Performance-Oriented Architecture and The Spatial and Material Organisation Complex

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Michael U.

Hensel Performance-oriented Architecture and the Spatial and Material Organisation Complex

Michael U. Hensel
Performance-oriented Architecture and the Spatial and
Material Organisation Complex
Rethinking the Definition, Role and Performative Capacity of the Spatial and
Material Boundaries of the Built Environment

This article is based on the proposition that performance-oriented design is characterised by
four domains of active agency: the human subject, the spatial and material organisation
complex and the environment (Hensel, 2010). While these four domains are seen to be
interdependent and interacting with one another, it is nevertheless necessary to examine each
in its own right. However, the spatial and material organisation complex contains both the
spatial and material domains, which are interdependent to such a degree that these need to be
examined in relation to one another and also in relation to the specific environment they are
set within and interacting with. To explore this combined domain within the context of
performance-oriented design is the aim of this article, in particularly in relation to the
question of the definition and performative capacity of spatial and material boundaries. The
various sections are accompanied by research by design efforts undertaken in specified
academic contexts, which are intended as examples of modes and areas of inquiry relative to
the purpose of this article.

Keywords: performative capacity, material boundaries, spatial boundaries, spatial and material
organisation complex.

Preamble. Extended Spatial and Material Boundaries as (Regions of) Action

This article sets out to examine the potential role of material and spatial organisation in
performance-oriented architectural design, with a particular focus on the role of material and
spatial boundaries. This is done in accordance with Chris Luebkemans proposition:

Performance-based design is really about going back to basics and to first principles, taking
into account the experience one has gained over time as well as field and laboratory
observations about the non-linear behaviour of elements and components. It is the combination
of first principles with experience and observations that is the fundamental potential of the
design philosophy. It places the design imperative back in the hands of the designer. And,
more importantly, it also places responsibility and accountability back into the designers
hands in a very obvious way. One can no longer hide behind building codes. (Luebkeman,
2003: 284-285)

Consequently, the aim is to challenge entrenched preconceptions, to commence from first

principles and to utilise the empirical production of knowledge based on a combination of
theoretical reflection and research by design. In so doing, the argument presented here is
based on a number of propositions as to what might be thought to constitute key
characteristics of performance-oriented architecture.
These include first and foremost that performance as a paradigm enables the study of
nature and the built environment as active agents, rather than as passive context (Hensel,
2010: 41), and that active agency is a fundamental characteristic of four interrelated domains
[...]: the human subject, the environment and the complex of spatial and material organisation
(Hensel, 2010: 38). Moreover, performance-oriented architecture entails that form and
function are not separately treated, and neither follows the other; instead, both are interrelated
and interdependent, as are different ways of organising and modulating space (Hensel,

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Michael U. Hensel Performance-oriented Architecture and the Spatial and Material Organisation Complex

2010: 48). The latter refers both to spatial partitioning by means of material boundaries and to
micro-climatic gradients and modulation that arise from the interaction of a system and its
surroundings over time. Consequently, these two modes of spatial organisation are
If the above indicates that architecture or its product, the built environment, can be
viewed as a domain of active agency, it would be interesting to pursue this proposition in
greater detail in one of the core areas of architectural production: spatial and material
organisation. This pursuit requires an elaboration of increasingly complex relations and
processes. This article commences therefore from material organisation and its interrelation
with a specific environment, proceeding to material systems and, subsequently, to a
discussion of spatial architectural boundaries. This discussion includes walls to envelopes,
and delineating singular boundary conditions to ones that are extended over a region of space
and that operate in a dynamic manner over time. This approach implies that boundaries might
be understood as (regions of) action. The intended synthesis of the various scales and their
complex interactions is termed the spatial and material organisation complex here.
Wherever suitable, the potential contribution of biological systems is discussed. The
inquiry presented below is in large part driven by and illustrated with examples of research by
design in architecture and architectural and biological systems analysis. The intention of this
process is to contribute to the development of a theoretical framework for performance-
oriented architecture.

Context of this Research

Research by design carried out by the author and his team of collaborators and students
constitutes the various findings that underlie the article. These efforts are rooted in the
educational field and were undertaken with diploma and master-level students in various
schools of architecture in Europe, the Americas and Australia, and are currently being
undertaken by the author at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. This research
focused on the articulation of the architectural boundary, resulted in scaled and full-scale
material systems and the spatial and environmental provisions associated with these systems
and culminated in a series of publications (e.g. Hensel & Menges, 2008; Hensel & Menges,
Initial questions about the role of materials and material systems as potential active
agents have been discussed in various articles and papers (e.g. Hensel, 2009). Questions about
spatial organisation and, thereby, also questions about the role of spatial boundaries, were
chiefly pursued in an anthology of selected seminal essays by architects and theoreticians for
the last fifty years (Hensel et al., 2009).
The cumulative research has led to the formulation of specific research areas focusing
on questions of the articulated architectural threshold and auxiliary architectures, with the aim
of raising the complexity of architectural inquiry (Hensel and Sungurolu Hensel, 2010a, b,
and c). While the work undertaken to date is extensive, it is in mainly basic research. At this
stage, it requires a detailed, overarching theoretical framework with the aims of grounding the
findings and further pursuing and developing the proposed definition of performance-oriented
architecture in detail. This necessitates research in the four proposed domains of active
agency. This article is, thus, an attempt to tackle the domain of the spatial and material
organization complex, based on the research and theoretical reflection undertaken to date.

Rethinking Material Boundaries

Approaching Performance-Related Concepts of Boundaries and Thresholds
In the discipline of architecture, the concept of boundary is commonly understood as a
material division, floor, wall or ceiling that separates an interior from an exterior, or, likewise,
two adjacent spaces or rooms. In this context, a threshold is a demarcation line, like a

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doorstep, that needs to be crossed to enter from one space into another; it connects and divides
at the same time. However, throughout architectural history and across different climate
zones, there existed different understandings as to what the exact functional assignment of an
architectural boundary ought to be, varying also in the related understanding of how open or
closed such a boundary should be.
Yet, since the late 1960s, interior climate conditioning through electrical-mechanical
equipment and related stringent requirements for the conditioning of interiors have led to a
much more hermetic separation of spaces and a likewise material articulation of the
architectural boundary. In general this constitutes todays predominant understanding across
all climate zones. This understanding has not been fundamentally challenged in spite of
critical questions with regards to the impact of the homogenisation of the built environment
and questions of sustainability. Instead, and under the mantle of the latter, all efforts are
invested in improving the capability of the architectural boundary to separate (spatially,
acoustically, thermally, etc.), as well as into lowering, the energy consumption of the
electrical-mechanical equipment that re-orchestrates the carefully modulated exchange
between the interior and exterior, or between adjacent spaces; in short, the zero-energy
building. The predominant understanding of zero-energy buildings does not necessarily imply
a preference for passive means, but instead a continued use of technology combined with
clean energy sources. In order to facilitate this approach, the architectural boundary continues
to be a dividing element.
The American scholars Addington and Schodek offered a fundamentally different
approach to the problem at hand:

For physicists the boundary is not a thing, but an action. Environments are understood as
energy fields, and the boundary operates as a transitional zone between different states of an
energy field. As such, it is a place of change as an environments energy field transitions from
a high-energy to low-energy state or from one form of energy to another. Boundaries are,
therefore, by definition, active zones of mediation rather than of delineation. (Addington and
Schodek, 2005: 7)

In the context of thermodynamics, a boundary determines the relation between a thermo-

dynamic system and its surroundings. Principally thermodynamic systems are defined by their
boundary, but the exchange with their environment can be varied. An open system can
exchange heat, work and matter with its surroundings. A closed system can still exchange
heat and work, but not matter. Only isolated systems can exchange none, but these are only
theoretical constructs (Atkins, 2010: 2). More specifically, thermodynamic boundaries can be
described as adiabatic, isothermal, diathermal, insulating, permeable or semi-permeable.
These characteristics describe the specificity of the flow of heat, mass or work across thermo-
dynamic boundaries. This makes clear that thermodynamic boundaries range over a much
broader pallet of different exchanges than simply being entirely open or closed. If we consider
all degrees of open and closed systems, it becomes apparent that the interaction between the
surroundings and system will affect a spatial region to a greater or lesser extent. This type of
exchange underlies the emergence of specific microclimates. Rosenberg et al. described this
as follows:

Microclimate is the climate near the ground, that is, the climate in which plants and animals
live. It differs from the macroclimate, which prevails above the first few meters over the
ground, primarily in the rate at which changes occur with elevation and with time. Whether
the surface is bare or vegetated, the greatest diurnal range in temperature experienced at any
level occurs there. Temperature changes drastically in the first few tens of millimetres from
the surface into the soil or into the air. Changes in humidity with elevation are greatest near
the surface. Very large quantities of energy are exchanged at the surface in the processes of

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evaporation and condensation. Wind speed decreases markedly as the surface is approached
and its momentum is transferred to it. Thus it is the great range in environmental conditions
near the surface and the rate of these changes with time and elevation that makes the
microclimate so different from the climate just a few metres above, where atmospheric mixing
processes are much more active and the climate is both more moderate and more stable.
(Rosenberg, Blad, & Verma, 1983: 1)

However, the production of microclimates in architecture today is mostly accidental. The built
environments accumulative micro-climatic effects are, thus, often unintentional (see, for
instance, urban heat islands). This impact requires careful reconsideration.
Also of significance is the relation between micro-climatic layers close to material
surfaces and adjacent climatic layers. Oke elaborated on the climatic strata upwards in scale:
[i] the laminar boundary layer, which is in direct contact with the surface(s) the non-
turbulent layer, at most a few millimetres thick, that adheres to all surfaces and establishes a
buffer between the surface and the more freely diffusive environment above; [ii] the
roughness layer that extends above the surface and objects 1 to 3 times their height or spacing
and that is highly irregular being strongly affected by the nature of the individual roughness
features; [iii] the turbulent surface layer, up to 50 metres high, that features intense small-
scale turbulence generated by the surface roughness and convection (Oke, 1987: 6).
Moreover, the vertical extent of these strata is dynamically affected by the atmospheric
boundary layer that is characterised by turbulences generated by frictional drag as the
atmosphere moves across the rough and rigid surface of the Earth, and the bubbling-up of
air parcels from the heated surface (Oke, 1987: 4-5). As Oke points out, the height of the
boundary layer can vary substantially due to the intensity of surface-generated mixing.
During the daytime when the sun heats the surface of the Earth, heat is transferred upwards
into the atmosphere and, as a result, extends the boundary layer by up to 1 or even 2 kilo-
metres. With the surface of the Earth cooling at a faster rate than the atmosphere at night, the
mixing gets reduced due to the downward transfer of heat. This implies that the boundary
layer might be reduced to less than 100 metres. Large-scale weather systems can have an
additionally considerable effect on the thickness of the boundary layer (Oke, 1987: 4-5).
There is great potential in considering the production of a microclimate and its
interactions with strata upward in scale as an integral part of the architectural design and the
potential of the architectural boundary with regards to the interaction between the spatial and
material organisation complex and the climatic environment. Yet, what transpires is that the
extent to which the spatially extended dynamic boundary is defined in each case depends on
the scale and complexity of interaction that is deemed of significance in each case. A great
level of consideration and care is required in defining this extent in a case-by-case manner.
Addington and Schodek argue that the understanding of a boundary can no longer be
reduced to the material surface alone. Instead, it must be expanded into a spatial and dynamic
zone characterised by multiple energy environments fluidly interacting with the moving
body (Addington & Schodek, 2005: 8). They go on to argue, therefore, that smart materials
are of interest, with regards to their transient behaviour and ability to respond to energy
stimuli, as they may eventually enable selective creation and design of an individuals
sensory experiences (Addington & Schodek, 2005: 8). In so doing, Addington and Schodek
point in a very promising direction with regards to an instrumental redefinition of the concept
of boundary. They do so with the aim of arguing for the development of smart materials that
can respond in carefully calibrated ways to extrinsic stimuli. The first question that arises
from this intent and proposition is whether current materials lack the capacity to be used in
the proposed way or whether there is perhaps an underlying inherited industrial prejudice that
prevents another approach. This issue shall be discussed in the following part.
In addition, there is also a more explicit proposition that architects are currently not
able to operate on the basis of a redefined and spatially and dynamically extended concept of

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boundary, although Addington and Schodek are careful to point out interesting possibilities
that arise from research in other disciplines (physics, biology, neurology) (Addington &
Schodek, 2005: 8). The overarching aim of the research into performance-oriented design is to
challenge this preconception and to provide a workable paradigm. Part and parcel to this is to
show that currently unrecognized or undervalued potential can be found in pre-industrial
architectures, in the redefinition of the architectural boundary, in the revision of the relation
between interior and exterior, in the specific utilization of materials and so on. This implies
that a great number of preconceptions that prevent different views and approaches must be
challenged, partly from within architectural discourse and research and partly by looking for
alternative paradigms in different disciplines as proposed by Addington and Schodek.
Therefore, after having considered the definition of thermodynamic systems and boundaries
as regions of active agency, it is useful to examine biological models for the purpose at hand.
To commence this inquiry, it is necessary, however, to consider material boundaries and
behaviour more generally.

