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Chain lubrication

Automated lubrication systems

for oil and grease

All chain sizes

All chain speeds
All operating conditions

Chain lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

MOS/MOP 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Mechanically driven oil lubrication pump
for the oil lubrication of slow moving

MOS/MOP 212 MGP 101 . . . . . . . . . . 5

Mechanical oil and grease lubrication

EOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Single-line oil system for chain lubrication

Quicklub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Progressive system for grease or oil
for slow moving, small chains

Contact lubrication with guide blocks . . 9

For conveyor chains in rough

Centro-Matic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
System operation and features

Orsco chain lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . 12

System operation and features

PMA 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contact-free oil lubrication for fast
moving chains

COBRA 1X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Lubricates the inner rollers and studs of
heavy-duty chains with grease or oil

Compact controller LMC 2 . . . . . . . . . 15

Chain lubrication

Despite new types of material and advanced

technology, many chains still require lubri-
cation. Optimum lubrication reduces friction
and subsequent wear on chains. The largest 4 5
relative movement of all chains occurs be-
tween the link plate and the chain stud, and
it is here where considerable forces are
present. Insufficient lubrication of this area 5
will result in premature wear and chain
failure. The consequence is expensive
production downtime. Precise and efficient
lubrication is a prerequisite for trouble-free
operation and long life of the chain.
Lincoln automated chain lubrication 3
systems provide an exact metered quantity
of lubricant and apply it reliably to the chain
where it is required.

Advantages of automated chain


Increases life expectancy of the chain

Minimizes downtime resulting from
insufficient lubrication
Reduces energy consumption
Reduces lubricant consumption
Absorbs shocks
Cools fast-running chains 4
Lessens noise

Suitable chain lubricants

All well-known chain manufacturers
recommend the periodic relubrication of
the chain with a suitable chain lubricant.
The most important chain lubricant
requirements are:

Good penetration characteristics Friction points of a chain:

High pressure resistance 1 Friction between bushing/stud
2 Friction between bushing/roller
Reliable corrosion protection 1 3 Friction between inner/outer plate
4 Friction between plate/bushing
5 Sprocket/roller/inner plate
Further friction points are found at the drive and
chain attachments.

Mechanically driven oil lubrication pump
for oil lubrication of slow moving chains

The MOS 201 a mechanically driven oil Simultaneously, dirt and particles are Environmental information
lubrication system consists of multiple scrubbed off the chain making the The mechanically driven MOP 201 pump is
mechanically driven oil pumps. The pumps lubrication process even more effective. an advancement over the MOS 101 that
are connected directly to the chain. The MOP 201 is driven by an eccentric was developed for agricultural equipment. It
The system is suitable for continuous cam and probe which enables the rotating is especially suitable for stationary industrial
operation. A typical industrial application is eccentric disk to be assigned to the appro- applications with more than 5 chains e.g.
for packaging machines such as palletizers. priate running chain and its lubrication palletizers. The connection takes place via
The MOS 201 lubrication system makes it points. The rotating motion of the eccentric an existing oil ring circuit. The separate
possible to lubricate several, independently disk is converted by a tappet into a linear pump element is connected directly by a
run chains. It is especially suitable for appli- motion. Bowden cable with the drive, so that the
cations that require lubrication of more than A bowden cable transfers the stroke of the defined individual lubrication of a chain is
5 chains. Each chain and lubrication point tappet to the piston in the MOP 201 pump. possible.
uses one lubrication pump. The centralized It is the bowden cable connection that en-
oil supply to parallel pumps is provided by a ables only the lubrication of the chain that is
ring feed connection. currently in operation.
The MOP 201 pump supplies all points with Dependent on the number of chains, the
the same, exact metered amount of oil. As a system may be extended at any time.
result, chain wear caused by dust and dirt Palletizer with Lincoln lubrication system
build-up is minimized. The oil is applied by in a brewery
brushes or feltpads, where the felt-pads are
an effective way of evenly applying oil over
the entire chain.

