Electroless Plating On Plastic

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The document discusses different methods for metallization of plastic such as primary and secondary metallization. It also discusses various applications of electroless plating such as in printed circuit boards, automotive parts, and EMI shielding.

The document discusses two primary methods - primary metallization to make plastics conductive by depositing a thin metal layer, and secondary metallization to increase the thickness of the deposited metal layer. Activation, sensitization, and acceleration are also discussed.

Some common applications of electroless plating discussed include use in oil/gas production tubulars, molding/dies, foundry tooling, printing industries, textiles, and medical devices. It is also used for via-hole filling in semiconductors and flexible circuits.


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Electroless Plating on Plastic

Article September 2013


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3 authors, including:

Azhar Equbal
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013
ISSN 2229-5518

Electroless Plating on Plastic

Azhar Equbal, Nitesh Kumar Dixit, Anoop Kumar Sood

Abstract To compete in the emerging global marketplace industries shows an increasing interest in the development of advanced
material possessing attractive properties. Metalized product made by deposition of metallic layers on products made of plastics and
composite materials is one of the ideal examples in this respect. Since the plastic products are lighter, have low cost and can be moulded
into any shapes in very short time duration by reducing the manufacturing time and cost for complex products. Also if these parts can be
attributed the characteristics of metal by metallization then the final part would brings out the revolutionary change in the market with
increasing demands for it. The paper reviews the various ways of metalizing the plastic parts and the comparison among them.

Index Terms Activation; Coating; Conductivity; Electroplating; Etching; Electroless plating; Metallization.


P lastic parts can be coated with metal by a process called

as metallization. Through metallization, the specific prop-
erties of plastics are enhanced by the addition of proper-
Plating of plastics can be done with Gold, silver, aluminum,
nickel, chromium, copper etc [3]. Having excellent electrical
conductivity and being relatively inexpensive, copper (Cu) has
ties usually associated with metals. These properties include has been widely used for plating on plastics and a variety of
reflectivity, abrasion resistance, electrical conductivity and a plastics have been Copper plated.
variety of decorative effects [1]. The deposition of a metallic
coating on these parts also gives them a more attractive look,
enhances their application range and creates therefore a con-
siderable added value. Metallization of plastics is normally
undertaken for either decorative or functional purposes. Met- Rapid Metallization of plastics can be divided into primary
alized plastic components can be used in similar applications and secondary metallization. Primary metallization is done to
as metal plated parts with relatively lower weight and have make the non-conductive parts conductive by depositing a
higher corrosion resistance. In addition, electrical conductivity thin layer of metal or plastic substrate usually having thick-
can be controlled in metalized parts and also they involve less ness of 10-50 m. Secondary metallization is mainly done on
cost in manufacturing. Plating on plastics therefore has been the primary metalized parts for increasing the thickness of
developed and widely involved in manufacturing printed cir- metallic layer on it. The thickness deposited by secondary
cuit boards (PCBs), automobile parts, and in the electromag- metallization is more than 180 m. The important routes for
netic interference (EMI) shielding applications. Plastics on metallization of plastic are as follows:
which plating can be done are polypropylene, polysulfon, i) Brushing a metal paint
polyethersulfone, polyetherimide, Teflon and acrylonitrile- ii) Spray metal techniques
butadiene-styrene (ABS) etc. Among them ABS has found the iii) Dipping in a metal paint
widest acceptance in the plating industry because of its excel- iv) Sputtering
lent toughness, good dimensional stability, good process abil- v) Electroless plating
ity, chemical resistance and cheapness. ABS is an engineering vi) Electroplating
thermoplastic composed of an elastomer (butadiene) dis- vii) Electroforming
persed as a grafted particulate phase in a thermoplastic matrix viii) Vapour Deposition techniques.
of styrene and acrylonitrile copolymer referred as SAN [2].
2.1 Brushing a metal paint
Applying a metal paint with a brush is the most convenient
Azhar Equbal is currently pursuing Ph. D Degree program in Manufactur- method of plating on the plastic surfaces. In this the metal
ing Engineering in NIFFT, Ranchi, India, PH-9708570708. E-mail: paint is applied on the plastic surface through a brush to form
[email protected]. a thin coating layer of conductive paint on plastics. This meth-
Nitesh kumar Dixit is currently pursuing Masters Degree program in
Manufacturing Engineering in NIFFT, Ranchi, India,, PH-9313507926.
od has the advantage of producing uniform layer of applied
E-mail: [email protected] metallic coating.
Anoop kumar Sood is Assiatant Professor in Manufacturing Engineering
in NIFFT, Ranchi, India, PH-916512292067. E-mail: anoopkumar- 2.2 Spray metal Techniques
[email protected] Spray deposition is a process also known as plasma spray
deposition, plasma spraying and plasma deposition. In this
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013
ISSN 2229-5518

