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Behavioral Ecology

Advance Access publication 20 October 2006

Same-sex sexual behavior in birds: expression

is related to social mating system and state of
development at hatching
Geoff R. MacFarlane,a Simon P. Blomberg,b Gisela Kaplan,c and Lesley J. Rogersc
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales,
Australia, bCentre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Australian
Capital Territory, Australia, and cCentre for Neuroscience and Animal Behaviour, University of
New England, New South Wales, Australia

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We report the findings of a phylogenetic comparative analysis examining patterns and frequency of occurrence of same-sex
courtship and mounting behavior in birds. Our analysis has shown associations between same-sex sexual behavior and both
mating system and degree of precociousness at hatching. The patterns of expression and frequency of occurrence of same-sex
sexual behavior differed markedly for males and females. Patterns of same-sex sexual expression reflected the competitive sexes
that actively solicit sexual interactions in heterosexual encounters. Malemale (MM) sexual behavior occurred across all mating
systems, but MM mounting was significantly more prevalent in those species with facultative polygamy. The frequency of MM
sexual behavior increased with degree of polygamy. Femalefemale (FF) sexual behavior (especially courtship) occurred most
frequently in socially monogamous species and rarely occurred in species that display obligate polygamy (predominantly polygynous
species). Both expression and frequency of FF sexual behavior was strongly related to the precocial state of development at
hatching. FF sexual behavior is more likely to occur in species in which monogamy occurs together with the production of
precocial offspring; that is, in monogamous species that are exceptions to the more common altricial mode of development. We
suggest that requirement of biparental care in monogamous species may influence the greater expression of FF sexual behavior
and longer term associations. Both spatial and behavioral dispersion of females and engagement in uniparental care may be
important in explaining the lower incidence of FF sexual behavior in polygynous species. Social contexts where males congregate
at communal leks or display areas may influence the greater expression and frequency of MM sexual behavior in polygynous
species. Key words: altricial, animal homosexual behavior, mating systems, monogamy, polygamy, precocial, same-sex sexual
behavior, social learning. [Behav Ecol 18:2133 (2007)]

lthough rarely addressed in the literature, sexual inter- in other species both sexes participate in same-sex mounting
A actions between individuals of the same sex occur in birds,
with over 130 avian species worldwide being documented as
(e.g., the Tasmanian native hen, Gallinula mortierii; Ridpath
1972). Such mounting may involve cloacal contact or attempted
engaging in same-sex sexual, same-sex, or homosexual behav- cloacal contact.
iors (Bagemihl 1999). Courtship behaviors employed for adver- It seems that species may also vary in the type of same-sex
tising to prospective mates in opposite-sex sexual interactions sexual behavior expressed: in some species, only same-sex
also occur among individuals of the same sex. Same-sex court- courtship has been documented (e.g., male regent bowerbirds,
ship activities may involve elaborate displays, synchronized Sericulus chrysocephalus; Lenz 1994) or only mounting (e.g., the
dances, gift-giving ceremonies, or behaviors at specific display great crested grebe Podiceps cristatus; Bagemihl 1999), whereas
areas including bowers, arenas, or leks. Courtship behavior in other species same-sex courtship and mounting co-occur
often results in same-sex mounting and even copulatory behav- (e.g., the purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio; Jamieson and
ior, and for a subset of species, same-sex pair-bonding and Craig 1987). Moreover, the frequency of occurrence varies
long-term same-sex associations have been reported (e.g., the greatly interspecifically.
black swan, Cygnus atratus; Braithwaite 1981). Although the majority of individuals that engage in
In some species, only one sex has been observed to court same-sex sexual activity usually also engage in heterosexual
the same sex (e.g., female black-faced sheathbills, Chionis interactions (Mills 1991), this pattern of behavior appears to
minor; Bried et al. 1999), whereas in other species both sexes be inconsistent with traditional evolutionary theory. What
participate in same-sex courtship (e.g., the galah, Eolophus adaptive value, if any, does interacting sexually with an indi-
roseicapillus; Rogers and McCulloch 1981). The same variation vidual of the same sex provide if the behavior does not directly
among species occurs for mounting: in some species, only one contribute to an individuals fitness?
sex has been observed to mount the same sex (e.g., male Descriptive cross-species accounts of same-sex sexual behav-
cattle egrets, Ardea ibis; Fujioka and Yamagishi 1981), whereas ior exist for mammals (Dagg 1984; Tyler 1984; Vasey 1995)
and birds (Bagemihl 1999) yet little, if any attention, has been
directed at quantitatively examining factors that may influ-
Address correspondence to G.R. MacFarlane. E-mail: geoff. ence its expression and maintenance across taxonomic
[email protected]. groups. It is not known why some species exhibit only male
Received 2 March 2006; revised 25 July 2006; accepted 5 August male (MM) or only femalefemale (FF) sexual behavior,
2006. whereas other species exhibit both. Nor is it known why
same-sex sexual behavior is common in some species and rare
 The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of
the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
22 Behavioral Ecology

in others. We were interested in investigating whether 1) the interaction with adult males, or observe interactions between
reproductive social organization and 2) the developmental malefemale pairs during early development. A significant
state at hatching has any bearing on the occurrence of court- proportion of these male and female individuals exhib-
ship and/or mounting behavior between members of the ited same-sex preferences in adulthood (Adkins-Regan and
same sex, and we chose to investigate this in avian species. Krakauer 2000). The sex ratio of conspecifics and later social
The dominant social mating system of avian species may be experience has also been observed to affect sexual imprinting
broadly classified according to the degree of polygamy or, preferences in altricial species (Oetting et al. 1995). For these
more specifically, whether a species is predominantly socially various reasons, the expression of same-sex sexual behavior
monogamous, facultatively polygamous, or obligately polyga- may also be related to the state of development at hatching
mous based on the number of potential mates acquired by across species.
one or both of the sexes and the longevity/exclusivity of the We tested our hypotheses in a phylogenetic context, using
association between individuals (Owens and Hartley 1998). a data set of avian species of the world for which same-sex
Social mating system also has implications for the social sexual behavior has been reported.
structure of the species and the potential opportunity for
social and/or sexual interactions among individuals. The
temporal and spatial distribution/availability of the sexes, METHODS
the patterns of breeding and nonbreeding dispersal, and
Data collection
the degree of parental care provided by each sex are all
related to social mating system (Temrin and Tullberg 1995; A survey of the literature published in scientific journals was

