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Bullivants Rigging Handbook V2

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Hoisting 2 short

Luffing 3 short
boom up

Slewing 1 long, 2 short


out: 1 long, 3 short
boom extend

Travel and
Not applicable

Hoisting 1 long

Luffing 4 short
boom down

1 long, 1 short
Slewing left

Jib-trolley in: 1 long, 4 short

boom retract

1 short



Some products may not be stocked in all branches. Unless otherwise
specified by the customer when ordering products. Bullivants Pty
Ltd ABN 47 087 887 072 reserves the right to substitute unavailable
products or brands with the nearest alternative.
While the company has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that
details given in this catalogue are accurate at the time of publication,
full technical specifications are not included and the company reserves
the right to alter specifications, details and information from time to time
without notice to customers. Since the use of this information and the
conditions in which these products are used are beyond the control of
the company, a user must determine whether the products are suitable
for the purpose for which they are to be used, and is responsible for the
safe use of the products.
Unless otherwise agreed between the company and the customer in
writing, the products are sold by the company to the customer pursuant
to the Terms & Conditions of Quotation and Sale set out on the
Bullivants website, as amended from time to time located at (http://www.
Save for the warranties and representations which cannot be lawfully
excluded or modified, all representations and warranties not expressly
set out in this disclaimer or the Terms & Conditions of Quotation of
Sale are excluded. To the extent permitted by law, any liability which
may be incurred by the company as a result of the use of or the
failure of a product is limited at the companys discretion to the repair
or replacement of the product, and the company will not be liable for
any economic loss, loss of points, indirect, special or consequential
damages (including in the case of negligence).
Information on products has been prepared from manufacturers
catalogues and literature. All detail is subject to change without notice
and should be confirmed at time of purchase. Where availability may
vary, products supplied are not necessarily the brand illustrated.
However, alternate products of equal quality are able to be supplied.
Customers with a particular brand preference should state this at the
time of order placement.
Although all care has been taken in the preparation of this catalogue,
the technical information including dimensions in illustrations, drawings
and charts are nonbinding. Bullivants does not accept any responsibility
for any typographical or other errors which may have occurred in the
production of this catalogue.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording, via any future
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1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

This handbook has been produced by Bullivants and is based on
Australian Standards, International Standards, manufacturers
specifications and industry best practise. This is the third edition
of the handbook which was originally produced in 1982.
The intent of this handbook is for persons who are involved
in the development of lifting plans or are directly using lifting
equipment such as; riggers, doggers, crane operators, engineers,
end users and lifting equipment manufacturers/designers. It is
a tool designed to assist with:
Lift planning
Product selection and general specifications
Inspection criteria before, during and after use
Care & safe use of product
Handling & storage of product
It also contains many helpful tips and hints on safe use. Please
keep this book in your pocket as a quick reference guide for on
the job solutions.
This handbook should not be used for solving complex rigging or
lift planning.


Risk Management......................................................................... 8
Safety at Site................................................................................. 8
Safe Use of Lifting Equipment.................................................8-9
Lift Planning.............................................................................9-13
Definitions of Lifting Equipment............................................... 14
Glossary of Terms.................................................................15-17
Bullivants Locations.........................................................256-257

Wire Rope & Strand...............................................................18-87

General Information & Selection..........................................18-56
Care & Use..........................................................................64-79
Handling & Storage..............................................................80-87

Fibre Rope............................................................................88-108
General Information & Selection........................................88-105
Care & Use............................................................................. 107
Handling & Storage................................................................. 108

ALLOY CHAIN.................................................................109-124
General Information & Selection...................................... 109-117
Inspection......................................................................... 118-120
Care & Use......................................................................121-124
Handling & Storage................................................................. 124

WIRE ROPE.....................................................................125-136
General Information & Selection......................................125-133
Inspection................................................................................ 134
Care & Use......................................................................134-136
Handling & Storage................................................................. 136

HMPE DYNEEMA..........................................................137-144
General Information & Selection......................................137-139

Care & Use............................................................................. 144

Handling & Storage................................................................. 144

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Slings (cont.)......................................................................109-149

General Information & Selection......................................144-147
Care & Use............................................................................. 149
Handling & Storage................................................................. 149

General Information & Selection......................................150-154
Care & Use............................................................................. 156
Handling & Storage................................................................. 157

General Information & Selection......................................157-159
Inspection................................................................................ 159
Care & Use......................................................................160-163
Handling & Storage................................................................. 163

LIFTING POINTS.............................................................164-165
General Information & Selection......................................164-165
Inspection................................................................................ 165
Care & Use............................................................................. 165
Handling & Storage................................................................. 165

RIGGING SCREWS & TURNBUCKLES.........................166-171

General Information & Selection......................................166-169
Inspection................................................................................ 170
Care & Use............................................................................. 171
Handling & Storage................................................................. 171

WIRE ROPE TERMINATIONS........................................172-195

WEDGE SOCKETS.........................................................173-175
General Information & Selection............................................. 173
Inspection................................................................................ 174
Care & Use......................................................................174-175

Handling & Storage................................................................. 175

Hardware (cont.)................................................................150-207


POURED SOCKETS.......................................................176-184
General Information & Selection......................................176-183
Inspection................................................................................ 184
Care & Use............................................................................. 184
Handling & Storage................................................................. 184

General Information & Selection......................................184-189
Inspection................................................................................ 190
Handling & Storage................................................................. 190

WIRE ROPE GRIPS........................................................190-195

General Information & Selection......................................190-192
Inspection................................................................................ 193
Care & Use......................................................................193-195
Handling & Storage................................................................. 195
CABLE STOCKINGS......................................................195-197
General Information & Selection......................................195-197
Inspection................................................................................ 197
Care & Use............................................................................. 197
Handling & Storage................................................................. 197

SHEAVE BLOCKS..........................................................198-205
General Information & Selection......................................198-199
Care & Use......................................................................202-205
Handling & Storage................................................................. 205

CRANE HOOKS..............................................................205-207
General Information & Selection............................................. 205
Inspection................................................................................ 206
Care & Use............................................................................. 207
Handling & Storage................................................................. 207

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Stainless Steel................................................................... 208-211
General Information & Selection......................................208-210
Inspection................................................................................ 211
Care & Use............................................................................. 211
Handling & Storage................................................................. 211

Load Restraint & Recovery..............................................212-232

LOAD RESTRAINT.........................................................212-220
General Information & Selection......................................212-214
Inspection................................................................................ 215
Care & Use......................................................................216-219
Handling & Storage................................................................. 220

General Information & Selection......................................220-224
Care & Use......................................................................231-232
Handling & Storage................................................................. 232

Materials Handling............................................................233-255

CHAIN BLOCK................................................................233-236
General Information & Selection............................................. 233
Care & Use......................................................................235-236
Handling & Storage................................................................. 236

LEVER BLOCK...............................................................237-242
General Information & Selection............................................. 237
Care & Use......................................................................239-242
Handling & Storage................................................................. 242

LIFTING CLAMPS...........................................................242-245
General Information & Selection............................................. 242
Inspection................................................................................ 243
Care & Use......................................................................244-245
Handling & Storage................................................................. 245
Materials Handling (cont.).................................................233-255


General Information & Selection............................................. 245
Inspection................................................................................ 246
Care & Use......................................................................247-248
Handling & Storage................................................................. 248

General Information & Selection......................................248-249
Inspection................................................................................ 249
Care & Use......................................................................249-250
Handling & Storage................................................................. 250

GIRDER TROLLEYS & CLAMPS...................................250-253

General Information & Selection......................................250-251
Care & Use......................................................................252-253
Handling & Storage................................................................. 253

FABRICATED PRODUCT...............................................253-255
General Information & Selection......................................253-254
Inspection................................................................................ 254
Care & Use......................................................................254-255
Handling & Storage................................................................. 255

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If you are unsure at any time about any information and/
or application contained within this book please seek
advice from your supervisor or manager.
Where there is discrepancy between the information
within this handbook and the relevant Australian
Standards, International Standards, site policies and
procedures and state codes of practise, the information
set out in Government Legislation, state Codes
of Practice, Australian Standards or International
Standards shall apply.

Work on any site which involves lifting equipment should
require the use of risk management tools such as:
Risk Assessment
Job Step Analysis (JSA)
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
Most sites will have standard formats for the above and
these tools are recommended best practice for working
with and/or around lifting equipment.


Lifting Equipment Design
All lifting equipment shall have the applicable design
factor or engineering calculation applied by the
manufacturer. Any variation to the design factor should
only be reviewed and approved by the manufacturer or
an engineer.
Design factors are determined and applied to lifting
equipment based on the following circumstances:
Normal wear & tear
Environmental conditions
Loss of material cross-sectional area
Sudden release of stored energy (shock load)
Other dynamic forces
Lifting Equipment Design (cont.)

Regular inspection and safe use of lifting equipment
by use of risk assessment, lift planning and trained
personnel helps to prevent equipment failure due to one
or more of the previous conditions. Failure can occur at
less than the working load limit (WLL) marked on the
equipment if these conditions are not considered.



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Know the WEIGHT of the load or ask your
Establish the weight or;
Use alternative methods to weigh the load
Research the weight of the object
If in doubt ask your supervisor or other
competent person
Is the weight balanced and is the centre of
gravity known?
What is the APPLICATION (single or multi leg,
basket or choke hitch)?
The application is dependent on the following
Shape of the load - round or square
Physical dimensions of the load (length-width-height)
Dedicated lifting points or not
Headroom clearance (if multi leg refer to the lifting
limitations chart below and/or the Bullivants Load
External surfaces
Material density
Lifting path
Landing pad
Lifting Limitations - How do I know my angle is
Lifting Limitations - How do I know my angle is safe


Make sure you SELECT the correct gear

Is the correct lifting gear available and within the WLL
Is the equipment suited for the existing environment?
Has lifting gear been inspected and certified/tagged fit
for use?
Is alternative lifting gear available?
Do we have competent/trained operators?
Are taglines available for use?
Prior to use all lifting gear shall be visually inspected by
the operator or approved person. All lifting equipment
shall be free of any damage or wear that would see it
meet or exceed discard criteria as per the applicable
When any defects are detected the equipment shall
be immediately tagged out of service for repair and/or
recertification by competent persons.

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It does not take long to pre-inspect lifting gear.
Pre-inspecting lifting gear can save a life.
ORGANISE TO FLOAT the load, check for balance
Ensure clear communication with all persons involved or
who may be affected by the lift before commencing. And
communicate the lift commencement to all parties
Just get it off the ground - floating the load is the act of
lifting the load just clear of the ground or storage surface
to ensure the load is balanced before commencing the
If the load is not balanced it should be lowered and
the lifting equipment adjusted or repositioned by using
shortening devices or other such means. Adjust, re-
attach (if applicable) and float the load again to check
the load is balanced.
Ensure the load remains in a stable and controlled
condition at all times during the lift. Taglines should be
used as required.
LIFT the load slowly and controlled
Lift commencement should be communicated to all
Commence the lift slowly taking up the slack gradually
to avoid shock loads.
Lift the load slowly, in a controlled manner, on an
agreed pathway to a dedicated landing pad.

When using multi speed hoists or cranes always

commence at slow speed until deemed safe to
INCLUDE A LANDING PAD with packers to prevent

Having a designated landing pad can assist in removing
the risk of loads being placed into areas they are not
designated for which may cause further risk.
Use of packers to receive a load allows for the load to
be supported and for the removal of the lifting equipment
without damage from abrasion or crush between the
load and the surface.
correctly off the ground
All lifting equipment should be re-inspected as per
the inspection criteria as set out in the applicable
Australian or International Standards and then stored
in a designated area for protection, easy access and
inspection by the next user.
Equipment is to be stored off the ground, preferably on
A-frames or racks/lockers for ease of inspection by a
competent person and to prevent damage from mobile
plant equipment such as forklifts or environmental
damage due to exposure to chemicals or weather.

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Equipment That Gets Lifted (Offshore Equipment)
Open and closed freight containers
Open top bins
Equipment That Does the Lifting (Lifting Equipment)
Hydraulic Jacks
Chain Blocks
Lever Blocks
Hoists (Air, Electric and Hydraulic)
Winches (Air, Electric and Hydraulic)
Other lifting equipment
Equipment That Connects the Load (Rigging)
Alloy Chain Slings
Wire Rope Slings
Synthetic Slings (Flat Webbing and Endless Round)
HMPE Fibre Rope Slings
Push Trolleys
Girder Clamps
Plate Clamps
Wire Ropes
Crane Ropes
Eye Bolts
Load Rings
Concrete Panel Lifting Attachments
Snatch Blocks
Sheave Blocks
Vehicle Stands
General Rigging Equipment
Recovery Equipment
Load Restraint Equipment

Lifting Twist Locks


Australian Standard followed by a number which
denotes a particular publication.
Breaking Force
Maximum force reached during the static tensile test of
the component, at which the component fails to retain
the load.
Certified Visual Inspection
Inspection of lifting equipment accompanied by
certification or approved documentation. The inspection
certificate must be signed by a suitably qualified person.
Chain Grade T (8, 80 or 800)
Grade to designate chain used for chain slings with a
specified nominal stress at breaking force of 800 MPa.
Chain Grade V (10, 100 or 1000)
Grade to designate chain used for chain slings with a
specified nominal stress at breaking force of 1000 MPa.
Grade V(100) chain can be produced by using materials
that are suitable for a 200C or 380C operating range.
Each temperature range has specific minimum alloying
elements requirements. V200 refers to Grade V(100)
chain that has a maximum operating temperature of
200C, V400 refers to Grade V(100) chain that has a
maximum operating temperature of 380C.
Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
Chain of responsibility (CoR) provisions in transport
law are designed to ensure that any party in a position
to control, influence, prevent or encourage particular
on-road behaviours is identified and held appropriately
accountable. CoR provisions recognise that on-road
behaviour and outcomes are often influenced by the
actions and undertakings of parties within the transport
industry other than the driver.
Circumference of Rope

The length of the smallest enclosing circle around a

cross-section of the rope.

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Competent Person
A person having practical experience, theoretical
knowledge and training enabling that person to detect
and evaluate any defects and weaknesses that may
affect the intended performance of the equipment.
Competency records shall be maintained.
Construction of The Rope
The number of strands, the number and arrangement
of wires in the strands, and the direction and type of lay
and type of core of a rope.
Design Factor/Safety Factor
The term applied to the required ratios of breaking force
to the Working Load Limit. Normally set by statutory
bodies, e.g. Australian Standards, Mines Department,
Navigation Departments, Lifts and Scaffolds
Departments or applicable state based Workcover
The measurement of a straight line passing from side to
side through the centre of an object or circle.
A competent person who applies slinging techniques
including the selection and inspection of lifting gear and
the directing of a crane/hoist operator in the movement
of a load when the load is out of the operators view.
A person qualified to be a Member of the Institute of
Engineers, Australia (MIE Aust) or recognised equivalent
who is competent and has adequate experience to
assure that the technical requirements of this standard
are met.
Fleet Angle
The angle between the rope and a plane perpendicular
to the axis of rotation of the sheave or drum. For drums,
it is measured with the rope at the end of the drum,
which results in the greatest fleet angle.

The activity of measuring, testing or otherwise examining
goods and services (including, when appropriate, raw
materials, components and intermediate assemblies) for
determining conformity with the specified requirements.
A person who is competent in the skills needed to detect
faults in equipment and to determine remedial action.
Lashing Capacity
One quarter of the minimum breaking strength of the
system which is designed to sustain in straight pull
expressed in kilograms (kg) rather than kilogram force
Minimum Breaking Force (MBF)
MBF is the minimum load or force guaranteed by the
manufacturer after which a product will break.
Rated Capacity
The maximum gross load which may be applied to the
crane or hoist or lifting attachment while in a particular
working configuration and under a particular condition
of use.
Safety Factor
The ratio of the ultimate strength of the material to the
permissible stress.
A surface finish arising from essential manufacturing
processes, without additional surface treatment.
Indicates a statement that is mandatory.
Indicates a recommendation.
Working Load Limit (WLL)
The WLL is the maximum load that equipment can carry

on a particular service. The WLL should be based on the

minimum breaking force, not the actual breaking force,
which can vary depending on construction, size and the
applicable design factor.
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The properties of a wire rope are derived from its size,
construction, quality lay and type of core.
Ropes are referred to by a diameter size. The correct
way to measure wire rope is shown below.

The main components of a wire rope are shown below.
In the example above, each individual wire is arranged


around a central wire to form a 7-wire strand. Six of
these strands are formed around a central core to make
a wire rope. The rope is specified at 6 x 7 (6/1) i.e., six
strands each of seven wires.
Due to technological change the available range of wire
rope construction is unlimited.
The size and number of wires in each strand, as well
as the size and number of strands in the rope greatly
affect the characteristics of the rope. In general, a
large number of small-size wires and strands produce
a flexible rope with good resistance to bending fatigue.
Ideal for running or moving ropes such as winches,
hoists and luffing type applications. Conversely a wire
rope with a small number of larger wires produces a
non flexible rope with good durability and low stretch
properties. The rope construction is also important
for tensile load (static, live or shock) abrasive wear,
crushing, corrosion and rotation.
A number of core types are available and each has
specific properties:
1. Wire Strand Core (WSC) - Strand usually of the
same construction as the outer strands.
2. Fibre Core (FC) - Sisal or polypropylene.
3. Wire Ripe Core (WRC) - a wire rope usually of
6 x 7 (6/1) / 1 x 7 (6/4) construction.

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Wire Strand Core (WSC)

These cores used chiefly for standing

ropes (guys or rigging), and offer high
tensile strength and, owing to the larger
wires in the core, greater resistance to
Fibre Core (FC)
A fibre core, generally synthetic or
natural materials, provides a resilient
foundation for the strands in the rope
structure. Fibre cores are used for
ropes that are not subjected to heavy
loading and where flexibility in handling
is required. Fibre Cores are not
preferred where wire rope is subjected to heavy loading,
prolonged outdoor exposure and crushing on small
drums and sheaves.
Wire Rope Core (WRC)
Wire Rope Core is preferred for
operating ropes in applications of high
tensile stress, high compression loads
on small drums and sheaves (such as
on earth moving equipment) and high
operating temperatures (such as cranes
handling large quantities of molten
metal). A rope with a WRC is approximately 11% heavier
and 7.5% stronger than fibre cored rope of the same
Rope Lay
This refers to the way the wires in the strands, and the
strands in the rope are formed into the completed rope.
The wire strands are essentially laid up in a planetary
motion with controlled twist being imparted to produce a
tightly formed rope.
The term lay is used in three ways:


1. To describe the direction in which the strands
are laid in the rope right or left. In a Right Hand
lay strands are laid around the rope core in a
clockwise direction - see illustration below. In a
Left Hand lay, the strands are laid anti-clockwise -
see illustration below. Steel Wire Ropes are
conventionally produced Right Hand lay unless
special circumstances require Left Hand lay.
2. To describe the direction in which the wires are
stranded in relation to the direction of the strands in
the completed rope, e.g. Ordinary lay or Langs lay.
Ordinary lay means the wires in a strand are laid
in a direction opposite to the direction in which the
strands are laid in the final rope.
Langs lay means the wires in the strand are laid in
the same direction in which the strands are laid in
the final rope.
Langs lay ropes have superior properties in
resistance to wear, abrasion, fatigue and scuffing.
3. Lay is also a measure of the pitch of a strand in a







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Characteristics of Lay
The direction of rope lay does not affect the breaking
force of a rope. However, the combination of strand lay
and rope lay will greatly affect the rope characteristics
and this factor must be taken into consideration
when choosing a rope. Although the lay length can
slightly affect rope behaviour, the dominant aspect
that influences performance is the direction of lay
and whether it is Langs lay or Ordinary Lay.
For example, the importance of rope lay is evident in
a four-part high lift grab where rotation of the grab is
prevented by the use of alternate right-hand and left-
hand ropes.
Strand Lay Length
To determine if a rope is stretched measure the distance
parallel to the longitudinal strand axis in which an outer
wire makes one complete turn (or helix) about the axis
of the strand - see drawing below.

Steel Quality - Tensile Strength

Production Methods, equipment and quality control in
steel making and wire drawing ensure that wire rope
conforms to Australian and International specifications.
Wire ropes are commonly supplied in the following
tensile ranges:

Description: Tensile Range:
Black Wire (bright
B1770 - B2250
non-galvanised, 1770 to 2250 MPa

G1570 - G2250
Galvanised Wire 1570 to 2250 MPa
G1770 (Galvanised 1770 MPa) is the preferred grade


for galvanised ropes other than standard multiple
operation ropes of 6 x 7, 6 x 19, 6 x 24 and 6 x 36
Other special tensile ranges can be supplied in both
galvanised and black as follows:
1220 MPa
1420 MPa
IPS = 1770 MPa
EIPS = 1960 MPa
1970 MPa
2070 MPa
2160 MPa
2250 MPa
EEPIS = 2260 MPa
NOTE: Ropes manufactured to the US Federal Spec
nominate rope grades such as IPS, EIPS and EEIPS,
which are equivalent to 1770MPa, 1960MPa and 2250
MPa respectively.
Galvanised ropes and strand are made of zinc coated
(galvanised) wire rope for protection against corrosion.
With the increasing use of heavy-duty and more
compact equipment (e.g. power winches on mobile
cranes and mine winding) there is a gradual upward
trend in the required rope wire tensile range. However,
as factors other than strength influence the life of wire
rope, the specific application must be kept in mind
when the tensile strength of the wire is selected.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Quality Control
All ropes are produced to comply with the requirements
of Australian Standards. These specifications require
wire to be produced to AS 1394. All wire ropes shall
comply with AS 3569 or the equivalent International
Bullivants testing facilities are constantly engaged on
the testing of both local and overseas wire rope samples
received for examination to ensure compliance with AS

Bullivants have several non-destructive testing units

nationally operated by testing staff which are evaluated
and recognised by NATA. For further information please
refer to the services section of this handbook.
General Wire Rope Terms
Minimum Breaking Force (MBF)
The MBF of a strand or rope is that shown in
manufacturers catalogues or Standard Specifications.
The Australian Standard bases MBF on the use of wires
of nominal size and the minimum tensile strength. The
MBF should be used for design of rope equipment.

Some countries use an aggregate MBF, based on cross

sectional area and tensile strength of wires only, which is
normally a calculated higher value than the actual MBF.


Diameter is the measurement across the centre line of
the circle circumscribing the outer wires of a strand or
the outer strands of the wire rope.
Refer to the following chart for tolerances on wire rope
manufactured to AS 3569.
Table Tolerances on Rope Diameter AS 3569

Tolerance as percentage of nominal diameter

Rope Dia. Ropes with strands Ropes with strands
(d) mm that are exclusively that incorporate fibre
of wire or incorporate centres (for example,
solid polymer centres 6 x 24 FC)

2d<4 -

+7 +9
0 0

+6 +8
0 0

+5 +7
0 0

Wire Rope Selection

The following criteria are used to determine the type,
size and capacity wire rope needed for your job:
Working Load Limit (WLL)
Diameter and length
Rope end terminations
Required attributes (flexibility, abrasion resistance,
crush resistance)
Number of parts of line/fall
Model of equipment to be fitted by rope
Dimensions of the drums and sheaves
Winding requirements (hair pin or fittings to inside
or outside of reel)
Special reel requirements
Pre-stretching, proof testing requirements

Environmental conditions
Lubrication requirements (pre or post)
Special delivery requirements
1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com
Bullivants Wire Rope Mechanical Properties












6x7 6 x 19 6 x 19 6 x 21 6 x 26 6 x 25 6 x 31 6 x 36 6 x 43 6 x 41 8 x 25 18 x 7
(6 x 9/9/1) (6 x 12/6/1) (6 x 12/6/6/1) (8 x 19 Filler) Non-rotating
Typical Rope Recommendations - Always refer to current equipment manufacturers specifications.

Application Size Range Dia. (mm) Construction Lay Performed Core


1300 722 999

18-28 19S, 7, 7/3TS RHLL Fibre
32 9/12/3TS RHLL Fibre
Mine Winding 36-44 10/12/3TS, 12/12/3TS RHLL Fibre
48 & over 15/12/12TS RHLL Fibre
All sizes Veropro 8 RHLL IWRC
20-32 7, 7/3 RHLL Fibre
36-40 10/12/3TS, 10/12/7 TS RHLL Fibre
Mine Haulage 44-48 12/12/3TS, 12/12/3 TS RHLL Fibre
48-60 15/12/12 TS RHLL Fibre
All Sizes Veropro 8 RHLL IWRC

Typical Rope Recommendations - Always refer to current equipment manufacturers specifications (cont.).

Application Size Range Dia. (mm) Construction Lay Performed Core

26-44 6 x 25FW, 6 x 31. 6 x 41 RHLL Fibre or WRC
Dredge Ladder
Veropro 8 RHLL WRC
26-44 19S, 19S C, 25FW, 6 x 36 RHOL WRC
Dredge Mooring
All Sizes Veropro 8 RHLL WRC
Shovel Hoist 36-46, 52 & larger 8 x 37, 8 x 39 RHLL WRC - Plastic Impregnated
Shovel Crowd and Retract 32-70 8 x 39 RHLL WRC - Plastic Impregnated
Suspension 52-112 Spiral Strand RHOL Spiral Strand
Shovel Trip 14-19 6 x 36 RHOL WRC - Plastic Impregnated
Grab Holding & Closing 18-28 29FW RHLL, LHOL Fibre
Skip Hoist 13-36 19S RHLL WRC
6-8 19S RHOL Fibre or WRC

1300 722 999

9-28 29FW, 36SW RHOL Fibre or WRC
Overhead Crane
32-48 41SW RHOL Fibre or WRC
All sizes Veropro 8 RHLL IWRC
9-22 18 x 7 RR, Powerform RHOL -
24-40 Powerform RHLL -
Luffing Crane Hoist 40-44 Powerform RHLL -
All sizes Verotop RHLL -
All sizes Veropro 8 (Luff) RHLL IWRC
Mobile Crane Hoist 11-32 Verotop, Powerform RHLL -

Mobile Luffing Grab Holding 16-26 25FW, 29FW RHOL, LHOL Fibre
& Closing 18-28 25FW, 29FW

Typical Rope Recommendations - Always refer to current equipment manufacturers specifications (cont.).

Application Size Range Dia. (mm) Construction Lay Performed Core

Ski Tows 9-16 7,19S RHLL PP
18-56 19S,25S,29S RHLL SOLID PP
Chair Lift
Veropro RHLL
Bi-cable Ropeway - Haul Rope 18-28 25FW RHLL Fibre
44-60 Full lock coil RHLL Fibre

Bi-cable Ropeway - Track 13-28 34 x 7, 35W x 7 RHLL -

Rope 22-36 Full lock coil - -
Veropro RHLL Solid PP
13-20 18 x 7, 19 x 7 RHOL -
Carriage Hoist
22-28 34 x 7, 35W x 7 RHLL -
Carriage Traverse 13-26 12/12/3 TS, 19S 25FW RHLL Fibre
Ropeway - monocable 18-32 7 RHLL Fibre
Percussion Drilling 12-18 25FW,24 LHOL Fibre

1300 722 999

Drilling Lines 18-36 19S, 25FW, Veropro 8 RHOL WRC
Sand or Core Line 9-18 7, 19S RHOL Fibre
13-28 19S RHOL WRC
Log Winch
32-36 25FW RHOL WRC
13-28 19S, 25FW RHOL WRC
Log Skidder
Swaged rope RHOL WRC
26-36 19S RHOL WRC
Scrub Clearing
40-52 25FW RHOL WRC
Yard Rope 15-20 25FW, 29FW RHOL Fibre

Typical Rope Recommendations - Always refer to current equipment manufacturers specifications (cont.).

