KR Technical Information For Safe Return To Port System Design of Passenger Ships - (No.2015-ETC-04) PDF

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The key takeaways are that the document provides technical guidance on the Safe Return to Port system requirements for large passenger ships as required by the SOLAS convention.

The purpose of the technical information document is to provide guidance to KR surveyors, shipyards and ship owners on the understanding and application of the Safe Return to Port requirements as specified in the SOLAS convention for large passenger ships.

The requirements for a Safe Return to Port system include defining a casualty threshold, identifying safe areas, and ensuring critical systems can continue to function or be temporarily replaced in the event of a fire or flooding casualty within one or more main vertical zones.

36 Myeongji ocean city 9-ro, Gangseo-gu,

Busan, 618-814
Republic of Korea

TECHNICAL Phone :+82-70-8799-8508

: [email protected]
Date : 22 June 2015
NO : 2015-ETC-04 Person in charge : Heo Eun-jung

Subject : Technical information for Safe return to port system design of passenger ships

1. Please be informed that the Technical information for Safe return to port system
design of passenger ships draws on IMO Resolutions to support KR surveyor,
shipyards and ship owners understanding of Safe Return to Port, and it is
presumed to help the convenient application of SOLAS which are supposed to be
applied to the passenger ships engaged on international voyages constructed on or
after 1 July 2010 having length of 120 m or more or having three or more main
vertical zones.

2015 Technical information for Safe return to port system design of passenger ships
(Korean/English) ---- each 1 copy. (The End)

Kim Chang-wook
Executive Vice President of Technical Division

(Distributions : KR surveyors, Ship owners, Other relevant parties)

Disclaimer :
Although all possible efforts have been made to ensure correctness and completeness of the
contents contained in this information service, the KR is not responsible for any errors or omissions
made herein, nor held liable for any actions taken by any party as a result of information retrieved
from this information service.

KR Page 1/1 (E)

(Form No.:FI-03-04) (20. 04. 2014)

Technical Information for

Safe Return to Port System Design
of Passenger Ships

This Technical Information draws on IMO Resolutions to support KR
surveyor, shipyards and ship owners understanding of Safe Return to
Port, and it is presumed to help the convenient application of SOLAS
Reg.-1/8-1, Reg.-2/21 and 22 which are supposed to be applied to the
passenger ships engaged on international voyages constructed on or after 1
July 2010 having length of 120 m or more or having three or more main
vertical zones.
So please use only reference to the relevant tasks.

Section 1 General 1
Section 2 Casualty Case 2


Section 1 Casualty Threshold 3
Section 2 Safe Areas 4


Section 1 General 6
Section 2 Fire Casualties not Exceeding the Casualty Threshold 6
Section 3 Flooding Casualties not Exceeding the Casualty Threshold 10
Section 4 Fire Casualties Exceeding the Casualty Threshold 10


Section 1 Safety Center on Passenger Ships 12


Section 1 General 16
Section 2 Ship's Description 17
Section 3 Overall Assessment of Essential Systems 18
Section 4 Detailed Assessment of Critical Systems 19
Section 5 Documentation 19





Ch 1 General Ch 1


Section 1 General

101. Application
Passenger ships with keel laid on or after 1 July 2010, and having a length of 120 m or more or
having three or more main vertical fire zones shall comply with SOLAS Reg.II-1/8-1, Reg.II-2/21
and 22 and assessment of required ship systems' capabilities and functional requirements for safe
return to port(hereafter referred to as "SRtP") of passenger ships shall comply as prescribed in this
technical information. The purpose of this information is to establish design criteria for a ship's
SRtP under its own propulsion after a casualty that does not exceed the casualty thresholds and to
provide functional requirements and performance standards in safe areas and safety center during
the return to port.

102. Definition (MSC.1/Circ.1369)

1. Passenger ship systems' capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty (short: ship systems'
capabilities) are those required for passenger ships according to SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21
and II-2/22. The ship systems' capabilities are addressing:
(1) availability of essential systems after a flooding casualty, according to SOLAS regulation
(2) availability of essential systems to support a ship's SRtP under its own propulsion after a fire
casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/21.4(including functional requirements for safe
areas according to SOLAS regulation II-2/21.5); and
(3) availability of essential systems to support a ship's evacuation and abandonment after a fire
casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/22.Prescriptive regulations which is based on em-
pirical knowledge is difficult to apply to the unprecedented novel concept design and may
sometimes restrain the level of innovation that is feasible in design.
2. Passenger ship systems' design (short: ship systems' design) is a design description of systems
intended to be installed, including all essential information showing how to achieve the ship sys-
tems' capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty according to SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21
and II-2/22.
3. Passenger ship systems' functionality (short: ship systems' functionality) is part of the pas-
senger ship systems' design and defines how the onboard systems achieve the functional require-
ments defined in SOLAS regulations II-2/21 and II-2/22.
4. Fire casualty is any possible fire case on board the ship under consideration. Fire casualties may
or may not exceed the casualty threshold stipulated in SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.3.
5. Flooding casualty is any possible flooding cases on board the ship under consideration. Flooding
casualties may not exceed a single watertight(WT) compartment flooding as stated in SOLAS Reg.
6. Essential systems are all systems and those sections of systems in spaces not directly affected
by the casualty that need to remain operational after a fire or flooding casualty, according to
SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.4 and II-2/22.3, and as referred to in SOLAS Reg.I-1/8-1.2.
7. Critical systems are essential systems that were identified in the overall assessment of essential
systems to have a possibility to fail to operate adequately as a consequence of one or more fire
casualty case, each not exceeding the fire casualty threshold, or as a consequence of one or more
flooding case, each not exceeding a single WT compartment. The failure of the system may be
caused by a failure of the whole system, of one component or of a connection between system
components or by any other failure causing unsatisfactory operation of the essential system under
8. Main vertical zones(MVZ) are those sections into which the hull, superstructure and deckhouses
are divided by "A" class divisions, the mean length and width of which on any deck does not in
general exceed 40 m.(SOLAS Reg.II-2/3)

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 1
Ch 1 General Ch 1

9. Watertight means having scantlings and arrangements capable of preventing the passage of water
in any direction under the head of water likely to occur in intact and damaged conditions. In the
damaged condition, the head of water is to be considered in the worst situation at equilibrium, in-
cluding intermediate stages of flooding. (SOLAS Reg.II-1/2)
10. Watertight compartment means any space below the bulkhead deck within watertight boundaries.

Section 2 Casualty cases

201. General
1. Compliance with SOLAS Reg.II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and 22 has to be demonstrated. Therefore the follow-
ing cases have to be considered and the availability of safe areas for all persons on board for each
possible casualty case not exceeding the casualty threshold has to be considered.
(1) Flooding of one watertight compartment (SOLAS Reg.II-2/8-1)
(2) Fire not exceeding the casualty threshold (SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.3)
(3) Fire exceeding the casualty threshold but not exceeding one main vertical zone(SOLAS Reg.

202. Required design criteria

1. In relation to the system design of safe return to port of passenger ships, the following design cri-
teria should be provided.
(1) Design criteria of systems required to remain operational for a ship's safe return to port under
its own propulsion after a casualty that does not exceed the casualty threshold
(2) Design criteria for systems required to remain operational for supporting the orderly evacuation
and abandonment of a ship after a fire casualty that does exceed the casualty threshold
(3) Definition of casualty threshold and performance standards for safe areas to ensure that the
health of passengers and crews is maintained
2. Even casualties that do not exceed the casualty threshold, it may be safer to proceed the orderly
evacuation and abandonment of a ship or it may be better to return to port although accidents do
exceed the casualty threshold depending on the situation. Thus, in the case of all casualties, wheth-
er to safe return to port or proceed orderly evacuation and abandonment should be determined by
master depends on the actual accident situation.

Fig. 1 Reqired design criteria according to casualty cases

2 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 2 Casualty threshold and safe areas Ch 2


Section 1 Casualty Threshold(MSC.1/Circ.1369)

101. "A" class divisions
1. "A" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks.
2. The rating of "A" class boundaries does not affect the application of this regulation. However, a
trunk closed at all boundaries constructed to "A-60" standard and containing ducts, cabling and/or
piping is considered operational when passing through a space of origin.

102. Fire casualties

1. Casualty threshold
(1) The casualty threshold, in the context of a fire, includes:
(A) loss of space of origin up to the nearest A class boundaries, which may be a part of the
space of origin, if the space of origin is protected by a fixed fire extinguishing system; or

Fig. 2 Casualty threshold which is protected by a fixed fire-extinguishing system

(B) Where a space of origin is not protected by a fixed fire-extinguishing system, for determin-
ing the "nearest "A" class boundaries, which are not part of the space of origin":
a) only the spaces within the same Main Vertical Zone need to be considered; and
b) casualty threshold includes spaces one deck upwards.

Fig. 3 Casualty threshold which is not protected by a fixed fire-extinguishing system

(2) The lay-out of special category and ro-ro spaces, normally extending for more than the length
of one MVZ, does not properly fit with the casualty threshold. However, during the assessment
of the ship systems' capabilities it has to be verified that a casualty in such spaces would not
compromise the operation of the essential systems in the remaining fire zones of the ship.
(3) Spaces extending vertically for more than one deck, such as stairwells, lift trunks and atriums,
should be considered as single spaces and lost in their entirety unless they are subdivided by
continuous "A" class divisions.(FP/53/18/1)

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 3
Ch 2 Casualty threshold and safe areas Ch 2

2. Space of origin
Spaces in which the risk of a fire originating is negligible need not be considered as spaces of ori-
gin of a fire. Examples of such spaces include but may not be limited to
(1) spaces with restricted accessibility for inspection and/or maintenance only, such as:
(A) void spaces;
(B) trunks closed at all boundaries only containing pipes and/or electrical cables; and
(C) cofferdams;
(2) tanks;
(3) chain lockers;
(4) ventilation trunks except those containing ducts presenting fire hazard such as galley range ex-
haust ducts, laundry exhaust ducts, category "A" machinery spaces ducts, special category and
ro-ro spaces ducts;
(5) cross flooding ducts connecting void spaces. In the case where connected spaces are not with a
negligible fire risk, ducts should be separated from those spaces by non-watertight fire resistant
boundaries to be considered as a space where fire risk is negligible;
(6) vertical escape trunks from machinery spaces, service spaces, control stations and other crew ac-
commodation spaces;
(7) store rooms for gaseous fixed fire-extinguishing systems;
(8) busbars enclosed in "A" class divisions;
(9) "A" class enclosures within spaces of Category 1, 2 or 4 only containing isolation valves or
section valves forming part of the fixed fire-extinguishing system for the protection of accom-
modation spaces, service spaces and controlstations; and
(10) shaft tunnels only used for this purpose, i.e. no storage is allowed.
3. Concealed spaces (spaces above ceilings, behind bulkheads linings) are considered as part of the
space of origin. Lack of a fixed fire-extinguishing system above ceilings or behind linings need not
be considered under regulation II-2/21.3.2.
4. In case of manual actions, equipment and systems the controls of which cannot be reached without
accessing the space affected by the casualty should not be considered operational.
5. For passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers space of origin is any space bounded by
"A" class boundaries or divisions of steel or equivalent material. Where the deck between two
spaces is constructed of steel or equivalent material it should be considered to form part of the
"A" class boundary provided all penetrations are tight to prevent the passage of flame or smoke.

103. Flooding casualties

1. The casualty threshold for flooding casualties is the loss of any single watertight compartment.
2. Flooding not exceeding the casualty threshold described in 1, the systems specified in SOLAS
Reg.II-2/21.4 remain operational.

