Ie 6840 Emmp

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Wayne State University

IE 6840: Project Management Course, Winter 2014

Dean Pichette
Phone: (313) 577-5473
e-mail: [email protected]

Course Description:
This course provides an appreciation for the role and importance that project management
has in delivering complex engineering projects on time, within budget, within
performance specifications, and satisfying the customer. It provides a review of the
fundamental content of the nine knowledge areas and five process groups included in the
PMI's Project Management Body of Knowledge and how they apply to the general stages
of a product development project with a look at some basic techniques and tools.

Course Objectives:
1. Describe and demystify project management to ensure a common understanding
of the principles, techniques, and tools.
2. Develop an appreciation for the role and importance of good project
management in delivering complex engineering projects on time, within budget,
and within performance specifications.
3. Attain a basic understanding of some Project Management tools and techniques
and how to apply them.
4. Develop an understanding of the unique challenges that complex engineering
projects present and how to apply project management techniques and tools to
address these challenges.

Required Texts:
1. Kerzner, Harold, PhD., Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning,
Scheduling, and Controlling, John Wiley & Sons, NJ, 11th edition, 2013
2. Kerzner, Harold, PhD., Project Management: Case Studies, John Wiley & Sons, NJ,
4th edition, 2013
3. A Guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge, 4th edition, PMBOK Guide,
Project Management Institute, VA, 2008 (available in CD form)
4. Q&As for the PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition, PMI, Inc., Newton Square, PA, 2009

Microsoft Project 2007 (or later version)

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Grading, Attendance, and Class Participation:
Because much of your learning experience in this class results from class discussion, your
thoughtful participation is the most important way for you to benefit. Solid preparation
involves a thorough reading of the assigned materials, and preparation on the relevance
and potential application of the concepts. Clear and persuasive expression of ideas,
critical listening, response to others viewpoints, and creativity in thought all constitute
highly effective participation. A benefit of this class will be your interaction and
participation in class.

Because this is a discussion-oriented course, your individual contributions to class

discussion are valued and rewarded. This assessment is based on the quality of your
individual input and your serious intention to contribute to class discussion. If you attend
class on an infrequent basis, consistently leave early, or rarely contribute to class
discussion, it is difficult to justify any class participation credit.

Final grades will be based on the following elements: individual homework assignments
(10%), take-home mid-term exam (15%), class participation (15%), in-class quizzes
(10%), team assignments (25%), and term paper (25%).

Cheating: Students who copy someone elses individual assignments will be given a

Teamwork: Individuals who do not carry their fair share of their teams work undermine
the whole educational paradigm of EMMP. If this behavior occurs in this class, it is
likely to arise in other classes and your Leadership Projects as well. I would therefore,
appreciate an early warning as to any problems so that I can arrange to speak with the
non-contributing student and address the problem early on.

Teams: For this course, teams will be comprised of those individuals already planned to
work together on your Leadership Projects. For team homework, please identify the team
leader for each assignment. It is recommended that this responsibility be rotated through
the team to give everyone the opportunity to share this responsibility.

Submission: I prefer that all homework be submitted via Digital Drop Box in

Late Assignments: Students are expected to turn in all of the assignments on time.
However, students are allowed a grace period until the class date of the following week
with no penalty to allow for workload fluctuations in your work environment. There will
be a 1-grade deduction for any assignment more than a week late without prior approval
due to special circumstances.

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Course Outline:

Date Topic Reading

Jan 9 Course Overview PMBOK Chapters 1 3
PM Chapters 1 3
Project Management Framework Articles:
- Leadership and the
Project Manager
- Role Clarification
- Show Integrity
- Switching Gears
- The Right Attitude
- Do the Right Thing
Jan 16 Project Integration Management: PMBOK Chapter 4
Project Charter PM Chapter 11
Preliminary Scope Statement Articles:
Project Management Plan - Louder Than Words
- Forge Ahead
- Listen and Learn
- Process Paralysis
Case Study: PMCS pg.
90, Project Firecracker
Homework Assignment #1
Jan 23 Project Scope Management PMBOK Chapter 5
PM Chapter (11), 16
- Project Management
Enables Consulting
- Should You Be Given
A Project End Date?
- The Power of the
- A Measure of Success
- Analysis: You Will
Do It Completely
and Correctly!
- Get Smart
- FAST: An Intuitive
Thinking Technique
- Share the Vision
- Hold the Line
Case Study: PMCS pg.
321, Project Overrun
Homework Assignment #2

