Role of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in The Protection of Civilians

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Overview: Oxfams position on the role of UN peacekeeping missions in the

protection of civilians

The UN Security Councils (UNSC) role, to maintain international security, includes

protecting civilians in armed conflict. Made explicit in 2009, the UNSC noted that the
deliberate targeting of civilians may constitute a threat to international peace and
security, and [the UNSC] reaffirms its readiness to consider such situations and, where
necessary, to adopt appropriate steps.
States bear the primary responsibility for protecting their civilians, even though they may
be unable or unwilling to do this. For this reason, the UNSC has developed means to
improve the protection of civilians (PoC), including through UN peacekeeping missions.
Since 1999, a number of missions have been explicitly mandated to afford protection to
civilians under imminent threat of physical violence.
Conflict-affected communities where there is a peacekeeping mission present expect to be
protected and consistently request better protection. This requires an ongoing effort by the
UNSC, the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), Troop and Police
Contributing Countries (TCCs and PCCs), and individual UN missions. There have been
significant normative and technical developments to explain what PoC means and how
PoC mandates should be implemented. There remain, however, many challenges to
implement these mandates and guidelines to effectively protect civilians on the ground.
Peacekeeping is a temporary solution. But it can help the state take on its responsibility to
protect civilians, by supporting security sector reform and rule of law development.

1 Background
UN peacekeeping missions have shifted from traditional peacekeeping (monitoring an agreement
between two parties) towards multi-dimensional missions whose tasks include anything from
supporting elections to protecting civilians. In 1999, the UNSC for the first time included PoC as
an explicit task in a UN peacekeeping mandate, and acknowledged its importance in a dedicated
UNSC Resolution. Since then, it has mandated 10 PoC operations and, in 2010, stated its
determination to upgrade the strategic oversight of peacekeeping operations, mindful of the
important role peacekeeping operations play for the protection of civilians.

In 2009, DPKO and the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
commissioned a study on implementing PoC mandates in UN peacekeeping operations, which
made specific recommendations.8 DPKO has also developed a number of guidelines,
handbooks, frameworks and other resources.9 The challenge, as always, remains in
implementing them.
Every mission with a protection mandate must act to prevent and respond to threats to
civilians with its police, military and civilian resources as a matter of urgency and
priority.10 This does not solely mean the use of force. Rather, it has complementary strands,
some civilian, some civil-military, and others requiring force or the threat of it.

Protection of civilians

For Oxfam, protection means acting to improve the safety of civilians exposed to
12 13 14
widespread threats of violence, coercion, or deliberate deprivation. For UN
peacekeepers, it means what their UNSC mandates regularly say, that:
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, [the Council] decides
that [the UN mission] is authorized to take the necessary action (or all necessary
action), in the areas of deployment of its forces and as it deems within its
capabilities, and without prejudice to the responsibility of the Government of [the
country], to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence.
Peacekeepers are bound by international humanitarian law (IHL), and to the extent
applicable, international human rights and refugee law. Those oblige parties to
specifically protect civilians and ex-combatants from a range of threats.
The DPKO and the UN Department for Field Support (DFS) have developed an
Operational Concept on the Protection of Civilians in United Nations Peacekeeping
Operations. This proposes a three-tiered approach, which will:
Protect through political process: e.g. through peace negotiations, and developing
governance institutions. This can also include conflict management and reconciliation.
Protect from physical violence: e.g. through patrols and human rights monitoring. It can
also include defensive positions or cordons, such as around a community or refugee
Establish protective environments: e.g. through reform to the police, judicial and
defence sectors.

The protection of civilians by peacekeeping operations also requires political will and concerted
action at every level from the UNSC to member states, the UN Secretariat and each individual
field mission, as well as regional organisations. All of them must act in concert to increase the
capacity of peacekeeping missions to protect civilians.