process molten metal is sprayed onto a surface to form a coat- ii) Conditioning or Etching
ing. This is achieved by melting of pure or alloyed metals. The iii) Neutralization
molten metal is then projected towards the surface to be coat- iv) Activation
ed by using blast of compressed air or other suitable mecha- v) Acceleration
nism. The result obtained is a layer of solid metal on the sur- vi) Electroless plating.
face to be treated. The number of layers applied dictates the
thickness of the coating. For example "Spray silvering" is a 2.6 Electroplating
technique in which low adhesion silver layers were applied as This is basically a secondary method of metallization of plas-
undercoats to the surface of plastics. Silver was deposited by tics. This is done with aid of an external current supply. Elec-
the chemical reduction of ammoniacal silver nitrate with a troplating is the deposition of a metal coating onto an object
solution of formaldehyde or hydrazine. Both these solutions by putting a negative charge onto the object to be plated and
were simultaneously sprayed by aerosol so that mixing oc- immersing it into a solution, which contains a salt of the metal
curred on the surface to be plated. The metallic silver coats to be deposited. The metal ions of the salt carry a positive
produced by this method were generally thin, and needed to charge and are attracted to the part. When they reach it, the
be overplated with other metals to increase the coating thick- negatively charged part provides the electrons to reduce the
ness. In addition aluminium, copper and other paints can be positively charged ions to a metallic form. When this method
used for spraying. Alternative dry spray techniques known as is applied for plastic parts, this is used for increasing the
the "Schoop process" or "Flame spraying" have also been used. thickness of coating on parts already metalized by primary
In these techniques, molten metal was sprayed by compressed techniques.
air on to a plastic substrate, with solidification occurring on
2.7 Electroforming
contact with the surface.
Electroforming is a process for producing a metal part by elec-
2.3 Dipping in a metal paint tro deposition in a plating bath over a base form or mandrel,
Applying a conductive paint through dipping the plastic part this is subsequently removed. Build-up is achieved over all
in metal paint is also an alternative method for achieving the mandrel surfaces at an approximate deposition rate of 25m
conductive plastic parts. The conductive metal coating is ap- per hour. Electroforming reproduces the form or mandrel ex-
plied by dipping plastic parts in metal paint and leaving it actly (about 1m), without the shrinkage and distortion asso-
inside the paint for some duration and taking it out and dry- ciated with other metal forming techniques such as casting,
ing the painted part. Thus the layer of metal paint gets depos- stamping or drawing.
ited as thin film on the plastic surface.
2.7 Vapour deposition techniques
2.4 Sputtering The plastic component is first washed and coated with a base
Sputtering is usually carried out in argon plasma. By biasing coat, so that the metal layer is smooth and uniform. Next a
the target (source of metal) negatively, argon (Ar) ions are at- metal is evaporated in a vacuum chamber. The vapour then
tracted to the target. The momentum of the Ar ions is trans- condenses onto the surface of the substrate leaving a thin layer
ferred to the target resulting in the ejection of one or more at- of metal coating. The entire process takes place within a vacu-
oms from the surface of the target. The sputtered atoms, most- um chamber to prevent oxidation. Depending on the compo-
ly neutral, fly into the plasma and land on the wafer. The an- nents application a top coat may be applied after deposition
gular distribution of the sputtered particles follows the cosine to increase properties as abrasion resistance etc. Metalized
law. Therefore, like evaporation, sputter deposition occurs plastic components that receive their coats via this process are
essentially along a line-of-sight path with a cosine distribution. found in a range of applications, from automotive interior
Poor step coverage can result if the surface topography of the parts to certain types of foils. This deposition process can be
wafer is abrupt. The uniformity of the deposited film can be either physical vapor deposition (PVD) or chemical vapor
improved by raising the substrate temperature, using a larger deposition (CVD). The most common forms of physical vapor
target, or inserting a collimator between the sputtering cath- deposition (PVD) are evaporation, e-beam evaporation, plas-
ode and the wafer. ma spray deposition etc. PVD is used due to the following
2.5 Electroless plating i) The ability to deposit high-temperature and refracto-
It is the most common and widely used method for achieving ry metals.
the plating on plastic surfaces without any electrical assistance ii) The high deposition rate afforded by modern cathode
in the process. In electroless plating, the plastic part prior to and target design.
plating is first subjected to surface preparation and then it is iii) The capability to deposit and maintain complex alloy
dipped into aqueous solutions containing metal ions. The compositions.
chemical reactions occur between activated surface and solu- iv) The capability to maintain well-controlled, uniform
tion which cause the metal ion to move the plastic substrate deposition on large (200 mm and larger) wafers.
and deposited over it to form a thin layer of metallic film. The
electroless plating process consisted of various steps for Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on the other hand also of-
achieving the plastic metallization which are: fers several advantages as:
i) Brushing i) Excellent step coverage.
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013
ISSN 2229-5518

