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Proton Pumps Populate the Contractile

Vacuoles of Dictyostelium Amoebae

J o h n Heuser,* Q i a n l o n g Zhu,* a n d M a r g a r e t C l a r k e t
* Department of Cell Biology and Physiology,WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110; and
Program in Molecular and Cell Biology, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104

Abstract. Amoebae of the eukaryotic microorganism connected tubules and cisternae comprise the contrac-
Dictyostelium discoideum were found to contain an in- tile vacuole system of Dictyostelium. Earlier studies
terconnected array of tubules and cisternae whose had demonstrated that contractile vacuole membranes
membranes were studded with 15-nm-diameter "pegs" in Dictyostelium are extremely rich in calmodulin
Comparison of the ultrastructure and freeze-fracture (Zhu, Q., and M. Clarke. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 118:
behavior of these pegs with similar structures found in 347-358). Light microscopic immunofluorescence
other cells and tissues indicated that they were the confirmed that antibodies against the vacuolar proton
head domains of vacuolar-type proton pumps. Sup- pump colocalized with anti-calmodulin antibodies on
porting this identification, the pegs were observed to these organelles. Time-lapse video recording of living
decorate and clump when broken amoebae were ex- amoebae imaged by interference-reflection microscopy,
posed to an antiserum against the B subunit of mam- or by fluorescence microscopy after staining contrac-
malian vacuolar H+-ATPase. The appearance of the tile vacuole membranes with potential-sensitive styryl
peg-rich cisternae in quick-frozen amoebae depended dyes, revealed the extent and dynamic interrelationship
on their osmotic environment: under hyperosmotic of the cisternal and tubular elements in Dictyostelium's
conditions, the cisternae were fiat with many narrow contractile vacuole system. The high density of proton
tubular extensions, while under hypo-osmotic condi- pumps throughout its membranes suggests that the
tions the cisternae ranged from bulbous to spherical. generation of a proton gradient is likely to be an im-
In all cases, however, their contents deep etched like portant factor in the mechanism of fluid accumulation
pure water. These properties indicated that the inter- by contractile vacuoles.

HE contractile vacuoles in protozoa have long re- 1984; Walter and Gutkneck, 1986). Contractile vacuole

T mained a mystery. They can be seen by light micros-

copy to fill and empty repetitively, and to do so more
rapidly when the cells are placed in hypotonic media, sug-
membranes do have special features, including a high con-
tent of alkaline phosphatase and a high calmodulin-binding
activity (Bowers and Korn, 1973; Quiviger et al., 1978; Zhu
gesting that they are water-excretory organelles (Lloyd, and Clarke, 1992), but these properties have not suggested
1928; Kitching, 1938; Patterson, 1980; Zeuthen, 1992). any solution to the enigma of how they accumulate water.
However, the mechanism by which they extract water from In spite of this mystery, considerable insight into contrac-
the cytoplasm has never been explained. Transfer of water tile vacuole function has been provided by recent advances
from the cytoplasm to a more dilute environment inside a in light microscopy. Using interference-reflection micros-
vacuole would seem to require a water pump, but no such copy (IRM), ~ Gingell and colleagues (1982) showed that
entity is known. Therefore, most observers have suggested Dictyostelium amoebae spread on glass displayed localized
that contractile vacuoles accumulate water osmotically, via dark regions that typically took the form of one or more rela-
active transport of cytoplasmic ions into the contractile vacu- tively large disks surrounded by a number of exceedingly
ole (for review see Zeuthen, 1992). The low ionic strength thin threads. When the amoebae were photographed at ~l-
of contractile vacuole fluid is postulated to result from active min intervals, the dark disks and threads were seen to change
reabsorption of these ions back into the cytoplasm, leaving form rapidly, making reversible connections with each other.
water behind in the vacuole (Schmidt-Nielsen and Schrau- Moreover, the dark disks abruptly disappeared every min or
ger, 1963; Riddick, 1968; Mayer and Iverson, 1967). How- so, just like the phase-lucent contractile vacuoles visible by
ever, this would require the contractile vacuole membrane to phase contrast microscopy. Gingell and co-workers inter-
carry out the seemingly impossible task of retaining water
against an osmotic gradient, something that even the most 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: IRM, interference-reflection micros-
impermeable artificial lipid bilayer cannot do (Finkelstein, copy; TEM, transmission electron microscope.

