Problem Set For Hydro

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6.4 For flow of SAE 30 oil through a 5-cm-diameter pipe, from Fig. A.

1, for what flow

rate in m3/h would we expect transition to turbulence at (a) 20C and (b) 100C?

Solution: For SAE 30 oil take = 891 kg/m 3 and take = 0.29 kg/ms at 20C (Table A.3)
and 0.01 kg/m-s at 100C (Fig A.1). Write the critical Reynolds number in terms of flow
rate Q:
VD 4Q 4(891 kg/m3 )Q
(a) Re crit = 2300 = = = ,
D (0.29 kg/ms)(0.05 m)
m3 m3
solve Q = 0.0293 = 106 Ans. (a)
s h
VD 4Q 4(891 kg/m3 )Q
(b) Re crit = 2300 = = = ,
D (0.010 kg/ms)(0.05 m)

m3 m3
solve Q = 0.00101 = 3.6 Ans. (b)
s h

6.21 In Tinyland, houses are less than a

foot high! The rainfall is laminar! The
drainpipe in Fig. P6.21 is only 2 mm in
diameter. (a) When the gutter is full, what
is the rate of draining? (b) The gutter is
designed for a sudden rainstorm of up to
5 mm per hour. For this condition, what is

the maximum roof area that can be drained

successfully? (c) What is Red?

Solution: If the velocity at the gutter

surface is neglected, the energy equation
reduces to

V2 32 LV Fig. P6.21
z = + h f , where h f ,laminar =
2g gd 2

For water, take = 998 kg/m3 and = 0.001 kg/ms. (a) With z known, this is a
quadratic equation for the pipe velocity V:
V2 32(0.001 kg/ms)(0.2 m )V
0.2 m = + ,
2(9.81 m/s ) (998 kg/m3 )(9.81 m/s2 )(0.002 m )2

or: 0.051V 2 + 0.1634V 0.2 = 0, Solve for V = 0.945 ,

m m 3
m 3
Q = (0.002 m)2 0.945 = 2.97E6 = 0.0107 Ans. (a)
4 s s h

(b) The roof area needed for maximum rainfall is 0.0107 m3/h 0.005 m/h = 2.14 m2. Ans. (b)
(c) The Reynolds number of the gutter is Red = (998)(0.945)(0.002)/(0.001) = 1890
laminar. Ans. (c)
6.29 Oil, with = 890 kg/m3 and = 0.07 kg/ms, flows through a horizontal pipe 15 m
long. The power delivered to the flow is 1 hp. (a) What is the appropriate pipe diameter if

the flow is at the laminar transition point? For this condition, what are (b) Q in m3/h; and

(c) w in kPa?

Solution: (a, b) Set the Reynolds number equal to 2300 and the (laminar) power equal to 1 hp:

(890 kg/m3 )Vd

Re d = 2300 = or Vd = 0.181 m 2 /s
0.07 kg/ms

32 LV
Power = 1 hp = 745.7 W = Qplaminar = d 2V = 32(0.07)(15)V 2
4 d 2 4
Solve for V = 5.32 and d = 0.034 m Ans. (a)
It follows that Q = ( /4)d V = ( /4)(0.034 m) (5.32 m/s) = 0.00484 m /s = 17.4 m /h
2 2 3 3 Ans. (b)
(c) From Eq. (6.12), the wall shear stress is

8V 8(0.07 kg/ms)(5.32 m/s)

w = = = 88 Pa = 0.088 kPa Ans. (c)

d (0.034 m )

6.37 Two infinite plates a distance h

apart are parallel to the xz plane with the
upper plate moving at speed V, as in

Fig. P6.37. There is a fluid of viscosity

and constant pressure between the plates.
Neglecting gravity and assuming incompres-
sible turbulent flow u(y) between the plates, Fig. P6.37
use the logarithmic law and appropriate
boundary conditions to derive a formula for dimensionless wall shear stress versus
dimensionless plate velocity. Sketch a typical shape of the profile u(y).