Repositioning Material Boundaries and Material Behaviour

Materials are characterized by their composition and structure from which their properties
arise. The latter include mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, optical
and environmental properties, each with their own specific sub-categories. While some
properties may be relatively constant, others may vary as a function of the impact of
independent variables, such as temperature, ambient humidity, etc. Material properties can
either be intrinsic; that is, resulting from a materials micro-structure its chemical
composition and atomic and molecular structure or extrinsic; that is, defined by a materials
macro-structure. Some properties are dependent upon the energy fields of their environment
(Addington & Schodek, 2005: 39). Addington and Schodek continued that all material
properties are indicative of the energy stimuli that every material must respond to, that all
energy stimuli are the result of difference and that properties are what mediate that
difference (Addington & Schodek, 2005: 39).
The properties of a material can either be directionally dependent (anisotropic) or
homogenous (isotropic), depending on the specific structure of a material. This is of great
importance for utilizing material behaviour. Material properties, together with the specific
environment within which a material is placed, yield material behaviour, i.e. dimensional
variability due to temperature changes or changes in ambient humidity, while in turn also
affecting its surroundings or microclimate, as discussed above. In general, material behaviour
is deemed negative in the industrial tradition, as a result of standardization, tight tolerances
and associated liability. It is therefore typical for architects to prefer materials with as minimal
behaviour as possible, to prevent material behaviour in some way by altering its properties or
to neutralize the impact of material behaviour by means of mechanical solutions. This
development is directly related to the increasing replacement of a systems theory-related
approach by standardisation, with tremendous repercussions in the understanding and use of
materials, structures (for elaboration of the related repercussions, see, for instance, Polny,
1997), spatial and programmatic organisation of buildings and interior environments; in other
words, the entire remit of aspects pertaining to the articulation of the built environment. This
then constitutes the fundamental need to critically re-examine this development as suggested
above by Chris Luebkeman (Luebkeman, 2003).
In general, this needs to include the critical revision of the prevailing approach, which
requires the material constituents of the built environment to be chiefly in stabile equilibrium.
Continuing this approach would obviously be in fundamental contradiction to the notion of
spatial and material organisation characterised by active agency and requires a repositioning
towards the dynamic condition of stabile disequilibria (a fundamental notion proposed for
the understanding of ecological systems by Reichholf, 2008). For the instrumentalisation of

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the material constituents, this requires that material behaviour is understood as based on
energy stimuli that every material must respond to (Addington & Schodek, 2005: 39).

Fig.1. Performance-oriented architecture concerns the dynamic interrelation between four domains of active
agency: the human subject, the environment and the spatial and material organisation complex. In order to
derive an instrumental approach to the material constituent as an active agent, material behaviour needs to be
positively regarded and fully embedded in architectural design. It is therefore necessary to approach material
properties and their potential range changes due to independent environmental variables in a different way and
with main emphasis on deploying the resulting behaviour (i.e. dimensional variability). Material behaviour can,
thus, be instrumentalised as performative capacity. This entails reinforcing a nuanced feedback between material
properties and independent variables and a fundamental repositioning towards the material constituents that
make up the built environment. Illustration: Michael Hensel, 2010.

This repositioning must commence with the understanding of material in relation to

surroundings. This must commence from material composition in relation to environmental
conditions (i.e. the specific structure of wood resulting from the specific environmental
conditions affecting its growth; see, for instance, Schweingruber, 2007), and must furthermore
be based on the interrelation between material properties and environmental conditions, which
then determine material behaviour. The harnessing of material behaviour towards active
agency constitutes the basis for the instrumentalisation of material behaviour as performative
With regards to the internal makeup of a material, this entails a positive repositioning
towards a greater amount of differentiation (see, for instance, Wagenfhr, 2008 with regards
to the anisotropic structure of wood). This is required in order to utilise a greater scope of
performance ranges and a much more finely nuanced use of material behaviour.
It is also of importance that the findings are not primarily geared towards further
standardisation, but rather towards the central question of processes of interaction between

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systems. Consequently, this also requires a renewed interest in systems thinking towards the
articulation of the built environment, and in design and research by design (Sevaldson, 2010).
The need for the production of reliable empirical data is immense and potentially costly.
However, if it is made the subject matter of dedicated research conducted within academic
contexts and embedded in teaching syllabi, it may well be very affordable. The following is
an example of dedicated research geared towards a repositioning of material behaviour based
on the production of empirical data.
In the context of the master-level Wood Studio at the Oslo School of Architecture and
Design, the master student Linn Tale Haugen challenged the fact that the moisture content-
related warping of timber laminates is negative per se. Timber laminates are generally
composed of an odd number of layers since this stabilises the laminate and prevents it from
warping due to its hygroscopic behaviour. Hygroscopy characterises the ability of a material
to absorb water from the environment: wood is hygroscopic and can therefore absorb moisture
from the environment or yield it back, thereby attaining a moisture-content which is in
equilibrium with the water vapour pressure of the surrounding atmosphere (Dinwoodie,
2000:49). Hygroscopy coupled with anisotropy leads to dimensional variability of the
material. In other words, the material can swell or shrink in response to the level of relative
humidity of the environment. In a typical laminate consisting of an odd number of layers, the
layers are rotated so as to utilize the fibre direction to stabilize the laminate. Likewise, in a
laminate with an even number of layers, the fibre direction of the various layers can be
utilized to warp the laminate in a controlled way. ingle or double curvature can be attained
with a specific fibre direction in the different layers and with the related directions caused by
the swelling and shrinkage from the moisturizing and drying of the wood. It is then no longer
necessary to derive such curved elements by means of machining, such as routing, which
results in a large amount of off-cuts or sawdust, or, on the other hand, the costly production of

Fig.2. Various examples of an instrumental utilisation of the hygroscopic behaviour of wood for the purpose of
self-shaping laminates. In the context of the Wood Studio at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design,
master student Linn Tale Haugen conducted extensive research on the production of empirical data regarding the
production of single- and double-curved laminates with a pre-determined geometry. The principle was derived
from the analysis of the layered fibre direction of the seedpod of a Flamboyant tree, as discussed below. Photos:
Linn Tale Haugen, 2009.

