Bpi Vs Armovit and Deganos Vs People

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Submitted by: Glaize Shaye C.


Case Digest

BPI vs. Armovit

G.R. No. 163654 October 8, 2014


Armovit, then a depositor of the Bank of the Philippine Islands at its Cubao
Branch, was issued by BPI Express Credit a pre-approved BPI Express Credit Card
(credit card) in 1989 with a credit limit of 20,000.00 that was to expire at the end of
March 1993. On November 21, 1992, she treated her British friends from Hong Kong to
lunch at Marios Restaurant in the Ortigas Center in Pasig. As the host, she handed to
the waiter her credit card to settle the bill, but the waiter soon returned to inform her that
her credit card had been cancelled upon verification with BPI Express Credit and would
not be honored. Inasmuch as she was relying on her credit card because she did not
then carry enough cash that day, her guests were made to share the bill to her extreme

Outraged, Armovit called BPI Express Credit to verify the status of her credit
card. She learned that her credit card had been summarily cancelled for failure to pay
her outstanding obligations. She vehemently denied having defaulted onher payments.
Thus, by letter dated February 3, 1993,she demanded compensation for the shame,
embarrassment and humiliation she had suffered in the amount of 2,000,000.00. She
was told by BPI that in order to reactivate her card, she needs to submit a filled out
application form.

Whether or not Armovit is entitled to moral damages


Yes. The relationship between the credit card issuer and the credit card holder is
a contractual one that is governed by the terms and conditions found in the card
membership agreement. Such terms and conditions constitute the law between the
parties. In case of their breach, moral damages may be recovered where the defendant
is shown to have acted fraudulently or in bad faith.Malice or bad faith implies a
conscious and intentional design to do a wrongful actfor a dishonest purpose or moral
obliquity.However, a conscious or intentional design need not always be present
because negligence may occasionally be so gross as to amount to malice or bad
faith.Hence, bad faith in the context of Article 2220 of the Civil Code includes gross

The Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of the BPI Express
Credit Card printed on the credit card application form spelled out the terms and
conditions of the contract between BPI Express Credit and its card holders, including
Armovit. Such terms and conditions determined the rights and obligations of the
parties. Yet, a review of such terms and conditions did not reveal that Armovit needed to
submit her new application as the antecedent condition for her credit card to be taken
out of the list of suspended cards.

BPI Express Credits negligence was even confirmed by the telegraphic message
it had addressed and sent to Armovit apologizing for the inconvenience caused in
inadvertently including her credit card in the caution list. It was of no consequence that
the telegraphic message could have been intended for another client, as BPI Express
Credit apparently sought to convey subsequently, because the tenor ofthe apology
included its admission of negligence in dealing with its clients, Armovit included. Indeed,
BPI Express Credit did not observe the prudence expected of banks whose business
was imbued with public interest.
Full Text

Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 163654 October 8, 2014





This case involves a credit card holder's claim for damages arising from the suspension
of her credit privileges due to her supposed failure to reapply for their reactivation. She
has insisted that she was not informed of the condition for reactivation.

The Case

Petitioner BPI Express Credit Card Corporation (BPI Express Credit) seeks the reversal
of and assails the adverse decision promulgated on February 26, 2004, 1 whereby the
Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the judgment rendered on April 22, 1996 by the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 216, in Quezon City, (RTC) adjudging it liable to pay moral and
exemplary damages, attorneys fees and costs of suit to its credit card holder Ma.
Antonia R. Armovit, the respondent herein.2


Armovit, then a depositor of the Bank of the Philippine Islands at its Cubao Branch, was
issued by BPI Express Credit a pre-approved BPI Express Credit Card (credit card) in
1989with a credit limit of 20,000.00 that was to expire atthe end of March 1993. 3 On
November 21, 1992, she treated her British friends from Hong Kongto lunch at Marios
Restaurant in the Ortigas Center in Pasig. As the host, she handed to the waiter her
credit card to settle the bill, but the waiter soon returned to inform her that her credit
card had been cancelled upon verification with BPI Express Credit and would not be
honored. Inasmuch asshe was relying on her credit card because she did not then carry
enough cash that day, her guests were made to share the bill to her extreme

Outraged, Armovit called BPI Express Credit to verify the status of her credit card. She
learned that her credit card had been summarily cancelled for failure to pay her
outstanding obligations. She vehemently denied having defaulted onher payments.
Thus, by letter dated February 3, 1993,4 she demanded compensation for the shame,
embarrassment and humiliation she had suffered in the amount of 2,000,000.00.

