Heat Loss Insulated Pipe

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The document discusses the calculation of heat loss from insulated and bare pipes using principles of heat transfer and thermodynamics. Iterative calculations are performed to determine surface temperatures, heat transfer coefficients, and overall heat loss.

Heat loss is calculated through an iterative process to determine the surface temperature of the insulation. Properties like thermal conductivity, resistance, and heat flow are used to calculate the overall heat loss per unit length.

The calculation involves determining the surface temperature, air properties at the film temperature, heat transfer coefficients for radiation, convection and overall. Properties of the pipe wall are also used to calculate the overall resistance and heat loss per unit length.

Heat Loss From An Insulated Pipe

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Pipe Inside Diameter (D1) 77.9 mm
Outside Diameter (D2) 88.9 mm
Operating Temperature 180.0 C Insulation
Ambient Temperature 28.0 C
Wind Speed 3.50 m/s Pipe

Insulation Insulated Pipe

Type Calcium Silicate Surface Temperature
Surface Emmisivity 0.9 Heat Loss
Thickness 50 mm Bare Pipe
Outside Diameter D3 188.9 mm Surface Temperature
Heat Loss
Calculation for Insulated Pipe
Iterations 1 2 3
Surface Temperature t_surface C 29 33.43 33.43
Interface Temperature t_interface C 179.0 179.97 179.97
Air Properties
Average Film Temperature t_average C 28.5 30.72 30.71
K 301.65 303.87 303.86
Thermal Conductivity k W/m.K 0.0264 0.0266 0.0266
Viscosity N/s.m 1.86E-05 1.87E-05 1.87E-05
Prandtl Number Pr 0.707 0.706 0.706
Expansion Coefficient 1/K 0.003315 0.003291 0.003291
Air Density Kg/m 1.1716 1.1630 1.1631
Kinematic Viscosity m2/s 1.61E-05 1.63E-05 1.63E-05
Specific Heat Cp kJ/Kg.K 1.01 1.01 1.01
alpha m/s 2.27E-05 2.30E-05 2.30E-05
Reynold's Number Re 41161 40629 40629
Rayleigh Number Ra 600738 3153306 3151113

Air Film Resistance

Radiation h_radiation W/m.K 5.60 5.73 5.73
Forced Convection Nu_forced 121.7 120.7 120.7
h_forced W/m.K 16.99 16.97 16.97
Free Convection Nu_free 12.60 20.15 20.15
h_free W/m.K 1.76 2.83 2.83
Combined Convection Nu_Combined 121.7 120.7 120.7
h_convection W/m.K 16.99 16.97 16.97
Overall air side HTC h_air W/m.K 22.60 22.70 22.70
Pipe Resistance
Pipe Thermal conductivity k_pipe W/m.K 56.05 56.05 56.05
Pipe wall resistance r_pipe m.K/W 0.00022 0.00022 0.00022
Heat Loss From An Insulated Pipe
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Insulation Resistance
Average Insulation temperature K 377.15 379.8526 379.8506
Insulation Thermal conductivity k_insulation W/m.K 0.05964 0.05985 0.05985
Insulation resistance r_insulation m.K/W 1.19 1.19 1.19
Overall Resistance r_overall m.K/W 1.238 1.234 1.234
Heat Flow Q W/m 122.76 123.21 123.21
Interface Temperature T_interface C 180.0 180.0 180.0
Surface Temeperature T_surface C 33.43 33.43 33.43
Heat Loss per Unit Length W/m 72.85 73.12 73.12
Heat Loss From An Insulated Pipe
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Calculation for Bare Pipe
Iterations 1 2 3
Surface Temperature t_surface C 29.0 179.6 179.5
Bare Pipe Emissivity 0.8 0.8 0.8
Air Properties
Average Film Temperature t_average C 28.5 103.78 103.74
K 301.65 376.93 376.89
Thermal Conductivity k W/m.K 0.0264 0.0321 0.0321
Viscosity N/s.m 1.86E-05 2.20E-05 2.20E-05
Prandtl Number Pr 0.707 0.693 0.693
Expansion Coefficient 1/K 0.003315 0.002653 0.002653
Air Density Kg/m3 1.1716 0.9376 0.9377
Kinematic Viscosity m/s 1.61E-05 2.38E-05 2.38E-05
Specific Heat Cp kJ/Kg.K 1.01 1.01 1.01
alpha m/s 2.27E-05 3.45E-05 3.45E-05
Reynold's Number Re 19371 13084 13086
Rayleigh Number Ra 62617 3378022 3377897

