the two divisions continuing to operate independently of one
(15 marks)
(Total = 50 marks)

EExam question bank 549

550 Exam question bank
1 Bartok Fuel
Top tips. This is quite a simple question that offers a gentle introduction to the style of the examination.
Part (c) is typical of the sort of question that usually forms one of the requirements of a 60 mark case
study, being essentially a critical discussion of possible specific strategies. It is usually pretty clear what
the overall worth of the proposals is, but not always. Discuss this sort of thing as rationally as you can,
using simple models and pointing out any implications you can discern.

Part (a)
There would appear to be no real evidence of any formal strategic planning in the past. There is no
mention of any mission statement or objectives for the company. The company seems to have moved
from a garage and workshop into fuel distribution and glass manufacture almost by accident. These
developments might have emerged from patterns of behaviour rather than any planning process and it
could be argued that the company illustrates the emergent strategy model. However, there is also an
element of logical incrementalism as the business has not strayed far from its origins but has taken small
steps into new areas where it already has some knowledge and expertise.
It could also be argued that only a small number of strategic options were ever considered and the options
that have been taken in the past have perhaps simply been accepted as satisfactory rather than embraced
as ideal. This approach has been termed bounded rationality by Herbert Simon.
Part (b)
Each of the two strategies being considered requires very different considerations from the board.
If the Erewhon site is sold for its development potential, this will clearly be a boost to the company's cash
flow. However, as we have no information about the company's current financial position, we cannot
comment as to whether this is an element of the decision to sell. Nevertheless, the board must consider
what use can be made of the funds received. It may be that the two options are related in David's mind
and the funds from the sale of the Erewhon site are to be earmarked for investment in Arcadia. In any
case, the sale should only be considered further if it seems likely that the income can be invested in a way
that will generate a higher return than the garage business currently achieves.
If the Erewhon site is to be shut down there are also considerable human resource issues to be
addressed. The division employs 50 people who must either be made redundant or be re-employed in
other areas of the business. In either case, the cost of redundancy payments or of retraining must be
taken into account. The car dealership appears to be a fairly stand-alone element of the business but it
must also be considered whether its closure will have any knock-on effects on the other parts of the
The proposed expansion into Arcadia is fraught with potential problems. Bartok Fuel has always been an
Oceania based business and therefore expansion abroad is a major issue. The results of a PEST analysis
would be daunting. The company has no experience of doing business in Ardacia and it knows nothing of
local business conditions or regulations. Language and culture are likely to present major difficulties.
All this is partially countered by the existence of a partner who knows the market and the culture of
Arcadia, but Bartok Fuel will still be making something of a leap in the dark. In fact, they would be wholly
dependent on the probity, efficiency and goodwill of their partner. It would appear that the company's only
real contribution will be to provide risk capital and the brothers must ask themselves if they really see that
as their area of expertise they are not running a bank, after all.

The decline in the number of people taking the qualification appears to be a reflection of the maturity of the
marketplace. The large pool of unqualified environmental managers and auditors that existed when the
qualification was launched has now been exploited. There are now fewer candidates taking the
examinations and fewer members joining the EMS. The organisation's response to this has been to look

Exam answer bank 551

for international markets where it can promote the qualifications it currently offers. It hopes to find large
pools of unqualified environmental managers and auditors in these markets.
The scenario suggests that EMS currently has relatively limited strategic ambitions. There is no evidence
that EMS plans to develop new qualifications outside its current portfolio. Indeed, attempts to look at
complementary qualifications (such as soil and water conservation) have been rejected by Council. Hence,
expansion into new strategic business markets does not appear to be an option.
Strategy Development
Internal development
Internal development takes place when strategies are developed by building on or developing the
organisation's own capabilities. It is often termed organic growth. This is how EMS has operated up to
now. The original certificates were developed by the founders of the Society. Since then, additional
certificates have been added and the Diploma programme developed at the instigation of members and
officers of the Society.
In many ways this type of organic growth is particularly suited to the configuration of the organisation,
one where there is a risk-averse and cautious culture. The organic approach spreads cost and risk over
time and growth is much easier to control and manage. However, growth can be slow and indeed, as in
the case of EMS, may have ceased altogether. Growth is also restricted by the breadth of the
organisation's capabilities. For example, EMS has not been able to develop (or indeed even consider
developing) any products outside of its fairly restricted product range. Furthermore, although internal
development may be a reasonable strategy for developing a home market it maybe an inappropriate
strategy for breaking into new market places and territories. This is particularly true when, as it appears in
the case of the EMS, internal resources have no previous experience of developing products in overseas
In summary, internal growth has been the method of strategy development at EMS up to now, based on a
strategic direction of consolidation and market penetration. There is no evidence that EMS is considering
developing new products to arrest the fall in qualification numbers. However, the Board has suggested
developing new markets for the current qualification range and India, China and Russia have been
identified as potential targets. It seems unlikely that internal development will be an appropriate method of
pursuing this strategic direction.

3 Natalia Norman
Part (a)

Top tips. The great advantage of careful market segmentation is that it permits a precise determination of
the marketing mix variables. This saves money and allows the firm to make best use of its competences.
However, make sure you apply your knowledge of market segmentation to the specific problems
represented by the scenario, rather than simply suggesting generic bases which can be used for market
Easy marks. Part (a) is about segmentation methods and is worth fifteen marks overall, which can be
expected to break down into seven for suggesting the bases and eight for saying why segmentation is a
good idea. Thus we might expect three marks for proposing three bases and saying a little about the
relevance of each, with another three (or possibly four) for deeper discussion. Our discussion of each of
the bases we have chosen illustrates this approach, progressing from the name of the base through its
relevance to its wider implications or applications.

Segmentation would be Natalia's first step towards a more active relationship with her existing and
potential customers. If she knew who they were in more detail she could design her market offering in a
way that would improve her own efficiency while also providing increased customer satisfaction.
The simplest form of segmentation is probably geographical. Natalia's potential market could be very
simply split into domestic and overseas, for instance. Indeed, she probably does this already, in a sense,
since she must make appropriate arrangements for the extra complications of shipping to foreign

552 Exam answer bank

customers. Geographical segmentation would be necessary if Natalia wished to sell in other ways than via
the Internet, perhaps by issuing catalogues, since the styles of knitwear offered would have to appeal to
varying local tastes.
Geographical segmentation becomes much more useful when it is combined with demographic
information. This geo-demographic segmentation would enable Natalia to target segments defined by
such variables as place, age, sex, income and social class. A consideration of these variables might for
instance lead her to concentrate her marketing effort on older, affluent people in specific metropolitan
areas. This would have immediate implications for design, quality, promotion, price and distribution.
Psychographic segmentation analyses the market according to personality and lifestyle. This might be
difficult for Natalia to use, but if she could, perhaps by continuing to employ her marketing consultant, it
might offer important advantages in the areas of design and promotion in particular.
A further segmentation variable is customer behaviour. This includes such matters as sensitivity to
changes in the marketing mix variables, purchase frequency and magnitude and how the product is used.
This approach might be useful to Natalia. For example, she might find that some of her designs are
frequently bought by women for their menfolk. This might have important implications for design and
The benefit of accurate market segmentation is that it permits a more precise specification of the
marketing mix variables, so that they are shaped to conform to the needs of the target segment or
Product. Different segments will probably require different products. When the size of each segment, its
product requirements and their costs are known, it will be possible both to estimate the most profitable
segment to attack and to specify fairly precisely the nature of the products needed to do so. Natalia might
find, for instance, that she needed to adjust her designs to make her range more recognisable and
Price. Pricing decisions are fundamental to trade and very difficult to take. It is very easy to set prices too
high, so that customers are put off, or too low, so that potential profit is lost. The problem is compounded
by the complex messages about quality, exclusivity and value that can be sent by price levels and changes
to them. At the moment, Natalia's products are relatively cheap and this is preventing her from generating
the funds needed for expansion: she may find that she can charge more for some of her knitwear.
Promotion. Natalia's consultant has identified her promotion efforts as insufficiently focused, which has
led to a diffuse image and little brand awareness. Detailed knowledge of the characteristics of her target
segments will allow Natalia to develop the accuracy of her promotion. She may find, for example, that a
large market exists which is unwilling to use the Internet at all and so remains in ignorance of her
Place. Natalia's distribution is currently largely via her web site. This limits her potential market to those
who are both confident in the use of computers and interested in original design knitwear. It is likely that a
much larger market could be served through a more traditional approach using prestige clothing outlets.
This could be established by careful consideration of the results of the segmentation exercise.
Part (b)
Reactive follower strategy
The market follower accepts the status quo and thus avoids the cost and risk associated with innovation
in product, price or distribution strategy. Such a me-too strategy follows closely what the leader does and
is based on the leader's approach. This can be both profitable and stable.
However, it is very easy for this strategy to come to depend entirely on charging lower prices. As the
follower is unlikely to have the scale economies that accrue to the market leader, this means accepting a
much lower level of profit. Given the inimitable style of Natalia's products, this does not seem a strategy
she should use.
Another strategy is to follow at a distance but not copy the leader too closely. This permits the follower to
demonstrate some innovative and original features while still copying other ideas from the leader, thereby

EExam answer bank 553

saving time and expense on research and development. Such a strategy allows a company to compete in
areas where their strengths are valued in Natalia's case, probably in design.
However, a strategy which may be more appropriate for Natalia to use it to follow selectively rather than
simply imitating the market leader.
To be consistently successful, the market follower must not simply imitate.
Follow selectively
The follower should compete in the most appropriate market and product segments, maintain its
customer base and ensure that its turnover grows in line with the general expansion of the market.
Natalia could attempt to do this by exploiting the originality of her designs, thus effectively differentiating
her market offering and justifying higher prices. The development of her brand image will be a necessary
precondition for success with this strategy.
Natalia is unlikely to have sufficient resources to become an overall market leader, but her products seem
to be relatively innovative and unique. This is likely to mean she is not merely an imitator, recycling ideas
from the leader. Therefore, with appropriate marketing mix strategies supporting the business, Natalia's
company could become a strong niche market player.
The option of developing a market niche is particularly important where the niche is of a viable size and
has growth potential, yet is not seen as threatening to major competitors so as to attract their interest and
attention. In this case, if Natalia can develop the core competences of design, branding, quality and
image they should enable her to develop and expand her business from being merely a low cost supplier
of non-branded goods to having a more differentiated product with a brand value of their own.
An important problem for the market follower is that it may constitute an attractive target for market
challengers seeking growth by acquisition, or indeed for the market leader seeking to extend control over
the market.
An agreed turnover may, in due course, be a suitable way for Natalia to realise the equity in her business;
however, assuming that she wishes to maintain her independence of operations for the foreseeable future
she must control her costs and exploit appropriate opportunities to achieve differentiation. Otherwise,
cash flow difficulties may force her to sell out.

4 Firebridge Tyres Ltd

Top tips. This is a fairly straightforward question on the environment and strategic capability. Part (a) may
look very wide ranging and therefore rather daunting. This is a good example of the way in which the use
of a model (such as PEST) can help you to organise your thoughts. You will see from our answer that a
detailed knowledge of the motor industry is not required to answer this question.

Part (a)
Main factors in the external environment
The environment of an organisation is everything outside the boundaries of the organisation.
Organisations are by definition open to the environment: it is the source of their inputs; it is the destination
of their outputs; and it sets constraints over what the organisation can do. Some argue that the
environment is increasingly a source of uncertainty for organisations, and that it is becoming harder to
read. The degree of uncertainty it causes results from its complexity and the rate of change.
Hofer and Schendel argue that the very purpose of strategy is to secure some sort of environmental fit.
This might be an extreme position, as it implies reaction to the environment rather than activity to shape
environmental forces. However, any formal strategic planning process takes the environment into account.
As far as the general environment is concerned, we can analyse PEST and competitive factors.