Application Size Range Dia. (mm) Construction Lay Performed Core

13-40 25FW RHOL WRC
Verotop P RHLL WRC
Pile Driving
Verotop RHLL -
Veropro 8 RHLL IWRC
9-32 24 RHOL Fibre
Slings - Standard
36 36,41 RHOL Fibre
Sling - High 9-28 25FW, 36SW RHOL WRC
Tensile 32-92 41SW RHOL WRC

NOTE: General Wire Rope Inspections are conducted by a competent person who will carry out inspections as per
AS 2759. If you have doubts about a wire rope at your site which may have sufficient damage of any type that could
result in an accident or injury, dont use it, tag the wire rope Out of Service and have it inspected or replaced.
Wire Rope Specifications
General Purpose Wire Ropes

Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Force, Grade 1770

Nominal 6x19 to 6x25 6x19 to 6x25 6x36 to 6x49 6x36 to 6x49

1300 722 999

FC (kN) IWRC (kN)
Diameter (mm) FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m
8 23 25.6 23.5 26.2 37.4 40.3
9 29.1 32.4 29.7 33.1 47.3 51
10 36.9 40 36.7 40.9 58.4 63
11 43.3 48.4 44.4 49.5 70.7 76.2
12 51.7 57.6 52.8 58.9 84.1 90.7
13 60.7 67.6 62 69.1 98.7 106
14 70.4 78.4 71.9 80.2 114 124
16 91.9 102 94 105 150 161

Wire Rope Specifications
General Purpose Wire Ropes

Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Force, Grade 1770

Nominal 6x19 to 6x25 6x19 to 6x25 6x36 to 6x49 6x36 to 6x49

FC (kN) IWRC (kN)
Diameter (mm) FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m
18 116 130 119 133 189 204
20 144 160 147 164 234 252
22 174 194 179 198 283 305
24 207 230 211 236 336 363
26 243 270 248 276 392 426
28 281 314 288 321 458 494
32 368 410 376 419 598 645
36 465 518 476 530 757 817
Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Force, Grade 1770

Nominal 6x19 to 6x25 6x19 to 6x25 6x36 to 6x49 6x36 to 6x49

FC (kN) IWRC (kN)
Diameter (mm) FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m FC kg/100m IWRC kg/100m
40 587 654 935 1010

1300 722 999

44 711 792 1130 1220
48 846 942 1350 1450
52 992 1110 1580 1700
56 1150 1280 1830 1980
58 1390 2200
60 1470 2270

Mass and Breaking Force - Notes for the previous
Wire Rope Specification Tables
The previous tables show rope mass in kgs per 100
metres and breaking force in kilonewtons for the
various rope groups.
It should be noted that the value varies from group to
group since the various constructions contain different
steel areas and variable losses are incurred as a result
of the stranding of wires.
Wire grades ranging from 1570 to 2250 correspond
to the minimum tensile strength of the wire expressed
in megapascals (MPa). Marine and General Purpose
galvanised ropes are generally nominated in 1570 grade
and are confined to certain rope constructions.
To calculate approximate MBF equivalent at sea level
divide the nominated kilonewtons by 9.81.
12mm 6 x 7 Fibre Core G1570 Grade
MBF = 75kN = 75 = 7.65 tonnes
NOTE: For most estimation purposes, it is sufficient to
divide kilonewtons by 10 in lieu of 9.81.
Galvanised Wire Ropes


6x24 Construction: Unit of Measure - metre

Commonly used for slings or static applications (not

recommended for dynamic applications).

Approx. Mass
Min Breaking
Order Code

Force (kN)





110006 8 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 28.7 20.4

110032 9 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 36.4 25.8
110000 10 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 44.9 31.8
110115 11 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 54.3 38.5
140006 12 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 64.0 45.8
110013 13 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 75.9 53.8
110046 14 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 88.0 62.4
110016 16 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 115.0 81.5
110017 18 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 145.0 103
110058 20 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 180.0 127
110176 26 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 304.0 215
110196 32 1570 Gal. Fibre RHOL 460.0 326

Other sizes and configurations can be made to order.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Galvanised Guying Strand
Guying strands are composed of concentric layers of
wires. Strands with 19 wires or more have successive
layers with opposing lay to produce a rotation resistant
effect. Guying strand is chiefly used in general stranding
guys and support purposes and can be used in certain
types of electrical applications, for example, for earthing
or transmission. Guying strand has a high modulus of
elasticity and therefore minimum elongation under load.
Wires in guying strand have a heavy zinc coating to
Class A, ensuring optimum corrosion resistance. Where
extreme corrosive conditions exist or where a long life
is required, heavier zinc coatings are available.

Diameter Construction MBF (kN) Grade
12 1x19 119 G1570
14 1x19 162 G1570
16 1x19 211 G1570
18 1x19 267 G1570
20 1x19 295 G1570
22 1x19 371 G1570
24 1x19 463 G1570
26 1x19 544 G1570
28 1x37 631 G1570
36 1x61 1042 G1570
48 1x91 1850 G1570
54 1x91 2340 G1570
57 1x91 2610 G1570
64 1x91 3280 G1570
70 1x127 3664 G1570
86 1x150 5931 G1570
95 1x168 6094 G1570
Crane Rope


Rotation resistant wire rope is a rope of two or more
layers of strands counter laid to achieve opposing torque
under load, and reduce the tendency of the rope to
rotate under load.
NOTE: Rotation resistant wire rope is not recommended
for luffing applications.
18 x 7 Construction Rotation Resistant Crane Rope:
Unit of Measure - metre
Diameter (mm)

Approx. Mass
Min Breaking
Order Code

Force (kN)




110245 6 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 24.4 14.3

110246 6.5 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 27.4 16.5
110265 7 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 33.3 19.8
110243 8 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 43.4 25.6
110247 9 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 55.0 32.9
110248 10 2070 Gal. Fibre RHOL 67.9 40.2
110249 10 2070 Black Fibre RHOL 67.9 40.2
110250 11 2070 Black Fibre RHOL 82.2 47.3
110251 12 2070 Black Fibre RHOL 97.8 58
140012 16 2070 Black Fibre RHOL 173.8 103.4

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

35 x 7 Construction Rotation Resistant Crane Rope:
Unit of Measure - metre

Diameter (mm)

Approx. Mass
Min Breaking
Order Code

Force (kN)




111194 12 2160 Galv Wire RHLL 119.0 64.5

110254 13 2070 Black Wire RHLL 134.0 75.7
110256 14 2070 Black Wire RHLL 155.0 88.0
110242 16 2070 Black Wire RHLL 204.0 115
110244 18 2070 Black Wire RHLL 255.0 145
110260 19 2070 Black Wire RHLL 290.0 162
110262 20 2070 Black Wire RHLL 316.0 179
110263 22 2070 Black Wire RHLL 389.0 217
140101 24 2070 Black Wire RHLL 464.0 258
140102 26 2070 Black Wire RHLL 543.0 303
110286 28 2070 Black Wire RHLL 629.0 351
110287 32 2070 Black Wire RHLL 808.0 459
35 x 7 Powerform: Unit of Measure - metre


Powerform compacted rope is a steel wire rope which
has been manufactured using individually compacted
strands. During the compaction process the outside
diameter of the strand is reduced and steel moves into
the empty voids between the wires within the strand.
The forming process also produces a very smooth
exterior strand surface.
Special Features:
A sample of rope from each production batch is
tested to destruction in order to confirm compliance
with breaking force values.
Maximum resistance to rotation.
Suitable for use on single part and multi-part hoist
reeving systems.
High fatigue lift resulting from unique compaction
Increased resistance to crushing. Recommended for
multi-layer spooling operations.
Increased abrasion resistance resulting from unique
compaction process.
Fully lubricated in manufacturing.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

35 x 7 Powerform: Unit of Measure - metre (cont.)

Diameter (mm)

Approx. Mass
Min Breaking
Order Code

Force (kN)



110822 13 1960 Black Wire RHLL 155.0 85.1
110823 14 1960 Black Wire RHLL 180.0 98.6
140013 14 1960 Gal. Wire RHOL 180.0 98.6
112058 15 1960 Black Wire RHLL 206.6 113
112059 16 1960 Black Wire RHLL 233.0 129
111025 17 1960 Black Wire RHLL 268 148
111027 18 1960 Black Wire RHLL 300.0 163
111029 19 1960 Black Wire RHLL 331.0 182
111031 20 1960 Black Wire RHLL 372.0 201
111033 21 1960 Black Wire RHLL 402.0 224
111035 22 1960 Black Wire RHLL 444.0 243
110278 23 1960 Black Wire RHLL 482.0 270
111037 24 1960 Black Wire RHLL 531.0 290
111121 25 1960 Black Wire RHLL 575 318
110282 26 1960 Black Wire RHLL 621.0 340
110285 28 1960 Black Wire RHLL 720.0 394
111122 28 2160 Gal. Wire RHLL 788.0 394

Other sizes and configurations can be made to order.

NOTE: Non-rotating wire rope is not recommended for

luffing applications.
verope - High Performance Crane Rope


verotop Grade 1960 & 2160: Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of verotop:
verotop is most suitable for high
lifting applications.
verotop is a rotation resistant
rope made with outer and inner
strands compacted.
verotop has an extremely high
breaking strength with very strong
resistance to drum crushing.
The rope is fully lubricated and made both of
galvanised and ungalvanised wires.
Rotation resistant ropes should be used with a swivel.


Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN

8 140120 61.1 111123 62.7 0.313

9 140121 77.3 111124 79.4 0.397
10 110833 95.4 110863 98.0 0.490
11 140123 115.5 111133 118.6 0.593
12 140100 137.4 110864 141.2 0.705
12.7 110835 153.9 110865 158.1 0.790
13 110836 161.3 110866 165.7 0.828
14 110837 187.0 110867 192.2 0.960
15 110838 214.7 110868 220.6 1.102
16 110839 244.3 110869 251.0 1.254
17 110840 275.8 110870 283.3 1.415
18 110841 309.2 110871 317.7 1.587
19 110842 344.5 110872 353.9 1.768
20 110843 381.7 110873 392.2 1.959

21 110844 420.8 110874 432.4 2.160

22 110845 461.9 110875 474.5 2.371
22.4 110846 478.8 110876 491.9 2.458

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

verotop Grade 1960 & 2160: Unit of Measure - metre


Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN

23 110847 504.8 110877 518.6 2.591

24 110848 549.7 110878 564.7 2.821
25 110849 596.4 110879 612.8 3.061
25.4 110850 615.7 110880 632.5 3.160
26 110851 645.1 110881 662.8 3.311
27 110852 695.7 110882 714.7 3.571
28 110853 748.2 110883 768.7 3.840
28.6 110854 780.6 110884 802.0 4.006
29 110855 802.6 110885 824.5 4.119
30 110856 858.9 110886 882.4 4.408
31 110857 917.1 110887 942.2 4.707
32 110858 977.2 110888 1004 5.015
33 110859 1039 110889 1068 5.334
34 110860 1103 110890 1133 5.662
35 110861 1169 110893 1201 6.000
36 110862 1237 110894 1271 6.348
38 140124 1378 111125 1416 7.072
40 140125 1527 111142 1569 7.837
41 111134 1604 111159 1648 8.233
42 111135 1683 111160 1729 8.640
43 111136 1764 111161 1813 9.056
44 111137 1848 111162 1898 9.482
46 111138 2019 111164 2075 10.364
48 111139 2199 111165 2259 11.285

50 111140 2386 111166 2451 12.245

52 111141 2580 111167 2651 13.244
verotop P Grade 1960 & 2160:


Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of verotop P are:
verotop P is a rotation
resistant rope suitable as hoist
rope especially for cranes working
in the marine environment, such
as deck cranes on ships.
verotop P has a plastic layer
between the inner and outer
strands. All strands are compacted.
The steel-plastic combination increases structural
verotop P has an extremely high breaking strength
with good resistance to drum crushing.
The rope is fully lubricated and made both of
galvanised and ungalvanised wires.
Rotation resistant ropes should be used with a swivel.

MBL MBL Unit Weight

Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN

16 110895 241.7 140066 252.7 1.248

17 110896 272.8 140067 285.3 1.408
18 110897 305.8 140068 319.8 1.579
19 110898 340.8 140069 356.3 1.759
20 110899 377.6 140070 394.8 1.949
21 140047 416.3 140071 435.3 2.149
22 140048 456.9 140072 477.7 2.359
22.4 140049 473.6 140073 495.3 2.445
23 140050 499.3 140074 522.2 2.578
24 140051 543.7 140075 568.6 2.807
25 140052 590.0 140076 616.9 3.046
25.4 140053 609.0 140077 636.8 3.144

26 140054 638.1 140078 667.3 3.294

27 140055 688.1 140079 719.6 3.553

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

verotop P Grade 1960 & 2160:
Unit of Measure - metre (cont.)


Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN

28 140056 740.1 140080 773.9 3.821

28.6 140057 772.1 140081 807.4 3.986
29 140058 793.9 140082 830.1 4.099
30 140059 849.6 140083 888.4 4.386
31 140060 907.1 140084 948.6 4.683
32 140061 966.6 140085 1011 4.990
33 140062 1028 140086 1075 5.307
34 140063 1091 140087 1141 5.634
35 140064 1156 140088 1209 5.970
36 140065 1223 140089 1279 6.316
38 140126 1363 140128 1425 7.037
40 140127 1510 140129 1579 7.797
42 140170 1665 140177 1741 8.597
43 140171 1745 140178 1825 9.011
44 140172 1827 140179 1911 9.435
45 140173 1911 140180 1999 9.869
46 140174 1997 140181 2089 10.312
48 140175 2175 140182 2274 11.228
verotop E Grade 1960 & 2160:


Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of verotop E:
verotop E has a high
breaking strength with very strong
resistance to drum crushing.
verotop E is fully lubricated and
made both of galvanised and
ungalvanised wires.
verotop E is a very flexible rope.
verotop E should be used with a swivel.


Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN
8 140197 55.2 140148 60.2 0.305
9 140198 69.8 140149 76.2 0.387
10 140199 86.2 140150 94.1 0.477
11 140200 104.3 140151 113.9 0.577
12 140201 124.1 140152 135.5 0.687
13 140202 145.7 140153 159.1 0.806
14 140203 169.0 140154 184.5 0.935
15 140204 194.0 140155 211.8 1.074
16 140205 220.7 140156 241.0 1.222
18 140206 279.3 140157 305.0 1.546
19 140207 311.2 140158 339.8 1.723
20 140208 344.8 140159 376.5 1.909
22 140209 417.2 140160 455.6 2.310
23 140210 456.0 140161 497.9 2.524
24 140211 496.5 140162 542.1 2.749
25 140212 538.8 140163 588.3 2.983
26 140213 582.7 140164 636.3 3.226
27 140214 628.4 140165 686.2 3.479
28 140215 675.8 140166 737.9 3.741

29 140216 725.0 140167 791.6 4.013

30 140217 775.8 140168 847.1 4.295

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

verostar 8 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of verostar 8:
verostar 8 has a plastic layer
between the core and outer
strands, these being made of
convential round wires.
verostar 8 has a good structural
The rope is fully lubricated and
made both of galvanised and ungalvanised wires.
Non rotation resistant ropes should not be used with
a swivel.


Unit Weight
Order Code


1960 Grade

8 140130 53.0 0.276
9 140131 67.1 0.349
10 140132 82.8 0.431
11 140133 100.2 0.522
12 140099 119.3 0.621
12.7 140134 133.6 0.695
13 140135 140.0 0.729
14 140136 162.3 0.845
15 140137 186.3 0.970
16 110948 212.0 1.104
17 110949 239.4 1.246
18 110950 268.3 1.397
19 110951 299.0 1.557
20 110952 331.3 1.725
21 110953 365.2 1.902
22 110954 400.9 2.087
22.4 110955 415.6 2.164
23 110956 438.1 2.281

24 110957 477.1 2.484

25 110958 517.6 2.695
verostar 8 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre




Unit Weight
Order Code

1960 Grade

25.4 110959 534.3 2.782
26 110960 559.9 2.915
27 110961 603.8 3.143
28 110962 649.3 3.380
28.6 110963 677.4 3.527
29 110964 696.5 3.626
30 110965 745.4 3.881
31 110966 795.9 4.144
32 110967 848.1 4.415
33 110968 901.9 4.696
34 110969 957.4 4.984
35 110970 1015 5.282
36 110971 1073 5.588
38 110972 1196 6.226
40 110973 1325 6.899
41.3 110974 1413 7.355
42 110975 1461 7.606
44 110976 1603 8.348
45 140138 1677 8.731
46 110978 1753 9.124
47.5 110979 1869 9.729
48 110980 1908 9.934
50 110981 2071 10.780
52 110982 2239 11.659
54 110983 2415 12.573
56 111156 2597 13.522
58 111157 2786 14.505

60 111158 2982 15.523

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

veropro 8 Grade 1960 & 2160:
Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of veropro 8:
veropro 8 has a plastic
layer between the core and
the compacted outer strands.
veropro 8 has a high breaking
load and good structural stability.
The rope is fully lubricated and
made both of galvanised and
ungalvanised wires.
veropro 8 is suitable for multi layer spooling.
veropro 8 has a good resistance against drum
Non rotation resistant ropes should not be used
with a swivel.

Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN
8 140139 57.7 140143 60.6 0.288
9 140140 73.0 140144 76.7 0.364
10 140141 90.1 140145 94.7 0.450
11 140142 109.1 140218 114.6 0.544
12 110984 129.8 140090 136.3 0.648
12.7 110985 145.4 111026 152.7 0.726
13 110986 152.3 140091 160.0 0.760
14 110987 176.7 111028 185.6 0.882
15 110988 202.8 140092 213.0 1.012
16 110989 230.7 111030 242.4 1.152
17 110990 260.5 140093 273.6 1.300
18 110991 292.0 111032 306.8 1.457
19 110992 325.4 140094 341.8 1.624
20 110993 360.5 111034 378.7 1.799
21 110994 397.5 140095 417.5 1.984

22 110995 436.2 111036 458.3 2.177

22.4 110996 452.2 140096 475.1 2.257
veropro 8 Grade 1960 & 2160:


Unit of Measure - metre (cont.)


Unit Weight
Order Code

Order Code


1960 Grade 2160 Grade

kN kN
23 110997 476.8 111038 500.9 2.380
24 110998 519.1 111039 545.4 2.591
25 110999 563.3 111040 591.8 2.812
25.4 111000 581.5 111041 610.8 2.902
26 111001 609.3 111042 640.0 3.041
27 111002 657.0 111043 690.2 3.279
28 111003 706.6 111044 742.3 3.527
28.6 111004 737.2 111045 774.5 3.680
29 111005 758.0 111046 796.3 3.783
30 111006 811.1 111047 852.1 4.049
31 111007 866.1 111048 909.9 4.323
32 111008 922.9 111049 969.5 4.606
33 111009 981.5 140097 1031 4.899
34 111010 1042 111051 1095 5.200
35 111011 1104 140098 1160 5.511
36 111012 1168 111053 1227 5.830
38 111013 1301 111054 1367 6.496
40 111014 1442 111055 1515 7.198
41.3 111015 1537 111056 1615 7.673
42 111016 1590 111057 1670 7.935
44 111017 1745 111058 1833 8.709
45 111018 1825 111059 1917 9.109
46 111019 1907 111060 2003 9.519
47.5 111020 2034 111061 2136 10.150
48 111021 2077 111062 2181 10.364
50 111022 2253 111063 2367 11.246
52 111023 2437 111064 2560 12.164

54 111024 2628 111065 2761 13.117

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

veropower 8 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of veropower 8:
veropower 8 is a flexible
steel-plastic combination rope
with double parallel layed strands.
All strands are compacted and
rotary swaged.
veropower 8 has an extremely
high breaking strength and is
very resistant against abrasion.
veropower 8 is most suitable for multi layer spooling
systems with guided loads.
The rope is fully lubricated and made both of
galvanised and ungalvanised wires.
veropower 8 should not be used with a swivel.

Unit Weight
Order Code


1960 Grade


12 111091 147.4 0.717

12.7 111092 165.1 0.803
13 111093 173.0 0.842
14 111094 200.6 0.976
15 111095 230.3 1.121
16 111096 262.0 1.275
17 111097 295.8 1.440
18 111098 331.6 1.614
19 111099 369.5 1.798
20 111100 409.4 1.992
21 111101 451.3 2.197
22 111102 495.3 2.411
22.4 111103 513.5 2.499
23 111104 541.4 2.635

24 111105 589.5 2.869

25 111106 639.6 3.113
veropower 8 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre




Unit Weight
Order Code

1960 Grade


25.4 111107 660.3 3.214

26 111108 691.8 3.367
27 111109 746.1 3.631
28 111110 802.4 3.905
28.6 111111 837.1 4.074
29 111112 860.7 4.189
30 111113 921.1 4.483
31 111114 983.5 4.787
32 111115 1048 5.101
33 140146 1115 5.424
34 140147 1183 5.758
35 140183 1254 6.102
36 140184 1326 6.455
38 140185 1478 7.193
40 140186 1637 7.970
41.3 140187 1746 8.496
42 140188 1805 8.787
44 140189 1981 9.643
45 140190 2072 10.09
46 140191 2166 10.54
47.5 140192 2309 11.24
48 140193 2358 11.48

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

vero 4 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre
Benefits of vero 4:
vero 4 is a 4-strand rotation
resistant hoist rope.
All strands are compacted.
The constructional chosen
long lay of the strands makes
it insensible against outer
mechanical impacts.
vero 4 has a high breaking load.
vero 4 is fully lubricated and made either of galvanised
or optional ungalvanised wires.
vero 4 is extremely flexible.


Unit Weight
Order Code


1960 Grade


8 111168 55.9 0.270

9 111169 70.8 0.341
10 111170 87.4 0.421
11 111171 105.8 0.510
12 111172 125.9 0.607
13 111173 147.7 0.712
14 111174 171.3 0.826
15 111175 196.7 0.948
16 111176 223.8 1.078
18 111177 283.2 1.365
19 111178 315.6 1.521
20 111179 349.7 1.685
22 111180 423.1 2.039
24 111181 503.5 2.426
25 111182 546.4 2.633
26 111183 591.0 2.848

27 111184 637.3 3.071

vero 4 Grade 1960: Unit of Measure - metre (cont.)



Unit Weight
Order Code

(mm) 1960 Grade


28 111185 685.4 3.303

29 111186 735.2 3.543
30 111187 786.8 3.791
31 111188 840.1 4.048
32 111189 895.2 4.314
33 111190 952.0 4.587
34 111191 1011 4.870
35 111192 1071 5.160
36 111193 1133 5.459


1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Superflex Wire Rope
Superflex Rope - Plaited Steel Cables:
Unit of Measure - metre

Superflex Plaited Steel Cables suitable for assembly into

slings and flexible rigging gear. Used for winching and
cable pulling applications. Rotation resistant, 2070 Rope
which is approximately 20% stronger than 1770 Grade
rope of the same diameter. Galvanised finish.

Cable Nominal Approx. WLL on

Nominal Diameter Mass Single Fall
Size (mm) (kg/100m) of Cable (t)

Two-0 8 30 20 0.60
Two-5 10 50 31 1.00
Three-0 12 75 47 1.40
Three-5 14 95 60 1.80
Four-0 16 125 79 2.40
Four-5 18 157 100 3.00
Five-0 20 210 131 4.00
Five-5 22 270 168 5.4
Six-5 26 340 212 6.70
Eight-0 32 530 337 10.30
Ten-0 40 780 499 15.30


It is dangerous to believe that a rope does not need
to be maintained or that it will last forever. Wire rope
is an apparatus to which the action of several parts
is combined for the applying of a mechanical force to
a purpose and service life is dependent upon regular
inspections. Inspections of wire rope should be made
by competent persons before and after use.
Wire rope shall be discarded immediately if an
inspection shows its strength to have diminished to
an unacceptable level. The different types of rope
deterioration are shown on pages 60-63.
Inspection Criteria:
You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Check WLL and/or asset number (where applicable)
Check for broken, damaged or kinked wires and
Check for excessive abrasion or scuffing
Check for corrosion or lack of flexibility
Ensure that all rope terminations are serviceable
and that the wire rope is secure within the end
termination (where fitted).
Although wire ropes should be inspected throughout
their length, particular care should be taken at the
following positions (see the following Figure 13.6
Typical Inspection of a Rope System AS 2759):
The terminations at the end of both moving and
stationary ropes.
Any part of a rope that passes through a block or
over a sheave.
Equipment performing a repetitive operation.
Any part of a rope that lies over sheaves while the
equipment is in a loaded condition.
Any part of a rope that lies in a compensating
Any part of a rope that may be subject to abrasion by
external features.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Figure 13.6 Typical Inspection of a Rope System AS

1. Inspect termination of rope at drum.
2. Inspect for defective coiling, which causes
deformations (flattened portions) and wear,
which can be severe at cross-over positions.
3. Inspect for wire breaks.
4. Inspect for corrosion.
5. Inspect for deformations caused by snatch loading.
6. Inspect portion that winds over sheave for wire
breaks and wear.
7. Inspect points of attachment.
8. Inspect sections of ropes which lie on or adjacent
to compensating sheaves.
9. Inspect for deformation.
10. Measure rope diameter.
11. Carefully inspect lengths that run through sheave
blocks, particularly lengths that lie on sheaves when

the appliance is in a loaded condition.

12. Inspect for wire breaks or surface wear.
13. Inspect for corrosion.
All items should be inspected before & after
use and stored correctly, ready for next use.
Maintaining good records provides a reliable
history of the ropes under your control. Inspection
of both operated and discarded ropes frequently
indicates equipment faults that have a large
bearing on the service life and safety of the rope.
It is therefore essential to inspect the equipment
on which the rope is used as well as the rope.

Inspection Frequency
While Statutory Regulations govern the inspection and
discarding of certain ropes, the same rules cannot be
applied to all ropes. The proper frequency and degree
of inspection depends largely on the possible risk to
personnel and machinery in the event of rope failure.
The determination of the point at which a rope should
be discarded for reasons of safety requires judgment
and experience in rope inspection, in addition to
knowledge of the performance of previous ropes
used in the same application.
Depending upon the working conditions, wire rope
may need to be visually inspected each working day
with the objective of detecting general deterioration
and deformation.
In order to determine the frequency of inspection,
consideration should be given to the following:
Environmental conditions
Severity of the operating conditions
Type of appliance
Mechanism classification as specified by AS 1418.1
Results of previous inspections
The length of time the rope has been in service
The number of operating cycles the rope has been

in service

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Discard Criteria - Refer to the below table for discard criteria or follow recommended manufacturers criteria.
Table 14.4.1 Limits of degradation for Common Wire Rope AS 2759

Limit of degradation for discard (see Note 4)

Types of Construction Max. allowable number of broken Max. allowable number of broken
degradation (see Note 3) wires over a length of 6 times the wires over a length of 30 times the
ropes diameter ropes diameter
6 x 19 (12/6/1) 5 10
6 x 19S (9/9/1) 3 6
6 x 25 FW (12/6 & 6/1) 5 10
6 x 24 (15/9/F) 5 10
8 x 19 S (9/9/1) 5 10
Broken Wires 8 x 25 FW (12/6 & 6/1) 6 13
6 x 36 SW (14/7 & 7/7/1) 7 14
6 x 41 SW (16/8 & 8/8/1) 9 18
18 x 7 NR 1 2
34 x 7 NR 2 4
4 x 48 2 4
Wear All types Outer wires are worn more than one third of their diameter

The loss of metallic area due to visible combined wire

Loss of area All types
wear and broken or cracked wires exceed 10%

1300 722 999

Corrosion All types Corrosion is marked by noticea-ble pitting or loosening of outer wires

1. The number of wire breaks before discard in the above table is quite high, and if wire breaks are concentrated in
one strand, lower levels for discard are appropriate. If more than one third of the outer wires in a strand are
broken over a length of six times the rope diameter, the rope shall be discarded.
2. Where ropes are used for lifts, AS 1735.2 applies, which is less stringent than the above table. The mining
industry frequently requires more stringent discard criteria.
3. Rope of Langs lay construction other than rotation resistant ropes shall have no more than 50% of the above
4. Number of broken wires alone is not the only factor in discarding wire rope.