In its reply letter dated February 5, 1993, 5 BPI Express Credit claimed that it had sent
Armovit a telegraphic message on March 19, 1992 requesting her to pay her arrears for
three consecutive months, and that she did not comply with the request, causing it
totemporarily suspend her credit card effective March 31, 1992. 6 It further claimed that
she had been notified of the suspension and cautioned to refrain from using the credit
card to avoid inconvenience or embarrassment; 7 and that while the obligation was
settled by April, 1992, she failed to submit the required application form in order to
reactivate her credit card privileges. Thus, BPI Express Credit countered that her
demand for monetary compensation had no basis in fact and in law.

On March 12, 1993, Armovit received a telegraphic message from BPI Express Credit
apologizing for its error of inadvertently including her credit card in Caution List No. 225
dated March 11, 1993 sent to its affiliated merchants.8

As a result, Armovit sued BPI Express Credit for damages in the RTC, insisting that she
had been a credit card holder in good standing, and that she did not have any unpaid
bills at the time of the incident.
In its answer with counterclaim,9 BPI Express Credit raised the defense of lack of cause
of action,and maintained that Armovit had defaulted in her obligations for three
consecutive months, thereby causing the temporary suspension of her credit card in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card. 10 It pointed out that Armovit
had been duly notified of the suspension; that for her failure to comply with the
requirement for the submission of the application form and other documents as directed
in its letter dated April 8, 1992,11 her credit card had not been reactivated and had
remained in the list of suspended cards at the time she used it on November 21, 1992;
and thatthe telegraphic message of March 11, 1993, which was intended for another
client whose credit card had been erroneously included in the caution list, was
mistakenly sent to her.12

Judgment of the RTC

In the judgment rendered April 22, 1996,13 the RTC, ruling in favor of Armovit, observed
that the terms and conditions governing the issuance and use of the credit card
embodied in the application formhad been furnished to her for the first time only on April
8, 1992, or after her credit card privileges had already been suspended; that,
accordingly, she could not be blamed for not complying with the same; that even if she
had been notified of the temporary suspension of her credit card, her payment on April
1, 1992 had rendered the continued suspension of her credit card unjustified; and that
there was no clear showing that the submission of the application form had been a
condition precedent to the lifting of its suspension.

Finding BPI Express Credit guilty ofnegligence and bad faith, the RTC ordered it to pay
Armovit moral damages of 100,000.00; exemplary damages and attorneys fees each
in the amount of 10,000.00; and the costs of suit.

Decision of the CA

Both parties appealed to the CA.

On February 26, 2004, the CA promulgated its assailed decision, 14 concurring with the
RTC, and declaredthat because Armovit had not signed any application form in the
issuance and renewals of her credit card from 1989 up to 1992, she could not have
known the terms and conditions embodied in the application form even ifthe credit card
had specified that its use bound the holder to its terms and conditions. It did not see
merit in BPI Express Credits contention that the submission of a new application form
was a pre-requisite for the lifting ofthe suspension of her credit card, inasmuch as such
condition was not stated in a clear and unequivocal manner in its letter dated April 8,
1992. It noted that the letter of apology mentioning another inadvertence committed,
even if it claimed the letter of apology as intended for another card holder, still
highlighted BPI Express Credits negligence in its dealings with her account. Anent
Armovits appeal, the CA did not increase the amounts of damages for lack of basis,
observing that moral and exemplary damages were awarded not to enrich her at the
expense of BPI Express Credit but to alleviate the anxiety and embarrassment suffered.

BPI Express Credits motion for reconsideration was denied through the resolution
promulgated on May 14, 2004.15

Hence, this appeal by petition for review on certiorari.


The sole issue is whether or not the CA erred in sustaining the award of moral and
exemplary damages in favor of Armovit.

Ruling of the Court

The petition for review lacks merit.

