In The Public Interest: Health, Education and Water and Sanitation For All

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In the Public Interest

Health, Education, and Water and Sanitation for All

Kate Raworth/Oxfam
This report was written by Bethan Emmett, with contributions from Duncan Green,
Max Lawson, Belinda Calaguas (WaterAid), Sheila Aikman, Mohga Kamal-Yanni,
and Ines Smyth.

Special thanks to Belinda Calaguas, Nina Andrade-Henderson, Tom Noel,

Kate Raworth, Arry Fraser, and Swati Narayan.

First published by Oxfam International in 2006 This publication is distributed in print for the publisher by
in association with WaterAid Oxfam GB and is available from
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Front cover image:

Proud Mum and Dad, after a routine maternity check-up at
Machaze District Clinic, Manica Province, Mozambique.
Mother and baby are in good health.
Kate Raworth/Oxfam

Back cover image:

The world needs 4.25 million more healthworkers.
Helen Palmer/Oxfam
Acronyms and abbreviations
Public success: governments that ensure essential services for all 6
Public failure when governments fail to act 7
Civil society: picking up some of the pieces 8
If the state is broken, the market does not solve the problem 8
What needs to happen 10
Recommendations 13
1. Essential services: failing to meet essential needs 15
Water and sanitation: far off-track 22
Health: enduring inequalities 22
Education: signs of progress 23
2. What works? The case for universal public services 25
Incomes matter, but policies matter too 27
When governments get it right: learning from success 30
Lessons from developing country success 32
3. When it goes wrong: poor country government neglect and broken promises 39
The missing millions doctors, nurses, teachers, and administrators 44
Killer fees 46
Missing money 49
Servicing the rich 53
4. Rich country governments: pushing for private provision and breaking aid promises 57
Private provision is profitable, but not equitable 59
Things the rich countries dont try at home 65
Stealing staff from poor countries 67
Rich countries still falling short on aid 68
5. Time to deliver: how developing countries and rich country governments
can build effective public services 77
What developing countries need to do 79
What rich countries need to do 94
Conclusion 99
Notes 100
References 113
List of tables
Table 1: Aid that is not co-ordinated does not get used 73
Table 2: Highly technical rich countries that spend over 75 per cent of aid on technical
assistance 74

List of figures
Figure 1: Missing the target: global progress towards the MDGs 20
Figure 2: Sri Lanka: less income than Kazakhstan, but healthier, better-educated people 28
Figure 3: Higher income levels do not always determine outcomes 29
Figure 4: Falling salaries 42
Figure 5: Missing teachers 44
Figure 6: Missing health workers 45
Figure 7: Minimum health spending: some regions are a long way off 50
Figure 8: Falling far short: missing money for the MDGs 51
Figure 9: Guns not schools the ten worst offenders 52
Figure 10: Giving birth, rich and poor 54
Figure 11: Surviving childbirth depends on where you live 55
Figure 12: Broken promises on funding for essential services 69
Figure 13: Governments taking action, aid donors falling short 70
Figure 14: Some rich countries are progressing on budget support, most could do more 75
Figure 15: Abolishing fees gets education on the agenda and kids into school 85

List of boxes
Box 1: Public sector heroes 43
Box 2: Pay, or stay away 47
Box 3: Foot-dragging in some states is holding India back 55
Box 4: Uninsured and untreated in China 60
Box 5: The World Bank and the private sector 63
Box 6: NGOs working with governments building services in Angola 66
Box 7: Take, take, take 67
Box 8: Dutch disease, or Is aid bad for you? 72
Box 9: Community health insurance a short-term alternative to user fees 86
Box 10: Getting involved public participation in Porto Alegre, Brazil 89
Box 11: Government-led emergency human resources programme Malawi 92
Box 12: How to support local government and build planning capacity 95
By Mary Robinson
President, Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative
Honorary President, Oxfam International

A few generations ago, the poorer citizens of leading industrial nations had life expectancies
not so different from those we see in sub-Saharan Africa today. It was only when public
services for health, education, and water and sanitation were provided for all that life
expectancies and what we now refer to as human development indicators rose sharply.
Broad-based access to these social institutions has been key to the security and prosperity of
people in wealthy nations, but we sometimes forget how recent a feature of society such public
services are. Almost sixty years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirmed that
a decent standard of living, including access to health and education, were fundamental
human rights. Subsequent international agreements legally committed governments to
progressive realisation of social rights, including the right to water.

It is an important achievement that poor countries such as Botswana or Sri Lanka, in the space
of only one generation, have been able to make progress in establishing basic public services
that took over a century in Europe. How did this come about? The rights to education, health,
and water have been promoted through free provision of public services. Everyone has gained,
and in particular women and girls, with improvements in social indicators mirrored by greater
respect for civil and political rights.

Public services for all people are well within our grasp: money and know-how are not what is
lacking. Rather, political will is needed to challenge the status quo. We need to employ millions
more health workers and teachers, and eliminate the fees that deny poor people the fulfilment
of their rights. In developing nations, political leadership, government action, and robust
public services are required. At the same time, the most important support that can be given by
richer countries is long-term, predictable aid coupled with significant debt cancellation.

We know that clean environments, healthy families, and educated children are essential
prerequisites to enable people to escape poverty. All governments must play their part to
promote human rights, not only through effective judicial and political systems needed to
ensure respect for fundamental civil and political rights, but also through guaranteeing strong
and effective public services accessible to all, which are vital to the enjoyment of the rights to
health, education, and water. As we move towards 2015, the target date for achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals, we must take concerted action on this front.

Acronyms and abbreviations

ART antiretroviral treatment

ARV antiretroviral
BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee
DAC Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)
EFA Education For All
FAWE Forum of African Women in Education
FBO faith-based organisation
FTI Fast Track Initiative (Education for All)
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO)
GCE Global Campaign for Education
GF Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Countries
IFC International Finance Corporation (World Bank)
IMF International Monetary Fund
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (World Bank)
NGO non-government organisation
NSP non-state provider
ODA overseas development assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PEPFAR (US) Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UPE universal primary education
VSO Voluntary Services Overseas
WTO World Trade Organisation


It was a miracle for us that free primary education came. Otherwise, John [aged 11] would still be
at home.
Jane Nzomo, Kenya

Freedom translates into having a supply of clean water being able to live in a decent home,
and having a good job; to have accessible health care. I mean, whats the point of having made
this transition if the quality of life of these people is not enhanced and improved? If not, the vote
is useless!
Desmond Tutu, 1999

Classrooms with teachers; clinics with nurses; running taps and working toilets: for millions
of people across developing countries these things are a distant dream. And yet it is these vital
public services health, education, water and sanitation that are the key to transforming
the lives of people living in poverty.

Building strong public services for all is hardly a new idea: it is the foundation upon which
todays rich country societies are built. More recently, developing countries have followed suit,
with impressive results. Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Kerala state in India, for example, have within
a generation made advances in health and education that took industrialised countries 200 years
to achieve. Building strong public services is not a new idea, but it has been proven to work.
It should be at the very heart of making poverty history.

In the twenty-first century it is a scandal that anyone lives without these most basic of
human rights, yet millions of families still do. Today:

4,000 children will be killed by diarrhoea, a disease of dirty water

1,400 women will die needlessly in pregnancy or childbirth
100 million school-age children, most of them girls, will not go to school.
This report shows that developing countries will only achieve healthy and educated populations
if their governments take responsibility for providing essential services. Civil society
organisations and private companies can make important contributions, but they must be
properly regulated and integrated into strong public systems, and not seen as substitutes for
them. Only governments can reach the scale necessary to provide universal access to services

Meeting the MDG that are free or heavily subsidised for poor people and geared to the needs of all citizens
targets on health, including women and girls, minorities, and the very poorest. But while some governments
education, and water have made great strides, too many lack the cash, the capacity, or the commitment to act.
and sanitation would
require an extra Rich country governments and international agencies such as the World Bank should be
$47 billion a year, crucial partners in supporting public systems, but too often they block progress by failing to
compared with annual deliver debt relief and predictable aid that supports public systems. They also hinder
global military spending development by pushing private sector solutions that do not benefit poor people.
of $1 trillion,
The world can certainly afford to act. World leaders have agreed an international set of targets
or $40 billion on
known as the Millennium Development Goals. Oxfam calculates that meeting the MDG targets
pet food.
on health, education, and water and sanitation would require an extra $47 billion a year.
Compare this with annual global military spending of $1 trillion, or the $40 billion that the
world spends every year on pet food.

Public success: governments that ensure essential services for all

To assess the performance of developing country governments, Oxfam has devised an
Essential Services Index. This ranks countries in four social areas child survival rates, schooling,
access to safe water, and access to sanitation and compares their performance with per capita
national income. The comparison shows that some governments have consistently punched above
their weights. Even though more than one-third of Sri Lankas population still live below the
poverty line, its maternal mortality rates are among the lowest in the world. When a Sri Lankan
woman gives birth, there is a 96 per cent chance that she will be attended by a qualified midwife.
If she or her family need medical treatment, it is available free of charge from a public clinic within
walking distance of her home, which is staffed by a qualified nurse. Her children can go to primary
school free, and education for girls is free up to university level.

Compare that with Kazakhstan. Even though Sri Lanka has 60 per cent less income per capita,
a child in Kazakhstan is nearly five times more likely to die in its first five years and is far less
likely to go to school, drink clean water, or have the use of a latrine.
Sri Lanka is not unique. Most recently, Uganda and Brazil have doubled the number of
children in school, halved AIDS deaths, and extended safe water and sanitation to millions of
people. In the Malaysian state of Pulau Penang, the public water utility company supplies water
to over 99 per cent of the population and sets a subsidised price for the first 20,000 litres of
water used by a household each month.

Successful governments have achieved results by providing universally available essential services
which work for women and girls; abolishing fees in health and education and subsidising water
and sanitation services; building long-term public capacity to deliver services; expanding services
into rural areas; investing in teachers and nurses; and strengthening womens social status and
autonomy as users and providers of services.

Public failure when governments fail to act
In the health centre they get annoyed when they treat you. If you dont have any money
they wont take you. Then what? Well, youll just be left to die.
Marta Maria Molina Aguilar, mother of sick child, Nicaragua

For every Sri Lanka, there are other poor countries where millions of people cannot afford the
fee to see a doctor, whose daughters have never been to school, and whose homes have neither
taps nor toilets. In Yemen, a woman has only a one in three chance of being able to read and
write. If she has a baby, she has only a one in five chance of being attended by a midwife. If she
and her child survive childbirth, her child has a one in three chance of being malnourished and
a one in nine chance of dying before their fifth birthday. If she lives in a rural area, her family is
unlikely to be able to access medical care, clean water, or basic sanitation.

As well as devastating poverty, Yemen exemplifies the deep underlying inequality between the
sexes: services routinely fail women and girls. Yet investing in womens welfare is the
cornerstone of development increasing both their life chances and those of their children.
Across the developing world, women are more likely than men to fall ill, but less likely to
receive medical care. They are expected to care for sick family members, but are often the last
in the family to be sent to school and the first to be taken out when money is short. And it is
almost always, everywhere girls and women who lose much of their day to hauling buckets
of water over long distances.

The reality for the vast majority of poor people in developing countries is that public services
In order to provide
are unavailable, or are skewed towards the needs of the rich, or are dauntingly expensive basic health care and
and this drives up social inequality. Children still have to pay to go to school in 89 out of 103 education for all, the
developing countries, meaning that many poor children are forced to drop out of education. world needs 4.25 million
Most of them are girls. In one district of Nigeria, the number of women dying in childbirth more health workers
doubled after fees were introduced for maternal health services. Deprived of public water and 1.9 million more
services, poor consumers have to buy water from private traders, spending up to five times trained teachers.
more per litre than richer consumers who have access to piped water. In many places,
corruption is a major problem in both private and publicly provided services. Corruption and
inefficiency mean patchy coverage, absentee staff, and charges for poor quality services.

The public services that do exist are kept afloat by a skeleton staff of poorly paid, overworked,
and undervalued teachers and health workers. Teachers salaries in least developed countries
have halved since 1970. And there are not nearly enough of these public sector heroes to go
around. In order to provide basic health care and education for all, the world needs 4.25 million
more health workers and 1.9 million more trained teachers.

Civil society: picking up some of the pieces
When their governments fail to provide services, most poor people get no education,
health care, clean water, or sanitation. Those who do either have to bankrupt themselves
to pay for private services or rely on civil society providers such as mosques, churches,
charities, and community groups. These reach remote and marginalised communities and
provide community-based services for example, the home-based care for AIDS sufferers
that has developed in hard-hit African countries such as Malawi. Informal provision of health
care and education through local networks, often reliant on womens unpaid work, is common
practice in many countries, especially for marginalised and vulnerable groups.

Civil society organisations can also develop and pioneer innovative approaches to service provision,
and support citizens in claiming their rights to health, education, and water. But their coverage is
partial, their services are hard to scale up, and the quality can vary greatly. In Zambia, for example,
communities have clubbed together to build schools, but some of these lack even the most basic
teaching materials and sanitation. The evidence shows that these kinds of citizens initiatives work
best when integrated into a publicly-led system, with their contribution formally recognised and
supported by government. In Kerala state in India, and in Malaysia and Barbados, governments
have built bridges to civil society, for example by funding the running costs of church schools, and
have regularly monitored them to maintain standards.

If the state is broken, the market does not solve the problem
Market-led solutions Faced with failing government services, many have looked to the private sector for answers.
have often undermined
Sometimes this has worked. Countries such as South Korea and Chile have achieved impressive
the provision of essential
welfare gains with high levels of private involvement in service delivery. But private providers are
services and have
notoriously hard to regulate, and such services are prone to big inequalities and high costs and
had a negative impact
on the poorest and often exclude the poorest people, who cannot afford to pay for them. Market-led solutions have
most vulnerable often undermined the provision of essential services and have had a negative impact on the poorest
communities. and most vulnerable communities. Water privatisation is the most notorious example, but under-
regulated private sector involvement in health care in developing countries is also spreading rapidly.

When China phased out free public health care in favour of profit-making hospitals and
health insurance, household health costs rose forty-fold and progress on tackling infant
mortality slowed. Services that were once free are now paid for through health insurance,
which covers only one in five people in rural China.
Chile was one of the first countries to implement private sector involvement in its health-
care system. It also has the highest rate of births by Caesarean section in the world (40 per cent
in 1997), largely because private hospitals have sought to maximise their profits from the
extra costs of surgery and higher bed occupancy rates.

Regulating private providers, especially powerful multinational companies, can be more
difficult for weak states than directly providing services themselves. The global water market
is dominated by a handful of US, French, and UK companies, such as Bechtel, Suez, and
Biwater: the contracts they negotiate often cherry pick the most profitable market segments,
require guaranteed profit margins, and are denominated in dollars. If governments try to
terminate these contracts, they risk being sued, as has been demonstrated by recent cases
in Tanzania and Bolivia.

Rich countries: pushing the private sector, breaking aid promises,

and taking teachers and nurses from poor countries
Rich country governments and international agencies such as the World Bank can have a
major influence on policies adopted by poor countries. For some of the poorest countries,
donor aid is equivalent to half the national budget. Advice from outside experts, funded by aid,
is highly influential in determining the kinds of reforms a government adopts.

Instead of helping to build public services, rich country governments and agencies such as the
World Bank too often use this influence to push private sector solutions to public service
failures. They see the increased involvement of the private sector as the key to increasing
efficiency and improving services, but growing evidence shows that these solutions rarely work
in the interests of poor people. The World Bank and the IMF often insist that governments
introduce privatisation and increase private service provision in return for aid or debt
cancellation. A 2006 study of 20 countries receiving World Bank and IMF loans found that
privatisation was a condition in 18 of them, an increase compared with previous years.

What poor country governments need is aid that is well co-ordinated, predictable, and What poor country
channelled through public systems and national budgets. What poor countries typically get is governments need
insufficient, unpredictable aid, disbursed through a jumble of different projects that directly is aid that is well
compete with public services for scarce resources and staff. As much as 70 per cent of aid for co-ordinated,
education globally is spent on technical assistance, much of it to highly paid Western predictable, and
consultants. A study of technical assistance in Mozambique found that rich countries were channelled through
spending $350 million per year on technical experts, while the entire wage bill for public systems and
Mozambiques public sector was just $74 million. In health, donor demands for numerous national budgets.
different vertical initiatives waste officials time, duplicate and undermine health delivery, and
distort health priorities. Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, for instance, have each
been required to set up four separate HIV/AIDS co-ordinating bodies.

IMF-imposed ceilings on public sector wages and recruitment prevent governments from
expanding health and education services. While the IMF is right that countries should manage
their economies carefully, its overly rigid stance is incompatible with achieving the Millennium
Development Goals on health, education, and water and sanitation. The World Trade Organisation

and bilateral and regional Free Trade Agreements may also threaten public services by
limiting how governments regulate foreign service providers.

At the same time as they are urging developing countries to meet the MDGs on health and
education, rich countries are aggravating skills shortages by taking thousands of their key
workers. Of the 489 students who graduated from the Ghana Medical School between
1986 and 1995, 61 per cent have left Ghana, with more than half of them going to the UK
and one-third to the US.

What needs to happen

Change is possible, but it will take concerted action by developing country governments, supported,
not undermined, by rich countries, and held to account by active citizens demanding their rights.

Shift the political agenda

Political commitment and the will to reform is key to making services work, and to do this
governments must feel the heat. They must be pressured to spend more on essential services
and to spend it better. In Kerala state in India and in Sri Lanka, politically-aware citizens
demanded services that performed well. Across the world, civil society organisations are
getting debates on essential services into the newspapers and onto politicians lists of priorities.
In Kenya the national coalition of education groups, Elimu Yetu (Our Education) played a
pivotal role in making free primary education a central election issue, ensuring it was
introduced in 2002; the result was that 1.2 million children went to school for the first time.
In 2005 the worlds biggest ever anti-poverty coalition was formed, the Global Call to Action
against Poverty (GCAP). GCAP saw over 36 million people take action in more than
80 countries. Its key demands include quality universal public services for all and an end
to privatisation where it causes deprivation and poverty.

Make services work for women

Investing in basic services that support and empower women and girls means promoting women
as workers, supporting women and girls as service users, protecting them from abuse, and
combining these measures with legal reforms that improve the status and autonomy of women in
society. In Botswana, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, and Cuba, the high proportion of women
among teachers and health workers was instrumental in encouraging women and girls to use the
services. Progress is often achieved by simultaneously working with womens groups, changing
laws, and challenging harmful beliefs. In Brazil, womens organisations working within and
outside government ensured that the 1988 Constitution reflected the importance of womens
reproductive health. Womens movements have continued to influence public health policy in
Brazil: an integrated womens health programme has been established (Programa de Assistencia a
Saude da Mulher PAISM) and special health services are now available to victims of rape.

Tackle the workforce crisis Public sector workers
must be seen for the
As long as there is breath in my body, I will continue to teach. I am not teaching because of the pay
heroes they are,
but because I love the job and I love children.
and put at the
Viola Shaw-Lewis, 76-year-old teacher, Kingsville public school, Liberia heart of expanding
Public sector workers must be seen for the heroes they are, and put at the heart of expanding services for all.
services for all. All successful countries have built an ethos of public service, in which public
sector workers are encouraged to take pride in their contribution to the nation, and society in
turn is urged to grant them status and respect.

Pay on its own does not always increase motivation, but it is the first priority where earnings
are currently too low. Better pay needs to be matched with better conditions. Housing is a
major issue for most teachers, especially women teachers in rural areas. Governments must
work with trade unions to achieve improved pay and conditions, combining them with codes
of conduct to ensure that workers do their jobs.

Drastically scaling up the numbers of teachers and health workers is a huge task that requires
strategic, co-ordinated planning between poor country governments and aid donors.
Governments must invest in competent managers and planners to produce and implement
clearly costed plans. In Malawi, donors are now funding a salary increase for public health
workers, stemming the tide of doctors and nurses leaving for other countries and improving
the quality of care on the wards.

Fight corruption and build accountability

In many cases, improved salaries, status, and conditions for public sector workers have helped
to reduce small-scale corruption. At the level of society as a whole, strong public education
services and public awareness campaigns can play an important role in promoting a culture of
trust, honesty, and respect for the rule of law. Corruption also needs to be tackled at the political
level. Multi-party democracy and the emergence of civil society and a free press are proving to
be central in this fight. In Costa Rica and Kenya, for example, press scandals have led to the
prosecution of senior officials for corruption.

Civil society is also playing an increasingly important and vocal role in holding political leaders
to account, tracking government expenditures on essential services, and highlighting instances
where money is going missing. Citizens need a formally recognised role in public oversight.
WaterAid has set up feedback mechanisms between water user groups and local governments
in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Ghana, and Ethiopia. In Malawi education groups track
government spending to the primary school level. The Social Watch international network
unites citizens groups in over 60 countries to regularly monitor the performance of their
governments in the provision of essential services.

Abolishing user fees for Abolish user fees for primary education and basic health care
primary schooling and
Abolishing user fees for primary schooling and basic health care can have an immediate
basic health care
can have an immediate impact on the take-up of services. For water, which no-one can do without, the issue is not
impact on the take-up take-up but improving access for poor people and ensuring that a finite resource is shared
of services. equitably. Fees must then be structured to ensure that a minimum daily amount is free or
affordable for poor people.

Rich countries must support public services

Rich countries need to support developing country governments and peoples in implementing
the kinds of measures outlined above. They must stop bypassing and undermining governments
by pushing for the expansion of private service provision. They must meet their 36-year-old
commitment to give 0.7 per cent of their income in foreign aid. This aid must be long-term,
predictable, and targeted to countries that demonstrate their commitment to increase coverage
of quality essential social services. It should be focused especially on providing salaries and the
running costs for public systems, wherever possible through sectoral and direct budget support.
This must further be supported by the full cancellation of debts for all the poor countries that
need it. Rich governments must also reduce their active recruitment of professionals from poor
countries to work in rich country health and education services.

Within a generation, for the first time in history, every child in the world could be in school.
Every woman could give birth with the best possible chance that neither she nor her baby
would die. Everyone could drink water without risking their lives. Millions of new health
workers and teachers could be saving lives and shaping minds.

We know how to get there: political leadership, government action, and public services,
supported by long-term flexible aid from rich countries and the cancellation of debt.
We know that the market alone cannot do this. Civil society can pick up some of the pieces,
but governments must act. There is no short cut, and no other way.

