Fluent-Intro 16.0 L02 IntroCFD PDF

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Lecture 2:

Introduction to the CFD Methodology

16.0 Release

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

1 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Lecture Theme:
All CFD simulations follow the same key stages. This lecture will explain how
to go from the original planning stage to analyzing the end results

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
The basics of what CFD is and how it works
The different steps involved in a successful CFD project

Learning Objectives:
When you begin your own CFD project, you will know what each of the steps
requires and be able to plan accordingly
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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What is CFD?
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the science of predicting fluid flow, heat and
mass transfer, chemical reactions, and related phenomena.
To predict these phenomena, CFD solves equations for conservation of mass,
momentum, energy etc..

CFD can provide detailed information on the CFD is used in all stages of the engineering
fluid flow behavior: process:
Distribution of pressure, velocity, temperature, etc. Conceptual studies of new designs
Forces like Lift, Drag.. (external flows, Aero, Auto..) Detailed product development
Distribution of multiple phases (gas-liquid, gas- Optimization
solid..) Troubleshooting
Species composition (reactions, combustion, Redesign
Much more... CFD analysis complements testing and experimentation by reducing
total effort and cost required for experimentation and data acquisition
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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How Does CFD Work?
ANSYS CFD solvers are based on the finite volume method
Domain is discretized into a finite set of control volumes Control
General conservation (transport) equations for mass, momentum, energy,
species, etc. are solved on this set of control volumes

Continuity 1
X momentum u
Y momentum v
Unsteady Convection Diffusion Generation Z momentum w
Energy h
Partial differential equations are discretized into a system of algebraic equations
All algebraic equations are then solved numerically to render the solution field
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 1. Define Your Modeling Goals
What results are you looking for (i.e. pressure drop, mass flow rate), and how will they be used?

What are your modeling options?

What simplifying assumptions can you make (i.e. symmetry, periodicity)?
What simplifying assumptions do you have to make?
What physical models will need to be included in your analysis

What degree of accuracy is required?

How quickly do you need the results?

Is CFD an appropriate tool?

Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 2. Identify the Domain You Will Model
How will you isolate a piece of the complete physical

Where will the computational domain begin and

Domain of Interest
Do you have boundary condition information at these
boundaries? as Part of a Larger
System (not modeled)
Can the boundary condition types accommodate that
Can you extend the domain to a point where reasonable
data exists?

Domain of interest
isolated and meshed
Can it be simplified or approximated as a 2D or axi- for CFD simulation.
symmetric problem?

Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary

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Step 3. Create a Solid Model of the Domain
How will you obtain a model of the fluid region?
Make use of existing CAD models?
Extract the fluid region from a solid part?
Create from scratch?
Can you simplify the geometry?
Remove unnecessary features that would complicate meshing Original CAD Part
(fillets, bolts)?
Make use of symmetry or periodicity?
Are both the flow and boundary conditions symmetric / periodic?
Do you need to split the model so that boundary conditions or
domains can be created?
Fluid Region
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 4. Design and Create the Mesh
What degree of mesh resolution is required in each region of
the domain?
Can you predict regions of high gradients?
The mesh must resolve geometric features of interest and capture
gradients of concern, e.g. velocity, pressure, temperature gradients
Will you use adaption to add resolution?
What type of mesh is most appropriate?
How complex is the geometry?
Can you use a quad/hex mesh or is a tri/tet or hybrid mesh suitable?
Are non-conformal interfaces needed?
Do you have sufficient computer resources?
How many cells/nodes are required?
How many physical models will be used?
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 5: Set Up the Solver
For a given problem, you will need to:
Define material properties
Select appropriate physical models
Turbulence, combustion, multiphase, etc.
For complex problems solving a Prescribe operating conditions
simplified or 2D problem will provide
valuable experience with the models Prescribe boundary conditions at all boundary zones
and solver settings for your problem in Provide initial values or a previous solution
a short amount of time
Set up solver controls
Set up convergence monitors

Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary

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Step 6: Compute the Solution
The discretized conservation equations are solved
iteratively until convergence
Convergence is reached when:
Changes in solution variables from one iteration
to the next are negligible
Residuals provide a mechanism to help
monitor this trend
Overall property conservation is achieved
Imbalances measure global conservation
Quantities of interest (e.g. drag, pressure drop) have reached
steady values
Monitor points track quantities of interest
The accuracy of a converged solution is dependent upon:
A converged and mesh-independent Appropriateness and accuracy of physical models
Assumptions made
solution on a well-posed problem
Mesh resolution and independence
will provide useful engineering Numerical errors
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 7: Examine the Results
Examine the results to review solution and extract
useful data
Visualization Tools can be used to answer such questions
What is the overall flow pattern?
Is there separation?
Where do shocks, shear layers, etc. form?
Are key flow features being resolved?

