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The Second Term Test

In present day Algeria ,the Internet ue in one of the teenagers

favourite pastimes out whether the young people really know how to
use the Internet.Seventy high school students were supposed to fill
in the questionnaire.
I asked them how much time they spent on the Internet in the
week,but my main interest in fact was in what way they used the
Internet for.
All the students questioned said that they regularly use dit for
chatting.Only six of the informants said that the internet helped
them in their studies while most of them answered that they used it
to play games
Or listen to music. Two of them said that they used it toread
electronic newspapers.When i asked them if they used the internet
to search information, only eight students said they did.


1.Circle the letter which corresponds to the right answer :

The text is a report of :

A) A survey b) a questionnaire c) an interview

2.Are the following statements true or false ?

a) Some informants use the internet to listen to listen to
b) The reporter questioned seventeen informants
c) Students dont use the Internet for chatting
d) Eight students use the Internet to search information .

3.Answer the following questions according to the text

a) What is the teenagersfavourite past time in present day
Algeria ?

b) What was the main Interest of the reporter ?

c) Did most of students use the Internet to play games ?

d) How many informants said that they used the Internet to read
electronic newspapers ?


4.Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text ?

a) them( 2) b) it(3)
1.Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following :
a- Hobbies( 1) = b- to
2. Find in the text words that are opposites to the
following :
a-old( 1)=. B-least(3)=

3.put the verbs between brackets in the right form

a-In the ninth century ,the Arabs ( to become).. the chief
tandard-bearers of science.
b-The golden age of Arab science ( to last) for about two
c-He generally ( to wake up). at 7 on weekdays.
4- underline the stressed syllable
a-broadcast b- population c- newspaper

5-Fill in the gaps with words from the list :

Brain - shorten - research - energy

Acoording to recent,sleeping more than nine hours or
less than six hours can ..your life expectancy . A
new survey found that many people actually reduce
their.power by getting to little sleep . Also,
the lack of sleep is leaving millions of people without
theto work as hard as they should.
The second term english test
The old lady was happy to be back at the block of flats
where she lived. After shopping for three hours she got
tired and she imagined that her basket had grown heavier
with every step towards her home. In the lift she was
dreaming of a delicious lunch and a good rest, but when she
arrived at the flat, which was on the third floor, she forgot
all about her dream. To her surprise, she discovered that
the front door of her flat was open. She walked slowly into
the hall and suddenly noticed that the door and the window
of her bedroom were opened and the bedroom was in
complete disorder. The doorman phoned the police who
arrived at once. The police officer checked everything, but
did not find anything except a handbag on the floor near
the window of the bedroom. Asking the old lady, she
admitted that not hers. The police officer realized that the
handbag belonged to the thief, who forgot it when he
escaped quickly at the moment she was coming out of the
. Part One: A/- Reading Interpretation (7 pts)
1) - The passage is:
a- folktale b- a news story c- a love story
2) - Say if these sentences are true or false according
to the text:
a- When the old lady saw the front door open, she felt lazy.
b- She could not go round the rooms of her flat because
she wasnt young.
c- The old lady called the doorman to help her.
3) - Answer the following questions according to the
text: (4 pts)
a- Who are the characters?

b- What did she notice unexpectedly?

c- How did she and the doorman help the police?

d- Did the handbag belong to the thief?

4) - What or who do the underlined words refer to in

the text? (1 pts) Where (1) =.. It (2)
B/- Text Exploration: (8 pts) 1) -
Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to
the following:

a- building (1) = b- called (2) =


March 2013
Second Term English Examination Name .

I) Part one : Reading comprehension.

Read the reading passage carefully then do the following
Our school project of English was a survey. My group wanted to
know if todays
teenagers are more or less interested in reading books. We
decided to carry out the
survey in our own secondary school Abou El Kacem Zahraoui.
The questionnaire included 05 precise questions. We asked 100
pupils as a sample.
They were aged between 16 and 18 from the three levels; first,
second and third year.
Only 31 pupils said that they enjoyed reading. Most of them did
so at the school library.
I like to read books of different subjects to broaden my
knowledge, said Ali, one of
them. 14 pupils admitted that they could not find time to read
because they had other
hobbies.52 pupils said that they read only when they search for
specific notes for school.
Among all the interviewees, only 03 pupils gave further details
about the subject.
Khaddouja said, The type of books I want is not available. That
is absolutely true,
said her friend Salem. And if there is a chance to find one, it
would be very expensive.,
He added. Dalia, a third year pupil said, For me, the best source
of books is the internet.
E-books are more available and less expensive than books we
find in libraries.
Unfortunately, we were very astonished by the negative fact that
todays pupil dont
read so often. Most pupils read a few of their school documents
and while getting ready
for their school tests and exams.