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Ligon 1999; Mller 2003; Reichard 2003). These factors in- conducted, and all reports of same-sex courtship and/or
fluence the opportunity, expression, and frequency of sexual mounting behavior were tabulated. Species were included
behavior, including courtship and copulation, mate choice, on the basis of documented evidence of same-sex sexual be-
and pair-bonding among individuals of the opposite sex havior under natural (noncaptive) conditions. We decided to
(Gowaty 1996), and may also influence the occurrence and include only reports of the behaviors being performed by
frequency of sexual interactions among individuals of the animals in the wild because captivity may well influence the
same sex. expression of sexual behavior between members of the same
Same-sex sexual behavior has been observed for species that sex (McGraw and Hill 1999).
are primarily socially monogamous (e.g., Western gull, Larus Many references were initially sourced from Bagemihl
occidentalis; Hunt et al. 1984) through to species that exhibit (1999). Apart from original research papers, Bagemihl
extreme polygamy (e.g., Guianan cock-of-the-rock, Rupicola (1999) has also systematically surveyed the multivolumed series
rupicola; Trail and Koutnik 1986). Yet the sexes that express Birds of North America (e.g., Poole et al. 1994), the Handbook of the
these behaviors and the frequency of same-sex sexual behavior Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the birds of the
may potentially vary with social mating system. Traditional Western Palearctic (e.g., Cramp and Simmons 1983) and the Birds
selection theory would predict that selection may act to con- of Africa (e.g., Brown et al. 1982) for records of same-sex sexual
strain same-sex sexual behavior, whereby same-sex sexual in- behavior. We also systematically searched the contents of
teractions would be less frequently observed in monogamous 13 zoological, behavioral, and ornithological journals from
species in which individuals are pair bonded and a same-sex the international literature: Auk (18841999); Condor (1899
association may have a significant impact on an individuals 2000); Journal of Field Ornithology (19301999); Wilson Bulle-
fitness. Conversely, traditional selection theory would also pre- tin (18891999); Australian Journal of Zoology (19531987,
dict that same-sex sexual behavior may be more frequently 19952003); Australian Wildlife Research (Wildlife Research)
observed in polygamous species (i.e., in polygyny/promiscuity (19741991, 19972001); Emu (19502003); Corella (1980
for males and polyandry/promiscuity for females) in which 2004); Australian Zoologist (19142003); CSIRO Wildlife Research
multiple sexual opportunities are possible while still affording (19561973); Australian Birds (19822003); Animal Behaviour
reproductive opportunity. (19532003); and Behaviour (19532001). In addition, we ex-
State of development at hatching may also influence the amined citation lists of papers in which same-sex sexual behav-
development of sexual behavior, including mate choice, court- ior was reported for further candidate studies. Searches were
ship, and copulation (Vos 1995). Early social experiences with performed on the electronic databases Biological Abstracts
conspecifics are important in shaping adult sexual preferences (19852005) and Web of Science (19812005). These data-
in birds (Immelmann 1972; Adkins-Regan and Krakauer 2000). bases collectively contained records for the ornithological jour-
Precocial and altricial species differ markedly in the acquisition nals Aves (19932005), Birds of North America (19932002), Bird
of sexual preferences through imprinting (Bolhuis 1991): both Behaviour (19812005), Behavioral Ecology (19902005), Behav-
precocial and altricial birds imprint sexually, but the sensitive ioral Ecology and Sociobiology (19812005), British Birds (1982
period for sexual imprinting is preceded by a period of filial 2005), Colonial Waterbirds (19851998), Egretta (19832001),
imprinting in precocial but not altricial species. Sensitive Ethology (19862005), Ethology Ecology and Evolution (1989
periods for sexual imprinting also vary temporally between al- 2005), Ibis (19822005), Japanese Journal of Ornithology
tricial and precocial species (Oetting et al. 1995), providing (19872005), Journal of Avian Biology (19942005), Journal of
opportunities for differences in social learning related to sexual Ethology (19862005), Larus (19831999), Ostrich (1981
preference. 2005), Scottish Birds (19932004), Western Birds (19932005),
A number of authors have reported that males of precocial and Wildfowl (19862003). Searches were also performed on
species may sexually imprint and later mount other males, the Searchable Ornithological Research Archive which in addi-
as in geese, Anser anser (Tyler 1984), mallard ducks, Anas tion to selected aforementioned journals also contained re-
platyrhynchos (Schutz 1965), and Japanese quails, Coturnix cords for North American Bird Bander (19762000), Pacific Coast
coturnix japonica (Nash and Domjan 1991). Avifauna (19001974), Studies in Avian Biology (19781999),
For altricial species, both males and females may display and Ornithologa Neotropical (19902002). Finally, each species
same-sex preferences in adulthood as a direct result of expe- record in the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
rience during early development. Removal of adult male birds Birds (Marchant and Higgins 1990) and Handbook of the Birds of
from the rearing environment meant zebra finch chicks, the World (Del Hoyo et al. 2005) was examined for documenta-
Taeniopygia guttata, were unable to experience biparental care, tion of same-sex sexual behavior.
MacFarlane et al. Same-sex sexual behavior in birds 23