The relationship between the credit card issuer and the credit card holder is a
contractual one that is governed by the terms and conditions found in the card
membership agreement.16 Such terms and conditions constitute the law between the
parties. In case of their breach, moral damages may be recovered where the defendant
is shown to have acted fraudulently or in bad faith. 17 Malice or bad faith implies a
conscious and intentional design to do a wrongful actfor a dishonest purpose or moral
obliquity.18 However, a conscious or intentional design need not always be present
because negligence may occasionally be so gross as to amount to malice or bad
faith.19 Hence, bad faith in the context of Article 2220 of the Civil Code includes gross

BPI Express Credit contends thatit was not grossly negligent in refusing to lift the
suspension of Armovits credit card privileges inasmuch as she had not complied with
the requisite submission of a new application form; and that under the circumstances its
negligence, if any, was not so gross as to amount to malice or bad faith following the
ruling in Far East Bank and Trust Company v. Court of Appeals. 21

The Court disagrees with the contentions of BPI Express Credit.1wphi1 The Terms and
Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of the BPI Express Credit Card 22 printed on
the credit card application form spelled out the terms and conditions of the contract
between BPI Express Credit and its card holders, including Armovit. Such terms and
conditions determined the rights and obligations of the parties. 23 Yet, a review of such
terms and conditions did not reveal that Armovit needed to submit her new application
as the antecedent condition for her credit card to be taken out of the list of suspended

Considering that the terms and conditions nowhere stated that the card holder must
submit the new application form in order to reactivate her credit card, to allow BPI
Express Credit toimpose the duty to submit the new application form in order to
enableArmovit to reactivate the credit card would contravene the Parol Evidence
Rule.24 Indeed, there was no agreement between the parties to add the submission of
the new application form as the means to reactivate the credit card. When she did not
promptly settle her outstanding balance, BPI Express Credit sent a message on March
19, 1992 demanding payment with the warning that her failure to pay would force it to
temporarily suspend her credit card effective March 31, 1992. It then sent another
demand letter dated March 31, 1992 requesting her to settle her obligation in order to lift
the suspension of her credit card and prevent its cancellation. In April 1992, she paid
her obligation. In the context of the contemporaneous and subsequent acts of the
parties, the only condition for the reinstatement of her credit card was the payment of
her outstanding obligation.25 Had it intended otherwise, BPI Express Credit would have
surelyu informed her of the additional requirement in its letters of March 19, 1992 and
March 31, 1992. That it did not do so confirmed that they did not agree on having her
submit the new application form as the condition to reactivate her credit card.

The letter of BPI Express Credit dated April 8, 1992 did not clearly and categorically
inform Armovit that the submission of the new application form was the pre-condition for
the reactivation of her credit card. The statement in the letter (i.e., " accomplish the
enclosed application form and provide us with informations/documents that can help our
Credit Committee in reevaluating your existingfacility with us.") merely raised doubt as
to whether the requirement had really been a pre-condition or not. With BPI Express
Credit being the party causing the confusion, the interpretation of the contract could not
be donein its favor.26 Moreover, it cannot be denied that a credit card contract is
considered as a contract of adhesion because its terms and conditions are solely
prepared by the credit card issuer. Consequently, the terms and conditions have to be
construed against BPI Express Credit as the party who drafted the contract. 27

Bereft of the clear basis to continuewith the suspension of the credit card privileges of
Armovit, BPI Express Credit acted in wanton disregard of its contractual obligations with
her. We concur with the apt observation by the CA that BPI Express Credits negligence
was even confirmed by the telegraphic message it had addressed and sent to Armovit
apologizing for the inconvenience caused in inadvertently including her credit card in the
caution list. It was of no consequence that the telegraphic message could have been
intended for another client, as BPI Express Credit apparently sought to convey
subsequently, because the tenor ofthe apology included its admission of negligence in
dealing with its clients, Armovit included. Indeed, BPI Express Credit did not observe the
prudence expected of banks whose business was imbued with public interest.

We hold that the CA rightly sustained the award of 100,000.00 as moral damages. To
us, too, that amount was fair and reasonable under the circumstances. Similarly, the
grant of exemplary damages was warranted under Article 2232 of the New Civil Code
because BPI Express Credit acted in a reckless and oppressive manner. Finally, with
Armovit having been forced to litigate in order to protect her rights and interests, she
was entitled to recover attorney's fees and expenses oflitigation. 28

WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on February 26, 2004;
and ORDERS the petitioner to pay the costs of suit.


