Á1228.1Ñ Dry Heat Depyrogenation: Routine Process Control
Á1228.1Ñ Dry Heat Depyrogenation: Routine Process Control
Á1228.1Ñ Dry Heat Depyrogenation: Routine Process Control
Once a depyrogenation process has been validated it must be maintained in that state to ensure the continued acceptability
of its operation. This is accomplished through a number of related practices essential for continued use of the process.
Physical measurements: Data reported by the equipment sensors and recorders must be verified after the completion of
each depyrogenation cycle.
Calibration: Any equipment used in the control or quantitative assessment of parameters required for a depyrogenation
process must have its measurement accuracy verified against a traceable standard on a periodic basis.
Preventive maintenance: There should be a defined maintenance schedule for each piece of process or testing equip-
ment required for depyrogenation that is consistent with the manufacturers written recommendation.
Ongoing process control verification: Depending on the specifics of the particular depyrogenation process, there may
be additional requirements for ongoing confirmation of process efficacy. These can include the testing of raw materials,
water supplies, and in-process sampling. These performance parameters are monitored against assigned limits designed
to ensure that finished products meet acceptable endotoxin levels. Monitoring of operating parameters and controls plays
an important role in maintaining the depyrogenation process in a validated state.
Periodic reassessment: It is expected that the effectiveness of depyrogenation processes be reconfirmed on a periodic
basis. A reassessment schedule should be formalized to assess the potential impact of de minimis or undetected changes
to maintain the process in a validated state.
Change control: In order to remain in a validated state, the various material, procedure, and equipment elements im-
pacting the depyrogenation process should be carefully monitored to ensure that changes are properly evaluated for their
potential impact on the process. The scope of the change control program must include materials being processed, proc-
ess equipment, processing parameters, and process holding time limits. The extent of the effort required to support a
change will vary with the potential impact of the change on the process outcome.
Training: Depyrogenation processes rely heavily on scientific principles for the effective destruction or removal of endo-
toxins. Scientists and engineers well-grounded in the principles of endotoxin removal and testing develop processes to
ensure effective depyrogenation. Individuals involved in the development of depyrogenation processes require a back-
ground in microbiology, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and they must be familiar with good manufacturing princi-
ples and regulations. Depyrogenation is an interdisciplinary activity where the combined knowledge of a group of individ-
uals is generally required for the establishment of a reliable process. In addition to the depyrogenation process develop-
ment team, individuals responsible for the maintenance and operation of depyrogenation processes must also be trained
appropriately to ensure that their actions contribute to success. The operators are often the first to identify changes in
process performance because of their intimate involvement with it. Effective training programs should be established and
documented. Training programs should emphasize depyrogenation principles, adherence to established processes and
procedures, and the importance of documenting deviations from normal operations.
Testing is not a control mechanism but rather a tool to assess the effectiveness of control measures. Depending on the spe-
cifics of the particular depyrogenation process, there may be additional requirements for ongoing confirmation of process effi-
These requirements can include the testing of raw materials, water supplies, and in-process sampling. These performance
parameters are monitored against assigned limits based on historical data, and are designed to ensure that finished products
meet acceptable endotoxin levels. Monitoring of operating parameters and controls plays an important role in maintaining the
depyrogenation process in a validated state. 1S (USP39)
Dry heat is the method most frequently used for the depyrogenation of heat stable materials. Dry heat depyrogenation is
dependent upon two parameters: time and temperature, which equates to a thermal input. As a result, dry heat depyrogena-
tion processes can be easily monitored/controlled and are highly reproducible. Depyrogenation processes typically operate at a
range of temperatures from approximately 170 up to about 400.
The most prevalent pyrogenic agents in parental manufacturing that are of concern relative to patient safety are bacterial
endotoxins, found in the outer cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria. The destruction of bacterial endotoxins (depyrogenation)
by dry heat has been studied extensively and has been shown to follow first order kinetics. The well-defined kinetics of inacti-
vation makes it possible to predict the efficacy of dry heat processes operating at different times and temperatures by under-
standing the total thermal input (FD).
The range of temperatures used for dry heat depyrogenation overlaps the upper range of temperatures used for dry heat
sterilization (see Dry Heat Sterilization 1229.8). This is because bacterial endotoxins are more resistant to the effects of dry
heat than the most heat-resistant bacterial spores. This chapter provides an overview of the process of dry heat depyrogena-
tion, its control, and validation.