The R~kefeller University Press, 0021-9525/93/06/1311/17 $2.00

The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 121, Number 6, June 1993 1311-1327 1311
preted the IRM images to indicate that the disks were vacu- bodies were mixed, as were the two secondary antibodies. Appropriate con-
oles flattened against the cell surface, creating a slab of inter- trois were performed to ascertain that the secondary antibodies did not bind
to the inappropriate primary antibody or to each other.
vetting cytoplasm narrow enough to yield a black zero-order
interference pattern. Consistent with this interpretation, the
Immunoblotting Procedure
disks showed restricted lateral movement and tended to dis-
appear and reappear always at the same sites, suggesting that AX3 cells (100 ml at a density of 4 x 106 cells/rni) were harvested by cen-
they were adherent to the cell surface. trifugation and washed once in 20 mM Tris-MOPS, pH 7.0, containing
0.25 M sucrose; the cells were suspended in 1.5 ml of the same buffer and
The present study has confirmed these important observa- lysed by Dounce homogenization at 4C. The lysate was denatured and elec-
tions of Gingell and co-workers, demonstrating that the con- trophoresed on an SDS polyacrylamide gel containing 10% acrylamide
tractile vacuole system in Dictyostelium, like other protozoa (Laemmli, 1970); the equivalent of 1 x 106 cells was loaded per lane. Af-
(Patterson, 1980), is composed of vacuolar reservoirs inter- ter electrophoresis, the proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane (Mil-
lipore Immobilon P) using the conditions described by Towbin et al. (1979).
connected by tubular ducts. This contrasts with an earlier The membrane was blocked with 2% (wt/vol) BSA (37C, 1 h), incubated
view that the contractile vacuoles of Dictyostelium arose with the vacuolar H+-ATPase antiserum (1:1,000 dilution, 37C, 1 h), and
from the fusion of smaller "satellite vesicles" (de Chastellier then with peroxidase-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:1,000 dilution, 37C,
et al., 1978). We also show that Dictyostelium contractile 1 h). Washing conditions and visualization of the reaction product were as
vacuole membranes are distinguished by an exceptionally previously described (Hulen et al., 1991). Results are shown in Fig. 1.
high content of vacuolar-type proton pumps. The proton
pumps may account for the remarkable ability of contractile
EM of Ruptured and Freeze-driedAmoebae
vacuole membranes to transport and sequester excess cellu- Amoebae growing in suspension in HL5 were washed 2x by gentle cen-
lar water. We suggest that contractile vacuoles cotransport trifugation and resuspension in "Dicty POt" buffer (20 mM KH2POj
Na2HPO4, pH 6.5, containing 1 mM MgCl2) then placed on 3 x 3-mm
bicarbonate ions along with the protons they pump, which glass coverslips that were freshly washed in chromic acid and treated with
would allow them to sequester water in their lumens in the 10 mg/ml polylysine (400 kD) just before use. After 30-60 s of adherence,
form of an isotonic solution of bicarbonate (see Maren, excess amoebae were rinsed off the glass with Dicty PO4 buffer and the
1988). Bicarbonate is perhaps the only ion that a protozoal coverslips were transferred to "intracellular stabilization buffer" (70 mM
cell living in a dilute environment could afford to mass ex- KCI; 30 mM Hepes/KOH, pH 7.2; 5 mM MgCI2; 2 mM EGTA; 1 mM
DTT; and 0.01 mg/ml PMSF). The cells were ruptured by momentary ex-
port along with excess water. posure t o a fine-tipped ultrasonic probe, or by rapid flow of buffer past them
from a 27-gange needle, or most successfully by inverting the coverslip and
pressing it firmly against a waxed surface to squash the cells. Immediately
Materials and Methods after any of these breakage protocols, coverslips were transferred to 2%
glutaraldehyde fixative in the same intracellular stabilization buffer. After
Strains and Culture Conditions ~1 h they were rinsed 5-6 times in distilled water and quick-frozen by im-
pact against an ultra-pure copper block cooled to liquid helium tempera-
Dictyostelium discoideum, strain NC4, was maintained in association with tures, using a homemade freezing press (Heuser et al., 1979). They were
K. aerogenes, either in suspension or on SM nutrient agar plates (Loomis, then stored in liquid nitrogen until ready for mounting in a Balzer's
1975). To obtain newly germinated cells, sori were collected from mature freeze-etch machine, whereupon they were freeze-dried by maintenance in
fruiting bodies and suspended in bacterial conditioned buffer (Zhu and vacuo at -80C for 15 min. They were then rotary replicated with 2 am
Clarke, 1992); the amoebae were examined 2 to 3 h later, shortly after of platinum evaporated from an electron beam gun mounted at 24 above
emergence from their spore coats. The axenic strains AX2 and AX3 were the horizontal and were "backed~ with 4-6 nm of pure carbon evaporated
grown on HL5 medium (Clarke et al., 1980), either in suspension or on from a carbon-are source. The coverslips were then removed from the
tissue culture plates. Suspension cultures were swirled on a rotary shaker vacuum, warmed to room temperature, and floated momentarily on full-
at 150 rpm. All cultures were maintained at 21-22C. strength hydrofluoric acid to release the replicas from their surface. Each
replica was washed by flotation on water, then on household bleach, then
Fixation and Staining Conditionsfor Indirect
The agar-overlay technique described by Fukui et al. (1987) was used for Figure 1. Specificity of the proton pump
flattening the amoebae. For early experiments, fixation was in 1% formalde- antiserum. Dictyostelium cells (strain
hyde in methanol (-15C, 5 min) as previously described (Zhu and Clarke, AX3) were lysed, and the proteins were
1992). For later experiments, a two-step procedure was used (2% buffered separated by SDS-PAGE; each lane re-
formaldehyde, room temperature, 5 ruin, followed by formaldehyde- ceived 1 106 lysed cells. Lane a
methanol as above). In some instances, 0.1% DMSO was included during shows a strip of the gel stained for total
the first fixation step. The buffer used for the initial fixation varied. Cells protein using Coomassie brilliant blue,
to be stained for calmodulin alone were fixed in standard HLS, which is
and lane b shows an immunoblot of the
buffered with phosphate. Cells to be stained for vacuolar H+-ATPase as
proteins from a similar strip, transferred
well as calmodulin were fixed in HL5 that had been buffered with Bis-Tris
(10 raM, pH 7.1) rather than phosphate; alternatively, they were fixed in HM to a membrane and probed with an an-
buffer (20 mM Hepes/NaOH, pH 7.0; 2 mM MgC12). Antibody incubation tiserum against the B subunit (57 kD)
and washing conditions were as previously described (Clarke et al., 1987). of mammalian vacuolar H+-ATPase
Polyclonal rabbit antiserum specific for the 57 kD (B subunit) of mam- (Moriyama and Nelson, 1989). Migra-
malian and yeast vacuolar H+-ATPase (Moriyama and Nelson, 1989; Nel- tion positions of pre-stained molecular
son and Nelson, 1990; Noumi et al., 1991) was provided by Dr. Nathan Nel- weight standards (Bio-Rad Labs., Her-
son (Roche Institute of Molecular Biology; Nutley, NJ). The antiserum was cules, CA) are shown to the left: phos-
preadsorbed with fixed bacteria (K. aerogenes) as previously described phorylase b (106 kD), BSA (80 kD),
(Clarke et al., 1987). For immunofluorescence experiments, the pread-
sorbed antiserum was used at a dilution of 1:200. The secondary antibody ovalbumin (49.5 kD), and carbonic an-
was FITC-conjngated sheep anti-rabbit IgG (Cappel Laboratories, Mal- hydrase (32.5 kD). The proton pump
vern, PA), diluted 1:1000. Calmodulin was stained with the mouse mAb antiserum recognized a Dictyostelium
2D1 as previously described (Zhu and Clarke, 1992). For double-staining polypeptide with an apparent molecular
experiments (calmodulin and vacuolar H+-ATPase), the two primary anti- mass of 57 kD.

