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Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96

ISSN: 0976-8688

Assay method development and validation of ibuprofen tablets by HPLC

Sovan Pattanaik1*, Sangeeta Mukhi1, Gurudutta Pattnaik2 and Jasmin Panda3

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha OAnusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
College of Pharmaceutical Science, Puri, Odisha,, India
Hi-Tech College
College of Pharmacy, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India


A new simple, accurate, precise and reproducible a reverse phase high performance (RP RP-HPLC) method has been
developed of ibuprofen in tablet dosage forms using C18 column (Hypersil BDS, 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 m) in isocratic
mode. The mobile phase contains a combination of Acetate buffer (triethylamine & ortho phosphoric acid ) and
acetonitrile in the ratio of 40:60%
% (v/v). The flow rate was 1.5 ml/min and detection wavelength
avelength was carried out at
220 nm. The retention times of ibuprofen was 3.2 min,, respectively. The validation of method was carried out
utilizing ICH guidelines. The described HPLC method was successfully employed for the analysis of pharmaceutical
formulations containing Tablet dosage form.

Keywords: RP-HPLC, ICH guidelines, C18 column, ibuprofen.



Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

inflammatory drug (NSAID) which is used in reducing inflammation and pain
associated with many diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis etc. It acts by inhibiting the cycloxygenase
enzyme and thereby reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins. It is a racemic mixture of [+]S-
[+]S and [-]R-enantiomers
[1,2]. It is a white to off-white
white crystalline powder, with a melting point of 74 to 77C. It is practically insoluble in
water (<0.1 mg/mL), but readily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. Ibuprofen has a pKa of
4.430.03. The chemical al name for ibuprofen is (RS)-2-(4-(2-methylpropyl) phenyl) propanoic acid [3,4]. The
molecular weight of ibuprofen is 206.28. Its molecular formula is C13H18O2 and it has the following structural

Figure-1: Chemical Structure of Ibuprofen

The main aim of the present work is to develop stability indicating RP-HPLC
HPLC method for the quantitative estimation
of Ibuprofen in pharmaceutical formulations such as tablet dosage forms etc. S (+) Ibuprofen form is not official in
any pharmacopoeias but literature survey reveals that there are limited techniques for the estimation of ibuprofen in

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Sovan Pattanaik et al Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96
tablet form using HPLC method [5-13]. Current research work mainly devoted to develop a simple, rapid, precise,
accurate and reproducible isocratic RP-HPLC method for the determination of ibuprofen and the developed method
is partialy validated with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy [14] .


I. Chemicals and Reagents:
Sample of ibuprofen pure drug was received from M/S Medreich Private Limited, Bangalore, India and tablet
dosage form was purchased from market manufactured by M/S Genovo Development Services Ltd, Bangalore,
India. HPLC grade acetonitrile, ortho-phosphoric acid were purchased from M/S Rankem , Mumbai,
India.Triethylamine was purchased from M/S Rankem Mumbai, India.High pure water was prepared by using
Millipore, Milli Q plus (TKA) purification system.

II. Instrumentation and Chromatographic Conditions:

The RP-HPLC method development and complete partial validation studies were performed using Alliance 2695
system (Waters, Shimadzu LC), comprising of a quaternary solvent delivery module, online degasser, column
thermostat, auto sampler, photo diode array detector. Chromatogram output, integration of peaks and calculation of
peak areas, retention times, system suitability parameters such as peak asymmetry column efficiency etc were
obtained using the Empower software, version 2.6. An isocratic RP-HPLC method was achieved with Thermo
Hypersil BDS, 150X4.6mm; 5m column using a mobile phase consisting mixture of buffer and acetonitrile in the
ratio 40:60. The buffer consists of HPLC grade water: Triethylamine: Orthophosphoric acid (1000ml: 1ml: 0.5ml).
The method was carried out with the flow rate of 1.5ml/min and the column eluent was monitored at 220 nm with
the injection volume of 10l. The total Chromatographic runtime was 5 minutes and the column temperature was
maintained at 250C.