Section 2 Safe Areas

201. General
1. When considering a fire casualty in a certain MVZ, only spaces within the casualty threshold are
to be considered lost. Food, water and equipment for the support of the basic services to the safe
areas, stored in spaces not directly affected by the fire casualty and belonging to the same MVZ,
could be considered still available.
2. The safe area(s) shall generally be internal space(s). however, the use of an external space as a
safe area may be allowed by the Society taking into account any restriction due to the area of op-
eration and relevant expected environmental conditions.(SOLAS II-2 Reg.
3. Safe areas could be a number of spaces distributed on board and should preferably be arranged in
accommodation spaces. Sizing of safe areas where persons are accommodated could be based on
the time needed for SRtP operation. For SRtP operations longer than 12 h a minimum space of 2

4 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 2 Casualty threshold and safe areas Ch 2

m per person, calculated on the basis of the gross deck surface of the space(s) being considered,
should be provided. For SRtP operations shorter than 12 h a minimum space of 1 m per person
should be provided.
4. The safe area(s) shall provide all occupants with the following basic services to ensure that the
health of passengers and crew is maintained.
(1) Sanitation
As a minimum one toilet for every 50 persons or fraction should remain operational. Grey and
black water can be disposed of into the sea, allowed by MARPOL(reference MARPOL Annex
IV, Reg.3).
(2) Water
As a minimum 3 litres per person per day drinking water should be available. Additional water
for food preparation and hygiene may need to be provided.
(3) Food
Food could be of any kind including dry food. Storage of food should be distributed as neces-
sary, so that an access route is available from the safe areas.
(4) Alternate space for medical care
Refer to 202..
(5) Shelter from the weather
If outside areas are considered as safe areas, shelter from the weather has to be provided.
(6) Means of preventing heat stress and hypothermia
Definition of means for protection against heat stress and hypothermia should take into account
external weather conditions, which may depend on area(s) of operation of the vessel. Casualty
scenarios for which there is a reduction in ventilation or heating capacity should be identified
and consequences assessed. The temperature within the internal safe areas should be maintained
in the range of 10 to 30, consideration being paid to the external temperature during expected
(7) Light
Portable rechargeable battery operated lighting may be acceptable for use in spaces which are
not covered by the ship's emergency lighting system. Adequate charging capability should be
available for these lights. Supplementary lighting complying with regulation II-1/42-1 is also
(8) Ventilation
Ventilation design shall reduce the risk that smoke and hot gases could affect the use of the
safe area(s). (SOLAS Reg.II-2/ Ventilation volume should be available as a minimum
of 4.5 m/h per person.
5. Means of access from safe areas to life-saving appliances should be provided from all safe areas in
case of any casualty, either internally through areas unaffected by the fire or via external routes.
External routes are considered to remain available also in the portion of the ship containing the
MVZ where the casualty had occurred.

202. Alternate Space for Medical Care

1. In addition to the ship's hospital or medical center one or more locations on the ship should be
provided which should:
(1) be in a different Fire Zone (from the hospital or primary medical center);
(2) be easily accessible; and
(3) have lighting and power supply on the main and emergency source of electrical power.
Reference should also be made to MSC/Circ.1129.

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 5
Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3


Section 1 General
101. General
1. The ship systems for safe return to port shall maintain the system performance requirements as
specified in this chapter.
2. Safe areas should provide basic services to all passengers and crew as specified in the functional
requirements in Ch.2, Sec.2..

Section 2 Fire Casualties not Exceeding the Casualty Threshold

201. General
1. If a fire does not exceed the casualty threshold, it has to be demonstrated that the ship is capable
of returning to port, while providing safety and basic services to its occupants.
2. In a SRtP case, the maximum distance to port depends on the operational area(s), which have to
be specified by the owner and documented in the ship description . The required operational time
of the systems supporting the basic services of the safe areas in the safe return to port case can
be determined by considering the remaining propulsion capacity and the maximal possible distance
to port. For the same time span, supplies(such as water and food for all occupants) have to be
provided as well.
3. When fire damage does not exceed the casualty threshold, the ship shall be capable of returning to
port while providing a safe area as defined in SOLAS Reg.-2/21.5. To be deemed capable of re-
turning to port, the following systems shall remain operational in the remaining part of the ship not
affected by fire. Detailed requirements for each systems are complied from 202. to 213. and sys-
tems supporting the safe areas are to be complied with ch.2, Sec.2. The minimum requirements
are referred appendix 1..
(1) Propulsion
(2) Steering systems and steering-control systems
(3) Navigational systems
(4) Systems for fill, transfer and service of fuel oil
(5) Internal communication between the bridge, engineering spaces, safety center, fire-fighting and
damage control teams, and as required for passenger and crew notification and mustering
(6) External communication
(7) Fire main system
(8) Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
(9) Fire and smoke detection system
(10) Bilge and ballast system
(11) Power-operated watertight and semi-watertight doors
(12) Systems intended to support safe areas
(13) Flooding detection systems
(14) Other systems determined by the Administration to be vital to damage control effort

202. Propulsion
1. Propulsion machinery and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion of the ship should remain
operable. For safe return to port operation, at least one independent propulsion system including its
auxiliaries has to remain operational, fulfilling the following specifications.
2. Following a fire casualty within the threshold, the ship should be able to maintain an adequate
speed for sufficient time to permit the ship's planned safe return to port in sea and wind conditions
acceptable to the Society taking into account the intended area of operation. A minimum speed of
6 knots while heading into Beaufort 8 weather and corresponding sea conditions is recommended.
Configuration for power generation and propulsion in the worst case scenario in terms of casualty
cases should be verified during normal sea trials.

6 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3

3. The performance requirements for propulsion can be fulfilled either by the systems of the main
propulsion system or by an alternative emergency propulsion system capable of being used for safe
return to port operation.
4. Essential auxiliary systems (e.g. compressed air, oil, fuel, lubrication oil, cooling water, ventilation,
fuel storage and supply systems etc.) have to remain operational.
5. A steel shaft line including relevant bearings passing through a space affected by a flooding or a
fire casualty, may be considered operational if it is enclosed in a watertight and "A" class tunnel
or alternatively if:
(1) in the flooding case it can be shown that it can operate under water; and
(2) in the fire case it is protected by a dedicated water spray system capable of delivering not less
than 5 l/m2/min on the protected area or equivalent.
6. Manual control at local positions can be accepted provided adequate communication and emergency
lighting are arranged and it is demonstrated that the loss of any control and monitoring system
does not prevent or impair any such manual/local control of the propulsion and electrical power
generation systems(including, but may not be limited to, engines, electric motors, fuel system, etc.).
Consideration should be given to the provision of machinery alarms when operating in that manner.

203. Steering systems and steering-control systems

1. When documenting that steering system is operable the following should be taken into
(1) Local control of remaining steering system is acceptable provided adequate communication and
emergency lighting are arranged.
(2) Emergency means of steering, e.g., azimuth thrusters, pump jets, rudder, propellers, may be
(3) In general, tunnel thrusters should not be considered adequate for emergency steering.

204. Navigational systems

1. Equipment essential for navigation, position fixing and detection of risk of collision should be
available. The following equipment should be available as a minimum.
(1) Properly adjusted standard magnetic compass
(2) Receiver for a global navigation satellite system or a terrestrial radionavigation system
(3) 9 GHz radar
(4) Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) or an appropriate folio of paper
nautical charts and publications
(5) Whistle
(6) Navigation lights
(7) Internal communications with engine control room and steering gear
(8) Pelorus or Compass bearing device to take bearings
(9) Means of correcting heading and bearings to true at all times
2. The ship should be capable of displaying the proper light configuration in compliance with the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force.

205. Systems for fill, transfer and service of fuel oil

1. Systems for internal fill transfer and service of fuel oil should be capable of fuel transfer to active
propulsion and power generation equipment.
2. Systems for internal fill, transfer and service of:
a) fuel;
b) other flammable hydrocarbons; or
c) any fluid that may be flammable or dangerous if heated to a very high temperature (both within
the pipe and on going through pumps, orifices or other equipment),
should not be considered operational within spaces affected by a fire casualty.

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Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3

206. Internal communication

1. Internal communications between the bridge, engineering spaces, safety center, fire-fighting and
damage control teams, and as required for passenger and crew notification and mustering should be
achieved by any effective portable or fixed means of communications. However, portable equipment
may be accepted provided that repeater system or equivalent remains operational after the casualty
and charging capability is available in more than one MVZ.
2. PA systems, arranged as general alarm systems, should remain operational in the MVZs not af-
fected by the casualty.

207. External communication

1. The ship should be capable of communicating via the GMDSS or the VHF Marine and Air Band
distress frequencies, even if the main GMDSS equipment is lost.
2. The external communication may be achieved by additional fixed means or portable means installed
in the same area as the navigation and manoeuvring equipment.

208. Fire main system

1. Automatic start of remaining pumps may not be necessarily required (manual local start may be ac-
cepted after a casualty).
2. The system should be so arranged that SOLAS Reg.II-2/ is fulfilled in all other Main
Vertical Zones of the ship not affected by the casualty.
3. Isolating valves should be arranged as appropriate. The remaining part of the affected deck in a
Main Vertical Zone may be served from hydrants of adjacent zone or water tight compartment.
4. Fire hoses may be extended for fire-fighting within the affected Main Vertical Zone; however, for
complying with this requirement, two lengths of hoses from each hydrant may be accepted.

209.Fixed fire-extinguishing systems

1. When a gaseous based system located outside the protected space is the sole fixed fire-extinguish-
ing system as defined in regulations II-2/10.4.1 and 10.7.1 and it is designed to protect more than
one space:
(1) there should be enough capacity to protect the two largest spaces;
(2) where the application of the fire casualty threshold leads to the loss of the storage room due to
fire in an adjacent space, there should be two rooms, not being lost by the result of the same
casualty, each holding a quantity of gas, capable of protecting the largest space; and
(3) the system should be so arranged that a casualty in one protected space does not impair the
operation of the system in another protected space.
(4) when a gaseous based system located outside the protected space is the sole fixed fire-ex-
tinguishing system as defined in regulations II-2/10.4.1 and 10.7.1 and it is designed to protect
a single space, where the application of the fire casualty threshold leads to the loss of the stor-
age room due to fire in an adjacent space, there should be two rooms, not being lost by the
result of the same casualty, each holding the quantity of gas required for the protected space.
2. Sprinkler or equivalent fixed fire-extinguishing systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces
directly affected by the fire casualty and in other spaces that are protected by the same section
(i.e. are controlled by the same section valve) provided each section should not serve more than
one deck area in one MVZ. However, all levels of a stairway enclosure may be protected by the
same section.
3. Section valves (as referred to in FSS Code, chapter 8, paragraph located within the space
affected by the fire casualty should be considered to be not operational unless they are suitably fire
rated or fire protected (e.g., contained within a solely dedicated enclosure having "A" class bounda-
ries, or protected by a water nozzle, etc.).
4. Equivalent water based fire-extinguishing systems intended for the protection of machinery spaces
(total flooding, as referred to in MSC/Circ.1165, as amended) should be so designed that in case of

8 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3

loss of any section valve it would still be possible to supply the entire system at the required per-
formance, except where another fixed fire-extinguishing system is provided for the protection of
such spaces (e.g., gaseous based systems). Duplication, fire protection of valves (e.g., contained
within a solely dedicated enclosure having "A" class boundaries, or protected by a water nozzle,
etc.), fire rated valves or location of valves in spaces as identified by interpretation 11 may be
5. Indication of activated sections in the continuously manned central control station for sprinkler or
equivalent fixed fire-extinguishing systems, located outside the Main Vertical Zone, where the space
affected by the casualty is located, should continue to function after a fire or flooding casualty.
6. Arrangement of piping distribution for sprinkler systems or equivalent, or for water based fixed
fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces, may include isolation valves, to ensure the system
can be reconfigured as to remain operational after a casualty, which should be kept to a minimum,
clearly marked and easily accessible. Valves whose uncorrected status may jeopardize the operation
of the system under normal condition should be provided with status indication in the continuously
manned control station.
7. When sprinkler or equivalent water based fixed fire-extinguishing systems include one or more
emergency feed, risers, connection, or other emergency means to comply with this regulation, then
hydraulic calculations (as referred to in the FSS Code, chapter 8, paragraph should take
this into account.
8. Local application systems need not to remain operational following a casualty unless they form part
of a system for the protection of machinery spaces (total flooding, as referred to in MSC/Circ.1165,
as amended).

210. Fire and smoke detection system

Fire and smoke detection systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces directly affected by
the fire casualty and in other spaces on the same deck that are part of the same section, as de-
fined by the FSS Code, chapter 9, paragraph 2.4.1, provided that all other detectors remain opera-
tional in any other decks served by that section.

211. Bilge and ballast system

The bilge and ballast pumping systems and all associated essential equipment should be operational
in all spaces served by the systems and not directly affected by the casualty. Manual control at lo-
cal positions may be accepted provided fixed or portable means of communication are available
from those positions to the Safety center or the Engine Control room.

212. Power-operated watertight and semi-watertight doors

Indication to show whether each door is open or closed should be provided for any fire casualty
not exceeding the casualty threshold except for those doors in the boundary of spaces directly af-
fected by the casualty.

