c1 Common Mistakes

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The passage discusses the differences between using simple vs continuous tenses and active vs passive forms of perfect tenses in English. It also provides examples of correcting common mistakes.

The passage explains that simple tenses are used for finished or permanent actions, while continuous tenses are used for unfinished or temporary actions. It provides examples to illustrate when each is used.

The passage states that active perfect tenses describe a situation that has changed by itself, while passive perfect tenses describe something that has been changed by someone or something else. It gives examples of when each is used.

Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them

Debra Powell
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1 Perfect tenses: simple or continuous?

1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a Global weather patterns have changed for many years.
b Global weather patterns have been changing for many years.
2 a Id stayed at a hotel for six months when I bought my house.
b Id been staying at a hotel for six months when I bought my house.

We use the simple aspect of tenses for actions which we think are:
finished: Ive done my homework. (the homework is finished)
permanent: Ive lived in England for 10 years. Ive worked for this company for most
of that time. (I think I will remain in England and continue to work for the same

We use the continuous aspect of tenses for actions which we think are:
unfinished or in progress: Ive been doing my homework. (it isnt finished yet)
temporary: Ive been living in England for six months. Ive been working as an au
pair. (I think I will leave England one day my job is temporary)

We use past perfect tenses to connect two past actions, and past perfect continuous
when one event interrupts another:
Id been waiting for twenty minutes when the bus arrived.
The simple or continuous aspect applies across the entire tense system.

2 Correct the mistake below. Ive written this

essay all day.

Ive ......................................... all day.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ......................................... (live) here all my life and never want to leave.
2 I ......................................... (attend) a beginners class in Spanish for six weeks.
3 We ......................................... (drive) for hours when we spotted the hotel.
4 I ......................................... (take) the train for a long time. I prefer to drive.
5 Mr Georgiou ......................................... (work) for the company for twenty years when
he retired.
6 The city I grew up in ......................................... (changed) so much, I hardly recognise it
any more.
7 I ......................................... (work) in an office for the past month, but my profession is
8 She ......................................... (always / take) good care of her finances.

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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2 Perfect tenses: active or passive?

1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a Eating habits have changed dramatically in the last decade.
b Eating habits have been changed dramatically in the last decade.
2 a Smoking has shown to be a cause of cancer.
b Smoking has been shown to be a cause of cancer.

We use active forms of perfect tenses (had / has + past participle) to describe a
situation which has changed:
Its really stormy the roof has blown off!

We use passive forms of perfect tenses (has / had been + past participle) to describe
something which happened in the past and has a clear effect on the present:
The effect of diet on health has been proved.

We use active forms of perfect tenses to describe a situation which has changed by
itself. We use passive forms when the situation has been changed by someone or
something in particular. Compare:
Attitudes to religion have changed.
His attitude to life has been changed by the accident.

We use the present perfect for activities which have a clear effect on the present. For
finished activities with no connection to the present, use the past simple. Compare:
Last weeks football match was cancelled. (we are thinking of the past)
Todays football match has been cancelled. (we are thinking of the present there is no
match today)

2 Correct the mistake below.

Im afraid your flight
was delayed.

Im afraid your flight ......................................... delayed.

3 Underline the most suitable tense.

1 The economic situation has improved / has been improved considerably.
2 The light bulb was invented / had been invented by Thomas Edison.
3 I had applied / applied for the job last week and now I have been invited for interview.
4 The house in which he lived had left / had been left to him by his mother.
5 Since losing his job his lifestyle has changed / has been changed considerably.
6 It has proved / has been proved that caffeine affects heart rate and blood pressure.
7 We have organised / have been organised a leaving party for Alex.
8 He had handed in / handed in / has handed in his notice last week.

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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3 Give or have?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a Madonna gave an excellent performance.
b Madonna had an excellent performance.
2 a Television can give a great effect on the family.
b Television can have a great effect on the family.

We use give to form collocations with certain nouns with an active meaning, i.e. to
give a performance / speech / talk: The band gave a great performance.
give information / advice / an example / an explanation:
He gave no explanation for his poor performance.

In more formal speech or writing, we often replace give with other verbs:
give / deliver a speech; give / express an opinion; give / hold a lecture:
The lecture will be held in Room 336.