2 Oxfams experience

Oxfam has engaged with peacekeeping missions on these issues in the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC), Sudan, South Sudan, Chad and Somalia. Through its work with communities
Oxfam has learned about the threats facing them and the greater protection many want from
peacekeepers. It has tried to share this with missions, DPKO, and the UNSC, including
consistent requests for better protection and communication, sharing information, listening to
community views, and responding to their needs.

Oxfam values effective discussion with UN missions, such as on the protection matrix in DRC,
which identifies priority areas for peacekeepers deployment. Despite such contact, Oxfam is
careful not to appear close to peacekeepers, to always be impartial, and to be seen to be
impartial by every party to a conflict while peacekeepers may be perceived to be one of the
parties to a conflict themselves. Oxfam will not travel with peacekeepers or accept escorts but in
exceptional circumstances.

3 UN Security Council

The UNSC must give clear leadership in protecting civilians, including through mandating
peacekeeping operations, as its Resolutions 1265 and 1894 have stated. It should endeavour
Acknowledge that governments and parties to armed conflict bear primary
responsibility for protecting civilians and should take all feasible steps to do so; it
should publicly call on them to do so, and condemn any breach of IHL or human rights;
Ensure UN missions tasked with PoC have clear, credible and achievable mandates.
Make mandated PoC activities a clear priority for missions with a PoC mandate, as
required in UNSC resolution 1894;18
Deploy missions capable of implementing PoC mandates, with adequate military, police
and civilian staff. The PoC Resources and Capabilities Matrix is useful in this regard;
Ensure missions serve the interests of women, men and children by explicitly mandating
them to work directly and proactively with conflict-affected communities, to identify and
militate against threats, and to involve them in monitoring and evaluation of mission
performance. How peacekeepers engage with communities can improve their safety or put
them at risk. Clear guidelines for this engagement are needed;
Support national actors (such as army and police) to better protect civilians, through
security sector reform and rule of law support. Clearly condition such support on
adherence to IHL, human rights and refugee law, as a matter of standard procedure and
practice, ensuring that monitoring mechanisms measure progress, in accordance with
the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy;
Request all peacekeeping missions systematically collect, aggregate and analyze data
on protection issues, including killings, displacement, rapes, forced recruitment, and
looting, to ensure accurate assessments and appropriate responses;
Ensure regular UN Secretary-General reports on missions including sections on
protection of civilians, detailing events, data and trends regarding threats, including
detailed data on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and child soldiers, the response
of the mission, and the constraints it has faced in implementing its mandate. Reports should
include what has been done to protect civilians, not a list of activities, but analysis of
threats and how they have been addressed;
Consider the drawdown of missions against clear benchmarks, including improved
security for civilians and a national security sector able to provide it. These should be
assessed on the basis of objective criteria and communities views.

4 Troop and Police Contributing Countries

Peacekeeping missions can only function with the necessary troops, equipment, resources and
training. We recognise the enormous contribution made by a number of countries, in particular
from Africa and Asia, and encourage others to contribute more troops.

TCCs and PCCs should:

Ensure personnel are trained in IHL and PoC prior to and during their mission;
Provide troops or police with the orders and equipment to implement each missions PoC
Learn from their experiences and ensure that PoC principles and approaches are integrated
into national military doctrines and training materials.

5 UN Secretariat
The Secretariat, including the UN Secretary General, DPKO and DFS, must support
missions to carry out their PoC responsibilities. It should:
Continue prioritising PoC in peacekeeping reform debates and ensure that long-standing
weaknesses in resources, training and ability for rapid deployments of capable military,
police and civilian staff are urgently addressed under current reforms;
Compile accurate information on the situation on the ground and develop realistic
assessments of threats to civilians, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.19 Such
assessments should be undertaken prior to mandating a mission, enabling the UNSC to
understand the threats and design the mission to address them;
Provide missions with guidance and support on PoC responsibilities, at doctrinal,
strategic and operational levels. This includes ensuring that recent guidelines are
disseminated and implemented, including the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy, within
missions and in pre-deployment training;
Develop guidelines for how missions engage directly and proactively with conflict-
affected communities to identify and militate against protection threats, as well as
guidelines to ensure such engagement does not harm communities or put them at risk;
Require missions to include conflict-affected communities in the monitoring and
evaluation of their performance (including initial deployments, discussions around major
mandate revisions, development of benchmarks for mission drawdown, and assessing
whether these benchmarks have been met);
Report in the Secretary Generals and other reports on protection threats and efforts to
address them. This should set out whether and how specific activities addressed the threats.
The PoC indicators under development will be crucial for this;
Evaluate and share lessons throughout the mission and with other missions.