To achieve these goals, developing country governments must fulfil their responsibilities,
their citizens must pressure them to do so, and rich countries must support and not
undermine them. In the words of Nelson Mandela:
Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions
of human beings. And overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.
It is the protection of a fundamental human right; the right to dignity and a decent life.
While poverty persists, there is no freedom.
Speech at launch of Make Poverty History campaign, Trafalgar Square, London, 3 February 2005

Developing country governments need to:
Make sustained investments in essential education, health care, and water and sanitation
systems and services. Specifically, they must emphasise preventative reproductive health
policies and actively combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Abolish fees for basic education and health care and subsidise water for poor people.
Enhance equity by making services work for women and girls and by improving their
social status.
Work with civil society and the private sector within a single, integrated public system.
Train, recruit, and retain desperately needed health workers and teachers.
Improve the pay and conditions of existing workers.
Build an ethos of public service, in which both the public and essential service workers
are encouraged to take pride in their contribution.
Ensure citizen representation and oversight in monitoring public services and facilitate
the participation of civil society in local and national planning and budget processes,
including agreements and contracts signed with donors, the World Bank, and the IMF.
Take a public stand and act against corruption.
Rich countries, the World Bank, and the IMF need to:
Halt the pursuit of inappropriate market reforms of public services through aid conditions,
technical advice, and trade agreements.
Keep their promise to give 0.7 per cent of their national income as foreign aid and
to allocate at least 20 per cent of that aid to basic services.
Fully implement international commitments to improve aid quality, including the
Paris commitments on aid effectiveness. Ensure that such aid is co-ordinated, predictable,
and long-term, including further debt cancellation and increased budget and sector support.
Financially support the removal of user fees in basic health care and education and the
subsidising of water fees for poor people.
Fully finance the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, and the Education for All
Fast Track Initiative, ensuring that they support governments and public systems,
rather than duplicating their activities.
Work with poor countries to recruit, train, and retain 4.25 million new health workers and
1.9 million teachers, and invest in the skills of public utility and local government staff
responsible for delivering water and sanitation services.
Reduce the active recruitment of health and other professionals from poor countries.

Civil society needs to:
Act together to demand quality public services, including free health care and education
and subsidised water and sanitation services.
Continue to build worldwide popular movements demanding government action, such as
the Global Campaign for Education, the Global Call to Action against Poverty, and the
womens movement.
Engage in local and national planning processes.
Work with national parliaments to monitor budget spending, to ensure that services are
reaching the poorest people, and that corruption is not tolerated.
Challenge rich country governments, the World Bank, and the IMF when they fail
to support public services.
Work closely with government and other non-state providers to ensure increased innovation,
learning, co-operation, and accountability in the provision of essential services.

failing to meet
essential needs
Karen Robinson/Oxfam
Essential services: failing to meet
essential needs

We manage to impart lessons [by] the skin of our teeth, because we get no resources from the
Ministry of Education. We no longer get the materials we used to, such as notebooks and pencils
or chalk, or textbooks for the children.
Head teacher, Jose Madriz Autonomous School, Nicaragua

I will never forget how I suffered due to the lack of water. There was no water to wash the baby
or myself. I was ashamed of the unpleasant smell, especially when my neighbours visited me.
Misra Kedir, recalling her childs birth, Hitosa, Ethiopia

Classrooms with teachers. Clinics with nurses. Running taps and working toilets. Essential
services transform peoples lives. It is a scandal that anyone lives without them in 2006.
Yet millions of families do. The lack of essential services sets the poverty trap: people cannot
escape poverty when they cannot read or write, are wasted by ill health, or have to spend hours
a day fetching water.

If ever there was a time to fulfil these most basic of human rights decent health care,
education, and water and sanitation for all then this is it. These rights are enshrined in
international covenants1 and have been assigned targets by the international community.
opposite page
The Millennium Development Goals commit governments by 2015 to:
Collecting water in
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and to halve the proportion of people living on Shibanai village,
less than one dollar per day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. Tajikistan.
Saodat and Osuda
Achieve universal primary education (UPE) for boys and girls. Hasanova fetch water
Promote gender equality and empower women by eliminating gender disparity in primary two or three times
and secondary education by 2005, and at all levels of education by 2015. every day:
Its really hard work
Reduce child mortality by cutting the under-five mortality rate by two-thirds. because the water buckets
Improve maternal health, and reduce by three-quarters the maternal mortality ratio. are so heavy
Ive heard that in other
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.
places people just turn on
Ensure environmental sustainability, halve the proportion of people without access to a tap in their house
potable water, and improve the lives of 100 million slum dwellers. and the water comes out.
I would love a tap like that
Develop a global partnership for development, raise the volume of aid, and improve
in our house
market access.

The world can certainly afford to act. Oxfam calculates that meeting the Millennium
Development Goal targets on health, education, and water and sanitation would require an
extra $47 billion a year.2 Compare this with annual global military spending of $1 trillion,
or the $40 billion that the world spends every year on pet food.3 But with development as usual,
most of these targets will be missed. 2005 has already come and gone, and with it the first
target of equalising education between girls and boys, missed in two out of every three
developing countries.4
Governments have a clear duty to meet these targets and to guarantee the welfare of their
citizens. People have rights to decent health care, to learn to read and write, to have safe water
to drink, and to the sanitary disposal of human waste. But in too many countries governments
fail because of a lack of cash, a lack of capacity, or a lack of commitment. Too often, rich country
governments have contributed to this problem by failing to make good their financial promises
to poor countries, or by pushing market-based reforms that unravel public systems, and
public responsibilities, still further.

Jonah Hull/Oxfam

Chipapa Health clinic,

Investing in girls and
women is the cornerstone
of human development.

The most glaring failure has been in making services work for women and girls. A decent level
of welfare is the first step in improving womens well-being and status in society. Investing in
women and girls is also the cornerstone of human development: sending a girl to school and
caring for her basic health reduces the number of children she is likely to have over her
lifetime, increases the chances that she and her infant will survive childbirth, and improves the
prospects of her children as they grow. It also enhances her households ability to earn income,
and deepens her own participation in political life. Few investments offer such rich returns.

Despite all this and despite so many declarations and international conferences over the
years essential services are still failing women and, through them, society. Across the Across the developing
developing world, women are more likely than men to fall ill, but less likely to receive medical world, women are more
likely than men
care. They are expected to be available, prepared, and morally obliged5 to care for other family
to fall ill, but less likely
members when they fall ill. Girls are too often the last in the family to be sent to school and the
to receive medical care.
first to be taken out when money is short, or else they cannot go to school because there is no
girls latrine. And it is almost always, everywhere girls and women who lose so much of
their day to hauling buckets of water over long distances.

This widespread failure to deliver decent essential services, and to make them serve women
and girls, as well as men and boys, is fundamentally undermining the prospects of achieving
the Millennium Development Goals (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Missing the target: global progress towards the MDGs




Under-5 mortality rate:
per 1,000 live births, Target 5
60 Progress required to meet
the MDG target
Projected progress


Net primary enrolment rate
(%), Target 3
Progress required to meet the
MDG target
Projected progress


Sustainable access to improved
100 water source (%), Target 10*
Progress required to meet the
MDG target
Projected progress




Access to improved sanitation
(%), Target 10*
Progress required to meet the
MDG target
70 Projected progress




(Source: United Nations Statistics Division,

* Water sources and sanitation are deemed as improved according to a list of criteria set by the United Nations
(e.g. whether there is a household water connection or pit latrine).

Water and sanitation: far off-track
International commitments to the MDG targets lose any credibility when measured against the
current provision of water and sanitation facilities around the world. In most regions the
international target to halve the proportion of people who have no clean drinking water is far
off-track and, in total, will fail 210 million people.6 On current progress, Africa will not meet
the goal until the year 2105. One in three people in the world does not have access to any kind
of toilet or latrine and, contrary to international promises, this number is increasing.7
Today more than one billion people still live without clean water.8
More than Water-related diseases cause three million deaths a year9 and the worst impacts fall on young
one billion people children: diarrhoea, a disease of dirty water, is the biggest killer of under-fives in poor
still live without countries, resulting in 4,000 preventable deaths every day.10 The lives of women and girls are
clean water. badly affected by the lack of safe water and latrines: many walk up to four miles a day to fetch
water,11 or wait till dusk or dawn to relieve themselves in the fields or bush, where they risk
sexual harassment.

Meeting the MDG target to halve the number of people without access to clean water would
cost $4 billion a year for ten years roughly a months spending on bottled mineral water in
Europe or the USA.12 It could save money too: for every $1 invested, another $3$4 is saved on
health spending or through increased productivity.13 Failing to provide water and sanitation
will cost developing countries $84 billion per year in lost lives, low worker productivity,
higher health-care costs, and lost education opportunities.14

Health: enduring inequalities

The past ten years have seen slow and piecemeal progress towards the agreed health targets.
Yet simple, low-cost technologies could save the lives of the 11 million children who die each
year from preventable communicable diseases such as measles and diarrhoea, and from

Meanwhile, HIV/AIDS has inflicted an unprecedented reversal in human development

40 million people are now infected with the disease. HIV/AIDS claimed 3 million lives in 2005,
orphaning millions of children,16 and is leaving health systems struggling to cope, with women
increasingly shouldering the burden. In sub-Saharan Africa, 57 per cent of adults living with
HIV/AIDS are women,17 while young women account for a disproportionate number of new
HIV infections. In some settings, being married may actually increase womens exposure to
the disease in Thailand, 75 per cent of women infected with HIV/AIDS were probably
infected by their husbands.18

There has been some progress: in 1990, only 41 per cent of women giving birth in developing
countries were attended by a trained nurse or midwife; by 2003 that proportion had risen to

57 per cent19 although none of this progress was to the benefit of new mothers in
sub-Saharan Africa. However, bad news outweighs the good. Women in developing countries
still have a one in 61 chance of dying from a pregnancy-related cause: compare that with
one in 2,800 in developed countries.20

Education: signs of progress

If there is any cause for hope regarding essential services, it is the progress made in the past
15 years in getting young children into school. Every region (with the exception of the former
Soviet Union) has significantly increased primary school enrolments, particularly Latin America,
the Caribbean, and North Africa.21 Enrolments in sub-Saharan Africa have grown fast too.
Even some of Africas poorest countries Eritrea, Guinea, Malawi, and Chad have
increased primary enrolments by over 50 per cent, albeit from a very low base.22

International momentum has been crucial in achieving these results. The right to universal
and free primary education, enshrined in declarations for many decades,23 was finally
recognised as a reality through an agreed global vision of how to get all children into school:
the Education For All framework.24 This was backed up by some but by no means all
of the funding needed to achieve it, mobilised both by means of poor country governments
giving it higher priority in their national budgets, and by rich country aid donors co-ordinating
their aid more effectively through the Fast Track Initiative.25 Campaigning by many civil society
coalitions across the world was essential to ensure that those plans and funds were turned into
universal and free education for children.

Enormous challenges remain. Some 100 million children are still out of school 18 per cent Some 100 million
of the worlds primary school-age population26 and the MDG target of universal primary children are still
education will be missed on current trends. Many of these missing students are girls living in out of school
rural areas, who are required to work in the fields or help in the home, or who suddenly find 18 per cent of the worlds
themselves heading the household after their parents have died from AIDS. Some are children primary school-age
from indigenous or ethnic minority communities who may not understand the language population.
used in the classroom. Others may have a disability that the school is unable to accommodate.
All of them have the right to an education, and hence to the policies that will make this possible
for them.

Yet even in countries where most children have started going to school, governments are often
failing to keep them there. Completion rates i.e. the proportion of school-age children who
complete the final year of primary school are depressingly low in many countries. Only half
of all boys, and even fewer girls, complete primary school in sub-Saharan Africa. As a result,
the average 16-year-old girl in Africa has had less than three years of schooling.27
Often the reason is the low quality of the education on offer. Many schools lack sufficient
textbooks and teachers to cater for their many pupils, or use a curriculum that has little

relevance to the needs of local communities. Too many dispirited teachers rely on teaching
by rote, instead of engaging children in active learning. Female students often report feeling
intimidated or disrespected by the classroom culture. Such learning environments do not
provide girls or boys with the skills they need in adult life, and offer little incentive to children
who have to walk for hours each day just to get to school. Enrolments and achievements will
clearly only be raised, and sustained, by raising the quality of education systems.

The strides made in primary enrolments show that progress is possible, when the political
commitment is backed by national and international financing. But what works, and
why isnt everyone doing it?

What works?
The case for
universal public
Jim Holmes/Oxfam
What works? The case for universal
public services
My son had a temperature and diarrhoea. He kept throwing up but at La Mascota they didnt
want to help him, they turned me away. So I came straight here and the doctor immediately
admitted him, otherwise the child would have died. Here we dont have to pay. This is a public
hospital specially for children and pregnant women.
Julisa Ramirez, Fernando Velez Paiz Maternity Hospital, Nicaragua

The provision of basic education, the presence of elementary medical facilities, the availability
of resources [such as water] these non-market facilities require careful and determined
public action.
Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom

More than one-third of Sri Lankas population live on less than two dollars a day, but the
countrys maternal mortality rates are among the lowest in the world. Over the course of the
1990s the number of maternal deaths halved, from 520 to 250 women per year, in a population
of 18 million. Today over 96 per cent of deliveries are attended by a skilled birth attendant and
over 90 per cent take place in a health facility. How has this been achieved? By providing
public health services free of charge essential in making them accessible to poor people
and by providing a large number of health posts: almost everyone now lives less than 1.5km
from their nearest centre. These measures have been strongly supported by education policies
that provide free education for girls up to university level, resulting in a literacy rate of
88 per cent among adult women and an increase in the average age of marriage.28

Incomes matter, but policies matter too

Many other countries including poor ones have made huge strides in human welfare.
To try and assess government performance in providing essential services, Oxfam has devised
opposite page
an Essential Services Index. This ranks countries according to their performance in four social Hoang Zuan (seven)
areas child survival rates, schooling, access to safe water, and access to sanitation and reading aloud during a
compares their performance with per capita national income.29 The comparison shows that language lesson in Ky Hai
primary school, Viet Nam

some governments have consistently punched above their weights. Sri Lanka, for example, has
60 per cent less income per capita than Kazakhstan ($4,000 a year compared with $6,980),
but a child in Kazakhstan is nearly five times more likely to die in its first five years than a child
in Sri Lanka and is far less likely to go to school, drink clean water, or have the use of a latrine
(see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Sri Lanka: less income than Kazakhstan, but healthier, better-educated people


Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka 86
100 Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan 92 Sri Lanka
73 91 Kazakhstan

Sri Lanka

Income per Under 5 Net Improved Sanitation

capita US$ mortality primary drinking coverage
rate per 1,000 enrolment water %
population % coverage

(Source: Essential Services Index, data compiled by Oxfam)

These discrepancies in performance relative to income occur at all levels of income.
As Figure 3 shows, countries such as Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Uganda, and Bangladesh all
perform above their expected level, while countries such as Brazil, Oman, and Mauritania
are all delivering far lower welfare outcomes than would be expected, given their per capita
incomes. Wealth matters, but so does government action.

Figure 3: Higher income levels do not always determine outcomes

Income rank services

1 1
10 10
Oman 15
20 20 Sri Lanka 19
Lebanon 25
Brazil 27 30 30
40 40 Brazil 39
Philippines 44
Lebanon 49 50 50
Philippines 55
60 60 Oman 63
Sri Lanka 63
70 70 Bangladesh 71
80 80 Uganda 79
Mauritania 84
Bangladesh 87 90 90
Uganda 96
100 100 Mauritania 101
110 110
120 120

(Source: Essential Services Index, data compiled by Oxfam)

Economic growth does not determine performance either although it is certainly necessary
in the long term. Successful countries did not wait until they became rich to invest in essential
services. Indeed, the East Asian tiger economies are renowned for investing in essential
services before their economic take-offs.

When governments get it right: learning from success

The next decade must see a massive scaling up in the provision of essential services if the
Millennium Development Goals are to be met. Millions more teachers and health workers are
needed in hundreds of thousands more schools and clinics worldwide, along with engineers
and sewerage systems, boreholes, taps, and toilets.

The pivotal question is how best to achieve this expansion. To answer this question we need to
look at the experience of countries both developed and developing that have succeeded in
scaling up essential services. What this section will show is that the key to success is action by
governments in funding, co-ordinating, and providing these essential services to the public.
Governments have to act, because the provision of services by the market alone will not provide
for poor people.

The case for government action

There are strong economic and social reasons why governments need to organise essential
services, rather than leaving it up to individuals or to pay for them through the market.30

Firstly, if people are healthy and well-educated, it benefits the economic and social well-being
of the population as a whole, over and above the health and economic status of each individual.
Curing a person of a communicable disease such as tuberculosis benefits not just that
individual, but everyone who may otherwise have caught the disease. Increasing the level of
girls education will bring positive benefits to the next generation of children. Markets and
price mechanisms do not reflect the true value of such public goods, since they encourage
individuals to pay only for benefits to themselves, not to society as a whole.

Secondly, citizens do not always have the full information necessary to make informed choices
about the services they need, or who should provide them. This is a particularly important
issue in health care, where it is easy for a provider to mislead patients into buying care that is
inappropriate or unneeded. Government action is required to inform people of the benefits of
healthy behaviour, even on such a simple level as hand-washing.

Thirdly, people in poor countries, particularly in rural areas, seldom have a choice of provider,
whether of schools, clinics, or water supply. In fact they are often lucky to have any of these
services at all. This means that competition, the main engine for efficiency in a market,

is absent. Governments generally have access to cheaper forms of credit than those available
to the private sector, which makes large capital investments, such as infrastructure for
urban sanitation, easier to finance.

Leaving essential services such as education to the market increases inequality, as poor people
are less able to pay for services. Since education is strongly linked to future incomes, these
inequalities are passed down through the generations, as poor families find themselves unable
to give their children a decent, healthy start in life.

Finally, access to good quality essential services is a human right that should not be denied to
people simply because they are unable to pay for them. Governments are the duty bearers and
have a responsibility to deliver on peoples human rights.

These arguments show that public action is necessary to organise essential services, but do not
explain who should provide them. However, as the next section shows, both historical and
current experience demonstrate that public provision is key to essential services.

Government action was the key to advances in developed nations

During the nineteenth century, governments in rich countries stepped in to develop
public services.31 In the UK the inefficiencies, costs, and corruption of private sector
water provision led to the creation of public water and sanitation systems.32 In Germany
the national health system unified multiple insurance schemes under one equitable system.
Compulsory public education was extended across Europe, North America, and Japan in the
early part of the century and these welfare states expanded further after World War Two.

At the dawn of the twentieth century the UK was the worlds leading industrial nation, yet its At the dawn of the
average life expectancy then was at a level that is common in Africa today. Extensive public twentieth century
programmes, particularly in sanitation, but also in health and nutrition, were the key to a the UK was the worlds
rapidly rising life expectancy during the course of the century. leading industrial
nation, yet its average
The impact of government inaction is clear in the United States, the only wealthy nation today life expectancy then
with no universal health insurance system. Its mix of private employer-based insurance and was at a level that is
limited public health care is linked to extreme inequalities in health outcomes, leaving common in Africa
over one-third of people living below the poverty line in 2003 without health insurance. today. Extensive public
The Institute of Medicine33 estimates that 18,000 Americans die prematurely each year programmes were the
because they lack health insurance. Such a system is also inefficient: the USA spends more key to a rapidly rising
as a proportion of GDP on health care than any other nation, but has a higher infant mortality life expectancy during
rate than many other industrialised countries.34 the course of the century.

Government action has also underpinned success in developing countries
In recent decades, many developing countries have achieved extraordinary progress. Within a
generation, they have made advances in health and education that took industrialised countries
200 years to accomplish. In various breakthrough periods Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mauritius,
Sri Lanka, South Korea, Malaysia, Barbados, Costa Rica, Cuba, and Kerala state in India35
all cut child deaths by between 40 per cent and 70 per cent in just 10 years.36 All also achieved
primary school enrolments close to 100 per cent for both girls and boys, decades before other
developing countries.37 In Zimbabwe these advances have since been undermined by
economic and political crisis, and in Botswana by the ravages of HIV/AIDS, but their examples
still show that rapid progress can be made by poor countries.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, public services such as free health care greatly
increased the quality of life, particularly in the poorest Central Asian republics.38 In East Asian
countries, the importance of the links between equitable access to social provision, poverty
reduction, and growth was recognised early on. The Indonesian government, for example,
massively expanded public education in the 1970s and now runs 150,000 primary schools,
covering 85 per cent of all enrolments.39

In the early 1980s Nicaragua raised adult literacy rates from 47 per cent to 87 per cent and
increased access to health care from 25 per cent to 70 per cent of the population, as part of a
major programme of public investment following the Sandinista revolution.40 Similarly,
in 1982 a World Health Organization survey of Mozambican health services found that the
massive expansion of rural public health posts overseen by the Frelimo government meant that
81 per cent of children had been seen by a health worker (24 years later, this is still an amazing
achievement in Africa).

Lessons from developing country success

The critical factor has Studies of the policies underpinning developing country success stories show that, despite
been concerted action some differences in approach, the measures taken by successful countries have much in
by governments in common.41 The critical factor has been concerted action by governments in organising and
organising and providing providing public services for all. This has been the case regardless of whether the state in
public services for all. question was socialist Cuba or capitalist South Korea.42 Governments built universal essential
services, which were paid for through progressive taxation and prioritised spending, and
delivered through strong public systems, free or heavily subsidised for poor people
and all geared to the needs of women and girls.

Clear political commitment and pressure from civil society
Those developing countries that have succeeded have all had high-level political commitment
from their ruling elites and middle classes to improving the general welfare of their citizens,
and especially that of poor people. Fighting poverty became a political issue. The people of
Barbados, for instance, started calling for social progress in the 1930s; health and education
services have been a feature of political party competition since multi-party elections began
in the 1950s. In Nicaragua and Mozambique, the expansion of public services formed a key
part of the countries revolutions and struggles for independence. The reasons for middle-class
and elite commitment varied, from the moral and ideological to enlightened self-interest.
However, extensive mobilisation by citizens demanding their rights was a common thread in
many of the success stories, as leaders sought to respond to the demands of their people.

Universally accessible, publicly provided

In countries successful at providing essential services, the vast majority of the population used In countries successful
services provided by the state, with just the wealthiest opting for private health care and at providing essential
schooling. Primary education was state-provided and health services were universal, not services, the vast
targeted, and funded from government revenues.43 These policies made good economic sense majority of the
(and still do today) in countries where poverty was so widespread that poor people constituted population used
the majority of the population. services provided by
the state.
In many countries, improving services has meant consolidating a fragmented mix of public,
private, and non-profit health and education providers. Typically, successful governments have
sought to integrate non-state providers (NSPs) into public delivery systems to complement
public systems, rather than as a substitute for them. In Kerala state, Malaysia, and Barbados,
governments funded the running costs of private schools and church schools and regularly
inspected and monitored them to maintain standards.44

Free at the point of delivery

I think we have many good things in our country. The schools are totally free; education in Cuba
is both free and good. We pay absolutely nothing.
Leonor Diaz, mother of schoolchild, Cuba

Abolishing user fees for health and education resulted in massive increases in school
enrolments and the uptake of health services in all countries. For newly independent countries
this was also a political statement, signalling that access to essential services was a basic
human right. The introduction of free education in Tanzania and many other African nations
in the 1960s was an important part of defining the rights of citizens, following independence
from colonial rule. Similarly, in the majority of countries, there were low or no out-of-pocket
costs for poor people using health services.

