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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 145 No.12, July 2016

AADHAR based Electronic Voting Machine using

R. Murali Prasad, PhD Polaiah Bojja, PhD Madhu Nakirekanti
Professor Professor Assistant Professor
Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE
Vardhaman College of Engg., K L University, Guntur Vardhaman College of Engg.
Hyderabad, , Hyderabad

ABSTRACT machine wherever the person no needs to carry his ID that

This paper describes an online electoral system for Indian contains his entire details.
election is proposed for the first time. The voting system is The objective of voting is to permit voters to exercise their
managed in a easier way as all the users should login by right to express their choices regarding specific issues, items
Aadhar card number and password and click on his/her of legislation, citizen initiatives, constitutional amendments,
favorable candidates to cast the vote. This features a larger recalls and/or to decide on their government and political
security in the sense that voter high security password is representatives. Technology is being employed additional and
confirmed before the vote is accepted in the main database of more as a tool to help voters to cast their votes. To permit the
ECI. The extra feature of the model is that the voter will exercise of this right, the majority voting systems around the
ensure if his/her vote has gone to correct candidate/party. The world include the following steps: citizen identification and
votes are going to be done automatically, therefore saving an authentication, voting and recording of votes cast, vote
enormous time and facultative ECI to announce the result at counting, publication of election results.
intervals a very short period.
Voter identification is needed during two phases of the
Keywords electoral process: first for voter registration so as to determine
Aadhar, Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi, Finger Print, Voting the right to vote and subsequently, at voting time, to allow a
System. citizen to exercise their right to vote by verifying if the person
satisfies all the necessities required to vote (authentication).
1. INTRODUCTION Security could be a heart of e-voting method. So the
This paper examines policy regarding the electronic requirement of designing a secure e-voting system is very
approaches and developments towards electronic data storage vital. Usually, mechanisms that ensure the security and
and transmission. Finger print devices for voting machines privacy of an election are often time consuming, expensive for
and different existing identity documents are mentioned and election administrators, and inconvenient for voters. There are
enforced during this project. completely different levels of e-voting security. So serious
measures should be taken to keep it out of public domain.
The user should show his voter ID card whenever he goes to Also, security should be applied to hide votes from publicity.
the booth to poll his vote. This is often a time consuming Theres no measurement for acceptable security level, as a
method because the person needs to check the voter ID card result of the extent depends on kind of the information. An
with the list he has, make sure it as an authorized card and appropriate security level is always a compromise between
then enable the person to poll his vote. Thus, to avoid this usability and strength of security method.
type of issues, designed a finger print based voting machine
wherever the individuals no ought to carry his ID which The secured e-voting process can be done by linking the
contains his entire details. The person at the booth should voting machines with the Aadhar, an Indian citizen
show his Finger. This Finger print reader reads the details identification data base with a unique identification number
from the tag. This information is passed to the controlling unit for every citizen. The Aadhar based EVM can result in
for the verification. The controller reads DATA from the secured e-voting process. As a result of no two or more
reader and compares this data with the already existing data. voters data can match as this system uses biometrics.
If the data matches with the already stored information, the Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and
person is allowed to poll his vote. If not, a message is analyzing biological data. In information technology,
displayed on LCD and therefore the person isn't allowed to biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze
poll his vote. The polling mechanism carries out manually human body characteristics, such as DNA, fingerprints, eye
using the switches. LCD is employed to display the related retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand
messages. measurements, for authentication purposes. During this paper
Voting is a method by which the electorates appoint their used thumb impression for the purpose of voter identification
representatives. In current voting system the voter should or authentication. As the thumb impression of each individual
show his voter ID card whenever an individual goes to the is exclusive, it helps in maximising the accuracy.
booth to poll ones vote. This process could be a time Aadhar database is created containing the thumb impressions
consuming method as the person needs to check the voter ID of all the voters in the constituency. Illegal votes and
card with the list he has, confirm it as an authorized card and repetition of votes is checked for in this system. Hence if this
then enable the person to poll his vote. Thus, to avoid this system is utilized the elections would be truthful and free
type of problems, designed a finger print based mostly voting from rigging.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016

2. LITERATURE SURVEY 5. Privacy: Neither authority nor anyone else can link
any ballot to the voter
2.1 Issues of Existing Voting System
Electronic Voting Machines ("EVM"), Idea mooted by the 6. Verifiability: Independently verification of that all
Chief Election Commissioner in 1977. The EVMs were votes have been counted correctly.
devised and designed by Election Commission of India in
7. Resistance: No electoral entity (any server
collaboration with Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL),
participating in the e lection) or group of entities,
Bangalore and Electronics Corporation of India Limited
running the election can work in a conspiracy to
(ECIL), Hyderabad. The EVMs are now manufactured by the
introduce votes or to prevent voters from voting.
above two undertakings. An EVM consists of two units,
8. Availability: The system works properly as long as
i) Control Unit
the poll stands and any voter can have access to it
ii) Balloting Unit from the beginning to the end of the poll.
The two units are joined by a five-meter cable. The Control 9. Resume Ability: The system allows any voter to
Unit is with the Presiding Officer or a Polling Officer and the interrupt the voting process to resume it or restart it
Balloting Unit is placed inside the voting compartment. while the poll stands. The existing elections were
done in traditional way, using ballot, ink and
tallying the votes later. But the proposed system
prevents the election from being accurate.

