Book Clubs: Showcase Project
Book Clubs: Showcase Project
Book Clubs: Showcase Project
Week at a Glance
Showcase project
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Power Its the LAST week to work on
Language: Worksheet Punctuating and Capitalizing your Showcase Project! All the
Math: Lesson 10.2 artifacts are done. How it is time to
make your display. You have a lot
Tue. of options. Did you check out the
different types of displays on the
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Power
website? Just a simple box works. Or you can use
Language: Worksheet Ponder This
a shadow box, a briefcase, or even a flat tray. The
Math: Lesson 10.3
display can be very simple, but extra effort will
Wed. earn you extra credit points. Remember that the
display MUST fit on top of your desk! Also, dont
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Power forget that you have to type up the sentence labels
Math: Lesson 10.4 for each artifact. All your sentences are done
Language: Get ready for our Book Club meeting (hooray!) and are in your Showcase Log. Type out
tomorrow. Read the 2nd chunk and do your Before each sentence carefully. You need to display each
we Met Thinking. Dont forget your post-its that sentence with the correct artifact. Make sure to
mark important parts in the chapters. glue or velcro down every artifact. Also, make
Thur. sure you include your name! You will be
bringing your finished display to school on
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Power
Tuesday, April 4th.
Math:Lesson 10.5
Showcase: You have until Tuesday to make your
display BUT tonight is set aside to type your Showcase
sentences. Be very careful about every detail (spelling,
punctuation, capital letters etc).
Book Clubs
We are having our second book club
Fri. session on Thursday morning. Make
sure you have your Before We Met thinking
Reading Log & Math Facts
Reading Log and Wiki Goals will be checked. done. Andmake sure what you write is under
the ocean thinking! This was a challenge last
Spring Portraits
week and we discussed how this is harder than it
seems when you need to do this independently.
Picture day is Wednesday! If youd like FYI, this time you will be restricted to a total of
to get a spring portrait, bring your 3 post-its for the whole chunk. So, dont wait till
payment. the last minute! Remember, IF you work on this
early, I am available to give you feedback!
Report Cards
Please sign the envelope and return by Friday. ReadingLotto
Its time to start your second book for
No Spelling Words
our final Reading Lotto! If you are done,
you have the option of doing a Blotto.
(No book reports are required. Wow!)