Working Capital Introduction
Working Capital Introduction
Working Capital Introduction
One of the most important areas in the day-to-day management of the firm is the
management of working capital. Working capital management is the functional area of the
finance that covers all the current accounts of the firm. It is concerned with management of
the level of individual current assets as well as the management of total
working capital. Financial management means procurement of funds and effective utilization
of these procured funds. Procurement of funds is firstly concerned for financing working
capital requirement of the firm and secondary for financing fixed assets.
Inadequate working capital means shortage of raw materials, labor etc., resulting in
partial current assets less current liabilities-has no economic meaning in the sense of
implying some type of normative behavior. According to this line of reasoning, it is largely an
accounting artifact. Working capital management, then, is a misnomer.
The working capital of the firm is not managed. The term describes a category of
management decisions affects specific types of current assets and current liabilities. In turn,
those decisions should be rooted in the overall Valuation of the firm.
According to Western and Brigham, Working capital refers to a firms investment in
short term assets- cash, short term securities, accounts receivables and inventories.
From the point of view of time, the term working capital can be divided into two
1.Current Assets:
a. Inventories Raw Materials
Work in progress
Finished goods
Stores and spares
Miscellaneous Goods
Internal External
1. Production policy
2. Nature of the business
3. Credit policy
4. Inventory policy
5. Abnormal factors
6. Market conditions
7. Conditions of supply
8. Business cycle
9. Growth and expansion
10. Level of taxes
11. Dividend policy
12. Price level changes
13. Operating efficiency
1. Production Policy:
The production schedule i.e., the plan for production, has great influence on the level of
the inventories. In some cases raw materials can be produced only in a particular season and
have to be stocked for the production of the whole year. In many others the production cycle
is limited to a part of the year and raw materials have to be accumulated throughout the year.
thus, need for working capital will very according to the production plans.
3. Credit Policy:
A company, which allows liberal credit to its customers, may have higher sales but
consequently will have large amount of funds tied up in sundry debtors. Credit terms, Debt
collection system also influences the level of working capital.
4. Inventory policy:
Large amount of funds is normally locked up in inventory. An efficient firm may stock
raw material for a smaller period and may therefore require lesser amount of working capital.
5. Abnormal factors:
Abnormal factors like strikes, lockouts also require additional working capital.
Recessionary conditions necessitate a higher amount of stock of finished goods.
6. Market conditions:
Market conditions like competition large inventory are essential as delivery has to be off
the self or credit has to be extended on liberal terms when market competition is fierce.
7. Conditions of supply:
If prompt and adequate supply of raw materials requires small investment in inventory. If
supply is scant, seasonal canalized, it is essential to keep longer stocks increasing working
capital requirements.
8. Business cycle:
Business fluctuations lead to cyclical and seasonal changes in production, sales and
effect the working capital requirements.
2. Easy loans: a concern having adequate working capital, high solvency and good
Credit standing can arrange loans from banks on easy and favorable terms.
3. Cash discount: adequate working capital also enables a concern to avail cash
discounts on the purchases and maintaining goodwill.
4. Regular supply of raw materials: sufficient working capital ensures regular supply of
raw materials and continuous production.
7. Crisis handling ability: adequate working capital enables a concern to face business
crisis, such as depression, inflation successfully.
1. A concern which has inadequate working capital cannot pay its short-term liabilities
in time. Thus, it will lose its reputation and shall not be able to obtain good credit
4. The firm cannot pay its day-to-day expenses, which would increase cost and reduce
the profit of the business.
5. It becomes impossible to utilize efficiently the fixed assets due to the non-availability
of liquid funds.
6. The rate of return on investments will also fall with the shortage of working capital.
The working capital cycle refers to the length of time between the firms paying cash
for materials, etc., entering in to the production process/ stock and the inflow of cash from
debtors. Suppose a company has a certain amount of cash it will need raw materials. Some
raw materials will be available on credit but, cash will be paid out for the other part
immediately. Then it has to pay labour cost and incurs factory overheads. These three
combined together will constitute work-in-progress. After the production cycle is complete,
work-in-progress will get converted into sundry debtors. Sundry debtors will be realized in
cash after the expiry of credit period. this cash can again be used for financing of raw
materials, work-in-progress, etc. thus there is a complete cycle from cash to cash where in
cash gets converted into raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods, debtors and finally
into cash again. Short term funds are required to meet the requirements of funds during this
period. This time period is dependent upon the length of time within which the original cash
gets converted into cash again. This cycle is also known as operating cycle or cash cycle.
Working in progress
Credit Sales
Finished goods
Working capital cycle indicates the length of time between companies paying for
materials, entering into stock and receiving the cash from sales of finished goods. It can be
determined by adding the number of days required for each stage in the cycle. For e.g., a
company holds raw materials on an average for 60 days, it gets credit from the supplier for 15
days, production process needs 15 days, finished goods are held for 30 days and 30 days
credit is extended to debtors. The total of all these 120 days, i.e., 60-15+15+30+30 days is the
total working capital cycle.
The determination of working capital cycle helps in the forecast, control and
management of working capital. It indicates the total time lag and the relative significance of
its constituting parts. The duration of working capital cycle may vary depending on the nature
of the business.
The Operating Cycle consists of the following events which continues through the life
of business
1. Management of cash
2. Management of Inventory
3. Management of Receivables
1. Management of cash:
Cash is the important current asset for the operation of the business. Cash is the basic
input needed to keep the business running on continuous basis; it is also the ultimate output
expected to be realized by selling the services of product manufactures by the firm. The firm
should keep sufficient cash, neither more nor less. Cash shortage will disrupt the firms
manufacturing operations while excessive cash will simply remain idle, with out contributing
anything towards the firms profitability. Thus, major functions of the financial manager to
maintain a sound cash position.