01. Choose the correct answer and write it on your answer

A.-The text is: a) a story , b) a questionnaire or, c) a report.
B. -The result of the survey is: a) negative, b) positive or, c) not
C. -The survey was done by: a) a journalist, b) a group of pupils
or, c) a group of
D. - E-books are: a) newspapers , b) magazines or, c) electronic
02. According to the text, are these statements true or false?
a. The survey is about the use of the internet at schools.
b. For some pupils, listening to music, sports, computer games
etc, are better than books.
c. No pupil likes to read books.
d. Some pupils like reading books, but they cant find good and
cheap ones.
The second term exam of English
03. Read the text one more time and answer the following
A) - Who did the survey?

B) - How many interviewees participated in the survey?

C) - Was the survey conducted at school?

D) - How many direct-speech statements are there in the text?

04. Find in the text word, phrases or expressions opposite in
meaning to:
*Answered =/= (2) * ignorance =/= (2) * the worst =/= (3) *
fortunately =/= (4)

05. Supply the right punctuation and capitals:

the doctor said yesterday I have a lot of work

06. Rewrite these statements into indirect speech. Make the
necessary changes.
He says, The type of books I want is not available.
He says.
Shut the door! my father ordered me angrily.
My father ordered me angrily .
The teacher asked, What is this report about?
The teacher asked .
07. 07 : Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.
1 - If you don't stop smoking, you (suffer).. from lung
2 -If I (to be) you, I (eat).. the healthy food

08. This is a dialogue between a journalist and a pupil. Find the

questions that the journalist asks.
Journalist: .. ?
The pupil: Yes, I do. I like reading books.
Journalist: . ?
The pupil: I usually read books.
Journalist: ?
The pupil: I read books about science, literature, novels and short
Journalist: ?
The pupil: I read books in order to broaden my knowledge and to
learn new ideas.
Good luck

2013-05-14, 16:27 2 :

mer braucoup mon ami








3 :

chouaeam mer braucoup mon ami







: Wonder

All your

-24: student
And zinc


76 :
: Gold




: Medicinal

: You
My love



4 :

second term english exam survey 1 as

222 March 2013

Second Term English Examination Name

I) Part one : Reading comprehension.

Read the reading passage carefully then do the
following activities.
Our school project of English was a survey. My
group wanted to know if todays
teenagers are more or less interested in reading
books. We decided to carry out the
survey in our own secondary school Abou El
Kacem Zahraoui.
The questionnaire included 05 precise questions.
We asked 100 pupils as a sample.
They were aged between 16 and 18 from the three
levels; first, second and third year.
Only 31 pupils said that they enjoyed reading. Most
of them did so at the school library.
I like to read books of different subjects to broaden
my knowledge, said Ali, one of
them. 14 pupils admitted that they could not find
time to read because they had other
hobbies.52 pupils said that they read only when they
search for specific notes for school.
Among all the interviewees, only 03 pupils gave
further details about the subject.
Khaddouja said, The type of books I want is not
available. That is absolutely true,
said her friend Salem. And if there is a chance to
find one, it would be very expensive.,
He added. Dalia, a third year pupil said, For me, the
best source of books is the internet.
E-books are more available and less expensive than
books we find in libraries.
Unfortunately, we were very astonished by the
negative fact that todays pupil dont
read so often. Most pupils read a few of their school
documents and while getting ready
for their school tests and exams.

01. Choose the correct answer and write it on your

answer sheet.
A.-The text is: a) a story , b) a questionnaire or, c) a
B. -The result of the survey is: a) negative, b)
positive or, c) not clear.
C. -The survey was done by: a) a journalist, b) a
group of pupils or, c) a group of
D. - E-books are: a) newspapers , b) magazines or,
c) electronic books.
02. According to the text, are these statements true
or false?
a. The survey is about the use of the internet at
b. For some pupils, listening to music, sports,
computer games etc, are better than books.
c. No pupil likes to read books.
d. Some pupils like reading books, but they cant
find good and cheap ones.
The second term exam of English
03. Read the text one more time and answer the
following questions.
A) - Who did the survey?

B) - How many interviewees participated in the

C) - Was the survey conducted at school?

