Melancholic - Phlegmatic

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Lifestyle programme:

You will have a temperamental quality between a Melancholic (Cold and Dry) and a
Phlegmatic (Cold and Moist) temperament. This results in an overall dominant
quality of COLDNESS, which is common in both the temperaments.

Any change in the ideal level of coldness, especially an increase in coldness, will
negatively affect you (more than changes in other conditions) An increase in
moistness will also have a negative affect, whilst dryness and heat will have the
least effect.

An increase in coldness can be as a result of:

early to late winter cold environment

rainy season cold & moist food and drink
depression and fear excessive sleep and rest
grief irregular elimination of wastes
lack of exercise irregular eating and sleeping habits

The illnesses you are inclined to are those of the Melancholic Temperament:

Insomnia Osteo- arthritis

Hyperacidity Constipation
Piles Flatulence
Colic pain Gout

To a lesser extent you may also be inclined to illnesses of the Phlegmatic


Asthma Tonsillitis
Sinusitis Anaemia
Low Blood Pressure Anorexia

Health Maintenance through the Lifestyle Factors of Tibb

Good health is achieved by maintaining your ideal temperament. An excess of

coldness in each of the lifestyle factors will most negatively affect you, and affect
you faster than changes in other conditions. Be aware of this at all times and control
the level of coldness in your body.

Food and Drink
Ideally this combination should eat mostly hot and moist foods, more hot and dry
foods, less cold and moist foods and the least amount of cold and dry foods.
Alternatively for easy reference use the diet chart below.

QUICK REFERENCE diet sheet - MELANCHOLIC phlegmatic

moist dry sweet/moist sour/dry & grains & herbs
Beef Artichokes Bittergourd All Melons All sour fruits Clarified butter Barley Aniseed
Buck Asparagus Cabbage Apricot Avocados Butter Beans Basil
Chicken Baby marrow Cauliflower Apples Cherries Buttermilk Brown bread
Crab Beetroot Cellery Bananas Granadilla Cheese Chick peas
Duck Broccoli Egg plant Cranberries Grape fruit Condense milk Cornflour
Brussel Chillies
Fish Fenugreek Dates Grapes Cream, fresh Cous cous
sprouts r/g
Goat Butternut Cauliflower Figs Lemon, lime Cream, sour Gram flour Cinnamon
Goose Calabash Garlic Guavas Naartjies Cream cheese Lentils Cloves
Knuckles Carrots Green beans Kiwi fruit Oranges Eggs Macaroni Coriander
Lamb Chives Mushrooms Litchis Plums/ prunes Margarine Maize Cumin
Liver Cucumber Mustard Mangoes Pomegranate Milk Mielie meal
Lobsters Drum sticks Onion Mulberries Quince Sour milk Millet Fennel
Papaya/ Iodized
Mussels Fresh ginger Parsley Raspberries Soya Milk Pastas
pawpaw salt
Mutton Indian Ghourd Peas Peaches Strawberry Yoghurt Rice b/w Lavender
Ostrich Ladyfingers Peppers g/r Pears China fruit Rye bread Mint
Oysters Lettuce Potatoes Pineapple Sago Mustard
Pork Olives Rocket Prune Samp Nutmeg
Prawns Patty pans Spring onions Watermelon Semolina Oregano
Rabbit Pumpkin Spaghetti Paprika
Snail Radish Tomatoes Vermicelli Parsley
Tripe Soy beans Wheat
Turkey Spinach White bread Rosemary
Veal Sprouts Rocket
Squash Saffron
Tofu Sage
Turnips Table Salt
Zuccini Tamarind


Alcohol Castor oil Bran Biscuits Almonds Brown Sugar Chilli sauce
Black Tea Clarified butter Corn flakes Cakes Brazil Glucose Jam (see fruit)
Coffee Coconut oil Muesli Chocolate Cashews Honey Mustard sauce
Cold Drinks Corn oil Oats Custard Coconut Molasses Mayonaise
Cold water Mustard oil Wheat Ice cream Hazel Rose syrup Peanut butter
Green tea Olive oil Vermicilli Macadamia White sugar Peri-peri sauce
Hot water Sesame oil Peanuts Pickles
Juices (see
Sunflower oil Pecan Soya sauce
Ice Pistachios Tomato sauce
Rooibos Poppy seeds Vinegar
Rose syrup Sesame seeds Worcestershire
Juices (see Sunflower
fruit) seeds
Walnuts 1
Additional dietary advice:

Stick to this diet especially in cold weather and during winter and autumn.
Avoid drinking water, cool drinks or juices during meals. If you have to, drink
very little. Preferably drink liquids half an hour before meals OR 1 hour after
Drink at least 1-2 litres (4-8 glasses) of lukewarm water per day.
Avoid refined foods.
Eat simply, and do not eat lots of different types of foods in the same meal.
A 15-20 minute brisk walk every day is very beneficial.
Avoid cold things, sour things, products containing dairy products, tin foods,
processed meats and salads.
Fruits must be washed with warm water before eaten.

Environmental Air & Breathing

Weather, environment, work and leisure activities that increase coldness and
dryness will negatively affect you.
In autumn keep away from the cold of night and the midday heat.
Dewy conditions during autumn, late winter and between midnight and
6:00am also aggravates this temperamental combination.
Outings or change of environment (picnics, etc) during times other than those
mentioned every 2-3 months is beneficial.
Protect yourself in dry weather by applying a moisturizer, cream or oil (olive
oil) to the skin.
In addition to the Deep Rhythmic Breathing exercise and the Tibb
Mental/Emotional Breathing exercise, the Tibb Fast and Deep Breathing
exercise is advised.

1) Sit either on the floor squatting with hands on thighs or in the lotus position,
keeping a straight back in both cases. If either position is not possible due to a
disability, then lie on the floor or sit on a comfortable chair. Select a protected time
and space, free from interruptions. This exercise is best
done outdoors in the early morning if quiet and warm.

2) Close eyes, focus on breathing

3) Take slow and deep breaths, breathing in and out of the nose, distending and
filling the stomach, for 1 minute.

4) Then breathe deeper and faster for 3 minutes. This time can be extended to 5
minutes as you become more experienced with the exercise.

5) Thereafter, take slow deep breaths, again for 1 minute.

Physical Exercise

A 10-15 minute walk after supper is beneficial.

Yoga is advisable.

Include in your choice of physical exercises, the Tibb Jogging Exercise.

1) Jog on the spot, lifting the knees as high as possible, putting the weight
only on the balls of the feet (prancing). At the same time swing arms in a
full circular motion.

2) Start by doing this for 30 seconds building up to 5 minutes.

3) Increase gradually by 30 seconds, to a maximum of 10 minutes per



Get to bed early, around 22:00 for 6-8 hours sleep.

Excessive waking during the night will negatively affect you

Emotions and Feelings

Extreme emotions - excessive worries, sadness, loneliness and overly

philosophical thoughts are the emotional excesses of this temperamental type
and should be managed with breathing exercises and meditation.

A 5 -10 minute relaxation break after lunch is benecial

Colour therapy: use red, green or yellow.

Aromatherapy: rosemary, cinnamon, chamomile, lavender oil.

The following meditation exercises are advised together with the Tibb Slow and
Deep Breathing exercise.

The Tibb Heart Meditation Exercise

1) Sit on the oor or chair, with a straight spine.

2) Put your head down, close your eyes, concentrate on the heart and
breathe in deeply.
3) Hold the breath for a while then breathe out slowly in the same
4) Continue this exercise every day and at night before going to bed, for
10 -15 minutes.

The Tibb Pineal Body Meditation Exercise

1) Sit in a relaxed state, in a calm environment, with eyes closed.

2) Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, and breathe in deeply.
3) Hold the breath for a while and breathe out slowly in the same manner.
4) Repeat this exercise for 10 -15 minutes.

The Tibb Visualising Meditation Exercise

1) Lie in a relaxed position in bed. Make sure the room is quiet and close
your eyes.
2) Visualise an appropriate colour gently surrounding you.
3) If you are emotionally stressed visualise a blue or violet colour,
alternately choose the colour that is most appropriate for your
4) Repeat this exercise for 10 -15 minutes

Colour therapy: use green, yellow or orange.

Aromatherapy: rosemary, cinnamon, chamomile, lavender oil.

A 5 -10 minute relaxation break after lunch is beneficial.

Laxatives should be considered to keep the bowels clear.

Be aware of unnecessary suppression of stools and urine.

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