Because same-sex sexual behavior has rarely been the focus ship behavior may serve other related functions such as the
of study in the ornithological literature, the occurrence of development and/or maintenance of pair bonds and some-
same-sex sexual behavior may be underreported due to sci- times serve dual or multiple nonsexual functions, though
entific or theoretical difficulties in ascribing to it reproduc- these instances were not included in our study (Armstrong
tive, social function or adaptive significance (Tyler 1984; 1965; Immelmann 1977). Mounting (pseudocopulatory) be-
Bagemihl 1999). Thus, the species list collated may represent havior describes attempted and/or achieved cloacal contact
a subset of potential species in which individuals interact or manipulation (or insertion of the intromittent organ) and
sexually with the same-sex. Furthermore, we acknowledge is similar in form to that reported for opposite-sex encounters
that expression and frequency of same-sex behavior may in for the same species (Birkhead et al. 1986; Marchant and
some instances reflect the anecdotal nature of some refer- Higgins 1990; Lombardo et al. 1994; Kaplan and Rogers
ences to same-sex sexual behavior, the contexts in which species 2001).
are studied behaviorally, and the biased way in which species Based on these definitions, 4 dichotomous variables were
are chosen to study and/or observed in the field for a variety constructed for species in which same-sex sexual behavior was
of reasons (Clarke 1997). Nonetheless, for species in which evident; MM courtship, MM mounting, FF courtship, and FF
same-sex sexual behavior has been recorded, it is instructive mounting. For each variable, 0 equates to the absence of any
to attempt to compare patterns of sexual behavior with other reports of same-sex behaviors in this species and 1 equates to
behavioral traits. Only species in which accounts of same-sex the presence of same-sex behaviors in this species.
sexual behavior could be verified with original data were
included in the data set. Wherever possible, species were Relative frequency of same-sex sexual behavior

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included only when the identification of the sex of indi- Each species was scored on a categorical, ordinal scale for the
viduals was considered reliable. Seventy-three percent of the relative frequency of MM and FF courtship and/or mounting
data set comprised species classified as sexually dimorphic after Vasey (1995). Frequency was normalized intraspecifically
based on the plumage and/or weight dimorphism criteria against the frequency in opposite-sex interactions within the
of Owens and Hartley (1998). Of the remaining 27% of spe- same study (percent in the sample observed). A 4-point scale
cies in the data set (sexually monomorphic), sex identifica- was employed including 0 (absent); 1 (rare), same-sex sexual
tion was confirmed via banding and/or sex identification behavior occurred 5% or less frequently than did opposite-sex
(i.e., laparoscopy/laparotomy/cloacal examination/DNA tech- sexual behavior or the behavior was described anecdotally and
niques) or other sex-specific markers/behaviors were recorded, thus frequency was unable to be estimated; 2 (occasional),
that is, egg laying, brood patches, and cloacal protuberances. same-sex sexual behavior occurred 624% as frequently as
A final data set of 80 species was compiled, all of which were opposite-sex sexual behavior; and 3 (frequent), same-sex sex-
reported to perform same-sex courtship and/or mounting ual behavior occurred 25% or more frequently as opposite-sex
under noncaptive conditions in the published literature sexual behavior. (Note that a 0 score was recoded when same-
(Table 1). sex courtship or mounting had been reported but not the
Categories of same-sex sexual behavior, social mating
system, and developmental mode Degree of polygamy
MM and FF sexual behavior We categorized the dominant social mating system using the
There is much confusion and subjectivity in the literature traditional classification of the degree of polygamy in mating
regarding what types of behavior constitute same-sex sexual systems derived from social interactions/bonds observed in
activity. For the purposes of the current study, same-sex sexual the field, after Mller (1986) and modified by Owens and
behavior refers conservatively to courtship and/or mounting Hartley (1998). A 3-point scale was employed: 1, monogamy
among individuals of the same sex, MM, or FF, regardless of where polygamy was not recorded or rare in both sexes (so-
the possible motivation or function of the behaviors. We recog- cially monogamous); 2, facultative polygamy in one or both
nize the existence of a wealth of further reports of same-sex sexes (social monogamy co-occurring with polygyny, polyan-
affiliative behavior in the literature, broadly including allo- dry, promiscuity, and/or cooperative breeding systems); and
preening, pair-bonding, and parenting activities (Bagemihl 3, obligate polygamy in one or both sexes (polygyny, polyan-
1999). All these interrelated behavioral categories are ap- dry, and/or promiscuity). Mating system categories are admit-
plied loosely within the behavioral literature and considered tedly broad, and much of the diversity and plasticity of avian
to be, without question, integral components of opposite- mating systems are lost when species are collapsed in such
sex sexual interactions (Marchant and Higgins 1990; Reynolds a fashion. Despite this, broad categorization is required in
1996; Zann 1996). Their context is rarely questioned, even comparative analysis (due to the reduced degrees of freedom
though established links to sexual behavior often remain (df) associated with accounting for phylogenetic relatedness),
unclear. Although these patterns of behavior may be criti- and the groupings are not meaningless as they reflect funda-
cized when termed same-sex sexual, many authors have mental differences in the way species interact both socially
defined these associations as isosexual, intrasexual, or and sexually (Lindenfors 2002).
homosexual (e.g., Van Rhijn and Groothuis 1985; Huber
and Martys 1993; Adkins-Regan 2002). For the sake of rigor, State of development of young at hatching
and to ensure the behavior examined represents sexual in- The developmental state of young, defined as the incapability
teractions, allopreening, pair-bonding, and parenting activi- (altricial) or capability (precocial) of young to leave the nest
ties were purposefully and conservatively excluded from our at hatching dependent on locomotive development and for-
analysis. aging ability (Temrin and Tullberg 1995), was scored for each
Courtship behavior, as we used the term, referred specifi- species on a 4-point categorical scale: 1, altricial (immobile,
cally to any behavioral patterns that may lead to mounting downless, remain in nest, eyes closed, fed); 2, semialtricial
provided the same expression of behavior has also been re- (immobile, downy, remain in nest, eyes open, fed); 3, semi-
ported in opposite-sex encounters within the same species precocial (mobile, downy, remain in nest, fed); and 4, pre-
and the behaviors were precopulatory in nature (Bastock cocial (mobile, downy, follow parents, fed, shown food, or
1967; Immelmann 1977; Marchant and Higgins 1990). Court- find own food) after Marchant and Higgins (1990).
24 Behavioral Ecology

