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GeoPilot User Manual

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C-Astral d.o.o.

C-Astral GeoPilot User Manual

1 USER INTERFACE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 4

2 BASIC COMMANDS............................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 LEFT CLICK .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 RIGHT CLICK ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 SCROLL WHEEL ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 CLICK & DRAG ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 RIGHT CLICK MENU .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5.1 Set Tko/Land ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.2 Delete Waypoints ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.5.3 Measure Distance ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.4 Enter Waypoint Draw Mode ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.5 Clear Waypoints .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5.6 Enter Area Draw Mode ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5.7 Enter Street Draw Mode ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5.8 Clear Area Points ............................................................................................................................................. 5

4 OPH INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 CONNECTING WITH ORTOPHOTO BOARD ...................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 SETTING CAMERA TRIGGERING ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Time Based Triggering .................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Distance Based triggering ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 FLASH MEMORY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 7
4.3.1 Downloading Data .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.2 Formating Flash Memory ................................................................................................................................ 7
4.4 DATA MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4.1 Exporting Log File ............................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4.2 Exporting IMU Data ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4.3 Converting .m into .KML.................................................................................................................................. 8

5 TASKBAR .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

5.1 SETTING GROUND CONTROL STATION ALTITUDE ............................................................................................................. 9

5.2 CHOOSING THE WAYPOINT ALTITUDE TYPE .................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.1 Absolute HAL ................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.2 Relative HAL .................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 CHOOSING A MAP TYPE.............................................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 OPENING A FLIGHT PLAN ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.5 SAVING A FLIGHT PLAN............................................................................................................................................ 10
5.6 LOADING A KML FILE .............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.7 FINDING LOCATION ON THE MAP .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.8 DOWNLOADING MAP OF THE AREA ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.9 GENERATING WAYPOINTS ........................................................................................................................................ 11
5.10 ZOOMING IN/OUT .................................................................................................................................................. 12

6 WAYPOINT LIST ...................................................................................................................................................12

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6.1 CHANGING A PARAMETER OF A WAYPOINT .................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 CHANGING ORDER OF WAYPOINTS............................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 DELETING A WAYPOINT ........................................................................................................................................... 12

7 CAMERA SETTINGS ..............................................................................................................................................13

7.1 CHOOSING CAMERA TYPE ........................................................................................................................................ 13

7.2 SETTING FLIGHT ALTITUDE ....................................................................................................................................... 13
7.3 SETTING OVERLAP .................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.4 SETTING SIDELAP.................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.5 SETTING GSD (GROUND SAMPLING DISTANCE) ........................................................................................................... 13
7.6 GENERAL IMAGING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 13

8 EXAMPLES OF FLIGHT PLANS ...............................................................................................................................14

8.1 PLANNING A FREEFORM FLIGHT PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 14

8.2 PLANNING A LINEAR FLIGHT PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 PLANNING AN AREA FLIGHT PLAN.............................................................................................................................. 15

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C-Astral d.o.o. C-Astral GeoPilot User Manual

1 User Interface Overview

2 Basic commands
GeoPilot uses common windows mouse commands for navigating throught the user interface.

2.1 Left Click

- Selecting waypoints
- Setting waypoints on the map
- Setting area points on the map
- Clicking on user interface buttons

2.2 Right Click

- Opening right-click menu

2.3 Scroll Wheel

- Zooming in/out
- Scrolling through the waypoint list

2.4 Click & Drag

- Moving the map
- Repositioning the waypoints
- Repositioning the area points

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2.5 Right Click Menu

2.5.1 Set Tko/Land

Sets the Tko/Land on a map

2.5.2 Delete Waypoints

Deletes point over which the right mouse button was clicked. Either waypoint, area point or street

2.5.3 Measure Distance

Used to measure distance and azimuth.

2.5.4 Enter Waypoint Draw Mode

Enables setting waypoints by clicking on the map with the left mouse button.

2.5.5 Clear Waypoints

Deletes all waypoints from the map.

2.5.6 Enter Area Draw Mode

Enables setting area points for marking the area of interest.