Air Film Resistance

Radiation h_radiation W/m.K 4.98 10.11 10.11
Forced Convection Nu_forced 77.7 61.7 61.7
h_forced W/m.K 23.07 22.30 22.30
Free Convection Nu_free 6.88 20.50 20.50
h_free W/m.K 2.04 7.41 7.41
Combined Convection Nu_Combined 77.7 61.9 61.9
h_convection W/m.K 23.07 22.37 22.37
Overall air side HTC h_air W/m.K 28.05 32.48 32.48
Pipe Resistance
Pipe Thermal conductivity k_pipe W/m.K 56.05 56.05 56.05
Pipe wall resistance r_pipe m.K/W 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010
Overall Resistance r_overall m.K/W 0.036 0.031 0.031
Heat Flow Q W/m 4251.21 4920.09 4919.66
Interface Temperature T_interface C 179.6 179.5 179.5
Heat Loss per Unit Length W/m 1187.31 1374.12 1374.00

D1 D2 D3

33.4 C
73.1 W/m

179.5 C
1374.0 W/m

4 5
33.43 33.43
179.97 179.97

30.71 30.71
303.86 303.86
0.0266 0.0266
1.87E-05 1.87E-05
0.706 0.706
0.003291 0.003291
1.1631 1.1631
1.63E-05 1.63E-05
1.01 1.01
2.30E-05 2.30E-05
40629 40629
3151117 3151117

5.73 5.73

120.7 120.7
16.97 16.97
20.15 20.15
2.83 2.83
120.7 120.7
16.97 16.97
22.70 22.70

56.05 56.05
0.00022 0.00022

379.8506 379.8506
0.05985 0.05985
1.19 1.19
1.234 1.234
123.21 123.21
180.0 180.0
33.43 33.43
73.12 73.12

4 5
179.5 179.5
0.8 0.8

103.74 103.74
376.89 376.89
0.0321 0.0321
2.20E-05 2.20E-05
0.693 0.693
0.002653 0.002653
0.9377 0.9377
2.38E-05 2.38E-05
1.01 1.01
3.45E-05 3.45E-05
13086 13086
3377897 3377897

10.11 10.11

61.7 61.7
22.30 22.30
20.50 20.50
7.41 7.41
61.9 61.9
22.37 22.37
32.48 32.48

56.05 56.05
0.00010 0.00010
0.031 0.031
4919.66 4919.66
179.5 179.5
1374.00 1374.00
Thermophysical properties of Air
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Literature Values Calculated Values

T Cp .10^7 .10^6 k.10^3 .10^6 Pr Cp .10^7 .10^6 k.10^3
K kJ/Kg.K N.s/m2 m2/s w/m.K m2/s kJ/Kg.K N.s/m2 m2/s w/m.K
100 1.032 71.1 2.00 9.34 2.54 0.786 1.029 71.2 1.95 9.40
150 1.012 103.4 4.43 13.80 5.84 0.758 1.016 103.2 4.45 13.77
200 1.007 132.5 7.59 18.10 10.30 0.737 1.009 132.6 7.64 18.06
250 1.006 159.6 11.44 22.30 15.90 0.720 1.005 159.7 11.48 22.23
300 1.007 184.6 15.89 26.30 22.50 0.707 1.005 184.8 15.91 26.26
350 1.009 208.2 20.92 30.00 29.90 0.700 1.008 208.2 20.89 30.13
400 1.014 230.1 26.41 33.80 38.30 0.690 1.014 230.0 26.37 33.84
450 1.021 250.7 32.39 37.30 47.20 0.686 1.021 250.5 32.34 37.36
500 1.030 270.1 38.79 40.70 56.70 0.684 1.030 269.9 38.74 40.70
550 1.040 288.4 45.57 43.90 66.70 0.683 1.041 288.4 45.55 43.87
600 1.051 305.8 52.69 46.90 76.90 0.685 1.052 305.9 52.74 46.85
650 1.063 322.5 60.21 49.70 87.30 0.690 1.063 322.8 60.29 49.67
700 1.075 338.8 68.10 52.40 98.00 0.695 1.075 338.9 68.18 52.34
750 1.087 354.6 76.37 54.90 109.00 0.702 1.087 354.5 76.39 54.89
800 1.099 369.8 84.93 57.30 120.00 0.709 1.098 369.6 84.91 57.32
850 1.110 384.3 93.80 59.60 131.00 0.716 1.110 384.1 93.73 59.68
900 1.121 398.1 102.90 62.00 143.00 0.720 1.121 398.1 102.84 62.00
950 1.131 411.3 112.20 64.30 155.00 0.723 1.131 411.5 112.24 64.31
1000 1.141 424.4 121.90 66.70 168.00 0.726 1.141 424.3 121.93 66.67