Case Digest

Deganos vs. People

G.R. No. 162826 October 14, 2013

The accused received from Spouses Atty. Jose Bordador and Lydia Bordador
gold and pieces of jewelry worth P438,702.00, under express obligation to sell the same
on commission and remit the proceeds thereof or return the unsold gold and pieces of
jewelry, but the said accused, once in possession of the said merchandise and far from
complying with their aforesaid obligation, inspite of repeated demands for compliance
therewith, misappropriated and converted to their own use and benefit the said
merchandise and/or the proceeds thereof, to the damage and prejudice of said Sps.
Atty. Jose Bordador and Lydia Bordador in the said amount of P438,702.00.

Degaos, one of the accused claims that his partial payments to the
complainants novated his contract with them from agency to loan, thereby converting
his liability from criminal to civil. He insists that his failure to complete his payments prior
to the filing of the complaint-affidavit by the complainants notwithstanding, the fact that
the complainants later required him to make a formal proposal before the barangay
authorities on the payment of the balance of his outstanding obligations confirmed that
novation had occurred.


Whether or not novation had converted the liability of the accused into a civil one


No. Novation did not transpire as to prevent the incipient criminal liability from
arising. Novation is not one of the grounds prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for
the extinguishment of criminal liability.It is well settled that criminal liability for estafa is
not affected by compromise or novation of contract, for it is a public offense which must
be prosecuted and punished by the Government on its own motion even though
complete reparation should have been made of the damage suffered by the offended
party. The criminal liability for estafa already committed is not affected by the
subsequent novation of the contract.

There are two ways which could indicate the presence of novation and thereby
produce the effect of extinguishing an obligation by another which substitutes the same.
The first is when novation has been explicitly stated and declared in unequivocal terms.
The second is when the old and the new obligations are incompatible on every point.
The test of incompatibility is whether or not the two obligations can stand together, each
one having its independent existence. If they cannot, they are incompatible and the
latter obligation novates the first. Corollarily, changes that breed incompatibility must be
essential in nature and not merely accidental. The incompatibility must take place in any
of the essential elements of the obligation, such as its object, cause or principal
conditions thereof; otherwise, the change would be merely modificatory in nature and
insufficient to extinguish the original obligation.

The changes alluded to by petitioner consists only in the manner of payment. There was
really no substitution of debtors since private complainant merely acquiesced to the
payment but did not give her consent to enter into a new contract.

Although the novation of a contract of agency to make it one of sale may relieve
an offender from an incipient criminal liability, that did not happen here, for the partial
payments and the proposal to pay the balance the accused made during the barangay
proceedings were not at all incompatible with Degafios liability under the agency that
had already attached. Rather than converting the agency to sale, therefore, he even
thereby confirmed his liability as the sales agent of the complainants.

Full Text

Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. 162826 October 14, 2013

NARCISO DEGAOS,1 Petitioner,




Novation is not a mode of extinguishing criminal liability under the penal laws of the
country. Only the. State may validly waive the criminal action against an accused.
Novation is relevant only to determine if the parties have meanwhile altered the nature
of the obligation prior to the commencement of the criminal prosecution in order to
prevent the incipient criminal liability of the accused.


In an amended information dated March 23, 1994, the Office of the Provincial
Prosecutor of Bulacan charged Brigida D. Luz, alias Aida Luz, and Narciso Degaos in
the Regional Trial Court in Malolos, Bulacan with estafa under Article 315 paragraph 1
b) of the Revised Penal Code, allegedly committed as follows:

That on or about the 27th day of April, 1987 until July 20, 1987, in the municipality of
Meycauayan, province of Bulacan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused conspiring, confederating and helping one
another, received from Spouses Atty. Jose Bordador and Lydia Bordador gold and
pieces of jewelry worth P438,702.00, under express obligation to sell the same on
commission and remit the proceeds thereof or return the unsold gold and pieces of
jewelry, but the said accused, once in possession of the said merchandise and far from
complying with their aforesaid obligation, inspite of repeated demands for compliance
therewith, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with intent of gain and
grave abuse of confidence misapply, misappropriate and convert to their own use and
benefit the said merchandise and/or the proceeds thereof, to the damage and prejudice
of said Sps. Atty. Jose Bordador and Lydia Bordador in the said amount of P438,702.00.