213. Systems intended to support safe areas

Systems intended to support safe areas as indicated Ch.2 Sec.2.

214. Flooding detection systems

Flooding detection systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces directly affected by the
fire casualty and in other spaces in the same compartment that are part of the same section pro-
vided that all other detectors remain operational in any other compartment served by that

215. Other systems determined by the Society to be vital to damage control efforts.
This includes any system that the Society determines is vital to damage control pertaining to fire
or flooding.

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 9
Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3

Section 3 Flooding Casualties not Exceeding the Casualty Threshold

301. Flooding Casualties
1. Availability of essential systems in case of flooding damage
A passenger ship constructed on or after 1 July 2010 shall be designed so that the systems speci-
fied in SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.4 remain operational when the ship is subject to flooding of any single
watertight compartment. Detailed requirements are equally applied Sec.2.
(1) Propulsion
(2) Steering systems and steering-control systems
(3) Navigational systems
(4) Systems for fill, transfer and service of fuel oil
(5) Internal communication between the bridge, engineering spaces, safety center, fire-fighting and
damage control teams, and as required for passenger and crew notification and mustering
(6) External communication
(7) Fire main system
(8) Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
(9) Fire and smoke detection system
(10) Bilge and ballast system
(11) Power-operated watertight and semi-watertight doors
(12) Systems intended to support safe areas
(13) Flooding detection systems
(14) Other systems determined by the Administration to be vital to damage control effort
2. Operational information after a flooding casualty
For the purpose of providing operational information to the Master for safe return to port after a
flooding casualty, passenger ships constructed on or after 1 January 2014 shall have one of the
(1) onboard stability computer
(2) shore-based support

Section 4 Fire Casualties Exceeding the Casualty Threshold

401. General
The purpose of this section is to provide design criteria for systems required to remain operational
for supporting the orderly evacuation and abandonment of a ship, if the casualty threshold is
exceeded. (SOLAS Reg.II-2/22.2)

402. Equipment and system(MSC 82/24/Add.1)

1. In case any one main vertical zone is unserviceable due to fire, the following systems shall be so
arranged and segregated as to remain operational.(SOLAS Reg.II-2/22.3.1)
(1) Fire main
(2) Internal communications(in support of fire-fighting as required for passenger and crew notifica-
tion and evacuation)
(3) Means of external communications
(4) Bilge systems for removal of fire-fighting water;
(5) Lighting along escape routes, at assembly stations and at embarkation stations of life-saving ap-
(6) Guidance systems for evacuation shall be available
2. The above systems shall be capable of operation for at least 3hours based on the assumption of no
damage outside the unserviceable main vertical zone. These systems are not required to remain op-
erational within the unserviceable main vertical zones.(SOLAS Reg.II-2/22.3.2)
3.Cabling and piping within a trunk constructed to an "A-60" standard shall be deemed to remain in-
tact and serviceable while passing through the unserviceable main vertical zone for the purposes of
paragraph 3.1 2. An equivalent degree of protection for cabling and piping may be approved by
the Administration.(SOLAS Reg.II-2/22.3.3)

10 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 3 System Requirements for SRtP Ch 3

4. Equipment and system

(1) Fire main
(A) The fire main should remain operational in all main vertical zones not directly affected by
the casualty. Water for fire-fighting purposes should be available to all areas of the ship.
(B) Electrical power supply of fire pumps has to be assured after a casualty exceeding the
casualty threshold.
(C) In addition to above requirements, it should be complied with Ch.3, Sec.2, 208..
(2) Internal communications(in support of fire-fighting as required for passenger and crew notifica-
tion and evacuation)
(A) A means should be available for communicating orders to fire-fighting and damage control
teams and personnel in charge of evacuation and abandonment. Two-way communication
shall be provided in any casualty case exceeding the casualty threshold but not exceeding
one main vertical zone to communicate orders to fire-fighting and damage control teams and
personnel in charge of evacuation and abandonment.
(B) In addition to above requirements, it should be complied with Ch.3, Sec.2, 206..
(3) Means of external communications
(A) The ship should be capable of communicating via the GMDSS or the VHF Marine and Air
Band distress frequencies even if the main GMDSS equipment is lost.
(B) The ship shall be capable as following.
(a) as provided in SOLAS Reg.IV/8.1.1 and, of transmitting ship-to-shore distress
alerts by at least two separate and independent means, each using a different radio com-
munication service
(b) of transmitting and receiving search and rescue co-ordinating communications
(c) alternatively, it is recommended that additional GMDSS systems be installed in another
main vertical zone.
(d) Portable equipment may be accepted if charging capacity for any portable devices shall
be available in more than one main vertical zone.
(4) Bilge systems for removal of fire-fighting water
(A) The bilge pumping system and all associated equipment essential for its operation should be
available in all spaces not directly affected by the casualty. All main vertical zones not di-
rectly affected by the casualty shall be served by the system.
(B) Valves in the main bilge line (not in bypass bilge line) are necessary for separating the
(C) Electrical power supply of the bilge pumps and associated equipment essential for its oper-
ation has to be assured.
(D) An independent local control system is required for each main fire zone.
(5) Lighting along escape routes, at assembly stations and at embarkation stations of life-saving ap-
(A) Emergency lighting has to be available for the abandonment of the ship. The lighting has
to be supplied from the main, emergency or temporary energy source.
(B) Fireproof or fire-protected cables are necessary when wiring across or from other main ver-
tical zones.
(C) Battery operated systems shall have the capacity for uninterrupted operation of at least 3
(6) Guidance systems for evacuation shall be available
(A) At least one loop of the PA/GA system shall be available. Electric power supply from the
main or transitional emergency source shall be available.
(B) In addition to emergency lighting, as specified by SOLAS Reg.-2/, the means of
escape shall be marked by lighting or photoluminescent exit lights and strip indicators. The
lighting system shall be supplied by cables which remain operational. Alternatively, batteries
can be used.
(7) Electrical power
(A) Electrical power should be available for the abandonment of the ship, including life-saving
appliances and arrangements and the systems referred to in SOLAS Reg.II-2/22.3.1, with due
regard being paid to such services as may be operated simultaneously.
(B) One source of electrical power for operation of all essential systems specified in this
Section shall remain available, including all its essential auxiliary systems, after the total
loss of any one main vertical zone.

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 11
Ch 4 Safety Center Ch 4


Section 1 Safety Center on Passenger Ships

101. Application
Passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2010 shall have on board a safety center complying
with the requirements of this regulation.

102. Purpose
The purpose of this regulation is to provide a space to assist with the management of emergency

103. Location and arrangement

The safety center shall either be a part of the navigation bridge or be located in a separate space
adjacent to and having direct access to the navigation bridge, so that the management of emergen-
cies can be performed without distracting watch officers from their navigational duties.

Fig. 3 Example of location of safety center

1. Where the safety center is part of the bridge, it should comply with followings.
(1) It is acceptable to consider nearby members of the bridge team as being sufficient to make the
safety center "continuously manned".
(2)Alarms in the safety center should be audible at the conning position for responsible members of
the bridge team to make them aware of an alarm condition.
(3) At least one member of the on-watch bridge team should be properly trained and authorized to
take appropriate initial and interim actions in the event of an emergency or in response to an
alarm, until the safety center is fully manned.
2. Where the safety center is not part of the navigation bridge, it may or may not be con-
tinuously manned.

12 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 4 Safety Center Ch 4

(1) When the safety center is continuously manned the functionality of the systems listed in Table
1 should be duplicated on the Navigating Bridge.
(2) When the safety center is not continuously manned, there should be the capability on the navi-
gation bridge to alert the bridge team of developing shipboard emergencies, to respond to them
appropriately by taking initial and interim actions and to allow necessary monitoring functions
after the safety center is manned by properly trained persons. Therefore, the functionality of the
systems listed in Table 2 should be duplicated on the navigation bridge.

Table 2. Duplication on navigation bridge of functuionality of systems located in onboard

safety center not continuously manned

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 13
Ch 4 Safety Center Ch 4

Table 1. Duplication on navigation bridge of functionality of systems located in continuously

manned onboard safety center

104. Layout and ergonomic design

The layout and ergonomic design of the safety center shall take into account the guidelines devel-
oped by the Organization(MSC./Cir.982) as appropriate.

105. Communications
Means of communication between the safety center, the central control station, the navigation
bridge, the engine control room, the storage room(s) for fire extinguishing system(s) and fire equip-
ment lockers shall be provided.
1. The hierarchy of control between the navigation bridge and safety center should be specified within
the shipboard safety management system.
(1) An adequate number of properly trained personnel should be available for immediate response
to the safety center in an emergency while maintaining an effective navigational watch.
(2) The duties of the safety center personnel and navigation bridge personnel should not overlap.
(3) Coordination of emergency management actions and communications should be assured through
established emergency procedures, harmonized with the onboard decision support system required
by SOLAS Reg.III/29.
2. In carrying out the various functions on the navigation bridge and safety center an integrated com-
puter technology may be used.
(1) The hierarchy of control of the various computer stations and locations should be clearly
(2) The computer system and programming should be designed to assure that failure of the system
does not cause the loss of any of the ship's safety systems.
(3) The operational status and failures of the computer system or its communications should be

14 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 4 Safety Center Ch 4

106. Control and monitoring of safety systems

Notwithstanding the requirements set out elsewhere in the Convention, the full functionality
(operation, control, monitoring or any combination thereof, as required) of the safety systems listed
below shall be available from the safety center.
1. All powered ventilation systems
2. Fire doors
3. General emergency alarm system
4. Public address system
5. Electrically powered evacuation guidance systems
6. Watertight and semi-watertight doors
7. Indicators for shell doors, loading doors and other closing appliances
8. Water leakage of inner/outer bow doors, stern doors and any other shell door
9. Television surveillance system
10. Fire detection and alarm system
11. Fixed fire-fighting local application system(s)
12. Sprinkler and equivalent systems
13. Water-based systems for machinery spaces
14. Alarm to summon the crew
15. Atrium smoke extraction system
16. Flooding detection systems
17. Fire pumps and emergency fire pumps

Table 3. Functionality of systems to be located in onboard safety center functional require-


Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 15
Ch 5 The Assessment of Passenger Ship Systems' Capabilities Ch 5



Section 1 General

101. General
1. For assessment of passenger ship systems capabilities, a system-based approach or a compartment
or space-by-space based approach may also be applied.
2. For the application of this Technical Information to be successful, all relevant parties, including the
Society or owners, operators, designers and administration or its designated representative should be
in continuous communication from the onset of a assessment proposal.
3. A pre-requisite and starting point for this assessment is that the owner of the ship has defined the
operating pattern or patterns of the ship(for instance, worldwide liner/cruise ship or point-to-point
ferry operations, maximum number of passengers and crew for required routes, foreseeable area of
operation and routes, etc.). The capabilities that will be needed to be built into the ship will de-
pend on the above.
4. The Society may (as per SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.4.14) determine any system to remain operational after
a casualty in addition to those identified.
5. The outcome of these assessments should confirm that the ship is designed and constructed to pro-
vide the capabilities required by SOLAS Reg.II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and 22.

102. Assessment of requirement ship systems capabilities

1. For assessing the ship systems' capabilities, a description of the ship is required.
2. The assessment of ship systems' capabilities should follow an established approach provided by this
information. The approach should be based on structured assessment methods and should well docu-
ment the functions of all essential systems after a fire or flooding casualty defined by SOLAS
Reg.II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and II-2/22, all together in three separate studies. The assessment should be
performed based on the following three scenarios.
(1) Flooding of any single watertight compartment(SOLAS Reg.-1/8-1)
(2) Fire not exceeding a defined casualty threshold (SOLAS Reg.-2/21)
(3) Fire exceeding a defined casualty threshold, but not exceeding one main vertical fire zone
(SOLAS Reg.-2/22)
3. The process of a system based approach is sketched in Fig.2. After the ship definition, each essen-
tial system should be assessed separately in two steps.
(1) The first step is an overall systems' assessment. The systems' assessment is addressing all es-
sential systems and functional requirements mentioned in SOLAS Reg.II-2/21 and 22. This step
should include a structured assessment of all essential systems after a fire or flooding casualty,
as defined in SOLAS Reg.II-1/8-1.2, II-2/21.4 or II-2/22.3.1. Propulsion and steering systems are
required to remain in operational and may not be identified as 'critical systems'. However, man-
ual intervention may be accepted in order to make these systems available in the minimum pos-
sible time.
(2) The second step is a detailed assessment of critical systems identified in the systems'
assessment. The detailed assessment is only required if any critical system was identified in the
previous systems' assessment.
(3) SOLAS Reg.II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and 22 do not include reference to quantities or performance
limits. The ability of the ship to return to port should be linked to the area and conditions of
operation. The capability available for each system in the worst case(e.g., minimum propulsion
power for return to port, electrical generating capacity, heating capacity, ventilation capacity,
food and water storage/availability, etc.) should be included in the onboard documentation.