Table 1
Survey of the expression and frequency of same-sex sexual behavior in avifaunal taxa under noncaptive conditions (N 80)

Species MMca MMmb FFcc FFmd MMFRe FFFRf POLYg A/Ph Referencesi

Struthio camelus 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 1
Centrocercus urophasianus 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2
Biziura lobata 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 3
Cygnus atratus 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 4 4
Anser anser 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 4 5
Anser caerulescens 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 4 6, 7
Branta canadensis 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 4 8
Tadorna tadornoides 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 4 9
Anas platyrhynchos 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 7, 10, 11
Anas discors 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 7
Aythya affinis 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 7
Melanerpes formicivorus 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 12
Dinopium benghalense 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 13
Coracias cyanogaster 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 14
Dacelo novaeguineae 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 15, 16
Ceryle rudis 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 7

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Aratinga canicularis 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 7, 17
Phaethornis superciliosus 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 1 18
Calypte anna 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 1 19
Porphyrio porphyrio 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 20
Gallinula tenebrosa 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 21
Gallinula mortierii 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 22
Tringa totanus 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 7, 23
Tringa nebularia 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 7
Tryngites subruficollis 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 4 24
Philomachus pugnax 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 7, 25
Chionis minor 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 26
Haematopus ostralegus 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 27, 28
Himantopus himantopus 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 4 29
Himantopus novaezelandiae 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 4 30
Pluvialis apricaria 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 31
Larus occidentalis 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 3 32
Larus novaehollandiae 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 33
Larus ridibundus 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 3 7, 34, 35
Larus atricilla 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 36
Pagophila eburnea 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 7
Uria aalge 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 37
Alca torda 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 2 38
Gypaetus barbatus 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 2 39
Falco tinnunculus 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7, 40
Poliocephalus poliocephalus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 7, 41, 42
Podiceps cristatus 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 41
Podiceps occipitalis 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 43
Phalacrocorax carbo 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 7, 44
Phalacrocorax aristotelis 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 45
Egretta garzetta 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 7, 46
Ardea cinerea 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 47
Ardea ibis 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 48
Scopus umbretta 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 49
Pygoscelis papua 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 7
Pygoscelis adeliae 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 50
Diomedea immutabilis 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 51, 52
Diomedea bulleri 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 53
Mionectes oleagineus 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 54
Perissocephalus tricolor 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 55
Rupicola rupicola 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 56
Chiroxiphia pareola 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 57
Chiroxiphia caudata 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 7
Gymnopithys bicolor 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 58
Phaenostictus mcleannani 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 59
Menura novaehollandiae 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 60
Scenopoeetes dentirostris 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 61
Sericulus chrysocephalus 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 62
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 63
Chlamydera maculata 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 61
Lichenostomus melanops 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 64
Notiomystis cincta 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 65, 66
Melanodryas cucullata 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 67
Pica pica 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 68
MacFarlane et al. Same-sex sexual behavior in birds 25

Table 1, continued

Species MMca MMmb FFcc FFmd MMFRe FFFRf POLYg A/Ph Referencesi

Corvus monedula 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 69
Ptiloris victoriae 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 70
Ptiloris magnificus 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 63
Sialia sialis 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 71
Tachycineta bicolor 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 72
Riparia riparia 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 7
Hirundo pyrrhonota 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 73
Pseudonigrita arnaudi 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 74
Euplectes orix 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 75
Fringilla coelebs 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 7
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 76

Species taxonomy based on Sibley & Munroe (1990, 1993).

Occurrence of MM courtship.
Occurrence of MM mounting.
Occurrence of FF courtship.

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Occurrence of FF mounting.
Frequency of MM sexual behavior.
Frequency of FF sexual behavior.
Degree of polygamy.
State of young at hatching, altricialprecocial.
References for data on same-sex sexual behavior: (1) Sauer (1972); (2) Scott (1942); (3) Lowe (1966); (4) Braithwaite (1981); (5) Huber &
Martys (1993); (6) Diamond (1989); (7) Bagemihl (1999); (8) Collias & Jahn (1959); (9) Riggert (1977); (10) Lebret (1961); (11) Bossema &
Roemers (1985); (12) MacRoberts & MacRoberts (1976); (13) Neelakantan (1962); (14) Moynihan (1990); (15) Legge (1990); (16) Legge
(2004); (17) Buchanan (1966); (18) Stiles & Wolf (1979); (19) Stiles (1982); (20) Jamieson & Craig (1987); (21) Garnett (1978); (22) Ridpath
(1972); (23) Hale & Ashcroft (1982); (24) Myers (1989); (25) Hogan-Warburg (1966); (26) Bried et al. (1999); (27) Heg & Van Treuren (1998);
(28) Makkink (1942); (29) Kitagawa (1988); (30) Reed (1993); (31) Nethersole-Thompson & Nethersole-Thompson (1961); (32) Hunt et al.
(1984); (33) Mills (1994); (34) Van Rhijn & Groothuis (1985); (35)Van Rhijn & Groothuis (1987); (36) Noble & Wurm (1943); (37) Hatchwell
(1988); (38) Wagner (1996); (39) Bertran & Margalida (2003); (40) Olsen (1985); (41) ODonnell (1990); (42) Fjeldsa (1983); (43)
Nuechterlien & Storer (1989); (44) Kortlandt (1995); (45) Snow BK (1963); (46) Fujioka (1988); (47) Ramo (1993); (48) Fujioka & Yamagishi
(1981); (49) Campbell (1993); (50) Davis et al. (1998); (51) Frings & Frings (1961); (52) Fisher (1971); (53) Warham (1967); (54) Westcott &
Smith (1994); (55) Snow (1972); (56) Trail & Koutnik (1986); (57) Snow DW (1963); (58) Willis (1967); (59) Willis (1973); (60) Lill (1979);
(61) Marshall (1954); (62) Lenz (1994); (63) Strahan (1996); (64) Franklin et al. (1995); (65) Castro (2001); (66) Ewen & Armstrong (2002);
(67) Lansley (2003); (68) Baeyens (1979); (69) Roell (1979); (70) Frith & Cooper (1996); (71) Pinkowski (1977); (72) Lombardo et al. (1994);
(73) Emlen (1954); (74) Collias & Collias (1980); (75) Craig (1974); (76) Longcore (1967).

