Land Titles and Deeds Subject Law School
Land Titles and Deeds Subject Law School
Land Titles and Deeds Subject Law School
1. 2002 Rev. Manual for Clerks of Court; see Court docket and filing fees pay to RTC OCC.
Appendix B (LRA Manual of Instructions [for clerks
of courts]); Publication fees (notice of initial hearing) pay to LRA
2. PD 1529, Sec. 14, et. seq. (Prop. Reg. Decree of docket section. Bring certified copy of the order. The
1978 [Orig. Reg.]); initial hearing is set not earlier than 45 days nor later
3. Act 2259 (Cadastral Act); than 90 days from the date of the issuance of the
4. CA No. 141 (Public Land Act). order. (Sec. 23, PD 1529).
Upon gen. default, petitioner may move for ex parte Atty. Manuel J. Laserna Jr.
presentation of evid. before the BCC as Managing Partner, Laserna Cueva Mercader Law
commissioner. (Rule 32, Rules of Court). Offices (LCM Law)
Founder and Board Consultant, Las Pinas City Bar
The courts LRC Case No. (court docket no.) is Association (LPBA), Inc.
different from the LRAs Rec. No. The LRA Rec. No. is Prof. of Law, FEU, Manila (ret.)
set by LRA, not by the court. [email protected]
After trial, the final steps are:
6. On July 7, 1989, Trial on the merits proceeded In rem proceedings such as land registration
against the private respondents Ocampo, Buhain constitutes constructive notice to the whole
and Dela Cruz, the lower court rendered world. (Calalang vs. Register of Deeds of Quezon
judgment dismissing the complaint on the subject City, 208 SCRA 215) (Machine copy is hereto
land claim in the history of the Philippines in the attached as NNEX and made an integral part
subject controversy in these consolidated cases of this paragraph.)
base on the following ground that; (a) private
respondent are already the registered owners of
the parcels of land covered by Torrens title which G.R. No. L-18276 January 12, 1967
cannot be defeated by the alleged Spanish title.
(b) To enjoy the presumption of validity as a last C. N. HODGES, petitioner-appellee,
hurrah to champion their claim to the vast state vs.
covered by the Spanish title. THE MUNICIPAL BOARD OF THE CITY OF ILOILO;
Honorable Rodolfo Ganzon, in his capacity as City
Mayor of the City of Iloilo; and the CITY OF
ILOILO, respondents-appellants.
> According to the principles of the Torrens system, it is Now, can the Register of Deeds refuse
a condition sine que non that the person who brings an
registration of an instrument? Subsequent
portion of said section provides, "He shall see
action for damages against the Assurance fund be the
to it that said instrument bears the
registered owner, and as to holders of transfer
proper documentary and science stamps
certificates of title that they be innocent purchasers in and that the same are properly canceled.
good faith and for value If the instrument is not registerable, he
shall forthwith deny registration thereof A certain Register of Deeds denied the
and inform the presentor of such denial registration of the Deed of Absolute Sale
in writing, stating the ground or reason executed by a corporation sole on the ground
therefor, and advising him of his right to that Court Approval is necessary since the
appeal by consulta in accordance with Vendor being a corporation sole pursuant
Section 117 of this Decree." to Section 113 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 68,
the Corporation Code of the Philippines.
Clearly, when the Register of Deeds, for some
reason or another, refuse registration or Pursuant to Section 117 of Presidential Decree
annotation of a particular instrument, document No. 1529, otherwise known as the Property
or paper, the remedy provided by law is to appeal Registration Decree, we elevate the matter
by consulta said denial to the Land Registration toLand Registration Authority (LRA) by way
Authority. of consulta.
1) The Register of Deeds shall notify the Section 117 of the Property Registration Decree
interested party in writing, setting forth the reads
defects of the instrument or the legal ground
relied upon for denying the registration, and
advising that if he is not agreeable to such ruling, Section 117. Procedure. When the Register of
he may, without withdrawing the documents
Deeds is in doubt with regard to the proper step
from the Registry, elevate the matter by Consulta
to the Administrator of the Land Registration to be taken or memorandum to be made in
Authority (LRA). pursuance of any deed, mortgage or other
instrument presented to him for registration, or
where any party in interest does not agree with
2) Within five {5) days from receipt of notice of the action taken by the Register of Deeds with
denial, the party-in-interest shall file his Consulta
with the Register of Deeds concerned and pay the reference to any such instrument, the question
consulta fee. shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Land
Registration by the Register of Deeds, or by the
3) After receipt of the Consulta and payment of party in interest thru the Register of Deeds.
the corresponding fee the Register of Deeds Where the instrument is denied registration, the
makes an annotation of the pending consulta at
the back of the certificate of title. Register of Deeds shall notify the interested party
4) The Register of Deeds then elevates the case in writing, setting forth the defects of the
to the LRA Administrator with certified records instrument or legal grounds relied upon, and
thereof and a summary of the facts and issues advising him that if he is not agreeable to such
involved. ruling, he may, without withdrawing the
documents from the Registry, elevate the matter
5) The LRA Administrator then conducts
hearings after due notice or may just require by consulta within five days from receipt of notice
parties to submit their memoranda. of the denial of registration to the Commissioner
of Land Registration.
6) After hearing, the LRA Administrator issues
an order prescribing the step to be taken or the
The Register of Deeds shall make a
memorandum to be made. His resolution in
consulta shall be conclusive and binding upon all memorandum of the pending consulta on the
Registers of Deeds unless reversed on appeal by certificate of title which shall be cancelled motu
the Court of Appeals or by the Supreme Court. proprio by the Register of Deeds after final
(Section 117, P.D. 1529). resolution or decision thereof, or before
resolution, if withdrawn by petitioner.
notice of the application for leave to sell or
The Commissioner of Land Registration, mortgage has been given by publication or
considering the consulta and the records certified otherwise in such manner and for such time as
to him after notice to the parties and hearing, said court may have directed, and that it is to the
shall enter an order prescribing the step to be interest of the corporation that leave to sell or
taken or memorandum to be made. His mortgage should be granted. The application for
resolution or ruling in consultas shall be leave to sell or mortgage must be made by
conclusive and binding upon all Registers of petition, duly verified, by the chief archbishop,
Deeds, provided, that the party in interest who bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or presiding elder
disagrees with the final resolution, ruling or order acting as corporation sole, and may be opposed
of the Commissioner relative to consultas may by any member of the religious denomination,
appeal to the Court of Appeals within the period sect or church represented by the corporation
and in manner provided in Republic Act No. sole: Provided, That in cases where the rules,
5434. regulations and discipline of the religious
denomination, sect or church, religious society or
STATEMENT OF MATERIAL DATES order concerned represented by such corporation
sole regulate the method of acquiring, holding,
Include a statement that the corporation sole has
until a particular date (it should be within five selling and mortgaging real estate and personal
days)to elevate the matter by consulta to the property, such rules, regulations and discipline
Land Registration Authority. shall control, and the intervention of the courts
shall not be necessary. (portions in bold are
added for emphasis)