16 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 5 The Assessment of Passenger Ship Systems' Capabilities Ch 5

Fig. 4. Assessment of passenger ship systems' capabilities process


Section 2 Ship's Description

201. Provision of information to the ship

1. The yard and/or owner has to provide all necessary design information for the ship under
2. For the purpose of the ship's description, any necessary information regarding the design of the
ship should be provided to the Administration along with description of ship essential systems' de-
sign and functionality following a fire or flooding casualty. As a minimum, such information and
description should include:
(1) The design criteria for each individual essential system or group of essential systems, to ach-
ieve compliance(e.g., separation, duplication, redundancy, protection, or a combination of the
(2) The basic layout of the vessel including boundaries of compartments subject to the casualty
(watertight or "A" class boundaries), e.g., in the form of plan views and cross-sections, includ-
ing, but may not be limited to:

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 17
Ch 5 The Assessment of Passenger Ship Systems' Capabilities Ch 5

(A) general arrangement plan

(B) capacity plan
(C) watertight subdivision plan
(D) space fire categorization plan (or structural fire protection plan)
(E) plan of spaces protected by fixed fire-extinguishing systems
(3) criteria adopted for the selection of safe areas and intended locations
(4) a list of all systems that are intended to be submitted for assessment. It should be noted that
although such a list would include, in the first instance and as a minimum, all essential systems
referred to in SOLAS Reg.II-2/21.4 and 22.3, their actual number and identification may vary
depending on the size, type, arrangements, design, etc., (e.g., propulsion systems: shaft or pod-
ded propulsion units, etc.) of the ship
(5) drawings/documents describing the location, arrangement and connections of essential systems
(including any of their components) mentioned in SOLAS Reg.II-2/21 or II-2/22
(6) the description of the power supply for the essential systems
(7) data regarding the minimum speed vs. weather and sea conditions(e.g., results of model tank
tests in sea keeping conditions including consideration of wind forces)
(8) any additional design detail intended to ensure or support the ship systems' capabilities
3. Additional information about the intended area of operation, the operating pattern or patterns (which
may be used to define any intended speed/maximum distance for safe return to port) should be in-
cluded in the ship's description.
4. Interpretations as contained in paragraph 1 of appendix 1 to MSC.1/Circ.1369 may be used when
completing the ship's description.

202. Design and arrangement of ship

1. Where the engineering systems or the main vertical zone sub-division layout or the lifesaving sys-
tem's design and arrangements of a vessel has been approved following the methodology of
(1) SOLAS Reg.II-1/55(alternative design and arrangements for machinery and electrical installations)
(2) SOLAS Reg.II-2/17(alternative design and arrangements for fire safety)
(3) SOLAS Reg.III/38(alternative design and arrangements for life-saving appliances and arrange-

Section 3 Overall Assessment of Essential Systems

301. Assessment of all essential systems
A structured assessment of all essential systems should be conducted. The systems' assessment can
be performed in qualitative terms. Quantitative analysis may be required as part of the detailed sys-
tems' assessment as described in Sec.4. A systems' assessment report should be prepared according
to Sec.5.

302. Identification of critical systems

1. Essential systems identified to be fully redundant for all fire and flooding casualty cases not ex-
ceeding the threshold (e.g., when runs of cables, pipes and equipment are duplicated and adequately
separated), need not be further analysed as described in Sec. 4.
2. For the arrangement of equipment, components or connections reference may be made to relevant
interpretations contained in paragraph 2 of appendix 1 to MSC.1/Circ.1369. Where other solutions
are adopted, equipment, components or connections should be further analysed as described in Sec.
3. Manual action by the crew, to provide ship systems' capabilities, may also be possible but should
be assessed in detail taking into account that:
(1) manual action should only be acceptable by the Administration in connection with an agreed
defined number of fire and flooding casualties and should be clearly described in the doc-
umentation that should be prepared as per sec.5.
(2) compliance with the return to port criteria should be based on the assumption that any manual

18 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Ch 5 The Assessment of Passenger Ship Systems' Capabilities Ch 5

action that may be required for the ship to return to port, or for any essential system to remain
operational, following a casualty:
(A) is pre-planned, pre-set and instructions as well as necessary materials are available on board
(B) is performed on systems designed to ensure that the required manual action can be com-
pleted within one hour from the time the action started; and
(C) emergency lighting and a means of communication is demonstrated available in the area
where manual actions are to be taken; and
(3) in general, feasibility of manual actions should be demonstrated by tests or drills, as applicable.
4. Performance requirements applicable to any essential system may be analysed and documented sepa-
rately; however, any relevant information should be included in the overall assessment of essential
systems' report.

303. Results of overall assessment

Should no critical systems be identified, the overall assessment can be considered acceptable with-
out the need for a detailed systems' assessment to be carried out. The systems' assessment report
can be used for the preparation of documentation and approval submission, as referred to in Sec. 7.

Section 4 Detailed Assessment of Critical Systems

401. Application
Essential systems not identified as being fully redundant for all flooding and fire casualty cases not
exceeding the casualty threshold are considered as critical systems and have to be assessed in

402. Additional information for detailed assessment

1. When performing a detailed assessment of critical systems, additional information may be necessary.
The ship's description, described in section 3, should be supplemented, for each identified critical
system, with the following, as applicable:
(1) details of pipes, cables or other devices connecting the components of the critical system, or
connecting different critical systems including their location within the affected area
(2) details of any manual action providing the required ship systems' functionality
(3) details of any operational solution forming part of the design criteria
2. Where acceptable to the Administration, a quantitative analysis can be carried out as a part of the
detailed assessment of all critical systems. As an example, the following may be performed:
(1) quantitative analysis of fire risk within a space, supplemented by fire engineering analysis
and/or fire testing where necessary(e.g., to assess consequences of a fire casualty on a system
or system component);
(2) Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) of a system or system component analyses in accordance
with standard IEC 60812, Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode
and effects analysis (FMEA) or resolution MSC.36(63), annex 4(Procedures for Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis), would be acceptable; and
(3) detailed analysis of possibility of flooding of internal watertight compartments and of con-
sequences of flooding on system components, given the location of the compartment and ar-
rangement of piping within the compartment.

Section 5 Documentation
501. Design of ship and ship's systems
Different design criteria may be followed in the design of the ship and in the design of the ship's
systems and arrangements to achieve the passenger ship systems' capabilities after a fire or flooding
casualty and to comply with the requirements. The chosen design criteria should be well
documented. This is to form the basis for the preparation of all ship's operational procedures to be

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 19
Ch 5 The Assessment of Passenger Ship Systems' Capabilities Ch 5

adopted by the crew for the case of any such casualty.

502.Documentation for future design changes

The documentation to be presented for approval is described in detail in the paragraphs below.
Such documentation should also be referred to in case design changes to the ship are proposed and
may also be used as evidence of compliance should the ship transfers to the flag of another State.

503.Documentation of the assessment of required ship systems' capabilities for approval

The documentation of the assessment to be presented for approval should include the design criteria
followed to reach ship systems' capabilities and summarize the whole process of assessment includ-
ing methods and assumptions. The following information should be provided for approval of ship
systems' capabilities:
1. ship's description
2. overall assessment of essential systems' report
3. detailed assessment of critical systems' report, if any critical system is identified
4. additional information
(1) list of manual actions
(2) test programme(for both testing during construction, and sea trials, as applicable) which should
include methods of testing, and test facilities provided, where applicable
(3) maintenance plan
(4) references

504.Onboard documentation
The onboard documentation demonstrating the ship system capabilities should include:
1. documentation, as per 503. 1 (1), (2), and (3) above
2. operational manual for fire and flooding casualty cases and safe return to port operation, including
details of any manual action required to ensure operation of all essential systems, availability of
safe areas including provision of basic services therein(e.g., closing/opening of valves, shutting
down/start of equipment/fans, etc.)
3. description of operation of essential systems after a fire casualty exceeding the casualty threshold
4. list of spaces considered having negligible fire risk, if any
5. test, inspection, and maintenance plan

505.Record of ship systems' capabilities

The ship systems' capabilities should be included in the list of operational limitations issued to pas-
senger ships (reference SOLAS regulation V/30). The ship's safety management manual should de-
scribe in detail the quantities, arrangements and procedures that are to be applied in each particular
case. (For example, food/drink/fuel carriage requirements may be different for a ship cruising in the
Aegean to one cruising in the Antarctic.) Example of wording concept for this purpose may be as
"Safe return to port voyage planning should be based on:
1. habitable conditions for passengers and crew is provided according to "Owners document xyz" dated
yyyy-mm-dd (the operational area will determine maximum possible distance to a safe location and
the maximum numbers of persons that can be supported during the safe return voyage).
2. the ship systems' capabilities of returning to port following a fire casulaty is contingent upon the
conditions/assumptions given in onboard document xyz, yyyy-mm-dd.
3. ships "port/aft/main" propulsion and steering system is capable of x knots in Beaufort x with a
consumption of x tonnes of fuel.
4. ships "starboard"/forward/emergency propulsion and steering system is capable of x knots in
Beaufort x with a consumption of x tonnes of fuel.".

20 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Appendix 1 Minimum Requirements of SRtP APP 1

APPENDIX 1 Minimum Requirements of SRtP


1 Propulsion 1. Propulsion machinery and 1. Sufficient propulsion power to be available to return
auxiliary machinery essen- the ship safely to port whilst maintaining a mini-
tial for the propulsion of mum speed of 6 knots while heading into Beaufort
the ship should remain 8 weather and corresponding sea condition.
operational. 2. Maximum SRtP distance to be defined.
2. The auxiliary systems take 3. Fuel storage to be sized based on the defined opera-
into account the type of tional condition of running machinery required to
fuel used and associated satisfy the SRtP distance under the conditions de-
support services. scribed Item 1, par. 1 whilst maintaining the elec-
trical load requred by Item 14.

2 Steering systems 1. Steering systems and steer- 1. Manoeuvring to be capable whilst maintaining a min-
and steering ing control systems should imum speed of 6 knots while heading into Beaufort
control system be capable of manoeuvring 8 weather and corresponding sea condition.
the ship following a
2. Steering systems and steer-
ing control systems suffi-
cient to provide manoeu-
vring capability acceptable
to the National
Administration for return to
port under its own
3 N a v i g a t i o n a l Equipment essential for navi- 1. Equipment essential for navigation, position fixing
systems gation, position fixing and de- and detection of risk of collision should be
tection of risk of collision available. The following equipment should be avail-
should be available. The ship able as a minimum.
should be capable of display- a) a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass
ing the proper light config- b) a Receiver for a global navigation satellite system
uration in compliance with the or a terrestrial radionavigation system
International Regulations for c) a 9 GHz radar
Prevention Collisions at Sea in d) Electronic Chart Display and Information System
force. (ECDIS) or an appropriate folio of paper nautical
charts and publications
e) Whistle
f) Navigation lights
g) Internal communications with engine control room
and steering gear
h) a pelorus or Compass bearing device to take bear-
j) Means of correcting heading and bearings to true
at all times

4 System for fill, Systems for internal fill, trans- 1. Sufficient capacity of fuel oil to be available in line
transfer and fer and service of fuel oil with Item 1, par.3.
service of fuel should be capable of fuel tran- 2. Transfer services to be available to enable movement
oil fer to active propulsion and of fuel from bunker to settling tank to service tanks.
power generation equipment to 3. Additional support systems required: Air pipes and
satisfy goal 1. overflow system

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 21
Appendix 1 Minimum Requirements of SRtP APP 1

5 Internal commu- Internal communication should 1. Two-way communication to be available between

nication be achieved by and effective control stations and locations where SRtP actions are
portable or fixed means of implemented.
communications. 2. For portable systems, charging facilities are to be
available in more than one MVZ.
3. Public Address Systems to remain operational in all
MVZs not affected by the casualty Performance to
meet SOLAS Reg.III/6.5.2.
4. Sounding of General Alarm including sounding of
ship's whistle should remain operational in all MVZs
not affected by the casualty Performance to meet
SOLAS Reg.III/6.4.2.