Broken Wires
General purpose ropes, crane ropes and hoist ropes
should be discarded whenever any of the types of
degradation exceed the limits given in the previous
table, Table 14.4.1 Limits of degradation for Common
Wire Rope AS 2759. However, the rope life may be
ended before these limits are reached.
Broken wires affecting the life of adjacent wires shall
be removed.
Wire Rope Deformation:

Figure 14.13.7(A) (a) AS 2759


Figure 14.13.1(A) AS 2759

Deformation from improper storage
and handling

Figure 14.13.4 (in part) (c)

AS 2759
Severe kinking

Figure 14.13.5 AS 2759

Corkscrew and local decrease in
rope diameter, as the outer strands
take the place of the fibre core,
which has disintegrated

Figure 14.13.9(A)
AS 2759
Start of birdcaging

Figure 14.13.8 (in part) (a)

AS 2759

Dislodgement of a steel core,

generally associated with a sudden
release of load
Figure 14.13.4 (in part) (b)
AS 2759
Severe kinking

Figure 14.13.9(D) AS 2759

Birdcaging between load
and headsheave on sudden
release of load

Figure 14.13.3 AS 2759

Example of severe bend

Figure 14.13.1(B) AS 2759

Damage incurred in
incorrectly unreeling

or uncoiling

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Wire Rope Life
The main factors, which affect rope life, are:
1. Basic design of equipment or installation
such as sheave size, drum design and drum
diameter can directly affect wire rope life.
2. Operating Environment:
Corrosion when corrosive conditions exist
regular rope inspections, particularly of the core
of the wire rope is essential. The effects of corrosion
can be partly offset by the use of galvanised wire
rope and frequent lubrication.
Temperature excessively high operating
temperatures can lead to deterioration of the
wire rope and may cause rope fatigue.
3. Rope Maintenance:
End for ending and/or cropping in certain
applications will give longer rope life due to
the wear points being re-located.
Breaking In
A wire rope may be looked upon as a machine
composed of a large number of moving parts. As such
it should be broken in as soon as it is installed, by
loading it very lightly for a few cycles and then gradually
stepping up the load, to enable both wires and strands
to bed down into the working positions, with the load
distributed as uniformly as possible.
With the standard 6 and 8 stranded ropes, the torque
can be greatly diminished after breaking-in by releasing
the connection and allowing the torque to run out.
This procedure may have to be repeated until the
constructional stretch has been worked out of the
rope and it has become neutral.
If excessive torque creates maintenance problems,
in certain circumstances this can be released by
disconnecting the terminations with care. If unsure

please consult your Bullivants Technical Service

The use of spinners or swivels should be avoided


whenever possible unless specified by the manufacturer.
All ropes should be reeled onto winch drums as tightly
and uniformly as possible during the initial installation
under some back tension.
Lubrication impregnated into the rope during
manufacture is not sufficient to last the life of the rope.
Additional lubrication should be added to the rope
during service. The frequency of lubrication in the field
is determined by the operating conditions of the
rope e.g. high-speed, heavy duty operation calls for
more frequent lubrication as do wet and/or corrosive
For general purpose applications medium viscosity wire
rope lubricant is suitable. For corrosive conditions a high
penetrating, water-repellent, rust-inhibiting oil should be
Inadequate lubrication can result in corrosion, heavy
abrasive wear, fretting between wires and stiffening of
the rope; it also allows absorption of moisture into the
fibre core, which can result in a breakdown of the core.
Before any lubricant is applied to any wire rope it should
be cleaned manually or mechanically of any previous
coatings or contaminants to ensure lubricant can
correctly penetrate the wires and strands.
Rocol Wire Rope Grease
A semi-fluid wire rope grease containing molybdenum
disulphide. Designed for the lubrication and corrosion
protection of wire ropes working under a wide range
of conditions including marine environments. Rocol
Wire Rope Grease (RD105) penetrates between the
strands to the core of the rope to provide complete
rope lubrication.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Rocol Fluid Wire Rope Grease
A fluid grease containing molybdenum disulphide.
Designed for the lubrication and corrosion protection
of wire ropes. A powerful dewatering additive also allows
it to be applied to wet ropes. Rocol Fluid Wire Rope
Grease (RD205) is ideal for wet or marine applications
where a high degree of corrosion protection is sought.
Suitable for application by spray and automatic
Heavy Duty Liquid Lanolin
Lubrication and corrosion protection of wire ropes
where spraying is necessary
Penetrates to the core of the rope, providing long
lasting protection
Perfect for mobile cranes where lubrication needs
to be applied while rope is still on the spool
Non-fling and non-webbing
Suitable for all environments, including mining and
Sheaves & Drums
Many investigations have shown that wire rope
operating inside worn, riffled or corrugated sheaves
cause failure on the rope crowns and wires due to a
number of factors such as:
Bearing pressure between rope & sheave surfaces
Bearing pressure between wires & strands
The use of corrugated sheaves and the
misalignment between the corrugations
and the existing rope lay
Operating speed
Lack of lubricant
Sheave Profiles


Improved rope performance can be obtained by paying
attention to the following areas:
Sheaves should be grooved to the nominal rope
diameter plus a minimum allowance of 5% to allow
for rope manufacturing tolerances and should run true
and free with a seat radius not less than 0.535 times
the nominal rope diameter.
NOTE: Some manufacturers require higher percentages
(see their instruction manuals) for higher density ropes
such as compacted non-rotating ropes which may
require up to 8%.
Sheaves should be repaired when wear reduces the
seat radius to unacceptable levels.
Grooves should have a smooth finish and the edges
should be radiused.
Guides and rollers must be free from undersized
grooving and broken flanges, and should run free
and true.
Drum grooves should be checked for size and riser
plates checked for effectiveness.

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Groove Shape
Figure 1: Shows the importance of using sheaves with
the correct groove shape.
Figure 2: Too big a groove can flatten the rope and also
wear down the groove (see dotted line). When a new
rope with the correct diameter is installed, the sharp
edges at the bottom of the groove may create fractural
impressions that reduce rope life.
Figure 3: An oversized rope for the groove can cause
the rope to flatten sideways resulting in distortion and
increased friction which can prevent the rope from
rotating in the groove.
Figure 4: Correct profile of a groove in sheave.
Rope End Preparation


Normally wire ropes are delivered with seized ends. As
a rule, no further preparation is necessary, but in some
cases where ropes must be reeved through restricted
openings, such as drum anchorages and block systems,
the rope can be supplied with welded tapered ends or
with links welded on the ends.
NOTE: All non-rotating ropes must be seized and brazed
to ensure no loss of torque between layers of wires.
Short Seizing for Ropes below 26mm diameter:
1. Wrap the seizing wire around the rope eight or ten
2. Twist the two ends of the seizing wire together
approximately at the centre position of the seizing.
Alternate tightening and twisting of the ends will
draw the seizing up tight.
3. Cut the end of the twisted wires and knock down into
a valley between strands.
The number of seizings required depends on the
type and diameter of the rope. The following minimum
number of seizings is recommended:
For preformed or post formed Ordinary Lay - 1 seizing.
For langs lay rope with wire rope core and non-rotating
ropes - 2 seizings.
To assist with ensuring good wire rope life, ends should
be prepared and seized correctly. Seizing can take the
form of soft annealed single wire rope or stranded wires,
marlin twine, fibreglass tape or brazing.
Brazing is especially critical when cutting non rotating
ropes for cranes.

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Figure 4.1 (in part) Rope End Preparation AS 2759

(a) Seized end

(b) Tapered and brazed or welded end

(c) Plain brazed or welded end

Long Seizing

Short Seizing
Wire Rope Terminations
Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments
When calculating the working load limit of a wire rope sling an allowance is made for the terminations. The following
table shows the percentage that should be applied to a WLL calculation involving a particular rope fitting.

1300 722 999

Table 5.2 Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments AS 2759

Type of Rope fitting Typical tensile efficiency Resistance to

Ease of fitting in field
or end attachment percentage ( 1) vibration and impact

Turn back eye with pressed aluminium

alloy ferrule: 80mm rope diameter 95 Good -
Refer to notes 2 and 3 on page 73

>80mm rope diameter 90 Good -

Flemish eye with pressed sleeve:

80mm rope diameter 95 Good -
Refer to notes 2 and 3 page 73

>80mm rope diameter 90 Good -

Table 5.2 Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments AS 2759 (cont.)

Type of Rope fitting Typical tensile efficiency Resistance to

Ease of fitting in field
or end attachment percentage (Note 1) vibration and impact

Hand spliced eye: 8 20mm rope

diameter 90 Good Good
Refer to note 1 page 73
>20 60mm rope diameter
80 Good Good
Refer to note 1 page 73

>60mm rope diameter

75 Good -
Refer to note 1 page 73

Open swaged socket 100 Good Fair

Closed swaged socket

100 Good Fair
Refer to notes 2 and 3 page 73

Open poured socket

100 Fair Good
Refer to note 2 page 73
Closed poured socket
100 Fair Good
Refer to note 2 page 73

Wedge grip capel

100 Fair Good
Refer to note 2 page 73

1300 722 999

Wedge-type socket 80 Fair Excellent

Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments NOTES:

1. Where Langs lay rope is used, the efficiency is up to 15% less than that given.
2. Fitting in the field is not uncommon, but specialised equipment is necessary.
3. Fitting in the field is generally restricted to ropes with a diameter of not more than 20 mm.

Figure 5.2 (in part) Terminal Rope Attachments
AS 2759

(a) Turnback eye with pressed aluminium alloy ferrule

(b) Flemish eye with (c) Hand-spliced eye

pressed sleeve

(d) Open swaged socket (e) Closed swage socket

(f) Open poured socket (g) Closed poured socket

Correct Method of Fitting Wire Rope Grips for Non-


lifting Applications
The wire rope grips in a connection should be spaced
along the wire at distances between adjacent grips of
approximately six rope diameters.
Figure 2 Correct Method of Fitting Wire-Rope Grips AS
6d approx.

(A) Normal Thimble

6d approx.

(B) RoundedThimble

The sequence of tightening the grips after they have

been correctly positioned on the wire is from the thimble
outwards. With improperly tightened nuts, or with fewer
grips than the number recommended, then the end
of the rope might draw through the grips even at light
The efficiency of a wire rope termination made with wire
rope grips depends entirely on their correct placement
on the ropes, and the care and skill in the fitting and
tightening of the grips.
Wire rope grips manufactured to AS 2076 shall not be
used for lifting, live running ropes, supporting persons or
suspending loads.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Table 1 Attachment of Wire-Rope Grips AS 2076

Nom. Size
Nom. Size of Min. Number
of Thread of Tightening
Wire Rope of Wire Rope
Bolt or Stud Torque (N.m)
Grip (mm) Grips

8 8 3 6
10 10 3 16
12 12 3 24
14 12 4 35
16 16 4 50
18 16 4 65
22 16 4 100
26 20 5 135
28 20 5 160
32 20 6 210
36 24 6 275
40 24 6 365
44 28 8 See Note 2
52 32 8
56 32 8
60 32 9
64 32 9
70 32 10
75 38 10

1. This Table is based on information given in
superseded British Standards.
2. The tightening torque for wire-rope grips that
are larger than 40 mm should conform to the
manufacturers recommendations.
Table 5.2 Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments AS 2759 (cont.)

Type of Rope fitting Typical tensile efficiency Resistance to

Ease of fitting in field
or end attachment percentage (Note 1) vibration and impact

Eye with wire rope grips

1300 722 999

80 Good Very Good
Refer to notes 4 and 5 page 77

Eye with fist grips

80 Good Very Good
Refer to notes 4 and 5 page 77

4. Not to be used for lifting.
5. When fitted with the required number of wire
rope grips, refer to AS 2076 or the manufacturers

Fleet Angles
The fleet angle has an important bearing on the
winding of a rope from sheave to drum, particularly
at high operation speeds. Excessive fleet angles can
result in considerable abrasive damage to both sheave
flanges and rope.
Fleet angles normally range to a maximum of 1.5
for plain drums and to a maximum of 2.5 for grooved
drums. Smaller angles are required for high speed
haulage such as mine windings.
To calculate the fleet angle for a plain drum the ratio
is 1 in 19 from the centre line. For a grooved drum the
ratio is 1 in 12.
Figure 9.3 Typical Left-Hand Fleet Angle AS 2759
In multi-layer winding, the size of the fleet angle can


have an important bearing upon the manner in which
the changeover will take place from one layer to the
next. If the angle is too large, there will be a tendency
for the rope to pull away from the flange leaving gaps
between the rope turns into which the subsequent layers
of rope turns will drop with considerable hammering
and abrasion of the rope turns in the lower layers.
Typical Minimum Ratio of Drum and Sheave
Diameter to Rope Diameter

Rope Construction Ratio

6x7 43
6 x 19S (9/9/1) 32
6 x 19W (6 & 6/6/1) 30
6 x 25FW (12/6 + 6F/1) 23
6 x 36W (14/7 & 7/7/1) 22
6 x 24 (15/9/F) 22
6 x 41SW (16/8/8 & 8/8/1) 21
6 x 37 (18/12/6/1) 21
19 x 7 23
35 x 7 20
veropro 8 20

NOTE: Manufacturers may nominate specific ratios

which may vary from the table above or AS 2089
and AS 1418.1

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Ropes, whether on a reel or in coils, should be stored
on blocks off the floor to prevent sweating and corrosion
and under cover in dry conditions free from possible
attack by corrosive agents such as cement dust or acid
fumes. If ropes are to be stored for any length of time
in warm or hot conditions likely to cause the lubricant
to drain to the lower side of the reel, the reels should
be mounted on a horizontal shaft and turned over
periodically to maintain uniform lubrication of the rope.
Additional lubrication may be necessary.
Re-wound ropes awaiting further use, should be
thoroughly cleaned, inspected or non-destructively
tested, lubricated and stored under the same conditions
as new ropes.

Wire rope reels or coils should be where possible

transported on pallets or cradles so as not to
allow any damage to the rope by other goods or
mechanical lifting aids such as forklifts or cranes.
Where pallets cant be used to lift a wire rope reel
or coil, use slings or lifting devices to ensure the
integrity of the reel is maintained.

Incorrect handling of rope from reels and coils can result
in springing of wires & strands and kinking of the rope.
This type of damage can seldom be corrected and can
greatly reduce the life of the rope.
The following diagrams show correct and incorrect
methods of reeling a rope from the transport reel onto
a drum or another reel. The transport reel should be
firmly mounted and braked to prevent over running and
give tight rewinding. A suitable stand for the reel is also

shown on the next page.

Methods of Removing Rope from Reels and Coils


Turntables, preferably mounted on the floor or reel
stands may be used for unwinding ropes from reels.
Care must be taken to brake the turntable, as over-
running could cause the rope to slacken, fall off and
foul under the turntable.
Figure 3.2(C) Transferring Rope from a Reel to a
Drum or Another Reel AS 2759

(a) Correct method - Top to top (b) Correct method - Bottom

to bottom

(c) Incorrect method - Top to (d) Incorrect method - Bottom

bottom to top

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Figure 3.2(A) (in part) Methods of Unreeling and
Uncoiling a Rope AS 2759

(c) Uncoiling

(d) Unacceptable methods

Figure 3.2(B) Methods of Braking Rope Reels

AS 2759

(a) Braking with a plank against (b) Braking with an adjustable

the reel flange friction drum on the shaft or
side plate

When uncoiling ropes by hand on the floor, an

occasional coil, wound underhand relieves torque
and provides a more easily handled coil.
Right hand lay ropes should be uncoiled clockwise;
left hand lay ropes should be uncoiled anti-clockwise.
Figure 3.2(A) (in part) Methods of Unreeling and


Uncoiling a Rope AS 2759

(a) Unreeling, using a stand (b) Unreeling, using a turntable

Methods of Installing Rope on to Winch Drums

Where a wire rope is wound onto a drum, it will tend
to unlay itself, meaning it will roll itself in a direction
opposite to that in which it was originally laid.
This section gives guidance for preventing much of the
crosslapping abuse that ropes sustain, particularly on
plain or ungrooved drums. Where ropes are anchored
on plain or ungrooved drums, (shown in Figure 9.1 on
page 85) each consecutive turn of rope on the first layer
will roll towards its neighbour, producing a tight uniformly
wound first layer. This creates a sound foundation which
will facilitate uniform winding of subsequent layers.
When the rope is rewound after picking up a load that
has been slackened off, it will still have a tendency to
track correctly on the bottom layer of the drum.
If the rope anchorage is located on the wrong side
of the drum, the rope turns will have a tendency to
move away from one another leaving gaps into which
subsequent layers of rope will drop and pinch. This will
lead to unnecessary abrasion and squashing of the rope
as well as impact loading when pinched turns release
themselves with a jerk (sudden energy release).

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The correct side of a drum at which to anchor a rope
can be readily checked by the convenient thumb rule
illustrated in Figure 9.1. In this rule, the right hand is
used for RH lay ropes, and the left hand for LH lay
ropes. The wire rope is represented by the forefinger,
while the clenched hand with the back uppermost
represents an overwound drum, and with the palm
uppermost an underwound drum.
In Figure 9.1(a), the right hand with back uppermost
and forefinger outstretched may be considered as
an operator standing behind the drum fitted with an
overwound RH lay rope. The thumb of the hand then
points to the flange or side of the drum at which the
rope should be anchored, i.e. in this case on the left-
hand side.
In Figure 9.1(b), the right-hand with palm uppermost
and forefinger outstretched may be considered as
an operator being behind the drum fitted with an
underwound rope. The thumb of the hand again points
to the flange or side of the drum at which the rope
should be anchored, i.e. on the right-hand side.
Figure 9.1 Arrangement of Rope on Drums AS 2759


NOTE: the thumb points towards the side with the rope

(a) Right-hand lay rope

- overwind

Start rope at left hand

flange right-hand lay rope

(b) Right-hand lay rope

- underwind

Start rope at right hand

flange for right-hand lay rope

(c) Left-hand lay rope -


Start rope at right hand

flange for left-hand lay rope

(d) Left-hand lay rope -


Start rope at left hand

flange for left-hand lay rope

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Tension and Stretch in Ropes
When a new rope is put under load it stretches due to
the individual wires settling. This is referred to as initial
or constructional stretch. In addition to this a gradual
stretch takes place throughout the life of the rope, the
amount depends on length, type of construction, loading
and the modulus of elasticity in the rope. To accurately
estimate the amount of stretch for a rope under a given
set of conditions, calculations must be based on the
result of a load/extension test carried out on a sample
of the particular rope. If the results are unavailable, an
indication of the increase in length can be obtained
from the formula below.
T = (2W + Lw) L
2a E
Where T = Stretch in metres
W = Load in kgs
L = Length in metres
w = Weight of rope in kgs/metre
a = Cross sectional area of rope
in millimetres2
E = Modulus of elasticity, kgs/mm2
Level Span of Uniform Mass As Above with Concentrated
with Anchored Ends Mass at Span Midpoint
Approximate Tension on Line Approximate Tension on Line
T = 1.22 (W.S.) T = 1.22 (2.M.S + W.S.)
= 1.22.S (2.M + W.S)

Where T = Tension on Line in Newtons

M = Mass at Centre in Kilograms
S = Span in metres
D = Deflection in metres
W = Mass of Rope in kilograms/metres


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Selection According to Environment
The fibre type and construction of the rope which is selected should be appropriate to the environment in which the
rope will be used, bearing in mind all the possible sources of degradation.
Use the following table to determine the type and construction of the rope that suits your application.
Characteristics & Properties of Fibres

Specific Strength And

Description Fibre Type Sensitive To Resistant To Heat Reaction
Gravity Elongation

Fibre elongation: Dry

Mineral acids, weak or Burns as fire
Volatile petroleum 2.9%, Wet 3.4%. Rope
strong paints, detergents, touches flame.
Sisal Natural 1.50 solvents, batching elongation: Dry 13%,
chemical salts, fats, Supports
oils and alkalis. Wet 16%. Extension
weathering and sunlight. combustion.
causes rupture.

Critical temp is Fibre elongation: Dry

Mineral acids, weak or
Volatile petroleum 150C after which 2.8%, Wet 3.2%. Rope
strong paints, detergents,
Manila Natural 1.50 solvents, batching fibre burns at elongation: Dry 13%,
chemical salts, fats,
oils and alkalis. flame. Supports Wet 15%. Extension
weathering and sunlight.
combustion. causes rupture.
Xyelene at 95C, hot nitric
Most acids, High tenacity with good
or sulphuric acids, some Softens 100C.
Continuous alkalis, grease, recovery after stretch
Polyethylene 0.95 hot organic solvents. Melts 110C -
Filament oils and organic and extension at break
Sensitive to prolonged 120C.
solvents. of 50%.
sunlight exposure.

1300 722 999

Sodium hypochlorite
High tenacity. Good
and some hot organic Shrinks rapidly
recovery from stretch
Continuous solvents. Very susceptible Hot and cold from flame. Curls
Polypropylene 0.91 and elongation at
Filament to sunlight but with acids like alkalis. and melts at
break for ropes is
suitable additives, loss of 165C.
strength is retarded.
Most organic and
Equivalent wet/
Alkalis, phenolic mineral acids,
Continuous Softens 228C. dry strength ratio.
HT Polyester 1.38 compounds, sulphuric organic solvents,
Filament Melts 255C Elongation 35% at
acid. bleaches and
oxidising agents.
Strong acids and oxidising Alkalis,
Softens 229C. Elongation Dry 40%.
Continuous agents, soluble in formic, alcohols, esters,
Polyamide 1.14 Melts 249C Wet 35%. 90-95%
Filament sulphuric acids and hydrocarbons and
260C strength ratio wet/dry.
phenolic compounds. most bleaches.

Characteristics & Properties of Fibres (cont.)

Specific Heat Strength And

Description Fibre Type Sensitive To Resistant To
Gravity Reaction Elongation
Hydochloric, hydrobromic
Mineral and organic Equivalent wet/
and sulphuric acids,
Aramid Continuous acids, alkalis, organic 371C dry strength ratio.
1.44 bleaching and sunlight.
(Kevlar) Filament solvents, mildew and decomposition Elongation 4% at
Highly sensitive to
fungi. break.
Mineral and organic Equivalent wet/
Hydochloric, hydrobromic
Spun acids, alkalis, organic 500C+ dry strength ratio.
Technora 1.39 and sulphuric acids,
Filament solvents, sea water and decomposition Elongation 4.5% at
bleaching and sunlight.
steam. break.

Strong oxidising agents, Most acids and alkalis, Equivalent wet/

HMPE Continuous chlorosulfonic and cold alcohols, ethers, dry strength ratio.
0.97 Melts 147C
(Dyneema) Filament nitric acids at high esters, ketones and Elongation 2-5% at
temperatures. bleaches. break.

Strong acids, acids Organic solvents, acids

Continuous 650C
PBO (Zylon) 1.56 and alkalis at higher and alkalis at room 2.5% at break.
Filament decomposition
temperatures, sunlight. temperature.
Selection According to Load
The size of the rope selected should be adequately strong for the loads likely to be applied. In all cases, an
adequate safety margin should be allowed between the greatest load which may be applied to the rope in normal
use, and the minimum breaking force of the rope.
Once you have selected the suitable rope type and construction use the following table to find the applicable

1300 722 999

diameter and breaking strain of the rope.
Requirements for Three-Strand Hawser-Laid Ropes AS 4142.2 Table 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Polyethylene Polyethylene
Polyamide Rope Polyester Rope Rope Made From
Rope Rope Made Rope Made From
Manila & Sisal Made From Made From Film, Monofilament,
Types From Staple Monofilament
Filament Fibre Filament Fibre Multifilament or
Fibre Fibre
Staple Fibre
Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
Dia. mass per MBF mass per MBF mass per MBF MBF mass per MBF mass per MBF
mass per
(mm) 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN* kN* 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN*
250m coil/kg
kg kg kg kg kg
3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.17 1.07 N/A N/A
4 N/A N/A 2.66 3.15 2.99 2.90 1.52 2.10 2.38 2.04 2.06 1.96

5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.15 2.63 N/A N/A


Requirements for Three-Strand Hawser-Laid Ropes AS 4142.2 Table 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (cont.)

Polyethylene Polyethylene
Polyamide Rope Polyester Rope Rope Made From
Rope Rope Made Rope Made From
Manila & Sisal Made From Made From Film, Monofilament,
Types From Staple Monofilament
Filament Fibre Filament Fibre Multifilament or
Fibre Fibre
Staple Fibre
Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
Dia. mass per MBF mass per MBF mass per MBF MBF mass per MBF mass per MBF
mass per
(mm) 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN* kN* 250m coil/ kN* 250m coil/ kN*
250m coil/kg
kg kg kg kg kg
6 7.36 2.55 5.71 7.35 6.85 5.54 4.31 4.48 4.57 3.69 4.62 3.92
7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.09 4.85 N/A N/A
8 13.7 4.73 10.2 13.2 12.2 10.0 7.61 10.4 7.92 6.10 8.30 6.86
9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10.2 7.57 N/A N/A
10 17.3 6.22 15.7 20.4 19.3 15.6 11.4 15.3 12.5 9.26 12.4 10.7
12 26.6 9.36 22.6 29.4 27.9 22.3 16.5 21.7 17.7 12.4 18.3 15.1
14 35.5 12.6 31.0 40.2 37.6 31.2 22.8 29.9 24.2 14.1 24.1 20.5
16 48.2 17.7 40.1 52.0 49.5 39.8 29.2 37.0 31.7 20.8 32.5 27.5
18 55.8 21.0 50.8 65.7 62.2 49.8 37.6 47.2 40.1 25.4 40.9 34.0
20 69.8 27.9 62.2 81.4 76.9 62.3 45.7 56.9 49.5 31.0 50.8 41.9
22 83.7 33.4 76.1 98.0 93.1 74.7 55.8 68.2 60.1 36.8 61.7 49.8
24 102 39.9 90.1 118 111 89.6 66.0 79.7 71.3 43.1 74.9 59.8

1300 722 999

28 135 52.2 123 155 151 120 90.1 105 96.9 58.3 99.8 80.5
32 178 67.3 160 196 197 154 117 132 127 76.2 133 105
36 226 85.3 203 244 249 190 148 166 160 96.3 167 132
40 279 103 251 294 308 235 183 201 197 119 199 160
48 401 145 360 412 444 329 264 280 284 168 292 224
56 546 195 490 549 604 439 360 371 388 229 398 298
64 731 252 639 706 789 568 469 480 508 299 520 383
72 919 321 809 882 997 707 594 603 639 379 657 481
80 1117 380 1000 1078 1231 867 736 741 792 468 815 592

*NOTE: The minimum breaking force (MBF) must in no way be construed as the safe working load of the rope.
To calculate approximate mass (tonnes) equivalent at sea level, divide kilonewtons by 9.81.

Specialist Fibre Rope
Samson Wire Replacement Options

6x36 EIPS Same Size up 46mm* Same Strength Same Strength Same Strength


Diameter (mm) 32mm 32mm 34mm 36mm 36mm 34mm

Weight per 100 m (kgs) 449kg 62.2kg 67.0kg 66.5kg 77.1kg 71.4kg

ISO 2307 Strength** (t) 77.9t 83.5t 93.0t 86.6t 83t 83.9t

Diameter (mm) 35mm 34mm 36mm 40mm 40mm 36mm

Weight per 100 m (kgs) 538kg 67.0kg 76.9kg 74.4kg 90.3kg 88.5kg

ISO 2307 Strength** (t) 93.2t 93.0t 103t 103t 99.8t 95.3t
Diameter (mm) 38mm 36mm 40mm 44mm 44mm 40mm

Weight per 100 m (kgs) 637kg 76.9kg 97.0kg 90.5kg 105kg 99.7kg

ISO 2307 Strength** (t) 110.5t 103t 128t 120t 115t 113t

1300 722 999

Diameter (mm) 42mm 40mm 44mm 48mm 48mm 44mm

Weight per 100 m (kgs) 774kg 97.0kg 117kg 118kg 137kg 120kg

ISO 2307 Strength** (t) 134.3t 128t 152t 158t 146t 138t

Diameter (mm) 44.5mm 44mm 48mm 48mm 52mm 48mm

Weight per 100 m (kgs) 867kg 117kg 129kg 118kg 155kg 138kg

ISO 2307 Strength** (t) 150.4t 152t 173t 158t 163t 166t

*For optimal performance, mitigating abrasion over a chock, Dyneema is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V.

Samson recommends AmSteel-Blue in up 46mm over the Dyneema is DSMs high-performance polyethylene product.
wire rope you are replacing.
**This standard replaces BS EN 919 and ISO 2307:1995 and is for unspliced strengths.

