Too Short To Spend Hours Preparing An After-Work Our Quick and Easy Recipes - They're Lighter Too
Too Short To Spend Hours Preparing An After-Work Our Quick and Easy Recipes - They're Lighter Too
Too Short To Spend Hours Preparing An After-Work Our Quick and Easy Recipes - They're Lighter Too
Chicken souvlaki
You can reduce the calories easily
by using skinless chicken breasts.
Seared tuna 1 Skin the sausages and put the meat into 2 courgettes, sliced lengthways to
wth salsa verde a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients around 1cm ('hin) thick
Fresh tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. except the oil, and mix everything together 1 red, 1 yellow and 1 orange pepper,
with your hands. Shape into 6 patties and halved, deseeded and sliced into strips
PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES chill until ready to cook. You can make 3cm (1Y4in) wide
COOKING TIME: 10 MINUTES them up to a day ahead. zest and juice 1 lemon
SERVES6 2 Brush with the oil and cook on a medium 2tsp caster sugar
~~~~ EASY/PREPARE AHEAD grill for 4 to 5 minutes on each side. 2tsp Dijon mustard
Per serving: 227 calories. 16g fat 1tsp sweet paprika
2 x 250g (9oz) tuna loin steaks (S.Sg saturated), 9g carbohydrate Y2 small bunch mint, finely chopped
(around 2cm/%in thick) 3tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1tbsp olive oil
for the salsa erde Steak with aioli 1 Steam the potatoes for 15 minutes
11arge bunch flat-leaf parsley, leaves Make sure you trim the steaks to cut or until tender. Grill the courgettes
removed down on the fat content. and sweet peppers until charred, then
Y2 small bunch mint, leaves removed cut into chunks.
6 salted anchovy fillets, rinsed PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES, 2 Whisk together the lemon zest and
1tbsp lemon juice PLUS RESTING juice. the sugar, mustard, sweet paprika,
1tsp Dijon mustard COOKING TIME: 15 MINUTES mint and olive oil.
2dsp small capers, rinsed SERVES 6 3 Mix the potatoes and grilled veg in
2 baby gherkins ('i EASY a large bowl, pour over the dressing
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely and toss to coat. Serve warm or at
chopped 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil room temperature.
130ml (4Y2f1 oz) extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic bulb, peeled and thickly sliced Per serving: 205 calories. 7g fat
150g (Soz) good-quality mayonnaise (1g saturated), 32g carbohydrate
1 To make the salsa verde, place all the juice Y2 lemon
ingredients except the oil into a food 2tsp mixed or pink peppercorns
processor and pulse until you have 2 x 300g (10oz) thick-cut rump steaks, Leafy herb, rocket
a chunky paste. Then gradually add the at room temperature, fat trimmed and fennel salad
oil until thoroughly combined. Check the Fennel can help ease indigestion.
seasoning and transfer to a serving bowl. 1 Warm the oil and garlic in a pan and cook
2 Allow the tuna steaks to reach room on the lowest possible heat until the garlic PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES
temperature. brush with the oil and is very soft, then crush with a fork until SERVES 6
season. Cook on a high grill for around smooth. Al low to cool completely. When ('i EASY
2 minutes on each side for medium-rare. cold, add to the mayonnaise with lemon
Rest for a few minutes, then slice thickly juice to taste. Cover and chill until needed. 1 small fennel bulb
and serve with the salsa verde. 2 Crush the peppercorns with a pestle and 1tsp caster sugar
Per serving: 279 calories, 22g fat mortar, then rub over the steaks. Cook on juice Y2 lemon
(4g saturated), 0.3g carbohydrate a medium high grill for 3 minutes per side small bunch flat-leaf parsley, torn
for medium-rare. Rest for 10 minutes on a 100g (4oz) wild rocket
plate, covered with foil, then slice thickly 3tbsp fruity extra virgin olive oil
Gourmet sausage and serve with the aioli. 2tbsp balsamic vinegar
Per serving: 331 calories, 27g fat Y2 small red chilli, f inely chopped
Black olives are a great source of iron. (Sg saturated). 0.4g carbohydrate 40g (1% oz) Pecorino cheese, shaved
with a vegetable peeler
COOKING TIME: 10 MINUTES Potatoes and griddled 1 Slice the fennel very thinly and toss
MAKES6 'v1 e rane with a large pinch of salt, the sugar and
EASY/PREPARE AHEAD Peppers are high in vitamins A, C and K. lemon juice. Leave for 10 minutes, then
drain and put in a salad bowl. Add the
450g (11b) herby pork sausages PREPARATION TIME: 20 MINUTES parsley and rocket, and toss together.
SOg (2oz) pitted black olives, chopped COOKING TIME: 25 MINUTES 2 Mix the oil, balsamic vinegar and chilli
handful each basil and parsley, chopped SERVES6 .. together. When ready to serve, drizzle
35g (1Y4oz) fresh white breadcrumbs EASY/PREPARE AHEAD the dressing over the leaves. mix, then
2tbsp sun-blushed tomatoes, drained of scatter with the Pecorino and serve.
oil and roughly chopped 1kg (21b 4oz) baby new potatoes, halved Per serving: 91 calories, Bg fat
oil, for brushing if larger than bite-size (2g saturated), 2.5g carbohydrate