What Is Linguistics

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Discuss the nature of language and explain how it is learnt. Cite illustrative examples.

Language is the most important phenomenon in the world. From birth to death, all our activities are
regulated by language. The human knowledge and culture is stored and transmitted in language.
Thinking is only possible through language. In our dreams, we make use of language. Language
dominates every aspect of human life. In fact, it is a yardstick to separate us from other beings.
Language is a mean of communication. With the help of language, we can express our thoughts and
feelings to others. Without language, society would be impossible.


1. Oxford English Dictionary defines language as Words and the methods of combining them
for the expression of thoughts.

2. According to Allen, Language is a mean of communicative thoughts.

3. According to Bolinger, Language is species specific.

4. According to H.A. Gleason, Language is one of the most important and characteristic

of human behavior.

5. According to Ben Jonson, Language most shows a man, speak that I may see thee.

6. Leonard Bloomfield says, Each community is formed by the activity of language.


1. Language is learnt: Learning of language is not an automatic process. Of course, it is behaviour

but it is not type of behaviour like walking and crawling that comes to child in natural way. Language is
learnt by imitation and practice. Language is not possible without effort.

2. Language is related to the culture of society: Every language is related to culture of society to
which it belongs. The culture of the people naturally influences the language. Every language is the
product of society. We cannot separate language from the culture in which that language exists. It has
meaning only in relation to that society and culture.

3. Language is species specific: Language is species specific. Only human beings have got the gift
of language. Of course, the other species do communicate but only human beings can make use of

4. Language is species uniformed: Language is species uniformed. All human children are capable
of acquiring any language natively if they are provided the right kind of environment.

5. Language is a system: Each language is a unique system. The system of language consists of
sounds, structures and vocabulary. A person who wants to learn a new language will have to learn new
sounds, new structures and new vocabulary. The sound system of language differs from language to
language depending upon the culture to which a language belongs. Each language has its own system of
vocabulary. Thus each language is systematic.
6. Language is a system of systems: Each language is a system of systems. There are phonological
and grammatical systems in all languages. There are several sub systems within a language. The
phonology of a language forms its own system as the various sounds function in a systematic way.

7. Language is a system of symbols: Each language works through symbols. Different words used
in a language are the symbols. They stand for certain things. The language will function well if its
symbols are known both to the speaker and the person for whom they are being used.

For example the world cup has three sounds (K, , P) It is a symbol of English because a meaning is
attached to it. But if we take the same three sounds like, K, , P they do form Puc, but that is not a
symbol of English language as no meaning is attached to it.

8. Symbols of language are vocal: Different symbols are used in a single language. These symbols
are vocal. A language system does not exist in a vacuum. It is primary used in speech. Only speech
provides all essential signals of a language. There are other kinds of symbols which cannot be called
vocal symbols. For example, gestures and signal flags are visual symbols and ringing of the bells and
beating of a drum are auditory symbols. They do not form any language. In language the sounds are
produced through vocal organs. Reading and writing are no doubt important. But speech is the basic
form of language. A language without speech is unthinkable.

9. Language is a skill subject: Learning of a language is a skill subject. It is skill like swimming
and cycling. We cannot learn swimming or cycling just by studying rules. We can learn it by practice. In
the same way, we can learn a language y constant practice of that language. So a lot of repetition for
major linguistic skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing is required.

10. Language is for communication: Language is the best means of communication and self
expressions. Human beings express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through language. In
this way language is a means to connect past present and future.

11. Governed by a particular set of rules: Each language is governed by a particular set or rules.
For example English is S.V.O. language. In forming sentence, we put subject, then verb and after verb
we put object. For example:

He killed a snake.

Subject Verb Object

12. Symbols of language are Arbitrary: Here by arbitrary symbols we meant that there is no visual
relationship between the language item and the object for which it stands. A man is called man
traditionally. There is no visual similarity between the symbol man and the actual man. We have not
named it so on the basis of some logic or scientific principles. In English we say man, in Hindi we say
manauYya and in Punjabi we say ___________. None of them is better than the other. In fact, we
call a man man because people have agreed to use it in that sense.

13. Language is unique: Each language is unique because it has its own style of functioning. The
sounds, vocabulary and structures of every language have their own specialty.

Write a note on Linguistic Synchrony and Diachrony:

According to the method, range or scope of its study, or the focus of interest of the linguist, Linguistics
can be classified into different kinds, the chief of which are noted below:

1: Diachronic Linguistics.
2: Synchronic Linguistics.

1) Diachronic linguistics:
It is the kind in which we study the historical development of language through different periods of

For example, we study how French and Italian have grown out of Latin. The changes that have occurred
in language with the passage of time, are also studied under this kind of linguistics; therefore, it is called
historical linguistics.

2) Synchronic linguistics:

It is not concerned with the historical development of language. It confines itself to the study of how a
language is spoken by a specified speech community at a particular point of time. It is also called
descriptive linguistics. Diachronic linguistics studies language change and synchronic linguistics
studies language states without their history.

According to C.F. Hockett:

The study of how a language works at a given time, regardless of its past history or
future destiny, is called descriptive or synchronic linguistics. The study of how speech habits
change as time goes by is called historical or diachronic linguistics.

The distinction synchrony and diachrony refers to the difference in treating language from different
points of view. Though the historical character of a language cannot be ignored, its present form being
the result of definite historical processes, changes and transformations, it is necessary for a complete
understanding of it to concentrate on the units of its structure at the present moment. Some scholars do
not see the two approaches apart. They assert that it is a mistake to think of descriptive and historical
linguistics as two separate compartments. However, on the whole the two areas are kept apart and one is
studied to the exclusion of the other. Synchronic statements make no reference to the previous stages in
the language. Linguistic studies in the nineteenth century were historical in character; they originated as
part of the general historical investigations into the origins and development of cultures and
communities, especially West Asia, Egypt, etc. Such philological researches viewed language at
different stages of its progress and attempted to understand relations among different languages.
Language families were discovered and genetic affinities identified.

For Zhirmunsky, Diachronic linguistics was a great discovery of the 19th century which developed so
powerfully and fruitfully from the 1820s to the 1880s. This discovery enabled linguists to explain
modern languages as a result of law-governed historical development.

On a closer look one realizes that without a good synchronic (descriptive) work, valid historical
(diachronic) postulations are not possible; in other words, a good historical linguist needs to be thorough
descriptive scholar too.

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