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Te e n Readers Stage 1

Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classics

and specially written stories for learners of English.

Janet Borsbey & Ruth Swan

The Boat Race Mystery
The teams are getting ready. The Oxford Cambridge Boat Race
is only weeks away and Sams brother is on the team. But whats

Janet Borsbey & Ruth Swan The Boat Race Mystery T e e n E L I R e a d e r s

Stage 1
happening at the boat house? Why are some people from the team ill?
Was the fire at the boat house an accident? Sam and his friends dont
think so, and they need to find out.

In this reader you will find:

- Information about Oxford and Cambridge
- The story of the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race
- Glossary of difficult words
- Extension Activities

Mystery Fair Play

Stage 1 Elementary 600 headwords A1 Movers

Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate 800 headwords A2 Flyers/Key
Stage 3 Intermediate 1000 headwords B1 Preliminary


Audio CD
TE e B 97

EN oa 8-8

EL LI R ace 36-
E R 8-5
I s E M 17
.r. AD ys 51

Te e n Readers
l. E te -4 ELT
RS ry

Te e n Readers A1

The ELI Readers collection is a

complete range of books and plays
for readers of all ages, ranging from
captivating contemporary stories
to timeless classics. There are three
series, each catering for a different age
group; Young ELI Readers, Teen ELI
Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers.
The books are carefully edited and
beautifully illustrated to capture the
essence of the stories and plots. The
readers are supplemented with Focus
on texts packed with background
cultural information about the writers
and their lives and times.
The FSC certification For this series of ELI
guarantees that the paper graded readers, we
used in these publications have planted 5000
comes from certified new trees.
forests, promoting
responsible forestry
management worldwide.
Janet Borsbey & Ruth Swan

The Boat
Race Mystery
Illustrated by Thomas Campi

Te e n Readers
The authors would like to thank:
all the team at Eli and E. Chuther.
A special thanks to Michael Swan and Sidney Theskwid.

The Boat Race Mystery

by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan
Illustrated by Thomas Campi

Activities and focus pages by

Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan

ELI Readers
Founder and Series Editors
Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director)

Graphic Design
Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei

Airone Comunicazione

Production Manager
Francesco Capitano

Photo credits
Shutterstock, Getty Images

2014 ELI s.r.l.

P.O. Box 6
62019 Recanati (MC)
T +39 071750701
F +39 071977851
[email protected]

Typeset in 13 / 18 pt Monotype Dante

Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati - ERT 116.O1

ISBN 978-88-536-1751-4
First edition: March 2014

6 Main Characters
8 Before you read
10 Chapter One Shorty Comes Home
18 Activities
20 Chapter Two Fire!
28 Activities
30 Chapter Three Get an Ambulance!
38 Activities
40 Chapter Four Talking to Max
48 Activities
50 Chapter Five The Race
56 Activities
58 Focus on... Oxford and Cambridge
60 Focus on... The Oxford and Cambridge
Boat Race
62 Test yourself
63 Syllabus

These icons indicate the parts of the story that are recorded
start stop
Before you read

1 Sports. You will find these words in this story. Match
them to their definitions.

to train (v) /treIn/ to row (v) /reU/ to throw (v) /TreU/

to win (v) /wIn/ d to jump (v) /dZmp/
a crew (n) /kru/ a boathouse (n) /"beUthaUs/
a squad (n) /skwd/ a race (n) /reIs/

a) you do this to a ball when you want someone to catch it

b) become the best in a game or sport
c) use a piece of wood to make a boat go fast
d) you do this on a trampoline; a kangaroo does this
e) work very hard to prepare for a sport
f) a way to find the best person or team in sport
g) a large number of people who are working to be in a
h) the people who are in a water sports team
i) boats are here when no-one is using them

2 Find the words in the word snake. Put them into the right
ncehospitalfire tpo
ula en g en





ram ra
ed f fi ce
ar ion


people vehicles places problems


3 Put the adjectives into the right sentences. Use your
dictionary to help you.

afraid angry lucky proud sure ill

1 Teachers sometimes shout when they are ....................... .
2 Some people are ....................... of flying.
3 In some countries its ....................... to see a black cat. In
others it isnt.
4 When you have a cold, you feel ....................... .
5 I cant find my pen! Im ....................... I put it on the table.
6 You feel ....................... when you do something well.

Reading & Vocabulary

4 Read this information about rowing in Oxford. Use your
English-English dictionary to help you, then write the
translation in your language of the words in red.
This book is about three young people who live in Oxford,
an old university city in England. Oxford is famous for its
beautiful university colleges and is on the River Thames.
There two exciting college boat races in Oxford every
year: Torpids and Eights. The boats start at the same time,
about 28 m apart. Each boat has to catch the boat in front
of it. The river isnt straight and sometimes the boats have
to turn to go around a corner. People stand on the paths
by the river and on the bridges over the river to watch
their college boats.
1 a college ............................. 5 around ..................................
2 in front of ............................. 6 a path ....................................
3 to turn ................................... 7 a bridge ................................
4 a corner ...............................