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Linn Tale Haugen used beech veneer due to its elasticity and related ability to warp without
cracking and undertook a large number of experiments to be able to eventually accomplish
pre-specified curvatures of the laminate. In doing so, the material behaviour was harnessed in
a process of shaping that is more sustainable than existing methods for the production of
specifically shaped elements. This process is to some extent reversible when the material
remains untreated, or it can be made irreversible by sealing the surface. The reversible option
is based on and maintains a dynamic exchange with its surrounding by virtue of its
hygroscopic behaviour. This may be useful if a non-form-stable material element or assembly
is required.
Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the material system made from specific
material elements. Various parameters are crucial to the utilisation of the behaviour of a
material system, which is also evident in its definition: the fabrication and resultant
characteristic of the material elements with regards to tools and treatment, the logic of
connecting elements into larger assemblies and the resultant performative capacities of such
systems. This raises questions about dimensions, positions and the orientation of material
elements into a larger assembly.
This requires consideration of the various critical thresholds in which a material
system acquires additional properties, behaviours and capacities. Given the complexity of
interdependent variables and parameters in a material system, this aspect will require detailed
examination in a separate paper. In the following sections this discussion is therefore omitted
for the sake of focus on the architectural aspects of the material boundary and spatial
While the importance of the principal approach to utilising material behaviour is
increasingly becoming evident, a lot more research needs to be done to provide reliable
empirical data for design. And while first steps have been taken, it is also necessary to look
for a suitable paradigm to locate this approach within. This may well be found in the
relationship of biological systems to their specific environments.

Potential of Biological Materials and Membranes

Biological membranes, such as cell walls, are selective barriers that both contain and facilitate
exchange between the contained and the surroundings. Their importance is not to be
underestimated, as biological membranes facilitate one of the essential criteria for life, which
is called inherent unity. In 1971, the Hungarian chemical engineer and biologist Tibor Gnti
posited a series of life criteria (Gnti, 1971) Gnti distinguished between real and potential
life criteria, the former being necessary for an organism to be in a living state, while the latter
are necessary for an organisms survival in the living world. Gnti included inherent unity,
metabolism, inherent stability (homeostasis), information-carrying subsystems and program
control among real life criteria (Gnti, 1971: 76-78), while growth and reproduction,
capability of hereditary change and evolution, as well as mortality are posited as potential life
criteria (Gnti, 1971: 78-80).
Since Gntis Principles of Life, many revisions, as well as abbreviated ones, to life
criteria have been proposed to identify, characterise and facilitate the quest for artificial life.
Be this as it may, inherent unity has remained a key criterion for life in all the various
attempts to define and list such criteria. For the purpose of discussing a biological paradigm
for architectural design, it is, thus, of interest to understand what biological membranes are
and how they function in order to discuss their potential value as a way of rethinking and
redesigning the characteristics of man-made material and material boundaries.
Among the key features of biological membranes is their ability for selective permeability and
filtration of material through the membrane and their role in energetic processes, such as the
partitioning of metabolism. Packer posited that membrane bioenergetics represent one of the
most sophisticated specialisations of the living world, as biological membranes make possible

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the controlled channelling of energy into different modalities (Packer, 1974: 211). Yet,
Packer also pointed out that a more detailed understanding of the basis of energy
transduction in membranes remains one of the unsolved current problems in biology
(Packer, 1974: 211), although some considerable progress has been made since. Another
fundamental difficulty according to Packer is the wrong assumption that the structural
organisation of membranes is stable in time; instead, he claims, membrane components are
astonishingly mobile and can therefore at best be described as time-averaged membrane
structures (Packer, 1974: 145). Thus, the direct utilisation of biological membranes as a
model for architectural boundaries will, for some time, remain elusive, not the least because
the production of biology-inspired intelligent membranes is currently constrained to very
small sizes mainly for the purpose of controlled filtering in pharmaceutics.
It is interesting to note, however, that in order to fulfil their functions associated with
the necessary continuous control of chemical processes, living cells must possess the ability to
sense chemical concentrations, to translate sensors responses and transmit related signals to
an actuator that drives the response. This relates directly to Philip Balls definition of smart
materials as materials that replace machines in other words, materials that can carry out
tasks not as consequences of signals or impulses passed from one component to another []
but as a result of their intrinsic properties (Ball, 1997: 103). Ball continues to posit that the
specific value of natural materials is to be found in their potential to serve as models for the
advanced materials of the future (Ball, 1997: 144). The question, though, is whether the
functionality of sensing, transmitting and actuation is solved in a mechanical manner and
through technological equipment, as is the current approach in architecture, or whether it is
affected by the intrinsic properties of the material as Ball, as well as Addington and Schodek,
suggest. Moreover, the question is whether this requires that smart materials must be
specifically designed and manufactured or if materials presently not considered smart can be
generally utilised by foregrounding their characteristic property-defined material behaviour
and performative capacity.
Could materials be re-described from a biological perspective? The English pioneer of
biomimetics Julian Vincent states,

There is a general move towards the production of biomimetic and intelligent materials. This
involves developing new ideas for synthesis of materials to take control of morphology and
chemistry closer to the molecular level at which the cell works, and understanding more about
the mechanisms of control. This understanding will inevitably feed back to biology. (Vincent,
1990: ix)

The primary issue that needs to be tackled in this regard is the degree to which a material
must be active in the currently understood manner and definition of smart materials: [i] as
specific singular items and elements that respond in a controlled manner to some defined type
and scale of stimulus; or [ii], whether this still constitutes a more mechanistic understanding
that is merely analogically aligned to biological materials, systems and behaviour. If, in
general, materials are considered and utilised with regards to their behaviour in a much
greater scope of interdependencies and stimuli, it is perhaps exactly this understanding, which
could be more directly extracted from biological systems. We can therefore propose a model
in which perhaps the analogical mode is not the predominant one, and a more literal approach
may be required. In this area of inquiry, a great deal of thinking and research will be
While such studies into biological materials have been the subject matter for scientific
inquiry in the field of biomimetics, this kind of research is new to general architectural
education. The Biological Systems Analysis course in the master program of the Oslo
School of Architecture and Design focuses on such detailed studies. One example is the study
of the fibre orientation in wooden plant parts and their resultant hygroscopic behaviour. The
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related research findings are then explored in the research by the design-based performance-
oriented design studio. For instance, the detailed study of a Flamboyant tree seed pod was
utilised in Linn Tale Haugens research into the self-shaping of even-layered beech veneer
laminates, as discussed above. Further studies of conifer cones show how dimensional
instability is utilised for the reversible process of opening and closing the cone for the purpose
of proliferation of the respective species. Obviously, questions of scaling must be carefully
considered when trying to instrumentalise the relationship between material objects and

Fig.3. Analysis of the fibre direction of the different layers of the seedpod of a Flamboyant tree undertaken in the
Biological Systems Analysis Course at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The angle of rotation of
the fibres in the layers and the thickness of the layers determine the degree of warping of the two parts of the
seedpod as a result of moisture loss-induced shrinkage. The warping serves the purpose of separating the two
parts of the seedpod and releasing the seeds. The cones of conifers show a similar principle at work, yet a
reversible one, which facilitates the cones opening and closing in response to the level of ambient humidity in
the environment. Photos: Michael Hensel, 2005.