Numerical Reporting Tools can be used to calculate

quantitative results:
Examine results to ensure correct physical behavior and Forces and Moments
conservation of mass energy and other conserved Average heat transfer coefficients
quantities. High residuals may be caused by just a few Surface and Volume integrated quantities
poor quality cells.
Flux Balances
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Step 8: Consider Revisions to the Model
Are the physical models appropriate?
Is the flow turbulent?
Is the flow unsteady?
Are there compressibility effects?
Are there 3D effects?

Are the boundary conditions correct?

Is the computational domain large enough?
Are boundary conditions appropriate?
Are boundary values reasonable?

Is the mesh adequate?

Does the solution change significantly with a refined mesh, or is the
High residuals may be caused by solution mesh independent?
just a few poor quality cells Does the mesh resolution of the geometry need to be improved?
Does the model contain poor quality cells?
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Use CFD with Other Tools to Maximize its Effect
Problem Identification CAD Geometry Mesh

1. Define goals
2. Identify domain

Pre-Processing Thermal Profile on Windshield

3. Geometry
4. Mesh
5. Physics
6. Solver Settings

9. Update Model
Final Optimized Design
Solve Automated Optimization of
7. Compute solution Windshield Defroster with
ANSYS DesignXplorer
Post Processing
8. Examine results
Prototype Testing Manufacturing
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Summary and Conclusions
All CFD simulations (in all mainstream CFD software 1. Define Your Modeling
products) are approached using the steps just described Goals
2. Identify the Domain You
Remember to first think about what the aims of the Will Model
simulation are prior to creating the geometry and mesh 3. Create a Geometric
Model of the Domain
Make sure the appropriate physical models are applied in
4. Design and Create the
the solver, and that the simulation is fully converged (more
in a later lecture) 5. Set Up the Solver
Scrutinize the results, you may need to rework some of the Settings
earlier steps in light of the flow field obtained 6. Compute the Solution
7. Examine the Results
What Next: 8. Consider Revisions to the
Trainer will now demonstrate Fluent in action
Introduction CFD Approach Pre-Processing Solution Post-Processing Summary
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Launching ANSYS Fluent: Standalone

Interactive file I/O

Fluent GUI Mesh File: .msh
In the Windows Start Menu Fluent Launcher Case File: .cas
Data File: .dat
16 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016
Launching ANSYS Fluent: Workbench System
Reads in mesh from upstream Mesh cell
Reads current settings saved in Setup cell
No solution data read in
To solve solution must first be initialized

Reads in current solution data
Case & Data files
Solution can be continued on

Workbench Automated File Management

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Launching ANSYS Fluent: Workbench Component

Double Click to
edit or Right Click

Workbench Automated File Management

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ANSYS Fluent Workflow
Tree Guides Basic Workflow

Read and check mesh (scale if needed in standalone mode)

Select Physical Models

Create/Assign Materials
Assign Cell & Boundary Conditions
Choose Solver Settings
Create Solution Monitors
Initialize Solution
Run Calculation
Post-Process Results

20 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

ANSYS Fluent File Structure: Standalone

User is responsible for reading and writing files via the GUI
Files are not automatically saved if the GUI is closed
Mesh File (.msg, .msh.gz)
Mesh file only
Case File (.cas, .cas.gz)
Mesh + Solution Settings
Data File (.dat, .dat.gz)
Solution Data

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ANSYS Fluent File Structure: Workbench
Files are automatically loaded upon launching
Files can be manually imported also
Initial Case File
Final Solution File ..
Files are automatically saved by Workbench if the GUI is closed
Mesh File (.msg, .msh.gz)
Mesh file only
Settings File (.set)
Settings + Mesh = Case
Case File (.cas, .cas.gz)
Mesh + Solution Settings
Data File (.dat, .dat.gz)
Solution Data

22 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Auxiliary Operations
The definition of models, material properties, boundary conditions
and cell zone conditions is a fundamental part of setting up any CFD
simulation in Fluent
There are some additional auxiliary operations that may be generally
very useful when setting up a simulation in Fluent
Polyhedral mesh conversion
Text User Interface (TUI)
Journal files
Reading and writing data profiles

