April Horner ISTE Self Assessment

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International Society for Technology Education Standards

for Teachers (ISTE Standards-T) Self Evaluation

Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and
technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and
innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = minimal

understanding/application. 10 = deep understanding/application
and integration at the refinement level) Give example(s):
2. Brief goal for improving in this area:

# Educators will be Module 1: How do I Module 10: How do I meet/not

able to: meet/not meet this meet this standard, and why
standard, and why (explain)? (Optional evidence
(explain)? Brief goal. of growth this term.) Brief
1. promote, support, 3: I know how to do this but 8: My final project supported
A and model creative have not experienced this innovative thinking and
and innovative through technology inventiveness by encouraging
thinking and education. students to write online books. I
inventiveness. Goal: Increase experience modeled the instructions through a
with using technology for screencast. In the future Id like to
education continue exploring platforms that
encourage innovative thinking and
1. engage students in 2: Exploring students in real 8: My unit and lesson explored
B exploring real-world world issues. Global bullying and advocating to end it. I
issues and solving citizenship is very important used researched evidence to
authentic problems to me as a teacher support my thesis that educating
using digital tools students about bullying and how to
and resources. Goal: Learn to grow and prevent it could be done through
connect global citizens in a books, increasing both reading and
digital age. writing skills. In the future Id like
to explore how this applies to real
world concepts in other subjects.
1. promote student 5: This is foundational in a 5: As I chose my final project topic
C reflection using constructivist classroom but I early on, I did not focus as much
collaborative tools know little how it works in a attention as I could on how to use
to reveal and clarify technological sense. technology collaboratively between
students' students. However, as Id like to
conceptual have a sister class in another
understanding and country someday, this is important
thinking, planning, Goal: Relate to education information for me to pursue.
and creative technology

1. model collaborative 5: I am familiar with very 7: My final project included a
D knowledge basic platforms such as Skype screencast uploaded to a public
construction by and Zoom. website as well as collaborative
engaging in learning through classroom
learning with discussion. An important goal of
students, mine is to connect my class with a
colleagues, and Goal: Grow my knowledge of classroom in another country
others in face-to- face-to-face virtual exploring worldwide problems
face and virtual environments together.

Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and
assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content
learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in
the NETSS.

# Educators will be Module 1: How do I Module 10: How do I meet/not

able to: meet/not meet this meet this standard, and why
standard, and why (explain)? (Optional
(explain)? Brief goal. evidence of growth this term.)
Brief goal.
2. design or adapt 1: At the beginning of this 8: My final project supported
A relevant learning program I started a Pinterest innovative thinking and
experiences that board for Technology inventiveness by encouraging
incorporate digital education but have had little students to write online books. I
tools and resources ability to use it. Incorporation modeled the instructions through
to promote student of digital tools and resources a screencast. In the future Id like
learning and is limited to math and to continue exploring platforms
creativity. programs such as Aleks and that encourage innovative
Zearn. thinking and inventiveness.

Goal: Practice integrating

technology into relevant
2. develop 3: My experience with this is 5: In my final project, I gave my
B technology- solely in the area of language students a topic and a platform
enriched learning arts. Students in my but allowed them to create the
environments that practicum class use chrome material. I could have allowed
enable all students books for writing. them to first grade themselves
to pursue their using the rubric and then grade
individual them myself. This would have
curiosities and increased their assessment of
become active their own progress. Id like to
participants in further explore more assessment

setting their own types.
educational goals, Goal: Learn how this applies
managing their to more core content areas.
own learning, and
assessing their own
2. customize and 5: We had students who use 5: (I dont feel like I made much
C personalize both speak to text and text to progress in their area) We had
learning activities speech programs. I also students who use both speak to
to address routinely use my audible book text and text to speech programs.
students' diverse collection, paired with a I also routinely use my audible
learning styles, printed text to encourage less book collection, paired with a
working strategies, than enthusiastic readers. printed text to encourage less
and abilities using than enthusiastic readers.
digital tools and Goal: Increase my knowledge Presentation platforms and
resources. of tech tools for screencasts allow shy or
differentiation. introverted students some

Goal: Increase my knowledge of

tech tools for differentiation.
2. provide students 0: I have no experience with 5: My final project contained a
D with multiple and this. formative assessment including a
varied formative graphic organizer and a
and summative summative assessment in the
assessments form of a rubric. My goal is to
aligned with explore various assessment
content and Goal: Gain experience in this strategies.
technology area while increasing my
standards and use understanding of formative
resulting data to and summative assessments.
inform learning and

Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an
innovative professional in a global and digital society.

1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = minimal

understanding/application. 10 = deep understanding/application
and integration at the refinement level) Give example(s):
2. Brief goal for improving in this area:

# Educators will be How do I meet/not meet Module 10: How do I meet/not

able to: this standard, and why meet this standard, and why
(explain)? Brief goal. (explain)? (Optional evidence
of growth this term.) Brief
3. demonstrate 3: I am not particularly 8: I feel much more confident in
A fluency in versed in technology. my ability to navigate technology
technology for my classroom and individual
systems and the students. My goal is to stay up to
transfer of current date in the latests technologies.
knowledge to new Goal: Increase fluency
technologies and through use
3. collaborate with 1: My only experience with 5: My website has both a
B students, peers, this is with school websties classroom, parent, and global focus.
parents, and and facebook community My goal is to explore more
community groups. collaboration opportunities.
members using
digital tools and
resources to
support student Goal: Explore relevant tools
success and and resources.
3. communicate 2: I am thrilled at how easy 6: Bullying is an epidemic and
C relevant blogger is to use and can through a Webbley site I was able
information and see myself using it in the to communicate this important
ideas effectively to future. topic and provide links to parents.
students, parents, My goal is to use apps like Remind
and peers using a Goal: Grow my knowledge of to communicate with parents and
variety of digital- a variety of digital-age guardians.
age media and media and formats.
3. model and 2: I know little about the 6: I gave myself a six because there
D facilitate effective current and emerging digital are so many platforms out there
use of current and tools. that I dont think I could ever be up
emerging digital to date. My final project includes
tools to locate, Storybird books and I have
analyze, evaluate, Goal: I am passionate about introduced it at my practicum
and use being an educator, so it is school. Classroom tech is
information important that I learn what something I am finding I have a
resources to is out there. I have explored passion for and will work to stay
support research a small fraction of what the informed on the newest tools to
and learning. world wide web has to offer support my learners.
and I hope to change this.

Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an
evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional

1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = minimal
understanding/application. 10 = deep understanding/application
and integration at the refinement level) Give example(s):
2. Brief goal for improving in this area:

# Educators will be Module 1: How do I Module 10: How do I meet/not

able to: meet/not meet this meet this standard, and why
standard, and why (explain)? (Optional evidence
(explain)? Brief goal. of growth this term.) Brief goal.
4.A advocate, model, 0: I have very little 5: As a parent, I can honestly say I
and teach safe, experience with this. had not put nearly enough thought
legal, and ethical into this subject, however, the
use of digital integration of this information into
information and our class has made me a safer
technology, parent and broadened my
including respect understanding of my responsibilities
for copyright, as a teacher in a digital age. My
intellectual Goal: Learn the basics of goal is to develop a booklet or other
property, and the internet laws. learning tool students can refer to
appropriate throughout the school year to
documentation of assess the digital citizenship skills.
4.B address the 3: We use chrome books 5: One-to-One Chromebook have
diverse needs of all and specialized headsets for opened the door of creation and
learners by using speak to text. content for all learners. A great
learner-centered example of this is Newsela where
strategies student appropriate research can be
providing equitable Goal: Learn more about assigned to your class and specific
access to technology for reading levels can be assigned to
appropriate digital differentiation. your students. This allows equitable
tools and access to information. My goal is to
resources. continue exploring how technology
can support a diverse range of
students and needs.
4.C promote and 5: These should vary little 7: Just as citizenship skills need to
model digital from social skills in face-to- be taught, digital citizenships skills
etiquette and face interactions. However, need to be taught. Although right
responsible social students need to be taught now, I am not comfortable bringing
interactions related proper citizenship skills. Facebook into the classroom, I have
to the use of Goal: Continue my used Instagram. In using these
technology and knowledge of this. tools I can demonstrate how
information. responsible digital etiquette. My
goal is to continue appropriate
etiquette on my weebly and blog.
4. develop and model 5: This is an important tool. 7: I have a much larger view of the
D cultural I tend to stick to slide world because of the internet. This
understanding and shows. However, I love to is a blessing. My goal of a sister

global awareness idea of virtual pen pals and classroom in another country will
by engaging with sister classrooms across the give us insight into another culture
colleagues and globe. as they gain insight into ours. I also
students of other plan to keep an on this day
cultures using timeline that covers things such as
digital-age history and important cultural
communication Goal: Increase my holidays around the world.
and collaboration knowledge of the proper
tools. tools for this goal.

Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning,
and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and
demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = minimal

understanding/application. 10 = deep understanding/application
and integration at the refinement level) Give example(s):
2. Brief goal for improving in this area:

# Educators will Module 1: How do I Module 10: How do I meet/not

be able to: meet/not meet this meet this standard, and why
standard, and why (explain)? (Optional evidence
(explain)? Brief goal. of growth this term.) Brief
5.A participate in local 0: I am not connected to 3: Although my final project is in
and global any of these beyond the beginning stages of a
learning Facebook. community, I have not been brave
communities to enough to reach out to any of the
explore creative blogs or bloggers I attached to my
applications of Goal: I would love to learn Feedley. My goal is to move beyond
technology to and become connected to Pinterest and collaborate with
improve student these communities. teachers around the globe.
5.B exhibit leadership 5: Integrating tech into a 7: I believe my Final Project is an
by demonstrating constructivist classroom is a example of this. I also plan to work
a vision of wonderful thing. hard to integrate technology into
technology the classroom regularly. My goal is
infusion, to continually evaluate ways
participating in technology can reach struggling
shared decision students.
making and Goal: What are the most
community useful technological tools
building, and and how do I use them?
developing the
leadership and
technology skills of
5.C evaluate and 8: This is my job as an 10: This is my job as an educator,
reflect on current educator, to learn and keep to learn and keep learning about
research and learning about important important tools and topics. I
professional tools and topics. believe I understand more fully the
practice on a role of tech in the classroom and
regular basis to the breadth of its impact on
make effective use Goal: Engage in both curriculum. Stay up to date on best
of existing and personal development and practices in relationship to
emerging digital collect information from this technology in the classroom.
tools and class to create a network of
resources in resources.
support of student
5.D contribute to the 0: Today I learning. My goal 5: As I grow in my resolve to
effectiveness, is to learn the tools and then connect with other teachers on line
vitality, and self- groom my methods. we will learn from each other.
renewal of the Constantly refreshing our teaching
teaching Goal: I do hope to be an knowledge. I also hope to connect
profession and of engaged member of the my final project with a few of my
their school and educational movement once teacher friends as we work to end
community. Ive developed enough bullying together.
experience to have legs to
stand on.

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