Snamprogetti New MTBE Production Design PDF
Snamprogetti New MTBE Production Design PDF
Snamprogetti New MTBE Production Design PDF
MTBE and mixtures of branched C8 hydrocarbons with gasoline blending properties similar to alkylate can be produced in a
wide range of relative ratios and in an environmentally-friendly way by the simultaneous isobutene etherication/dimerization
reaction. In the present paper thermodynamics and kinetics of the MTBE synthesis are presented as the theoretical background
before discussing the experimental results for the new process obtained at laboratory scale, on pilot plant and on an industrial
unit. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0920-5861/99/$ see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 0 - 5 8 6 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 8 4 - X
308 M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319
dimerization/etherication of isobutene. As this pro- unless the reactor is operated at high temperature
cess, which requires only minor additions to a standard and high contact time, this is limited to a few hundreds
MTBE plant, yields an alkylate-like product in a cost- of ppms.
effective and environmentally-friendly way, it repre- TBA formation is fast and approaches the thermo-
sents a new attractive alternative in the context of fuel dynamic equilibrium. However, it is limited by the
reformulation. small amount of water present inside the reactor.
Experimental results obtained on lab-scale reactor, Water is an impurity both of methanol (specication
pilot plant and an industrial unit are discussed. is H2O<1000 ppm) and of the C4 feed (<500 ppm)
Kinetics and thermodynamics of the synthesis are also and is formed at ppm levels along with DME in
considered since their proper description is funda- reaction (3).
mental for the optimal design of the synthesis loop. The formation of by-products must be thoroughly
monitored; rather severe specications are imposed
both on the ether quality (MTBE 9899% min) and on
2. Background (MTBE synthesis) the unreacted C4 hydrocarbons since they may be
further used as a feedstock for alkylation (in this case
2.1. Reaction oxygenates such as MTBE, H2O and DME must be
completely removed as they increase the acid con-
MTBE is produced by the liquid-phase addition of sumption).
methanol to isobutene. The reaction is exothermic Sulphonated poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) resins
(Hr9.5 Kcal/mol) and is carried out over acidic are the catalysts employed in the industrial practice
ion-exchange resins. Suitable feedstocks are C4 cuts for the MTBE synthesis. Standard products from
containing isobutene; these are generally supplied by different manufacturers (e.g. Rohm and Haas, Bayer,
FCC, steam-crackers (SC) and isobutane dehydro- Purolite, Dow) have similar characteristics: the struc-
genation units (DHY). ture is of the macroporous type and the content of
Isobutene (IB) may vary from as low as 1015% by sulphonic acid groups is in the range 4.74.9 mmol
weight in streams from FCC, up to 5055% by weight H/g. In order to prevent deactivation by loss of
in streams from DHY. sulphonic groups the suggested operating tempera-
Since the reaction is exothermic and limited by the tures are lower than 1208C.
chemical equilibrium, in order to maximize the iso- More active resins with more than 5 mmol H/g,
butene conversion, the reactor outlet temperature is e.g. Amberlyst 35 (Rohm and Haas), (5.3 mmol H/g)
maintained as low as allowed by the catalyst activity. have been recently offered. These resins will takeover
Operating temperatures range between 408C and 808C. in the near future due to their superior catalytic
Selectivity to MTBE is usually higher than 99%; the properties [3].