Teacher Richard Machibya

Jenny Matthews/Oxfam
and his Standard 2
maths class,

In low-income countries, A UK government-funded study comparing health systems across Asia45 found that in
the most pro-poor low-income countries, the most pro-poor health systems were those providing universal
health systems were services that were free or almost free. When fees were reintroduced in Zimbabwe under
those providing structural adjustment, the effect on poor peoples access to services was catastrophic.
universal services In some countries there were additional subsidies to reduce the cost of services for households,
that were free or
such as free school meals in Kerala, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Barbados, Costa Rica, and Cuba.
almost free.
Water and sanitation: affordable and available
Successful countries make providing safe water and sanitation a priority.46 In Costa Rica,
for example, water supply, latrine construction, and public education on hygienic practices
went hand-in-hand with extending rural health services. The government of Botswana invested
in a major programme of groundwater drilling and water network construction soon after
independence in 1966, achieving near-universal access to safe water by the 1990s.
Rural households were subsidised to build latrines and the government invested in health
and hygiene education programmes.

Investing in teachers and nurses, and serving rural areas Ugandas near doubling
of net enrolments
Massive increases in human resources have been at the heart of the successful provision of
was preceded by
public services in poor countries. Successful countries invested heavily in training and in fundamental reforms,
employing front-line workers teachers, health workers, and water technicians. Brazil still including an increase
has a long way to go to improve child health, but had increased net school enrolment rates to in teachers salaries
near 100 per cent for girls and boys by 1997, by instituting broad-based national reforms to from $8 to $72 per month.
improve teacher qualifications and training, along with performance-related pay and
increased salaries with generous pension benefits.47 Ugandas near doubling of net
enrolments, from 54 per cent to over 90 per cent by 2000, was preceded by fundamental
reforms, including an increase in teachers salaries from $8 to $72 per month from 1997.48
Governments also ensured that rural facilities were well staffed, often by requiring publicly
trained workers to work in rural areas. In Sri Lanka, all teachers are expected to work for
34 years in difficult schools, and a teacher deployment project has implemented a
staff equalisation plan that penalises provinces with excessive numbers of teachers and
provides resources for provinces with teacher shortages.49 In the Gambia the government is
building new housing in remote areas and establishing a teacher housing loan scheme
to help female teachers with the costs of decent accommodation.50

Nicaragua, China, Zimbabwe, and Cuba trained thousands of village health workers and
barefoot doctors to provide preventative health care and hygiene education. In Nicaragua
thousands of volunteers helped in a hugely successful national literacy campaign.
In Zimbabwe housing was supplied for rural health workers, which sharply reduced the
number of rural vacancies in essential services. Kerala and Sri Lanka relied heavily on
recruiting and employing midwives within their own communities.

Building long-term public capacity to deliver

All successful countries invested heavily in building infrastructure and improving public
capacity to plan, deliver, and co-ordinate reforms. Public spending prioritised essential services
as governments pursued progressive taxation, mobilising resources from the richest sections
of society to spend on services for the poorest. Health and education spending51 were higher
than the regional averages for all successful countries (except in South Korea). Social
programmes took priority in government budgets: in Costa Rica such programmes
commanded some 50 per cent of the budget, and in Kerala health and education spending
accounted for around 40 per cent of the state budget. Primary services got priority:
primary education, for example, received between a quarter and half of total education spending.

Improving services in high-performing countries required a massive expansion of publicly-
funded infrastructure, especially in rural areas. Botswana and Mauritius, for example,
both inherited tiny hospital-based health services at independence, but public construction
and training programmes doubled the number of health posts so that, by the 1980s,
at least 80 per cent of their populations lived within 15km of a health facility.

This investment was backed up by international aid. Virtually all roads, schools, and health
facilities built in Botswana during the 1960s and 1970s were financed largely from donor
sources, as part of a co-ordinated national development plan. Costa Rica received $3.4bn
between 1970 and 1992, mostly from the USA, and this helped it to shield its social spending
during the economic crisis of the 1980s. South Korea and Cuba benefited from direct foreign aid
from the USA and the Soviet Union respectively; this was not always invested directly in health
and education, but it helped to free up resources for essential services from other budget lines.
Importantly, this aid did not undermine the ability of the recipient countries to make their own
decisions on the best way to provide public services.

Investing in women makes services more effective and society more equal
The provision of public services in successful countries has made society more equitable,
by focusing on women and girls. Governments have pursued gender equity in both the
educational levels attained and in employment status: in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mauritius,
Sri Lanka, South Korea, Malaysia, Barbados, Costa Rica, Cuba, and Kerala state in India,
womens and girls access to education was higher than the regional average and there was a
high proportion of female teachers and health workers, which encouraged others to use the
services. This was all underpinned by government action to strengthen womens social status
and autonomy in Mauritius, Cuba, and South Africa new legislation enshrined the rights of
women to own and inherit property, and their rights to freedom from violence and discrimination.

Special efforts to reach poor people

Successful countries made particular efforts to reach poor people by expanding community-
The Kerala state
government in India level primary services in rural areas. In all of them, primary school teaching was carried out
expanded health-care in the local mother tongue to make learning easier. Costa Rica established community health
facilities and ensured programmes to immunise children, distributed milk, built latrines, and used geographical
that over half its targeting criteria to prioritise the construction of health centres in poor areas. The Kerala state
hospital beds were in government in India expanded health-care facilities in the deprived Malabar region to reduce
rural hospitals the inequality of health care between regions, and ensured that over half its hospital beds were
and clinics. in rural hospitals and clinics. Malaysia set up a three-tier scheme consisting of health centres,
sub-centres, and midwife clinics to provide health services directly to the rural population.

Recent success stories have similar ingredients
More recent advances in services show a similar recipe to that of the success stories discussed
above. Success has been built on strong public systems that guarantee universal access to free
health care and education and subsidised water and sanitation for poor people, and on making
services work for women and girls.

Uganda: extending access to schools and clinics

Ugandas primary school enrolments nearly doubled in a decade, from 54 per cent in 1991
to over 90 per cent by 2000.52 Gender gaps in enrolments have been virtually eliminated:
a stunning accomplishment for a low-income country emerging from civil war.
How did it happen? In 1997 the government introduced free schooling for up to four children
in every household, increased teachers salaries, integrated gender concerns into the national
curriculum, and encouraged schools to buy new and better textbooks. How was it financed?
By cutting the defence budget, and increasing education funds by almost 50 per cent.53
Throughout the 1990s, Ugandans faced high costs for fragmented health services. But in the
run-up to the 2001 presidential election, President Yoweri Museveni ended user fees for all
government health clinics. The public response was phenomenal, with an 84 per cent increase
in attendance at clinics countrywide.54 Mission hospitals were also brought into the public
system and strengthened with public funds. The benefits were greatest for poor people in
rural areas who could not afford to pay for care.55

Brazil: increasing access to clean water and providing free treatment for HIV/AIDS
Brazil still has a long way to go to address huge inequalities in access to services, but some
government initiatives are beginning to make a difference. In 1994 the World Bank predicted that By 2005, 160,000
there would be 1.2 million HIV-positive Brazilians by 2000.56 Six years later, the prevalence of the Brazilians were
disease was only half that level, thanks to prompt government action. In 1996, the Brazilian receiving ART,
government made antiretroviral treatment (ART) free for all those who needed it.57 By 2005, the annual death rate
160,000 Brazilians were receiving ART, the annual death rate from AIDS had more than halved, from AIDS had more
and hospitalisation rates had fallen by over 75 per cent. The annual budget for the programme than halved, and
is $395m, but it has saved more than $2bn in public health costs since the epidemic started.58 hospitalisation rates
had fallen by over
The lowest infant mortality rate in Brazil is in the city of Porto Alegre, which is far from being 75 per cent.
the richest city. In a country of huge inequalities, how did this happen? Largely because the
citys Municipal Department for Water and Sewage supplies clean water to 99.5 per cent of
households at one of the cheapest rates in the country, and treats 84 per cent of its sewage.
Up to 70 per cent of the operation is outsourced to private contractors, who collect payments
through household water meters. Their contracts with the municipality ensure social equity:
poor people have the right to use 10,000 litres of water per month, but only pay for 4,000.59

Sanitation in India and safe water in Malaysia
Sanitation in India has improved in recent years, thanks to the governments Total Sanitation
Campaign, which aims to end the practice of open defecation by 2010.60 The programme
is succeeding by setting up production units to make latrines, giving incentives to poor
households to build them, and providing hygiene education in schools.

In the Malaysian state of Pulau Penang, the public water utility, PBAPP, is highly efficient,
supplying water to 100 per cent of urban residents and 99 per cent in rural areas
(4 million people in total). And it is equitable: it sets a subsidised price for the first
20,000 litres of water used by a household each month, giving poorer consumers affordable
access to drinking water. PBAPP is a public limited company owned by the government,
and it strives to combine commercial efficiency with social objectives.61 It has a workforce
that is committed to excellence in public service and has achieved an international quality
standard for its approach to quality management, its customer focus, and environmentally
sustainable development.

The experiences of successful countries offer hope and inspiration for the future. They show
that it is possible to achieve rapid and sustained gains in human welfare for poor people,
even when a country is in the early stages of development. They also demonstrate that the key
to this success is strong public systems that guarantee universal access to free health care and
education and subsidised water and sanitation for poor people, and which make services work
for women and girls. In most successful countries, states are the main provider of services.
Even when there is a large degree of provision by the private sector, this works only when there
are strong co-ordination, financing, and regulation by governments. It takes time to create the
institutions, staff, and infrastructure to provide universal essential services, but with adequate
and predictable finance, political will, and technical support, even the poorest countries can
achieve this vital goal.

When it goes
poor country
government neglect
and broken
Annie Bungeroth/Oxfam
When it goes wrong: poor country
government neglect and broken promises
Toby Adamson/Oxfam

We have to cross three creeks to reach our schools. These creeks swell up to four feet during
rainy periods. When the rains come, our mother fears for our lives. 62
Primary schoolchildren in Kimarayag, Philippines

In the health centre they get annoyed when they treat you. If you dont have any money
they wont take you. If you dont have money, then what? Well, youll just be left to die.
Marta Maria Molina Aguilar, mother of sick child, Nicaragua

After paying for electricity and water and buying food, theres nothing left. I cant survive
on my salary. So I do shifts as a locum in a private hospital in Lilongwe. Its not good though.
Our ways of surviving are killing the system. Fatima from Al Samsarah,
Dr. Matias Joshua, Dowa District Hospital, Malawi Yemen, has only a one in
three chance of being able
The previous chapter sought to learn lessons from success, but for every Sri Lanka there are other
to read and write when
poor countries where millions of people cannot afford to see a doctor, where their daughters have she grows up
never been to school, and where their homes have neither taps nor toilets. Countries such as
Yemen. A woman in Yemen has only a one in three chance of being able to read and write.63
If she has a baby, she has only a one in five chance of being attended by a midwife.64 If she and
her child survive childbirth, the child has a one in three chance of being malnourished and
a one in nine chance of dying before their fifth birthday.65 If she lives in a rural area, her family
is unlikely to be able to access medical care, clean water, or basic sanitation.66

Governments in poor countries have a clear responsibility to their citizens to provide health care,
education, and water and sanitation to their people. They should do this not just because they have
a duty and a responsibility to fulfil the human rights of their citizens, but also because it is in the
long-term interests of the country and the economy to do so. Many governments in poor countries
are simply failing to do this. The reality for the vast majority of poor people in developing countries
is that they find public services either unavailable or dauntingly expensive and chronically under- opposite page
Digging for water in
staffed. What government spending there is goes disproportionately towards providing services
Chulucanas, Peru.
such as hospitals and universities that mainly benefit the middle classes.
The water is OK for
Lack of money is part of the reason for such failures, but lack of commitment is also to blame. washing with, but its not
safe to drink
Post-independence gains made from investing in essential services unravelled under the widespread
Juana Yorleque
economic crises of the 1970s and 1980s. The momentum for improving public services was

lost by many governments, in some cases never to return, and the social contract unravelled
as citizens came to expect little, and get less, from their governments. This chapter looks first
at the impact of this neglect, and then at its causes.

Public sector heroes

The shortages of nurses are really bad. You have to keep going even though you are very tired.
I work from 4pm until 7.30am the next morning. Thats 16 hours. There are five of us on the
paediatric ward, and usually we have 200300 kids. And I do day shifts covering for when we
dont have enough people. We are hard-working; we are sweating. We keep going what else
can we do?
Midwife in Lilongwe hospital, Malawi67

In many countries, where there is a lack of government cash or commitment, public services
are kept afloat by a skeleton staff of overworked and underpaid teachers, doctors, nurses,
Figure 4: administrators, engineers, and other public workers. Under appalling conditions, many workers
Falling salaries do not do their jobs well or simply do not turn up. However, many more are committed to their
work, putting in long hours with few resources and for little pay. For health workers these
conditions can even be life-threatening many risk HIV infection for want of disposable gloves,
Middle East
Average primary school teachers salary: ratio to per capita GDP

and North Africa for instance. Given the circumstances, their commitment is nothing short of heroic.
10 Asia
Latin America
9 Starvation wages
Teachers in the least developed countries once earned a good living, but their salaries have
7 halved since 1970 (see Figure 4). This means that teachers and other public workers often
do not get paid enough to survive on.
I can tell you that I pay 300 cordobas ($18) for electricity, 250 ($14.50) for water,
300 for telephone; thats already half my salary and the rest of it goes on rice and beans,
4 so theres nothing left for a bit of meat or anything else.
3 Head teacher, Jos Madriz School, Nicaragua

2 Within the public sector, it is women who are in the lowest-paid and least-rewarded jobs.
Sometimes these can literally be starvation wages. In Zambia, the Jesuit College for
Theological Reflection calculated in May 2006 that the monthly cost of absolute basic needs
0 for a family of six to survive was 1.4 million kwacha ($410). An average teachers salary was
75 85 95 00
19 19 19 20 660,000 kwacha ($191) and an average nurses salary was 1.2 million kwacha ($351).68
(Source: UNESCO, Low wages, weak management, and corruption discourages people from entering public services.
Education For All Global In 2001 the government of Kenya advertised 100 doctor vacancies, but only eight people applied.69
Monitoring Report 2005)

Box 1: Public sector heroes
Around the world teachers, doctors, and nurses work long hours in terrible conditions and are paid a pittance.
These are the unsung heroes working to do their best in crumbling public services.

Armenia Liberia
Until 2000, there was nothing. The school is in need of so many things. There are no
No wages, no drugs, and no facilities. textbooks, no chairs or benches you can see for yourself.
Even since then, we have debts to But I am satisfied with the job I am doing. I am not teaching
pay for wages. Still I lack the because of the pay but because I love the job
equipment and diagnostics; and I love children. As long as there is
I get the training but then I breath in my body, I will
dont have the tools. But I am continue to teach.
trained as a doctor; I should
work. It is my moral duty.
If people are ill I have to help somehow, even without the drugs
being available. There are a lot of heroes here but their salaries
dont match what the doctors do.
Aregar Baghdasaryan, a doctor at Vayk polyclinic
I serve 100150 patients a week and they come to get
treatment for TB, family planning, or diarrhoea. I come from Mother Viola Shaw-Lewis, 76-year-old teacher at Kingsville
this area and know the people here. I spend the average day public school, Liberia
worrying because of financial hardship. I do not take fees Kenya
from the patients. The primary reason for being a health worker
is to serve the people. I became a doctor because I want to help my people. I am a
Turkana and I grew up experiencing the same problems.
Beauty Mandal, health worker
I therefore want to make a difference through my work as a
Nicaragua doctor. Because of the harsh climatic
I know people who are now qualified, and that makes me conditions in Turkana, many professionals do
happy: seeing what I brought about. They say to me, Teacher, not like working here, and this limits services
if you hadnt behaved in such and such a way,I wouldnt have to the people. I do not mind working here
learned anything. And I appreciate that. Its my mission and because I grew up in the
vocation. I like teaching and that keeps me going. Im now 60 same environment and,
and every year, when I get desperate because no-one wants to first and foremost,
help me and I feel Im drowning, I say Im going to retire. I have a call to
Martha Ruiz, head teacher from a primary school at Len, serve my
Nicaragua people.
Dr. Yakish Eyapan, Lodwar District Hospital

Geoff Sayer/Oxfam

The missing millions doctors, nurses, teachers, and administrators

The past 30 years have bequeathed a legacy of neglect. Today many governments lack the money
and the workforce to build public services up to the scale and quality required.
Globally there are shortages of 4.25 million health workers70 and 1.9 million teachers71
the biggest single obstacle to scaling up essential services and to tackling HIV/AIDS.72
Some countries are suffering more than others. In Nepal, there are on average 180 children
Mrs. Mwabuga is a per trained teacher (see Figure 5). Oxfam has calculated that:
teacher at Uhuru primary
school, Shinyanga town,
Tanzania. Based on the Education For All target of a minimum of one trained teacher for every
When I started in the
40 school-age children:73
1970s, I was teaching a
class of 45 pupils. At least 30 countries in the world do not have enough trained primary school teachers
Now it can be 180 or 200. to educate their children.
Its like a public meeting:
we give a speech, its
In 11 of these countries, there are not enough teachers for more than half of the
not teaching school-age children.

Figure 5: Missing teachers

200 Number of primary school-age children per trained teacher








40 UN recommended 40


South Africa






Burkina Faso




Republic of Congo

(Source: Oxfam calculations, data from UNESCO 2005)

Figure 6: Missing health workers
9,000 Number of people per health worker








UN recommended 400
African Republic








(Source: Oxfam calculations, based on data from Joint Learning Initiative 2004)

Health workers
Based on a minimum standard of 2.5 health workers per 1,000 population:74
At least 75 countries do not have enough trained health workers to meet their needs.
Of these, 53 countries have fewer than half the trained health workers needed.
In 10 countries,75 there are only enough trained health workers to cover 10 per cent
As much as we want
of the population (see Figure 6).
to scale up, there are
no bodies, said
HIV/AIDS redoubles the challenge. Africa is likely to lose 20 per cent of its health workers to
Biswick Mwale,
the disease over the coming few years, with those remaining facing increased workloads and head of Malawis
stress.76 In Malawi, 2530 per cent of health professionals will die of AIDS in the next decade National AIDS
and before they die, they are sick and cant work.77 With painful irony, this undermines the Commission.
countrys efforts to expand the provision of ARV treatment to people living with HIV and AIDS. People cant translate
As much as we want to scale up, there are no bodies, said Biswick Mwale, head of Malawis money into action when
National AIDS Commission. People cant translate money into action when there are no people.78 there are no people.

Leaving for a better life
Many public workers have left to work in the local private sector, or to work overseas.
Around 50 per cent of Africas medical graduates go overseas within five years of finishing
their studies.79 Most head for Europe and the USA, which are home to 20 per cent of the
worlds people, almost 50 per cent of the worlds physicians, and 60 per cent of its nurses.80
This issue is discussed further in section 4.
Yaye Fatou Marone
and Odette Sarr/Oxfam

Killer fees
My husband and I are unemployed, we have no income. I have to beg the nursing officer to treat
me free of charge because I cannot pay the fees. I rarely go to the hospital because of lack of means.
Oumy Thiam (four months pregnant) from Dakar, Senegal

For the children the biggest problem is that they have no books or clothes. Despite the governments
commitment to universal free education, poor children are still unable to come to school.
They go around trying to find money so they can buy books and return to school.
Justin Zimba, deputy head of Makangwse Open Community School, Zambia

Oumy Thiam, at Deggo Where states lack the capacity or commitment to fund services, poor people are made to pay
Health Centre, Dakar, instead. User fees are a life-or-death issue for people from Ethiopia to Georgia (see Box 2),
Senegal. and making households pay excludes women and girls, who are usually last in line for
I am four months pregnant
services.81 Although fees rarely contribute more than 5 per cent82 of running costs for health
and until now I have
and education systems, they have proliferated in all regions. Despite widely recognised gains
consulted neither a
physician nor a midwife in countries that have abolished fees in primary education, 89 out of 103 countries surveyed
because I cannot afford it. by the World Bank for UNESCO still levy official or informal charges for schooling.83
Fortunately [the nurse] has Botswana and South Africa have recently made disappointing U-turns by reintroducing
agreed to treat me. tuition fees in education; many other countries charge for uniforms and textbooks, which are
For me, the government is
a similar burden for poor people. In the poorest countries, total out-of-pocket health spending
responsible for ensuring
can be two to three times greater than government spending on health.84
that we have access to
health services. In water services, unlike in health and education, user fees are needed in order to encourage
So, if the authorities are
sustainable use of finite water resources. It is crucial, however, that tariffs are structured to
really committed, they
ensure that a minimum daily amount of water is free or affordable for poor people.
should provide people like
me with free health care

Box 2: Pay, or stay away
User fees do not work: they exclude poor people from the eventually get better. That didn't happen. After four months in that
services they need most. state, she died. 89

Women bear the greatest burden of user fees. Their reproductive In February 2006 the Burundian government abolished charges
role means that they have the greatest need of public services, for maternity and child care services, but it has still to extend free
but in many societies their low status and lack of income mean care to other basic health-care services.
they are last in line for medical care and schooling. This is
In Georgia, the introduction of fees for all but the most basic
exacerbated where people have to pay for services. Studies
health treatments has stopped many people from seeking
suggest that user fees result in higher maternal and infant
medical help. I have only a small pension, no other income,
mortality rates in one Nigerian district, the numbers of women
so its almost impossible, said Gvinianidze Taili, a 75-year-old
dying in childbirth doubled after fees were introduced for
woman from Tbilisi. I would definitely use the clinic more often
maternal health services, and the number of babies delivered in
if it was free. Hospital admission rates fell by two-thirds between
hospitals declined by half.85 Similar results have been observed
1990 and 1999 and outpatient services fell by four-fifths,
in Tanzania and Zimbabwe.86
following a dramatic drop in health service funding.90
Eighteen-year-old Clmentine, from Cibitoke in Burundi, The number of people using the health service fell from a level
recounted the impact user fees had on her and her newborn that was equivalent to use in Western Europe to a level closer to
baby: After the delivery I was presented with a bill for 30,900F that of sub-Saharan Africa.
[around $30]. As I didnt have anything to pay with, I was
Fees are also distorting medical practice. We have two patients at
imprisoned in the health centre... I remained there for a week,
the moment who need urgent operations and they cant get them,
in detention, without care and without food. I was suffering from
said Nana Ckhadadic, a therapist in a Tbilisi clinic. Its a hard
anaemia and my baby had respiratory and digestive problems. 87
situation to be in for a doctor. You have to diagnose not just their
Burundi introduced fees to cover the full cost of consultations illness but their ability to pay, and then try and fit this to the free
and medicines in 2002 supported by the World Bank and the treatments that are available from the state programmes. Anything
IMF. Two years later, a survey found that less than 1 per cent of vaguely similar to cardiovascular disease gets diagnosed as
patients were exempt, and that average fees exceeded two weeks cardiovascular disease, because thats an illness covered by the
wages for agricultural workers. As a result, four out of five state programme. Thats why everything should be free.91
patients had gone into debt or had sold some of their harvest to
Fees can also undermine the benefits of progress in other areas.
raise the money needed for their treatment. When patients did
A World Bank study of recent successes in reducing maternal
not pay, clinics imprisoned them or seized their identity papers.
mortality in Bolivia, China, Egypt, Honduras, Indonesia, and
It was little surprise that the number of women dying in
Zimbabwe found that the presence of trained birth attendants at
childbirth rose after the charges were introduced.88
community health centres was central to such success. But it
Rvrien explained the consequences for his family: My wife died also concluded that these countries are unlikely to reduce
a few months ago. Very probably from malaria because she had a maternal mortality as quickly as Sri Lanka or Malaysia because
lot of fever and was also vomiting. But I dont know, since she they charge fees, which are a substantial and a major deterrent
never went to the health centre as we didnt have enough money. to use.92
I don't even have enough to feed my two children, so how could I Sources: Mdecins Sans Frontires 2004 and Belli, P., Shahriari, H.
have paid the price of a consultation? I thought that she would and Curtio Medical Group 2002

Non-state providers are picking up some of the pieces
Non-state providers (NSPs) fill some of the gaps when states fail to provide essential services.
NSPs range from civil society organisations such as non-government organisations (NGOs),
churches, mosques, and community organisations to profit-making companies, and in size
from individual street traders to multinational corporations. Some aim to supply schooling
and clinics for the wealthy end of the market; others focus on meeting the needs of
low-income families.