554 Exam answer bank

Political and legal factors
Firebridge Tyres Ltd (FTL) operates in a stable political environment. Agreements between governments
have opened up international markets, not only to FTL but to its competitors: however GTC does not want
FTL to increase its exports outside Europe. There is no shortage of car service stations, a fragmented
industry, so political interference is unlikely. Local government might determine the siting of certain
activities. FTL is indirectly affected by government transport policy, if this affects the demand for and use
of cars.
Economic factors
In the UK, tyres must be checked annually, as part of the MOT testing process. The overall level of
economic activity determines transport use, which influences wear and tear of tyres. However, in times of
hardship, people will be less likely to buy the premium brand range preferring to go for the lower cost
Freeway range, cheaper overseas tyres, or even retreads. The general level of prosperity also influences
the number of people in the population who use cars; rising incomes and wealth mean rising numbers of
cars purchased, hence greater demand for tyres. People will also move to lower cost service options in
hard times: FTL does not want a service business lumbered with heavy overheads. The UK market is much
smaller than the US: GTC might be unrealistic in assuming that the same formula, which might depend on
economies of scale, would work over in the UK.
Social factors
Social factors influence demand indirectly, via political pressure for legislation or changing patterns of
demand. For example, governments are more concerned with ecological issues. There are disposal
problems with used tyres. This might affect what they are made of. Some can be burnt as fuel, but with
landfill taxes increasing, recyclable tyres may be preferred. The proposed service business depends on
patterns of car use. It may be that many drivers and will prefer a garage.
Technological factors
Tyres are a fairly mature technology, although there are improvements to be made to increase their grip,
their longevity, and their recyclability. Any changes in the plastics and materials industry might be
relevant. Also, if cars become lighter, lighter tyres will be needed.
The main factor in the environment is competition, which is impinging directly on FTL.
A number of service chains already exist in the UK, but otherwise the industry is fairly fragmented.
Competition on price is important, but also on quality. However, FTL needs to assess how the competition
will respond.
The competitive environment can be described using Porter's five forces model (barriers to entry see
below, substitute products, customer bargaining power, supplier bargaining power, competitive rivalry).
There are few substitute products, but competitive rivalry is intense. Suppliers have low bargaining power
Part (b)
Barriers to entry discourage new competitors to an industry. If they are low, it is easy to set up shop, but
hard to discourage other people from doing so too. The main barriers to entry are described below.
Economies of scale
For some firms, a barrier to entry is the size of the operation needed to be profitable. Tyres are high
volume, low margin products on the whole, and for most cases, the best way to make money is to
manufacture in large quantities. A large plant implies high fixed costs and a high breakeven point. There
is little evidence that significant economies of scale can be achieved in servicing. There are some service
chains, but the industry seems fragmented.
Product differentiation
FTL already pursues this strategy by producing different tyres, directed at different segments. In service,
differentiation might be achieved on the basis of FTL's brand name, and a promise of service quality.
Advertising costs might be considerable, however, to build the brand.

EExam answer bank 555

Capital requirements
No new factories need to be built, of course, but FTL will have to acquire leases or freeholds of a number
of properties in which to set up its service stations. Many of the prime spots might be taken over by petrol
stations. Ideally FTL will be positioned near residential areas or near roads, to make them easy to find. The
cost of this depends on the size of the operation that GTC is proposing.
Switching costs
Switching costs are minimal; new customers are easy to find, but hard to keep, unless service quality is
The chain is basically a distribution outlet for FTL's tyres. The importance of choosing the right sites for
distributing the service was identified above. Existing service providers know the market, but otherwise
they have no special advantages.
Barriers to entry are fairly low. This will make it easy to set up business, but hard to make a profit perhaps,
unless some unique lessons can be transferred from GTC, operating in a very different transport
Part (c)
Strategic capability and critical success factors
Strategic capabilities have four essential qualities.
They produce effects that are valuable to buyers.
They are rare.
They are robust in that they are difficult for competitors to imitate
They are non-substitutable.
Critical success factors, on the other hand, are product features that are particularly valued by a group of
customers. Organisations must get these things right if they are to succeed. Some of these factors relate
to physical products, but many depend on internal processes and the basic infrastructure of the business.
FTL is a manufacturing business, producing what is essentially a commodity product, tyres, and making a
stab at product differentiation. This competence is not truly distinctive, as there are other tyre
manufacturers in the world, but FTL has built up a market presence in Europe. The strategic capabilities
that led to this position probably look something like those shown below.
(a) Building a brand that consumers recognise, and preventing its erosion by competition
(b) Good commercial relations with the distributors, who are the strategic customers
(c) Making incremental technical innovations in order to encourage new sales
How do these relate to the proposed service centre business? A key problem is that services are a very
different proposition to products. There are several possible resources and competences for the proposed
servicing business.
(a) A brand that customers recognise and choose, having realistic and satisfied expectations of what it
(b) Well-chosen sites that are easily accessible, offer plenty of parking and are comfortable to wait in.
(c) Well-trained staff who not only know how to change wheels and tyres, and do other repairs but
who are able to demonstrate high standards of customer care
(d) To be seen as preferable to the local garage in terms of the processes by which the service is
FTL's existing competences, at best, cover brand building. It has no experience in choosing and managing
properties or customer service staff: US conditions are different, so a transfer of skills between the US and
the UK firm may be hard to achieve. FTL runs a manufacturing business; a service business, based on a

556 Exam answer bank

variety of intangibles such as staff courtesy, is a different proposition. The required cultures of the two
businesses might conflict.
The firm might have to spend a lot of money on training, both technically and in terms of customer care.
Also money would have to be spent on building the brand. However, GTC should be able to provide some
expertise in building the service aspects.
In short, FTL's current strategic capability is not suited to this plan, given the fragmented nature of the
industry. GTC may be able to provide some help, but GTC might end up investing more money and making
short term losses, rather than the profits it is looking for.
FTL is in a difficult situation, because its managers are tied by the priorities of the US parent.

5 Nadir Products: ethics

Part (a)

Top tips. While this question clearly has an important ethical slant, it is important to deal with the
commercial impact of the proposed courses of action. If you feel your experience has not prepared you to
do this, think in terms of stakeholder theory and ask yourself what connected stakeholders like customers
are reasonably entitled to expect and how you would react to these ploys.
Do not spend more than a minute on dealing with the report form requirement: a suitable heading and,
perhaps, numbered paragraphs are all that are required. A short introductory paragraph giving the reason
for the report is a good way to get started.

To: Board Members, Nadir Products plc
From: A Consultant
Date: December 2001
Subject: Proposed adjustments to turnover reporting
You asked me to comment on the commercial and ethical implications of suggestions that had been made
about the value of this year's turnover. There was concern that a current decline in sales will adversely
affect the level of bonuses paid to senior staff.
My first comment is that the assumption behind the suggestions appears to be wrong. The aim of the
bonus scheme was surely to provide an incentive for senior staff to take appropriate action to improve
performance. If performance has not improved, it would be perverse to adjust the numbers so that they
receive the bonuses anyway. There is an element of moral hazard here: if the bonuses are in effect
guaranteed and not dependent on improved performance, the incentive effect disappears and the scheme
might as well be abandoned.
I understand that there is concern that staff will be adversely affected by the downturn in sales value.
However, I must point out the questionable nature of the suggestions from an ethical point of view. It is
likely that the detailed proposals will create a conflict of interests since each has the potential to
disadvantage shareholders. It would be ethically inappropriate to pursue any course of action that reduced
shareholder value in order to enrich senior staff.
I will now examine the individual proposals.
Discount for additional sales. A discount is an unexceptional sales promotional device that may be used, for
instance, to increase or defend market share or to shift excess inventory. It has a cost, in the form of reduced
margin, and it is a matter of commercial judgement to decide whether the benefit is greater than the cost. It
may also have the effect of merely bringing sales forward in time, so that later trading periods suffer.
Of the three suggestions, this is the most defensible. However, it is quite indefensible if it is undertaken
solely in order to boost bonuses, because of the conflict of interest discussed above.
Bringing forward scheduled orders is a form of window dressing. Your auditors will deploy checks on
such activities as a matter of course, and may succeed in detecting this. The accounts would then have to

EExam answer bank 557

be adjusted, since there is no commercial justification for the practice. It can be seen as detrimental to
shareholders since the reported profit would be overstated and, while this may have a positive effect on
share value in the short term, were it ever discovered, it would bring into question the company's
corporate governance. Such a scheme is also likely to irritate customers who may respond by delaying
payment and even seeking a new supplier. This would clearly disadvantage the company.
This suggestion is unacceptable on both ethical and practical grounds.
Warning of possible price rises. I take it as read that there are no actual plans to raise prices? If this is the
case, to say that such plans exist is untruthful and therefore inappropriate for a company that wishes to
maintain high ethical standards. Further, to hide behind a form of words such as 'there may be price rises'
would be equally dishonest, since the intention would be to create a specific, incorrect impression in
customers' minds. When the warning is eventually shown to be spurious, customers' estimation of the
company will fall, with an eventual knock-on effect on turnover.
This ploy is comparable to the previous one in its potential effect on shareholders and customers but is
even more unethical.
Conclusion. None of the suggestions is acceptable ethically or commercially as a solution to the senior
staff bonus problem.
Part (b)
The stakeholder view is that many groups have a stake in what the organisation does. This is particularly
important in the business context, where shareholders own the business but employees, customers and
government also have particularly strong claims to having their interests considered. It is suggested that
modern corporations are so powerful, socially, economically and politically, that unrestrained use of their
power will inevitably damage other people's rights. Under this approach, the exercise of corporate social
responsibility constrains the corporation to act at all times as a good citizen. Particular emphasis is laid on
the preservation of employment and protection of the environment.
Another argument points out that corporations exist within society and are dependent upon it for the
resources they use. Some of these resources are obtained by direct contracts with suppliers but others are
not, being provided by government expenditure. Examples are such things as transport infrastructure,
technical research and education for the workforce. Clearly, Nadir Products contributes to the taxes that
pay for these things, but the relationship is rather tenuous and the tax burden can be minimised by careful
management. The company can do as much or as little as it cares to in this connection.
Mintzberg suggests that simply viewing organisations as vehicles for shareholder investment is
inadequate, since in practice, he says, organisations are rarely controlled effectively by shareholders. Most
shareholders are passive investors. We do not know whether or not this is the case with Nadir Products.
Many organisations regard the exercise of corporate social responsibility as valuable in promoting a
positive corporate image. The management of Nadir Products therefore may feel that it is appropriate to
take an instrumental approach to such matters as sponsorship and charitable giving. Charitable donations
and artistic sponsorship are useful media of public relations and can reflect well on the business. They can
be regarded as another form of promotion, which like advertising, serves to enhance consumer awareness
of the business. It would be necessary for the company to ensure that the recipients of its generosity were
appropriate to its operations at the bottom end of the market: grand opera would probably be
The arguments for and against social responsibility are complex ones. However, ultimately they can be
traced to different assumptions about society and the relationships between the individuals and
organisations within it. It is unlikely to be something that need occupy a great deal of the time of Nadir
Products' directors.

558 Exam answer bank

6 Arragon Antennas
Part (a)

Top tips. We answer the first part of this question largely in terms of Porter's generic strategies. This is
because of the nature of the scenario. There is mention of price sensitivity, to which cost is related; the
market is clearly highly specialised, so the idea of a niche approach is relevant; and finally, the products
tend to be highly differentiated.
It would be possible to take a product-market growth vector approach, but that model would not be so
appropriate. We are given no information relevant to market penetration; product development is clearly
going on anyway; market development and diversification are high-risk strategies for such a specialised
company working in such high technology. Generally, Ansoff's model is most useful for less specialised
companies, particularly those working in consumer products and services.
The possible solution of a reorganisation of the industry, however, could be applied just as easily to an
analysis using the product-market model.

Arragon Antennas is under threat from a new entrant that appears likely to enjoy a substantial cost
advantage because of high volumes and the prior amortisation of development costs. However,
Wizzomatic's products, being standardised, are unlikely to be suitable for many specialised applications.
Wizzomatic appear to be seeking to establish themselves as the cost leaders within the industry, using
their cost advantage to build up volume. Cost leaders tend to seek as much product standardisation as
possible in order to obtain economies of scale and Wizzomatic seem to have a major advantage here.
It would therefore not be advisable for Arragon to meet the new entrant head on. The price cuts necessary
to build the necessary volume would be likely to starve the company of cash, thus prejudicing its new
design work. It would find itself in the classic 'stuck in the middle' trap, subject to continuing high costs
but unable to raise its prices.
A much safer option for Arragon would be to pursue two specific target market segments.
The new design market, where they have expertise and a reputation that Wizzomatic cannot
challenge with its standardised products
Those parts of the spares market that require more specialised products than Wizzomatic
can supply.
The first of these options represents a strategy of differentiation, while the second is a niche strategy.
It is likely that if Wizzomatic succeeds in establishing itself in the market it has chosen, Arragon will see its
volumes falling. This need not lead to a fall in turnover if it is able to penetrate its chosen segments more
deeply. However, a fall in volume of standard antennas will mean an increase in fully absorbed cost per
unit, with a knock-on effect on margin. It may be that Arragon will have to withdraw from the volume part
of its business. This will lead to concomitant downsizing of its production capacity unless it succeeds in
retaining much of its existing aftermarket business.
To expand its share of the new systems market, Arragon will have to increase its sales effort and its
design and test capacity. We have no way of knowing how easy this will be, but we may speculate that the
highly skilled staff required will be fairly difficult to find, while the design and test facilities are likely to be
quite expensive. Depending on the company's access to investment funds, therefore, this strategy may
require a long period of time to implement.
The niche spares market will probably be easier to expand initially, since Arragon is likely to have the
manufacturing capacity available, as discussed above. An immediate problem here is likely to be that the
other three established players may also be planning a similar strategy.
It is possible that the other three principal suppliers in the industry will also feel the heat of Wizzomatic's
arrival. This is all the more likely if they too are unable to meet the challenge head on. It may be that this
could be a cue for restructuring the industry, by merger or takeover. The aim would be to accumulate the
resources necessary to compete with Wizzomatic rather than ceding dominance in the volume sales
segments of the market.