Contrary to law.2

The decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) summarized the evidence of the parties as
Prior to the institution of the instant case, a separate civil action for the recovery of sum
of money was filed on June 25, 1990 by the private complainants spouses Jose and
Lydia Bordador against accused Brigida D. Luz alias Aida D. Luz and Narciso Degaos.
In an amended complaint dated November 29, 1993, Ernesto Luz, husband of Brigida
Luz, was impleaded as party defendant. The case docketed as Civil Case No. 412-M-90
was raffled to Branch 15, RTC of Malolos, Bulacan. On June 23, 1995, the said court
found Narciso Degaos liable and ordered him to pay the sum of P725,463,98 as actual
and consequential damages plus interest and attorneys fees in the amount
of P10,000.00. On the other hand, Brigida Luz alias Aida Luz was ordered to pay the
amount of P21,483.00, representing interest on her personal loan. The case against
Ernesto Luz was dismissed for insufficiency of evidence. Both parties appealed to the
Court of Appeals. On July 9, 1997, this Court affirmed the aforesaid decision. On further
appeal, the Supreme Court on December 15, 1997 sustained the Court of Appeals.
Sometime in 1994, while the said civil case was pending, the private complainants
instituted the present case against the accused.


The prosecution evidence consists of the testimonies of the private complainants-

spouses, Jose and Lydia Bordador.

Private complainant Lydia Bordador, a jeweler, testified that accused Narciso Degaos
and Brigida/Aida Luz are brother and sister. She knew them because they are the
relatives of her husband and their Kumpadre/kumadre. Brigida/Aida Luz was the one
who gave instructions to Narciso Degaos to get gold and jewelry from Lydia for them to
sell. Lydia came to know Narciso Degaos because the latter frequently visited their
house selling religious articles and books. While in their house, Narciso Degaos saw
her counting pieces of jewelry and he asked her if he could show the said pieces of
jewelry to his sister, Brigida/Aida Luz, to which she agreed. Thereafter, Narciso
Degaos returned the jewelry and Aida/Brigida Luz called her to ask if she could trust
Narciso Degaos to get the pieces of jewelry from her for Aida/Brigida Luz to sell. Lydia
agreed on the condition that if they could not pay it in cash, they should pay it after one
month or return the unsold jewelry within the said period. She delivered the said jewelry
starting sometime in 1986 as evidenced by several documents entitled "Katibayan at
Kasunduan", the earliest of which is dated March 16, 1986. Everytime Narciso Degaos
got jewelry from her, he signed the receipts in her presence. They were able to pay only
up to a certain point. However, receipt nos. 614 to 745 dated from April 27, 1987 up to
July 20, 1987 (Exhs. "A"-"O") were no longer paid and the accused failed to return the
jewelry covered by such receipts. Despite oral and written demands, the accused failed
and refused to pay and return the subject jewelry. As of October 1998, the total
obligation of the accused amounted to P725,000.00.
Private complainant Atty. Jose Bordador corroborated the testimony of his wife, Lydia.
He confirmed that their usual business practice with the accused was for Narciso
Degaos to receive the jewelry and gold items for and in behalf of Brigida/Aida Luz and
for Narciso Degaos to sign the "Kasunduan at Katibayan" receipts while Brigida/Aida
Luz will pay for the price later on. The subject items were usually given to Narciso
Degaos only upon instruction from Brigida/Aida Luz through telephone calls or letters.
For the last one year, the "Kasunduan at Katibayan" receipts were signed in his
presence. Said business arrangement went on for quite sometime since Narciso
Degaos and Brigida/Aida Luz had been paying religiously. When the accused
defaulted in their payment, they sent demand letters. It was the accuseds sister, Julie
dela Rosa, who responded, seeking an extension of time for the accused to settle their