only by-products are diisobutenes (DIB), dimethy-
lether (DME), tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), and if linear 2.2. Kinetics
butenes are present, their corresponding ethers, mainly
methyl-sec-butyl-ether (MSBE). As the MTBE synthesis occurs in a highly nonideal
The overall reaction pattern is the following: medium, kinetics is properly formulated in terms of
the activities of the reacting species, ai. It has been
MeOH IB@MTBE (1) found that over a wide range of temperatures and
reactants concentrations, the rate of formation of
2IB ! DIB (2)
MTBE may be expressed as
2MeOH ! DME H2 O (3)
k1 aIB 1 aMTBE =Keq;1 aIB aMeOH
IB H2 O@TBA (4) r P ;
1 i Ki xi;p xi
MeOH n-butenes@MSBE (5)
where Keq,1 is the equilibrium constant for the reac-
Formation of both DIB and DME is thermodynami- tion, Ki are adsorption constants, xi are molar fractions
cally favoured at synthesis conditions. However, in the resin when the active sites are saturated with the
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 309
species i, and xi,p are the actual molar fractions in the once the feedstock composition (i.e. the moles of each
resin. species at t0, n0i ) and the equilibrium constant
This expression accounts for transitions of mechan- Keq,1f(T) are known, the calculation of the equili-
ism occurring on varying the relative concentrations brium conversion proceeds by searching for the reac-
among reactants. For instance, methanol saturates the tion extent, 1, which satises the nonlinear equation:
catalytic sites when is present at high concentration
Keq;1 Kx K
since it is preferentially adsorbed with respect to the
nonpolar C4 hydrocarbons; in this case, the observed It has been observed that the solution of this equa-
reaction order is zero or negative. On the contrary, tion may be strongly affected by the method used to
when it is present in small concentration, since the describe the liquid-phase nonideality; in fact, isobu-
number of catalytic sites occupied by methanol tene and MTBE behave almost ideally, i.e.
increases with its concentration in the liquid-phase, therefore the equilibrium condition may be repre-
the observed reaction order is always positive. Both sented in the simplied form:
these situations are encountered in MTBE reactors as Kx
the methanol molar fraction along the bed length may Keq;1 0:
vary from values as high as 0.30.4 to less than 0.01.
When the partition coefcients between the resin Under conditions of practical interest, the calcula-
and the liquid-phase: tion of
MeOH may be critical; for instance, when the
xi;p methanol concentration is small, i.e. <23% by
qi weight, such as at reactor outlet conditions, different
thermodynamic methods (e.g. UNIFAC, UNIFAC
is approximated as a constant, the expression of the Dortmund, UNIFAC Lyngby, UNIQUAC, NRTL, Wil-
reaction rate may be conveniently rearranged in terms son) give results similar to those reported in Fig. 1.
of the liquid-phase molar fractions, xi,l, as Through tests carried out for a wide range of
k aIB 1 aMTBE =Keq aIB aMeOH operating conditions (i.e. temperature, isobutene con-
r P : centration, MeOH/isobutene molar ratio), it emerges
1 i Ki xi;l
that modied UNIFAC group contribution methods,
In this expression both the rate constant, k*, and the both from Dortmund [4] and Lyngby [5], and Wilson
adsorption constants Ki are adaptive parameters that method [6] describe accurately the isobutene equili-
incorporate the unknown quantities xi,p and xi . brium conversion, while other methods, e.g. UNIFAC
[7], UNIQUAC [8] and NRTL [9], tend to underpredict
2.3. Thermodynamics it (Fig. 2). This behaviour is more pronounced the
smaller the initial concentration of isobutene, i.e. the
As the MTBE reactors are designed to approach the smaller the residual concentration of methanol [10].
thermodynamic equilibrium, the knowledge of the
equilibrium conversion is fundamental for sizing an 2.4. Process description
MTBE plant. The thermodynamic equilibrium for the
MTBE is described by the following expressions: So far, several companies have developed MTBE
processes; these generally differ for the particular type
Keq;1 avi i xvi i
ivi of reactor used. Among the most diffused types are
i i i xed-bed adiabatic reactors (ARCO, Phillips, IFP),
MTBE catalytic distillation (CD Tech) and multitubular reac-
Kx K
MeOH tors (Snamprogetti). The scheme of a Snamprogetti
High-Recovery MTBE plant is reported in Fig. 3.
