People Vs Clemente Casta y Carolino

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G.R. No. 172871

September 16, 2008






Ponente: BRION, J.

Nature of the Case:

This case is an appeal from the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA)
affirming the Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 55, Alaminos,
Pangasinan, finding the appellant Clemente Casta y Carolino (appellant)
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder and sentencing him to
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.

Facts of the Case:

Modesto Cardona (an eye-witness) narrated that at around 3:00 oclock

in the afternoon of August 20, 1989, he was walking along the road at Sitio
Makber, Goyoden, Bolinao, Pangasinan when Danilo (the victim) emerged
from a small road and joined him. Along the way, they met Marcos Gumangan
(Marcos) and Angel Gatchalian (Angel) with whom they exchanged greetings;
it was Danilos first time to visit Goyoden after several years. They all walked
towards the west with Marcos and Angel walking behind them. Suddenly, the
appellant appeared from behind Danilo and stabbed him using a double-
bladed knife. Danilo turned around and then fell; the appellant fled still
holding the knife he used in stabbing Danilo.

Marlyn Cister (an eye-witness) testified that in the afternoon of August

20, 1989, while seated on the steps of the stairs of their house, she saw
Danilo Camba (the victim) and Modesto Cardona (Modesto) standing by the
roadside. Suddenly, the appellant appeared from behind Danilo and stabbed
him (Danilo). Danilo fell and died on the spot. Thereafter, the appellant fled.
The next day (August 21, 1989), the appellants uncle came and told
Senior Police Officer I Domingo Camba that the appellant was at his (the
appellants) house. He went with the appellants uncle to the appellants
house where the appellant gave himself up. He forthwith brought the
appellant to the police station for investigation.

At the police station, the appellant confessed to the killing of Danilo

after being informed of his constitutional rights and in the presence of
counsel, a certain Atty. Antonio V. Tiong. The confession was reduced to
writing and was signed by the appellant and Atty. Tiong.

The appellant gave a different version of the events which the RTC
summarized as follows:

x x x that on August 20, 1989 in the afternoon, he went to Sitio Matber,

Goyoden, Bolinao, to buy fish; that before reaching the place where he will
buy fish, he met a person whom he did not know. This person called him by
waving his hand and pointing to him. He responded to the call of this person
by approaching him but when he was near him, this person boxed him but he
was not hit. They grappled with each other and he did not notice if there were
other persons around them; that he then noticed that his knife was already
bloody so he ran away; that there was no person around that he noticed
when he saw his knife bloody; that at that time, he did not know the identity
of the person with whom he grappled; that when he was already detained, he
learned that the person was Danilo Camba.

On cross-examination, he declared that he did not plan to kill the

victim and his killing was accidental. x x x that he admitted on direct
examination that he stabbed Danilo Camba and he threw the knife into the
sea when he rode on a motorboat and was confused; that he knew that the
date when he stabbed Danilo Camba was August 20, 1989 and in the
afternoon but he did not know the time.

On re-direct examination, the accused declared that the reason for his
stabbing Danilo Camba was that when they met on the road and Camba was
drunk, without any provocation on his part, Camba positioned to box him so
he drew his knife and stabbed him; that he did not know the reason why
Camba wanted to box him; that at that time, Camba was with one Fedelino
Gatchalian; that he had no previous grudge with Camba because he did not
know him; that he did not see the victim with any weapon and he did not
know if he was armed or not; and that he is bigger than Camba. x x x

The RTC convicted the appellant of the crime of murder.

The CA, in a decision dated March 10, 2006, affirmed the RTC decision
in toto.

WON the penalty imposed by the lower courts are correct.


We resolve to deny the appeal but we modify the penalty imposed and
the amount of the awarded indemnities.

The crime of Murder with an attendant circumstance of treachery

under Art. 248 of RPC is proper. However, the Information in this case
indicates that the crime of murder was committed by the appellant on August
20, 1989 which was before the effectivity of Republic Act No. 7659 on
December 31, 1993 amending Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code on
murder, raising the penalty to reclusion perpetua to death.

In light of the greater penalty that attaches under the amendment, the
previous penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to death will
have to be imposed in order not to run afoul of the constitutional prohibition
against ex post facto laws.

Voluntary surrender, properly undertaken, is a mitigating circumstance

that lowers the imposable penalty. It is present when the following elements
concur: a) the offender has not been actually arrested; b) the offender
surrenders himself to a person in authority or to the latters agent; and c) the
surrender is voluntary. We find all the requisites present in this case.

Considering that the appellant has in his favor the mitigating

circumstance of voluntary surrender with no aggravating circumstance to
offset it, the imposable penalty should be in the minimum period, i.e.,
reclusion temporal in its maximum period. Under the Indeterminate Sentence
Law,[47] the maximum sentence shall be reclusion temporal in its maximum
period (17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years) and the minimum shall be
taken from the next lower penalty, which is prision mayor maximum to
reclusion temporal medium (10 years and 1 day to 17 years and 4 months).

The RTC awarded the amount of P13,000.00 to the victims heirs as

actual damages in light of established jurisprudence that allows only
expenses duly supported by receipts as proof of actual damages. This RTC
ruling has however been overtaken by our rulings in the landmark cases of
People v. Abrazaldo and People v. Villanueva. In Abrazaldo, we ruled that
where the amount of the actual damages cannot be determined because of
the absence of supporting and duly presented receipts but evidence
confirming the heirs entitlement to actual damages, temperate damages in
the amount of P25,000.00 may be awarded. This ruling was reiterated, with
slight modification in Villanueva, where we held that when the actual
damages proven by receipts during the trial amount to less than P25,000.00,
we can nevertheless award temperate damages of P25,000.00. Thus, the
heirs entitlement is P25,000.00 of temperate damages.

We also modify the award of P100,000.00 as moral and exemplary

damages which the RTC lumped together. Moral damages are mandatory in
cases of murder and homicide without need of allegation and proof other
than the death of the victim. We find the award of P50,000.00 as moral
damages in order in accordance with established jurisprudence.

The award of exemplary damages is justified by the duly proven

qualifying circumstance of treachery; when a crime is committed with an
aggravating circumstance, either qualifying or generic, an award of
P25,000.00 as exemplary damages is justified under Article 2230 of the New
Civil Code.

We cannot award loss of earning capacity to the victims heirs since no

documentary evidence was presented to substantiate this claim. As a rule,
documentary evidence should be presented to substantiate a claim for
damages for loss of earning capacity. While there are exceptions to the rule,
these exceptions do not apply as the victim, Danilo, was an employee of the
Office of the Register of Deeds of Lingayen, Pangasinan when he died; he was
not a worker earning less than the minimum wage under the prevailing labor

We affirm the P50,000.00 death indemnity awarded to the victims

heirs, in accordance with prevailing jurisprudence.

WHEREFORE, in light of all the foregoing, we hereby AFFIRM the March 10,
2006 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC

No. 01217 with the following MODIFICATIONS:

(1) the appellant is sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of

imprisonment for (10) years and one (1) day of prision mayor maximum, as
minimum, to seventeen (17) years four (4) months and one (1) day of
reclusion temporal maximum, as maximum;

(2) moral damages is REDUCED to P50,000.00;

(3) exemplary damages is REDUCED to P25,000.00;

(4) the award of actual damages is DELETED; and

(5) the appellant is ORDERED to PAY the victims heirs the amount of
P25,000.00 as temperate damages.

Costs against the appellant Clemente Casta.


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