Statistical analyses rent popular approaches to the analysis of such data have
mainly used Felsensteins (1985) phylogenetically indepen-
Ordinary linear modeling techniques assume that the resid-
dent contrasts (or equivalently, generalized least squares linear
uals are independent and normally distributed with zero
modeling methods; Garland and Ives 2000; Rohlf 2001). These
mean. However, in situations where the errors are not nor-
mally distributed, linear models can be generalized to cases techniques are appropriate if the residuals are normally distrib-
where the residuals come from some other distribution in the uted. When the residuals are not independent and/or nor-
exponential family (such as Binomial, Poisson, etc.), produc- mally distributed and GLMs are the method of choice, GLMs
ing generalized linear models (GLMs; McCullagh and Nelder are most often fitted using generalized estimating equation
1989). We used GLMs to examine the relationship between (GEE) methods (Liang and Zeger 1986; Hardin and Hilbe
the occurrence and frequency of same-sex sexual behaviors 2003). GEE methods employ a GLM approach, incorporating
(assuming statistical independence) and our independent the phylogenetic relatedness among species as a correlation
variables (degree of polygamy and state of development of matrix, to specify dependence among observations in the
young) and to perform comparisons among differing degrees model. Paradis and Claude (2002) first introduced GEE meth-
of polygamy and developmental state of young. We assumed ods for phylogenetic comparative analyses. Traits analyzed via
the Poisson distribution for categorical dependent variables this procedure may be continuous, categorical, or dichoto-
(frequency of same-sex sexual behavior) and the binomial mous, and two or more traits may be analyzed simultaneously.
distribution for dichotomous dependent variables (same-sex The derivation of the correct df for statistical hypothesis
courtship, same-sex mounting). Significant differences among tests is an issue in phylogenetic GEE models. The problem
levels of our independent variables were assessed via the Wald arises because there is only one single cluster of observations
statistic (compared with z or t distribution dependent on sam- in a phylogenetic GEE model (i.e., one phylogeny), whereas
ple size) (Harrell 2001). GEE models are usually fitted to data from multiple clusters.
Usual statistical methods assume that each data point is an Paradis and Claude (2002) proposed a heuristic method to
independent sample. However, closely related species may not approximate the appropriate df using the phylogeny, based
be statistically independent as they share a common evolu- on the ratio of the distance of nodes to tips to the distance
tionary history (Harvey and Pagel 1991). Recent studies sug- from the root to tips. Their method performed well in simu-
gest that this lack of independence is an important property lations. We used the method of Paradis and Claude (2002) in
of virtually all cross-species data sets (Freckleton et al. 2002; order to examine how the phylogenetic correlations among
Blomberg et al. 2003), although correlations due to phylogeny species affected our conclusions from the analyses that treated
may be fewer for behavioral data (Blomberg et al. 2003). Cur- species as independent.
26 Behavioral Ecology

A matrix of fixed correlations specifying dependence was significantly higher in species exhibiting obligate polygamy
among species observations was derived from shared branch compared with monogamy or facultative polygamy (Table 2,
lengths (fixed branch lengths 1) based on the phylogenetic species data; Figure 1a). MM mounting was also significantly
topology of Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) above the family level. higher in species exhibiting facultative polygamy compared
Relationships among genera and among species within genera with those exhibiting monogamy or obligate polygamy (Table
were based on Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) where possible, sup- 2, species data; Figure 1b). The frequency of MM sexual be-
plemented with a composite of several phylogenies (Strauch havior increased with degree of polygamy. Frequency of oc-
1985; Livezey 1986; Sheldon 1987; Christidis and Schodde currence of MM sexual behavior (predominantly courtship)
1992; Sheldon and Winkler 1993; Bjorklund 1994; Crochet was significantly higher in obligate polygamy compared with
et al. 2000) and the taxonomy of Sibley and Monroe (1990) monogamy (Table 2, species data; Figure 1c).
(N 80, phylogenetic df 30.49) (see Appendix 1, electronic When the data were corrected for phylogenetic relatedness,
Supplementary data). The resultant matrices were again fit- a number of relationships became nonsignificant. The signif-
ted, specifying Poisson or binomial distributions. Significant icant differences remaining were a significantly greater occur-
differences among parameter estimates for each category of rence of MM mounting in facultative polygamy compared
the degree of polygamy and developmental state of young at with monogamy and significantly greater frequency of
hatching were again assessed via the Wald statistic. Analyses occurrence of MM sexual behavior in obligate polygamy com-
were performed using R (R Development Core Team 2005) pared with monogamy and facultative polygamy (Table 2,
with the Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution (APE 1.3-1) contrast data).
package (Paradis et al. 2004).

