Aadhar Based Electronic Voting Machine PDF
Aadhar Based Electronic Voting Machine PDF
Aadhar Based Electronic Voting Machine PDF
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016
2. LITERATURE SURVEY 5. Privacy: Neither authority nor anyone else can link
any ballot to the voter
2.1 Issues of Existing Voting System
Electronic Voting Machines ("EVM"), Idea mooted by the 6. Verifiability: Independently verification of that all
Chief Election Commissioner in 1977. The EVMs were votes have been counted correctly.
devised and designed by Election Commission of India in
7. Resistance: No electoral entity (any server
collaboration with Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL),
participating in the e lection) or group of entities,
Bangalore and Electronics Corporation of India Limited
running the election can work in a conspiracy to
(ECIL), Hyderabad. The EVMs are now manufactured by the
introduce votes or to prevent voters from voting.
above two undertakings. An EVM consists of two units,
8. Availability: The system works properly as long as
i) Control Unit
the poll stands and any voter can have access to it
ii) Balloting Unit from the beginning to the end of the poll.
The two units are joined by a five-meter cable. The Control 9. Resume Ability: The system allows any voter to
Unit is with the Presiding Officer or a Polling Officer and the interrupt the voting process to resume it or restart it
Balloting Unit is placed inside the voting compartment. while the poll stands. The existing elections were
done in traditional way, using ballot, ink and
tallying the votes later. But the proposed system
prevents the election from being accurate.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016
The elector is allowed into election booth with Aadhar card switches of parties will enable and conjointly the data of
ID. Here the voter first gives his Aadhar card for QR elector are shown on show of EVM. When casting the vote
reading/Keypad operator. The elector is allowed into the the switches are disabled till next voter is authenticated and
ballot box room when the QR reading/UID authentication is EVM shows a message as thank you for voting. At
finished with success by the operator. When Authentication identical time the printer connected to EVM can print the
the digital display in EVM displays as welcome voter. The casted vote information at the side of a message Please drop
elector has to scan his thumb mistreatment the biometric and the token into ballot box. The token is additionally useful to
providing the thumb data that's scanned is matched with the verify the vote casted by the voter. And at last the voter will
pre-loaded server information the elector can permit to forge check the token and drop it into the box. The overall data of
the vote. casted votes is distributed to the server mistreatment net
technology in order that the results are often declared among
all the consistencies.
This review discussed introduction about EVM and its
variation, Issues of EVM, Taxonomy, and Biometric based
EVM. Our efforts to understand electronic voting systems
leave us optimistic, but concerned. This paper suggest that the
EVM system has to be further studied and innovated to reach
all level of community, so that the voter confidence will
increase and election officials will make more involvement in
purchasing the innovated EVMs for conduct smooth, secure,
tamper- resistant Elections. This concludes that the Aadhar
based EVM will useful
Fig 3.3 Voter Authentication
To avoid Rigging
To avoid time consumption
To keep the voters information more secured.
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