Rethinking Spatial Boundaries in Architecture

Problematising Walls and Envelopes
Architects typically use walls and building envelopes as material boundaries and as a means
of organising space through partitioning and delineation. However, it was the advent of
mechanical-electrical interior climate modulation, paralleled and enhanced by the attempt to
devise closed ecological systems for spaceflight programmes and the design of Cold War
bunkers at their height in the 1960s, that accelerated the material boundary towards a quasi-
hermetic division between the exterior and interior or between different enclosed spaces. The
repercussions of these developments for contemporary architecture is evidenced and enhanced
by a diagram of a tent in Rayner Banhams seminal The Architecture of the Well-tempered
Environment (Banham, 1984 [1969]: 18). While Banhams proposal that technology, human
needs and environmental concerns must be considered an integral part of architecture
(Banham, 1984 [1969]: back-cover) is in line with the argument pursued here, the diagram of
the tent promotes, alas, a view of the tent membrane as a hermetic division: it deflects
moisture, airflow or thermal radiation. The diagram exclusively foregrounds that which is
deflected and gives no evidence of the conditions that arise out of the permeability of the

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tent membrane and the connections and gradients facilitated by it. This is so because Banham
wished to promote the technology of power-operated solutions as that which ought to re-
orchestrate the exchange between the exterior and interior and as that which creates the
opportunity for new spatial-social organisations (Hight, 2007).
While this seminal book constitutes in some way the fundamental theorisation of the power-
operated solution, Banham is certainly not singlehandedly responsible for the developments
that have ensued since then. Various developments have led up to this moment, which cannot
be enumerated in the context of this paper, although some shall be more closely examined
below. However, the combined repercussions fundamentally changed the appearance and
processes of todays built environment.
In sum, todays fundamental necessity to consider all architectural interventions from
environmental, social and cultural sustainability aspects has not yet led to a broad critical re-
examination of the prevalence of the ultimate architectural division between the exterior and
interior and the electrical-mechanical reconnection between the two, but instead only to a
refinement of active technology and passive materiality (i.e. in the form of thermal
insulation). The development to this point has neither been linear nor singular. The following
part focuses on selected approaches and critiques in this development in order to then seek
alternative ways of understanding architectural boundaries and thresholds.
The late Robin Evans examined the role of the wall and types of spatial organisation in
relation to social formations at length in his seminal writings (Evans, 1997a and 1997b).
He elaborated on the role of the wall in two ways: first, as the means to enable retreat from an
exterior to a private, secure place, and, second, as the prison wall, the means of exclusion by
way of punishment. In both cases, the wall acquires the role of quasi-hermetic division. Evans
concluded that

Of all the means of shutting out experience the wall is clearly the most adaptable. Yet, the
history of the wall as a means of moral, aesthetic and social exclusion is unwritten One
cannot help but feel that retreat is to us a more acceptable, gentler and altogether more lovely
realisation of the current resurgence of existential despair than the crude Procrustean surgery
of exclusion, but both could be considered, in a certain sense, as defeats. So maybe what we
have seen emerging in the past few years is not so much the budding vision of a young
paradise, as the birth of a new technic of human failure. The desire of sanctuary is with us
once more. (Evans, 1997a: 50-51)

Evans evidently took a negative stance towards the role of the wall that he perceived. Yet, his
critique does not extend to a proposition as to how to remedy the fundamental problem he
stated, nor does his essay implicitly point towards any particular alternative.
In his second seminal essay, Figures, Doors and Passages (Evans, 1997b), Evans
pursues a similar critique in which he described how a spatial organisation called the
medieval matrix of interconnected rooms was supplanted in seventeenth-century England by
the model of the corridor with rooms opening into it. In this essay, Evans connected and
correlated social formation with spatial organisation in the plan, discussing the medieval
matrix in relation to the more or less accidental social encounters between those who passed
through these rooms and those who inhabited them. According to Evans, the matrix of inter-
connected rooms belonged to a culture of the carnal, touch, immediacy and co-habitation.
Evans went on to describe that the shift towards the corridor model originated from the need
of the landed gentry to uncouple the space inhabited and the circulation space of the landlords
from that of the servants. Social encounters became controlled, and proximity turned into
social division, perhaps even exclusion.
In summing up, Evans asked why the corridor model still prevails today as a
predominant spatial organisation, when the social arrangement that brought it into being is
perhaps no longer significant. In doing so, he alerts the reader to the need to rethink spatial

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organisation via the arrangement of material boundary and strategic connections and thres-
holds and their possible combined provisions an implications for social formation. Again, the
essay constitutes a call for a critical approach to the topic at hand without pointing towards a
particular alternative. It might then be useful to first point out the unchallenged preconditions
of the argument.
In both cases of spatial organisation, the matrix of interconnected spaces and the
corridor and cellular room model, the dividing wall is clearly assumed to be solid and opaque.
A wall with many openings and/or transparency would not fulfil the basic criteria of division
that underlies both the function of the wall and its critique as pursued by Evans. What, then,
are the ramifications of changing these basic criteria? What if the architectural boundary is
not entirely solid and opaque? There are numerous suitable examples throughout architectural
history that lend themselves to a detailed analysis.

