Aiaa 1991 2510

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No. 91-2510



B.I. Gubanov

Chief Designer of the Energia Heavy-Lift Vehicle,

Soviet Union

27th Joint Propulsion Conference
June 24-26, 1991 / Sacramento, CA
far permission to m p y or republish. contact
American lnstiute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C.20024-2518
The RD-I70 is the most powerful liquid rocket engine in the
-- 6O world. It has four chambers and operates with postbuming of
*" oxidizer-rich generator gas. The engine is in successful sewice
on first stages of the Energia and Zenit launchers.
-- 50 The RD-I70 engine is produced both as an expendable and
reusable (up to 10 flights) unit. Its exploitation opens great
possibilities for creation of permanently operating orbital stations
-- 40 and realization of manned flights to Mars. The RD-I70 engine
was developed by the Energomash Design Bureau during 1974
- 1990 under the leadership of V. P. Glushko and
__ 3o V. P. Radovsky.
Thrust at sea level, tons 740
--O' Thrust in vacuum, tons 806
Specific impulse at sea level, s 309
Specific impulse in vacuum, s 331
-- 10
Combustion chamber pressure, kdsq cm 250
Dry mass, kg 9755
- Propellants:

____..__ .. length 4015

* Chief Designer of the Energia Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle, diameter at the nozzle exit plane (in transport 3656
Soviet Union.
Angle of engine chambers swinging in two *8
planes for thrust vector control, degrees
Eneine Structure Launch vehicle main engines start is accomplished throogli a
preliminary stage with controlled thrust variation vs. time.
The RD-170 engine consists of Before shutdown the engines are switched to the tailoff tlinist
regime that is SO% of the nominal thrust level.
four chambers:
a high-pressure turbopiinip (HPTP);
Prior to January I , 1991 there were 804 engine firing tests W
with overall fire duration of 93300 sand 22 engines werc flight
a low-pressure fuel turbopump ( L P R P ) tested during the Zenit and Energia flights.
a low-pressure oxidizer turbopump (LPOTP);
In accordance with plans, ground lifetime firing tests of the
two prebumers; RD-I70 engine modification will be completed in 1991 and
a conuol blnck for automatic devices; demonstrate possibility of engine multiple (up to 10) flight use.
a set of pressure tanks;
RD-I20 Eneine
ilhydraulic system for automatic device actuators:
a hydraulic system for control actiiators; RD- 120 is a single-chamber liquid rocket engine with ii t u r ~
bopump fecding system providing postburning of oxidixr-rich
six actuators for automatic devices; generator gas. Thc cngine is intended for the =nit launcher
eight control actuators; second stage. Propell;u!t ignition is executed by means of the
starting fuel.
a preburner fuel flow-rate regulator;
two oxidizer throttles; A combination of enpcrience, uadition and advanced design
a fucl throttle; and technology decisions has ensured successful creation of a
highly reliable engine. Full scale development and a flight test
oxidizer and fuel starting and isolating valves; program was successfully completed. RD-I20 engine modifics~
four ;mmpules with starting fuel; tions can be used on first stages of launchers.
a small starting tank; Specifications
a thrust structure;
a heat shield base; Thrust in vacuum, tons 85
Specific impulse in vacuum, s 3.50
emergency protcction systen! sensors;
two heat exchangers for helium (oxidizer tank pressurant oxidizer liquid oxygen
gas) heating fuel kerosene
Combustion chamber pressure, kdsq cm 166
The engine uses a staged combustion power cycle, i.e.,
working gas is routcd to the chambers after the turbine. Dry mass, kg 112s
Engine dimensions, mm:
The chamber is an inseparable unit and manufactured with IenXth 3870
use of brazing and welding processes. It consists ofa main diameter 1950
injcctor, a combustion chamber and a nozzle.
RD-0120 Eneine
The nozzle and the combustion chamber me cooled with full-
flow kerosene entering thc chamber main injector. Development o f the RD-0120 oxygen-hydrogen engine
proved to he a vcry complicated scientific and technologicd
HPTP uses a single shaft and consists of an axial single- problem for Soviet science and industry. Engine specificatiow
stage reaction turbine, a two-stage screw-centrifugal fuel pump and design features (Le., thrust, pressure levels, temperature
and a screw~centrifiigaloxidizer pump. ranges, density of main structiire elements, multiple starts,
labor-consuming character and technology level) exceed all pre
L P F T consists of a high pressure screw pump and a single- vious Soviet liquid rocket engines of the same class.
stage hydraulic turbine driven with kerosene supplied after the
main fuel pump. The RD-0120 engine was developed with use of the experi~
ence accumulated in the Soviet Union during developmcnt of
LPOTP consists of a high pressure screw pump and a two- oxygen-hydrogen engines with thrust levels of 7.5 and 40 tons.
stage turbine driven with generator gas supplied after the HPTP In addition, results of design and scientific research carried out
turbine. by the Chemical Automatics Design Bureau (RD-57 engine) and
the Energomash Design Bureau (RD-I35 engine) were used.
The prebumer produces the oxidizer-rich generator gas used
for the HPTP turbine drive. It is a brazed-welded unit and con- More than 100 enterprises and organizations were enlisted
sists of an injector and a housing that are connected by a sepa- for investigetion of numerous technical and scientific problems
rable flange. and engine development.
Pneumatic valves are actuated by high-pressure helium The RD-0120 (1 1D122) engine was developed by thc
through solenoid valves. Chemical Automatics Design Bureau in 1976-1990under thc
leadership of chief designer A. D. Konopatov.
Checking~tecliiiologicalfiring tests are performed with each
flight engine unit to confirm its flying life. Heavy guarantee The engine is used on the Energia launcher second stage v
lifetime firing test program is applied to one engine of the (central block) for delivery to an Earth orbit of the Buran
twelve-engine batch with followinr: disassembly, insoection and reusable orbiter and other heavy spacecrafts.
fault detection
Specifications Pneumatic valves are actuated by high-pressure helium
through solenoid valves.
Thrust in vacuum, tons 200