6 External com- The ship should be capable of 1. GMDSS or VHF MArine and Air Band distress
munication communication via the service to be available outside of the MVZ contain-
GMDSS or the VHF Marine ing the main system.
and Air Band distress frequen- 2. The external communication may be achieved by ad-
cies even if the main GMDSS ditional fixed means or portable means installed in
equipment is lost. the same area as the navigation and manoeuvring

7 Fire main Fire main should remain op- 1. Availability in all unaffected spaces to be
erational in all main vertical maintained.
zones not directly affected by 2. Sufficient fire pumps are to be provided and ar-
the casualty. Water for ranged to ensure and arranged to ensure water re-
fire-fighting purposes should mains available in all unaffected spaces.
be available to all areas of the 3. The minimum pressure available at hydrants in un-
ships. affected spaces following casualty should be as re-
quired by SOLAS Reg.II-2/

8 Fixed fire-ex- The automatic sprinkler system 1. Means of water and pressure supply to be provided
tinguishing sys- or any other fixed fire-ex- and located to ensure water remains available in all
tems tinguishing system designed to unaffected spaces.
protect an entire space should
be operational in all spaces
not directly affected by the

9 Fire and smoke The fire detection system Availability in all unaffected spaces to be maintained.
detection should remain operational in Coverage of spaces on the same deck which are on the
all spaces not directly affected same section as that covering a space involved in a
by the casualty. casualty can be lost.

10 Bilge and bal- The bilge pumping systems 1. Availability in all unaffected spaces to be
last and all associated equipment maintained.
essential for its operation 2. Sufficient pumps are to be provided and arranged to
should be available in all ensure pumping remains available in all unaffected
spaces not directly affected by spaces and ensure isolated sections are still serviced
the casualty. by working pumps.

11 Power-operated Operation 1. Acasualty or failure is not to result in a watertight

watertight and door changing position.
semi-watertight 2. Local control shall remain availble for all doors ex-
doors cept those on the boundary of the spaces containing
the casualty.

22 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015
Appendix 1 Minimum Requirements of SRtP APP 1

11 Power-operated Indication 3. Remote indication to show whether each door is

watertight and open or closed should be provided for any fire casu-
semi-watertight alty not exceeding the casualty threshold except for
doors those doors in the boundary of spaces directly af-
fected by the casualty.

12 Flooding de- The flooding detection system Availability in all unaffected spaces to be maintained.
tection systems should remain operational after
a casualty.

13 Other systems Where in the case of a casu- Those applicable to primary system.
determined by alty within the threshold sys-
the Society to tem, availability is ensured by
be vital to dam- a separate system, this system
age control ef- is to meet the same require-
forts ments as per the primary sys-

14 Electrical power Generation 1. Electrical generation to be arranged and located such

that sufficient electrical power is available following
loss of a space to allow the vessel to return safely
to port whilst maintaining all the required services.
2. Electrical generation to be arranged and located such
that sufficient electrical power is available following
loss of a MVZ to allow orderly evacuation and

Distribution 3. Electrical distribution to be arranged such that loss

of a space will not affect the supply of electrical
power to required service to support safe return to
4. Electrical distribution to be arranged such that loss
of a MVZ will not affect the supply of electrical
power to required services to orderly evacuation and

15 Fire safety Fire safety stops 1. Systems provided to limit fire growth by stopping
flammable liquid supply to spaces are to remain
available for the operational machinery spaces fol-
lowing a casualty.
2. Failure or loss of systems provided to limit fire
growth by stopping ventilation fans is not to result
in the loss of ability to operate essential machinery
to allow the vessel to return safely to port.

Fire dampers 3. Casualty is not to result in the loss of ability to

re-open fire dampers for the safe return to port fol-
lowing loss of control and/or power failure.

16 Lighting Safe areas 1. Sufficient lighting to be available in the safe areas

not affected by the casualty.
2. Portable rechargeable battery operated lighting
acceptable. Charging capability to be available in
each safe area.

Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015 23
Appendix 1 Minimum Requirements of SRtP APP 1

16 Lighting Machinery spaces 3. Fixed lighting to remain available in all machinery

spaces required to be entered whilst the vessel re-
turns safely to port.
Locations requiring manual ac- 4. Sufficient lighting to be available to allow safe entry
tions to and passage through spaces, other than machinery
spaces, which contain equipment which involves a
manual action following a casualty.

Along escape routes at assem- 5. Availability in all unaffected spaces to be maintained

bly stations and at embarka- following loss of a MVZ.
tion stations of life-saving ap-

17 Guidance sys- Internal communication 1. Meet requirements of Item 5 following loss of a

tems for evacua- MVZ.
Marking of escape route 2. For lighting, see Item 16 Where lighting is used, to
be available following loss of a MVZ.

24 Technical Information for Safe Return to Port System Design of Passenger Ships 2015

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210

Ref. T4/4.01 MSC.1/Circ.1368

22 June 2010



1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session (12 to 21 May 2010),
having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-fourth
session, approved the Interim Clarifications of SOLAS chapter II-2 requirements regarding
interrelation between the central control station, navigation bridge and safety centre, set out in
the annex, to provide additional guidance for the uniform implementation of SOLAS
regulation II-2/23 which was adopted by resolution MSC.216(82) and are due to enter into force
on 1 July 2010.

2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Interim Clarifications to the
attention of passenger ship owners, shipbuilders, ship designers and other parties concerned.


Annex, page 1




1 The functionality of the safety systems stated in SOLAS regulation II-2/23.6 should be
available from the safety centre systems under any envisaged emergency situation (other than
casualty affecting the safety centre itself) and should be efficiently managed from the safety
centre without distracting the bridge team*. The functionality of these systems within the safety
centre is specified in appendix 1.

2 The safety centre may or may not be part of the navigation bridge. The safety centre
may be considered as part of the navigation bridge when it is arranged as examples indicated in
diagrams (a), (b) and (c) of the illustration in appendix 4. In case of arrangements such as in
diagram (d) in appendix 4, the safety centre should be considered as not being part of the
navigation bridge.

3 Where the safety centre is part of the bridge:

.1 it is acceptable to consider nearby members of the bridge team as being

sufficient to make the safety centre "continuously manned";

.2 alarms in the safety centre should be audible at the conning position for
responsible members of the bridge team to make them aware of an alarm
condition; and

.3 at least one member of the on-watch bridge team should be properly trained
and authorized to take appropriate initial and interim actions in the event of an
emergency or in response to an alarm, until the safety centre is fully manned.

4 Where the safety centre is not part of the navigation bridge, it may or may not be
continuously manned.

4.1 When the safety centre is continuously manned the functionality of the systems listed in
appendix 2 should be duplicated on the Navigating Bridge.

4.2 When the safety centre is not continuously manned, there should be the capability on
the navigation bridge to alert the bridge team of developing shipboard emergencies,
to respond to them appropriately by taking initial and interim actions and to allow necessary
monitoring functions after the safety centre is manned by properly trained persons. Therefore,
the functionality of the systems listed in appendix 3 should be duplicated on the navigation

For the purpose of these clarifications the term "bridge team" identifies the team on the bridge in charge of the
navigation of the ship, i.e. performing navigational duties.

Annex, page 2

5 The hierarchy of control between the navigation bridge and safety centre should be
specified within the shipboard safety management system. In this respect:

.1 an adequate number of properly trained personnel should be available for

immediate response to the safety centre in an emergency while maintaining
an effective navigational watch;

.2 the duties of the safety centre personnel and navigation bridge personnel
should not overlap; and

.3 coordination of emergency management actions and communications should

be assured through established emergency procedures, harmonized with the
onboard decision support system required by SOLAS regulation III/29.

6 In carrying out the various functions on the navigation bridge and safety centre an
integrated computer technology may be used.

7 When such a system is utilized:

.1 the hierarchy of control of the various computer stations and locations should
be clearly documented;

.2 the computer system and programming should be designed to assure that

failure of the system does not cause the loss of any of the ship's safety
systems; and

.3 the operational status and failures of the computer system or its

communications should be indicated.

8 Controls and monitoring of safety and security related systems other than those listed
under SOLAS regulation II-2/23.6 may also be located in the safety centre.

Annex, page 3




System Operation Monitoring Alarm

and control

Powered ventilation systems X X X*

Fire doors X X
General emergency alarm system X
Public address system X
Electrically-powered evacuation guidance X
Watertight and semi-watertight doors X X X
Indicators for shell doors, loading doors and X X
other closing appliances
Water leakage of inner/outer bow doors, stern X X
doors and any other shell door
Television surveillance system X
Fire detection and alarm system X X X
Fixed fire-fighting local application system(s) X X
Sprinkler and equivalent systems X X
Water-based systems for machinery spaces X X
Alarm to summon the crew X
Atrium smoke extraction system X
Flooding detection systems X
Fire pumps and emergency fire pumps X X

For ro-ro ships, SOLAS regulation II-2/ applies.

Annex, page 4




System Operation Monitoring Alarm

and control

Powered ventilation systems X*

Fire doors X
General emergency alarm system X
Public address system X
Watertight and semi-watertight doors X X X
Indicators for shell doors, loading doors and X X
other closing appliances (ro-ro ships)
Water leakage of inner/outer bow doors, stern X X
doors and any other shell door (ro-ro ships)
Television surveillance system (ro-ro ships) X
Fire detection and alarm system X X X
Sprinkler and equivalent systems X X
Alarm to summon the crew X
Flooding detection systems X
Fire pump (ships less than 1,000 gross X
Fire doors leading to or from the special X X
category spaces (ro-ro ships)
Ventilation systems for vehicle, special X X
category and ro-ro spaces

For ro-ro ships, SOLAS regulation II-2/ applies.
Activation of the fire alarm should be possible from the navigating bridge.
Unless the automatic start of one fire pump is provided.

Annex, page 5




System Operation Monitoring Alarm

and control

Powered ventilation systems X X*

Fire doors X** X
General emergency alarm system X
Public address system X
Watertight and semi-watertight doors X X X
Indicators for shell doors, loading doors and X X
other closing appliances
Water leakage of inner/outer bow doors, stern X X
doors and any other shell door
Television surveillance system X
Fire detection and alarm system X X X
Sprinkler and equivalent systems X X
Alarm to summon the crew X
Flooding detection systems X
Fire pump (ships less than 1,000 gross X
tonnage) ****
Fire doors leading to or from the special X X
category spaces (ro-ro ships)
For ro-ro ships, SOLAS regulation II-2/ applies.
Operation and control of the systems from the navigation bridge when the safety centre is unmanned, until
the management of the emergency situation is transferred to the safety centre. This implies duplication
of the systems and a function to transfer the commands and controls (bridge safety centre).
Activation of the fire alarm is to be possible from the navigation bridge.
Unless the automatic start of one fire pump is provided.

Annex, page 6






bulkhead and door

curtain or partial bulkhead

c) d)



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210

Ref. T4/4.01 MSC.1/Circ.1369

22 June 2010



1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session (12 to 21 May 2010),
having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-fourth
session, approved the Interim Explanatory Notes for the assessment of passenger ship systems'
capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty, set out in the annex, to provide additional guidance
for the uniform implementation of SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and II-2/22, which were
adopted by resolution MSC.216(82) and are due to enter into force on 1 July 2010.

2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Interim Explanatory Notes to the
attention of passenger shipowners, ship builders, ship designers and other parties concerned.

3 This circular revokes circular MSC.1/Circ.1214.


Annex, page 1





The requirements relevant to the safe return to port for passenger ships, as contained in
resolution MSC.216(82), entering into force on 1 July 2010, have been shown to be challenging.

These Interim Explanatory Notes have been developed in the light of the experience gained so
far in the early application of the aforementioned requirements, taking into account the guidance
contained in the Performance standards for the systems and services to remain operational on
passenger ships for safe return to port and orderly evacuation and abandonment after a casualty


1.1 These Interim Explanatory Notes are intended to outline the process of verification and
of approval of a ship's design by the Administration, as well as describing the necessary
documentation required, when requirements relevant to safe return to port (regulations II-1/8-1,
II-2/21 and 22 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended) are applied.