EExam answer bank 559

A strategy of consolidation would not be easy to implement. It would probably involve painful
rationalisation of several functions, with job losses and other staff upheaval. There would also be a
probability of conflict between perceived winners and losers, which would be exacerbated if the
rationalisation took the form of takeover rather than merger.
The aim of the consolidation would be for a larger, more efficient company to emerge, retaining the best of
the products, people, markets and resources of its parents. A careful strategic analysis would be
necessary to ensure that the new strategy built on strengths and avoided weaknesses. It may be, for
example, that even a merged company would not dispute the volume market but would aim to dominate
the new design market.
Part (b)

Top tips. Arragon Antennas is a manufacturing company, so the basic 4 Ps mix is what is required here.
With a question like this, which is only worth 8 marks, do not dwell too much on background
explanations. Cut to the chase and make as many good valid points as you can. You don't need to know
anything about aircraft communication systems. But you do need to be generally aware of the differences
between consumer and industrial marketing.

The product element of Arragon's marketing mix is relatively simple. A firm's product may be viewed as a
solution to a customer's problem. Arragon's products are therefore of two basic types: the newly
developed and very high-value added antennas designed for new aircraft; and the standard antennas
produced either for use as spares or for supply to other businesses.
Quality is clearly a major issue affecting both types of product, because of the requirements of aircraft
safety. The standard antennas must be produced to existing precise specifications, while the new designs
must satisfy strict performance requirements before they are released to service.
Packaging is also likely to be important. Spares, in particular, must have a long shelf life and may be
transported to any part of the world. The packaging will have to provide substantial protection against
climatic variables such as heat and humidity, as well as against impact and abrasion.
We are told that prices in the industry are generally high and that co-operation between suppliers is not
unusual. While presumably not engaging in price-fixing, it seems that the small group of suppliers in the
industry tend not to compete on price. It is likely that winning contracts for new systems design is likely to
depend far more on long-term relationships with customers and proven technical quality. In the spares
market, it would seem that Wizzomatic's arrival may shake up the existing rather cosy arrangements, both
as far as supplies direct to users and subcontract manufacturing are concerned. So long as variable costs
can be covered, Arragon may feel it can cut its prices in these markets in order to maintain its
manufacturing capacity in being.
Arragon will have to establish exactly which of Wizzomatic's products are acceptable substitutes for its
own and where there are gaps in Wizzomatic's standardised range. Those gaps can then be exploited with
higher prices.
Arragon's products are complex, expensive and sold to industrial buyers, so the company's main
promotional effort is likely to go into personal selling by experienced sales engineers. There is also likely
to be attendance at trade fairs and a small amount of reminder advertising in the specialist press. Public
relations effort is likely to be minimal and also concentrated on the specialist press.
Distribution to aircraft manufacturers is likely to be direct to the end user, without any use of
intermediaries. The subcontract work will also go direct to the purchasers. Distribution of aftermarket
spares may involve the use of intermediaries, since the products are highly standardised technically and
may be sold globally without modification. Since the products are expensive, regional or national
intermediaries may be able to provide a service by investment in spares inventories.

560 Exam answer bank

7 United Products
Part (a)

Top tips. This is a wide ranging question and, perhaps, therefore, somewhat daunting. Remember that
with this type of question there will be a lot of easy marks for explaining the basics. For example, a list of
strengths and weaknesses would glean quite a few marks, though not 50%.
In order to score well on this question you must do two slightly different things when you are applying
your knowledge to the scenario: use the setting to illustrate your theory; and suggest ways in which the
theory might be used to make improvements.
Thus, for example, we say that the internal transfer and promotion from within policy is an example of the
way that relatively junior managers can obtain good experience of real business problems. Similarly, we
say that the detailed monthly reporting might be over-restrictive in its effects and, on examination, might
prove to be unnecessarily expensive.
Notice also that we begin with a comment about the very nature of UP's business, which you might think
is a matter over and above the question of its organisation. Don't forget that there is scope in this exam
for this sort of digression if you make it relevant to the scenario.

Divisionalisation is a common form of organisation structure in large organisations, especially those that
encompass a wide variety of products, technologies and geographical locations. UP seems to qualify
under all three of these categories. The form has been found to allow for overall control from the corporate
headquarters without drowning it in the detail of micromanagement at long range.
The diversity of the company's operations is itself worthy of comment from a strategic point of view.
There is obviously a tradition of having widely different operations and it is possible to discern some
potential for synergy, in agriculture and retailing, for instance. However, the organisation is committed to
managing a very wide range of technologies and markets and it may be that its lacklustre financial
performance is linked to a lack of specialist knowledge among its senior managers. The policy of moving
managers from division to division, while generally good for their personal development may actually
hamper the progress of the more specialised operations.
It is generally considered that conglomerate diversification only adds value when the expertise of the
corporate headquarters is such that its allocation of capital is more effective than would be achieved by a
normally efficient capital market. Whether this is the case with United Products must be subject to some
doubt. The less profitable divisions are protected from the disciplines of the market by the corporate HQ,
while those with good prospects may find themselves starved of funds.
UP clearly displays one disadvantage of the divisional form. There is a tendency for the divisions to be
more bureaucratic than they would be as independent organisations in order to service the demands of the
corporate HQ's control procedures. UP takes this to an extreme, demanding monthly reports and carrying
out frequent functional inspections rather than encouraging a responsive autonomy by the use of simple
key performance indicators. The probable effect of this is to stifle the creativity and sense of ownership
that flow from greater autonomy. This is most likely to be visible in the divisions that operate in complex,
unstable environments, such as film-making, publishing and fashion retailing. A side effect is the
absorption of an excessive degree of divisional revenue in management charges for HQ and in the
divisional bureaucracies themselves.
Another problem of divisionalisation was referred to by Mintzberg as the pull to balkanise. This is the
natural desire of the division heads for independence from central control. In an organisation like UP, with
its rather bureaucratic approach, this might take the form conforming to the letter of the rules but
manipulating activities and finances. So long as the reporting parameters fall within set limits, it may be
possible to conceal unauthorised ventures for a long time, possibly with unfortunate consequences.
A final comment might be made about the mixture of divisional types: there are both product divisions and
geographical divisions. This might be a sensible response to UP's geographical range and variety of
products. On the other hand it might be a source of confusion and conflict between geographical and
product based managers for control of particular operations. This will be particularly apparent when new

EExam answer bank 561

markets are entered. The problem may be exacerbated by the management structures put in place for the
various joint ventures. Overall, the potential for complexity and confusion is significant.
Part (b)

Top tips. The idea of virtuality has become very fashionable and people tend to use the term rather
loosely. The definition we give is academically correct. Be sure that you do not confuse the virtual
organisation with Handy's concept of the shamrock organisation, which is merely an organisation that
makes extensive use of self-employed and temporary staff in order to be able to control its labour costs in
times of economic slowdown.

The idea of a virtual organisation or cybernetic corporation has attracted considerable attention as the
usefulness of IT for communication and control has been exploited. The essence of the virtual
organisation is the electronic linking of spatially dispersed components.
Such an organisation is a temporary or permanent collection of geographically dispersed individuals,
groups, organisational units (which may or may not belong to the same organisation), or entire
organisations that depend on electronic linking in order to complete the production process.
However, an organisation is not a virtual organisation merely because it uses IT extensively and has
multiple locations. Many organisations fall into that category.
Also, organisations that make extensive use of temporary and self-employed labour are not necessarily
virtual organisations because of that, though they may have some virtual characteristics.
UP almost certainly uses extensive IT systems for its internal communications. It would be surprising if it
did not have an internal e mail system and it may well have a corporate intranet. However, it clearly has
activities that are very real as opposed to virtual, such as its agricultural, extractive, manufacturing and
retailing operations.
Of the activities we are told about, electronic design is perhaps the one most suited to the virtual
approach. It may be possible for design engineers to work in isolation, using computer aided design
equipment and communicating by e mail. However, where the design work requires a team effort, co-
ordination may become a problem.
Publishing may also be a candidate, depending on the nature of what is published. Authors of books are
likely to work alone, and editors may be able to do the same, as may their assistants and other specialists
such as proof readers and indexers. The transmission of entire texts by electronic means is quite feasible
and some specialist books are published by being printed on demand from computer memory.

8 Auto Direct
Top tips. You must think hard about the wording of this question. Superficially, it asks you for a summary
of change management strategies in a particular context, which would be a large job to do properly, but
offers only twelve marks. The implication is that you must not descend into too much detail about any
particular model or approach.

Managing Director, Auto Direct

Report: Change management strategies and methods
The change that you are contemplating, while extensive, is incremental and does not involve the
transformation of your organisation. It therefore falls into the category of adaptation, which implies that
you may proceed step by step and leave your basic assumptions and approach unchanged.
It would be a very worthwhile exercise to consider some of the factors that might affect the success of
your programme of change. Chief among these are likely to be the various human factors present in your

562 Exam answer bank

Presumably you will include some element of promotion and cross-posting of your existing workforce in
order to provide a basis of experience at your new sites, so you should consider the degree of readiness
(or willingness) of your staff to undertake the development you plan.
You should also consider your company's managerial capability and capacity in terms of resources to
undertake change. The former depends largely on past experience
While good project management of a programme of change is very important, it is the human aspects of
the change management process that are crucial. This is because change will not happen unless people
make it happen. A number of strategies are proposed for dealing with this aspect of change management.
Participation in decision-making is sometimes recommended as a way of improving motivation generally
and may be useful in the context of change. It is probably advantageous to involve staff in decisions
affecting them, their conditions and their work processes and at least hear what they have to say.
However, participation is not a universal panacea and can be very time consuming. Also, the normal
management style and culture of the organisation must be considered. It is probably inappropriate to
promote participation exclusively in the context of change if staff are not used to it: their main reaction
may be one of suspicious cynicism.
An autocratic approach, imposing change by means of coercion can work reasonably well in some
circumstances, especially where the staff expect nothing else. It has the benefit of saving time and is
probably the best approach in times of crisis. However, it does have the weakness of ignoring the
experience and knowledge that staff may be able to offer.
In any event, communication with staff about the proposed change is commonly regarded as an essential
process. Ideally, information will be provided as early as possible, explaining why change is necessary and
the course that will be followed. Anxiety, particularly over job security, is common during change and a
programme of communication and education can go a long way to allay it.
Sometimes neither participation nor coercion can resolve all problems and negotiation may be required.
This is often the case when the labour force is strongly organised and when there is disagreement
between management factions as to the best course to follow.
This has been a brief overview of some approaches to change management. You will no doubt be in a
position to decide which are most appropriate to the circumstances of Auto Direct.

9 BPR and supply chain

Top tips. Ensure you revise the features of supply chains in general, and virtual supply chains in particular.
Remember at all times that the examiner is interested in your ability to apply your knowledge in a practical

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical design of business
processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as
cost, quality, service and speed.
In other words, BPR involves significant change in the business rather than minimal or incremental
changes to processes. This is essentially different from procedures such as automation where existing
processes are simply computerised. Although some improvements in speed may be obtained, the
processes are essentially the same. For example, the local warehouse could use EDI to send an order to
the supplier, which may be quicker than email. However, the process of sending the order and receiving
the goods to the warehouse is the same.
Using BPR, the actual reasons for the business processes being used can be queried, and where
necessary replaced with more efficient processes. For example, rather than inventory being ordered from
the store via the central warehouse, the supplier could monitor inventory in each store using an extranet.
When goods reach re-order level, the supplier is aware of this and can send goods directly to the store.
Not only does this provide inventory replenishment much more quickly, it is also more cost effective for
the supplier as the central warehouse effectively becomes redundant.

EExam answer bank 563

Key features of BPR involve the willingness of the organisation to accept change and the ability to use new
technologies to achieve those changes. In the example, ABC may have to clearly explain the benefits to
staff from the new systems, to ensure that they are accepted. ABC may also need to obtain additional skills
in terms of IT and ability to implement and use those systems. New hardware and software will also
certainly be required. The aim of BPR is to provide radical improvements in efficiency and cost savings of
up to 90%. Amending the supply chain as noted above will help to these benefits.

10 Fashion retailer
Top tips. Fashion retailing is a fairly specialised job. However, we all have some experience of it from the
customer's side of the counter. Don't be afraid to make some educated deductions about, for instance, the
need for careful inventory control when a wide range of goods is moving rather quickly.
An organisation's value-creating activities must be mutually supporting.

Part (a)
Paul's business is in the fashion clothing industry with 20 retail stores but little integration between the
stores. This part of the fashion industry operates with very slim margins and with profitability not keeping
pace with the increase in turnover, Paul realises that he must operate in a more cost-conscious manner.
The computer system is currently underused and is operating in a passive manner, simply providing basic
information rather than contributing to the business competitive advantage in any way.
We can use Porter's value chain model to consider how the IS function can be applied to help provide
Paul with a competitive edge in his business.
Pauls firm will only be as strong as the weakest link in its value chain. The IS investment will be
worthwhile if it can be used to reduce costs or to differentiate Paul's business from the others in the
industry sector.
Primary activities
Inbound logistics
This relates to the purchasing function and the storage of inventory and distribution to the stores. An IS
system can help with inventory control levels, economic ordering and efficient distribution routings.
IS can be used to monitor the performance of each store with details being provided about profitability,
inventory levels, inventory turnover, expense levels, staff absences and so on. IS could also be used to
analyse the different consumer demand profile in different locations in order to help each store ensure that
it has sufficient inventories of the type of sales made in its store.
Outbound logistics
This element of the chain concerns distribution to customers and is more relevant in a manufacturing
industry. In Paul's business there will not be much distribution to customers but the system may be able
to produce a customer database to assist with marketing and promotions.
Marketing and sales
Paul could use IS to indicate customer purchasing patterns for different stores and to develop databases
for promotions. Internet retailing is a possibility, though it would create a fulfilment problem.
This area of the chain is to do with the provision of service to the customers and it is not likely that IS can
be of much use here although it could be used to monitor, control and facilitate transfers between stores.

