Reinforcement Against Punching Failure of Slabs: Technical Manual

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Reinforcement against punching

failure of slabs
Version: Peikko Group 6/2013

Technical Manual
Reinforcement against punching failure of slabs

System benefits
Higher resistances than stirrups
Simple and efficient installation
Optimizing the construction
height of the building
Approved acc. to ETA-
13/0151 for static and
non-predominantly static
Available in Peikko Designer

PSB is a building product mainly used as vertical reinforcement to increase the punching resistance of concrete at
slabs or ground slabs. The type, geometry and dimensions PSB may be designed and the resistances of concrete
members reinforced by PSB elements may be veried using Peikko Designer. The properties of PSB as well as the
resistances of slabs reinforced by PSB are approved within the European Technical Approval ETA-13/0151.

PSB is manufactured and delivered in form of reinforcement elements that consist of double headed steel studs
connected by an assembly prole. Since the product is designed and pre-fabricated by Peikko, the installation of
the product is much simpler than it is for other traditional reinforcement elements (stirrups). This applies for the
case when PSB is used in cast-in situ or in precast elements.

PSB reinforcement is fully integrated in the concrete slab and is thus an ideal reinforcement system for monolithic
slim-oor structures or at concrete slabs in general. The double headed studs used in PSB reinforcement ele-
ments enable the slab to develop a resistance that is up to 40% higher than the resistance of a slab reinforced by
traditional reinforcement techniques such as stirrups.

About PSB 4

1. Product properties ....................................4

1.1 Structural behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Limitations for application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3 Other properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2. Resistances ..............................................8

Selecting PSB 9

Installation of PSB 17

Cast in-situ monolithic slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

In precast factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Revision: 004
About PSB

1. Product properties
Reinforced concrete at slabs are nowadays one of the most popular structural systems in residential, adminis-
trative, industrial and many other types of buildings. The system usually consists of slabs locally supported by
columns or walls without down stand beams. Such conguration allows optimizing the space on the oor area and
to perform saving with regards to the total height of the building.

Figure 1. Flat slab supported on columns and walls

Between supports, the slab is usually designed as a two-way slab to resist bending moments in two orthogonal
directions. In support area, the bending moments are combined with transverse loads reactions from supports.
Such combined loading results in a state of stress may lead to failure of the slab by punching. The verication of
the punching resistance of the slab is often decisive for the denition of the thickness of the concrete slab.

Punching usually occurs so that a concrete cone is separated from the slab, bending reinforcement is pulled away
from concrete and the slab falls down due to gravity forces (Figure 2). Experience shows that failure by punching
is particularly dangerous since it is a brittle phenomenon that happens suddenly without any previous signs of
warning (extensive deformations, cracks.). Moreover, the failure of one column may impact on adjacent columns
and lead to an in-chain failure of the whole reinforced concrete oor.

Figure 2. Failure of a slab by punching

A slab without vertical reinforcement has only a very limited resistance against punching failure. This resistance
may be increased by placing PSB elements in the concrete slab in such a manner that they prevent the concrete
cone to develop (Figure 3). Besides increasing the resistance of the slab, PSB also increases its ductility. PSB is
also used in ground slabs in a similar manner as in at slabs. Other applications (PSB used as shear reinforcement
in beams) are possible as well.

Figure 3. Flat slab reinforced with PSB

4 PSB Reinforcement System

About PSB

PSB elements consist of steel double headed PSB studs connected together by assembly proles (Figure 4). The
assembly bar has no load bearing function; it only guarantees the correct spacing and positioning of the studs
during their installation to concrete.

Figure 4. Available types of PSB elements

Assembly prole

PSB Studs
Plastic Spacers for
bottom installation
PSB-F Studs with clip-on
plastic connectors

1.1 Structural behavior

PSB studs are most typically used as vertical reinforcement in concrete slabs that is designed and detailed to pre-
vent the development of inclined punching cracks. The structural behavior of a slab reinforced by PSB studs may
be interpreted by a system of struts and ties (Figure 5), where the PSB studs act as vertical tensile components.
The proper functioning of such mechanism is amongst other conditioned by the tensile resistance of the studs and
their anchorage capacity in concrete.

