Planning Survey Research

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Household and other types of survey are widely used in development research to provide quantitative
data on a variety of topics, from household income to womens and childrens health. Survey research
is a branch of applied statistics that allows us to:
Gather accurate and quantifiable information on a certain phenomenon and population;
Answer research questions using rigorous statistical tools;
Collect data that can be used to measure the impact of projects and other development

Surveys are most suited to answering questions in the form of what, how many and how often.
They can also answer why questions, although it is advisable to combine these with qualitative
research in order to do so most effectively. Surveys are typically undertaken using data collection
techniques, such as questionnaires, to record structured and standardized responses to questions
that can then be analysed statistically. This guideline provides an introduction to planning survey
research, highlighting the principal steps in the process.


Survey research methods are recognized for being particularly rigorous and reliable, but the quality of
the data will depend first and foremost on the decisions that you make at the beginning. Before
starting it is important to state clearly the reasons why you want to conduct the study. Identifying the
research questions that you want to address will help you make the best choices when planning and
designing the survey process.

Remember to think ahead! Survey research can be expensive and time-consuming, but well-designed
surveys and carefully thought-out samples can provide very rich data that in some cases will enable
you to answer many different questions, including ones that you may not have originally anticipated.
For this reason it is important to spend time developing research questions with colleagues and other
partners in the research, including consultants. Oxfams guidelines on Writing Terms of Reference for
Research and the accompanying TOR template provide handy tips and a simple framework for doing
This section explains the main steps that should be taken into account when designing and planning
survey research: sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and data analysis. How well these
steps are implemented will help determine the quality of the statistical analysis that can be performed
with the data collected in the survey.

1. Sampling
In most cases, conducting a census of everyone in the population that you are interested in is not
feasible because of the time and costs that this would involve. The usual practice is therefore to select
and sample from a representative subset of the whole population. The sampling process can be
divided into three steps:
Determine the population of interest. The first stage is to identify the population of interest for
research. A population is the full set of units of analysis (e.g. individuals, households, clinics, etc.)
about which you want to draw conclusions. The choice of population depends on the research
question(s) the survey is trying to answer.
Identify the sampling frame. This entails finding the most comprehensive list that can be
obtained of the units of analysis in the population of interest. A list with all the residents or
households in a village or region, for example, can sometimes be obtained from local authorities
or a previous census. This must be as accurate and complete as possible; in particular you
should make sure that a portion of the population with particular characteristics have not been
systematically excluded.
Select the sample. The sample is a subset of units drawn from the sampling frame using either
probability or non-probability sampling techniques. Probability sampling techniques comprise: (a)
the random selection of individuals to be interviewed from the sampling frame, or (b) division of
the population into groups (e.g. male and female, or by wealth status) and then the random
sampling of individuals to interview within each group. Non-probability sampling strategies,
include convenience samples, snowball samples and purposeful samples which are not random.
Random samples are almost always preferable when the intent is to generalize the findings to the
entire population. This is because they reduce the possibility that the evaluator will consciously or
unconsciously bias the sample. Random samples also permit the computation of confidence
intervals and statistical significance which are not appropriate for purposeful samples.

Further details are given in our forthcoming guideline on Understanding Survey Sampling. Decisions
taken during these steps will influence the quality and the type of questions that the survey will be able
to answer once the data are collected.

2. Questionnaire design
Household surveys are the standard and most widely used collection instrument for survey research.
They are generally based on the collection of data using a structured questionnaire administered in
one-to-one interviews to a list of individual respondents. Detailed surveys are usually divided into
different sections, depending on the type of information sought (e.g. household characteristics,
education, income, etc.).

Before designing a questionnaire, make a list of all the relevant topics that you want to cover and
obtain information about. Make sure to include everything you need to answer your research question.
You should take this phase seriously because once data collection begins you will not be able to
change your questionnaire. There is nothing worse than realizing as you begin analysis that you have
missed out research questions that you should have asked.

Survey questionnaires are rarely developed from scratch. It is often possible to adapt questionnaires
that have already been used in earlier surveys and so have already been tested. Whether you are
using an existing questionnaire or are designing a new one, this phase of survey planning can be
divided into three steps: preparing the questionnaire, translation (if necessary) and piloting.

