How To Create Newswrap Server (Main Server)
How To Create Newswrap Server (Main Server)
1 Installation
You may need to change your BIOS settings to allow booting from the CD. Press F11 &
select boot from CD-rom.
Installation Number: d2c5-4567-d34e-bb45 and Click Next
Click on drop down box
Create partitions as per sizing given by SISL. For details please refer individual server
sizing details.
After partition creation, following screen will appear.
Do not check Use a boot loader password and Configure advanced boot loader
Click Next.
In Network Devices select Device eth0, Click Edit. Provide IP address and Prefix
(netmask) manually.
Uncheck IPv6 Check Box. Close.
Set the hostname: manually
Provide appropriate hostname and Gateway in Miscellaneous Settings. No need to
provide Primary / Secondary DNS.
Click Next.
Click on Asia and then India, it will take Asia / Calcutta.
Click Next.
2. Installing Packages
o Software will be copied to the hard disk and installed. Change disks as prompted.
All six CDs will be asked.
3. Congratulations
o Remove the installation media from the system, and click on Reboot .
The first time you start your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system in run level 5 (the graphical
run level), the Setup Agent is presented, which guides you through the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux configuration. Using this tool, you can set your system time and date, install software,
register your machine with Red Hat Network, and more. The Setup Agent lets you configure
your environment at the beginning, so that you can get started using your Red Hat Enterprise
Linux system quickly.
4. License Agreement
o Read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, select Yes, I agree to the
License Agreement and click on Next.
5. Firewall Configuration
o For the purposes of this walk-through, no firewall is configured. Select No
o Select Disabled on the "Enable SELinux" drop down list.
o Click on Proceed when the "Warning - No Firewall" window appears.
6. Date and Time
o Set the Date and Time.
7. Display
o Accept the defaults or change as required.
8. Red Hat Login
o Do not register now
o Click Next
9. System User
o Create an account engineer.
o Type in password for user engineer
10. Additional CDs
o Click on Next.
11. Finish Setup
o Click on Next.
12. A graphical login screen appears.
13. Congratulations! Your RHEL5.1 software is now installed. It Reboots.
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Add the following lines to the /etc/sysctl.conf file:
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
# semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
Run the following command to change the current kernel parameters:
/sbin/sysctl -p
Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
Add the following line to the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already
session required /lib/security/
Disable secure linux by editing the /etc/selinux/config file, making sure the
SELINUX flag is set as follows:
SELINUX=disabledAlternatively, this alteration can be done using the GUI tool (Desktop >
System Settings > Security Level). Click on the SELinux tab and disable the feature.
Setup Install the following packages:
# From download
rpm -Uvh openmotif21-2.1.30-14.i386.rpm
Create the new groups and users:
groupadd oinstall
groupadd dba
groupadd oper
Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed:
mkdir -p /home/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
chown -R oracle.oinstall /home
Login as root and issue the following command:
xhost +<machine-name>
Edit the /etc/redhat-release file replacing the current release information
Login as the oracle user and add the following lines at the end of the
.bash_profile file:
# Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP
Installed java
And set the export path
Oracle# export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-AMD64-142-SDK-1.4.2-11.0.x86_64
Log into the oracle user. If you are using X emulation then set the DISPLAY environmental
DISPLAY=<machine-name>:0.0; export DISPLAYStart the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
by issuing the following command in the database directory:
Condition: - How to make main server
Imp: - make all change with oracle login only
1 > Stop all programs which are related to oracle like communication, ftp, PTI, extractor etc.
2 > Export the database from (main server) that is old one for creating data base
(/bin#./exp (press enter)
Export dump file should have proper path and x-tation (path =
Note: - make necessary changes on main and backup server (tnsname.ora and
Make changes on IP address, Network and hosts file (for reference see bottom
Before import database go to the
[oracle@mainserver ~]cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@mainserver ~]cd bin
[oracle@mainserver]$ ./sqlplus
1. Copy the Export Dump file into the local server derive
Login as oracle
[oracle@mainserver ~]cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@mainserver ~]cd bin
[oracle@mainserver ~]$ ./sqlplus
SQL> conn sys as sysdba
SQL>password: newswrap
SQL>connected as idle ins.
SQL>create user editorial identified by ganesha;
SQL>grant dba to editorial;
SQL>grant all privilege to editorial;
[oracle@mainserver ~]cd bin
[oracle@mainserver ~]$ ./imp USERID=editorial FULL=N FROMUSER=editorial
TOUSER=editorial IGNORE=true
user:editorial(press enter)
Pwd:ganesha(press enter)
Import file: Derive:\filename.dmp (press enter); give the dump file name
Buffer size: 500000 (press enter)
List content import file only No (press enter)
Ignore create error view to object extent No (press enter)
Import Grant Yes (press enter)
Import table data Yes (press enter)
Import Entire Export file No (press enter)
Put user name = editorial
4 > setting of global name on main and backup server run all following command on #SQL>
Thanking you