Figure 5. Forces in a slab with PSB punching reinforcement

V Tension

area Reinforced area

Compressive V
stress in concrete

The excellent anchorage properties of PSB studs enable the slabs reinforced with PSB studs to develop resistances
that are signicantly higher than the resistances of slabs reinforced with traditional reinforcement (stirrups). The
performance of concrete slabs reinforced by PSB has been demonstrated by full scale laboratory tests performed at
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne during year 2012. The results of the tests have been
used as the basis for the development of the European Technical Approval ETA-13/0151 that regulates the use and
design of PSB punching reinforcement. Comprehensive information about the test series and ETA-13/0151 may be
found in reference [1].

ETA-13/0151 denes a set of rules to determine:

The resistance of the slab without PSB reinforcement VRd,c
The resistance of the slab reinforced with PSB VRd,s
The maximum resistance of the slab reinforced with PSB VRd,max

[1] Muttoni, A. Bujnak, J. Performance of slabs reinforced by Peikko PSB studs demonstrated by full scale tests and validated
by ETA approval starting April 2013 Concrete connection 01/2013, Customer magazine of Peikko Group.

Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 5

About PSB

The section and top view of a slab reinforced with PSB in accordance with recommendations of ETA-13/0151 is shown
on Figure 6. Typically, PSB elements are organized radially around the column. Alternative arrangements of PSB
elements are possible provided that requirements for the maximum spacing of PSB studs are fullled.

Figure 6. Section and top view of a) flat slab b) ground slab or footing reinforced by PSB studs






ls G ls



G G G u1

G A ls A G G B G ls B G


The resistance of the slab without punching reinforcement at the basic control perimeter is determined according to
Eq. (A3) of ETA-13/0151 as:

C Rd ,c k 100 U f ck  k1 V cp t v min  k1 V cp
1/ 3
v Rd ,c

The shear stress at the basic control perimeter is calculated according to Eq. (A1) of ETA-13/0151:

v Ed
u1 d
where is the load increase factor dened depending on the position of the column acc. to ETA-13/0151 Eq. (A2), u1
is the length of the basic control perimeter and d is the effective depth of the slab (see Figure 6). The slab has to be
reinforced by PSB if:

vRd,c vEd

The minimum number of perimeters of PSB studs to be placed around the column is determined to enlarge the control
perimeter to a value uout determined in accordance with Eq. (A4) of ETA-13/0151:

E red V Ed
u out
v Rd ,c d

where vRd,c is calculated according Eq.(A3) of ETA-13/0151 with CRd,c = 0,15/c .

The resistance of PSB elements is veried by the Eq. (A7) and Eq. (A9) of ETA-13/0151 for at slabs and ground slabs

6 PSB Reinforcement System

About PSB

1.2 Limitations for application

The minimum depth of a slabs reinforced with PSB is 180 mm.

The maximum resistance of a slab reinforced by PSB is veried in accordance with Eq. (A8) and (A10) of ETA-
13/0151 as follows:

Flat slabs vRd,max = 1,96 vRd,c vEd

Ground slabs and footings vRd,max = 1,62 vRd,c vEd

For comparison, the maximum resistance of slabs reinforced by traditional types of reinforcement (stirrups) should
be veried in accordance with Eq. (6.53) of EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC2:2010 as:

f E VEd
v Rd ,max 0,4 0,6 1  ck f cd t
250 u0 d

where u0 is the length of column periphery. The verication in accordance with DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA:2012 for slabs
reinforced by stirrups is:

vRd,max = 1,4 vRd,c vEd

In case the above verications of maximum resistance of slab cant be fullled, a sufficient level of resistance cant
be achieved in slabs reinforced by reinforcing them with vertical steel reinforcement (traditional reinforcement
elements or PSB). At the same time, the comparison shown in Figure 7 for slabs tested within Peikkos testing
program (see reference [1]) shows that the maximum resistance of slabs reinforced by PSB studs may be up to 40%
higher than the resistance of slabs reinforced by traditional reinforcement elements determined acc. to EN 1992-
1-1:2004+AC2:2010 or DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA:2012.

