New Testament Manuscripts From The First Century

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New Testament Manuscripts from the First Century

By Kyle Pope

W hile Jesus was still upon the earth He promised His apostles that He would send them the Holy Spirit. Two
important functions were connected with this promise: 1. the Holy Spirit would remind them of what Jesus
had said (John 14:26), and 2. the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth (John 16:13). As a result of this,
when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles, those things which they taught and wrote were the commands of the
Lord (Matthew 10:19; I Corinthians 14:37). Their writings were called Scripture (II Peter 3:16), and they were
produced by the movement and inspiration of the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:21; II Timothy 3:16).
The New Testament which we read today came into existence through this means. Jesus promised that His words
would not pass away but would endure longer than heaven and earth (Matthew 24:35). The fact that some 4000
handwritten manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have survived into modern times stands as a striking
illustration of the truth of Jesus statement.

John Rylands Papyrus 52

Since 1935 most of the scholarly world held that the oldest portion of a New
Testament manuscript which had survived was a small papyrus fragment of the gospel of
John housed in the John Rylands University library in Manchester, England. This
manuscript, known as Papyrus 52 ( 52), was discovered in Egypt in 1920 and dated by
C.H. Roberts to 100-125 AD. when he rst published the fragment.[1]In recent decades
some profound developments and debates have been going on behind the scenes which
may eventually move Papyrus 52 out of its place as our oldest surviving New Testament
Papyrus52( 52)

The Magdalen Papyrus

In 1901 three small fragments of a papyrus of the gospel of Matthew were discovered in Luxor, Egypt and sent to
the Magdalen College library in Oxford. Classied as Papyrus 64 ( 64), these fragments received little attention for
over fty years, until C.H. Roberts published the fragments in 1953 and revised their previous dating from the 3rd or
4th century to the late 200s AD.[2]In the years that followed Roberts and other scholars discovered that Papyrus 64
was actually part of the same manuscript as two other fragments Papyrus 67( 67), a fragment of Matthew housed in
Barcelona and Papyrus 4 ( 4) a near complete page from the gospel of Luke housed in Paris.[3]
In 1995 the German scholar Carsten Peter Thiede took another look at Papyrus 64
in light of recent discoveries. Thiede concluded that based upon comparison with other
papyri known to date to the late 1st century and before, an earlier date of 70-100 AD.
should be assigned to Papyrus 64 (and thus the other two papyri produced by the same
scribe).[4]This generated an uproar in the scholarly world. Graham Stanton, a liberal
scholar who had written extensively on Matthew, published a book later the same year
which began with a chapter dismissing Thiedes arguments because he had compared
Papyrus64( 64)
manuscripts from different locations.[5]In response to this Thiede devoted an entire
book to the subject in 1996 entitledThe Jesus Papyrus.[6]
While it must be acknowledged that Thiede has a bit of a sensational air,[7]the evidence which he presents is
reasonable and should not be so quickly dismissed. Some of Thiedes critics, including Stanton, hold the belief that
the gospels were not verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, but formed through an editorial process by the early
church using a hypothetical text of Jesus sayings they call Q.[8]Such critics cannot escape the fact that if they
accept a rst century date for a surviving gospel manuscript their liberal theories crumble.[9]This cannot avoid
coloring their appraisal of Thiedes dating.

Chester Beatty Papyrus 46

Even more compelling than the issues which surround the Magdalen Papyrus are
some matters which have received even less attention regarding a huge papyri
manuscript containing almost all of Pauls epistles. Discovered around 1930, near
Fayum, Egypt together with two younger manuscripts of the Gospels, Acts and
Revelation it is classied as Papyrus 46 ( 46) and housed partially in Dublin, Ireland
in the Chester Beatty Collection and partially in the University of Michigan, Special
Collections Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This manuscript was published only a
few years after its discovery in 1936, by Fredric Kenyon, who dated it to the early
3rd century.[10]Papyrologist Ulrich Wilcken, around the same time dated it to 200
AD.[11]and his views became the dominant assessment among scholars.
Papyrus 46( 46)