Since In this type of plant, more than 99% of the isobutene
is converted into MTBE by using two reactors with
n0i vi 1 intermediate product removal. MTBE is separated
xi P 0
i ni i vi 1 from the unreacted hydrocarbons as the bottom pro-
310 M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319
Fig. 2. Equilibrium conversion for different concentrations of isobutene in the C4 feed (T508C, MeOH/isobutene 1 mol/mol). Predictions
of different thermodynamic methods vs. experiments.
duct in two ether fractionators. Unreacted hydrocar- The temperature prole of the WCTR represents the
bons are treated for methanol removal by water wash- optimal trade-off between kinetics and thermody-
ing. Unreacted methanol is distilled from water and namics, i.e. high temperature at reactor inlet, to allow
recycled to the synthesis. Heavy by-products as DIB, high reaction rates, and low temperature in the outlet
TBA and MSBE are collected along with MTBE, zone, to maximize the conversion. Furthermore, it
while DME concentrates in the C4 rafnate. When should be observed that in the WCTR most of the
the C4 rafnate is recovered as feedstock for alkyla- isobutene is converted in the rst part of the reactor,
tion, DME is removed by a further distillation. hence most of the catalyst installed is used as an
In the Snamprogetti process, the etherication is allowance to cope either with poisoning or with
generally carried out in two reactors; the rst one, changes in feedstock owrate and composition.
where most of the isobutene is converted, is a water-
cooled multitubular reactor (WCTR). In Fig. 4, typi-
cal proles for the process side temperature (Tpr), the 3. Evolution (MTBE and alkylate co-production)
cooling water temperature (Tw), the isobutene conver-
sion (CONV) are reported together with the relevant 3.1. Process description
prole for the approach to the thermodynamic equili-
brium as expressed by the ratio: AKxK
/Keq,1 (i.e. Carrying out the MTBE synthesis under substoi-
1A is the driving force for the MTBE formation). chiometric conditions, i.e. MeOH/isobutene
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 311
0.20.6 mol/mol, it is possible to produce simulta- The reaction is selective as trimers may be limited
neously and in a wide range of relative ratios MTBE to 510% by weight in the hydrocarbon fraction,
and isobutene dimers (DIB), namely 2,4,4-trimethyl- and only a few thousands of ppms of tetramers are
1-pentene and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene (Fig. 5). formed.
312 M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319
As the hydrogenation of isobutene dimers yields reported data, despite some difference in experimental
isooctane (2,4,4-trimethyl-pentane), which is both the set-up and operating conditions (Table 1).
main component of the alkylate and the reference for Eventually, this reaction was dropped due to the
rating the gasoline octane properties (RON100; extensive formation of species which fall in the upper
MON100), this reaction may be exploited to switch end (C12) or even outside (C16) the gasoline boiling
the production of an MTBE plant, according to the range (351808C).
market needs, from oxygenate to a high-quality alky- An impressive increase in selectivity to dimers
late product, i.e. containing less than 10% by weight of along with a strong decrease in the formation of
C12 species. C12 species was instead obtained introducing metha-
A separation column to split MTBE and DIB down- nol in the reacting system (methanol/isobutene0.2
stream the ether fractionator and a hydrogenation 0.6 mol/mol) (Table 2).
reactor are the only additional equipments required. As a matter of fact, methanol inuences the iso-
butene dimerization process in a number of ways.
3.2. Process development First, because of its high polarity, methanol is pre-
ferentially adsorbed on the active sites of the catalyst,
So far, isobutene dimerization has been scarcely
exploited in industrial applications for the production
of gasoline components [11]. As a matter of fact this
Table 1
reaction proceeds very quickly even at low tempera- Isobutene dimerization (product composition)
tures, is exothermic (Hr 9.510.5 Kcal/mol of
isobutene) [12] and is not limited by the thermody- (a) (b) (c)
namic equilibrium, therefore its control is difcult and Isobutene conversion (%) 86 58 99
reactor runaway is possible. Indeed, a series of experi- Product composition (wt%)
ments carried out in the absence of methanol using a C8 54 52 58
C12 40 40 38
water-cooled bench scale reactor resulted in great C16 6 8 4
difculties in maintaining the temperature below
1208C, which is the maximum allowed for stable (a) Isobutene53% by weight, amberlyst 15, Tmax988C,
Twater408C, LHSV5.5/h (this work).