D) - How many direct-speech statements are there
in the text?

04. Find in the text word, phrases or expressions
opposite in meaning to:
*Answered =/= (2) * ignorance =/= (2) * the worst
=/= (3) * fortunately =/= (4)

05. Supply the right punctuation and capitals:

the doctor said yesterday I have a lot of work

06. Rewrite these statements into indirect speech.
Make the necessary changes.
He says, The type of books I want is not available.
He says.
Shut the door! my father ordered me angrily.
My father ordered me angrily
The teacher asked, What is this report about?
The teacher asked
07. 07 : Put the verbs between brackets in the
correct form.
1 - If you don't stop smoking, you (suffer)..
from lung diseases.
2 -If I (to be) you, I (eat).. the
healthy food only.

08. This is a dialogue between a journalist and a

pupil. Find the questions that the journalist asks.
Journalist: ..
The pupil: Yes, I do. I like reading books.
Journalist: .
The pupil: I usually read books.
The pupil: I read books about science, literature,
novels and short stories.
The pupil: I read books in order to broaden my
knowledge and to learn new ideas.
Third term exam

PART ONE: READING (15 points)

Read the following text carefully and do the activities.

The Time Machine is a science fiction story by H.G. Wells, a famous English
writer. It was first published in 1895. It's about a man who invents a time machine
that he uses to travel to the year 802 701.

In that year, the world is controlled by beings that live underground called
the Morlocks. The Morlocks control a humanlike group of beings that live on the
surface of Earth. They are called the Eloi. The Morlocks treat the Eloi very badly.
They butcher and cook the Eloi as a source of food. They are strict and the Eloi are
terrified of them.

The Time Traveler spends most of his time on Earth's surface with the
friendly Eloi. He ends up saving the life of an Eloi named Weena. Weena becomes
dedicated to the Time Traveler and accompanies him in his exploration of the world
as it existed in 802 701.
The Time Traveler becomes an enemy of the Morlocks. This causes them to
attack the Time Traveler, who uses the fire from matches to win over them.
Unfortunately, the matches start a forest fire that injured the Morlocks and also kills
his good friend Weena. The angry Morlocks try to capture him, but he frees himself
and his time machine (which had been captured by the Morlocks). He uses it to
escape from the year 802 701. Before the Time Traveler returns to his time, he
sees glimpses of the future. He sees the end of the world starting to take form.

Then, the Time Traveler returns to his own time. He tells his friends what
had happened to him. They, unfortunately, do not believe him.

I think that the main idea that the author tried to express is that
mistreatment of others now will lead to a sad future. H.G. Wells used the example
of the friends not believing the Time Traveler as an example of mistreatment in the
present. I think people should pay more attention to this concept because this
might be true some day.

A. Comprehension and interpretation. (08 points)

1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. The Time Machine is:

a) a magazine b) a newspaper d) a novel

3. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter

corresponding to the statement.

a) The time traveller travels to the past.

b) The Eloi beings live under the surface of the Earth.

c) The Morlocks were very bad in treating the Eloi.

d) The time traveller was a friend of the Morlocks.

4- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Who is the controlling the world in 802 701?

b) Who is the writer of The Time Machine?

c) What lesson does H.G.Wells want to teach us in The Time Machine?

B. Text exploration. (07 points)

1. Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following:

a) wounds = (4) b) imprisoned= (4)

2- Find in the text words that are opposites to the following:

a) friend .......................... (4) b) fortunately ............... (4)

3. Give the correct from of the verbs between brackets.

a) I would change my destiny, if time travel (to be) possible.

b) Dinosaurs would use us as a source of food if they (exist).
c) If the Islamic civilization hadn't taken place, the world (know) mathematical
4. Fill in the gaps with words from the list:

world - developments - become -


It's 1said that Science Fiction is the literature of change. When a culture is
undergoing a lot of changes due to scientific advances and technological 2, and
expects to undergo more, it's hardly surprising if stories about these changes 3
popular as a way of expressing people's feelings (optimistic or otherwise) about
change. Note that the changes may be in our ability to control the 4, or just in our
understanding of it.

5. Classify the following words according to their stressed syllable:

dedicated - captured - published - existed

/id/ /d/ /t/


Choose one of the following topics

Topic 01:

Write a short paragraph speculating about what you would do if Martians invaded
the earth.
Topic 02:

Write a short summary of a science fiction story or film that you read or saw. (Use the

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