Although all dry heat depyrogenation processes rely strictly on time of exposure and temperature to assure effectiveness, the
equipment used typically falls into two categories: the dry heat batch oven and continuous tunnel systems. Batch ovens are
routinely used for the depyrogenation of product containers, most often glass, but also other heat stable product contact parts
or laboratory equipment. Continuous tunnels, on the other hand, are used primarily to depyrogenate glass product containers.
Batch Ovens
Circulating heated air is used to heat the load items, which may be individually covered or wrapped in a material that is
unaffected by the temperature used, or placed in a lidded container for protection during pre- and post-process handling.
When depyrogenation and sterilization are to be achieved in the same process, air supplied to the oven is passed through one
or more high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter(s) to maintain sterility within the oven after completion of the dwell period.
These forced air ovens typically operate at a positive air pressure differential relative to the surrounding room. This design re-
sults in particulate air quality that can meet ISO 5 requirements to reduce particulate matter and microbial contamination risk
throughout processing.
In order to ensure sufficient lethality and process control, oven control probe(s) must maintain a predefined temperature for
a predefined time period prior to cooling. The limited heat transfer capacity of air requires that items in the oven be placed in
fixed locations confirmed acceptable during the cycle development/validation effort. Caution should be exercised in defining
variable load patterns as minimum load sizes may result in inadvertent slower heating of the load and greater temperature
variability. Smaller facilities may use a single door oven, but the principles of operation and validation are the same as with
larger double door production units. The important batch oven process variables are set-point temperature, duration of dwell
period, load type and configuration, airflow characteristics, and container size.
Continuous Tunnels
The use of tunnels for dry heat depyrogenation of glass containers on a moving conveyor allows for substantially higher
throughput and packing densities than the batch process, reduces handling, and is ordinarily integrated with a washing and
filling system. Tunnels typically use forced heated air systems or radiant IR systems that recirculate air through a battery of
HEPA filters. Load items in tunnels are typically fed directly from an integrated container washing system.
Depyrogenation tunnels have separate zones for heating and cooling, allowing for continuous in-feed and discharge at tem-
peratures appropriate for production purposes. The tunnel is maintained at constant airflow and temperature conditions dur-
ing use, and as glass passes through the tunnel it is heated to depyrogenating temperatures and cooled before exiting. Al-
though the conditions within the tunnel are essentially constant and well controlled, the temperature of the glass as it passes
through the tunnel on the conveyor will change with its location. Dwell time is controlled by adjusting the conveyor speed,1
which in the depyrogenation tunnel is the process parameter that governs exposure time.
The air in the tunnel is most commonly heated using electrical coils but other heat sources, such as infrared or high-pressure
steam, have been used. For energy conservation, heated air in depyrogenation tunnels is often recirculated. The important
continuous tunnel process variables are heating zone temperature, cooling zone temperature, belt speed, and container mass
per unit.
Dry heat depyrogenation uses air first to heat and then to cool the items. The limited heat capacity of dry air results in rela-
tively slow heating and cooling of the load items. Variability in temperature distribution in dry heat ovens and tunnels is typi-
cally much higher than that observed in moist heat systems. The limited heat capacity of air requires that items in ovens be
placed in the same locations as confirmed acceptable in the cycle development/validation effort. Packing and thermal mass
will also play critical roles in temperature management. Caution must also be exercised with varying load mass and distribu-
tion as in some instances (resulting from oven design, air flow characteristics, and control probe position) minimum load sizes
may result in process variability.
Process temperatures in dry heat depyrogenation are controlled by calibrated temperature sensors placed at specific loca-
tions within the equipment. The exposure portion of the process is designed to attain a minimum dwell time at a predefined
minimum temperature ensuring that depyrogenation conditions are adequately uniform. The defined dwell time is determined
by using measurement devices (e.g., thermocouples) directly in contact with the items to be depyrogenated during develop-
ment. The inactivation of bacterial endotoxins by dry heat involves the control of only two parameters: time and temperature.