Solution: The shear stress between parallel plates is constant, so the centerline velocity

must be exactly u = V/2 at y = h/2. Anti-symmetric log-laws form, one with increasing

velocity for 0 < y < h/2, and one with decreasing velocity for h/2 < y < h, as shown below:

The match-point at the center gives us a log-law estimate of the shear stress:
V 1 hu*
ln + B, 0.41, B 5.0, u* = ( w / )1/2 Ans.
2u* 2
This is one form of dimensionless shear stress. The more normal form is friction

coefficient versus Reynolds number. Calculations from the log-law fit a Power-law
curve-fit expression in the range 2000 < Reh < 1E5:
w 0.018 0.018
Cf = = Ans.
(1/2)V 2
(Vh/ )1/4

6.40 Theodore von Krmn in 1930 theorized that turbulent shear could be represented
by turb = du/dy where = 2y2du/dy is called the mixing-length eddy viscosity and
0.41 is Krmns dimensionless mixing-length constant [2,3]. Assuming that turb w
near the wall, show that this expression can be integrated to yield the logarithmic-overlap
law, Eq. (6.28).

Solution: This is accomplished by straight substitution:

du 2 2 du du du u*
turb w = u*2 = = y , solve for =
dy dy dy dy y

u* dy u*

Integrate: du = y
, or: u =

ln(y) + constant Ans.

To convert this to the exact form of Eq. (6.28) requires fitting to experimental data.

6.54* A swimming pool W by Y by h deep is to be emptied by gravity through the long

pipe shown in Fig. P6.54. Assuming an average pipe friction factor fav and neglecting

minor losses, derive a formula for the time to empty the tank from an initial level ho.

Fig. P6.54

Solution: With no driving pressure and negligible tank surface velocity, the energy
equation can be combined with a control-volume mass conservation:
V2 L V2 2 gh dh
h(t ) = + fav , or: Qout = ApipeV = D 2 = WY
2g D 2g 4 1 + fav L/D dt

We can separate the variables and integrate for time to drain:

( )
t 0
2g dh

1 + fav L/D dt = WY
= WY 0 2 ho
0 ho

4WY 2 ho (1 + fav L/ D )
Clean this up to obtain: tdrain Ans.
D2 g

6.76 The small turbine in Fig. P6.76

extracts 400 W of power from the water
flow. Both pipes are wrought iron. Compute

the flow rate Q m3/h. Sketch the EGL and

HGL accurately.

Solution: For water, take = 998 kg/m3

and = 0.001 kg/ms. For wrought iron,
take 0.046 mm, hence /d1 = 0.046/60
0.000767 and /d2 = 0.046/40 0.00115. Fig. P6.76
The energy equation, with V1 0 and p1 =
p2, gives

V2 L V2 L V2
z1 z 2 = 20 m = 2 + h f2 + h f1 + h turbine , h f1 = f1 1 1 and h f2 = f2 2 2
2g d1 2g d 2 2g
P 400 W
Also, h turbine = = and Q = d12 V1 = d 22 V2
gQ 998(9.81)Q 4 4

The only unknown is Q, which we may determine by iteration after an initial guess:
400 8f L Q 2 8f L Q 2 8Q 2
h turb = = 20 12 1 5 22 2 5 2 4
998(9.81)Q gd1 gd 2 gd 2
m3 4Q
Guess Q = 0.003 , then Re1 = = 63500, f1,Moody 0.0226,
s d1

Re 2 = 95300, f2 0.0228.

But, for this guess, hturb(left hand side) 13.62 m, hturb(right hand side) 14.53 m (wrong).
3 3
Other guesses converge to hturb 9.9 meters. For Q 0.00413 m /s 15 m /h. Ans.

6.83 For the system of Fig. P6.55, let z =
80 m and L = 185 m of cast-iron pipe.
What is the pipe diameter for which the
flow rate will be 7 m /h?