The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 121, 1993 1312

on water again, and finally picked up on a Formvar-coated 75 mesh grid. Dicty PO4 buffer and immediately placed on untreated 22 x 40-ram no.
This was viewed in a standard transmission electron microscope (TEM) 1 glass coverslips. After 30-60 min, when they had adhered to the glass
operated at 100 kV and photographed in stereo at + 10 tilt. Final electron and spread out well enough for viewing, the coverslips were inverted onto
micrographs were printed in reverse-contrast to make platinum deposits a glass slide made into a narrow flow-oell by two strips of vacuum grease
look white. (see Zigmond and Sullivan, 1979). They were viewed with a 63x, 1.4 NA
phase-contrast objective and photographed with a Hamamatsu video cam-
era (model 2400 SIT; Hamamatsu Photonic Sys. Corp. Bridgewater, NJ)
EM of lntact Amoebae coupled through an Argus 10 image processor to a Panasonic TQ3038F op-
Amoebae were gently centrifuged into soft pellets in HL5 medium and then tical memory disk recorder (OMDR). For vital staining of contractile vacu-
immediately quick-frozen with the aforementioned freezing press (Heuser oles, the styryl dye FM 4-64 (Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR) diluted
et al., 1979). After mounting in a Balzer's freeze-etch machine, they were to 1 ~g/ml in Ditty PO4 buffer was flowed under the coverslip, and
warmed to -100*C and carefully freeze-fractured through the most su- epifluorescence imaging with a 100, NA 1.4 bright-field objective and a
perficial few micrometers of the pellet, where freezing would be optimal, rhodamine filter set was immediately initiated (Grinvald et al., 1988; Betz
Next they were deep-etched by simply leaving them in vacuo for 2-3 rain et al., 1992). Throughout video recording, illumination was kept to the ab-
at -100C before replication with a 2-nm layer of platinum rotary deposited solute minimum needed to obtain a decent video image after 8-frarne aver-
from 18 above the horizontal (Heuser, 1980). After backing with 4-6 nm aging and strong contrast enhancement of the output of the highly sensitive
of pure carbon rotary deposited from 75 above the horizontal, the pellets SIT camera (nothing being visible by human eye in the microscope). These
were thawed and floated on household bleach to release the replicas from precautions were mandatory to avoid photo damaging the dye-stained
the underlying organic material. These were washed by flotation on several amoebae, this being first recognizable as a cessation of contractile vacuole
changes of water, picked up on EM grids, and subjected to TEM analysis activity (see Forget and Couillard, 1983). Time-lapse video records of dye
and photography as described above for the freeze-dried preparations. redistribution from the plasma membrane to contractile vacuoles and subse-
quent contractile vacuole filling and discharge were obtained by recording
Vital Staining of Dictyostelium Contractile Vacuoles one frame per second onto the OMDR and then playing them back at normal
video rate (30 frames per second). Under optimal conditions, this permitted
with Styryl Dyes as many as 10 contractile vacuole cycles to be viewed before the dye began
Amoebae were gently pelleted out of HL5 axenic medium, resuspended in to stain the endosomes of the amoebae as well. Our development of this

Figure 2. Time-lapse video microscopy of an AX2 Dictyostelium amoeba imaged by IRM. Recording starts in the upper left panel and
proceeds uninterrupted at 4-s intervals to the lower fight. Contractile vacuoles and their associated membrane tubules appear dark against
the lighter grey of the cell bottom, due to their close approach to the plasma membrane. Arrows denote the onsets of three discharge events,
which in subsequent frames can be seen to involve disappearance of the contractile vacuole and its replacement by a faintly visible and
dispersed reticulum of dark dots and threads. These fine elements then gradually enlarge and appear to coaelesce into a new vacuole at
or near the site of the former one. A particularly clear example o f a tubulo-cisternal intermediate in this process is indicated at the asterisk.
Bar, 10 t~m.

Heuser et al. Proton Pumps in Contractile Vacuoles 1313

application for styryl dyes will be described elsewhere (Heuser, J., and
J. H. Morisaki, manuscript in preparation).

IRM of Dictyostelium Contractile Vacuoles IRM of Living Dictyostelium Amoebae

Amoebae were prepared for epifluorescence light microscopy as described Fig. 2 shows the contractile vacuole system of Dictyostelium
for vital staining above, but the microscope was fitted with a simple half- as visualized by IRM. Localized dark regions took the form
silvered mirror in place of the standard rhodamine fluorescence cube, thus of disks and threads, often interconnected into a reticulum.
creating the same optical conditions described in the papers that introduced The disks corresponded exactly in size and location to the
IRM (Curtis, 1964; Izzard and Lochner, 1976). In this recording situation,
some of the incident light is reflected by the coverglass-water boundary, due
fluid-filled contractile vacuoles seen by phase-contrast light
to the change in refractive index there; similarly, a portion of the light trans- microscopy, and disappeared periodically like the phase-
mitted through the water is reflected on striking the ventral surface of the lucent vacuoles, as well. These results fully confirm the ob-
cell and again on striking any organelles that closely approach this ventral servations of Gingell et al. (1982). Furthermore, time-lapse
surface. When the intervening gaps are less than the wavelength of light, video recording documented the dynamic interactions of the
these reflected waves interact to produce visible interference patterns analo-
gous to the production of Newton's rings in optical experiments. These pat- dark disks with the surrounding threads. The disks appeared
terns were recorded by time-lapse video microscopy under low-light condi- to grow at the expense of the threads, and the disks regener-
tions, exactly as for the vital-staining experiments described above. ated local clusters of threads after their discharge and col-
lapse, indicating that the contractile vacuole membrane is in-
Electron Microscopic lmmunocytochemistry terconvertible between these two forms. Their membrane
Amoebae were ruptured as described above but fixed in 2% formaldehyde did not, in contrast, appear to coalesce with the plasma
rather than 2 % glutaraldehyde, the vehicle being the aforementioned "intra- membrane during vacuole discharge.
cellular stabilization buffer" with 2 mM CaCI2 rather than the usual
Mg/EGTA. They were then "quenched" with 50 mM lysine and 50 mM Freeze-dried Views of Broken Dictyostelium Cells
NI-IaCI to reduce background stickiness and reacted for 60 min with the
aforementioned anti-57-kD proton pump antiserum at a 1:50 dilution. Next, When Dictyostelium amoebae were allowed to adhere briefly
they were rinsed extensively over 30 rain with the calcium-containing to polylysine-coated glass and then broken open by any of
K-Hepes buffer alone and re-fixed with 2 % glutaraldehyde in the same several techniques (a jet of buffer, sonication, or squashing
buffer, no secondary antibody being needed. Thereafter, they were prepared
for EM by the quick-freeze, freeze-dry technique, exactly as described against a waxed surface), TEM revealed on their remaining
above. (We should note that in these TEM experiments, the anti-57 kD anti- ventral surfaces the membranous organelles identified above
body did not appear to react at all with unfixed Dictyostelium contractile by IRM to be constituents of the contractile vacuole system
vacuoles or with ones fixed in Mg/EGTA rather than calcium, for reasons (Fig. 3). These typically took the form of flat membranous
that remain obscure. This may reflect the fact that the antibody was raised
to a polypeptide band cut out of a denaturing gel [Moriyama and Nelson,
cisternae connected to each other by narrow tubules (Figs.
1989].) 4 and 5). The most striking feature of the contractile vacuole
membranes was the complement of ,'~15-nm-diam "pegs" or
protrusions that covered their cytoplasmic surfaces; these
are evident in Figs. 4 and 5 and are shown at high magnifica-
tion in Fig. 6. Since the pegs resembled the heads of vacuolar
proton pumps seen in other tissues (Brown et al., 1987), we
prepared freeze-dry replicas of several other proton-pump-
ing organelles and confirmed their close morphological cor-
respondence (Fig. 7).
This presumptive identification of the pegs as being proton
pumps was tested by using an antiserum against the 57-kD
B subunit of the mammalian vacuolar H-ATPase (Mori-
yama and Nelson, 1989). (See AI-Awqati, 1986, and Nelson,
1991, for reviews of the structure and function of proton-
ATPases.) This antiserum also specifically labeled a 57-kD
polypeptide in Dictyostelium cell lysates (Fig. 1). When
broken-open Dictyostelium amoebae were incubated with
this antiserum prior to freezing, the pegs became decorated
and clumped (Figs. 6 c and 7 i), thus confirming their iden-
tity as head domains of vacuolar-type proton pumps.
The range in morphology of the cisternae of the contractile
vacuole system is illustrated in Fig. 8. They varied in di-
ameter (from <1 to >3 #m), varied in thickness (from utterly
flat to puffy to spherical), and varied in shape (from discoid
with long narrow arms to rounded with stubby varicose arms
to completely spherical without arms). We assume that these
Figure 3. Ultrasonic rupture of the apex of this Dictyostelium variations reflect stages of filling and discharge of contractile
amoeba revealed several flattened membranous cisternae enmeshed
in a tubular reticulum, components of the contractile vacuole sys- vacuoles, and propose that each part of the system cycles as
tem seen by IRM in Fig. 2. One cisterna has been expelled onto diagrammed as in Fig. 9. Correlated with these changes in
the glass, below (arrowhead). Barely visible at this low magnifica- cisternal morphology were variations in proton pump distri-
tion are the tiny white dots on the surfaces of these cisternae. These bution. Pumps were tightly packed on the flattest cisternae,
turn out to be proton pumps. Bar, 1 #m. in which case they were excluded from the narrow arms (Fig.