Preparing the questionnaire

Whether you are designing a new questionnaire or modifying existing questions, there are some
simple rules that you should follow:
Avoid asking leading questions, or questions that might otherwise bias responses.
As far as possible, avoid open-ended questions that do not have precoded answers which can be
defined in advance (such as yes/no or multiple choice). If you do use open-ended questions, then
be aware of the extra time that may be required for coding and analyzing the data.
Be precise and make sure that the wording chosen for questions has the same meaning for all
Make sure the time periods are well defined. For example, in the past day may mean
either today or the day before today. A better wording may be in the last 24 hours.
Similarly, this month might mean in the calendar month of the interview or in the last 30
days. Make sure to word the questions so that the meaning of the period is the same for
When a word has potentially different meanings, it might be useful to give a definition
before the question itself is asked. Here are some examples: diarrhoea (three or more
loose bowel movements in 24 hours); regularly (at least once per week for some part of the
year); household members (people living and eating commonly prepared food together for
the last three months).
Make use of photographs or other images to define abstract or complex meanings.
The process of asking questions and recalling and giving information can be very trying. Make the
enumerators (interviewers) and respondents lives easier by designing a questionnaire that
makes this process as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to bear in mind:
Minimize the extent to which respondents and enumerators are required to make
calculations during the survey. For example, when asking their age, some respondents
may only know how old they are and not their date of birth. One easy solution is to carry a
code sheet that shows which years correspond to which age. It is also advisable to provide
enumerators with calculators in cases when making calculations is necessary.
Leave the unit of measurement flexible, particularly for questions that involve time periods,
payments or quantities. For example, when asking a respondent How much did you pay in
rent for your dwelling in the last 12 months?, the list of possible answers could give a
number of options for both the amount and the unit.
Allow skip patterns. For example, if the respondent says that he/she never attended
school, then there is no need to continue with further questions relating to their formal

Try to keep the length of the questionnaire to no longer than one hour. Piloting a survey and testing
the survey questionnaire in the field can give some indication of the duration of a survey, though this
can be expected to drop significantly with training and practice. If the survey takes more than one hour
consider the possibility for a break half-way through. Make sure that the questionnaire is easy to read
and complete for example, with clearly defined sections and subsections and neatly formatted boxes
or spaces for the enumerator to fill in.

In addition, two things that those conducting the survey must always have:
A code that unequivocally identifies each individual or household in the survey. It is also often
useful to record the address, mobile phone number and any other information that will help you to
find them again if necessary over the next two or three years.
A printed consent form that has to be read and signed by the respondent before starting the
interview. The consent form should include the following information:
What is the study about?
Who is conducting it?
Why is the study important?
What will be done with the study results?
Why is the study pertinent to me (the respondent)?
Why was I selected?
Promise of confidentiality
A contact person if the respondent has questions

If some respondents are likely to be illiterate then a process will also have to be put in place to obtain
verbal consent where this is appropriate.


The interview should always be conducted in the most convenient language for the respondent. This
means that if the questionnaire is prepared and written in a language different from one that
respondents are comfortable using, it should be translated into one that is (such as their vernacular
language). Translating a questionnaire in advance is much better than relying upon an enumerator to
translate it on the spot. This will reduce the bias that different translations can introduce, increase the
quality of the answers and speed up the interview process, thereby reducing the time and costs of the

Piloting the questionnaire

Once the questionnaire has been prepared and, if necessary, translated, it should be put through a
field or pilot test with a small number of respondents who are not in the survey sample but part of the
population of interest. This is to ensure that the questions are understandable, that they are structured
in a suitable way, that the length of the survey is appropriate and that respondents will indeed
respond. If the respondents seem to struggle or ask for clarification, this probably means that re-
wording or re-translation of questions is required. This is also a good time to train a core group of
enumerators and to identify any issues that require attention.

Once piloted, the questionnaire can be modified before it is administered to the full survey sample.
Addressing problems and mistakes at this stage is not only much easier and cheaper than later in the
process, but can also make the difference between a successful or unsuccessful exercise.

Finally, did you include all the questions you need? The additional cost to add one or two extra
questions at this stage is close to zero. Check back with your colleagues and partners and ask if there
are any extra questions that should be included in the questionnaire. This will ensure that all of the
areas you want to explore are covered. At the same time be mindful to include questions that you
know you will want to use and analyse.

