Repaso de Gramc3a1tica

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We use the pronouns to refer to people, animals and things. We use the contracted form to represent the way people talk:
The pronoun we choose depends on the part each one Affirmative Negative 1 Negative 2
represents in a conversation. Look at the chart below: Im Im not --
I the person whos talking Youre Youre not You arent
Hes Hes not He isnt
You the listener
Shes Shes not She isnt
He the object of the conversation (a man or a boy)
Its Its not It isnt
She the object of the conversation ( a woman or a girl)
Were Were not We arent
It the object of the conversation (a thing or an animal) Youre Youre not You arent
We the people who are talking Theyre Theyre not They arent
You the listeners
They the object of the conversation (people, things or
animals) C Rewrite the sentences using the contracted form of the verb
to be:
A Complete with the correct pronoun: 1- Mark is a soccer player. He is a great player.
1- Marlene is an intelligent girl. ____ is very beautiful too. _________________________________________________
2- How are _____, Chris? 2- My mother and I are not ready for the party.
3- Monica and Felix are my neighbors. ____ are very nice. ___________________________________________________
4- My father is from Italy. ___ is Italian. 3- The kids are not from Ireland. They are from England.
5- The kids are quiet this morning. ____ are reading in the living ___________________________________________________
room. 4- Marks house is not far from here. It is nearby.
6- Look at that dog! ____ is very smart. __________________________________________________
7- Sally and I are going on a picnic. ____ are almost ready. 5- This TV set is not expensive. It is very cheap.
8- There are many books in my backpack. _____ is full of books. __________________________________________________
9- I am 20 years old. ___ am a young woman. 6- I am not Ms. Smiths student. I am Mr. Taylors.
7- The boys are not in the pool. They are in the back yard.
Look at the verb to be in the present tense:
8- These are not English books. They are German books.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Singular Singular Singular
9- The student is not paying attention.
I am I am not Am I?
You are You are not Are you?
He is He is not Is he?
She is She is not Is she?
It is It is not Is it? POSSESSIVES
Plural Plural Plural Look at this chart:
We are We are not Are we? I my
You are You are not Are you? You your
They are They are not Are they? He his
She her
It its
B Choose the correct form of the verb to be to complete the We our
You your
1- Leroy __ Dougs brother.
They their
a) are b) is c) am
2- Cynthia and her sister __ at school now. They are at home.
Neil is with his sister.
a) are b) are not c) is not
3- My father ___ working now.
a) is b) am c) are D Complete with the corresponding possessive:
4- Joe __ a good student.
1- Sheila has beautiful eyes. ___ eyes are blue.
a) are b) is c) are
2- Oscar has a big house. ___ house is near here.
5- The ketchup __ on the table. Its in the fridge.
3- The house has 4 bedrooms. ___ rooms are comfortable.
a) are b) is c) is not
4- My mother has a nice garden. ___ garden has many flowers.
6- The Browns car __ new.
5- The kids have a new sister. ___ sister is very cute.
a) is b) am c) are
6- I live in Osaka. ___ city is very interesting.
7- The guys ___ late, they are early.
7- You are doing homework. ___ homework is easy.
a) are not b) are c) is
8- We are going by car. ___ car is new.
8- This is Anns backpack, it __ Pauls.
9- Belinda has a new boyfriend. ___ boyfriend is from Peru.
a) is not b) is c) am
10- The Smiths have a small garage. ___ garage is in the side of
9- The dog __ at the doghouse.
the house.
a) is b) am c) are
ARTICLES G Mark the best option to complete the sentences:
We use a / an with singular nouns. Before nouns starting with 1- ___ a bottle of vinegar on the table.
vowel sound we use an, before nouns starting with consonant a) There is b) There are
sound we use a: 2- ___ an American student in your class?
a ball a one-story house (w) a uniform (y) a house (h) a) There is b) Is there
an apple an x-ray (e) an hour (o) 3- __ any pens in my pencil case. Its empty.
We use a/an before professions: a) There isnt b) There arent
Mary is a teacher. She is an English teacher. 4- ___ a book on Gilberts desk. I think its Marks.
We use the definite article the before singular and plural nouns: a) There isnt b) There is
the teacher the students 5- ___ a supermarket around here?
We dont use articles before names, except if its part of it: a) There are b) Is there
The United States The United Kingdom 6- __ any students at school now. They left an hour ago.
a) There arent b) There isnt
7- Look! __ a bug on your T-shirt.
E Complete with a / an / the: a) Is there b) There is
1- ___ teacher is in ___ classroom with his students.
2- Teresa is ___ Italian teacher. Shes ___ good teacher. SOME - ANY
3- ___ Smiths are from ___ United States. We use some in affirmative sentences and any in negative and
4- I use __ pen to write letters. interrogative sentences. They are used before countable
5- I need ___ eraser, please. nouns in plural or uncountable nouns.
6- Put ___ backpack ___ desk. Examples:
7- Theres ___ woman by the door. There is some ketchup on the table. (affirmative + uncountable)
There are some teachers in the hallway. (affirmative + countable
in plural)
We use this to demonstrate a person, animal or thing that is near
Is there any mustard in the fridge? (interrogative + uncountable)
(here). For plural we use these. To demonstrate a person, animal
Are there any students in the classroom? (interrogative +
or thing far from us (there) we use that. For plural we use those.
countable in plural)
Look at that cat over there!
There isnt any toilet paper left. (negative + uncountable)
This girl over here is my friend Joan.
There arent any pencils in the box. (negative + countable in
Those men over there are my uncles.
My notebooks are these over here.