6 Mission staff
Military, police and civilian staff in the field must work together closely to:
Press national governments to assume their responsibility for protecting civilians,
where relevant supporting the army, police, justice officials and others through training,
capacity-building and resources;
Incorporate comprehensive protection strategies into the missions plans, and provide
clear guidance and strategies to each section on what actions are expected of them. This
process should engage local government, humanitarian agencies and communities, in
accordance with the Framework for Developing PoC strategies;
Work closely with military officers to prepare and design contextually appropriate military
responses to common threats to civilians, such as presence patrolling, ground
domination, interposing tactics, and, where appropriate, the threat or use of force (up to
deadly force) according to the second tier of the DPKO and DFS framework for
conceptualizing the role of peacekeeping operations;
Work closely with police officers to design contextually appropriate training and
mentoring, and law enforcement tasks around common threats, such as crowd and riot
control, crisis management, and countering small-scale looting or banditry;
Ensure that relevant military, police and civilian staff, including senior mission leadership,
receive pre-deployment and mission-specific training on their protection responsibilities,
based on lessons learned from past and existing missions. This should include training on
applying the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Framework;

Ensure that civilian units within the mission are empowered to carry out their
protection responsibilities and work closely with senior mission management to inform the
prevention and response activities by military and police officers;
Regularly discuss the missions mandate and capacities, communities protection needs, and
opportunities for affected people to report threats with the conflict-affected communities
and directly involve them in monitoring and evaluating the missions performance and in
measuring public perceptions of the mission;
Ensure key posts are well-staffed including translators (not least female translators), staff
with local language capability, community liaison positions, and female officers mandated to
follow-up on SGBV threats;
Systematically consult with local organisations and humanitarian agencies to improve the
analysis of existing threats and discuss appropriate responses with other mandated
protection actors. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the
protection cluster offer an entry point to establish communication with independent
humanitarian actors in the most appropriate manner;
Ensure that global civil-military policies21 are translated into context-specific civil-military
guidance and respected by all mission personnel.

7 Other military operations that the UN Security Council authorises

The UNSC also authorises missions deployed by regional bodies like the African Union or
NATO. Unlike traditional peacekeepers, the AU mission in Somalia is fighting an insurgency in
support of the Transitional Federal Government, while NATOs ISAF is doing the same in
support of the Government of Afghanistan. Such missions do not have PoC mandates (though
ISAF has a NATO Directive to protect civilians and prevent civilian casualties), but they still
must comply with IHL.

The UNSC may authorise such missions with or without the consent of the government of the
country where they are deployed. Afghanistan being an example of the former, and Libya the
latter, when the Council authorised all means necessary to protect civilians in 2011. In either
case, both the UNSC and the relevant regional body should take account of the following points.

The regional body should ensure that all forces deployed:

Comply with IHL, human rights law, and other international and domestic laws;
Make every effort to prevent harm to civilians and minimise civilian casualties;
Have and follow guidelines, concept of operations, and strategies to do so; and
Have all personnel trained in the relevant laws, guidelines, and how to apply them.