564 Exam answer bank

Support activities
Firm's infrastructure
In this area IS can be used to help with the budgeting, finance and management information in order to
improve the Paul's company's performance compared to that of his competitors.
Human resources management
As Paul's organisation is quite small and consists largely of retail sales staff, there will not be many very
useful applications of IS in this area however it may be used to make recruitment and appraisals more
Technology development
It is possible that Paul could make some radical changes, for example developing the business e-commerce
ability and starting to sell through an online store.
However, if he doesnt want to make such dramatic changes, Paul can still use IS to support process
improvements; for example, by enabling the operational changes to the ordering and inventory management
This area of support activity is concerned with linking the purchasing system to the sales system. This could
be used to automatically update inventory records and indicate when new orders should be placed and could
also help to minimise times when excessive inventory is held in a store. It could also consolidate orders to
achieve bulk purchase discounts.
Part (b)

Top tips. The Examiner has co-authored a book on systems development, so make sure you are very
familiar with syllabus section D3!

To: Paul Singh

From: A Consultant
Date: December 20XX
Subject: Software package options
1 You asked for advice on the use of software packages and, in particular on two specific software
package options that have been suggested to you.
Standard package
Modified standard package
2 In general, standard packages are robust systems that incorporate wide experience of business
procedures and their automation. They can provide immediate benefits in the form of improved
methods, records and possibilities for analysis of data. They are, however, based on standardised
modules and are not necessarily optimised for any given commercial application. Claims by
vendors that their products can give a competitive edge are questionable: competitors can easily
buy the same product. The best that can be said is that a standard package should provide an
effective way of doing things. Also, such packages force the organisation to adjust itself to the
requirements of the software.
3 Standard packages do, however, offer a number of positive qualities.
(a) While selection may take some time, installation should be rapid and there should be no
requirement for extensive testing. However, time would be required for staff training and
(b) Quality should be guaranteed both by the vendor and, except for launch customers, by
earlier installation by other customers.

EExam answer bank 565

(c) Documentation and training should be immediately available and of high quality since
these are important selling points.
(d) Maintenance support should be good and would normally include help desk service and
routine software amendments to correct faults as they become apparent.
(e) Comprehensive package evaluation should be possible. This might include use for a trial
period and visits to existing installations.
4 On the other hand, there are problems to note.
(a) Property rights over the software usually reside with the supplier. This has three important
potential consequences for the user.
(i) The supplier controls future development of the software.
(ii) The supplier controls the support available and may discontinue it, forcing the
customer to purchase an upgrade.
(iii) The supplier may sell the product rights to another supplier, perhaps to the prejudice
of the customer.
(b) The financial stability and survival of the supplier is not guaranteed.
(c) Inadequate performance is quite likely: the customer may have to accept restricted
functionality or pay for tailored amendments, with accompanying disadvantages discussed
below. Further problems may be caused by unwanted standard features: these may cause
difficulties in training and implementation.
(d) Legal redress for lack of functionality will almost certainly not be available.
(e) Changing requirements can erode a package's functionality. Potential purchasers evaluate
a package against their current requirements. These may change as time passes or may not
have been properly specified in the first place. In either case, the package fails to provide
full satisfaction.
5 Because of the generic nature of standard packages, some clients have them tailored to fit their
requirements and their existing systems and procedures. This approach has been recommended to
you, but is generally a mistake.
The cost advantage of buying off the shelf is destroyed.
Introduction is delayed.
Reliability is reduced.
New versions of the same software will be useless until they too have been modified.
Generally it is cheaper and more effective to redesign the organisation's processes to fit a standard
package than to do the opposite.

11 Good Sports Ltd

Part (a)

Top tips. This question puts e-commerce firmly into a strategic context. IT and the Internet pervade the
modern business organisation and so it should be possible for you to offer sensible comments upon this
basis. The main advantages and disadvantages of an e-business strategy that you put into your answer
must be applicable to Good Sports' own business situation. It is not a foregone conclusion that
involvement in e-commerce will be unequivocally beneficial. There a several strategic issues to consider
such as the familiar framework of 'suitability, acceptability and feasibility'. Porter's generic strategies are
also brought into this question, and you should have little difficulty discussion 'niche' for the 8 available
Easy marks. Depends on how well you know the e-business material in Chapter 11. If you have a good
knowledge of e-business you should be able to identify a number of advantages and disadvantages.

566 Exam answer bank

To: Alan and Bob, Good Sports Limited
From: Strategic consultant
Date: December 20XX
Subject: E Business strategy
Very few businesses can afford to ignore the potential of the Internet for driving forward strategy and
activity. The markets that Good Sports operates in are being affected by the development of e-business.
Small enterprises such as this one can gain access to customers on a global scale, which only relatively
recently would have been viewed as impossible. In many ways the advantages and disadvantages of e-
business can be viewed from the perspective of the customer.
Advantages of an e-business strategy
Through the integration and acceleration of standard business processes via highly sophisticated IT
systems (order placing, stock control, dispatch and so on), attention to customer needs, and
communication with them, can be much quicker.
Although the Internet has a global reach, its benefits are not confined to large organisations. Good Sports
can move into a global marketplace.
Websites can provide new channels of communication, linked with customer databases which can be
analysed to provide much greater insights into consumer buying behaviour.
Increased quantities of data, and more sophisticated methods of analysing it, mean that greater attention
can be paid to customising product offerings to more precisely defined target customers.
Disadvantages of an e-business strategy
E-commerce presents completely new problems of management and organisation, not least because it
needs the involvement of specialists. There may be a lack of in-house expertise.
A detailed cost/benefit analysis should be undertaken. It may even be decided that costs exceed the
benefits of setting up the e-business operation.
New technology installed by Good Sports will need to link up with existing business systems, so the
resources needed (money, time and effort) should not be underestimated.
For Good Sports, e-business will probably be a supplement to its traditional retail operations, with the
website forming a supplementary channel for communication and sales. Even so, its development is likely
to have wide implications and involve and affect several functions, and so should be managed at the
highest level. It is also necessary that it conform to the standard criteria for any strategic choice:
suitability, acceptability and feasibility. Precise objectives for this new strategy need to be set. The
company will need to go back to basics and ask itself some fundamental questions such as:
What do customers want to buy from us?
What business are we in?
What kind of suppliers might we need?
What categories of customer do we want to attract and retain?
Assuming that these questions can be answered satisfactorily, new technology can be introduced to
connect electronically with employees, customers and suppliers to help drive the strategy forward.
Part (b)
With a niche strategy, a firm concentrates its attention on one or more particular secure segments (or
niches) of the market, and does not try to serve the entire market. Good Sports has pursued such a
strategy, seeking to serve a local market for less popular sports, in a way that insulates it from
competition against the major high volume retailers who are concentrating on the more popular sports
such as football.

EExam answer bank 567

In this way, Good Sports has been able to ensure that it does not spread itself too thinly in the market for
sporting goods. There is nothing in the scenario to suggest they have reached saturation point in their
chosen niche market. The question then needs to be asked whether it makes strategic sense for Good
Sports to invest in online transaction capability to continue to serve (and develop) its market.
Bargaining power of customers
It is recognised that one of the key features of e-business is that it brings far greater price transparency,
with customers being able to shop around for the cheapest deal using the vast information resources
available on the Internet (either from other companies, or other customers). The customer has become
far more powerful. There is a theory that customers expect goods and services to be discounted when
sold online (and indeed, many are) since they are aware that administrative costs are likely to be lower
than in more traditional forms of distribution. Good Sports will need to find out how likely this is to
happen with their customers, and whether there are competitors who are offering lower prices on the
same range of goods. This should be easy to find out using market research and a search of competitor
Such customer involvement however could provide a mechanism for increasing customer loyalty, for
example by targeting particular groups and finding out more about their sports activity and spending
habits. This can be done via online questionnaires or surveys, and could lead to the identification of new
niche markets, currently not served by any competitors, that can be developed (such as new types of
sports equipment to be included in the product range; new services).
As indicated in the answer to part (a), Good Sports needs to go back to basics and consider all the costs
and benefits that could be associated with offering such enhanced online capability to its chosen niche

12 DRB
(a) A simple value chain of the primary activities of DRB is shown below.

Handling and Re-branding of Customer collection Local advertising On-site

storing inbound products Technician delivery Web based technical
fully configured Re-packaging and installation enquiries support support
equipment of products Back to base
Quality inspection
Inbound logistics Operations Outbound Logistics Marketing and sales Service
Comments about value might include:
Inbound logistics: Excellent quality assurance is required in inbound logistics. This is essential for
pre-configured equipment where customers have high expectations of reliability. As well as
contributing to customer satisfaction, high quality also reduces service costs.
Operations: This is a relatively small component in the DRB value chain and actually adds little
value to the customer. It is also being undertaken in a relatively high cost country. DRB might wish
to re-visit the current arrangement.
Outbound logistics: Customer feedback shows that this is greatly valued. Products can be picked
up from stock and delivery and installation is provided if required. Most of the company's larger
competitors cannot offer this service. However, it is unlikely that this value can be retained when
DRB begins to increasingly supply outside the geographical region it is in.
Marketing and sales: This is very low-key at DRB and will have to be developed if the company is to
deliver the proposed growth. The limited functionality of the web site offers little value to
Service: Customer feedback shows that this is greatly valued. Most of the company's competitors
cannot offer this level of service. They offer support from off-shore call centres and a returns policy
that is both time consuming to undertake and slow in rectification. However, it is unlikely that this

568 Exam answer bank

value can be retained when DRB begins to increasingly supply outside the geographical region it is
(b) DRB has already gained efficiencies by procuring products through the supplier's web-site.
However, the web site has restricted functionality. When DRB places the order it is not informed of
the expected delivery date until it receives the confirmation email from ISAS. It is also unable to
track the status of their order and so it is only when it receives a despatch email from ISAS that it
knows that it is on its way. Because DRB is not the owner of the shipment, it is unable to track the
delivery and so the physical arrival of the goods cannot be easily predicted. On occasions where
shipments have appeared to have been lost, DRB has had to ask ISAS to track the shipment and
report on its status. This has not been very satisfactory and the problem has been exacerbated by
having two shippers involved. ISAS has not been able to reliably track the transhipment of goods
from their shipper to EIF, the logistics company used to distribute their products in the country.
Some shipments have been lost and it is time-consuming to track and follow-up shipments which
are causing concern. Finally, because DRB has no long term contract with ISAS, it has to pay when
it places the order through a credit card transaction on the ISAS website.
DRB has stated that it wishes to continue importing fully configured products. It is not interested in
importing components and assembling them. It also does not wish to build or invest in assembly
plants in other countries. However, it may wish to consider the following changes to its upstream
supply chain:
Seek to identify a wider range of suppliers and so trade through other sell-side web sites.
Clearly there are costs associated with this. Suppliers have to be identified and evaluated
and financial and trading arrangements have to be established. However, it removes the risk
of single-sourcing and other suppliers may have better systems in place to support order
and delivery tracking.
Seek to identify suppliers who are willing and able to re-brand and package their products
with DRB material at the production plant. This should reduce DRB costs as this is currently
undertaken in a country where wage rates are high.
Re-consider the decision not to negotiate long-term contracts with suppliers (including
ISAS) and so explore the possibility of more favourable payment terms. DRB has avoided
long-term contracts up to now. It may also not be possible to enter into such contracts if
DRB begins to trade with a number of suppliers.
Seek to identify suppliers (including ISAS) who are able to provide information about
delivery dates prior to purchase and who are able to provide internet-based order tracking
systems to their customers. This should allow much better planning.
Consider replacing the two supplier shippers with a contracted logistics company which will
collect the goods from the supplier and transport the goods directly to DRB. This should
reduce physical transhipment problems and allow seamless monitoring of the progress of
the order from despatch to arrival. It will also allow DRB to plan for the arrival of goods and
to schedule its re-packaging.
DRB might also wish to consider two other procurement models; buy-side and the independent
In the buy-side model DRB would use its web site to invite potential suppliers to bid for contract
requirements posted on the site. This places the onus on suppliers to spend time completing
details and making commitments. It should also attract a much wider range of suppliers than
would have been possible through DRB searching sell-side sites for potential suppliers.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that DRB is large enough to host such a model. However, it may wish to
prototype it to see if it is viable and whether it uncovers potential suppliers who have not been
found in sell-side web sites searches.
In the independent marketplace model, DRB places its requirements on an intermediary web site.
These are essentially B2B electronic marketplaces which allow, on the one hand, potential
customers to search products being offered by suppliers and, on the other hand, customers to
place their requirements and be contacted by potential suppliers. Such marketplaces promise
greater supplier choice with reduced costs. They also provide an opportunity for aggregation where

EExam answer bank 569

smaller organisations (such as DRB) can get together with companies that have the same
requirement to place larger orders to gain cheaper prices and better purchasing terms. It is also
likely that such marketplaces will increasingly offer algorithms that automatically match customers
and suppliers, so reducing the search costs associated with the sell-side model. The independent
marketplace model may be a useful approach for DRB. Many of the suppliers participating in these
marketplaces are electronics companies.
(c) DRB's downstream supply chain is also very simple at the moment. It has a web-site that shows
information about DRB products. Customers can make enquiries about the specification and
availability of these products through an e-mail facility. Conventional marketing is undertaken
through local advertising and buyers either collect their products or they are delivered and installed
by a specialist group of technicians. DRB could tune its downstream supply chain by using many of
the approaches mentioned in the previous section. For example:
(i) Developing the web site so that it not only shows products but also product availability.
Customers would be able to place orders and pay for them securely over the web site. The
site could be integrated with a logistics system so that orders and deliveries can be tracked
by the customer. DRB must recognise that most of its competitors already have such
systems. However, DRB will have to put a similar system in place to be able to support its
growth plans.
(ii) Participating in independent marketplace web sites as a supplier. DRB may also be able to
exploit aggregation by combining with other suppliers in consortia to bid for large
(iii) DRB may also consider participating in B2C marketplaces such as e-bay. Many
organisations use this as their route to market for commodity products.
DRB may also wish to consider replacing its sales from inventory approach with sales from order.
In the current approach, DRB purchases products in advance and re-packages and stores these
products before selling them to customers. This leads to very quick order fulfillment but high
storage and financing costs. These costs will become greater if the planned growth occurs. DRB
may wish to consider offering products on its website at a discount but with specified delivery
terms. This would allow the company to supply to order rather than supply from inventory.

