Same Sex Marriage

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Marriage is a union between man and a woman and better known as Holy
Matrinomy, one of the most sacred sacraments. Couple engaged in a wedding because
they love each other, want to start a family and marry for companionship, being content
in spending time with another as long as they live. In Philippine context we all know
that the acceptable married partners are a man and woman. However, the clamor for
recognizing the marriage between gay and lesbian couples in the legal system has been
ongoing for years. Same sex marriage is deemed as controversial and radical issue
because it steps on the concepts of traditional family setup that is both acceptable to
society and major religions.

The concept of same sex marriage distort the meaning of marriage and that
people would be confused of the purpose of marriage and lessens the protection for
unborn children which true marriage provides. It will deny the child tax credits and
assistance and right to share privileges such as social security, medicare, family and
medical leave and other benefits. For me, same sex marriage do not last because more
homosexuals would rather have extra marital affairs or relationships or they prefer to
live alone. Children who will be raised with a family composed of same sex couple are
more likely to experience gender and sexual disorders, they may free daughters and sons
from a broad but uneven range of traditional gender prescriptions. Institutionalizing
same sex marriage would take yet another step down the road of de-gendering marriage.
They will use gender-neutral language and will create a pressure in moral and cultural
aspect. In addition, same sex married couples offer each other something different, they
share biological intimacy and sexual-risk taking that will exposed them to disease.

After all, same sex marriage here in the Philippines will cause a big impact to our
status quo and merely illegal and unconstitutional, it will isolate marriage from its
procreative purpose and disrespect marriage as the holy matrimony. Same sex couples
are unable to procreate thus, there is no compelling interest to subsidize their
marriages. Citizens should promote awareness relating to the concept of same sex
marriage and to give ideas whats really happening to our country. The Philippine
society adheres to Catholic teachings and not yet ready to embrace the so called same
sex marriage.

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