System benefits
Reduces wear on chains and chain
drives with exact metered oil
Only the chain whose drive is
currently engaged is lubricated. Over-
lubrication and unnecessary dripping
of oil is avoided.
Mechanical drive no extra electrical
drive necessary
For the lubrication of more than
5 chains

MOS/MOP 212 MGP 101
Mechanical oil and grease lubrication system

MOS / MOP 212 Combined MGP 101

The MOS 212 oil lubrication system com- MOS/MOP 212 and It is further possible to add a grease pump
MGP 101
prises a mechanically operated oil pump MGP 101 to the existing MOP 212 or to
MOP 212 with up to 12 pump elements drive the MGP 101 via the MOP 212 as a
that, with metering rings, have 3 different drive pump.
output sizes. The MGP 101 can also be used indepen-
A lubrication line ( 4 mm) is connected dently as a grease pump with a max. r/min
directly from each pump element to the of 20. The MGP 101 encompasses a K7
drive chain that requires lubrication. pump element and it can be equipped with
The oil is applied with brushes or felt downstream metering devices such as the
pads. The felt pads are especially advan- SSV progressive metering device.
tageous for applying the oil to the entire The pump uses 150/310 g lubricant cart-
chain. ridges or standard 400 g cartridges in a
Simultaneously, dirt particles are steel or transparent plastic tube. The result
scrapped off the chain resulting in a more is a type of tandem pump for both oil and
effective lubrication. grease.

Technical data MGP 101

RPM range (via MOP 212):
Agricultural machine (baler) with
MOS/MOP 212 lubrication system
shaft 1 (i = 19,53): 30 to 280 r/min
shaft 2 (i = 7,7): 30 to 150 r/min
Technical data MOS / MOP 212 or direct: up to 20 r/min
Pump elements with different outputs:
0,025, 0,05, 0,075 cm3 Max. supply pressure: 200 bar
Lubricant: Grease up
2 shaft types with different ratios to NLGI 2
(i = 7,7 and 19,53) to regulate lubricant Output: 0,22 cm/stroke
that connect the drive shafts of the main

5 litre reservoir
System benefits
Useable oils: Mineral oil, Reduces wear on chains and
Ester base bio oil chain drives with exact metered
oil quantities.
Shaft connection : 8 mm Metered quantity is matched to
Rotational speed: 30 to 280 r/min chain size, length and demands.
Max. supply pressure: 10 bar Extended filling intervals with
Operating 5 litre reservoir
temperature: 10 to +70 C Mechanical drive no extra electrical
drive necessary
Oil viscosity: 40 cSt to
max. 2 000 cSt

Single-line oil system for chain lubrication

EOS is the most reliable and economical EOT 1 the EOS controller
solution for the oil lubrication of chains. For machines without a controller, for
It is a direct operating, electrically driven, example, balers in the agricultural industry,
single-line centralized lubrication system. It Lincoln offers a 12/24 V DC controller. The
is ideal for machines with chain drives and run time is fixed at 4 seconds and the pause
12/24 V DC power supply e.g. agricultural time is adjustable from 5 to 75 seconds and
equipment such as balers. A typical indus- 5 to 75 minutes. The controller enables a
trial application is for packaging machines simple retrofit installment of the EOS oil
such as palletizers. lubrication system.
It is different from systems that use basic
restrictor or metering elements because
the EOS uses a direct operating metering
element that offers greater reliability and
accuracy. The metering elements supply the
required oil quantity in time-controlled in-
EOS pump
tervals to brushes which evenly apply the oil EOT 1 the EOS controller
to the chain. Each stroke of the pump charges
the metering elements with a predetermined
amount of oil and simultaneously supplies
the previously charged oil quantity to the
brushes. Thereby, all lubrication points re- System benefits
ceive the exact, metered quantity of oil that Precise, metered quantities of oil
is required. As a result, wear caused by dust reduce wear on the chain and drive.
or dirt particles is minimized. Metered quantities can be selected to
The required metered quantity of oil can be match the chain size and length as
adjusted to properly match the working well as operating parameters.
condition, the size and length of the chain. 5 litre reservoir provides extended
The frequency of the lubrication interval is filling intervals.
determined by the degree of contamination Push-in fittings provide quick and
potential that the chain is subjected to. easy installation.
The metering range selection of 0,1, 0,3,
0,4 or 0,5 cm3 provides versatility to ensure
that requirements are met.