H Complete with some or any:

F Complete with this, that, these, those: 1- There arent _____ desks in the classroom.
1- Are _____ books over there Teresas or Marks? 2- I have ______ flowers for Mom.
2- Who is _____ woman over there? 3- The kids have ______ homework to do today.
3- Is _____ pen here new? 4- Watch out! There isnt ____ water in the pool.
4- Are _____ guys over there your friends? 5- Is there ____ sugar left?
5- Is _____ woman over there your teacher? 6- There are _____ doughnuts in that yellow box.
6- Are ____ pictures here taken at the picnic? 7- There arent _____ American students at my school.
8- There isnt ____ money in my wallet.
9- Are there _____ books on the desk?
THERE IS / THERE ARE 10- There isnt ____ oil to fry the steak.
There is / there are are used to talk about the existence of
something or the permanence of someone at a certain place.
Look at the chart below: I Choose the correct answer:
There is + countable noun (singular) 1- There isnt ___ pay phone near my house.
uncountable noun a) Any c) an
There are + countable noun (plural) b) A d) some
2- ___ teacher is in ___ classroom with ____ students.
Examples: a) A / a / a c) an / an / an
There is some milk left. (uncountable) b) The / a / an d) the / the / the
There is a person next to the door. (countable singular) 3- Are there ___ Greek books in the library?
There are some students in the classroom. (countable plural) a) Some c) a
Negative: b) Any d) the
There is not theres not there isnt 4- There are ___ people here to see you.
There are not - there arent a) Some c) any
b) A d) the
There isnt a pen in my backpack.
5- There arent ___ tickets for the show.
There arent many good students at this school.
a) Any c) some
b) An d) the
Is there? Are there?
6- Is there __ notebook under my desk?
Is there intelligent life on other planets?
a) An c) a
Are there many girls in your computer class? b) Some d) any
PRESENT CONTINUOUS K Answer the questions using short answers:
The Present Continuous is used to describe an action a) Are you at home? Yes, __________
performed at the moment we are talking. Its formed by the b) Is your sister studying now? No, ____________
verb to be (am / is / are) + verb + ing. c) Are your parents working? - Yes, ___________
Examples: d) Is Leroy playing with his cars? - No, __________
Affirmative e) Are you guys doing your homework? - Yes, _________
I am doing my homework right now. f) Are you preparing that special cake? - No, ____________
Thelma is making a cake. g) Are the kids talking in the back yard? Yes, _________
Louise and Paul are walking along the beach. h) Is Melinda a good student? No, ________
I am not waiting for Daniel. SHORT ANSW ERS THERE IS AND THERE ARE
Sheila is not studying now.
Look at how we answer questions with there is / there are:
The kids are not riding their bikes.
Is there a backpack under your desk? Yes, there is.
Is there an apple on the teachers desk? No, there isnt.
Am I bothering you with this gab?
Are there American students in your class? Yes, there are.
Is Richard calling from the office?
Are there doughnuts for breakfast? No, there arent.
Are the Smiths spending their vacation in Panama?

J Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the L Answer the questions using short answers:
Present Continuous: 1- Is there a good movie at the Ritz? Yes, __________
1- Carolyn ______________ for Bill. Hes late. (to wait) 2- Are there good shoe stores downtown? - No, _________
2- I ________________ a letter to Gabriel, I _____________ a 3- Are there many students at your school? Yes, __________
recipe. (not / to write to write) 4- Are there any apples in the basket? No, __________
3- Cid and Bob ________________ outside. (to camp) 5- Is there a pay phone near here? Yes, ___________
4- The little girl _____________ another question. I think she 6- Is there any money in your wallet? No, _________
doesnt understand English. (to ask)
5- The computer _____________ again. I think theres a problem
with it. (to start) COMPLETE ANSWERS
6- My parents _______________ now. You have to come back at When the questions starts with H/W words (interrogative
night to talk to them. (to work) pronouns) you have to give a complete answer:
7- ____ Teresa __________ TV? There isnt anyone in the room. What is that over there? (thing) Its a foreign car.
(to watch) Who is that girl with Carlos? (person) Shes my teacher.
8- Mr. Brown ____________ the front window because it Where is my pencil? (place) Its on the desk.
___________ now. (to close to rain) Whose blouse is this? (owner) Its Marcys blouse.
9- Samuel _____________ the car in front of the garage. (to How are you? (manner) Im fine.
wash) How old is your sister? (age) Shes twelve.
10- The children ______________ in the front yard. (to play)
How many students are there here? (number) There are two.
How much is this pen? (amount or price) Its fifty cents.
Look at how we answer questions with the verb to be:

Starting with a verb short answer M Answer the questions with complete answers:
Are you OK? Yes, I am. 1- Where are you going after school? Im going to _________
Am I late? No, you arent 2- Who is that woman over there? Shes ___________
Is Paul your friend? Yes, he is. 3- How is your sister? Shes _________
Is Anna from Italy? No, she isnt. 4- How old are you? Im _______
Is your house small? Yes, it is. 5- What is that over there? Its an ______________
Are we wrong? No, you arent. 6- How much is the ticket for the show? Its ________
Are we late? Yes, we are.
Are you brothers? No, we arent.
Are your parents at home? Yes, they are. N Now answer questions about you. Pay attention when you
have to give either short or complete answers:
Note: we change the subject (person) when the question uses I / 1- Is your mother at home now? _________________________
we / you. Questions with we have 2 possibilities, depending on 2- How old is your father? ______________________________
who asked the question. If the person includes himself / herself in 3- Is there a clock in your classroom? _____________________
the question, the answer uses we. The affirmative is not 4- Is your house near the school? ________________________
contracted and the negative is always contracted. 5- How are you today? ________________________________
Now look at the short answers for the Present Continuous: 6- Are you studying English now? ________________________
Are you arriving at home? Yes, I am. 7- What are you doing? _______________________________
Is Leroy playing with his brother? No, he isnt. 8- Is your book on your desk? __________________________
Are you guys from Japan? Yes, we are. 9- Whose notebook is that in your backpack? ______________
We answer questions with the Present of the verb to be and the 10- Are you fine? ____________________________________
Present Continuous in the same way, with short answers when 11- Where is your teacher now? _________________________
they start with a verb. 12- How much is an eraser? ____________________________
13- How much is there in your pocket? ____________________
Teachers keys:

A 1- she; 2- you; 3- They; 4- He; 5- They; 6- It; 7- We; 8- It; 9- I

B 1- b); 2- b); 3- a); 4- b); 5- c); 6- a); 7- a); 8- a); 9- a)

C 1- Mark is a soccer player. Hes a great player.

2- My mother and I arent ready for the party.

3- The kids arent from Ireland. Theyre from England.

4- Marks house isnt far from here. Its nearby.

5- This TV set isnt expensive. Its very cheap.

6- Im not Ms. Smiths student. Im Mr. Taylors.

7- The boys arent in the pool. Theyre in the back yard.

8- These arent English books. Theyre German books.

9- The student isnt paying attention.

D 1- her; 2- his; 3- its; 4- her; 5- their; 6- my; 7- your; 8- our; 9- her; 10- their.

E 1- the the; 2- an a; 3- the the; 4- a; 5- an; 6- the the; 7- a.

F 1- those; 2- that; 3- this; 4- those; 5- that; 6- these.

G 1- a); 2- b); 3- b); 4- b); 5- b); 6- a); 7- b)

H 1- any; 2- some; 3- some; 4- any; 5- any; 6- some; 7- any; 8- any; 9- any; 10- any.

I 1- b); 2- d); 3- b); 4- a); 5- a); 6- c)

J 1- is waiting; 2- am not writing am writing; 3- are camping; 4- is asking; 5- is starting; 6- are working; 7- Is watching;

8- is closing is raining; 9- is washing; 10- are playing.

K a) I am; b) she isnt; c) they are; d) he isnt; e) we are; f) Im not; g) they are; h) she isnt.

L 1- there is; 2- there arent; 3- there are; 4- there arent; 5- there is; 6- there isnt.

M (free)

N (free)

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