Marketing To Rub Ans

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Marketing To Rubans

Akshata N Upadhyaya, Krithika G Bharadwaj, Vivek G


Like most things, trying to change the ability to community values, joint families, social customs and
celebrate success is a huge part of building momentum- taboos. A few reasons are driving the growth of brands
Anonymous in rural India: a highly penetrated urban market,
India is home to over a billion people, and yet there is requirement for fresh markets; a young, more
opportunity for everyone. Be it any field, it is the youth aspirational majority population; improved education;
who are seen as the future. However, the demand and higher disposable incomes; and more employment and
supply chain for talent has largely bypassed the rural economic initiatives by the government.
youth whose potential is still waiting to be unleashed. More and more people in the rural market are becoming
The need of the hour, therefore, is spotting and aware of brands. People from rural India are going to
nurturing talent in India's vast hinterland. cities to work and have started adopting the urban
Brands in Rural India: lifestyle, thereby increasing awareness back home.
Other factors which have contributed to the rising
While sceptics continue to debate the pay-offs from
aspirations and demands among rural buyers are
building brands for rural India, the marketers cannot
increase in literacy levels, migration to urban areas,
deny the fact that nearly 136 million households still
growth in media and telecommunication network, etc.
reside in rural areas. This roughly adds up to a
population of more than 700 million - an enormous Opportunity available in Rural Market:
chunk of unexplored market. While market penetration Indian rural economy is a $1 trillion economy, because
is still significantly low in rural areas, brand awareness of which no company can afford to ignore rural India.
in continuously increasing. These factors add up to Rural India, moving from poverty to prosperity in the
reflect great market opportunities that businesses past three years, has demonstrated a growth of 30%
might be missing out on. while urban growth has been up by 10%. According to a
The strategy for a firm to create its own brand in rural report published, the rural India's GDP is around Rs.
areas is significantly different to that of urban areas. 650 Crores.
This is not just due to income level, though that plays an The Indian rural market with its vast size and demand
important part in it, but also due to the fact that this is base offers a huge opportunity that companies cannot
the market where life revolves around deep rooted afford to ignore. We are a country with 1.12 billion

August 2013 | RubanEye | 21

Akshata, Kritika, Vivek

people of which 70% live in rural areas. This translates In recent times, rural India has witnessed a wave of
to more than 700 million people spread around change. The rural youths are slowly evolving as opinion
6,38,000 villages. India's rural population comprises of leaders in influencing brand and product decisions in a
12% of the world's population presenting a huge, market that was swayed by village elders for centuries.
untapped market. According to a McKinsey survey When building a brand in rural India, word-of-mouth is
conducted recently, rural Indian markets would a huge motivator. Focused brand-building initiatives
become bigger than the total consumer market in like participation at community events such as melas
countries such as South Korea or Canada and it would (village fairs), haats (markets), street theatre, van
grow almost four times from its existing size in the next campaigns, and puppet shows generate positive
few years. Given its low-cost education structure and word-of-mouth and influence buying decisions.
lack of proper skill based education system, India
Various strategies that can be adopted in rural markets
provides best opportunities to get return on investment
with respect to the marketing mix are:
in the sector. With modest levels of investment, very
1. Product mix strategies: The marketer keeping
significant improvements can be expected at the rural
in mind the rural market, have to think of products
which are in tune with the rural lifestyle and the
expectations of the rural masses. The rural
The Indian rural market is completely different from its consumers are more concerned about the utility of
urban counterpart and hence requires a different the product or service and hence the product has to
approach. The rural consumer is different from his be marketed appropriately.
urban counterpart in many ways. The biggest challenge
2. Price mix strategies: The low disposable
in rural market is meeting the four aspects in rural
income makes rural buyer more price-conscious
marketing: Availability, Affordability, Acceptability and
and hence he looks for value of the money spent.
3. Promotion mix strategies: To build an
Availability: The first challenge is to ensure
association with rural consumers various rural folk
availability of the product or service. Owing to the fact
media should be utilized to reach a great number of
that rural India provides various challenges, making the
them in their own language. In rural market, an
product or service available to the rural populace is the
opinion leader has great influence in the buying
biggest challenge which needs to be addressed.
behavior of the people. Word-of-mouth
Affordability: Because of low disposable incomes, the communication can be used effectively to promote
product or service needs to be affordable to the rural the brands and products. While communicating
consumer. This is one of the important criteria which the brand message, marketers must realize that
need to be addressed while approaching rural India. language plays a prime role. Though a large part of
Acceptability: To gain acceptability, it is a must to urban India is well versed in English (thanks to the
offer products or services that suit the rural market. The British and modern television), in rural India,
companies need to provide tailor-made products to the heritage plays a powerful role and regional
consumers in rural India to ensure acceptability of the languages are predominant.
brand. 4. Place mix strategies: The number of villages in
Awareness: Since larger part of rural India is India is huge & it is not viable to contact & serve all
inaccessible to conventional advertising media, villages directly. Therefore, companies or
building awareness about the brand is another distributors can carefully examine the market
challenge. All the other efforts will be rendered useless if potential of different villages & target the villages
they are not backed by proper awareness programs. that can be served in a financially viable manner
through an organized distribution effort.

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Akshata, Kritika, Vivek

Role of a trusted partner like Head Held High better ROI.

The above stated measures will help in identifying Gone were the days when a rural consumer had to go to a
potential prospects and converting them into clients. nearby town or city to buy a branded product. The
Understanding the rural market is the biggest challenge growing power of the rural consumer is an opportunity
for any marketer and so any company entering the rural for us to flock to the rural markets. But of course, there
market should do so for strategic reasons rather than for are challenges to be tackled. Gandhiji believed that
financial gains as the rural consumer is still a closed India's future lay in her villages and it goes without
book. Companies with unwavering commitment can saying that those among us who can bring innovations
surely create the desired impact in the rural market. in the marketing mix with rural markets in mind will
Companies can leverage the help of trusted partners like take away the largest share of the pie.
Head Held High who with their strong rural network of C. K. Prahlad said, Fortune lies at the bottom of the
entrepreneurs and rich knowledge base of rural markets pyramid. This approach will help us tap the potential
can help these companies plan their rural marketing in rural India, which will result in overall prosperity.
strategies in an effective & efficient manner resulting in

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