Over fty years later new discoveries and reevaluation of evidence was applied to
Papyrus 46. Scholar Young Kyu Kim in a thorough and highly technical paper concluded that Papyrus 46 should be
dated to the later 1st century before the reign of Domitian.[12]Kim compared handwriting styles and linguistic
changes from papyri of various known dates and found that Papyrus 46 matched much more closely those found in
late 1st century documents than those of the 2nd century.[13]
Unlike the uproar which would surround the redating of the Magdalen Papyrus, while the later dating still
remains the dominant assessment, scholarly criticism of Kim has been much more reserved. Philip W. Comfort in his
wonderful bookThe Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts,outlines Kims arguments and after
offering some comparisons of his own seems to conclude that while Kim could be right, he leans more towards the
later dating.[14]This is amazing, because if Kims dating is correct it would mean that we could have a near
complete copy of Pauls epistles which was penned before the end of the 1st century!

As Christians, our faith in the reliability of the New Testament and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit does not
depend upon manuscript fragments and debates among scholars. At the same time we must recognize that we live in
a world in which intellectual assaults are made every day against young Christians and those we would hope to lead
to the truth. These assaults attempt to undermine what the Bible teaches and discredit the truths we hold dear. The
more that we can know about the nature of such challenges and the evidence which does exist, the better prepared
we are to answer these assaults.

[1]Roberts, C.H.An Unpublished Fragment of the Fourth Gospel, in the John Rylands Library(Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 1935).

[2]Roberts, C.H. An Early Papyrus of the First Gospel.Harvard Theological Review46 (1953):233.

[3]Comfort, Philip W. Exploring the Common Identication of Three New Testament Manuscripts: 4, 64and 67.Tyndale
Bulletin46.1 (1995):43. While most scholars agree that the same scribe produced all three manuscripts, not all agree that they were a
part of the same manuscript.

[4]Thiede, Carsten Peter. Papyrus Magdalen Greek 17 (Gregory-Aland 64): A Reappraisal.Tyndale Bulletin46.1 (1995):29.

[5]Stanton, Graham.Gospel Truth: New Light on Jesus & the Gospels(Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press Int., 1995). See Chapter II, First
Century Fragments of Matthews Gospel? pp. 12-19.

[6]This book was published in the US under the titleEyewitnesses to Jesus: Amazing New Manuscript Evidence about the Origin of the
Gospels(New York: Doubleday, 1996) - Carsten Peter Thiede and Matthew DAncona.

[7]What actually provoked Stantons criticism of Thiede was an interview printed in late 1994 in which an interviewer of Thiedes wrote
that 64was dated to the middle of the 1st century. In Thiedes much more reserved scholarly article cited above, which followed this
interview, he suggested that 64could be redated to 70-100 AD. Thiede also argues that a fragment found among the Dead Sea
Scrolls, known a 7Q5 is from a roll of the gospel of Mark. I dont nd his evidence for this claim to be as convincing.

[8]See Stanton,Gospel Truth.Chapter VI Q: A Lost Gospel? pp. 63-76.

[9]Stanton, in referring to Thiedes claim admits that if it turns out to be correct, parts of the history of earliest Christianity will have to
be rewritten from top to tail (ibid. p. 4).

[10]Kenyon, Fredric G.The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, fasc. 3, supplement 3.1, Pauline Epistles, Text(London: Emery Walker,
1936). I was most fortunate to be able to secure a copy of this text when my brother made a trip to Ireland some years ago.

[11]Wilchen, Ulrich.Archiv fr Papyrusforschung11 (1935):113.

[12]Kim, Young Kyu. Paleographical Dating of 46to the Later First Century.Biblica69 (1988): 248-257.
[13]Kim offers the following groups of handwritting forms from 46
( ) in contrast to the following dominant way in which these forms are found after the
reign of Domitian
( ). In addition to this Kim shows that a linguistic change, in which the Greek prexeg-( ),
which is found in 46
, was replaced byek-( ) before the 200 AD. (pp. 254-55).

[14]Comfort, Philip W. and David Barrett.The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts.(Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Baker Book House, 1999) pp. 193-98.


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