2.5.7 Enter Street Draw Mode

Enables settign area points in a linear fashion e.g. roads, powerlines, rivers, etc.

2.5.8 Clear Area Points

Clears all area points from the map.

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4 OPH Interface
OPH Interface is positioned on the right side of user interface. The functions found on this interface
are connected with OrtoPhoto Board manipulation and data exportation.

4.1 Connecting with OrtoPhoto Board

Connect serial cable to GCS computer and Bramor serial connector

Select appropriate COM Port from the drop down menu

Click button CONNECT

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4.2 Setting Camera Triggering

4.2.1 Time Based Triggering

Type in the desired triggering time

Click button SET.

4.2.2 Distance Based triggering

Type in the desired triggering distance

Click button SET.

4.3 Flash Memory Management

4.3.1 Downloading Data

Connect serial cable to GCS computer and Bramor serial connector

Click button GET

After the process is done, a notification window pops up.

4.3.2 Formating Flash Memory

Connect serial cable to GCS computer and Bramor serial connector

Click button CLEAR

After the process is done, a notification window pops up.

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4.4 Data Management

4.4.1 Exporting Log File

After the user has downloaded the flight data from the Flash Memory on OrtoPhoto Board, it is
necessary to export this data to an appropriate file format. GeoPilot so far supports 5 different
software packages. These are Ensomosaic, PIEngineering, Agisoft Photoscan, Pix4D and Menci

Click on appropriate button in the menu

Type in a name for the file and follow instructions

Click button SAVE

4.4.2 Exporting IMU Data

GeoPilot offers the possibility of converting flight data into a Google Earth compatible .KML file
format. When the airplane is connected to GCS computer through a serial cable user can download
and convert flight data into Google Earth compatible .KML

Click button FLIGHT

4.4.3 Converting .m into .KML

To convert the telemetry .m file that is written automatically by Virtual Cockpit software during the

Click button CONVERT .M TO .KML

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Locate the appropriate file in C:\Program Files\Procerus Technologies\Virtual Cockpit

Click button OPEN

A window with a recorded number of waypoints pops up.

Click OK

After that, find the deisred file location and type in the name for the .KML file.

Click button SAVE

5 Taskbar

5.1 Setting Ground Control Station altitude

In case the user has the ability to obtain more accurate altitude, the user can set the altitude of
ground control station in the Launch Alt field.

5.2 Choosing the Waypoint altitude type

The user has the option of setting the two different types of altitude which both of them are
referenced to HAL (Height Above Launch).

5.2.1 Absolute HAL

Selecting this waypoint altitude type will make the altitude absolute with regard to Home altitude in
Virtual Cockpit. For example, if the user sets the altitude to 150m, the UAV will fly 150m above the
reference Launch altitude.

5.2.2 Relative HAL

Selecting this waypoint altitude type will make the altitude relative with regard to terrain but still
referenced to Launch altitude.

5.3 Choosing a map type

Click on the drop down menu that shows a currently selected map type and select the desired map

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5.4 Opening a Flight Plan

Click button

Locate the desired flight plan file on the disk

Click button OPEN

5.5 Saving a Flight Plan

After the flight plan is done click on button

Choose a location on the hard drive

Type in File Name

Click button SAVE

5.6 Loading a KML file

Click button

Locate the desired .KML file on the disk

Click button OPEN

The map pans to the location of the loaded . KML file.

5.7 Finding Location on the Map

Click button

A window pops up, prompting the user to insert the name. It is possible to insert coordinates instead
of the location name.

Click button OK

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5.8 Downloading Map of the Area

In case the user will fly in an area which has no internet or 3G connectivity it is possible to download

Click Alt + Left Click and mark the necessary area on the map

Click button

A window pops up, prompting the user to confirm selection at zoom setting 17. After confirmation
the software begins with downloading maps. The larger the selected area, the larger the size on the
hard drive. May take a while on slow internet connections.

5.9 Generating waypoints

After setting the Area or Street points the user has to click on the Draw Grid button.