catalyst operation. A rather low selectivity to dimers, (b) Isobutene30% by weight, Amberlyst 15, T608C, LHSV1/h
i.e. less than 60%, was obtained. However, these [13].
results were in good agreement with previously (c) Isobutene45% by weight, acid slurry, T1008C [11].
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 313
Table 2 Table 4
Effect of methanol/isobutene molar ratio on selectivity and product Effect of feedstock composition
0.2 0.4 0.6
Isobutene (wt%) 22 38 45
Isobutene (wt%) 46 50 48 Reaction temperature (max) (8C) 70 75 75
Maximum reaction temperature 74 73 72 Cooling water temperature (8C) 50 45 40
Cooling water temperature (8C) 40 40 40 Isobutene conversion (%)
Isobutene conversion (%) Overall 90 89 91
Overall 88 79 79 To MTBE 41 42 45
To MTBE 21 37 60 Product composition (wt%)
Product composition (wt%) C8 90.3 90.2 88.2
C8 79.2 88.3 92.6 C12 9.4 9.8 11.4
C12 19.7 10.9 7.1 C16 0.3 0.01 0.4
C16 1.1 0.8 0.3 C8 composition (wt%)
DIB 69.8 79.4 98.6
Catalyst: Amberlyst 15; LHSV5.5/h.
DMHE 8.5 14.5 0
TMP 21.7 6.1 1.4
according to the following reaction:
Catalyst: Amberlyst 35; MeOH/isobutene0.4 mol/mol;
3 H MeOH@MeOH2 SO3 :
For instance, the product obtained from a SC feed has volatility is lower; furthermore, it is produced in an
the lowest octane rating because of the higher content environmentally-friendly way.
of dimethylhexanes formed from 1-butene. C4 cuts
from DHY units yield the best product having proper- 3.3. Pilot plant tests
ties similar to pure isooctane (RONMON100) as
codimerization reactions cannot occur. Both FCC To verify the laboratory results and to evaluate the
feeds and hydro-isomerized C4 cuts from SC give performance of different reactor congurations, an
products rich in trimethyl-pentanes other than isooc- extensive experimentation was carried out on a
tane having intermediate octane properties. pilot-plant (Ravenna, Italy) whose scheme is pre-
The characteristics of two products containing more sented in Fig. 7.
than 90% by weight of dimers are reported in Table 6 Methanol and C4 hydrocarbons are taken as side
for a comparison with typical HF and H2SO4 alkylates. streams of a MTBE plant owned by Ecofuel. The
As it can be seen, the etherication/dimerization reactor is a tube homologous to those used in Snam-
product has better properties compared to alkylate: progetti WCTRs. Reaction is monitored by 12 ther-
particularly the octane number is higher and the mocouples (RT01-RT12) distributed along the reactor
length in correspondence of 12 sampling valves. Heat
Table 5 of reaction may be removed by circulating water in an
Composition of a C8 olefinic fraction from a steam-cracking feed external jacket while draining the jacket the reactor
Species ID Wt% may be operated adiabatically. The reactor adiabati-
city was assessed by checking the energy balance, i.e.
2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentene DIB 61.98
by comparing the observed reactor outlet temperature
2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentene DIB 17.40
2,2-Dimethyl-hexenes DMHE 7.55 with values calculated through the knowledge of the
2,3-Dimethyl-hexenes DMHE 6.62 efuent composition and reaction enthalpies; the
2,3,3-Trimethyl-pentenes TMP 0.72 observed temperature increases were only 510%
2,3,4-Trimethyl-pentenes TMP 1.63 lower than the calculated ones.