The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 121, 1993 1314

Figure 4. Expansive view of the interior of a Dictyostelium amoeba, achieved by adhesion to glass and rupture as in Fig. 3. Nestled between
the dense plaques of cytoskeletal filaments that remain attached to the plasma membrane (arrowheads) are several flattened membranous
cisternae with radiating tubules, some of which interconnect the adjacent cisternae. All cisternae display high concentrations of small white
dots on their surfaces, including the one that looks "puffier" than the others (asterisk). These are all part of an extensive, interconnected
contractile vacuole system, the swollen cisterna being partially filled at the moment of cell rupture and fixation. Bar, 1 /,m.

Heuser et al. Proton Pumps in Contractile Vacuoles 1315

Figure 5. (Upper panels)
Stereo view of the same field
shown in Fig. 4, illustrat-
ing the raised, tuft-like con-
figuration of F-actin in
the cytoskeletal attachment
plaques, the long looping
arches of membrane tubules
that interconnect the mem-
brane-attached cistemae, and
the one swollen cisterna at
the asterisk. (Lower panels)
Stereo-view of several closely
opposed contractile vacuole
elements in another Dictyoste-
lium amoeba, in this case pos-
sessing only very stubby pro-
jections, an arrangement that
demonstrates unambiguously
their interconnection by tu-
bules (at the arrows). Bar,
1 #m.

8 a), whereas they were more widely and uniformly dis- unequivocally distinguished elements of the contractile vac-
persed on the rounder cisternae with puffy or varicose arms uole system from other organelles such as food vacuoles and
(Figs. 8, b and c). Thus, the freeze-dry images suggested that endosomes, which were invariably filled with a dense matrix
in Dictyostelium, proton pumps cannot fit into the most of non-etchable material (Fig. 11 b). It also ruled out an ear-
highly convoluted regions of contractile vacuole membrane, lier hypothesis that contractile vacuoles might be filled with
but can readily redistribute within it as it fills and changes an expandable hydrocolloid that accumulated and retained
shape. water (Heywood, 1978).
The second distinctive feature of contractile vacuoles was
their unique fracturing behavior. In unfixed preparations,
Freeze Etch Views of Intact, Quick-Frozen
contractile vacuole membranes displayed an unusually high
Dictyostelium Cells
concentration of large intramembrane particles on the E
The quick-freeze, deep-etch technique revealed two impor- fracture-face (i.e., the luminal leaflet of their bilayer), corre-
tant features of the contractile vacuole system (Figs. 10 and sponding in density to the 15-nm pegs on their surfaces
11). First, regardless of the degree of distention of the cister- (Figs. 10 and 11 d, asterisks). In contrast, few IMPs were
nae, they appeared utterly empty inside; that is, the etching present on the E fracture-faces of ER, lysosomal, or en-
behavior of their contents was equivalent to that of pure wa- dosomal membranes (not shown). Interestingly, glutaralde-
ter or a dilute electrolyte (Fig. 11 a). This empty appearance hyde fixation before freezing altered the fracturing properties

The Journalof Cell Biology,Volume 121, 1993 1316

Figure 6. Stereo close-up
views of the cytoplasmic sur-
faces of contractile vacuoles
under different conditions, a
and b illustrate their observed
range of endowment with 15-
nm membrane pegs. These
tend to associate into pairs
and triplets or into larger ag-
gregates at higher concentra-
tions, which may be an artifact
of the chemical fixation used
to stabilize the organelles be-
fore freeze drying. In any
case, c illustrates that this ten-
dency to self-associate is
greatly exaggerated by ex-
posure to the anti-57-kD anti-
proton pump antibody shown
in Fig. 1. Stereo viewing of c
illustrates that this antibody
piles on top of the pump heads
as well as cross-links them.
Bar, 0.1 #m.