In Nigeria, faith-based The services provided by NSPs both private providers and non-profit organisations are
organisations provide crucial for millions of people. Across ten cities in Africa, for example, the main water sources
60 per cent for an average 47 per cent of households are small-scale providers or traditional wells.93
of health care; In South-East Asian cities, small-scale water providers serve 2045 per cent of households.94
in Malawi NGOs In Nigeria, faith-based organisations (FBOs) provide 60 per cent of health care; in Malawi
provide over 30 per cent. NGOs provide over 30 per cent.95

Primary education typically is publicly provided, but community and NGO-run schools are
important in several countries. Two-thirds of primary schools in Malawi are owned by the
church and in Bangladesh about one schoolchild in four attends a non-government primary
school (some 60 per cent of these are run by a single organisation, the Bangladesh Rural
Advancement Committee, or BRAC).96

Non-profit providers have distinct advantages. Some pilot and promote innovative practices which
can be adopted by the state, for example in the area of gender-based violence, where close
co-ordination between the health, police, and judicial authorities is crucial. Many are good at reaching
remote and marginalised communities or at providing community-based services, such as home-
based care for AIDS sufferers. Moreover, many civil society organisations support citizens to claim
their rights on health and education for example, through community radio programmes and
support for the empowerment of girls and the development of leadership among women.

In the absence of public services, many communities build their own schools, dig their own
wells, and care for their sick as best as they can. Some in-kind contributions from communities
can be helpful such as labour and materials for school construction or for maintaining
community water points. But making up for weak public services puts a heavy burden on
communities, and most simply do not have the resources to provide decent quality services
as Jennifer Chiwela, chairperson of the Zambian National Education Coalition, explained:
Since the mid-1990s, the government has been unable to meet its responsibility to educate
our children. Communities rose to that need and began to bring their children together to get
some form of education. These schools take many forms, and conditions vary greatly. Some are
good schools, but others, many of them, really leave much to be desired. They dont have sufficient
learning materials, books, pencils, pens. They may not even have proper sanitation.

Elsewhere, the heavy presence of for-profit providers results in inequalities in access and in
the quality of services, based on the ability to pay. Poor people in the cities of Accra and
Dar es Salaam pay up to five times more for a litre of water than other users because they have
to buy it from private vendors who are not regulated by the government in their pricing or
service quality.97
Typically, government regulation of the many different types of NSP exists primarily on paper, When there is no clear
and often focuses on regulating entry into the sector and monitoring the inputs used, government policy
rather than on the quality of services provided.98 When there is no clear government policy framework for working
with NSPs, the result
framework for working with NSPs, the result is a patchwork of provision a lottery for citizens,
is a patchwork
depending on where they live and what they can afford.
of provision.
The key causes of this terrible situation are outlined below but, in brief, they are not enough
money, money poorly spent, and systems that are often undermined by corruption.

Missing money
Although a great deal can be achieved at low cost if money is spent well, there is no doubt that
this crisis has been caused partly by a chronic lack of funding in developing countries.
Spending on essential services has been growing in recent years, but for most countries
it is nowhere near fast enough to meet the MDGs. The need for services continues to grow,
with rising populations and the impact of HIV/AIDS but in many countries economic
growth is low and governments simply cannot keep up.

Basic education, of all the basic services, has received financial priority over the past decade, Globally, up to
with spending rising most years in most countries.99 Around half of African countries are now $17 billion extra
spending a higher percentage of their budget on education than high-income countries in per year is still needed
North America and Europe are.100 However, globally, up to $17 billion extra per year is still needed to put every child in a
to put every child in a decent primary school of which at least $10 billion will need to come decent primary school.
from rich countries by 2010.101

Health spending in poor countries has also increased in the past ten years, thanks to new funds
for HIV/AIDS, but new money is needed to tackle basic health problems such as measles and
diarrhoea, which also kill many children. Government health spending in low-income countries
has increased over the past decade from a low base,102 but most countries will require
substantial external assistance to reach even the recommended minimum of $34 per person
per year (see Figure 7).103

Figure 7: Minimum health spending: some regions are a long way off


120 1998

US$ per capita

80 2001


40 Minimum for basic health

services package


East Asia and Europe and Latin America Middle East and South Asia Sub-Saharan
Pacific Central Asia and Caribbean North Africa Africa

(Source: WHO 2004 in Global Monitoring Report 2005)

Current investments in water and sanitation in developing countries amount to $1416 billion
per year. At least double that amount is needed to reach the MDGs, and much more if broader
sanitation and sustainable water management targets are included.104 Overall, as Figure 8 shows,
many countries will need to double what governments and rich country aid donors currently
spend in order to attain the MDGs. Governments in the poorest countries simply cannot afford
to do this alone just providing a minimum health-care package would use up most of their
current tax revenues.105

Figure 8: Falling far short: missing money for the MDGs




US$ per capita






Bangladesh Cambodia Ghana Tanzania Uganda

Domestic financing Overseas aid for MDG support 2002 MDG financing shortfall

(Source: UN Millennium Project 2005b)

Some governments could do more with the money they have. In Abuja, Nigeria in 2001,
African countries committed themselves to spending a larger share on health at least
15 per cent of their budgets. However, to date only Mozambique and the Democratic Republic
of Congo have met this commitment. Health spending has actually declined in seven of these
African countries (Seychelles, Namibia, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Madagascar,
and Botswana).

And while security is a legitimate concern, some governments are putting excessive spending
on the latest military hardware before peoples lives. Thirty-six countries in the world spend
more on their military forces than they do on health or education. Figure 9 shows the size of
military spending in the ten countries with the weakest human development records.106

Figure 9: Guns not schools the ten worst offenders

20 19.4 Health spending

18 Education spending

16 Military spending




6 5.9

4.3 4.7 4.4 4.1

3.9 4.1
2.6 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.5
2.1 2.1
2 1.8 1.8
1 1 1.1 1.3
Ethiopia Burundi Eritrea Angola Yemen Sudan Pakistan Botswana Cambodia India

(Source: Oxfam calculations, based on data from UNDP 2005)

The problem of the lack of money for essential services is compounded by inefficiencies and
inequalities in the way it is used.

Servicing the rich

Successful countries concentrate their public spending on primary services and in rural areas,
where most of the worlds poor people live. Unfortunately in many countries a larger
proportion of money is spent on services used by a wealthy minority, such as prestigious
universities, city hospitals, or piped water supplies that never reach poor neighbourhoods or
rural areas.107 In a World Bank study of 35 developing countries, only a handful of countries
succeeded in directing as much or more public health and education spending to the poorest
fifth of society as to the richest fifth.108

Many countries in Latin America slip under the MDG radar because their aggregate
development data compare well with other regions. However, this masks deeply engrained
inequalities within countries. The education gap between rural and urban children in
Nicaragua and Honduras is greater than for children in far poorer countries such as Kenya,
Viet Nam, and Guyana.109 In Ecuador, the poorest 25 per cent of six-year-olds score so far
behind their richer peers in simple vocabulary recognition tests, that it is uncertain whether
and how they could ever catch up.110 Indigenous populations in rural areas are too often ignored
when it comes to public services. Half of household heads in rural Guatemala have no education,
compared with one-fifth in urban areas.111
In Nepal, more than 60 per cent of investments in water supply and sanitation will go to In Nepal, more than
provide services to just 6 per cent of the countrys population. This is largely because of an 60 per cent of
expensive water pipeline project in the capital Kathmandu, which is costing $312 per capita, investment in water
while only $16 per person is spent in rural areas.112 supply and sanitation
will go to provide
In countries such as Peru, Guatemala, Mali, Morocco, and the Philippines, women from the services to just
richest fifth of households are around seven times more likely than women from the poorest 6 per cent of the
fifth to be assisted by a skilled health worker when giving birth and so are far less likely to countrys population.
die or to lose their baby (see Figure 10).

Figure 10: Giving birth, rich and poor

Richest 20% Poorest 20%











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel, by richest and poorest fifths of society

(Source: data from Human Development Report 2005)

This problem is chronic in India home to one-third of the worlds poor people
where millions lack access to essential services. China and India are in the front rank of
high-growth, globalising countries. Yet progress in reducing child deaths has slowed in both
countries to such an extent that lower-income Viet Nam and Bangladesh have overtaken
their larger neighbours in improving child mortality rates.113

Box 3: Foot-dragging in some states is holding India back

Indian average Despite recent economic growth and government promises to

Kerala increase health and education spending and to cut infant deaths,
Uttar Pradesh India remains a country of deep inequalities, entrenched by its
previous failure to invest comprehensively in rural development.

India produces some of the most highly qualified doctors and

engineers, yet it has the largest number of people unable to read
or write. Girls born in Uttar Pradesh state are five times more likely
500 to die before their fifth birthday, half as likely to become literate,
and likely to live 20 years less than girls born in Kerala where
the state government has made essential services a priority.114
The Indian government continues to spend almost twice as much
200 on its military forces as it does on health.115

Figure 11:
0 Surviving childbirth depends on where you live
Maternal mortality
per 100,000 births
(Source: Indian National Health Policy, 2002)

The curse of corruption

Corruption is commonplace. A lot of abuses are going on with the stealing of drugs, and equipment
being taken from our health centres and put into private clinics. We dont have the human resources
needed to put the necessary checks and balances in place. Our systems are terribly, terribly weak.
Technical adviser, ministry of health, African government116

Corruption is a major problem in the provision of essential services. This is true in rich and
poor countries alike. In the USA, the Attorney General has declared health-care fraud to be
the countrys number two crime problem after violent crime, costing billions each year.
In Cambodia, private companies frequently pay substantial bribes to obtain government
contracts.117 Across the developing world, informal fees are charged for water, education,
and health services.118

Corruption has the biggest impact on the poorest people, who are the first to suffer from the
denial of services. In Romania, a World Bank study showed that the poorest third of families
pay 11 per cent of their income in bribes, while the richest third pay just 2 per cent.119

Corruption can be a problem in essential services regardless of whether the services are
privately or publicly provided,120 but the kind of corruption differs depending on the system.
Where providers are private but are funded publicly, corruption is mainly about overcharging
governments and failing to deliver quality services. This is particularly likely where
government capacity for oversight and the enforcement of contracts is weak. In Nicaragua,
for instance, over $600,000 was lost following poorly regulated contracts with private sector
contractors to build and maintain schools.121
In situations where the public sector is the provider, corruption takes different forms, such as
illegal fees and bribes for services; absenteeism and staff taking second jobs in the private
sector; funds going missing while being transferred from central to local government;
bribes being paid to secure positions or promotion; and the creation of ghost workers to
divert payrolls. In Honduras a World Bank study found that 7.6 per cent of public sector staff
either did not exist or had moved to other posts.122
In the worst instances a vicious circle is created, where a culture of impunity further weakens
already crumbling public systems through bribery and misappropriation. A population starved
of information and of any opportunity to have its complaints heard or acted upon eventually
becomes resigned to poor or non-existent services.

Governments have a duty to provide health care, education, and water and sanitation to their
people. But too many governments are failing to deliver on that duty because they lack
the cash, the capacity, or the commitment. Faced with this failure, many poor people are reliant
on non-profit or private providers of variable quality, or are themselves struggling to provide
services as best they can. Governments need to build strong public systems that can provide
good quality services to their citizens. In many countries fulfilling this duty means working
with non-state providers to integrate and regulate them properly within public systems.
In all of this, the role of development partners is crucial but how good are rich country
governments at supporting public services?

Rich country
pushing for
private provision, and
breaking aid promises
Helen Palmer/Oxfam GB
Rich country governments:
pushing for private provision,
and breaking aid promises

While poor country governments can make or break progress in delivering decent health care,
education, and water and sanitation to their people, rich country governments also have a
great, and often decisive, influence. For some of the poorest countries, donor aid is equivalent
to half the government budget. In others, donor-funded technical assistance can drive a
reform agenda. But instead of using their influence to revitalise public services, rich country
governments too often push private sector solutions to public service failures, despite the
evidence that this does not work. Many rich countries are also guilty of poaching health
workers and teachers from poor countries. And they are giving too little aid, too late, and in
the wrong ways. This chapter briefly reviews the evidence on private provision, and explores
the role of rich country governments, the World Bank, and the IMF.

Private provision is profitable, but not equitable

Some countries have achieved impressive welfare gains with a high level of private involvement
in service delivery. South Korea and Chile both have private health insurance systems, with the
government funding health care for the poorest people, while Chiles private water utility
provides safe water to 97 per cent of its urban population and sanitation to 90 per cent.123
In neither case has the state abdicated overall responsibility strong public regulation has opposite page
been key to their success. However, even in countries such as these, with an effective civil Another busy day for
Nurse Beatrice Mkandawire
service, essential services are prone to high inequalities, high costs, and skewed provision,
at Kamuzu Central
because private providers are notoriously hard to regulate. Hospital, Malawi.
The nurse/patient ratio
Inequalities in access to health care in Chile grew during the 1980s, when public funding
we have, its too big.
was reduced during the countrys economic crisis.124 Chile has the highest rate of births by Medicines are also a big
Caesarean section in the world (40 per cent in 1997) because private hospitals benefit from the problem. Its very hard.
extra costs of surgery and higher bed occupancy rates.125 Private service provision can go badly But Im not leaving.
If all of us go, whos going
wrong when profit motives make services unaffordable for poor people, when companies to look after all of these
dictate contractual terms, and when governments lack the capacity to regulate effectively. mothers and small children?

Excluding poor people
Privately-provided services are usually too expensive for poor people. In the 1990s in China,
where hospitals are run on a for-profit basis, up to 40 per cent of people in rural areas did not
seek health care because they could not afford it a situation that still affects millions today
(see Box 4).126

Lucrative contracts for corporations

When multinational companies enter into contracts with low-income and low-capacity
governments, the imbalance of power can easily lead to abuse. The water market worldwide is
dominated by a handful of US, French, and UK companies, such as Bechtel, Suez, and Biwater.
When these companies negotiate contracts in developing countries they often cherry pick
the most profitable market segments and require guaranteed profit margins, denominated in
dollars.127 The firms can also insist on full cost recovery, which inevitably hikes up prices for
poor people.

If governments try to terminate these contracts, they risk being sued. In the late 1990s, the
World Bank and the IMF demanded water privatisation in Cochabamba, Bolivia, as a condition
for debt relief and new loans.128 AdT, the consortium involved partly owned by US-based
Bechtel and Edison of Italy129 was guaranteed profits in its 40-year contract with the
government.130 Under AdTs management the price of water increased drastically,131 to the
point that it cost the average family living on the local minimum wage up to 25 per cent of its
monthly income.132 Such unaffordable prices triggered huge public protests.133 The Bolivian
government subsequently terminated the contract, and the companies involved attempted to
sue the government for $25 million.134 After huge public pressure and negative publicity,
Bechtel dropped the case.135

Box 4: Uninsured and untreated in China

Jin Guilian lies in an unheated and poorly equipped clinic, Chinas health sector reforms have required hospitals to
suffering from congenital heart disease and a blackened, operate for profit, charging market prices for drugs and
festering arm. His only treatment is oxygen and a saline drip. operations. Services that were once free are now paid for
He is a migrant labourer, and his employer evaded paying his through health insurance but 80 per cent of the rural
health insurance, so now his family have to pay for treatment population, like Jin Guilian, are not insured. The result?
themselves. His relatives took him back home, 500 miles by Household costs for health care rose forty-fold between
bus, to the cheapest clinic they could find. If he dies, hell die 1989 and 2002. The devastating impacts are clear for
here. If he recovers, hell recover here, said his brother. individuals like Jin Guilian.
We dont have any other means. Source: French, H. Wealth grows, but health care withers in China,
New York Times, 14 January 2006

Water privatisation is the most notorious example, but private sector involvement in
health care is also spreading rapidly, in many cases with little regulation. Experience in
some of the first countries to implement reforms of this nature echoes that of the water sector.
Chile was one of the first countries to implement private sector involvement in its health-care
system. It soon became clear that the private sector was skimming the risk pool by catering
to the needs of the young and healthy, while providing services to just 2 per cent of people
aged over 65. The interests of the private sector were clearly demonstrated when one private
insurer closed its plans to women aged 1845, following the withdrawal of the government
maternity subsidy.136 A health law was passed in 2002 seeking to redress this injustice, by giving
more powers to government to regulate the private sector and to build public sector capacity.

Despite it being one of the foremost proponents of private sector solutions, the World Banks
own research has revealed the weakness of crude private good, public bad approaches.
A 2002 World Bank study of Asian and Pacific water companies found that efficiency is not
significantly different in private companies than in public ones.137 A more recent Bank survey of
econometric studies likewise concluded that ownership does not matter as much as is
sometimes argued: Most cross-country papers on utilities find no statistical difference in efficiency
scores between public and private providers.138 What does matter is the cost of the service for
poor people, but another Bank-funded study of private utility provision found that
efficiency gains were achieved at the cost of an increase in the burden imposed on the lowest income
groups connected.139 In other words, poor people pay more.

As the example of Chile shows, the key to making private provision work lies in the states The key to making
ability to regulate, but this is often exactly what is lacking. And there is a high price attached to private provision work
its absence: weak monitoring capacity in the government of Guinea, for example, led to a lies in the states ability
private water contractor receiving double the compensation originally expected.140 The irony to regulate, but this is
often exactly what
is that where state services are weakest, so is the states capacity to regulate others which is
is lacking.
why simply giving up on the state and betting on the private sector does not work.

Pushing for private

The predilection of aid providers for market solutions is a direct echo of debates going on in
many rich countries themselves. At first the debate focused primarily on wholesale privatisation,
but recently this has moved into the more nuanced terrain of publicprivate partnerships (PPPs).
These involve elements of service provision being contracted out to private sector providers or
to charities, churches, and NGOs; or they involve other ways of introducing market-like
behaviour into public services, for example through increased autonomy and competition
between individual hospitals or schools. This approach to services is known as New Public
Management (NPM) and was first introduced in New Zealand, where it had alarming impacts
in terms of costs, waiting times, and poor peoples access to services.141 One of NPMs key
proponents, Allen Shick, has urged developing countries not to attempt reforms of this nature.142

Given the abundant historical evidence of governments stepping in to provide services
precisely because of failures in the market (see chapter 2), the burden of proof for this return to
market and private sector solutions should lie squarely with those who advocate it. Instead, the
opposite has been the case. The market and private providers are consistently assumed to be
more efficient and effective, while the public sector is presumed guilty of incurable inefficiency
and ineptitude.

In fact the evidence is much more mixed. Studies of efficiency show that while the public
sector is indeed failing in many countries, unconditional surrender to market forces does little
to guarantee success. A recent IMF paper looked at publicprivate partnerships in utilities and
concluded: Much of the case for PPPs rests on the relative efficiency of the private sector. While there
is extensive literature on the subject, the theory is ambiguous and the evidence is mixed.143 A recent
review of private sector participation in education and health reached similar conclusions.144
Private sector or market-based reforms have delivered services more effectively only where
there have been strong and enforceable regulations, competitive markets, and well-informed
consumers all of which are noticeably absent in most developing countries.

Despite the evidence that it is government action and not the market that has been behind the
universal provision of essential services in successful countries, the World Bank and its sister
organisation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), together with many bilateral aid donors,
appear determined to push increased private provision of services as their default policy position.

