Sec. 25 Rule 130

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[G.R. No. 131636.

March 5, 2003] (Presentation of Rebuttal witnesses Gloria Pagala and Celestino Navarro)

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs. ARTEMIO RTC: trial court convicted Artemio in Criminal Case No. 9375. It, however,
INVENCION y SORIANO, appellant. acquitted him in all the other twelve cases for lack of evidence.

DECISION Hence the current petition.

DAVIDE, JR., C.J.: ISSUE: WON Elven (son of Artemio) qualified to testify

HELD: Affirmative
As to the competency of Elven to testify, we rule that such is not affected by
Artemio was charged before the RTC of Tarlac with thirteen counts of rape in Section 25, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court,[19] otherwise known as the rule on filial
separate complaints. The cases were consolidated and jointly tried. At his privilege. This rule is not strictly a rule on disqualification because a descendant is not
arraignment Artemio entered a plea of not guilty in each case. incompetent or disqualified to testify against an ascendant. [20] The rule refers to a
privilege not to testify, which can be invoked or waived like other privileges. As
The witnesses presented by the prosecution in its evidence in chief were Elven correctly observed by the lower court, Elven was not compelled to testify against his
Invencion, Eddie Sicat, Gloria Pagala, Dr. Rosario Fider, and Atty. Florencio father; he chose to waive that filial privilege when he voluntarily testified against
Canlas. Presented as rebuttal witnesses were Gloria Pagala and Celestino Navarro. Artemio. Elven declared that he was testifying as a witness against his father of his
own accord and only to tell the truth.[21]
Elven Invencion, an 8-year-old grade two pupil of Sapang Tagalog Elementary
School in Tarlac, Tarlac, testified that he is a half-brother of Cynthia and son of Neither can Artemio challenge the prosecutions act of propounding leading
Artemio with his second common-law wife. Sometime before the end of the school questions on Elven. Section 10(c) of Rule 132 of the Rules of Court [22] expressly
year in 1996, while he was sleeping in one room with his father Artemio, Cynthia, and allows leading questions when the witness is a child of tender years like Elven.
two other younger brothers, he was awakened by Cynthias loud cries. Looking
towards her, he saw his father on top of Cynthia, doing a pumping motion. After about The alleged ulterior motive of Elven in testifying against his father also deserves
two minutes, his father put on his short pants.[3] scant consideration. Such insinuation of ill-motive is too lame and flimsy. As observed
by the OSG, Elven, who was of tender age, could not have subjected himself to the
Elven further declared that Artemio was a very strict and cruel father and a ordeal of a public trial had he not been compelled by a motive other than to bring to
drunkard. He angrily prohibited Cynthia from entertaining any of her justice the despoiler of his sisters virtue. There is no indication that Elven testified
suitors. Whenever he was drunk, he would maul Elven and quarrel with his stepfather, because of anger or any ill-motive against his father, nor is there any showing that he
Celestino Navarro.[4] was unduly pressured or influenced by his mother or by anyone to testify against his
father. The rule is that where there is no evidence that the principal witness for the
prosecution was actuated by improper motive, the presumption is that he was not so
The defense did not present Artemio as a witness. Instead, his counsel de parte,
actuated and his testimony is entitled to full credence.[23]
Atty. Isabelo Salamida, took the witness stand and testified for the defense. He
declared that on 24 June 1997 between 10:45 and 11:00 a.m., he and his secretary
went to the house of Artemio in Barangay Sapang Tagalog. The hut was made We find as inconsequential the alleged variance or difference in the time that the
of sawali. Its door was padlocked, and its windows were shut. When he went around rape was committed, The exact time or date of the commission of rape is not an
the house and tried to peep through the old sawali walls on the front and left and right element of the crime. What is decisive in a rape charge is that the commission of the
sides of the hut, he could not see anything inside the room where Artemio and his rape by the accused has been sufficiently proved. Inconsistencies and discrepancies
children used to sleep. Although it was then about noontime, it was dark inside. as to minor matters irrelevant to the elements of the crime cannot be considered
Atty. Salamida then concluded that prosecution witness Eddie Sicat was not telling grounds for acquittal.[24] In this case, we believe that the crime of rape was, indeed,
the truth when he declared having seen what Artemio did to Cynthia when he peeped committed as testified to by Elven and Eddie.
through a small opening in the sawali wall of the house in the early morning sometime
on the second week of March 1996.
The alleged inconsistencies in the testimonies of both Elven and Gloria do not WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 65, Tarlac,
impair the credibility of these witnesses. We agree with the trial court that they are Tarlac, in Criminal Case No. 9375 is hereby AFFIRMED
minor inconsistencies, which do not affect the credibility of the witnesses. We have
held in a number of cases that inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses that
refer to minor and insignificant details do not destroy the witnesses credibility.[25] On
the contrary, they may even be considered badges of veracity or manifestations of
truthfulness on the material points in the testimonies. What is important is that the
testimonies agree on essential facts and substantially corroborate a consistent and
coherent whole.[26]

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