EOS single-line oil system for chain lubrication


5 5 5 1 Brush
2 Bracket
3 Electric motor
4 Pressure unit
4 5 Metering elements
6 6 6
6 Manifolds for
metering elements

Progressive system for grease or oil for slow moving, small chains

The new generation of Brush lubrication not only lubricates the System benefits
Quicklub P 203 pumps contact points of the links, but rather the 2, 4, 8 and 15 l reservoir
entire chain. The pump supplies the lubri- The filling of the reservoir occurs via
The Lincoln Quicklub pump is the standard cant either directly or via a progressive me- the filling connection for cartridges
lubrication pump for all applications. tering device to the brushes, which evenly optional top-filling via the opening
Quicklub pumps supply small to mid-sized apply the lubricant to the chain. As a result, with lockable lid
machines and systems with up to 250 lube high-viscous chain oils and lubricants up to Reservoir with stirring paddle or with
points. NLGI 2 can be easily, economically and follower plate
Effective and clean lubrication for chains reliably applied. The pump is IP6K9K protected
is an issue for many maintenance manag- against damage and moisture
ers. Lincoln has the answer with three types Various pump elements with fixed or
of systems brush, precision spray and variable output
metered squirt. Chain life is significantly Over-pressure valve also equipped
increased, and chain stretch is significantly with an indicator and reservoir return
reduced when lubricated with a Lincoln Fully-automated option via integrated
automatic system. PCB
The Lincoln brush lubrication, in conjunc- Optional integrated display, touch pad
tion with the Quicklub 203 pump, provides and data logger function for the stor-
an economical entry-level chain lubrication age of important information such as
system. The Quicklub range does however operating time, faults or blockages
offer numerous add-on possibilities. As a and low-levels
result, it fulfils all expectations for an easy, Installation can be performed with
maintenance-friendly and high quality threaded or 350 bar rated Quicklinc
lubrication system. plug-in type fittings

Multi-line lubrication system in a roller coaster

Automatic brush system

No air required

Progressive lubricant
metering devices in solid-
block construction
SSV, SSVD and variants
Block form less prone to failure
Leaks are avoided
A higher operating pressure ensures
reliability even at minus temperatures
Easy to monitor
Error-free exchange as complete blocks
are always exchanged
Mistakes in connecting or in settings are

SSV / SSV L SSVD / SSVD L metering devices are

The proven SSV and SSVD metering devices adjustable per outlet pair, thus enabling a
are also available in a stretch L version much better match to the optimum lubricant
(L = Large) for larger diameter piping. SSV requirements. The metering occurs within
and SSV L are piston metering devices that the metering block by metering screws
reliably divide the incoming lubricant in that are available in 10 different sizes.
predetermined individual quantities. SSVD metering devices are available in
Lincoln progressive metering devices the standard 6 to 22 outlets.
do not have fault-prone rubber seals. SSVD L metering devices are available
As a result, they can be used with high in 6 to 14 outlets.
back-pressures, and they are ideally suitable Metering screws per outlet pair are avail-
for a wide range of temperatures. The able in ten sizes 0,08, 0,14, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4,
maximum operating pressure is 350 bar. 0,6, 0,8, 1,0, 1,4 and 1,8 cm per
SSV metering devices are available outlet and stroke.
with 6 to 22 outlets, and SSV L with 6 to SSVD-V1 / SSVD L-V1 metering devices
14 outlets. with internally connected outlet numbers 1
and 2 allow for additional better matching of
SSVD / SSVD L applications with an uneven number of lube
Easy setting of the lubricant quantity via points.
Lincoln metering screw technology
SSV E and SSVD E lubricant
Progressive metering device in solid-block metering devices
form with flexible metering Lincoln SSV and SSVD metering devices
Wide range of metering leaves nothing are also available in an E version with an
to be desired emergency lubrication fitting on the front
Easy to alter metered quantities via face of the block.
metering screws no disassembly The E metering devices are ideal for
and reassembly of metering device single-nipple lubrication systems. The
segments also possible to do when additional, easy to access lubrication fitting
the metering device is already fitted. simplifies service and trouble-shooting
tasks as a manual grease gun can be used.
Also, additional emergency over-ride
greasing is possible without having to
change the system configuration.