Figure 7. Maximum characteristic values of resistances in slabs reinforced with PSB and with standard types of reinforcement
VR,max,ETA VR,max,EN VR,max,DIN EN
[kN] [kN] [kN] VR,max,ETA/VR,max,EN
PP1 774,9 554,9 553,5 1,00
PP2 1050,2 1027,7 750,1
PP3 4070,8 3346,2 2907,7 0,80
PP4 1856,0 1426,2 1325,7
PP5 1808,1 1408,7 1291,5 0,60
PL9 2923,9 2429,1 2088,5
PL10 4606,2 4150,0 3290,1 0,40


PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PL9 PL10

Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 7

About PSB

1.3 Other properties

ETA-13/0151 approves the use of PSB elements with diameters 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 25 mm. Elements using studs
with larger diameters (28 mm and 32 mm) may be produced as well but are not within the scope of ETA-13/0151.
The diameter of the heads in all studs corresponds to 3x the diameters of the shaft of the stud.

The PSB studs and assembly bar have the following material properties:

Assembly bar S235JR EN 10025-2

PSB studs B500B EN 10080, DIN 488

The spacers used for bottom installation of PSB elements are made of plastic material. Standard spacers provide
concrete cover 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 mm. The air temperature during installation of PSB using plastic
spacers should be in the range of -30C to +35C.

Peikko Groups production units are externally controlled and periodically audited on the basis of production cer-
tications and product approvals by various organizations, including Inspecta Certication, VTT Expert Services,
Nordcert, SLV, TSUS and SPSC among others.

2. Resistances
The characteristic values of resistances of individual PSB studs in accordance with ETA-13/0151 are summarized in
Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristic values of tensile resistances of PSB studs

Diameter mm 10 12 14 16 20 25
Resistance kN 39,3 56,5 77,0 100,5 157,1 245,4

The resistance of a concrete member reinforced by PSB has to be veried case-by-case for each project. Peikko
Designer may be used to design PSB and verify the resistances of concrete members reinforced by PSB according
to the requirements of ETA-13/0151.

8 PSB Reinforcement System

Selecting PSB

Selecting PSB
It is recommended to select the appropriate reinforcement with PSB using Peikko Designer individually for each
separate case. Peikko Designer is a design software developed by Peikko, and it is freely available from

An example of the procedure used for the design and selection of PSB in accordance with ETA-13/0151 used and
implemented in Peikko Designer is presented hereafter.
as = 100
Column dimension a = 300 mm
b = 300 mm
Concrete grade C30/37

co = 30
Height of slab h = 250 mm

x = 12
hA = 195
h = 250
Concrete cover bottom cu = 25 mm

dy = 214
dx = 202
Concrete cover top co = 30 mm

cu = 25
Diameter of bending reinforcement x = 12 mm

y =
y = 12 mm
Applied load VEd = 730 kN
Position of column Internal column

Effective depth and bending reinforcement ratio Area of one reinforcement bar in x direction
Effective depth As , x
dy = h c0 y / 2 = 214 mm 4
dx = h c0 y x / 2 = 202 mm
dx  dy Area of one reinforcement bar in y direction
d = 208 mm y2
2 As , y
Bending reinforcement ratio 4

As , x
x 100 0,56%
as,x d x

As , y
y 100 0,528%
as, y d y

l x y 0,544%

Basic control perimeter (u1) and perimeter of column (uo)

(EN 1992-1-1 6.4.2)

u1 = 2 2 d + 2 a + 2 b = 3813,8 mm
u0 = 2 (a+b) = 1200 mm

y u1

2d a 2d

Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 9

Selecting PSB

Load increase factor (ETA-13/0151) Position values

Internal column 1,15
Recommended value for internal column = 1,15 Edge column 1,4
Corner column 1,5
End of wall 1,35
Corner of wall 1,20

Punching shear resistance of slab without punching

reinforcement (ETA-13/0151)