The defense presented accused Brigida/Aida Luz, who testified that she started
transacting business of selling gold bars and jewelry with the private complainants
sometime in 1986 through her brother, Narciso Degaos. It was the usual business
practice for Narciso Degaos to get the gold bars and pieces of jewelry from the private
complainants after she placed orders through telephone calls to the private
complainants, although sometimes she personally went to the private complainants
house to get the said items. The gold bars and pieces of jewelry delivered to her by
Narciso Degaos were usually accompanied by a pink receipt which she would sign and
after which she would make the payments to the private complainants through Narciso
Degaos, which payments are in the form of postdated checks usually with a thirty-day
period. In return, the private complainants would give the original white receipts to
Narciso Degaos for him to sign. Thereafter, as soon as the postdated checks were
honored by the drawee bank, the said white receipts were stamped "paid" by Lydia
Bordador, after which the same would be delivered to her by Narciso Degaos.

On September 2, 1987, she sent a letter to private complainant Lydia Bordador

requesting for an accounting of her indebtedness. Lydia Bordador made an accounting
which contained the amount of P122,673.00 as principal and P21,483.00 as interest.
Thereafter, she paid the principal amount through checks. She did not pay the interest
because the same was allegedly excessive. In 1998, private complainant Atty. Jose
Bordador brought a ledger to her and asked her to sign the same. The said ledger
contains a list of her supposed indebtedness to the private complainants. She refused
to sign the same because the contents thereof are not her indebtedness but that of his
brother, Narciso Degaos. She even asked the private complainants why they gave so
many pieces of jewelry and gold bars to Narciso Degaos without her permission, and
told them that she has no participation in the transactions covered by the subject
"Kasunduan at Katibayan" receipts.

Co-accused Narciso Degaos testified that he came to know the private complainants
when he went to the latters house in 1986 to sell some Bible books. Two days later he
returned to their house and was initially given a gold bracelet and necklace to sell. He
was able to sell the same and paid the private complainants with the proceeds thereof.
Since then he started conducting similar business transactions with the private
complainants. Said transactions are usually covered by receipts denominated as
"Kasunduan at Katibayan". All the "Kasunduan at Katibayan" receipts were issued by
the private complainants and was signed by him. The phrase "for Brigida Luz" and for
"Evely Aquino" were written on the receipts so that in case he fails to pay for the items
covered therein, the private complainants would have someone to collect from. He
categorically admitted that he is the only one who was indebted to the private
complainants and out of his indebtedness, he already made partial payments in the
amount of P53,307.00. Included in the said partial payments is the amount
of P20,000.00 which was contributed by his brothers and sisters who helped him and
which amount was delivered by Brigida Luz to the private complainants. 3

Ruling of the RTC

On June 23, 1999, the RTC found Degaos guilty as charged but acquitted Luz for
insufficiency of evidence, imposing on Degaos twenty years of reclusion temporal, viz:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:

1. finding accused Narciso Degaos GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the

crime of estafa penalized under Article 315, Subsection 1, paragraph (b) of the
Revised Penal code and hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of TWENTY
YEARS (20) of reclusion temporal;

2. finding accused Brigida Luz NOT GUILTY and is hereby ACQUITTED on the
ground of insufficiency of evidence.


Decision of the CA

On appeal, Degaos assailed his conviction upon the following grounds, to wit:







On September 23, 2003, however, the CA affirmed the conviction of Degaos but
modified the prescribed penalty,6thusly:

WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision finding the accused-appellant Narciso Degaos

guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Estafa under Article 315 (1) par. b of the
Revised Penal code is hereby AFFIRMED with the modification that the accused-
appellant is sentenced to suffer an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of four (4)
years and two (2) months of prision correccional in its medium period, as the minimum,
to twenty (20) years of reclusion temporal as maximum .



Hence, Degaos has appealed, again submitting that:






The appeal lacks merit.


Transaction was an agency, not a sale on credit

Degaos contends that his agreement with the complainants relative to the items of
jewelry and gold subject of the amended information as embodied in the relevant
Kasunduan at Katibayan was a sale on credit, not a consignment to sell on commission

The contention of Degaos is devoid of factual and legal bases.