Contact lubrication with guide blocks
For conveyor chains in rough environments

The main applications for this genuine sim-

ple new lubrication system are transport/
conveyor chains found in all industries. This
system simultaneously cleans, guides and
continuously lubricates the chain.
The Lincoln contact lubrication has an
extraordinary long life thanks to highly
wear-resistant plastics and is very robust
and insensitive to contamination and
The system is patent pending and
underlies protection of registered design
No. 20210758.2.

Application areas
The system has been designed especially for
chains in pallet conveyor systems, e.g. in the
food and beverage industry. Pallet systems
for return goods are particularly exposed to
a high grade of contamination: wood chips,
broken glass, and in the winter, ice particles System benefits
stick to the chain and result in premature Cleaning effect of the chain, sticking
wear. dirt particles are cleaned off.
Other applications for a contact lubrication Suitable for a wide range of roller
system are passenger or freight elevators as chains according to DIN 8187
well as escalators. (1/4 in. single up to 2 in. double)
For the lubrication of conveyor chains, the All types of chain lubricants (from
newly developed contact lubrication system low-viscous oil to lubricating grease)
offers essential advantages compared to can be applied.
conventional brush lubrication. By using a Suitable for low and high chain
plastic chain guide, the worst of the dirt on speeds (up to max. 40 m/min)
the chain is cleaned off and, at the same Robust and insensitive to
time, the chain wear is reduced by an contamination and knocks
automatic and continuous lubricant supply. Long life due to highly wear-resistant
Additionally, the chain is held in position or plastics
Contact lubrication with guide blocks
directed by the guide block of the lubrication in an elevator Can be supplied with lubricant by any
system. Lincoln centralized lubrication system
(progressive system, single-line
system, etc.).
Chain is additionally guided.
Simple and favorable in price

Centralized lubrication system for chains and chain groups of machines

The Centro-Matic system is designed for the Centro-Matic systems meter the oil in The lubrication of the chain does not
centralized oil lubrication of slow moving exact quantities, independent of the oil require compressed air, the only air that may
chains and especially for groups of chains viscosity and flow resistance. The high oper- be required is to drive the pump that
that are individually operated. The chain ating pressure of the injector enables an supplies the lubricant injectors with oil.
speed can be up to 6 m/min if brushes are accurate expulsion of oil. The result is opti-
used. For contact-free squirt applications, mum chain lubrication and an economical
the chain speed is dependent on the chain usage of lubricant.
division and the number of employed SL-43
lubricant injectors.

How the Centro-Matic injector series (SL-32, 33, 42 and 43) works

Feedline Measuring chamber Discharge chamber

to bearing

check valve


Indicator pin
Measuring piston
manifold Adjusting nut

Return spring
Stainless steel SL-32 grease injectors are used
here to prevent corrosion from daily wash-
Stage 1 pressurized Stage 2 relieved (vented)
down maintenance practices at this food plant.
Incoming lubricant, under pressure from the When the system is vented (pressure relieved),
pump, moves the primary piston forward. the primary piston returns to the rest position,
The primary piston forces a pre-charged allowing the measuring piston to transfer
amount of lubricant from the discharge chamber lubricant to the discharge chamber for the next
through the outlet check valve through the feed cycle.
line to the bearing. Simultaneously, lubricant
fills the measuring chamber and pushes the
indicator pin out.
Top-adjusted injector models operate on a different principle with similar features