We use have with certain nouns to form collocations with the sense of ownership:
have a(n) problem / chance / opportunity / experience / career / baby:
If I have a chance, Ill travel.
have an idea / impression / opinion: Do you have an opinion on hunting?
have an advantage / effect / impact:
You have the advantage, Im afraid. My comments had no effect on him.
have a meal / break / appointment / trip: I like to have a light breakfast.

We use have, not spend, in certain phrases to do with time:

have a great time / a pleasant evening: She had a great time in Ibiza.

2 Correct the mistake below. Come on over. Were

giving a barbecue.

Come on over. Were ......................................... .

3 Correct the sentences with a form of give or have as appropriate.

1 Have you taken breakfast yet? .........................................
2 We spent a great time at the party. .........................................
3 Maria holds a great party, dont you think? .........................................
4 The lectures were made by a series of experts. .........................................
5 The book has made a great impact on public opinion. .........................................
6 Im tired. Are we making a break? .........................................
7 Not everyone can make a good career. .........................................
8 If you dont understand, Ill show you another example. .........................................

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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1 Complete each sentence with a form of give or have and one of the words in the box.
Use each word only once.

advice appointment experience explanation

idea problems speech

1 Traditionally, the best man ........................................ a(n) ........................................ at the

wedding reception.
2 A: Where are you going?
B: I ........................................ a(n) ........................................ with the bank manager.
3 A: How was your holiday?
B: Not great. We ........................................ a lot of ........................................ (s) with the
4 The manager couldnt ........................................ us any ........................................ for the lack
of facilities advertised in the brochure.
5 Its important for you to ........................................ a(n) ........................................ of how the
firm is organised before you start working here.
6 Having ........................................ no ........................................ of raising children, I wouldnt
like to ........................................ you ........................................ on how to deal with your
sons problem.

2 Complete the dialogue. Put the verbs in brackets in either the present perfect
simple or present perfect continuous tense.

Mark: Anna, I havent seen you since College! What (1) ........................................ (do)?
Anna: Mark! What a surprise! (2) ........................................ (work) in France. And you?
Mark: Well, (3) ........................................ (have) a few jobs abroad, but Im in London
now and (4) ........................................ (teach) at a school in Hampstead for the
past few months.
Anna: Thats great! Do you think youll stay there?
Mark: Hard to say. (5) ........................................ (always / want) to live in the Far East,
and lately (6) ........................................ (think) about applying for work in Hong
Anna: (7) ........................................ (hear) its a great place to live. Listen, theres a new
play showing at the Art Centre. (8) ........................................ (see) it?
Mark: Not yet. (9) ........................................ (not / be) out much since I started this new
job. Hey, you and Sarah were good mates. (10) ........................................ (ring) her
yet? Maybe the three of us could go together.
Anna: Good idea. Give me your number

in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
More information

3 Read Marks email to a colleague, Alex. Use the information in it to complete the
minutes. Use an appropriate passive verb for each gap.

Hi Alex
Sorry you werent able to make the staff meeting.
Some good news! We got our exam results this
week and they were much better than last years
10% more of our students got a pass. By the Minutes
way, thereve been a lot of complaints from 1 The Cambridge examination results, which
students about other students arriving late, so
weve decided that teachers should send late (1) ........................................ this week, show
arrivals to the library. What do you think? Finally, a pass result (2) ........................................ by
you know the party that wed scheduled for 10% more students this year than last.
15 Oct weve postponed it to the 22nd.
2 Complaints (3) ........................................ by a
See you soon.
number of students that their classes are
being disturbed by other students who arrive
late. It (4) ........................................ that
students who arrive more than 10 minutes
late should be sent to the library to work.
3 The date for the mid-term party, which
(5) ........................................ for 15 October,
(6) ........................................ to 22 October.

4 In each line of the text put the verb in brackets in an appropriate perfect tense.


Fresh outbreaks of violence (report) today in the country of 1 ........................................
Mornavia, where rebel forces (surround) the capital city. 2 ........................................
Continued fighting (take) place throughout the day and night. 3 ........................................
The President (announce) that his government may step down 4 ........................................
in response to the popular support which (give) to the rebel 5 ........................................
forces, though previously he (deny) any possibility of surrender. 6 ........................................
Tensions in the country (build), but violence erupted during 7 ........................................
the elections last year. To date, the cost of the conflict (be) 8 ........................................
high. Countless lives (be) lost in the fighting and industry 9 ........................................
in the country (virtually / come) to a halt. 10 ........................................