Screen-walls and Louvered Walls

As part of his research into the environmental modulation capacity of vernacular architecture
in hot arid climates, the late Hassan Fathy analysed Islamic screen-walls, or so-called
mashrabyas, that consist of wooden latticeworks, frequently used in projecting oriel windows
that are enclosed by such latticework (Fathy, 1986). These screen-walls are characterised by
multiple functionalities. They regulate, in a nuanced manner, the passage of light, air flow,
temperature and humidity, as well as visual access from the inside and protection from the
outside. All this is accomplished through the careful calibration of the size of the balusters
that make up the latticework and the interstices between them. Different parts of these screen-
walls cater to different hierarchies of the integrated functions. If, for instance, interstices need
to be smaller at seating or standing height to reduce glare, the resultant reduction in airflow
would be compensated for by larger interstices higher up in the latticework. While fulfilling
their various functions in a nuanced and interrelated manner, the actual formal articulation of
the pattern of the balusters can absorb very different aesthetic preferences. Examples include
expressive floral patterns and abstract geometric patterns. These screen-walls are compelling
demonstrations as to how formal and multi-functional requirements can be integrally solved
instead of being disentangled into separate single-function building elements. Perhaps the
most sophisticated function is the modulation of the humidity of the air current for the
purpose of cooling by means of utilising the hygroscopic behaviour of wood:

Wind passing through the interstices of the porous-wooden mashrabya will give up some of
its humidity to the wooden balusters if they are cool at night. When the mashrabya is directly
heated by sunlight, this humidity is released into any air that may be flowing through the
interstices The balusters and interstices of the mashrabya have optimal absolute and
relative sizes that are based on the area of the surfaces exposed to the air and the rate at which
the air passes through. Thus if the surface area is increased by increasing baluster size, the
cooling and humidification are increased. Furthermore, a larger baluster has not only more
surface area to absorb water vapour and to serve as a surface for evaporation but also more
volume, which means that it has more capacity and will therefore release the water for
evaporation over a longer period of time. (Fathy, 1986: 48-49)

Clearly, the orientation and positioning of the mashrabya relative to the spatial and material
organisation of a building and in relation to the local environment is of key importance. It is,
thus, necessary to understand the interaction between the spatial and material organisation
complex and a specific environment. This is not sufficiently addressed as a series of one-way
causal relations, all separately dealt with through a set of mechanical models that focus on
single functional criteria and material characteristics. Instead, it is necessary to conceive this
as feedback-based exchanges that require behavioural models as the means of

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instrumentalisation: the local environment affects the spatial and material organisation
complex and vice versa.
These screen-walls were used throughout history in all parts of the Islamic world, from
Mogul architecture in India to Morocco. Many contemporary architects have indeed taken
interest and recognise their potential without necessarily re-theorising these elements for the
contemporary built environment. The Behlings, for example, posited that the dream of the
Mogul architects was to create the ultimate diaphanous wall, in this case carved from white
marble or other stone, and the Mogul screens are far more sophisticated than modern devices
for creating shade. The filigree designs and the dramatic play of light and shadow create
virtual spaces within room the screens filter the light and allow cross-ventilation (Behling
& Behling, 2000: 117).
Islamic screen-walls have been in continued use, especially in North African context,
in spite of the fact that electro-mechanical interior climate conditioning has, since the 1970s,
all but eradicated a great wealth of sophisticated passive means throughout the world. What
makes things worse is the fact that air conditioning has become a status symbol of the
affluent, and the increasingly reduced prizes of equipment ensured that eventually all
households, except the ones of the poorest, are now air-conditioned too. Nonetheless, screen-
walls have had a new lease on life outside of architecture for the poor, gained through certain
works of modernist sculpture and architecture.
In a chapter of his seminal book Architecture oriented otherwise, David Leather-
barrow discussed different variants of louver walls designed by modernist architects, arguing
that this building element has great potential for performative architecture (Leatherbarrow,
2009). Leatherbarrow foregrounded the role of orientation, stating that because buildings
occupy sites, they must find their bearings with respect to their environment. Because they
accommodate uses, they must cover their volumes with suitable surfaces (Leatherbarrow,
2009: 9). In the following detailed analysis, Leatherbarrow selects a particular type of surface,
a louvered wall that he calls a breathing wall. Leatherbarrow continues by quoting Alan
Colquhoun, stating that the sun breaker, an external louvered wall, was more than a technical
device; it introduced a new architectural element in the form of a thick permeable wall
(Colquhoun, 1989: 187). It is the interaction between this type of building element and the
specific environment that is set within what Leatherbarrow calls productive, because its
settings supply what the given location is unable to supply on its own (Leatherbarrow, 2009:
33), and, moreover:

Certainly the buildings elements are passive they do not move or change position but they
can also be seen to be active if their behaviour is seen to result in the creation of qualities the
world lacks. This is to say, architectural elements are passively active. Seemingly at rest, they
are secretly at work. The key is this: in their labour, architectural elements fuse themselves
into the latencies of the ambient environment, adopting their capacity for change or
movement. (Leatherbarrow, 2009: 37-38)

Given these realisations, it would be necessary to take stock of permeable building elements
in different climate zones (ranging from light textile membranes to porous materials with
considerable mass) and to analyse their capacity to fulfil multiple functional requirements
while being capable of absorbing formal preferences that may relate to specifically intended
cultural and combined social and spatial agendas.
Likewise, it is necessary to develop these elements for different ranges of functional
requirements and for different environmental contexts. This line of research commenced in
2000 and took place in various academic contexts (see, for instance, Hensel and Sunguroglu
Hensel, 2010c; Hensel and Menges, 2006 and 2008). An example of a variation on the theme
of the screen-wall is a design experiment carried out by master students Joseph Kellner and
David Newton in the context of the Proto-Architecture Studio at the Rice School of Archi

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tecture in 2004. The screen-wall consists of uniformly shaped and sized thin plywood
elements that are mounted onto larger sheets of equally thin plywood. The smaller elements
are attached to the larger ones in two diagonally opposing corners and pushed away from the
larger sheet in the remaining opposing corners by means of metal bolts. This results in the
warping of the smaller patches, which then also affect the warping of the larger sheets. The
curvature of both the smaller patches and the larger sheets can be calibrated by means of the
metal bolts. Numerous sheets were mounted to one another to form a 10-meter-long and two-
meter-high wall. This wall was initially mounted flat without any warping induced by the
bolts. After complete assembly, the bolts were used to incrementally induce the warping in all
small patches and larger sheets until the entire wall assumed double-curvature. The addition
of perforation to the larger sheets exposed upon warping of the patches enables light
transmission and ventilation between the two sides of the screen-wall. In addition to the
functionality of traditional Islamic screen-walls, the specific curvature of the entire wall
facilitates its capacity to bear its own load.

Fig.4. The Brazilian Cobog is a contemporary faade element commonly made from ceramics or concrete and
assembled into a screen-wall that serves the purpose of ventilation, shading and the regulation of visual access.
The name of this element is an acronym that derives from the names of three Brazilian architects and engineers
who invented the Cobog during the first half of the 20th century: Coimbra, Boeckmann and Gis. The Brazilian
architect Delfim Amorim used the Cobog as a screen-wall in the 1959 redesign of the Luciano Costa house, an
eclectic building from the 1910s located in Recife. A tiled concrete framework supports the ceramic Cobog
infill. Photos: Defne Sungurolu Hensel, 2006.