System benefits Injectors are typically mounted in manifolds. The number of grease or oil injectors in a
manifold ranges from one to 15 depending on the series.
Switching on and off of individual
chain groups is possible.
Exact metering, independent of
oil viscosity and flow resistance
The high operating pressure of the
injector enables accurate oil
Lubricates without compressed air

Centro-Matic system features
Extremely flexible
easy to add or subtract lubrication
injector outputs are adjustable down
to 0,016 cm3 (0.001 cubic inches).
System monitoring
alarm systems are available to monitor
pressure, low reservoir level and the
flow of lubricant at the bearing Excellent in harsh conditions
(System Sentry). injectors are available for high heat,
Capable of pumping long distances up to 177 C (350 F), and corrosive
over 91,4 m (300 ft.) with grease, environments (stainless steel models
pressures up to 414 bar (6 000 psi) available).
depending on the injector and pump Wide range of pumps
models pneumatic, hydraulic, electric and
Large number of bearings manually operated
over 500 lubrication points (depending Wide range of pump reservoirs
on bearing size) from 0,45 to 181 kg (1 to 400 lb.)
P 603/653 Single-line lubrication system
drums or bulk tanks

System overview
A pump automatically develops lubricant pressure through a single supply line to the injectors. Each injector services one lubrication point and may be
accurately adjusted to deliver the precise amount of grease or oil required for each bearing. Both oil and grease injectors are available in various output
ranges, in stainless steel and in high-heat models.


Pneumatic integrated
Centro-Matic pump
Electric, hydraulic, and Injectors
manual pumps are


Orsco chain lubrication
System operation and features

System overview How the Orsco system works

Lincolns Orsco system is the latest technol- An Orsco or customer-supplied controller
ogy in chain lubrication. The major difference cycles the air-operated injectors that deliver
between the Orsco oil lubrication system small metered amounts of oil through tub-
and other lubrication technologies is the use ing to the nozzles. The nozzles mix the oil
of a continuous, ultra-fine, non-misting with air and create a consistent, continuous
delivery of lubricant. spray that will not mist and become airborne.
In applications where cleanliness is critical, For larger chain and other applications, the
the Orsco system achieves exceptional Orsco system can be designed to spray
performance. The Orsco system has the intermittently.
capability to spray one drop of oil continu-
ously for more than one minute. Each system
is custom designed for the application.
Typical chain applications include power
and free conveyors, paint lines, ovens
anywhere that precision chain lubrication
is required.

Automatic Orsco spray system

Air required

Contact-free oil lubrication for fast moving chains

The PMA 2 solenoid pump is designed for a

contact-free oil lubrication of chains. The
exact metered quantity of oil is squirted
without air (airless), and without producing
an oil mist, while the chain is in operation.
The pump is capable of lubrication of fast
moving chains maximum 5 cycles per sec-
ond. A single pump can supply 1 to 6 oil
squirt nozzles. The metered quantity of oil
per cycle is either 30 mm3 or 60 mm3. Dou-
ble-nozzles are also available which further
increase the number of points served by the
The drive magnet is characterized by its
high performance and long duty-cycle, thus
enabling a reliable operation of the pump in
extreme conditions.
The pump is available in 24 V DC, 120 V AC
and 230 V AC versions. An optional proximity
switch for the pump offers a simple method
to electrically monitor the function.
Other accessories include a 13 or 36 litre
reservoir for oil. Both reservoirs are
equipped with electrical low-level control
and a large filling port comprising a strainer.

Contact-free oil lubrication with

Pump station with PMA2 PMA2-nozzles in a paint shop

System benefits
Metered oil quantity 30 mm3 or
60 mm3 per cycle
Available in 24 V DC, 120 V AC and
230 V AC versions
Optional electrical monitoring via a
proximity switch
1 to 6 outlets that can serve individual
or double nozzles.
Up to 5 lubrication cycles per second
(depending on the system)
Airless lubrication oil mist free

Lubricates the inner rollers and studs of heavy-duty
chains with grease or oil

The enhanced COBRA 1X from Lincolns

chain lubrication range is particularly suit-
able for conveyor chains and conveyor lines,
in which the inner roller and stud of the
chain are lubricated while the chain is in
operation. The system can supply either
NLGI 2 grease or oil.
A new drive technology, which is a combi-
nation of a pneumatic and mechanical drive,
as well as a newly designed lubrication
head, provides two key advantages:

The load subjected to the chain is

substantially lower.
A higher maximum lubricant pressure
Overhead conveyor Coil conveyor
of up to 150 bar is possible.