3,4,4-Trimethyl-pentenes TMP 3.80
The inuence of the methanol/isobutene molar
Other dimethyl-hexenes DMHE 0.30
ratio, R, on product composition was studied by
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 315
Table 6
Comparison between properties of etherification/dimerization products and typical alkylates
processing a C4 feedstock from SC after butadiene the methanol feed was progressively reduced up to
extraction; the isobutene content varied from 28% to R0.2. A reduction in the selectivity to dimers was
50% by weight. The reactor was rst operated at R1 observed. However, at R0.3 they still accounted for
(i.e. typical MTBE synthesis condition), afterwards about 90% of the whole hydrocarbon fraction (Fig. 8).
In Fig. 9 proles obtained during pilot plant runs most of the reactor worked close to the threshold
under typical MTBE (R1) and dimerization condi- for the catalyst stability.
tions (R0.3) are compared. The reactor was operated The steady temperature reached in the adiabatic
with heat removal. It can be seen that in the latter case runs proves that the heat released by the isobutene
the temperature prole was much sharper, and in the dimerization (Hr9.510.5 Kcal/mol of isobu-
rst part of the reactor, more isobutene was converted tene) [12] may be completely taken up by the
both to MTBE and to dimers. endothermic MTBE decomposition reaction (Hr
Although much less methanol was used with respect 9.5 Kcal/mol); indeed, for temperatures higher
to the MTBE synthesis, isobutene was selectively than 1008C these two reactions proceed at similar
converted to MTBE in the rst part of the reactor. rates, as it can be seen by composition proles in
Only when methanol was almost completely con- Fig. 10.
verted, i.e. the MTBE equilibrium was approached, It should be noted that more dimers were produced
dimerization became the main reaction. It is worth in the adiabatic runs because the higher the tempera-
noting that under dimerization conditions the isobu- ture the lower the MTBE equilibrium concentration,
tene conversion increased along the whole catalytic but also the undesired methyl-sec-butyl ether (MSBE)
bed, while in the MTBE synthesis a steady level which has poor octane properties (RON, MON<80)
corresponding to the thermodynamic equilibrium was more extensively formed (5% vs. 0.10.3% by
was approached. This means that, per pass, more weight).
isobutene can be converted to dimers than to MTBE However, even when MSBE cannot be formed, as
since isobutene dimerization is not an equilibrium when a feedstock from a DHY unit is processed, the
limited reaction. reaction is preferentially carried out providing heat
Further, to assess the inuence of different reactor transfer, since a too fast catalyst aging may occur due
congurations on the synthesis, runs under adiabatic to the higher temperatures of the adiabatic operation.
conditions were performed. In Fig. 10 typical tem- Finally a life test was carried out for over 2500 h at
perature and composition proles are reported. A R0.3. These conditions were corresponding to an
steady temperature between 1008 and 1108C was overall ow of more than 40 m3 of C4 hydrocarbons
always approached at reactor outlet. per kg of resin. As it was known that a build-up of
Actually, as the reactor runaway was considered oligomers in the macroporous structure of the resin
likely to occur in these tests, this behaviour was rather hinders the access of the reactants to the acidic sites
unexpected. In fact, through the presence of methanol, and swells the particles, both a decay in isobutene
an otherwise impossible smooth control of the adia- conversion and an increase of the pressure drops
batic dimerization process was achieved, although through the reactor were expected.
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 317
Fig. 9. Temperature and products profiles. R: ^, 0.3; &, 1. Tin (reactor inlet temperature)588C, LHSV7/h, isobutene45 wt%, catalyst:
Amberlyst 35.
318 M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319
Fig. 10. Adiabatic runs. Temperature and products profiles. R0.4, LHSV7/h, isobutene28 wt%.