Unlike the flat Islamic screen-wall, this variant can stand by itself, given sufficient curvature.
Moreover, the curvature of various parts of the wall can be used for better orientation towards
the sun or prevailing wind. However, the mechanical effort required in shaping the screen-
wall or modifying its shape subsequently seems out of proportion. This may be remedied by
utilising the research by Linn Tale Haugen described above, which focused on the self-
shaping capacity of laminates consisting of even layers with a consideration of fibre direction
per layer and a wetting and drying process to affect the controlled warping. In order to
maintain sufficient curvature so as to sustain structural capacity, selected areas of the wall
could be sealed to accomplish irreversibility, while other areas may remain shape-reversible
due to hygroscopic behaviour. In doing so, the project shows how the active agency of an
architectural boundary may be informed by historical examples, while being broadened in
scope by research of design efforts. This approach is also not without historical precedent.
Traditional wooden hay barns in northern Germany utilised the hygroscopic behaviour of
timber shingles to keep the hay dry to prevent it from rotting. This was accomplished by
fixing the timber shingles only along one edge and by not sealing the wood surface. In this

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way, the material can take up and give off moisture from the environment. When swelling due
to the timber taking up water, the shingles warp and increase the size of the opening,
increasing airflow. The enhanced airflow keeps the hay dry. When the ambient humidity of
the surroundings falls below the moisture content of the timber shingles, hygroscopic
behaviour tends towards equalisation of moisture content, and the shingles dry out and return
to their flat shape. The level of interaction present in these examples demonstrates how one
can develop the instrumentalisation of the active material and architectural boundary.

Fig.5. Screen-wall variant experiment by master students Joseph Kellner and David Newton at Rice School of
Architecture in 2004. The design utilised the controlled warping of plywood elements to induce curvature in the
assembly, which adds structural capacity and the possibility for differentiated orientation, as well as possible
shape adaptation to the scope of multi-functionality of traditional Islamic screen-walls. Photos: Joe Kellner and
David Newton, 2004.

Transitional Inhabitable Spaces

When the architectural boundary begins to acquire sufficient space for inhabitation, it furthers
the performative capacities of architecture, as well as the possibility of entirely repositioning
the relation between the inside and outside. This is not a new thought. The history of
architecture is rich with examples, including the versatile use of arcades and loggias. The
transitional zone between the inside and outside introduced by such elements can facilitate the
sophisticated climatic modulation of the respective building and provide spaces for versatile
use by the inhabitants. The articulated inhabitable envelope is, thus clearly in direct
opposition to the flat and often spatially featureless enclosure of the age of electrical-
mechanical interior climatization. The former was, thus, deemed aesthetically old-fashioned,
indicative of a time of lesser comfort and unnecessarily costly in initial expenditure.
David Leatherbarrow claimed that modern architecture did not eradicate the
architectural boundary as a separation between the inside and outside. Instead, modernist
architecture made this separation more subtle in his view, as boundaries between spatial
interiors and exteriors are not overcome with the adoption of the structural frame, but
thickened (Leatherbarrow, 2009: 34) One may wonder, then, whether the arcaded space of
the Renaissance, for instance, did not predate the modernist louvered wall as a thickened
boundary. Such a comparison may, however, be based on an error in category. The louvered
wall, just like the screen-wall is a building element characterised by, for lack of a better term,
a second-degree space, one that serves various sophisticated purposes, yet not intended for
direct inhabitation. The confusion arises from the ambiguous use of terminology by different
writers. Behling and Behling, for instance, refer to the arcaded space of Italian Renaissance
architecture as the wall [that] becomes habitable shade (Behling & Behling, 2000: 120).

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Whether it is correct to argue that the arcaded space derives from the design evolution of the
wall is not of essential concern to the argument pursued here; instead, the importance lies with
the hierarchical structuring of complex interaction for the purpose of its instrumentalisation
for performance-oriented architecture. Thus, it is useful for the purpose at hand to distinguish
between building elements and habitable spaces in a clear manner.
Therefore, in returning to David Leatherbarrows comment on the thickened border of the
louvered wall, it is necessary to examine whether some traits of modernist works developed
equivalents to inhabitable transitional spaces between the inside and outside.

Fig.6. In the context of Diploma Unit 4 at the Architectural Association, directed by Michael Hensel and Ludo
Grooteman (1999-2003), the extension and spatialisation of the architectural boundary was the subject of
extensive research by design. For their entry to the Copenhagen Playhouse Competition, Copenhagen, Denmark,
2001-02 diploma students Nasrin Kalbasi and Dimitrios Tsigos pursued decisive transitions from closed surfaces
to the striated organisation of the building envelope and a semi-burrowed, multiple-ground configuration
engendered by the continuous surface. This design was based on a detailed geometric study of striation density,
orientation and curvature and the resultant viewpoint-dependent visual transparency of the envelope. The gradual
transitions of the striated envelope and its smooth transformation into a furniture and ergonomics-related scale
made the envelope also part of the furnishing and the articulation of the ground, thus thickening the envelope
into an inhabitable space. The approach to a striated tectonic owes to the works of Iranian architect Bahram
Shirdel and the sculptural works of Raimo Utriainen. Illustrations: Nasrin Kalbasi and Dimitri Tsigos, 2001-02.

The work of the second-generation German modernist architect Egon Eiermann is

characterised by an extensive use of so-called wrap-around galleries (Hoebel, 2004). These
are elements that do not fulfil the purpose of inhabitation, but, instead, that of maintenance
and cleaning of the exterior, as well as structural support and spatial distribution of elements
for passive environmental modulation such as shading. They constitute, according to
Friederike Hoebel, constructive and tectonic elements of the three-dimensional faade
(Hoebel, 2004: 79). Interesting for our purpose is that Eiermann advocated that one should
always be careful to examine whether in our climate it is really worth installing so-called air
conditioning, or whether one could achieve equally good results by making special provisions
in the construction and use of simple ventilation systems (Eiermann, 1973: 518).
Yet, while Eiermanns view seems to suggest a shared interest in various historical
examples discussed above, he expressed clearly that architects should not concern themselves
with the study of the history of architecture. As the latter continues to be organised around