The text and tenor of the relevant Kasunduan at Katibayan follow:



Akong nakalagda sa ibaba nito ay nagpapatunay na tinanggap ko kay Ginang LYDIA

BORDADOR ng Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan ang mga hiyas (jewelries) [sic] na
natatala sa ibaba nito upang ipagbili ko sa kapakanan ng nasabing Ginang. Ang
pagbibilhan ko sa nasabing mga hiyas ay aking ibibigay sa nasabing Ginang, sa loob ng
__________ araw at ang hindi mabili ay aking isasauli sa kanya sa loob din ng
nasabing taning na panahon sa mabuting kalagayan katulad ng aking tanggapin. Ang
bilang kabayaran o pabuya sa akin ay ano mang halaga na aking mapalabis na mga
halagang nakatala sa ibaba nito. Ako ay walang karapatang magpautang o kaya ay
magpalako sa ibang tao ng nasabing mga hiyas. 9


Based on the express terms and tenor of the Kasunduan at Katibayan , Degaos
received and accepted the items under the obligation to sell them in behalf of the
complainants ("ang mga hiyas (jewelries) na natatala sa ibaba nito upang ipagbili ko sa
kapakanan ng nasabing Ginang"), and he would be compensated with the overprice as
his commission ("Ang bilang kabayaran o pabuya sa akin ay ano mang halaga na aking
mapalabis na mga halagang nakatala sa ibaba nito."). Plainly, the transaction was a
consignment under the obligation to account for the proceeds of sale, or to return the
unsold items. As such, he was the agent of the complainants in the sale to others of the
items listed in the Kasunduan at Katibayan.
In contrast, according the first paragraph of Article 1458 of the Civil Code, one of the
contracting parties in a contract of sale obligates himself to transfer the ownership of
and to deliver a determinate thing, while the other party obligates himself to pay therefor
a price certain in money or its equivalent. Contrary to the contention of Degaos, there
was no sale on credit to him because the ownership of the items did not pass to him.


Novation did not transpire as to prevent

the incipient criminal liability from arising

Degaos claims that his partial payments to the complainants novated his contract with
them from agency to loan, thereby converting his liability from criminal to civil. He insists
that his failure to complete his payments prior to the filing of the complaint-affidavit by
the complainants notwithstanding, the fact that the complainants later required him to
make a formal proposal before the barangay authorities on the payment of the balance
of his outstanding obligations confirmed that novation had occurred.

The CA rejected the claim of Degaos, opining as follows:

Likewise untenable is the accused-appellants argument that novation took place when
the private complainants accepted his partial payments before the criminal information
was filed in court and therefore, his criminal liability was extinguished.

Novation is not one of the grounds prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the
extinguishment of criminal liability.1wphi1 It is well settled that criminal liability for
estafa is not affected by compromise or novation of contract, for it is a public offense
which must be prosecuted and punished by the Government on its own motion even
though complete reparation should have been made of the damage suffered by the
offended party. A criminal offense is committed against the People and the offended
party may not waive or extinguish the criminal liability that the law imposes for the
commission of the offense. The criminal liability for estafa already committed is not
affected by the subsequent novation of the contract. 10

We sustain the CA.

Degaos claim was again factually unwarranted and legally devoid of basis, because
the partial payments he made and his purported agreement to pay the remaining
obligations did not equate to a novation of the original contractual relationship of agency
to one of sale. As we see it, he misunderstands the nature and the role of novation in a
criminal prosecution.
Novation is the extinguishment of an obligation by the substitution or change of the
obligation by a subsequent one that terminates the first, either by (a) changing the
object or principal conditions; or (b) substituting the person of the debtor; or (c)
subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor. In order that an obligation may be
extinguished by another that substitutes the former, it is imperative that the
extinguishment be so declared in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new
obligations be on every point incompatible with each other.11 Obviously, in case of only
slight modifications, the old obligation still prevails. 12

The Court has further pointed out in Quinto v. People: 13

Novation is never presumed, and the animus novandi, whether totally or partially, must
appear by express agreement of the parties, or by their acts that are too clear and
unequivocal to be mistaken.