C Rd ,c k d U l . f ck 1 / 3

@ C Rd ,c
v Rd ,c IF: u0 / d < 4
0,0525 3/ 2 1/ 2 0,603 MPa
J k d f ck 0,18 u 0,15
c C Rd ,c 0,1 0  0,6 t
JC d Jc

kd min 200 1,98 c=1,5
1  d

(EN 1992-1-1
C Rd ,c 0,12

Maximum resistance of slab with punching reinforcement Flat slab kmax = 1,96
(ETA-13/0151) Ground slab kmax = 1,62
vRd,max = kmax vRd,c = 1,182 MPa

Design value of the shear stress (ETA-13/0151)

v Ed 1,058 MPa
u1 d

Load bearing capacity of the slab No PSB reinforcement is needed if:

vRd,c vEd
vRd,c < vEd < vRd,max
0,603 < 1,058 < 1,182 PSB reinforcement can be used if:
vRd,c < vEd < vRd,max
PSB reinforcement can be used
Maximum resistance of slab exceeded if:
vEd > vRd,max

Dimension of stud (ETA-13/0151)

Height of studs
hA = hd cu c0 = 195 mm

Spacing between elements

s1 = 150 mm
s0 = 75 mm Support s0 s1
s1 0,75 d
0,35 d s0 0,5d

10 PSB Reinforcement System

Selecting PSB

Check spacing
s1 150 0,72  0,75
s  0,5
s0 75 0 0,37
d ! 0,35

Number of studs and length of reinforcement elements For internal column red = 1,15
see Figure 8 (ETA-13/0151)
E red VEd
v Rd ,c ,out t
Required length of outer perimeter uout ,req d
E red VEd uout,req
uout ,req 6695 mm
v Rd ,c ,out d uout,prov
Punching shear resistance of slab on outer perimeter
J k d U l . f ck
1/ 3

v Rd ,c ,out max 0,603 MPa
0,0525 k 3 / 2 f 1 / 2
d ck
J c
Required length of reinforcement element u1

uout ,req  2 a  b y
l s ,req 1,5d 563 mm Support
S 2 x ls,req
Min. number of PSB in one element ls,prov
l s ,req  s0
n req 1 4,25 n prov 5
Provided length of one element
ls,prov = s0 + (nprov 1) s1 = 675 mm

Provided control perimeter

uout,prov = 2(ls,prov +1,5d)+ 2a + 2b = 7401,5 mm

Check outer control perimeter length

uout,req uout,prov ls,req ll,prov
6695 < 7401,5 563 < 675

Resistance of the slab in outer perimeter (ETA-13/0151)

E red VEd E red VEd

v Ed ,out 0,545MPa v Ed ,out
u out , prov .d u out , prov .d
vRd,c,out vEd,out
0,603 > 0,545 Figure 8. Layout of studs in

slab reinforced with PSB

s0 s1 s1 s1 s1 s0

Support ls,req


Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 11

Selecting PSB

Number of reinforcement elements (ETA-13/0151) Asi - is the cross section area of one stud

1. Strength condition mc,req 1,0 for d d 200mm

E VEd K 1,6 for d t 800mm
mc ,req t use linear interpolation for other values
nc Asi f yd
2. Spacing condition - mspac seA0 nc = number of studs in area C

max se 0 d 3,5 d nc =2
seA s
eB 0
max se1 d 1,7 d
s e0

seA1 seB



x 1,125d


Diameter of studs 10 12 14 16 20 25
mc,req 12 9 7 5 3 2
mc,spac 8 8 8 8 8 8

mc ,req
mc , prov max 12 12 8 8 8 8

Total resistance of PSB (ETA-13/0151)

2 2
d A S f yk d A S f yk
VRd , sy mc nc 1060,3kN VRd , sy mc nc
4 J s K 4 J s K
VEd VRd,sy mc = number of elements
839,5 < 1060,3 dA = shaft diameter of PSB

8xPSB-14/195-2/300 (75/150/75) & 8xPSB-14/195-3/450 (75/150/150/75)


8xPSB-14/195-5/750 (75/4*150/75)

12 PSB Reinforcement System

Selecting PSB

The resulting type and layout of the reinforcement proposed by Peikko Designer is the most economical one. If
needed, the diameter of studs and the number of PSB elements may be modied manually by the user. The selected
PSB elements are described by a specic code. Plan and section drawings of the selected PSB reinforcement are
also available in the printed outputs of Peikko Designer or may be exported to DXF les. The printed output of
Peikko Designer also includes a summary of input data and static verications of resistances for each individual
case within each single project. The list of recommended accessories for the installation of PSB is also available in
the printed output of Peikko Designer.