ii) Large throughput. low the surfactant to remain on etched surface throughout the
iii) Low-temperature processing. rest of the process and act as interference to etching, activa-
tion, and ultimately the resulting metallic bond. Thus the
etched surface serves a number of purposes which includes
3 RESEARCH TREND An increase in the surface area thereby providing
The most common and widely used method in current time more opportunity for intimate contact between metal-
for metallization of plastic is Electroless plating. In electroless lic layers.
plating, metal ions in aqueous solutions are deposited on the A properly etched surface will provide anchoring
activated plastic surface by oxi-reduction reactions without sites for the activator material, which can mechanical-
the aid of an external electrical supply. This helps in formation ly bond to the metallic surfaces.
of a thin metallic layer on the plastic surface. This electroless Some residual surface contamination remaining also
deposited film serves two important functions: (a) It provides got remove in the etching, if the contamination was
an electrically conductive substrate that allows further coating not totally removed in the soak cleaner. This is be-
by electroplating or other and (b) It provides a secure bond cause the residual contaminant does not allow the
between the plastic substrate and the electroplated layer [1, 4]. etchant to start working on the underlying layer at the
But before carrying out the plating, preparation or cleaning of same time it starts to work on uncontaminated areas.
plastic surface is essential for getting the proper plating on (iii) Neutralization This stage is responsible for removing the
plastics. remaining amount of oxidant with a reducing agent as meta-
The electroless plating process consisted of the following bi-sulphite or ferrous ions to prevent its inhibition of the cata-
steps: lyst because even trace may completely inhibit electroless
i) Cleaning deposition of metallic layer on plastic surface.
ii) Conditioning or Etching (iv) Activation In this stage, the conditioned surface is con-
iii) Neutralization tacted with an activator or catalysts usually colloidal suspen-
iv) Activation sion of palladium/tin (Pd/Sn) catalyst powder. The catalyst
v) Acceleration particles get deposited in the surface micro-cavities formed
vi) Electroless plating during conditioning for subsequent initiation of the autocata-
(i) Cleaning This process is used for cleaning the plastic sur- lytic electroless metal plating process. Also depending on sur-
face either by brushing or scouring with sand paper to remove face, activation stage is generally carried out at 45 C for 3
oil, dirt, grease etc. and also to develop micro-roughness for minutes. Since activator is a layer of material between the me-
increasing surface area. The cleaner is typically alkaline in na- tallic layer and the subsequent electroless deposition, it can
ture, although neutral or acidic materials can also be used. prevent intimate metal to metal contact and interfere with ad-