Solution: For water, take = 998 kg/m3

and = 0.001 kg/ms. For cast iron, take
0.26 mm, but d is unknown. The energy
equation is simply Fig. P6.55

8fLQ 2 8f(185)(7/3600)2 5.78E5f
z = 80 m = h f = = = , or d 0.0591f 1/5
2 gd 5 2 (9.81)d 5 d5
4 Q
Guess f 0.03, d = 0.0591(0.03)1/5 0.0293 m, Re = 84300, 0.00887
d d

Iterate: fbetter 0.0372, dbetter 0.0306 m, Rebetter 80700, /d|better 0.00850, etc.
The process converges to f 0.0367, d 0.0305 m. Ans.

P6.93 In Moodys Example 6.6, the 6-inch diameter, 200-ft-long asphalted cast iron pipe has a
pressure drop of about 280 lbf/ft2 when the average water velocity is 6 ft/s. Compare this to an

annular cast iron pipe with an inner diameter of 6 in and the same annular average velocity of 6
(a) What outer diameter would cause the flow to have the same pressure drop of 280 lbf/ft ?
(b) How do the cross-section areas compare, and why? Use the hydraulic diameter


Solution: Recall the Ex. 6.6 data, = 0.0004 ft. For water at 68F, take = 1.94 slug/ft3 and =

2.09E-5 slug/ft-sec. The hydraulic diameter of an annulus is Dh = 2(Ro Ri), where Ri = 0.25 ft.
We know the pressure drop, hence the head loss is

L V2 200 ft (6 ft / s ) 2 p 280 lbf / ft 2
hf = f = f = = = 4.49 ft
Dh 2 g 2( Ro 0.25 ft ) 32.2 ft / s 2 g 62.4 lbf / ft 3

We do not know f or Ro. The additional relation is the Moody friction factor correlation:

1 / Dh 2.51 VDh (1.94)(6.0)[2( Ro 0.25)]
2.0 log10 ( + ) where Re Dh = =
f 3 .7 Re Dh f 2.09 E 5

(a) For = 0.0004 ft, solve these two simultaneously, using EES or Excel, to obtain

f = 0.0199 ; Re Dho = 276,000 ; Ro = 0.498 ft Ans.(a )

(b) The annular gap is 0.498 0.25 = 0.248 ft, just about equal to the inner radius. However, the
annular area is three times the area of Moodys pipe! Ans .(b) The annular pipe has much

more wall area than a hollow pipe, more friction, so more area is needed to match the pressure

6.109 In Fig. P6.109 there are 125 ft of
2-in pipe, 75 ft of 6-in pipe, and 150 ft of

3-in pipe, all cast iron. There are three

90 elbows and an open globe valve, all
flanged. If the exit elevation is zero, what
horsepower is extracted by the turbine
when the flow rate is 0.16 ft3/s of water at
Fig. P6.109

Solution: For water at 20C, take = 1.94 slug/ft3 and = 2.09E5 slug/fts. For cast
iron, 0.00085 ft. The 2, 6, and 3 pipes have, respectively,

(a) L/d = 750, /d = 0.0051; (b) L/d = 150, /d = 0.0017;

(c) L/d = 600, /d = 0.0034

The flow rate is known, so each velocity, Reynolds number, and f can be calculated:

0.16 ft 1.94(7.33)(2/12)
Va = = 7.33 ; Rea = = 113500, fa 0.0314
(2/12) /4
s 2.09E5

Also, Vb = 0.82 ft/s, Re b = 37800, fc 0.0266; Vc = 3.26, Re c = 75600, fc 0.0287

Finally, the minor loss coefficients may be tabulated:

sharp 2 entrance: K = 0.5; three 2 90 elbows: K = 3(0.95)

2 sudden expansion: K 0.79; 3 open globe valve: K 6.3

The turbine head equals the elevation difference minus losses and the exit velocity head:

h t = z h f h m Vc2 /(2g)

= 100 [0.0314(750) + 0.5 + 3(0.95) + 0.79]

(0.82)2 (3.26)2
(0.0266)(150) [0.0287(600) + 6.3 + 1] 72.8 ft
2(32.2) 2(32.2)
The resulting turbine power = gQht = (62.4)(0.16)(72.8) 550 1.32 hp. Ans.