The reinforcement of at slabs with PSB may be provided as a combination of 2/3 stud elements or by complete
elements where all studs are welded to one assembly prole. Equivalence between a solution with 2/3 stud ele-
ments and a complete element is shown on Figure 9.

Figure 9. Complete element and combination of 2/3 stud elements

8xPSB-14/195-5/750 (75/4*150/75) 8xPSB-14/195-2/300(75/150/75)

& 8xPSB-14/195-3/450(75/150/150/75)

750 300 450



75 150 150 150 150 75 75 150 150 150 150 75

Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 13

Selecting PSB

The typical procedure to select the appropriate type of PSB using Peikko Designer is summarized on the diagram in
Figure 10.

Figure 10. Procedure to select PSB reinforcement



User input

Bending reinforcement

Type of PSB

Automatic procedure by Peikko Designer

Depth of studs
Design of PSB

Number of studs

Diameter of studs

Spacing of studs
Resistance of slab

Slab without PSB

Max. resistance of slab (crushing of concrete)

Slab with PSB

Slab outside of the area reinforced by PSB

8xPSB - 20/275-5/967 (137/137/2*206/75)

Number of PSB elements around the column Spacing of studs within the PSB element

Diameter of PSB studs Total length of PSB element

Depth of the PSB stud Number of PSB studs within one element

14 PSB Reinforcement System


Version: Peikko Group 6/2013 15


16 PSB Reinforcement System

Installation of PSB

Installation of PSB
PSB reinforcement is installed in the mould according to design plans. Typical shape of a PSB stud
Each PSB element is identied by a code that is printed on a sticker at PSB10
the assembly prole.

Double headed PSB studs are marked with symbol PG or PEIKKO; the
symbol PSB with corresponding diameter of the stud is marked on the
opposite side of the head.
S B 1


Cast in-situ monolithic slabs 3

PSB elements may be installed to cast in-situ monolithic slabs:

Top installation: The PSB elements are hanged to the main reinforcement of the slab. The whole bending
reinforcement is installed to the mould prior to PSB.


1 2

3 4
Installation of PSB

Bottom installation: PSB elements are place to the mould of the slab from bottom prior to the installation
of the bending reinforcement. In order to achieve sufficient concrete cover of the headed studs, PSB plastic
spacers are mounted to the assembly prole of the PSB elements. The spacers have to be ordered separately
from the PSB elements.

PSB PSB Spacer (cu)

1 2

3 4

The type and number or recommended accessories (spacers, cross connectors) for both types of installation are
available in the printed outputs of Peikko Designer.
Installation of PSB

In precast factory

Precast slabs

A special type of PSB elements (PSB-F) is available for the use within ligree slabs. The assembly prole of the
PSB-F elements is installed to the formwork from bottom on plastic spacers prior to the reinforcement of the
ligree slab. The reinforcement of the ligree slab (bending reinforcement and lattice girders) may thereafter by
installed manually or by automatized process without being limited by the presence of studs. The studs are in-
stalled on the assembly prole only once the reinforcement process of the ligree slab is nished. They are simply
clicked on the assembly proles; the slotted holes on the assembly proles offer mounting tolerances to ensure the
proper installation of the studs.

PSB-F studs (, h) PSB spacer (cu)

PSB-F rail (a/b/a)

1 2

3 4
Peikko Group, founded in 1965, is a family owned company specializing
in composite beams and fastening products for concrete connections.
Peikko provides innovative solutions to help customers make their
building process faster, easier and more reliable. Precasters, builders,
constructors, developers, ooring specialists, machine manufactures,
power plant designers, architects and structural designers can all enjoy
and take advantage of the Peikko solutions.

Peikko Group has offices in 30 and factories in 9 countries in Europe,

North America and Middle East. Peikko Group, with headquarters in
Lahti, Finland, employs more than 800 persons.

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