Samson Line Selection
Factors to Consider
A number of factors should be considered when
selecting a Samson line, such as:
intended use or application,
potential abrasion issues,
surface preparation,
rope design/construction,
chafe protection,
proper installation procedures,
inspection schedule, and retirement criteria.
We will work with you to ensure that there is a
comprehensive understanding of each of these
considerations to en-sure a long service life and
mitigate unnecessary failure.
Understanding Abrasion
Abrasion is one of the biggest culprits of line
destruction. There are two types of abrasion: internal
abrasion caused by the relative movement of internal
and external yarns; and external abrasion caused
by contact with external surfaces, such as roller and
panama leads. External abrasion is usually easy to see
on any rope, while internal abrasion is easier to inspect
in a single-braid rope. When a rope moves over an
abrasive surface, both factors contribute to causing the
outer surface to move slower, while the internal fibres
continue along their original path. Heat results from this
type of friction and heat is an enemy of synthetic fibres.
Mitigating the Effects of Abrasion
Equipment that have traditionally used wire rope
often have sustained significant damaged caused by
fishhooks, broken strands, etc., which come in contact
with the running gear, winches and other equipment.
These conditions can damage or significantly reduce
the life expectancy of ropes made with HMPE or nylon.
However, preventative measures can be taken to
mitigate these issues by repairing all rope contact

points to a smooth and consistent surface.

The addition of chafe protection utilised on the areas
of the line most likely to suffer from abrasion is critical
for the ropes longevity. These are either sleeves that


slide on the rope or spliced into a line, depending on
the construction of the rope and its use.

Rope Design and Construction

One of the best ways to combat unforeseen
situations and prevent failure is to select the line for
the application. The advantages of nonjacketed lines
are numerous: they are stronger than jacketed lines
size for size and they are easy to inspect and repair.
Unlike jacketed lines which rupture in the areas that
suffer the greatest abrasion and have to be replaced,
only the chafe protection on a nonjacketed rope has
to be replaced, saving time and money. A 12-strand
mooring line system such as AmSteel-Blue with
Dynalene chafe protection provides the ultimate in
cut and abrasion resistance, and the rope maintains
its strength for the long-term.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

HMPE Fibre Rope
Same strength as wire and chain, yet 85% lighter, to
increase safety and productivity.
Increased efficiency of manpower
Faster change-outs for less downtime
Comparable elastic elongation to wire
Easy inspection and field splicing
Virtually corrosion-proof
Low maintenance
Increased Safety
Reduced recoil risk torque-free design
Less back stress from lighter weight
Greater hand safety no broken strands
Reduced sparking less metal abrasion
+ Has an advanced coating that reduces abrasion and
winch friction.

Test results for samples at a fixed load show Saturn-12

has more than five times the useful service life under
abrasive conditions.
With lighter synthetic rope you achieve safer handling /
reduced sparking / reduced injury due to recoil / no fish
hooks / no kinking in lines
The same strength as steel, but 85% lighter, yielding the
maximum strength-to-weight ratio.

Our lightweight rope construction and ease of handling
means faster change-outs and less downtime.


Increased operational efficiency / reduced line change-
outs / prolonged service life / strong distribution network


1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com


Samson Min. Samson Average

Order Dia.
Strength Average Mass
Code (mm)
(kg) Strength (kg) (kg/100m)

113005 2.5 650 730 0.45

113006 3 1,000 1,100 0.74
113007 4 1,600 1,800 1.1
113008 5 2,200 2,400 1.5
110913 6 3,500 3,900 2.4
110540 8 5,600 6,200 4.0
110947 9 8,000 8,900 5.4
113010 11 9,800 10,800 6.2
110532 12 13,900 15,400 9.5
110917 14 16,500 18,400 11.8
110918 16 21,600 24,000 15.2
110919 18 26,300 29,200 19.8
110921 22 37,100 41,200 29.2
110922 24 44,500 49,400 32.4
110923 26 53,500 59,400 40.9
110924 28 60,400 67,100 47.5
110925 30 67,400 74,800 53.9
110926 32 75,100 83,500 62.2
113011 34 83,700 93,000 67.0
110927 36 93,100 103,000 76.9
110928 40 116,000 128,000 97.0
113012 42 125,000 139,000 106
110929 44 137,000 152,000 117
PAGE 100

110930 48 156,000 173,000 129

110931 52 187,000 207,000 162
AmSteel-Blue (cont.)


Samson Min. Samson Average
Order Dia.
Strength Average Mass
Code (mm)
(kg) Strength (kg) (kg/100m)

110932 56 219,000 244,000 173

113013 60 240,000 267,000 220
110934 64 270,000 300,000 248
110935 68 300,000 333,000 278
110936 72 340,000 377,000 307
113014 76 376,000 417,000 339
110937 80 411,000 457,000 357
113015 88 596,000 662,000 506

Samson Min. Average
Order Dia. Average
Strength Mass
Code (mm) Strength
(kg) (kg/100m)

113123 16 21,600 24,000 15.2

113124 18 26,300 29,200 19.8
113125 22 37,100 41,200 29.2
113126 36 93,100 103,000 76.9
113127 44 137,000 152,000 117
PAGE 101

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The first synthetic line designed specifically for
mobile cranes: A lightweight, safe, and reliable
alternative to steel-wire rope.

Samson has leveraged fibre, coating, and rope

construction technology from multiple industries it
serves to create KZ-100. Designed specifically for
use on mobile cranes, KZ-100 hoist rope features
high strength-to-weight ratio, bend fatigue durability,
and robust spooling capabilities.
The combination of high-performance &synthetic
fibres provides strength similar to wire rope with over
80% in weight reduction. The high strength of these
high-performance fibres allows the rope to meet the
maximum line pull requirements with a 5:1 safety factor.
A proprietary coating has been added to KZ-100 to
improve rope performance in cyclic bend over sheave
applications inherent on mobile cranes.
The physical structure of KZ-100 also contributes to
its performance characteristics. The rope construction
provides a firm cross section that enables efficient multi-
layer spooling, prevents bad spin, birdcaging, and limits
permanent damage due to improper spooling.
The result is a crane hoist line that is easy and safe to
handle/reeve more durable for spooling, and can reduce
weight in the overall system.
Features & Benefits
80% lighter than wire
Easy handling/reeving and installation
Reduces number of change outs due to mitigation
of kinking, birdcaging, or damage from diving
Torque-neutral construction mitigates load spin
PAGE 102

and cabling
Corrosion resistant - no rusting, no lubing
Reduces risk of hand injury from broken wires
Reduced wear on drums, sheaves


Standardises main and auxiliary hoist to one rope
Same load pull and load chart but with 5:1 safety factor

Polyester (Control Core) / High-modulus Blend
Orange with a black longitudinal line
% (At % of break strength)
10%........... 0.9%
20%........... 1.3%
30%........... 1.8%
Product Specific Class II

Nominal Diameter ISO 2307 Strength*

kg/ Pounds/ Metric

Millimeter Inches Pounds
Meter Foot Tonnes

16mm 5/8" 0.17kg 0.11lb 21.4t 47,200lb

18mm 3/4" 0.24kg 0.16lb 28.9t 63,700lb

20mm 13/16" 0.27kg 0.18lb 32.6t 71,900lb

22mm 7/8" 0.32kg 0.22lb 38.1t 84,000lb

25mm 1" 0.42kg 0.29lb 49.3t 109,000lb

28mm 1-1/8" 0.54kg 0.36lb 60.2t 133,000lb

30mm 1-1/4" 0.64kg 0.43lb 69.9t 154,000lb

PAGE 103

*Unspliced strength Max permissible line pull is

calculated with a 5:1 safety factor.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

General Fibre Rope Specifications
Sisal Rope: Unit of Measure - Coil
Sisal rope is a tough, versatile natural fibre rope used
in mining, crane industry and general industrial uses.
Suggested applications: tag lines for riggers, rope
handles, barrier ropes, halters and nets, capstan
ropes, driver ropes, tug-o-war ropes, slings.

Order Dia. MBF Length Weight

Code (mm) (kN) (m) (kg)
110463 6 2.55 250 7.4
110461 8 4.73 250 13.7
110464 10 6.22 250 17.3
110462 12 9.36 250 26.2
110473 14 12.6 250 35.5
110465 16 17.7 250 48.2
110466 18 21 250 55.8
110468 20 27.9 250 69.8
PAGE 104

110467 24 39.9 250 102

Note: The minimum breaking force must in no way

be construed as the safe working load of the rope.
Silver Rope - Polyethylene 3 Strand


Silver rope has superior
strength and has a distinctively
hairy appearance. Silver rope
is versatile and strong, with
exceptional handling properties
due to its surface characteristics.
It is suitable for industrial
applications and in particular,
marine where high resistance
to abrasion is required.
Suggested applications: truck ropes, headlines, slings,
industrial rigging, tarpaulin lines, foot ropes, tent guys,
mooring lines and truck nets.

Order Dia. MBF Length Weight

Code (mm) (kN) (m) (kg)
110502 6 3.69 250 4.6 Coil
110491 6 3.69 125 2.29 Reel
110493 8 6.1 250 7.9 Coil
110496 10 9.26 250 12.5 Coil
110497 10 9.26 125 6.3 Reel
110499 12 12.4 250 17.7 Coil
110901 14 14.1 250 24.2 Coil
110500 16 20.8 125 15.8 Coil
110902 16 20.8 250 31.7 Coil
110903 18 25.4 125 20.5 Coil
110904 18 25.4 250 40.1 Coil
110905 20 31 125 24.7 Coil
110906 20 31 250 49.5 Coil
110907 24 43.1 125 35.6 Coil
110908 28 58.3 125 47.5 Coil
110909 32 76.2 125 62.5 Coil
PAGE 105

110910 40 119 250 97.5 Coil

Note: The minimum breaking force must in no way

be construed as the safe working load of the rope.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

General care should be taken during inspection to
avoid distorting the lay. After inspection any report on
the ropes overall condition should be based on the
section showing the most deterioration.
Inspection of all fibre rope whether natural or man-
made, should be by touch and sight throughout the
entire length. This inspection will be best achieved by
examining approximately 300mm at a time after it is
pulled through one hand which is lightly closed around
the rope. This first touch should indicate the general
condition and may reveal defects such as narrowing,
abrasion, cuts, contusions, lumps or hernias. Turning
the rope or line will reveal all sides of that section,
allowing the entire line to be inspected.
Hawser-laid lines or ropes should be slightly untwisted
to reveal the inner surface of the strands.
Lines and ropes which are to be used to support
human life should be inspected before and after use.
In emergency circumstances this may be achieved by
a simple sight and touch inspection when setting up
the line for operation.
Inspection of all lines other than life support lines should
be done at regular intervals.
Fibre Rope Inspection Criteria
You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Examine the outside of the rope
Note any signs of local abrasion
Note any signs of cuts, nicks and contusions
Note any reductions in diameter and excessive
elongation of lay
Note any signs of discolouration, and softening or
powdering of the fibres
In man-made fibre ropes, note any signs of localised
Avoid using rope that shows signs of aging and wear. If
PAGE 106

in doubt, discard the rope. When the fibres show wear in

any given area the rope should be re-spliced if possible,
eliminating the damaged area.
Regularly inspect for frayed strands and broken yarns.


Open rope gently and if any fibres or grains fall out rope
should be discarded. Both outer and inner rope fibres
contribute to the strength of the rope. When either is
worn, the rope is compacted or hard which indicates
reduced strength.
HMPE Dyneema fibres have specific inspection
and discard criteria please refer to manufacturers
specifications for further detail.


Unreeling New Rope
Remove rope correctly from reels to prevent kinking.
The rope should be removed by pulling it off the top
while the reel is free to rotate. To proceed in any other
manner may cause kinks or strand distortion. Never
un-reel rope from the outside of the coil, always un-reel
from the centre.
Wherever possible abrasive conditions should be
avoided. All rope will be severely damaged if subjected
to rough surfaces or sharp edges. Winches, drums
and other surfaces must be kept in good condition and
free of burrs and rust. Pulleys must be free to rotate
and should be of proper size to avoid excessive wear.
Do not drag rope over rough ground. Dirt and grit
picked up by rope can work into the strands, cutting
the inside fibres.
Protect from chemicals
Acid, acid fumes and alkalis, are highly detrimental to
rope. Storage battery solutions, washing compounds
or solutions and paint, will all cause deterioration of
the fibre.
PAGE 107

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Never stand in line with rope under tension or in the
line of fire. If a rope fails it can recoil with lethal force.

Man-made fibre ropes usually shows little or no

indication of excessive strain and may fail without

Ropes should be stored or stowed in a well-ventilated,
dry atmosphere, away from heat, strong light, and
damaging chemicals. Ropes should be protected at
all times. After breaking out from the original coil, small
ropes should be made up in a manner appropriate to
their intended use. Keep loose coils off the floor and
stored on pallets or in cages.
Dry properly after exposure to moisture
Sisal and manila fibre ropes should never be stored
wet as mildew and other micro-organisms can occur
under damp or humid conditions. You should carefully
dry the rope outside away from direct sunlight and
store in the correct manner. Synthetic or man-made
ropes are not generally attacked by mildew.
PAGE 108


Which type of Sling should be used?
Solution - Alloy Chain, Wire Rope, HMPE
Dyneema or Synthetic, Flat or Round
The following factors should be considered
in making a selection:
Load - mass.
Frequency of use - life of sling.
Type of load - steel, machinery, timber, shipping,
containers, crates, steel fabricated sections, fragile
or items subject to marring.
Surface finish.
Cost versus efficiency.
Length of sling.
Method of slinging.
Environment - corrosion, heat, sharp edges etc.
Available storage for slings.


All alloy Chain slings are manufactured in accordance
with AS 3775 using quality lifting grade components as
per AS 3776.
Chain slings can be made to any configuration
and are generally made from short link lifting chain
manufactured to AS 2321 in grades T(80) or V(100)
and some manufacturers are now producing grade 120.
Variations can include the number of legs, the length
of legs and the fittings attached to the chain.

AS 3775.1 (section 8.1) states that all alloy chain

PAGE 109

slings shall be proof tested and supplied with a

Working Load Limit tag.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The strength of all grades of chain is adversely
affected by excessively elevated temperatures. In
certain applications where temperatures are likely
to exceed 200C, contact the manufacturer for the
required reduction in working load limit.
Alloy Chain Sling Benefits
Easy to use
Completely adjustable once shortening
hooks are fitted
Easy to inspect
Quick to assemble and test
Very high chemical resistance
Long lasting compared to wire rope &
synthetic slings
Grades 80, 100 and 120 & stainless steel
grade 50 available
Able to work in hotter environments than wire rope
& synthetic slings
Many types of fittings available
All chain slings shall be individually proof load tested
in compliance with the relevant Australian Standard
Working Load Limit tags shall be marked:
Conditions of use
Serial number or identification mark
matching the relevant test certificate
Manufacturers identification
Grade of steel
Specific applications
Date of test
PAGE 110
Alloy Chain Sling Components AS 3776

SWL Tag Large Multi Large Series Regular Series

Clevis Oblong Link Clevis Pear Link Kupler Hammerlock

PAGE 111

*Sling Hook *Cradle Grab Hook *Foundry Hook *Choker Hook

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

*Latchlok Hook Swivel Latchlok Clevis Latchlok Clevis Foundry Hook

Clevis Safety Hook Clevis Sling Hook Clevis Grab Hook Drum Hook

Clevis Gradle Grab Hook Clevis Shortner Clevis Shackle

*Denotes Standard Eye Type

Each lifting component shall be legibly and indelibly
marked in a place where the marking will not be
removed by use and in a manner that will not impair
the mechanical properties.
The marking shall include at least the following
The manufacturers identification.
Quality grade: T, 8, 80, 800, or V, 10, 100,
1000 or 12, 120.
Nominal size.
The traceability code.
PAGE 112
Working Load Limits (tonnes) - Alloy Chain Slings, Single & Multi Leg Assemblies

1300 722 999

Loading Factors 1.00 0.75 0.75 1.30 1.73 1.41 1.00 1.30 2.25
Straight Sling Adjustable Straight Sling Reeved Sling Basket Sling
Chain Basket
or Adjustable Sling with Reeved (Note 2) (Notes 2 and 3) (Notes 2, 3 and 4)
Grade Size Sling
Sling with no Deration Sling
(mm) Max 60 60 90 120 Max Angle 60 Max Angle 60
Deration (Note 1)
Grade V(100) 4 0.63 0.5 0.4 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.63 0.8 1.4
Grade V(100) 5 1 0.8 0.6 1.3 1.7 1.4 1 1.3 2.3
Grade T(80) 6 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.9 1.6 1.1 1.5 2.5
Grade V(100) 6 1.4 1.1 0.8 1.8 2.4 2.0 1.4 1.8 3.2
Grade T(80) 7 1.5 1.1 1.1 2 2.6 2.1 1.5 2 3.4
Grade V(100) 7 1.9 1.4 1.1 2.5 3.3 2.7 1.9 2.5 4.3

PAGE 114
Working Load Limits (tonnes) - Alloy Chain Slings, Single & Multi Leg Assemblies (cont.)

Loading Factors 1.00 0.75 0.75 1.30 1.73 1.41 1.00 1.30 2.25
Straight Sling Adjustable Straight Sling Reeved Sling Basket Sling
Chain Basket
or Adjustable Sling with Reeved (Note 2) (Notes 2 and 3) (Notes 2, 3 and 4)
Grade Size Sling
Sling with no Deration Sling
(mm) Max 60 60 90 120 Max Angle 60 Max Angle 60
Deration (Note 1)
Grade T(80) 8 2 1.5 1.5 2.6 3.5 2.8 2 2.6 4.5
Grade V(100) 8 2.5 1.9 1.4 3.3 4.3 3.5 2.5 3.3 5.6
Grade T(80) 10 3.2 2.4 2.4 4.1 5.5 4.5 3.2 4.1 7.2
Grade V(100) 10 4 3.0 2.3 5.2 6.9 5.6 4 5.2 9.0
Grade T(80) 13 5.3 4.0 4.0 6.9 9.2 7.5 5.3 6.9 11.9
Grade V(100) 13 6.7 5.0 3.8 8.7 11.6 9.4 6.7 8.7 15.1
Grade T(80) 16 8 6.0 6.0 10.4 13.8 11.3 8 10.4 18.0
Grade V(100) 16 10 7.5 5.6 13.0 17.3 14.1 10 13.0 22.5
Grade V(100) 18 12.5 9.4 7.0 16.3 21.6 17.6 12.5 16.3 28.1
Grade T(80) 19 11.2 8.4 8.4 14.6 19.4 15.8 11.2 14.6 25.2

1300 722 999

Grade V(100) 19 14 10.5 7.9 18.2 24.2 19.7 14 18.2 31.5
Grade T(80) 20 12.5 9.4 9.4 16.3 21.6 17.6 12.5 16.3 28.1
Grade V(100) 20 16 12.0 9.0 20.8 27.7 22.6 16 20.8 36.0
Grade T(80) 22 15 11.3 11.3 19.5 26.0 21.2 15 19.5 33.8
Grade V(100) 22 19 14.3 10.7 24.7 32.9 26.8 19 24.7 42.8
Grade V(100) 23 21 15.8 11.8 27.3 36.3 29.6 21 27.3 47.3
Grade T(80) 26 21.2 15.9 15.9 27.6 36.7 29.9 21.2 27.6 47.7
Grade V(100) 26 26.5 19.9 14.9 34.5 45.8 37.4 26.5 34.5 59.6
Grade V(100) 28 31.5 23.6 17.7 41.0 54.5 44.4 31.5 41.0 70.9
Grade T(80) 32 31.5 23.6 23.6 41 54.5 44.4 31.5 41 70.9
Grade V(100) 32 40 30.0 22.5 52.0 69.2 56.4 40 52.0 90.0

Working Load Limits (tonnes) - Alloy Chain Slings,
Single & Multi Leg Assemblies (cont.)
1. Some shortening devices, such as grab
hooks, derate the WLL for the sling by 25%.
Other shortening devices such as shortening
hooks and grab hooks with cradle configuration,
may not derate the WLL for the sling. Advice
regarding the appropriate deration should be
sought by the manufacturer.
2. The determination of the angle of the multi-leg
sling is the largest included angle at the apex of
the configuration.
3. Reeved slings and basket slings, in a two leg
configuration have a maximum angle for use of 60.
4. To ensure that an appropriately rated master link
is used for the 2 leg basket sling, the master link
to be used shall be a master link of an appropriate
WLL and with intermediate links. This ensures that
the factor of 2.25 can be accommodated and that
there is no overcrowding with back hooking.

Temperature C deration

-40 to + 200 + 200 to 300 + 300 to + 400

none 10.00% 25.00%
PAGE 116
Gunnebo GrabiQ Grade V(100) - WLL - tonnes

2-, 3-, & 4-Leg 2-, 3-, & 4-Leg

Sling Type 1-Leg 1-Leg 1-Leg Basket Slings Home Pocket Loop
Straight Slings Reeved Slings

1300 722 999

1-Leg 2-Leg 1-Leg 2-, 3- & 4-Leg
Condition of Use Straight Adjustable 60 90 120 Max. 60 Max. Max. Max. 60 90
60 60 30 Max. 30 Max. 30
Load Factor 1 1 0.75 1.73 1.41 1 1.3 1.3 1.06 1 1.73 1.4
Chain Size (mm) WLL (tonnes)
6 1.5 1.5 1.12 2.6 2.1 1.5 1.95 1.95 3.3 1.5 2.6 2.1
7 2.0 2.0 1.5 3.5 2.8 2.0 2.6 2.6 4.5 - - -
8 2.5 2.5 1.8 4.3 3.5 2.5 3.2 3.2 5.6 2.5 4.3 3.5
10 4.0 4.0 3.3 6.9 5.7 4.0 5.2 5.2 9.0 4.0 6.9 5.7
13 6.7 6.7 5.0 11.6 9.5 6.7 8.7 8.7 15.0 6.7 11.6 9.5
16 10.0 10.0 7.5 17.3 14.1 10.0 13.0 13.0 22.5 10.0 17.3 14.1
20 16.0 16.0 12.0 27.7 22.6 16.0 20.8 20.8 36.0 - - -
22 20.0 20.0 15.0 34.6 28.2 20.0 26.0 26.0 45.0 - - -

26 27 27 20.0 46.7 38 27 35 35.0 60.75 - - -


Clean the chain thoroughly.
Lay the chain out on a clean surface or hang it
up in a well-lit area.
Check for working load limit tag with correct markings
(WLL, use, serial number, manufacturers ID, grade,
applications, date of test) matching the size of the
Every chain link should be individually inspected for
any signs of wear, twisting, stretching, nicks or gouging
and any worn link measured to determine degree of
wear using vernier callipers.
Master links and hooks should be inspected for any
signs of wear at their bearing points and for any signs
of distortion, such as widening of hook throat opening.
Maximum allowable wear is 10%.
Australian standard AS 3775.2 requires all repaired
chain assemblies to be proof load tested and certified
before use.
Identification and Inspection of Alloy Steel Chain
Chain identified by T, 8, 80, 800 or V, 10, 100,
1000 or 12, 120 are approved for lifting assemblies.
The assembly must have a Working Load Limit tag

Look for chain stretch during inspection. Links tend

to close up & elongate.
Measure length of 10-20 links. Remeasure the same
section after use to determine amount of stretch.
PAGE 118
Never twist or knot chain.

Inspect all links for bends, twists, gouges, chips
and cuts.
Figure 19 Bends and Twists AS 3775.2

Figure 20 Gouges, Chips and Cuts AS 3775.2

Inspect all links for wear at the bearing surface.

Figure 21 Wear at Bearing Surfaces AS 3775.2
PAGE 119

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Periodic Inspection For Alloy Chain Slings - T(80) or
V(100) Table C1 AS 3775.2

Number of
Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
lift cycles
monthly 3 monthly 6 monthly 12 monthly
per week

1 to 5 - - Yes

6 to 25 - Yes -

26 to 200 - Yes -

201 plus Yes - -

The above is a guide and the inspection schedule

has to be determined by the end user based on the duty
cycle (of M3 as specified in AS 1418.1) and the
environmental conditions of use.

All chain slings should be inspected before & after

use and stored correctly, ready for next use.

Alloy Chain Sling Discard Criteria

Chain slings shall be withdrawn from service for repair
or replacement if any of the following are visible:
WLL tag is missing or illegible
Hook safety latches are missing, worn more
than acceptable tolerance or damaged
Wear on coupling devices at bearing points
Wear on load pins in hooks or connectors
Evidence of stretched components (seized
or deformed)
Cuts, nicks, gouges, cracks, weld spatter or
evidence of heat damage
Any chain link or component that shows 10% loss of
PAGE 120

material diameter or more shall be removed from service

for repair or replacement.


The useful life of alloy chain slings is considerable, but
it can be easily extended by observing the following.
Store chain slings on A-frames or wall racks in
a clean dry place.
Alloy chain and fittings should never be welded.
Never heat treat alloy chain slings.

Ensure the weight of the load is known and is
evenly distributed on the sling legs.
Always visually inspect a chain sling to ensure it
is free from damage or wear before use.
Ensure the masterlink is able to orientate freely
to the hook or attachment point.
Ensure when back hooking to a masterlink or a
coupler that overload does not occur. A single
masterlink can hold no more than two parts of
the load. A coupler can hold no more than one
part of the load.
Figure 6 Basket Slings AS 3775.2
(a) Single leg sling in basket hitch hooked back to
upper terminal link.
NOTE: Ensure that WLL of the upper terminal link
equals at least 1.3 times the WLL of the chain.
PAGE 121

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Figure 6 Basket Slings AS 3775.2 (cont.)
(b) Two leg sling back hooking to intermediate links
of a master link assembly to demonstrate four
loading bearing points.

(c) Two leg sling in basket hitch hooked back to upper
terminal link resulting in overcrowding and over

Inline shorteners if used must be tested and tagged

as per the requirement for a chain sling.
PAGE 122

If using a multi leg sling the included angle must

never exceed 120.
Never point load hooks. Best practise is one load
bearing point in a hook.
Best Practice


Acceptable @ maximum 90 but this is not best

Hooks should be axially loaded not tip loaded. If you

tip load a hook, 50% of its capacity will be lost.
PAGE 123

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Ensure that the chain is free of twists.
The sling should be protected from any sharp corners
on the load. Padding/packing material should be used
(timber, rubber, carpet) to protect the sling and the load
from damage and reduce contact pressure.
Commence the lift slowly, taking up the slack gradually.
Avoid shock loads (sudden jerking movement).
When lowering, avoid crushing the chain by ensuring
the load does not land on it. Use padding/packing
material such as timber, rubber or carpet to assist
with this.
Refer to the lifting plan on pages 9-13.
Figure 10 Deration Guide for Corner Loading AS
As a guide, the following derations may apply for
sharp corners. Users should refer to manufacturers


Chain slings should be stored on A-frames or
wall racks in a clean, dry place.
Lightly oil chains before prolonged storage.
PAGE 124


Wire rope slings are manufactured in accordance with
AS 1666. Wire rope slings can be made to various
configurations and shall be manufactured from wire
rope conforming to AS 3569 or applicable International
Standard. Variations can include the number of legs, the
length of legs and the fittings attached to the wire.
Wire Rope Sling Benefits:
Wire rope slings are used for lifting and are generally
substantially cheaper than chain slings.
They can be supplied in longer lengths and higher
capacities than alloy lifting chain.
Wire rope slings can be used to run through sheave
blocks where alloy chain cannot e.g. concrete tilt up
All wire rope slings shall be individually proof load
tested in compliance with the Australian Standard.