Important factors to be considered about the cleaning solution hesion. It is desirable not to put too much activator on the
are: proper cleaner choice to do the job, temperature of clean- work being processed and to avoid too long immersion time.
er, concentration of cleaner, time in the cleaner, work agitation Improper activation will probably cause poor metallic bond-
in the cleaner, cleanliness of the cleaner to dump and rinsing ing, activator consumption, and hence cost will increase.
after cleaning. Temperature is a key factor that is often over- (v) Acceleration - In this stage, the absorbed catalyst particles
looked in cleaner operation. Most cleaners have a lower limit are activated to increase its activity. The accelerator may be an
of temperature operation below which they rapidly lose effec- acid or basic solution which dissolves excess of activator and
tiveness. removes it from the surface to interfere the absorbed catalytic
(ii) Conditioning or Etching This is the most important stage action. The activated surface was washed and immersed in an
in plating process as it is fully responsible for achieving suita- acceleration bath normally at 30 C for 3 min.
ble conditions for good metalplastic bonding. The parent sur- (vi) Electroless Deposition In the deposition stage the acti-
face is chemically etched resulting in the development of pores vated plastic went through the solution usually containing of
which can substantially increase the surface area of plating metal salts and hypophosphite as the reducing agent, in either
surface. In addition, it is also believed that hydrophilic sites basic or acid medium. An electroless plating layer is formed
which can readily absorb the etchant also developed on the by a redox reaction on the activated surface [5]. The tempera-
surface. This stage consists of the immersion of the plastic tures of bath are normally in range of 4565 C. The tempera-
sheets in an oxidant solution. The oxidant solutions used can ture and deposition time are important in this stage for achiev-
be either chromic acid in aqueous sulphuric acid or hydroflu- ing the metallic deposition. A typical electroless bath formula-
oric acid with sulphuric acid or other depending on the sur- tions will contain metal salts, reducing agent (formaldehyde),
face to be plated. Optimum conditioning time depends on the alkaline hydroxide, chelating agents (quadrol, EDTA, Rochelle
initial surface properties, which in turn are dependent on salts, etc.), Stabilizers, brighteners. The formaldehyde and
composition and injection conditions used in production of the hydroxide ions provide the reducing force necessary
plastic parts. Depending on the surface the etching is carried for the deposition of metallic ions. The deposition reaction
out normally for 515 minutes, in a bath with temperature in must be initiated by a catalytic species on the surface of the
the range of 6065C. Conditioning materials contain surfac- work to be plated.
tants to do the job intended. Finally after the process the part
is cautiously rinsed with water as insufficient rinsing can al-

IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013
ISSN 2229-5518

4 RELATED WORK oxy/hydroxy compounds was carried out by dipping the

treated surface in an alkaline solution of borohydride both at
Various researchers have found that electroless plating can be
room and elevated temperatures. They have found that the
efficiently done on the plastic surfaces if a proper etchant solu-
presence of a small amount of Cu2+ ions in the colloidal solu-
tion is used prior to plating process. Thus etching is an im-
tion of cobalt compounds catalyzes the reduction of adsorbed
portant step before carrying out electroless plating on plastics.
Co-based precursor on the dielectric surface. Also they con-
Luan B. et al. [6] study the chemical surface preparation for
cluded that formed Co seeds initiate electroless copper deposi-
electroless plating of stereo lithography polymers using etch-
ing solution of chromic acid and sulphuric acid. They con-
ducted the contact angle analysis to assess the surface hydro-
philicity so as to optimize the preparation process. The ap- 5 PROBLEM AND CHALLENGES
plicability of this technology was verified by subsequent met- The electroless plating on the plastic can be done successfully
allization process. It was concluded as an efficient method for but the process has got some limitation too. Even though the
metallization of SLA polymers and enhances its performance various steps of electroless plating can be carried out by using
in applications. Teixeira L.A.C et al. [7] carried out electroless different alternative option, but still there are many problems
copper deposition on ABS plastic using etching solutions of which needs to be overcome for achieving good metallic depo-
sulphuric acid, with hydrogen peroxide and/or nitric acid sition on plastic substrates. Thus the various problems en-
replacing the conventional use of chromic acid to avoid its countered during various stages can be listed as following.
effect to environment. They concluded that the solution used
as oxidant can be used to provide comparative conditioning or Etching - The etchant is the most critical step in obtaining an
etching for good metal-plastic bonding. Li Dapeng et al. [8] acceptable finished part. Since an under etching and overetch-
conducted acidic electroless copper deposition on aluminum- ing a part can degrade the surface and cause poor adhesion.
seeded ABS plastics. They have used aluminium-carbon paste The various problems in etching are as shown in table 1:
and applied it on prepared ABS surface. Then electroless cop- TABLE 1
per deposition was performed on pasted samples using cop- PROBLEMS IN ETCHING
per sulphate and hydrofluoric acid as electroless bath. They
have found good deposition of metallic copper layer on pasted
sample both at room temperature and elevated temperature. Problem Cause Solution
Lin Yi et al. [9] analyses the effect of additives and chelating Low tempera- Raise tempera-
Parts very light
agents on electroless copper plating. They have used eth- ture ture, Agitate parts
ylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), triethanolamine (TEA) Lower temper-
and ethylenediamine as additives or chelating agents in elec- High tempera-
Parts very dark ature, Check
troless copper plating with formaldehyde as the reducing ture
agent. The experimental result shows that EDTA plays an im-
Roughness on Particulates in Batch filter to
portant role in chelating, while the main effect of TEA is ad-
the parts the bath the bath
sorption on copper surfaces to inhibit formaldehyde oxidation.
On the other hand ethylenediamine serves as a refining agent Raise tempera-
Skip plate after Low tempera-
owing to its higher adsorption on strength on copper surface ture, Check chem-
electroless bath ture
than formaldehyde and TEA. Fritz N et al. [10] carried out istry
electroless deposition of copper on organic and inorganic sub-
strates using a Sn/Ag catalyst. They investigated the electro- Neutralizers - They are designed to eliminate excess etchant
less deposition of copper and silver on epoxy and silicon diox- from the parts usually by chemical reduction. Thus the related
ide-based substrates. In their experiment they found that cost- problems in neutralizing stage are as listed in table 2:
efficient Sn/Ag catalyst can be used as a replacement for
Sn/Pd catalyst currently used in board technology. Shu Z et TABLE 2
al. [11] investigated on the environment-friendly Palladium PROBLEMS IN NEUTRALIZATION
free surface activation technics for ABS surface. They have
founded that colloidal solution of sulphuric acid and magne- Problem Cause Solution
sium oxide can be used for etching. Also the use of the copper Raise temperature,
sulphate (CuSO4 and reduction with DMAB (dimethyla- Parts very light Low temperature
Agitate parts
mineborane, (CH3)2NHBH3) solution leads to the adsorption of
Cu0 particles on the plastic substrate which can be used as a Lower tempera-
replacement for the costly palladium in activation stage and Parts very dark High temperature ture, Check chem-
making the electroless process cost effective. Naruskevicius L istry
et al. [12] investigated on the use of a cobalt (Co) based surface Roughness on Particulates in the Batch filter to the
activator for electroless copper deposition. The idea is based the parts bath bath
on the deposition of a Co-based precursor film on the sub- Skip plate after Raise temperature,
Low temperature
strate surface to be metalized and on the reduction of the ad- electroless bath Check chemistry
sorbed cobalt particles. The reduction of the adsorbed cobalt Activation - The main goal of activator is to provide catalytic
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013
ISSN 2229-5518