of contractile vacuole membranes, such that IMPs parti- ious interconnections of the system could be seen in different
tioned almost exclusively to the P fracture-face, leaving the focal planes (Fig. 12, lower panels).
E fracture-face so depleted of mass that it sometimes fell Double-staining experiments verified that the proton pump-
completely apart during deep etching (not shown). Similar bearing network of tubules and vacuoles seen by deep-etch
fracturing properties have been reported for proton pump- EM is indeed the contractile vacuole system of Dic-
bearing membranes of other aldehyde-fixed tissues (Allen tyostelium. The antiserum specific for the vacuolar H +-
and Staehelen, 1981; Orci et al., 1981; Allen, 1984; Stetson ATPase (Moriyama and Nelson, 1989; see Figs. 1, 6, and 7),
and Steinmetz, 1985; Brown, 1989). when used together with anti-calmodulin antibodies, yielded
the results shown in Fig. 13. This figure shows three typical
Light Microscopic Immunocytochemistry examples of interphase amoebae as well as one anaphase cell
of Contractile Vacuoles in Dictyostelium Amoebae displaying the contractile vacuole dispersion that occurs in
It was previously demonstrated that antibodies against Dic- mitotic Dictyostelium cells (Zhu et al., 1993). In each case
tyostelium calmodulin strongly and selectively label contrac- there was a close correspondence between the distribution of
tile vacuole membranes (Zhu and Clarke, 1992). In the ear- the proton pump antigen and of calmodulin, confirming that
lier study, cells were simultaneously fixed and extracted with contractile vacuole membranes are the principal locus of
cold formaldehyde-methanol, typically after exposure of the vacuolar proton pumps in Dictyostelium. On the other hand,
cells to hypo-osmotic buffers that caused their contractile anti-proton pump staining of endosomes and phagosomes in
vacuoles to distend; under those conditions, staining was re- Dictyostelium was generally below threshold, even though a
stficted to the large vacuoles. With the present IRM and low concentration of ~15-nm pegs was observed on these
TEM images in mind, we tested several fixation conditions elements by TEM (data not shown).
to see whether we could preserve and immunolabel the tubu- Further confirmation of this proton pump distribution was
lar elements of the system as well as the vacuoles. Best obtained by visualizing the contractile vacuole system in
results were obtained using the two-step fixation procedure newly germinated wild-type (NC4) amoebae. Newly germi-
described in Methods and Materials and using cells that had nated cells typically contain a single prominent, very active
been exposed to hypo-osmotic medium only briefly (<5 min) contractile vacuole (Cotter and Raper, 1966; Cotter et al.,
or not at all (i.e., fixation directly in HL5, the axenic growth 1969; Zhu and Clarke, 1992). When such cells were labeled
medium). These conditions often revealed narrow extensions with the anti-proton pump antiserum, they displayed clear
radiating from the vacuoles (Fig. 12, upper panels), and var- staining of this large contractile vacuole, and also diffuse

Heuser et al. Proton Pumps in Contractile Vacuoles 1317

staining of material in the vicinity of the vacuole (Fig. 14 a).
In parallel experiments, living NC4 ceils were incubated
with the potential-sensitive vital dye FM4-64, which parti-
tions preferentially into their contractile vacuole systems
(Heuser, J., and J. H. Morisaki, manuscript in preparation).
Like the antiserum, this dye stained both the contractile
vacuole proper and a diffuse cloud of associated material
(Fig. 14, b and c). Time-lapse video recording of the filling
and emptying cycles of contractile vacuoles in such vitally-
stained NC4 amoebae illustrated that the diffusely stained
material was indeed part of the contractile vacuole system
and contributed to it during filling (Fig. 15). We infer that
this material corresponds to the tubular elements visualized
by IRM (Fig. 2) and by TEM (Figs. 4 and 5).

Proton Pump Redistribution to

the Plasma Membrane
Both immunocytochemistry and TEM detected an interest-
ing redistribution of proton pumps that occurred when ax-
enic cells reached such high cell density that they ceased to
grow and entered stationary phase. After two or three days
in stationary phase, small refractile cells apparently lacking
in contractile vacuoles could be detected by phase contrast
microscopy. Immunostaining indicated that both proton
pumps (Fig. 16) and calmodulin (not shown) had moved to
the plasma membrane of such cells. Freeze etch TEM also
showed that stationary cultures contained many cells with
proton pumps in their plasma membranes (Fig. 17), some-
thing that is not seen in normal log-phase cells. We interpret
this phenomenon to be an abortive attempt at spore forma-
tion by stationary cells, since we find a similar loss of con-
tractile vacuoles and redistribution of calmodulin and proton
pumps to the plasma membrane in the early stages of spore
morphogenesis during normal development (not shown).


Proton Pumps in the Contractile Vacuole

We have shown that membranes of the contractile vacuole
system of Dictyostelium amoebae are endowed throughout
with characteristic membrane pegs that are in fact vacuolar-
type proton pumps. Early EM studies of protozoal contrac-
tile vacuoles had visualized these elements but had inter-
preted them to be ribosomes and thus part of the rough
endoplasmic reticulum (Rudzinska, 1957). More recently,
McKanna described "peg-shaped elements" on the tubular
portions of the contractile vacuole systems of several pro-

Figure 7. Gallery of highly magnified membrane pegs from several

different types of tissues in which vacuolar-type proton pumps have 1971; Blair et al., 1989); g, the apical membranes of vertebrate kid-
been identified, including anti-proton pump antibody decoration of ney distal tubule intercalated cells, the cells that pump protons into
them in row i. The top two rows (a and b) illustrate the pegs under the urine (Yurko and Gluck, 1987; Brown, 1989); h, the "porta-
analysis here, as they appear on the surfaces of Dictyostelium con- some" pegs found on the apical membranes of insect gut epithelial
tractile vacuoles after fixation and freeze drying. The other rows il- cells (Harvey et al., 1981, 1983), cells which extrude potassium by
lustrate the pegs found on the following organdies: c, the "spon- first pumping out protons and then exchanging them for potassium
giome" tubules of Acanthamoeba's contractile vacuoles (Bowers with an H/K antiporter (Klein et al., 1991; Wieezorek et al., 1991).
and Korn, 1968, 1973); d, the contractile vacuole of the amoeba These images illustrate that across all tissues and phyla, the cyto-
Naegleria; e, the apical membranes of the toad bladder epithelium, plasmic "heads" of proton pumps look remarkably similar. Row i
where the freeze etch appearance of proton pumps was first de- further illustrates the crosslinking and decoration of Dictyostelium
scribed (Brown et al., 1987);f, the osteoclast's cell membranes, in contractile vacuole pegs that is obtained with the anti-proton pump
regions where they secrete protons to dissolve bone (Kallio et al., antibody shown in Figs. 1 and 6. Bar, 0.1 #m.