Working Load Limit tags shall be marked:

All wire rope slings or assemblies shall be legibly
marked or tagged with the following:
Manufacturers identification.
WLL for the single leg or multiple leg assemblies.
Serial number, identification mark or test number
matching the relevant test certificate.
NOTE: Date of test is not mandatory for wire rope sling
WLL tags or sling markings.
Wire Rope Sling Fittings AS 1666
The Working Load Limit of wire rope sling fittings must at
least equal that of the sling.
PAGE 125

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Figure B1 (A) Single-Part Slings with Eyes AS 1666

Figure B1 (B) Double-Part Slings with Eyes AS 1666

Figure B1 (C) Slings Made of Plaited Rope with

Ferrule-Secured Soft Eyes AS 1666

Figure B1 (D) Slings with Components (A Link and A

Hook) (Seizing Optional) AS 1666
PAGE 126
Figure B1 (E) Poured Socket Terminated Slings AS



Figure B1 (F) Slings with Swage Fitting Terminations

AS 1666

Figure B1 (G) Grommet AS 1666

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PAGE 128
Wire Rope Slings - Single, Two, Three & Four Leg with Ferrule Secured Eyes, using Galvanised or Black
Wire Rope in accordance with AS 1666.1 - 1570 Grade Fibre Core
Choke Hitch
Choke Hitch Basket Hitch
Method of Direct Round Load
Direct Loaded
Loading Sling Loaded Round Rectangular Single Double
Round Load
Load Load Wrap Wrap
Included Angle - - - 0 60 90 120 0 to 60 90 120 0 to 45 0 to 60



8 28.2 0.55 0.41 0.27 1.11 0.96 0.78 0.55 0.96 0.78 0.55 0.72
9 35.6 0.70 0.52 0.35 1.40 1.21 0.99 0.70 1.21 0.99 0.70 0.91
10 44.0 0.86 0.65 0.43 1.73 1.50 1.22 0.86 1.50 1.22 1.86 1.13
11 53.2 1.05 0.78 0.52 2.10 1.81 1.48 1.05 1.81 1.48 1.05 1.36
12 63.3 1.23 0.92 0.61 2.47 2.14 1.74 1.23 2.14 1.74 1.23 1.61
13 74.3 1.47 1.10 0.73 2.94 2.54 2.07 1.47 2.54 2.07 1.47 1.91
14 86.2 1.70 1.27 0.85 3.40 2.94 2.40 1.70 2.94 2.40 1.70 2.21
16 113 2.22 1.67 1.11 4.45 3.85 3.14 2.22 3.85 3.14 2.22 2.89
18 143 2.80 2.10 1.40 5.61 4.85 3.95 2.80 4.85 3.95 2.80 3.65

1300 722 999

20 176 3.48 2.61 1.74 6.97 6.03 4.91 3.48 6.03 4.91 3.48 4.53
22 213 4.20 3.15 2.10 8.40 7.27 5.92 4.20 7.27 5.92 4.20 5.46
24 253 5.01 3.76 2.50 10.03 8.67 7.07 5.01 8.67 7.07 5.01 6.52

1570 Grade Fibre Core

26 297 5.88 4.41 2.94 11.77 10.18 8.30 5.88 10.18 8.30 5.88 7.65
28 345 6.81 5.11 3.40 13.63 11.79 9.61 6.81 11.79 9.61 6.81 8.86
32 450 8.90 6.68 4.45 17.81 15.41 12.56 8.90 15.41 12.56 8.90 11.58

PAGE 130
Wire Rope Slings - Single, Two, Three & Four Leg with Ferrule Secured Eyes, using Galvanised or Black
Wire Rope in accordance with AS 1666.1 - 1770 Grade Wire Rope Core
Choke Hitch
Choke Hitch Basket Hitch
Method of Direct Round Load
Direct Loaded
Loading Sling Loaded Round Rectangular Single Double
Round Load
Load Load Wrap Wrap
Included Angle - - - 0 60 90 120 0 to 60 90 120 0 to 45 0 to 60



8 40.2 0.78 0.58 0.39 1.56 1.35 1.10 0.78 1.35 1.10 0.78 1.01
9 51.1 0.99 0.74 0.49 1.98 1.71 1.40 0.99 1.71 1.40 0.99 1.29
10 63.1 1.22 0.92 0.61 2.40 2.10 1.72 1.22 2.10 1.72 1.22 1.59
11 76.3 1.48 1.11 0.74 3.00 2.60 2.10 1.48 2.60 2.10 1.48 1.92
12 90.8 1.76 1.32 0.88 3.50 3.00 2.50 1.76 3.00 2.50 1.76 2.30
13 107 2.10 1.55 1.04 4.10 3.60 2.90 2.10 3.60 2.90 2.10 2.70
14 124 2.40 1.80 1.20 4.80 4.20 3.40 2.40 4.20 3.40 2.40 3.10
16 161 3.10 2.30 1.56 6.20 5.40 4.40 3.10 5.40 4.40 3.10 4.10
18 204 4.00 3.00 1.98 7.90 6.80 5.60 4.00 6.80 5.60 4.00 5.10

1300 722 999

20 252 4.90 3.70 2.40 9.80 8.40 6.90 4.90 8.40 6.90 4.90 6.30
22 305 5.90 4.40 3.00 11.80 10.20 8.30 5.90 10.20 8.30 5.90 7.70
24 363 7.00 5.30 3.50 14.10 12.20 9.90 7.00 12.20 9.90 7.00 9.10
26 426 8.30 6.20 4.10 16.50 14.30 11.60 8.30 14.30 11.60 8.30 10.70
28 494 9.60 7.20 4.80 19.10 16.60 13.50 9.60 16.60 13.50 9.60 12.40
32 646 12.50 9.40 6.30 25.00 22.00 17.60 12.50 22.00 17.60 12.50 16.30
36 817 15.80 11.90 7.90 32.00 27.00 22.00 15.80 27.00 22.00 15.80 21.00
40 1010 19.60 14.70 9.80 39.00 34.00 28.00 19.60 34.00 28.00 19.60 25.00

1770 Grade Wire Rope Core

44 1220 24.00 17.70 11.80 47.00 41.00 33.00 24.00 41.00 33.00 24.00 31.00
48 1450 28.00 21.00 14.00 56.00 49.00 40.00 28.00 49.00 40.00 28.00 37.00
52 1710 33.00 25.00 16.60 66.00 57.00 47.00 33.00 57.00 47.00 33.00 43.00
56 1980 38.00 29.00 19.20 77.00 66.00 54.00 38.00 66.00 54.00 38.00 50.00
60 2270 44.00 33.00 22.00 88.00 76.00 62.00 44.00 76.00 62.00 44.00 57.00

PAGE 132
Single & Multi Leg Superflex Wire Rope Slings with Ferrule Secured Eyes
WLL is shown in metric tonnes. WLL is calculated in accordance with AS 1666.1.

Cable Details

Min. Breaking Single Fall Cradle lift Choked Choked

Nom. Cable Multiple slings at
Cable No. Force (MBF) Superflex angle < 30 round load square load
Dia. (D) (mm) various angles WLL

Included Angle - < 30 - - 60 90 120

Two-0 8 30 0.60 1.10 0.40 0.30 1.00 0.70 0.60

Two-5 10 50 1.00 1.90 0.70 0.50 1.70 1.40 1.00

Three-0 12 75 1.40 2.70 1.10 0.70 2.40 2.00 1.40

Three-5 14 95 1.80 3.50 1.40 0.90 3.10 2.50 1.80

Four-0 16 125 2.40 4.60 1.80 1.20 4.20 3.40 2.40

Four-5 18 157 3.00 5.80 2.30 1.50 5.30 4.30 3.00

Five-0 20 210 4.00 7.70 3.10 2.00 7.00 5.80 4.00

Six-5 26 340 6.70 13.00 5.00 3.40 11.70 9.40 6.70

1300 722 999

Eight-0 32 530 10.30 20.00 7.80 5.20 17.90 14.40 10.30

Ten-0 40 750 15.30 29.80 11.50 7.60 26.60 21.40 15.30

A sling will eventually deteriorate as a result of abrasive
wear, wire breaks, loss of lubrication, corrosion and
consolidation of the core and rope strands. Damage
is not always readily evident.
Before using your wire rope sling you have a duty of
care to check for the following:
Check the tag or identification stamp to ensure that
the Working Load Limit of the sling and the serial
number (test certificate number) are clearly legible
and the sling is correct for the application.
Inspect the load bearing points for wear, kinking,
broken wires, corrosion/rust and other obvious
Check end fittings and attachments for any sign
of deformation, excessive wear or corrosion.
Check for heat damage and/or signs of welding
Check for signs of stretch.

If in your opinion a sling has sufficient damage of any

type that may result in an accident or injury remove the
sling from service and report it.


Wire rope slings are prone to damage. They are
weakened by broken wires, corrosion, chemical attack,
overheating, wear, physical abuse, overloading, kinking
and flattening of eyes.
For the safe use of wire rope slings the following
practices should be used:
Slings should not be loaded in excess of their
Working Load Limit.
Before use slings and all attachments should be
inspected for defects.
Damaged or defective slings should be immediately
removed from service and secured with an Out of
Service tag.
PAGE 134

Sling legs should not be kinked or twisted.

Slings should not be shortened by the use of knots,


bolts or other make-shift devices.
Slings should be securely attached to their loads.
Single leg-slings used in a basket hitch, must have
the load balanced to prevent slippage.
Slings should be padded or protected from loads with
sharp edges. Bends having a radius of less than the
diameter of the rope will cause permanent damage to
the rope. Bends less than 90 must be greater than 5
times the diameter of the rope.
Figure 2 Use of Protective Packing AS 1666.2

PAGE 135

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Figure 1(b) Minimum Inside Radii of Wire Ropes AS

Shock loads must be avoided.

Suspended loads should be kept clear of all
obstructions. All people should keep clear of loads
about to be lifted or suspended loads.
Hands or fingers should not be placed between
the sling and its load while the sling is being lifted or
tightened around a load.
A sling should not be pulled from under a load while it
is resting on the sling.
Refer to the lifting plan on pages 9-13.


Wire rope slings should be stored on A-frames or
wall racks in a clean, dry place.
Lightly lubricate the wire rope before prolonged
PAGE 136


What is HMPE?
High Modulous Polyethylene Dyneema Fibres.
HMPE fibre rope slings are manufactured and tested
in accordance with AS 4991. Variations can include
the number of legs, the length of legs and the fittings
attached to the fibre rope.
Dyneemas has a unique molecular orientation
which allows it the following characteristics:
Low coefficient of friction
Abrasion resistance
Impact strength
High resistance to chemicals
Positive buoyancy

HMPE Features & Benefits:

7 times lighter than wire rope
Better bending radius & cyclical loading than wire rope
Softer & more flexible
Easy to handle & repair/splice
Similar elongation to wire rope
Durable & outlasts wire rope
Torque free
Reduces the risk of injury caused by recoil, sparking,
back injuries due to weight of rope, and the risk of hand
injuries from cut or broken strands
Performs well in all climates

Working Load Limit Tags

All HMPE fibre rope slings or sling assemblies shall be
legibly tagged with the following:
PAGE 137

Manufacturers identification
WLL for the single leg or multiple leg assemblies
Serial number or identification mark matching the
relevant test certificate
1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com
PAGE 138
HMPE AmSteel-Blue Slings in accordance with AS 4991/FR S0412
Can be supplied with thimble ends or soft loops (with or without protective sleeves).

Method of Direct
Choke Hitch Basket Hitch Direct Loaded Grommets
Loading Sling Loaded
Single Single Single Round Loaded Multileg
Included Angle Single Round Square Single Double
Loaded Loaded 0 60 90 120 0 to 60 90 120



12 136.0 2.77 2.08 1.39 5.55 4.80 3.91 2.77 4.80 3.91 2.77 4.43 7.76
16 211.8 4.32 3.24 2.16 8.64 7.47 6.09 4.32 7.47 6.09 4.32 6.91 11.95
18 258.0 5.26 3.94 2.63 10.52 9.10 7.42 5.26 9.10 7.42 5.26 8.41 14.54
22 364.0 7.42 5.57 3.71 14.84 12.84 10.46 7.42 12.84 10.46 7,42 11.87 20.53
24 436.5 8.90 6.67 4.45 17.80 15.40 12.55 8.90 15.40 12.55 8.90 14.24 24.63
28 592.5 12.08 9.06 6.04 24.16 20.90 17.03 12.08 20.90 17.03 12.08 19.32 33.42
30 661.1 13.48 10.11 6.74 29.96 23.32 19.01 13.48 23.32 19.01 13.48 21.56 37.30
32 736.7 15.02 11.27 7.51 30.04 25.98 21.18 15.02 25.98 21.18 15.02 24.00 41.52
36 913.3 18.62 13.97 9.31 37.24 32.21 26.25 18.62 32.21 26.25 18.62 29.80 51.55

1300 722 999

44 1343.9 27.40 20.55 13.70 54.80 47.40 38.63 27.40 47.40 38.63 27.40 43.84 75.85
56 2148.0 43.79 32.84 21.90 87.58 75.76 61.75 43.79 75.76 61.75 43.79 70.00 121.10

64 2648.7 54.00 40.50 27.00 108.00 93.42 76.14 54.00 93.42 76.14 54.00 86.40 149.47
80 4031.9 82.20 61.65 41.10 164.40 142.21 115.90 82.20 142.21 115.90 82.20 131.52 227.52
88 5846.7 119.20 89.40 59.60 238.40 206.21 168.07 119.20 206.21 168.07 119.20 190.72 329.94

NOTE: Interfacing components shall not be less than 1.5 times the rope diameter otherwise a 25% deration applies
to the WLL as stated within this chart.
Bending Ratios for grommets shall not be less than 4 times the rope diameter.
*Double Grommets used with a Ramshorn Hook only.

Continual observation of HMPE fibre rope slings before
and during use is required. Check for the following prior
to use:
1 or more cut strands
Loss of 25% overall diameter from abrasion
Flat areas
Lumps and bumps
Glazed & glossy fibres
Fibre loss of strength is caused by abrasion and flexing
which results in broken fibres.

Always refer to manufacturers discard criteria for

HMPE fibre rope.

Samson High-Performance Synthetic Utility Line

Have the rope repaired if the observed damage is in
localised areas. Retire the rope if the damage is over
extended areas.

Rope Inspection Techniques

Internal abrasion can be determined by pulling one
strand away from the others and looking for powdered
or broken fibre filaments (Figs. 1 and 2).
To determine the extent of outer fibre damage, a
single yarn in all abraded areas should be examined.
The diameter of the abraded yarn should then be
compared to a portion of the same yarn or an adjacent
yarn of the same type that has been protected by the
strand crossover area and is free from abrasion
damage (Fig. 3).
PAGE 140
Fig. 1 Inspect for pulled strands.

Fig. 2 Inspect for internal abrasion.

Fig. 3 Compare surface yarns with internal yarns.

Single Braid Inspection

PAGE 141

Rope displaying original bulk.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Cut Strands

Two or more adjacent cut strands

Reduced Volume

25% volume reduction caused by abrasion

Melted or Glazed Fibre

Visibly charred and melted

Extreme stiffness unchanged by flexing the rope

Visible sheen
Stiffness reduced by flexing the rope
PAGE 142

Not to be confused with melting

Not a permanent characteristic
Pulled Strand

Strand can be worked back in to rope
Not a permanent characteristic

Embedded dirt
Chemical contamination
Inconsistent Diameter
PAGE 143

Flat areas
Lumps and bumps

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The service life of HMPE slings may be considerably
shortened if adequate care during use is not taken. The
following precautions while using HMPE slings shall be
Avoid contact with hot surfaces (blowlamps or welding
torches) and exposure to damaging conditions such as
prolonged exposure to sunlight, dust or chemicals.
Immediately wash a HMPE sling that has come
into contact with acids or alkalis with water. Refer
to manufacturers instructions when cleaning fibre
rope slings.
Wet fibre rope slings should be hung and allowed to
dry naturally. Slings shall never be force dried or dried
near a source of heat.
NOTE: Always refer to manufacturers instructions for
cleaning HMPE slings or if the sling has been used in
the presence of or come into contact with chemicals.


To prevent deterioration and damage to HMPE
slings, proper storage is essential. Store HMPE
slings in locations with the following conditions:
Dry, ventilated area that is clean and free from
dirt & grit.
Off the ground on racks or A-frames.
Away from sunlight, sources of heat, welding sparks,
locations where chemical attack may occur and where
mechanical damage from surrounding objects may


Synthetic slings are manufactured in accordance with
Round Slings AS 4497 & Flat Webbing Slings AS 1353.
Synthetic slings, flat and round endless types are more
easily damaged than other types of lifting slings and
should only be used where slings such as alloy chain
PAGE 144

or wire rope will cause damage to the lifted load or

where identified risks in the lift may be reduced by
their use.
Synthetic slings are most commonly made from 100%


polyester, but the internal fibres can be made with other
materials for specific applications.
The colour of the working load limit tag shall identify the
type of fibre used for the sling as follows:
Polyester - Blue
Nylon - Green
Polypropylene - Brown
Aramid Polyamide Yellow
Synthetic Sling Benefits:
Approx. 5 x lighter than wire rope at the same capacity
Easy to use
Do not rust
No de-ration of WLL in water
Great choking and reeving capabilities
Easily inspected
High chemical resistance
Free of static electricity (non-conductive)
Cheaper than chain or wire rope slings
Synthetic Slings in accordance with Australian
Standards shall be:
Supplied with a test certificate
Colour coded
Supplied with a coloured tag matching the fibre type
and showing the following information:
Manufacturers identification
Serial number or identification mark matching
the relevant test certificate
Month and year of manufacture
Fibre the material has been made from

NOTE: For WLLs greater than 10t the sling material

colour shall be orange.
PAGE 145

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PAGE 146
Synthetic Slings - Flat Webbing Sling - AS 1353, Roundslings - AS 4497

Direct Material
Load Colour
Vertical WLL Choke WLL Basket WLL 30 WLL 60 WLL 90 WLL 120 WLL
kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
1000 Violet 1000 800 2000 1900 1700 1400 1000
2000 Green 2000 1600 4000 3800 3400 2800 2000
3000 Yellow 3000 2400 6000 5700 5100 4200 3000
4000 Grey 4000 3200 8000 7600 6800 5600 4000
5000 Red 5000 4000 10000 9500 8500 7000 5000
6000 Brown 6000 4800 12000 11400 10200 8400 6000
8000 Blue 8000 6400 16000 15200 13600 11200 8000
10000 Orange 10000 8000 20000 19000 17000 14000 10000
The colour of the working load limit tag shall identify the type of fibre used for round and flat type synthetic slings as
follows: Nylon - Green, Polyester - Blue, Polypropylene - Brown, Aramid Polymide - Yellow.
Synthetic Sling Fittings

There are a range of fittings that are specifically
designed for synthetic products.
One of the most important reasons for using these
fittings is to ensure the sling sits flat on the bearing
points which provides:
Less wear due to more surface contact.
Slings sit better when in multi leg configuration.
Prolongs life of slings due to having steel bearing
point contacts.

Synthetic Sling Protectors

Protective sleeves are available in the following material:
Polyester round sleeves
PVC sleeves
Polyester flat Webbing Sleeves
Polyurethane (secutex)
Fire hose


Synthetic slings shall be inspected before use
for the following:
WLL tag is intact, legible and the sling is
correct for the application
External wear on the cover
Inspect for any cuts to load bearing fibres
Holes in the cover
Local abrasion
Internal wear
Damage to protective coating or sleeve
Damage from high temperatures
UV damage (change in colour/fading to white)
Chemical attack
Deterioration of stitching
Damage to the sling eyes
Damage and wear to any attachments or end fittings
PAGE 147

Internal thickening of a round sling

Periodic inspections shall be carried out every 3 months

as per the relevant Australian Standard.

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Discard Examples:
PAGE 148


Avoid contact with hot surfaces (blow lamps or welding
torches) and exposure to damaging conditions such as
prolonged exposure to sunlight, dust or chemicals.
Immediately wash a synthetic sling that has come
into contact with acids or alkalis with water. Refer
to manufacturers instructions when cleaning
synthetic slings.
Wet slings should be hung and allowed to dry naturally.
Slings shall never be force dried or dried near a source
of heat.
NOTE: Always refer to manufacturers instructions for
cleaning synthetic slings or if the sling has been used in
the presence of or come into contact with chemicals.


To prevent deterioration and damage to synthetic slings,
proper storage is essential. Store synthetic slings in
locations with the following conditions:
Dry, ventilated area that is clean and free from
dirt & grit.
Off the ground on racks or A-frames.
Away from sunlight, sources of heat, welding sparks,
locations where chemical attack may occur and where
mechanical damage from surrounding objects may
PAGE 149

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Hardware is a term used to refer to the hooks, pins and
connection devices used to connect rigging equipment
to a load to be fixed or lifted. These items include
shackles, shackles, eyebolts, lifting points, rigging
screws & turnbuckles, wedge sockets, poured sockets,
thimbles, wire rope grips, cable stockings, sheave blocks
and crane hooks.


A shackle is used for connecting components in lifting,
tensioning and staying systems. The most common type
of shackle is a grade S shackle available in dee and
bow type.
NOTE: All lifting shackles conforming to AS 2741 are
recognisable by markings and will have a larger pin
diameter than the body of the shackle.
In Accordance With AS 2741 Shackles Shall Be
Marked With:
Manufacturers identification.
Quality Grade, as M or 4, or S or 6.
Identification marking to correlate the shackle
to the test certificate.

Grade M shackles comply with AS 2741 and are typically

known as large D or large bow shackles. They generally
have larger internal dimensions but will have a lower
WLL than grade S.
Grade S shackles comply with AS 2741 and have
approximately twice the working load limit of grade M
shackles. These are most commonly used for lifting,
rigging, lashing and mooring systems and are available
in screw pin and safety pin configuration.
NOTE: The colour of the pin is supplier related not
Standard related.
PAGE 150
Grade M Black & Galvanised Screw Dee Shackles:


Unit of Measure Each


W (mm)
D (mm)

L (mm)

Size d

Size d




160638 1/4 6.35 0.25 10 13 25 Black 0.09

160628 1/4 6.35 0.25 10 13 25 Gal. 0.09
160629 3/8 9.53 0.50 13 19 38 Black 0.18
160625 3/8 9.53 0.50 13 19 38 Gal. 0.18
160630 1/2 12.70 0.75 16 28 54 Black 0.37
160626 1/2 12.70 0.75 16 28 54 Gal. 0.37
160631 5/8 15.88 1.50 19 32 63 Black 0.66
160627 5/8 15.88 1.50 19 32 63 Gal. 0.66
160632 3/4 19.05 2.00 22 38 73 Black 1.04
160633 3/4 19.05 2.00 22 38 73 Gal. 1.04
160634 7/8 22.23 3.00 25 44 83 Black 1.61
160635 7/8 22.23 3.00 25 44 83 Gal. 1.61
160639 1 25.40 3.80 29 51 95 Black 2.27
160636 1 25.40 3.80 29 51 95 Gal. 2.27
160640 1 1/8 28.58 5.00 32 54 105 Black 3.24
160637 1 1/8 28.58 5.00 32 54 105 Gal. 3.24
160644 1 1/4 31.75 6.00 35 60 114 Gal. 4.5
160641 1 3/8 34.93 7.00 38 67 127 Gal. 6.18
PAGE 151

160642 1 1/2 38.10 9.50 44 70 137 Gal. 8.22

Other sizes available. Tolerances on Dimensions
+8% - 5% as per AS 2741.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Grade S Tested Galvanised Screw Bow Shackles:
Unit of Measure Each

Order WLL D W B L Weight
Code (tonnes) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
160554 5 0.33 6 10 15 22 0.02
160555 6 0.50 8 12 20 29 0.06
160556 8 0.75 10 13 21 31 0.11
160557 10 1.00 11 17 26 37 0.15
160558 11 1.50 13 18 29 43 0.21
160559 13 2.00 16 21 33 48 0.37
160560 16 3.25 19 27 43 61 0.65
160561 19 4.70 22 32 51 72 1.06
160562 22 6.50 25 37 58 84 1.56
160563 25 8.50 29 43 68 95 2.32
160573 29 9.50 32 46 74 108 3.30
160564 32 12.00 35 52 83 119 4.51
160574 35 13.50 38 57 92 133 5.93
160575 38 17.00 41 60 98 146 7.89
160577 44 25.00 51 73 127 178 14.99
160600 51 35.00 57 83 146 197 18.85
PAGE 152

Other sizes available.

Grade S Tested Galvanised Screw Dee Shackles:


Unit of Measure Each

Order WLL D W L Weight
Code (tonnes) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

160508 6 0.50 8 12 22 0.60

160509 8 0.75 10 13 26 0.11
160510 10 1.00 11 17 32 0.15
160511 11 1.50 13 18 37 0.21
160512 13 2.00 16 21 41 0.37
160513 16 3.20 19 27 51 0.65
160514 19 4.70 22 32 60 1.06
160515 22 6.50 25 37 71 1.56
160516 25 8.50 29 43 81 2.32
160528 29 9.50 32 46 90 3.28
160517 32 12.00 35 52 100 4.51
160529 35 13.50 38 57 113 5.93
160531 38 17.00 41 60 124 7.89
160532 44 25.00 51 73 146 14.99
Other sizes available.
PAGE 153

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Grade S Tested Galvanised Safety Pin Bow
Shackles: Unit of Measure Each

Order Size d WLL D W B L Weight

Code (mm) (tonnes) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)

160565 13 2.00 16 21 33 48 0.44

160567 16 3.25 19 27 43 61 0.79
160569 19 4.75 22 32 51 72 1.06
160570 22 6.50 25 37 58 84 1.88
160572 25 8.50 29 43 68 95 2.78
160589 29 9.50 32 46 74 108 3.87
160591 32 12.00 35 52 83 119 5.26
160594 35 13.50 38 57 92 133 6.94
160595 38 17.00 41 60 98 146 8.79
160576 44 25.00 51 73 127 178 14.99
160598 51 35.00 57 83 146 197 20.65
160618 57 42.50 63 95 160 222 29.10
160602 63 55.00 70 105 184 267 41.05
160604 76 85.00 83 127 200 330 62.24
165024 89 120.00 95 146 241 381 110.00
Other sizes available.
PAGE 154

Before using your shackle you have a duty of care to
check for the following:
All markings are clearly legible.
Ensure the pin is matched. Never replace the pin of a
shackle with a bolt of any grade.
Ensure the threads of the pin and body are undamaged
and the pin screws freely into position.
Ensure the body and pin are not unduly worn and free
from distortion, nicks, gouges, cracks, excessive wear
and corrosion (maximum wear allowance is 10%).
Ensure the pin screws down flush and is bedded
evenly on the surface of the shackle eye. Do not over
tighten and mouse pin for security if vibration may be
an issue.
For safety pin shackles ensure that the nuts and split
pins are fitted and in good order.
Ensure there are no signs of corrosion or indications
of heat damage including weld spatter or arc strikes.
NOTE: If the shackle does not comply with all inspection
criteria it must be removed from service immediately,
tagged out of service and reported to supervisor.
PAGE 155

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Never replace a shackle pin
with a bolt or mismatch shackle
components. The load will
potentially bend the bolt.


Commercial grade shackles are not to be used for
lifting purposes.
For screw pin shackles the collar of the pin should
be fully seated on the shackle eye.
When securing the screw pin into a shackle, tension
the pin finger tight and then back the pin off by a
turn. Never use a shifter or similar device to tension
the pin into position.
Ensure that the pin is the correct length so that it
penetrates the full depth of the screwed eye and
allows the collar of the pin to bed evenly on the
surface of the shackle eye.
If the shackle pin does not seat correctly this indicates
that the pin may be bent or the thread is not correct.
If a shackle is to be left in a loaded position for
a period of time, or has the potential for the pin to
become dislodged, mouse the pin of the shackle
into place or use a safety type shackle.
PAGE 156


Shackles should be stored in a clean, dry place.



Forged collared eyebolts for lifting are covered by AS

2317 however this Standard does not cover eyenuts or
other lifting points, as no control is available for the type
of material the lifting point is being attached to.
In Accordance With AS 2317 Eyebolts Shall Be
Marked With:
Manufacturers identification.
Thread type.
Nominal size.
Some eyebolts are marked with WLL but this is not
mandatory under the Australian Standard.
PAGE 157

NOTE: For realignment purposes it is acceptable to use

a shim/washer as long as the minimum thread depth is

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Eyebolt Marking Options
The information in the following drawing is provided for
guidance only.

Comparison between DIN and Australian Standard


Size Axial Loading Axial Loading

(mm) DIN Type (kg) Australian Standard Type (kg)
Australian Standards doesnt
M8 140
recommend sizes less than 10mm

M10 230 250

M12 340 400
M16 700 800
M20 1200 1600
M22 - 2000
M24 1800 2500
M30 3200 4000

DIN Standard 580/582 eyebolts can be used for lifting

but do not conform to AS 2317 as they have a different
factor of safety applied to the WLL calculation. These
are normally supplied with metric coarse thread.
PAGE 158
You cannot use the same size thread in DIN as in
AS 2317 eyebolts as the Working Load Limits vary
greatly. See comparison chart on the previous
page showing axial loading in DIN eyebolts
compared to Australian Standards eyebolts.