1.2 These Interim Explanatory Notes are also intended to support safe engineering design
with guidance on all three scenarios to be considered in the light of the above mentioned

.1 availability of essential systems after a flooding casualty, according to SOLAS

regulation II-1/8-1;

.2 availability of essential systems to support a ship's safe return to port after a

fire casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/21; and

.3 availability of essential systems to support a ship's evacuation and

abandonment after a fire casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/22.

In light of the above, general and specific interpretations to regulations II-2/21 and 22 of
the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended are given in appendix 1.

1.3 The outcome of these assessments should confirm that the ship is designed and
constructed to provide the capabilities required by SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and 22.

1.4 Within these Interim Explanatory Notes a system-based approach is primarily intended
to be performed. Where a system approach will outline potential weaknesses,
a compartment or space-by-space based approach may also be applied. In the latter case, part of
or all the spaces subject to individual consideration may be subject to operational restrictions on
access, use and installations as one element of the overall system of protection. All such
spaces and their restrictions should be identified on drawings or in manuals as appropriate (see
paragraphs 7.3 and 7.4). For the application of these Interim Explanatory Notes to be
successful, all relevant parties, including the Administration or its designated representative,
owners, operators, designers and classification societies, should be in continuous
communication from the onset of a specific proposal to utilize these Interim Explanatory Notes.

Annex, page 2

1.5 A pre-requisite and starting point for this assessment is that the owner of the ship has
defined the operating pattern or patterns of the ship (for instance, worldwide liner/cruise ship or
point-to-point ferry operations, maximum number of passengers and crew for required routes,
foreseeable area of operation and routes, etc.). The capabilities that will be needed to be built
into the ship will depend on the above.

1.6 The Administration may (as per SOLAS regulation II-2/21.4.14) determine any system to
remain operational after a casualty in addition to those identified.


For the purpose of these Interim Explanatory Notes, the following definitions apply:

2.1 Passenger ship systems' capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty (short: ship
systems' capabilities) are those required for passenger ships according to SOLAS regulations
II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and II-2/22. The ship systems' capabilities are addressing:

.1 availability of essential systems after a flooding casualty, according to SOLAS

regulation II-1/8-1;

.2 availability of essential systems to support a ship's safe return to port under its
own propulsion after a fire casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/21.4
(including functional requirements for safe areas according to SOLAS
regulation II-2/21.5); and

.3 availability of essential systems to support a ship's evacuation and

abandonment after a fire casualty, according to SOLAS regulation II-2/22.

2.2 Passenger ship systems' design (short: ship systems' design) is a design description of
systems intended to be installed, including all essential information showing how to achieve the
ship systems' capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty according to SOLAS regulations
II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and II-2/22.

2.3 Passenger ship systems' functionality (short: ship systems' functionality) is part of the
passenger ship systems' design and defines how the onboard systems achieve the functional
requirements defined in SOLAS regulations II-2/21 and II-2/22.

2.4 Fire casualty is any possible fire case on board the ship under consideration.
Fire casualties may or may not exceed the casualty threshold stipulated in SOLAS regulation

2.5 Flooding casualty is any possible flooding cases on board the ship under consideration.
Flooding casualties may not exceed a single watertight (WT) compartment flooding as stated in
SOLAS regulation II-1/8-1.2.

2.6 Essential systems are all systems and those sections of systems in spaces not directly
affected by the casualty that need to remain operational after a fire or flooding casualty,
according to SOLAS regulations II-2/21.4 and II-2/22.3, and as referred to in SOLAS regulation

2.7 Critical systems are essential systems that were identified in the overall assessment of
essential systems to have a possibility to fail to operate adequately as a consequence of one or
more fire casualty case, each not exceeding the fire casualty threshold, or as a consequence of
one or more flooding case, each not exceeding a single WT compartment. The failure of the

Annex, page 3

system may be caused by a failure of the whole system, of one component or of a connection
between system components or by any other failure causing unsatisfactory operation of the
essential system under consideration.


3.1 For the purpose of the ship's description, any necessary information regarding the
design of the ship should be provided to the Administration along with description of ship
essential systems' design and functionality following a fire or flooding casualty. As a minimum,
such information and description should include:

.1 the design criteria for each individual essential system or group of essential
systems, to achieve compliance (e.g., separation, duplication, redundancy,
protection, or a combination of the above);

.2 the basic layout of the vessel including boundaries of compartments subject to

the casualty (watertight or "A" class boundaries), e.g., in the form of plan views
and cross-sections, including, but may not be limited to: general arrangement
plan, capacity plan, watertight subdivision plan, space fire categorization plan
(or structural fire protection plan), plan of spaces protected by fixed
fire-extinguishing systems, etc.;

.3 criteria adopted for the selection of safe areas and intended locations;

.4 a list of all systems that are intended to be submitted for assessment.

It should be noted that although such a list would include, in the first instance
and as a minimum, all essential systems referred to in SOLAS regulations
II-2/21.4 and 22.3, their actual number and identification
may vary depending on the size, type, arrangements, design, etc.,
(e.g., propulsion systems: shaft or podded propulsion units, etc.) of the ship;

.5 drawings/documents describing the location, arrangement and connections of

essential systems (including any of their components) mentioned in SOLAS
regulation II-2/21 or II-2/22;

.6 the description of the power supply for the essential systems;

.7 data regarding the minimum speed vs. weather and sea conditions
(e.g., results of model tank tests in sea keeping conditions including
consideration of wind forces); and

.8 any additional design detail intended to ensure or support the ship systems'

3.2 Additional information about the intended area of operation, the operating pattern or
patterns (which may be used to define any intended speed/maximum distance for safe return to
port) should be included in the ship's description.

3.3 Interpretations as contained in paragraph 1 of appendix 1 to these Interim Explanatory

Notes may be used when completing the ship's description.

Annex, page 4


4.1 The assessment of ship systems' capabilities should follow the process described in
these Interim Explanatory Notes and refer to appendix 2. The assessment should be based on
structured methods and should document the intended essential systems functionality after a fire
or flooding casualty defined by SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and II-2/22. An example of
the development of an assessment is given in appendix 3.

4.2 Each assessment should be divided in two steps.

4.2.1 The first step is an overall systems' assessment. The systems' assessment is
addressing all essential systems and functional requirements mentioned in SOLAS regulations
II-2/21 and II-2/22. This step should include a structured assessment of all essential systems
after a fire or flooding casualty, as defined in SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1.2, II-2/21.4
or II-2/22.3.1. Propulsion and steering systems are required to remain in operational and may
not be identified as "critical systems". However, manual intervention may be accepted in order
to make these systems available in the minimum possible time.

4.2.2 The second step is a detailed assessment of critical systems identified in the systems'
assessment. The detailed assessment is only required if any critical system was identified in the
previous systems' assessment.

4.3 SOLAS regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21 and 22 do not include reference to quantities or
performance limits. The ability of the ship to return to port should be linked to the area and
conditions of operation. The capability available for each system in the worst case
(e.g., minimum propulsion power for return to port, electrical generating capacity, heating
capacity, ventilation capacity, food and water storage/availability, etc.) should be included in the
onboard documentation as a part of the assessment report (see paragraph 7.4).


5.1 Assessment of all essential systems

5.1.1 A structured assessment of all essential systems should be conducted. The systems'
assessment can be performed in qualitative terms. Quantitative analysis may be required as
part of the detailed systems' assessment as described in section 6. A systems' assessment
report should be prepared according to section 7.

5.2 Identification of critical systems

5.2.1 Essential systems identified to be fully redundant for all fire and flooding casualty cases
not exceeding the threshold (e.g., when runs of cables, pipes and equipment are duplicated and
adequately separated), need not be further analysed as described in section 6.

5.2.2 For the arrangement of equipment, components or connections reference may be made
to relevant interpretations contained in paragraph 2 of appendix 1 to these Interim Explanatory
Notes. Where other solutions are adopted, equipment, components or connections should be
further analysed as described in section 6.

5.2.3 Manual action by the crew, to provide ship systems' capabilities, may also be possible
but should be assessed in detail taking into account that:

Annex, page 5

.1 manual action should only be acceptable by the Administration in connection

with an agreed defined number of fire and flooding casualties and should be
clearly described in the documentation that should be prepared as per section 7;

.2 compliance with the return to port criteria should be based on the assumption
that any manual action that may be required for the ship to return to port, or for
any essential system to remain operational, following a casualty:

.1 is pre-planned, pre-set and instructions as well as necessary

materials are available on board;

.2 is performed on systems designed to ensure that the required manual

action can be completed within one hour from the time the action
started; and

.3 emergency lighting and a means of communication is demonstrated

available in the area where manual actions are to be taken; and

.3 in general, feasibility of manual actions should be demonstrated by tests or

drills, as applicable.

5.2.4 Performance requirements applicable to any essential system may be analysed and
documented separately; however, any relevant information should be included in the overall
assessment of essential systems' report.

5.3 Results of overall assessment

5.3.1 Should no critical systems be identified, the overall assessment can be considered
acceptable without the need for a detailed systems' assessment to be carried out. The systems'
assessment report can be used for the preparation of documentation and approval submission,
as referred to in section 7.


6.1 When performing a detailed assessment of critical systems, additional information may
be necessary. The ship's description, described in section 3, should be supplemented, for each
identified critical system, with the following, as applicable:

.1 details of pipes, cables or other devices connecting the components of the

critical system, or connecting different critical systems including their location
within the affected area;

.2 details of any manual action providing the required ship systems' functionality
(see also paragraph 5.2.3); and

.3 details of any operational solution forming part of the design criteria.

6.2 Where acceptable to the Administration, a quantitative analysis can be carried out as a
part of the detailed assessment of all critical systems. As an example, the following may be

.1 quantitative analysis of fire risk within a space, supplemented by fire

engineering analysis and/or fire testing where necessary (e.g., to assess
consequences of a fire casualty on a system or system component);

Annex, page 6

.2 Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) of a system or system component

analyses in accordance with standard IEC 60812, Analysis techniques for
system reliability Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
or resolution MSC.36(63), annex 4 (Procedures for Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis), would be acceptable; and

.3 detailed analysis of possibility of flooding of internal watertight compartments

and of consequences of flooding on system components, given the location of
the compartment and arrangement of piping within the compartment.


7.1 Design of ship and ship's systems

7.1.1 Different design criteria may be followed in the design of the ship and in the design of
the ship's systems and arrangements to achieve the passenger ship systems' capabilities after a
fire or flooding casualty and to comply with the requirements. The chosen design criteria should
be well documented. This is to form the basis for the preparation of all ship's operational
procedures to be adopted by the crew for the case of any such casualty.

7.2 Documentation for future design changes

7.2.1 The documentation to be presented for approval is described in detail in the paragraphs
below. Such documentation should also be referred to in case design changes to the ship are
proposed and may also be used as evidence of compliance should the ship transfers to the flag
of another State.

7.3 Documentation of the assessment of required ship systems' capabilities for


7.3.1 The documentation of the assessment to be presented for approval should include the
design criteria followed to reach ship systems' capabilities and summarize the whole process of
assessment including methods and assumptions. The following information should be provided
for approval of ship systems' capabilities:

.1 ship's description (see section 3);

.2 overall assessment of essential systems' report (see paragraph 4.2.1 and

section 5);

.3 detailed assessment of critical systems' report (see paragraph 4.2.2 and

section 6), if any critical system is identified; and

.4 additional information:

.1 list of manual actions (see paragraph 5.2.3);

.2 test programme (for both testing during construction, and sea trials,
as applicable) which should include methods of testing, and test
facilities provided, where applicable;

.3 maintenance plan; and

.4 references.

Annex, page 7

7.4 Onboard documentation

The onboard documentation demonstrating the ship system capabilities should include:

.1 documentation, as per paragraphs, and above;

.2 operational manual for fire and flooding casualty cases and safe return to port
operation, including details of any manual action required to ensure operation
of all essential systems, availability of safe areas including provision of basic
services therein (e.g., closing/opening of valves, shutting down/start of
equipment/fans, etc.);

.3 description of operation of essential systems after a fire casualty exceeding

the casualty threshold;

.4 list of spaces considered having negligible fire risk, if any; and

.5 test, inspection, and maintenance plan.