The Journalof Cell Biology,Volume 121, 1993 1318

Figure 8. A gallery of three examples of subsurface cistemae that we consider to be structural intermediates in the filling and discharge
cycle of Dictyostelium's contractile vacuoles. The example in a is quite flat and crowded with pumps; this type typically displays many
radiating tubules with very low densities of proton pumps. The cisternae in b and c are partially swollen. These types typically display
shorter, more varicose arms with proton pump densities approaching those of the central cisternae. (Completely filled vacuoles are spherical
and display no arms, but usually wash away during cell rupture and are too large to portray on the scale shown here.) We infer that the
process of contractile vacuole filling involves irregular swelling of the radiating tubules with progressive incorporation of their varicosities
into the growing vacuole, as diagrammed in Fig. 9. Bars, 0.5/zm.

tozoa and suggested that these were involved in water ac- tebrate proton pumps, both in the TEM (Figs. 6 c and 7 i)
cumulation (McKanna, 1974, 1976). Here, the identification and in the light microscope (Figs. 12-14). Second, they oc-
of these pegs as being vacuolar-type proton pumps was made cur in great abundance in Dictyostelium membrane fractions
in three ways. First, the pegs decorate with antibodies to ver- that are enriched in proton pumps (unpublished observations
with T. Steck's laboratory, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Chicago; see Nolta et al., 1991). Finally,
they look identical to vacuolar proton pumps seen in other
tissues and phyla (Fig. 7). In particular, they look exactly like
the peg-like "portasomes" seen in the plasma membrane of
/ \ thin-sectioned insect gut epithelial cells (Harvey et al., 1981,
1983). These structures have recently been recognized to be
vacuolar-type proton pumps (Klein et al., 1991; Wieczorek
et al., 1991), and indeed, look exactly like the pegs seen in
Dictyostelium and other protozoal contractile vacuoles (Fig.
7 h).

Role of Proton Pumps in Water Accumulation

In defining a role for proton pumps in water accumulation,
it is important first to consider the general organization of
contractile vacuole systems in protozoa. In most cases, the
systems consist of two phases: a central vacuole connected
to a system of peripheral tubules. The tubules have been
termed the "nephridial apparatus" or "spongiome" (Patter-
son, 1980), implying that they have a special kidney-like
Figure 9. Proposed cycle of contractile vacuole filling and discharge function in water accumulation. Indeed, the claim that mem-
in Dictyostelium, focusing on one portion of the broader intercon- brane pegs (now seen to be proton pumps) are confined to
nected array of membrane tubules and cisternae. Swelling of any the peripheral tubules or spongiome in most protozoa
particular cistema during water accumulation appears to be accom- (McKanna, 1974, 1976) has helped to promote this view.
panied by incorporation of membrane from the surrounding tu- However, the contractile vacuoles in most amoeboid cells
bules, to accommodate its changing surface/volume ratio. Dis- (including Dictyostelium) have been described as being orga-
charge of the resultant vacuole then seems to reverse this process, nized rather differently (reviewed in Patterson, 1980). In
collapsing it into a fiat cisterna that re-expresses its excess mem-
brkne in the form of narrow tubules. Since actin and myosin are not amoebae, the vacuoles appear by light microscopy to be tran-
detected on any of these structures (see Figs. 3-6), the "contractile" sient structures that form by the coalescence of smaller vesi-
nature of the discharge event may in fact be brought about by the cles (Botsford, 1926). This view seemed to be supported by
vacuoles tendency to re-form such tubules via persistent lipid early TEM studies of amoebae (Pappas and Brandt, 1958;
asymmetries in the two leaflets of its encompassing membrane. Mercer, 1959; De Chastellier et al., 1978). However, the

Heuser et al. ProtonPumpsin ContractileVacuoles 1319

Figure IO. Freeze-fracture into the interior of a Dictyostelium amoeba that was quick-frozen directly from life, after brief washing in 20
mM I'O4 buffer. Among the various membrane organdies found inside it are four mitochondria (M), several thin tubules of endoplasmic
reticulum (E), and most prominently, an interconnected labyrinth of varicose membrane compartments that etch deeply into their interior
(bracketed by arrowheads). The latter we interpret to be parts of the contractile vacuole system, whose watery content has sublimed away
during deep etching. Also visible are two unfractured membrane compartments (asterisks). Their rich endowment with large E-face in-
tramembrane particles identifies them as additional parts of the contractile vacuole system. Bar, 0.5 ~m.

The Journalof Cell Biology, Volume 121, 1993 1320

Figure 11. The etching behavior of contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles compared in a and b, and various degrees of contractile vacuole
filling compared in a, c, and d. All four fields are from Dictyostelium amoebae quick-frozen under different osmotic conditions and then
freeze fractured and deep etched identically. In a and b the amoebae were suspended in deionized water for 5 min to maximize their rate
of contractile vacuole filling and discharge; this increased the likelihood of finding relatively swollen contractile vacuoles, as in a. Etching
has almost entirely removed the contents of this vacuole, revealing a relatively clean internal surface with trumpet-shaped openings into
the tubules that radiate from it (one of which is indicated at the arrow). The remaining puddle in the bottom of this vacuole (asterisk)
is almost devoid of unetchable contents, as is the water surrounding such amoebae. In contrast, the fractured vacuole in b, from an adjacent
amoeba in the same preparation as in a, is almost entirely filled with a meshwork of nonetehable material, including nondescript membra-
nous debris at the arrow. This, plus subtle differences in the fracturing behavior of its surrounding membrane described in the text, identifies
it as a food vacuole (e.g., a late endosome or 2 lysosome). The contractile vacuoles in c and d, again recognizable by their empty lumens
and large E-face intramembrane particles, display various degrees of collapse. In c, partial collapse was produced artificially by sudden
acidification of the amoebae (bubbling C(h into their PO4 buffer 1 min before freezing; see Gittleson and Sears, 1964); while in d, a com-
pletely collapsed cisterna (at the arrow) was captured simply by freezing amoebae directly from HL5 axenic medium, in which their contrac-
tile vacuoles fill and discharge only very slowly. At the asterisk in d is an unfractured cisterna in the contractile vacuole system, displaying
another en face view of its characteristic E-face particles, while at the M's are fractured mitochondria. Bars, 0.5 #m.
Figure 12. The contractile vacuole system of Dictyostelium visualized by indirect immunofluorescence using anti-calmodulin antibodies.
Amoebae were fixed using the two-step procedure described in Materials and Methods, which preserves the tubular elements of the system,
then stained with a mAb against Dictyostelium calmodulin previously shown to label contractile vacuole membranes (Zhu and Clarke,
1992). The upper panels show a group of AX2 ceils fixed in HM buffer, and the lower panels show two focal planes of an AX3 cell fixed
in one-third strength HL5 containing 0.1% DMSO. It is evident that even widely separated contractile vacuoles within one amoeba can
be interconnected. The tendency of the tubular connections to vesiculate during fixation is suggested by the segmented or dot-like appear-
ance along parts of their length. Bars, 10 t~m.