13 Project initiation
Leadership style
(a) The leadership style of the manager is tending to be autocratic; that is team members are being
told what to do without the opportunity to discuss the decisions being made. This leadership style
tends to be appropriate for staff who need a lot of guidance through a project.
(b) In this situation, most of the staff have professional qualifications, indicating that they are able to
think though problems for themselves and monitor their own work effectively. A more appropriate
management style would be participative. Dave could discuss the work to be done and then let staff
carry out this work. This approach would benefit staff by providing them with more responsibility
and benefit Dave by freeing up more time to monitor the overall progress of the project.
Lack of communication
(a) The cancelling of project meetings can have an adverse effect on morale, as well as making
communication between the team members more difficult. While it appears that more work will be
carried out on the project, if staff feel that they are not being communicated to, or that they cannot
discuss problems, then overall work efficiency is likely to suffer.
(b) This problem is easy to resolve; Dave should re-introduce the team meetings and apologise for
making the mistake of cancelling them in the first place. This will provide an appropriate channel of
communication and help team members realise it was not their fault that the meetings were

570 Exam answer bank

Lack of project updates
(a) The other problem with cancelling team meetings is that project team members will not be aware
of how the project is progressing overall. Team members may not feel motivated to work harder if
they perceive that other members are not 'pulling their weight'. The possibility of conflicts within
the team suggest that morale and trust may be low, and so motivation may be an issue.
(b) Re-introducing the team meetings will assist communication and help all team members to see
how the project is progressing. When all team members can see that everyone is working hard,
then this will have a positive impact on morale and the overall amount of work being done.
Accountability for errors
(a) Making team members accountable for errors is acceptable, where those members made mistakes
in the first place. However, in this situation, the 'trainee' systems analysts were not responsible for
a large percentage of the analysis work as this was carried out by the previous analysts.
(b) Dave should really be grateful that these two team members are attempting to continue this
important work, and not place hindrances in their way. An appropriate way of maintaining
motivation would be to simply ask for explanation of any errors found; accountability for those
errors can be decided later, if necessary.
Conflicts within the team
(a) The number of small disputes within the team indicate that working relationships are not good.
These problems will tend to affect overall communication and working efficiency within the team,
as members will not feel that they can discuss problems with each other.
(b) In this situation, Dave is wrong to ignore the problem; his team is already behind schedule and
trying to hide the problem is more likely to make it worse. Dave must attempt to resolve the
conflicts in some way, preferably by meeting and discussing with the team members why the
conflicts are arising.
If the problems cannot be resolved, the project will continue to fall behind schedule. The conflicts
and the lack of trained analysts may indicate that the project deadlines need to be moved, or the
project cancelled until a full working team with good relationships can be used.

14 Educational Institution
Top tips. The key to (a) was recognising the range of requirements that the Institution now has to fulfil
the needs of different stakeholders and the different objectives that should be met. You would have limited
the marks you could earn if you had not discussed publicity of objectives. In (b) we have provided
answers for all the measures, although you were only asked to discuss a selection. You need to think
carefully about what could distort the measures used and how they might prompt action.

(a) Different stakeholders

At present the government is the most important external stakeholder. However the government
will become less important and private sector users more important as the proportion of income
derived from private sector courses increases. In addition the Institution will also have to take into
account the interests of staff (internal stakeholders) and public sector students.
Links between financing and objectives
The cash limits set by the government relate to the effectiveness of the Institution's operations.
The limits that the Institution has to meet are determined by what its outputs are in terms of
research publications and quality. The Institution will have to take into account the methods of
measuring these non-financial objectives.
Use of finance
Fulfilling the government's requirements (and therefore obtaining finance) is the most important
current objective. However the Institution should also consider how it makes the best use of the

EExam answer bank 571

finance it obtains, and here financial objectives become important. It should be looking to
minimise costs as far as possible. The Institution should have the objective of choosing the most
economical option that does not compromise the achievement of the non-financial objectives. The
Institution should also have the objective that the expenditure it undertakes produces the
maximum return in terms of meeting the non-financial objectives.
Level of investment
The Institution also needs to consider how much to spend on long-term investment rather than
spend its entire budget on short-term requirements. If the Institution does not invest in upgrading
facilities, over time teaching and research quality will suffer as the best staff move to other
institutions with better facilities, and the Institution fails to fulfil more demanding expectations of
Advantages of publicising objectives
Publicising the above objectives seems unexceptionable, as the Institution will be demonstrating
that it is trying to achieve value for money from its operations. Likewise publicising an investment
target will indicate to prospective teachers and students the Institution's recognition that it needs
to allocate resources to ensure that it keeps up with changing views on what constitutes
Disadvantages of publicising objectives
The main problem with publicising objectives is that the Institution may be judged on the basis of
objectives which it does not have the freedom to set. As well as fulfilling government requirements
on effectiveness, the Institution may also need to take into account other government guidelines,
for example those relating to mix of students. In addition publicising objectives may highlight
conflicts between serving the needs of the public sector and serving the needs of private sector
(b) Value added
Value added can be defined in financial terms as sales revenues less the cost of running courses
(lecturers' fees, costs of producing material, costs of facilities used). Sales revenue is not however
the only measure of the success of an Educational Institution. Better measures may be percentages
of students passing their exams. For non-exam private sector courses the measure should ideally
relate to enhanced job performance.
Use of value added
The Institution will undoubtedly pay attention to revenues, but it will also need to measure the
benefits students have gained from its courses. Benefits can be measured in a variety of ways; for
non-exam courses they could take the form of students demonstrating improved skills or
knowledge at the end of the course, for example by giving a presentation. Data about all the costs
directly related to the courses will also be needed. Sophisticated measures such as shareholder
value added can be used to measure the impact of fixed and working capital investment, and the
Institution's required rate of return.
Profitability can be used to measure the returns that the resources input are generating, relative
to the sales made. Measured in these terms, profit measures by themselves do not take account of
the investment used to generate the profits.
Use of profitability
Profits may be distorted by the accounting policies, the method used for allocating the costs of
running the Institution or depreciation. Depreciation charges may be particularly problematic if
many of the assets have not been purchased on the open market but provided by the government,
and have no resale value. Provided though that profits are calculated on a consistent basis over
the five year period, the trend of profits should indicate the Institution's progress towards its

572 Exam answer bank

Profits should also be used in conjunction with measures of quality. If profits have been increased
by cutting costs and running poorer quality courses, in time the increase may be negated by the
fall in turnover resulting from customers looking elsewhere for higher quality training.
Profitability measures can also influence the range and frequency of courses run, with the most
profitable courses being run more often. However past profits may not be the best indication of
future prospects, and focusing on the performance of individual courses may not highlight the
links between them.
Return on investment
Return on investment is calculated by dividing profits by the value of assets used.
Use of return on investment
Again the profit figures used may be subject to distortion, but return on investment does at least
take into account the resources needed to generate profits. However the figures might be distorted
by the methods used to allocate assets. Provided though the methods used are consistent, return
on investment can be used as an indication of changing efficiency levels over time. Its use may
however restrict investment, as managers seek to keep down levels of capital employed; this may
not be in the Institution's best interests as it is trying to expand its courses programme.
Competitive position
There are various measures of competitive position that may be valuable to the Institution. These
include the number and variety of courses offered by competitors, also the extent to which
competitors are introducing new courses, the standard of courses offered and the pricing
structure of courses.
Use of competitive position
The Institution can benchmark competitors by sending its staff on competitors' courses, and
getting them to report on the standards of teaching, material and facilities. The feedback provided
should indicate to the Institution in what areas its own courses need to be improved to match
those offered by competitors. Benchmarking may also highlight strengths of the Institution's
courses compared with its competitors, and these strengths can be emphasised in marketing
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is likely to be a key measure for the Institution. If customers are satisfied
with the courses provided, they are likely to book further courses and also recommend the
courses to others.
Use of customer satisfaction
The Institution can obtain feedback from customers by review forms at the end of every class.
These should allow participants to rank different aspects of the courses (quality of teaching,
quality of material, facilities provided). Targets could be set for the marks that should be achieved.
These targets could be increased over time, and also improvements made to courses that failed to
reach the targets. Alternative methods of assessing how customers' needs have been met include
internal peer reviews, quality audits, and obtaining feedback from private sector participants'
Another way of measuring satisfaction is to track the level of bookings from previous participants
on Institution courses. In a competitive market, customers will only book again if they are happy
with what they have received in the past.
Market share
Market share measures the percentage share that an organisation has in the total market for a
good or service. It measures the success of the sales performance, pricing strategy and product

EExam answer bank 573

Use of market share
The Institution will need to research who offers similar courses and ascertain numbers who go.
The courses offered by others need to be tracked over time. In order to achieve its growth targets,
it may be better for the Institution to concentrate on expanding courses in areas in which it
currently has low market share, since there may be potential to attract customers away from
competitors. Market share targets may be set as subsidiary targets to growth targets.

15 Coxford Doors
Top tips. This rather unrealistic scenario turns the situation in the typical UK family run business on its
head: one would normally find such a business falling behind because its autocratic management style
and power culture were unsuited to a rapidly changing environment. Nevertheless, this question is a gift
to the reasonably well prepared candidate. It is almost an invitation to write down all you know about
participation and change management. Almost but not quite: you must always relate your answer to the

This company seems to have operated more like a soviet than a business. No doubt there has been much
job-satisfaction, but the company's ability to compete and add value has deteriorated.
A participatory style of management has been shown in many studies to enhance personal motivation and
commitment to the organisation's mission. This occurs via the process of internalisation, whereby the
members of the workforce adopt the corporate goal as their personal goal. This can lead to better
industrial relations, higher quality and better service. However, there is no conclusive evidence that such
an approach necessarily leads to improved overall performance. This is borne out by the situation at
Coxford Doors.
Andrew Smith's style of management is likely to bring the focus that has been missing in the past. He will
no doubt speed up the decision making process (probably by making most decisions himself) plan
effectively and issue clear instructions. Confusion and delay should be reduced and control enhanced. This
will improve the business's responsiveness and ability to satisfy customers.
However, Andrew Smith is likely to encounter resistance from a work force used to proceeding according
to its own ideas of what is appropriate. Morale and loyalty are both likely to suffer from the loss of
autonomy. There is likely to be a lack of co-operation and, possibly, active resistance to the new order.
The commercial position might deteriorate further as a result.
Even if there is acceptance that the trading position demands change it is unlikely to be wholehearted. A
strong undercurrent of resentment may be created, resurfacing at some time in the future, perhaps when
the commercial situation has improved.
Routine changes are harder to sell than transformational ones if they are perceived to be unimportant and
not survival-based.
Culture change is perhaps hardest of all, especially if it involves basic assumptions. This is certainly the
case at Coxford Doors. However, the necessary preconditions for change are in place. Andrew Smith is
himself an outsider, prepared to challenge and expose, in a visible way, the existing behaviour pattern; his
appointment will act as a trigger; and alterations to the power structure will be an inherent part of his
The unfreeze stage is likely to include extensive communication and consultation processes, but the
objective must be kept in sight; concern for proper treatment of employees must not be allowed to subvert
the overall aim.
Change is the second stage of the process and is mainly concerned with introducing the new, desirable
behaviours and approaches. This will involve retraining and practice to build up familiarity and experience.
Individuals must be encouraged to take ownership of the new ways of doing things. For this to happen
they must be shown to work.