III. Preparation of Standard Solution:

Weighed accurately about 40 mg of Ibuprofen working standard and transfered into a 100 ml volumetric flask.
Added 70 ml of diluent-1 (buffer 20: acetonitrile 80), sonicate to dissolved and made up to volume with diluent-1
and mix well. Pipetted out 5 mL of the standard stock preparation and transfered into a 25 mL volumetric flask.
Made of the volume upto the mark with diluent-2 (buffer 40: acetonitrile 60) and mixed well.

IV. Preparation of sample solution:

Weighed accurately not less than 20 tablets and note down the weight. Calculated the average weight. Crush the
tablets into fine powder using motar and pestle.Weigh accurately the powdered sample equivalent to 100 mg of
Ibuprofen and transfered into a 250ml of volumetric flask. Added 175ml of diluent-1 and sonicated for 30 minutes
with intermittent shaking.Made of the volume upto the mark with diluent-1 and mixed well. Centrifuge a portion of
the above solution at 3000 rpm for about 5 minutes. Pipette out 5ml of the above supernatant solution and transfered
into a 25ml volumetric flask. Made up the volume upto the mark with diluent-2 and mixed well. Injected the clear
solution into the HPLC system.


The current RP-HPLC method was validated as per ICH guideline-Q2.

System suitability [15, 16]:

A system suitability test was an integral part of the method development to verify that the system is adequate for the
analysis of IBU to be performed. System suitability test of the chromatography system was performed before each
validation run. Six replicate injections of a system suitability standard (Ibuprofen) was made. Retention time (RT),
tailing factor and theoretical plates for the six suitability injections was determined.

Precision [17, 18]:

The precision for the quantification of Ibuprofen by RP-HPLC was verified by repeatability (system precision &
method precision).

System precision [19, 20]:

The system precision was performed by injecting six replicate injections of the standard solution in to the
chromatography .The % RSD for the peak of interest was calculated and found less than 1% (should be less than

Pelagia Research Library
Sovan Pattanaik et al Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96
Method precision [21]:
The method precision was performed by preparing six replicate sample preparations as per testing procedure and
injected in to the chromatography.The percentage w/w of ibuprofen was calculated from six replicates and %RSD.

Specificity [22,23]:
The specificity of the method was determined by analysing the interference of placebo was conducted. It was
performed on Ibuprofen placebo in duplicate, equivalent to the weight of placebo present in portion of test
preparation as per the test method and the impurity interference of Ibuprofen impurities by preparing individual
impurity solution and mixed impurity solution at Specification level (0.2% for Ibuprofen impurities). Impurity
spiked test solution of Ibuprofen tablet at 1% level of all impurities was injected into the HPLC. No interference was
detected at the retention time of Ibuprofen in sample solution.

Linearity [23,24]:
Linearity was studied to determined by plotting a graph between concentration on X-axis and peak area on Y-axis,
the correlation coefficient was determined. Five different concentrations of Ibuprofen working standard ranging
from 4.06 g/ml to 12.181 g/ml were prepared and analyzed as per test method. Calibration curve was constructed
by plotting average peak area versus concentrations and regression equation was computed for the drug.

Accuracy (Recovery) [25]:

The accuracy of an analytical method is the closeness of results obtained by that method to the true value for the
sample. It is expressed as recovery (%), which is determined by the standard addition method. Samples were spiked
with 50,100 and 150% of the standard and analyzed. The experiment was performed in triplicate. Recovery (%) and
RSD (%) were calculated for each concentration.


The current RP-HPLC technique is most accurate, reliable and precise method of analysis for the quantitative
estimation of ibuprofen from its pharmaceutical formulations and dosage form. The specificity of the method was
initially performed by injecting impurities and placebo in to the chromatography to check the contribution at the
detection wavelength. The current method system suitability was accounted by measuring USP tailing factor, USP
Plate count for the peak of Ibuprofen from Standard Solution and percentage RSD of Area for the peak of Ibuprofen
from six replicate injection of Standard Solution. The obtained values are 1.0 as USP tailing factor (should be not
more than 2.0), 8190 as USP Plate count (should be not less than 2000) and percentage RSD of area as 0.1(should be
not more than 2.0). The typical ibuprofen retention time in the current developed method was about 5 minutes. All
variations resulted with the very good percentage RSD of Assay i.e. less than 1.0%.