Downloaded from by guest on October 21, 2016

Assigning branch lengths equal to 1 assumes that all speci- FF sexual behavior and social mating system
ation events are present in the phylogeny and that traits
FF sexual behavior occurred predominantly in socially mo-
change only at speciation events. In order to explore the ef-
nogamous species. The occurrence of FF courtship was sig-
fect of different branch length assumptions on our analysis,
nificantly lower in species exhibiting both facultative and
we reanalyzed our data using Grafens (1989) branch lengths
obligate polygamy compared with monogamy (Table 2, spe-
(q 1), which sets the node height proportional to the num-
cies data; Figure 1d). Similarly, expression of FF mounting was
ber of taxa above it in the phylogenetic tree (phylogenetic
significantly lower in species exhibiting both facultative and
df 10.49). There was a high concordance in the results
obligate polygamy compared with monogamy (Table 2, spe-
obtained between the 2 techniques (i.e., 97% of significance
cies data; Figure 1e).
tests produced the same result). The only difference main-
The frequency of FF sexual behavior decreased as the de-
tained by the analysis using Grafens branch lengths that the
gree of polygamy increased (opposite to the frequency of MM
equal branch length approach did not maintain was a signifi-
sexual behavior). The frequency of FF sexual behavior was
cantly higher frequency of FF sexual behavior in precocial
significantly lower in species exhibiting facultative polygamy
species compared with altricial species. Differences main-
compared with monogamy. Obligate polygamous species ex-
tained by the equal branch length approach that were not
hibited significantly lower frequencies of FF sexual behavior
maintained by the analysis with Grafens branch lengths were
than both monogamous and facultative polygamous species
a significantly higher frequency of FF sexual behavior in
(Table 2, species data; Figure 1f).
facultative polygamy than obligate polygamy and a higher
When the data for females were corrected for phylogenetic
occurrence of FF mounting in monogamy than facultative
relatedness, most of these significant relationships were main-
polygamy. We thus chose to report the results for unit branch
tained. The expression of FF courtship was significantly lower in
lengths, as the differences between the 2 approaches did not
species exhibiting both facultative and obligate polygamy com-
alter the overall interpretation of results.
pared with monogamy. The frequency of FF mounting was sig-
nificantly lower in species exhibiting facultative polygamy
RESULTS compared with monogamy. The frequency of FF sexual behav-
ior decreased significantly as the degree of polygamy increased.
MM sexual behavior and social mating system
Obligate polygamous species exhibited significantly lower fre-
MM sexual behavior was reported more often than FF sexual quencies of FF sexual behavior than both monogamous and
interactions. The probability of occurrence of MM courtship facultative polygamous species (Table 2, contrast data).

Table 2
Wald statistics for same-sex sexual behavior parameter estimates employing species level (raw) data (z)
and contrast data (t), assessing differences among levels of the independent variable the degree of


Species data (Wald, z)

1 versus 2 0.26 2.28* 1.08 3.18* 2.08* 3.67*
1 versus 3 2.62* 0.38 1.81* 3.37* 2.29* 3.23*
2 versus 3 2.80* 2.08* 1.12 1.21 0.82 1.99*
Contrast data (Wald t)
1 versus 2 0.82 2.31* 1.31 3.22* 2.07* 3.95*
1 versus 3 1.06 1.41 3.87* 3.90* 1.71 2.68*
2 versus 3 0.52 0.89 3.90* 1.75 0.21 2.02*

1 monogamy; 2 facultative polygamy; 3 obligate polygamy. Dependent variables include malemale

courtship (MMc), malemale mounting (MMm), the frequency of malemale sexual behavior (MMFR),
femalefemale courtship (FFc), femalefemale mounting (FFm), and the frequency of femalefemale
sexual behavior (FFFR). *denotes significant difference between levels, P , 0.05.
MacFarlane et al. Same-sex sexual behavior in birds 27

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Figure 1
Transformed linear combinations of species level (raw data) parameter estimates of (a) MM courtship, (b) MM mounting (probability scores),
and (c) the frequency of MM sexual behavior (mean expected cell counts) and (d) FF courtship, (e) FF mounting (probability scores), and (f)
the frequency of FF sexual behavior (mean expected cell counts) with social mating system of the avian species (Degree of polygamy: 1
monogamy, 2 facultative polygamy, 3 obligate polygamy). Mean 6 standard error. For each dependent variable at the species level (raw
data) where significant differences were observed among groups, similar letters denote statistically similar probabilities/mean cell counts.

MM sexual behavior and state of development of in semialtricial species compared with altricial species (Table
young at hatching 3, species data; Figure 2b).
When the data were corrected for phylogenetic relatedness,
Expression of MM sexual behavior was equally distributed
the significantly greater occurrence of MM mounting in semi-
across categories of developmental state at hatching. No sig-
nificant differences among developmental state categories altricial compared with altricial species was maintained. In
were observed in neither the expression of MM courtship addition, there were significantly greater occurrences of MM
nor the frequency of MM sexual behavior (Figure 2a,c). How- mounting in semiprecocial and precocial species when com-
ever, the occurrence of MM mounting was significantly higher pared with altricial species (Table 3, contrast data).
28 Behavioral Ecology

Figure 2 Downloaded from by guest on October 21, 2016

Transformed linear combinations of species level (raw data) parameter estimates of (a) MM courtship, (b) MM mounting (probability scores),
and (c) the frequency of MM sexual behavior (mean expected cell counts) and (d) FF courtship, (e) FF mounting (probability scores), and
(f) the frequency of FF sexual behavior (mean expected cell counts) with the state of development of young at hatching of the avian species (1
altricial, 2 semialtricial, 3 semiprecocial, and 4 precocial). Mean 6 standard error. For each dependent variable at the species level (raw
data) where significant differences were observed among groups, similar letters denote statistically similar probabilities/mean cell counts.

FF sexual behavior and state of development of compared with altricial species (Table 3, species data;
young at hatching Figure 2f).
When the data for females were corrected for phylogenetic
The occurrence of FF courtship was significantly higher in
relatedness, a subset of relationships were maintained. The
precocial than altricial species (Table 3, species data; Figure
2d). The expression of FF mounting was significantly higher expression of FF courtship was significantly greater in semi-
in semiprecocial and precocial species compared with altricial precocial and semialtricial than altricial species. FF mounting
species (Table 3, species data; Figure 2e). was significantly higher in precocial, semiprecocial, and semi-
The frequency of FF sexual behavior was significantly altricial species compared with altricial species. The frequency
higher in precocial, semiprecocial, and semialtricial of FF sexual behavior was significantly higher in semiprecocial
MacFarlane et al. Same-sex sexual behavior in birds 29

Table 3
Wald statistics for same-sex sexual behavior parameter estimates employing species level (raw) data (z)
and contrast data (t), assessing differences among levels of the independent variable the state of
development of young


Species data (Wald, z)