574 Exam answer bank

Refreeze is the final stage, involving consolidation and reinforcement of the new behaviour. Positive or
negative reinforcement may be used, with praise, reward and sanctions applied as necessary.
It will be important for Andrew Smith to retain control of the process at all times, since the company's
history of participative management will tend to undermine his move towards a firmer style. He must
make it clear from the outset that change must take place, while remaining flexible on the detail and the
style of its introduction. It would be advisable to aim for an intermediate style of management, in which
the workforce retain a voice. Operational control must be improved, but it should not be necessary to
move to a completely autocratic way of doing things.

16 Shirtmaster Group
Part (a)

Top tips. Although you are provided with a lot of financial information your focus must be on the strategic
position of the group and its divisions, rather than on calculations and numbers themselves.
The question is all about gaining an understanding of the key trends, and this includes analysing the
separate performances of the two divisions. Your findings are likely to inform your answers to later parts
of the question.
Easy marks. The figures should indicate to you that the two divisions are performing very differently. If
you work through the key features of each division you should be able to identify a number of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the material given in the scenario.
Tutorial note. We have included all the figures from the question and added in key percentages so that we
can then use them in our answer.
You should not replicate all the data in the exam; simply calculate the key percentages, ratios or trends
and then use them in your analysis.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Budget Forecast Forecast
Overall Shirtmaster Group:
Total sales 25.0 23.8 21.4 23.5 24.4 26.7
Gondour sales 24.5 23.2 21.0 22.7 23.4 24.7
Trend in total sales 5% 10% 10% 4% 9%
Overseas sales 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 2.0
Cost of sales 17.7 16.8 15.2 16.3 16.8 17.8
Cost of sales % 71% 71% 71% 69% 69% 67%
Gross profit 7.3 7.0 6.2 7.2 7.6 8.9
Gross profit % 29% 29% 29% 31% 31% 33%
Marketing 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.2
Distribution 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.9
Administration 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.1
Other costs % 20% 20% 19% 21% 22% 23%
Net profit 2.2 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.7
Net profit % 9% 10% 10% 9% 9% 10%

Shirtmaster division:
Total sales 14.8 12.6 10.3 11.7 12.0 13.5
Gondoir sales 14.3 12.0 9.9 10.9 11.0 11.5
Trend in total sales 15% 18% 14% 3% 13%
Overseas sales 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 2.0
Cost of sales 11.1 9.8 8.2 9.1 9.4 10.1
Cost of sales % 75% 78% 80% 78% 78% 75%
Gross profit 3.7 2.8 2.1 2.6 2.6 3.4

EExam answer bank 575

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Budget Forecast Forecast
Gross profit % 25% 22% 20% 22% 22% 25%
Marketing 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.7 2.0
Distribution 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3
Administration 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3
Other costs % 27% 28% 28% 31% 33% 34%
Net profit (0.3) (0.7) (0.8) (1.0) (1.3) (1.2)
Net profit % 2% 5% 8% 9% 11% 9%
Inventory 2.0 2.2 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.0
Employees 100 100 98 98 99 100

Corporate Clothing division:

Total sales 10.2 11.2 11.1 11.8 12.4 13.2
Trend 12% 1% 6% 5% 6%
Cost of sales 6.6 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.7
Cost of sales % 65% 63% 63% 61% 60% 58%
Gross profit 3.6 4.2 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.5
Gross profit % 35% 38% 37% 39% 40% 42%
Marketing 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Distribution 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6
Administration 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8
Other costs % 11% 11% 11% 12% 11% 12%
Net profit 2.5 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.9
Net profit % 25% 27% 26% 27% 29% 30%

Inventory 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0

Employees 84 84 80 79 77 75

The results and forecast for the two divisions indicate that the Shirtmaster Group is a composite of two
very different performances by the totally separate divisions. These divisions are operating in very different
markets, with very different strategies and very different results. For the group as a whole, sales have
declined to 2010 and net margins are struggling to get into double figures.
The Shirtmaster division is dragging down the performance of the entire group. The overall group net
profit margin of 10% in 2010 masks the fact that the Shirtmasters division suffered a net loss, while
Corporate Clothing recorded a net profit margin of 26%.
Using the information from the scenario to consider the Shirtmasters value chain, for example, Tony
Masters' strategy of being an integrated shirt manufacturer carrying out all the activities needed to design,
manufacture and distribute its shirts is in doubt, because most of its competitors have recognised the
commercial sense in outsourcing production to cheaper and more flexible manufacturers overseas.
There is no competitive advantage in retaining production in the higher cost Gondour, particularly when
the company has no other point of differentiation (such as recognised high style or fashion) for its
The premium end of the shirt market, its historical focus, has changed since the days of Shirtmasters'
earlier success and the division now needs to change to respond to a new market structure with new
participants in the value system.
The figures indicate that Shirtmaster's reliance on small retailers has seen the costs of its support
activities (marketing, distribution and administration) take up a huge part of its turnover (19% in 2010,
and forecast to rise still further to 23% by 2013).
Trips to buy cloth from foreign suppliers have resulted in large inventories of expensive cloth, around a
month's worth of sales being held at any one time. Meeting the demands of its many small customers is
therefore having a real impact on marketing, manufacturing and distribution costs. High inventory levels
will also have an adverse impact on the business's working capital requirements.

576 Exam answer bank

Making reference to Porter's five competitive forces, the key ones at work are the rivalry between the
shirt makers, and the increased buying power of customers in the industry the specialist retail outlets
and supermarkets. To accommodate these forces, Shirtmasters may have to consider the possibility of
making own brand shirts for the supermarkets so that it can expand its market.
The effect of these problems is revealed in selected aspects of performance, when compared to the
Corporate Clothing division:

Shirtmaster division Corporate Clothing division

Sales growth to 2010 Slowing Increasing
Gross margin Lower Higher and sustained
Sales per employee Modest Improving
Marketing etc expenses Out of control Acceptable levels
Inventory levels Too high More modest
Net margins Negative Positive
Market share Minimal, stagnant Growing
Product innovation Nil Customer focus
Process innovation Nil Investment in technology
Customer base Declining Growing

The measures above reflect a balanced scorecard approach to performance analysis. On all measures,
Corporate Clothing is a stronger performer and this must be due to its focus on the customer, through its
willingness to embrace the realities of its market, invest in appropriate technology and take close note of
customer needs. The contrast with Tony's 'pet' division, Shirtmasters, could not be more stark, and
should serve to impress upon the senior management of the group the need to give more strategic
responsibility to managers possessing the necessary detachment to manage Shirtmasters more
Part (b)

Top tips. Begin your answer by defining a strategic alliance, and outlining its advantages and
disadvantages. We have concentrated upon the suitability of a joint venture for this answer. Apply the
advantages and disadvantages to the circumstances of Shirtmakers and Corporate Clothing and use your
answers to part (a) to examine the suitability of each company. You should answer large scenario
questions in order, as your answers to one part may inform the content of a later part, as is the case here.

Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define a strategic alliance as 'where two or more organisations share
resources and activities to pursue a strategy'. Alliances can be particularly attractive to smaller firms such
as Shirtmakers, or where expensive new technologies or markets are being developed and the costs can
be shared. One particular form of strategic alliance is the joint venture, whereby two or more firms join
forces for manufacturing, financial and marketing purposes and each has a share in both the equity and
the management of the business.
Particular advantages to Shirtmakers and Corporate Clothing of the pursuit of such an alliance are the
(a) Share costs. As the capital outlay is shared, joint ventures can be especially attractive. The joint
operation may lead to economies of scale that mean that costs can be reduced.
(b) Cut risk. A joint venture can reduce the risk of government intervention if a local firm is involved.
(c) Alliances provide close control over marketing and other operations, as both companies have a
strong interest in ensuring that processes are effective.
(d) Overseas joint ventures provide local knowledge. Alliances are commonly entered into where, as in
this scenario, a company is seeking to expand overseas.

EExam answer bank 577

(e) Synergies. One firm's production expertise, for example, can be supplemented by the other's
marketing and distribution facility. In this way, particular competences can be exploited for the
good of the whole alliance.
(f) Learning. Alliances can also be a learning exercise in which each partner tries to learn as much as
possible from the other, particularly about local markets.
(g) Technology. New technology offers many uncertainties and many opportunities. Such alliances
provide funds for expensive research projects, spreading risk.
(h) The alliance itself can generate innovations and be a learning exercise for all participants.
(i) The alliance can involve testing the firm's core competence in different conditions, which can
suggest ways to improve it.
When choosing the type of alliance to pursue, the following factors need to be considered by Shirtmakers
and Corporate Clothing.
What benefits are going to be offered by collaboration?
Which partners should be chosen?
Is the environment favourable to a partnership?
What activities and processes will have to be set up?
Are there any other alliances within the industry?
Johnson, Scholes and Whittington argue that for an alliance to be successful there needs to be a clear
strategic purpose and senior management support; compatibility between the partners; time spent
defining clear goals, governance and other organisational arrangements; and trust between the partners
that together they can get the job done.
The major disadvantage of joint ventures is that there can be major conflicts of interest. Disagreements
may arise over profit shares, amounts invested, the management and control of the alliance, and overall
strategy. Shirtmakers and Corporate Clothing would need to make sure that such issues are clearly set out
and agreed at the beginning to avoid damaging clashes later.
The Shirtmaster and Corporate Clothing divisions have very different experience and business conditions
to offer any potential partner. Shirtmaster may struggle to attract a partner with its current product and
strategy, particularly its insistence on retaining manufacture in Gondour when most competitors now
source from cheaper markets in Catopia and Eurpolis. Its dwindling network of low volume small retail
customers, and the processes by which it manages its stock and designs would appear to many potential
partners and Catopian retailers to be anachronistic. By contrast, the Corporate Clothing division seems to
be much more favourable as a potential partner. The market for corporate workwear is growing, and the
company employs sophisticated systems coupled with a superior customer service record. This could be
repeated in Catopia if the right partner could be found.
Part (c)

Top tips. This is a complex question. The existence of the two divisions largely reflects the origins of the
two family businesses, and the divisions have grown and developed separately. Think about the
advantages and disadvantages of divisionalisation and how these are currently manifested in the
Shirtmasters group. Does divisionalisation make sense for the management of these businesses? Their
products may be along the same lines, but their trading conditions and circumstances are very different.

Divisionalisation has some advantages, notably focusing the attention of subordinate management on
business performance and results. It therefore can provide a good training ground for junior managers in
the individual divisions. It also enables proper concentration on particular product-market areas in this
case, shirts and workwear.
Problems can arise, as in this scenario, with the power of the head office, and control of resources. It
appears that Tony Masters has more emotional commitment, and presumably more management time, to
devote to Shirtmaster at the expense of Corporate Clothing.

578 Exam answer bank

Mintzberg believes there are inherent problems in divisionalisation, many of which are actually those of
conglomerate diversification. In the Shirtmaster group, it could be that each business might be better run
independently. The different businesses might offer different returns for different risks which shareholders
might prefer to judge independently.
There does not appear to be any common effort between the divisions, with no sharing of resources
apparent from the scenario details. While both are in the clothing market, their respective value systems
run very differently. Information systems are also likely to operate independently. This may be leading to
duplication of effort and waste of resources.
If divisionalisation is to operate effectively, divisional management should be free to use their authority to
do what they think is right for their part of the organisation. This is not happening in the Shirtmaster
division, and the time has come for Tony Masters to allow his management team to develop strategy to
drive the company forward, perhaps with the necessity to take some tough decisions that he appears
incapable of making. Performance in both divisions needs to be clearly identified and controlled, and
resources channelled to those areas showing potential.
Each division must have a potential for growth in its own area of operations. It seems that only Corporate
Clothing can satisfy this test in current trading conditions.
Divisions should exist side by side with each other. If they deal with each other, it should be as an arm's
length transaction. There should be no insistence on preferential treatment to be given to one particular
unit. While there is no suggestion in the scenario that this is happening, Tony Masters' favouring of the
Shirtmaster division in more subtle ways is having an effect upon performance.
Using the BCG matrix it is possible to classify the Shirtmaster division as a 'dog' with low market share, in
a market with little growth. It needs refreshed management to take it forward and find new markets. The
Corporate Clothing division, by contrast, has a small share of a growing market, and this potential also
needs to close management.

