Bhagwan Manasa Pooja On Lord Krishna by Adi Sankara

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Bhagwan Manasa Pooja

(Mental worship of God)

Adhi Shankara Bhagwat Pada
Translated by
(Here is a very pretty prayer describing the mental worship of Lord Krishna.
In the reference book in Malayalam it is stated that it is written by Adhi Shank
Hrudambhoje Krishna sakala jala shyamala thanu,
Sarojaksha sragweemukuta kadagath aabharanavan,
Saradraka nadha prathima vadana Sri muralikam,
Vahan dhyeyo Gopi gana parivrutha kumkumachitha. 1
In my mind I am able to see Lord Krishna,
As the one who is black like a water rich cloud,
One with lotus eyes, one who wears garlands,
Crown and bangles, one who is like the autumn moon,
One who holds the flute, one who is surrounded by Gopis,
And one who wears the saffron tilaka in his forehead,
Payombhodher dwepan mama hrudaya mayahi Bhagawan,
Mani vrathabrajath kanaka vara peetam bhaja hare,
Suchinhou the padou yadu kula jane nejmi sujalair,
Grahanedham dhoorva dala jaladarghyam mura ripo. 2
Hey God from the ocean of milk , be pleased to come in to my mind,
And Oh Hari, please be seated on the golden seat studded with gems,
And Hey chief of Yadavas, I would be washing your feet with clean water,
And hey enemy of Mura, please receive these drops of water of Worship,
Dripping from the tips of the leaves of dhoorva grass.
Thwachamopendra tridasa saridha ambothi sisiram,
Bhajaswemam panchamrutha rachithamaplawamaghahan,
Dhyunadhya kalindya aapi kanaka kumbha sthithamidham,
Jalam thena snanam kuru kuru kuurushwaachamanakam. 3
Hey remover of sins, please sip the coldest water from the divine Ganga,
And please accept the bath made with five nectars like ghee and jaggery,
And please use the water of Yamuna filled in golden pots,
And take your bath and also wash your face again and again.
Thadid varne vasthre bhaya vibhaya kanthadhi haranam,
Pralambhari brathar mrudula upaveetham kuru gale,
Lalate pateerm mrugamadhayutham dharaya hare ,
Grahanedham malyam satha dala thulasyadhi rachitham. 4
Wear the cloths which are like a streak of lightning,
And wear that holy thread which destroys,
Fear and passion in your neck, Oh brother of Bala Rama,
Wear the dot in the forehead with musk and also,
Receive from me the garland made of thulasi* and lotus.
Dasangam dhoopam sadvadanacharanogrerpithamaye,
Mukham deepenanduprabhavarajasa deva kalaye,
Emou pane vaneepathinuthasa karpoora rajasa,
Vishodhyagre datham salilamidhamachama nru hare. 5
I offer at your feet the scented smoke from ten different herbs,
And I wave the light lit on camphor over your face,
And Oh God who is being saluted by Lord Brahma,
Please receive this water from my hands,
Which have been cleaned with camphor and gargle it.
Sada thrupthannam shad rasa vadakhila vynjana yutham,
Suvarna mathre go krutha chashaka yukthe sthithamidham,
Yasoda soono thalparamadhayayasanasakhibhi,
Prasadam vanchadbhi saha thadanu neeram pibha vibho. 6
Oh son of Yasodha, along with your friends partake,
This food which has all the six known tastes ,
To which Ghee is added and which is kept in a small golden cup,
And become pleased and also drink the perfumed water that I offer.
Sachandram thamboolam mukharuchikaram bakshaya hare,
Phalam swadhu preethya parimalavadaswadhaya chiram,
SAparya paryapthai kanaka mani thala sthithamidam,
Pradheepai raratheem jaladhi thanayaslishta rachaye. 7
Please eat the tasty thamboola* laced with camphor, Oh Hari,
Please eat the very tasty and scented fruits which are liked by you,
And which are being offered in a golden plate studded with gems,
And I am worshipping you with lighted lamps to please you,
Who is being embraced by the daughter of the ocean.
* Mixture of betel leaf, betel nut, lime
Vijatheeyai pushpai rabhibhirvilwa thulasi,
Yuthaischemam pushpanjalimajithathey moordhni nidhadhe,
Thava pradakshinya kramanamakha vidhwamsi rajitham,
Chaturvaram Vishno jani padha gathi sranthi vidhusha. 8
With great sweet smelling flowers like the Thulasi and Bilwa,
I worship your head, Oh God who can never be defeated,
And Oh Vishnu who has never been born,
I perambulate you four times, to take away all my sins.
Namaskaro ashtanga sakala duritha dwamsana patu,
Krutham nithyam geetham sthuthirapi ramakantha tha imam,
Thava preethyai bhooyadaham api cha dasasthava vibho,
Krutham chidram poornam kuru kuru namasthesthu Bhagawan. 9
I offer prostrations with eight body parts touching the earth,
Which is capable of destroying all sorts of miseries,
And Oh Consort of Lakshmi, I pray you, sing about you,
And dance before you to please you as I am your slave,
And please correct the faults done by me in your worship.
Sada sevya Krishnasajala Ghana leelakarathale,
Dadano dadhyannam thadanu nava neetham muralikam,
Kadachith kanthanamkucha kalasapathralirachana,
Samasaktham snighdhai saha shishu viharam virachayan. 10
I am always at the service of Krishna, who is black like a cloud,
Who holds curd rice , butter and flute in his hands,
And who sometimes is busy in drawing lines on the busts of his wives,
And some other times is busy in playing childish pranks with his friends.
Mani karnee chaya jathamidham manasa poojanam,
Ya kurvee thoshasi pragnasthasya Krishna praseedathi. 11
This worship with mind which originated in the holy waters of Ganges,
If done by a learned man in the dawn, would make Lord Krishna pleased with him.
Ithi Sri Shankaracharya virachitham Bhagwan manasa pooja sampoornam.
Thus ends the mental worship to Lord Krishna composed by Adhi Shankara

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