1 versus 2 1.40 2.14* 0.85 1.49 1.18 2.62*
1 versus 3 1.39 1.56 0.74 1.80 2.53* 2.27*
1 versus 4 0.23 0.43 1.32 2.40* 2.78* 3.23*
2 versus 3 0.08 0.77 1.25 0.32 1.19 0.19
2 versus 4 1.11 1.86 1.81 0.54 1.26 0.31
3 versus 4 1.13 1.21 0.26 0.15 0.10 0.50
Contrast data (Wald t)
1 versus 2 1.78 4.13* 2.20* 2.24* 2.33* 1.95
1 versus 3 1.06 2.41* 0.45 4.03* 3.67* 2.11*
1 versus 4 0.06 4.20* 0.64 1.66 3.48* 1.88
2 versus 3 0.49 1.87 2.81* 1.69 1.08 0.71
2 versus 4 1.68 1.95 3.07* 0.87 0.56 0.11

Downloaded from by guest on October 21, 2016

3 versus 4 1.03 0.27 0.24 2.76* 0.75 0.69

1 altricial; 2 semialtricial; 3 semiprecocial, and 4 precocial. Dependent variables include male

male courtship (MMc), malemale mounting (MMm), the frequency of malemale sexual behavior
(MMFR), femalefemale courtship (FFc), femalefemale mounting (FFm), and the frequency of
femalefemale sexual behavior (FFFR). *denotes significant difference between levels, P , 0.05.

species compared with altricial species (Table 3, contrast females also court and mount individuals of the same sex, al-
data). though the expression and frequency of occurrence is greater
for females. For a number of monogamous species, longer term
FF bonding and FF coparenting of offspring from malefemale
(MF) extrapair copulations occur (e.g., Larus novaehollandiae;
Our analyses suggest that consistent patterns exist between Mills 1991).
the expression/frequency of same-sex sexual behavior and Why was FF sexual behavior observed more frequently in
social mating systems in avian taxa and that the interplay monogamous species when traditional selection theory would
among these variables differs in males and females. Expres- predict otherwise? Adaptive hypotheses offered argue that
sion of FF sexual behavior, that is, mounting and especially FF FF pairings may arise in species in which biparental care is
courtship, was highest in monogamous species and signifi- required for survival of offspring and when opportunities
cantly lower in species exhibiting facultative and obligate po- for malefemale pairing are limited demographically and/or
lygamy. As the degree of polygamy increased, the frequency of behaviorally (Conover 1984). A pattern has been observed in
FF sexual behavior decreased, being especially low in species many representatives of Laridae in which supernormal clutches
exhibiting obligate polygamy. The opposite trend was found (associated with FF pairing, courtship, mounting, and copar-
for males. Although the occurrence of MM courtship and the enting) are more frequent when the population exhibits a
frequency of MM sexual behavior (courtship and/or mount- female-biased sex ratio (Hatch 1993; Bagemihl 1999; Nisbet
ing) were distributed across all mating systems, both were and Hatch 1999). Perhaps, the most compelling evidence in
lower in monogamous systems. The frequency of MM sexual support of this sex ratio bias hypothesis for FF pairs is avail-
behavior increased significantly with the degree of polygamy. able from formal hypothesis testing conducted on colonies
Most relationships for FF sexual behavior with social mating of the ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis, and the Californian
system were maintained after phylogenetic correction. Con- gull, Larus californicus. These studies experimentally manipu-
versely, some relationships for males were maintained, lated the sex ratio to produce a female bias by removing
whereas others became nonsignificant suggesting some pat- males. The frequency of supernormal clutches of 46 eggs
terns were an artifact of phylogenetic relatedness. MM mount- (a measure or index of FF pairings) was greater in colonies
ing remained significantly higher in species displaying from which males had been removed than it was in control
facultative polygamy, and the frequency of MM sexual behav- colonies (Conover and Hunt 1984). It may be advantageous
ior remained significantly greater in obligate polygamy com- for females to pair with other females and coparent while
pared with monogamy and facultative polygamy after seeking extrapair reproductive opportunity with paired males
controlling for the effects of phylogeny. Most species within (to obtain fertilized eggs). Mills (1991) found that although
the obligate polygamy category exhibited MM courtship, yet FF pairs in silver gulls, L. novaehollandiae, have a lower overall
few exhibited MM mounting. Many of the species within this lifetime reproductive success than MF pairs (0.85 FF vs. 1.91 MF,
category are the closely related bowerbirds and birds of para- mean number of offspring fledged in lifetime), over 50% of
dise, which may explain variation in significant relationships females in populations do not breed at all. The effects of de-
observed after phylogenetic consideration. mographic biases may hold promise in terms of adaptive explan-
In socially monogamous systems, both sexes benefit from ations for the formation and maintenance of FF associations
socioreproductive exclusivity (Reichard 2003) and the fre- within these monogamous species, especially when opportuni-
quency of pair-specific display, coordinated displays, courtship, ties for MF extrapair copulation exist outside the pair bond
sexual solicitation, and mounting are more often bidirectional (Birkhead and Mller 1995).
and occur before, during, and after pairing (Bastock 1967; The frequency of MM sexual behavior was lower in monog-
Wachtmeister 2001). Under these conditions, both males and amous species, and increased as the degree of polygamy
30 Behavioral Ecology