Figure 2: RP-HPLC chromatogram of blank solution at 220 nm

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Sovan Pattanaik et al Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96
Figure 3: RP-HPLC chromatogram of standard solution at 220 nm

Figure 4: RP-HPLC chromatogram of ibuprofen and impurities at 220 nm

Table 1: System suitability test parameters for Ibuprofen

System Suitability Parameters Observed value
Theoretical plate count for Ibuprofen peak from first injection of standard solution. 8190 NLT 2000
The tailing factor for Ibuprofen peak from first injection of standard solution. 1.0 NMT 2.0
The Relative standard deviation for Ibuprofen peak response from five replicate injections of standard solution. 0.1 NMT 2.0

Table 2 : Standard injections responses for System precision test

Injection No. Response

01 2690227
02 2686108
03 2687578
04 2689836
05 2688685
06 2688824
Mean 2688543
Standard deviation 1514.416
% Relative standard deviation 0.1

Table 3: % Assay and %RSD values of Ibuprofen for Method Precision test

Sample No. % Assay of Ibuprofen

01 100.0
02 101.3
03 100.4
04 101.0
05 100.9
06 100.4
Mean 100.7
Std Dev 0.4803
% RSD 0.5

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Sovan Pattanaik et al Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96
Table 4: Placebo Interference in specificity of Ibuprofen

Sample No: Interference found (Yes/No)

1 NO
2 NO

Table 5: Impurity Interference Retention times in specificity of Ibuprofen

S.NO. PEAK Retention Time in Minutes

1 Ibuprofen 3.292
2 Impurity-A 3.132
3 Impurity-B 3.391

Table 6: Concentration of Ibuprofen stock solution

Potency (%)
Stock weight taken (mg) 40.70 Volume Taken (ml) 10 99.76
(as such basis)
Volume (ml) 100 Dil. To (ml) 50 Stock (g/ml) 81.2046

Fig 5: Linearity graph of Ibuprofen

Table 7: Response of Ibuprofen at various linearity levels

Level Stock solution (ml) Dilution (ml) Concentration in g/ml Response

50% 2.50 50 4.060 1347986
75% 3.75 50 6.090 2005201
100% 5.00 50 8.120 2725814
125% 6.25 50 10.151 3347545
150% 7.50 50 12.181 3976786
Slope 162552.2661
Y-Intercept 40687.55606
Residual Sum of Squares 965667915.9019
Correlation Coefficient 0.99965

Table 8: % Recovery of Ibuprofen at various spiked levels

Sample No. Level mg added % Recovery Mean % Recovery %RSD
1 50% 100 101.989 101.60
2 50% 100 101.88 100.26 101.1 0.7
3 50% 100 101.933 101.33
4 100% 100 101.230 101.231
5 100% 100 101.570 101.575 101.5 0.2
6 100% 100 101.710 101.708
7 150% 100 101.79 101.04
8 150% 100 101.88 101.97 101.7 0.5
9 150% 100 101.95 101.96

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Sovan Pattanaik et al Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2013, 4(4):91-96

The main focus of this research article was developed and validated for the quantification of ibuprofen in bulk drug
and pharmaceutical formulations such as tablet. The method gave good resolution for the drug with a short analysis
time 5 minutes. The developed method was validated by using various validation parameters like accuracy, precision,
linearity, specificity. All the validation parameters were found to be well within the acceptance criteria. It is shown
that the method was accurate, reproducible, repeatable, linear, precise, and selective, proving the reliability of the
method [26,27,28]. These results show the method could find practical application as a quality control tool for
analysis of the drug in its Tablet dosage forms in quality control laboratories.


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