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questions of style and type, it would have been interesting to know whether Eiermann would
have subscribed to an architectural history focused on questions of performance.
Between 1999 and 2003 Diploma Unit 4 at the Architectural Association undertook
research into alternative articulations of the architectural boundary, one that could be
described as the synthesis between screen-walls or louvered walls with that of an inhabitable
boundary, yet extended into the design of entire buildings. This resulted in spatial
arrangements that were entirely transitional, with spatial characteristics of matrixes of
interconnected spaces as well as multi-functional and environmental modulation
characteristics of screen-walls or louvered walls. However, these studies remained somewhat
elusive with regards to the synthesis of spatial and material resolution. What was missing was
a careful analysis of suitable precedents that needed to be examined from this new

Fig.7. In the context of Diploma Unit 4 at the Architectural Association, diploma students Dimitrios Tsigos and
Hani Fallaha pursued a study of a housing unit based on a striated articulation of the architectural boundary,
which articulates an inhabitable deep louver wall. The geometric articulation of the material strips relates to
ergonomics, visual access and thermal and luminous parameters. The longitudinal section and the plans clearly
display the striated tectonic scheme of the project. Material experiments served to compile an extensive
catalogue of geometric manipulations of the material strips and the resulting arrays of elements that were
analysed, systematised and deployed in relation to the stated functional criteria. Illustrations: Dimitri Tsigos and
Hani Fallaha, 2003.

Architectural history is without a doubt very rich in examples of spatial and inhabitable
architectural boundaries that are characterised by an integral relation between spatial and
material resolution and its interaction with a specific environment. These are not simply
generic elements attached to an exterior wall, but rather an intentional extension and
spatialisation of the latter for the benefit of a more heterogeneous space and varied
environment that provides for dynamic inhabitation. The detailed study of these historical
examples, with a focus on performance, has recently started at the Oslo School of Arch-
itecture and Design and will culminate in a book of specific case studies.

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Research fellow Defne Sungurolu Hensel, one of the key researchers involved in this project,
currently investigates the spatial organisation and environmental performance of the Ottoman
Baghdad kiosk (Badad Kk) (1638-39), a small building located at the Forth Courtyard of
Topkap Palace in Istanbul that was used mainly as a summer or winter recreational residence
(Hensel and Sunguroglu Hensel, 2010b). This double-storey building is organised on an
octagonal footprint with four of the faces recessed, resulting in a meandering envelope
thickened by an arcaded space. The meandering spatial and material organisation results in
different exterior spaces that are set back and shaded by the protruding roof. It also positions
the windows in the protruding corners in a more exposed location to gain light for the interior.
Moreover, it results in areas of different climatic exposure in the interior, which it organises
into four apses, which are occupied by diwans. These provide diverse choices of locations for
specific activities relative to the time-specific comfort requirements of the inhabitants. The
arcades could either be fully exposed or covered by hanging carpets and textile draping,
transforming the upper level into exposed or private zones. Textile draping can provide visual
protection, shading and ventilation. What is surprising is the ratio between the transitional
arcaded space and the interior space, both of which are equal in area. Clearly, the transitional
space was neither deemed wasteful nor secondary.

Fig.8 Defne Sungurolu Hensel research undertaken at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design focuses on
the interrelation between the spatial articulation and environmental performance of the Baghdad kiosk (Badad
Kk) (1638-39) at the Topkap Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. The spatial organization analysis involves the
production of models and the vertical and horizontal sectional sequences, which indicate the intricate articulation
and variation of the combined spatial and material envelope of the kiosk. The environmental analysis involves
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of airflow velocities, pressure zones, and turbulent kinetic
energy, thus extending the question of the spatial and material organisation of the building threshold to its
exchange with the local environment. This part of the research is undertaken in collaboration with Dr. yvind
Andreassen and Emma M. M. Wingstedt at FFI the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, 2010.
Illustrations: Defne Sungurolu Hensel, 2010.

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In a research meeting in 2000, Andrew Hall, at the time the director of Arup Faades, pointed
out two directions of future research for building envelopes. Hall termed the first approach an
engineers approach, which focuses on the development of a thin material envelope that is
multi-functional and takes care of all environmental requirements of the building. Hall termed
the second approach the architects approach, which focuses on utilising multiple material
layers with inhabitable spaces located between them. This second approach has clearly
historical precedents as discussed above. While evidently the first approach prevails, as
discussed above, it would be incorrect to exclusively attribute this fact to the constraints of
current standards, expectations or affordability. This assessment would not reflect the
situation accurately enough. It would be necessary to take into account that a fully developed
alternative is not readily at hand; yet, it could arise from the synthesis of the redefinition of
the material and spatial boundary within the paradigm of performance-oriented architecture.

Conclusion: The Spatial and Material Organisation Complex

This article aimed to elaborate on the various interrelated elements that are necessary to
facilitate a synergetic approach that brings all of the above into an integral model for a spatial
and material organisation complex towards a performance-oriented architecture. This consists
of: [i] the material constituent, from the microstructure to material properties, their
modulation by a specific surrounding, the resulting material behaviour in interaction with a
specific environment and, thus, its performative capacity; [ii] the multi-functionality of
material systems and assemblages and the building systems made from those in interaction
with their specific environment; and, [iii] the spatial organisation of architectural boundaries
as extended areas of transition from the outside to the inside, again in interaction with a
specific environment, as well as [iv] the resulting heterogeneous space and the provisions for
choice of type and location of activities that arise from that.
To accomplish this task, much more research and research by design is required,
which needs to focus on each of these four areas and on the overlaps between them. This will
require the production of reliable empirical data and detailed insights into processes of active
agency and interaction, a renewed interest in systems thinking and often the search for an
increased complexity for which biology might provide a suitable paradigm.
This article has attempted to draw together the various constituents of what is termed
here the spatial and material organisation complex. Above and beyond the further research
into this domain, as outlined above, the subsequent effort in developing the framework for
performance-oriented architecture will need to focus on the other domains of active agency,
the human subject and the environment. Moreover, it will be necessary to discuss and develop
an appropriate methodological framework and a repositioning of the notion of sustainability
vis--vis the overarching approach to performance-oriented architecture.
Follow-up articles need to focus on the elaboration of the definition and role of
material systems, the intermediary stage between the material and spatial boundary or
between material behaviour and the architectural boundary as a mode of spatial organisation.
Subsequently, a number of articles need to focus on suitable definitions of the environment
and its role in relation to the spatial and material organisation complex and the human subject.
And, finally, it will be necessary to discuss the need for a differentiated and heterogeneous
built environment in relation to the human subject and its desynchronised evolution vis--vis
the man-made acceleration of the transformation of the environment.

Michael U. Hensel
Professor II
Oslo School of Architecture & Design, Institute of Architecture
Email address: [email protected]

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