The simplicity of process control for these parameters provides a predictable depyrogenation effect. Once validated, a clear
understanding of the inputs to the system, meaning resident endotoxin load on incoming materials, and outputs of the sys-
tem, meaning reduction of resident levels of endotoxin to safe levels, is more meaningful than spiking with unnaturally high
levels of challenge material and looking for a prescriptive requirement for log reduction. The dosimetric measurement for dry
heat depyrogenation processes is the FD unit. An FD = 1 is defined as the depyrogenation effect achieved by 1 min of heating at
250. The FD-value enables the integration of temperature over the process duration (time). By convention, the rate at which
depyrogenation destruction rate (D-value) varies as a function of temperature change is defined as the z-value. The z-value for
dry heat depyrogenation has been shown to be in the range of 4555. For the purposes of this chapter, 50 is used as a
standard z-value. Other values may be used. (1,2)
The FD approach is used as a means to compare dry heat depyrogenation effects produced by processes that operate at vary-
ing temperatures. Basic mathematics can be used to calculate the depyrogenation effect produced at temperatures other than
250 to determine equivalence to that provided at 250.
Using a reference temperature of 250 and an assumed z-value of 50, the FD calculation can be determined:
FD = accumulated destruction
t1 = process start time
t2 = process end time
T = temperature at each time increment
Dt = time interval between temperature measurements
Summing the instantaneous temperature contributions over the entire depyrogenation process allows for the calculation of
the overall process efficacy or FD delivered over the course of the process. Many commercial data loggers are equipped with
software that enables them to make this calculation and integrate the total FD accumulated during a process. The FD calculation
is used during initial validation, validation maintenance, and change control. The mathematical principles of the FD calculation
are essentially the same as those used to calculate lethality (F0) values in moist heat sterilization. FD values are used to confirm
process consistency over time as correlation to endotoxin destruction is rarely possible.
Because dry heat depyrogenation is appropriate only for heat stable materials, a high margin for safety is always attainable.
Times and temperatures used for the purpose of destroying challenge materials can result in extreme challenges to material
integrity and stability. Attention to depyrogenation processes, including an understanding of the resident endotoxin load on
incoming materials and reduction to levels needed to assure patient safety, should take place during drug product develop-
ment, prior to validation.
Equipment Qualification
Equipment Qualification (EQ) is a predefined program that focuses on the processing equipment to confirm that it has been
properly installed and operates as intended prior to evaluation of the process. In some companies, EQ may be separated into
installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ), or combined together under a joint terminology of installa-
tion/operational qualification (I/OQ). Equipment qualification provides a baseline for preventive maintenance and change con-
trol assuring reproducibility of equipment operation over time.
The oven should be evaluated for empty chamber temperature distribution. This is assessed by measurement of temperature
at each corner of oven, near the controlling probe(s) and other locations as justified. Differences in the cycle dwell period can
be discounted in this evaluation, as only the shortest dwell period need be evaluated. The evaluation is best performed over
the last few minutes of the dwell period once the system has fully stabilized. The acceptance criteria for this test vary with the
oven's design and operating conditions; however, temperature distribution is typically substantially less uniform than observed
in autoclaves and may be 15 or more. Depyrogenation ovens that are located at floor level may have even greater ranges in
temperature. The temperature distribution measurement may be of value in the evaluation of changes to the oven.
While these studies are often done, they are actually of limited value. Unloaded depyrogenation tunnels will always produce
far more variability in temperature distribution than will a fully loaded tunnel. Therefore, for depyrogenation tunnels, tempera-
ture studies under fully loaded conditions only are indicated. Important to the proper operation of the dry heat tunnel is the
establishment of the required air flow balance between the tunnel and the adjoining areas. Improper air flow can cause un-
even heating across the load being processed. The temperature distribution measurement may be of value in the evaluation of
changes to the tunnel.
Component Mapping
The ability of dry heat to penetrate load items and to bring them to the required temperature should be determined.
Load items that are complex, of significant mass, with enclosed volumes and product contact surfaces that must be depyro-
genated, should be subjected to component mapping to determine internal cold spots. All load items should be prepared,
wrapped (if that is the practice), and oriented in a manner consistent with how they will be processed. Glass typically enters
the depyrogenation process (whether tunnel or oven) wet and must be evaluated wet to properly determine the effect on
overall thermal input. Mapping of glass components to be processed in tunnels is not necessary; all monitoring of temperature
in tunnels is accomplished with probes in contact with the bottom of the container.
Fixed loading patterns are necessary in oven depyrogenation because of the limited heat capacity of the air; fully packed
conditions because of their greater mass ordinarily result in the best process temperature uniformity. Load mapping assures
that items placed throughout the load attain the desired depyrogenation conditions. Identification of cold zones within the
oven should be established during depyrogenation cycle development. Information from the load mapping is used to adjust
cycle timing to assure appropriate efficacy across the entire load. It may be possible to validate maximum and minimum loads
(as determined by either the number of items or their mass).
