South Korea Political System

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South Korea had its first

South Korea has a liberal second term. The president in South
woman elected for
democratic political system. The Korea plays many roles and is
President in 2013. Her
political system is like the one we similar to what the U.S. President
name is Park Geun-Hye.
have in the United States. There are has.
Her father, Park Chung-
separation of powers among three Legislative Power
hee, was the third
branches of government: executive, The National Assembly possess all
president of South Korea
judicial, an legislative. Two branches of the legislative power. There are
from 1963 to 1979. In
operate on the national level; the 299 members that serve four-year
October 2016, there were
executive and legislate branch. terms. The members are elected by
investigations on Park
While the last one, judicial, operates popular vote. One of their primary
and her relationship with
at both national and local levels. functions is to make laws. Other
a late Church of Eternal
South Korea also has a constitution, important matters they oversee are
Life cult leaders
the Constitution of the Republic of annual budgets, matters related to
daughter. She was giving
Korea. foreign-relations, declaration of war
confidential information
and impeachment.
to this lady who had no
Judicial Power
official government
Judicial power in South Korea is
position. This scandal
vested in the courts. The court
brought up huge
system has three levels: The
problems in South Korea
Supreme Court, appellate courts,
to the extent that Park
(This is the South Korean flag, called and district courts. The Supreme
offered to resign as
the Tae-guk-ke.) Court consists of a Chief Justice and
President. Instead, the
President thirteen Justices. The President
National Assembly filed a
The executive branch is headed by appoints the Supreme Court Chief
motion of impeachment
the President. The president in South Justice with the consent of the
that happened on
Korea has a five-year term. Under National Assembly. The term for the
December 9th, 2016.
the Constitution in South Korea, a Chief Justice and Justices are six

president cannot be reelected for a years.

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