7.5 Record of ship systems' capabilities

7.5.1 The ship systems' capabilities should be included in the list of operational limitations
issued to passenger ships (reference SOLAS regulation V/30). The ship's safety management
manual should describe in detail the quantities, arrangements and procedures that are to be
applied in each particular case. (For example, food/drink/fuel carriage requirements may be
different for a ship cruising in the Aegean to one cruising in the Antarctic.) Example of wording
concept for this purpose may be as follows:

"Safe return to port voyage planning should be based on:

.1 habitable conditions for passengers and crew is provided according to

"Owners document xyz" dated yyyy-mm-dd (the operational area will
determine maximum possible distance to a safe location and the maximum
numbers of persons that can be supported during the safe return voyage).

.2 the ship systems' capabilities of returning to port following a fire casulaty is

contingent upon the conditions/assumptions given in onboard document xyz,

.3 ships "port/aft/main" propulsion and steering system is capable of x knots in

Beaufort x with a consumption of x tonnes of fuel.

.4 ships "starboard"/forward/emergency propulsion and steering system is

capable of x knots in Beaufort x with a consumption of x tonnes of fuel.".

Annex, page 8



1 Interpretation for ship's description

1.1 The following interpretations are intended to be of assistance when carrying out the ship description contained in section 3 of the Interim
Explanatory Notes, before performing assessments as described in sections 4, 5 and 6.

1.2 These interpretations provide design criteria. The decision on whether or not to evacuate the ship remains with the Master. In actual situations
the Master may well decide, based on the actual appraisal of the situation that it is safer to evacuate for accidents that are below the casualty threshold
and remain on board for accidents that are above it.

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.1 Interpretation 1
Application Horizontal Fire Zones (special category and ro-ro spaces) should not be included in the count of the number of the Main
Vertical Zones.

II-2/21.1 Interpretation 2
Application Where electrical or machinery installation, fire safety, or lifesaving appliances of a ship have been approved following the
methodology of SOLAS regulations II-1/55, II-2/17 or III/38 respectively (Alternative design and arrangements), the effect on
the ship essential system capability should be explicitly included in the analysis required by the above regulations.
Special attention is to be given to the determination and assignment of Safe Areas and compliance with the requirements of
SOLAS regulation II-2/22.

II-2/21.2 Interpretation 3
Purpose For the purpose of assessing the ship systems' capabilities, fire casualties and flooding casualties may be considered as not
occurring at the same time.

II-2/21.3 Interpretation 4
Casualty threshold "A" class boundaries refers to both bulkheads and decks.

Annex, page 9

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.3 Interpretation 5
Casualty threshold The rating of "A" class boundaries does not affect the application of this regulation. However, a trunk closed at all boundaries
constructed to "A-60" standard and containing ducts, cabling and/or piping is considered operational when passing through a
space of origin.

II-2/21.3 Interpretation 6
Casualty threshold The lay-out of special category and ro-ro spaces, normally extending for more than the length of one MVZ, does not properly
fit with the casualty threshold. However, during the assessment of the ship systems' capabilities it has to be verified that a
casualty in such spaces would not compromise the operation of the essential systems in the remaining fire zones of the ship.

II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 7
Casualty threshold Where a space of origin is not protected by a fixed fire-extinguishing system, for determining the "nearest "A" class
boundaries, which are not part of the space of origin":
a) only the spaces within the same Main Vertical Zone need to be considered; and
b) casualty threshold includes spaces one deck upwards.

II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 8
Casualty threshold Spaces in which the risk of a fire originating is negligible1 need not be considered as spaces of origin of a fire.
Examples of such spaces include but may not be limited to:
a) spaces with restricted accessibility for inspection and/or maintenance only, such as:
.1 void spaces;
.2 trunks closed at all boundaries only containing pipes and/or electrical cables; and
.3 cofferdams;

Note: A fire/risk assessment may be requested (refer to paragraphs 7.4.4 of the Interim Explanatory Notes), to determine whether a space other than those listed in the above can
be considered as being "space in which the risk of a fire originating is negligible". Different factors should be taken into account while performing the assessment such as:
a) presence of combustible material, flammable liquids and/or flammable gases;
b) presence of electrical switchboards and relevant power;
c) statistics on fire within spaces having the same purpose;
d) intended service of equipment/machinery installed; and
e) other factors considered appropriate for the space under consideration.

Annex, page 10

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 8 (cont'd)
Casualty threshold b) tanks;
c) chain lockers;
d) ventilation trunks except those containing ducts presenting fire hazard such as galley range exhaust ducts, laundry
exhaust ducts, category "A" machinery spaces ducts, special category and ro-ro spaces ducts;
e) cross flooding ducts connecting void spaces. In the case where connected spaces are not with a negligible fire risk, ducts
should be separated from those spaces by non-watertight fire resistant boundaries to be considered as a space where
fire risk is negligible;
f) vertical escape trunks from machinery spaces, service spaces, control stations and other crew accommodation
g) store rooms for gaseous fixed fire-extinguishing systems;
h) busbars enclosed in "A" class divisions;
i) "A" class enclosures within spaces of Category 1, 2 or 4 only containing isolation valves or section valves forming
part of the fixed fire-extinguishing system for the protection of accommodation spaces, service spaces and control
stations; and
j) shaft tunnels only used for this purpose, i.e. no storage is allowed.

II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 9
Casualty threshold Concealed spaces (spaces above ceilings, behind bulkheads linings) are considered as part of the space of origin. Lack of a
fixed fire-extinguishing system above ceilings or behind linings need not be considered under regulation II-2/21.3.2.

II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 10
Casualty threshold In case of manual actions, equipment and systems the controls of which cannot be reached without accessing the space
affected by the casualty should not be considered operational.

II-2/21.3.2 Interpretation 11
Casualty threshold For passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers space of origin is any space bounded by "A" class boundaries or
divisions of steel or equivalent material. Where the deck between two spaces is constructed of steel or equivalent material it
should be considered to form part of the "A" class boundary provided all penetrations are tight to prevent the passage of flame
or smoke.

Annex, page 11

2 Interpretations for detailed assessment of critical systems

2.1 The following interpretations are intended to be of assistance when performing detailed assessments of critical systems, as described in
section 6.

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4 Interpretation 12
Safe Return to
Port/Fire Casualty Steel pipes other than those carrying flammable liquids and passing through (not serving) spaces affected by a fire casualty
may be considered to remain operational provided they are of substantial thickness (reference can be made to ICLL 66
regulation 22(3), as interpreted by IACS UI LL36/Rev. 2 paragraph (b)) or "A-60" insulated ("A-60" class insulation approved in
accordance with resolution A.754(18) for bulkheads or decks may be used for this purpose). In both cases the pipes should
be adequately supported.

In order to be considered as remaining operational after a fire casualty, steel pipes should be joined by welding otherwise
mechanical joints should be tested according to IACS UR P2. fire test or equivalent to the satisfaction of the

Temperature increase of liquids carried may need to be considered, and measures taken where necessary, so that the
performance and purpose of the affected systems can be maintained as intended after the casualty has occurred.

Plastic pipes can be considered to remain operational after a fire casualty if tested to resolution A.753(18), Level 1.

II-2/21.4 Interpretation 13
Safe Return to Fire-resistant cables complying with standards IEC 60331-1 and IEC 60331-2 (see also IACS UR E15) passing through
Port/Fire casualty (not serving) spaces may be considered to remain operational after a fire casualty provided they have no connections, joints
and equipment connected to them, etc., within the space affected by the casualty.

Installation of these cables should be made to support their survival in a fire casualty and during fire fighting efforts.

Annex, page 12

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/8.1 Interpretation 14
Flooding casualty An electrical balance should be submitted for each of the following return to port scenarios:
II-2/21 a) minimum electrical-generating capacity available; and
Fire casualty b) any other scenario of reduced power that would cause any essential system to run at reduced capacity due to lack of
electrical generating capacity.

In connection with the above, all essential systems and their auxiliaries and systems needed to support safe areas should be
accounted according to their use in these particular conditions.

II-2/21 Interpretation 15
Fire casualty Emergency generator, fitted for compliance with SOLAS regulation II-1/42, may be used to meet the requirements on safe
return to port and ship's orderly evacuation and abandonment providing that its ability to supply emergency services as
referred to in SOLAS regulation II-1/42.2, is not impaired (e.g., the availability of fuel needed for providing those services listed
in regulation II-1/42 should be maintained). In the evaluation of the emergency generator capacity, the most demanding
condition between regulations II-1/42, II-2/21 and 22 may be considered.

II-2/21.4 Interpretation 16
Safe return to port Electrical power should be available and sustainable for all essential services specified in SOLAS regulations II-2/21.4 and
II-2/, with due regard being paid to such services as may be operated simultaneously. The application of regulation
II-2/21.4 requires that other systems (e.g., engine-room ventilation, lighting of spaces outside safe areas not affected by the
casualty, etc.) remain operational to support the functionalities listed therein.

II-2/21.4.1 Interpretation 17
Propulsion Propulsion machinery and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion of the ship should remain operable.

II-2/21.4.1 Interpretation 18
Propulsion Following a fire casualty within the threshold, the ship should be able to maintain an adequate speed for sufficient time to
permit the ship's planned safe return to port in sea and wind conditions acceptable to the Administration taking into account
the intended area of operation. A minimum speed of 6 knots while heading into Beaufort 8 weather and corresponding sea
conditions is recommended. Configuration for power generation and propulsion in the worst case scenario in terms of
casualty cases should be verified during normal sea trials.

Annex, page 13

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.1 Interpretation 19
Propulsion A steel shaft line including relevant bearings passing through a space affected by a flooding or a fire casualty (see also
interpretation 11), may be considered operational if it is enclosed in a watertight and "A" class tunnel or alternatively if:
a) in the flooding case it can be shown that it can operate under water; and
b) in the fire case it is protected by a dedicated water spray system capable of delivering not less than 5 l/m2/min on
the protected area or equivalent.

II-2/21.4.1 Interpretation 20
Propulsion Manual control at local positions can be accepted provided adequate communication and emergency lighting are arranged
and it is demonstrated that the loss of any control and monitoring system does not prevent or impair any such manual/local
control of the propulsion and electrical power generation systems (including, but may not be limited to, engines, electric
motors, fuel system, etc.). Consideration should be given to the provision of machinery alarms when operating in that

II-2/21.4.2 Interpretation 21
Steering systems and When documenting that steering system is operable the following should be taken into consideration:
steering-control a) local control of remaining steering system is acceptable provided adequate communication and emergency
systems lighting are arranged;
b) emergency means of steering, e.g., azimuth thrusters, pump jets, rudder, propellers, may be considered; and
c) in general, tunnel thrusters should not be considered adequate for emergency steering.

II-2/21.4.3 Interpretation 22
Navigational systems Equipment essential for navigation, position fixing and detection of risk of collision should be available. The ship should be
capable of displaying the proper light configuration in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea in force.

II-2/21.4.4 Interpretation 23
Systems for fill, Systems for internal fill transfer and service of fuel oil should be capable of fuel transfer to active propulsion and power
transfer and service generation equipment.
of fuel oil

Annex, page 14

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.4 Interpretation 24
Systems for fill, Systems for internal fill, transfer and service of:
transfer and service a) fuel;
of fuel oil b) other flammable hydrocarbons; or
c) any fluid that may be flammable or dangerous if heated to a very high temperature (both within the pipe and on
going through pumps, orifices or other equipment),
should not be considered operational within spaces affected by a fire casualty.

II-2/21.4.5 Interpretation 25
Internal Internal communications should be achieved by any effective portable or fixed means of communications. However,
communication portable equipment may be accepted provided that repeater system or equivalent remains operational after the casualty
between the bridge, and charging capability is available in more than one MVZ.
engineering spaces,
safety centre,
fire-fighting and
damage control teams,
and as required for
passenger and crew
notification and
II-2/21.4.5 Interpretation 26
Internal PA systems, arranged as general alarm systems, should remain operational in the MVZs not affected by the casualty.
between the bridge,
engineering spaces,
safety centre,
fire-fighting and
damage control teams,
and as required for
passenger and crew
notification and

Annex, page 15

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.6 Interpretation 27
External The ship should be capable of communicating via the GMDSS or the VHF Marine and Air Band distress frequencies, even
communication if the main GMDSS equipment is lost.

II-2/21.4.7 Interpretation 28
Fire main Automatic start of remaining pumps may not be necessarily required (manual local start may be accepted after a casualty).
The system should be so arranged that SOLAS regulation II-2/ is fulfilled in all other Main Vertical Zones of the
ship not affected by the casualty. Isolating valves should be arranged as appropriate. The remaining part of the affected
deck in a Main Vertical Zone may be served from hydrants of adjacent zone or water tight compartment. Fire hoses may
be extended for fire-fighting within the affected Main Vertical Zone; however, for complying with this requirement,
two lengths of hoses from each hydrant may be accepted.