2.2 Securities of the Aadhar Based E-

Voting system
The main goal of a secure e-voting is to ensure the privacy of
the voters and of the votes. A secure e-voting system are
satisfies the following requirements,
1. Eligibility: only votes of legitimate voters shall be
taken into account.
2. Anonymity: votes are set secret
3. Accuracy: cast ballot cannot be altered. Therefore, it
must not be possible to delete ballots nor to add
ballots, once the election has been closed.
Fig 2.1 Sub-units of EVM 4. Fairness: partial tabulation is impossible.
5. Vote and go: once a voter has casted their vote, no
There are many types of problems with EVM which is further action prior to the end of the election.
currently in use they are: 6. Public verifiability: anyone should be able to readily
check the validity of the whole voting process.
1. Accuracy: It is not possible for a vote to be altered e
laminated the invalid vote cannot be counted from 3. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
the finally tally. In this technique, the details of the voter can get from the
2. Democracy: It permits only eligible voters to vote AADHAR card database. It was a newly developed
and, it ensures that eligible voters vote only once. information which has all the information concerning the
people. By using this database took the voters information
3. Security Problems - One can change the program will be stored within the personal computer. At the time of
installed in the EVM and tamper the results after the elections, for finger print accessing used finger sensing
polling. By replacing a small part of the machine module.
with a look-alike component that can be silently
instructed to steal a percentage of the votes in favor Fingerprint verification could also be an honest choice for in
of a chosen candidate. These instructions can be e-voting systems, where you can provide users adequate
sent wirelessly from a mobile phone. explanation and training, and where the system operates in a
controlled environment. it is not stunning that the work-
4. Illegal Voting (Rigging) - The very commonly station access application area looks to be based almost
known problem Rigging which is faced in every exclusively on finger prints, as a result of the relatively low
electoral procedure. One candidate casts the votes of price, small size, and easy integration of fingerprint
all the members or few amounts of members in the authentication devices Capture the finger vein image and
electoral list illegally. This results in the loss of compare or match to database, capture finger vein and
votes for the other candidates participating and also database finger vein matched suggests that this person will be
increases the number votes to the candidate who valid for polling section and if condition is satisfied
performs this action. This can be done externally at automatically.
the time of voting.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016

Fig 3.1 Block Diagram of Aadhar based EVM

Fig 3.2 Flowchart

E-voting machine buttons will be activate otherwise symbol of his/her desired candidate in a specific consistency.
deactivate buttons when the E-voting machine buttons square This is an extended time consuming method and extremely a
measure activated, the elector forged his/her vote. When lot of prone to errors. Additionally the probabilities for
completion of his/her ballot method, a voting method rigging were a lot of during this traditional methodology. To
completed message are displayed on the screen. The amount beat of these ballot papers, stamps, boxes etc., going for
of votes is counted by the E-Voting machine and therefore the Aadhar based EVM. So that, to beat time consumption,
data are sent to the Server through the online technology. Rigging, insecurities etc.,Here in Aadhar primarily based
EVM, using the information primarily based server for
In earlier days the election process is in such a way that there Aadhar details, Raspberry-pi for the online technology and
will a box and a paper with all the political parties list. arduino is employed for interfacing Raspberry-pi.
Whereas voting the voter has to put a stamp over the party

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 145 No.12, July 2016

The elector is allowed into election booth with Aadhar card switches of parties will enable and conjointly the data of
ID. Here the voter first gives his Aadhar card for QR elector are shown on show of EVM. When casting the vote
reading/Keypad operator. The elector is allowed into the the switches are disabled till next voter is authenticated and
ballot box room when the QR reading/UID authentication is EVM shows a message as thank you for voting. At
finished with success by the operator. When Authentication identical time the printer connected to EVM can print the
the digital display in EVM displays as welcome voter. The casted vote information at the side of a message Please drop
elector has to scan his thumb mistreatment the biometric and the token into ballot box. The token is additionally useful to
providing the thumb data that's scanned is matched with the verify the vote casted by the voter. And at last the voter will
pre-loaded server information the elector can permit to forge check the token and drop it into the box. The overall data of
the vote. casted votes is distributed to the server mistreatment net
technology in order that the results are often declared among
all the consistencies.

This review discussed introduction about EVM and its
variation, Issues of EVM, Taxonomy, and Biometric based
EVM. Our efforts to understand electronic voting systems
leave us optimistic, but concerned. This paper suggest that the
EVM system has to be further studied and innovated to reach
all level of community, so that the voter confidence will
increase and election officials will make more involvement in
purchasing the innovated EVMs for conduct smooth, secure,
tamper- resistant Elections. This concludes that the Aadhar
based EVM will useful
Fig 3.3 Voter Authentication
To avoid Rigging
To avoid time consumption
To keep the voters information more secured.

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