Loans with strings

A 2006 survey Privatisation is still a condition in multilateral lending to the poorest countries.
of countries receiving
IMF and World Bank A 2005 study of the World Banks latest adjustment loans, the Poverty Reduction Support
loans found that Credits, found that 11 out of 13 schemes studied contained conditions. These included
18 out of 20 faced water privatisation in Nicaragua and greater involvement of the private sector in
conditions requiring health-care provision in Senegal.147
privatisation. A 2006 survey of countries receiving IMF and World Bank loans found that 18 out of 20
faced conditions requiring privatisation, an increase on previous years.148
A 2006 study of debt cancellation found that reforms requiring some form of privatisation
were a pre-condition for debt relief in over half the countries that qualified for the
Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)149 initiative.150

Ganging up
The World Bank promotes the private provision of basic services through interlocking
conditions on aid and debt relief to poor countries.151 This appears to be driven more by the
Banks internal targets than by evidence of what works in each country for example, the
Banks Private Sector Development Strategy aims for private sector participation in 40 per cent

Box 5: The World Bank and the private sector145

The World Bank is the most influential voice in international service delivery, public services also need top-level political
aid policy, and its annual flagship, the World Development commitment from government; progressive and stable
Report (WDR), is its most important publication. The strong taxation systems; decent levels of spending; well-motivated
bias within the Bank towards market and private sector and well-paid public sector workers and managers; and
solutions to public service reform is evident from its 2004 citizens who expect and demand well-performing public
World Development Report, Making Services Work for Poor services as a right. To any of these problems, contracting out
People. service delivery, voucher schemes, and various other
market-based accountability measures are poor and
The reports premise is that the widespread failure of basic
in some cases counter-productive solutions.
services to work for poor people is primarily a crisis of
accountability, which is best resolved by a smaller role for Ultimately the role of the World Bank and other development
the state and the marketisation of service delivery. This is institutions should lie in helping to strengthen effective
epitomised in the WDRs eight sizes fit all model,146 which public services, rather than trying to circumvent them by
experiments with varying degrees of contracting out services parcelling out government responsibilities to the private
to private and non-profit providers. sector.
The problem with this approach is that it both fails to identify It is important to recognise that the World Bank is far from
other, equally important causes of service failure and is monolithic its staff display a wide range of opinion on the
heavily biased towards market-based reforms that are private versus public debate and the Bank has clearly learned
unproven and inappropriate in many countries, even for some lessons from the past failures of its structural
improving accountability. adjustment programmes. The World Bank as an institution,
though, shows little sign of abandoning its more rigid
It is true that lack of accountability is a major barrier to
ideological stance, and there is often a serious gap between
improving the access, quality, equity, and efficiency of
the relatively nuanced debate in its headquarters in
public services for poor people. But lack of cash and the
Washington and its much more heavy-handed approach
capacity to deliver services are equally important. As well as
on the ground.
better mechanisms for accountability and participation in

of its loans to the poorest countries.152 The Banks private sector lender, the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), is forging ahead with private sector involvement in health care in
17 countries including China, Cte dIvoire, and Colombia153 despite criticisms that
previous IFC-backed investments have served only the wealthier end of the market.154

The IFC and the Banks Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), together with the
export credit agencies of rich countries, are also encouraging private investors to get involved
in services by promising firms compensation for losses if the poor country governments cancel

contracts.155 After the World Bank made privatisation of the Dar es Salaam Water And
Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) in Tanzania a condition of HIPC debt relief, in November
2001 the UKs Export Credit Guarantee Department insured Biwater, a British company,
for 2 million against risks of expropriation and restrictions on profits for its water utility operations
in the country. By 2005 Biwaters project was well behind schedule and no new pipes had been
installed,156 but the company was suing the Tanzanian government for cancelling its contract.157

Ignoring public opinion

In a 2001 survey in 17 Insisting on privatisation also risks driving a wedge between governments and their people.
Latin American Public opposition to privatisation is growing around the world. In a 2001 survey in 17
countries, privatisation Latin American countries, privatisation was seen as not beneficial by almost two-thirds of
was seen as respondents.158 A 2005 study identified 22 countries where citizens are actively opposing,
not beneficial or have halted, privatisation of water or energy.159 Yet rich country governments are pressing on,
by almost two-thirds aiming to change public opinion rather than their own approach. In 1999 the UK government
of respondents. paid Adam Smith International $1.3m to run publicity campaigns in Tanzania, extolling the
virtues of privatisation.160 The lyrics to its Tanzanian pop video claimed Our old industries
are dry like crops and privatisation brings the rain.161

Trade agreements may threaten public services

Developing country governments are increasingly obliged to make policy within a web of
constraints imposed by the World Trade Organisation, regional trade agreements, and bilateral
investment treaties. These intrude well beyond border issues such as tariffs, into the spheres
of domestic regulation and the provision of public services. In particular, such agreements
limit how governments can regulate foreign service providers for example, one reading of
the WTOs General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is that unless the government is
the sole supplier of an essential service such as water or education (which is seldom the case in
developing countries), it can be pressured to open the sector to foreign providers under GATS.

Although GATS also recognises the right to regulate of developing countries, it is unclear
whether this is sufficient for them to withstand pressure from other countries to open up the
provision of water and health care. Water is the essential service most likely to come under
pressure from GATS: through the WTO, the European Commission has asked 72 countries to
liberalise their water distribution systems. Fifty WTO members have also made some kind of
commitment on health services. Oxfam believes that GATS and other trade and investment
treaties can potentially be used to place undue pressure on developing countries to open their
services to foreign suppliers, when it may not be wise to do so. Oxfam also believes that GATS
provision can be abused to undermine the power of the state to regulate service provision in
favour of ensuring universal and good quality access.

Things the rich countries dont try at home
Rich country governments have responded to the gathering evidence on privatisations gone
wrong, albeit more often in word than in deed. The UK, Norway, and the European
Commission (EC) now publicly reject the inclusion of privatisation as a condition for aid.162
However, all three continue to channel resources to World Bank projects that actively promote
private sector solutions, or link their aid to conditions imposed by the World Bank and the IMF.

Some governments would never permit this at home. In Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, water
is provided exclusively by effective public services. A law recently passed in the Netherlands has
made the private provision of water illegal. Yet the Dutch government, together with those of
Sweden and Norway, is a major contributor to the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory
Facility (PPIAF) and the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG), multi-donor
institutions which actively advocate for private sector management of water and sanitation
services in developing countries.

Contracting out to civil society organisations: only a partial solution

In many cases, contracting out services to the not-for-profit civil society sector is being Christian churches
promoted as an alternative both to failed state provision and failed for-profit private company provide the majority of
provision. There are many different types of civil society provider. Christian churches provide health services in many
the majority of health services in many African countries, where they often pre-date African countries.
government. In other cases charities or NGOs have stepped in. In some post-conflict states, In other cases charities
or NGOs have
contracting out has led to a speedy scale-up in the provision of services. In Afghanistan,
stepped in.
international NGOs have been contracted to provide basic health services to over 50 per cent
of the country in less than four years although a review highlighted fears of high transaction
costs, poor regulation, and insufficient transparency and monitoring in this kind of
contracting arrangement.163

Civil society providers can be more innovative and can improve equity by reaching some of the
poor people missed by state services. Non-profit health-care providers in Nigeria and Malawi,
for example, actively target poor people and work in rural areas,164 while village-based schools
run by BRAC in Bangladesh use interactive, participatory teaching methods in schools that are
located close to local communities in rural areas not served by the government. BRAC also
runs health programmes across the country.165

A recent review of contracting out health provision to civil society in poor countries and
regions, including Cambodia, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, and South Africa,166 concluded that
some contracting out improved service delivery dramatically. However, since such contracts
have often been introduced where public provision was virtually absent, no meaningful
comparison could be made.167 According to other studies, contracting out has been successful
largely because staff have been paid higher wages, civil society providers have had additional

In Cambodia, resources, or providers have abolished user fees. In Cambodia, the increase in service uptake
the increase in by poor people achieved in contracted-out health clinics was attributable largely to the
service uptake by reduction in out-of-pocket costs for patients and the higher wages paid to staff presumably
poor people was an outcome also possible in government clinics, had government staff been paid market rates
attributable largely to and fees been abolished.168
the reduction in
out-of-pocket costs for As with the for-profit private sector, contracting out to civil society can make unrealistic
patients and the higher demands of weak government for regulation and the management of contracts.
wages paid to staff. When competitive tendering is involved, it can also lead to civil society providers refusing to
co-operate or to share information. Furthermore, aid can undermine advocacy activity by
civil society, which is critical in holding rich countries and governments to account.

Dont duplicate, integrate

Civil society can play a key role in providing essential services in poor countries. To maximise
efficiency, equity, and access, existing provision by non-state providers, such as for example the
churches in Africa, should be integrated into a publicly-led system, but with the NSPs retaining
their autonomy. This has been done successfully in Uganda, where the government has given
block grants to church providers and has involved them in the overall national plan for health
services. Likewise, NGOs in Angola are building essential services as well as the government
capacity to run them (see Box 6).

Box 6: NGOs working with governments building services in Angola

Oxfam NOVIB and its partner Development Workshop Government staff are closely involved in the process, so that
are working with local communities and local government to the services developed in partnership with communities can
improve essential services in Luanda, Angola. Communities be integrated into the public system. So far, 2,145 children
and the municipal administration of Cacuaco drew up have benefited from improved teaching and learning
agreements to build new schools, employ teachers, and conditions, and the clinic in Cazenga district now sees
rehabilitate health clinics. The communities are financially 60 patients a day.
and technically supported to plan services and to make their Source: Oxfam NOVIB
needs and demands heard, while the municipal authority
contributes finance, teaching materials, and medicines, and
employs new teachers and health workers.

Stealing staff from poor countries
They come back every year, and every time they come, we lose dozens of teachers.
Avril Crawford, President of the Guyana Teachers Union.
They are the British recruiters on their annual visit to Guyana to meet teachers replying to
their advertisements for applicants to teach in the UK.169

Some rich countries are adding insult to injury by actively recruiting health workers and
teachers from poor countries to prop up their own public services. One in four doctors in
Canada and the USA is from overseas. While the UK government spends 100 million to
top up health worker salaries in Malawi, it simultaneously recruits nearly one-third of the doctors
in the UK health service from overseas many from Malawi and other English-speaking
African countries. This compares with only 5 per cent in Germany and France.170
With the cost of training a general practice doctor estimated at $60,000 and that of training The African Union
a medical auxiliary at $12,000, the African Union estimates that low-income countries estimates that low-
subsidise high-income countries to the tune of $500 million a year through the loss of their income countries
health workers. This problem is getting worse, especially in the case of nurses.171 In the UK subsidise high-income
during the 1990s there was a huge upsurge in the numbers of African nurses registering countries to the tune of
for work. There are now more Indian doctors per thousand people in the USA than there are $500 million a year
in India.172 Of the 489 students who graduated from the Ghana Medical School between through the loss of their
1986 and 1995, 61 per cent have left Ghana with more than half of them going to the UK health workers.
and one-third to the USA.173

People in developing countries have the right to travel and to work in other countries, but they
also have the right to decent pay and conditions in their own country. A global response to the
human resources crisis is needed, in which rich countries address the causes of the workforce
crisis in their own public services.

Box 7: Take, take, take

The US government has predicted that the countrys shortfall of nurses will rise to 800,000 by
2020. Yet far from training more nurses, the United States Senate is instead choosing to fill this
gap with nurses from abroad, passing legislation to remove the limit on the number of nurses who
can immigrate to the USA. This is despite the fact that the number of applicants to American
nursing colleges greatly exceeds the number of places. Hardest hit is likely to be the Philippines,
where 80 per cent of government doctors are busy retraining as nurses in order to secure a green
card, according to a survey by Dr. Galvez Tan, at the University of the Philippines. I plead for
justice, he said, There has to be give and take, not just take, take, take by the United States.174

Rich countries still falling short on aid
Rich countries are failing to give enough aid, or to give it in a way that supports governments
and public services. What is needed is large amounts of long-term, predictable funding
and rich countries promised to deliver more aid in this form in Paris in early 2005.175
Instead what they give is far too little aid, which is poorly co-ordinated and scattered across
fragmented projects.

Failing to deliver enough, or in the right ways

2005 saw unprecedented pressure put on rich country leaders to increase aid, and a number
of new commitments were made. Most notably, European nations collectively promised to
increase aid by $40 billion by 2010 and to reach the UN target of giving aid worth 0.7 per cent
of their national income by 2015. But this still falls far short of what is needed and, one year on,
the underlying trend in countries such as Germany makes even these promises look fragile.176

Back in 1995, rich country governments promised to channel 20 per cent of their aid into basic
services. By 2004 only Denmark and Ireland had lived up to their pledge; the vast majority of
countries were not even close (see Figure 12). These statistics177 may underestimate the
amount given to basic services by rich countries that channel much of their aid directly to
governments through budget support. But this is itself a symptom of poor donor reporting of
aid to essential services, which needs to improve so that rich countries commitment to this
crucial sector can be monitored.
A recent econometric Furthermore, the volatility of aid is crippling social spending: the money given does not match
study of 75 developing what was promised and is erratically disbursed, making it hard for recipient governments to
countries found that, pay salaries on time, retain skilled workers, or hire new ones. A recent econometric study of
in some, low and volatile
75 developing countries found that, in some, low and volatile levels of aid explained the slow
levels of aid explained
progress in reducing child deaths.178
the slow progress in
reducing child deaths. Aid for water and sanitation needs to double from $14 billion to $30 billion a year, to halve the
number of people without access by 2015. But aid for this sector has actually fallen by $1 billion
since the early 1990s. Furthermore, it is dominated by a handful of large, urban projects in a
few middle-income countries,179 despite the huge need for investments in rural and peri-urban
areas in poor countries.

The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has so far made grants to 127 countries and
will help put 1.8 million people on life-saving treatment for HIV/AIDS providing it gets the
funding its been promised.180 But the scale of the problem is far greater even than this:
around 40 million people worldwide are now infected with HIV, 95 per cent of whom live in
developing countries.181 The Global Fund could do much more, but since it is resourced by
ad hoc and voluntary contributions from rich countries, it is very difficult for it to scale up

services on a sustained basis. In 2005, rich countries held a series of meetings to try to forge a
predictable system for replenishing the Funds finances but, despite enthusiastic statements,
the financial commitments for 2006/07 amounted to only $3.7 billion, just over half of the $7.1
billion requested.182
There is also a problem in that the Fund is focused on the three killer diseases of AIDS, TB,
and malaria and not on strengthening health systems in general. The same applies to many
other health interventions by aid donors; overall, just 20 per cent of health financing goes
towards the general development of health systems, including health worker salaries.

Figure 12: Broken promises on funding for essential services

Denmark 26.4
Ireland 25.9
Luxembourg 19.3
Netherlands 18.7
Canada 17.6
US 16.8
Greece 16.1
Australia 13.7
Denmark New Zealand 12.4
Germany 12.1
Spain 12 Donor commitment
Norway 11.8 to basic services
Austria 11.7
UK 11.4
Belgium 10.7
Sweden 8.9
Finland 8.5
France 7
Japan 6.7
Switzerland 6.6
Italy 5.8
Portugal 0.7

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
% of all aid

(Source: OECD/DAC 2005)

Aid to education has increased, but UNESCO estimates that a further $17 billion is needed
annually to get the remaining 100 million children worldwide into primary school, and to
teach illiterate women to read and write. Rich countries set up the Education For All Fast Track
Initiative in 2002 and promised aid to every country that produced a good education plan.
To date, 37 developing country governments have submitted such plans, but only 16 have
received any funding; the funding gap facing even these countries is $430 million.
Senior staff at the World Bank have rightly been embarrassed by the shortfall.183

Figure 13: Governments taking action, aid donors falling short

Share of financing for Fast Track Initiative %





Yemen Ghana Mozambique Guinea Niger Mauritania

Government funding Direct donor funding Financing gap

(Source: FTI Secretariat 2005)184

Dragging debt
Low levels of aid are exacerbated by the burden of debt. Given the fanfare surrounding the G8s
announcements of debt cancellation in 2005, one would be forgiven for thinking that the crisis had
finally passed. Not so. Certainly some countries have benefited from the G8s decisions: Zambia,
for example, has had all its debts to the IMF cancelled, and this has released vital resources for
recruiting more teachers and health workers.185 But many of the poorest countries, such as Kenya
and Bangladesh, have yet to see cancellations, and altogether only 17 countries have had their debts
to the IMF and the World Bank written off (although this could rise to 40 over the coming years).
African countries have had their debts to the African Development Bank cancelled, but other
regional banks, such as the Inter-American Development Bank, have failed to follow suit, leaving
countries such as Nicaragua still saddled with major debts. Oxfam and others calculate that more
than 60 countries need debt cancellation in order to release the money they need to reach the
Millennium Development Goals.

IMF conditions restrict recruitment

The IMF needs a human face. They should see the children in Africa who are not going to school
and start from there with their policies.
Roy Mwaba, National Union of Teachers, Zambia

IMF policies present massive obstacles for poor countries trying to employ more teachers and The IMFs overly rigid
health workers. The IMF lends money to poor countries under strict condition that they pursue stance on public
sound economic policies. If the IMF pulls out, the rich countries will follow. While the IMF is spending is
right that countries should manage their economies carefully, its overly rigid stance on public incompatible with
spending is incompatible with achieving the Millennium Development Goals on health, achieving the MDGs
education, and water and sanitation. In Kenya 60,000 teachers are needed to cope with on health, education,
thousands of extra pupils who started coming to school after tuition fees were abolished. But and water and
the IMF target to reduce Kenyas public sector wage bill from 8.5 per cent to 7.2 per cent of sanitation.
GDP by 2007 means that teacher numbers have been frozen at their 1998 level.186
Zambia faces similar constraints. Jennifer Chiwela of the National Education Coalition is frustrated
by the contradictions: The Education Fast Track Initiative was supposed to help really vulnerable
communities do something about their teacherpupil ratio. But then the IMF and the World Bank said
you couldnt go beyond a certain number of teachers. So on the one hand you are setting goals and on the
other hand you are creating restrictions which prevent the government from achieving those goals.

Why is the IMF standing in the way? It continues to work from a narrow monetarist perspective,
which prioritises tight targets on inflation and fiscal deficit over public spending.
At the same time it points to the volatility and unpredictability of aid, and to the potentially negative
economic effects caused by large aid inflows. As Box 8 explains, there is good reason for the careful
handling of sudden surges of aid, but the appropriate response is better management, not less aid.

Box 8: Dutch disease, or Is aid bad for you?
Attaining the MDGs will require a substantial increase in aid to low-income counties, but the IMF believes that large aid inflows
cause economic problems in recipient countries, such as rising inflation, appreciation of the exchange rate, and knock-on
effects that undermine a countrys economic competitiveness a syndrome known as Dutch disease.187
The fear of Dutch disease, however, seems to be far greater than any evidence that it is actually happening. A recent survey for
the IMF of aid in seven countries found little evidence that large scale-ups in aid had actually caused Dutch disease,
partly because developing country governments were already used to dealing with the manifold effects of volatile and
unpredictable aid.188
The implications are that recipient governments need to handle aid increases carefully, as some countries are already doing
e.g. by authorising government spending only on aid actually received (Tanzania) or by adjusting aid predictions according to
past donor performance (Uganda). And it is imperative for rich countries to improve the reliability and predictability of aid
so that it can be used more effectively. Meanwhile scaremongering about the possible future impact of increasing aid
when rich countries are already failing to live up to their existing aid commitments is not conducive to meeting the MDGs.

Despite some small changes in recent years, the IMF has not done nearly enough to change the
way it works in poor countries in order to make a positive contribution to achieving the MDGs;
instead, it often acts as a block to progress. Given this, it is not at all clear that the IMF should
continue to play a role in low-income countries. What is clear is that it should certainly not
continue in its role as as a gatekeeper for foreign aid.

Failing to co-ordinate means that less gets done

Rich countries are undermining the value of the money they give because it is poorly co-ordinated
and is focused on technical assistance and projects. When rich countries met in Rome in 2003
they agreed that, to improve clarity and predictability, they should share a single framework for
the procedures and conditionalities of giving aid.189 Yet a recent OECD survey of 14 developing
countries found only three cases where conditionality was streamlined in the health sector,
four cases in education, and two cases in water and sanitation.

Angola and DR Congo In health the situation is getting worse. The large number of vertical health initiatives
have each been required is increasing transaction costs, duplicating and undermining health delivery, distorting
to set up four health priorities, and undermining sector-wide planning. Angola and DR Congo have each
separate HIV/AIDS been required to set up four separate HIV/AIDS co-ordinating bodies.190 According to one
co-ordinating bodies. donor representative in Ethiopia, discussing the various international initiatives to prevent
communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis: The Global Fund, PEPFAR,
and EMSAP [Ethiopian Multi-Sectoral AIDS Project] are not integrated. From my perspective
the benefits are less than the side-effects disjointed funds waste money, time, and energy.191

Table 1: Aid that is not co-ordinated does not get used
Country Utilisation rate of aid for water
Government funding Donor funding
Ethiopia 106% 46%
Ghana 105% 54%
Uganda 65% 44%

(Source: WaterAid 2004)

When there are too many aid sources, with separate reporting demands, money goes unused.
Public funding is often preferred even where it is less or late, because it is easier to use
(see Table 1). And, as one district assembly chief executive in Ghana explained, Most districts
are dealing with a variety of rich countries. They all have separate requirements, so the district has up
to 20 different bank accounts and I have to write over 200 reports a year.192

Hung up on technical assistance

Some technical assistance (TA) such as training, scholarships, studies, and technical
advisers is useful and necessary. But rich countries that spend most of their aid on TA are In some countries,
spending too much money on international consultants (see Table 2). As much as 70 per cent 100 days of consultancy
of aid for education is spent on TA,193 but in fact 70 per cent of the costs of education consist bills cost the same as
of salaries.194 In some countries, 100 days of consultancy bills cost the same as paying 100 paying 100 teachers
salaries for a year or
teachers salaries for a year or keeping 5,000 children in school.195 A study of TA in Mozambique
keeping 5,000 children
found that rich countries were spending a total of $350 million per year on 3,500 technical
in school.
experts, while 100,000 Mozambican public sector workers were paid a total of just $74 million.
The report proposed reallocating some of the TA bill towards local public sector salaries,
which would mean 1,000 fewer foreign experts, but the idea was never implemented.196
According to a senior technical adviser at the Ministry of Health in Malawi: Rich countries are
scared. They dont mind putting $100 million into building roads. But you say to them Excuse me sir,
we have the best engineer, but we need $100 a month to top up his salary to keep him on.
Impossible, they say, it cant be done. But they bring in an expert from overseas at $1,000 a day.197

Aid for projects is also often tied to buying goods and services from the donor country.
For example, Spanish aid for constructing a hospital in Nicaragua was tied to buying equipment
from Spain. According to the head of the Ministry of Health in San Juan de Dios,
The equipment was overvalued. It could have been bought from other countries for half the price.198

Table 2: Highly technical rich countries that spend over 75 per cent of aid
on technical assistance (TA)

Education % TA Health % TA Water and sanitation % TA

USA 100 Portugal 98 USA 83
Greece 98 USA 90 Japan 76
Portugal 96 France 84 Netherlands 74
Belgium 95 Australia 81
Austria 95 Belgium 78
Germany 94
Australia 90
New Zealand 87
France 87
Netherlands 82
Italy 81
Spain 76

(Source: OECD/DAC database, December 2005)

Focused on projects, not public systems

The best way for rich countries to help build public services is to put aid into national budget
support, as progress in Uganda and Tanzania has shown. Yet less than 5 per cent of bilateral aid
was delivered in this way in 2001.199 The rest went into specific projects. These are useful for
piloting new approaches and for one-off interventions, but projects tend to fund investment
goods (infrastructure, vehicles, and training) and steer well clear of covering the running costs
desperately needed by public systems (salaries, supplies, textbooks, and drugs).