Before using your eyebolt you have a duty of care
to check for the following:
Check WLL markings are clear and are suitable
for the application.
Check for deformation and cracking.
Check the inside of the eye for wear.
Check for damaged threads.
Ensure the centre is aligned to the centre of the eye.
Ensure thread is matched correctly.
Avoid excessive tightening.
Check for evidence of arc strike or weld spatter.
NOTE: If the eyebolt does not comply with all inspection
criteria it must be removed from service immediately,
tagged out of service and reported to supervisor.
PAGE 159

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PAGE 160
Table C1 SWL for a Metric Thread and A M3 Load Application as Specified By AS 1418.1 - AS 2317

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SWL for M3 load application as specified by AS 1418.1 (See Clause 3.6.2)
Single Eyebolt Pair of Eyebolts (See Note)

Nominal Axial (WLL) Trunnion Type Mounting Perpendicular Included Angle 30 Included Angle 60 Included Angle 90
Size of

M10 0.25 0.06 0.12 0.31 0.20 0.12

M12 0.40 0.10 0.20 0.50 0.32 0.20

M16 0.80 0.20 0.40 1.00 0.64 0.40

M20 1.6 0.40 0.80 2.0 1.28 0.80

M22 2.0 0.50 1.00 2.5 1.60 1.00

M24 2.5 0.62 1.25 3.1 2.0 1.25

M30 4.0 1.00 2.0 5.0 3.2 2.0

M33 5.0 1.25 2.5 6.3 4.0 2.5

1300 722 999

M36 6.3 1.57 3.1 7.9 5.0 3.1

M39 7.0 1.75 3.5 8.8 5.6 3.5

M42 8.0 2.0 4.0 10.0 6.4 4.0

M48 10.0 2.5 5.0 12.6 8.0 5.0

M56 15.0 3.7 7.5 18.9 12.0 7.5

M64 20 5.0 10.0 25 16.0 10.0

M72 25 6.2 12.5 31 20 12.5

M76 30 7.5 15.0 37 24 15.0

Reduction Factor For Single Eyebolt

1 0.25 0.25 0.63 0.40 0.25

Commercial grade eyebolts are not to be used for
lifting purposes.
There is a range of rated stainless steel eye bolts
for lifting available now.
Care should be taken to ensure that eyebolts are
not screwed into threaded holes of a different size
or type of thread.
Table B1 Erroneously Matched Sizes That Are
Particularly Troublesome AS 2317

Metric Eyebolt BSW and UNC Hole (inches)

M12 1/2
M20 7/8
M24 1
M30 1 1/4
M36 1 1/2
M42 1 3/4
M48 2
M56 2 1/4
M64 2 3/4
M72 3

Eyebolts should be screwed down flush to the

face of the lifted load; however excessive tightening
of eyebolts should be avoided.
Eyebolts are not designed to accept lifting devices
directly. They must be attached via a shackle first.
When loads are applied to an eyebolt, the angle from
the line of the load to the eyebolt must not be greater
than 5% away from the centre plane of the eye of the
When loading with pairs of eyebolts, always ensure
that the load is aligned in a manner that does not
create twist as the eyebolts may undo. Using rotating
ring bolts or lifting rings prevents the bolt from undoing
during use.
PAGE 162
Working Load Limits of Pairs of Eyebolts


The following table details the Working Load Limit of
two leg slings paired with eyebolts and various angles
between the legs.
AS 2317 recommends that continuous slings are not to
be used with pairs of eyebolts. Where a continuous sling
is used the load applied to the eyebolts is considerably
Figure B1 Typical Correct and Incorrect Methods of
Pairing Sling Legs with Eyebolts AS 2317


Eyebolts should be stored in a clean, dry place.
PAGE 163

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The following range of lifting points available in grade

80 & 100 material provide for multi-directional load and
lift options that maximise safety without compromising
on strength.
Any components that have a swivel bolt design have
the ability to accept connections to lifting devices and
self-align to the line of force or pull whilst not interfering
with the means of attachment to the load in question.
Benefits of Swivel Lifting Points:
Self-adjusting to the direction of force
360 rotation of the lifting eye
Load rings up to 6 times the capacity of standard
collared eyebolts
Higher WLL for direct single point lifts than standard
collared eyebolts
Available in metric & UNC threads
There is a large variety of eye sizes to allow for direct
attachment to lifting devices unlike standard forged
eyebolts that are not designed to accept lifting devices
directly and must be attached via a shackle first.
A full range of weld on lifting points is available in
PAGE 164

a variety of shapes and sizes, including stainless steel

and edge mounted designs. These are supplied with
welding instructions and must be installed by a certified
boiler maker.
Benefits of Weld-on Lifting Points:


180 or 360 orientation
Supplied with mounting blocks prepared for welding
100% WLL in any direction
Available up to 50t WLL
In built clamping spring which holds ring in any
position (optional)


Before using your lifting point you have a
duty of care to check for the following:
Check WLL markings are clear and are
suitable for the application.
Check for deformation and cracking.
Check the inside of the eye for wear.
Check for damaged threads.
Ensure the centre is aligned to the centre of the eye.
Ensure thread is matched correctly.
Avoid excessive tightening.
Ensure free movement of the swivel.
Check for signs of weld deterioration or cracking.
Check for evidence of arc strike or weld spatter.


Care should be taken to ensure that lifting points
are not screwed into threaded holes of a different
size or type of thread. Be aware of mismatched
threads (refer to Table B1 Erroneously Matched
Sizes That Are Particularly Troublesome AS 2317
on page 160).
Lifting points should be screwed down flush to the
face of the lifted load. However excessive tightening
of points should be avoided.
Lifting points are designed to accept lifting devices
directly as such they do not need to be attached via
a shackle first.
Connect lifting point and apply a light load to ensure
free orientation of the swivel eye.
PAGE 165


Lifting points should be stored in a clean, dry place.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com


Rigging Screws are used to provide a means for length

adjustment and for tensioning. They are also used with
guys for masts, towers, other structures and engineering
applications. Rigging screws generally have elongated
eyes or clevis end fittings for connection to shackles,
wire rope assemblies, pad eyes and the like. They
are available in grade L, P and S, normally hot dip
galvanised and available up to 75t WLL. Larger sizes
are available upon request.
Rigging screws have an observation hole at the inner
end of the thread at each end of the body, which permits
visual observation of the maximum permitted extended
position at the end fitting. The observation hole must be
kept clear at all times.
Additionally rigging screws have the innate facility
for continual lubrication as the enclosed section of the
body provides a suitable reservoir for grease or other
lubrication. Hence, they have an advantage in corrosive
Turnbuckles have the same applications as rigging
screws, but generally have a smaller size range (up
PAGE 166

to 75mm) and shorter adjustment.

NOTE: Commercial grade turnbuckles are not to be
used for lifting purposes.
In Accordance With AS 2319 Turnbuckles and


Rigging Screws Shall Be Marked With:
Manufacturers identification.
Nominal size.
Where the quality of the grade is other
than L, the grade (marked on the body).
WLL in tonnes.
Identification marking to correlate the rigging
screw or turnbuckle to the test certificate.
Figure 7 Typical Assemblies AS 2319

PAGE 167

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PAGE 168
Table 3 Working Load Limit and Test Forces AS 2319

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Quality Grade L Quality Grade P Quality Grade S
Nominal Test Force kN Test Force kN Test Force kN
Size mm WLL t WLL t WLL t
Destructive Production Destructive Production Destructive Production
Test, min. Proof Test Test, min. Proof Test Test, min. Proof Test
10 0.30 17.7 5.9 0.60 35.4 11.8 0.80 47.1 15.7
12 0.50 29.5 9.9 1.0 58.9 19.7 1.2 70.7 23.6
16 0.75 44.2 14.7 1.6 94.2 31.4 2.0 118 39.3
20 1.25 73.6 24.6 2.5 148 49.1 3.2 189 62.8
24 2.5 148 49.1 4.0 236 78.5 5.0 295 98.1
27 3.0 177 58.9 5.0 295 98.1 6.3 371 124
30 4.0 236 78.5 6.3 371 124 8.0 471 157
39 6.0 354 118 10 589 197 12 707 236
42 7.5 442 148 12 707 236 16 942 314
48 10.0 589 197 16 942 314 20 1180 393
56 15.0 883 295 20 1177 393 28 1650 550
64 20.0 1180 393 28 1648 550 36 2120 707
70 - - - 36 2118 706 - - -

1300 722 999

76 - - - 42 2472 824 - - -
90 - - - 60 3531 1177 - - -
100 - - - 75 4414 1471 - - -

1. Minimum destructive test force, in kilonewtons = 6 9.81 (WLL in tonnes), rounded up to three significant
2. Production proof test force, in kilonewtons = 2 9.81 (WLL in tonnes), rounded up to three significant figures,
or to one decimal place where less than 10 kN.

Before using your rigging screw or turnbuckle you have
a duty of care to check for the following:
Ensure WLL and identification number are marked
and legible.
Check for damaged sections on the body and the end
fittings. Look for deformation, nicks, gouges, corrosion
and wear in the threads, body and end fittings.
Check for wear and corrosion in the end fitting, pins
and eyes. Maximum 10% wear allowance.
Check for cracks and deformation in the end fittings.
Check observation holes are clear and free from
objects such as grease nipples.
Lock nuts if fitted should be checked for free running
along thread.
Relubricate thread before operation if required.
PAGE 170


Rigging screws and turnbuckles are not designed for
continuous adjustment under rated load conditions.
Tension applied to rigging screws and turnbuckles
shall be directed in a straight line only.
Threads should be protected from corrosion by
effective means.
For a rigging screw or turnbuckle, to ensure no
movement once in position use lock nuts or wire
mousing to prevent rotation.
Figure B1 Acceptable Methods of Locking Rigging
Screws and Turnbuckles AS 2319


PAGE 171

Rigging screws and turnbuckles should be stored in a

clean, dry place.

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Figure 5.2 (in part) Terminal Rope Attachments
AS 2759

For Efficiency of Terminal Rope Attachments please

refer to the table shown on pages 71-73 of the
Wire Rope & Strand - Care and Use section.
PAGE 172


Wedge type sockets manufactured in accordance with
AS 2740 are used in lifting, pulling, tensioning and
staying systems as a simple mechanical connection
to steel wire ropes especially where they require
Wedge sockets are designed for use on wire ropes up
to and including 1770 grade wire, with a wire rope core
however higher grade wire rope may be used provided
it meets the intent of the Australian Standard.
The diameter of a wire rope fitted to a wedge socket
shall be equal to the nominal size of the wedge socket.
Crosby Terminator wedge sockets are used for general
purpose lifting and can be used for hi-tensile rotation
resistant ropes.

PAGE 173

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You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check markings on socket and wire rope
diameter to ensure they are matched before use.
Always socket, wedge and pin before use.
Check for any signs of cracking, deformation,
excessive wear, nicks, gouges or corrosion.
Check the dead end of the wire and ensure that the
wire rope grip is facing away from the live line and
is secure.
Check the rope around the wedge for positioning,
corrosion and security.


Wedge sockets shall not be used to shorten a rope
they should only be used as an end termination. A
wedge socket fitted correctly will crush and distort
the rope around the wedge.
Wire rope ends should be seized or brazed prior
to installation.
The wire rope shall always enter the socket on the
long side, form a loop around the wedge and exit on
the short side of the socket. This means that when
the socket has load applied it will not damage the
wire rope against the edge of the socket.
The tail of the rope should always be visible, extend
at least 6 diameters through the socket bowl and be
fitted with a wire rope grip facing away from the live
line. Measure the distance from the grip to the bottom
of the socket bowl and take up load on the wire rope
then release and recheck measurement to make sure
there has been no slippage.
PAGE 174
Figure B1 Methods For Fitting Wedge-Type Sockets


To Wire Ropes AS 2740


PAGE 175

Wedge Sockets should be stored in a clean, dry place.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

This is the most efficient method of terminating any
wire rope with no loss of breaking strain. The load is
transferred between the rope and the socket forging
or casting by means of adhesion between the rope
wires and the metal or resin material used in the
socket. Care should be taken to follow the correct
socketing procedure.
Poured sockets come in two types open and closed.
Crosby G-416 Open Spelter Sockets
PAGE 176
Crosby G-416 Open Spelter Sockets

Stock Tolerance
Rope Dia. Structural Weight Dimensions (mm)
Ultimate No. +/-
Strand Each
Load (t) G-416
(mm) (in.) Dia. (mm) (kg) A C D F G H J L M N C

1300 722 999

6-7 1/4 - 4.50 1039619 0.50 116 19.1 17.5 9.65 17.5 39.6 57.0 39.6 33.3 9.1 1.52

8-10 5/16-3/8 - 12.0 1039637 0.59 123 20.6 20.6 12.7 20.6 42.9 57.0 44.5 38.1 11.2 1.52

11-13 7/16-1/2 - 20.0 1039655 1.02 141 25.4 25.4 14.2 23.9 47.8 63.5 51.0 47.8 12.7 1.52

14-16 9/16-5/8 12-13 27.0 1039673 1.63 171 31.8 30.2 17.5 28.7 57.0 76.0 63.5 57.0 14.2 1.52

18 3/4 14-16 43.0 1039691 2.64 202 38.1 35.1 20.6 31.8 66.5 89.0 76.0 66.5 15.7 1.52

20-22 7/8 18-19 55.0 1039717 4.38 235 44.5 41.4 23.9 38.1 82.5 102 89.0 79.5 20.3 1.52

24-26 1 20-22 78.0 1039735 7.03 268 51.0 51.0 28.7 44.5 95.5 114 102 95.5 22.4 1.52

28-30 1-1/8 24-26 92.0 1039753 9.75 300 57.0 57.0 31.8 51.0 105 127 117 105 25.4 3.05
1-1/4 -
32-35 28 136 1039771 14.1 335 63.5 63.5 38.1 57.0 121 140 127 121 28.7 3.05



PAGE 178
Crosby G-416 Open Spelter Sockets (cont.)

Stock Tolerance
Rope Dia. Structural Weight Dimensions (mm)
Ultimate No. +/-
Strand Each
Load (t) G-416
(mm) (in.) Dia. (mm) (kg) A C D F G H J L M N C
38 1-1/2 30-32 170 1039799 21.4 384 76.0 70.0 41.4 70.0 133 152 152 137 30.2 3.05

*40-42 *1-5/8 33-35 188 1039815 24.9 413 76.0 76.0 44.5 76.0 140 165 165 146 33.3 3.05
*2-1/4 -
*56-60 46-48 360 1039879 76 597 114 108 63.5 102 210 229 254 197 54.0 3.05
* 1-3/4 -
*44-48 36-40 268 1039833 37.2 464 89.0 89.0 51.0 79.5 162 191 178 165 39.6 3.05
*50-54 42-45 291 1039851 59 546 102 95.5 57.0 95.5 187 216 229 178 46.0 3.05
* 2-1/2 -
*64-67 50-54 424 1041633 114 648 127 121 73.0 114 235 248 274 216 60.5 3.05
* 2-3/4 -
*70-73 56-62 511 1041651 143 692 133 127 79.0 124 267 279 279 229 73.0 6.35
*75-80 64-67 563 1041679 172 737 146 133 86.0 133 282 305 287 241 76.0 6.35
* 3-1/4 -
* 82-86 70-73 722 1041697 197 784 159 140 92.0 146 302 330 300 254 79.0 6.35
* 3-1/2 -
* 88-92 76-80 779 1041713 255 845 171 152 98.5 165 314 356 318 274 82.5 6.35

1300 722 999

* 94- * 3-3/4
- 875 1041731 355 921 191 178 108 184 346 381 343 318 89.0 6.35
102 -4

* Cast Alloy Steel.

Crosby G-417 Closed Spelter Sockets
PAGE 180
Crosby G-417 Closed Spelter Sockets

Rope Dia. Structural Stock No. Weight Dimensions (mm)

Strand Each
Load (t) G-417
(mm) (in.) Dia. (mm) (kg) A B C D* F G H J K L

1300 722 999

6-7 1/4 - 4.50 1039897 .23 116 12.7 39.6 22.4 9.65 17.5 39.6 57.2 12.7 46.0

8-10 5/16 - 3/8 - 12.0 1039913 .34 125 15.8 42.9 24.6 12.7 20.6 42.9 57.2 17.5 52.3

11-13 7/16 - 1/2 - 20.0 1039931 .68 140 17.5 51.0 29.5 14.2 23.9 51.0 63.5 22.4 58.7

14-16 9/16 - 5/8 12-13 30.8 1039959 1.13 162 20.6 67.0 35.8 17.5 30.2 67.0 76.2 25.4 65.0

18 3/4 14-16 43.5 1039977 1.92 194 26.9 76.2 42.2 22.4 33.3 70.0 89.0 31.8 77.7

20-22 7/8 18-19 65.3 1039995 3.28 226 33.3 92.0 49.3 25.4 38.1 82.5 102 38.1 90.5

24-26 1 20-22 81.6 1040019 4.76 254 36.6 105 58.5 28.7 44.5 95.5 114 44.5 103

28-30 1-1/8 24-26 100 1040037 6.46 283 39.6 114 65.0 31.8 51.0 105 127 51.0 116

32-35 1-1/4 -1-3/8 28 136 1040055 8.95 309 41.4 127 71.0 38.1 58.5 119 138 56.5 129

PAGE 182
Crosby G-417 Closed Spelter Sockets (cont.)

Rope Dia. Structural Stock No. Weight Dimensions (mm)

Strand Each
Load (t) G-417
(mm) (in.) Dia. (mm) (kg) A B C D* F G H J K L
38 1-1/2 30-32 170 1040073 13.24 355 49.3 137 81.0 41.4 70.5 132 151 62.5 155

40-42 1-5/8 33-35 188 1040091 16.32 390 54.0 146 82.5 44.5 76.2 140 165 70.0 171

44-48 1-3/4 - 1-7/8 36-40 268 1040117 25.96 445 55.5 171 95.5 51.0 79.5 162 191 76.2 198

50-54 2 - 2-1/8 42-45 309 1040135 35.83 505 62.0 194 111 57.2 95.5 187 216 82.5 224

56-60 2-1/4 - 2-3/8 46-48 360 1040153 47.62 546 70.0 216 127 66.8 105 210 229 92.0 248

64-67 2-1/2 - 2-5/8 50-54 424 1041759 63.50 597 79.5 241 140 74.5 114 235 248 102 270

70-73 2-3/4 - 2-7/8 56-62 549 1041777 99.79 645 79.5 273 159 79.5 124 259 279 124 286

75-80 3 - 3-1/8 64-67 656 1041795 125 689 85.6 292 171 86.0 133 292 305 133 298

82-86 3-1/4 - 3-3/8 70-73 750 1041811 142 743 102 311 184 92.0 146 311 330 146 311
88-92 3-1/2 - 3-5/8 76-80 820 1041839 181 787 102 330 197 98.5 160 330 356 159 330

94 - 102 3-3/4 - 4 - 1005 1041857 246 845 108 362 216 108 184 362 381 178 356

* Diameter of pin must not exceed pin used on companion 416 socket. Reference drawing D dimension.

1300 722 999

Cast Alloy Steel.

You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check markings on socket and wire rope
diameter to ensure they are matched before use.
Distortion or wear on the pin or eye.
Elongation or other damage at the socket lugs or pin.
Distortion of the lugs of the socket.
Cracks or other distortion, significant abrasion,
nicks, etc. of the socket body.
Corrosion of the socket body.
Corrosion of the wire rope.
Broken wires adjacent to the socket.
Movement of the wires projecting above the top of
the socketing material.
Unusual movement of the rope at the neck of
the socket.
NOTE: If using a second hand socket it must be MPI
(Magnetic Particle Inspection) tested before re-use.


Ensure wire rope is lubricated at the base of the bowl.
Ensure wire rope and socket is aligned at the
connection so there is no lateral force applied.
Use of packing to achieve alignment is preferred.
Ensure load pins and retaining pins are fixed
correctly at time of installation.


Poured sockets should be stored in a clean, dry place.


Thimbles are used at the ends of wire rope to reinforce
the eye and prevent damage and wear to the wire
rope from any connecting lifting components or other
PAGE 184
Figure 3.8.1(C) Section Through Crown of Ordinary,


Reeving and Contiguous Thimbles AS 1138

Figure 3.8.2 Types of Ordinary Thimbles AS 1138

PAGE 185

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Figure 3.8.2 Types of Ordinary Thimbles AS 1138

Figure 3.8.3 Types of Reeving Thimbles AS 1138



Figure 3.8.4 Contiguous Thimble AS 1138


PAGE 186
Table 2 Dimensions of Ordinary, Reeving, and


Contiguous Thimbles (Millimetres) AS 1138

Nominal Size
of Thimble

A Ordinary Reeving F G H J
Thimbles Thimbles
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. Min. Max.
d 2.5d 3d 3.8d 6.0d 7.5d 8.0d 1.55d 0.45d 1.07d
8 20 24 31 48 60 64 12 3.6 9 4.4
9 23 27 35 54 68 72 13 4.1 10 4.9
10 25 30 38 60 75 80 15 4.5 11 5.5
11 28 33 42 66 83 88 17 5.0 12 6.0
12 30 36 46 72 90 96 18 5.4 13 6.6
13 33 39 50 78 98 104 20 5.9 14 7.1
14 35 42 54 84 105 112 21 6.3 15 7.7
16 40 48 61 96 120 128 24 7.2 18 8.8
18 45 54 69 108 135 144 27 8.1 20 9.9
20 50 60 76 120 150 160 31 9.0 22 11
22 55 66 84 132 165 176 34 9.9 24 12
24 60 72 92 144 180 192 37 11 26 13
26 65 78 99 156 195 208 40 12 28 14
28 70 84 107 168 210 224 43 13 30 15
32 80 96 122 192 240 256 49 15 35 24
36 90 108 137 216 270 288 55 17 39 27
40 100 120 152 240 300 320 62 18 43 30
44 110 132 168 264 330 352 68 20 48 33
48 120 144 183 288 360 384 74 22 52 36
52 130 156 198 312 390 416 80 24 56 39
56 140 168 213 336 420 448 86 26 60 42
60 150 180 228 360 450 480 93 27 65 45
PAGE 187

For d28 mm, Jmax = 0.55d nominal.
For d>28 mm, Jmax = 0.75d nominal.
1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com
Figure 3.8.5 Solid Heart Thimble AS 1138
PAGE 188
Table 3 Dimensions of Solid Heart Thimbles AS 1138


Nominal Size C D E F G H J
of Thimble d
Min. Max. Max. Max. Min. Min. Min.

3.3d 7d 2d 1.55d 0.45d 1.07d 0.5d

8 27 56 16 12 3.6 9 4.0
9 30 63 18 13 4.1 10 4.5
10 33 70 20 15 4.5 11 5.0
11 37 77 22 17 5.0 12 5.5
12 40 84 24 18 5.4 13 6.0
13 43 91 26 20 5.9 14 6.5
14 47 98 28 21 6.3 15 7.0
16 53 112 32 24 7.2 18 8.0
18 60 126 36 27 8.1 20 9.0
20 66 140 40 31 9.0 22 10
22 73 154 44 34 9.9 24 11
24 80 168 48 37 11 26 12
26 86 182 52 40 12 28 13
28 93 196 56 43 13 30 14
32 106 224 64 49 15 35 16
36 119 252 72 55 17 39 18
40 132 280 80 62 18 43 20
44 146 308 88 68 20 48 22
48 159 336 96 74 22 52 24
52 172 364 104 80 24 56 26
56 185 392 112 86 26 60 28
60 198 420 120 93 27 65 30
PAGE 189

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check markings on thimble and measure wire
rope diameter to ensure they are matched before use.
Distortion or wear in the eye or bearing point of the
Elongation or other damage.
Cracks or other distortion, significant abrasion,
nicks, etc. of the thimble.
Corrosion of the thimble.
Corrosion of the wire rope.
Broken wires adjacent to the thimble/ferrule.
Unusual movement of the rope at the neck
of the thimble.


Thimbles should be stored in a clean, dry place.


Wire rope grips shall not be used for lifting, live running
ropes, supporting persons or suspending loads.
Wire rope grips manufactured to AS 2076 are used for
applications (not for lifting) where socketing or splicing
is not feasible, temporary or non-permanent applications
and for guying.
Bullivants does not recommend the use of commercial
and stainless steel wire rope grips for guying.
Correctly applied wire rope grips serve a simple
echanical means of securing the end of steel wire rope.
They are appropriate for temporarily terminating the
end of steel wire rope that may need to be shortened.
They shall not be used to secure a rope that is to be
lengthened later from the gripped end.
The body of the grip shall be marked with the nominal
PAGE 190
Figure C2 A Typical Wire Rope Grip Based on USA


Designs AS 2076

Table C2 Typical Dimensions of Wire Rope Grips

Based on USA Designs AS 2076

Nominal Dimensions as illustrated in Figure C2

Size of Wire
Rope Grip A D H I J K M

inch mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

5/16 8 10 19 43 33 18 35 22
3/8 10 11 19 49 41 23 38 25
7/16 11 13 25 58 46 26 48 30
1/2 13 13 25 58 49 29 48 30
9/16 14 14 32 64 52 31 57 33
5/8 16 14 32 64 52 34 60 33
3/4 19 16 37 72 57 36 70 38
7/8 22 19 41 80 62 40 80 44
1 25 19 46 88 67 45 89 48
1 1/8 29 19 51 91 71 49 99 51
1 1/4 32 22 54 105 80 56 108 59
1 3/8 35 22 59 106 80 59 118 60
1 1/2 38 22 60 113 87 64 125 66
1 5/8 41 25 67 121 92 68 135 70
1 3/4 44 29 70 134 97 75 146 78
2 51 32 76 149 113 83 164 86
PAGE 191

2 1/4 57 32 81 162 116 100 181 99

2 1/2 64 32 87 168 119 113 195 105
2 3/4 70 32 90 175 127 124 211 111
3 76 38 99 194 135 136 233 121
1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com
NGK Grips

Min Cable Max Cable

Safe Load WT (kg)
Dia. (mm) Dia. (mm)
Mini Grip
tf 1 10 0.3
SD Grip
1tf 2.6 15 0.6
Large Grip
2tf 16 32 2.1
3 tonne Grip
3tf 8 22 3
1 tonne Grip
1tf 4 20 1.1
Middle Grip
2tf 5 25 1.8
AL-Middle Grip
2tf 5 25 1.8
AL-Large Grip
2tf 16 32 2
4 tonne Grip
4tf 13 28 5
ABC Grip
850 kg 4x35 4x95 3
PAGE 192


The wire rope grip and wire rope should be inspected
at the termination and in the area the rope passes out
from the termination. Wire rope breaks (even if few in
number) are indicative of high stresses at this position,
and may be caused by incorrect fitting of the termination.
You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check for broken wires within and under
the wire rope grip
Tightness of any screwed grips
Check that the requirements of the Standardss and
codes of practice have been complied with


Correct Method of Fitting Wire Rope Grips for
Non-lifting Applications
The wire rope grips in a connection should be spaced
along the wire at distances between adjacent grips of
approximately six rope diameters.
Figure 2 Correct Method of Fitting Wire-Rope Grips
AS 2076

(A) Normal Thimble

PAGE 193

(B) Rounded Thimble

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The sequence of tightening the grips after they have
been correctly positioned on the wire is from the thimble
outwards. With improperly tightened nuts, or with fewer
grips than the number recommended, then the end
of the rope might draw through the grips even at light
The efficiency of a wire rope termination made with
wire rope grips depends entirely on their correct
placement on the ropes, and the care and skill in
the fitting and tightening of the grips.
Wire rope grips manufactured to AS 2076 shall not be
used for lifting, live running ropes, supporting persons
or suspending loads.
Table 1 Attachment of Wire-Rope Grips AS 2076

Nom. Size
Nom. Size of Min. Number
of Thread of Tightening
Wire Rope of Wire Rope
Bolt or Stud Torque (N.m)
Grip (mm) Grips
8 8 3 6
10 10 3 16
12 12 3 24
14 12 4 35
16 16 4 50
18 16 4 65
22 16 4 100
26 20 5 135
28 20 5 160
32 20 6 210
36 24 6 275
40 24 6 365
44 28 8 See Note 2
52 32 8
56 32 8
60 32 9
PAGE 194

64 32 9
70 32 10
75 38 10
Table 1 Attachment of Wire-Rope Grips AS 2076


1. This Table is based on information given in
superseded British Standards.
2. The tightening torque for wire-rope grips that
are larger than 40 mm should conform to the
manufacturers recommendations.