The newly designed lubrication head

enables an exact metering from 0,2 cm3 to
2 cm3 per lubrication cycle, and the adjust-
ing screw allows infinite metering adjusting
within this range.
Visual monitoring of the lubrication head
function is performed via the movement of
an indicator pin.

System benefits
For oil and grease up to NLGI 2
Lubrication frequency of 1 cycle per
Supply quantity of 0,2 cm3 to 2 cm3
per stroke Metering and monitoring unit
Lubricant pressure of max. 150 bar
For chain speeds up to 20 m/min
Manual Start/Stop or optional
automated (electro pneumatic)
Visual monitoring via indicator pin
No control cabinet required (for the
standard version)

Compact controller LMC 2

Compact and muli-functional controller Besides time dependent intervals, an

for electronic control and monitoring of integrated counter enables the control of
Lincoln lubrication systems. lubrication intervals in terms of the number
The LMC 2 is a controller for the electronic of cycles.
control and monitoring of lubrication The LMC 2 system can be integrated via
systems. It combines the advantages of a procedure-neutral interfaces in common
specially developed printed circuit board field-bus systems.
(PCB) and a PLC in an economical, compact The unit is mounted in its own IP54 en-
unit. closure and does not need to be integrated
The LMC 2 has 8 inputs and 5 outputs into a control cabinet.
(4 Relays, 1 electronical output), enabling it
to run and monitor complex systems with an
automated filling system.
Selectable programs are defined for pro-
gressive, two-line, single-line and spray
systems, as well as chain lubrication
systems such as the Cobra and PMA.
The desired application is selected by a
dip switch and the parameters are set by
using the menu and keypad. Special set-up
configurations are also available on request.
In addition, to the standard applications,
customer specific programming is possible.
Two base models are available (24 V DC
and 240 V AC).

SSV and VSKH2-KR lubricant metering dividers

at a conveyor belt (Beverage industry)

System benefits
Integrated flexible lubrication
8 inputs/5 outputs suitable for
complex lubrication systems
IP54 enclosure
Time or cycle dependent control of
lubrication intervals
Can be interfaced with common
field-bus systems.
Well-structured prompting on the
display for parameter settings and
output signals

The Power of Knowledge Engineering

Bearings Lubrication Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
and units systems years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry world-
wide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
Mechatronics Services
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.

Important information on product usage

! All products from SKF may be used only for their intended purpose as described in this
brochure and in any instructions. If operating instructions are supplied with the products, they
must be read and followed.
Not all lubricants are suitable for use in centralized lubrication systems. SKF does offer an
inspection service to test customer supplied lubricant to determine if it can be used in a central-
ized system. SKF lubrication systems or their components are not approved for use with gases,
liquefied gases, pressurized gases in solution and fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding normal
atmospheric pressure (1 013 mbar) by more than 0,5 bar at their maximum permissible
Hazardous materials of any kind, especially the materials classified as hazardous by European
Community Directive EC 67/548/EEC, Article 2, Par. 2, may only be used to fill SKF centralized
lubrication systems and components and delivered and/or distributed with the same after
consulting with and receiving written approval from SKF.

Lincoln GmbH This brochure was presented to you by:

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 28
69190 Walldorf Germany

Tel. +49 (0)6227 33-0

Fax +49 (0)6227 33-259

SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.

Lincoln, Centro-Matic, Orsco and Quicklub
are registered trademarks of Lincoln Industrial Corp.
SKF Group 2012
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permis-
sion is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be
accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein.

SKF PUB LS/P2 13430 EN December 2012 FORM W-201-EN-1212

lincolnindustrial.de skf.com/lubrication

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