- Specific impulse in vacuum, s

Combustion chamber pressure, kdsq cm
Dry mass, kg
Checking-technological firing tests are performed with cach
flight engine unit before delivery. Heavy guarantee lifctime
firing test program is applied to one engine of the five-cnginc
batch with following disassembly, inspection and fault detcc-
Propellants: tion.
oxidizer liquid oxygen
fuel liquid hydrogen Four central block main engines start on thc launch pad
Mixture ratio (OF) 61 before the strap-on boosters main propulsion start. For the first
Admittable mixture ratio deviation, % f10 30 seconds of flight the RD-0120 engines operate at the m'ui-
Burning time in flight, s mum thrust level, then the engines are throttled down. After
booster separation they operate at maximiirn thrust level again
Thrust throttling rangc, % 45-100 until the launch vehicle achieves suborbital velocity.
Nozzle area ratio 8S.7:I
Engine dimensions, mm: Prior to January 1, 1991 there were about 800 engine firing
length 45.50 tests with overall fire duration of 16SooO seconds. Two main
nozzle exit diameter 2420 engine sets were flight tested during the Energia flights on
Angle of engine swinging in two planes, deg fll May 15, 1987 and November 15, 1988.

The engine provides helium heating for oxidizer tank pres- Directions in DeveloDment of Main Encines
surization and gaseous hydrogen supply for fuel tank pressur-
Rocket and space technologydesigners have to solve the
ization and onboard power units drive.
problem of optimum direction forecasting and choices for further
Encine Structure technology evolution. Achievements in the field of electronics,
computerization, structural materials, and exact mechanics and
The RD-0120 engine consists of: tendency towards increase of payload traffic and expansion of
space exploration make development of new concepts for future
a chamber; launch vehicles urgent.
a high-pressure turbopump (HFTP); In the USSR and the USA two trends have come out in
a low-pressure fuel turbopump (LPITP); development of space transportation systems (Fig. 2). The first
one relates mainly to ballistic expendable systems descended
a low-pressure oxidizer turbopump (LPOTP);
from military warhead delivery means. Another uend relates to
w a prebumer; aircraft and winged-type reusable transportation systems with
pneumatic valves for engine start and shut-off; horizontal or vertical takeoff of the launch vehicle and horizontal
landing of its reusable element. Both trends are equally valid
an electrically driven regulator for thrust level control; according to our idea. But an economic effectiveness criterion is
an clcctrically driven throttle for oxidizer flow control; the same for all systems the specific cost of payload deliverv to