Some rich country governments are making good progress in providing more of their aid
through budget support, but it remains a small proportion (less than one-tenth) of their
total aid spending (see Figure 14).

Figure 14: Some rich countries are progressing on budget support,
most could do more

Budget support as percentage of total overseas aid

10 10.2

8 7.9
5.0 4.9
3.4 3.2
2 2.1
1.1 0.9 0.9
0.3 0.2
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
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(Source: OECD/DAC online database, May 2006)

Asset-stripping public services

People are an organisations greatest asset. But when donor projects run parallel to public
systems, they compete for and typically win the best staff. Ethiopias Ministry of Health
has lost many technical staff to consultancies financed by the Global Fund, where salaries are
typically three times higher.200 Malawis community-based health services are losing health
workers who are retraining as HIV/AIDS counsellors, an area for which there is more
funding.201In Afghanistan, where rich countries fund international NGOs to deliver the
national health-care programme, highly skilled Afghani doctors and nurses are leaving their
profession altogether for better-paid jobs as drivers and interpreters in those NGOs.
Youssouf Hadeira, a planner in the Ministry of Education in Mali, is faced with the same problem:
We lose government employees every day to NGOs who offer them better working conditions.

Rich countries are crucial partners in helping developing countries to meet the MDGs.
But their support is undermined when aid is poorly co-ordinated and concentrated in a
patchwork of projects, and when they push for privatisation instead of supporting measures
that actually work. Rich countries should co-ordinate their efforts around national plans;
build the capacity of government departments to plan, manage, and deliver essential services
effectively; and provide the long-term, predictable, and sustainable finance needed to back
this up.

Time to deliver:
how developing
countries and rich
country governments
can build effective
public services
Crispin Hughes/Oxfam
Time to deliver: how developing
countries and rich country governments
can build effective public services
What developing countries need to do
Getting the politics right
I am happy to say that [my] government has kept its promise of providing free and compulsory
primary education [and] remains committed to universal primary education by 2015.
President Kibaki of Kenya, in the State Opening of Parliament, 2003

The Kenyan government is better known for its problems (most recently concerning corruption)
than its successes, but 11-year-old John Nzomo is one of the many thousands of Kenyans to
benefit from President Kibakis commitment to education. In the days when there were fees
for children attending primary school, his parents could not afford them, so he had to drop out.
But in January 2003, the newly-elected president held to one of his core manifesto promises to
make primary education free. Since then, John and 1.2 million more Kenyan children,
many of them girls have been going to school. It was a miracle for us that free primary opposite page
Protest march in Kibera,
education came, said his mother. Otherwise, John would still be at home.202
Kenyas education crisis is not yet over, but the political commitment to free primary education We asked for trained
is a watershed. It is changing peoples perception of education: from a privilege for the wealthy teachers from the
government, and for
into a right for all. There are benefits for democracy too: putting education at the heart of
a school feeding
political campaigning has moved Kenya another step away from ethnicity-based politics,
towards politics based on national development concerns and the fight against poverty. The [government] came to
Kibera within a week.
The repeated failure of many governments to fulfil their peoples rights to basic education,
We werent aware of our
health care, and water and sanitation has been one of the biggest political scandals in the
power. Its been a great
developing world over the past 25 years. This is clearly demonstrated in the 2005 Social Watch revelation to us. Even the
report, which documents how in many countries spending on social services is decreasing police were saying,
whilst inequality increases.203 Yet in many countries failures to deliver on such fundamentals This is not a bad march,
of the social contract between citizen and state have fallen far down the political agenda. they are only demanding
their rights
If there is to be success in delivering essential services to poor people, then what has started
Maurice Odek, Kibera
happening in Kenya must happen across the developing world.

The first step towards providing essential services for all is getting the politics right. How?
Developing country governments need to:

Shift the political agenda,

Strive for equity for women,
Fulfil rights by removing user fees,
Fight corruption and build accountability, and
Strengthen public capacity.

Shift the political agenda

Arsen Israelyan/Oxfam
Political commitment is the key to making services work, and to do this governments must feel
the heat. In Kerala state in India and in Sri Lanka, politically-aware citizens demanded services
that performed well. A closed clinic generated social protest, and governments were forced to
respond. In Mauritius and Barbados, competitive electoral politics drove the states interest in
delivering services. In other high-performing countries, such as Malaysia or, more recently,
Uganda and Brazil, national leaders who considered essential services central to national
development and unity have played a crucial role. A common thread in all these cases is the
compact formed between the state and its citizens: governments delivered essential services,
More than 500 people which people came to expect as their right. Building peoples expectations is key to getting
marched through Yerevan,
essential services onto the political agenda, and also makes services harder to dismantle
Armenia, calling on the
government to make sure subsequently.
that everyone has access Civil society organisations build expectations and push for change. Across the world, they are
to essential health-care
getting debates on essential services into the newspapers and onto politicians lists of priorities.
In Kenya the national coalition of education groups, Elimu Yetu (Our Education) played a
pivotal role in putting free primary education on the agenda and in keeping it there.
WaterAid and Oxfam International are supporting partners in countries across the developing
world to get essential services onto the political agenda and to challenge governments to
improve their performance.

The Global Campaign for Education is uniting education activists worldwide in publicising the
issues and pressurising governments into action. In 2005 the worlds biggest ever anti-poverty
coalition was formed, the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP). GCAP organised
mobilisation and campaigning in 2005 that saw over 36 million people take action in more
than 80 countries. All of these actions were united under the symbol of the white band.
GCAP has continued into 2006, and has renewed its call to governments both North and
South to end poverty. Among GCAPs key demands are quality universal public services for all
and an end to privatisation where it causes deprivation and poverty.

As is the case anywhere, the political scene in developing countries is dominated by national
elites, who can either drive or block progress on public services. The huge differences in
performance on health and education by countries at similar stages of economic development
show that some elites are more progressive or more amenable to argument than others.

Agriculturally-based elites tend to be more hostile to public services than urban or industrial
groups: they have a vested interest in maintaining a supply of low-skilled, low-paid agricultural
labour, and are keen to avoid empowering small farmers who might demand redistribution of
their own large and often inefficient farms.204 The semi-feudal nature of social relations in
many rural areas makes large landowners keen to preserve their status. Thankfully, one of the
side-effects of urbanisation is the decline of such bastions of reaction.

One recent study of how elites in a number of developing countries regard poverty found a
number of causes for optimism.205 Firstly, elites are increasingly moved by positive drivers,
such as a belief in national development or national pride and unity, rather than by negative
drivers such as fears of disease or revolution. Secondly, they are now more likely to take a
human resource approach to national development, accepting that a nations future depends
on the education and health of its people. In the past, elites were often seduced by the glamour
of prestige projects such as dams or airports, rather than paying attention to the humdrum
business of schools and clinics. Interestingly, surveys have shown strongest elite support for
education, more than for health or other public services; it can hardly be a coincidence that in
recent decades progress on schools has been faster than that on clinics, taps, or toilets.

Such results underline the benefits of building a dialogue between national elites, social Targeting essential
movements, and the international community, and of highlighting the benefits of improving services towards poor
public services as the best use of both tax revenue and aid. people can actually
result in them losing
Paradoxically, targeting essential services towards poor people can actually result in them
out. Rich people are
losing out. Rich people are more likely to pay taxes for something that they themselves use.
more likely to pay taxes
Targeting particular interventions (free school meals, water subsidies, etc.) at poor people
for something that they
works if it is done in addition to providing essential services universally. But targeting essential themselves use.
services at poor people in place of universal public provision, while it might seem cheaper in
the short term, often results in wealthier groups withdrawing financial and political support
for public services where they see no benefit to themselves.

Gail Williams/Oxfam

Strive for equity

Make services work for women
Investing in basic services that support and empower women and girls is crucial
and governments can learn a lot from womens organisations about the best way to make
services work for them. How can it be done? By promoting women as workers, supporting
women and girls as service users, protecting them from abuse, working with womens
organisations, and combining these measures with legal reforms that improve the status
and autonomy of women in society.

Promote and retain female staff

When women are at the front-line of delivering services, their presence encourages other
women and girls to use those services. In Palestine, where the vast majority of teachers are
women, net primary enrolment rates are among the highest in the Middle East and 97 per cent
of girls go on to secondary school.206 Likewise, the presence of female doctors and health
workers makes it far more likely that women and girls will come to clinics when they need
All the village committee health or maternal care. Increasing female employment also increases womens financial
members in Gaibandha, independence.
Bangladesh, are women.
They meet once a week Fair wages are an essential first step in bringing women into essential services, but wider
to discuss issues such as support can help them move into public service jobs. The Gambian government, for example,
personal hygiene, set up a scheme to support young women enrolling in teacher training.207 Quotas for female
farming, and the
teacher recruitment have also been effective.
positioning of latrines
and tube wells. Support women with welfare payments
Welfare payments that put cash in the hands of women enable them and their children to use
services. In South Africa, pensions for low-income individuals are the basis of the
governments poverty alleviation programme. These pensions reach over 80 per cent of the
elderly population, the majority of whom are women.208 Despite gaps in coverage, and
discrepancies in eligibility between married and single women, the scheme is said to be
one of the most effective poverty alleviation and redistribution tools especially in relation to women,
who constitute the majority of the poor in South Africa.209

Protect women and girls from abuse

Combating sexual harassment and violence against women and girls is crucial, both for
women who use services and for women who deliver them. Governments committed to ending
the daily harassment that takes place have formulated protection policies which, combined
with public campaigning, can help when the problem is exacerbated by a culture of silence.
In Uganda, the Ministry of Education has highlighted the abuse of girls in school, and this has

led to the dismissal and even imprisonment of some teachers and male students.
When communities are aware of successful legal cases and when the media draw attention
to the issue, other girls are encouraged to speak out.210

Work at all levels

The best way to make services work for women and girls is by simultaneously working with
womens groups, changing laws, and challenging harmful beliefs. When these multiple
initiatives are combined, they can result in rapid progress.
Working with womens movements. When governments and womens organisations work In Brazil, womens
together, they can achieve a greater impact than either can working separately. In Brazil, organisations working
womens organisations working within and outside government ensured that the 1988 within and outside
Constitution reflected the importance of womens reproductive health.211 Womens government influence
movements have continued to influence public health policy: an integrated womens health public health policy:
programme has been established (Programa de Assistencia a Saude da Mulher PAISM) an integrated womens
health programme has
and special health services are now available to victims of rape. In Tanzania during the
been established
1990s, the Ministry of Education and Culture worked with the Forum of African Women in
(Programa de
Education (FAWE) and with universities to reach out to girls and teachers through
Assistencia a Saude da
workshops, popular media, and drama. The Ministry ran awareness-raising sessions for Mulher PAISM)
senior officials and made the school curriculum more relevant to female students.212 and special health
Changing laws. South Africas ANC government rewrote the constitution to promote services are now
womens equality and rights. The result? Today one in two public servants in South Africa available to victims
is a woman, and women account for one-third of members of the National Assembly of rape.
up from just 3 per cent during the apartheid era.213 Quotas can work too. In 1992 India
made a constitutional amendment that reserved one-third of local government seats for
women, and this has given more weight to womens concerns in the political agenda.
On average, local councils that have a majority of women spend more on public water
facilities and on providing latrines for low-caste groups.214
Challenging beliefs. Good interventions go beyond providing services to women: they
enable women to empower themselves in the process. Education curricula have a vital role
to play in changing perceptions of womens status. Indias Total Literacy Campaign,
launched by the government in 1988 and implemented by local government administrators
with the NGO Bharat Gyun Vigyan Samiti (BGVS), increased adult literacy levels and
prompted women participants to begin questioning the social norms constraining their

Fulfil rights by removing user fees
In the past in order to access health care you had to have money. If my child was sick, I had to pay
20 pesos to the paediatrician every time we had to see him. We dont have to do that any more.
Our medical services are free for everybody. Thats a big change.
Dr. Sandra Prez, Cuba

Abolishing user fees for primary education and basic health care is one of the most important
steps a government can take towards getting the politics of essential services right. Such a step
can make a government more directly accountable to its citizens than can any number of
public financial management reforms. It signals that access to health care, education, and safe
water and sanitation are inalienable human rights, and it puts essential services back in their
rightful place at the top of the political agenda. It makes it harder for future governments to
backtrack on essential services, once people have got used to sending their children to school
and being able to use the local clinic. It is also a powerful catalyst for raising the quality and
efficiency of services.

South Africas new government recognised the barriers that user charges posed to poor people,
and so increased the health budget, directed more of it into primary care, and introduced the
Free Care Policy for basic health services. This policy resulted in a 2060 per cent increase
in the use of public facilities, especially for child and maternal health. Within two years,
75 per cent of public health workers believed that the policy was successfully preventing death
and serious illness among women and children under six years old.215 This is despite the
South African governments inaction over providing universal access to antiretrovirals for
people living with HIV/AIDS.

Abolishing user fees in Likewise, other African countries have boosted primary education by abolishing school fees.
basic education and Figure 15 shows the immediate impact this has on getting children into school.
health care in 20 African
Governments should commit to removing fees for basic health care and education, and rich
countries would save the
country governments should fund this process until countries can afford these costs
lives of 250,000 children
themselves. Recent calculations by Save the Children UK show that abolishing user fees in
each year.
basic education and health care in 20 African countries would save the lives of 250,000
children each year and cost less than 6 per cent of the $18 billion investment needed to meet
the health MDGs.216

Figure 15: Abolishing fees gets education on the agenda and kids into school

150 Cameroon
140 Malawi

Gross Enrolment (%)






70 User fees abolished User fees abolished User fees abolished

after election in 1994 after election in 1997

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

(Source: World Bank website:

It should be remembered that user fees are just part of a broader issue of how to ensure
sustainable, predictable, and adequate financing for public services. Abolishing government
fees will exacerbate problems and even result in the proliferation of informal fees and
charges unless accompanied by a range of other reforms, including increased and better-
directed funding. As a minimum, the revenue lost from fees must be replaced so that schools
and clinics do not lose out.

Community health insurance217 is a slightly better alternative to user fees in health services,
but is only a short-term stopgap in dealing with underlying financing problems. Such schemes
can, however, provide limited financial protection from health crises in the short term,
as Oxfams health programme in the Caucasus shows (see Box 11).

Box 9: Community health insurance a short-term alternative to user fees
Oxfam GB runs community financing schemes in remote

Toby Adamson/Oxfam
districts of Armenia where public provision is absent or of
very low quality. Under the scheme, members pay a small
quarterly fee equivalent to about $5 and receive assistance
from the village nurse at the health clinic, together with free
essential drugs and monthly visits from a doctor. Without the
scheme, patients would have to travel to the nearest town and
pay upfront to see a doctor and buy drugs.
As Amalia Ohajanyan, a 69-year old patient, explained:
The scheme has really helped the village. Before, if we had a
health problem, we had to go to Kapan. That takes money
and time. If we could find a car, we would borrow it, but often
it was impossible. Nurse Nersiyan treats Hovsep Karapetyan, a member of the Oxfam
community-based health scheme in Khachik village, Armenia

In Uganda, Unfortunately the population coverage of such schemes is low, and they cover only part of the
the failure of community cost of delivering the service and need extensive public subsidy to operate in the long term.218
health insurance For these reasons, Oxfam is working with the government in Armenia so that it can eventually
schemes to attract a take over the costs and run the health schemes itself. In Uganda, the government
large membership or to
experimented with community health insurance schemes in the 1990s, but the failure of the
reach poorer groups
schemes to attract a large membership or to reach poorer groups was one factor that persuaded
persuaded the
the government to abolish user fees in public clinics instead.219
government to abolish
user fees in Subsidise taps and toilets
public clinics.
In water services, unlike in health and education, user fees are needed in order to encourage
sustainable use of finite water resources. It is crucial, however, that the structure and
affordability of water tariffs are managed in order to achieve equitable access for poor people
in urban areas.

In Porto Alegre, Brazil, water consumption is subsidised, with the first 10,000 litres
discounted to the price of 4,000 litres.
In Uganda, the water utility NWSC provides community water points that are managed
by private individuals, where the price of water is publicised at the tap and is much lower
than for water provided by private vendors. It also provides cheaper options to poorer
consumers, by giving free connection to yard taps for households living within 50 metres
of the main pipe.

In South Africa, the first 6,000 litres of water per month are supplied free (equivalent to
25 litres per person per day), meaning that poor consumers are guaranteed a minimum
amount of water.
The exact tariff/fee structure will depend on the country context and needs to be determined
by full consultation with both users and providers.

Fight corruption and build accountability

Corruption needs to be fought on a number of different levels. Firstly, at the level of society
as a whole. The extent of corruption in public services is primarily a reflection of the society in
which those services operate. In countries where the rule of law exists and where there are an
ethos of trust and strong accountability mechanisms, there will be far less corruption in
services. Strong public education services can play an important role in instilling in children a
culture of trust, honesty, and respect for the rule of law. So can public awareness campaigns.
In Uganda, Oxfam has supported the anti-corruption coalition, which has sought to draw
attention to the harmful effects of corruption through public campaigning.

Corruption also needs to be tackled at the political level. If the problem is to be successfully
addressed, it has to become politically impossible for leaders or elites to abuse public resources
for their own private gain. In many countries, multi-party democracy and the emergence of
civil society and a free press are proving to be key building blocks in the fight against
corruption. Scandals uncovered recently by the press in Costa Rica and Kenya, for example,
have led to the prosecution of key senior officials.

Government and business leaders must signal their intolerance of corruption and their Government and
commitment to accountability. In Uganda, one of the first actions taken by the CEO of the business leaders must
National Water and Sewerage Corporation before the successful reform of the organisation signal their
commitment to
was to publish his own phone number in the press, so that people could complain to him
directly about the quality of the service they received.220 In Recife in Brazil, the mayor
In Recife, the mayor
organised city-wide reviews of services with citizen groups to discuss how the performance of
organised city-wide
municipal utilities could be improved.221 Parliaments are also increasingly scrutinising reviews of services with
government, often with assistance from civil society. citizen groups.
Civil society itself is playing an increasingly important and vocal role in holding political
leaders to account, tracking government expenditures on essential services and highlighting
instances where money is going missing. In Georgia, for example, Oxfam supports the
Georgian Young Economists organisation in analysing the government budget and in
publishing its findings. In Sierra Leone, civil society groups found that 30 per cent of
school pupils had not received textbooks.

Workers in the public sector must be seen as part of the solution, not just as the problem.222
In many cases, improved salaries, status, and conditions have helped to reduce corruption.
This approach is especially effective when combined with the introduction of codes of conduct
and strengthened accountability mechanisms.

In Cambodia and the Czech Republic, salary top-ups for health workers, combined with
commitments to codes of ethical good practice, led to a decline in informal bribe payments and
greater access to health services by poor people.223 Cameroon, Finland, and Guatemala have
increased transparency in public procurement one of the biggest sources of corruption.
Brazil and Georgia have improved the capacity of their judiciaries to tackle corruption cases
and have introduced codes of conduct. Rules to prevent conflicts of interest in public office
have been implemented in New Zealand and Panama.224

To combat corruption To combat corruption in services such as health and education, there must be investment in
there must be investment other key services, not least the legal system and the audit functions of government. In Malawi,
in other key services, for instance, there are just 195 lawyers for 11 million people.225 Public administrators,
not least the legal system managers, and regulators, though much maligned, need to be increased in number and need
and the audit functions to be better resourced. Unions and professional associations play an important role as partners
of government. in developing professional standards and engaging workers in improving services.

Citizens themselves also need to be able, wherever possible, to directly scrutinise providers of
services and to hold them to account. In Zambia, the Zambia Reflect Network is involving
local communities in monitoring finances in schools. Gina Fundafunda is its chairperson:
We are involving communities in seeing that schools are run properly. We are training people to check
what happens to the money once it has been allocated to the school is it actually getting to where its
meant to? so that the communities are able to say, What do we need here, how do we help?.
However, such mechanisms are very time-consuming and cannot take the place of formal
accountability mechanisms, such as parliaments and professional codes of conduct.
Ultimately there is no magic answer to corruption: it is a society-wide problem that affects
both the public and private sectors, and rich and poor countries alike. It has to be tackled
at the societal, political, and technical levels, and governments, civil society, parliaments,
citizens, and rich country aid donors all have critical roles to play.

Institutionalise citizen representation

The role of citizen oversight needs to be institutionalised, making people daily participants in
the improvement of the services they use and not merely as consumers with financial
power, as this would exclude those denied an effective voice by their lack of cash. In practice,
citizens need a formally recognised role in public oversight institutions, a right to register
complaints and refer to a higher body, and the right to review official information.

Box 10: Getting involved public participation in Porto Alegre, Brazil
In Porto Alegre, Brazil, consultation takes place through the mayor introduced tax reforms to increase local revenues.
water utilitys Deliberative Council, which is attended by Some 1,000 civic associations participate in the OP process,
representatives from professional, business, and civil society which determines the citys investment priorities and budget.
organisations. With advice from the companys management,
However, participation is not without its costs. Some days I
the Deliberative Council decides on investment priorities,
can attend as many as four meetings, said Copinar Acosta,
considers technical and other challenges, and monitors
a kiosk owner who is heavily involved in the OP. Those of us
performance. The city set up an Oramento Participativo, or
who do this only do it because we believe in the process.229
participatory budgeting practice, in 1989 after the incoming

In Zambia and Baluchistan, Pakistan the involvement of parent-teacher committees in the

management and monitoring of schools has improved the quality and efficiency of school
performance.226 The Swedish government is working with the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare in Bangladesh to set up a Health Service Users Forum at national level, linked
to community- and district-level monitoring groups.227 Ombudsmen are a useful means of
building citizens views and complaints into health services, and Oxfam has instigated
initiatives of this kind in Armenia and Georgia, along with its support to public clinics.
WaterAid has set up feedback mechanisms between water user groups and local governments
in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Ghana, and Ethiopia.228

Strengthen public capacity

In the past, when I was a student, teachers were respected. Respect for teachers declined after
the 1980s when teachers salaries became much lower. Parents do not respect teachers at all,
and once a student said to one of our teachers, Why do you waste your time teaching when you
earn so little?.
Male teacher, Mwanza, Tanzania230

Building a public service ethos

The countries that have been successful have built an ethos of public service, in which public In the Philippines,
sector workers are encouraged to take pride in their contribution to the nation and to society, the union PSLINK
and society in turn is urged to grant them status and respect. Public sector workers need to be mobilised its members
to monitor drug
supported both to do their job and to engage in the continual improvement of service
procurement and
provision. In the Philippines, for example, the union PSLINK mobilised its members to
delivery of school
monitor drug procurement and delivery of school textbooks, and also provides legal protection
for members who expose corruption.231

The majority of health workers are dedicated professionals trying to cope in difficult and
frustrating environments. But the way workers are treated by the public systems in which they
work influences the way that they in turn treat the people who use their services. Poor pay,
low status, and low morale cause poor performance and encourage corrupt behaviour in the
public sector. Countries that have succeeded in tackling these problems have improved the
status and remuneration of workers, while simultaneously insisting on performance
improvements and strengthened accountability mechanisms.