IRM studies of Gingell et al. (1982) and the work presented and central vacuoles (storage reservoirs), has long encour-
here have shown that Dictyostelium's contractile vacuole sys- aged the idea that water is accumulated in a two-step reaction
tem actually consists of a network of relatively continuous as well (recently reviewed by Zeuthen, 1992). The first step
membrane channels that are always present but simply is thought to be ion transport into the peripheral collecting
change shape and organization during water accumulation. ducts, resulting in a passive or osmotic influx of water. The
This is also true of several other types of amoebae that we second step, presumably occurring in the central storage res-
have examined (unpublished observations.) The narrower ervoir, involves pumping the same ions back into the
tubular and cisternal elements of these systems would have cytoplasm, thereby preserving the cells' intracellular ions and
been invisible to light microscopists working without IRM producing a dilute contractile vacuole discharge (Schmidt-
and without special stains or antibodies, and would probably Nielsen and Schrauger, 1963; Mayer and Iverson, 1967;
have broken down into vesicles under earlier TEM fixation Riddick, 1968). For amoebae, this view was amended to
protocols (Doggenweiler and Heuser, 1964). Thus, the con- state that specific "satellite" vesicles pumped ions into them-
tractile vacuole system of Dictyostelium resembles that of selves and accumulated water osmotically, then fused to
other protozoa, except that its proton pumps are not confined form the contractile vacuole, whereupon the ions were pumped
to tubular spongiomes (and in fact are excluded from its nar- back into the cytoplasm (Schmidt-Nielsen and Schrauger,
rowest tubular elements, as shown in Fig. 8 a). Instead, pro- 1963).
ton pumps populate nearly all parts of its contractile vacuole The basic problem with this classical view is that the final
membrane, including the larger vacuoles. This would be ex- storage reservoir would have to assume an exceptionally low
pected if the tubules merged with the vacuoles as they grew, water permeability to resist passive water egress as its ions
as suggested by our data (see Figs. 2, 8, and 15). were being reabsorbed and its contents were becoming hypo-
tonic relative to the cytoplasm. It is unclear how such a low
permeability could be maintained, since artificial bilayer
Implications for Contractile Vacuole Function studies suggest that even pure lipid membranes with no pro-
The clear differentiation of certain protozoal contractile tein insertions (pumps, channels, etc.) are relatively perme-
vacuole systems into two physically distinct and relatively able to water (Finkelstein, 1984; Walter and Gutkneck,
permanent phases, tubular spongiomes (collecting ducts) 1986). Moreover, isolated contractile vacuoles behave like

The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 121, 1993 1322

Figure 13. Dictyostelium amoebae double-stained with antibodies to calmodulin to identify their contractile vacuole systems (centerpanels),
as well as with the anti-proton pump antibody used in Figs. 1, 6, and 7 (lej~panels). Note the complete correspondence of the two antibody
decorations, indicating that vacuolar type proton pumps populate all parts of Dictyostelium's contractile vacuole system. The two amoebae
in a and b were aldehyde-fixed in HL5 medium also containing 0.1% DMSO, which better preserves their contractile vacuoles' tubular
anlage (compared with the amoeba in c which was fixed without added DMSO). The amoeba in d was shown by DAP! staining to be
in late anaphase and shows the characteristic dispersal of the contractile vacuole system that typifies mitosis in Dictyostelium (Zhu et al.,
1993). Still, calmodulin and proton pump staining corresponded exactly. Bar: (a-c) 10 #m; (d) 20/~m.

Heuser et al. Proton Pumps in Contractile Vacuoles 1323

position. In particular, proton pump pegs are at least as
abundant in the central vacuoles as in the associated tubular
and cisternal elements. This uniform pump distribution is
also evident from both antibody and styryl dye staining.
Such lack of intracompartmental differentiation, plus the
dispersion of Dictyosteliu~s contractile vacuole system dur-
ing mitosis into dozens of small, highly active vacuoles (Zhu
et al., 1993; see also Fukui and Inout, 1992), suggests that
all parts of the contractile vacuole system are capable of wa-
ter transport and retention, and also of fusing with the
plasma membrane.
One is thus forced to consider a water-accumulation
scheme for Dictyostelium, and by extension for other pro-
tozoa, that does not require ions cycling in and out of two
physically separate parts of the system, nor retention of water
against an osmotic gradient. A simple possibility is that the
cells excrete an isotonic solution of something accumulated
by proton pumping into the contractile vacuole. Protons
could be exchanged, for example, for Na or K ions via an
antiporter in the contractile vacuole membrane, and these
osmotically active ions could, in turn, draw in water and
hold it there as an isotonic solution, obviating the need for
an impermeable membrane. However, if Dictyostelium ex-
creted an isotonic salt solution, it would deplete its internal
supply of the salt at the same rapid rate as it discharged wa-
ter. This is inconsistent with the ability of many protozoa to
live in hypotonic media for hours or days, repeatedly dis-
charging their contractile vacuoles without running out of
any essential ions.
We infer that contractile vacuoles may gather and dis-
charge other, more expendable ions. By analogy with water
transport in the distal tubule of the human kidney (Boron and
Boulpaep, 1983; Burckhardt et al., 1984; Maren, 1988),
these ions could well be H and HCO3-. Cotransport of
these ions would create carbonic acid and its dissociation
products in the lumen of the contractile vacuole. These spe-
cies would be osmotically active and could draw water into
the vacuole, much as bicarbonate generates water flow in the
distal tubule of the vertebrate kidney (Maren, 1967, 1988).
Furthermore, bicarbonate could be excreted indefinitely,
since it can be readily synthesized from CO2 and H20 using
carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme we have found to be present
Figure 14. Contractile vacuoles in newly germinated Dictyostelium in the cytoplasm of Dictyostelium cells (Heuser, J., and W.
cells stained with anti-proton pump antibodies and with a mem- Sly, manuscript in preparation; see also Maren, 1967). An
brane potential-sensitive styryl dye. NC4 ceils that had recently expendable cation is also available that could facilitate this
emerged from their spore coats and had not yet begun to feed were process. Ammonia is the end product of protein degradation
fixed and immunostained with antibodies to the proton pump (a). in Dictyostelium and is given off by the cells (Bonner et al.,
A similar preparation of newly germinated cells was vitally stained 1986). Ammonia could readily diffuse into the contractile
with 1 #g/ml FM 4-64 (from Molecular Probes, Inc.), a potential-
sensitive membrane dye (b and c). Both probes labeled the contrac- vacuole as a gas, and thereupon react with the accumulated
tile vacuoles proper, as well as associated material that appears at protons to yield ammonium ions. The resultant ammonium
this low resolution as diffuse "trails" of staining connected to the bicarbonate would stay in solution at normal atmospheric
vacuoles. In the TEM, these diffuse deposits were seen to be central CO2 tension and exert the necessary osmotic effects, yet the
collections of the tubes and cisternae described above. Bars, 10 #m. cell could readily afford to excrete it. Consistent with this
model is the observation that Dictyostelium's contractile
simple osmometers (Hopkins, 1946, and our unpublished vacuoles do not accumulate weak bases like acridine orange,
data), further indicating that their membranes have normal though its endosomes readily do (video data, not shown).
water permeability. Thus, contractile vacuoles are much less acid inside than are
A second problem with the classical model is presented by endosomes, appropriate for the presence of bicarbonate at
the actual arrangement of contractile vacuole elements in the pK~ of (H + HCO3-), which is 6.2. This model is en-
Dictyostelium, where all membranes of the contractile vacu- tirely speculative, but fits the existing data and is our current
ole system are interconnected and relatively uniform in com- working hypothesis.

