April Horner ISTE Self Assessment
April Horner ISTE Self Assessment
April Horner ISTE Self Assessment
1. model collaborative 5: I am familiar with very 7: My final project included a
D knowledge basic platforms such as Skype screencast uploaded to a public
construction by and Zoom. website as well as collaborative
engaging in learning through classroom
learning with discussion. An important goal of
students, mine is to connect my class with a
colleagues, and Goal: Grow my knowledge of classroom in another country
others in face-to- face-to-face virtual exploring worldwide problems
face and virtual environments together.
setting their own types.
educational goals, Goal: Learn how this applies
managing their to more core content areas.
own learning, and
assessing their own
2. customize and 5: We had students who use 5: (I dont feel like I made much
C personalize both speak to text and text to progress in their area) We had
learning activities speech programs. I also students who use both speak to
to address routinely use my audible book text and text to speech programs.
students' diverse collection, paired with a I also routinely use my audible
learning styles, printed text to encourage less book collection, paired with a
working strategies, than enthusiastic readers. printed text to encourage less
and abilities using than enthusiastic readers.
digital tools and Goal: Increase my knowledge Presentation platforms and
resources. of tech tools for screencasts allow shy or
differentiation. introverted students some
1. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = minimal
understanding/application. 10 = deep understanding/application
and integration at the refinement level) Give example(s):
2. Brief goal for improving in this area:
global awareness idea of virtual pen pals and classroom in another country will
by engaging with sister classrooms across the give us insight into another culture
colleagues and globe. as they gain insight into ours. I also
students of other plan to keep an on this day
cultures using timeline that covers things such as
digital-age history and important cultural
communication Goal: Increase my holidays around the world.
and collaboration knowledge of the proper
tools. tools for this goal.