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 29
Fixed When a gaseous based system located outside the protected space is the sole fixed fire-extinguishing system as defined in
fire-extinguishing regulations II-2/10.4.1 and 10.7.1 and it is designed to protect more than one space:
systems a) there should be enough capacity to protect the two largest spaces;
b) where the application of the fire casualty threshold leads to the loss of the storage room due to fire in an adjacent
space, there should be two rooms, not being lost by the result of the same casualty, each holding a quantity of
gas, capable of protecting the largest space; and
c) the system should be so arranged that a casualty in one protected space does not impair the operation of the
system in another protected space.

When a gaseous based system located outside the protected space is the sole fixed fire-extinguishing system as defined in
regulations II-2/10.4.1 and 10.7.1 and it is designed to protect a single space, where the application of the fire casualty
threshold leads to the loss of the storage room due to fire in an adjacent space, there should be two rooms, not being lost by
the result of the same casualty, each holding the quantity of gas required for the protected space.

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 30
Fixed Sprinkler or equivalent fixed fire-extinguishing systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces directly affected by the
fire-extinguishing fire casualty and in other spaces that are protected by the same section (i.e. are controlled by the same section valve)
systems provided each section should not serve more than one deck area in one MVZ. However, all levels of a stairway enclosure
may be protected by the same section.

Annex, page 16

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 31
Fixed Section valves (as referred to in FSS Code, chapter 8, paragraph located within the space affected by the fire
fire-extinguishing casualty should be considered to be not operational unless they are suitably fire rated or fire protected (e.g., contained
systems within a solely dedicated enclosure having "A" class boundaries, or protected by a water nozzle, etc.).

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 32
Fixed Equivalent water based fire-extinguishing systems intended for the protection of machinery spaces (total flooding,
fire-extinguishing as referred to in MSC/Circ.1165, as amended) should be so designed that in case of loss of any section valve it would still
systems be possible to supply the entire system at the required performance, except where another fixed fire-extinguishing system
is provided for the protection of such spaces (e.g., gaseous based systems). Duplication, fire protection of valves
(e.g., contained within a solely dedicated enclosure having "A" class boundaries, or protected by a water nozzle, etc.),
fire rated valves* or location of valves in spaces as identified by interpretation 11 may be considered.
Reference may be made to IACS UR P2.

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 33
Fixed Indication of activated sections in the continuously manned central control station for sprinkler or equivalent fixed
fire-extinguishing fire-extinguishing systems, located outside the Main Vertical Zone, where the space affected by the casualty is located,
systems should continue to function after a fire or flooding casualty.

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 34
Fixed Arrangement of piping distribution for sprinkler systems or equivalent, or for water based fixed fire-extinguishing systems
fire-extinguishing for machinery spaces, may include isolation valves, to ensure the system can be reconfigured as to remain operational
systems after a casualty, which should be kept to a minimum, clearly marked and easily accessible. Valves whose uncorrected
status may jeopardize the operation of the system under normal condition should be provided with status indication in the
continuously manned control station.

II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 35
Fixed When sprinkler or equivalent water based fixed fire-extinguishing systems include one or more emergency feed, risers,
fire-extinguishing connection, or other emergency means to comply with this regulation, then hydraulic calculations (as referred to in the
systems FSS Code, chapter 8, paragraph should take this into account.

Annex, page 17

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.8 Interpretation 36
Fixed Local application systems need not to remain operational following a casualty unless they form part of a system for the
fire-extinguishing protection of machinery spaces (total flooding, as referred to in MSC/Circ.1165, as amended).
II-2/21.4.9 Interpretation 37
Fire and smoke Fire and smoke detection systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces directly affected by the fire casualty and in
detection systems other spaces on the same deck that are part of the same section, as defined by the FSS Code, chapter 9, paragraph 2.4.1,
provided that all other detectors remain operational in any other decks served by that section.

II-2/21.4.10 Interpretation 38
Bilge and ballast The bilge and ballast pumping systems and all associated essential equipment should be operational in all spaces served
systems by the systems and not directly affected by the casualty. Manual control at local positions may be accepted provided fixed
or portable means of communication are available from those positions to the Safety Centre or the Engine Control room.

II-2/21.4.11 Interpretation 39
Power-operated Indication to show whether each door is open or closed should be provided for any fire casualty not exceeding the casualty
watertight and threshold except for those doors in the boundary of spaces directly affected by the casualty.

II-2/21.4.13 Interpretation 40
Flooding detection Flooding detection systems may be considered to be lost only in spaces directly affected by the fire casualty and in other
systems spaces in the same compartment that are part of the same section provided that all other detectors remain operational in
any other compartment served by that section.

II-2/21.5 Interpretation 41
Safe areas When considering a fire casualty in a certain MVZ, only spaces within the casualty threshold are to be considered lost.
Food, water and equipment for the support of the basic services to the safe areas, stored in spaces not directly affected by
the fire casualty and belonging to the same MVZ, could be considered still available.

Annex, page 18

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/ Interpretation 42
Safe areas Safe areas could be a number of spaces distributed on board and should preferably be arranged in accommodation
Functional spaces. Sizing of safe areas where persons are accommodated could be based on the time needed for safe return to port
requirements operation. For safe return to port operations longer than 12 h a minimum space of 2 m per person, calculated on the basis
of the gross deck surface of the space(s) being considered, should be provided. For safe return to port operations shorter
than 12 h a minimum space of 1 m per person should be provided.

II-2/ Interpretation 43
Safe areas, sanitation As a minimum one toilet for every 50 persons or fraction should remain operational. Grey and black water can be disposed
of into the sea, allowed by MARPOL (reference MARPOL Annex IV, regulation 3).

II-2/ Interpretation 44
Safe areas, water As a minimum 3 litres per person per day drinking water should be available. Additional water for food preparation and
hygiene may need to be provided.

II-2/ Interpretation 45
Safe areas, food Food could be of any kind including dry food. Storage of food should be distributed as necessary, so that an access route
is available from the safe areas.

II-2/ Interpretation 46
Safe areas In addition to the ship's hospital or medical centre one or more locations on the ship should be provided which should:
Alternate space for a) be in a different Fire Zone (from the hospital or primary medical centre);
medical care b) be easily accessible; and
c) have lighting and power supply on the main and emergency source of electrical power.

Reference should also be made to MSC/Circ.1129.

Annex, page 19

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/ Interpretation 47
Means of preventing Definition of means for protection against heat stress and hypothermia should take into account external weather
heat stress and conditions, which may depend on area(s) of operation of the vessel. Casualty scenarios for which there is a reduction in
hypothermia ventilation or heating capacity should be identified and consequences assessed.
The temperature within the internal safe areas should be maintained in the range of 10 to 30, consideration being paid to
the external temperature during expected operations.

II-2/ Interpretation 48
Safe areas, light Portable rechargeable battery operated lighting may be acceptable for use in spaces which are not covered by the ship's
emergency lighting system. Adequate charging capability should be available for these lights.
Supplementary lighting complying with regulation II-1/42-1 is also acceptable.

II-2/ Interpretation 49
Safe areas, Ventilation volume should be available as a minimum of 4.5 m/h per person.

II-2/21.4.14 Interpretation 50
Safe areas, other This includes any system that the Administration determines is vital to damage control pertaining to fire or flooding.
systems vital to
damage control

II-2/ Interpretation 51
Safe areas, access to Means of access from safe areas to life-saving appliances should be provided from all safe areas in case of any casualty,
embarkation deck either internally through areas unaffected by the fire or via external routes. External routes are considered to remain
available also in the portion of the ship containing the MVZ where the casualty had occurred.

II-2/22.3.1 Interpretation 52
Evacuation and Electrical power should be available for the abandonment of the ship, including life-saving appliances and arrangements
abandonment, and the systems referred to in SOLAS regulation II-2/22.3.1, with due regard being paid to such services as may be
Systems operated simultaneously.

Annex, page 20

Regulation Interpretations
II-2/ Interpretation 53
Evacuation and The fire main should remain operational in all main vertical zones not directly affected by the casualty. Water for
abandonment, Fire fire-fighting purposes should be available to all areas of the ship.
Main Safe

II-2/ Interpretation 54
Evacuation and A means should be available for communicating orders to fire-fighting and damage control teams and personnel in charge
abandonment, of evacuation and abandonment.

II-2/ Interpretation 55
Evacuation and The ship should be capable of communicating via the GMDSS or the VHF Marine and Air Band distress frequencies even if
abandonment, Means the main GMDSS equipment is lost.
of external

II-2/ Interpretation 56
Evacuation and The bilge pumping system and all associated equipment essential for its operation should be available in all spaces not
abandonment, Bilge directly affected by the casualty.

Annex, page 21


Assessment of passenger ship systems' capabilities process flowchart

Ship's Description
(see section 3) Re-design
Include documents about ship systems

Overall assessment of
essential systems
(see section 5)

Design acceptable None Any essential system

identified as critical?


Critical system design No


Yes Yes

Detailed assessment of critical Complete
systems Re-design
(see section 6) necessary?

Performance of all No
essential systems


Final Design
(all essential systems, including critical systems)

Documentation and Approval

(see section 7)

Page 22



(refers to an assessment for SOLAS regulation II-2/22)

Note: Users should note that the example provided represents one way of handling an
assessment as other approaches could be equally effective.

The assessment is developed adopting the following steps:

Step 1 Identification of all essential systems and any required auxiliaries and support

Step 2 For each deck of each MVZ, determination of which essential systems are present.

Step 3 For each essential system that is located in the MVZ under analysis, verification of the
availability of an alternative in another location.

Step 4 Essential systems without a suitable alternative in another location must be protected
from a fire/flooding casualty.

Step 5 For each critical system, determination of how the cables, pipes, components will be
protected. A hierarchy for protecting critical systems is proposed as follows:

1. First solution Provide an alternative in a MVZ not

affected by the casualty

Example: A main power cable for the GMDSS system passes through the MVZ on deck 3.
In a fire this cable could be damaged. An emergency power cable is routed from a different
direction to the navigation bridge that does not pass through this area. The conclusion is that
further analysis is not needed. Damage to the power cable does not affect the ship's safe return
to port capability.

2. Second solution Protect the essential system within the

MVZ under analysis

Example: In the case of the a.m. power cable, it is determined that only a short length of cable
passes through the MVZ under consideration, located 5 m above the deck. An A-60 trunk is
installed to protect the cable to preclude fire damage.

3. Third solution Provide a repair or manual action to

compensate for loss of the system

Example: Another essential system cable is analysed, and it is determined that the cable is
routed throughout the MVZ at various levels and construction of an A-60 trunk is not practicable.
Instead, a repair cable is prepared and staged with necessary tools at a protected location.
If the cable is damaged from a fire in the MVZ under analysis, the crew is able to temporarily
re-route power from another location using the repair cable.



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210

4 December 2012





1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-first session (26 to 30 November 2012),
having considered the proposals by the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation, at its fifty-eighth
session, approved the revisions to interpretations Nos. 22 and 27 of appendix 1 to
MSC.1/Circ.1369 on Interim Explanatory Notes for the assessment of passenger ship systems'
capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty.

2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed revised interpretations Nos. 22
and 27 of appendix 1 to MSC.1/Circ.1369 to the attention of passenger ship owners, ship
builders, ship designers and other parties concerned.


Annex, page 1




Regulation Interpretations
II-2/21.4.3 Interpretation 22
Navigational systems Equipment essential for navigation, position fixing and detection of
risk of collision should be available. The following equipment should
be available as a minimum:

a) a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass

b) a Receiver for a global navigation satellite system or a
terrestrial radionavigation system
c) a 9 GHz radar
d) Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) or
an appropriate folio of paper nautical charts and publications
e) Whistle
f) Navigation lights
g) Internal communications with engine control room and
steering gear
h) a pelorus or Compass bearing device to take bearings
j) Means of correcting heading and bearings to true at all times

The ship should be capable of displaying the proper light

configuration in compliance with the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea in force.

II-2/21.4.6 Interpretation 27
External The ship should be capable of communicating via the GMDSS or the
communication VHF Marine and Air Band distress frequencies, even if the main
GMDSS equipment is lost.
The external communication may be achieved by additional fixed
means or portable means installed in the same area as the
navigation and manoeuvring equipment.



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