increased, as would be predicted within a traditional adaptive vide care of offspring. Alternatively, there is always the possi-
framework. This pattern is opposite to the pattern for females. bility that dispersal makes it less likely that observers will
Unlike FF sexual behavior though, which is predominantly detect same-sex interactions among females. It is also interest-
restricted to monogamous species and almost absent in polyg- ing to note that obligately polygamous species that display
amous species, MM sexual behavior does occur across all spe- variations of polyandry as a reproductive strategy are largely
cies. Some species that are primarily socially monogamous absent from the data set, with the exception of Struthio camelus
(within the context of other polygamous associations) do (predominantly polygynandrous; Kimwele and Graves 2003),
display MM sexual behavior, form long-term MM pairs, and and that in this species FF sexual behavior has not been ob-
may even coparent (e.g., A. anser, Huber and Martys 1993; served although we would perhaps predict otherwise.
C. atratus, Braithwaite 1981). In the black swan, C. atratus, An alternative interpretation of patterns consistent with se-
males may temporarily associate with a female, mate, and then lection theory may be that the sex that actively solicits in het-
break the bond once the eggs have been laid or they may erosexual interactions, that is, the competitive sex, is the one
usurp nests or steal eggs from MF clutches. These male pairs participating in same-sex sexual behavior. For polygynous spe-
perform parenting duties, including incubation and caring cies, this role is played by males and for polyandrous species
for cygnets (Braithwaite 1981). females. For monogamous species, both sexes may solicit.
Most species displaying facultative polygamy are also so- Thus, MM interactions would be predicted to occur more
cially monogamous with varying degrees of polygamy and frequently in polygynous species (as observed in our data
cooperative breeding arrangements, although MF extrapair set) and FF interactions to occur more frequently in polyan-
copulations are predominantly male solicited (e.g., Alca torda; drous species. In the absence of polyandrous species in the

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Wagner 1996). Under these types of social organization, expres- data set (only one example was found in the literature), FF
sion of same-sex courtship and especially of mounting was more interactions would be expected to occur more frequently in
common in males than in females. monogamous species when compared with those that are
Species in the data set displaying obligate polygamy mainly polygamous (predominantly polygynous). This was confirmed
exhibit male polygyny as their dominant mating strategy in our analyses. Whether FF sexual interactions do not occur
(91%). Strong sexual selection, through female choice and in polyandrous species or remain to be observed and docu-
males advertising for additional mates, translates to males be- mented warrants future consideration.
ing the dominant actors in solicitation, courtship, and mount- In terms of the state of development of young at hatching, FF
ing attempts (Cunningham and Birkhead 1998). These species sexual behavior was more frequently expressed in precocial or
exhibit predominantly MM courtship, and to a lesser degree semiprecocial species compared with altricial species. Although
mounting, and rarely display FF courtship and/or mounting. some relationships varied after phylogenetic consideration,
Similarly, little evidence is found in the literature on same-sex due to closely related taxa in a subset of obligately polygamous
pair-bonding, exclusivity, or maintenance of same-sex associa- species, most patterns were maintained (Table 3). The expres-
tions under these social conditions. When dealing with such sion of FF courtship was greater in semiprecocial and semial-
data sets though, there is the possibility that observers atten- tricial than altricial species. Expression of FF mounting was
tion may be focused on displaying males, and thus interactions greater in precocial, semiprecocial, and semialtricial species
among females may be overlooked when males are the focal compared to altricial species. The frequency of FF sexual behav-
sex (e.g., displaying males on leks, bowers, and arenas). ior was higher in semiprecocial species than altricial species.
For these polygynous species, males may engage in same-sex Indeed some 60% of species in the data set that display social
sexual behavior while still affording MF reproductive oppor- monogamy and FF sexual behavior produce precocial or semi-
tunities. Male-biased social contexts may also explain the ex- precocial young. This would seem to be at odds with overall
pression of MM mounting and especially courtship. Examples patterns in birds because, as a generalization, socially monoga-
of male biased social contexts for polygynous species in the mous species tend to produce altricial young and species under
data set include males residing in all-male groups at juvenile variations of polygamy are more usually associated with the pro-
stages of life history (e.g., lyrebird, Menura novaehollandiae; Lill duction of precocial young (Temrin and Tullberg 1995). Thus,
1979); males visiting male display areas (e.g., regent bower- FF sexual behavior is more likely to occur in species in which
bird, S. chrysocephalus; Lenz 1994); males visiting leks (e.g., monogamy coincides with the production of precocial off-
Guianan cock-of-the-rock, R. rupicola; Trail and Koutnik 1986); spring (i.e., in monogamous species that are exceptions to
or males congregating and courting at communal leks (e.g., the predominant altricial mode of development). Social cues
buff breasted sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis; Myers 1989). and interactions with female targets very early in development
MM sexual interactions may occur to facilitate social alliances and/or reinforced by later experience may influence the de-
and inclusion, allowing resource exchange required for re- velopment and hence the expression of FF sexual behavior for
production (Roughgarden 2004; Roughgarden et al. 2006), some individuals in these species. To date, no data exist for the
reinforce dominance hierarchies (Fujioka and Yamagishi role of filial and sexual imprinting on the development of FF
1981), arise as a competitive strategy for opposite sex mating preferences in precocial species, although a number of studies
opportunity (Wagner 2003), or as a mechanism in juvenile have reported the development of male sexual preferences for
males (as is the case in many of the bowerbirds) to facilitate males in precocial species as a direct consequence of sexual
learning of courtship displays from adult males (Collis and imprinting (Schutz 1965; Lorenz 1966; Nash and Domjan
Borgia 1993). 1991). However, our results would suggest that the focus on
In species with obligate polygamy, FF sexual behavior is MM interactions in precocial species may be somewhat misdi-
rarely observed and the frequency very low. Most species in rected because FF interactions are more common under field
the obligate polygamy category in the current study were po- conditions. For FF sexual behavior, it seems important to exam-
lygynous, in which females tend to be dispersed spatially and/ ine differences between precocial and altricial species in the
or behaviorally during the breeding season, nest solitarily, and early development of the acquisition of sexual preferences.
provide uniparental care in terms of incubation, food provi- Perhaps, filial imprinting in precocial species or the temporal
sioning, and post hatching defense (e.g., regent bowerbird, difference in sexual imprinting between precocial and altricial
S. chrysocephalus; Lenz 1994). Perhaps, these social conditions species is influential.
reduce the opportunity for interactions with other females We have demonstrated in this study that, although same-sex
and/or the need for associating with other individuals to pro- courtship and mounting behavior appears to be uncommon
MacFarlane et al. Same-sex sexual behavior in birds 31

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