The UNSC when authorising any such regional force must stress the responsibility of all
forces to comply with IHL and:
Ensure that the force has the:
- Command, control and training to do so;
- Effective mechanisms and capacity to monitor, report and enable improvements in this
compliance (e.g. using civilian casualty tracking cells); and
Properly address allegations of IHL, human rights or refugee law violations and that the
UNSC withdraws support from forces that do not;
Ensure that any UN support complies with the UN Human Rights Due Diligence policy.

UNSC Resolution 1894 (2009), operative paragraph 3.
UNSC Resolution 1270 (1999), operative paragraph 14, on the mandate of UNAMSIL. Subsequent
missions have used similar terminology.
This note only covers peacekeeping and other missions mandated by the UNSC. For a wider analysis of
what governments and others can do to better protect civilians, please see: E. Cairns (2008) For a
Safer Tomorrow: protecting civilians in a multipolar world, Oxford: Oxfam,
UN peacekeeping adheres to five core principles outlined in the Capstone Doctrine:
Consent of the host government to the presence and mandate of the mission; Impartiality:
peacekeepers should not take sides, but monitor the conduct of all sides; Minimum Use of Force;
Credibility; and National Ownership.
Ideally, there should also be a peace to keep.
Under UNSC Resolution 1270 of 1999, UNAMSIL was the first mission with protect civilians under
imminent threat in its mandate.
UNSC Resolution 1265 (1999).
UNSC Resolution 1894 (2009).
V. Holt and G. Taylor (2009) Protecting Civilians in the Context of UN Peacekeeping Operations:
Successes, setbacks and challenges, New York: UN DPKO/OCHA,
Early documents included: Guidelines for UN Peacekeeping Operations (1995); Handbook on Multi-
Dimensional Peacekeeping Operations (2003); Principles and Guidelines or Capstone doctrine
(2008). Recent developments include the PoC Concept Note, Framework for developing PoC
Strategies, Protection Capabilities Matrix, and interactive training modules on PoC.
UNSC Resolution 1894 (2009), operative paragraph 19.
See Oxfam International Humanitarian Dossier, p. 23; and Oxfam GB Humanitarian Handbook, section
Violence includes deliberate killing, wounding, torture, cruel and inhuman and degrading treatment,
sexual violence including rape, and the threat of the above.
Coercion includes forced prostitution, sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, forced or compulsory labour,
forced displacement or return, forced recruitment into armed forces, and being forced to commit acts of
violence against others.
Deliberate deprivation includes destroying objects such as homes, wells, crops and clinics;
preventing the delivery of relief or access to land and jobs; or demanding illegal taxes or tolls.
Although peacekeepers are not generally considered parties to armed conflict (i.e. as fighters or
combatants), the Secretary Generals Bulletin on the Observance by United Nations forces of
International Humanitarian Law (ST/SGB/1999/13) stipulates that peacekeepers will, when involved in
hostilities, adhere to the principles of IHL as it relates to the use of force and the treatment of civilians
and other non-combatants, as well as persons placed hors de combat. It is worth noting that in
exceptional circumstances peacekeepers may, in fact, become full parties to the conflict. In these
circumstances UN Peacekeepers will become subject to the full extent of IHL.
In armed conflicts, states may exceptionally derogate from certain rights under strictly defined
circumstances. However, a number of rights, central to protection, can never be suspended.
UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations, internal document, shared with Oxfam.
UNSC Resolution 1894 (2009), operative paragraph 20; Special Committee on Peacekeeping
Operations report (2010), paras 144, 145, 151.
- In particular, senior management (Special Representatives of the Secretary General (SRSGs), Deputy
SRSGs, Resident Coordinators/Humanitarian Coordinators, Force Commanders and Police
Commanders), Political Affairs, Military officers, Police officers, Civil Affairs, Human Rights, Child
Protection, Public Information, and the UN Department for Safety and Security.
As outlined in key IASC documents (including Reference paper on Civil-Military Relationship in Complex

Oxfam International July 2012

For further information on the issues raised in this paper please e-mail
[email protected]

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-78077-148-9 in July 2012.
Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.

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