Wire rope grips should be stored in a clean, dry place.


Cable stockings come in a variety of designs to suit
ifferent applications such as cable pulling (electrical
and wire rope), re-roping cranes and pneumatic
& hydraulic line whip-checks. Whip-checks (hose
restraints) will secure a single end of a pressure hose
to a fixed anchoring point to prevent uncontrolled
movement in the event of hose or hose connection
Tubular Stockings

As the name implies Tubular Stockings are a woven

tube which come in a variety of styles.
Offset Eye
PAGE 195

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

This design allows the cable to pass through the
stocking so that it can be fitted any distance from the
cable end. Its main use is to support electrical cables,
hydraulic and other hoses in maritime, industrial and
mining applications. They are also used for strain
relief on trailing supply lines.
NOTE: This stocking must be fitted to the cable or hose
before any bulky terminations are fitted, and cannot be
removed thereafter as it becomes a permanent fixture
fitted with a thimble eye to prevent chafing at the
bearing point.
Double Eye

This design is similar to the offset eye type and has

similar applications. The extra eye is provided to lift the
assembly while the other eye is anchored off to a fixture.
Double eye stockings are available in non-conductive
single eye (nylon) for use with aerial bundle cable

Hose Restraints Single Eye Cap

Size Range Size Range
19-28mm 14-19mm
28-40mm 19-28mm
40-50mm 28-40mm
50-60mm 40-55mm
60-70mm 55-75mm
70-85mm 75-95mm
85-100mm 95-120mm
PAGE 196

Non Conductive Single Heavy Duty Graded
Eye Weave
Size Range Size Range
2 x 35mm LV ABC 8-11mm
2 x 50mm LV ABC 10-15mm
2 x 95mm LV ABC 15-21mm
3 x 120mm HV ABC 20-29mm
3 x 150mm HV ABC 27-35mm
2 x 35mm LV ABC 32-37mm
2 x 50mm LV ABC 8-11mm


You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check for manufacturers identification.
Check for damage around the terminations or the eye.
Check for broken or torn weave/wires.
Check for general distortion or loosening of the weave.


Fitting Precautions
Always ensure the entire plaited length of the
stocking is in contact with the cable to be hauled.
Ease out any bubbles or slack in the stocking to
ensure maximum contact of grip to cable.
Always fasten the mouth end of the stocking to the
cable by means of tie wire or similar. This will guard
against accidental release, especially in the case of
a reverse haul.
Always tape over the fastening at the mouth end to
ensure a smooth transition from stocking to cable.


Cable stockings should be stored in a clean, dry place.
PAGE 197

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Sheave blocks manufactured to AS 2089 are used in
a variety of applications such as flying foxes, crane
hoists, luffing systems, ship-loaders, concrete tilt slab
arrangements, diversion blocks and winch and lift
blocks to provide mechanical advantage. Blocks can
be configured with one or more sheave wheels to suit
the equipment, the rope and diameter of rope.
Snatch Blocks
Snatch blocks (usually with a single sheave) allow for
easier reeving of the block and tackle when the blocks
are in situations where the side plate can be opened,
and the rope at any point can be placed over the
sheave. Because one of the side plates can be folded
back, snatch blocks are not as inherently strong as
other pulley blocks.
Figure 2 Typical Block Shells AS 2089
PAGE 198
Sheave Blocks shall be marked with the following

Manufacturers identification.
Nominal size of rope.
Rope material: fibre (natural or
synthetic) or steel wire rope.
The material grade.
Construction of the wire rope if other than 1770 grade.
Construction of the wire rope if other than 1770 grade.
Serial number correlating to test certificate.


You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check for manufacturers identification.
Check for excessive wear on pins or axles, rope
grooves, side plates, bushings or bearings and
end fittings.
Check for deformation in side plates, pins or axles,
lifting attachment points and beckets.
Check for misalignment or play in sheaves, see
following groove shape information.
Groove Shape
PAGE 199

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Figure 1: Shows the importance of using sheaves with
the correct groove shape.
Figure 2: Too big a groove can flatten the rope and also
wear down the groove (see dotted line). When a new
rope with the correct diameter is installed, the sharp
edges at the bottom of the groove may create fractural
impressions that reduce rope life.
Figure 3: An oversized rope for the groove can cause
the rope to flatten sideways resulting in distortion and
increased friction which can prevent the rope from
rotating in the groove.
Figure 4: Correct profile of a groove in sheave.
PAGE 200
Check for security of nuts, bolts and other locking

Check for missing or loose snap rings or bear clip-on
Check for excessive end play of sheave bearings on
shaft. Refer to manufacturers tolerances.
Check for excessive swivel case clearance.
Check for hook deformation, corrosion of hook or nut
threads and a missing or defective hook latch.
Check welding on side plates for weld cracking or
Check the fleet angle at the entry and exit points of the
sheave to ensure the fleet angle is no more than 1-1/2
degrees to 2 degrees. Excessive fleet angles can result
in considerable abrasive damage to both sheave
flanges and rope.
Figure 9.3 Typical Left-Hand Fleet Angle AS 2759

PAGE 201

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

The Reeving of Sheave Blocks to Gain Mechanical
In reeving a pair of tackle blocks one of which has more
than two sheaves, the hoisting rope should lead from
one of the centre sheaves of the upper block to prevent
toppling and avoid injury to the rope. The two blocks
should be placed so that the sheaves in the upper block
are at right angles to those in the lower one, as shown in
the illustrations below.
Start reeving with the becket or dead end of the rope.
Use a shackle block as the upper one of a pair and a
hook block as the lower one as seen below.
Sheaves in a set of blocks revolve at different rates of
speed. Those nearest the lead line revolve at the highest
rate of speed and wear out more rapidly.
All sheaves should be kept well lubricated when in
operation to reduce friction and wear.
Loads on Blocks

The total load value may be different from the weight

being lifted or pulled by a hoisting or hauling system. It
is necessary to determine the total load being imposed
on each block in the system to properly determine the
PAGE 202

required rated capacity of the block to be used.

A single sheave block used to change load line direction


can be subjected to total a load in excess of the weight
being lifted or pulled. The total load value varies with the
angle between the incoming and departing lines to and
from the sheave block.
The following chart indicates the factor to be multiplied
by the line pull to obtain the total load on the block.

Angle Factor Angle Factor

0 2.00 100 1.29
10 1.99 110 1.15
20 1.97 120 1.00
30 1.93 130 0.84
40 1.87 135 0.76
45 1.84 140 0.68
50 1.81 150 0.52
60 1.73 160 0.35
70 1.64 170 0.17
80 1.53 180 0.00
90 1.41

Example of angle factor and line pull to be used to

calculate load at the block.
PAGE 203

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Gin Pole Truck Example
A gin pole truck lifting 1,000kg. There is no mechanical
advantage to a single part load line system, so winch
line pull is equal to 1,000kg or the weight being lifted.
To determine total load on snatch block A:
A = 1,000kg x 1.81 = 1,810kg
(Line pull) (Factor 50 angle)
To determine total load on toggle block B:
B = 1,000kg x 0.76 = 760kg
(Line pull) (Factor 135 angle)

Sheave Profiles
Improved rope performance can be obtained by paying
attention to the following areas:
Sheaves should be grooved to the nominal rope
diameter plus a minimum allowance of 5% to allow
for rope manufacturing tolerances and should run true
and free with a seat radius not less than 0.535 times
the nominal rope diameter.
NOTE: Some manufacturers require higher percentages
(see their instruction manuals) for higher density ropes
such as compacted non-rotating ropes which may
require up to 8%.
PAGE 204
Sheaves should be repaired when wear reduces the


seat radius to unacceptable levels.
Grooves should have a smooth finish and the edges
should be radiused.
Guides and rollers must be free from undersized
grooving and broken flanges, and should run free
and true.
Drum grooves should be checked for size and riser
plates checked for effectiveness.
NOTE: Refer to groove shape on pages 199-200.


Sheave blocks should be stored on A-frames or
wall racks in a clean, dry place.


Swivel crane hooks and shank hooks are manufactured
in accordance with AS 3777.

PAGE 205

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

You have a duty of care to check for the following
before each use:
Always check for manufacturers identification, quality
grade, WLL and identification marking to correlate the
hook to the test certificate
Check for any signs of wear at the bearing points and
any signs of distortion such as widening of hook throat
Check that the hook is swivelling freely and the bearing
is not making any unusual noises.
Check the safety latch for operation and orientation.
Check that the thread is in good condition and the
nut is freely turning on the thread for threaded shank
PAGE 206


The opening of the gap between the bill or point of the
hook and the shank must be large enough for any sling,
link, ring, shackle, or lifting device to orientate freely. The
inside or bight of the hook should be rounded to avoid
cutting any fitting placed on the hook.
All crane hooks shall be axially loaded in line with
the neck or shank of the hook and loads should not be
placed on a hook which will put force on the bill or tip
of the hook.

Hooks which are stretched, bent, cracked, or

distorted in any way should not be welded or treated.
They should be tagged out of service, repaired & tested
by a competent person or replaced.
All hooks used for lifting shall have safety latches.
Remember safety latches are not load rated and are
only used for retention of lifting devices in an unloaded
Crane hooks must be able to freely rotate under all
conditions of loading. Ensure that the environment the
hook is used or stored in does not allow for dust or other
foreign matter to accumulate in the thrust bearing.


Crane hooks should be stored in a clean, dry place.
PAGE 207

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Stainless steel wire products have many varied
uses across a wide range of industries. The main
characteristics which make stainless steel wire products
so popular are its resistance to corrosion, attractive long
lasting appearance (316 grade or away from marine
environments), comparative inexpensiveness and a full
range of fittings available.
Stainless steel does have a lower resistance to
bending stresses than galvanised rope. Failure due
to work hardening and fatigue is to be avoided by using:
Sheaves 25 times the rope diameter
Bending angles greater than 90 degrees
NOTE: Stainless steel is approved for lifting in
accordance with AS 1666.1 provided it meets the intent
of the standard. All stainless steel lifting slings shall be
proof load tested in accordance with the standard.
Three constructions are commonly available:
1 x 19 Strand Non flexible
Suitable for standing rigging,
straight line applications such
as mast stays, guy wires and
applications where the strand
will not be subjected to bending
stresses i.e. should not be run
over sheaves.

7 x 7 Wire Rope Flexible

Suitable for hand rails, hang glider
struts, luff wires in sails, trapeze
wires and various working at height
applications such as static lines
and rope ladder systems.
PAGE 208
7 x 19 Wire Rope Very Flexible


Suitable for running rigging,
control cables, fishing nets,
marine hoists, winches and

There are two common grades available, Grade 304
and Grade 316.
Grade 304:
Grade 304 stainless steel will provide good results in
most applications. It will resist organic chemicals and
a wide range of inorganic chemicals. It has good fatigue
properties in engineering applications where rope is
found on a drum or passes over sheaves. It is not
recommended in environments of high temperatures,
high chloride or sulphate concentrations.
G304 will tarnish (tea stain) over time as such it is not
suitable for aesthetic applications such as hand rails.
Grade 316:
Grade 316 stainless steel has a higher corrosion
resistance than Grade 304, improved properties at high
temperatures and chloride & sulphate resistance. It is
the recommended grade for any stranding applications
particularly in marine environments. Typical applications
are boat stay wires and architectural components i.e.
hand rails and guys especially in exposed coastal
applications. It will not tarnish or yellow (tea stain).
PAGE 209

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Stainless Steel Rope MBS

Dia. Dia. MBF
Grade Construction Mass
(in) (mm) (kN)

1x19 1/8 3.2 9.4 5.08

3/64 1.2 0.9 0.60
1/16 1.6 1.61 1.07
5/64 2 2.49 1.68
7x7 3/32 2.4 3.6 2.36
1/8 3.2 6.42 4.04
5/32 4 10.01 6.60
5/16 8 40.03 26.9
1/16 1.6 1.49 1.20
5/64 2 2.31 1.70
3/32 2.4 3.33 2.36
1/8 3.2 5.95 4.18
5/32 4 9.27 6.71
3/16 4.8 13.32 9.50
1/4 6.4 23.71 17.00
5/16 8 37.07 26.90
3/8 9.6 53.4 38.10
1/2 12.7 94.84 65.50
1/8 3.2 8.34 5.08
5/32 4 13 8.19
1/4 6.4 33.27 20.8
5/16 8 52.01 32.8
3/32 2.4 3.19 27
1/8 3.2 5.69 4.04
316 1/8 3.2 5.24 4.18
5/32 4 8.21 6.71
3/16 4.8 11.08 9.5
7x19 1/4 6.4 21.01 17
PAGE 210

5/16 8 32.85 26.9

3/8 9.6 47.32 38.1
1/2 12.7 84.03 65.5


Inspection Criteria:
Check WLL and/or asset number (where applicable)
Check for broken, damaged or kinked wires and
Check for excessive abrasion or scuffing
Check for corrosion or lack of flexibility
Ensure that all rope terminations are serviceable and
that the wire rope is secure within the end termination
(where fitted)


Stainless Steel Rope Life
The main factors, which affect rope life are:
Basic design of equipment or installation such as
sheave size, drum design and drum diameter can
directly affect wire rope life.
Operating Environment:
Corrosion when corrosive conditions exist regular
rope inspections, particularly of the core of the wire
rope is essential. The effects of corrosion can be partly
offset by the use of galvanised wire rope and frequent
Temperature excessively high operating temperatures
can lead to deterioration of the wire rope and may cause
rope fatigue.
Rope Maintenance
End for ending and/or cropping in certain applications
will give longer rope life due to the wear points being


Ropes, whether on a reel or in coils, should be stored
on blocks off the floor to prevent sweating and corrosion
and under cover in dry conditions free from possible
PAGE 211

attack by corrosive agents such as cement dust or acid


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There are a variety of load restraint systems available:
Webbing Assemblies AS 4380: webbing, end fittings
and tensioners such as ratchet assemblies and winches.
Grade 70 Chain AS 4344: usually fitted with hooks
on each end and tensioned with levers and ratchets
commonly called dogs or binders. Grade 70 chain is
not recommended for loads that can settle or collapse
during transportation.
Transport Fibre Rope AS 4345: made from synthetic
fibre and should only be used for restraining relatively
lightweight loads. Natural ropes are not suitable for
restraining loads. Australian Standards compliant fibre
rope for transport lashing is 12mm polypropylene,
polyethylene (silver rope) and polyester. These rope
types can be identified by a coloured tracer fibre inside
the strand of the rope, see the following chart.
Table 1 Fibre Identification Colour
Coding Chart AS 4345

Type of Rope Fibre Colour of Identifying Yarn

Polyester (PES) Blue

Polyethylene (PE) staple Orange

Polypropylene (PP) Brown

Because restraints use friction to hold a load, it is vital

that the lashing system is designed correctly for the
Restraint Selection Plan
Know the weight of the load: You must know the load
so you can select the amount of lashings needed.
Select type of restraint: Understand the difference
between Direct Restraint & Tie Down Restraint.
PAGE 212
Fig. A.9 Load Restraint Methods (To Control Forward


Movement) National Transport Commission Load
Restraint Guide

Work out the angles you will use: understand how

angles affect the lashing capacity and learn how to
calculate capacities. For example, a single strap at 90
degrees is equivalent to four straps at 15 degrees.
Determine the friction type: understand that friction
can help you determine the amount of lashings required.
Steel on steel versus steel on rubber can reduce the
quantity of lashings used by 50%. The type of surface
the load sits on also impacts the tension - a slippery
PAGE 213

surface provides less friction as such requires more


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To maintain the friction force during transportation the
load must always remain in contact with the vehicle.
The tension applied to the load is impacted by the angle
at which the lashing is applied. The greater the angle,
the less the clamping force. The clamping force is very
small when the lashing is near horizontal and more
lashing may be required.
Fig. C.3 Clamping the Load National Transport
Commission Load Restraint Guide

Work out how many lashings will be required by

The angles you use
The type of friction, rubber, wood or steel
The type of fittings used
If the lashing has an edge contact
The size & shape of the load
Then choose the type of lashing equipment
you will use:
Chain and type of load binders
Webbing, ratchet straps, truck winches
Fibre Rope
PAGE 214


Australian Standards state that lashings must be
replaced if they are weakened by 10% or more of
their original strength. All restraint equipment must
be inspected before use on the following criteria:
Check for lashing capacity and relevant identification
Chain & fittings shall be marked with the grade of
steel, the AS 4344 and the first two digits of the chains
lashing capacity (e.g. 4344-2.5 represents 2500kgs)
and this shall be repeated at intervals not exceeding
Webbing shall be marked with the lashing capacity
in kgs, length, material type, manufacturer, traceability
code and the caution statement (not to be used for
Inspect chain and components to ensure they do
not show any signs of elongation, deformation, nicks,
cracks, gouges, wear (maximum 10% of material
thickness) or corrosion.
Chain and components used in a restraint system
should be the same size and capacity.
Check webbing for:
Cuts, tears, burns, missing tags, damaged end
fittings, chemical attack and signs of UV attack
such as hardening or bleaching of the fibre
Check all components in the assembly are matched
correctly by strength and design
PAGE 215

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Chain of Responsibility in the Heavy Vehicle
National Law: Executive Summary
Chain of responsibility (CoR) provisions in transport
law are designed to ensure that any party in a position
to control, influence, prevent or encourage particular
on-road behaviours is identified and held appropriately
accountable. CoR provisions recognise that on-road
behaviour and outcomes are often influenced by the
actions and undertakings of parties within the
transport industry other than the driver.
Heavy Vehicle National Law, Chapter 5 Vehicle
operationsspeeding, Part 5.2 Particular duties and
offences [s 184]
Who is a party in the chain of responsibility
For this Division, each of the following persons is a party
in the chain of responsibility for a heavy vehicle
a) an employer of the vehicles driver if the driver is
an employed driver;
b) a prime contractor for the vehicles driver if the
driver is a self-employed driver;
c) an operator of the vehicle;
d) a scheduler for the vehicle;
e) a loading manager of any goods in the vehicle;
f) a commercial consignor of any goods for transport
by the vehicle that are in the vehicle;
g) a consignee of any goods in the vehicle, if Division
4 applies to the consignee.
The exercise of any of these functions, whether
exclusively or occasionally, decides whether a person
falls within any of these definitions, rather than the
persons job title or contractual description.
PAGE 216
A person may be a party in the chain of responsibility


for a heavy vehicle in more than 1 capacity.
A person may be simultaneously the drivers employer,
an operator and a consignor of goods in relation to a
heavy vehicle and be subject to duties in each of the
Corner protectors, sleeves or other packaging
material should be used where lashings and loads
have contact. Chains and components must be
protected over sharp edges or rough surfaces
to maintain their full lashing capacity.
Ensure that the chain is free from knots and twists.
Avoid the possibility of crushing the chain while
under load.
When tensioning lashing ensure the force applied
does not exceed the lashing capacity.
Prepare work area as per applicable procedure:
Follow the site loading/unloading procedures
Ensure truck driver is out of the truck & in the
driver safety zone
If someone enters the loading & unloading zone
the forklift driver must stop
Wear the appropriate PPE
Use site safety bollards etc. where necessary
Inspect equipment before use:
Always inspect the lashing equipment and the
lashing points before use (know the rating)
Placement on the truck:
The vehicle must be suitable for the type of load
Always ensure load is flat on the vehicle tray, if the
load is stacked incorrectly it may collapse
Vehicle must be never be overloaded
PAGE 217

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Connect load restraint to designated lashing points:
Ensure the connections are attached correctly
Tension all restraints:
Apply suitable tension and make sure you dont over
or under tension
Always be aware of kick back with tensioned chain

Do not use cheater bars.

Check all lashings before truck leaves site:

Perform one last check to ensure load is safely
secured prior to leaving site - it only takes a few
Make sure unused lashings are stored safely in
the vehicle
Load awareness:
Always comply with relevant road transport laws and
If a load is correctly restrained it will not shift or fall
off in any expected driving conditions including a full
braking stop.
Vehicles that are loaded may drive differently to an
unloaded vehicle. The driver must be able to cope
with any changes in the vehicles stability, steering
and braking caused by the size, type and position
of the load.
The driver should check the load and its restraint
devices during the journey. During transportation
loads can settle and should be checked regularly.
During heavy braking the lashing must be able to hold
80% of the weight of the load from moving forwards.
PAGE 218

The following picture shows the movement percentage

of a load which helps us to understand the tie down
and lashing capacity required.
Fig. A.8 Load Restraint Forces National Transport Commission Load Restraint Guide

1300 722 999

To prevent deterioration and damage to load restraint
equipment, proper storage is essential. Store equipment
in locations with the following conditions:
Dry, ventilated area that is clean and free from
dirt & grit.
Off the ground on racks or A-frames.
Away from sunlight, sources of heat, welding sparks,
locations where chemical attack may occur and where
mechanical damage from surrounding objects may


There have been many advances in recovery systems
recently which require a risk based approach to recovery
of mobile equipment. Recovery equipment is suitable
for small businesses using light vehicles or large
workshops, civil construction sites, quarries, farms,
mine sites or wherever lives or capital equipment
PAGE 220
The recovery process begins with the following:


Risk Assess the equipment
weight, conditions, labour,
and safety

Evacuate all personnel

who are not required to
be involved

Carefully select items to be

used in the process

Operate all equipment within

its limits to recover the job

Vehicles must be secured

after the load is released

Evaluate all equipment after

use for damage or wear

Restore equipment to its

designated kit or location

You and your teams safety

is priority
PAGE 221

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The definition of being bogged!
Vehicle is immobilised by sitting on the surface
material, depth is no more than half the rim height
on all four wheels, or no more than a third of the
track assembly frame.
Vehicle is immobilised by resistance or blockage
around, or in front of tyres, or tracks, belly plate or
under body clear of ground.
Vehicle is immobilised by resistance or blockage
around or in front of tyres, or tracks, belly plate or
under body in contacting the ground.

Old versus New Technology

Old Technology: Steel Slings, Wire or chain
Steel products are heavy and require mechanical
assistance for accessing the recovery and connection.
New Technology: Synthetic Slings, Nylon, Kevlar
& RecoverSAFE
The development of new synthetic fibres has evolved
into lighter, safer and stronger recovery systems such
as RecoverFAST & RecoverSAFE.
PAGE 222


RecoverSAFE allows for faster, safer handling and

response time in the event of a bogged or broken down
vehicle with less risk of injury & reduced productivity
HMPE fibre - same strength as steel wire rope
1/7 the weight of wire rope
Available as a single sling or grommet configuration
Low stretch
High flex fatigue
Torque free (Safe energy release)
High abrasion resistance
Easy to inspect with sliding or fixed covers
PAGE 223

Traceability available via BEAM

Test certificates available upon request

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RecoverFAST Recovery Strop

RecoverFAST is a high performance, rubber covered

strap for recreational 4WD, light commercial, heavy
industrial vehicles and mining.
Abrasion and cut resistant
Available in high strength nylon core or for
extra strength and flexibility a Kevlar Core
Extremely high strength to weight ratio
Individual traceability
Smooth stretch for assisted recovery
No cleaning after use
Easy to use - oval shaped eyelets
Oil, water, mud and dust proof
NOTE: Large Thimble eyes (as pictured) are specially
designed to engage directly onto the ripper tyne of a
bulldozer without damage.
PAGE 224


Before using any recovery system you have a duty
of care to check for the following:
Shackle Connections:
All markings are clearly legible and rated for the
recovery application.
Ensure pin is matched. Never replace the pin of
a shackle with a bolt of any grade.
Ensure the threads of the pin and body are
undamaged and the pin screws freely into position.
Ensure the body and pin are not unduly worn and free
from distortion, nicks, gouges, cracks, corrosion and
excessive wear (maximum wear allowance is 10%).
Ensure the pin screws down flush and is bedded
evenly on the surface of the shackle eye. Do not
over tighten. Mouse the pin for security if vibration
may be an issue.
For safety pin shackles ensure that the nuts and
split pins are fitted and in good order.
Ensure there are no signs of corrosion or indications
of heat damage including weld spatter or arc strikes.
Strops (polyester/nylon, dyneema, kevlar, wire
rope, webbing):
All markings and tags are clearly legible.
Check for cuts, burns, splits in cover or sleeves.
Check for exposed core material.
Check for damaged metal end fittings.

Samson High-Performance Synthetic Utility Line

Have the rope repaired if the observed damage is in
localised areas. Retire the rope if the damage is over
extended areas.
PAGE 225

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Rope Inspection Techniques
Internal abrasion can be determined by pulling one
strand away from the others and looking for powdered
or broken fibre filaments (Figs. 1 and 2).
To determine the extent of outer fibre damage, a
single yarn in all abraded areas should be examined.
The diameter of the abraded yarn should then be
compared to a portion of the same yarn or an adjacent
yarn of the same type that has been protected by the
strand crossover area and is free from abrasion
damage (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1 Inspect for pulled strands.

Fig. 2 Inspect for internal abrasion.

Fig. 3 Compare surface yarns with internal yarns.

PAGE 226
Single Braid Inspection


Rope displaying original bulk.
Cut Strands

Two or more adjacent cut strands

Reduced Volume

25% volume reduction caused by abrasion

Melted or Glazed Fibre

Visibly charred and melted

Extreme stiffness unchanged by flexing the rope
PAGE 227

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Visible sheen
Stiffness reduced by flexing the rope
Not to be confused with melting
Not a permanent characteristic
Pulled Strand

Strand can be worked back in to rope

Not a permanent characteristic

Embedded dirt
Chemical contamination
PAGE 228
Inconsistent Diameter


Flat areas
Lumps and bumps

Double Braid Inspection

Rope displaying original bulk.

Cut Strands

Three or more adjacent cut strands

Reduced Volume
PAGE 229

50% volume reduction caused by abrasion

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Melted or Glazed Fibre

Visibly charred and melted

Extreme stiffness unchanged by flexing the rope

Embedded dirt
Chemical contamination
Inconsistent Diameter

Flat areas
Lumps and bumps
PAGE 230


Safe Use
If in doubt of the forces involved, do not attempt to
retrieve the vehicle.
Always remember the breaking strength (tonnes) is
the applied load at which the strop will fail. Not the
safe use value or working load limit.
All attachments, shackles and hooks must have a
greater breaking strain than the strop in use.
Attachment hardware shall only be fitted to the bearing
point of eyes and/or end fittings on the strop.
DO NOT use a recovery strop as a lifting device.
DO NOT use recovery fittings in a lifting application
after recovery use.
ALWAYS use the dedicated and rated vehicle
recovery points.
DO NOT use excessive speed when retrieving
a vehicle.
DO NOT use jerking (uneven acceleration) action
when retrieving a vehicle.
NEVER stand on, over, under or directly beside a
strop during a recovery attempt. Beware of the line
of fire.
DO NOT tie knots in a recovery strop.
Protect the strop from sharp edges during use.
Rubber sleeving provides temporary cut and
abrasion resistance only.
Inspect all recovery equipment for damage between
each use.
Performing the Recovery
Only trained personal shall perform recovery tasks.
Select the correct strops for the recovery application.
These strops should be stored in the appropriate
storage area.
Check for damage to the strop, sling, grommets or
fittings before use.
Use radio communication between the operator (or
the designated person) of the towing machine and
PAGE 231

the disabled equipment.

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If using hardware such as bow shackles look out for
pinch points.
Some strops are fitted with hooks which are suited for
the equipment and for ease of connection.
The tension shall be gradually applied to the towing
equipment until all slack is removed and then power
shall be increased at a steady rate.
The disabled equipment can assist by applying the
brake (traction) until the strop takes up full tension.
Under no circumstances shall the towing machine
accelerate and take up the slack in an attempt to
add more towing force. This will result in damage
to the towing strop as well as possible damage to
both machines and could cause serious injury to
personnel from shrapnel.
Ensure sufficient braking devices or bunding is
available should the recovered vehicle need to
be stabilised after the recovery.
Inspect all recovery equipment again after use and
report any damage to your supervisor.
Once the recovery has been completed place the
strops back into the designated area for safe storage.