combustion chamber and prebumer igniters; the near-earth orbit, i.e., expenses per kilogram ofpayload
inserted into orbit.
a purging system;
emergency protection system sensors. While the Earth gravity law exists and burned propellants are
the source of power for movement, flights to the Moon, Mars
The engine uses a staged combustion power cycle with gen- and other planets will be perfonned with the use of expendable
erator gas postburning after the turbine. The chamber is a ballistic-type transportation systems. Also, while economic
brazed - welded unit and consists of a main injector, a combus- laws exist, aspiration for payload delivery to near space with the
tion chamber and a nozzle. The combustion chamber and the use of reusable transportation systems remains and promotes
nozzle are cooled with a certain portion of hydrogen supplied associated system devclopment. Desire to develop such a space
after the fuel pump. vehicle that lands on the Earth surface, and in several hours is
ready for the next flight to space, is strong in launch vehicle
HPTP uses a single shaft and consists of a two-stage axial designers.
turbine, a three-stage centrifugal fuel pump and two oxidizer
pumps. Reliabilitv and Safetv Imurovement

LPFTP consists of a two-stage turbine driven with gaseous The program of propulsion systems for expendable rocket-
hydrogen sopplied from the combustion chamber coolant chan- space transport vehicle design has been, in general, specified.
nel. The program can be divided into two stages. The first stage
includes permanent development of structural elements, propu-
LPOTP consists of a two-stage axial pump and two sion system reliability improvenient on the basis of statistical
hydraulic turbines providing separate drive for each pump stage data acquisition, as well as improvement of mass characteristics.
and using liquid oxygen as working fluid supplied after the The second stage includes the change of strategic charactcristics
pump prebumer stage. related to the propulsion system thrust augmentation (up to 230 t
for RD-0120, up to 800 t for RD-170) through the change of
The prebumer provides hot fuel-rich generator gas for the the construction and configuration. These measures allow thc
.u HPTP turbines drive. It is a brazed-welded unit and consists of use of all possible advantages of the stnicture and to realize the
a housing, a fuel manifold and an injector. expendable launch vchicle program.

mass,! 450 1060 $080 1600 2390 4800 2380 2180 2500
Payload M a s s
Low circular
orbit (H=200 km) t5,7 30 35 65 100 200 30 30-50 50-70
orbit 23 5.4 6.3 11.7 18 36 5.4 5.4-9 9-t2,6
First Stage RD-170 oxygen-kerosene engine with thrust of 806t a,
main engine P
engine quantity t 2 2 2 4 8 4 4 UI
Second Stage
main engine
RD-0120 oxygen-hydrogen engine with thrust of 2001 -
engine quantity t 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 0"

the propolsion system inoperative. ratus action and closing of valves is required.

Among the first group are failures for which the time of fail- The third group includes failures with typical times of sev-
ure development, determined by performance parameters, is lcss eral tenths of a second or more. These failures are successfully
than that required for carrying on protective operations. The localized by the use of algorithms based on the information on
minimum time for canying a protective operations was estimated the performance parameters. Among typical failures of this
as a slim of the time interval for the equipment action (0.02 s) group is non-tightness of tanks with fuel components and g;ires,
and the time for closing of valvcs (0.02 s). Among these fail- that can result in a loss of working medium components and a
ures are failures of the liquid engine turbopump for the most total failurc.
pat They account for 30% of a11 failures. Algorithms based on
the analysis of performance processes are unsuitable to control Available means of control, diagnosis and emergency pro-
such for the engine emergency switching-off, as tlie failure is tection do not allow prevention of all types of emergenc)' .sltllil-

detected in the last phase of its dcvelopment. Besides, an tions (particularly the ones of tlie first group) occuming during
explosion or fast combustion of smctural elements occurs. The the liquid rocket engine operation. Specifically, the turbine and
typical time of failure development on inflaming is about 0.01 - gas passage wear during launching remains uncovered, tis wcll
0.001 s, i.e., even less than the time of closing of pyrotechnic as cracks in the turbopump rotor appearing during long-tenn
valves. Therefore, to prevent dangerous consequences of such operation, which are the main sources of emergency situittions.
failures, it proved to he necessary to develop algorithms based
on the use of information on the smctural element state. The Studies are under way on the use of the induction voltex
aim of creation of such algorithms is carrying-out of early diag- flow method of controlling cracks that appear in the turbopump
nosis, i.e., failure detection at ;in early stage when the failurc rotor blades of tlie running liquid rocket engine, as well LIS the
development prwcss did not change into the final phase fol- method of controlling acoustical signals of the ntnning engine to
prevent thc abovementioned emergency situations.
Such investigations are of particular value for thc service lifc The oxidizing circuit with afterbuming is envisaged at a suit-
increase and reusability of the propulsion systems. able temperature level of the turbine working medium, that
makes it possible to provide the highest pressure within the