sites on the surface of plastic. The associated problems are TABLE 5


TABLE 3 Problem Cause Solution

Filter bath, Agitate
Roughness Particulates in bath
Problem Cause Solution work
Increase time and
Low tempera- Raise tempera- Electroless coating
Parts very light Burn off in strike temperature, Check
ture ture, Agitate parts too thin
bath rate
High temperature, Low temperature,
Lower temper- Overactive bath High reducer, Low Check chemistry,
High tempera-
Parts very dark ature, Check stabilizer Check stabilizer
chemistry PH out of range,
Check chemistry,
High stabilizer,
Roughness on Particulates in Batch filter to Rise temperature,
Sluggish bath Low reducer, Low
the parts the bath the bath Check for contami-
temperature, Con-
Raise tempera- tamination.
Skip plate after Low tempera-
ture, Check chem-
electroless bath ture
Accelerators are used to increase the action of absorbed cata- Figure The electroless plating on plastic has got very wide-
lysts. Thus problems occurring in this stage are as shown in spread application in all the fields as includes oil & gas, chem-
table 4: ical processing, textile etc. Varieties of metals can be deposited
including copper, nickel, chromium, silver etc. Among the all
TABLE 4 copper and nickel find the most extensive application. Electro-
PROBLEMS IN ACCELERATION less nickel plating been used widely in aerospace industry. In
aircraft engines, turbine or compressor blades are plated with
electroless nickel to protect them against the corrosive envi-
Problem Cause Solution
ronment. In automotive industry electroless nickel plating is
Over accelera- used to plate gear and fuel injectors etc. In the field of chemi-
No plate on Low tempera-
tion, high temper- cal processing industries the electroless nickel plating is used
edge of part ture, Low time
ature by material engineers to solve many unresolved problem.
Tubular used in oil and gas production are an excellent appli-
Parts have no Under acceler-
High tempera- cation for electroless nickel plating. Electroless nickel plating
plate in major ation, low tem-
ture, Increase time is also used to plate molds and dyes. It also found wide appli-
area perature
cation in foundry tooling, printing industries, textiles, and
medical. Electroless plating of copper films have been used as
conductor and connector in printed circuit boards (PCB).
Increase tem-
No plate at all Contamination Copper plating also serves many useful functions in electronic
perature and / or
out of electroless that causes ag- devices, corrosion protection, diffusion barriers, conductive
decrease tempera-
bath gressiveness circuit elements, via-hole filling for semiconductor integrated
circuits and flexible circuits. Plating is also used to enhance
solderability. Tin, tin-lead, tin-bismuth, various silver alloys,
gold and gold alloys, electroless nickel-boron and electroless
Electroless deposition - Finally in the electroless bath which
nickel-phosphorus alloys are common materials for soldering.
deposits a thin, adherent metallic film, usually copper or nick-
el, on the plastic surface by chemical reduction. Nickel baths
are relatively easy to control, while copper baths generally
require automatic analysis for control. Copper baths are more 6 CONCLUSION
susceptible to problems than nickel. The various problems in The The increasing possibilities of electroless plating on plas-
this stage are listed in table 5: tics with low cost and time through different methods shows a
great potential. Since the plastic parts itself posses many use-
ful properties and if they are imparted with metallic proper-
ties on it, the properties of resulting part will be greatly en-
hanced with high increase in its demand in global market. As
it is simple, cost effective method since it dont involves the
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013
ISSN 2229-5518

use of expensive equipments as required by other deposition

processes for achieving good bonding between plastic sub-
strate and metallic layer it really enhanced its application. Al-
so it is less intensive because the metal deposition rate is lim-
ited by metal ion reduction in the bulk of the solution. These
lead the electroless plating on varieties of plastics from earlier
polypropylene to ABS for different applications. These all fac-
tors help it in becoming an ideal process which provides part
with attractive properties.

The authors are grateful to National institute of Foundry and
forge technology, India for providing the facilities for carrying

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IJSER 2013

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