23 2016 ANSYS, Inc. February 23, 2016

Polyhedral Mesh Conversion
A tetrahedral or hybrid grid can be converted to Tet/Hybrid Mesh
polyhedra in the Fluent GUI (not in ANSYS Meshing).
Generate a tetrahedral mesh then convert inside Fluent.
Improved mesh quality.
Can reduce cell count significantly.
User has control of the conversion process.
Cannot be adapted or converted again.
Cannot use tools such as skewness-based smoothing or extrude
to modify the mesh.
Laplacian and quality-based smoothing can be used as an alternative
Polyhedral Mesh
Two conversion options are available in the Mesh
Mesh > Polyhedra > Convert Domain
Convert all cells in the domain (except hex cells) to
Cannot convert adapted meshes with hanging nodes

Convert only highly skewed cells to polyhedra

Mesh > Polyhedra > Convert Skewed Cells
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Text User Interface
Most GUI commands have a
corresponding TUI command.
Press the Enter key to display the
command set at the current level.
q moves up one level.
Some advanced commands are only
available through the TUI.

The TUI offers many valuable

Journal (text) files can be
constructed to automate repetitive
Fluent can be run in batch mode,
with TUI journal scripts set to
automate the loading / TUI
modification / solver execution and
postprocessing. Window
Very complex models can be set
using a spreadsheet to generate the
TUI commands.

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Sample Fluent Journal
A journal file is a text file which contains TUI ; Read case file
commands which Fluent will execute rc example.cas.gz
sequentially. ; Initialize the solution
; Calculate 50 iterations
Note that the Fluent TUI accepts abbreviations it 50
of the commands for example, ; Write data file
rcd Reads case and data files wd example50.dat.gz
wcd Writes case and data files ; Calculate another 50 iterations
it 50
; Write another data file
Fluent text commands listed in the ANSYS wd example100.dat.gz
Documentation: FLUENT->Text Command List ; Exit Fluent
Sample Journal File

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Launching ANSYS Fluent: Batch Mode

ANSYS Fluent can be run in batch mode in conjunction with a journal file
See User Guide for more details

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Scaling the Mesh and Selecting Units
When Fluent reads a mesh file (.msh),
all dimensions are assumed to be in
units of meters
If your model was not built in meters,
then it must be scaled
Always verify that the domain extents
are correct
When importing a mesh under
Workbench, the mesh does not need
to be scaled; however, the units are
set to the default MKS system
Any mixed units system can be used
if desired
By default, Fluent uses the SI system of
units (specifically, MKS system)
Any units can be specified in the Set
Units panel, accessed from the Define
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Reordering and Modifying the Grid
The grid can be reordered so that neighboring cells are near each other in the zones
and in memory
Improves efficiency of memory access and reduces the bandwidth of the computation
Reordering can be performed for the entire domain or specific cell zones.
Mesh > Reorder > Domain Mesh > Reorder > Zones

The bandwidth of each partition in the grid can be printed for reference.
Mesh > Reorder > Domain

Face and cell zones can be modified by the following operations in the Mesh menu:
Separation and merge of zones
Fusing of cell zones with merge of duplicate faces and nodes
Translate, rotate, reflect face or cell zones
Extrusion of face zones to extend the domain
Replace a cell zone with another or delete it
Activate and Deactivate cell zones

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ANSYS Fluent: Detailed Workbench File Structure

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File Structure

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Project Folder: File Structure

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dp0: File Structure

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Change Settings + Extra Iterations

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Cell Associations



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Modified Geom/Mesh



.1 in file name indicates a mesh change

-# also changes to indicate a settings change
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Extra Iterations



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Change Settings



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Modified Geom/Mesh

.1 in file name removed: indicates a mesh change

-# also changes to indicate a settings change



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Extra Iterations



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Clear Old Solution Data

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Cleared Solution Data



Solution data associated with current settings is preserved

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Solution Strategies
Settings can be changed via
Case Modification commands

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Solution Strategies
Settings can also be changed via the Project Schematic

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Additional Information
// FLUENT in Workbench User's Guide // 2. Working With
FLUENT in Workbench // 2.15. Understanding the File
Structure for FLUENT in Workbench

// FLUENT in Workbench User's Guide // 2. Working With FLUENT

in Workbench // 2.15. Understanding the File Structure for
FLUENT in Workbench // 2.15.1. FLUENT File Naming in
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