- The possibility lies appeared to control ignition in oxidizer

passages by electrostatic methods through application of ignition
indicators. The electric potential difference between two probes
inserted into the flow and isolated from thc body is being mea-
combustion chamber (up to 350 kdsq cm) in the first operating

All liquid oxygen and a ponion of hydrocarbon fuel required

sured. At the very early stage of ignition the signal grows for production of a high-temperature oxidizing gas getting to the
sharply. turbopump turbine drive are fed into gas generators. The
remaining portion of the fuel and all liquid hydrogen are fed
A system of control and protection diagnostics is being directly into the combustion chamben. In the second mode the
developed on the hasis of measuring the frequency spectrum hydrocarbon fuel is used only for gasification of oxygen in the
density with the engine running. This system gives warning gas generators.
information on the imbalance of engine dynamics.
The component supply system includes three booster and
Investigations have shown that the way of widening the cov- turbopump units for each component and two single-zone gas
erage of possible emergency situations by the emergency protec- generators.
tion and diagnostics system is the most important and efficient
one. The coverage coefficient values of 0.9 and higher prede- Structurally gas gencrators slightly differ from each other,
termine the confidence when developing multi-engine rocket- that results from the necessity to supply a portion of the genera-
space transportation systcms. tor gas to the hydrocarbon fuel turbine drive. The booster
pumps are of a screw conveyor type.
For advanced reusable systems used in the first and second
single-module stages a three-propellant engine takes on special A hypergolic ignition system is used in the gas generators
significance. and thnist chambers, the starting fuel being in ampoules.

Three-Prooell,uit Rocket Engine The pneumatic systcm provides control of the engine auto-
matics units. The pnetrmatic system includes bottles with
The engine operates in two modes: the mode of maximum gaseous helium.
thrust of 200 t in vacuum with the use of three propellant com-
ponents -~ oxygen, hydrogen and hydrocarbon - that con- The engine assembly includes heat exchangers for heating
forms to the rocket operation in the mode of the first stage; and helium and hydrogen used in the tank pressurization system.
the mode of maimum efficiency with the partial thrust up to
40% of the maximum value with the use of two propellant com- Engine starting is performed i n the low thmst conditions
ponents ~ oxygen, hydrogen ~- when the second stage is
running. When transferring to the second mode, kerosene is cut off,
and oxygen supply into the thrust chamber is reduced, accord-
The thrust chambcr has three-component mixing elements ingly. Thepressure within the thrust chamber is set in the
and one common combustion chamber in both operational region of 140 k g s q cm.
modes, provides the maximum specific impulse and most favor-
able operating conditions for main structural elements with The reality of three-component engine development is based
regard to possible thermal- and gasdynamic losses. on the use o f

In this case, theoretical specific impulse values are achieved 1, The experience of creating the RD-I70 superpowerful
that exceed the analogous specific impulse values with scparate reusable engine from which the following is adopted: the
combustion of component pairs. basic circuit of thc gas generator chamber and its mixing
elements, structural materials and coatings providing the
To provide the maximum efficiency of such thrust chamber ignition protection, supply units, engine stating princi-
at ground level and further at a high altitude, it is fulfilled with a ples, methods of diagnostics, control and protection.
movable nozzle with screening cooldown.
2 . A powerfiil stand and production base.
The specific impulsc amounts to 416 s in the first operating
mode and to 462 s in the second operating mode. Principal works in terms of providing a high technological
level of development are carried out within research and devel-
The cooling is performed with minimum hydrogen con- opment of RD-170 propiilsion unit at present.
sumption (lip to 5 % ) in the first operating mode.
Only studies of the processes of combustion and three-com-
?Iie experience shows that the hydrogen-based reducing gas ponent mixing processes a e specific for a three-component
leads to hydrogen cmbrittlement with crack appearance in the engine.
most stressed structural elements. In this connection the
oxidizing gas has been accepted as a working medium of the Such is the state of development of powerful launch vehicle
turbopump. propulsion systems in the USSR as presented by a development
engineer of space uansportntion systems.
The turbopumps are separate for each propellant component.

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