Chapter 1

Shorty Comes Home

2 I didnt do it! I didnt do it, coach!

Im sorry, Shorty, said the coach in a quiet voice*, but
I cant help you. I dont want you in the squad any more.
The coach opened the door and left the Oxford
boathouse. Shorty, the tallest person in the squad,
looked at the other rowers. No-one said anything.
I didnt do anything, said Shorty. He looked at his
best friend, Pete?
Pete didnt look up.
You heard the coach, Shorty, now go, someone said.
Youre not the coach, Max, said one of the
Australians. Come with me, Shorty, come outside.
The two young men left the room. Someone
laughed*; Max, Shorty was sure.
Back inside the boathouse, three of the rowers were
angry. Why didnt you say anything, Pete? asked one
of the Canadians. Hes your best friend! Why didnt
you go with him?
Pete didnt answer; he looked at his feet.

a voice you use your voice when you to laugh when you think something
speak. Your voice makes the noise is funny, you often laugh. You make a
noise because you are happy

The Boat Race Mystery

Max, of course, had a lot to say. Petes afraid! He wants

to stay in the squad. Coach is right; Shortys the problem.
We cant row with someone like* him.
It was a long bike ride from the river to Shortys parents
house past all the colleges. Shorty didnt know what to
do. He didnt know how to tell his parents. They were very
proud of him. They were proud of him because he was a
student at the famous university; and they were proud of
him because he had a place in the Oxford rowing squad.
He rode slowly, thinking about his parents and then he
remembered Sam. Sam! Shorty went around the corner
into his street and there he was, his brother Sam, in the
garden, playing baseball with that funny girl.
Shorty! shouted* Sam. How was training? Hows
my famous brother?
Shut up, said Shorty, getting off* his bike. Are Mum
and Dad home?
Dads in the garden, Mums at work.
Shorty walked past his brother and into the house.
Sam and Lisa looked at each other.
Whats wrong with him? said Lisa. Is he too
important to speak to his little brother?

like sometimes like is a preposition. It to get off when you get off your bike,
means the same as or in the same way you stop riding it. You walk or run
to shout when someone cant hear you,
you make a lot of noise when you speak

Chapter One - Shorty Comes Home

Shut up! shouted Sam, and he ran into the house.

From the kitchen window, Sam could see his brother
and his father, but he couldnt hear them. He decided not to
go outside. He watched for a long time. Then, he heard the
door open and his mother walked into the kitchen. Hello,
Sam, she said. Good day at school? Wheres your father?
In the garden. Hes talking to Shorty.
Your brothers home early, said Sams mum.
I know and he isnt very happy.
Whats wrong, Sameer? Sams mum was afraid.
Then, Shorty looked up. He saw his mum and
brother at the kitchen window.
Shortys crying* like a baby! said Sam. Whys he
A short time later, they understood why.
Someone took some money from the boathouse, said
Shorty. Everyone thinks it was me. The money was in my
bag, but I didnt take it; someone put it there. It wasnt me.
But why did someone do that? asked his father.
I dont know. But, Im not in the squad any more and
everyone thinks I took the money.
Of course you didnt! said Sam. Theres an answer
to this. Well find it, I know.

to cry people cry when they are sad and

babies cry when they are hungry

Chapter One - Shorty Comes Home

Sam couldnt sleep that night. Whats the problem at
the boathouse? Why did someone put the money in
Shortys bag? he thought. Why does everyone think it
was my brother? Shorty doesnt cry.
At about four oclock in the morning, he turned on the
light*. I need to make a plan*, he thought. Its Saturday
tomorrow. I need to talk to Lisa. We need to know who
took the money and who put it in Shortys bag.
The next morning, Sam had breakfast very early. He
put on his jacket and got his baseball things. Weve got
a game, see you later, he said to his father as he ran
It was half-past eight when Sam arrived* at Lisas
house. It was very quiet. He decided* to send a message.
Meet me outside now with your baseball things.
Five minutes later, Lisa came outside.
Im sorry that I shouted at you, yesterday, said Sam
in a quiet voice.
Thats OK. Whats wrong? she asked. Is it Shorty?
Sam told Lisa everything.
We must start at the boathouse, she said. The
answer is at the boathouse.

a light when a room is dark you need a light to see to arrive you arrive at school in the morning
to make a plan a plan helps you to know what to and you leave school in the afternoon
do. When you say, first Ill do this, then Ill do this, to decide Sam doesnt know what to do. He
then Ill do this, thats making a plan thinks for a minute, then he sends a message.
This means he decides to send a message
The Boat Race Mystery