The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 121, 1993 1324

Figure 15. Time-lapse video microscopy of one minute in the life of two newly germinated NC4 Dictyostelium amoebae whose plasma
membranes and contractile vacuole systems were vitally stained with the styryl dye FM4-64 (1 #g/ml in Diety PO4 buffer). Frames are
separated by 4-s intervals and run sequentially from upper left to lower right. In the lower left frame, in which the individual amoebae
are labeled I and 2, the contractile vacuoles are nearly full. Earlier frames (upper panels) illustrate that filling involves the gradtlal incorpo-
ration into the growing vacuole of the diffusely stained associated material. Later frames illustrate that discharge of the vacuoles involves
collapse and reflux of this membrane back into the diffusely stained form, but remarkably, no release of the dye. This extraordinary and
unexplained retention of the styryl dyes by the contractile vacuole system permitted continuous video recording of multiple filling and
discharge cycles. Bar, 10/~m.

Another area for future study is the role of contractile tubules (Carasso and Favard, 1966). Spasmonemal tubules
vacuoles in cellular activities other than osmoregulation. For would thus be functionally equivalent to the sarcoplasmic
instance, the peritrich protozoa have in their attachment- reticulum of vertebrate muscle, and so it is interesting to note
stalks structures called "spasmonemes" composed of dense that there is now evidence that these tubules are physically
bundles of filaments riddled with membrane tubules. A continuous with the tubular spongiome that typifies peritrich
rapid, calcium-activated coiling of the filaments is thought contractile vacuoles (Patterson, 1980). Further indication of
to underlie these protozoa's escape reflex (Amos, 1972). The this interrelationship came from our finding in unpublished
source of calcium, and the pool to which it is returned as studies that peritrich spasmonemal tubules possess surface
coiling is relaxed, is thought to be the intervening membrane "pegs" similar in structure to the other proton pumps studied
here. Moreover, we find that the pegs on spasmonemal tu-
bules are arranged in the same beautiful spiral patterns char-
acteristic of the pegs on spongiome tubules in these and other
ciliate protozoa (Schneider, 1960; Carasso et al., 1962; Al-
len, 1973; Allen and Fok, 1988). By extension, it seems pos-
sible that contractile vacuoles in these and other protozoa
may also be calcium sequestering and eliminating or-
ganelles. Their rich endowment with proton pumps might,
for example, allow them to accomplish this by H/Ca2+ ex-
change, using a strong proton gradient established across
their membranes. In fact, it has been recently reported that
a proton pump-rich membrane fraction isolated from Dic-
tyostelium amoebae possesses ATP-driven Ca2/H antiport
activity (Rooney and Gross, 1992). This membrane fraction,
Figure 16. Stationary-phase AX3 amoebae stained with anti-proton
pump antibodies, examined 2 d after a culture had reached station- also described by Nolta et al. (1991) as containing proton
ary phase. Most amoebae were of normal size and still contained pump-rich "acidosomes," we believe to be fragmented con-
contractile vacuoles that became stained with the antibody. How- tractile vacuole membranes. In any case, the present demon-
ever, also present were many small refractile cells that appeared stration of the great abundance of proton pumps on bona fide
shrunken and contained no vacuoles. In these ceils, the anti-proton contractile vacuole membranes from Dictyostelium will, we
pump antibodies strongly labeled the plasma membrane, suggesting predict, be relevant to many aspects of protozoal cell physi-
that contractile vacuole membrane had merged with it. Bar, 10 #m. ology.

Heuser et al. Proton Pumps in Contractile Vacuoles 1325

Figure 17. Freeze-dry replicas of two examples of the small refractile amoebae that appear in old stationary-phase cultures, either fixed
while intact (in a) or broken open before fixation (in b), in both cases after brief attachment to polylysine-coated glass, a shows that such
cells have begun to assemble an abortive spore coat, consisting of randomly arranged fiber bundles on the outer surface, b shows that
the inner surface of the plasma membrane in such amoebae is utterly devoid of actin filaments and is, instead, "doped" with myriads of
15-nm pegs that look just like the proton pumps on contractile vacuoles. (Curiously, these tend to align in fixed amoebae along the extracellu-
lar fibrils, visible as embossments on the plasma membrane in b.) This redistribution of proton pumps correlates with the bright anti-pump
staining of the plasma membrane seen in such ceils in Fig. 16, and may explain the finding of electrogenic proton pumps in Dictyostelium
plasma membranes (Van Duijn and Vogelzang, 1989). Bar, 0.5 #m.

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