Source : Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (2007), Frank P Incropera


.10^6 Pr
2.76 0.784
5.69 0.759
10.10 0.738
15.76 0.721
22.48 0.707
30.09 0.697
38.43 0.690
47.37 0.685
56.81 0.683
66.64 0.684
76.79 0.686
87.22 0.691
97.88 0.696
108.78 0.702
119.92 0.708
131.33 0.714
143.06 0.720
155.18 0.724
167.78 0.726
4th Order Polynomial Fitting
Specific Heat Curve Fitting
C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
3.03723736E-013 -1.11319957E-009 1.44382273E-006 -0.0005653388 1.0722383901
1.01013691E-013 2.234837889E-010 1.68705906E-007 4.98942490E-005 0.0046703615
0.999042213 0.0016371331 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Viscosity Curve Fitting

C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
-1.586E-10 5.115E-07 -7.246E-04 7.978E-01 -1.850E+00
1.05418345E-011 2.332286925E-008 1.76062246E-005 0.0052069864 0.4874010389
0.9999980602 0.170851955 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Kinematic Viscosity Curve Fitting

C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
2.25852005E-011 -8.32092849E-008 0.0001726732 0.0106372802 -0.761083591
3.43228284E-012 7.593619904E-009 5.73235549E-006 0.0016953264 0.1586913767
0.9999983808 0.0556271526 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Thermal Conductivity Curve Fitting

C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
3.17176340E-011 -0.000000059 4.58530860E-006 0.0888678876 0.5200722394
3.72212706E-012 8.234874402E-009 6.21643276E-006 0.0018384907 0.1720923055
0.9999910799 0.06032467 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Alpha Curve Fitting

C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
1.35568636E-010 -3.80587678E-007 0.0004464825 -0.0359355277 2.2544891641
1.17514478E-011 0.000000026 1.96264351E-005 0.0058044574 0.5433274347
0.9999901606 0.1904562096 #N/A #N/A #N/A

Prandtl Number Curve Fitting

C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2 C4.T C5
-2.0843786E-013 -1.72787234E-011 8.00624294E-007 -0.0006946059 0.8457812178
8.63128914E-014 1.909595800E-010 1.44153673E-007 0.000042633 0.003990671
0.9979302904 0.0013988767 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Thermophysical properties of Air
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Thermal Conductivity of Plain Carbon Steel

T K K Calculated 3rd Order Polynomial Curve Fitting
K W/m.K W/m.K C1.T^3 C2.T^2 C3.T
400 58.7 58.70 2.08E-09 8.15E-19 -5.11E-02
600 48.8 48.80 0 0 0
800 39.2 39.20 1 0 #N/A
1000 30.0 30.00

Thermal Conductivity of Calcium Silicate

T K K Calculated
K W/m.K W/m.K 4th Order Polynomial Curve Fitting
310 0.055 0.0551 C1.T^4 C2.T^3 C3.T^2
365 0.059 0.0587 3.15711E-013 -7E-010 7.366E-007
420 0.063 0.0633 9.11501E-013 1.9E-009 1.467E-006
530 0.075 0.0748 0.9998638005 0.0005 #N/A
645 0.089 0.0891
750 0.104 0.1040

Source : Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (2007), Frank P Incropera



C4.T C5
-0.000225 0.0733360404
0.0004836 0.0578556791
#N/A #N/A

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