Surprisingly, steady isobutene conversion and C8 ization might be carried out without problems in
selectivity were observed. Pressure drops even lower commercial MTBE plants.
than in the MTBE synthesis were recorded as the
catalyst shrinkage due to the reduced concentration of 3.4. Operating experience
methanol inside the reactor offset any other effect.
Actually, analyses performed over unloaded catalyst According to these positive results, the very rst
samples revealed that the actual deactivation mechan- industrial combined production of MTBE and iso-
isms were similar to those occurring in the MTBE butene dimers was carried out on March 1997 in
synthesis, i.e. adsorption of metal cations and basic one of the Ecofuel's MTBE plants (Ravenna,
compounds rather than pore plugging; therefore it was Italy) whose scheme is similar to the one reported
concluded that the simultaneous etherication/dimer- in Fig. 3.
M.D. Girolamo, L. Tagliabue / Catalysis Today 52 (1999) 307319 319
The test was limited to producing the MTBE/dimers market needs for oxygenates and alkylate; as a matter
mixture in the WCTR. of fact, MTBE and hydrocarbons could be obtained in
The most relevant results of this operating experi- the desired proportions just varying the amount of
ence were the following: methanol fed to the plant.
A separation column and a hydrogenation section
the overall isobutene conversions exceeded 99%;
are the only additional items required to transform a
the residual isobutene in the C4 raffinate complied
MTBE plant into a complex for the co-production of
with the commercial specifications (<0.3% by
MTBE and alkylate.
weight) for its use as a feedstock for 1-butene
extraction plants;
more than 800 tons MTBE/dimers mixture were
produced: the average hydrocarbon content was
Ecofuel SpA support is gratefully acknowledged.
about 35% by weight; the concentration of C12 in
Authors wish to thank all the people working on this
the hydrocarbon fraction was lower than 8% by
weight. Only 2000 ppm of C16 were detected as
the heaviest by-products.
The MTBE/dimers mixture was commercialized
without further treatments; its octane number was
[1] G.H. Unzelman, Proceedings of the NPRA Annual Meeting,
very similar to MTBE. San Antonio, Paper AM-97-26, 1997.
[2] P. Rao, S.R. Vatcha, Oil Gas J. 9 (1996) 56.
[3] I. Miracca, L. Tagliabue, R. Trotta, Chem. Eng. Sci. 51 (1996)
4. Conclusions 10, 2349.
[4] J. Gmehling, J. Li, M. Schiller, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 32
(1993) 178.
The MTBE process may be modied in order to [5] B.L. Larsen, P. Rasmussen, A. Fredenslund, Ind. Eng. Chem.
produce, in an environmentally-friendly way, a mix- Res. 26 (1987) 2274.
ture of oxygenate and high-octane branched hydro- [6] G.M. Wilson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86 (1964) 127.
carbons (mainly isooctane) having characteristics [7] H.K. Hansen, P. Rasmussen, A. Fredenslund, M. Schiller, J.
Gmehling, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 30 (1991) 2352.
similar or even better than alkylate made by conven-
[8] D.S. Abrams, J.M. Prausnitz, AIChE J. 21 (1975) 116.
tional technologies using HF or H2SO4. [9] H. Renon, J.M. Prausnitz, AIChE J. 14 (1968) 135.
This new technology has been already tested on the [10] L. Tagliabue, M. Di Girolamo, E. Pescarollo, Proceedings of
industrial scale in the Ecofuel's MTBE plant in the Second Italian Conference on Chemical Engineering,
Ravenna, Italy. Florence, 1995, p. 138.
[11] G. Scharfe, Hydrcarbon Process 53 (1973) 4, 171.
We believe it may represent an attractive option for
[12] A. Rehfinger, U. Hoffmann, Chem. Eng. Technol. 13 (1990)
industrial applications as it brings exibility both to 150.
already existing and future MTBE plants. These could [13] W.O. Haag, Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 63 (1967) 140.
be run in the most effective way in order to full the [14] B.C. Gates, W. Rodriguez, J. Catal. 31 (1973) 27.