Cash is the money, which a firm can disburse immediately with out any restriction.
The term cash includes coins, currency and cheques held by the firm, and balance in its bank
accounts. Some times near cash items, such as marketable securities or bank times deposits,
are also includes in cash. The basic characteristic of near cash assets is that they can readily
be converted to cash. Generally when a firm has excess of near cash, it invests it in
marketable securities. This kind of investment contributes some profit to the firm.
a. Facts of cash management:
Cash management is concerned with the managing of
Cash management assumes more importance than other current assets because it is the
most significant and the least productive asset that a firm holds. It is a significant because it is
used to pay the firms obligations. However, cash is unproductive. Unlike fixed assets or
inventories, it does not produce goods for sales. Therefore, the aim of cash management is to
maintain adequate control over cash position to keep the firm sufficiently liquid and to be use
excess cash in some profitable way.
b. Cash Planning:
Cash inflows and outflows should be planned to project cash surplus or deficit for
each period of the planning period. Cash budget should be prepared for this purpose.
The ideal cash management system will depends on the firms products, organization
structure, competition, culture and option available. The task is complex, and decisions taken
can affect important areas of the firm. For example, to improve collection if the credit period
is reduced, it may affect sales. However, in certain cases, even without fundamental changes,
it possible to significantly reduce cost of cash management system by choosing a right bank
and controlling the collections properly.
i.Transaction motive:
The transaction motive requires a firm to hold cash to conduct its business in the ordinary
cost. The firm needs cash primarily to make payments for purchases, wages and salaries,
other operating expenses, taxes, dividends etc. the need to hold cash would not arise if there
were perfect synchronization between cash receipts and cash payments,i.e., enough cash is
received when the payment has to be made. But cash receipts and payments are not perfectly
synchronized. For those periods, when cash payments exceed cash receipts, the firm should
maintain some cash balance to be able to make required payments. For transaction purpose, a
firm may invest its cash in marketable securities; usually the firm will purchase securities
whose maturity corresponds with some anticipated payments. Such as dividends,or taxes in
the future. Notice that the transactions motive mainly refers to holding cash to met
anticipated payments whose timing is not perfectly matched with receipts.
ii. Precautionary motive:
Afirm also keeps cash balances to meet unexpected cash needs arising out of
unexpected contingencies such as floods,strikes, presentment of bills for payment earlier than
expected date, sharp increase in raw materials price etc,. The more is the possibility of such
contingencies, the more is the amount of cash kept by the firm for meeting them.
g. Cash planning:
Cash planning is a technique to plan and control the use of cash. It protects the
financial condition of the firm by developing a projected cash statement from a forecast of
expected cash inflows and outflows for a given period. The forecast may be used on the
present operations or anticipated future operations. Cash plans are very crucial in developing
the overall operating plans of the firm.
The time horizon of a cash budget may differ from firm to firm. A firm whose
business is affected by seasonal variations may prepare monthly cash budgets. Daily or
weekly budgets should be prepared for determine cash requirements if cash flows extreme
fluctuations. Cash budgets for a longer interval may be prepared if cash flows are relatively
2. Management of Inventory:
The preceding two chapters basic strategies and consideration in managing current
assets namely, cash and receivables are stocks of product a company is manufacturing for
sale and components that make up a product. Inventories like receivables are also a
significant portion of most firms assets and accordingly require substantial investment. To
keep these investments from becoming unnecessarily large, inventories must be managed
efficiently. The various forms in which inventories exist in a manufacturing company are
a) Raw Materials: Raw materials are those basic inputs that are
converted into finished products through the manufacturing process. Raw material
inventories are those units, which have been purchased and stored for future
b) Work-in-progress: The work-in-progress is that stage of stock, which is in between
raw materials and finished goods. They are semi-finished products that need more work
before they become finished products for sale. The quantum of WIP depends on the
time taken in the manufacturing process. The greater the time taken in manufacturing,
the more will be the amount of work-in-progress.
c) Finished goods: Finished goods inventories are those completely manufactured
products, which are ready for sale. Stocks of raw material and work-in-process facilitate
production while stock of finished goods is required for smooth marketing operations.
The level of three kinds of inventories for a firm depends on the nature of its business.
A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories.
A fourth kind of inventory Firm also maintains suppliers. Suppliers include office and
plant cleaning material oil, fuel, light bulbs etc. these materials do not directly enter into
production, but are necessary for production process, usually these supplies are small part of
inventory and do not involve significant investment. Therefore a sophisticated system of
inventory control may not be maintained for them.
2 (a) Need for holding inventory:
There are generally three major motives for holding inventories.
There transactions motive which emphasis the need to maintain inventories to
facilitate smooth production and sale operations.
The speculative motive which includes the decision to increase or reduce inventory levels to
take advantage of price fluctuations.
To manage inventories efficiently and effectively answers should to the following two
questions? How much should be ordered? When should it be ordered?
The first question, how much to order, related in the problem of determining
economic order quantity (EOQ) and is answered with an analysis of costs of maintaining
certain level of inventories. The second question when to order arises because of uncertainty
and is a problem of determining the re-order point.
3. Management of Receivables:
Accounts receivable or trade credit is the most prominent force of the modern
business. It is considered as an essential marketable tool, acting as a bridge for the movement
of goods through production and distribution stages to customers finally. A firm grants credit
to protect its sales from the competitor and to attract potential customers. Trade credit, thus
credit receivable or book debts, which the firm is expected to, collect in future. It also
involved an element of risk as the cash payment has get to be received, hence they has to be
carefully analyzed.