EExam answer bank 579

580 Exam answer bank

3G technologies, 323 Barriers to entry, 52, 56, 186, 192, 193
7Ps, 350 Bases for segmentation, 73
Basic factors, 37
ACCA and CIMA, 57 Behavioural segmentation, 73
Beliefs, 142
Acceptability, 200, 203, 324 Benchmarking, 112
Access to distribution channels, 52
Bennett and James, 32
Acid test ratio, 489 Better off tests, 176
Acquisitions, 192, 193 Blake and Mouton, 502, 504
Activity-based costing, 481, 494 Blog marketing, 345
Actual Product, 351 Body Shop, 195
Adair, 504 Borrowing, 458
Adaptation, 243, 247 Boston classification, 172
Adhocracy, 233 Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 172
Administrative adhocracy, 233 Boundaries, 103, 330
Adverse selection, 137 BPR, 266, 511
Advertising, 354 Brand, 105, 364
Affiliate marketing, 345 Brand values, 77
Agency theory, 137 Branding, 345
Airline code sharing, 227 Breakthrough products, 178
Airlines, 315
Bribery, 125
Alien businesses, 176
Budgetary control, 221
Allen et al, 375
Budgetary processes, 525
Alliance partners, 197 Business automation, 265
Alliances, 227, 252
Business model, 9, 310
Amazon.com, 355
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), 264,
Analytical CRM, 379
Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance,
138 IT and, 266; methodology, 265; principles of,
Annual hours, 229 265
Ansoff, I, 157, 188 Business processes, 309
Applied research, 110 Business rationalisation, 265
Artefacts, 141 Business risk, 165
Arthur D Little, 200 Business strategy, 10
Ashridge College model of mission, 6 Business-level strategy, 10
Ashridge portfolio display, 175 Business-to-business markets, 71
Asset turnover, 486 Buyer behaviour, 70
Auction sites, 314
Augmented product, 351 C 2B (Consumer-to-Business), 312
Automation, 266 C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), 312
Autonomy, 508 C2G (Citizen-to-Government), 312
Capabilities, 91
B2B (Business-to-Business), 312 Capital, 37
B2C (Business-to-Consumer), 312 Capital requirements, 52
B2E (Business-to-Employee), 312 Cash budget, 456
B2G (Business-to-Government), 312 Cash cows, 172
B2M (Business to Machine), 313 Cash flow ratio, 488
Back drawer issues, 174 Categorical imperative, 124
Backward integration, 157 Category killers, 178
Balanced scorecard, 222 Central services, 169
Ballast businesses, 176 Centralisation, 224
Balogun and Hope Hailey, 242, 243 Chaffey, D, 345
Banner advertising, 345, 369 Challenge, 63
Bargaining power of customers, 51, 54, 56 Change, 242, 574
Bargaining power of suppliers, 51, 54, 56 Change agent, 247
Barriers to e-business, 311 Change and performance J curve, 235

Index 583
Change management, 247, 268 Core competences, 92, 103, 197
Channel management, 309 Core employees, 28
Channel structures, 313 Core Product, 351
Channel Tunnel, 53 Corporate appraisal, 116
Characteristics of strategic decisions, 6 Corporate culture, 192
Charismatic leaders, 248 Corporate ethical code, 126, 148
Chief executive, 249 Corporate ethics, 126
Client/server architecture, 320 Corporate governance, 131, 136, 140
Closed system, 263 Corporate parent, 155, 168
Cobra report, 266 Corporate portfolio, 171
Co-branding, 365 Corporate social responsibility, 132
Coca Cola, 78 Corporate strategy, 10
Cognitivist theories, 123 Correlation, 45
Collaboration, 187 Cost drivers, 330
Collaborative CRM, 379 Cost efficiency, 92
Collective intelligence, 377 Cost focus strategy, 180
Commercial auctions, 309 Cost globalisation, 35
Commercial organisation, 92 Cost leadership, 76, 177, 178, 181, 183
Communication, 311, 570 Cost leadership, differentiation or focus, 57
Communication backbones, 318 Cost reduction, 311
Comparative advantage, 36 Cost-benefit analysis, 204, 286
Competence based qualifications, 514 Countermediation, 313, 315, 353
Competence frameworks, 514 Coupon, 461
Competences, 90, 91, 95, 514 Crisis, 224
Competitive advantage, 36, 164, 177, 311, 316, Crisis stabilisation, 249
512 Critical success factors, 23, 77, 182, 187
Competitive environment, 51, 316 Critical success factors, 77
Competitive forces, 51, 56 Cross-subsidisation, 156
Competitive products, 178 Crystal glass industry, 40
Competitive rivalry, 55, 57, 92, 93 Cultural control, 230
Competitive strategy, 177 Cultural environment, 28
Competitors, 23 Cultural processes, 221, 527
Complementary exporting, 166 Cultural web, 143, 245
Complementary products, 81 Culture change, 574
Complex buying behaviour, 371 Culture, 28, 141, 244, 311
Complexity, 529 Currency risk, 165
Computer games, 57 Current ratio, 489
Concentrated marketing, 75 Customer analysis, 79
Concentric diversification, 158 Customer lifecycle, 80
Configuration, 213 Customer portfolio, 78
Conflicts within the team, 571 Customer profitability analysis, 80
Conglomerate, 158 Customer profitability, 80
Conglomerate diversification, 158, 193 Customer Relationship Management (CRM),
Consequentialist ethics, 123 366
Consolidation, 189 Customer service, 311, 345
Consortia, 194 Customer specific marketing, 375
Consultants, 249, 526 Customers, 54, 70, 77, 79, 92
Consumer generated content, 377 Customs, 141
Consumer goods, 71 Cycle of competition, 23, 63
Contingency funding, 458
Continuous improvement, 509
Continuum of leadership styles, 501 D ata, 96
Contract manufacture, 167 Data migration, 295
Control, 311, 508, 510 Data warehouse, 99
Control process, 220 Database marketing, 375
Cookies, 376 Databases, 228

584 Index
Datamining, 99, 375 Economic growth, 30
Davenport and Short, 265 Economies of scale, 26, 92, 166, 188, 192
Deadweight cost of administration, 513 Economies of scope, 156
Debt ratios, 487 Electronic business, 309, 338
Decentralisation, 224, 225, 530 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 267, 335, 339
Decision-making unit, 72 Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), 309
Decline, 107 Electronic mail, 320
Delayering, 253 Electronic share trading, 309
Delta model, 185 Elkington, J, 33
Demand conditions, 37 Email, 311, 369
Demand-led convergence, 51 Email databases, 346
Demerger, 191 Email marketing, 345
Demography, 28 E-marketing, 345
Deontology, 124 E-marketing mix (6 Is), 348
Design requirements, 294 E-marketing plan, 346
Design, 93 Emergent strategy, 17, 523, 526
Deskilling, 507, 513 Employee learning, 512
Development, 110 Empowerment, 236, 511
Differentiated marketing, 75 Enforced choice, 204
Differentiation, 177, 178, 181, 185 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 337
Differentiation focus strategy, 180 Enterprise resource planning, 266, 288
Differentiation strategies, 183 Entrepreneurial structure, 230
Direct changeover, 295 Environment, 10, 22
Direct exporting, 165, 166 Environmental change, 156
Direct marketing, 354 Environmental costs, 32
Discounts, 80 Environmental feasibilty, 286
Disintermediation, 313 Environmental performance, 33
Disruptive power, 266 Environmental protection policy, 31
Distintermediation, 353 Environmental protection, 31
Diversification, 190 Environmental risk screening, 32
Diversified form, 232 Environmental taxes, 32
Diversity, 159 Environmental uncertainty, 23
Divestment, 191 Environment-related management accounting,
Dividend cover, 492 33
Dividend yield, 490 Envisioning, 168
Divisional form, 232 E-procurement, 335
Divisionalisation, 214, 215, 232 Equity, 459
Document analysis, 292 Equity share capital, 459
Dogs, 172 Equity shares, 459
Domestic country orientation, 160 ERP, 288
Drivers of change, 23 Escrow agreements, 299
Du Pont system of ratio analysis, 484 E-tailers, 314
Dual authority, 217 Ethical dilemmas, 123, 124, 125
Dynamic capabilities, 95 Ethical relativism, 123
Dynamic pricing, 355 Ethical stance, 135
Ethics, 123
Ethnocentrism, 160
Earnings per share, 491 Eurostar, 53
E-business, 309 Evolution, 243, 247
E-business adoption pyramid, 310 Exit barriers, 55, 191
E-business strategy, 325 Experience curve, 93
E-commerce, 309 Expert system, 99
E-commerce infrastructure, 317 Explicit knowledge, 98
E-commerce strategy, 324 Exponential smoothing, 50
Econometric models, 50 Exporting, 161, 166
Economic environment, 27 Export-led growth, 159

Index 585
Extended marketing mix, 70 General Electric Business Screen, 174
Extended product, 351 Generic strategies, 177
Externalities, 134 Generic strategy, 57
Extortion, 125 Geocentrism, 161
Extranet, 99, 316, 318, 319, 338 Geographical, 73
Ghoshal and Bartlett, 228
Factor conditions, 37 Gifts, 126
Glaxo, 105
Failure strategies, 184
Global competition, 36
Fan clubs, 314
Global heterarchy, 163
Feasibility, 200, 202, 220, 285, 325
Globalisation, 35, 159
Feedback, 508
Goal, 8
Fiedler, 504
Goals, 6, 7
Fighting back, 63
Golden fleeces, 174
File creation, 295
Goold and Campbell, 225
Finance, 11
Governance framework, 136
Financial control style, 226
Financial control, 230 Government, 57
Financial feasibility, 286 Government policy, 35
Financial intermediaries, 314 Graphical User Interface (GUI), 318
Financial management, 455 Grease money, 125
Financial services, 315 Green issues, 32
Firewall, 99, 319 Green pressure groups, 31
Firm infrastructure, 102 Groupware, 98
Firm strategy, structure and rivalry, 38 Growth vector matrix, 188
First mover, 93
First mover advantage, 185 Habitual buying behaviour, 371
First pass selection, 298 Hammer and Champy, 264
Five competitive forces, 51 Harmon, 283
Five Cs, 162 Harmon's process-strategy matrix, 269
Five forces, 23, 179 Harris and Ogbonna, 254
Flexibility, 294 Heartland businesses, 176
Flexible firm, 229 Hersey and Blanchard, 504
Flexible manufacturing, 509 Hierarchical structure, 236
Focus, 177, 179 Hierarchy of objectives, 7
Focussed differentiation, 183 Holding company, 214, 215
Follower strategy, 109 Horizontal integration, 157
Forcefield analysis, 244 Human capital theory, 513
Forecast, 456, 475 Human relations, 508, 511
Forecasting a cash surplus, 458 Human resource management, 11, 102
Forecasts, 41 Human resources, 37, 116
Forums, 314 Hybrid chief executive, 249
Forward integration, 157 Hybrid strategy, 183
Four Ps, 69 Hypercompetition, 64, 95, 185, 186
Franchising, 194, 195 Hypercompetitive strategy, 186
Functional organisation, 213
Functional requirements, 294
Functional structure, 213
Icarus paradox, 527
Immanuel Kant, 124
Immigration, 159
G2B (Government-to-Business), 312 Impact reduction, 299
G2C (Government-to-Citizen), 312 Imperatives, 293
G2E (Government-to-Employee), 312 Implementation, 299
G2G (Government-to-Government), 312 Import substitution, 159
Gaps and disconnects, 285 Imposed strategy, 526
Gearing, 487 Improved products, 178
Gearing ratio, 487 Inbound logistics, 102

586 Index
Incentives, 345
Independence of location, 349
Kalakota and Robinson, 326
Indirect exporting, 165, 166 Kall-Kwik, 195
Individualisation, 349 Kanban, 509
Industrial markets, 71 Key customer analysis, 79
Industry, 23, 50 Key drivers of change, 35
Key factor, 90
Industry life cycle, 64, 200
Industry scenarios, 42 Key performance indicators, 77
Industry standard, 185 Knowledge, 37, 96
Industry structure, 349 Knowledge management, 95, 96
Inflation, 493 Knowledge work, 31, 511
Information intensity matrix, 332 Kotler, 72
Information systems, 11, 193 KPIs, 77
Information technology, 56 Kvaerner, 33
Information, 96
Infrastructure, 37 Labour, 159
In-house development, 289
Latin model of corporate governance, 139
Initial implementation requirements, 295
Le Shuttle, 53
Innovation, 64, 104, 108, 111, 192
Lead generation, 345
Innovation and competitive advantage, 108 Leader strategy, 109
Insiderisation, 162 Leadership, 142, 221, 248, 527
Intangible products, 15
Leadership style, 570
Intangible resources, 91
Leading indicators, 50
Integration, 349 Lean production, 509
Intelligence, 349 Learning, 192, 197, 530
Intended strategy, 522
Learning curve, 93, 166, 178
Interactive advertising, 345
Learning organisation, 95, 529, 530
Interactive digital television, 322
Leasing, 228
Interactivity, 349
Least squares regression analysis, 46
Interdependence of organisations, 228
Legal environment, 33
Interest cover, 488
Levels of strategy, 10, 19
Interest yield, 491
Licensing agreement, 194
Internal development, 192
Life cycle, 32, 76
Internal marketing, 354
Life cycle analysis, 200
International Standards Organisation, 316, 321,
Life cycle/portfolio matrix, 200
Lifestyle segmentation, 73
Internet, 163, 267, 317, 318
Lifetime costs, 93
Internet Protocol (IP), 320
Limiting factor, 90
Intervention, 169
Linear regression analysis, 44
Interviews, 290
Linkages, 102
Intranet, 99, 316, 318, 319, 338
Loan capital, 461
Intrapreneurship, 111
Investment synergy, 156 Loan stock, 461
Invitation to tender, 297 Lock-in, 185
IP address, 321 Logical incrementalism, 527, 529, 530
Long-term direction, 5
Lotus Notes, 98
Japanese model of corporate governance, 139 Low price strategy, 183
Job content, 508 Luxury goods, 160
Job design, 506, 513 Lynch, 188
Job enlargement, 508
Job enrichment, 508, 511
Job losses, 253
Machine bureaucracy, 231
Job rotation, 508 Machine cells, 509
Joint ventures, 167, 194, 577 Macro scenarios, 41
Macro-environment, 23
Malls, 314