The extinguishment of the old obligation by the new one is necessary element of
novation which may be effected either expressly or impliedly. The term "expressly"
means that the contracting parties incontrovertibly disclose that their object in executing
the new contract is to extinguish the old one. Upon the other hand, no specific form is
required for an implied novation, and all that is prescribed by law would be an
incompatibility between the two contracts. While there is really no hard and fast rule to
determine what might constitute to be a sufficient change that can bring about novation,
the touchstone for contrarity, however would be an irreconcilable incompatibility
between the old and the new obligations.

There are two ways which could indicate, in fine, the presence of novation and thereby
produce the effect of extinguishing an obligation by another which substitutes the same.
The firs t is when novation has been explicitly stated and declared in unequivocal terms.
The second is when the old and the new obligations are incompatible on every point.
The test of incompatibility is whether or not the two obligations can stand together, each
one having its independent existence. If they cannot, they are incompatible and the
latter obligation novates the first. Corollarily, changes that breed incompatibility must be
essential in nature and not merely accidental. The incompatibility must take place in any
of the essential elements of the obligation, such as its object, cause or principal
conditions thereof; otherwise, the change would be merely modificatory in nature and
insufficient to extinguish the original obligation.

The changes alluded to by petitioner consists only in the manner of

payment.1wphi1 There was really no substitution of debtors since private complainant
merely acquiesced to the payment but did not give her consent to enter into a new
contract.14 x x x
The legal effects of novation on criminal liability were explained by the Court, through
Justice J.B.L. Reyes, in People v. Nery,15 viz:

The novation theory may perhaps apply prior to the filing of the criminal information in
court by the state prosecutors because up to that time the original trust relation may be
converted by the parties into an ordinary creditor-debtor situation, thereby placing the
complainant in estoppel to insist on the original trust. But after the justice authorities
have taken cognizance of the crime and instituted action in court, the offended party
may no longer divest the prosecution of its power to exact the criminal liability, as
distinguished from the civil. The crime being an offense against the state, only the latter
can renounce it (People vs. Gervacio, 54 Off. Gaz. 2898; People vs. Velasco, 42 Phil.
76; U.S. vs. Montaes, 8 Phil. 620).

It may be observed in this regard that novation is not one of the means recognized by
the Penal Code whereby criminal liability can be extinguished; hence, the role of
novation may only be to either prevent the rise of criminal liability or to cast doubt on the
true nature of the original basic transaction, whether or not it was such that its breach
would not give rise to penal responsibility, as when money loaned is made to appear as
a deposit, or other similar disguise is resorted to (cf. Abeto vs. People, 90 Phil. 581;
U.S. vs. Villareal, 27 Phil. 481).

Even in Civil Law the acceptance of partial payments, without further change in the
original relation between the complainant and the accused, can not produce novation.
For the latter to exist, there must be proof of intent to extinguish the original relationship,
and such intent can not be inferred from the mere acceptance of payments on account
of what is totally due. Much less can it be said that the acceptance of partial satisfaction
can effect the nullification of a criminal liability that is fully matured, and already in the
process of enforcement. Thus, this Court has ruled that the offended partys acceptance
of a promissory note for all or part of the amount misapplied does not obliterate the
criminal offense (Camus vs. Court of Appeals, 48 Off. Gaz. 3898).

Novation is not a ground under the law to extinguish criminal liability. Article 89 (on total
extinguishment)16 and Article 94 (on partial extinguishrnent)17 of the Revised Penal Code
list down the various grounds for the extinguishment of criminal liability. Not being
included in the list, novation is limited in its effect only to the civil aspect of the liability,
and, for that reason, is not an efficient defense in estafa. This is because only the State
may validly waive the criminal action against an accused. 18 The role of novation may
only be either to prevent the rise of criminal liability, or to cast doubt on the true nature
of the original basic transaction, whether or not it was such that the breach of the
obligation would not give rise to penal responsibility, as when money loaned is made to
appear as a deposit, or other similar disguise is resorted to. 19
Although the novation of a contract of agency to make it one of sale may relieve an
offender from an incipient criminal liability, that did not happen here, for the partial
payments and the proposal to pay the balance the accused made during the barangay
proceedings were not at all incompatible with Degafios liability under the agency that
had already attached. Rather than converting the agency to sale, therefore, he even
thereby confirmed his liability as the sales agent of the complainants.

VHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated on
September 23, 2003; and ORDERS petitioner to pay the costs of suit.


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