Nursing Home Lesson Plan

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Some key takeaways from the lesson plan include the importance of oral care for quality of life, preventing legal issues, and reducing risks of diseases like diabetes and aspiration pneumonia. Proper care of natural teeth and dentures is also emphasized.

The objectives of the oral care lesson plan are to teach staff how to list reasons for oral hygiene's importance, properly care for dentures and partials, identify dental problems, demonstrate brushing and flossing techniques, perform oral screenings, and identify oral abnormalities.

Some common oral pathologies seen in elderly patients mentioned are denture stomatitis, fungal infections, angular chelitis, cancer, and oral candidiasis.

Hanna Feller

DHY 251

Nursing Home Lesson Plan

March 16, 2017

Daily Oral Care for the Elderly

Lesson Plan

Target Population: Stuart Community Care Center Health Care Providers


I. Title: Daily Oral Care for the Elderly

II. Objectives: After presenting to the staff at Stuart Community Care

Center about oral health, nurses and nursing assistants will
a. List 3 reasons why oral hygiene care is important
b. Properly care for dentures/partials
c. Identify dental problems
d. Demonstrate appropriate flossing and brushing techniques
e. Be able to perform oral screenings
f. Identify oral pathology/abnormalities

III. Instructional Set

a. Introduction- 2nd year Des Moines Area Community College dental
hygiene student
b. Content
i. Importance of oral hygiene care
ii. Common pathology seen in elderly
iii. Basic care for dentures/partials
iv. Basic care for natural teeth
v. Oral screenings
vi. Resistant residents

IV. Lesson Body & Methods

a. Importance of oral care
i. Better quality of life
ii. Law
iii. Diabetes
iv. Aspiration Pneumonia

b. Denture care
i. Plaque removed by brushing only
ii. Taken out each night to prevent infection
1. Denture stomatitis from failing to take them out each
iii. Fungal infections caused by lack of care
iv. Denture brush used to clean dentures
v. Only denture paste to be used
vi. Place in water overnight in labeled denture container
vii. Brush remaining teeth, tongue and palate to prevent
viii. Report to dentist if dentures are not fitting correctly or sore
gums are present

c. Care for natural teeth

i. Individualized for each person
ii. Brush twice daily with soft brush using bass technique
iii. Floss once a day using c shaped flossing- using aids such
as a floss holder if needed

d. Oral Screenings
i. Areas to check
ii. Report any discomfort, broken or cracked teeth, dry mouth,
iii. Angular Chelitis
iv. Cancer
v. Oral Candidiasis
vi. Broken/decayed teeth

e. Resistant residents
i. Quiet room with no distractions
ii. Tell-show-do approach
iii. Praise often
iv. Individualized to resident
v. Never use force
vi. Build trust

V. Closure
a. Review
i. Importance of oral care
ii. Common pathology seen in elderly
iii. Basic care for dentures/partials
iv. Basic care for natural teeth
v. Oral screenings
vi. Resistant residents

VI. Instructional Aids

a. Brochure to hand out on denture care, oral care for natural teeth,
commonly seen pathology in elderly and additional aids to help
with daily oral care
b. Demonstrate providing care to residents using bass technique, c
shaped flossing
c. Denture brush, 3 sided toothbrush, EZ flosser

VII. Evaluation
a. Questions
i. Name 3 reasons oral health is important?
ii. Name some ways to properly care for dentures and
iii. What are some things to look for in the oral cavity that are
iv. How are systemic diseases such as diabetes, linked to
periodontal disease?
Upon completion of this presentation, attendees will be able to answer these
questions with 80% proficiency by a show of hands or answering questions

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