Android Campus Potral With Graphical Reporting

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A student portal project that acts as an online portal between students and
the admin. The system is designed using two languages which are Asp .Net with
C# for web interface and Java for Android based application. The web interface
is handled by admin for managing student related information and the android
application is used by the students for login and accessing the uploaded
information. It contains an admin who can enter details of students. Students
can then login using provided user id and password to access all the related
information instantly. Students also get a student helpdesk to assist them and
also a download page where students may download pdf format of eBooks from
the web.
Existing system

Student go to college office for the enquiry to collect all


An Android application similar to Student Information System which is

an academic oriented social networking website created based on the

concept of community portal. It is an internal portal utilized for

interaction between students, faculty and other staff members and remain

abreast on various on-going events .However, it has certain drawbacks


The content is not well organized and hence difficult to understand.

A lot of searching is required.

Notifications do not pop up, every time student has to search through

every event to know about new announcements.

Students from one class are able to view and edit forums of some other

class, which can result in ambiguity of displayed information and create

confusion. Overcoming of drawbacks in the proposed system:

Content will be well organized. Each category of user will have a

different interface. The searching overhead will be drastically reduced

as a result of maintaining a separate discussion forum per subject for

every class. Only the notifications relevant to a particular user will be

delivered to the user

Proposed System

Student does not have to go personally to college office for the enquiry.

All the information is displayed after student login.

Student can access all the data using an android application instantly.

This application enables the students to be updated with college cultural

This application saves time for the student as well as teaching and non-

teaching staffs.

Software Requirements

Operating System : Windows-XP Professional/Windows 7

Microsoft IIS 5.0/6.0

Platform : .Net, Android studio

Technology :, Eclipse

Language : C#(C sharp)

Backend : SQL server 2008

Editor : Microsoft word processor 2000

For Development : Visual Studio 2012

For Design : HTML, Visual studio design

Hardware Requirements

1. Core i3 Processor

2. 500GB hard disk

3. 1GB RAM

The objective of the design of a new system is to automate the current

procedure of managing and controlling the information about the student

details and to reduce the overhead of managing paper documents for every

announcement and notices being made. The proposed system will keep the

information on a central server while allowing users to access that

information from their own Smartphone through the installed android

application. There will be an optimized database on the server and an

improved user interface on each client machine i.e. on the SIS app installed

on the user Smartphone. The developed application will be used by students,

teachers, parents and the administrator. The functionalities of the proposed

system can be divided into five well defined modules:

REGISTRATION AND LOGIN: Given that the user has downloaded

the application, then the user should be able to register through the

application by providing the details required for registration. Starting from

2nd year i.e. 3rd semester, it is required that user should register for the

application at the beginning of every semester. After registration the user can

login into the system by providing the user id and password.

STUDENT DETAILS: It includes three entities-

Personal details

Academic details
Placement details

The students are expected to enter their personal details which will then

be verified by the teachers. The personal details include residential address,

email address, contact details (students as well as parents contact details) etc.

The teachers are expected to enter the academic and placement details.

Academic details include students CGPA. Placement details can only be

entered in the final year and includes the company name where the student is

placed and his pay package or if the student has opted for higher studies then

the corresponding details will be entered.

DISCUSSION FORUM: There will be a discussion forum for every

subject in a semester for every class. In this discussion forum, the respective

subject teachers can upload notes, respond to student queries. The student

can put forth their queries and at the same time upload any notes.


by teachers from their respective login and can be viewed on a notice board

section of the application with title for a notice associated with it. The

notices for a particular class will be broadcasted to that class only.

ATTENDANCE: Subject teachers for each semester are required to enter

the attendance details of students. The system should be able to generate

attendance reports (for lectures and practicals) for individual student for each
subject. These reports will be sent to the student as well as his parents

periodically. The teacher can also view the attendance record of students

during a particular interval. If the attendance of some student falls below the

threshold value, then the particular student should be notified regarding the


REPORT GENERATION: It includes generation of attendance reports

for lectures as well as practicals for individual student for each subject.

Other reports such as academic details record etc. can also be generated.

These reports can also be sent to the student as well as his parents if



This deals with the system block diagram and the data flow diagram of

the Student Information System.


A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal

parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that

show the relationships of the blocks. It may also show how the

system operates, what are its inputs and outputs at various stages,

and how the information, and/or materials flow through it. The

block diagram for Student Information System is as shown in

Figure. 1 The proposed system has a client server architecture. All

the information will be kept in an optimized database on the central

server. This information can be accessed by the users through the

android application (SIS) installed on their smartphones (client

machines). Each client machine will have an improved user

interface. Each category of user will have a different view of the

system on basis of the authorizations bestowed upon him.


flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm,

workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds,

and their order by connecting them with arrows. This diagrammatic

representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem [5].

The flowcharts depicting the actions of each category of users of

the SIS are as shown below



Data flow diagrams (DFDs) reveal relationships among and between the

various components in a program or system. DFDs are an important technique

for modeling a systems high-level detail by showing how input data is

transformed to output results through a sequence of functional transformations.


Android XML For user interface, Eclipse (version MARS) android

application development software will be used. XML will be used for designing

the Graphical User Interface (GUI). JAVA Java will be used for connecting

various components of user interface to database system. MYSQL and ASP

SQL is used as a database at the web server and PHP is used to fetch data from

the database. Application will communicate with the ASP page with necessary

parameters and PHP will contact SQL database and will fetch the result and

return the results to application requesting it.


This paper assists in automating the existing manual system. This is a paperless

work. It can be monitored and controlled remotely. It reduces the man power

required. It provides accurate information always. Malpractice can be reduced.

All years together gathered information can be saved and can be accessed at any

time. The data which is stored in the repository helps in taking intelligent

decisions by the management. So it is better to have an android application for

student information management. All the stakeholders, faculty and management

can get the required information without delay. This system is essential in the

colleges/hostels and universities .

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