Index 587
Management by objectives, 8
Management of change, 235
National vocational qualifications, 514
Management of relationships, 227 Natural law, 124
Management style, 142 Neo-human relations, 508
Management synergy, 156 Network Access Points, 318
Management team, 316 Network marketing, 354
Managerial grid, 502 Network organisations, 227
Managerial Grid, 502 Networks, 252
Market, 70 Networks of influence, 252
Market attractiveness, 164 New product development, 110
Market convergence, 159 New product strategies, 108, 109
Market development, 189 No frills strategy, 182
Market globalisation, 35 Non-cognitivism, 123
Market growth rate, 172 Non-functional requirements, 294
Market opportunity, 316 Non-substitutability, 95
Market options matrix, 188 North West Water, 158
Market penetration, 189 Norweb, 158
Market position, 198 Not for profit organisations, 15
Market power, 156 Not for profit services, 50
Market processes, 223
Market segmentation, 72 Objective, 6, 8
Market segments, 23, 81 Observation, 291
Market share, 79, 172, 188 Office automation systems, 98
Market strategy, 316 Ohmae 5Cs, 162
Marketing, 11, 69, 111, 192, 309 One-to-one marketing, 375
Marketing and sales, 102 Online transaction, 346
Marketing audit, 78 Open system, 263
Marketing mix, 69 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard,
Marketing synergy, 156 321
Markets, 23 Operability requirements, 296
Mashups, 377 Operating adhocracy, 233
Matrix organisation, 216 Operating core, 230, 231
Matrix structure, 216, 217, 218 Operating gearing, 487
Matrix, 233 Operating synergy, 156
Maturity, 106, 504 Operational CRM, 379
McDonald and Wilson, 348 Operational strategies, 10
McGregor, 503 Operations, 102
Medium-term forecasting, 50 Opportunities, 81, 116
Megatrends, 323 Options generation, 526
Mendelow's matrix, 130 Ordinary shares, 459
Mergers, 192, 193 Organic growth, 192
Microsoft and Sony, 112 Organisation, 30
Middle line, 230, 232 Organisational buying behaviour, 71
Military analogies, 63 Organisational configuration, 213
Mintzberg, H, 133, 230, 237, 558 Organisational culture, 142
Mission, 6, 8, 142 Organisational development, 316
Mission statement, 7 Organisational iceberg, 142
Missionary organisation, 234 Organisational knowledge, 96
Modes of entry, 165 Organisational learning, 96
Moral hazard, 137 Outbound logistics, 102
Moving averages, 49 Output controls, 221
Multi-divisional structure, 215 Outsourcing, 93, 273
Multinationals, 14 Overseas branches, 162
Multi-skilling, 511 Overseas manufacture, 165, 167
Mythology, 142 Overseas production, 162, 167

588 Index
Product, 69, 351
Packaged holidays, 29 Product class, 105
Paradigm, 143, 243, 251 Product development, 189
Parallel running, 295 Product differentiation, 52
Parental developers, 170 Product form, 105
Patterns in information, 97 Product innovation, 64
Pay Per Click advertising, 345 Product life cycle, 64, 105, 107, 200
People, 70, 354 Product portfolio, 105
Pepsi, 160 Product positioning, 76
Performance targets, 221 Product research, 110
Peripheral employees, 28
Production possibility curve, 30
Permission marketing, 372
Production, 11, 193
Personalisation, 373
Product-market mix, 188
Personnel management, 512
Product-market strategy, 188
PESTEL, 23, 24
Professional bureaucracy, 231
Philips, 191, 192
Profit margin, 485
Physical evidence, 70, 355
Project co-ordinators, 216
Physical resources, 37, 91
Project initiation, 570
Pilot operation, 295
Project teams, 512, 525
PIMS, 108, 172
Project-based structure, 219
Place, 69
Promotion, 69, 353
Planning processes, 221
Promotional mix, 354
Planning, 508
Protocol analysis, 291
Point of Presence (POP), 318
Protocol stack, 322
Policies and standards of behaviour, 6
Prototyping, 292
Political hot boxes, 174
Psychographic segmentation, 73
Political processes, 528
Public policy on competition, 25
Political risk, 26, 164
Public sector, 15, 92, 221
Political view, 528
Public sector portfolio matrix, 173
Politics, 252, 528
Public sector star, 173
Polycentrism, 160
Publisher web sites, 314
Portals, 314
Pull model, 328
Porter and Millar, 332
Pure research, 110
Porter, M, 36, 51, 100, 176, 177
Purpose, 6
Porter's diamond, 36
Portfolio managers, 169
Position audit, 89 Qualitative forecasting, 44
Postma, P, 374 Quality, 508
Power, 252 Quality improvement methods, 267
Power games, 528 Quality methods, 509
Power structures, 252 Question marks, 172
PR, 354 Questionnaires, 291
Price, 70, 351, 356 Quick ratio, 489
Price/Earnings ratio, 490
Price-based strategies, 182, 185
Primary activities, 102
Rao et al, 326
Rarity, 94
Process, 355
Ratio analysis, 483
Process commoditisation, 273
Ratio pyramids, 484
Process improvement, 268
Rayport and Jaworski, 326
Process redesign, 268
Real options, 204
Process redesign methodology, 271
Realised strategy, 522, 526
Process redesign patterns, 283
Reconstruction, 243, 247
Process reengineering, 268
Redesign pattern, 283
Process research, 110
Redundancy payments, 55
Processes, 70, 213
Redundancy programmes, 253
Procurement, 102
Refreeze, 575

Index 589
Regiocentrism, 161 Segmentation of the industrial market, 74
Regression analysis, 46 Segmentation variables, 73
Reinforcing cycles, 235 Segmentation, 70, 367, 371
Reintermediation, 313, 314, 353 Self-control, 221
Related and supporting industries, 37 Semi-closed system, 263
Related diversification, 157 Services, 159
Relationship marketing, 367, 372 Set-up costs, 509
Relationships, 213, 224 Shamrock organisation, 228, 229, 230
Relative market share, 172 Shaw and Stone, 375
Relevant costs, 475 Shell directional policy matrix, 175
Renewable and non-renewable resources, 33 Shopping goods, 71
Research and development, 11, 109, 111 Simple structure, 230
Research techniques, 292 Situation analysis, 242
Resource, 95 Six Is, 348
Resource allocation routines, 527 Size, 214, 232
Resource audit, 89 Skidmore and Eva, 290, 292
Resource-based strategy, 90 SLEPT, 24
Resources, 10, 89 Small businesses, 14
Response, 63 SMART objectives, 7
Return on capital employed, 485 Social feasibility, 286
Revenue model, 316 Social needs, 508
Revolution, 243, 247 Social networking, 376
Rhine model of corporate governance, 138 Social responsibility, 127
Risk, 164, 203 Socio-demographic, 74
Risk avoidance, 299 Software engineering, 267
Risk mitigation, 299 Software installation, 295
Risk reduction, 299 Software package solution, 379
Risks of poor corporate governance, 141 Software packages, 289, 293, 297
Rituals, 29, 141 Specialisation, 511
Rivalry amongst current competitors, 51, 55 Stages of e-commerce development, 326
Robustness, 94 Stakeholder analysis, 250
Rollback analysis, 473 Stakeholder concept, 367
Routines, 251 Stakeholder groups, 250
Rummler Brache methodology, 267 Stakeholder mapping, 130, 131
Stakeholder theory, 129
Stakeholders' objectives, 128
S ales growth, 486 Stakeholders, 128, 156, 203, 249, 250
Sales promotion, 354 Standard cost, 464
Sales support, 354 Standard costing, 464
Scale economies, 52 Standardisation, 233
Scenario, 23, 41 Stars, 172
Scenario building, 41 STEEPLE, 24
Scientific Management, 506, 507, 511 Stereotypical configurations, 230
Scottish vocational qualifications, 514 Stock, 461
Screening process, 164 Stock market ratios, 484, 490
Search bots, 314 Strategic alliances, 197
Search engine marketing, 345 Strategic analysis, 525, 526
Search Engine Optimisation, 377 Strategic apex, 230, 530
Search engine, 369 Strategic business units, 155
Search engines, 314 Strategic capability, 8, 12, 89, 94, 115, 185,
Seasonal variations, 47, 49 512
Second pass selection, 298 Strategic change, 242, 526
Secondary ratios, 485 Strategic choices, 11, 12, 522
Sector, 23, 50 Strategic control style, 226
Segment attractiveness, 75 Strategic control, 9, 226
Segment validity, 75 Strategic customer, 77, 81
Segmentation bases, 73

590 Index
Strategic drift, 17, 527, 529 System implementation, 295
Strategic gaps, 81 System, 263
Strategic group analysis, 68 Systems theory, 263
Strategic groups, 23, 68, 81
Strategic intent, 8
Strategic leadership, 248
Tacit knowledge, 96, 98
Tagging, 377
Strategic management accounting, 80
Takeover, 203
Strategic management styles, 226
Tangible resources, 91
Strategic planning, 226
Strategic planning process, 7 Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 501
Strategic planning systems, 523 Target market segments, 250
Strategic position, 11, 12, 522 Target marketing, 76
Strategic space, 68 Taylor, F, 506
Strategies for market challengers, 199 TCP/IP protocol stack, 316, 322, 338
Strategies for market followers, 199 Team-based structure, 219
Strategies for market leaders, 199 Technical feasibility, 286
Strategies for market nichers, 199 Technical requirements, 294
Technological innovations, 192
Strategy, 4, 5, 6
Technologies, 309
Strategy as design, 16
Technology development, 102
Strategy as experience, 16, 17
Technostructure, 230
Strategy as ideas, 16, 17
The diamond, 36
Strategy clock, 182
The global company, 162
Strategy into action, 11, 12, 522
The industry life cycle, 64
Strategy lenses, 15
The technological environment, 30
Strengths, 116
The vocabulary of strategy, 8
Structure, 142, 213
Theory X and Theory Y, 503
Stuck-in-the-middle strategy, 180
Theory Y, 503
Styles of change management, 246
Threat from substitute products, 53
Subcultures, 29, 142
Threat of new entrants, 51, 52
Substitutes, 57, 81
Threat of substitute products, 51
Success criteria, 200
Threats, 81, 116
Succession planning, 515
Threshold capabilities, 91
Suitability, 200, 324
Threshold capabilities, 91
Supermarkets, 78
Threshold competence, 92
Supervision, 221
Time and cost constraints, 296
Supplier citizenship requirements, 295
Time horizon, 525
Supplier stability requirements, 294
Time series analysis, 46
Supply chain, 327, 339;
Total quality, 509
pull model, 328;
TOWS matrix, 117, 184
push model, 328
Transactional leaders, 248
Supply chain management, 327, 333, 339 Transnational, 163, 230
Supply costs, 93 Transparent pricing, 355
Supply-led convergence, 51 Travel agents, 315
Support activities, 102 Trend line, 47
Support staff, 230, 233 Turnaround, 249
Sustainability Ltd, 33 Turnover periods, 489
Sustainability, 33
Sustainable competitive advantage, 94, 185
Sustaining competitive advantage, 184 Uncertainty, 529
Switching costs, 52 Undifferentiated marketing, 75
SWOT analysis, 116 Unique resources, 90, 91
Symbolic processes, 251 Universal Mobile Telephone System (UMTS),
Symbols, 251 323
Synergy, 156, 190 Unrealised strategy, 523
Synergy managers, 170 Unrelated diversification, 158
System architecture, 316, 317, 338 User generated content, 377

Index 591
User groups, 314 Virtue ethics, 125
User training, 296 Vision, 8
Utilisation of indivisibilities, 93 Visual identity, 365
Utilitarianism, 123
Wal-Mart, 100
Value activities, 100, 101, 330 Waste minimisation schemes, 32
Value chain, 100, 187, 329 We2.0 technologies, 376
Value creation, 168 We2.0, 376
Value destruction, 169 Weaknesses, 116
Value drivers, 330 Web site evaluators, 314
Value network, 103 Web-based communities, 376
Value proposition, 316 Weirich, 117
Value system, 103 Weirich's TOWS matrix, 117
Value trap businesses, 176 WiFi Internet access, 323
Value-added analysis, 284 Williamson and Magor, 56
Values, 6, 142 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), 322
Variance, 466 Wireless commerce, 322
Vertical disintegration, 333 Withdrawal, 191
Vertical integration, 157, 333 Work study, 507
Viral marketing, 369 Workflow systems, 266
Virtual integration, 334 Workshops, 292, 525
Virtual organisation, 230 World Wide Web, 316, 318, 338
Virtual resellers, 314 Written questions, 291
Virtual teams, 228

592 Index
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