5 Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct those which are wrong.
1 This years trade figures had been announced yesterday. ........................................
2 We spent a wonderful time at the beach yesterday. ........................................
3 Look at the weather! Its rained all day! ........................................
4 I complained about the service and they agreed to have my money back. ........................................
5 Going to war had an impact on the governments popularity. ........................................
6 David Buckingham has announced his retirement from professional sport. ........................................
7 The announcement has been made a short time ago. ........................................

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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4 How many objects does the verb need?

1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a Im writing to give information and advice.
b Im writing to give you information and advice.
2 a I regret to inform that there have been complaints about the service.
b I regret to inform you that there have been complaints about the service.

Transitive verbs require an object. Some verbs need two objects to complete their
meaning, an indirect object, which generally comes first, and a direct object:
send / give (someone something):
I gave him the money I owed. / Ive sent you an email.
We can often put the direct object (the thing) first, followed by a preposition:
I gave the money to him. / I sent an email to her. (not I gave to him the money / I
sent to her an email)

Other verbs taking two objects are:

assure (someone) that + clause / assure (someone) of (something):
I assure you that well do everything we can to help. / I assure you of our best
inform (someone) that + clause / inform (someone) of / about (something):
This letter is to inform you that I am not satisfied / inform you of my dissatisfaction.
tell (someone) (something) / tell (someone) that + clause / tell (someone) how / why,
He told me a lie. / He told me that he wasnt married. / He told me where he lived.

2 Correct the mistake below. Id like to tell about my

experiences working for a
large multinational.

Id like ......................................... .

3 Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct those which are wrong.
1 I give to you my word that your secret is safe. .........................................
2 The firm assured Nadia of their complete trust in her ability. .........................................
3 I sent to her a message last week. .........................................
4 Let me give some advice. .........................................
5 Thank you for telling about your stay in Japan. .........................................
6 James told to the police the truth. .........................................
7 He told where he spent Friday night. .........................................
8 The police informed him that he wasnt a suspect. .........................................

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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5 Do I use the gerund or infinitive with the verb + object?

1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a Let them know when youre arriving.
b Let them to know when youre arriving.
2 a I cant stop you to leave if you want to go.
b I cant stop you leaving if you want to go.

Some verbs need an object followed by an infinitive with to:

allow / authorise (someone) to do (something):
The ticket authorises / allows you to travel for one month.
get / force / help (someone) to do (something):
I got the doctor to make a house call. Poor health forced him to give up smoking.
ask / tell (someone) to do (something): Can I ask you to do something for me?

Some verbs take an infinitive without to:

let / make (someone) do (something):
We cant let you leave. You cant make me go.

Other verbs need an object followed by a gerund:

stop / prevent someone (from) doing something in the future:
The police put up barriers to prevent people entering the house.
see / hear / watch / feel (someone) doing (something):
I watched the children playing in the park.

2 Correct the mistake below. Im afraid I have to

ask you leave, Sir.

Im afraid ......................................... .

3 Underline the correct form.

1 How can we get them change / to change / changing their minds?
2 Children are not allowed travel / to travel / travelling unaccompanied.
3 Theres nothing preventing you take / to take / taking a holiday.
4 I wont let you make / to make / making such a stupid mistake.
5 Im asking you consider / to consider / considering the consequences.
6 Its impossible to make someone do / to do / doing something they dont want to do.
7 I can hear music play / to play / playing in the background.
8 I wish I could stop her from feel / to feel / feeling sorry for herself!

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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6 Give, provide or offer?

1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a We wish to complain about the service given by your company.
b We wish to complain about the service provided by your company.
2 a The service you provided did not match your promises.
b The service you offered did not match your promises.

We use provide:
as a general rule, to talk about services which have already happened:
The information you requested is provided in the brochure we sent you.
instead of give in more formal contexts:
They have promised to provide us with a friendly service. (not to give us a friendly

We use offer:
to talk about possible services which someone might choose in the future:
We can offer (you) an excellent discount (if you choose our service).