The Ugandan public water utility NWSC has created an environment of innovation, problem
solving, accountability, and customer focus through a performance contract agreed with the
government, which specifies performance targets and social obligations. At the same time,
NWSC has managerial autonomy from the government and has developed clear performance
agreements with its staff, who are then rewarded for progress.232

Evidence shows Higher pay and performance incentives help. Evidence from Poland, Cambodia, and the
that higher salaries for Czech Republic shows that higher salaries for health workers are linked to reductions in bribe-
health workers are taking and informal payments.233 In Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, codes of conduct have had
linked to reductions in a significant positive impact on the commitment, professional behaviour, and performance of
bribe-taking and teachers and staff and have contributed to a reduction in teacher absenteeism.234
informal payments.
Building partnerships between neighbouring public water and sanitation utilities is helping to
improve performance and the public service ethos in many countries, by sharing technical and
managerial know-how. These so-called PublicPublic Partnerships (or PuPs) already exist in
some corners of the world for example, NWSC in Uganda is providing assistance and advice
to Tanzanias DAWASCO to improve its billing and collection systems, while in India the
Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board is set to provide assistance to the Delhi Jal Board
for leakage control. More support could be provided to expand these PublicPublic Partnerships.

Tackling the workforce crisis is possible and cost-effective

Drastically scaling up the numbers of teachers and health workers is a huge task that requires
strategic, co-ordinated planning between governments from both poor and rich countries.
Governments need to produce and implement strategic workforce plans that specify how many
and which types of workers are needed and how much this will cost. Countries which have
successfully scaled up health and education services have included workforce planning as part
of the process from the outset. For example, in Botswana the Ministry of Health has developed
a database of its current health workforce and its projected needs, which it links to its five-year
National Development Plans.235

In the health sector, community and informal health workers can help to plug a critical gap in
health systems, providing they are well integrated into the health system. Community-based
barefoot doctors and nurses have played a vital part in expanding services in successful
countries, as have temporary or partly-trained teachers. However, this strategy does not work
when it is used to undermine the existing profession. Governments should first bring into the
workforce any trained but unemployed public service workers or retired professionals, and
seek to attract back any trained staff who have moved to other jobs. If there is still a gap,
then (in consultation with unions) emergency measures can be taken to increase numbers,
but the aim should be to give new recruits opportunities to become fully professional within
a few years.

In water supply, scaling up will require better information on gaps in supply, more inclusive
and participatory planning and close co-operation with communities to sustain services.
In Tanzania the legal recognition of community-owned water service organisations made it
easier for local governments to help with repairs and maintenance and with monitoring
water quality.236 Scaling up sanitation requires sustained public campaigning about
hand-washing and healthy behaviour and subsidies for latrine construction.

Improving pay and conditions

Pay on its own does not always increase motivation, but it is the first priority where earnings Pay on its own does not
are currently too low to meet the cost of living, as has been demonstrated by countries that have always increase
successfully tackled worker shortages. Better pay needs to be matched with better conditions. motivation, but it is the
For most teachers, housing is a major issue, and one that will have to be addressed if first priority where
earnings are currently
governments are to persuade more teachers to work in rural areas. This applies especially to
too low to meet the
women teachers, whose physical security and ability to care for their families can be put at risk
cost of living.
by working in isolated rural locations.

Box 11: Government-led emergency human resources programme Malawi
My message to rich countries? We would love to save our people. We dont want to go abroad for the money. Home is the base.
Rosemary Bilesi, nursing officer, Dowa District Hospital, Malawi
The impact of the salary top-up? In 2003, resignations of nurses were at one or even two a week. It was shocking.
Since we introduced incentives, including the locum system, weve somehow stemmed it to one or two a month.
Dr. Damison Kathyola, director of Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe
The top-ups and locum system have helped. At least we can receive additional nurses and clinicians from other hospitals who
come for relief duties. Before, maternal mortality was a big problem and nurses had no time to monitor pregnant women.
So now pregnant women are being served better.
Moses Ngwira, deputy district health officer and clinical officer in Dowa District Hospital
The health worker crisis in Malawi is chronic but the government is starting to turn the situation around by working in
partnership with rich country aid donors to build public services.
Decades of low pay, poor working conditions, and under-funding have undermined the public health system and have led to a
chronic shortage of nurses and doctors. Vacancies in nursing posts are running at over 60 per cent, and four of Malawis
districts have no doctors at all. Existing staff are leaving the public health system to work for civil society organisations or
private hospitals, or even deserting the health sector altogether.
The UK government has been working closely with Malawis Ministry of Health to tackle the countrys severe human resources
problems. In 2004 the Ministry produced a six-year human resources relief programme, which is 90 per cent funded by the UK
and the Global Fund. The assistance is funding:
a 50 per cent increase in the salaries of 5,400 existing front-line health workers;
the recruitment of 700 new health staff, with a planned doubling of health workers in six years through expansion and
improvement of training schools and trainers; and
the plugging of critical gaps with expatriate volunteers: 20 doctors from the UK NGO Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO)
and 18 specialists have already arrived, while more Malawians are being trained.
Even though the programme has been criticised for bypassing health unions, it is already having an impact. Funds only started
being released in April 2005, but there are early indications from hospitals of a dramatic reduction in the outflow of nurses.

Sources: DFID personal communication and DFID 2004

Build government capacity to plan and manage systems
The abolition of user fees in the Ugandan health system was accompanied by vital investments
in the systems capacity. A comprehensive plan for the health sector was drawn up and
management capacity was strengthened. The planning and budget system was improved to
even out regional financing disparities and to improve the flow of funds to front-line facilities.
Funds were dispersed more rapidly and the payroll was computerised to pay health workers
salaries more quickly. A quarterly monitoring system was set up to measure the performance
of spending at the district level. The role of non-state health providers was examined, and a
new system of grant financing was set up to fund the recurrent costs of mission hospitals
providing care in rural areas.

Increasingly, civil society groups and parliaments are being included in planning processes.
The Ugandan government plan, for example, was heavily influenced by the findings of the
Ugandan Participatory Poverty Assessment Project (UPPAP), previously carried out in
collaboration with Ugandan civil society groups. Such groups also have a key role to play in
publicising progress and in holding governments to account when they fail to deliver.

Unfortunately the Ugandan experience is the exception rather than the rule. If services are to Clear workforce
be expanded, then governments must invest in competent managers and planners to produce strategies are needed
and implement clearly costed plans. Budget disbursement and financial management to plan the numbers
procedures need to be strengthened to get money to the right people and the right places at the of employees that will
right time. Clear workforce strategies are needed to plan the numbers of employees that will be be needed over the
long term.
needed over the long term.

A number of governments have developed plans of this nature. School enrolments in Bogot,
Colombia increased by nearly 40 per cent, while costs increased by only half as much, thanks
to a new information system and negotiations with teacher unions that deployed teachers
where they were needed and eliminated ghost teachers. Ethiopia and Brazil overcame
regional disparities in education funding by using national revenue to cross-subsidise
schools in poorer areas.237
In the water sector, separating utilities from political interference and making them financially
autonomous has been key to improving performance. Publicly-owned utilities in Uganda,
Porto Alegre in Brazil, and Penang in Malaysia have shown that combining a commercial ethos
with social obligations can improve both efficiency and equity in water and sanitation supply,
and that contracting in private providers for some operations as opposed to full privatisation
can be useful.

In rural areas too, improvements in local government planning can help to expand services,
and do it more equitably. In Nigeria, Ghana, and Nepal, for example, WaterAid and partners
have worked to strengthen local government planning capacity, using improved information

As a proportion of GDP, and public consultations to produce local water development plans. These plans help local
tax collection in poor authorities to negotiate for more resources from central government and strengthen citizens
countries is less than half ability to hold local governments to account.
that in rich countries.
Improve the effectiveness and progressiveness of tax collection
Taxes are the cornerstone of health and education funding, so improvements are urgently needed.
As a proportion of GDP, tax collection in poor countries is less than half that in rich countries.238
This is largely because elites have proved adept both at evading tax and ensuring that tax laws are
lenient, should they choose to pay. Efforts to expand tax revenue in many countries in recent years
have involved an increase in indirect taxation (such as VAT and sales taxes) but, without significant
exemptions, such measures can shift a greater burden of taxation onto poor people. Nevertheless,
progress is possible. South Africa has recently increased its tax take while at the same time
reducing income tax rates, by imposing heavy penalties on tax fraudsters.

One under-researched impact of the drive for trade liberalisation is a serious fall in government
revenue from import taxes, often on luxury goods, which are particularly important in low-
income countries. A 2005 IMF study found that broader tax reforms have allowed poor country
governments to make up only 30 per cent of the revenue lost through tariff cuts.239

What rich countries need to do

The best way for rich countries to help achieve the MDGs is to support developing country
governments and peoples in implementing the kinds of measures outlined above.
Rich countries need to support public systems and public capacity. They must stop bypassing
and undermining governments by pushing for the expansion of private service provision,
and instead must provide long-term, predictable financing for the salaries and running costs
of public systems, whether or not they choose to involve NSPs or the private sector in
their delivery.

As the case of Uganda shows, sector and budget support programmes are best suited to
funding a national expansion of social services, rather than providing support for specific
projects, which may take years to design and which are often a highly inefficient form of
finance.240 A recent independent evaluation of budget support in seven developing countries
found that, provided governments have the political will, budget support can encourage
spending on health and education, make governments planning and spending more
transparent and accountable, and strengthen their relationships with aid providers.241
In Tanzania, where general budget support accounts for about 36 per cent of all aid flows,
external funds and policy dialogue at the highest levels have facilitated an expansion in the
financing and provision of education and health services.242 Budget support will not be

appropriate in all countries. It requires levels of accountability, efficiency, and transparency Most donors need to
which may be lacking in some countries. In these cases projects can be a useful way of make a step-change in
innovating new approaches and, indeed, governments in countries that are not highly the way they think and
dependent on aid, such as India, may prefer project aid. act, moving from
disease-specific and
In the health sector, most donors need to make a step-change in the way they think and act, vertical interventions to
moving from disease-specific and vertical interventions that drain government capacity to a a system-wide approach
system-wide approach that strengthens capacity to deliver. The Red Cross took this approach in that strengthens
Serbia, where it was initially called on to address the health needs of refugees. Rather than capacity to deliver.
building separate clinics, the organisation decided to strengthen the entire primary health-care
system at the district level. A new funding system for clinics was designed, the district IT
system was updated, and health workers were trained. The result? Improved access to health
care for the whole district and the government has since taken over many of the reforms,
improving its own ability to provide health care in the long term.243
Rich country governments can use aid to improve accountability. In Malawi seen as a
high-risk country under its previous government, due to endemic corruption donors are
now financing the salaries of health workers. They are also working with the government to
build strong institutions: more accountants are being hired to conduct independent
financial and procurement audits and technical advisors are mentoring senior Malawian
civil servants.244
Many important decisions and opportunities arise at local level. Box 12 shows how rich country
governments and civil society organisations can work directly with different tiers of
government in developing countries to achieve the MDGs.

Box 12: How to support local government and build planning capacity
WaterAid has developed a new set of initiatives to strengthen build the information base so that local governments can
the capacity of local governments in Nigeria, Ghana, determine the best strategic use of their investments for
Burkina Faso, Mali, and Nepal. The process is funded the whole decade up to 2015;
primarily by WaterAid, which also provides technical
strengthen team work between government departments
assistance support to the local government, while local
and community groups/leaders by sharing information
NGOs facilitate public participation processes.
and facilitating discussions on plans; and
The Localising MDG Initiative works with existing
structures of government agencies and elected government develop a local service plan agreed by officials and
officials to: community leaders. This plan then becomes the basis
for the local governments requests for funding from
Source: WaterAid (2005b) central government.

Governments and rich country aid donors need to ensure that the aid relationship does not
squeeze out policy dialogue with civil society at the local level. Reliance on aid must not
become an impediment to democracy.

Tackle the demand side of the brain drain

I want to go back, but I need something to supplement my income because I know the Malawian
nursing salary is not going to be enough for me to live on and provide for my children. That is the
only thing that is keeping me here. So I am here to save money so that I can return to work as a
nurse in Malawi.
Mary Ntata, a Malawian nurse who came to the UK for medical training

Teachers and nurses have a right to migrate, but people in poor countries also have a right to
expect publicly-trained professionals to stay and work in their home country for a number of
years after graduation. A global response to the human resources crisis is needed. Although
there can be benefits for developing countries from migration, particularly of low-skilled
workers (e.g. through remittance flows), rich countries must address the causes of the
workforce crisis in their own public services, and avoid cherry picking the skilled workers that
developing countries so desperately need. Ethical codes of practice for recruiting countries
have been tried, with some success. For example, the United Kingdoms ethical recruitment
code has halted the increase in recruitment of overseas nurses in the National Health Service,
though most private agencies do not apply the code.

Countries receiving essential workers can invest in the institutions of those sending them,
as a form of restitution. A global education reinvestment fund has also been suggested, to
accelerate the training of health professionals in developing countries by supporting public
efforts and by offering incentives for private investments.

Increase and improve aid and cancel debts

Bangladesh should not While the past five years have seen genuine progress, debt cancellation must be extended to all
have to pay back debt the countries that need it, if the fight against poverty is to be won. The Jubilee Debt Campaign
when 50 million of its calculates that over 60 countries will need all of their debts cancelled and this cancellation
people live on less than must not be undermined by tying it to the implementation of harmful economic policies.
a dollar a day.
A fair and transparent process must be established, independent of creditors such as the
World Bank and the IMF, to judge what debts a poor country can afford to pay. Bangladesh
should not have to pay back debt when 50 million of its people live on less than a dollar a day.
The process should acknowledge that many debts are illegitimate and should not be paid.
South Africa, for example, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars paying back the debts
incurred by the racist apartheid regime, money that would be better used in dealing with that
systems legacy of poverty and inequality. Jubilee Research estimates that about $11.7 billion of
South Africas current foreign debt comes from interest on apartheid-era loans.

The developing world needs to see far more aid, and to see that aid better spent. Even with the Even with the promises
promises made in 2005 at Gleneagles, by 2010 rich countries will only be giving 0.36 per cent made in 2005 at
of their income in aid the same proportion as in 1987 and only half the 0.7 per cent target Gleneagles, by 2010
agreed in 1970. Rich countries must increase their aid to 0.7 per cent by 2010 at the latest. rich countries will only
be giving 0.36 per cent
In addition, the money they do give needs to be far better spent. As the example of DFID in of their income in aid
Malawi shows, rich countries can have a powerful impact on building public services in poor the same proportion
countries, but not when they waste money on superfluous consultants, or insist that the aid is as in 1987.
spent on their own exports, or when they spend too much money on projects instead of
systems. In countries where there is clearly a commitment to fight poverty, donors must
increase the amount they give directly in support of government plans and budgets. They must
co-ordinate more, to minimise the burden on overworked government staff in poor countries.
They must also commit for the long term, so that governments can train and pay the massive
numbers of new teachers and health workers that are needed. They must expand and fully
finance the Education For All Fast Track Initiative and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and
Malaria, and ensure that these too support governments and public systems. Finally, they must
end, once and for all, the practice of insisting that developing country governments implement
harmful economic policies, such as inappropriate privatisation or rapid and indiscriminate
trade liberalisation, in order to receive aid.

The IMF monopoly on determining what constitutes sound economic policies should be
ended. The IMF should ensure that its advice to developing countries does not undermine
efforts to scale up health and education services by placing excessive restrictions on
government spending.

Help to get rid of user fees

Given the weight of evidence, the World Bank should be using its considerable influence
not least as the largest health-sector donor in Africa to actively support the abolition of
user fees in health and education. After all, it was the Bank that originally advocated the
introduction of fees as part of its structural adjustment programmes in the 1990s.
Subsequently in 2003 the Bank disavowed them, and it now says that it is helping developing
countries to find alternatives.245
Despite such protestations, however, there is little evidence that the Bank is actually doing this
on the ground. Recent Bank policy has reiterated the opinion that user fees are a necessary
reform in Africa.246 In Uganda the government abolished user fees for health services, despite
World Bank advice that the policy would have only a minimal impact on attendance at hospitals
and clinics. Subsequent events showed that the Ugandan government was well advised to
ignore the Bank in this way.247

Renato Guimaraes/Oxfam

Imagine a world in which for the first time in history, every child is in school. Every woman
can give birth with the best possible chance that neither she nor her baby will die. Everyone
can drink water without risking their life. Millions of new health workers and teachers are
saving lives and shaping minds.

With the Millennium Development Goals, the worlds governments have created a platform,
and a test of their commitment to end world poverty. We know how to do it: political leadership,
government action, and public services, supported by long-term flexible aid from rich countries
and the cancellation of debt. We know that the market alone cannot do it, that civil society
is picking up some of the pieces, but that governments must act. There is no short cut,
and no other way.

To get there, poor country governments must fulfil their responsibilities, their citizens
must pressure them to do so, and rich countries must support and not undermine them.
In the words of Nelson Mandela:248

Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions
of human beings. And overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.
It is the protection of a fundamental human right; the right to dignity and a decent life.
While poverty persists, there is no freedom.

opposite page
Children from the Villa
Potosi neighbourhood in
Cochabamba, Bolivia.
The local community have
organised themselves to
build up the water and
sanitation structure,
in the hope that they will
be able to connect it to the
system that serves the
rest of the city.

1 See UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); United Nations, Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
and UN Economic and Social Council, General Comment No.15: The right to water (Articles 11 and 12 of
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). The right to clean drinking water was
included in the UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1958) and in the CRC in 1989 (Article 24).
2 Calculated from various studies estimating global costs per sector. Education: $10 billion in extra external
aid needed per year to achieve Universal Primary Education (e.g. see Doney and Wroe, 2006).
Basic health care: the Macroeconomics and Health Commission estimated an extra $21 billion in external
aid needed per year (WHO 2001). Toubkiss estimates from various studies that achieving the water and
sanitation MDGs needs $15-20 billion in extra investments per year (Toubkiss 2006, p.7).
3 Canned Food Industry Association, September 2004. (last checked August 2006).
4 The gender parity target has been missed in 94 out of 149 countries where data are available
(UNESCO 2006).
5 E. Gomez Gomez 2002.
6 UNDP, Human Development Report 2005.
7 World Health Organization (a).
8 Ibid.
9 Malkin 2006.
10 World Health Organization (a).
11 Malkin 2006.
12 Watkins 2006.
13 Ibid.
14 WaterAid 2005a.
15 World Health Organization (b).
16 UNAIDS/WHO 2005.
17 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005b.
18 UNAIDS 2004, p.40.
19 UNICEF (a).
20 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2005a.
21 Except for Eastern Asia and European countries of the CIS, which started out with 90 per cent
enrolment rates or higher. United Nations 2005.
22 UNESCO 2005b.

23 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall
be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages (Article 26). In addition, the World Declaration
of Education for All, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention on Discrimination
Against Women all recognise the central importance of education for all.
24 Education For All (EFA) and the Jomtien Declaration provide a new global vision for basic education and a
global commitment to achieving it (UNESCO (b)). The Dakar Framework for Action, agreed in 2000,
outlines new ways of working and processes for governments and the international community to move
towards achieving this global commitment (UNESCO (a)). The MDGs provide quantifiable goals and
targets by which to measure progress and success, and a recognition that achieving Education For All
requires a partnership of developing country governments and international donors.
25 The Fast Track Initiative was set up so that no country seriously committed to EFA would be thwarted by
a lack of funding (World Bank (a)).
26 UNESCO (2005) Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2006. UNESCO: Paris, p.319.
27 UNDP 2005c.
28 Davey 2000.
29 Two country scores are created. The first is the essential services rank, determined by performance in four
social outcome indicators: child survival (under-five mortality rate per 1,000 population, 2003);
schooling (net primary enrolment rate, 200203); access to water (percentage of the population with
access to improved drinking water, 2002); and access to sanitation (percentage of population with
sanitation, 2002). The second is the income rank: countries are ranked according to income per capita
(GNI in purchasing power parity, World Bank World Development Indicators Database, 2004).
The performance of countries in providing essential services can then be compared with their income.
The index is an indicative tool for comparison only and, while the greatest care has been taken to use
cross-country data from reliable sources, scores are highly sensitive to data weaknesses and have no
explanatory power. For sources of data, see: (UNICEF); (UNDP); (UNICEF); (UNICEF) (last accessed August 2006).
30 This section draws heavily on Colclough 1997 and Sen 1999.
31 Public Services International Research Unit 2003.
32 Ibid.
33 UNDP, Human Development Report 2005, p.58.
34 Ibid.
35 Selected by region for their rapid and above-average achievements in health and education. See Mehrotra
and Jolly (eds) 1997, chapter 2 for more detail about how countries were selected.
36 Dates of breakthrough periods in under-five mortality reduction ranged from the 1940s to the 1990s.
See Mehrotra and Jolly (eds.) 1997, p.66 for details.

37 Case study countries were notable for all having started with enrolment rates higher than regional
averages. By the 1980s all case study countries had achieved near 100 per cent net primary enrolment
rates for both girls and boys and higher than average secondary enrolments for both girls and boys.
See Mehrotra and Jolly (eds.) 1997, p.88 for details.
38 World Development Report 2004, p.59.
39 Ibid.
40 Melrose 1985 and Garfield and Williams 1989.
41 See for example, Mehrotra and Jolly (eds.) 1997. From a wide sample of developing countries, Mehrotra
and Jolly selected countries that had consistently higher health and education outcome indicators than the
respective regional average for most sectors. Outcome indicators (disaggregated by gender) included
infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, life expectancy at birth, adult literacy, and primary school
enrolments. Hence countries may not have been high achievers in the absolute sense, but were high-
performing for their region.
42 Mehrotra 2004.
43 In South Korea, health care was provided primarily through private health insurance, with the state funding
free medical assistance for the poor.
44 Mehrotra and Jolly (eds.) 1997, p.432. In Kerala, for example, 60 per cent of schools are private for-profit
enterprises. Kerala regulates and monitors these private schools by paying the salaries of all teachers,
whether private or public, and all private schools are regulated, inspected, and monitored by the state to
ensure quality and conformity to standards.
45 See Rannan-Eliya and Somanathan 2005. The study included national insurance health systems in Japan,
Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Mongolia; non-universal, tax-funded health systems in Bangladesh,
Indonesia, India, and Nepal; transition health systems in China and Viet Nam; and universal, tax-funded
systems in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.
46 Falling mortality in Sri Lanka, Kerala, and Zimbabwe seems to have been achieved initially in spite of low
water and sanitation coverage. See Mehrotra and Jolly (eds.) 1997, p.81.
47 Herz and Sperling 2004, p.85.
48 Ibid., p.87.
49 See Bennell 2004, p.18.
50 Ndong-Jatta, A.T. (2002) Providing Quality Basic Education for All: A New Focus, presentation by
Gambian Secretary of Education, 11 June 2002. Quoted by Herz and Sperling, 2004, p.61.
51 Health and education spending ranged from 58 per cent of GDP and was higher per capita in all countries,
well above their respective regional averages.
52 Net primary enrolment rate. Herz and Sperling 2004, p.75, p.87.
53 Educations share of the national budget rose from 22 per cent to 31 per cent in 1999, cutting the
defence budget in the process. Herz and Sperling 2004, p.87.
54 User fees were abolished towards the end of 2000/01. Outpatient attendance increased by 84 per cent
between 2000/01 and 2002/03, and doubled in some districts. Yates et al. 2006, p.347.