LISA JANE HARTLEY! Come back here! They heard

from Lisas house. Take Jason with you this morning.
MUM! Im playing baseball this morning. Hes too
young! Then she said to Sam, Arent we lucky? Were
fourteen and hes eleven!
Dont worry, your brothers OK, said Sam. Perhaps*
he can help.
Jason ran outside. Where are we going? he asked.
He was very happy.
To the river, said Sam.
Boring, said Jason.
Down at the river, it was very quiet. It was warm for
late October. The three friends decided to sit on a wall
by the boathouse and make a plan.
We need to know about the money. We need to talk
to everyone, said Lisa.
Shh. Theyre coming, said Sam.
A group of rowers arrived at the boathouse by bike.
Todays the day! said one of them, getting off his bike.
Dont! said one of the others.
What does he mean? asked Lisa.
The coach is going to decide the crew for the

perhaps you say perhaps when

you arent sure e.g. perhaps itll rain

Chapter One - Shorty Comes Home

boat race today. Well, the final* eight and two others.
Everyone else goes into the second boat.
Mmm, said Lisa. Thats a motive.
What does motive mean? asked Jason.
Its why you do something. The police always look
for a motive. Shh.
Some more rowers came around the corner, got off
their bikes and left them outside the boathouse. They
went inside. Then, more rowers arrived with the coach,
but no-one looked at the three friends on the wall.
Sam, Lisa and Jason waited outside. Jason was bored,
and he got off the wall and he started to play with the
ball. He threw it to Sam, who threw it back to him.
An old man in work clothes came outside from a
small door in the boathouse. Hello, Sam, he said.
Hello, Mr Pullen, said Sam, throwing the ball again.
Im sorry about Shorty, said Mr Pullen. He didnt
take that money, Im sure. And hes a very good rower.
Pullen! Someone shouted from the boathouse.
Come and help me with this seat*!
Coming Max, said Mr Pullen and he walked into
the boathouse.

the final (here) the top eight people. The a seat you sit on a seat
final also means the end or the last

After-reading Activities

Stop & Check

1 Characters. Complete the sentences with the name and
the possessive 's.
Mrs Hartleys
1 Lisa is ...................................... daughter.
2 Lisa is ............................................ friend.
3 Jason is ..................................... brother.
4 Jason is ............................................. son.
5 Shorty is .................................... brother.
6 Pete is ................................. best friend.

2a Lisa didnt want her mum to understand her message to
Sam. Use the key below. Can you read her message?
___ ___ ____ __ ___ _____ ________?_ _ _ _ _
____ ________ ______.



2b Can you see how the code works? The message below
will help.
____ __ ___ _______ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

2c Work in pairs. Use the key. Write your own message for
your partner.

3 When there is too much rain, people cant row. Look at the
Oxford rain chart. Write the months in the sentences.


RAINFALL mm/month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 There was 20 mm more rain in ......................... September than in

2 ......................... and ......................... were the driest months.
3 ......................... was the wettest month.
4 There was 20 mm less rain in ......................... than in
5 In ......................... and ......................... there was 10 mm less
rain than in November.
6 There was the same amount of rain in January and
......................... .

Before-reading Activity

4 Work in pairs. Look at the picture on page 27 and answer
the questions.
1 What time of day is it?
2 Who can you see in the picture?
3 What are they wearing?
4 Where is the fire?
5 What do you think? Who started the fire?

Focus on...

The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

Sport is very important at Oxford and Cambridge. When the two universities play against each
other in a sport, people in the team usually get a Blue this says that they are top sports
people. Rowing, cricket and rugby are the most famous Oxford-Cambridge matches.

The first Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
was in 1829 and Oxford won. In 1856, the
universities started to have the race every
year on the River Thames in London. The first
womens Boat Race was in 1927, but they
didnt have the race every year till the 1960s.

The Course
The Boat Race is on the River Thames in
London and it goes from Putney Bridge to
Mortlake, which is 4.2 miles or about 6.8
kilometres. The fastest race was in 1998, when
Cambridge won in 16 minutes and 9 seconds.
Te e n Readers

Stage 1
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
Maureen Simpson, In Search of a Missing Friend
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
J. Borsbey & R. Swan, The Boat Race Mystery

Stage 2
Maria Luisa Banfi, A Faraway World
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Mary Flagan, The Egyptian Souvenir
Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Edited by Liz Ferretti, Dear Diary...
Angela Tomkinson, Loving London

Stage 3
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
Anonymous, Robin Hood
Mary Flagan, Vals Diary
Maureen Simpson, Destination Karminia
Jack London, The Call of the Wild
Anna Claudia Ramos, Expedition Brazil
Te e n Readers Stage 1

Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classics

and specially written stories for learners of English.

Janet Borsbey & Ruth Swan

The Boat Race Mystery
The teams are getting ready. The Oxford Cambridge Boat Race
is only weeks away and Sams brother is on the team. But whats

Janet Borsbey & Ruth Swan The Boat Race Mystery T e e n E L I R e a d e r s

Stage 1
happening at the boat house? Why are some people from the team ill?
Was the fire at the boat house an accident? Sam and his friends dont
think so, and they need to find out.

In this reader you will find:

- Information about Oxford and Cambridge
- The story of the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race
- Glossary of difficult words
- Extension Activities

Mystery Fair Play

Stage 1 Elementary 600 headwords A1 Movers

Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate 800 headwords A2 Flyers/Key
Stage 3 Intermediate 1000 headwords B1 Preliminary


Audio CD
TE e B 97

EN oa 8-8

EL LI R ace 36-
E R 8-5
I s E M 17
.r. AD ys 51

Te e n Readers
l. E te -4 ELT
RS ry


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