3. Data collection
Once the sampling and the questionnaire are finalized, it is time to begin the data collection phase.
This includes the selection of enumerators for the full survey, their training and the fieldwork itself:
Setting up the team of enumerators: Undertaking large-scale surveys using face-to-face
interviews means hiring a team of enumerators. The number of enumerators required will depend
on the scope of the survey and the geographical area it covers. The basic requirement is for each
enumerator to be able to speak the language in which the interview is to be conducted.
Enumerators can often be hired from among university students originally from neighbouring
areas. Another possibility to consider is hiring a local survey company. This can be a way of
obtaining experienced enumerators, and may also reduce worries about logistical and payment
Training: Careful consideration should be given to training. Enumerators need to be trained in
standardized methods for delivering the questions in a uniform way. With training and practice the
duration of the survey is likely to drop significantly.
Fieldwork: Once training is completed, the enumerators can be sent to the field to implement the
survey. They are often divided into teams of three to five people, each of which is assigned its
own supervisor. Supervisors are usually chosen from among the most experienced members of
the team and are responsible for the quality of the data collected. They are also in charge of
reviewing the questionnaires produced during the day, ensuring data consistency.
Research permission: The person in charge of the enumerators should visit local authorities to
ask permission and make sure that they are aware of the survey taking place. If possible, it is
advisable to obtain a written letter of authorization and equip each enumerator with a copy of this.

4. Data analysis
Data entry: Unless data was collected using electronic devices, the data recorded on paper
questionnaires has to be transformed into an electronic format. (For further discussions of the
pros and cons of conducting surveys with electronic devices see Going Digital: Using digital
technology to conduct Oxfams Effectiveness Reviews. Usually some of the enumerators can be
kept on to conduct the data entry; otherwise, capacity must be found for this elsewhere. The data
entry process can be undertaken using any one of a range of software packages. CSPro, for
example, is a widely used public domain package for entering, editing, tabulating and
disseminating census and survey data. Given the repetitive and error-prone nature of this task, it
has become common practice to enter all questionnaire data twice, in order to reduce the
probability of mistakes appearing in the final results.
Data analysis: Simple statistical techniques such as calculating the average, the variance, and
the minimum and maximum for variables in various categories of respondent can be used to
obtain useful summary analysis. Depending on the sample sizes, correlations and simple
regression models can also be implemented, though caution is generally required in identifying
causality among variables.
Securing the data: Data collected are a highly valuable and useful source of information. It is
important to store them in a safe and reliable place. Saving the final datasets with the
accompanying documentation (including questionnaires and field description) in password
protected electronic repositories or using disk encryption is highly recommended.
This is no more than an overview of the principal steps involved in planning survey research. Further
details can be found in the extensive literature on this subject, including the following resources:

Blair, J.E., Czaja, R.F. and Blair, E. A. (2013) Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and
Procedures (3rd edition). London: Sage Publications, Inc.

Fowler, F.J. (2013) Survey Research Methods (5th edition). London: Sage Publications, Inc.

Grosh, M. and Glewwe, P. (2000) Designing Household Survey Questionnaires for Developing
Countries: Lessons from 15 Years of the Living Standards Measurement Study (3 volumes). The
World Bank, (last accessed September 2015).

Lombardini, S. (forthcoming) Understanding survey sampling. Oxfam Research Guideline. Oxfam


Tomkys, E. and Lombardini, S. (2015) Going Digital: Using digital technology to conduct Oxfams
Effectiveness Reviews. Oxfam GB.

Oxfam GB October 2015

This guideline has been prepared by Oxfams Research Team and Oxfam GB's Content
Development Team for use by staff, partners, and other development practitioners and
researchers. It was written by Simone Lombardini and edited by Martin Walsh.

The text may be used free of charge for the purposes of education and research, provided that
the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use be registered
with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use
in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, permission must be secured and a fee may
be charged. Email [email protected]

Oxfam welcomes comments and feedback on its Research Guidelines. If you would like to
discuss any aspect of this document, please contact [email protected]. For further
information on Oxfams research and publications, please visit

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.

Published by Oxfam GB under ISBN 978-1-78077-954-6 in October 2015.

Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.

Oxfam is a registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC039042).

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International.

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