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Date Topic Reading
Jan 30 Project Time Management PMBOK Chapter 6
PM Chapters 12, 13, 22
- The Day After
- On Deadline
- Crunch Time
- The Big Event
- Variance Threshold:
Got Float?
- Tick, Tick, Tick
Case Study: PMCS pg.
267, Crosby
Homework Assignment #3

Feb 6 Project Cost Management PMBOK Chapter 7

PM Chapters 14, 15
- Internet Connectivity
- Balanced Budgets
Case Study: PMCS pg.
393, The Bathtub Period
Homework Assignment #4

Feb 13 Project Quality Management PMBOK Chapter 8

PM Chapter 20
- Q+A Diplomatic
Relations Q: How
do you manage client
/ customer
expectations? How
do you meet
customers' Quality or
scope expectations
while remaining
realistic in terms of
time and cost?
- 10 Steps To Certified
- Measuring Up
- Branded for Quality
Homework Assignment #5

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Date Topic Reading
Feb 20 Project Human Resource Management PMBOK Chapter 9
PM Chapters 4, 6
- Do As I Do: All
companies need good
people, but good
people need an
atmosphere of trust
- Five Ways to Make or
Break your Team
- In Praise of Small
- A Matter of Trust
- Power to the People
- Role Play
- Go, Team, Go!!
Case Study: PMCS pg.
391, The Two-Boss
Homework Assignment #6

Feb 27 Project Communications Management PMBOK Chapter 10

PM Chapter 5
- All Ears
- Facilitation The
Core Competency
Needed in Conflict
- Sidebar: Is the
Microphone On?
- Virtual Teams Plus
and Minus
- Abroad Spectrum
- To Tell the Truth
- Its a Small World
Case Study: PMCS pg.
307, The Trophy Project
Students receive Mid-
Term Exam
Homework Assignment #7

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Date Topic Reading
Mar 6 Project Risk Management PMBOK Chapter 11
PM Chapters 7, 17
- A Portrait of Risk
- No Problem
- Just Face It
- Real Recovery
- Stakeholders:
Delivering The Goods
Case Study: PMCS pg.
506, Luxor Technologies
Homework Assignment #8

Mar 13 Spring Break No Class

Mar 20 Project Procurement Management PMBOK Chapter 12

PM Chapters 21, 8.7, 8.8
- The Global Risk
- Survival of the Fittest
- Chain Reaction
- Look Out
- Sidebar: The Short
Mid-Term Exam Due

Mar 27 Project Integration Management PMBOK Chapter (4)

- Project Execution PM Chapters (5), (22)
- Project Monitoring & Control Articles:
- Integrated Change Control - Mind the Gap
- Project Closure - Elimination Plan
- In Hindsight
- Control Central
- Controlling Creativity
- Evolve or Die:
Change Happens
- Small But Mighty
Case Study: PMCS pg. 7,
Clark Faucet Company
Homework Assignment #9

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Date Topic Reading
Apr 3 No Class!!

Apr 10 Project Failure Modes PM Chapters 7, 16

Successful Project Analysis - The Fall of the
Firefly: An
Assessment of a
Failed Project
- Use FMEAs to
Improve Your
Product Development
- Urban Inspiration
- The Power of the
- Get Over It
- The Road to Recovery
- The Afterlife
Case Study: PMCS pg.
478, Scheduling the Safety
Homework Assignment
Term Paper Due

Apr 17 No Class!!

Apr 24 Course Wrap-Up Leadership Project


Term Paper:
Term paper (individual): The term paper will consist of an in-depth analysis of a topic
covered in the first nine weeks of class about which you would like to develop a better
understanding. You are expected to reference several articles from the popular press
(including such sources as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal,
APICS Performance Advantage, PM Network, and the Project Management Journal)
discussing the relevant issues and / or providing case examples. The paper should not
exceed six double-spaced pages of text (using no larger than 12 pt. Font and standard
margins) plus references and appendices. The following is a suggested outline:

1. A brief overview of the topics.

2. Why the topic is important to Ford Motor Company.
3. Synthesis of key issues and discussion of several articles and / or case examples.

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