To prevent deterioration and damage to strops, proper
storage is essential. Store strops in locations with the
following conditions:
Dry, ventilated area that is clean and free from dirt
& grit
Off the ground on racks or A frames, without contact
with any surface that may corrode end fittings
Away from sunlight, sources of heat, welding sparks,
locations where chemical attack may occur and where
mechanical damage from surrounding objects may
PAGE 232


Materials handling product is any equipment used
to move goods, short distances to, through and from
productive processes in areas such as warehouses,
storage, receiving and shipping.


Chain blocks or manual chain hoists manufactured in
accordance with AS 1418 are designed for heavy lifting
and materials handling applications to raise and lower
loads by pulling on the hand chain. Chain blocks can
have multiple falls depending on the capacity of the


Full servicing (including proof load testing by an
approved inspection and testing service provider) of
chain blocks on a regular basis is recommended as
they contain brake discs that cannot be accessed or
inspected without removal of covers and side plates.
PAGE 233

Components like the brake hub, ratchet and hand wheel

have a high carbon content which can potentially leech
out over time and form a greasy paste on the friction

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Once this paste becomes excessive it may cause the
braking system to slip and fail. This is one reason for
regular servicing and proof load testing (operational test)
of chain blocks.
Before using your chain block you have a duty of
care to check for the following:
Ensure the ID plate is clearly legible and marked
with type/model, serial/batch number, nominal size
and grade of load chain, rated capacity and name/
identification of the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset
is registered.
Ensure that the chain block certification is current.
Inspect frame and covers for cracks, gouges,
corrosion and other damage.
Inspect hanger points (multi reeved hoist) for
cracks, gouges, corrosion and other damage.
Load Chain:
Inspect chain for wear, gouges, nicks, arc burns,
twisted & bent links and corrosion.
Inspect for correct reeving on multi-reeved units
(look for twists in chain at hook block).
Load Wheels & Sheave Wheels:
Inspect load wheel for foreign material, wear and
Inspect sheaves for wear, freedom of movement
and corrosion.
Inspect dead end pins for wear, tightness and
Inspect hooks for signs of deformation, cracking,
bending, arc burns and corrosion.
Hooks should swivel freely.
Inspect safety latches for condition and operation.
Measure the hook throats for deformation.
Hand Chain:
PAGE 234

Inspect chain for wear, twisted or gouged links

and corrosion.
Inspect connecting link for signs of opening.


Ensure you plan the lift to determine if the
chain block load chain and the hand chain are of
adequate length for the proposed lifting operation,
and the load hook has adequate range of lift.

All persons involved in the operation of a chain

block must read the manufacturers handbook and
be completely familiar with all operating procedures.
Confirm that the beam or structure supporting the
chain block is of sufficient strength to support the
load to be lifted.
Never lift loads in excess of the WLL of the chain block.
If the lifting operation involves lifting light loads with
long load chains, be aware that the chain slack may
be heavier than the load and cause a runback and
lower the load.
If the chain block is fitted with an overload limiter the
block will cease to operate if in excess of the WLL.
It is recommended that the minimum load lifted should
not be less than 10% of the WLL.
The load chain must always seat correctly with the load
sheave. With multi fall chain blocks, twists can arise by
turning over the bottom hook through the load chain.
Maintain lubricant over the whole length of the load
chain, but be careful not to over lubricate, as excess
lubricant can leak on to the brake discs and cause
the brake to malfunction and slip.
Confirm that the brake is functioning properly by
hoisting the load a sufficient distance from its initial
position, and check the brake engages when
lowering the load.
Never walk or work under a suspended load, and never
lift, support or transport people.
When the safety link on a chain blocks hand chain
PAGE 235

opens or deforms, stop at once and inspect for the

cause (normally this is due to overloading as maximum
required operating force is no more than 50kgs).
Use chain blocks manually only.
1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com
Do not permit more than one operator to pull on
a single hand chain at one time.
Lift loads correctly with proper slings and attachments.
Never lift with the point of the hook, and never use the
load chain as a sling by back hooking.
When using a hook suspended chain block,
ensure that the chain block head can move freely and
unhindered in the eye of the attachment point allowing
the block to orientate in the direction of the load
(always maintaining a straight/direct line of force).
Do not allow dirt or grease to accumulate in the profiles
of the hand or load chain wheels.
Listen for the clicking of the ratchet pawl during use.
The absence of the ratchet clicking noise will indicate
a malfunction in the chain block mechanism.
Lifting a load with two chain blocks is not
If the operation is unavoidable, hoist the load with
care, keeping the load balanced at all times.
Never run the load chain out too far.
If excessive force is required on the hand chain to lift
a rated load, you have not assessed the load correctly
and larger or multiple units may be required for this
Ensure that shock loads are not imposed on the chain
block (sudden jerking movement).
If the load chain jumps, or does not operate smoothly,
it may not be sitting properly in the pocket wheel. This
type of fault is more common on chain blocks with two
or more falls or when the head of the block is not able
to orientate freely in the direction of the force.
Chain blocks are designed for lifting loads vertically or
in a direct line where the head is able to move freely in
the direction of the force.
Never leave a load suspended on the block.
Never use the block as an earth for welding.
Never weld or heat treat a chain block or its


PAGE 236

Chain blocks should be stored on A-frames or wall

racks in a clean, dry place.
Lightly oil chains before prolonged storage.


Lever blocks or hoists manufactured in accordance
with AS 1418 are manually operated hoists used for
a variety of lifting, pulling, tensioning and materials
handling applications. Lever blocks operate by levering
the handle up and down to lift or lower a load and can
be used at any angle. One of the main differences
between a chain block and a lever block is that the lever
block has a neutral mode which enables the chain to
free wheel through the block to take up the slack chain
Lever blocks are available in single or double fall
configurations depending on the WLL required and
utilise standard short link chain.
NOTE: All lever block chain may not be interchangeable
as different manufacturers vary the pitch length to match
their specific brand of block only.


Full servicing (including proof load testing by an
PAGE 237

approved inspection and testing service provider) of

lever blocks on a regular basis is recommended as
they contain brake discs that cannot be accessed or
inspected without removal of covers and side plates.

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Components like the brake hub and ratchet have a high
carbon content which can potentially leech out over
time and form a greasy paste on the friction discs. Once
this paste becomes excessive it may cause the braking
system to slip and fail. This is one reason for regular
servicing and proof load testing (operational test) of
lever blocks.
Before using your lever block you have a duty of care
to check for the following:
Ensure the ID plate is clearly legible and marked
with type/model, serial/batch number, nominal size
and grade of load chain, rated capacity and name/
identification of the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the block is
Ensure that the lever block certification is current.
Inspect frame, covers and handle for cracks, gouges,
corrosion and other damage.
Check for freewheeling function.
Ensure raise and lower selections operate correctly.
Check there is an end stop fitted to the chain.
Hang the hoist on its suspension hook and pull the
load chain out to its stop and let it hang vertically free.
The chain linkage should all appear to be in a straight
line. If the chain gives the appearance of having a
spiral, the block has been overloaded whilst the
chain was twisted.
Lubricate if required. Do not over lubricate as
contamination of the block clutch may result.
Load Chain:
Check the load chain is marked with the
manufacturers ID and grade.
Inspect chain for wear, gouges, nicks, arc burns,
twisted & bent links and corrosion.
Inspect for correct reeving on multi-reeved units
(look for twists in chain at hook block).
Load Wheels & Sheave Wheels:
Inspect load wheel for foreign material, wear and
PAGE 238

Inspect sheaves for wear, freedom of movement
and corrosion.
Inspect dead end pins for wear, tightness


and corrosion.
Inspect hooks for signs of deformation, cracking,
bending, arc burns and corrosion.
Hooks should swivel freely.
Inspect safety latches for condition and operation.
Measure the hook throats for deformation.


Ensure you plan the lift to determine if the

lever block load chain is of adequate length for the
proposed lifting operation, and the load hook has
adequate range of lift.

All persons involved in the operation of a lever

block must read the manufacturers handbook
and be completely familiar with all operating
Confirm that the beam or structure supporting the lever
block is of sufficient strength to support the load to be
Never lift loads in excess of the WLL of the lever block.
If the lifting operation involves lifting light loads with
long load chains, be aware that the chain slack may
be heavier than the load and cause a runback and
lower the load.
If the lever block is fitted with an overload limiter the
block will cease to operate if in excess of the WLL.
It is recommended that the minimum load lifted should
not be less than 10% of the WLL.
When operating a lever block, always maintain a
firm footing and when necessary be secured in case
of sudden release of load.
PAGE 239

On a block with a pawl release lever, ensure that the

pawl release lever is in the engaged position before
operating the block.

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The pawl must not be disengaged whilst there is a
load on the block hook, or the load will drop!
Before applying the full load, to the block, check that:
The load will not drop if directional lever is released.
Check by selecting raise and operating directional
lever to take the weight of load and then releasing
hold on directional lever.
Select lower and repeat to check for slip/drop when
The load chain must always seat correctly with the
load sheave. With multi fall lever blocks, twists can
arise by turning over the bottom hook through the
load chain.
Maintain lubricant over the whole length of the load
chain, but be careful not to over lubricate, as excess
lubricant can leak on to the brake discs and cause
the brake to malfunction and slip.
Confirm that the brake is functioning properly by
hoisting the load a sufficient distance from its initial
position, and check the brake engages when lowering
the load.
Never walk or work under a suspended load, and
never lift, support or transport people.
The handle on a lever block is of sufficient design
length to provide mechanical advantage to meet the
WLL. Overloading can only occur if the force applied
is greater than 40kgs.
Do not use a handle extension.
Use lever blocks manually only. Mechanical assistance
is not required.
Do not permit more than one operator to pull on the
handle at one time.
Lift loads correctly with proper slings and attachments.
Never lift with the point of the hook, and never use the
load chain as a sling by back hooking. Also confirm that
the safety catch assembly has closed completely, and
is not supporting any part of the load.
When using a lever block, ensure that the head
can move freely and unhindered in the eye of the
attachment point allowing the head to orientate in
PAGE 240

the direction of the load (always maintaining a

straight/direct line of force).
Do not allow dirt or grease to accumulate in the profiles


of the load chain wheel.
Listen for the clicking of the ratchet pawl during use.
The absence of the ratchet clicking noise will indicate
a malfunction in the lever block mechanism.
Lifting a load with two lever blocks is not
If the operation is unavoidable, hoist the load with care,
keeping the load balanced at all times.
Never run the load chain out too far.
If excessive force is required on the lever to lift a
rated load, you have not assessed the load correctly
and larger or multiple units may be required for this
Ensure that shock loads are not imposed on the lever
block (sudden jerking movement).
If the load chain jumps, or does not operate smoothly,
it may not be sitting properly in the pocket wheel. This
type of fault is more common on lever blocks with two
or more falls or when the head of the block is not able
to orientate freely in the direction of the force.
Lever blocks are designed for lifting loads in any
direction as long as the load chain and the head of
the block move freely in the direction of the force.
The load chain in a lever block is designed to be used/
loaded in a straight line only. See example of a lever
block correctly loaded below.

PAGE 241

Always seat the hook directly to the load. Hooks are to

be axially loaded not tip loaded. See following example
of incorrectly loaded lever block.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com


Never leave a load suspended on the block.

Never use the block as an earth for welding.
Never weld or heat-treat a lever block or its


Lever blocks should be stored on A-frames or wall
racks in a clean, dry place.
Lightly oil chains before prolonged storage.


Lifting clamps known as plate clamps manufactured in
accordance with AS 4991 are used for lifting and turning
of steel plates, vertical lifting of steel structures such as
H and I beams and lifting pipes. There are numerous
types of plate clamps available but there are two main
categories, vertical and horizontal.
PAGE 242


Before using your lifting clamps you have a duty of care
to check for the following:
Check the ID plate is clearly legible and marked with
type/model, serial number, WLL and grip range and
name/identification of the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset is
Check body for deformation, cracks and corrosion.
Check that the following are free from dirt, grease
and any other defects and check for correct operation,
signs of wear, corrosion, cracks and distortion:
Cam and pad
Connecting link
Top shackle
Locking device
Check any ancillary lifting slings that may be attached
to the clamps.

Check top shackle for wear,

correct operation and any
Check the ID plate
is clearly legible

Check body for

deformation, cracks
and corrosion

Check locking device

for wear, correct operation
and any defects
PAGE 243

Check cam and pad

for wear, correct operation
and any defects

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Lifting Clamps or plate clamps shall be used in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Ensure the clamp suits the type of lift e.g. vertical
or horizontal.
Never exceed the capacity/WLL or the jaw size/
maximum plate width of the clamp.
Do not lift more than one plate at a time.
Plate thicknesses shall be within the grip range shown
on the clamp. In some cases, with hardened plates or
light plates (less than 20% of capacity), and thin plates
(less than 25% of the maximum clamping range), the
clamping force will be reduced. In these cases, before
lifting, it shall be confirmed that the clamp has a
positive grip.
Care should be taken when lifting hardened plate steel
such as wear plate or highly polished surfaces as the
jaw of the clamp may slip. Lifting or plate clamps are
designed to lift up to 350mPA steel. If higher grades
of steel are required to be lifted than non-marring
compression clamps shall be used.
The surface of the load shall be clean and free from
scale. If plates have grease, paint, mill scale or any
other coating on them, the coating may prevent the
pad and cam from making positive gripping contact
on the plate.
The surfaces of the cam and pad shall be protected
from weld spatters or other damaging contaminants.
Position the clamp/s to balance the load. Load must
be evenly distributed.
Insert the plate in to the full depth of the throat opening.
This ensures maximum contact.
Always place the short side of the clamp on the bottom
if lifting from horizontal to vertical.
The load should be taken up slowly. Jerking the load
shall be avoided.
Stand clear when lifting the load.
Never pull plates from the bottom of a clamp or use a
vertical clamp to lift horizontally.
PAGE 244

Do not use clamps at an angle to the edge of the plate

unless they are designed specifically for this purpose.
Never attach a crane hook directly to the clamp. Use


a sling or other device to ensure proper operation of
the clamp.
The locking mechanism must be in the lock/closed
position. Never tamper with the lock while under load.
Never alter or weld a clamp yourself, always send it
back to the manufacture for repair.


Lifting clamps should be stored on shelves, wall racks
or inside a cupboard in a clean, dry place.


Both air (pneumatic) and electric hoists manufactured
in accordance with AS 1418 are available in varying
capacities and configurations such as chain or wire
rope drive and each have unique features and benefits.
Hoists should be chosen based on the specific
application and environment including the available
power source.

PAGE 245

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Before using your hoist you have a duty of care to check
for the following:
Ensure the ID plate is clearly legible and marked with
type/model, serial number, WLL, grade of load chain or
nominal size, construction & length of wire rope, power
supply and name/identification of the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset is
Check pendant controls for damage, clear direction
controls, support cables and power source.
Examine the side covers of the hoist for any denting
or damage. Distortion of side covers can lead to
sealing problems, particularly in electric hoists that
are exposed to the weather.
Any associated push or power trolley (if applicable)
should also be checked to ensure it is in good working
order and condition.
All connections and hoses should be checked to
ensure they are in good order. For air hoists, check the
delivery of the air (pressure and volume) is suitable for
the hoist to function correctly.
The load chain should be checked for any signs of
excessive wear, corrosion, elongation, distortion and
The load chain should be lubricated at regular
Upper and lower hooks should be checked for any
signs of distortion, excessive wear or opening. The
safety catches should be in place and be operating
Limit switches (if fitted) should be tested by raising
and lowering to maximum limit.
Check the operation of the hoist, and that it
responds correctly to all controls. Listen for any
unusual noises such as bearing slap, flashing or
smoke that could be a sign of impending motor
failure. During the operational test, also check
that the braking mechanism is functioning
PAGE 246

correctly, by doing a 1 metre trial lift (minimum)

and lower.


Ensure you plan the lift to determine if the hoist
load chain and the hand chain are of adequate
length for the proposed lifting operation, and the
load hook has adequate range of lift.

All persons involved in the operation of a hoist must

read the manufacturers handbook and be completely
familiar with all operating procedures.
Confirm that the beam or structure supporting the hoist
is of sufficient strength to support the load to be lifted.
Never lift loads in excess of the WLL of the hoist.
If the hoist is fitted with an overload limiter the hoist
will cease to operate if in excess of the WLL.
The load chain must always seat correctly with the
load sheave. With multi fall hoists, twists can arise by
turning over the bottom hook through the load chain.
Maintain lubricant over the whole length of the load
chain, but be careful not to over lubricate, as excess
lubricant can leak on to the brake discs and cause
the brake to malfunction and slip.
Confirm that the brake is functioning properly by
hoisting the load a sufficient distance from its initial
position, and check the brake engages when
lowering the load.
Never walk or work under a suspended load, and never
lift, support or transport people.
Lift loads correctly with proper slings and attachments.
Never lift with the point of the hook, and never use the
load chain as a sling by back hooking.
When using a hook suspended hoist, ensure that the
head of the hoist can move freely and unhindered in
the eye of the attachment point allowing the block to
orientate in the direction of the load (always
maintaining a straight/direct line of force).
PAGE 247

Do not allow dirt or grease to accumulate in the profiles

of the load chain wheel.
Lifting a load with two hoists is not recommended.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Ensure that shock loads are not imposed on the hoist
(sudden jerking movement).
If the hoist has more than one speed always start
at slow speed and avoid unnecessary inching (short
operations) of the load.
Never change direction/motion without first allowing
the motor to stop.
If the load chain jumps, or does not operate smoothly,
it may not be sitting properly in the pocket wheel. This
type of fault is more common on hoists with two or
more falls or when the head of the hook block is not
able to orientate freely in the direction of the force.
Hoists are designed for lifting loads vertically or in a
direct line where the head is able to move freely in
the direction of the force.
Never leave a load suspended on the hoist.
Never use the hoist as an earth for welding.
Never weld, heat-treat or modify a hoist or its
Hoists should be stored on A-frames or wall racks in
a clean, dry place.
Lightly oil chains before prolonged storage.
There are a variety of winches available manufactured
in accordance with AS 1418 and should be chosen
based on the specific application and environment to
be used in.
Hand winches generally come in pulling or lifting
A pulling only hand winch usually fitted with a lever
action pawl (no brake), should never be used for lifting.
These are available in different gear ratios.
Lifting winches are fitted with a self-actuating brake.
Worm drive lifting winches are also available.
Power winches such as air, electric and hydraulic
PAGE 248

come in pulling, lifting or man riding configurations.

Combination winches such as electric/hydraulic are
also available and should be used based on the
required application and environment.
Before using your winch you have a duty of care to
check for the following:
Ensure the ID plate is clearly legible and marked
with type/model, serial number, WLL, wire rope
nominal size, construction, length, rope reeving &
direction, power supply and name/identification of
the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset is
Check that the winch is attached to a secure mounting.
Check all mounting nuts and bolts are secure and free
from corrosion.
Check the winch body and handle (if applicable) to
ensure it is free from any deformation, cracking or
Check the operation of the winch to ensure the winch
is operating correctly.
Check the pawl or brake is operating correctly.
Check the wire rope for evidence of damage such as
flattening, broken wires, excessive wear, stretch and
corrosion (AS 2759, pages 57-63 in this handbook).
Ensure correct spooling of the wire rope on the drum
(AS 2759, pages 83-87 in this handbook).
Check the ferrule and thimble for any signs of cracking,
deformation or corrosion.
Check the hook for any signs of cracking, deformation
or corrosion.


PAGE 249

Ensure the WLL is adequate for the task.

Never lift or pull a load in excess of the rated capacity
of the winch.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Check that there are an appropriate number of bolts
securing the winch to a firm and stable foundation or
structure that is of suitable strength for the load to be
lifted or pulled.
Ensure that the winch rope (wire rope or HMPE) WLL
is matched to the winch capacity and of suitable length
so that it does not over fill the drum.
Check that the brake is operating correctly. Test the
winch prior to use.
Keep water, oil, dirt or grease away from the brake.
Some winches have two speeds of operation, and
loads should never be lifted in high speed/gear. High
speed/gear should only be used for rapid movement
in unloaded condition.
Beware of spooling at high speed as rope may not lay
on the drum correctly.


Winches should be stored on shelves, wall racks or
inside a cupboard in a clean, dry place.


Girder trolleys or clamps manufactured in accordance
with AS 4991 are designed to move a suspended load
along a beam or runway track or provide a fixed anchor
point used for lifting.
There are three types of trolleys available, push, geared
and power assisted trolleys. These trolleys are generally
made fully adjustable to suit varying beam flange widths.
Push type trolleys are generally suited to lesser loads
and lower suspension levels.
Geared trolleys are generally suited to heavier loads,
higher suspension levels or high use applications.
Power trolleys are generally suited for heavier loads
where manual handling may put the operator at risk.

A load suspended from a push trolley is usually moved

PAGE 250

by simply pushing the load along the beam.

Geared trolleys use a hand chain to drive the trolley
along the beam.
Power trolleys can be driven electrically or


Girder clamps are useful maintenance tools that enable
a simple, fast and portable means of attaching a lifting
point to a beam or structure.


Before using your trolleys or clamps you have a duty of
care to check for the following:
Check frame for deformation, cracks, wear and
Check the ID plate is clearly legible and marked with
type/model, serial number, WLL and operating range
and name/identification of the manufacturer.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset is
The side plates should be checked to ensure there is
no distortion.
Ensure the threads on girder clamps are operating
correctly. Lubricate as necessary.
Check all hinge points for free movement.
The trolley wheels should be checked to ensure they
are running freely and there is no sticking or unusual
noise that could be the result of failed bearings or could
PAGE 251

indicate the bearings are in poor condition.

The hanger bar should be checked for any signs of
distortion or worn threads. The threads should be in
good condition.

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

Ensure there is a lock nut in place on either end of
the trolley load bar and that the nuts are tightened
Ensure there is an even number of spacer washers
on each side of the trolley load bar.
The lifting eye should be checked for any signs of
distortion elongation or excessive wear.
If the trolley is a geared trolley, check the hand
chain and hand wheel for wear, and to ensure they
are in suitable condition and are functioning correctly.
Particular attention should be paid to the split link in
the hand chain to ensure there is no distortion.
Check also for the possibility of incorrectly substituted


Check the trolley and the girder on which it is to be
mounted have adequate WLL for the load intended to
be lifted and carried.
Ensure that the girder has been designed, tested and
certified as a monorail beam.
Ensure that the trolley wheel profile is suitable for the
beam on which it is to be used. The wheels should sit
evenly on the beam with the load being spread equally
across all four wheels.
Loads should be lifted and moved slowly and carefully
on trolleys and clamps to avoid shock loading.
Loads pushed too quickly along the beam can result
in the trolley coming to a sudden stop on an end
stop resulting in dangerous load swing. This places
undue stress on the end stop, beam, structure, trolley,
associated lifting equipment and the load.
Hand chains on geared trolleys should be of suitable
height to enable comfortable use. Care should be
taken to avoid geared trolley hand chains becoming
tangled or caught on platform structure or other items.
Do not use hand chain for lifting or slinging purposes,
or for any form of load support.
Do not allow the hand chain to tangle or to become
PAGE 252

twisted or kinked.
Ensure that the trolley or clamp is fitted to the beam
as per manufacturers instructions.
Keep the trolley wheels and the beam free of grease


and contaminants that may collect foreign bodies,
which may then wedge under the trolley wheels.
Push and geared trolleys are designed for vertical
lifting only. Do not subject the trolley to side loading.


Trolleys and clamps should be stored on shelves, wall
racks or inside a cupboard in a clean, dry place.


Specialised lifting devices or fabricated product are
custom made in accordance with AS 4991 or AS 1418
for specific applications and are normally used where
conventional slinging or lifting methods are unsuitable
such as where included angles cannot be maintained
within 120. Such devices may include forklift booms
and attachments, drum lifters and tippers, waste
dumping bins, forklift tine extension slippers, forklift
work platforms, spreader, combination and container
lifting beams, pipe end caps, pallet lifting forks, bars
and frames, work cages, lifting hooks, oxy & acetylene
trolleys and goods cages.
PAGE 253

1300 722 999 www.bullivants.com

As with other lifting equipment, fabricated product should
be regularly inspected and where required proof load
Before using your fabricated product you have a duty of
care to check for the following:
Check the ID plate is clearly legible and marked
with type/model, serial number, WLL for each potential
configuration, mass of equipment when it exceeds
50kgs and name/identification of the manufacturer.
Lifting beams shall also state the maximum permissible
included sling angle.
Ensure the inspection is in date and the asset is
Check for any physical signs of deformation or
Check for any cracks in the welds or structure (MPI
crack testing may be required especially in off-shore
Check for corrosion.
Check for wear, particularly on lifting lugs or load
bearing points and any attachments.


Fabricated product should always be used for the
purpose for which it is designed and should be used
in accordance with the WLL and the manufacturers
instructions. Standard safe use rigging and slinging
practice should always be adhered to.
PAGE 254

Consider the lifting environment, dimensions, weight,

material structure and centre of gravity e.g. off-shore,
high temperature, confined space, surface finish etc.
The method by which the load is attached to the


fabricated item.
The method by which the fabricated item shall be
attached to the crane.
Check if the rigging equipment needs to be
permanently or temporarily attached/secured
to the load.
Check the operation of the lifting device including
any attachments.

Ensure you plan the lift. Refer to pages 9-13 in this



Fabricated items should be stored on shelves, pallet
racks or under shelter in a clean, dry place to reduce
potential environmental effects.
PAGE 255

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Muswellbrook Darwin
12 Enterprise Crescent, 2 Cato Street,
Muswellbrook NSW 2333 Winnellie NT 0820
Ph: (02) 6544 9000 Ph: (08) 8984 3299
Fx: (02) 6542 5799 Fx: (08) 8984 4946
muswellbrook@bullivants.com darwin@bullivants.com
32 Parker Street, Brisbane
Carrington NSW 2294 81 Colebard Street,
Ph: (02) 4969 4755 West Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
Fx: (02) 4962 1468 Ph: (07) 3277 9855
newcastle@bullivants.com Fx: (07) 3277 2182
Sydney brisbane@bullivants.com
10-14 Kellogg Road, Cairns
Glendenning NSW 2761 86-88 Aumuller Street,
Ph: (02) 9208 3600 Cairns QLD 4870
Fx: (02) 9625 3355 Ph: (07) 4035 4777
sydney@bullivants.com Fx: (07) 4035 4784
Wollongong cairns@bullivants.com
5 Investigator Drive, Emerald
Unanderra NSW 2526 Cnr of Cameron Road
Ph: (02) 4272 1455 & Munro Road,
Fx: (02) 4272 1430 Emerald QLD 4720
wollongong@bullivants.com Ph: (07) 4980 0900
Fx: (07) 4987 5627
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Wingfield SA 5013 19 Beckinsale Street,
Ph: (08) 8260 4711 Gladstone QLD 4680
Fx: (08) 8260 5610 Ph: (07) 4972 9449
adelaide@bullivants.com Fx: (07) 4972 7881
Roxby Downs
3 Gosse Street, Mackay
Roxby Downs SA 5725 43-51 Diesel Drive,
PAGE 256

Ph: (08) 8671 3255 Paget QLD 4740

Fx: (08) 8671 3288 Ph: (07) 4841 9600
roxby@bullivants.com Fx: (07) 4952 2792
Mt Isa Karratha
1/16 Enterprise Road, Lot 120 Mooligunn Road,
Mount Isa QLD 4825 Karratha WA 6714
Ph: (07) 4743 2849 Ph: (08) 9187 8200
Fx: (07) 4743 2876 Fx: (08) 9185 6377
mountisa@bullivants.com karratha@bullivants.com
Toowoomba Newman
335 Taylor Street, 34 Shovelanna Street,
Toowoomba QLD 4350 Newman WA 6753
Ph: (07) 4634 9155 Ph: (08) 9175 9000
Fx: (07) 4634 2977 Fx: (08) 9175 5905
toowoomba@bullivants.com newman@bullivants.com
Townsville Perth
2 Leyland Street, 2-10 Kewdale Road,
Garbutt QLD 4814 Welshpool WA 6106
Ph: (07) 4781 9400 Ph: (08) 9451 8133
Fx: (07) 4775 2668 Fx: (08) 9351 8073
townsville@bullivants.com perth@bullivants.com

VICTORIA Port Hedland

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114 - 116 Boundary Road, Wedgefield WA 6721
Braeside VIC 3195 Ph: (08) 9160 2500
Ph: (03) 9585 1288 Fx: (08) 9172 3635
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PAGE 257

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