6.113 The parallel galvanized-iron pipe

system of Fig. P6.113 delivers water at

20C with a total flow rate of 0.036 m3/s. If

the pump is wide open and not running, with
a loss coefficient K = 1.5, determine (a) the
flow rate in each pipe and (b) the overall
pressure drop.

Fig. P6.113

Solution: For water at 20C, take = 998 kg/m3 and = 0.001 kg/ms. For galvanized
iron, = 0.15 mm. Assume turbulent flow, with p the same for each leg:

L1 V12 V22 L2
h f1 = f1 = h f2 + h m2 = f2 d + 1.5 ,
d1 2g 2g 2

and Q1 + Q2 = ( /4)d12 V1 + ( /4)d22 V2 = Q total = 0.036 m3 /s

When the friction factors are correctly found from the Moody chart, these two equations
may be solved for the two velocities (or flow rates). Begin by guessing f 0.020:

60 V1
V22 55
(0.02) = (0.02) + 1.5 , solve for V1 1.10V2
0.05 2(9.81) 2(9.81) 0.04

m m
then (0.05)2 (1.10V2 ) + (0.04)2 V2 = 0.036. Solve V2 10.54
, V1 11.59
4 4 s s
Correct Re1 578000, f1 0.0264, Re 2 421000, f2 0.0282, repeat.

The 2nd iteration converges: f1 0.0264, V1 = 11.69 m/s, f2 0.0282, V2 = 10.37 m/s,

Q1 = A1V1 = 0.023 m3/s, Q2 = A2V2 = 0.013 m3/s. Ans. (a)

The pressure drop is the same in either leg:

L1 V12 L 2 V22
p = f1 = f2 + 1.5 2.16E6 Pa Ans. (b)
d1 2 d2 2

C6.4 Suppose you build a house out in the boonies, where you need to run a pipe to
the nearest water supply, which fortunately is about 1 km above the elevation of your
house. The gage pressure at the water supply is 1 MPa. You require a minimum of
3 gal/min when your end of the pipe is open to the atmosphere. To minimize cost, you
want to buy the smallest possible diameter pipe with an extremely smooth surface.
(a) Find the total head loss from pipe inlet to exit, neglecting minor losses.
(b) Which is more important to this
problem, the head loss due to elevation
difference, or the head loss due to pressure
drop in the pipe?
(c) Find the minimum required pipe diameter.

Solution: Convert 3.0 gal/min to

1.89E4 m /s. Let 1 be the inlet and 2 be
the outlet and write the steady-flow energy
equation: Fig. C6.4
p1gage 1V12 p2 gage 2V22
+ + z1 = + + z2 + h f
g 2g g 2g
p1gage 1E 6 kPa
or: h f = z1 z2 + = 1000 m + = 1000 + 102 = 1102 m Ans. (a)
g 998(9.81)
(b) Thus, elevation drop of 1000 m is more important to head loss than p/g = 102 m.
(c) To find the minimum diameter, iterate between flow rate and the Moody chart:

L V2 1 2.51 Q
hf = f , L = 6000 m, = 2 log , V = 2 ,
d 2g f Re f d /4

m3 Vd
Q = 1.89E4
, Re =
s v
We are given hf = 1102 m and water = 1.005E6 m /s. We can iterate, if necessary, or
use EES, which can swiftly arrive at the final result:

fsmooth = 0.0266; Re = 17924; V = 1.346 m/s; d min = 0.0134 m Ans. (c)

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