55 Deininger and Mpuga 2004.
56 International AIDS Society 2005.
57 This was achieved because Brazil was able to manufacture its own generic ARVs to keep the cost of the
drugs down. However, this only applied to first-line drugs. Second-line drugs, which are needed to counter
resistance to first-line drugs after prolonged treatment, are seriously threatened by the high cost of
branded ARVs.
58 See Chequer 2005.
59 See Maltz 2005, pp.29-36.
60 Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 2004,
Total Sanitation Campaign.
61 See Santiago 2005.
62 Narayan et al. 2000.
63 Adult female literacy in Yemen was 31 per cent in 2003. WHO, (last checked by the author April 2006).
64 Only 28 per cent of deliveries were attended by trained personnel in 2003, according to WHO. (last checked by the author April 2006).
65 The prevalence of child malnutrition (percentage of children under five) was 38.1 per cent in 1995.
The under-five infant mortality rate was 114 per 1,000 live births in 2002 (WHO).
(last checked by the author April 2006).
66 Bagash 2003.
67 Personal communication with Oxfam GB staff in 2005, anonymity requested.
69 USAID 2003, p.11.
70 Refers to doctors, nurses, midwives, and health support staff (WHO 2006).
71 Based on Oxfam calculations.
72 The High Level Forum on Health Millennium Development Goals concluded that the biggest bottleneck in
the fight against AIDS is the critical lack of health personnel (cited in UNAIDS 2005).
73 Education For All Fast Track Initiative indicative benchmark of one trained teacher for every 40 primary
school-age children. See World Bank 2004.
74 Based on the Joint Learning Initiative study (2004) minimum of 2.5 health workers per 1,000 population,
or 400 people for each health worker.
75 Liberia, Uganda, Central African Republic, Mali, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, and the Gambia.
Oxfam calculations 2006. Based on data from Joint Learning Initiative 2004.
76 Joint Learning Initiative 2004.
77 Anthony Harries, Malawi Ministry of Health, Technical Adviser HIV Care and Support. Quoted in Nolen 2005.
78 Nolen 2005.

79 Dovlo and Nyonator 1999.
80 Joint Learning Initiative 2004, p.28.
81 The willingness of households to pay for services is differentiated on the basis of income, gender, and
other factors. Where women and girls have a low status in society, making households pay often means
that women and girls are much less likely to access services. See de Vogli and Birbeck 2005.
82 See Gilson 1997.
83 Survey (2005) by Bentaoet-Kattan, for UNESCO 2006.
84 In low-income countries as much as 70 per cent of health spending consists of private, out-of-pocket
payments to private providers (World Bank 2005, p.90). For example, in Nigeria, Cambodia, and India
private health spending is at least 70 per cent of total national health spending (see Vyas and Palmer 2005).
85 Maternal deaths in the Zaria region of Nigeria rose by 56 per cent, while there was a decline of 46 per cent
in the number of deliveries in the main hospital. Nanda 2002, p.129.
86 Nair, Kirbat, and Sexton 2004.
87 In Philips et al. 2004.
88 Ibid.
89 Mdecins Sans Frontires 2004.
90 Belli et al. 2002.
91 Personal communication with author, April 2006.
92 See Koblinsky 2003, p.2.
93 Collingnon and Vezina 2000, in Moran and Batley 2004.
94 McIntosh 2003, p.47.
95 Both stats in Vyas and Palmer 2005.
96 Rose and Akyeampong 2005.
97 Calaguas 2005.
98 DFID (unpublished paper).
99 The share of education in national income (GNP) increased between 1998 and 2002 in about two-thirds of
countries for which there are data (UNESCO 2006). Between 1990 and 2002, education spending rose
from an average of 12 per cent to 14 per cent of government spending; this trend was most pronounced in
sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Europe, and Central Asia (World Bank 2005).
100 Government education spending in North America and Western Europe rarely reaches 15 per cent of
the national budget; more than half of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa with data available surpass
this level. UNESCO 2006.
101 Studies estimate that putting every child in the world in a good quality primary school would cost between
$7 billion and $17 billion a year (Delamonica, Mehrotra, and Vandemoortele 2001; UNESCO 2002; Oxfam
International 2001; Devarajan, Miller, and Swanson 2002; Bruns, Mingat, and Rakotomalala 2003; and
Sperling 2003 all cited in UNDP 2005c). The Global Campaign for Education (2005) states that aid to
basic education should reach at least $10 billion by 2010, or about 20 per cent of the total $48 billion
increase promised at the G8 in Gleneagles in 2005.

102 For example, between 1990 and 2002 government spending on healthin low-income countriesincreased
from 5 per cent to 7 per cent. World Bank 2005b, p.90.
103 The Commission on Macroeconomics and Health found that a set of essential health interventions costs
around $34 per person per year as an absolute minimum. The Commission estimates that least developed
countries will be able to mobilise around $15 per person per year by 2007, leaving a gap of $19 per person
per year. See WHO 2001, p.11.
104 Figures refer to all investments, aid, taxes, and private investments. Global funding estimates vary from
$9$30 billion per year depending on the source of the estimate. However, if the estimates are analysed on
comparable parameters, there is a much smaller range of around $10 billion per year to supply low-cost
water and sanitation services to people not currently supplied, and a further $15$20 billion to maintain
current services and improve service quality. If the collection and treatment of household wastewater and
the maintenance of integrated water management is included, the estimate increases to up to $80 billion.
Toubkiss 2006, p.7.
105 Essential health interventions are estimated to cost around 10 per cent of GNP in least developed
countries, with a tax take estimated at 14 per cent of GNP. WHO 2001, p.57.
106 Of the 36 countries in the world that spend more on their military than on health or education and for
which data are available, these ten have the worst score in the Human Development Index.
Data from UNDP 2005a.
107 Hospitals and universities are a necessary part of essential services universities train doctors and
nurses, and urban and district hospitals are often used by poor people too. The problem comes when too
much public money is spent on services used by a minority. For example, a single specialised, urban-based
referral hospital can take up 20 per cent of the entire government budget, whereas the patterns of disease
in many developing countries indicate a need to prioritise spending on rural health centres and district
hospitals for the health-care needs of the majority.
108 Only six out of 21 countries for which data were available (Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Honduras, Argentina) spent as much or more on health services for the poorest fifth of the population as
they did on services for the richest fifth. Only four countries out of 35 (Colombia, Jamaica, Romania,
Costa Rica) for which data were available spent as much or more on education services for the poorest fifth
of the population as on services for the richest fifth. Based on total health and total education spending,
Filmer 2003 in World Bank 2004a, p.39.
109 World Development Report 2006. Washington, DC: World Bank.
110 Paxson and Schady 2005.
111 World Bank, World Development Report 2006.
112 WaterAid Nepal 2002/2004 and WaterAid 2006.
113 UNDP 2005a.
114 UNDP 2005a.
115 UNDP 2005a.
116 The interviewee requested anonymity.

117 For instance, the World Bank is currently investigating mis-procurement in 43 contracts linked to seven
of its projects in Cambodia, and has found types of corruption including solicitation and acceptance of
bribes, price fixing, and colluding to manipulate tenders and inflate bid prices.
See (last checked by the author July 2006).
118 Elshorst and OLeary 2005.
119 World Development Report 2004.
120 Transparency International, Global Corruption Report 2006.
121 Meier and Griffin 2005.
122 Global Corruption Report.
123 Kessler and Alexander 2003.
124 Barrientos 2000.
125 Patient choice is unlikely to explain the high rate of Caesareans. At a private clinic where 70 per cent
of women have Caesarean sections, only 18 per cent requested them. Murray 2000.
126 Hao et al. 1997, cited in Mehrotra and Delamonica 2005, p.155.
127 Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) 2002.
128 Kruse and Ramos 2003. Privatisation of the municipal water board SEMAPA was a condition of a
1996 loan and of HIPC debt relief in 1997.
129 The consortium Aguas del Tunari (AdT) was led by International Water Limited, a company jointly owned
by the US multinational Bechtel and the Italian energy company Edison.
130 Cited in various sources, including Palast in the Guardian (2000).,4273,4010929,00.html (last checked by the author July 2006).
131 Reports of price hikes vary from 35 per cent (e.g. Palast 2000) to 300 per cent (Kruse and Ramos 2003).
Braun (2004) states that hikes in water prices averaged 51 per cent.
132 Alexander 2005, p.19.
133 There are numerous reports on the riots, including Kruse and Ramos 2003.
134 In February 2002, AdT filed a case with the World Banks International Centre for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes (ICSID) based on a bilateral investment treaty between Bolivia and the Netherlands,
where Bechtels subsidiary, International Water Co., had established a presence. AdT and Bechtel sought
$25m in damages for breach of their 40-year, multi-million-dollar contract. See Alexander (2005, p.19).
135 International Water and Sanitation Centre 2006.
136 Lethbridge 2002, p.19.
137 Estache and Rossi 2002, p.139.
138 Estache, Perelman, and Trujillo 2005, p.21. A recent study of the distributional impact of privatisation
found that most privatisation programmes worsened the distribution of assets and incomes, at least in
the short run. Birdsall and Nellis 2002.
139 Estache 2004, p.10.
140 Bayliss 2001.

141 Hornblow, A., New Zealand's health reforms: a clash of cultures, British Medical Journal,
142 Schick1998.
143 IMF Public Private Partnerships, 12 March 2004.
144 Mehrotra and Delamonica 2005, p.165.
145 This critique draws heavily on Watt, P. Comment on draft 2004 World Development Report, ActionAid,
May 2003.
146 See p.13 and p.107 of the 2004 World Development Report.
147 Wood 2005a. Conditions come in a range of guises, from the strongest (prior actions) to the weakest
(benchmarks). All have an influence on country policy.
148 EURODAD 2006, p.3.
149 HIPC is now the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative.
150 more than half the countries which have reached Decision Point will be (or have been) required to
implement reforms concerning public-private partnership, commercialisation or outright privatisation
of SOEs to meet Completion Point. Jubilee Debt Campaign (forthcoming).
151 Mehrotra and Delamonica 2005, p.165.
152 A target contained in the Private Sector Development Strategy 2002. Mehrotra and Delamonica 2005, p.165.
153 Ibid., p.166.
154 Ibid.
155 When private firms lend to or invest in a water project in a borrowing country, the Banks guarantee
promises the private firms compensation for certain losses if, under specified conditions, the borrower
does not meet its obligations. Kessler 2004, p.8.
156 Cliff Stone, the British chief executive of City Water, accepted that the project was well behind schedule
and that no new pipes had been installed, but claimed water quality and quantity had improved and that
10,000 new customers had been signed up in the last two months. Vidal 2005.
157 The initial privatisation proposal failed to attract any bidders and Tanzania was granted a waiver on the
HIPC trigger and provided with debt relief anyway. The World Banks push to privatise DAWASA continued
through a $143 million scheme which eventually resulted in the awarding of a contract to City Water
a partnership made up of Biwater, Gauff (a German engineering company), and the Tanzanian company
Superdall to provide services in Dar es Salaam and the surrounding region. A case was filed by
City Water against the Tanzanian government for alleged breach of contract. Greenhill and Weklya 2004;
Vidal 2005,,15756,1491600,00.html
(last checked by the author April 2006).
158 Birdsall and Nellis 2002.
159 Hall and de la Motte 2005.
160 Greenhill and Weklya 2004.
161 Vidal 2005. Adam Smith International is a sister organisation to UK free market thinktank the Adam Smith

162 The UK Department for International Developments policy on conditionality explicitly states that
privatisation should not be pushed using conditions on aid (see DFID 2005b). The EC in a 2003 paper
concluded that privatisation of utilities and other state-owned enterprises had been pushed without
looking at all the options and that the Commission had supported this by linking its aid to World Bank
and IMF programmes where privatisation had been a condition (see Commission of the European
Communities 2003). The new Norwegian government has stated that Norwegian aid should not go to
programmes that contain requirements for liberalisation and privatisation (see Norwegian Labour Party 2006).
163 Sondorp 2004.
164 Vyas and Palmer 2005.
165 Rose and Akyeampong 2005; and BRAC 2005.
166 Palmer and Mills (2006).
167 Ibid.
168 Ibid.
169 Education International (2005).
170 BBC News (2005) UK Crippling Africa Healthcare,
(last checked by the author March 2006).
171 Joint Learning Initiative 2004.
172 Mehrotra 2004b.
173 World Bank 2005b.
174 Dugger, C. U.S. plan to lure nurses may hurt poor nations, New York Times, 24 May 2006.
175 OECD/DAC 2005a.
176 Oxfam International 2006.
177 The data here represent aid to basic education, basic health care, reproductive health, and water supply
and sanitation for 2004. They are commitment data, not disbursement data. The figures are measured
as a proportion of total aid, not sector-allocable aid, which disadvantages donors such as DFID,
which now funnel much aid to basic social services through budget support. They may also overestimate
aid to basic services, as they take a broader measure of water supply and sanitation than that defined for
essential services by Oxfam. OECD/DAC database, accessed on 2 March 2006.
178 Bokhari, Gottret, and Gai (2005) Government Health Expenditures, Donor Funding and Health Outcomes
cited in World Bank 2006, p.61. The study suggests that aid volatility imposes a significant constraint on
the ability of governments to spend health money effectively.
179 In 2001/02 some 53 per cent of aid for water and sanitation needs went to just ten countries only four
of which were low-income. On the whole, countries that were favoured with relatively high amounts of aid
for water and sanitation received $447 per un-served person, while the neediest low-income countries
received just $16 per un-served person. Tearfund 2004.
180 It is projected that 1.8 million people will receive antiretroviral treatment over the next five years with
Global Fund resources. More than 1 million orphans will be supported through medical services,
education, and community care (rounds one to three of funding). Global Fund website
(last checked by the author 5 May 2006).

181 Ibid.
182 Global Fund website,
183 We in fact in the Bank now are quite embarrassed with a number of countries that are ready to go on
Education for All, do not have the money, but have very good plans that are well-integrated and
well-supported, and they say to us, Well, now, we have done what you have asked us to do
where is the money?. World Bank 2004 Spring Meetings, press conference with James D. Wolfensohn.
Washington, DC, 22 April 2004.
184 Progress report prepared for the EFA-FTI partnership meeting, December 2005. Washington, DC:
FTI Secretariat.
185 See, for example, Oxfam International press release, Zambia uses G8 debt cancellation to make health care
free for the poor, 31 March 2006 and
186 ActionAid International 2005, p.21.
187 Known as Dutch disease because the Netherlands experienced a decrease in its competitiveness following
the discovery and subsequent export of natural gas reserves in the 1960s.
188 Foster and Killick 2006.
189 OECD/DAC 2005b.
190 World Bank 2006, p.63.
191 Quoted in Stillman and Bennett 2005.
192 Quoted in WaterAid 2005b.
193 World Bank 2005b, p.93.
194 The single most expensive item in an education system is the salary bill, which accounted for more than
70 per cent of education costs in most of 47 low-income countries studied by Bruns et al. in 2003.
195 World Bank 2006, p.60.
196 Personal communication with report author, Richard Jolly, Institute of Development Studies,
University of Sussex.
197 Personal communication with Oxfam GB staff.
198 La Realidad de la Ayuda 2004/5, Intermon Oxfam, Madrid.
199 OECD/DAC database, last searched by author August 2006.
200 Stillman and Bennett 2005.
201 The Global Fund is taking away human resources from diseases such as malaria to VCT [voluntary testing
and counselling for HIV/AIDS], where there are funds. Donor representative quoted in Stillman and
Bennett 2005.
202 Oxfam 2004.
203 Social Watch 2005.
204 Reis and Moore 2005.
205 Ibid.

206 Equals Issue 2, 2003, p.5. Newsletter for Beyond Access: Gender, Education and Development.
August 2003, London: Institute of Education.
207 World Bank 2005a, p.22.
208 Burns et al 2005.
209 Adams 2001, p.2.
210 Herz and Sperling 2004.
211 Pitanguy 1994.
212 Chisholm and McKinney 2003, pp.8-9.
213 Assembly figures from UN statistics: (last accessed 4 April 2006).
214 Joshi and Fawcett 2005.
215 In 1994 the Presidential Lead Programme introduced free health care for pregnant women and children
under six. A national evaluation in 1995 showed 2060 per cent increases in total health utilisation at
13 sites (Gilson 2003), and pregnant women started to attend antenatal care facilities at an earlier stage
(McCoy 1996, in McIntyre et al. 2005). In 1996 the Minister of Health announced free primary health care.
The impact of this policy has never been comprehensively analysed, but a panel household survey in one
rural province showed quite large increases in the use of public sector primary care facilities after this
policy though the increase was below average for the poorest group (personal communication from
Dr. Jane Goudge, Centre for Health Policy, to McIntyre et al. 2005).
216 This investment would cover the current revenue from fees and the increased value of user fees that would
result when utilisation rates increase. See Save the Children 2005.
217 Community-based health insurance schemes provide basic medical cover that is paid for by small
pre-payments from community members. The difference is that user fees are charged at the point of
delivery, whereas insurance schemes pool up-front contributions.
218 In common with other community-based health financing mechanisms, revenue raised from member fees
in Oxfams own scheme covers 80 per cent of the cost of drugs, but only around 30 per cent of the total cost of
providing the service. For this reason the scheme operates with considerable subsidy from Oxfam and other
donors and is intended as a stopgap until such time as the state can take over the operating costs.
219 For example, Uganda experimented with community-based health insurance schemes from 1995 to 2002.
A series of reviews concluded that such schemes did not cover their costs, failed to reach the poorer members
of the communities they served, and were mildly regressive in that they used public money to subsidise access
to services by the somewhat better-off. Given these concerns, the Ministry of Health decided not to scale up
insurance schemes, but chose instead to abolish user fees in public health clinics. Yates et al 2006, pp.345-6.
220 Calaguas 2005.
221 Miranda 2005 in Balany et al 2005 (eds.).
222 Hallack, J. and M. Poisson (2005) Ethics and corruption in education, Journal of Education for
International Development.
223 Global Corruption Report, p.65.

224 Transparency International 2006, p.120.
225 Personal communication with the author from the head of the Law Society in Malawi.
226 For example, see Kane 2004, p.105.
227 See SIDA 2005.
228 See WaterAid 2005b.
229 Martin 1997.
230 Sumra 2004.
231 Public Services International Research Unit 2005.
232 Mugisha, Berg, and Muhairwe (forthcoming) cited in Calaguas 2005.
233 Transparency International 2006.
234 UNESCO 2005b, p.184.
235 See USAID 2003, p.26.
236 WaterAid 2005b.
237 Birdsall, Levine, and Ibrahim 2005.
238 For example, central government revenues account for around one-third of GDP in Europe, whereas total
tax take, including trade and indirect taxes, in poorer regions (South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa,
Middle-East/North Africa, etc.) is generally around 15 per cent of GDP. Cobham 2005, pp.6-8.
239 Baunsguaard, T. and M. Keen, Tax Revenue or Trade Liberalisation, IMF working paper, June 2005.
240 A breakdown of projects in the health sector in Uganda between 1997-98 and 2002-03 shows that they
were highly inefficient: 68 per cent went on inputs that were not included in the Health Sector Strategy,
such as technical assistance, capacity building, and project overheads. Presentation to Oxfam GB by
Rob Yates, advisor to Ministry of Health, Uganda.
241 Based on a joint survey for OECD/DAC over five years of budget support in Burkina Faso, Malawi,
Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Uganda, and Viet Nam. University of Birmingham (forthcoming).
A summary of the research can be found at:
(last checked by author May 2006). Other studies noting significant gains from budget support under the
right political conditions include High Level Forum on Health (2003) and EQUINET (2004).
242 Lawson et al. 2005.
243 Merlin 2005, pp.32-33.
244 DFID 2004, pp.3-7.
245 The World Bank does not support user fees for primary education and basic health services for poor
people. Access to these basic services is vital to improving the welfare of the poor in developing countries.
Experience shows that, particularly in relation to education, user fees restrict the ability of poor people to
send their children to school. The Bank also supports provision of free basic health services and helps
countries find alternative means to finance these activities. World Bank 2003.
246 Publicly subsidised care for all is not an affordable option for African governments. World Bank 2004.

247 Earlier World Bank modelling had suggested that the policy change would result in a 2.3 per cent increase
in utilisation. In fact, removing user fees in health resulted in a roughly 80 per cent increase in use.
Personal communication from Yates (2004) to the author.
248 Nelson Mandela (2005), speech for Make Poverty History Campaign.


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Helen Palmer/Oxfam

In the Public Interest

Health, Education, and Water and Sanitation for All

This report shows that building strong public services in developing countries is at the heart of
making poverty history. Doing this could transform the lives of millions of people and, with
political leadership, it is well within the grasp of our generation.
Governments must take responsibility for providing essential services that are well staffed,
affordable for even the poorest people, and accessible to all. Civil society organisations and
private companies can make important contributions, but they must be integrated into strong
public systems. International donors are crucial partners, but too often they block progress by
failing to deliver debt relief and predictable aid that supports public systems, or push private
sector solutions that do not benefit poor people.

Oxfam International 2006 Oxfam International is a confederation of twelve development agencies which work in
120 countries throughout the developing world: Oxfam America, Oxfam-in-Belgium, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Australia, Oxfam GB, Oxfam Hong Kong, Intermn Oxfam (Spain),
Oxfam Ireland, Oxfam Novib (Netherlands), Oxfam New Zealand, Oxfam Quebec, and
Oxfam Germany.

WaterAid - water for life

The international NGO dedicated exclusively to the provision of
safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education
to the world's poorest people.
Charity registration number 288701

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