This will a new window which is used to review and set the parameters for the flight plan.

Relative Altitude is copied automatically from the Camera Settings.

Speed is set by default to cruise speed of 16 m/s.

Distance between lines is copied automatically from the Camera Settings.

Automatic Line Angle is by default On selected Line. The user has the option to manually set
azimuth with the help of Measuring Tool.

Overshoot factor is used to set the distance of overshoot from the marked area.

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5.10 Zooming in/out

This can be done in two ways. Either by using the mouse wheel or by using the two buttons on the

6 Waypoint List

6.1 Changing a parameter of a Waypoint

If the user wants to change a certain parameter of the waypoint he has to

Select the parameter the user wants to change

Double click on the value field

Input the desired value

Press Enter

6.2 Changing order of Waypoints

If the user wants to change the order of waypoints he has to

Select the waypoint on the list

Click button to move waypoint up or button to move waypoint down on the list.

6.3 Deleting a Waypoint

If the user wants to delete a waypoint he can do so through waypoint list or right-click menu.

Click on the waypoint in the waypoint list.

Click button

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7 Camera Settings

The user has the option of setting the flight altitude by altitude alone or by setting Ground Sampling
Distance in the field named Resolution. If you input flight altitude, all the numbers will change
appropriately. Flight altitude and Ground Sampling Distance are exclusive choices. If you set one,
the other will automatically change.

7.1 Choosing Camera Type

Click on the drop down menu

and select the camera installed on your UAV.

7.2 Setting Flight Altitude

Click inside the field Alt(AGL)(m) and type in the flight altitude for flight.

7.3 Setting Overlap

Click inside the field Overlap and type in the deisred overlap.

7.4 Setting Sidelap

Click inside the field Sidelap and type in the desired sidelap.

7.5 Setting GSD (Ground Sampling Distance)

Click inside the field Resolution(cm/px) and type in the desired GSD.

7.6 General Imaging Information

Length between shots (m) Distance between each photo taken

Length between flightlines (m) Distance between two parallel flightlines

FOV V(m) Cameras Field of View in longitudinal direction relative to airplane

FOV H(m) Cameras Field of View in lateral direction relative to airplane

Angle H Cameras View Angle in longitudinal direction relative to airplane

Angle V Cameras View Angle in lateral direction relative to airplane

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8 Examples of flight plans

It is advisable to check altitudes with Google Earth or local cartography before flying to avoid
controlled flight into terrain.

8.1 Planning a FreeForm Flight Plan

- Set your position manually by panning and zooming or with loading the KML file or by
clicking on button Zoom to Location
- Right click on the map and select Set Tko/Land
- Set Tko/Land point on the map
- Right click on the map and select Enter Waypoint Draw Mode
- Set Altitude in Camera Settings
- Select either Absolute HAL or Relative HAL
- Add further waypoints with Left Clicking on the appropriate positons on the map
- Check if the flight time is inside expected endurance
- Click on the Save Flight Plan button

8.2 Planning a Linear Flight Plan

- Set your position manually by panning and zooming, with loading the KML file or by clicking
on button Zoom to Location
- Right click on the map and select Set Tko/Land
- Set Tko/Land point on the map
- Set Altitude in Camera Settings
- Select either Absolute HAL or Relative HAL
- Right click on the map and select Enter Street Draw Mode
- Add further Street Points with Left Clicking on the appropriate positons on the map
- Click on the Draw Grid button and follow procedure
- Check if the flight time is inside expected endurance
- Click on the Save Flight Plan button

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8.3 Planning an Area Flight Plan

- Set your position manually by panning and zooming, with loading the KML file or by clicking
on button Zoom to Location
- Right click on the map and select Set Tko/Land
- Set Tko/Land point on the map
- Set Altitude in Camera Settings
- Select either Absolute HAL or Relative HAL
- Right click on the map and select Enter Area Draw Mode
- Add further Area Points with Left Clicking on the appropriate positons on the map
- Click on the Draw Grid button and follow procedure
- Check if the flight time is inside the expected endurance
- Click on the Save Flight Plan button

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