We use offer and provide with two objects:

offer (someone something) / offer (something) to (someone):
They offer people with financial problems free legal advice.
They offer free legal advice to people with financial problems.
provide (someone) with (something) / provide (something) for (someone):
The hotel does not provide guests with an evening meal.
The hotel does not provide an evening meal (for its guests).

2 Correct the mistake below.

Of course theres a
place for your son.
In fact, we can give
individual tuition.

In fact, we can ......................................... .

3 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of give, offer or provide.
1 We can ......................................... the food if you can supply the entertainment.
2 If you sign the contract today, we can ......................................... a 10% discount.
3 Morning and evening meals are ......................................... as part of the service.
4 Were ......................................... you a better deal than youll find anywhere else.
5 Its our policy to ......................................... clients with the best service possible.
6 For a small surcharge, we ......................................... clients the option of bringing a guest.
7 Ive ......................................... you all the information I have available.
8 Would you ......................................... me the name of your manager, please.

in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
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1 Underline the most appropriate word.
1 The hotel gives / provides / offers evening entertainment for its guests.
2 The company promises to give / provide / offer meals made from fresh ingredients.
3 Have they given / provided / offered you a discount if you sign today?
4 Would you give / provide / offer me your telephone number?
5 Catering services aim to give / provide / offer good food at low cost.
6 Theyre offering / providing cash prizes to winners of the best competition.
7 Theres no point in further negotiation. These are the best terms I can give /
provide / offer.
8 We are offering / providing you the chance to buy the complete set at half price.

2 Complete Suzannes email by filling in the gaps with an appropriate word where

Suzanne Wilson
International Language School


The International Language School is holding an end-of-term party on the

evening of 22 October and I am wondering if you would provide us
(1) ......................................... information on the catering services your firm offers
(2) ......................................... . There will be 20 to 30 people attending, but I will be
able to give (3) ......................................... a more exact number nearer the time.
Would you be able to provide meals (4) ......................................... people with
special dietary requirements? (One person who may attend is a vegetarian and
another is diabetic.) Could you please send (5) ......................................... sample
menus for hot and cold meals and a price list? Finally, a friend who
recommended your firm tells (6) ......................................... that you offer
(7) ......................................... discounts to larger groups and I am wondering if you
would be able to offer (8) ......................................... a reduction on your set rates?


in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-60377-5 Common Mistakes at CAE...and How to Avoid Them
Debra Powell
More information

3 Is each line in the letter below right or wrong? Correct those which are wrong.
Sometimes there is a word missing, a wrong word or a word which is not needed.

Thank you for your letter inquiring about our catering service. 1 .........................................
Not only can we provide you a full range of services, we can 2 .........................................
offer to you a 10% discount on numbers over 20 if you 3 .........................................
send to us confirmation of your booking within 30 days. We can 4 .........................................
also provide dishes to meet special dietary requirements if you 5 .........................................
inform in advance. I enclose a full price list. We will be happy 6 .........................................
to provide with further information on request. In closing, Id 7 .........................................
like to assure to you of our best intentions. 8 .........................................

4 Rewrite the second sentence, using a form of the word in brackets, so that it means
the same as the first.
1 His doctor made him go on a strict diet. (force)
His doctor ......................................................................................................................................... .
2 His company gave him permission to take unpaid leave from work. (authorise)
His company ................................................................................................................................... .
3 Would you do something for me please? (ask)
Could I .............................................................................................................................................. ?
4 The school decided not to let him take the exam. (allow)
The school decided ....................................................................................................................... .
5 The police didnt allow witnesses to leave the scene of the crime. (prevent)
The police ......................................................................................................................................... .
6 They forced me to sign the document. (make)
They ................................................................................................................................................... .
7 No matter what I do, my computer wont work. (get)
I cant ................................................................................................................................................. .
8 They promised to help me in any way they could. (assure)
They ................................................................................................................................................... .

5 Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct those which are wrong.
1 I could hear music playing in the background. .........................................
2 My parents refused to allow me going out on a school night. .........................................
3 I could smell food cook when I walked through the door. .........................................
4 They dont allow their children staying up past nine oclock. .........................................
5 You havent told why youve come to see me. .........................................
6 Id like to inform you that Ive decided not to attend the course. .........................................
7 The tour bus stopped for an hour to allow passengers going to the shops.
8 His health prevents him to work full time. .........................................


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