FD is calculated from the temperature data at all monitored locations within the load pattern.
Load mapping can be assessed using sets of calibrated sensors (i.e., trailing or wireless temperature sensors) positioned with-
in the glass pack as it moves through the tunnel. Temperature sensors should be placed into direct contact with the glass item
at the bottom of the container. Temperature measurements should be made on the leading edge, the middle (highest densi-
ty), and the trailing edge of the glass pack across the width of the conveyor belt. There should be NLT 5 temperature sensors
positioned across the belt in each section of the load. FD is calculated from the temperature data at all monitored locations.
Studies should be performed using all container sizes to determine the lowest FD locations. The FD results can be used to sup-
port the selection of containers/conditions to be evaluated in the confirmation studies (see below). There is no requirement to
perform temperature heat distribution measurements during these studies.
Confirmation of Depyrogenation
The materials/glass components to be depyrogenated should be assessed for their incoming endotoxin content prior to the
validation study. This would include glass as received and immediately after washing. All tested materials should be handled
and prepared using defined procedures. Materials and glass prepared in the same manner are used in the depyrogenation vali-
dation studies. The addition of challenge material to the load items, including a requirement to demonstrate a 3-log reduction,
may not be required if time and temperature studies consistently indicate that depyrogenation conditions are met. Tempera-
ture monitoring as described above must be done simultaneously with the depyrogenation confirmation studies. The confir-
mation studies should be performed at reduced time-temperature conditions from those utilized in routine processing and de-
liver lower FD results when compared to those determined in the mapping studies and are considered worst case confirma-
tion of depyrogenation process efficacy. There is no requirement to perform temperature heat distribution measurements dur-
ing these studies.
A minimum of five (5) samples should be taken in proximity at NLT 10 temperature-monitored locations (including those
determined to be the coldest from the oven load mapping study) in the oven and tested for endotoxin content post-process-
ing. The process is considered acceptable if the amount of endotoxin per sample is NMT 0.1 EU.
A minimum of five (5) samples should be taken in proximity to each monitored position within the tunnel load (including
those determined to be the coldest from the tunnel load mapping study) and tested for endotoxin content post-processing.
The process is considered acceptable if the amount of endotoxin per sample is NMT 0.1 EU.
As with all processes, after the dry heat depyrogenation process has been validated, it must be subject to ongoing controls
that maintain it within the validated state at all times. Temperature and exposure time, which are the important dry heat de-
pyrogenation parameters, can be used to confirm performance on a routine basis. Where direct assessment of FD is not possi-
ble, assuring that the temperature and exposure time conditions were met results in an equivalent confidence that the depyro-
genation system operated in a validated state of control.
Depyrogenation 1228 details the general practices that are appropriate for all depyrogenation systems. This is accomplished
by a number of related practices that are essential for the continued use of the process over an extended period of time. The
essential practices to maintain validated status include calibration, physical measurements, periodic endotoxin assessment on
incoming materials, ongoing process control, change control, preventive maintenance, and periodic reassessment and train-
Tsuji K, Harrison S. Dry heat destruction of lipopolysaccharide: dry heat destruction kinetics. Appl Environ Microbio. 1978;
Ludwig J., Avis KE. Dry heat inactivation of endotoxin on the surface of glass. J Parenteral Sci Technol. 1990; 44(1):412.
Parenteral Drug Association (PDA), technical report 3, Validation of dry heat processes used for depyrogenation and steri-
lization. 2013.
1. Tsuji K, Lewis A. Dry heat destruction of lipopolysaccharide: a mathematical approach to process evaluation. Appl Environ
Microbio. 1978; 36(5):715719.
2. Akers MJ, Ketron KM, Thompson, BR. F value requirements for the destruction of endotoxin in the validation of dry-heat
sterilization/depyrogenation cycles. J Parenteral Sci Technol. 1982; (36):126.
1S (USP39)
A biological indicator (BI) is a well-characterized preparation of a specific microorganism that has known resistance to a spe-
cific sterilization process.1 BIs are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of processes that render a product sterile in its final
package or container, as well as the effectiveness of the sterilization of equipment, product contact materials, and packaging
components as required. BIs may also be used to monitor established sterilization cycles and are used for periodic reassessment
of sterilization process effectiveness. BIs are process aids and can support the correlation of physical parameters to microbio-
logical destruction. Microorganisms recognized as suitable for BIs are spore-forming bacteria, because the spores of these mi-
1 Microbial retention challenges as described in Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids 1229.4 are not BIs.