Csec June2011 French Paper2 Sectioni Directedsituations Ex

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The responses of the candidate were succinct and to the point. The mastery/manipulation of language was very strong. For each item, the candidate was able to correctly identify the essential elements to be addressed and did not include any superfluous elements.

The candidate addressed the essential elements of each item without including extra details. This included gender, agreement, verb forms, idioms, prepositions, and more.

The candidate displayed mastery of present, imperfect, passé compose, conditional, and negative tenses.

CSEC French

Paper 02
Section I Directed Situations

Write in FRENCH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT
write more than ONE sentence for EACH situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may
NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT use abbreviations.

1. You meet a French boy/girl online. Tell him/her two things about yourself.
2. You have just attended a very enjoyable concert. What two things do you mention in your email
to your friend who could not attend?
3. Your French pen pal sends you an email asking what two things you would like to do when you
visit France. What do you reply?
4. Your classmate wants to know why the principal wanted to see you. Give him/her two details of
the specific task the principal wants you to do.
5. In your school library there are a number of signs which inform the users of what they should not
do. State two things that users should not do.
6. You visit an aunt whom you have not seen in years but she is not at home. You leave a note on
her door expressing disappointment and saying how you plan to contact her again. What does the
note say?
7. Before leaving for work on Sunday morning, your mother leaves a note asking you to do two
things. What does her note say?
8. Your teacher is annoyed with you over something you did. Write an apology to your teacher
explaining your behavior/action.
9. A newspaper has a column for students and gives two pieces of advice on preparing for exams.
What advice is given?
10. You are travelling to Guadeloupe and you send an email to give your friend two important details
of your arrival. What details do you give?

Total 30 marks

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Example of an excellent answer

The responses of this candidate were succinct and to the point. The mastery/manipulation of language
was very strong. For each item in this section, the candidate was able to correctly identify the essential
elements to be addressed and did not include any superfluous element which could detract from the marks
to he gained.

Item I: The candidate used two hasic pieces of language. introduced to students in the first year of their
language study. The candidate displayed knowledge and mastery of the concept of gender of nouns and of
the necessity for agreement of the adjective with the subject. In the second part of the response. the use of
the correct present tense form of the verb avoir to give someones age was evident.

Item 2: The use of the idiom ii y a in the imperfect tense showed sound manipulation of the verb avoir,
The expression of quantity, which is always followed by the preposition de was correctly used, In
ftilfilling the second essential element, the candidate used the pass compose correctly a difficult tense
to master by students at this level. In naming the two songs the candidate also used the direct object
pronoun in its correct position in the French phrase.

Item 3: The candidate displayed knowledge of another tense in this item the conditional. The verb
aimer was correctly rendered. and was followed by the infinitive of the second verb. The correct

preposition was employed with the feminine noun. in the second part of the response there was a
repetition of the infinitive with a new verb and the correct positioning of the adjective, botanique, in
relation to its noun, jardin.

Item 4: The candidate deftly avoided having to use the potentially more difficult subjunctive mood. The
verbal phrase employed in its stead was correctly rendered with an infinitive verb after the preposition.
The use of the uord devoir to mean a task is unusual hut accurate. In the second part of the response.
the repetiflon of the preposition, the use of pour to mean on behalf of, was brilliant.

kern 5: The interdiction was correctly and succinctly given.

Item 6: Both essentials of the item were addressed and met. The sequence of tenses was flawless. Three
tenses were correctly used. The candidate correctly used the unusual adiective form. decue with the
ci re c r 01 r, k
Item 7: The candidate employed a less hackneyed way of forming a very polite request. The candidate
used the conditional tense of the irregular verb pouvoir as a modal auxiliary with following infinitive

Item 8: The candidate showcased mastery of the negative pass compose with the negative irregular
verb pow.vir. and again in the second part of the response with irregular verb crire, and this time with
the addition of a preceding direct object pronoun in the correct position in the French phrase. One way
that this might have been improved would have been with the introduction of the indirect object pronoun
vans before the infinitive \erb donner.

Item 9: The candidate used the familiar form of address where the polite/plural form would have been
more appropriate. It is interesting to note that the more acceptable impersonal 11 font was crossed out
and rejected in favour of the tu form, However, the remainder of the response was sound. [One minor

Item 10: In this item the verb was correctly rendered in the present tense. The two pieces of information,
time of arrival and means of travel, were clearly given. One point to note is that avec Iavion could have
been better rendered as sur I avion.

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